.Tin C .v-. 4 rr" Pa ii -n V.-iit- .tnV t IE AS, ii if' Ujltd S AS'' r r.of .pt? ,iS- in !ck pa la 4 yVlilE.TUUUSPAY AUG. 4, 1881. - c.n. scRirEir.- V FIt ADVtTIM0 AOEUT,' n4 Dealer in ,, Bx.k, and Colored lk Qn.lity t Dearborn treet. Chicego. Illinois, is ur a 4 stent for th Adverliter and rrr. udre Kinney of Utah was in town week. he paper has been unavoidably de I this week, to get in the delinquent list. Xtn. M. C. Perkinsthe Great West a Photographer still takes thore su ib Pictures at the Brownville House. n uro'hor c-'i'n.r: will b fr ""A retiint: Ict-it-r irm Mr. Crnv.givi count of th-n Indian massacre. We-A in Icuve out eE"lC UCT i " - . . I -I'll 11! . I- I Ml'll - - ,.-i.t Tn IJ-t r i j u t '.L county during the jsi ttu ay; i intertinq: lft:er from tSe Army - Poi )ii:ac; al.-o a l-it r fruni Sl:i-r-anny, m-t- utiavojdaLly crowded cot er k. you uaiit to buy your l;oo!s and 5 (Leap go to Ailuiot) Go's ho a larje s:otk uu hand hi'.h iLr-y are n low. ?rph L. Hoy lias bought out Joseph er' BiiLrr h'-p, south ViJ of Main et bftvter-ti firtst '.r.d second, where low holds forth. he delegates tlfcied io ihe Union . ul li ari Tt rrioruil rM,v ti1 1 n. Ir- in couii'y. hp- 'h lt;lcivK.. ii.iiim ly: - M-Pii-rr-iii. S W. Ki-iiLt i'v, Kviil: r'liin. Jell II! t Ii, : tJ F H At Y. T. D'i.'b i will fi:. Sah Latd.-ilC. al t i!, Fisfj oil. Carter ILiid Liiiivul oi. Turpentine, and : ha. Dru" and Dju SiulH, Cod ,, Mackerel aul trjut, Httin, Vme and Sail. f. ! rcLniigl.lin Srh have got 0n an 1 1 c i !ent asM-rtiiiOnt of fi::" Tens, boih nd pre r, et low prirt-3. All kinds ar. Vc,d .-i Ware I?sUots ColTee, I Fruit, , con?'nily en hand at Family fir "t y a -d IVoviMon ore. 1( d f "ip.eriorju;tliy on liand !irp I A ' kin-d-ni lor a !i"ri: III Mt llie Imftle of . I iif'i::it(i h:i'e tl.at lie ii'to ri in rkol tit 1 Ji'to" must i;y ciifnt icoiicd irnn . ; 1 1 1 1 1 ! I i;lJ't lr.;,'tiir li wniii.i l.ot W: aiC'l 1 ..t 1 ,: ;,. ()' . ,. ; ll. " ' - Oil' V I . lilt I !' . leH-' w ' 1 do- Wiiii It r ii on our l ek .', ii im.nci'.iite! v order -d a l;ir-r'5 ht of John liddh'tOM'n bi'st Hurt Of. .1 ltd is: : I ' !'i ni ! Coi tK-r ILiin and a'.avts. I)im in ! i the leiiih ol ihat "Ori;iL;il Si.ry,'' r fir.-1 ai.d forth ptge, frutn ! pen :r Couu'.y . Tr a?urtr, (audur of lU'ceii'ts." Cuunty Warrants' - ; c.) t:mt be attributed the delay of lj'er. Ti e ;.loi is pood, and th' sare "worked up' "bully I" Our "ffMature has enacted tliat Jt shall lhed ihree weeks in the"Adver : ' and that then the author shall give readings uf ihe ame, from day to .til fini.-hed." Kind Legiilature ! jreat object of persons who have ebiiitated, any feel forewarned ase romruon to this climate, is a '. Many think biliousness is ihe :o at onre commence a rigid corse nics. which but feeds the disease jces the patient, as the stomach in a fit condition, but netds ening;. To all who fee! in this street that they try a buttle of Jacket Stomach 23itter?, which -orate the j-ystem, crive trne to I;: cf cf c tr.! is r. ti.- " the : Tl.r cr.f curt . , and enliven thf mind. ' e urri u. at.d there is but , and that of ,lir wonderful cdJ by all drufTiisia. tdnesday, Provost-Manal At frested a man giving his name ts on suspicion of his beinone trii's Guerillas. Th prisoner 1.;': ' f r c ( ll, let cr i r r . . ' . uri, an1 had en Ins person an ' allejjian'e of 'Joseph Biakely. probaUy his rirht name, epec e tame name ivas on a rertlv- poosMin. he abutr was in lypc the priso. !ckn .wkd-ed that he has been ! am y. ij,a, n racj ( a,r j "s of Li xington. Ci rin'h ai.d 'rJ"isi'j to es. je to the Plrtii ? to ,h" F d ral ,! p., ' J 0,'S H" II. .s , lll'.IJ don. d j Uhv.haeUr I in I... ' i. l ! ti.- if r r. : ar : to,. i: i bilges for four wet iS. Uttful F't'el enravinrj. Called "II Fc Ti "ne.. optni the August num- 1 1 Lajy a Friend. The Steel ate,a double one, is abo, as -be first quality. The wood en- V . graving are also excellent, especially "The Bridal Dress," and the following: four pages. The literary contents are varied and . excellent, including "Sicily Wayne," by Virginia F. Tow-nsenJ : Love's Answer," by Carrie Myer; Unto the Dawn," by Harris Byrne ; To my Sister." by Maitie Dyer Britts; -First and Last," by M. C. P.; "Au reole," by Charles Maurice; The Trans formed A'Yiiage:" "Loving Twice and Twice Wedded." bv Mrs. James "The Mistaken Kindness." by Deusion; "Signs and Token?, by Alice ; &.c &c. &x. Price 2 a Single numbers (postpaid) 20 cent Published by D-acon & Peierioa, 319 j Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Tl)e citizen of A' err cm Cmntv. Mo. !ik.- a ' ig Mar' unit rgardto Rui-huhnckers. The iudden ouibrake in Platte County and other portions of cen tral M ifjouri, and the treachery of a . r t T T ha excitf-d I ' I llt'M "'l l.t- M 1 tl- V. r ri'iiy r lien. III v i: ;.,m-i. ir y-'j iiii. ci Uit .arUe.a to t!-' a I A few r.re dou!u!evs stn'jrylint; tur. tl jh, but they are riinnin tor ihr-ir 1ivi?s, !ry inj: 10 escape to the Plains. There is no caue for the people of these ci unties to beaUrmtd. Tliey should be vigilant, and on their uard. All snpiciom stran ft shovld Je arre.-tfJ 'j"he proper au t; oriti-s, and after a fair trial, if found wi'iy p itii.-hed. I3at ihpri need be nt titit 11 M. Thett Lre thoj-e in Atihi on a.- well as ebt ubt re, who J. light lu ttll uiaivr'! ;u- .i.irif , uinl r i.'IitCiJ vvak- tnn.dt u ci' z-)'.- N ;tt . 