Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 25, 1864, Image 4

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- ' r T T T '
It '
1 '
fccfjrlrTVrii- i.2i pace.
a. ,
.1 r?c.r'vtf f cr.r
i-nv-r rriv ro-jt.' s:rT l exc;aiu
TLriJh'.s cf Lethality' . -shall cot thus
le viuhtt'd. Turp or Biker, cr wLat-
fever 4? aatatn r g uet tr.url
I wU-efcnd him. So rajit I stepped :
letee&tfie'cc'pltBbl-s'aai the hljhwiyc;
Take fre,.Mr.IIut, said Jlt-Uaw,
cr jiihrrest-y, also.' In tha came
. ir : ti t r;nrr. I charce vo-.fir. to rii
Kvpt him into IliV L-I1-?. or
Never jntrfi the old goose: said Turpin.
I vilt.t&k care cf myself.
. Na'socner bad he dons 5peair);r, than
he rubhui toward the the table, and clap- j
r VVtL .i.(T nn..n t':
t va candies
1M " . , !
put tiiera out
Thtf roo:a was now pitca
net let Llni.fril usrsgaia
fchouttd the cons'.ulle in Lis rage, leopiti;
tcuarHo'rte -where he had lat cen
the highwayman. . . Eat he grocped tlou.t j
in vli'n, ciJyicatchic- hold cf Iliikuia by
Itg. Ia the nicaniitte, Turpin had j
A .V TOir.-li.i' i. rTin.T rrnn the !
thrown up the sah, arid kicked cji
the hi:r the rawonligut tireaiiii:- ia
upcH tl.e tatloau. '
.Mr Hunt; 1 - thank- ycu fcr yar'kbd
ness, he t.ick!y ia;d. Then diuvig"a
riitol. and pointing it at Red trow, who
v-trjacirg to seize him, he exclaim
ed: t S:and where ycaare,Alphcus, or by
Juhiter I'll aeLd some cold lead iLrjugh
Tour skull ? , ' ' . c
Nottrithsradir.g' this thrif, Rcdbrpv.
cdsncd .tnd fired th? bai whiziij
p-i.-t Tuipin'i ha-l. -
Halji-a.! ha ! laughedjhe hightvay-r..aa-td
eveLii.g. Mr. Rcdbrow.
So sayir.,te juiiptd thrcujli ihe win
dov."fcliJiTc3 by tha bullets of'all the
cons'-ablcS,' tul escaped unhurt. Quick
as lightniag his becrae black. 13?3s, gal
loped swiftly away, before Red brow cuuld
even reach the froM 'doorr and they had
the alufact:ia fcceiug him disappear
in theSazy distance.
Red trow swore that he would have hid
revenge cn rae, but he r:evt,T carrica Li3
threat into execution Itcauce, 1 sup
pose, he feared the,, ridicule of its being
kr.owg thai he was so completely foiled
ar,d cutJjs by Dick Turpin.
A;jU j "ends rmy rauraihtr's'slor-,"
caul fanner ilu,
Vhat became
.f 3tMn 1 asked one
ti his iittners.
He r.i'.t the" fate Le so justly merited,
r . i
t.e yesrs atier.varj, on tn
Ycxk, answered the farmer.
gaii-aws. a:
That" veteran bj!itioists, II. C.
Viight, contributes to the Liberator the
following of antislavery "ejects" which
have occured titce Mr. Lincoln's inaug
uration: 1. Emancipation in Western Virginia-.
2. Emancipation in Missouri.
3. - Emancipation ia the District cf Ccl
un:b:a. i. Emancipation in Mryland.
.5. B!avry abolished ai;d fcreTer pro
hilitcd Teriiur;es.
6. Kan;a admiited as
a fre;
7. Provisions made to a
f ' '
... t .
Nebraska and Nevada a
S. Organizajun cf Idaho, Mountana, a'nd' Arizcna as fitc T-ciriio-ries.
OIlTprraiticn cf the independence "cf
Havv.n-j 'Liitria.
10. 'J hrec 'billions cf blaves declared
free by Proclamation ci. the President,
January 1. 1S6;J.
11. All Fugitive Slayv Laws repeal
ed. -
13. Negrae) admitted to equal rights
in United States courts, as parties to suits
end as witnesses.
1-1. Equality of the negro recognized
in the public conveyances of the District
if Columbia.
U.AIl rebel States prohibited from
returning to the Union with slavery.
16., Free labor established oa numer
ius plantations iu S'juih Carolina, Louisi
ana, Mis'ilssppV T'tnuisseV and Ar
k '-'..ja?.
17wS:?ols for the educaiioa cf freed
slaves in S uh Carolina, Tennessee,
Louijtia.a;, nxE-'ai Virginia -wle re
till -..i th la la fee years .to educate thtj ce
g:j was p'tfiisi.iil.e with death.
iz. iiiwive anu cni'cren ci an slaves
ed as freemen in military, and strvico of the Lnited States mude
tree. .. .
19. All negroes, bondaxid free, enroll
ed d3 part of the rmilitary forca. of the
:.-.::on. " -
20. The loyal people of Arkansas, Ten
:.i Sbee, Louisian and Florida seeking a
:-.iurn to the Union on the basis of f re
data to all and of the, abolition cad p;c
hibitior. tf slavery. ' - - -
21. The..hboliticn and frohibitioa cf
s'every by tin amendment of the Consti
tution passed ia the Senate by toihirtU
majority, and by nearly the same- ja thi
HcueV "Losriy lack cf1 three or four
votrs, thrr-gh the influence cf 'Demo-,
ciatio n;:aberi. . '
2. -Trie nation throu
rh its
taves in Baitimore, June S made the ab
;o!':tioa and prohibition cf tiavery the
t.ii3 cf its Governmental administratica
for theMuture. . '
23. The Federal Government forbiJ
d . a to" employ any inaa as a slave, in any
21. One hundred and fifty thousand
it roe3, mostly freed slaves, in the pay
ird unifurui of tho Goverment as sol-
Jit I :
Tii3 number cf emigrants that landed
'iff York last week were 1.S2S,
miking a total of 116.GC0 since the 1st
of Janu-.ary. A gTeat,many emigrants
tnd thrtr.way to this couutry by - ths t.
Lawrence route coming through-the Can
zdz5, and not a. few arrive at -Bpslrn'- -
Tha farein. emigration -exceed 3,0'CO a'.
. - i .t ' ' . : : ' I ' ' . t , . - j f .
. . . -- j 7' . ' ; !.
mmct jmwi ! la-wnimini'iiMiiwi iiiiMmii y ' ,- - .
:----:t.':-agpJ-fc -jrM-.v "" ' ' I,"'J .- I I
: - .1, i 1 - . . " -' j X r ' T.
U. I . . . i - . " - - l I
" -V''XV 5vV? - ' "! Ttl -A' ' - I ??iVC4'-l hraJtl. They
bear tue ! r i-.-i ' m n ATTnrnrmT .O Pv - I
'..'UIU53 ar..l purity of toiio uf uuiivalled fcy any Liihcrto c
deru;.uirroTcn.c-.ts, Fron-.b, Grai.d aciioc, HarpPcJJ, lro
I urit. w Inch IiT.v-
ie mod
i:.. ar. i'viul. io?rttmoat wwj; uautr u-e perav
hd i factual en-
Tlzc "Lire
rdoPT! rir?:iororle"reccrv.caiuc i.;g:xicf.i a.varuoi iiieaii
over all oilieratit l!ic Celebrated V orld" fair! -
WWwaVei! ..!:lJln,truiii, cts frcia ths I'c-.t makers -f Lu tun,. Pari?, Oerca-my, Patlai l?:u., -.Ut
ini ire P.u.u Xe- Yvri : aLl at ibu Aioc. -
silver Wial4U,.aiU:h -hka caa be -3en :U .ur
BiT tL i.rraeclca ,f .KcvuM we ko -u
tb tU'IvUy til rJcU'lil, ait CuaV.VSl W
PuICLi No. 1. Sevf D Octave, r.unl corners. RisswooJ p.aae ease S27o.
