Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 18, 1864, Image 2

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Jy J . t'OLHAPP, J
" v . i . . . . . . . .
' - : ,. ." - s. ,..-; !
'1 "" I tjrr r""v "' ' ' ;-
r?roviLrx)Tiirni)ATrAUu. is, isui.
3 : ; FOR VICE pxiEsrnnxT ;,
' n e sion mrress-io announce me re-
; full of the Union Convention at-Neb.
'City. The" utmost harmony prevailed in
." 'the Convention! "1I lallots were had
'Tipton rah LigSe rjhan any o'.her csndi
- daie till he withdrew, receiving 22 votes.
J 'Eaddock .ran up on. one ballot to 25,
lacking cne vote of beinr; nominated,-
;JIarquetie TeceiVed one ballot 20"-votes.
Finally, after considerable pullingf.'first
C;forone Candidate then for another, 20
Melegateshitched en ' lo Mr. Hitchcock
-ntid carried him successfully through tti
v .contest.; i -J v
&)l i jrreidont of Omaha,
J .a Ei rill Class La w;er, and at present
Marshal i theTerritory. No selection
wuiu 'V - "t't.auiuu iu an
11 V ' ' " ill)
yprtions. Thf Union Pnrlv wi'l tivp '
n- i C,T,-. .....
hm its ectjre frengtn.
There will; be
t no bolting
s - -
'J 7?SV?aI Grant ha'evidently ma Jo i
J a attempt, to takeeitiiei; J!e.ieri-.burg or
Richmond , during-tlu's campaign, Jlis
rartjiyFas been" getting weakened" by sen-,
-diaj detachments ti the defence of
- Washington. .Hiv army has never been
. large -enough to - successfully attach the.
- Fortificaticus of either Petersburg cr
Richmond by storm. Nor has it-been U
strong enough ho surround them and cut
, pejmaneitly. their communications, and
reduce them'by "sity1. Grants expedi
ents and during his summers
C campaign, have all either been anticipa
fed and provided against by Lee or els3
have failed through .accidents and blun-.
'deri by - his - subordinates, , ia execu
' ling th'e detail. : At least twice Grants
. pTans-would have resulted in the capture
pf 'Petersburg ,iut for criminal blundering
noi.scrae or cu -ouicers. it men enoun
t could be sent. Grant-could invest the
t Rebl C.ipttol and take it by siege or by
regular approaches, bul they cannot now
I be bad. If the draft had been ordered
three mohthf ago Grant could rema'in at
CRichmondvbut now his longer stay there-?
Cisseless-worfthan useless. It isvpot
prpbable that : he;' will again resort 'to
r icfning. It rpquires much time, besides
' th? rebth vire . now; on the alert," and
iwo'uld ptpvent the accomplishment of
Rnything;serious by'sinking Shafts, and
:..hf. ccunmining. Grant's success in
. . v . . i... - , .
t fpnngingt-tne last mine was because t
Cca dug tnrjeh deeper than is, usually.
.the case in" sueh' operations. The "rebels
".suspeCtedihat ;he wJis mining. Thejr
suok sh itis, but riot to half the deplh of
ijhp ja.:ner The sound produced, in tun-
eling is. conducted: through the earth
long distances; biit' the rebels did ' not
sink arty shafts tleep', "enough to hear any
aound or f thev did, not to distinguish!
ucurately ihe direction it canie (rem.
1 - Pe'riplt'-Tra-as- wll make up theit
rnindsfirsi as last to be recoiled to t"he
jeturn of the whole army to Wasliing
; Jon, CCrit capnpt;induce the rebels to
fAne out of' the'ir' entrenchments and
'"Tight on fqual'ternis iit Petersburg, arid
as heis not sircng enough to take it'hej
CTnay as well go where he can accomplish
C iDmething'.v: C . . C-C
It is net improLable that one or two
r . .. 1': J
corps raay;T)e-sent to Sherman. 'Ilcod i.
v its. been "teinforced by all the Georgia
"'Militia, and ona report says that Beaure
gard -wiihr 20,000 men has also Vcer
r- ent there
This rnojnic-'snews looks as. iC Gen.
. Grant intendedha make anevmore.eiTort
V jpn Richmond :now-Lee has weakened
"Jiis arrny by getting' a position on James
- River, above ,TV Darling, and between
Richmond and Peterihurg.
r r 'Havicg disposedfthe Advertiser and
T5ftIl interest threinfifter the close.of lhi
rolume, twornore .numbers) those, tav-i-ing
accounts with myself individually, or
yviih theTmirof Fisher & Colhapp,' will
.v please call arid' settle between now and
-1 September" .1st. " I am authorized. to, re:
t ice.ive whtyei fepaips due for 5ubscrip-J
"Hon to the -Advertiser during thetime it
t was publirhed ; by "Col. Furnas. ' . Until
. the end cf this Volume the Bocks and
accounts .will fye found either with Mr.
Ccjh ipp a; the Advertiser Office or with
. rne t the Post Office . . 1
or TIE
Volume IX 1864.
PiTuMcd cverj' Thursdjy; st BrcwRvnie,
j By W. rf: Milder. N
Having made arrargemenls to talce
charge of " this paperat ihe"comn"ence-n
ment cf the ninth volump, Sept. 4, 1S64,
I om determined "to'tnalTe it . one oT tKe:
best Journals in the Territory, and wor-ihy-of
the lilcjal"
ways received-'. .? K- .- . A ;. .
