Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 28, 1864, Image 1

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t tyl. and on fcfccrt notice.
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im :l.f Tij. rj-'try . f i i t;.,.4,i .itfi
i f U i r ii . Tw or three S:auij accept-
' nnrnnrov. n--.rd as
'Hl. X::.M, S:r, . Pbitailflphi. 1.
-it i :.
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rfin of rjfi'tJeErn rifrir:t Le, i:e.
a hi natie
TO Hit
rr.:tv latest stvlcs.
I t-e: I or nuke n. to onler. t m.iiece
e. Bt:u: on ijuci ue of
Ca.iuiu urk t rites tui. visty cj-ipe-1
warrant u;t : -k.
HUas Machine TTorli.
''. itifiv in in tin- will .li.weii t
"e L uk 1 e"re inviiinn tie
i" h..1 m, pecuu ,j Ijv.,r.b.e tu-
- lg't It '
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! 6 'Dress-mali
:s c. u n ::;iis,
f-rm th- r,f
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' ju-t -i rrrriv-u -e j
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& rilESS MAKING an i i
"T nr.ti-e. l'U.e eitl at tue rc.i
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j 4.h, is:;.
air i mm
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Isrrnara! to f. Ke .i - r$.n!.d .i
Lower rriccj."- Crlfote Offered it.
VtV:te" the n.r Iruj5 btore, here Le
ffl,ylf..'i..l Sarins tu.i.-e- hoars.
nT l'i- n the U-m t'3 4
Tbe l uliic are inUcl to call ar.d tsatain epeci-
a'.rIirs cf opra'K.n, from 9 A, M. to 4 r. 21.
Er.iWBTiHe.Ffb. 4, lc.4. v.lZ-l
Wagcn LT!icis.
-Wwith r,pw u.Lin-ry--h a? a turnn3-..';Le
ill MV, rr. .. rr-'-"V'l ' tun. .-ufa .W). 1
,,..,.18, Wkor Ureas. Wicox i;.s,
vrw avp liirK .vru Ci-i.TiVAT.i:;.-, f i. I . ver i;.vtj
in l::,c ttiat way "! r.kdf .-i ftui n ctnu-'cts
i w.i. :i down to tfie rn,- '.c,t rsra nrtu.J '-wer
rHiM tiun lhv wn in) i. . -
V'oft ul tliis '.-e.
lir..WM .;:e, Ai r.l 2ht, f4. i.3V8-1j
,i. i,. . Tijioiinces to the ladies of Iirovnvilie and vi-'-J(
nr.'T, Hut vbe hi- jut texived from at
"Jfc F.-i a nia,niC:ei.t .to k ot
CijriElstinz of
Lndic' nnd "It-sr- I..iHSPt and IIate.
rn m-,ir hi invite-ihe at' ftbe ladies, fee!-
i..c -i:iti they uiiiui Le l-eiier auiieU in stylp. qua.
r.y ur pine.
Warraatsd Garden Seeds
(Lair JcHK Garnktt at Co..)
Xo. .oith .cr .us aine Pinf,
hT- i-OUIS. J-O.
OTe-ffrsaie tvfi i-w tz Hi's, a lircf rrtd wHI
it ..' Ar-i"i ura! ail a ruca.i'i: m,.--
. . . t. i . I-'j . . r
lu :!!. c. Tn ; i . i'.- e very i Liu- i.-.-.i
''Ct iLf ViLb lalr a I.'. llt'M f m i''J
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it- pi ll""-''. Kfj iliit ire r.t.t iu
: 't,T.c-t ? kc.raU'? Ci'iecS .-ar .
, . . ;r.., AM) TOiIAl i i.-
f-,e.i lb fct-rn;.- wtuJU wei! to hCtd tt.rW lueir
',rr' (
it ii'i for Almasnc and T!'itraie-1 Ca1V s.
tu'Xi'EN. toi::-i v co.
ffij i 1S32 :
mm. WH
7 -Lis XL
Won & Ttmeft r-i : i uf rrn 'd c -. cit- llrit l:e
'( j-CliL bin J-to'rj S 1 p i'l 1 o!i! M vrl OU
M 'ir -Tt mulls'':? l'i .. .r t -T i n - 1$ - n--.-v.l
,e Tii.-. Itopji- o" iu:i I h '' 1 ""CUiiPii'
f -ve-y Line in ii .e t.n Ujj s w. ; li wi.. Cti '-' lc 1:1- tor ('--:;
Of ri.vk, W..i.e.-.-U Jit;r;. u. iif or. tbo El)( rt-
ti N'..tic.
