Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 11, 1864, Image 3
is.- w t - 1 -XVILLE.TnCRSI'AY AUG. 11 .HGl Tt List nerpssarily crowds much; - r a- r cut of this cjn.bercf the J . j : ive? rs.'r:n soon there will not ;h potatot s raided ia this County j ! . I : a t IV P Tide. ' rrr rpu l if li 11 iu t nrcf Indicn afiairs.Lis rprp Ml ! . ! for a portion o ; iave ca'y rcom . Watermelons. Smoking Tobac i choice Cigrrs, justj-f ceived at ?,IcLarnh'i!a c Sr u-i. Scl.fxrr.h it, Iq., is in town and rriain until after next Term tflMinni PTliii. Ari.-?. we re informed rp this p'r-- in a conp cf weeks. -i I. n? piciures will do well to n. bice aortriient of Tobacco and Cigars, you will find at Den's. 'oi'-' Sugar. and Coffee, Sheet Iron ;n v-re. Stove pipes, Tubs and at D-miV tr! Cheapir!! CurAPrsT" ! ! ! !!e in the market can be seen at tprinz Ili'r for fale, low ; it ri'Uh: cti b fere war prices were j 1 . . . - hraiKa Junes, is a new pnpr, artd at IJelleTue, Nebraska, by S flrin. It is a neat little papr. mot-ratic ; and b?.s a grpat oeel of Ap trap fn the firs? number abojt. 'peace," the ' Cons'.iiu- e mpn, " .c. he. ave U't a Hoc Law " Amoc Many of our ciiiren liave on to it-nble trouble to put up cr cipo.-p ir hr,T I ,iit oiheis inor tiiP Law ,U. Ml ho,id t-e -,-vwl - t . . rr.A i. tff i. slrd. i: citizens mut b .novd ,:.n is ver iv b-02' s in '.hi ir jar- ; ar-. .!:? tit -i r dr...r. :v A in ih-ir! -es, v Tf."! t u well I -t ;heir own i 5 nti' (i t'li cf ! f f-ord bv ir l: f 1 jfS. I he V.'i ii. Ci .;. 1 a Lt-adt-r Jif i?up on lloif-e Siealirg, It "th'Te is a df n w i;hin tbre milfb a C v uhre I usine? icJried or i i Whre Cloud has :L- j of z'u)Z a harlwi ( ' i r fi r.t'lirg tlr.-t lr ke out. i: - r.rcticd en'iie ly upi n r !els ; but 0(,f ns :ht-y were tr pped of pood -.L. J'focn men were rrunounct'd reb--. ai.d i K r i r proierty taken. 'I h-only i''T ill is coruniunity lias evr been m. s sn-n Irom h re itlinj.' The Ciirfhzs opposed and denounced :) hawking erer since the time of Clcve- .nd. Ti.e Nt'lras't-t City -Mu-f, chargps the tvtkTi.sra wi;n abuin" M.'.yor !a ker. We rmit it". We mere- a;s rud thai should Blacker be thp LmtTiHe of the Copperhead party lie cuid not receive five votes from the oldi-Ta of t.he - lS'ebr.ika first. We iinv noth'ny against Mr. Bicker as a an or a soldier, he may be the most puhr man iri the Regimpnt; but mem r of the Regiment will not vote for ; Lest man in the world if nominated '. the Copperhead -Peace-Democratic -rty. We have too good an opinion of " Major .to b iifve he would accept a"m:!mii):j from them. We Know he a Fnion-lovinp man, who despis the Pace-Mieaks." lir tfce A.lfertier. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATE. Friend Fimier: As iIip election of L'str u Congress will occur this fall, d f eli-i an imprest in the cause of a Uui iii ptrty, I desire to say a word l-'-hnif cf Mr. Tipton of the Ut Neb. v. aup s. lc-.or boys are very anxious for ? noniir.a-;.- ,f Mr. Tipton, nnd some them t'ai.-n thr.t ihe W?r I tvurats .1 rio u c, i: run hub pendant. 5ur or IL l'ar.fay .f Brcwnville, bcau-e of p.rr.rar.ty uiih the so1Jitk. and 1. cn to li e Unicn and Mijipre.'siou c ' Rebellion. py say that T.tjn a-,d H .lladay mnde crui.tmz sp or i!,e Frtt Neh. .giment, ai.i ii.v - iiivm rbir entire ervices to the caus ever since . and that ill er cne of them can draw that entire OiP in rase tlie other is cot out to divide . with hi n. A Fairnncr tki Sole ur . . , . . , MINUTES. Of ihe i'nicn Cvnvrr.iion of tmaka j "cvnty. I Meet pursuant to the Call of the Coun- j 7 Commute, ot Brownville on the th I t. ttnelect Delegates to the Territorial i ocventioa to meet at Nebraika City on 17th. Organized by electing John W. Hall .rendentand O. B. Hewett, Secretary, A Committee cn Credentials was ap- pointed, consisting of XV. B. Smith of Pe- Loreace Rice cf Aspinwall, and S. XV. jveLsedy cf Brownville Oa raotica ice fcilowicg rales were Ua mi That the Delegates prejent cast tie full vote of their several Precinct. That in noting the Secretary Call the Roll cf Member, and eac- cne tote as his name is called. Thai i: require a majority cf all the vutes cBit to elect Committee on credentials Repor- ei lte to 6eats From . . i U!o. LUK, m. inru.Bimu. dm.... From Prownvi!le S. W. Kennedy, Geo. J prow F Worthing W. H. M Crecrv. ! uron, i. "u'"""s' - Q c Jiewett, J. H. Morrison. V , Pen- ,T TI'I 1 .