- It will be conductedupoti a Found War
Platform, equally, ubcompromisicg with
Rebels, Guerrillas, and Jayhawkers.
and-anticipating peace only when it can
be obtained on principles; honorable tr
the -General GorerDraent.;and nuch as.
will restore law and order to oar country;
' As a' newfpaper, Tun Advbtiseb
i-hallrDOt be. excelled by anyjnHhe Ter.,
ritory,' as h'is place; affords erery facility
fb'r "bbtainfn neivj ; and I am delerm?J
inco? to (ipare no tuwi i iutuw
ccmmuijlty Jn which it -circulatts; ;
'p A" an' Advertising medium Tirt Ar
iVeti'tiser stands eauat to any. lus the j
only papain mis pri or ineNieriuw;jM-j
and-with a-large and lncrean sub?crip- -
uon list it has peculiar advantages;, and
ofiers prrat inducements to those wish
irg to advertise.
y TERMS. ; ; v
. unff ronv one vear v. w
2 00
-1 4
All Club rates'abardoned." I I H i
-All sulVcription, must invariable" be
paid in Advance. , .
i Basinrssvcard?, fix) lini'3 or Te ODyeat O'
roluojn onsywir - . fit M
Ooe hfllf oTuiiin vnVvfftt -V
One fourth column onviiir " "-
4 V . ! t.iL & a Anna L. '
: so ro
- I 21 00
r. r 60 o
L, 50 Of
rt ta
. . 30 bo.
') 2 0'
., r- lb W
r 10 p
r pflfi clUDTn P,x month! 'J
IDa IIL VIU luiuiuuuu ;vat
(rio half oolumn f'i-ftKntbi -
1 Oi!' f.urH-column FinnAnths
)te eiHK oolumd 5x months T ;
. Oni colutna tbrr9 Df-n'ha r
One birtf cwTumn Hi tee months "m
One frrfh colnron tbr nn
One eighth column thrc'montl3
Anncv,rieiijj canciidatea for offi.
6 05
- ivi muUepaiain ad-i
All kinJa of Job, Uooknn'l (.Jard prihtirtpr, dofie-jn
L(3 Leti (tj! ou gfcert Etticfc and reaf cmai te tnuJ
. r - V. II.. MILUr-K,'
x . i
. yriiJj'lIiJJiAJN W.ill.
The' "alarm" on the frontier, .with, re
gard to the. Indians' is somewhat subsid
ing. . The ; prompt measures" taken by.
Gen. Curtis in sending soldiers ruo the
pen'nts of danger has calmed "'the appre
hensjon of the Indians, roming ' any
nearer the border. ,Je have not'.heard of
any depredations on the Sandy arid Little
Blue, since the massacre on Sunday the
7th inst.' From all the information, yve
fiave received, we do not hink they have
ventured further easf fhari they were on
thatday vThe Teport-that--theyJiaiLai
tacked Beatrice was not confirmed.; It'
is befiev'cd ' that' tEean3thal"al(aTt?d
Crow and Barrett's trairr,-is the same
that "mmitted the murders, oa the Lit
tle Blue. . . ' . '. ;: : ; '
Alex.' Majors cf Nebraska City writes
lo'his wife that about 20 citizens have
been killed between Ft. Kearny and
Colorado,;.. and aPouT the sSmecnumb
this si of Ft. Kearny on the little-BUie
and Big' Sandy ;pneyoungady and two
children are supposed to be captured Ta's
tbey are nowhere to be found. , ..
. Lieutenant Geo.T. Bi!den'writ!esfrcrn
Fi. Kearney on Sththat they -wfrre
hourly, expectirigran ; attack-." ".' Cftizejis;'!!!
the. vicinity of the; Ft. werevery fnch
alarmed and verel coming tto rthe;Fprt
fcr.Tsafety.i .iTh men killed cat plum
creek were firs; wounded and - kept lyi'rig
on the ground whilejthe sava?eY hnd'a
.ar-dacce' around them. c. They -were
finally, tortured to death and then scalped.
Two women were taken into captivity
from Plum Creek. '. v. k -
' So far the depredations have been com
mitted pnly oil ranches and .unarmed
trains. ..They would . approach . a train,
shake bands commence conversation, thus
throwing the balfsuspecting whites -off
their guard, and, bn a preconcerted sig
nal, would commence the work of .-mur-der.
When they surrounded a train,
wagon cr coach Tmd found it armed thsy
. . . . i t. i
have been too cowardly tov makeraft trf
tarV. Tbpv nrtnrnncnpd a trairvlbi? swIa
f'. v ' - . te., v.'- V :
of Denver . almost in sight of the City, but
on porcivin? that the 'teamestets iwere
i " a i. hn f t
armea, tney nea. -me -same oay iney
made demonstrations on'a c'oach'in Which
Ool.Cirjngton'vcjs passengerduth" of
Denver, ijutqcencluded notrto rjsjc being
shot bjr-comming to close. to
'The outbreak of tliei; SheyetmM and
allied tribes at the present timet is a
most unforiunate affair in rqpjex. ways
than one. It interferes' with trajrel. to
and from the mountains.' It creates wide
spread f alarm even ai "p'oin'.S Avhere
there is co danger, atd jill ( doybtess
yery much check emigration to JNejbraska
aV well as to other ferritories Blut
worst of' all, it will require ' so' mahy
toldiersvto that areneeded to put
down the rebels. This Indian icar it
a. ' a
God-Send to ihe relets. "- ' '
WashfngtonJ 13. Rebel deserters
from Richmond say on Saturday faur
cars arrived bringing troops from Peters
burg, destined toleare in the.erening' to
reinforce-JEarly. Large body of rebel
I cavalry arrived on vhe same ay, (tud
departed in the same direction.
