Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 01, 1864, Image 4

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    ! i
A young gentleman with a medium
s4ze light brown mustache, and a suit of
clothes such as fashionable tailors fome--times
furnish to their customers "on ac
commodating ierm3," that is on the' in
secure credit system came into a .hotel
cne afternoon, and after calling for a
glass cf Madpria, turning to the com
pany and cfiered to bet with any man
present that Grant would not take Rich
mond. Nobody, however, wanting to
Vet. the exquisite glanced arcund con
temptuously and remarked
I want to make a bet of some kind ;
I don't care a fig what it is. I'll bet any
man from a thiiling's worth of cigars to
fire hundred dollars. Now's your time,
gentlemen; what do you propose?'
Sipping a glass cf beer in one corner
of the bar- room, sat a plain old gentle
man who looted as though he might be a
farmer. He sat down his glass and ad
dressed the exqnijite.
Well, mister, I am cot in the Labit cf
rr.akirg bet?; but seeing you are anxious
about it, I don't care if I gratify you. So
I'll bet you a levy's worth of sixes that I
can pour a quart of molasses into your hat
and turn it out a solid lump of molasses
candy in two minutes by the watch."
Dn9 !"said the ex quiiite, taking off
his hat and handing it to the farmer.
It was a splendid article, that shone
like black satin. The old gentleman took
the hat and requested the bar-keeper to
send for a quart of molasses "the cheap
sort, at six cents a quart; that's the kind
I use in this experiment," said he, hand
ing fcix cents to the br.r-keeper.
The molasses was brought, and the old
farmer with a very grave and mysterious
countenance, poured it into the dandy's
hat, while the exquisite took out his
watch to note time.
Giving the hat two ot three shakes,
: with a Signor Blitz like adoritnessi and
started into it and watched the wonder
ful process jof consolidation.
"Time up," said the dandy.
The old farmer moved the hat. "Well
I do believe ii ain't hardened," said he
fp a tone expressive cf disappointment'.
"I missed it somehow or other that time,
and I suppose I've lost the bet. Bar
Veeper, let the gentbeman have the ci
gars twelve Eixes, miiii and charge
in the bill."
"wat of the cigars!" roared exquisite,
you've spoilt my hat that cost me five
dollars, and you must oay for it."
"That was'nt in the bargain," timidly
answerep the old gentleman; "but I'll let
you keep the molasses which is a little
more than e agreed for."
Having drained the tenacious fluid
from his beaver as best he could into
a spit-box, the man of mustache rushed
from the place his fury abated by the
Ill-suppressed laughter which followed
his exit, lie made his complaint at the
experiment was made with his own con
sent, nodamige could be recovered.
The Springfield News is indebted to a
correspondent for the following, which is
too good to be lost, and for the accuracy
cf which he voushrs. . .
A short time ago, in the loyal ciiy of
Philadelphia, a "largely" dressed fe
male answering tha discriptioa of an F.
I V., hailed a street car, and just as it
Mopped to take her aborcd, a Union
so'dien stepped out of the car. On en
tering several seats were vacant, and this
vrculd-le lady inquired in a very sharp
"Where did that soldier sit ?"
. No answer.
Again, but in a more shrill tone than
at first, the came question was put :
"Where did that soldier sit ?"
Still no reylo from any of the passen
gers, the car going ahead, the lady still
unseated when the same question was
fairly spit out between her teeth.
An honest Hibernian, quietly seatsd
xi3ar the uuhappy female, no doubt being
desirous of relieving her in some slight
degree replied.
"Faith ma'am, he sat on his end, and
took it away with him."
What the rest of the occupants of the
car did, I do not know, but one gentleman
left as speedily as possible and, the above
information through him was too rich, to
t belong kept a secret.
A sturdy sergeant being obliged to
submit to the amputation of his hand
. the surgeon offered to administer Chlo
roform as usual; but the'reteran refused,
saying, "if the cutting was to be done
n him he wanted to see it." and
laying his hand on the table, submitted
' to the operation without a sign of pain,
excepting a firmer setting of the teeth
as tha saw struck the marrow. The op
eration as he finished, looked at his victim
with admiration, and remarked:
You ought to hare been a surgeon
my man.
"I was the next thing to cne afore I
fnlisted," said the hero.
u What was that?" asked the doctor.
' A butcher!" responded the sergeant,
wiihagrira mile, which, despite the
sarrourding communicated itself to'the
The Montrial Gazette is in tears over
the alleged practice of entrapping sailors
in Quebex for the Federal service. It
' calls for more stringent and vigorous laws
eg&inst recruiting.
To have a clear Conscience ruy the
, " rZr- . HWMU J. .V Jill 1 I '" U.W ij , '
wff$ff : ill Wf
Tin? ctNnii. ii of tb' I iud th trudc i- i:ivit J to our New Scale 7 Octnve uoewood
Forte, wliicli i'i.r vi.lrr arid i nri!y of Iw.n are unrivalled by nny liitljcrto i)(T''r.d in tl.1'9 mirkt. They
contain ail ths mod rn imi rvvi r. cuts, Fn-rn h. Grand action, Harp I'tdal, Iron Frame, Over-.Strung L'asf,
ic, and each instrnmcnt Wlrs cr.d..-r the i.frsonnl mpervi-i. n of Mr. J. li. Ururciteuo. wjo has
Lai a radical cxj cricncc of ovcri:0 yenrs ia t!if ii iiiar;ufnoture, i? fully warranted in every particular.
TIic 'Grov!jlc.'On riano Fci-i'' received tlic Iif.FiesC anp.Edormcrit
over:iI! o!Iae- at the Celebaatcd Vi urlii's lai:-!
Where wore rxhil'ifcd fiitrwiac:iit froia ths best mp.Vcr? of Jjiidon, U, O.-.-jn-ny, Piii!aJ--lo!:ii, Vi'.l
:inor,l'.?t?n aiid New Yoik ; rnd h! o at the .Imeri'u Institute for five iacves.ivo ytar., the gild and
silver i i"d;il5 fn iu both of w'uic'u era uj s."?".i tit our w..r.'-ruoia.
I5y the intm! action of iia(ioveni;ijt. we nv..; a f'i!! iu ire jerfrct Tiim Forto, nr.d by mri'i Tartu ring
lar -ly, w ith a striut'.y cash syclvtu, to c Lulled toeff-r these instruments at a p-ice wbn-h w;ll ireolade
nl! rr-npptiti jn. ,
riilCila No. 1, Seven Octavo, round cornor?. R wo wood p'ana ease $275.
No. 2. Seven Ortave, rJund c.tin.r., l;sawojd heavy moulding
N. 3 Seven Octave, r.-nrid cornets, Ji.-eT,oi li'uisXIVF.yli 52i,a fas simi'e cf the above cut.
. rroi'3-if5: 3NTcit Cr.Gli, i-tx Crirront 2Px.x2xcl3.
""PESCUIIT1V K ClHCULMiS SJiST juna 3J ni3-v8 ly
HE-TSa S!a W CSr,
i B-r-wi W -- --- w
WILLkaep constantly on hand an assortment of
Entra-Superfino to Ccmncn
X jOl. rZ 3ZI ,
And all ether article nsnnlly'lcept in a first-cla?