-r1 fnr T! T ny, U. . unifier i JV- " Rurpes. and E. Worthing as proxy for Theo. Hill. From Atrnwnl!, L. Rice, J. M. Paulin, andJ. C. OJel. Frrrn Nemaha, Jnhn, Barnes, John S. ck. D C. Sanders, and II Russell. - Frcm Douglas, Tho. Euikhtldeu. and W. D.n.Has. From Gn Rock. Wm. B. Thilipps Wm R Loach. ar,d C. R. Cmp. No D'-larMe l einz cridited from Bed ford, the Comitte reccommendd Wrm. S. Hughs, as Delegate from that Tre cine. W rich rfpfTt rm receiTpd and adop ted. Prore"d-d to eWt D-Uca'es to the Territorial Union Convention of the 17ih int.. which rnli-d in th choice of J ' McPherson. F.var. Worthing, S. Kennedy. Thma !Vf Gren. and F. H Amsdfn, ns Dfi?a'es. "rd William MCr-erv. ! J M- ruKn. W. R. Lparh R V, Smith i rd C W Whelr a Ab"rnatP. ! U Ki.-inT nnlii'i,i'mrin nrpson. I ... , t , 1 I I tr! a d Liianimousiy aru neariuy aaop- yz U'irp. In prepntin!r T W Tipton a? hp Union Cardidate for Delenate to Connre in thp r imin? f b-rtnn. this con TPnion Vol rrflocrs thp choice cf the peo je it rn-p""'" i triprpfore. Rpc.-lrpd that D"lpatps totheTerri toriftl Union Convention, be instructed to ihp all l"citimnt man to secure the Nmtntinn f T. WT T-pton. as th j I ''n rand.d-te for uW 10 uan- Urrpt firH to cast tbpir votPi for him firs: ?it a-.'' aM 'bp 'mp. t:ntill j al ortp. , pro;f-r :o withdraw his name as Candidal. JOHN W. HALL. Prps. 0. R Hrwm. Spc R0U-SEUS' RAID. Mabihtta. Ga., July 23d. '91. Mb EnnoR. TCnowinn ihat some nf vour readers would like to har some cf tb par'i 'tilar nf "Rassea'Ts Raid" frnm p N'r?ka snldirr, nd one who was tkere. I will r-r.pavor to interest thm j-r r. v.-; '!. j 1 0: it . At neon to-dav the rom- maud lft Dem'tir. on thp Tennpssee River, comma ndd hy Maj. Gn'l Ros spau. It ronlsi-"d of five rpcim.-ite of Covalry. rtniViprin twenty-eiuht hun lrpd men n all. and two pierps of Ar ti!lfry. Marched to Somerville, IS mlls and ramped for ihe nijht. Hth Marchfd to Sumit to -dav. thro' a very hilly and tliirdv SPtiltd country, i . Di-tance marched. 2S miles. 12ih. Passed through B'.O'intsvillp this morning, relasd two mn from jail who were imprion d for dsprtion from the rebels. Passed over Blount's Moun tain, a very stppp and rocky road. camppd wiihtn six mdes of Ashville, th" rear of our column did not gpt up till 12 o'clock. Distan.-e marched 3S miles. 13th. Enterpd Ashville this morning remained in town 4 hour. I found a printinc office 4ipp. ai d the forms for thpjr half shf-Pt pnp-r n th" press. We took out a half col imn of their own edi torial and inserted aome iort an cles of our own, one was written by our Giipt al. the o'h -r by ome of the staff offi cers. Aio some blanks were printed ly uc"c;i np.os of Co. "G" forth'1 A. A. G. and the rroro-st Marshal, left town it 2 o'clock and marchi d to Greenport on the Coosa river and can. pi d. Distance march ed IS miles. Afir we left A.-hvil!e to- ay. Captain Carl a: J Captain Wihox. both of ihe 5ih Iowa Cavalry, were ndm- beuveen the column and the rear guard, when they were fired ai by bushwhackers. Captain Carl was Liih d ai d Captain Wilcox bad ly wounded. 