1 1- titi have i , f..;,i d 111 Ai' hi .": ; iij y, 'hat were e.l-! I I ri .i d'i i d- - !:' dnpi d vil. ll ! 1 h .twti.' t 'i -X'Jllt tlu-u'i. ISirie i antiiher c.a? J.ai try by their, excitement?" to y 1 totini iiiiie. mey taie not lur the prate of community if thry Miir.d a cl ai ce of bvcominjj a Cap tion or Li urenant. Another clars make a t;rai i.oi.-e, a re? rebels when they have the ai'-iidaticy and most violent Union men wiu u :h.y find they are the trog-es-t. Ttt 'y lie by violence and s ealirifr. Dutinu an rxeiumt-nt ibey are tolerattd u.itil coinii'iitiiiy rind out ih'-ir v.rihles- n'is and drive tii-m oil. Ii;ere were si-Vi ia! such in Au! i.-on wli v. re rb . -ir u!i :i !.'.- war bro!.-' out ; alii i vvoida .viy ii'ibV U..Uii irii-n, stea I.-ii, ti.nruei- ier, mid could no' nn?f.ly irfr or bmidifijs. until thpy be tolejau d lot gr. They n ,'i have mri'i' i.: i'linoi: find ' vil C jp'rh-.ids nd H.'i - i-. to t-.-l. F- r 1 1 1 i;ni l i d t1. le ri oil ' L V I '.I. li.ti.- t" er from any otr.lrt ak North of S:. Jo po from either I5jh.vhackvrs cr Jaylnk-e-rs, a great deal of croaki:if to the con trary, no'.withsiandieg Th re are men who pretend to kn-'t-.v .t at u nl mere j lha.i thev tell. ih y ke their heads j om'n di.-lv ; "they l.trnv." One tla.-s ; t'Tis yo.i the Lj;i:.whac.ers are strong and are organizing and will ravage the country from Dm tt B ;-: rshel a. An other t h-us arc r.jt rfraid raJtwhuc.k ers, but the .l.-iyhawkers ate iioinj 10 re vive their oruaniza'.ioii.s an 1 do ternl !e things. If thee meti know so mnch, if they - are .o loyal as ihey pretend, why not make known their facts to the prop er authorities? Thia would nip the evil in the bud. Important instructions hive been issued ftom the War Department to Gen. Wash burne in regard to aliens performing militia dutv. Alien? rtfusini: to perform nialitia duty can be ordereJ to leave such d strict or department where such duty is required, and if they dj nol do duty or leave can be arrested and punished for such refusal. Counterfeit money is now beinesten ively circulated intheJGast. Small bill have hrn idirrriilr rirroistinc in tl-.U rp. gton laiely. Although tt has not been oar rr i,d Iuj!v or in i -f jrtune to received auy of n, we would warn ihose of our citizen who do occasionally rjceire mon y that counterfeit $20, S5U and SlOO's have mad- their appearance in Pittsburg and other eastern eiti'es. and it will doubt. I.s t ot ho I onr before they make thera i For Ua, Mn, U.eh., .m. H d liOi. llotl; Ifi fur.-. W o. If JS yc -rl ; Plant- Vo l, Aliitml V.. In- -v - - . . ' . i . v.", .i.i Od it .x-f. 1 1 1 1 ai p .v. 1 1 - i i"..r '1 1 'ei. I 'tint iii In-d. tiiti.iu A.. "Only lurali.bie rem dies kn .wu." rrcf fc in i i.-ns. ' 'Not d'.i-rerou t the II i.nia Family.' Kat cotne out of their holes to diu." : a-?" S.ld Wholesale in all lire ejf ies. " ;y all rn--ts and Kotailer-erery where k 1 1 ' .,1 nil w. ft r. Tfij j .;... - tT tbat "Co-Tin's ' namo ia oi eaok llo i n ie. aca tucn, ho'oie jou ouy. l"AddrefS Iir.NKY II. COST1R. I-ef" Principal Dkpot 4S2 Bhoapway. N. V. t-T Sold by All Wholesale and Rouil DrujisU ia Urownville, Nebrwka. T . vt . Mrs- Aunt ; ! ytar a sett asd urge stocel oi - STOVES AND HARDWARE, FOR SPRING TRADE. , 1 JOHN C. DEUSER, 3Iiiin Street, Drownvillr, 2V. T Return thank for the parroisee heretofore xtende4 to liim, unci promise to- supply all want, either In QUANTITY OK QUALITY. IlrfTin laid in idj -rii-nt sfn-k; heft re the lat rise f tj.ir'y per cirit. f mIIm t undersell all who lave to lajin their et.k ar present pries. My rt.r- areftll frojj St. Louis, an il manufactur ed fr in Mi- nri irou which ia pronouncce tote the best iron now kn-jwn. . V V i v. J - J Si : ii :'. auth's 1 earless. :f.t vr; li'fl t V't!, II U rr-;Ti!rn calls inr. at ten OF FARMERS TO HIS LARi E STO;i; (F HEAVY SHEET IRON, FOR SUGAR BORERS; ALSO HIS CIST lElO. KETTLES. EU0JJ 10 TO 2i GALLONS. A VATMETY OF CUFAV LARTJ AND COAL OIL LAMPS Of Jipv and BoHU'itiil Pa'tera-: l,Hii):'('h'tiiiiej, Slihi'e" M-. !Jr:i. C.ipD'T, hihI tLet lion Wj.r; Un frn X'-i'iwia and .Tapi4bei Ware a lar;e cwtitv of . . .1. St Mil v it Ci - Se:t-Si .:g rnii? m VEI.Y NICE AM) Ct'NVEN.ENT FOiC those desimn:; to rur up rui it 1 Ti A LArrr.E rtFANTTTT Or xxz IjIjO tjst ; TJtr. i OF EVEliV OES1UADLE ARTICLE. THE ATTENTION OK mmcm i;v.s ami Tnr:::s IS DII-: IE TED TO '" COOKING SKILLETS, OYEX?, Ac. Gutrern and Spouting. n i pifi-are! topm o gn'tentia aitO oot itm. an.t ali 1 thp work i t 'm line at the -hrte-i notice auj iu : o k'- nlike m inner, wbi-oh be warrao.s li cive at-tiiae-loli. ' vS oj-l TTTk '. bii yriFIt AMKllK'AN. FOR 15U V -LUIIE X LEW SEEIES, The iiiii U r. .1 the . I NlIU'' aMKKI? iN fp-.i-tivei ii-iliee tint III- Ten Hi Y li.lU W .'erii f.J .l II .. iu U uec till Hie til.-l ot J.mu. r ii'X. Tli ts journal vi est ibtished in and i ujj- until dl.v l"e ni'i.-t widel v eir.-ul.ited aiid ii.H Jell Hal potijicitioii i t tint kind in ti." Horid. Li vom-u- oMin the new volutnu the j u Id !her desire to -nil j r.-ii I attention to it d;ilm a A JOURNAL OF POPULAR SCIENCE. In ihl? repe t it shui'li M-iriviilI.d. I: n it onlj fi'id it. w.v to jiliu it fferv wo:k!nMi in th j co.iuti) : t lie e:uiie-t frietid ' toe uj-en;oi.e j r!i -n. but it ii t. tind 'n ihe routri -roi,n uf tua iniiuo.'iii-tiirer and the jut-rehui.' : n'.o m the !)brity tnd tile ln..ih. ild. The puliii.