For tbo AdTcrtier.
A" Union ; Mass ; ConventioD will be
held at the School house in Brownville on
Ictday the 5th day of STfplemberJat 2
Mocfc,P.MMl6tth'e purpose of electing
"Delegates to attend the Territorial
Democratic Union Convention, to be
heai-NebrastTJuy on-the 7th. dayjjf
September celt."-? ; ' ;. r. .
" Let alh:wrroare-dtvoted tb4he Union
and tht Constitution', and are in favor cf
: eupf rebellion, .be ; in atten
dance. f ' i - X.T
As thenrw,tll be no Precinct meetinrrs
called, itja impoVunHhat there should
be a general attendance from the County
as there re fiv (5) ,-Delegates ;to be
elected from . difleTeni. portions .of , the
County toaltend ihei-Territoriai Conveh-
tion. ' , . - - '
Mem. of Ter. VnionDem'JCoh. ;
We rxjfJrslrby1 requesthfr Tloyving
extracts fr6m;a'lBltfir .written iht . Jh
Trencnes, Dear I3ermi3ft ITundrkrf, Va ?J
by Lieut. JCAIvrrisoniC2dOMo Reg-
imemVlo-his nCou&in jn riGage:Cpnnty,
tlo r -rr : t t !
'We "telong:to ine- ht JDirjsion, 10th
Army Corps, l Upder (xmraand-pf Maj.
Gen;'!, ButleVj we .pccupyan entTericEed"
positioocabout 15!miles frorii Richmond.
Our3 and lhe" RebjE? pickets are in many
places"nol over 100-yards apart, but. they
arB,quiie';frrer)dly, donojsh"o'ot,' our;'boys
meet themhalf way r'a'ndJradelpevfpa
pers, tobacco and either ' articles i with
them.. '..The ",,reV"s- thrpwover a,' note
at'lbe 'post wherVl was. saying Vthey
were tired ofthe strvice, Ant'.two. we're
coming-oveHo-.u the next nightand
that we must:not: shoot thenT-Ianyof
the rebels are 'deserting :alongx)ir fines,
three camefovcr while I wa's on duty the
last time. I expect to goron piet again
to-night, our duties now are fully as Vnoch
as, ib.e( mpst industrious could wish for.
LiutrG'en'l Grant's Army or rather.
the-: Army of the Potomac.w surrpuriding
Petersburg which lies about S.mile? 5
.vest' of us. We all have the greatest
confidence in ahe capability : of Gen'l
Grant, and the soldiers-under bis imme
diate command, " bear ' every privation
with a will to work and do according to
hi3 ictations. No . man'leyer had the
entire suppbrt(6f his subordinates with a
better -zeal than LieuL Gen'l U. S.
Grant 'now has. , What is lacking now-is
with the people and the Government, the
difference of which J. sometimes fear -will
be the ruin of. our dear nation: ' I am
now satisfied that the final rescue or woe
of our' much loved country depends on
the present campaigns Oh ! should not
the heart of, every loyal mati woman
and child breathe the prayer of deliver
ance and victory ; that peace might once
more reign . throughout "this distracted
nation, and the ungodly and unruly 're
turn again to their true allegiance, and
be as we once were ua united and hap
py people." But 'alas ! three or oyer
three longjyoars of experience in active
service for my conntryvhave fully satis
fied me; that many, too many of our
friends (or those that should be friervds)
at home, have looked upon4hi3 war iaa
trivial light, making it appear a, rriuch
less matter, to conquer the South, than is
actually the case.--' People at home-are
deceiving themielve!, or allowing them
selves to be deceived by. fractious iantjj
captiou? citizen army correspondents,
who Iteldftm; give the-tfuth of feaUtjr,
Military" mri have ever beehr-acfus-
tomed to look 'at "the war as a loneT aridl
harder undertaking. than thoe who tho't
more r of the justice, of he cause than of
tl "difficulty of maintaining it;'i Popular
impatience and more especially, Offi
ciALimpatience, has often wronged many
a gallant 1 officer, whose patriotism was
most unquestionable. In the, early pan
of this rebellion.-to urge i. -equipment,half the forces wh:c.sT have alreadyi
been lost in the struggle, was accepted
as a sign of insanity in one case, and of
treason irt bthersi' tBut lukewarmness in
the cause of ! national honor 'should be
tardily charged a gainst' the soldier who
seals his testimony With-his. it Loop!" j.Let
it always; be , remembered that whiU
many noisier patriots thave measured
their sacrifice-by setting this or that year
as the tune when our integrity shall be
vindicated it at all, thousands of-gallant
off! tK rs, less exultantaf. the;.outset less
confidentof success, more willing-tp at
tribute good qualities tn'their pppbnentsty
havefo'urlu far beyond be"ttme.sofool
ishly .prescribed,, and are fightirgf now
with a patriotism which Jnow3 no tithe
or meajurmentof time,1 labor, of suffer
ing as the offering1 due 'to their country,
As to the armv how in"Virginia it is
difiicpll to.convey an adequate-afprecia-tion
of. its determination, its spirit; and
its gallantry.1- ft ranks hare been riddled
and thinned bT the lon?r eamnairrn Whnte.
-. . , - . . "' "
rnmrnnips. n-nn k rpirimpnta hvnrt
Sattallions, and brigades have lost
their distinctire appellations. - By the in
flux of new material the character of Di
visions and of corp8 have been changed.