14th. Dinng the night, 300 Artil lery cross-d tiie river on the ferry bout. This morning the command moved down the west side and the detachment that cr issr-d. iown the east side. We had not marchc-d far wheel we heard skir mish firing mi the other side, whi Jx last ed about CO nrTtiutcs. The main com mand moved at a last trot to cross at a L,rd Ulow and gel in the rear of the ut when we reached the ford ' ''u t .jr adraice had got about half way a i river a volley was fired at ! ti.e opposite side, to let us :vv lal 'hey were waiting for us. The General concluded it would not do tocrnss a force in the face of their fire, from good positions behind trees and rocks, cot knowing how much of a force there was of 'hem. so we waited till the Hoosiers couid come down on the other side and drive them away. About two 'o'clock our boys made their appearance ! cn the ether thore. The rebels thinking ! prolttbly we were laying a trap fer them j had left. We then learned ihe particu- jhm of the kirmisk in iLp mornir" following named persons entitled among the latter was one Major and one J on n.ace a uexenuu- ,51,;,;; , T.r-ii 'ru- a a . i der command oi Co;o:iel btevcnsoa, Uoij- $jo. tu, $75, $iu, $;if $iaw, in tiie Conrent.on. Lieut. Colonel. Their wounded the) , j d M;!;.jr Simpson Uuo. Peru, T. M. Ureea. J ti", 1 to; away witn taem. War loss was one p , Au.rUit S. p m The latest I'TLe Horace WbUt .tielodeon and liar- The rebels made two faint cbairet with the intention cf taking-cur Artillery But our gallant Hoosiern were ready for th?ra, and repulsed thern both times, when the rets concluded it was a "Lad eg::." their fcrres r::rr,bered gOO, curs the H30 and the Artiiliv. It it was not US;d as tbe IaV of the gTOUnO WOUld not nit of it. Th-ir loss Wis 17 killed ., . , . , iat we found) and nine captured, (that . . . . . .. . ; uuuueu. uu. v -i - the advantage of them ly being armed with Spencer's R-reating Rifles, while r 0 . they had only the common rauskeL We then crossed ever and continued the : march, the advance picking up a strag gler occasiondlly. Destroyed several cot ton gin? fillt-d with cotton. ANoa large Iron Foundry which was doing Govern ment wor':. Halted at dark and fed and thTi made a nii'ht in.trcii of 10 miies, which troiijlit us to within ten miles of TnlL.dea. Distance 2-3 mils. 5 h Entered the town thi morning, nnd dr-.trryfd the railroad dpot, a (amp uf Ihsiruction, ano considerable Govern ment sitores, rationa, &c. Left town at 2 o'clock and marched till 12 o'clock at niht. Destroyt d more cotton this eve ning. Distance to-day 40 miles. Sev eral shots exchtijed in front, and some prisoners cap-.ured. I6'.h. Moved out to a cotton Factory, 12 miles this morning and belied to lt the command rest, to take a s'eep, and cook brt-akiast. res'im-d th9mirchut2 p. M.. rfn-.hl the T?il!ip oa River at n:d i !2!t ?r.d cros-d, uvi m-n Tf rt r.ri,-noi? n-oiic fr. din"r lh irain. ra'lIP- i . 1 a 1 T ... .1 . .1 m I -a on tne uaini. jji:ancs iiiaitutuj :nne?. 17ih. Parsed throush Ddesville this morning, -kirm'hin? in the advance, be fore entering town the rebs lost two kill ed, we none. Entered the town of Loach apjkoon ; the We?t Point and Montgom ery railroad at dark, found considerable Government stores in the depot, which used ours-lres, and what we did not want gave to the poor ptop!p of the town. llrre we commenced the work of de stroying the ri-ad, a dt iail workt-d ail j niht o-.r-royinz it. for a nridtPUr d';Mn - e on each sod -; oi n wn. li e dppoi builtl !ngs wer- L-o I nrntd.. Cup tured a Colonel to-day. Distance march 32 in ile. 1 S; it Th morning the work was re Mimpd on the ro:u'. Part of ihe comi inand goins: towards Wei Point, and tlw rest toward Mon'romery. thoe wurkir.g toward the latter place, passed 'Notasul ga Stat jju. seven miles from Loatlmpoka, and worked on four miles fanlur. w-he n ihev came to a bridge, which was tro;:g- jy mr-j.-j j,y rfc a aLiriii.-h o.n- oliV ,ir .lir,.., .)riv. ini: the rebels hack long enough, to fire the bridge. Our loss wa two killed and one wounded' the- n bA loss we cook! not iv arn. The command ihen marched hack ihrough Loaihapoka. and on up tlie road toward West Point. Passed through Auburn and joint d the others neor thai place. And moved en up the road, hum- 1 r.. . 1 J , -I- inir it as we we went. uiwam ihe boys all very tired an? sleepy from working all dy. Distance march-d and counts nuarLhd CO miles. 