Mcr hant Flouricg or Saw Mill.
Drowaville, March 3Lt,'64. n30-S ly.
siwii mmn.
Tho greatcet improvement yet in the Scwinn Ma
chine Art. A ciiiiity wuith seeing.
Please sni for cirealirj with samt;!- cf Sewing.
The?? Improved M.vhinc? ftve one hiin-lre.l rer
.-eiit. of thread and silk, aud make the L'jck-Siitoh
n'ihe iu bjlh . iJ.s.
Thy require no instruction to operate perfectly.
ex.fjiL the ' printed directijn.'
No change in sewing from oas kiul of goods to
Ac 1 no taking apart to cloaa cr oil.
Our Xew Manufactory is now crraolcte. wi h all
it niaoliiucry and t-w'ls entirely tiuw, and is already
lapidly turnintf 'Ut Machint:3, which for Lemty and
oortetiin of hni;li arc Uvt turpusitd by any uuua
faclare in the world.
Jf. r. Sl'ould any Mifflin- prove unsatisfactory,
it cau be returned and tauaey refunded.
Agent wanted ia ccanties not canvassed ly our
own Agents.
FIA'Xi.K,B & JA'OX, S. M. CO.
No. 43 v8 ly.
mm m m,
WR eatl the attention of the Lad es and Gentleman
of ISicwuville anj jcin(y to our new stock ol
Boots and Slia, Gaiters, I?
morals, Lace Zloois, Polka
SIiocs and Jontiy
Boys', 32iss Clisidrtii aiidliilanis
Juit Received, wLicbwe will sell as cheap for tbe
uth an toj Louse lu the Wf.t.
'. v
In tie very latest fettles. VTe warrant all cur work to
give Faiisi4u.Uuu, tur we etupioy EtUfcM? t.ho best or
For iale, and every thing beltngiDg to the trade.
We return our thanks to the public for past favors
at by Ftrict attention to onr business ho; e to merit
fht literal patronage bestowed upon us heretofore.
Bear in miad that onr motto is the -.'.NlUisLE FENN i."
XloiDvii"iiiS of 15Ziiidt3
Done ou short notice iu a neat workman-like manner.
l'rowiiviiie, Nebraska.
April 23,' 1S64.
NEW Orleann, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered Su
gars, Guideu Syrup Sugar lloue aud i'orgUum
At LIcIiaueblin & Swan's.
TUB bwt FI,urfrom theL. S. V. G. Milts in quarter
Lalt and whole itucks kept
At ilicLauqhlin Si Svvnn's.
QAWS, Hammers, Hatchets Files, Ox Chains and
Itinera Picks
At McTjiiuehlin fe Rwnn's.
SMOK1XG and Che win Tolacco, Cisars pipes Pipe
stems and Xhaeco Pouches, iu great variety,
At Alclj&ugh.lin & Swan's.
MACEKRAL. Lake Trout, White a.h, Cod3sh, etc.,
ex., constantly on had
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
PLAT Caius. Kc&t mauls, Slioe thrad, In '.ia Rubber
B!U. Psltent thread, &'cisors, W-raijpiag and
tiooui twuie, to be bad
- ' . , At 3IcLaughlinSr Swan's.
rpnE highest Oiurket p lice paid fur Country Produce
A At HcLaugclin t Swaa'8.
The brst, Chrr.pst, r.n'l iTiost Eucoscsful
I'mily Taper in the Union."
Price Six C't :i N'mither; -M0 a Vcar
Critical y-jtice of the Prcus.
I?? frrsh have, its clear typo, its entertaining
vunty, it srverc but ju.-t eritieisms uw.n the lollies
of the times, its el -'gapily written and instructive
arli.'l.'s, and it. able eoriestHtridence, all cf.mhine t
make it the ni xiel new.-j,.in,.r ,,f 0ur country, and
-ne that every family must prize. Its c-n J. n.-.-d
week;y summary of for, i:a an,! domestic .v
(jmrrU aliogefber fupcri.-r ro that contaiued in
any tiher juuriisl. publishrd, too, in a form
fo-preservation tnd binding, if taken cr re of as it
deserves to be, it will be found ia future years as
welcome a companion forlhe farnilv and lir-.-.-idc rs
the day on which it was first pursued. X Y.
Urxtiiiy I'oxt.
We would not so often call a Iter si in to IlArrEii'.s
Wkekly if we were not well salisHcd that i. is the
bo.tfumihj Paper in the United Soi, aud for that
reason, and that, idoce, we de.-ire to ste it und.-r-mir.e
and root, out a certain kind of liter.".! uro too
prevalent, W im-h blunts tho morals of its readers
itifites their taste fur s';nsihlo reading, and is al
ready bad in its eft tv t . A.-w Lo do n A : tr-rt ia,:r.
Wherever we go in rail-ears a;, 1 Fic.iTs.b'-ars
we find it seize! with e::gerncs-, b-.t-aw-i of ::s sj 'r
ittd Pketehcs if pi--i;ig events. Ve all t!;e io
look at the f ices -t" inui we have rea l of. and at
ships and forts that here f ;i:r.?din tie ll.-.-dv
scenes of war. Of all sucdi meu and pi ic-. ani, this rap ;r furnishes thS best, iilatn.ti-.r.s.
Our future li. tuii ins will enrioh themsei ves .-tit o
lUnrEus Vt.';ki.Kv long after writers, a;. 1 oaint
eis. and publishers ere turned to dust. A'. Yl'vaii-
One O- r-y for One Year 5.1 00
One Copy for Two Years i 00
An Kxtra. Copy will be allowed for every CI u I-for
$25. Sruscji-Er.s, at $2,50 each, or 11 Copies tl
Te.v '
llAnrER's Magazink and Eabpek's Weeslt.
together, one year, j 00.
IIakpek.s Wkekly is elecfrotyped, and lack
numbers ca n be bad t any time.
Vols. I.. II., HI., IV., V.. and VI. for the Yenrs
l8a7 to 18o2 inclusive. of "HAllPEK'S WKFKl.Y."
handsomely b-iaJ in Cloth extra, Price J,:;.S each
are now ready. The posltago upon lIxurKK s
WEEKLY, when yaid in advance at the ohi.-e where
it u received, is twr-ntv-six cents a voir.
FKAKMN fcQCAun, New Yof.k.
Tho rciders of the Continental are aware of the
i;n; -.r.ant pi ?:tion it has assumed, of the ii.ilnon -e
which it exerts, and of the brilliant array f politi
cal and literary talent, of the highest order whi-h
mi Pi rts it. No puhlii-ation ot the kind his, ir,
tins enuntrj', so suc-esl'u!ly ecialined the energy
ar ! freedom of the daily r-ewspaj-er with the high
er literary ton5 of tho Cr-t-class monthly; and if ii
very cc rfniij th it n maizino his jflvca wider
UJie t. ii- c .'.tributors; or preserved iueif.'-o eoin-pi.-'ely
from fie orruvv iiiflucn-es of party or of
I'aetion. Iu times l;ke the pr-. s nt, sueti a j-.-urnal
i? either a ; v.- r ia tliel in lor it is i.n'.lihi. That
tho Coi.l.iiental is not the laiter is itui
ion of
s, and
ill o its
( vsdi n-ed by what it ha.- U'nc by the
'nt counsels iu many iuiporumt j ubii'
in the eliarader aid power of those
! even!