The reckless 'gallantry cf officers has
swept them off by hundreds, and "how
many captains .command the relics of
regiments brigades, apd. Seranls or I
CorpoTals. s rommaxding . comjpaniea ; pr
what is left which amounts ta a mere
guard. Of the men w!?o made the other
campaign around Richmond, not a fifth
have traversed,' the; ground again (I am
one among lha fifth) aud yetexhkested
and Avoundedas they are, the spirit ana
enthusiasm "at thejarmy remains perfect.
No thought orfUure enter their breast?.
Deprived "ofthe leadership of many of
f ihar rM nfnrprand the companion-
shin of manV-oM comrades in camp and
field, foiled in
a' score-of' battles, tney
yeTlook on Richmond as their legitimate
trrz.' long delayed, but fureafIae last
,-Tt,isT.thereforeinjhe jiivincibIe spirit 4
of the 5?rrnies. now in the field andf .the
vast resources-of'lhej country; yet, untouched,-
that vone may 'found his confi.
deuce' ia;the'finalVissue:; There needs
no ca(f to the! men in the Virginia trench
es id ''Stiffen the Sinews, an summon '
up the blood", 'it. .the blastof wat-
There isfmly 5ieed of - the: Government
standiag'ead to 1eep-t'he -raplftT- !ulK
and psrse:fvj vthe present1 sup erion'ty'-of
force; o inafcof the Enemy.' 'Loog'ag.o
many a Veteran wjio, rvow- ejjps, ,thee
SnifeV of! Petersburg, saw,i;ircmi Fair
Oaksltfiii 'dim church towers "of 'Rion-H
mond.' Yj;t it-was not for thaierrwj '
to enter ttre "beleagured capital.' lovyt
iaCviihahe Governmentoth.e.pqpl.and,
the'yrmf-rsc&ookd oy expe rienage-of that
elder iampiri; the, prospect, fc utfcess'Tenh'S JfJft,he"5f7pwe capjtured ; destroyed ised up
TnthTNortlTsiand ' rf ftdy Xffs;rtoft; and.
Ci ". ?o RQSSEAU'S "UA lD,p . ? a ri
'cocirrrED from lA3t-weib:., t ;
tThe- country, till we reachedTallade-
gi j? ery poor, and thinlysettled Sum
inervili'e. 'Blountsville and Ashvllle?, are
couhty.-Jeatsrall small plape? . J!aUaae--gavs
a pretty little village on the:Selrmr
ancUrllome, Railroad, which enly csoiif--
plete.d twenty. miles east of-'that pldce it
being the" last town on the road toward.
Rome.'1: It was a place of Considerable
fmpor ta nee -16 th rehel-G oe r nm e ntirr.
The countryin ili'eJtuJrafry is'thicklyet
tled. some -large iantatTons! Dade's ville
IT aqtih ty"-s caT,Tlit? fjuntryvery poorr
"d'tao'towii'.old and almost'drted.r j
Loachapoli'a,1 : Notasulga, Aulorn ! and
Opalapa' are : merely railroad' siationi,
exceftAul)urn which is a town of-about
500 inhabitants. Next came Lafayette,
theiyrettiest town, excepting Huntsxille,
Aid-.: I everjwas in, in Dixie. It lisfta
ated in .theheart of a good farmiof''ec
tiori : has':been a place of jconsiderable
importance as a counry town. Caroltoh
is. a countyl;seat, and has been occupied
first by the rebels and next by our troop? ,.
so: ft'eh "that it looks a little the worse
for. wear. "AU the country, , we, passed
through is viry poor soil compared with
our Nebraska lands, some of it will do
when a man can do no better. By tak
ing a map and tracing a line from one
town to another as they come in this
paragraphs-commencing at Decatur Ala.,
and ending at Marietta, Ga., any)f your
many readers can tell where, and what
direction. we traveled. ;. "
f-c .... ' the people. - -,: i
'Are 'generally in gocd spirits and be
Mieve .that jiheir cause will yet triumph
They arc all sick and tired of tho war,.
Dut.seem ro tninK tnev can nevernve in
peace with jhe North againj I do not
believe I saw more than a hundred men
exc epting . soldiers during the trip, and
ttey i we refold men, cripples,' and 'small
boys; i Evfiry able-bodied man is in the
arrjiy ' exceptina seme that tare "been Jy-
mjr put" to; escape tne conscriptionj put
Union' -men were very scarce. Kverybody
was frightened, their opinion of us was
that ;".beauty and booty" was ojjir motto,
arid they v'ere very much surprised to
find U3 treating them so well. l. Private
property- being respecttd, andguarded
orders of our commander, to - show the
people that we were indeed num'an.
jStarying;tiem out," is out of the ques
tion' th'ey-ave plenty to eat and are
raising .pls'nty more, excepting the poor
people aloog the railroad and near the
nrmies, 'many of whom are actually suf
fering forewarn of provisichs. We sup
plied .a great many of these poor famil es
with :captured rations. Politifes do net.
Cther them, their only and all absorbing
bbjeet is how to carry on thewar, and
gin' ;indeprendence. If the 3sor(h was
half so well' united, and,would work with
the ' will i they do 8nd -.not f lets the alt
mighiyj dollar occupy so.' much spacn in
,teir:rninds, the war wouLdngfljave last-.