-hei-. leel Wiirr;iiitvl in 8Ming that no other journal uow iuMi?!.ei -.on-: tin un t ijU:!! iiinount of ufeltil oil' t niatioti: while it i. tlietr aim to prv-cnt till subject iu the ai-t I po; ulr and HttrHctive iniiiti'-r. ! T!.: Si-..t;f. .mc-5c:oi I . :i'!i:sh"l r" w-l-. in convenient : f.r b'. 'id : n. :tn-J eae.i -.i.:o'i "iiiiliiiii-i f ef u-'tu! rcidio .n .:t!- illu.-ti--I'.-ii wiin MMtiiuUS PENl-iII) T.7f C It A VI.VO of all ihe liiti-Kt iin-1 bef iiveii : : n- ! t!n-il;. v. Tlii fj.'itnre o' t ho j-urn:tl i.- w.riliv of ;.--ei;ii oo'e. Every nu'.iiUiT eoi-.tiiini tn ui fivo to leti i iiin.il e-i-jcmriiigs of ujevbiin ie.il invent ion rei I'in to every difiaritn-nt of the an. T1iec enjjravin- lire e.c t'Uin.'d l ariists specially employed n tho jmiK-r, and iiro universally ueknow'eded tube Jriarto Huvthiug if the kinj jindueed in tbi country. The ubii.-d.-.rs ol' liie Sieni'Jij American rnmi.s to present, a during (irecuding yeaia, all tbe lale-t iiiirov.-nieiis. in Steam Eriyineeritijr, Wiir Vessels, Oiilnanne military ami naval Fire arm Mechanic Tool, M'' iiiilai'tiir.nir M.uhinery, Water wheels. Pura -s aud nt her Itvl auiic Ao; ira t. Household L'leosii. Llceii ii ('ii'-tni.- il and Movhanical lo-dm-tllenf, Fiin Machine, and other Cariou Inven-tii-n- b-side all tho varied article designed to lighten the labor of ui.irikin.l, notooly in tli -.-h-.p and war-house, but in evei-y pUco where the in dnstrie. of life are puued. From it c .intnei ceui?nt. the ScinMnc American ha. been the earnest adroitate of the rihu ol' American Inventor, and the. ItETERTOR Y OF AMERICAN PATENTS. In Hog imrunt depart nenr . t0 vitally ctonnect t d with all the fcrvat interest f the coun'ry, no other j'lUmal vaii iavany claim uli;t1ever: as in iie C' Jiiidcs there is pnbli-b-i we- k'y OlBet v! Li-t id the -e'laiios" f till patents ""grrtutcl at the U. S. Patent Otfii-e. , THE PR ACF.ICAL RECI.rE" alon are oJt tima wor h in r to the HuVTiber tluu ;he atn iii-it of , w'iIh y !' -iS .'-ipii u, ItHMS OF tUBSCIPTION. Two volumca of the Sel ntific American nr pub-li.-hed each ynr, at $1.50 inch, -r 3 per p r an iuiu wih eorre-jo ndin I- w terms to Clubs: $1 wi'd pT for f'-ur muiitbs aiibsi-rfjitton. Thj number for one year. hen b-und in a . volume, constitute :( work of 8W cf ui-fut inf.iriB:ition. which every on-j nuzht to m-e. a new volume m: cointuence on tbe first of January, 18 51. . CLUB RATES. FiTeeopi", f r ci njouiha Ten ?v i a, f .r ix rn rith Tn cojne- for tw-'lve months Fifteen c 'pie, for 1 w-:!ye. to n'hs Twenty -oiiie. fr twelve m mth 2? M it' For all club of t v enty ai d er. the yearly suti-ri.ti--D i only $2. Oil. Name enn b -aiit in at d.iTeren' tiw nnd f n in d dferi nt Pi et Olnii-. l ' Mn ni c ien wil. be ,ie;i' gratis to any iurt id the i-iain'ry tlaii.idi-ii iit-er"ber-' will laa-e t4 r- rait 2 e,nt ix'ra uu enrti vearV 'uhvriiti-'n tnprep- y istse MLWS A i O . Publisher. No. M I'-rk li- . N-w V rk. 17 I tUe "' " Fine Dairy Salt, fur At f V'SWHIt-. Wotict. I hate left with C O. lJi.rey, Eq., Ilrorarill all tbjf rMMtk", paier and aceoours in aiy Jaj ct-n neeted with ihe advertiser idn e ft ith" Tts c 1uinen.e ment tn m v withdrawal. ta is fully empowered t aet a tny ant, Thoe ruoriae unsettled account will save troubl by calling vu Mr. I. soon. .. Ii. W. FtUXaS. PrftsmTilli.. Ureh 2. nu 23. j rVTc f . A TO R LI K ar. SWA.S ar constaetly receivin 1 aJrtl.'ft JW lifelltAir. ..f nr.WTria an.l TT..-a. wa . Their O n any other man." Their Omda aud Pi ices will suit everybody "e ! Ayers Cherry PectoraL MERCnmS, BLACES3IITIIS AND WAGON 3IAKERS. IE0n! IE0H!! D. A. CONSTABLE, st! JOSEPH, MO., HAS OX IIAND AND FOR-'sALE A LAHGF A'D WELL SELECTED STOCK OJT IRON, STEEL, O ASTIW.Gr , ' ASD- Kill CMrKIsINU: nORSK NAI1.3, NAIL-ROPS. HORSE AM) MULK SHOES, ANVILS, fcrUINJS. l'.ELLOWS. AXFLS. Vlt ES, TIIIMltl.K SKEINS CHAINS WAtiON I.OXKS. Cvl.V i'l.ATE. IU LTKU I LH KS. y 11. Ls. KSt'S. W lr N' : iES. i M;!ii;r: !!am .,;.u-'. u .n;; iJAMMKa-v tii;::;N'f i!A.V.ii.K. 1 J.'''iL.ii, MJTr. M U:OW TUiJl i. VLLi V. lit eLs,&c. ,&;., C, - li OODWOEKS! c o w 1 X ti nuns. ,-n;Es. FK:.ims. TTii;. .iJAHS, it. I.MS, AX!'. ti:.i:.r.. AXE HANDLE liiiwO-.i it.MLc, i'i.oW I 'ULES. Ac - ! " . ALSO AOtNT F TflK SALE Of T IREAKKS C LB S, 1 i . ' AT rACTonir PRICES II A V 1 NT O LAID IN A LARUE STOUIi OF Til K AIM) VE ti O O O S, MiiECT FUt).M THE F A C) TORIES, a ' KITCRi: Till RISE, A Yi I' N A I. Fl T S Ei.L i O ' 1 lc A I) K T I U I C E - T II A I) L I V CO M 1 I'. T IT 1 1 N . I T II I. gSTScnd iu Your Scrap Iron.g One Dollar Saved it K (tial to two Dol lars 31 tide HIGHEST TRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCKAI IKON AT CONSTABLE'S IHON AXD STEEL WAKEIIOrsE. Ftbl4-n3J-r,n ST. JOSEPH. MO DEN N K P, PI KTE LtS & Co., Fed Jacket Red Jacket tci Jacket Iff I 'I IIUS in rn:its The proprietor . f ttii- Jnat 'Tut' ee-ne t and wel Ikm-wn brnd o' JJ'o n h Hitter do n dteiu it nere.-.,i y. in order t- tleir B 's a fictfti u. o even an e i- tan--ed r tine, I l. k a fluM t. all 'ttie- Hitler and pr claim inMiinleipi aU thit tt.ey are wm fh!e. our Hi ie' d n f iied -tit, a we pis e tiiin'tef re the piiiilicon their merit, n ! inyi e v-ur ciretul a1 ie itom to the noi id we all w our b and npn knovin; a we d-4 'ha' our reputation rs at r-take -Theri'iiie KedJ.nkn" istvkou from the orif tial enmp -i-nl t.y the native cliild ! ifi o-i-at. aivt wnn the d li' i m .it a few lieii by l)r Cliaitn. mute more aureei'.ble to iheiasie tbey i-ow hve a pecn'iariy liealtby. iMih imr an-l recnpcrativi intt ie.ice epeci liy r r tnept lient ri.