No' 2 St-vf -i Octavo, rcunJ cviiitrr, Koscivood h,e.ivy m..uliiui T ''3.
i y ; 'it.vea.t'cuve, rt.ut;dccrLcrs, it-iw ogjl Lt-u: XIV etyle J23, a ;aa siaiile of tb 9 aloT4 cut
WILL tMp wsstint oa Ul5 tn ot
v . n
Estra-Sapsrfinc to Cpminoa .
f'. U'
Ij O "O"
Xj I1 "
At-.d ul! f.ther p.rtioles ut:.1V Let iu ar.t-fla
v-!erc!u.t Flourish cr .Sa 2!iiL .. ..... ----i
Lrcwavliltf, -ilarca SLt, '61. n30-S-ly.' I
- -
I5lBJrl OVED "
mm iicElin.
Tht greateot improrenicst yet in tlic Seiviaa lia
chiae Art. A cariosity woith deeiujj.
. - - -if
Pie a s?ad fvr tlr.-alars witU samples cf Sewing.
Tbe?; Ii:ip:;j7fd Ma.-i.incs avo oaa hundred per
cer.t. of thread ul silk, aarJ iao tlie .Laok-S-iiv-a
ai;La va bjtii lideii.
They r."j.i;rs no injlrntion to operato perfectly,
eiji-t tltj -piia.-d dirait'ijai.'' '
No eharj ia se ffinj froia oaa Liul of ooili to . -
Aal no taking apart to cleaa croil.; . ;
Car New ilanuTnctorv is now oc tn','.efe, wit'u al!
its uacfaiuery and tools entirely Qt and if a..i-o..uj ;
i-t -triit ii oi Liiira aroncr i'aroa.sba ay tj wu'
Uo'.aio ia ths iTorid.
K. B. Should any H.ichine prove unsaf
it caa Lo returaaJ aaJmouc-y refaadeJ.
Apentj wautel ia couatiei not caavassed ty oar
U'u Agcuta.
riXKLE & liYOX, S. 3I. CO.
No. IS-vS-ly.
J Gr X,
WK call te attcntloa of the Lad es nl Gentleman
of liti.viiiv.lle iid-vkiaity;U) uri:ew stocU cf J .' .
Coots and Shoe?. Gaiters, I5
on vis, l.;icc Cools, i'olka -Slscts
-mid Jdnny ' 1
Hoys', 2IIss Cliildrtn and Infants
- Jti-t Ketfivei, loci we will sell cheap for (he
ash m auy ltuae ia tuft Weat.- -
.... ...... T f. r w r -
' i , . V ' ... - i . vi 1 ' 1 . -
Ia"the'verr latest styles. We warrant all onr work lo
give mibjadivU, lur w o cxpiuy EvUoLt ta Lc.tcf
lsItherY shISS&I
F.r L:e, aud every tlilns lelotlr.jto j Ui.Ce.
W e return our tbaaks to the pp'aTia for ast fTon
t!J ly otrict attoutiwJl to t ttki;nei' fcri to iiicrit
literal patrnLne Inlawed Ufu ns l-.eretofo: .
v.'ar iu maid tLat our uiotto it tte--NIiI3LK PiiNN 1."
Iti.e on ahart notice iu a neat wurkui&n-inia mavner.
, ' .fuyilie, Ntrdika-
April 23, 1S4. nJ4-vS-jiy
aw Orleans, Clarified. Crued aud Powdered 3a-
gar, Golden Syrup Sutir Huuwe and SorgUum
At HcLauijhlin & Swan'. -
THE bet Fiourfrom theL. S. V.G.ilills la quarter
half and whole .acts kept
At .McLaughlin & Swau's.
. 1 . --i i. , ,,
SAWS, Hammer, Ilatcheta
Minora Plcka
files, Ox Chains and
At McTjHugHin Swnn'
SilOKINU and Chewing TeVaco, Ciearu1 j,ipa Pipe
sterna anaiwoacco IV.nrfoM, lapreat -Fany,-
At McLaughlin Aawan'a.
Jt.TACKERAL. Laike Trent, White lih, Coddsh, etc..
An A etc., cousustly u Iwiid - - .- - , -'
At 1McLaugLIin & Span's."
T5LAT Ca'tis. Meat mania, Sh-e thraad. India Subbe-J-.-B.Uu,
Pattent thret, Sdaor, Wrarpin and
BrL-eni twine, to be bad 1 " a
At aleLaughain & Swanks.
t , -Vi
TiLOUa, Butter, Eg?, Bacon, ete.. ato..
At IcIauhlia & Swan's.
& CO,
hcrto oJ'Tci ia thU uiirKtt. lacy
Frtuio, (JierMriiig Las?,
- n u uiiwvu u. " 'f ,
kaa - IastiUto lr five iucceire year, tae
oil ;;J
. - - 1
- - -
jjii-i C0-ii43-v3-iy
The bf-st, Chenpst, end SucceiGfiiJ
r;iiail, Puir-tr .iartliS, Union." ,
Triced!! Crisis Number; Ssoo'a Year
Critical Notice of the Print,
lii fresh lenvey, its eJcnr "type, it entertaining
vsrity. ir? .:vi;re but just crititirfraa ui'iu ih foliies
oi tlo iiiaofi-, its vlejartly written an J in?lructive
artiLKv, nud its lo cjrr:3po:idence, all cuiabind Jo
make it tbo model ew?pper of our ccu:.'ry, and
rnc that cv-ry fatail laast p;izo. It coi.denst.-d
wtij;;y suiamary
jnc: id altOjTetL'.
..nv other jotral.
furei'jn a,iJ d'j.w.'.tic' iut,Ui--a
potior i tbat containtxi iu
Ptriri'r rub!i.-hfd, two, ia a foria
f nervation an-! l,iir!e if ULca cara cfa it
d.urvc utlloo fwund iu tatur ycuia aa
wnc.,aa a ctajpaau.n ior the family aaa Lrcj-tlj trn
the iLy cu uLica it waj first j.eraucd. JV'.' i.
a woul.i not so fffn ft'! if f rr sJ in ?n TT.i RTrtV
WstKLY if we ivero not well satifiod ihal it i.s tlie
bi-etar.,ily Paper in tue Vuiud tiUen, uud for'tbat
reascc, aaJ that done, a dejire to ne it uiider
yiit;e and rot.t out a cerUia kiud of literature "too
pzcvuleat, w'ak'h f biurets tbt? morale of its rcilcrj
vitiates tlieir Uit for eneil lo reridin, ai ii al
rea.iv lad ia its tTocts. .Vt. LuuJ-jh Adecrtittr.
Wherevt-r ws iro in rail-cars urnl sti-.i.-ubriutj
j x Sr,J it teii-jd with caemes., bixaosc of its stu'r-
itti sketches .-of passing events. 7e all like to
1-.H.K at ttie taccj ol men wo hara read of
aud at
i j ,.
it&p s nd fjrts th-it hara C-urcd ia the
I. -.,- f Af i
j, ,:i war. a.i sue a laea aii-i pUoes. aui
even:.?, tl.;5ap.:r faraisaes tho brat iliu.tfavijns.'
j 0:ir tuta.-c i.j.t.;rins will cark-ii thetiielv;S .u5 o
; IiAiii-ra's V thiLKV i'.jig afte r writ-.'M, an.l :iot- pallioh-j.-a ar tarad to dat. .V. l"i,v.-
Ui2 J,ry f jr Ono Year ' ?