&d this'lonbr.
ihe ladiej nearjy all wear
rfom'e-spurr dresses. I see a 'cnlico of
5, oil - c,- . i
.silkodness. occasionally, whic!i,is beingf
kept by the owner as a re 'is rjf better
dayi: 4'Out Northern girls r)eed not be
ra, cf .may of our boyp getjing spliced
& these rsouthern, girls, for if they are
"aflil of pi jr.rjpinion, they find beatify Very
vsj:arce.- iyhave. seen non'jgxl-rijpare
with O'Jt rtbrthern lasses.
iA..ju:sBCEs:eyjre better
prepared - to- -carry ffoth war than they
Iwere before. Th
- - ..zr , "'-'
it . iiuuif uiaiiuiak.ui c , auu are COW
almost able to' supply - themselves- w'th
e very thi rig ihey want.N early eye ry acre
of land tney have'in cultivatmnis in corn
cr small gram, something that will hejp
supply tneir army, .lne cultivation
Ct cotton: isentirely abolished. Unless
ther? i? a great many heavy raids mad
this season ucy will raise a larger sup
ply 9E, proedjee" than any .)ther"e'as0n
sjdcecjht ciuimertraen;pf,' the war, ,'so
her,? need be- no doubt or thorqugn tri
umph ;"ouc Watch-word should be,:"U-
IOyil' "GRAWT''VlCTOItYV" v.' ri" j
(hdy say- . .
Thzib Ccrrewct Is almost entirely
worthless, ertn among themselves. All
Treasury notes, Confederate bonds, &c,
issve'd' prerious. lo Feb.; 17th, 'G4, luve
beerrvtaxedtea pep cent, a month.; ; So
ycii sea tnatin ten months the interest
wVsumes ihe'prihclpa.' AR f .soed since
that date are "taxed three per cent, per
month. They press-all the mules ana
ilicrsesy -want fromlhe planters
allow them 6600 a head for them; and in
a weelr or two the collector comes ilon
and takes"one-tefjlth of their money, and
they .are.,soon;left without nule
or anything to-show for .it. Our boys
call ; it., a "slyv"way" of Tepudiating-the
immense quantity of Treasury notes they
have in'eirculan'ohrplenty of whfch every
onebf 'their citizens;havd dnd do not
ltnow what to do with it, except let it eat
itself c.Pp.j Vl wili-gW Tip? P7jce cur
rent: Bcon. S4.00 per pound and ris
Tnff'flotir 5.p0 per found s?gar,S7.'00
jjr per pouuo ; cuutj.j iaiuiuij 0 uiu,
lPfijtff 7C0r--weknd evhingi
Lels3 atfpropoxtion hii vwM-l l5"
where wq are;and itWashardicbe found
at ihatytjieseObeingnoidrj gbods stores
Wlanyjo? jhe towns;we passed through.
'What j Acccm p lihep. During
ndrtli ern lldies.lhinlrIJv.earmg.Q-caUr4 b'eTTainwihthat-nhy . por t ion , of , Ne
cq dress.thatc.qst upwards, of S20O, from fc k , the River, r !The nearest
What! WzAcccMPLiVHEp.I)uringLIx0f andvcauJ-they, conld find and are
and.drstrbi.Ced.amoRg the pocr,:Govern
ment rations, i property -Sec., not ioclud-5
ing'r"aiIroadj;aijCf '-"depots, p the amount
of five--.miUionidollaj-3.- We .totally de
slfdtedscr that it will have tct beTebuilt,
thirty.-fije'jnailes of oos jDfithejr'njost im
portant upply roads, besides several'deV
pots" and ; other important f Goiernment
iiilings. jTh6re was about four Hundred
pis.oner.s I caprturned and pajoled, one
hundred of 'whom were iniirmsklthe re-
hr -n - y. i . , ?
mainaer. in nospitais, among tnem one
Colonel, one Eieutenarif Colonel and one
Major; We killed something pear fifty
jrebejsy ip the yariousskirmisbes, besides
wounding 3-vgreat many. ;Our,loss was
about" ten ttilled and3 drowned, several
wounded, aud 'nboutl'30 taken prisoners
bjrjthjejrebel?.; We.'cj.'fptujre'd abbut fif
en; hundred- good mules and Worses, but
lost near ?is manv '.who 'crave .out from
hard marching.' We marched ?in all
Tiear'4.00 nile?, and at.some ppink bset
onAii-grdeby the rebs, apparently, but
Out brave Gjdneral would incmagd to elude
ihera and escape with little-oP no loss.
Blany of yourreader's,'jiiay va'nt: to know
why we- did hot fight them, I will here
state, ibat ;it fs not the-phjcrof raids to
fight, but t'otlo'the enemy a?.'m'uch dam
age, as possible with little-loss;;, is
bV the best raids! " By good
military judges; this . iV acknowledged to
have accomplished more, for the num.
ber of men than any other Taid of tho
war. And lob much praisecan not be
awarded to our brave;commander, Gen.
Rosseau by the people of the North, for
the able manner in which the expedition
was conducted, '.'rbuhout.
'.'V-' ..... . i
le. generally marched nntil about
mid,-night '"'or after.'arid then laid over
till morning. Uepumlng the inarch until
about eleven, ;then resting .during the
heat of-the day. Horse feed was very
plenty .'"'the people having just cut their
crop ofbats.
What wx Liveo o.v. You can see
bv. the -following verse, one of our "Po
icks" composedaswe-wereiding along-.
The measure is not very good.but owing to
Circumstances he had not time ;to revise j
it. It is !siihg 'with ""great appause" by
the ij. command-to the-tune ;of Keii1"
tucky i-'O, Kentucky : ;;
Rosseftu's raiders are oi yonir shore,
Alaiarda, O , Alarjaai:. f .'
Your fine cuied bams yu 11 see na more , "!
Alabama, O, Alabama-; ; f
Tour chicken roost they wiM vi't. pare.
Of corn bread, they'll lay in, a store
And promise pay when tho war id 'cr,
Alabama, O, Alabtraa.