W il o
stannciicst fupp.r?T.
1 hough but- little tiioro than a year has eh-p.-e
sin-;o the Continental was first established, i; h.n
duiinj that titeaeijuired a str-rtr.-! fi a;.l a fini-
anew elevn;iiijj it to a oii,ln I'arahoxc th:it jn
vicusiy oeeupie-1 a strength and a puliiirad s!f,;fi
eanee elevating it to .1 pasition far above that pre
viously occupied by oiiy p ililuntien'"' the kind in
Auv-rica. In proof of whhh assertion we cull at
tention to the followitiij fact;:
1. Of its j articles republished in pamphlet
fmm. a sinlo one h:s h ad, thus far, a circulation
of !iifl hundred and six thousand copies.
2. From its literary depart ui iit, a singln serial
novel. "AuiMig. tho Pine," bos, within a very few
tonths, sold nearly thirty-five- thousand copies
Two other series of its literary articles h ive also
been republished in book form, while the first p-.-r-tt
n of a third is already in press.
No mure eoualusive facts need Imj aliedged to
prove the the excellence of the contributions to tho
Continental, or their extraordinary pp!a-ity: and
its conductors are determined tloit it shall n t fail
behind. Preserving all "the badness, vi r and
ability" which a thousand journals have attributed
to it, it w ill greatly enlarge its jin le of acti..n. and
dis'uss, fearlessly and frankly, every principle in
uolved id the great questions of the day. Toe first
minds of the country eiubnu-inr the in-ni most
ffiniiinr with its d pkuua--y and di.-!ingu'.sh;'d
for ability, are amontr its c-jntiibufors: an 1 it is
no mrre "tlaitering ..romise of a j.n. spectns" tosav
that this "magiiziue for the time:" will cinj.u.y the
the first, i-ireliect iu America, uuder janspiecs which
no publication ever enjojed before in this country.
V.'hilo the Coutineutal will cxprcs dt-:-id.d
oj-itiions on, the gieat quti'.ii.ns of the day, it will
not bo a mere political journal: m :ch the larger
!-rti--n of its columns will be enlivened, as hereto
fore, by talcs, poetry and humor. Iu a Word, the
Continental w ill ha found, under its new stalfof
Kditors. occupying a-losition and presenting aUa.c
tioiiS never betorj found in magazine. -
Two copies for one year $5.00
Three copies for cne year, tkl'O
Six copies for one year, ll.i-0
Eieven copies for one year, 20.00
Twenty copies foronoyear, SUjCO
Postage Twenty-four cents a year, to be paid by
the Subscriber.
Three dollars a year, in advance. Postage paid by
tho Publisher.
JOHN F. TKOVr. 50 Urecne St., N. Y.,
Publisher for tha Proprietors.
As an inducement to new subscribers, the Pub
lishers oJers the following libera! prd-i'.urrH :
Any person remitting $3, in advance, will re :
the luagnziue frizn July, -1-S62, to January.
ihus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and lit.
Kirke's new serials, which are alone worth the
price cf the subscription. Or, if preferod, a sub
scriber can take the magazine for 18!33,and a copy
of "Among the Pines." or of 'Undercurrents of
Wall Street," by K. 15. Kimball, bound in ? cloth, or
of "Sunshine in Thought," by Charles t Godfrey
Le'.and retail price, $125 The book to bo sent
postage paid.
Any person remiting 4 50, will receive the maga
zine from its commencemetl, January, lso2, to
January, IS 3 1, thus securing Mr. Kimball's '-Wai
Ac successful ?"and Mr. Kirke's "Among the Pines,"
and "Merchant's Story," and nearly 3,000 octave
pages of the host literature in the world. Premium
ubscribers to pay their ow n postage.
Splendid assortment of Confectionary including
blick and Iusj e.u'd:e-5
At HcLaughlin & Swan's. .
CRACKERS of all kinds. Soda. Eu' ter, Boston, Sugar,
Wine and Pick-'ic Crackers, Cream Biscuit and
. Ginscr Saapps, . -
At JUcLaushlin A Swan's.
St. c
Are von f-irk. ieeble, crd
eomph-iiiii'g? Are you ort
cf o;v. with your system
deranged, niid ? onr ieelinss
in ror.i mi table ? i'hese y ni p ere prelude
to sciious illi ess. Son.-e lit
of fii-ViK-s Jneieer-iii upon
I ""'4. i--i-i A flif'ild be averte.l
k V. S'L -. r: ,1 h; a tinn;'v i.. ,.t jl.e riari.f
1 1 ie disor-
uritv ine
rnHfV tl; svsfi'tn from the oiti actions w li!Ci Iuhkc
(iisea-e. A co:d M-ttlcs somewhere in the body, and
tdtftrnetn its natural Coueiions. These, it not re
J.evcd.icart i!)on theinsfives and the MiiTfiitiding
or-ans, piodneirg ger.eijil aggravation, tut.crir.g,
Dud riisraso. While in this coodition, eppus.-eu by
the dei-angrmcr:ts, take Aver's I'iiN, and see Low
directly the-.' restore the l atum! action of tie svn
t. rn, end wi:h it the buovnnt iV-elirg t heaith again.
Whiit i tru. rnd so apnirent ia this trivial and com
raon conmliirir, i alsei tuie iu manv ot the dei-jv-H
?red d tht'jgirous distempers. The srme purga
tive til. i t expel j hem. Cs.'.i.-od by Manila r obstruc
tions nnd c!-ra;iff( nients of the in;ur:d innct.ons of
the bod v. they aie rapidly, and many of them sure.y,
cured bv the same meons. None who know the
iituos of these JMils. v.i'I neglect to employ them
v heu snBbrfng from the ciisonlers they cure.
Statements from leniiing pliysicinns in some of the
prii eipal cities, and 1'ioni other well-known pubho
Jroi a rcrirardinrt Merchant cf St. Louis, 4,
Pti. Avrn Yonr Iills are the pnracron of all that
is g:c:U in liltdicire. They have cored my li;tle
ci.'i!i?!.ter of "iilteious sores upon her hands rd loot
thtil had poved incurable tor ears, liermo'her
Lns lei ii long grievously i,filicHd with blotches end
i mplos ou her shin r.nd in her brir. At!r our
child caietl, the also tried voiir i 'ills. r.iu they A!S.V JIOI-.OLllDtill.
Asa VraWy LJJyieic.
Frrvt Pr. K IV. Carttcright. Ap Ortrnnx.
Your l'iiis in? tie j-vinci of pi:rges. Their ct
rl'ei'.t i -i'i'!- turiH.-9 ar.v cathartiu wc jios.-e.-s.
x hi-v : re mod, but lery certain ai.u tlectuai in their
action on ti e bowels, v. hioh n.f.kt s thcin invaluable
(o us in li e daily tientint-nt of disease.
i:i-ilaehc,s:el IJ.-adnche, Vonl Stomach,
i-'roffi Dr. F-Iirnrd .V.'7, fi i'ti;nnrc.