19ih. Commenced work again early, this morning. Readied OpaUka. the junction with the Macon road, here we fed our horses and snt out working par ties on each road. Bushwhackers plen ty, they came inside of our pickets, and fired at our boys but hurt no one. Re d.t , r r ,..u , 1 r AT the line of march at 3 I . M. T oft iIip rii'rmil an.-i renrhpd I nfiVHttP ' Ln U,P ral'rn:,U ann VPatneU U.ajeiie I at dark, harued that the .rebel Gen'l' ' Wheeb r was in cur front to rrnose our ' further progress. Made a n,frht man h ' ' 13 : atid fi.inkd tliP reb-l. leaving lhm ill . our re?. r. Camp'd in the woods, 12 M , miies from Lafayette. Distance to-uay ' 33 ni'b-s. 20th. Passed ihrough no town to-day. sepn no rp'oels. crossed the State line in to GcctoJh. Distance marched 40 miles. 21 si. Passed '.hr.'i gh Caralton to day, find at ly bushwhaikers as we en- lored ,ovvn' Pt"d ral. Camped ! within 2-3 mil?s of cur lines. D-starce marched 33 miles. 2d. Entered our lines to-diy, end reached Marietta, at 2 P. M. Distance to-day 2-5 miles. 23d.As I write the boys aie laying around mp. asleep trying to catih up for what the lost on the raid. Concluded Next WEra.J J corresroudent. of the 4;h savs Gram and I a portion ot his staiT. left for Washing ton to-day. Herald of the 5th, says army corps corresjondent reports that both armies are actively engaged in strtngbening their works. Ilarrisburg, 9. Coionl B iyd of the 21st Penn. Cavalry, ;ook possession of Hagersiown yesterday. New York, August 9. The World's Washington special sav,s the rehel nmve ment on the Upper Potomac were a feint to rover the sending of reinforcements to HrV. It is stinno.sed thstt not less than Atlanta. Much apprehension is felt in the matter. The Herald's Washington special says General Grant and e'aiT have returned from the Upper Potomac, and ttarteti fur City Point. The Tribunes correspondence I rora j Ftprsburf stva the armies on thr Po. i O - r - . The" following' dispatches "are from General Kelley, dated Cumberland : My force ruUcd I the enemyjester. v at IN ew Creek, ueueral McCusland ,-- i i ,M . i. v f - , acu Urei.taai uiuuit y .luuui a juries tiLcfT sT.iit no;! at "3 P. m. "Thp'ficrMin t . lii r j -r- " CCtitinUtu lima uuz ;"-r uars. i n? enemy rttrtaied during the night, leaf- in?" tiirir killed and wuuoii'il. . . J i . v ls i-- .r,rcro fL i j n0t heavy, and will cot exceed twenty- i . " , ... j cf ..,"! ,i T' j live killeJ ana n.iy wuunau. luegar- , ,eIta troin uie Tai.ey represent me ! rebel in force fouth of Winchester, and j it is thought we shall have an engage- i .;,K ti -m there " ' 1 " J . , II. m 1 MERCHANTS, DLACKSMITHS AND VAC OX MAKERS. IE0N! IE0N!! D. A. CONSTABLE, st. joscrxi, );., HAt OX nNI AND Von SALE A T.VK'Ir Al l) VLLL SsLUiCTLD slUCK ulr" IKON, STEEL, c U' ' Lj CJMrniSING: nait.. ati. tiods. nORSZ A X i V.n.V, Mt!tS. ANVILS, t-TKINu l.KI.I.OW.S, AXI'I.S. VK ES. Till .-KKIX-? CHAINS, V.AW i''A, .-tM:!-.V l i..TL IlI.E.. KSrS. WhhXCt.K.-J. SLEIKiK HAMMKKS. H.M HAM WYM?,, SilOKlN UA.ViMLkS PIM lltl.S. XLTS, lAl;l:uV TLfcTll, -V. ILL V UFtLS,JiC.,iC.,4C, ALSO WOODWOBKS ! covrsniKG nrp.s, sroKEs. fellows. WAUOX i.O'VS, MIAr TS, J'OLKS, AXK , lIuLMiS. A2E I!M!.K KStuOM HAXILCS, lJi.oW M'L.L.-. HAVING E A I 1 !X L A H li E S T U C i' i OFT UK AIKIVK ti O O i) H, MiiEt'T FROM THE FACT OKIES, i. BEFORE THE RISE, I A E X A 1. 1. E D TO SEEL TO THE T ti A l E A T P i: t C E S THAT 1 L F V C O M I' i: T I T I O X . 3a,Scntl in Tour Scran Iron.F- " : Dotlar Sn i F ma! to two Dot i .V- lUoue. niGHEST I'KICE PAID FOR WROUGHT toOUAl' htOX AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. FrbH-nn2-r,m ST. JOSEPH, MO LEX NET, riETEHS &. Co Ted Jacket Red Jacket Bed Jacket STnnc:u hitters M ..HA:ii hit i:ns stomach ijitii;ks Tiie proprietors t f t hi- j 'V '! ee ue 1 aid we I! known brand of r;OTirli lii'ters do n it deeia it iiereanr. in HrHer toTe'e their p a flctoi-.u. or even an e i-I un ,ed y t ikf B flin. at . Ml9r B::tr, auJ pr.laim iu mihiI c.tpraU tht Jhy r. wi.rrti es-. tir Ili tersd. i...t nel bis. a - pa-e tj-m bef -re v-.M,r..n their n.Mi., n: l"' ;' n; ie tin lo the-ixal w a'.' w our bi and npin snov mi I e d" ui-pi:im. u s at tae. Tbeu- .