-ina tr -ni tlio bed of aicKiie. ! of appetite di-ties after e tini d xt. e. and all disease a.ix inu ir.itn T.'4id Liver or mlzentioti Tl.ey i-treiiSilieii and iuvtcoratc the rteii. . Tliey are biieciiiaMcd tor peneral ilrl.iiity. They are a fta" cirf-cnre f-r dy j.ei;a. Tltey sive? col ami bealtby appeiiio. Tlicy a4 di"0 lion. Tbey are ihe liet iiuiu!aT5T In eail ence. Ti.ey are a ure cure pievenlive for fever and Ague. They lelieve ' oust ina' inn ; t ' ' t i.of cure N".-va. Il-ad!hJ. "j Tlicj ire p.-.ic-L-r'y vis-e a 1 1 palitcable. Tsev mate the debilitated turui- and re.-tirjt.. ren stii lue '.;xa iu--e I ed persons and delicate temal iM lint ih-: ! c n save l rpe d icior bifis t-.y u-inji iho-e ijitiei W" take pLeaMirc in i a'luu at. en. i i l hk "f V exteii-ive ca. alogi.e of Bulk aud csed Gooe, cb-i-ju iu pari of StrawDcrry WIik ICf .ft Fiierry i .Blackberry Kasy berry binder 99 99 31 us eat Claret Lemon Cordial Pea 1I1 Brandy, Apple Brandy. Champa'zne. Catawba, Ctlifornli P..rt. Sherry, ifa'a ga ard Maiicra W.ues. Gin Rum. Brandies, Bottrboii and Rye Whi-k:e,rwiiich are perfectly pure and need only id be tried to lie appi eciaied. S 'hl by a'i Orux Kista and dealers t)irou.h.,u(. the country. Call lor cur p.! and take u oiber Circulars to the trade supplied on application te BENNETT, PIETERS & Co.," ; Prepriett rs, St, River St Chicago. Soldby TV. II.McCREER y.'B.ijwnville, BROWN 4i PKOTJTi', Peru. .T. G A D E Co . 1 . " " Brownviiie. Juue 3 ?fit. ;, no 39-1 y ' COAL OIL he-t qiiali'y ciai Jed Caib u wit. Lnn, .chiaiiiiya aud V ick At Alcl.anhiin JL Sivaa'a. ,CASII PAID FOR CORN!.!!" VTAXTKD. hy J. W. Bli-. wh i now Luyin at Br.wnvi -eamlPeMi. He 1- pavioa the highest uia. hei pr:e '11 t.ga a initoa yinrC r i whiietb p ire 1. up K r pa, lituur enii u.re of J. W. Blisa ai Peru, orJ.W (i a-s w, B Owiivi.ie. , . -May ISih If4. 1-37 vS-,f . "CILOCR, Bmner, tut. Baon. etc.. stc. T At McJjuhiin & Swan'a. T RtFD Apple: Dried Pe he, taso, Rice, starea MJ ?. Candles, etc-. e , At Mcl aaghlin & Swan'a. i BENJAMIN ROGERS. , ,. lVoprietoi'of LLe RI WW ffiK II ts tbe - FAST E ST. II 0 R SE S , rj , . " v - Andbefteet .1 ca aa a-iixlrcaixs? i Wetef tho Mi-s .tiri Kiycr. and will hire them U resjH Bibe parties at rHorwble rates T K U M 1 C H . ' A LARGE ; CORRELL YARD 1 Ifor-Siork. Uoraoa' T3oatti--!lri "AJ " Cek ur Mouth u reasonable term 'First Street between Mafn'and Atlantic, BR0WRVILLE, NEBRASKA lfarah 31st, 1SC4. 30-v8-ly IlllWUS! isnxxL s SLjzjni; CaM THE flOKACE WATERS 210MKN IMPaOVED OTKaSTRUNG BASS FULL IRON FRAME PIAII03 are bntlt of tb bait and mixt tboronchly aeaaoned ma terU'a, and will aUul anycUoiai. Tba too Urtrj deep. ronnJ, mil, aixt me'iiow; tta touch elaatic Koch Piduu warranted for Are year. Fricait from $225 t$7WJ. TISTI3IOXTAL8. "The Horanr Wai er PUaof ara known aa among th very tet." Eecngtlitt. "We can spe.ik f iheir merit freni personal koowl edpe.' Chtittia Inte'ligtncer. 'Water Pi4n aul Mel Kle u challense ccmparUoB witb the flnear made anywhere." Home Jour U. $100 -NEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, f diiTer ent niakern. for $HJ? do., with carve-l !eg. $200. 3225 and $20. . Second-ban! PUno and itol.Hie,.n at b, $10, $50, $60, $75, $100, $115, $126, $1j0, and The Horace "Wafers .tltJodcons and llai- ' monlum. Toned the Pqnal Teniperament witb tbe Patent Divided BeU.' Price from $i5 u $300. Alexander Or gana frm $2)0 to $Vo. 53" A liberal discoi ot to Cierjrynien, Chvrcbrs. Sab bih S ft'H.'n. Lud)tea, Seniinarie. and Teacher. UMH ACS WATERS, Ag't, Sio. 481 Broadway, . T. The Day School lleM. 40.0000 iM'ed. A new Sinjtin? 3H.k for5choolf and Setninrie. called the Day tch i Eel. U Do ready. It contains a' u two huodrrd rh iie yonns. run l. Crftct f d lipid, frl.m. qniirtetta ami h-e. iiitny tf ilifiii wfiin ii exjir y i.r ilii- w.n t ieide j .a-r'M tut Eieiiir-aia oi JtbsiC, wuui a; I (iijy Hid Anions the larre nnraber of te"fif il p;eie- may re fMi d. ' Cucie !ani' School, ' Don't you hear the cl i dren romtint ' Alwava look u the huuiit hide " ' Tlie little la-a ' and -Liuie I." U nl i litiln bird." Bird of b-ntuyJ' Pretty pear tree." Auvt t'tio n " Mmi nie Ir Die rui.n iu Uo- k " I tT ' 1 i c iii.i;e.! '.y ll,-, a e W; e' ai.iL. r " S .b ; h:: liS.t.. 1 B- ,' X I hii I 5 w icn bv hat i l: - f I hV: Ik 0 v. pi V- i rT n-vers .i i 3 e-v 10 .!. 'o. .'6 t ti I lie (:: ft-b'fd ei!t $3 e.- l.iiiii:ed. 1 S" :t..v. i, , - mt, ' .1 : K.tt ! 1.., 141 : .,f 1 .r . biTii'!- I'd '. ;n and : S. .1 ii-. Jr l it s-iv.i r . , r C ..1 'A i." ' l'.-a ii 1; li Zi.'ti," T!e a c t"ld ti e -o.'' 1 1 r r-ninr r : A vie " i ii S 1 ill li I ' iii ,oi .! if: ! '-in ii..' i T-: '. c I. -'.i Him h i- t' o We.ry," pri.-es ci.. f.ttl.. s:: 1 . 1 ti e.l ; !!. nd. 'Hi : f .icli Jlii tper l.n i ti t, i! cti., SjiC or Di"i -1 , aj.ii i' uui, eoiuoked el. i: il o.?, is in ,-i r new wo; k .if 192 aid 'ie.rly M5 rnne a:.d 7 mi-. - .Ob ni'l -i o littie hi re liifflcnt it l. in-1 tt e b k o To : w tfM X I. Xe.rly one mil li ii oi ib-e K-ll hive been ixaiieil and ate nw inc in: OiroiiL'ti fl-.l, and o'ber coin-ri- Am nc t tie many choice pie es may be f. und khall we n-eet b yin-: ll.f -ivn? The; els. a beauOtiil World. S .rrow kiial 1 c rn j .ik .in no to- re V .n't you bear the Aimed-cnniim.-? Tlutit, Uod. Fef loe Sibbaili Bell- chime on, fce. P, ii-ei or Bell H". 