0.i Coov tor Tsrt Yean 5 GO
Au Extra." Copy will be allwci for every Cut If or
-'a. tjcBacitrj, at cacu, or 11 CopicJ of
liiiip-ii's Magazine and- IlAEPsa's Ytilt,
t. :otu.r, oaj cr, CO.
ilAVAiaa V.'eekly ia eJectrotyped, ar.J back
iii:uiberS'Caii be had at any tirue.
VjL;. I., II., III., IV., V., and VI. 'for tlio Vorrs
1S:7 to l:n2 ioclasive.oi "HAUPEfi'S Vt'LF.'.ZLY,''
li-ujjouiol boual ia Clta extra, Frlce f 1,35 ccb
are- hour . roady. Tlta jsttago upoa ilAUFea s
WfcESLY, wkea paid in ajvunco at t'ao oiaao vriitre
it ii received, ia tweorv-ix cents a veir.
II A It PZ H & B r.O'ifl E R.
AK.I- Squaek, f;vv Yoez.
The readers of the Continental nro awar of tb
important position it Las ur'uiii'jil, of tlio i'.ueuoe
trt.i .t, ir. i.vf.ii i.i rfni i.r mil:. : rn vi i-i'
cat acd litciarv talent of the h:;
" .--,...-,.-.. . - - i
ilfst Oi
H I: if h
rli it. Xo
L-ation of ti3 hind has, in
tltist'ouatrr. so 8ueee.-.fu!!y c Kinued the e?
and frt-td ia of the daily newsp-ipcr with the I
er litt-rt.ry tone of the hr?t-e!a.-i iiiunt'-ily; &z:J it ii
very l-rtain that m migizine h-is j;iven v.ilor
ran-e o its contr.butors; or prts- rved itself so'cota
pltjtely from the imrrow influenced of party or of
faction. Ia tini?s liiio the present, such a jouiiiiil
is either a power ift the laud or it is nothing. Thiit
i me VjOliLilieulUi 1 U'lk ,.a iiiui.i.-iitijr
- v?Jomxj L what it bM done- ly tL n-aeotu.a of
,ts couritis iu mai:v important evi m.,
its cour.etis ia many laiportuct
iu the cltaracter and power of
thjsO who aro .
efaunt:h-st supp rt rs.
Though but little uiore than a year has e!ap?ed
! the CoDtioental was first establisbt d, it Las
duria that ti uie acquired a sicren,:th and a signi
ficance elevating it to a position far above that pre
viously occupied a stieath aud a political sinifi
Cftnce elevating it to a pv'sition far above that pre
viously oecuoiedby ony publicatiou'of the kiod in
America. Id proof of w hich assertion wo tall at
tention to the following fact:
1. Of its polical ariidcs republished in pamphlet
form, a single one has had. thus, a ciieulaiiou
of one hundred and six tiouwnU ctpics.
2. Fnui ita literary department, a singlo serial
novel, "Among the Pinej," In., within a very few
nn-nth, sold uearly thirty-Eve thousand copies
Two other series of is literary articles hayo altio
been republished in book form, while the tirst por
tion of a third is already ia press.
No more conclusive facts necd be al'edod to
prove the the excellence of the contributions to the
Continental, or their extraordinary pi-.pnln-ity; and
it conductors are determined that it shall n"t fall
behind. Preserving a!l "tho badness, vi;r aod
ability" which a thontand journals he Rttributtd
tt it, it will greatly enlarge itscirule if action, and
discus.", fearlessly and frnnkly. every prineipie in-
uolvcd id the great questions of the day. i h":t l
minds of the couutry embracing the men ; tnosV
Omiiiar with iu diplomacy and tn st disiiraish'tl
for ability, ar" aniuaj its euntribute; and ii is
no- m'-re ,-flattering promise of a prospectus" to.-ny
ibat this "u;')z;no for the tiraea" will em.oi'.y tho
the first i'jteikvt in AiiK-riL'ir, under 'auspices which
I no publication ever enjojod betorein this country.
T Vihilo the Continental will extras decided
tipiciond on, the great quitit,rs tf- the day, it w ill
not bo a lueru -poutioal jout ual: much the tarter
portion cf U coluinus will be enlivened, BsUreo
fsjre,ly Vs-'es, pootry aaJ'huaicr. In a word, the
(Jontinentnl wi.l bo found, under its now
Editors. occupying a dusitiou ant preVc-atiaj
tioaiaovcr boiuro fuiind in maiine.
e:aj or
Two copies it r one ycii-r $5.r0"
l'Lro'j copies for cue y e.j.r, 6,i-J
Six oopicti f.irt-ne year,'". ' .'." 1 1 .0
Llovou Ocpies for ono year, i'J.OO
Twuty ci oioi fur me year, . CJ,iu
, .- 1'AID IN-ADVAXCE. . . !
Postage Twenty-fyar cWu a year, to t e pahl by
tho Subx-'iiber.
; J T iJINqLS COPIES. .. '? I 4.n
Throo iolla'rs a j car, iu a'dvanee. Poitao paid by
, ' I tao t'ublL-he.r.
! JOHN F. T.IOW. 50 Crrwne St., X. Y.,
., ; Publisher for the Proprietors.
Aa an induceaient to new subscribers, the Pub
lishers t'Sem the following liberal premiatas :
Ary tersonTcuiitting $3, in advance, will receive
the matrmine fnm July, IS62, to January, 1S54
thus seiutiD,; tht whole of -Mr. Kiuiha.':l'i and Mr.
Kirke'a new trials, which are alone worth the
price cf the ubs-eription. Or, if prefered,"a sub
scriber can take the niapttiiae for 1SC3, anJ a copy
of'Araon3 the Pines " or of "Ucdercurrenta of
Wall Street," by p. B. Kimball, bound in , cloth, cr
of"Suajin3 iu Thought," by Charles "Godfrey
Leland retail price, $,1 23 Thejbook t 13 acat
postage paid. V, i . , . v .
Any person remitiajj -1 50, will receive the niia-
f-iine frow itj commencemect. January. 1S02. to
January,-f35i, "thus TOcurinj Mr. Kimball's '-Wai
Ae successful ?"and Mr. Kirke's'monj; the Pines,"
and "Merebans. Story," and nearly 3,000 "octave
page? of tho hcrtjiteratarein the world. Precaiaa:
uhscribrS7toja-y theif own io'6t'3jo.'. "
ASjIendid assortment of Confectionary including
slick and fancj candies - - 'ne- - -
r At I-cLaughlin & Swan's.
ptRACES of all kinds, Sod, So' ter, Boston. Sujar,
V Wine and Pick-Ntc Crackers, Cream Biscuit and
&injfcr jSaapyi, : .- . ,
At ?IclLaB;hlla & S uranra ,
miwmm ma mi
ef order, with yoar syrtera
rllBxu .j. - '. toiu are O.'tev xhe pwtay-
Fnri?y the srsfem from the obtruJ:.oi- .
i . : .... I ....j.. inii
T!:ct.c. ii not
i;ovJ. reset uihi tlieni?elvesad tl.e "UHO n D
j7 .1.. um nnturaT action
UirecuT hilt nmuic "k1 ,ch..lfhimih
ten.; tLd vrfth it the bMyaut Idling or
Whkt ia true and.o apparent ia this triml and com
icon ccmplaiufii ftlf trae ia 8"ven,P:
ftatcd uv.d dangerous P
live t:T, ct exp them. Cwl by 'J r "J".C;
t.or.s find derapsea-rfctaof tl natural wctioM cr
the L-o. y.they are rapiuiy, "i
cured y tlaT.eame aueaijf. "'f.v
virtues of the. 7111s. wijl nef , ?. 7
when saflcriujr from the dmorders tey eare
fctattrm -nt. Irom leading pbysiciULs in some oft U
Frincipul cities, wid Iroiaothtr well-k-owu pulUo
jFrc.T; a Furtcardinft 3!frehant cf Louis, Feb. i,
Db Atx3- Year Fib's are the paraxon of all that
!s crtat in n:iine- "ibey have cured my httie
dau- hter of ulcerous rores upou her hands ana leet
tint bad noved incurable lorjears. Herraother
Las been lons grievoasly afflicted hb Motchta a4
. 6u her skin and in her hair. Afttr our
child cured, the alio tried your and they
taT9utihcr, , , ilU-UiUUCiJi -
: ' Fuil!7 rbyate. '
From Ir. E W. Cartwright, Xcio Orttctns.