-e --Ked Jckrt" itk'll tri.m ibt- ncuai coiup -i ii'M ; ,f! n.i'ive ens ..t :b i..,--m and wi h the dii i u ui a tew l,erb by l)r Tbai in n-Mie rire arr-t. t,(- she taste, tb-.-v ,w h-ve a p-ci l.ea.ll, . h and r-cn.rT,tiv -m "e ic-.? e-LtH'i llvr.r t-p. i,wt itir.- tr m m tei .? :-. r nitre a'tere tini ,mi all di-e?ej a ix- ir -m Tj.,--i Liver or m-iuc-no-i Ti t" m e iik.iteu aim rivu ra t me vi..;ii. Ti.ey are tinj-n m 'ed lor geu?ial !el.ility. Tl tyare a rure c re lr dy-pep-ia. Tuey Kivea fwi and bea;-by appeue. They nit dice i Tber are ibe best snmi'.'s'ix i'i exite"ce. They are a mre cure j.reveutie Ir "eer and They ie..ev. c.n:ipi i' u TLi y cu -e VerT-iii- H .id -.(h They are 'ei!e,::.y (i e 1.1 i pala'eab'e. Thty nuke she t.'i,iaied :r ad re-tcre to streiiatli the ehos:ei A ed tei sons a:id deiicite re-nate w; :i- fli! ibey can save lnrjte d.-ciwr bi.i u-ins :l.e-e bitrers Wi take pleasure in uiliu; a'ii li i t onr.-ey exlenive ca:aloBue of j.kaul coaed Gooe., c'.-ii--i-iiH ui pan of Stray, t;crry AVIne, ( lu rry Eliirkwcrrj if fa) .i . .loci "a l Clarij; f I.esiitin Corflinl Etael. Er;:.::tJy, Apple iir..::il3, rniinniiiu c fm.. .a C r n i r rt. STe-rr. aia.a- a i -M meVa w.u. un-. R.m-. r.ran ne B .1,1-6 ,:. j arm ue Vbi-K-es, wij.cr4 a-e peneci'y ("ur u- .r.-i tihly to tried l be ai'p:e.'ia'ed. S -'d by a it Dr-.ii:-git.-and dealers thnn h mi ibe cuaniry. Caii lor i ur t&A a i l tab? n .uer Circulai-a to the trde sappiie-J on apjiicatioa to IZNI.ZTT, PEETESS Co., Pri net -r?, 21 Rive: St Chicago. TT. IT. TvIcCBEEIty. Brnwnr tie, HECWK i-PEOLTi, P.tu, iv.T. Sold by GADCo. " " " BrorriTilie Jju2 u6l. no33-lr WRIT. Biuket Ciinr-.a. Sieves, iijss Traps, Ciolbea Pin- a"J Casliie ap i Jlcl.anitilin Swan's. " , ! jails. Tno Kf- ""UIU' c" 1 a. Cabs aud Wuee.birr..r At McfjxiEh'.in & Swnn's- TUPoriTAXT t. Snofee: The bt as'vr'ment of At rJcLansutin -Svan'. E. S. EUPtNi, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I j OFFICII AT HIS RESIDENCE. i ,-... ! UiJ iMn, T-T-puly i A5D . . i' O i-Za ( AT - THE HORACE YATEP.S 3I0DEKX . inrsoTD oversthcxg bass jFXJLIl-I2loII PIATJC3 ' are brllt -f tbe he?t and ni'rtt tfcnrorchlT fawd nia- , te-U. and ii: stand iirc'liwie. The lone is rrry "eep. t.sib t. mil. ara-l titenvar ; t u-b eU-ic. ah P.-jo t. rraa:rd r.r are jear. Price f rem i $7;o. , TFSTIKO.vlalg - '"Trie Tf-in'-e Witie Fnao are known as among tb e-y best." Evrreelut. ' " mrit kbi pmont kttowl CAitf.'iaR liue'li'.-encer. 4'v iu a M.xie-nc'j -i:fi the C.i: moe dn.wilcre.,, How $iao -jsevv 7 octavo piaj 'lea comTriao -G0M Journal. PlArJOb, ttJifr- ; Tuned the r. Tw.r...,e n wi:h ib.pnt rir,.ed ; a;J fr.fur5.' u 3d0- .Axexiuae- Or rr .uo. m t orrytnen. cfcnrche.. sab ba.u s l.ue. &tK;tt',e. Teaser, uutf ACE WATlE:i i.ts.i. The Day School R-Il. 4 rttCoTift' el A new 5in?u,; 3 H-k rT hoct S-uiui.j' l"s. Ci!e't IMT ia-l he l. U now ready, i; c inta it t- i.ui,d:J cu ice vn. Toil iit. clcl e l.:e'. in., enare ii Fitl Uurr.. ,r a., m w.ll f Ii exi r.-s y r n.i- w, k heJvi. 22-j.a.-e .f iht t.aten i ila.ic, ulut .e e-j ut! A til u ttie lrr f t?a'-'ifit p'ee tt te foti! d. ' I'i cie vni' M., lt..:i y.n bra the I ) u f'muiiiie" A .wj t t ok uii (Le niii.iiv " ; ' Tne n;le it ' l -Li'ti- Lt.I," ib ulee lttlle fir..' B idi.:'y " Kretir per tree " j Anvil Cb.irii " Wee ute it ti.e iuti:iii br fc ' ! Xc I i r in; T-i . 11 .i e W e- - .i t. r ! ..b l'i hSvii.k I B X I an. I 2 t: icn li-e i.J u. I m ni..ii e.i KM 0 i-et. P . . prrr. vers S5rei:', Jo IOj; t S ie i t-'S IU ; i ; i" 1 1 1 1 I) ii"., ii l.o-tu t::Ii 4Uteii.- H . e. iisi.d 1 ! -.6 f. .ie ui n.