Errr-nriUe; Neb.. 3!ay 19 a lilCl. LTr-vS-Iy
g. Duiir
Hm.r'TjTT'Tr K HA TT t V
t n 'i " v W ' t " 1
;i fi Ji ilu.iL aJ.a U
April 14:1!. 161.
Vf.VT.T & CO' MVS W t:inr,-n. P. C.
l'.K VI .x i '. r ... 0' ; S .i .i-i. a.
Tt f ' 5 me i . :i - II m- i v(! t i f '-! i.i't " r,w i i
r I - : :. lie lvi:;x.e .! '.. -"I'tlT- iil'.tl !. 1 4
,l l.- i . . :; S -."V '.. : ! '!...- i-i" -I- 4'
1 1 '!i,i- : f . :!-' s v s. I"':-?."!'- "A !'
ii ive i : ai.iin- a-'.ili-l i : Mrn','ri 'if u ' ' i t- w.-i.t
pivc H c i 1 :t i K . i .: 1 1 v .Vi-.ri'.W.i. J'ic ii tr .
ei"i. v-t"l t -i i '2 .ill AI tsjti- i Kuril el
JJ . ii' 1 1 'J i A4.i.e irc- ter-. iiive. - J p' jin.-
1:KaV13 4. TOWLK.
If j- Is; H61
n 33-v8-b.u
IfcLArGnUN ftt SWAK :re c.i.stiintty rerfiviMjr
mi j l.) ihfM- - . .! fiiitfiio- an I l!4.-.4
we. Tie:, O .., uJ ?...! will uU eertodr- -o
di,y uiiier uiu."
IVhcIesale ' and Kctaii.
Evan Worthing,
of tiii:
12 ? t
'ui'tLL1 fC7,Flla ;''r ',d ,
e 4 ti.eji io i any Uoue iu the lertuo-y.
Main Street, Brownville.
P,C""k rt " Wei, ,f
AtMi-l.HqMu, Aswan's
CK,R"K n;?' '"r-peinrer r-otraej"
CUI.TIVATOTIS. S7-n-. r-iiei
B.-mles E'. vels eu-. e c,
At McLmujc'-1
Rote., U-.9,
S' uMliiril S'-lvfn 1rr B ..'nn c.,,,,
! V'nif Pi.k-Nic Crjcker. r-'.. rt, ...... ...
j Crirt, Crif.t r-r 1 e.' -rrl r . j n
, r-'.j .v.v.. . ' ' .. v. . .. . . . .. 1 ol
t -vairs.
Tnr rt ri. u.-tr pi HeL S. T.G.Xii'iic quarter I
I 1 lll.l.HIIMM
15. C;. IlAi.a.,
Ml! i "4 ' Ly, I luDught that every cne Lnw j "If I havn't been a most confounded ; ergwically in thee presence of th.3 puz
nn,Cr, rcifu hjm, c3 cn7r2 ! :hc T'X bad adratiCed to ninety-two j fool, I have come plaguy near it ! B;t ' zled tailor to ret into the pantioons, but
rpuK t.gaert uark.-t mid tr c.o-.t-y Pr.-tf. e
A At iUi::asiwMx's.
-a. i
ET JjCK O. 81ZZ.
It wis a nolle Ente-an,
In Heme's iroperi vl d.iy,
VTao beard a e iwarfi croaker,
JJcfore tb battle ay:
"Tbev're aafe in sacb a fortress ;
There no way t ibake it
"Od 1 on V cxclbiiacd the hef o,
I'll Cx.d a way or nmka ii T
li Fame your aspiration I .
Uzt rath ia steep and high j
la Tain Le seeks the temple,
' C'vAi'Cnt tc gaze auJ ih.
The sbiuiag is waiiiEg,
I.'at he alone can 'Uke it.