Yotr Fills are the prince of purges. Iheir ex
Cel'o.t qualities eurp-s any cathartic we possess.
Thf v are mild. Lut very certain and effectual m tnelr
action on the boweh", which makes theiu invaluitla
to u iu the daily treatment of da?e.
Icdachc,icL; KcndacI-J;Vr!ijaacu
JPVoffi jfrr. Edward Vatfd, BailLncrt
1)f.ak Leo.'Avik: I curnct acswer J03 vfof
comp aicfl hayc fiT tntn Vour Fills Letter than
- rftr rt't t?.at tee erer treat -iA a puryaticr meui
ciie' I place great ob that eliectual
cathartio in ray tlailv contest wiih distaf-e, 8Ld be
lieving, ts I do. thHt')cur Ill's aiTord iu the test tve
havcjlofcouii vi aal hcra highly. ' '
- xrTTBCEQ, !., May 1,1S55.
Dtt. J. C. "ATia. Sir: I Lave beeu repeatedly
cured: of the wort twvlache o body can have by a
doi-e or two of vodr 1'ills. It etms to arise froiu a
foul 1 tomfich, w'liich they ckaae at once.
- .cars with srearrcsptcf,' El). W. FKEDLE.
l Clerk cf Steamer Clarion.
XJilioa DIrdrrj Liver ConaplainU. -
Fron Dr. Jhtotlore Itll, of St 10 York City.
2ot oily are your Fit) admirably adapted to their
purpose aa an ejierient. tut I tlnd their Lcaeiiial
eilitct upon the JJver ery nuuked indeed. They
hat e in my practice proved moie eficctual for the
ctuc of bitUtut cutr.pluinit than nur one remedy I
can mention. I tiuccrt-ljr icjoice that we have at
leu'h a purgative uiiith is w orthy thu co-fiuc-ce of
- thi prolcation and Ihe icvpjet , ' '
Uhin;;ou, 1. (4, 7th eb., ISod. f
Sia: I have ustd your Fills in my general and
hotpital practice ever aitce you mads them, and
cauiiot l.cita;c to tay they are the Lest cathartic
we employ. Their regulating action on tha liver ia
Cjtiick a:.l decided, coiiwicntly they are an ad
laiiih.'o umedy lor dcrauciueuts of that organ,
li dttti; I'havo teldom loud ac-be of LUions tlU--t-fse-io
ohMinate that it cid not readily vieM t'J
thti. l ratcin-ily vour?, ALONZO HALL. ii. D.,
. Z7cR&rry, Diurr.'icEa, I'clax, Woriua.
Froit Dr. J. C. Grten. tf Chicago.
Tonr Fiih ha chad a trial. i .iuv practice,
and 1 lioid them in ertcvm as o: e of the best aperi-
tubi J baveffver JouiitL' -ihtir tSect upoa
tl.u liver makes them au exeei.ent rtmedy, via
pveu in Miiail doses lor IMitmt ii?enler;t undt'iar
rhitit. Their Migarn'oaticg makes them, very ac-.
et itih and couvciiient ior the me of uoaicu ud '
hildteu. ..-'. . ; . -
lijmpcptla, Imparity of t e Clood.
From i.Vtfk J. V. If.mtt, Pastor rf Advent Ci-rcA,
Da. Ats: I have oed your Fills with extra
ordinary Kit-cos in my lainily and among thoe lam
called to visit in distress. To regulate the organa of
ujjjtjstiou aud purify the blood, they are the very
hest remedy I have ever known, and I can coali
dnJy recommend them to iny friends.
, Yours, J. V. III-IH3.
W-KSAW, Wyoniing Co., 2T. Y., Oct. 24, 1S55.
Dt aa ia : lam Ubing your Cathartic Pills Lu my
practice, and find them aa excellent purgative to
tieanse tho tyitcia and purifi the fountain tf thi
biood. JOHN U. .-i-ACHAM, AT. D.
Cooiwtipatioa, C'o-tircne, NiipprccitlaB,
ISIiruiuHtinm, ont, rciiralia ISroymj,
laiaiy!.L., I'iu, etc.
Fron Dr. J. P. t'auffftn, 31yrifrei!, Canain.'
Too much cannot be f-sid of your Fills lor tha
euro of cjtivousi.' If others of our fratoruitv havo
Ibu ad tht m as elcaciou." as I have, they should join '
me iu pioclaiiuiii; it. ior the bcueiitof the multitudes
who tiiticr lrom that coirpi-oint, which, although
bad enough iu itself, is the protjenitor of others that
are worse. 1 believe xst:ct; to oiig:::ate iu tha
liT, but your L"J.'.6 a'.c; tha; orga and care thj
disia.- i.
Frotn Mrs. E., Physician orf ilid-xife,
I find one or tvro largo doses of youf Tills, taken
at tl.e rncper time, aie excellent prcmoiives of the
natural scittioa wholly cr partially sup
prefoid, and aho very cSl-ciual lo cleanse the
stomach and Z troi-ma. lhey ara 60 much tha
ie-t phytic we hate that 1 recommcad no other t
uiy patients. ....
From the Jlev. Dr. llau-les, of tht 2Ithodut Fpia.
( tiurtfi. . .. '
Fclaski House, aim-h, Ca., Jen. 6, lSort.
lioMai Mil: 1 thoaid bo ci.?iatetul lor the
rcliel our fckid has ticuht me if I did not report
ray case to j ou. A cold mottled in my limbs aud
brought oa excraciatiii. nturulyic pains, which
ended in vhronlc rhtuuiatiem. Mctwithrtanding I
Lid the Lest of phyeicians, the dhease grew worad
mid worse, nntii by the advice of-your excellent
agent in Kaltimoie, Dr. ilackeuzie, 1 tried your
litis. Their etlects weie slow, but sure. Uy per
tt eriug iu the use of them, I am Lo'.v entirely wclL
f exate Chamber. Eaton Rouge, La., 5 Dec.,1355.
ilil Ayeu: I have becu entirely cured, by our
Tills, of llhcumatic Gout painful tlisea.-ethat haj
Ullicted me for years. YLN Cl-NT LID1L
C7Alot.tof the Fills in market contain Mercury,
V. h;ch although a valuable remedy iu skilful hands,
is danserous in a public pill, Irout the dieatll'ul cou
setuehce that fretjueutly lollow its iz:cautious use.
These coataia iij rcrcury or luluuat buLiiaaod
Price, 23 ceati per Eor, or 5 Boze far SI.
Prerared by Dr. J. C. AYSIl L Co., LotcII,
ji"ii lj.'
. YiM. IT. Mc;KKEP.Y, lirownville. - -"
' O. A. UBOW.V JIKO., Feruv
Dr.ll. ;RAVi:S. Sl"m.