We took no notions along, excepting
sugar arid coffee, hui lived fat off the
country; i r
. I can hear the occasional boomin of
cannon fromloward Atlanta,, where Gen.
'Sherman is hammering away at the rebs.
, The bodies of the b'rave andJamented
General5,.IrcPherWri a?nd Smith, passed
through town to-day, they were killed in
yesterday's t fight. v ' '
' We march agaiar to-night, to do picket
'duty on the right ianl tilong ihe banks
of the . Cattahoocha. River,' and rest our
rim 4i i
A t
The! Nemaha Countjr bjoya are all
well, and went thrbogbithfttaid all right,
'havinsr trrilr Inst r,i.e7i7mn.
I j ' i .... )L Ai-: . o ' r.
iuiru. ju,r dovs -aciu.a
Genemin ',hl
3 arrescort for
i Vo -'ilHtimble Servant,
- SAM' 1 V. . A:lrPBELL.
BetrrtBd Hundred, .ogust I6th.
iesterday the 2d cops Hancock's
were gaiis cn to transports at-City Point
'.1 liT, l i r , r J
.iul-diyr apparently: foe. Washington, and
starieu uown tne rive, -tneir tanas piay
ing gaily v7 Of course,: the rebels were
watching-- from thehorewani no doubt
felt rhuch. interested ;u th? rnovement.
The transports did certainly go down
the-river. for ten miles or more, when,
however, they put about; and. under cover
of darkness, returned, coming up by this
place at lCTp. m. and proceeding up the
rivers jAt the same time the lOth, with
the artillery of the 2d corps, were cross-.
inrf td the north side of James: river. andrErownT5!le tirc'r." '
were alllaiided withirj -tweive miles iof
Richmond before three o'clock this mor-
ning. v - - ,
This fofc?, with General Fosters,
makes,quiie a respectable army. It is
understood their first move will be to de
stroy, 'if possible, the rebel pontoon budg-es-abov
Fori'Darling.;. Jf this is done,
Leelvill be "unable to transfer hi3 army
to the north s!dV.with)ut marching by
way .of .Manchester more-than twenty
-:Tbus-far all-workr-well. - Musket
firing was heard in the direction of j this
movement this morning. 1 There "was but
little':hard fighting done.
1 General Hancock: accomplished bis end
by- skillfu'K maneurering' and "a; e urpriseT
and consequently our loss was small it
being estimated at Jess than 1,000.1 : .
Our troops have now carried an im
portant position within twcrmiles of b Ij
Darling VVVv .V.' j
As" the Indian ..War wiH, .benhritWed
.- . ! v- - , ...
far and "wide, we will state, 'for the inM
- r
i-Vhe Ectst Vh
itronTofrdur few re"a dors 'who' reside
-iht-n.o anrrehensions need
....... - - - . , , ....
was at Hnchesrs'atiofW bri the'Colora-'1
twn a niTidred mnes
from the Jliver.' Thoy "d'roYe. off all the
. - i , i . .
marqhing'off'as fast. as possible ' The
Soldiers seht'after th'emi' whether Jthey
overtake' and. pjurtisn them or not, will at
any. rate protect. me ironieur iiuiu any-
more depredations, ...
. -: ' "
2 COl-
.- ssm
Iji 1BltrereiIlUnois o the 27th nit., at the .resi
dence of., the f.ride's annt, Wrs. S. Avery, br the
nev: H.' C. Abernetby of Onrida. fr, LBTHEl
llOATxar; or BrownTllle, Nebraika". Territory,, tw
yiss M.ARY ABBr ;.yooii!?est dantfl.ter "o the late
Capt. A; 'A. Wood, o Sl LoDHuil, Gutixu ' .
N E W;rAD,yiii; T;iS E31.EN T8:.
, S Ii T-Ji i sr Kt Gal i c r
Tslhe place to eet rouf Pictnrt: ITe 1 prtpsred to
take all .kinds of Future--large tzed Pbotugraplia,
Melain'otj-pes, Iv.t i o ; 7 T f 'Si
He keeps on nan.l a -wen-Feiwet sncx or Aibams
and PliptosarpU, rieL
The new Callerr is north ptffe of main Street or!-
aitej JHiW A. Ponn't St rpj Tttfis wltf 'do weir to
call pioii, kefore gettiup work xUna elen-nce- -Particular
pulm'taken with ohiMrno, also in copyjinj
old Picture. - DarS-rei.. black, green, - or plaii are
good color for chM-lreV dreses. , j
! rjROV.TtLT.ti,l. . .. ..NEBRASKA i
Cills the attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat
ervicable and fashiondblei K A A i
Wearing; ApparcU
hev:stock;of goods, ri
7.V7. . ; JU5T:..Ki:qEIYED, " i i
Wltich bo wilt sei 1 or make np. to order;, at unprece
dented low prices. Havim? on hand one oi; ,. .
lie IS able to do Custom work at rates that dery compe
tition. ' .. ; -I
wrrnnt, my work,- ,
Ilaxid asTcli a. 3Iacliine. TTorli.
Those wtshins? any thin in Ms Une win do well to
cart and examine tiia stock before investin?. a he
pledges himself to hold out peculiarly favor ble. In
ducements. '
August 18,13fi4, 1y. : '
Simnnd Sesflerof the State of will take
notice that A. G. Terry has commenced action in the
District Court f Nemahn County, Nebraska Terri
tory . 'ihe ohject of said action is to obtain a jud
ment njruinft the i-aid SeFslr fr the sain of jjoven-ty-four
li.!l-sand seventy- five eenn, with interest
from Februnry, l?t. 161 ; ai?o f'-r the further mm
of twenty-five Poll-iri witli iuterost fnin Octub-r,
Isr. 1?;6 1 , both at the rate of ton per crnf pr annum.