WhoStysv.ih Uorranilraiaess,
"I'll i.d a iray cr make iif
Ii 'earnir- your ambUinnl
TLere u no rojnl rsd ;
jVlike tUa j eer and pcasa-ct
Jilust citu-b to Let btinJ.;;
V.'ho feclo the tbir.-t for kuolelgJ
In fleucon Hi ay shake it,
If I.ha4th9 K';nin wi!!,
To '-Had a w? 0 nuks it T
In Lore's impr:5sioaf i warfara,
The tale has erer been
That ri. tcry crewnrd tbe T.i'Iant,
The tre they who win,
Though etron is Leauty'a caille,
A loTcr ttiii ir.ay tike it,
TT'ao siys with Roman daring,
Til fi'id a w.nyorm ik-r it 1"
hi! Huh.
"A pleasant day this, neighbor Gas
kiii,v a;t3 cue farmer to another, coming
into :'r teirn cf tho latter, who was cn
ti :u e- I'Traii.-j: hr? ch&lT frouu the
wheat cro) I y moans ot a fan.
' Very Hnr thy, frir-i.d Aiton. Any
now& ?" icturntd tLe individual udJrcss
td. "ICo nothing cf importance, I believe.
I have called ovtr to see if ycu won't join
Carpenter and myself in taking the pa
per this year. The price is only two
do'iars and fifty cents a year."
",Notu!i is cheap thst you don't
wan't," returned Gaikill, in a positive
tone. "I don't believe in Dew-papers.
If one old stray one happen? to get jn'.o
my tDU.-e, my gals are crazy after it, and
nothing can be got out cf ihrm till il is
reJ ilu'ough. Tn-y would n't be god a
cent, if ti paper caaie every week. And
he.SiJes, dollars ain't picked cp in evcry
"But think, neighbor "Gaslviil, how
I niach icforniation yuur gals would get if
ithpv i.nd a fresh newsraner everv wetk.
' r i j '
'filrl iv!'!i thp latest inte'ili-- nre. Th
time they would spend in reading would
be rio'.hinj to what they v-ju!d gain."
"And what would they gain, I wander?
Get their heads filled with nonsense and
love Look at Sally Liack. Isn't
she a fine specimen of your newspaper
reaJing gals ! Kot worth to her father
three pumpkin seeds. I remember Weil
riioii ih uheti wa . cue of the most
pr rniri'ig htife bodies about here. I3ut
cr father was fool enough' to tak-3 a
ucpt-ptT. Ai y one cou'd se- a ciiange
in Siily. She began n . pruce up and
look itnart. Fir?t came a bow on her
Sunday bonnet, and thin gloves to go to
meeting in. After' that, she must be
sent uiT to school again, and that at thr
very time she began to be wirth some
thing at nut the Louie. And now she has
got a furte piano, and afellov comes
erery week to tacb her niaiic."
"Then you won't join us, neighbor?"
Mr. Aluu said, avoiding a Uiehs reply
to G a -k.U.
"U!i, r o, that I will not. Mony thrown
away cn r.ew.pap-rs, is worse than
wasted. I never heard of their dom
any good. The time spent in reading a
r)fvt spa p"r rrru! J Ire ?et-Ii 4 - rai a
undr- d bu:hd of poatot-:s. Your Ilsr-
ald, intny priniou, is a djar bargain at
mat pri.:.
Mr. Alien changed the subject, auJ
soon alter left neighbor Gaskill to his
own fancies. A wise man was four;d to
n.a'-ecTi' o: tho pri.po.-cd rlub, anl ly
th. tn the five djllari were sent oa, aud
papers procured.
One day, about two months afterwards,
th5 met, as they had done frequently
during th-j intermediate times.
"Have you sold your wheat yet ?" ask
ed Mr. Alton.
" Yes, I .-old it day before yesterd' y.'
"IIo-.v tiivich did you get for it ?
Eiuli y-fiv cents."''
"No nir.r- ?'
4 1 den't think t!iV. I.haJ n right t ex-
part tiure.
Wh at ha-n't been above !
;that for two tnonihs pisi."
! " But its above that now."
"HY G M'lV' knW ?"
c.n'.s! To whom d. you sell?'