JOHSV.'.IIOl.TJk r.hO.. ?alom. ,
-HOLT & SCOTT. Fills Citv. " !
. . LEWIS ii SIIKFUK.'U'i, St. Stephens.
" EASLEY L SliLKElt, liulo. " .
; vS-nS ly - " '
Attractive Fenture. The
Tho Oulf Uvtwecn Them.
fo 000 Prise' Xcvel
Ms Mrs. Anne S,
Mei heos, Aat'aoress
"Tho Injected Wile,
of. ".FusLivn ai.d ; Faaiiac,"
In addition t- its .attractions;
meat authentic Illustrated Pi -or
aj the Grst and
in 'America, sur-
pajsing all olhers in the vane. ry, ajcaraf, an I Ju
tret ofTe nuucrJas. iTla-stt-ttons which it o.Ters,
Fratid Leslie's HiusJIrat. 1 iwvjAptri will brin iu
o.435,dHted Jauary 3, liai, .the thrlliiuand
ahsorbiu' noVt-t, -The Gulf Thtwea theb," w ."it
leu by the great nrvelis, Mrs. Sccp'aer.s, whose
Fashion and Famine" h1 a lar-r circulation
than uiiy other purely literary novel of ur day,
ai.d was r-i(ardod as-'so masteVly a work of tietion
t'nat it m n t rnly rej ubli hed in England, bat
wis tr.uslalcd iuto aliuoat every la;.aae of Ea
ruie. ' ' .
t Ihe priio cf .Jj.OGO, o":red with unusi J iber
lity Ly tho proprietor' for the best nor drew
forth no loss than t.vo haa ired worts', cy of
them of great me'it. Amon theso, Mrs. Stephens
nTe.l was soiected, as evidently eurp.-issinj not only
all others offered, but almost everything hitherto
published. It' is fully equal- to "Faihion and
Fr.suinfl," and will be as widely reaj.
It will be of greater iutereat, from the fact that
thesccne Jaid iu our land and our own tiiaes;
atd iu . ds'itreation of character and absorbic
power it will fascinate an 1 charm the reader.
Subscription Sit.aO per year. " '
Addrcss FRAXK LESLIE, 72 Duane St. X. Y.
Ct.pies of the paper containing tho ecmiaence
rroJiit and continuation of Mrs. Stephens' novel,
'1 ho Uulf .Between them," can be had of ary Xewi
deuler in the Unifod Siatos or AritUh Provinces.
XOTIC2S is herehy ?iven to all persons concerned,
that the lir, valtuti .n and ennnieraticns ia.:e and
taken un ier the Kxete Law of the Unite 1 States, wit ft
in tha (Jonntiesof Riciardsun, Xemha and Pawnee
aid Tcrrifory of Xebraska have beeu returned to aa
ai d will Deepen for examination In my cuiee iu the
Txwnof Falls City, and County of Richiidson for the
fpace of fifteen d tys rrom and after the d.o of thia
Njiiee. And tn.t apreals relat ve to any erroneous or
excessive ralnatlon. wi 1 1 be received aal determiaed
byuaooa the.Hth day of June, 1S61. All appeals to
the Xsscisor must be made In writing.
As&easor Nebraska Territory.
May 57th, 16? I n38-v8-2t
ak Aver"8 FiH". aud 8"?e low
ot tae fv8-
I Manufacturers' Agents tor the sala.uf
- WOilTII S500,0000!
To be sold for one Dollar Each, wUhoU regard toelua
. I Ukj , rtt.u
200 ' Ladies' Tavches,
. k. i i -itvnr
' 35 each
15 s-cJi
$00 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatelain
'Chains, - '-" " ',
4000-Vest, Neck, Guard and,.hateUla
- (15 to 29 each
H to 15 each
4 to 6 each
A to 6 each
4 to 6 each
4 to 6 each
4 to 6 each
4 to 6 each
4 to 6 each
5 to 3 each
3 to 10 each
2 to 8, each
1 to 8 each
2 to 6 each
2 to 6 each
8 to S each
3 to S each
2 to 6 each
2 to 10 each
3 to 15 each
C-ains, , - . ".
300O Caeieo.Brooches ' - i . -3000
-losaic and Jet Brooches
3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches s -3iOC
Coral, Garnotfci Smerald Brooches,
30vW Cameo Ear -Drops, - - -3C00
Garnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops,
4000 Lava andFloreutineKar Drop
4000 Gents' Scarf Pins, -6000
Chain and Band Bracelets, . -3600
Genta' Br eats Fins,
3U0 Watch Keys, - -
6000 Fob and Ribbon Slides, . ; -000
Sets of Bosom Studs, -90!o
Sleeve Buttons, - -.
9000 Flain and Chased Eing3, -7000
Stono Set Rin?3,
-.01)0 Miniature Locieis-, urobses, -i-i!nn
sat rallies Jewelry.
All of the goods ia the above List will be sold, with
out reservation, for One Dollar each. Certitlcates.of
all the various articlesare piaeea m suuuar euveupes
and sealed. These envelopes wiil be sent by mail, or
delivered at our t hice, without regard to choice. On
receiving a Ceriiacate you will see what article it rep
resents, and ii is optional vlth jou to send one d ollar
and receive the article or not.
In all transactions' hy mail we shall charge for for
furwardins the Certincates, paying postase, and doing
ihe business, 25 cents each. Five Certificates will be
sen for $1 i Eleven for $2 ;,Thirty for $5; Sixtj-flve
for $10. and Unt hundred for $13.
C0X1125P0.N"DET3 may rely upon a quick
nrnniot auswer tu their viAfre. uur oin
ducted UF"Q UVer!, tOP.Sst, atraigLlfofyra.principle,
tai we guarantee iU faction in il cases. Our pat?
reus may always do, cud Spoil havin? their orders faitb
f ully and puncttrally supplied.- Iu no case will corres
pondents be neglected.
r forrespo:ients tnonic dp carerm io wrue ineir
ai -natures piaiu, and give their Post Office, County, and
nvit TIE i V.U IT V C(l . .
Auuress. GEO. D-MilKl I' & to.
229 Breadway, Mew York.
5j" Ilaving had business relations with the above
'gentlemen, I take p!eanre iu tayiug that they are
hoscrahle, nprig'tt men, andperferm U theypromi sin
- - - (a fi,niiiM.J
and the Jewelry 1 have owcu irom . ..
ivs stis:actka. E- o TiiOu'-J..
c47-tf .. . - Nursery Uill
t o t
An Indpendcit Demccratic Dai
ly, semi-Veclily and Wee lily
The World, to whiuh tho New York Weekly Argu3
has been united, has to-day fivo times the aggre
gate circulation of any Lfomt eratia tr conservative
newspaper. It addressos weekly, aloaa more than
lOO.iyU .gubscribers niid constant purchasers, and
reach e'j at least half a millian readers. With tho
tteady Increase in circulation which it now enjoys,
these numbers will soon La doubled. .Nothing less
than this should sathfy those who believe that the
only hope of restoring tho Union and the authority
of the Constitution over a now distracted and di
vided country, lies in wresting jowtr from the
hands t-f those, fanaticism has helped to provoke,
invite, and prolong ta3 war; on I that to accomplish
this end, no means is so eifejtivo as tho di"uicn,
ihroufh able aud enterprising newspapers, of sound
political kajivled'? amon tho vv.rkin mii, the
thinking meu, and the. v otirimea of the North.