3 are'ttie ime as Bel N .. I. Bo.li nur.:beia Citi beobtai'ie-l ib o.ie vo, nUe Price, I,: und cuj.y 40 cent-, 4-5 per liiindiel; cloth bin. nl, emosed 'iu( Sit etc.. $io per bundled, ii copie fii'tiisiipil i tbe one h'ind:ed puce. Jtaiied at toe leuit price. Wafer' C 'Ihimi! Ilttrp. A new Sunday School B ok.ir 1(0 paef beanttrn' ti v in i.- and iiiiiCk. ti contiine in hit lie n', ncll a S'i 1 we kn aeh t.iher tl-eie ; iiffer li t le i hildren t r n. e ii Me; Tie beaariiui -ooej Oh ' I is c I -. 1 1 us; !. ve ii. e i u my mo her ; It ie e n me he I ie -tii I - c P'o e pa ei- ei.vei 3 cm j a& per linml, e-! ; iiou.nl Jj c-nts" $3 i ner h u ied; co.tn b nd m i-eduid i 16 cen i a. AS ier hundred M ilitU mi ibe tetan p ice I i eoi'4-t bv II ace Wa le-. an'b ir oi Sunday S.-lio d Hell- S m I n i 2, wbict: bare had the einim-'ti a e of over eiu'hi lli-ni.aod e. p e J a' publi hed by tl I IA K ATKit-S,Xw 43! Broadway New fork. The ew la..i .i.c Sonif II 'k contains 96 pare- of aona. dner arnl ch-"n-e, noth aa i red and eculr ineludtnc 14 p i(ea of prayer fur sick and d int so idier, and aliliei ' Scripture Mariutl it 1 well am ed for Po tO atu.iOi. as well a Sjbbotli worship Am iiit the 'many beautiinl pieces may t-e f. ii. d, Where Idieity dwella ismyrouiitry ; Tiie Chris tian lero, Tiree cheer-, fir onr baiit'trt'tN-tne s'n- to meorh-? vmi: Coliiuiliia. the ?eut ol be.rean ; K ee mati'i rithering; Coliimbi.i'a Kmif forever; M irclun; al t Ac Price. paper ov cr, 15 teuU; $ I ; p" iuu med alai.ed at tie retail price The IlHf , . I l're t!-m contain tl pave f itonr-;, due i and chorne for Free diim. Amoii-j the th ice piece we w u'd name F-di trefrloni'i" m rn ; O te. ruv prup e u -; Uvrilieiii x.fi tain; Ti:e w iked me all ihediy. ic Hric. 5 ceiu Min-'le 5o ecu; s pe." dozen $3 per bn eire-l ; p rsre 1 cent ea-b. Ittl'h: A S m-! T: i'l''v. cnii'aliif H . p ipe. Word b TJev S di ev Oyer, mn-ir hv P:ot t ill nd i- an excellent i- k lor emu-en s i. r ln v nut P; ter-4jaer vers 2)cn;s: Atvev hi.od.td; b nnd !id(.cii(l per hi.tidri.-d. '11,.. 1504; ,,4T,-j,. JJ r . c-nta'ni 7.1 !M;oJ.ir nn.e and hymns d?iK: ed fur re vival piayer a-ei c -mereni-e niei mif. Price in p per -ooi-, Mi n e e pics 10 cent; $3 1 er bui.die-l ,. alaiic t rft the re'ail price". The Athena ii.ii C.illrcfj n contain jelween fon anil live hum! ed pave f tune n-l hymn new and oil. oi t lit tnoi.'t kind lio i liincU S unto school tevival mi-.Moii.iry, icm.o ran' e p ayer ai d coiiference and all h n l or -ac. e.l ..nd --o-ci il uii'etini.'. The 11 ua'C 111 Oil ti.M.fe ha life and an ion: l 11 111 it, k jSh-piii-.: Shore, Ket f..r the weary, Sha;l we kn w e.,ci utUc llie. e? liall w eniet ter -in! iheritei ; Theieis a ieiMf':l w.irid ; K.1111I w.rd-; w el hour of prayer ; There i-a Und of o.ve; Sutler .line tin a en to come iinto me ; trod ave 'be ti-11. e. Pi ice sincle copies b uud 6d ten's; $15 per butidrid ; cloth bound ewbos.-ed Kilt, 6" ceni- ; 05 per liiiniiel. M .i:ed .:i t'ieretaO price. fIK.tCK WA TEltS 481 B.oadwy, Xe Youik, Publisher of the abore B n k. Vocal Jltf-ie. wito I'liiun Accnmpaiiimrnl. A I rce "riment ' f new vnd popuUr wins, ballads diietf . ijn.irl ert and cl. "- i-ned di:-. A mom; tdeniosi jHiniil.tr are S!ill w know eaCii ..Mc. ti.ee Low rr; Why h.:ve my lve. ones gone ; I will be true to ihe; )h. tl.ere 11 sneh airl a-, lai.ie. by K-.sier; l-er's lovis 1 trr.e ; Sweet love, f.-rjiet ma lod fc t.y Ke . Z' :-: tt : I oe.ir voice smgim; ; 11 in e. is h.Ki.e; h-ouct If y.u can. but i-i ki v c, by 'I h.-Pii J ' .-'ii'i e cli I . .. ; .. f ir fh C -- . V -tf-we are i'iiii Fa l.'T Atii d..n., six liiilid: .1 i ii.uralid mm e i v ' - ..) - i i n the si.rtiy s:dr-; f-'tnil we km w each ..i-.. r 1. --t- ' vV. wiih LrilMa.ii .uiisii us by Urobr .111 f jch i k Waltzes'. Uarche,. Q-ick-tep . Q iadriHa r in .. ...M.ar auOnea A I kn 8 or S !i-;m ami In Mmti'on b .k. c".i.alo(ii,f m..i edfrce tuany uJis lliuic mai:e l at tbe above prices. Witter' theup 31tisic lor the Mill on, Arramred a so'-oes. due's qnirter. and ch rtie. fi nin-ical s ciene, choir Sua. lay wchooU. p'li.iiesch . seminaries, e'e Shall wr kruiv ea h olhe-there? Don't you hear the impels c-niiii. ? Shall we meet le joiid the river? B? in M-ue; Theie t a bcautirul vori.i; Where libei ty dweo i.t my c-mn: ; y ; f ccdoiu. Jriith and 1 iirhi ; We are cmiue KaMier Abia'atn six h ind, ed thoiis hi. I in re ; Tie- e I a tvid of lore; S r r.,w .-hal I c-.iue i j nu no in .re ; ll.'veu y home ; C -me miik t. me of Heaven ; L ;nd in -ii-tii ; w e wnl he o' r Sund-iy S h .oi ; O ir tiol is uiarrhinn on ; 0.4I -ae ihe Xaiinn; Whitner'a song or tne Plain ati .11 Xrg . ; Kair Kreedom's ii.. m h s da ned at la-t ; Over H e moun tain; Over the nionniain ; lame K.I la's an an.ei ; wu iie's Kone 10 Heaven ; Suffer lit; Ie chil.l e.i t -c- ine uutr. nic; HiMTiiie in the nmruiuz, Mother; Come t ihy ret; Seet hoijr of Prayer, t.c. Price 3 i eni, 30 cents per d. x . - per hand red ; post ie I cert each. Iu sheet ti rin. with Piano accompaniment. 25cem. Publi. hed by HURACK WAl'KKS. Au't, , Ko. 4SI Broacway, N. X- BROWNVILLE STEAM This r.at is now bcinj run ander the tupeririten dcuc of Who will take pare that thre shall be no courplaint as to the list's Craning li.