-iit-il itr ui.e iit. Manei a: iU icuii price. SblMth Si-h . Hell f. i. . eonin 14t p ati.1 nearly tw bnu1-ed tone ard byni-n. .i,l i ij.e n st p j.u .r S. 3 t-ver j-tseS A mi jis the nii , pmr j te e- e, C:U nni," Edru Cfc-i;i.n Her..." t.iru! 2i .n," "l ii;ht io v!brr " Tiie Aneis t..ld ii,em,'' In ibe Lifi.t " Rei for Hie Wwry," rvc Pricea ri'rt $15 jer lnniied ; b.i.Gd. 26ci. ech i I i-er h -na-e-i, cl:li uieu gill, 3Cti.J-,ei kruj el. .S:tht!tt:i Sehu.iJ Ct-Il ??o.2. ! is n entire Dfw orkf 132 i:e, ud :iej-l? 225 tune : d l.rm'is ii,e inu-i.- ir lutle m re ttifH.- iit it t i jn-t t fie r t o '. w Bed Vo. I. Neirir mil j li-'ii i lir-e Kl if h jve beea ii ted u.J are in.w ring I in? ihn.'ich Ihi, oiber c..nn rtet Aui in: tl.e I jii.i' ? rli.,ii-e p:e e. nmy f- ui d uail we tiieei b- .i.ii l.e iei ? Il-nf is be.-i:ifu! w. rid. Srrnw iu ' '- t i,i ..sriii no in- re I) n'i . n fiear th? A ncl- r-.i. p. ? .-e rip S. !.. K'i. f - - - n -c. V ' f ..l Be ! N". 2 -7 a:i.e Ul . i. n.-ii itrr:ne ci.i tc uui i? i n v .tuc i P' ie, l liii-i ini r "40 rent.-, tii ier bti'id el; c.flb 1 Uu nl. e..n..-e.l imo . ri-.. Kh ,-er h-.i-i el c- fte r I' uiMteii i ine ue nuiiu eo puce, jtaiiea t tLe retail pric. AVn:pr- ( h.i;:i' IIr;. A ew 5-7nday Sch.i ! B ".k r ISIjie- b.-'iM'n' hvuii !! I ii :-s. i Ciit line m n' sen-, r lu-h a Sbal! ku eui h ..t tre-e ; St!Tcr Ir tie tihlren tn r..iiie nuiii M"j Ti-e be.ttiitini i,..i; ti nki..i oti; l.e .ve me i:b ia ni.. her; leiene n me be -l ie Mi i 1 w:r,i .c Pru e .a,.fr iiiifr- 1'cm)-.; ,td per hu:idre 1 ; Hinrd X5 crut $2) 'T h a u ; cmtu b-i'ind emir n.-ed Kiiiu lo cen1. $3 j-er hiin,lrHl Mailed i i be retail prt'-e I i- euirl br n rare Wa-te-, an'h r or Sunday S;ln-1 Bell Na I an I 2, which bave bad the enrii..u- aie- of over eitit tl,..iiiiil Just publiliedby UdSAwa' WATiUi, Hst. 431 Brtadway, New York. The New I'mii -tic Son? II ok crnii:n ?6 pce pf 9rr. diter iMch ifB , lh a eel a -'i l-lli.r "iii !: ' : 14 nf pr , inr ick at) t is? :.if 0 ti- a::d t- nitf -ri i i u 1 1 j . i i. well fit f .r i . . ' e ; a !' t b i w '.- ! Mn .lit ti e n Ji ' . -i :. Vi-,f- i.i k!, Wl;. i' I !c i i. ei I ' ' '.l.'y, i t m r. -- j tiau i e- .', i ire '.!:i-e- i ..- .;ir bai : vr; t' c.r ii., ... tin b-. - v i' : ('.l 'iirv.ia ti0 ;T!i be ea.i, ' e i;i i ti's tatln ri ut ; C'.nn!t.i t' C-.'iii i..i io ; at i .'L.i.c l:K .r frire y i; r r " over-, 15 cc W, $1 : per bun drtd ilji ed al ;it .c'il ; ie The liarji l I'lP'-tlnm c.-nt?in32 pnL-ed, due as.icLome for F.J .1 , . . . . 4 ui,,'!- 1 1 rli irA iiA(-k wo w .it fl titn V 1- irc.'n-uV m ;n; o lei ni. Kiipii; Or : be u...:ti- titi ; Tnev w iki-1 me all ihed iy tc Pric5 ceiii riit:ie. fc'.) cfu.s ier duzea. $3 ver hundred; portage 1 ceuteacb. iititt.-: a s.icii rMfn:?t. contli;s 12.-. pae. Wurd b Her. Sid; ey nyei-.Tnnic bv Pruf. Cull. This n an exi elleut - k for cuncert nr tha yuuwit. Pike" paper c vers 20 rents; $lSper Lut.d. tU; bound 25teii!f ft-'O per bcuarl. The ItPviva! ir IJor.k, contains 73 p '-'eJ.f tune aiwi bynin. deweiieil for re vival, prayer a i.l c nierence meiiii2s. Price in pper ci veo, Mt't-ie Ci.pies 10 cculs; $S per buaJre-i alane-l al tbe retail prices. The AthriuLuiu Collection c rMin iet ween fon: aid five hund ed put ft tune. hii t livrtm new and '!. -r tlie clin e-t kind, toi (liii'-t b S ind u ymi. i. revival inir,-i.,u ry , tcniji. ram e p;,r cud f.ti:e-.'ire.i : nH h-w-t- 1 ul i O ni'tni. Tl.e music in ibi- ha tee Dd an imail' li III it, 'ik Sbinma Sli'tre, Ke-t the weary. Shall we kn-iw earh ..Iber ibe-e ? sImII we met bey-ind ihe rive' ; Theieis a f emnirnl wurid ; Kind w-Td-: Suee- b.Mir ..f r.iyer ; 1hereia Un.l f; Sniff tit i it In l en to runic- i'n' iue ; '-I save ' he Nt i. n, 4r. P j e finale inpies Iniind 6-1 leil'J $15 p.'r Oni'd:(i; r!ili b..unl eQin-.s-eil cut,.' cm- ; per l.ini'l'eii. Mailed ;.i t'i retail p-ice. TI R ('K 'A T E IIS 4S1 U.uaJwvy, Xe Vourk, PubUsber ot tbe Vncal -Inic, with 1'inno Accontpan inient. A laree a-jiriniont if nrw ?nd p pn'ar snnit-, batla l d':et nu.n U'Us an'l ch ru-e-. i -sued it iilv. Amiii! il.e m i-oi ii! ir are Sn ,1 1 we k i v eai li lie ti-ere I.wr.y; Why b ive my I -ved mil" g me; lwi-i be I ur ' he ; on. ti e e' n s i. h iri a iuik by K er , Holier'- , re i li lie ; s eet b ve tor set e nt .v. . by Ivi- le; 2"il-i.iii .idi ; 1 near .