Enterprise, industry and ui-ney will be liberally
cif eii jed to ia ike Tii-a World tho Ecst Newspaper
in-America- Ita n'-w- fruin every p irt of tSo w.,rld
wiil b-i early find utluntio. Wheroverthe telegraph
exteuj-, cr. r.tiirads run, or steamboats ply, it w. II
gather fhe latest in.ellijoLce. It has a Ure staff
of accomplished eorredpondent with all the federal
urLiiex. who will telegraph and write to us tho latejt
uovvs from the various seats of war. It has corres
pondents and reporters in every political and com
mercial centre ia AMericaand Europe, whose letters
and dis.pate.23 will. leave nathing worthy of. note
unknown to its readers. ....
Tha Market Reports of tha World are more com
plete than thoo of any other newspaper. The
Editors invite comparison in this respect and point
to the reports cf the Gattle Markets, the general
aud country Produce Markets, and the Money Mar
kets in its columns, as proof of its ex3ei!enoe in this
respett. The world has also a spoci-1 department
devoted to Agriculture, ll-d with editorial articles
eemmanicatioas from practical farmers and mechan
ics of the country. ' i
Tha war in which the nation is engaged against
armed and infutuatcd Uebe!,and the radical poliey
cf the administration whie'i prolongs it, have con
spired to bring together upon oca platform all con
servative. Union-lovirfi and Constifution-loviug
men, of whatever former n.-i.uo and cree l. Many cf
tLofe who within the limits of the Constitution
fuujrhi the bntiies cf tha ballut box under the
le.;dtrsbi;i of those ; itrLtic. statesmen of other and
betur days, Jlery Clay and Daniel Webster, to-
geiner vii'.i tho ir.o-ses whoso pnnoiples were those
f sneh patriots as Andrew Jacksur. and ihiam L
.k?, right and Stephen A., now
stan jhoulder to shoulder upen the sarnii platform
is a p'am one. It is to restore the (Juion, ni-untain
the Constitution, and enforeo the laws. Whatever
makes fr this end, tho exc-rciio of forco of tba
policy of conciliation. The World will advocate
whatever makes agiinst it, Tha World will oppose
It willoppote every enemy to the Uch.-n. whether
armed m rebellion at too ti uth or i.i.snniaiv plan
irg the secdi of uiiuaiun and ei;?:il iisl 'j'-Ity at
the orth.
It w.H oppose every violation of the Constitution
which is the only h'po aud b-ud of L"t.ion, aud our
only authority for exa jrtmg or compelling the alle
fin nee of the South.
It will oppose every infraction of the Law, in high
places or in low, by reckless and misguided parti
sans, or by the admiaistration which hat been their
It wiil fearlessly exercise tha Freedom of tha
Press : it will constantly uphold and defcud Free
dom of Speech aud Freedom of the llallot,
To the lawless acts of tho ld:nini?tration, its
arbitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, its
denial of the right to tho writ of hace.u corpus, its
illegal proclamations, its abrogation of State and
federal laws, its despotic accumulations of ungrant
ed power, and its subversions of the safeguards of
civil aud pertonul liberty, it will constantly opdoso
the letter aud the spirit of our suprema.Uw nd the
advox-acy of-sound - doctrine, uutil American free
m?u sh.vll be roused to the recovery of their rights,
thoir liberties, the r laws, and their limited and
well balanced goveruaieut, by the resistless decision
of thebalh.t.
Prof.iundly impressed with tha d-ssira to contri
bute all- thas it may to the great work of this gener
ation, namely, to restore our national unity, and
to place th? tinted tttes again fjrmst among the
uatn ns of the earth, and id tho peace, pros-
:eruy, ana nappincss oi us jeo'e. ino n ona
seess Irom thoso who desue such tilings theirsym
pnd support, and, above all, tha favor oflliuiwuo
crowas every good work.
Yearly Snhscribers by mail
Single subscribers, per annua
Two couies to oai -Jiresj
Threo "
Fiva M 1 "
ti CO
5 00
7 Go
22 50
Sirgle Subscrihnfs, per annuui $3 Co
Trco uojies address on each paper 5 63
Fiva w - 8 09
Tea " v. - . 15 ui)
Twenty eotr?3 all to one addre? ' 25 00
Clubs of tw. ty or over tan hare address put on
each paper for aa adiitietal charga of ten cent
For every clah of twenty aa extra Copy will be
aidsd for the getter up of the club.
For every club of fty, ihe Semi-Weekly, and for
every club cf ono hundred, tha Daily will . ha sent,
when requested, in lieu of the cxtta copies of Weekly
Additions to Clubs may die made at any tima at
sane rates. Papers cannot bo charged from on
Club to another, but on request of the person order
ing the Club, and cn reoeipt cf fifty cents extra,
single papers wiil ba taken frem the Club and s-ct
to a seperato address. ...
AU orders aait'fca accompanie-1 bt the Cash.
Addrec?. . 'THE WORLD.
35 Tark Row. New York.
Merchants and Post blasters who will adores us thia
Fall, will he supplied with Garden, Field and Flower
Seeds to sell on commission at fair rales.- - These seeia
are all crown here and are true to name.
- Nemaha Xttrsery.aj-racuse, Otoe, Ce.,
Aax. 18 -n8-UAn5 . Nebraska. .
DRIED Apples, Dried Peaches, sago, ike, starch,
aoap, Candles, etc., ete., . .
At UoT-Aighlin & Swan's. -
SALT by the barrel or pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for
-$al9 . .......
' At JIcLacghUn & Jjwan's.
T)IC-LS by the doaen or barrel, if a superior qaal-
mji uuttuitir oa aina
XX HcLauxhlia i Swan's,
The most compreheniive : m?eccUDy ol osefiJ
kxioivledge and Genersd Literature, pen DJiawly Lt
suad in the United Stales; embrscins all the fu
tures of PcJyt-chtia Joarnal, Eccnomi!) hijict
Literary Repository-and MoalhJy Better. Espe
cially detoted to Financial. Commaroiai aad
trial Intersati aad-iljoiat stock eory oraU&a eon-
C8 Ila'yicg comowneed the .rift--Yoiaa el f tail
Mngasine, whose eaoceis sTihces that .the efort iqZ
its conductors have been appreciated by - dicn
nating public, wa 6ald call attention t its caar
acter on the part or the large body ef reaiers who
are not yt npon lia labscription lists.. Oar pnr
; hlition is the i3serain-tion of
practical informatioa cn snbjests of positive atility
to the. people, comoicea niu - j
attraction securin- the services of the Beat pans IE
the yarious departments of Science,
and General Literature." While aimm mcst es
pecially to rendef raosf e-cctire service U ths
Trade, Commerce and Material Production of thi
Country, mny sides of the Cocctry, raany sides .
the mental world receive 1 due consideration Un
HistoiiijaU Critical, JEsthetical and Imai-inative, ai
wfll a tha Financial, Statistical, TeahndoStea
ad strictly Mercantile. We employ ahie.tha
seach of the savant and th.Crfar.cj of the feaileton
ist, with the . practical experience of the saiiness
man and the worker. Ia the treatment cf gsiBt;i
topics, the mode seleoted ia the p-pular in stjls
rathwr than the technical. Tha laenal pSas It
th9 hour it ihU b cur endeavor to portray, fcnd wi
avail ourselves of the eontribations cf new DIseo
rt to the Circle cf Knowledge, ,d Bhall recorl
and -.v ali rriCticah! fuc-cinotness Current Iate'di
interekt whea tue rresen na.a uji ocoio e
Past. In fine, the Ameiicra Eichange and Kevie ?
is a desirable acd ever welcome monthly yisitor to
iis svtbscribars imparting the rkhnsss of kno wlh
improiing' tbatte? and furBiihisg iatelleetu.4
gratification.1- '' ' : " , -
The Review has iu ipecia'Itt! in iuttst and Li
creasing Departments, with a General Division fur
the widest consiiteat scope of theme. We fjivo a
specification of topics which ara the sabjects eitcor
of occaiional i r regular publication, vis:
The Arts, .usthoties; ajr.cuiiure, tpynd Citti
istry, Arehaeology, Belles-Letter--, Bicgrapuy.Criil-ei.-'m.