-ul.iriy At all Honrs of tho Dsy 1 ! Emigrants fo tin1 Miucs Will And this an excellent point for croptlng ; b CiiitPTflinsl r m Qt f t. nK tl s f r tntit W. tt a 9 hete even it they b uld wisli t go by the Keb arka ! Citr K utewil fl' i uear to rr-r at ib.s j i t and the road are better the Wei sine of lha Ui; mui i River than or the EaaU Aud . - PRO VISION OUTFl TS - - Can e tvmiM her caliper tiaa at aayovher ?izl iu th Territory. . Iiave ia ffuta Kansas to Iowa or frcra Icwalo Kansas' Will Cud tiiis th moat direct point lo cro at. It. V. MCIR. Erownii:, Vebr-uka, April U,lfi. tjj-ggea ALIERICAII A MONTHLY MAGARINE: The moat etr.rebni m!-ctllny ef foJ knowledge and General Literature, penoiieallj U aued in tbe United State; embracing all tae f-ra-turra f a Pi lttecbnic Journal, Eoooaji, EzpficiUtr f Literary Repoeitorv and Monthly KeglJtar. Espe cially deTotea to r msncial. ixuntnerciai ana laau tiial IntereiU and all joint atock erjHiratk,a eoo ccrns. lUrinj commenced the Fifth Volute of tbla Magaiine, wbo.e aaeceis erinoea tbat tbee?urtif it. ci-nduet r3 bare been appreciated by JUcritsS caiing public, we would call attention to "ila ebar acter on tbe part or the large budy of re vdera wb are not yet upon iU tabacription Ji.'ts. Oar pat-po-e in this publication i the diasenvnsttAit of practtcAl ir.ri initin on subjects of poaittre v tilitj to the -eoj.lc, combined wan a direrUy of litefrj a'trartion securing the aerricea of the b rEi ia tbe Tari .us departments of S'ience, iiic9-Letiref and licner.tl L.leratura. Vbiie aimiti ant e peoially to reutlor ;u -t efe-ii7o erne U Trade, Coinmerve and ila.:tr.:.I TVrd?r,on of tile Cuutry, many sidtfs of tho Country, ni tny kiM o( the mental World receive due coodemtion tbe ili-l...i:!. riiti,-..l,X!thetieal -..'. ! V t . ;,rc. a fll .t r'i!ri;i h!, S; it.: :i ;.!, '. y and .:rlt-il M ix-'itile. We ruipioy altk'e tho re reach of tufav,iit arJ the fnm-y of the fenilutou ist, with the p;a. tu l exferifne f the n:r!t ttan and th worker. In tl.r ;cj.i .njt of iniiculrti-' topio, tut in-'d-: -!eced ia the p j.ulur i:t tj' r; n-T tri4n t n teru.r j w. i i:r v'i -,i .-. vi the hoiii i ab.ili h- ou tr. ltav',r t- r. ,y. -.i an a vi! oHinrlve of tho :To:i;r-b'iti. ! tj.-v L:-ov-ery to tbe Circle i f Kn umi an uali rt-crro wiih all :.ti.l!9 auecii'Rtuea Curr:.' IiiteUt- gi.'nee, whivh will be of future i -1 1 i jj al b'sf interest when tho rrojem tin .!. !..iTt .l-'c. aa th l't. In fir, the Atncricrn Ei 'ii ;rie a- 1 llevi i : uJe!r&h' anil Trr lcAm m..! 'f'v w'-'.i ! ii nurwi-riber irronrtin t no n. Iiiim, .vl L in. :w ; i. : r..in the Uat. and funUhia intaile-Lail urn- iniaih'n. ' . 'iaiti. ?r 4'ativ.t anc? tn .li atifiT.il l)ti, n f The Review ba itf ffi: eren-ing euirtnnent., Willi the wi it-t c;ri.i te it 8C pe , f th.-.-jj. V'fiito . apei'ifictinnf tnjiic whtoh are tl.e :jljc; c iLm of txea-ioiiHi 1 r regular pub kfti' 1 n, 'jr the Art, -L-th'die: Ajn ul:.r''. .t, pln j t',iri, wry, Arx-tiaeology, o . iie-L -ttcrs, L. -rd; ny, . 11a ei-m. Eiri n' mica P-liii-sl, An4.b.ii-, rio Aliona: Taiition: Finance haiikinctiT -v.y, ' rivrnux Account. Ex-haiij , F'te-' u u- i.-i ' '"ieuuri'ief . Stock; History, Industrial .tini Men anli!-? e.-'er-pri-if, in-uraii''e. in torn ! Iuipr iveiui-nt K y. A wa y. CamiN, T-lejraph: Manufacture--i'l.nluc's, tteh ndij: Mechanic, Mining MinerAlogy, (jeol. jy .Metallurgy; Patent. Physic, jihysiolvgy, UtiatiC .M-ial ieiKe; trad-.' foreign and d-.m -sno. s.hippi:!J mercantile law, Navigation ; T-.pgiaply.Trria. OUBSCRIPTIONS IX THE UNITED STATES Ono copyi one year in udviuce ' 3 0s Fiveci piea " 1J in Ten - JOOt When piid t the end of the year, 4 00 per an Hum single co .y. Soiple eopj mailed wa there ceipt of 15 cent. FOREIGN 8t7R$CllIPTI03S. S n' oopi per annum postaw paid. 'nna.U. ft Ii i'ubi. 3 1-: Ire! Ilritais and I'elaoJ, ih Frineo, J7s ti - miy, 3 TI Wea ! -niiee, Rrif mh 3 7: Wil I idie.N.i llntinh.J 8 Souih Am rica 'UV i lloa't 8 U(- FOAVl.Ei; A MOON. Pruprl-tor. No. 2! Chetnut Si., Philadelphia, Pa. 1861.; ' isel. PROSPECTUS w OF THE For the Year lSoi. A T LY, -TKMVrEKir- k V!UKl The war drama i- .0.11. ii- 'i he-o iMitnt"' n-11 m ilit tria ii-tefi'Ml Thi V":" Will pri luli'v 1 m ni of the f. b- Il 11 -,v .in. v i mm"-t r-iOoi A 1; r;- ' i'!." rat' il at 'T ! iv r v . 1 v 1 ?' 1 e wi n I OvV- 1 r rh- rei.la .f ViJ i ! "i n ; ' ; -. : tli. Ili-i' r oi ii.. 1 .-vii, n' I .j . . IUUC lliu re I:.! ;'. . ' I'c o li. '. '.- i:. -" J I'' America u,a a t . w c..r . r f n i.e.-. aiol 1 r..o,i 1 if. v.'eh i . ". . Hie r l Ton c!i i f .t r '.ii Oi. :1..- I'.;. 1 I 11 11 I: ii 1 j.i.i il 1 iu . t '1 : -n -i let I Mi 1 i t n :.- r i, : f- Mt ; . " ! -T.r ..t .J - li d c: . ' -t:.(-a'. t. lIlC pr.rt.9. I" I !ld fitter I,;, !.,, Km d 13 till. 1 .1- Ujn n n'W ppri'-i o '-...'i,' t. :i o .rriuiuaic. in ku; traonoli of I iin-ra--y bvy-oo tbij Aliautic ; iii.il-j emigration to Amen- wit a.'tjutru a i.e ami tretm-ii-toi; impetus. anjr'iierttL lot 10 uely i ur productive power. , . ln stirii.g eveuU of the tim will bo Jr;rrl";3," ly depicted 111 tbe col urn 01 the LtttoCKaT, which wear rettved t- rorder in 4 TtiuaLie unl nl tractive than ever a faithf il' Mirror of Passing Ilia rrr o j . Inired by the f pirit cf ldeinocrj'-y er know i u. ug no leader but Truth The Mhsocri It O'Kat will continue to be solely the Urauoftht People, aud pr-ru j t to denounod and repudiute any joi ii.