Ptati I;r.o. Avtu: J cai not jin.-w-r ;nn irhat
ccjnp.aiuts 1 have cere wit!: our 1 ii'.i letter than
to a n't. Shit ire tnr I refit with a purtjutire meili
C'nc' "I place pleat 'ej"-i.dotu'e on that etltctuid
r;-;i:ariic in mv daiiv contest with tiisi-ase, end be
Ltfvini'. as 1 lo. that j our J iils ntioiu us the best we
Lave, 1 of course value tiieiTj highly.
I'lTTSPt'KO, I'a.. May 1. l?oo.
Pn. .T. C. Aykr. hir: I have been repeatedly
enred of the wor.t headache anybody can have by a
tio e cr two of your J ills. It seems to arise from a
lou! stomach, which thev cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, I'D. W J KEPLE. ,
Clerk ff Steamer Clarion. -
nilinin Disorder Iiver Cliiplaints.
From Dr. Th extort Bell, of New York City.
Mot onlv ure your I 'ills admirably jolapted to their
poii oce as an 'npencnt, but 1 llud their bcnericial
ducts upon the Liver very ma kod indeed. They
lir.e in mv practice proved moie eficclual for the
cine ot" ltitius cr,npiihits than my one remedy I
can locution 1 tii.cerely rejoice that ve have at
length a purgative w Inch is worthy the confidence of
tho pi o.Cisiou and the people
' Vv ar-hington, D. V , 7th Feb., l?oi!. J
I l ave used your l'il's in mv general and
Lo p;'a1 jiractise ever rince jou made them, pud
cai.iot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic
we employ. Their regulating action on the liver is
f,::;ck decide, cot.: Cijiientlv they sre an fld
mhi.'biu len.eoy Jor tiei.mgeniei.ts ot that organ.
lnt.( e-f, J I nve" seldom ioui d a case cf lulioun din
are so ii.-Ili.rle that it did l ot it ailiiv li-.-Jd to
t:.tni. 1 luleiLdiy your. Al.NZO PAI.L. U. D.,
J'iiiiie.nn ej'ilie Marine Hospital.
"PyryitrrT, Iii:irr!:ren, Zli Iix, Yormt.
JVovi Dr. J. C. Creen, rf Clrcat.
Yr' T i have a Ioi.g ii nil in my practice,
rnd J hold them in esteem I's n e of ti e 1 est uperi
c ids I have ever -o-ind. Th ir i.!te:a'ie elh ct upon
t l.o liter i 'uke theiu fii excellent lcmetiy, w ficn
pi. en ia small doses tor idiom dysentery and
?7,."T. 'Her ni;;ar-eo:itii g makes theni ery ac
Cf -p .'1 k .tiu couvcnie-iit lor the use of womeu and
ci.:i::en. ' , .
IyIcisin, ImnHriJr of ifis? CIaoi7.
From Dev. J. V. Hones. Par.' or rf Adeem Church,
Pn. Artri: I have r-ed vour Til's with extra-p-(ii:
j;ry oeee.- in my lainily End nmongthose I am
cai.ed to visit in distress. 'J'o' regulate the organs of
digest iou and puiii'y the blood, they me the very
Let remedy I liave ever known, and I can confi
dently reccmrucLd them to mv friends.
Yours, J. V. IIIMES.
TTapsatv, Wyoming Co., IS. Y., Oct. 24, 1855.
Pka:; Sir.: I urn using your Cathartic Tills in my
practice, i-i. d find them an excellent purgative to
cleanse the system and urifii the ftouitttin.i cf the
Hood. ' JOilN j. MLACHAM, M. 1).
Co-i!;pntJ?i. C'r-tlvc:rs, Niipvroiwion,
-"? Dr. J. P. Voer'm. Montreal, Cannd.x.
Too liincli crnot be':;.i; cl' your l'iiis lor the
cure ofcciitir'ct-iit. Wo-hers of our liatei uity have
found tlieru i:S ell.cnci;.i;s as 1 bae,tl ev should join
r;ie in prcchdmin? ir. lort he benefit of the mult ituaes
wbo n.:l;T ironi l! -at complaint, which, tiithougli
L-.vt ei ougli i-i iist If. is the j-toge idler of others mat
ere v oie. I believe eo!i cnss to originate i'1 'he
liver, but jour i'iili allect that organ and cure tho
From Mrs. F. Sluarf, Thysician and Midu-ife,
I find one or two lare doses of yonr Tills, tr.ken
rt tiie pioper time, rre excel lent promotives of the
natural icrchr:n Allien wholly or partially sup
pressed, and al.-o cry eCecthal to cleauxe the
b.'o-ii'i'-h and cer.d i.v.,-t. 'f P.ey are so much the
lest physic we have. tLut 1 recommend lo other t
121 y 1 UiielitS.
From the Bji Dr. ITai' l. es. cf Ca Meihod'nt Fpis.
1' Ilocsn. fcavaniirh, Ga.. Jan. C, 1-51.
1i;.o!;k; Mr;-. 1 il ouivl be im-; . -iul ien- th.e
relit t v o;:r s'.i.l Las Liou-rht ire if 1 did i.ot repo: t
r.iy c:is'j to jet. A coid settied in my hmbs and
bio'.mht. o-i 'txcruc-r.ting wurol-n fain., which
f-nded iit chronic r'uttali.-?,i. .Notwithstanding I
1 -ui the best of rhsici:.ns. the disease grew worse
aid vone. in.'.',) by the r.ihice of jour excellent
a ri.t in I'altHiiO! e", Dr. .Mackenzie", 1 tried your
I l ls, 'lhtir e:H ets were slow, but sure, l'.y per
scveiing in the n.e of them, 1 am low entirely well.
fr.XATK CifAvnEn, Pr.ton Tlougc, Lr..,5Dcc.,lSoo.
Iiii Av.i: I have been eHirtly cuied, by your
rihs, of hhnmr.tie Cout a painful disease that Las
adhered me for years. Yl C1-1NT fcLIOi-XLi.
rCT"Most of the l'i'ls in niaiket contain Mercury,
which alihou'h a valuable remedy in sl.illul liands,
is dangerous in a public ii!!, from tlie dread ml con-n-(iae.fces
that fieiiueutly tollow its incautious use.
Thete contaia
lu mercury or mineral subatance
Price, 3 centa per "Cos, or 5 Boxes fcr $1.
Prepared ty Dr. J. C. ATEE & Co., Lotvell, Mass.
soi-n r.v
Yv'M.II. McCliKLHY. Drownville.
G. A.LTIOW.N" & PRO., Peru.
Ir.II.GUAYKS. Salem.
JOnW. IIOI.T& HIIO.. Salem.
HOLT A SCOTT. Pall-. Cirv.
LKWIS A SHHI'lir.KD, St. Stephens.
vfi-n8 ly
Attractive Feature. The ?5.C0O Vnzn Novel
The Gulf Detween Tucm. Ily .Mrs. Anna t,
Steyhns, Authoress
'The llejecrtd 'vV'ifo
of 'Fashion and Pamine,"
jecua no, ve., sc.