Ect Doruies Political, Arithiiiiio ' Na ional
--,. r:--noe banking, cnrMucy, Corporati n
Accounts, Exchange, Flacfu4tiotr in Securitios, notht
ci.oc 6 ; ilia lorj, luuuairi-i u uercni3 cuwi-
prises, insurance, interual IioprovemenL Railways
Canals, Telegraphs; Mannfctares Products, tci
nclcgy; ileohanics, Mining Slioeralogy, Geology,
Metallurgy; Patent!, Pbysio3, physiology, atatistiis,
social sience; trade foreign and domestic, shipping
mercantile law, Navigation ; Tepograpby, Travels.
One copy, one year in advance! 3 1)0
Fiva copies 13 10
Ten ", w " 30 )0
When paid at the end of the year, 4 00 per ai
cum. single copy. Sample copy ssailei oa -he re
ceipt of ia cents. -. -
j-oh-igs 8CBSCiPTiojr,
' Single copy per aanaia postage paii.
Great Britain and L eland,
West Indies, British '
West Indies. Not British.
' - ' ti n
i "2
, -it
3 "2
3 T2
8 ')0
8 C
lia.iol ia.
Soa'.h America We-t Goaat
No. 521 Chestnut St., i'L
1 ,
" - FOR 1SG4
Y0 .UEB X- NEW SEE IE 3, ,
The publisheri' of tho SIENTIFIC AMERICiN
respectively givo notice that tha Tenth Yi-Iulio
(New Series will ommeuo6 on the "first f Janu :y
next. This journal was established in 1315. aud is
unuouhtodiy the m';t widely circulated and inue i-
tial publiciition of the Kind in "the wor.a. in coci
'menoingthe new volumo the publishers desire :o
call peci!il attention to its claims as
In this respect it stands unrivalled. It not on y
finds its way to almost every workshop in the
country, as the earnest friend of the mocuanieaid
artizen, but it is found in the oouotig-rM.j i f the
manufacturer and the merchant; also in the libra y
and the hosehold. The publishers ftl warrant-id
ia saying that no-other journal now puliished con
tains an equal amount of useful informs tion; while
it ia their aim to present all subjects in tha incst
popular ajtd attractive manner.
The Siontifio amerioan ia published once week,
in convenient futm for binding. a.t.d -itch aum'nr
contaius sixtoen pages ef useful rJ-iug uiatt-r,
illustrated with
of ail the latest and best inventions of the day.
This featuro of tha journal is worthy of special ro'.e.
Every nuraber ccntirs frt-m tve to tea original en
gravings of niijehaaioal inventions relating lo every
departm-snt of the arts. These engraving are exe
cuoed by artists specially employed on the paper,
and ara universally acknowledged to be superior to
anything of the kiud prulueed in this country.
The yublishers of the Sirntifi.j ameriean promise
to present, as during preceding years, all lh hiiest
ioiproVeiuenss in Steam Egiueering, War YeeU,
0dnnee miliiaryaud uavii Firearms Mech-Miies
Tfol, Mnuf--tarinir Machinery, Wafer wlieth.
Pump au 1 oih'.r. Itydraaiio Apparatus, Ihiu.-th l!
Utensil., Eleetrie, and ileehni?il Instru
ments, Flying Machines, and other Carious Inden
tions besides ail the varied articles decigned to
lighten tha labor of mankind, not only in the sh..p
and warehouse, but in every place where the in
dustries cf life are pursued.
From its commeLcoaient. the Scieni3o American
has been the earnest advocata of the rights of
American Inventors, and the.
In this impt.rtAnt i'-prt nent. so vit-l!y connct
ted with all the great interests of th country, o
other journal can lay any claim whatevfr; as in its
otdumns there is published a weekly OS-;iI Li-t of
the "Claims" of all patents granted at the V. S.
Patent OlSce.
alone are oft times worth more to the subscriber
than the amount of a whole year's subscription.
Two volumes f the Scientific American are pub
lished each jaar, at $10 eaeh, or 3 per p r annual
with corresp-nJing low terms to Clubs; $1 will pay
for four months' subscription. The numbers for
one year, when bound in a volume, constitute a
work of 832 pages cf useful information, whleh
very one ought to poass. a new volume will
commence oa the first of January, ISdi.
Five copi?s, for sir months ' $6
Ten copies, for six months .12
Tin copio f -r twelve ufrnths 22
Fifteeac pies, for twelre months ' 34
Twenty copies, lor twelve months 4
For all clubs of tw entr ar.d ever, the yearly sub
scription is only .2.0J. Names can bo ?eut ia a,t
dttferent.times and from different Post Oios.
specirarn copies "ft ill be fnt gratis.U amy part of
tha country.
Cauadian snhseriier will p?e-e to remit 25 cents
extra oa each year's liuhs-ription topr?py pw. e.
MENN A CO.. Publishers,
No. o? Prk IIvw. New Yt.rk.
Tho Greatest Timber for tho
i It makes a rerfect fence in four years !
tJT One Arre of it ettt fall, ia -.ii
ma.e enoash Wood for one Family 1
tv?-ii grow straisht, a Tery till 1
O" H never sprouts from tLe roots hit wi.
down, will grow aain frm the stamp, very rapidly !
j i i .ei, aii wjaa rar fuel, r any ciAer
purpose !
O" When kest Off tha tha ril. v;m t,., n
year !
63" It STOWS ej Oil ly Well Wllh nnnn-.1.n.l r
thi rich. s in the tott.m I . '
5 timings euht inches lenj stuck in the irouad In
t e nil. never fan t arow l
S3" We sell it for . oer thousmJ Cuttin.i. di!iT
ereI at any of our Agencies.
ltrirnes wUhtngto buy, should order early J par
Asenu, aa that thex.may notify us ia Uaie.
E-ndled and deiWered at the atove plaeaa, as
soon as the lea res fall.
T. R. FTSuSH, r.wnvnle. i Axeat for ITamaha
and ea?t half of Richardson Counties.
CURTIS Si PEAVER. Pawnee City, are AseaU for
Pwnee aad wet half cf Rlccardson Conatiea.
RKV. J4K. TIXEUAAC. Beatrice, is Azeat for Gaza
and Jones Counties.
J. H. BUTLER. Aastin. Aseat for Clay aad Saline
Ee ivaio of Willow Peddlcra. "
Ife learn that many swamna of common Willow have
been cle-ned op. and the CotUnrs sold aa Gray Willow.
We get our Willow of SAM (.'XL EDWARD,, of La
Jfoille, Illinois, a responsible Nursery tan.
w1 i
- OF THE ' n
Jure t
i .... . i
"41.133 01 .
Tor the Tsir
Dooa of the Eebellion,
, witness the j-,
e fallen Stt
ernaent restored in the
erated, and Slavery obliterated from j-.?,', T V
events of 11 will be amoo the ffl.T L
the History of the Cocntry. and a, 1?', -elale
the return cf Peaee? JJ 'BD
America upon a new career of snt.-T ,
ness and prosperity. Y, ith Lab,r
he reproach of serf Jen, tha 1Vt,;9 t.
on ahighsr platform of intelligence a&,j'lR''
feel a still proftuuder interest in tT
the p ress of thsir owa and oilier U,,
wor.a is enveriir upon a new S9fiw '
to trrtainate ia tha tnjiaph of Dt;;.85'
, K
-.".mire a new and traaiendouj im-x..,. . '
' - - . - 4 )
iaiiaensely luf prodiotte power".