?r. I sumi nra Aiinnl to he dao ?aid t'erry on twy
ccrtfu'i pr". nii.sory notes m.ida by faul Seller paya
ble to tho ...rdor ( f A. O. l'erry, the first dated Fl..
1st 131, find dun t-re months rftT date ; the sec
ond dated July 1st tS(5l and duo three months af
terdate. ' 7
Siid'Ses'ler will farther take notice that ctv the
filing of th necessary .aRidavit that said- l'erry
has canned an order : of attachment to iia9 out of
the said Court and tbat tho following Teal estate in
said of Xeinaha, County Nebraska. Ter. Has been
attached, to wit; the North East fractional Q.jar
terof Section :t Townshiw 4 Nor'b. li Ran-e J4
East'T the gthTriiicipTe Jleridian.
f;;f id "Scsier is required' t4 'i.-wer cr dTinr to
said petiiition, on of bqtoro tho 2"JikrIuy i f Sop
einberSjl. t , , , i.
7,; ,, ! ' J. M. BOLINGEU;
" - . . E. W. T1IOMAH.
Atty. for Fiaiutiff.
TJmwr.vul, ?feb. Aug. It, 134 4w 7,50
v Katherina'Ratniehak, 1 - ' . - ' "
by hor next friend, lJarid ,Tn thBi. strict Court
II. ILLaughlin I of ymaha Coantry,Ne-
V9 ) tra.:k Territory. !
Tho , nr-kriovii heirsjof) In Chancery.
TTenry Suai'h, deceased,! Foreclosure of rafjrt-
fHerrry- E.; Ihiicaier, and j S8Se-' r r
haiiry M.Atkinson. J
, t. The unknown heirs of Henry Fmith, dece3ed,
and Heary R.'Dinnmer will tk,e fnotier ,hat
Xatfi jrlna , Ratai.-hak,. by hef next .friend David
H, JlflLiugblin did, on the Sta. AAf ef Aifgust
If'S.t. b'.l his petition in the District Court of Nema
ha County Nebraska Territory, against t'jP i-4 un
known heirs-of Hoorv inith, deceased, 'fjejiry E;.
Duramer and Ilcnry M.. Atkinson defendants. -.Set-tin-?
forth that llary Smith executed and deliver
ed to complainant mortgage or deed of trust ,f
th North Eist quarter, of Section 13 in.Towf.Rhip
4 north of nnj) 14 in Nemaha County Neb
raska Territory, to Sccare the payment uf a certain!
promissory nota fr $301). Th3t the said Herry
Smit5 h-iadied, fnce-the and delivery of
aid inortajre ai d .that . his heirs nro unknown to
complainant. That sail defendant, Jlenry E.Dnm-!
njcr, Is trustee try .ml mort tseor deed of trust .s.nd
,ns f qch has '8wrn interest therein.'; And prayjn"'
lhat the s..; 1 unknown heirs f linry Smith de
ceased may pay the said snm rf J.30i,' with thr in
terest, duo thcreoii, or that said premises rriay be
?oUl to pay the s.nne,and that said defendants jnd
eachof them mny be fore loaci of all nh t or. re
demption and intere.-t whafever-in iaid TircruJfes.
And the soil flnkn'wn .hi'.o Henry Snritaldece-is
ed and Henry E. Dummer ar8;tojge.J that they
are required to appear and1' srnowe'r said petitlojj rt
or beforo )h 2'th day of September 18-51. Datei
Aug. 9th 1864. 0 '(,') c .7 lm r
.. .. ,CLp. C. Dorey. -
i f?"1. fo"r. tJorcpUidact '
BrQWHville, Nebraska. Aug. 11; 4 4w S,.ri0 7 ?
Miftort Myers, William Hays Lemon Plajte-j a l
ministrafof cf the estate of (JeoTs Wf Myers.,- de
ceased". Susfn: Myers; David Myers,1 Jacies Mysr,
ATjr Myers-ond Ljdio Wad kins-, hin of George W.
Myer deceased, will 0ts.k9 ooti'ce.that Joha R
Vllery,adrnjni?.trator of the estato of Gorgo Lew
i.s deceased has leJ a bill in ch.-.ncery in th Dis
tk'UGurt of Nnnha. County, Nebraska TeiriUjry",
the object and prayer of which is to set ari.l.i as
fandulent,a deed made by the said Milton Mt ers
August -9th 18M, to tha Bid' George. W. Mvres. t
the following described Wnd jitaatcd in said Coaaty"
of Nemaha to wit the North" W-iitauorter of Sec -ion
2 in Township 5 North of Ranga,U Eest of the 6 th. f
rn'n.irLi Ma.'J" . . . . I t ; I f - 1 f
Court, for the sale of said land and tho applicatioa
of the proceeds in payment of a judgment obtained
March 9th IS6r in favor of the said estate of Oe,,rg
Iewls and against the said Milton Myers and IVin,
ilays, 1 . -
JJefendants are required to answer said petition oa
or before the-25th day of September 1361. ' -7
: : .: - --i7 . E.W. TAOiiAS. :' " -
Attr. for plain tiS. -7,50
they made, vto -tfw 'r lifter
5HlKP ber.f,:h mont-arrived mke, tor :
1 J ' - At tlclughlili & Sw-anV
::7;: NOTICE
Oar J7omIT ft e 2!jt V.r -o'clk
P. if., of S,id daywill U , 71, 77 J,
public Aactionattb9.-,aof ElitowtC i ' '
ia Ijifayfrte Piremct, tme Sir, p j
tukea up at OctoW. .