In addiio: t .aUraeti-ins; a? tho first and
m-is authentic Iilnstr.itcd P,;,er in "America, sur-
as-ing all others in tho vana'y, acojrjy, and in
terest of the tiumerous ill w dratious which it offers,
Frand Leslie's Illustrated N-wpaper will begiain
Xo. 43j, dated .I.iiin ry O.'l.Hdl, the thrilling and
ahs-ubing m-vel. '-The Gulf Il- twen them," writ
ten by the great noveiis, Jirs. Stephens, wiiose
Fasb'on aud Famine" haa a larger circulation
than cny oiher urely literary novel of our day,
and was regarded as so masterly a work of fiction
that it was u-.t only republished in England, but
was translated into almost every language of Eu
rope. The prizo of $5.C00, offered . .with unusu iber
ality by the proprietor for tha best nov drew
foit'h no less than two hundred works, ' 'nyof
them of great me -it. Among these, Mrs. Stephens'
novel was selected, as evidently surpassing not only
all ethers offered, but almost everything hitherto
published. It is fully e.ual to "Faihion and
Famine," and will be as widely read.
It wiil be of greater interest, from the fact that
the scene is laid in our land and our own times;
and in delineation of character and absorbing
powor it will fascinate and ch.iria tha reader.
Subscription S.'l.oO per year.
Address FKAXK LESLIE, 72 Dunne St. X. Y.
Copies of tho paper containing the commence
ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens' novel,
"The Gulf Between them," can be had of any News
dealer in the United Spates or Aritish Provinces.
NOTICE Is hereby jriven to all persons concerned,
that the list, valnatiins ar.d enumerations made and
taiien under the Excise Law of the United States, witu
iu the Counties of Richardson, Xeniajja and Pawnee
and Territory ot Nebraska have heeu returned to me
and will be open for examination in my office in the
Town of F.ills City, and County or Richardtou fcr the
space or nrteen days from and after'the date of this
Xtice. And tb it appeals relative to any erroneous cr
excessive v.iluition, will be receivod, an-t determined
by me on the 14;U day of June, 1S64. All appeals to
the Assessor must ue made in writing.
Assessor Nebraska Territory.
May 27th, 1361. c3S-vd-2t
vT,'"Vv'.- I.loort. and i.-t ihe fluids
r iN ry'', f - mt), p on in b-t! ucfed m
fV ' t p.giiin. 'I lit-r timu
l lU !;.te the factions tf the
' V. r - i fa ( (II I.I. li-M
Mannfactnrers' Aent lor the sale of
XTatches, Chains, &c, &c.f
YI'OIITII S500.0000!
To b old for one Dol lar Each, without regard Upvalue
Of Art'cles all to be srid for one Dollar Each.
100. Gold Hunting Cased Watches, - $100 each
100 " Watches. -. . - . - 6i each
200 ' Ladies' Watches, - - - 35 ech
fl.0 Silver " - - - - 15 each
600 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatelain
- Chains. ' -
- $15 to 20 each
4000 Vest, Keck, Guard and Chatelain
Chains. -3000
Cameo Brooches
3iXX) Mosaic aud Jet Brooches
30C0 Lavs and Florentine Broaches" -3
00 Coral. Garnet & Emerald Brooches,
3000 Cameo Ear Props, -3000
Garnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Dror
4000 Lava sml Florentine Ear Drops
4000 Gents' Scarf P.ns, -fiOOO
Chain and Band Bracelets,
3G0O Gents' Breats Pins,
301-0 Watch Keys, -000
Fob and Ribbon Slides,
7000 Sets of Bosom Studs, -SOfiO
Sleeve Butt"s, -9000
Plain and Chased Rings,
7000 Stone Set ltinss, ...
7000 Miniature Lockets. Crosses, &c. -1C000
Sets Ladies Jewelry,
f to 15 each
4 to 6 each
4 to
6 each
4 to
4 to
4 to
6 each
6 earh
6 each
6 each
6 each
4 to
4 to
2 to
8 each
3 to 10 each
2 to 8 each
a to
2 to
2 to
6 each
6 each
6 ?aeh
6 each
6 each
2 to
2 to
2 to
6 each
2 to 10 each
3 to 15 each
AM cf the go-ids in the above List w ill be suld, with
ora rese vatidii, for One Dollar each. L'ertitlcates.of
all the various articles are piaced in similar envelopes
and sealed. Tticsc envelopes wiil l sent by mail, or
delivered ai our iifJIce, wi:h-jiit repaid to choice. Ou
receiving a Certificate yon will see what article it rep
resents, and it is optijual lth iou to send one dollar
and receive the article or nt.
Jn all transactions by mail we shall charpc for fir
forwaniinK the Certificates, paying postase, and d.-in?
the business, '25 cents each. Five Cert i '!.-; tcs will he
sen for $l; Eleven for &2; Thirty f jr$5; Sixty-tire
f.Tr $10 aud One hundred for $1
CORRESPONDENTS miy rely rpon a qnick and
prompt answer to their orders. Our bu.-iuess is con
ducted upon liheral, honest, strai.Thtrorw trd :pri!u-iuie,
an 1 we cnarjutee satisfjctit-u ia alt cases. Our pat-
rons may always d?pcnd nnvin bavins their orders fa;lh
f ully an 1 punctually supplied. Iu no case will correspondent-;
be ECjSleeied.
53,C'irri-spondents should be esrefol to write their
sieinturcs piain, au i Kive their Post Ottice, Coonty, and
SutO. Audi ess, GEO. r-EMERir & CO.,
2i0 Broadway, New York.
25" njvin-r had business relations with the above
gcntieni''!!, I take picture saying that mry are
hoiioratiie, nprift'it ecu, and perform all thoy prorui :iu
ofid the Jewelry I nave, eeeii from there is 2nnine,aud
pives autisiactiou. &. O THOMPSON,
u I7j f Nursery Jliil, Neb.
An Independent Democratic Dai
ly, semi-Weekly and Weekly
The World, to which the Xcw V rh TTeelily Arjns
has been united, has to-daj five times the a;r:rre
gato circulation cf ny Dem icratic or conservative
newspaper. Jt addresses weekly alone m -re than
lOO.OUO subscribers nnd ei-c.stact purchasers, and
reaches nt least half a niillian re;ilers. With the
steady increase in circulation which io now enjoys,
these numhors will soon he douLIed. Nothing less
than this should sr. tisfy those who believe that the
only hope of restoring the Union and the authority
of the Constitution ever a now distracted and di
vidod country, lies in wresting power frnra the
huads cf those fanaticism has holped to provoke,
invite, and prolong the war; on! tint t accomplish
this end, no means is so effective ns th j diffusicn,
through aide and enterprising uew-'p-'.pors, cf sound
political knowledge aaianj the working men, the
thinkinir men. and the v e-iincD'-cn of the X n.h.