-nl or miliury aspiraiit who sck tu betray tb-ir c.tuie. 1 1 addition to oar War New, we r-h.ill continue iu ur Weekly piper the Weekly News Summary, tint also an aWraet of the pna-eedins rdC,iir aipl of the Proceeding of Lrg'ulalures ofUin,ui und lliim.i. Our Tii-Wei k'y, will eenfain a berrtofcre ai! the Important News, Loua.1 and Coimuei :'.. I;ai.orts of the Paily. TU1SI)AILYD3IJ Shall not bt eioelled by any ..er in tiie Wuat t We hare improved our arrangements (r fuil ' SPECIAL TELEGRAPH P.EFORTS l-ri-tu Wa.-biiigtoo, Iroui tim LoWKr Miissij jii.s.id ?r ui tbe Miouri and Iiloiois Caj ital. Their will be pnhliihed in ad loion n the Lt t-rw of our ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. And our uual qnaniity ol Oeueral N w Mutter. We request ail Postui iiter and frieu is to aol ar Aent. Send for epeeitnen nntnbert f tbe Papers an Prospectus fo. distribution, und tbey will be prompt ly forwarded. Send a mny namra as posih!e in Clubi, to hare their paper te nt to one address tbe address of tbe Poktm titer r the gutter up of the Club. u It is not required that all the (utpers of Cinb shall be sent to one Post Offic. tbe number aaay sent to difflereU OScs, and additions miy be mad at any ti;n -. Tbe following are cor rates for th yeai 133 k DAILY DEMOCRAT. Mail Sub-enb rrs one year ----- SI9 6 Price to N'-'wa lalers - - - - -2 59perlo TRI WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Mail Subscribers one year ----- JiOf WEEKLY DEMOCRAT.' " Sinz'e Ci.pies one year ------ $3t Three Copies rivetJ.pies - - -Ten Co iea - - - - 8.06 Any larger Club than ten will.b charged al ti rate f one dollar and a half per cosy. The im. re rates for all Mail Subscription are ayat-le iu advance. Orders not accompanied with th money will re reive do attention. '. ' . A 1! pers of either edition, will be diicontinae at th end of the ti-re t aid for. McKEEFISHlUCK A CO. Proprlefnrt. ; 41 aud I t Locust a;ret.Sr. Ixria, Mo. llltTII srilOOI. HKI.f, (). 2 5,C00 Ccp!c3 Sold the Tirst 1? Months o! its Putbcation. It is ati entire New V..ri.. m n .i.-i ill; i pH"e. Vlany of the Tune and II-. t-.-rt- ri'ten e pressly for tht.-. Tt.iume it v, ; , nv its pre. .x"Wir. i IV il N -. I . the eo. rin .un DUiU'ierof 57 .(i'i.t . . . j-n.a.- o ri i -i . Pi "nnppu.g any N 1 . " f at II . a I In t'ttJ Jo.lir.'re t . moos to aci ni u -i.i t. frtn. Prices of H-'i ..... - ,-.,v 12 per 100. H.'uz,.i.;i ::t'-Ti . r ! b.u lid vtnljtKeJ jfiSt, i'l . e.i'. f iJ i -o; 1, j.aper cover. I teii'.-. .!() p.-r lud. oent,il8 w-r lt. Ci-tn h..uu.l ciu',-.,: - - - - t uilt. 'a j bojr.d to , ' ceutj., $20 i:r liid. t.v.'lj N 1 and 2 b f6taer 4a eout. ir K.....ir,. I . . : -,...;-a r ... a r I-" '-.-. - t-.'j.ca iui aislicd xt t!jo lt0 pr.ee. Cioiii oourd c-.t 1 . 1 , . . ... .... i "l",r' v . jiiau U'1-..sr) If tw ft n.t n r Mjtr .... .oil ...... . tLe rcuil price. v U0BACE WATFP.S. M,!i,i,.r, I N.481 Broa.Uav. .',i Vork. raAC:KRS..f allk!P.l.S.ra.u ter, a.''t., Sazar, rT w,r'aa Crackers, Creaai B.uii aud j Giueer Saa;p, At JUtXa.a-.hlia JL. S'anS, SALlXwVLM. The Greatest Timber for ilia PEAIHIES. fj tt rorg K perfect He?w fercVln feur yuera f One A. re o( it ttb fall. t Sveyeare wi:t" jake eauuttti Mluffd for ore Family I If" tt grows atraicat. and eery tall I Cj" It never prrm from tbe rvota; bnt wb cat d..ii. will f rnw afM fram rhe tawp. very rapotlr ! STT 11 ' the b evft wwd fvr tael, r any UeT parH.r! y hen Vf.to? the grirtnd. ttt faii will !at W year-. ! . ' . ; -. JTj- It trnw eq-.ally w;il" wiia na a nplaM, wkere' th r-.cn. a in 'h tr4x.iti f 1 ' Cutt.o ewlil to. Lea knf kturklntbe grsuud t t e ir'ail. ueer tail t ttv I , We eii it f..r per lljuaad CatUngi, de'.lv-ere-l at any of o ir A;riH i?. w S3" Prtie wihina e boy. hia! cr tcr early ef eu af tta, o int ijjey way u- Jy u ia Uue. crrrix;3 ' ' Buu'Ied ai.Tt 'te'h ercd at rne aJiorj piae, aa aooD Aa tbe .eae. fail. T R. rlSTTKrU r.s i. i Atait for Veiaae and e.t half o." Tt;li1rdj-.n 'juntie-- CURTt r::AVEa, PiitM City, are Agent for Faore and weM hall of Herliardsou C'Untiea. RXV UK. TljWIliil, tieawice, H Aiit for Oat : i i ' o-. J h . 'Ji-:.!t. Aatiu, Ar.t fcr C.ay and Saline ..un;ie. . , j Ecvaro" cf Willow Peddlers. i " 'iu: ina'.y awinu.a of cnrivt WiHaw bare; I'CM UTi. -rul IU Cti iflir noln i(ir,T Will iW. ' -ur g-uK.w uj SAMl tSl, ttDWARDl, ot L i.'m .i a rttKnibl X nrner) oiao. .. m m , , ,1 f-M i'!e, ' L- r GLT ti' von: ciins roi: isci. r i- NtW ASD SPLEXDre PREMICMa! -iPKTESON'S MAGAZINE. I HE Lj.r Ab CHEArtil INTH.r. WoHLuf i f"'l u!"'ri Monthly C(.f4!:i ; iu r.r I.i H-i. ii....y tbaa iay lI,lM i tu .;d . I it wilt have r.tr.y Pid pi?, . 2j 'i 50 ::t ! ' "' ptt'ern-, and VOU w d e'rraTioiia 11 J'" t,n'J Two IJ-.Uk YMf, or d Ila :t. at ar limn :n i.iiints if iu olasi. Erory Udy ou'it to tak "PeteTin." In the g-norl advance of (.ri e,-iti 1. tli un'y Mii'iia tint has not riel hs j riec. eith'T to nojfle aulx-nb-r- or to elubi, and i. ih?rcf.ire, nipiiaticaUy, Th Waijin fur the Time. . Th" storie. in Pptera" are corjiededta th t i published ov where. Mr. Ann S. Stephen. Y.lU l tman Mr. Ieoiu, Frank Ie Henvdiet, e amh. r i f "Say V I'mry." T. Arrhur.K. li Cttai dler Moaitor.; Cabrri-lie le. Virjfinia F. Townsen 1. U isalle Orey. CLwa AuftrsU. and th uilior of "Ttie S won I. Life," besi.laa all the tut popular female ! wfitcr 1 pf ,tmeric:v, are regular .'oiitrihuiom. In al liu m to the uiunl number of ahorl aiorieg, there illt bd, K'eiv iu 1351, Four Oiiiu il Cpy-rixbted Novelets, via : Tito Maid of II .uor a atory of Queen Ben, hy Ann S. Stephrn. Tbd . Lal Ette a atory of .-.