-iii t - r n t- t na crnn "joiip rt
Ravecaa. He met me day belore yes-!
terday, and atked me if I ha3 sold my
crops yeL I said I had not. He then
offered to take it at eighty-fire cents, the
rr,arket price, and I told him he might aa
well have it. as there was little chance of
it rising. Y sterday he sent orer the
wagons and took it away."
"That was hardly fair in Wakefield.
He knew pricos had advanced. He came
to me also, and offered to buy my crop at
eighty-five. But, I had just received my
newspaper, in which I saw, by the prices
currant, that in consequence cf accounts
from Lurope cf a short crop, giain had
gone up. I ajkedliim nicety-two cents,
which after soane- liigg!h;t he vras quite
willing to give ?''
"Did he pay you ninety-two cents?"
exclaimed Gatkill, in surprise and chag
rin. "He certainly did."
"Too had ! too bad ! No better than
downright cheating, to take such shame
ful advantage of another man's ignor-
"Certainly. Wakefield cannot le
justified in his conduct," replied Mr. Al
ton. "It is not right to take advantage
of another man's ignorance, and get his
goods for less than they are worth. But
does not any man deserve thus to suffer,
who retrains wilfully ignorant in a world
where he knows ihere are always enough
standing ready to abuse their ignorance.
Had you been willing to spend two dol
lars and fifty cents for the newspaper a
whole year, you would have saved in the
single em of your wheat crop alone
fourteen dollars. Just think of that.
Wakefiald takes the newfpapors and
watchss them closely. He knows every
week the exact s'.ate of th? market, and
is always prepared to make good bargains
out of you ani seme dozen others around
here, who have not wit enough to pro
vide, themselves with the only avenue of
information cn all subjects a cewspa
psr.', "Have you sold your potatoes yet?"
asked Gaskill, wiih concern in his voice.
"O, no. Not yet. Wakt field has
made me cff;rs for the last ten days.
But from the prices they are bringing in
Philadelphia, I am satisfied they roust go
over ihiny cents here."
"Above thirty? wriy. I sold to Wake
field for twenty six ceuts."
A great dunce you wre, if I muet
speak plainly, neighbor Gaskill. It's on
ly yesterday he offered mJ twenty-nine
cents for four hundred bushels. But I
declined. And I was right. They are
worth thirty-one to-day; and at that
price I am going to sell."
"Isn't it too bad ?" ejaculated the farm
er walking backward aud forwards im
patiently. "There are twenty-five dol
lars literally sunk in the sea. That
Wakefield has cheated me most outrage
ously. "And all because you were too close
to rpend two dollars and fifty cents for a
newspaper. I should call that saving at
the soiie and letting out at ths bung-hole,
neighbor Ga;?S-ill."
"I sh uld ihink it was, indeed
very day I'ii send off menry f -r the pa
per And if any one gets ahead of me
again, he'll Lave to be wide-awake, I can
tell hirn."
"Have you heard about Sally Black ?"
Mr. Alton, after a brief silence.
"No. What of her?"
"She leaves heme to-morrow for Ra
venna." "Indeed ! what for ?"
"Her fathjr takes the new;ptpsr, you
"And has given her a good edur-apon." j
"So they t-ay " Bat I could never see
that it hid done anything for her, except
to make her -good for nothing." .
- -- Not utte so bat? that, friend Ga;-
Bat to proceed. Two weeks ago,
Mr. Black saw aa advertisement in the
paper, for a your g lady to teach music, j lendemess. The invalid was "found of a
aud sjme oil" er branches, in tho S-rrinary 1 jke, and when in hh stout condition
at Ravenna. He showed it to Sally, aau j called Uj on a D;ich tailor of his acquain
she asked to ride over and see ab it and rave an order for a si;ii of
it He diJ o, and then returned for J clothes. IIa was prompt'y measured, the
S dly, an 1 wvnt tack agiin. The Trus-! g x ds select d, the phice agreed upon,
tees of the Seminary liked her very and the day named when the garments
much, pnd -engaged her at the salary of j would be rdy. Prompt to his app jint
four hundred dollars a year. To-morrow ! ment he dropped in to try them cn; but
he goes to take charge of her classes
4'You cannot surely be in earnest !
farmer Gaskill said, with a look cf pro
found astonishment.