-.wert ice s: t,ci ti - ; 11 me ix; Knriet ir y u can. but loitrive, Ly lh 'ni is 3 rn s .-ii : iin.eni .! Ji i-i Cian i F rte We are C' iiiiiic Ka-ber Abia'ant, six hundred in"n.arid m-ire ; Aiwy ! k nn ihe M.rny hide; SLall r knew ecli n"'fr 1 1 ei e ? &c, miib briliiaut variti, us by Grobe. 6i ( en s earb. P.nktg. Waltzes. Marches. Q ick'teo-. Q'ladriOb. c bv ii,i ' ar iinli'i'k Ail k.n S -if S umi.' and In m riiv.t:. n h i.W. I'jta ''tries ni ii edtrce to say add. 11 uic mai.eJ at tlie aL i e i. i':; ( m-i- ai ci; e, rhoir? mih.i.iv .. i p Um.m h . inn,. i e c .-.j'. we kiii.'t j-n i!-n r"?- u':i l-e.t. ibe aiie!s c una-? ijhait wenierthe ; ; re"? M- m ti-ue; T'-e e i- a bea,niv:i ! v ..r ; -e libe t iweli., i my rtin' i; ; Fred rruili i i ii-h i Weaie c;i.i..c Ka n-: Hbra'm I b e ! b .iisjiuI ui e ; T.? e i- a I nid vt love ; s .r i,.w .-i.a , c n.ieuiii ho in re, ti-,veu y ovtiio ; nie i.i i,n-..: lie iv en ; L ind m "i -hr ; owmI im en .r Mind i v s h i.i ; Oi iil is iu irnhmj -n ; -d -a e ibe Nitimi; wiioner'a " ' tbe Pi ur an .n N'en ; r.t;- j Kreeib in s il .m b.s da i e-1 ai . '', (hfte pi .ihi - , :a:i Over tiie ni-,rn am ; l.o: e Klia'.-ah ai.e ; vji- I u-'f P'.ne io Heaven; m ffer li, i e i t r me ', j UiilLUie; K'l-v me in lie ui.'Mini! ai'.'be-: C me I. - j j iby ret ; S-veei h mr .f p fcc. Pi i' e 3 e-ii 3' teit?l"Pl'd 7 !- ei hlli.d 'I j iu-t 11 1 ! 1 ,(.!i. j iu aiitri i- i hi i it i - . i --'.,...' . .. . pLi, iMieil b -Hi.lK.Vf Wl l-'il S A -'I. X . 411 hr-.-v .,T V x J a m . 1 BKOWHvILLE STiiAfri i .rv.?fJ TI T ! This h is nnw bcinj run nuJ r tbe ujriM.ea-d-?nce of -?cp C-P VTL.. v.:v t,. r-r" tht fh-r ha!! be no eco-Iuia' At all Hosts cf ths Hzj ! Emiiiraiits to tlie Hincs Will f nd this an excellent point fV.r ro:c2 t b river. ErniTTan'a fr'mSt. J-epb ard all point E?st of here, even if they -b -Hid wib! m c by !b; X-b a-a C oy Ri te il fiisii a ti-ar to rr. at tbiap int. ajid tbe r. ad- are i-e ier . ibe A"et aiue r tiie all-- eisiiri R.vtr tUau vi' tbe aot. Aud PROVISION OUTFITS Cai be tx nTt-.t here cheaper than at any other pjlnt the Territo-y. -Trave eis trona. 5ansas 10 c: frcIa u t0 EsP" I vrm find tils tie most direct ?li to cros at. P.. V. MLTR. BTTwaTine. KebTtt, Aprtt i4-t I I si? 1H3 lEtL jaL i ill iiiib iiiit! J ill i iiljti HUU T7 LI. T. DEN, WOrLDmt T6;Tectn'lTlnTi:e :hepnv.M-re-e-!lT tittii tstiut.-e hi lu-k n . .;.ti.-i-t .-e Bini their ri!'--ii.e-e!ewter. a il.tywil: iherej- SAVE TIirj.Il MON'LY. l!CTTO "SMALL t ROTITS. Q''H5 SLZ," t'Ct :io'k cr.nist? of D-v Gv-J. Staph1 i an 1 r anev ( t r ;cer It-. (.-lOt'lMl. ti K)tS j , ' TI . . i R' J M' Mats n id Caps, r urni'ure. . Jj or B,.(j S'oves a:.d Tinware Qu-'Pfu .trp. H i ware . ('u l'-iy. Irn swid N:i-. Gl-s Hit! Piimv. (il and Pai .to, D ug and Dye-Stuif?, c. H n tj-re n-erttie-'t f rvt Ie O L-d i-liC li j i l K niet. "h'i.f:-er. n I .M'e FjH' J ni X ii i- (Ji ivm ..d H .. --j. U -o :rl. ic. At .i-w f nnre. 4 Fu I Aor:iierit ' Gent't nd R y' Simmer C.oiLi..g, rccj uir., Cder Ctoitans. JjU Will C-nl at Cheaper than at any oth-r House ia town. Bay j ir STAr-LE'KD FA'CV GRODEttiES Al 0X', Le k.eis full .Si.ittttcut uA Lau-i. D E IV ' iS Cticsro and S:. I.ui Cuani Mt!e i:ol ax:il Miors. anil Ladies I'antj ialters, A e ti..- lie-t i i ibe X irk?t and K S 25jSI'J.LS 'ill I'M CIIF.A X, MIN D illAJ, AaY)U GO ALONG! CTI E TE ;7 COOKIE. AN'O PARLOIt S eIZ3 O mJr iPl s . .O' Li e-: P-.e-n y,vi Bui at Cheaper than at aur o'Uer n uie ia BrjnT'll. D it 'a" i. TT S l-ree.-rt;'ien ofTff-WATtK nmTIKT TL.KS. UKAVr SlKr ll'.OX, HilU.O'A - WARE, bioK 1-U K t LLU M S iLutuswa; u.t te -:.dcr- .Id uii. HIDES, PELTS & FUSS, I)EX pay lbs Uubrt. Carb F k. A fu'.i A rtn.cnt of tmrna implememts ox riAxa. D E X ' Returns fcls thank- to the Pub!! ' r p-t fTr, tBrt by eii ict attentn n O. Business b .p3 t. s.eri; tLal lib era! patronage bestuwwd on tlui heretofore. TTI. T. DCT. j. v. IIDi; A 4 Manunieturcr and Dealer in S.UM.E3. IltnVE-?. ERIDLES,: COLL A US. Willi's. LASHES. NETS, trui.v ctnii;-?. cauds. URESLES. CAUiUAiE TFlAliSI.VGS, riaASTEXlZ.VG IIAXK, AND A VAU'ETV OF EVEUV TUIXO I'KUTAIXINJ; TO 2"31y Prices Sh!I be in Accorilance with the ! 