-lay. Hy tbe 'authentic -Th rert.n ! Life." M md'a Summer at Saratoga, by. Frank La iiiuetct. Faony's Nlirtmion, by Eli A K1ia'D. In it. lilu-itration al.ti.-PeWou" 1 unriva!I. t he pu hi inner ohalUuuaa cotnrivrj. hetweea it upeib Mesmtiiit and ofher uteri eDjravin. so t inoe itioiher M4aira.'aiid q at' least ia giveti n everv number. Colored faihioa fiUtea in ad vance: It is tbe only M jfxmo wbe- Fhioa i atesenn be T' lie J uJ E-ndi nutnb-r eonrainj a Fashion PUies, engmved on eel, anle'jjre.i rout Fnshmn later than mqj otner Maa jin ?ie; als... a. dosea or n ir New S y!'s. eoraved on A'imkI; also, a KatUrn.tMUi whkti lrr Van'ill r child's Pu-toinn cjiu do cut, without th ai l of aj mjniu i-iUMkcr t4, tht ea.-h ntimder, in this wyr will ave a year ub-eriptivn. fhe P.ri. fouloQ,, Philadelphia and New V-rk Fashions -ire described t len'b e;uli mouth. PaUerna of t'vp. JimineU, ILad Oresst-i, Ac, gireo. lis eulurttd pattern lit' embruiJryjCr'icnet, Ac, ...- ..- The W'wtk fsblw l'epartroent of this Mairai'ne is nholly ui.riva.lid. Erery nuuiher cmtain adriew r more jmiferas in every v.irf ty n? Fancy-work Ort.cbet, EinSr.jidary, Knittini:, bed-wMk, Hair work, Ac. Ae.,A, Every moiHh.' a superb oelored pattern for Pippin!,'.' p ire or 'ca.iir -ut. Ac.ls :e.i each of which, at retail store, would oust fiHy cent. ' i ' -ur New C.M.k-Hoi k."-'The On'rHl Upn .bolil Keceipts of Peierton" are ijiii-j f.irnou.. For i our M'o.Ji-ltv.-k' -ill .be continued: ZfJ one in the? receipt 4 has - bot. tef.. .Tniamlon 1 well wirih trte price ' of ,-pster.M.n.", Othirre . ejjd. for tiia totlcte, sa-k roou,,Jki ' 4c, will b rvje. . , , J t! i ' -t New and f -hiona).le. rfl 1 ie' In ctery rj'irer. Ami Lin ti H.H-iieultur -, .iue;riuiru, ad all ju i! let iittere,tiii)r ti I -di.v.- ' J- S-KK3IS -A LU'AY IN ADVANCE: O ., . - 1 0 'or one .Tear, . 2. 0 I hie.- i-oLii- f-romv j iar, . 50J i-.r I '. . i - I -I ie e1'. .... ,10 Ihl l--r It, V i" I '-l.C Vv' - CD 2i) li t 1 ;' . --.1',: up CiiljTirMfive; ni i : i t'. i '. I'fo 'evVre.per '. ' ti ' : ..-liti i.l i. l:.i;f .- i Is. ..( . in: of IT jo, il retitin fir i: aiu'rv-tp;ttfita iw-vefs r r iUU aa.t, f.frnit- i e.i:;, ..t jir- and r. mating Itry .'0iy k BlimeH for" li i o :i IS I v, ii oe .v-l. Ji .i rt-IVr,!, however. will M-iMi as p:c ,ia-1. ' ' f- tho f'r ik.i lilu.i fd li ly's Albumhriolsotiiiy buund in ..;.-or i-iihrd'fur Mrj.uais,'-.fw.Tnnaintf--e.o ii27 irK b.sby 2D "Dunyim parting", iroin bis Clind Child, in 4 ail," or "Banyan' W.f.j fiertod infC'lor Hi Kclea f-wo Yri.H Tr every perw-n .-iuu up a. club tf Sixteen, two extra copies of iheMagaxiae will be sept, or an tw.j of-tlio other prouiiuius. - P - " " 1 Ad irc, po.t-r.atd, - ClUriLF, J 4'F.Tr.lt0$ , .o. juo Clicstnut Street. !' .rjelphi. All Postrn wiorj c.ititufe.i ,. h ji V7 fdn nay get up a club. Lpeciicii seut gratui tously, if writttn fr. T . ! mm A OIOXTHLYvHABiZlSl! LITERATURE AND'VaSIIION: The January nuintier of dur New! Sl.'irih met w.tn a v. ry ntrrin.r receptor, fminthe j .drn i! of the country. ii-d th f,UUr aiaavct aiaMvcj NOTICES OF TIIE PRESS.15'' ' Thk Lahy'k FaiKxy. Thi- i rb -title of" tew magsnne iil.lisbid i.i our city by Deaoondt Peter- n. No. :tl Wain i Street. Aa iu title ind ha tea Lit is emphatically the lady's friend, is replet "nu rTcryniiiig rmruiiua w, jjt-sse at id instruct The corps i.feoiitrilu'ors its eoluuirpr-tmbnc -ome . f ihe beat literary talent in this ci-unfry and in England. Tbe fashion" plaf-s ia this DumUr, January, are aunerb an I of tb latest etyl, wbii there is an abundinc if patterns, f all t-asand d -a-rii tion. Oabriel Wilkie's 4 Return Jn ta .b V ar" i a plended steel etiirtHvIn. frota -u pteputd expressly f..r tb JIagaxine.' Tuia m- mterjrise is eminen ly deery injf . the pfroiji.2e of ' u lady friend- PhiUde'phU Ii quirer. a 'kw LaniKa' JlaGnvn Me,r.' Dcsam A Peterson bare j-iat pl b t tko p tbd-Ctbe 5rs numb r of new masiine. railed Tb Lady's KrieDiI. It i evident ij yiVywell ditd. ly Mrs. tl-uy Peterson ; is weil -.hTd: 0d b'aoda mefy ill'itiaf d, and i.. lull of eXelleefc orijr.aatrcadiog. Ainorlx it rontribn'or are if a Ele.m.. V. I'ou B"Pj who- exeeile:it"p:- Artcb e!iT; J.ibrwl V ilkje Keun ppeKr with steel eorvinx i thi number i 11. turui" Mvtf,Ir. P-trvD, Mi Vir-inia TowueCd. Marion ILirlapJ, aud unoy other, "i Mr4ijcr,l by Mr. Ro- d lph, probably contain the bt thuugbu of lir number. Forney's Pre.' PAiUnieiphiA, - - . TERM: CASH IN. ADVANCE I'opy.oo year. - .- T?-J I.M - 2 c pie, onujear, - - '. ' 3 ng 4 crvpie, ono year, , r- . ' f .- st 8 copiej. and one to getter pof elb.l 1209 2d copies, atd on ti gettor p of club, 29,U'i On copy tt tb Poat and on t( th Ls-jV'a Friend, - " w - Subcribers inPritijh North America' rnat r'tcH " twto'y cent in ad l;ti-o t th jnrual ubcriptrvrs, wehv to prepay tj;U.-.ii. BoaU-ga aWir I"!-"- ' . , , ' , A tbe price of The Pi Nth siiu istbatc l Tht Lily's Friend, the C.ub uy bd e?n)nv- . x nivc.y -f the pprfor itly.of tba psp;rjia Pr !y a the h. Of, course, t;10 rytuiia m . -ie; t j t cr on- t r tho rdbtr. ' nflrtd. t' rin fc j. ,er aivvs b JiS"re5 v" tt. I'.,it isitrnta. Ai- AtON ft I'lrrsr i.w?r.t- - N'v. Z'J,i i'Lila?i b:a. : aiLSi v ,j,e . tsn oe t-rrel,'i a saperl rfcl Ai ;iciJa'j;hlta itrnas.. '. ni-e. sr-ivf. ptp'. f:3tr nutnez, Cis iiuua, e;c, etc.-. 1. 1 tt q-arny , m mm. CL'5-TtVATOJl3. 5cytoes, Crad Rakes, Bo a a les Sai.veis, etc, e,e , At MeLw JgtliP A Syii'i. Ajefs Sarsaparilla "