Nemaha c-.urit T. .V. T., Ja!
' The
nndeTsiVfld. Rnnrrl r r .
32 f-r tho of fim?,.; '
- . - Vi . xam... .
ers, on the rt Saturday of ech njontK r "
PM, at the .floe of E. V. Thomal '. L
re required te have fc eertifit fJ ,
prefioas te the eommen cement of tv. n
7 . . f ;T. R. FISHER. U. "t--JER..MARLf)TTf
- Probate Notice.
I To H wboin it mar Conaen r Jfotjf, i
givenjhat there hs been rplicaUnBm,i
to the Fr.T)Ato Court cf (iuze onf. !
lama, P Mumfori Avlcr.iniBfratiir of th- F C
'James "U "T Mapea late of said Oa,!J eV
d a r
7 Benjamin; Cbapraaa. ad ministry. 1
tr tf. tha-Cfta rf. U. -oxi ' W . l 1
' Srtrfson'dr.rpnif .im'.j Sfmpi.
cAV f A !?.' V. t f Jfit iTWina V I
SpiTfon Vnrtha C.impm Thos.5 jai '
JB. Simpon, ap.J John A. Siaa J r,',-.-aV- ,
heir ' rf '(.'eorje TV. timpori d- 1 e-, m '-"
eeaied complainants r '
. , t.ts. . t ' .
.'Tlioraas 71. Simpson," Jercndaaf. I ' CcTZ
son. oi tba state of Tpti?, will nyii.
above naraid cotnplainacti.of XptieU Cdsp. OU!: '
riiikft Tcrriturj on the I;);h dsTnfu
!Sf54, file their bill of mmpbiut in th u "
Cwqrt of tn'fl County Xera iha, "ebr J
ry. in Chancery against the jnid Thinjt ...
oon SettinfirththatPii tho 21 d.ijof J1rr r
Oorirw W, Fiinion- exwutel tosM.i."v :n
i"? loncrwirs-rrai wit.u,.
ta-t(Xiartr of ectiun on in Tuwcbn j -'ra t
Tf-Hfn l atin. said. Cauntv an.) T
Tht uiJ ioorl waa in r.,... 7 0 C -
barajieesient between Mid Uetrj W.S:.!s.
defen nt Thomas R. Simpson irr tti r
land and that it Ka? executed on the xp,, r'
tion that veaid defendant would rewl ik cc
ded at thj timo it was executed and a. . -tba
purcbaja money cf said land befurt $n'
erf cf ea'rd deed. That defend tit IVJ. -Sampson
absconded and mved totheS-
tH within the lines of th rebel 'annt th? "
paying the purch? -mnney rf mid Ur.. t
ivtnail parljand that no atuj.1 dIi?prif '
Wiis ever made to said Thoma3 R, Simp)e Ai
iaht.' t
;The oaij coiplafnan3 pray that yaid J ,,
bt repfjn Jed,st aside and decr?d tnbena;i.a,v
Anl th e ?aid Tbomrs R. 8impm is )!:! ,
be-is' required ta Appear and answer i JlfT '
CurnrWaint oa or before tha 2Jci. dajsf . r
ber 1884- - 8 1 4
V1 v" ciiar:.i:3 r,. mmd'nr.
Sol. for Coi5(!i.-j
RrownviUe, Anj. II, 51
im s;
- t
J. v
OF XnW and wellsele:
j'l 'J d
or,00 tr
lr; i
mm 111
" Just receired- at
te Cc
cm t
DRY GOODS AXI) cnocEnis:
it re'
ter 7.
no 7.-:
1 The Latest Style of Ladies' " c
Fancy Dress Goods,
Summer Shawls, Hats, ett. c;
Dry Goods, Groceries, ,2 ,
Hats, Cars, Boots, Shoe?,
Iron, Nails, Flour Htron.
' Qnensware, Hardware,
itb- :
IM :
Furniture, Sash Docri, ar.t;
, Window GIa3, etc, ex
Which he, wiil Fe!t
. . trds
Call undenmine bis stock before pnrcjw-r
where. " t
- Brownville, June 25th, '84. ' . n 12-; ;7 j u.
family grocebe;
r , f .j ... -jde .
."would respectftllt .Axsorxcs c'oad.'
Trieudi n'l the pubPo generally, tbat th"!? t
recejred a superior lot of FamKy Grocerif.
too ttentio-i of purchasers to their ti.k i' ,
. . " .QV
"I 7 1; ";; . .. - .7 .
cqrs prsTERs, Biiisiy, cckra.vm. ?Jrajp
&C, &L2., " ' ' ' -
, -r '
: ' -i'
COD JI3H XACKim!., Ttt Ull
CRANEERiilE?. ' '
; - . DRIED T:';"il:
- . ' hu
Molasses, Coal"Oat CJdcr j
,iJtA? ANDOTnKR CHOlt'4' ,J
Cisars of (lie Best Dranil;13
A' Splendid Assortment of So
Fancv Candv from hz Best V j
-V 1
turies in the East. -
tbat Monday the first d ijof Angustcei.' hroiih
.set to hear and determire nid r.r,icv:' "
i f - . UUiEUT TOWLK, rrabi. ' -a?t-.:.
' De trie, 'eb July ,27, k?t, ,
m r t T" - .
riour, Bacon, Butter,
The Highest'.Marl-et
Country Produce. - Vlt'
, NiiABi V.titT B...,,c.1 ;.
,FaW5VILl.C. Jjn. t. J-fil