Entrrjirise. industry end m-im-v will b ; liieri,iv
expended to m d;e Th .- World thj Pest N-w-;;iipr-r
in America- Its rn-W: from "very prt- of tS - vv ,ri 1
wiil l. early an 1 :th ntic. Wh.-rever the tvl'-'ipii
cstcds.or r.iiirn.ius run, or .tc
L'ftther the latest in'olii-nce.
i:ii' -i ply. r. win
It a lar.iTe st.uf
of iieiv.rnplished correspondents with ail theled-ral
anutes. who will tch-;r;rih and write to ns the latest
news from tho v;iri.iM s.-uts of w:tr. It hus enrr-s-pondenls
aud reporters in every p. di Ileal an-1 cm
mereia! centre in A.Meriea and Kuropi, whose letters
and dispatches will leave nothing worthy of n te
unknown to its re.iders.
'1'he Market Ileports of the World are morecom
plete thun those of any other newspaper. The
Editors invite comparison in this respect and point
to tho reports of the (Jattlo ilarkets, the general
and country Produce Markets, and the Money Mar
kets in its columns, as roof of it3 ex -ollence in this
rcspett. Tho world hus als-i a special department
levoted to Agriculture, filled with editorial arti-dts
communications from practical farmers and mechan
ics of the country.
The war in which the mtion is engicd nir.iinst
armed and inf itu.ited Ih-bo!s,and the radical policy
of the admi.ii-tniti --n whie'i prolong it, have con-
spir- d to hrirg ti-g-iher iiio:i one plat form all con-
fervntive, L uion-hivirli ur.d Lonstil ution-l-TVi:ip
en, of w hatever fji m.-r namj aud creed. M-in? of
tliosc who within tho limits of the Constitution,
fought the battles of the ballot box nuihr the
leadership of those patriotic statesman of o'her and
M'lUr diys Ilenrj v. lay and La:.iel eOsler, to-
geiticr wuh tno n;o-ss whose principles were tnose
of such patriots as Andrew Jacksoi nnd William L
Mar-'y, Silus right and Mephcn A. I'ouglas, nnw
'ant shoulder to shoulder upan til'" same platli.Tin
isa p-ain one. ii is to restore rue union, niniuiii
the C-.-ri-titutiori, and enfor.'c tho laws. Whatever
makes f r I his enc , the ex -rise d" farce of the
policy of coceiii-iti'iu. Tiie World will advocat'.-;
whatever makes against it, The Worhl wili ot.-:e.
It will cpl-'de evety enemy to the Union, whv'her
ariaed in rt-hciii . n a 1 1 ho Houth t.r ;i:-'itioaly p'ap
ii'g the seeds j! disunion and c: -oi.t a! d;.-;. y ilty at
the X,.rth.
I: w.ii i-Tp-ise evcr3- vi -la'ion of the C- r stitn'io!
wiii- h is tat- ! ii :.! an. I 0 a 1 of L i ion, 1 - ur
only authority ir e.i;-jrtuig cr coLu4.oiiing tii-j aiic
giancei f the Houlh.
It willopposj every infraoti n of the Law, in high
places or in iov, by re klcss and misguided p.irti, or by the aauilcistratioa which Lai been their
It will fearlessly exercise the Fresdoai of the
Press ; it will cons. antly uphold and defend Free
dua of Speu-h and Erecdoia of tho llall-d.
To the lawless nets of the Administration, its
arbitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, its
denial of the right to the writ of haleas corpus, its
illegal ions, its abrogation of State and
federal laws, its despotic accumulations of ungrant
cd power, and its subversions of the safeguard! of
civil and pertonal liberty, it will constantly opdose
the letter and the spirit of our snprwma law and the
advocaiyof sound doctrine, until American frce-m-n
shall be roused to the recovery of their rights,
their liberties, the r laws, and their limited and
well balanced government, by the resistless decision
Profoundly impressed with the d.?sire to contri
bute all tha it may to the great work of this gener
ation, namely, to restore our natiol unity, and
to place the United States again firm .st among the
n i lions of the earth, and id the peace, pros
perity, and happiness of ns eoo'o. The Vv orld
seeks from those w ho di-sire siuh tiling: thcirsym
and support, and, above allj the favor of lliiii who
crowns every good work.
Yearly Subscribers by mail $3 CO
Single subscribers, per annum $3 0 0
Two copies to one address i (0
Three " 7 CO
Five " " 12 00
Ten " " 22
Single Subscribers, per annum $2 00
Three copies Address on each paper 5 io
Five " " 8 00
Ten " 15 00
Twenty eoyacs all to on? addres0 2j 00
Clubs of tw. n:y or over can have address put on
each paper for an additional charge of ten cent
For every club of twenty an extra copy will he
aided for the getter up of the club.
For every elub of fifty, ihe Semi-Weekly, and for
every club of one hundred, the Daily will he sent,
when requested, in lieu of the extta copies of Weekly
Additions to Clubs may be made at any tiruo at
saue rates. Papers cannot bo changed from one
Club to another, but on request of the person order
ingtheClub, and on receipt of fifty cents extra,
single papers will be taken frem the Club and s.nt
to a ssperate address.
All orders must be accompanied by thi Cash.
Address. THE WORLD.
35 Park Row New York.
ALT by the brrel or pound, Fine Dairy Silt, for
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
PICKELS by the dozen or barrel, lit a superior qual
ity, crUktautly ou hand
At .lli'Lanshlin A-Swan's.
E. S. BURNS, M. D.,
SJomalia, City, INT.
July23tb,1331. nl7-v8-pdly
CULTIVATORS, Scytnes, Cradles, Bakea, Hoes,
Spade a, Shovels, etc' e,c,
At IIcLaugMin & Swan's.
IMPORTANT to Smoke. s : The best assortment of
Smoking Tobacco, Cisara, Pipes, S temps, &c. is to
be found
At 3IcLaughlin &Syau'.
Fxcoffii is mm.
The rao?t comprehensive -nleccl any cf nsefu)
knowledge and lie a oral Literature, periodically is
sued in the United States; embracing all the fea
tures fa Polytechnic Jon mo I, Economic Expositor
Literary Kepositor and Monthly register. Espe
cially devcUd to Financial. Commercial and Indus
trial Interests and ail joint stock corporation con
cerns. ,
Having commenced the Fifth Volume cf this
Magazine, whose success evinces that the efforts of
its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi
nating public, we would call attention to its char
acter on the part or the large body of readers who
are not yet upon its subscription list. Our pur
pose in this publication is the dissemination of
practical information cn suLjects Oi posnive utility
to the people, combined with a diversity of literary
attraction securing the services of the he3' pens in
the various departments of Science, Pe'lcs-Lettres
and General Literature. While aiming most es
peoialiy to render most effective service to the
Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the
Country, many sides of the Country, many side3 of
the mental world receive duo consideration the
Historical, Critical, Esthetical and Imaginative, as
well as the Financial, Statistical, Technological
and strictly Mercantile. We employ alike tne re
seach of the savant and the fancy of the feuil ?t.m
i9t, with the practical experience of the business
man nnd the worker. In the treatment of sclent if c
topics, the mode selected is the popular in Etyla
rather than the technical. The mc-i'v'.! pha-e r 'n
Ihe hour it shid! be our eu le-.vor to pot tray, an 1 wc
avail ourselves of tha crrn'rib-irlo ir- of new Di-e -v-ery
to the Circle of Ki!0'.vhJ;, and shall r c-C iii
with all t-racticable succiuetnes-s Current I:;t: l.i
jrene, whi-h will he of future ncdi'-y aud List.-r
interest wh-jn the iVesent fei.all h ivo Lt-Tuie the
Past. In fine, the Americrn Exchange r.r i
is admirable and ever welcome njoinhly visit, r to
its STihscrioers imparting the ri hr.ess of know ledge
improving the tast9, and furnishing intellectual
The Kevuw hni its ypeeialitie? in distict and ir:-crea.-ing
iWartment-i. with a General IMv.sir-a for
the widest c.-nsi.-te it scoj:e f themes. Wc give a
s i-eciih'alion of t:n-i ' w hi-h are the snhject3 cither
of oci-a-ionai or reg.-lar publication, viz:
The Arts, jEst holies: Agr'."u!tur .lt ;.ii)d Chem
istry, Archaeology, U-.-lles-Letter. Hi -.graph r, C'i'i-cL-m.