1 Hy Strict Attention to TJasiness I Expect a Ccmtiiitiition of the liberal Patronace Heretofore i;t; by a Generous Public. Repairing of all Hini3 Tzecutsd PROIflPTLT. cash pa xn roit HIDES. i. W. SMDDLETOX- A -. Jtut 2', 1963. n7.1y SiKLLO. STliANGKK ill III I ? f : XCV f.TT TIIOE x e w goodsp AT J. BEHKY & CO'S., i HE VERY CIIEA1 ET IIUL'SE IN BUOWIiVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., FJare int received, ani are n-w s-nlre. at land cm Udia atraeL.oiie ot tie largest stjclu olheir DEY GOODS A X G-R.OCE ever afrered in this market. Remember tbe plate, J. BERRY & COYS, IvToi 11, 2V2.xzx est root, BirowxriLLE, 7, T. 1 1C5G! a xlit a:.i 1.1:: u.; 1 I 1 V- ' ! SiOVEo ATD XX ATIS V ATI wt i j r-j prTlTTT fTfr r"- i ! "r JQTTS; C.DEUSER, Strcrt, BrowatilJe, !f. 7w R.etnm Thanks T-r llje pTfOe he-'if.e XlW4 ! L;ai, aJ p-jioi, m ii ply all wai, e". tier ia QUANTITY OK QrAMTT. II vier 1mm in bit rrf t -k r ti !? ri.-e f s lnr'T er oII eel' e'r, ' ri I rti t h 'T. it.rir f-k pr.! )r'.e. Mr r r- tro-n t I. ui, mfcuf j?r--t Ir. i A? n-i in ii mliith U lttitiija l tU irn Bv" kua. COOK STOVES, TU2 LATZ A' I IVIT.OXTD PaTTSRSS j Duck's I eTiios i:!tt.iid OTCI2I, feu?ciJt. c;oUlen lira New llrav A.c. EE ruriTITFTt CAET..TTV" t :TrXTT03 or Txr,:i::zz TO HIS LA'lGE iJtVK Of HEAVY SHEET IROII, FOit srfJATl ItOfT.rT: : AIO fih t UUil I J IJ Ci OAUUJ3. A TAT5IETT OF Cr.T.kV LAUD AI7D COAL OIL LU?$' Ut ?rw Kau ifi.i !v.i',e'a; Laii Chimin v bi.u'es. h - C-:'Vr. mm ht aad ,4 Ware. A Lr.GZ QUANTITY OF Tin'. Stonr X C.:s S't-Se:,linC Trait Catt VLUY MCE AND CONVENIENT F0a DF.StlUNf. TO rur - LP t'ULJTI K T.AEfiE CrVT'TT OT Ot" EYLiiV L'i--slt.aU;Lt AUIICllE. i lie. Ail i.i M" 'f rnofiiiTus am aniens ES IJIKIFCTEH TO UH COOKING SKILLETS, 0YE.F, C Guttering and Spantia. . Its i p"-erre I to pa, no Kierinc and-pnf Idi. i4 all the wnrk t hi- iiaaat Hi brte( notice, and ta a woi kiiitilike miDner, wbl-b be warraiiU U , al tir--w.u. v&-a3 BENJAH1W ROGERS. l'rojirieicr of tL ira wm Him FASTEST HORSES A tretet CZZ CCQSIT T3 f13 tVert nf Ihe Mi uri II". t jr, p! wii! tire the a to rc-j O'lli'e iirti-- l rc-T-j' ne t r T i c a hi A LAKGTJ CORRELL VARD f.rSf.-k. Cy the Djj, We- i .r .M oa iuuaalif termj First S reet b ".' n Al iin and Atlantic, ' LROWXVJLLE, XEBUA&KA Maeh Jut, 14. t.30 My COAL OIL. be-l ; taU'.r clAi.fljaJ Ca. t4i oil. Lamp tbnuutys aud M itks Al ,t:eI.Hn;H:iu & Swan's. CA SII TAID FO R CO RN ! !! Tf vA YT TAVTKD bv J W C . f. w.Js m w inyint at B'. wni :e d ! Pe-n. He i pe, the hubeet nurhet pnre n .-.s i B i:i;iu iwirCrfi wni.e the p'i ie up F pa tit ii - ,1i e u,S. W. e.iaj as. fra, urj. W a-. -r Bi'nrt':. Aiay 19 b 11 i i7 vs-iX CHOICE LIQTJOSS. i Wholesale and ItetaiL i I Evan WortMiif OF THE ri SI x 1, f J -N 4T 1 LE0WNYILLE, TT 7t?c-!e'l tbe lar?t and bfr foe af l.'qi r- aa ' CX r e"r J 1 in ii ' k-i.au4 wni i uei dt m a v in iha Xerr.Uiry. Main Street, Erovrnvills; a r?b.,'f,4j!j. - JACOIJAlAiiUlIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, ii::uv.vriLLE.;;kasa Cat i tte ittention of Gentlemen new, nat aarvxaL.a a& l Xb caii.a V7c?jii:5 Apparel, To his .iSVSTOCXCr goods. . JUST RECKIVKl EH IAD CI.OTilS CA3;.lERs. VKSTINT.S Ke.b. or Tin: mai v ia v ri:vr styles, WUii.b be wi;; e 1 or ii . t irjr. at u j;,rev.e-, deme-1 i.- pi ice,. iia.-i i-u l "lie ut be ia au.u l." j-'.ui w jri . ia e- :aL 1 tl.ivU. j I wirrsnt niy work. j Hand at trcll a Machine T7or!i. 1 Tu .-e i iLit u"j iliiu- bit. line d-wito j call and exni:.e Ms (,o' nTesi.j. a he j p e nu.aei: tj iili -i v!t'ioa'J tavuraote ia- 'lutetienti. , lebrnarj 1 4 , 1S-4. 1 j A Lare anvr:Li?i,t of Pw.iei Zkt Lziw I M. , Caa . aea ; At Llclaxililin & Sa-au'