The stirinj events of the times will1.
lj depicted in the eolutus of the Dsaocj ,
f?eare resolved to rarder more v. 'Son?h
tractive than ever as faitbfal . jz'
IJirrcrofPassiasEist 0rT.:,
Inspired by the spirit cf Dcie-
ledgin,; no leader but Truth Tha 'd: r-' '
UcBiT will to be solely ii -
People, aud prompt to dsnoaoc aid rv
jtol-lical or nuliury aspirant whs ai" E.'
their cauje.
Ia addition to or War Xowi, wth lli'.a
in our Weekly paper the Weekly Xwj p. ,t
and also an aoirefc ot pnc.iin4i
aaid of the Proceedings Ct LeiSlaia:;!
and LlinU.
Our.Tri-Weok'y, will .- ecctais m W
th Export at cs, Local aad tXmayt
of the u-oy.
the iinnw
ex 'tiled
by any paper is.;
We nave improvwl onr arrangements f -
from V a.-hing'on, lrom the Lowwr
from the Missouri and Illinois' Gpi '
wiil be pubfihe-l in ad liti.n 1 1 the bti
And our usual quantify ol General Sti;
We request all Poatuusiers aad fr.csj t
Send forepeciaaen na-nbers of tbt Pa;-,,
Prospectus for distribution, and they j; W?
ly forwarded.
Seud as many naaiei at possib's ia Cixu.
their papers snt to one adiress tb
the Postmstor or the getter up tf ths Co.
It ia not required that all tLa ispen jf i
shall be sent to one Post 0;See. the nua
sent to di-ierent Oujes, and adiitiu.;ii
at any tirn .
The following are onr rates for the y 3,
Mail Suhribers one year
In. '
ir r
!li! S'-bs'.'ribsri --aa .y-r - - - - i '
Sicgle C; (us ytr - -
TLee (.'ojies - - - - - !-'- ,
Tea Copies --"--..--....
Any Urger Club than tea will be eb ;i.
rate of one dollar ai. l a haif Coiy. ,
The above rates for ail .Mail Mi tar;: i r'
payable in advauce. ' 'T-.
Orders not -cf mpanied with tie if ri
ceive no a'.tectioa. j
All papers of either edition, wiil be a
at the end of the tiioe (id f..r.
I ana Id L-"U5t street, rT. Lo -i;
l y
t .
This jfpuhtr Momlily eontai;i' a ' '
money than, any M ia the wW. L'
it wilt bave nar!y lU'J g s. "I .-. ;;j-r I
12 pattern-, and i.'0! w . ..l fasrT.
a.11 this f.r only ToDlin Ytr, nr
less than m-igisiues of its eL-'s. Eirjl';:
to tak "Peter.-jKi." Ia th ; g-v rd :'i
prii e-, its is only M tgtxiae tint b
its rices, either to sing t sab-nTS "f '
and is, iherelora, emp-ati.-uil j. Tie i -
tb 'f im ".. ' "
The stories in Perersoa' ar ("ri'-I i
best published anywhere. Mr. Ann S.
Eila Kdman Mrs. Deni n, Fri-k I.f
the author of "S-.i?y L's 1'irry." r. A"
L. Chandler Moult". n, (Jj)rivl'.e Lee. ' v
Towu.end. R-a!l Grey. L'l.iri A':i-'. ;
uutb:r t f "'The S 1 Lt," 1": j '
p. pular feinaia writers of .Jiu-nt '
joutributors. In H-lEtion t. ! a--J J"1'
shrt s'.ir;3. iter- b-? 5''ts
Origin-.; t.-.;y-ri i'Hv I N-.i. lets. v:i : b
To; .Mflit .: II n. r a -? ..y !' 'Jk-'
'Ana S. Stephens- Tha L..H
t-.-dsy. liv the Aalher tf "tiir -Maud's
Summer at SaraKgi,. ht
Eene 1 ct. Fanny's N.irtotin, by Ei lt;
In its lila-itritirn' al,uPet-rs a"' i'r- ":
The publisher ebitllecgcs eomiax.-r " "
superb Mes-sotittts and other steel '
those in other Magniine. an 1 on a'- !
in everv Dumber. Cob.rel f.t.-'iic.'i. ; ''J
v.m..-: It is the inly M.g-i in '
V n be re lie I on. E-a r.uu.l"-f
r-i-hiou Pi ites, et graved 'n eei,
lrocn r'ashions later than any-other
a'.su, ti'.iea or nero New S yle.
Vi-Mi- o. Pattern, from whioh a J'r.-
or child's CasUim-3 can be cut, without :.-'
mantua-maker so that each ntf a: ''-. ia :r
will save a year's subCMpt:D. T::- P-"-- New York Fa-Li-is '-'
at length each month. Patterns ifCi."1'-'
Head Dresses. c, given. Its o-jri; :"
em broidery, eroehct, Ac.
The Yi'o'ik Teble Depirtaint of Vi
wholly UDriraled. Every nuaiber c--l'4 j(
or more pitterns ia every T-wi.-ty ( f' '
Crrchef, Euihroidery, Knitting. Eed-
work, Ac, Every mouth, 4 -:v'; ''
pattern f.r slipping, purse or Vir f'
giva each ot hieh, at a rei:l. tvH.''
afty cents.
"Our New" T'aa Crf ;
hold Itccei p:s cf "Peier-.i"' are qui'J 3
151 our-Cock-lV.k" Will ba '
one of taes.) receipts has b--u tested.
is well Wi.rth tha crlea of "Pcier-"-.
ceir u for tha toilette. aiek-roMn. A--.
ijvi-i. :
New and fa-h"onal'a ma-ie in evert -And
hin-s -n H .rticuitar. E i'aes r:
I matters ioi. rt::oj-to liii.-.
j Ooe e. j i . .-'ear,
Five r i rea ;r vr.e v a.-. '
KiglTt C.-jic : r njy - r, .
'f aive c pies fir on -J year,
Sixf jea ct pie f ;r fD y.-ar, . w. ,
, Pren-ium fr g-:ting up Clals
eight, or more c ik4 a Clau. f J' '
song'tting upaclah cf throe. re
dollazs or ciub cf Five, a id . real -
dollars and a balf ur a tin tf E jt.
ting tea dollars oraclu'o of tel;, ar'"'a
fifteen dollars, an extr copy of the u''(..
lSi4 wiil be given. If prelerrtd, hoi-""
send as a premiu n, (instea-I of the eS
and Illustrated Lady's Albnni, trJa;'
i& gilt, or either of our Meiiot.a,.s,
each 27 inches bv 2J "Danvan prf,.n?
Blind Cbild. in J-iil," or -Banyan's
i j
ing for His Release from Prison. .
Ti va
gettins; op a club of Sixteen, t- J
the Magaiiaa wUl La sent, oi. aay t" M
premiums. ,fj-'
Address, post-paid, CHARLES i
No. 30a Ckestnat Streer. I2i
All Postm-sters einstimt i C '
person nay get up a ciab- Lpe:.-"'-
toasly, if written for.
The undersigned. Board ot Exaifl'sJ;.
meetings fr tha purps3 of eximi-ia-' -ers,on
the first Saturday ofc.ieh monA-y
P M, at tha oClee of E. W. Thoai.i-
aro required ta hava a certi-eata -t&
previous to the commencemeo eMj ;
t fis:lek. f
"ClIGJ?. CnocolaU, Maple T ' ti '
Peaches. Ferrer saace,
terahire aace, -e , &
At iicLansalia
rANTmlta, Co lter, Cnrraats.Kai.
The war drama !j appro-chin j--fa r'l 4'-4k sj- r