Eeont inics P. -liti-al, Arit hmet lo .Va i-'aai
Taxation: Finance hanking, currency. Corporation
Accounts. Exchange. Fluctuation in Se-urities
Stocks; History, lndusfrial and Meynntiie encr
j rises, insurance, internal Improvenje i;'s U.til way
Canals, Tflegraphs; Manufactures Products, tech
nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology.
Metallurgy; Patent', Physics, physioVgy, statist ...-s,
social sience; trade foreign and domestic, shipping
mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travois.
One copy, one year in advance 3 01
Five copies " ' " 12 CO
Ten " " 20 CO
,"nen p-id a the end of the y--sr, 4 60 p-r an
num, sinte'e toov. Samrde copy taiij on the re
ceipt of 25 cents.
Single copy per annnm postage paid.
Canada. $3 72
Cuba, 3 72
Great Britain and Ii eland, 6 00
France, 3 72
Germany, 3 72
West Indies, rTMtisIi 3 72
West. Indies, .V.. Untih. " S 0-
South Amvih-a iV, .l t; i.tst! 8 0i
u)ty.l, Pro..H-t
FOR 1S61
The pldishcrj of the FIEXTIFHT a'-IERITaX
r;--pe:ti vely give notice that the Tenth Volume
.Nl-w Series ivill eomaienco on the 'first of January
next. This journal was established in ISli, and is
un-Iouhtodly the most widely circulated and in.ljen
tial publication of the kind in 'the wi rid. In com
mencing tiie new voluura tho publishers desire to
call special attention to its claims as
In this respect it stands uurivalled. It n-r. on'y
finds its way to almost every workshop in ilie
couutry, as the friend of tho i-i--cnan:e r,i;.l
artiz-'u, but it i f -und in the cou:i!ir-g-ro.-iu of the
ma.iufautnrer nnd the ii-rch iiif; also in tr.e library
and the hoshoid. The publishi.s f.-t-l warranK-.l
in saying that no uihtr journal now p'.i-li-i.e l n n
taiiis an eijual amount id usi-lul infoi m itiai: while
it is their aui t- present all subjects in the
popular aad.n'.taetive inaum-r.
The Siontibo American is publish'-1 one a wi?!(,
in convenient foi ia for bindiupr;. and nch num'.ier
contain sixion pages cf useful rcvliog matter,
iiluiiratcd ivi;u
of all the latest and best inventions ot t!ie day.
This feature o" the journal is woithy of sj-'eial lore.
Every number con t tins from five to ten origin, ii ei-
rravin-is of mci-h.uiia! relating to every
TiiLsC en-'ravii--' are exe
I 1
rtnr'iit of the ar;
cuoed by Brtir speiially eiupl-yed on r!
aoi are uniter-t''y n-iivljl d to l
ro -T,
auyitiing 1 toe 1 pr. l a --el
ei u:.
i. ...l
- .1
r-i o
' '.i s.
1 1 ;
i'oia 1
m -ni.-tions-
-. il ei.
it -.ii io-;
I ivi:::
-b."i l -
J Ji Ir n 1 11
s all tho
-, and ot'i"r C;:;
varied arti-!s
Invi 1-
le-igned to
lo'litm lh.' l.ihi.r of i.olv in I.i . "-.
and warehouse, lut iu every plee where the iu-du.-tri
e- ot 'Lie are pursued.
Frem ill ci miner ccia-Ti t. th? S. i-rt' ific .iraT;.;.
has be-on the earnest advocate of the rights of
AUKrimn Inventors, and the.
In this important ik-parr.ii'-nf, so vit t. ly e .nnct
ted with all the gr.-at interests f Cie Coun'ry, r o
other j iurnal can lay any eland whatever: in if-
columns there is publi.-lied a. we k!y Of.i i il List o!
the 't.'lni:ns" of
all patents granted at the U. S.
Patent USice.
alone are of t ti-aes worth more to the subscriber
than the amount of a whole y:'uio siih;cripti.jn.
Two volumes of the Scientifij Aiueii an are pub
lished ea, h jei-, at $1,00 each, or 1! i.or p r annum
with corresponding 1 w terms to Cub: I a id j ay
for four iu. i r.t lis' sul-s.-ription. Tho nun. her t"-.r
one year, when boun-.l ia a volume, ei-nstitite a
work of S-jJ pages tf useful i' n, which
every one on j;ht to po-s -sj. a n-w . voiutue wih'
commcuce oa the first of Ja.i uury, 13 ii.
Five copies, for six months $
Ten co- s, for six m-inths 1?
Tan copies for twelve months 22
Fifteen copies, for twelva months Z 1
Twr-nty cooit-s, for tivolve ni-oiths 4
r or ad ciuhs of t enty and over, the yearly sub
sen pin -n is on !y M.',UD. Raines can hi sent in at
diu. rent'timcs and dilfercnt Post Of::
speeim.rii copies wiil be sout gruib .Ly part of
tim country.
Canadian subscriber will plea.'e to rf-rn't 2a "-.rf-extra
ou each gear's sLhs.Tij.tif.n to;r. ---v p ,-, ( o
ML' .N.N i ( t) . 1'u'. Irsi: r.
:J.7 I'-, k U. w, .V r V. rh.
Taic Greatest TiJizbcr for the
T?" It makes; a perfect Keoge fence in four yiar !
ti" One A i re of it set th fjll. ia live years will
make enough Wood for one Family!
S: tt grows 8traiglit, am! very tall !
y" I: never sprouts from the roots; but when cut
down, will grow asain from the stump, very rapiuly !
53" It is the best soft wood for fuel, er auy other
purpose !
S3- When kept oT the ground, the rails will last 30
years 1
23" It srows equally well with us on upland, where
this rich, as in the bottoms !
53" Cuttings eiiit inches long btuckinthe ground in
t e Fall, never fail to grow f
53" We sell it for 4? per thousand Cuttings, deliv
ere l at any of our Asencies.
53" Parties wishing to buy, should order early of our
Atnts, so that taey may notify us in time.
Bundled and delivered at the above places, as
soon as the lea res fall.
- FISTIZK., drownville, i Aeut for Nemaha
and east half cf Richardson Counties.
CUKTI3 & PEAVER, Pawnee Citr are Agents for
Pawnee and west, l!f of Riebardson Counties.
REV. MR. TINKUAM, Beatrice, is Agent for Gage
and Jon- Counties.
J. II. EL'TLaR, Austin, Ageat for CUr and Saline
Ee-warc of Willow Peddlers.
We learn that many gwarap! of common Willow hae
been cleaned op, and the Canines sold asGrsy Willow.
We get our Willow of SAMUKL EDWARDS, of La
Moille, Illinois, a responsible Nurseryman.
SHEEP Shear of the rr-.nst approved snake, for !
At ilcJuaughlia a Sw.tiPii.
: I r
The war drama is ap, r : . i t .
This Tea- win ' ''
I'ootjq of the Kehr,
l.n .... . -
ernnnnt rsor-l in th- a-jV "."m
erate-1, and Slavery obliteH,nw:' '
the History of the C,ein.Tl
elude the return r.f p...' "' i
Ameria-v upon a new ear-'r"' :
ness and prosperity. . 5
the reproaca of ser'd.,m,",'c. '
ou a higher platfcrm ..f
feci a still''.uL-K-r inti .-j' '
..... , . . . .... ...jr., ,w ,
cr.-i. is eiucrin r
uy n a i
to trrininate in Ai trioa- h
tiie Atl.iLtic; wi.i'..; r, ,'
a-quire a i e-.v anj tr. ( .'u
itiiJii- n-i ly i i r or. du
1 ;e m .t ' i-g ev-nts of t i(
ly tie-i -f.'-J i.i the ::.,
wear-j r-s-'vei t r- r- -
tiaclive ihaa cvi-r a- i ii.-
In-ir dhv th-i FiV-.f J, -l--;0
rgr.o l-i-rb-tt Trc
O.U.if v: . :-.,nt:c-.i? t" h-: ., 'w -Peo
i:', and prompt t .Iwi .'
po;'i:, or Lu.iitiry a i.-st . ' T. -th
ir c.tusi. '
Li d iiti;n to our War X ; ,
in i ur Weekly j-ip'-r ih; V,"'. '.
an-i also an !.-ti j, t i.r tl ? , - . "
at: 1 of t'ue l -ce-.: jing.- Oi l,--. ' t r"..""
and I.iia.-is. " "' A. J- -- T: i-Weok'y, will t-r -1
tho Impn-t-int 'e-.vs, Ljal a-.I ' ' v.
of the l'..;.ly. '
THE Ji'mil--
Shall n--t b'. ex -c
We impro-
'" 1 ly ant
1 onr a. r i ,
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i-s ::
riom i-Hii -'o::, :r. a ;..- i. f.
wiil be nubli-i'.K i in a ; .., .
All MY COI;ivir ;v,
am our uuai o-ian'.ty i : -
We reiruest all PosLs-e' - : r. - -Agent.
Send for epooiriMn rn-n'-i--, t -.
Prospectus f-.u distalutita, . '
ly h.r w ird l. ' --
Send as many nam-s as p. !-;.;;-- ii t .
their papers sent to one a..i.-.-the
Postmaster or thi -tt-T n ?s.
It is not required ! u a ;.v ' (
shall be sent to one IV.n Vir.e. -54 . , .-.
sent to didierent UlE-.-es, and aal.;..r-. 1 2.
at any tim
The following are oar m'm f-r :!;.
Mail Sinscnbers oop r . ,r .
Piiee to 2-iws l .1 - . .
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TRI- v, r '
:U-S - - - - " -
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Ten Copies - - - - - -
Any larg'-r Cub th?n rl.l '
rate fore dtdhtr f id a !,a.,'r-r ..
The above rates f ,r a'.l i'l.i
payable in a iv.i re?.
' 2 i fcr
Orders not ac;,.mpano.-.t
eeive no p'tcn'i-.n.
A Ii j ap-ri
at the ctiJ of
A ciihr fdl'i- n. wi";
llio tr-pe ; a'..i ;" r.
ilcKEE, riSIIiL
41 Id 1 -u-
HV.W AND M'LIri 'ft
i:rr and t i:r i-i;.vr n .
! lh r Mor-t',1 V . i; r-, '-.
t v.i,';
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o ne i.ea-!y i"':-.
1 2 o-.l- r-d pi- - .si m1, wri. i -t
; V. foi- f.-r only v 1 i! '
1 -ss l'-n r.i v4 i4inps of i's i ...
to t'rio "Pi-i -f on." In i :
pri-es. i's is 1 ; ..' , 'd i ;.
irs j rn t-i f'.i-?r t i -.. .-'--and
is. titet'eiure, fia-. i. - ,
th Tiia-s.
Too -t'.ri'-s in "i'l-'er-
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P. it-:.-- he r- !. i -.-.i.
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a 1 - , a .I .. t r-r u -
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will s.. o a ye :
1 ui..i lvi-..ii i a n
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ll ad ire-s.s, Ac, giv.-n.. 1
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The W.-lk- fa.
W boil y 11 .ri V V. 'd.
or Ui'-re 1. 1 : . -i os
Ur -.-hc, U-nhr-i-l.
Wt ik. A. .. uL- ..X;..
'.. tti-ru for s.i. ;
given e.tcl of which, a: i
Uiiy cn:-'.
Mur Xcw Co'-k-p
h' Id Ucceii-ts i.i" -iVrer- u"
l:u 1 oar "L'ook-ih.--k" will
one ot these receipts has o
sis wvll wrih th-j p. :c; o!
ceipts fur thj toii.'Ue, s;-.k r
"ew and fi-h'-nall
A..d Lla s '! i ".: o '
j f'l- ; r s ;i::er ' y t
i i i l r .
1 id
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: C-: !
K:.;hf t
pies i r
l:e y "
l ilt v'
. vili v e c . '
Si.vteen ei-pie f--r :
V .
Premium for
ei '!.t. or more o t-o . n.
i- .-i
S--I1 getting upac'.n' eti.r".
dolia;S -or a tiuo of I " r
dollars and a half or a '' ;''
ting ten dollars or a eiab " ':'.
f :teen doll irs, an etr ic; '.'
ISS-t will be given. If t n !-' '
send as a premium. ( iust 'a i -' , "
and Illustrated La lys A; u"" r.
in gilf. or either of our :
each 27 iaeh.-a by 2.J "P ' i;1 -
in;,-.,! pk;i i .1 1:! or '!' n .
ing f-r His lieleaso f o.n V: s
It '
theMagazina will bo seizor a':
premiums. Ti, r . i
Address, post-paid. CiIA-'-'', ,
., . c . . f .. r s : -
All Postmasters c-i -i'- t;V!..
jrson nay eet up a tluo. L ,
tously, if wn::. u fr.
AOTitsT to ti1;;
Tbo n n.lpr.l 'nd. lloar
I V I r - ' ' , .
meetings for the pur; e o
. .. - - . . I 1 V I
P II, at the office t f F. "V'rr
are reUred te have ; '. o . :"
i!iii to tlm uoiani-',nee'Ji
ers, on tne nrst uci'1'-1.-.
previous to Ue cvtain
F. U
t. p-
-iGS. Chocolate.'J -
Peaches. Ferpor -a-
ce, J4-
terahire auce, i.o -c;
At .Mcl-ft"'"
r Frui's, Oyter, CaiiK' ,
eve, etc. t -I.S'.'.i' '