"It is en-ry word true." replied Mr.
Al on. "And nv.v you will hardly say
the n jw-rarer are dear at any rice. or i
, , i
tbat the, nadiLg of thtm sp.;kd Sally;
3 ack." loked upon the ground f Tj
many mhiut-is. Thjn raising his head,!
he half ejaculated, with a sigh: j
j I il be a fool n-j lunger. I'll subscribe
t v r m , . : c w
lcu ""i'kt w-iajuw-we it i
doa't !"
Ay Ay -xyy
JULY 28, 1804.
A couple sat b?iJe tle Sre,
Debating which should Erst retire.
The husbiDd sportively had raid
"Wife, yon shall go and warm the bed.
,;I tever will," she quick replied ;
I did o, and nearly ded,"
"And I will not," rej lined tho sponse,
With fnner tone and lowering brows,
And thus & war of words arose,
Continuio; ti'l thy nearly frcn,
V.'hsn both grew mute and hoTeiis C'gher,
Around the faintly glins'iing fire,
They trembled o'er the dying emben, -
As thongh the ague had sieied their member?,
Besolyed liko heroes ne'er to yield.
But force each c-Lhffr froa the fljld ;
And thus this oncu fond loring pair
Ia silence shook and sLirered thera,
Till evey spark cf Sre wu eooi.
And cocks wera crowing f.r t!ie d.iwn ;
Vben all at once the husbar.d sail
"Wife hadn't we better o to brd 7"
Five years since, the writer waa on?
of a party that was journeying ia the
province cf Pakin. Our equipage was
tinder the guidance of an old schoolmas
ter, mounted upon a magnificent ass, so
full of ardor and ability, that the two
mules that completed our team had all the
difficulty in the world to keep up with
him. This ass, Lo.vever, was so filled
with the sence of his own superiority,
and so proud of it, that whenever he be
came aware of, the presence of cny of
his bretheren he never failed to com
mence boasting of it in such loud and
sonorous totes, that bi3 folly became
quite insupportable. When he got to an
inn, instead of trying to rest himself,
the beast passed the whole night in prac
tising his music, setting all the dunkeys
in the neighborhood to singing the same
tune, so that it was impossible to fcleep.
One evening we said to the schoolmaster,
"Your donkey is an abominable, brute it
prevents my getting a wink of sleep."
"Why did you mt tell rue so before ?"
said the schoolmaster; "I would soon
have stopped hi3 singing."
As the old pedagogue was somewhat of
a wag, and indulged sometimes of a
somewhat of a small joke, we took little
notice of his reply, but that night we
slept quite sound'.y.
'Well, did the a3s make a noise last
night he asked, when we met ia the
"Perhaps not," said we. "At all
events we did not hear him."
"No, I think not," said he ; "I saw to
that before I went to bed. Ycu must
have noticed." he continued, ,4ihat when
nn n?s is going to bray, he alwayi begins
by raising his tail, and he keeps it ex
horizjnially as long as his song lasts.
To ensure his silencet you have only to
tie a large stone to the jend cf his tail,
so that he cannot raise it."
We smiled without reply, thinking this
wa3 only, another price of pleasantry ; but
he cried
"Come, now, and see; you can easily
convince yourslves."
And accordingly we folio-red him to
the court yard, where vre behold, sure
enough, the poor nss with a large s'.one
'attached to his tail, and with the air
nf ImvinT fTi'rv l.")-,t hi, aceu--1
lost his
, ,
tomea spins, tus eyes ware nxeu on.
the ground, m ears hung down; 4- ;
whole appearance denote humility a:d ;
deje.nn. eieit quite compas;iona;e
towards him, and begged his mister to
untie the stone directly; aud as soon as
ever he felt his musical appendage at lib
erty, the creature raised his head, then
his ears, then his tail, and at hst began
to brey with all his wonted energy.
'A gentleman named Juddy, a resident
of Brooklyn, was recently afflicted with
an unaccountable dhease, which puzzled
the medical faculty to such a degree that
all who attended the pa' ient declared they '
had never witnessed similar symptoms.
One of the most singular of these, was
i that one day his body would swell to Fal- :
Utaffian proprti mi, and on the- sncced-
ing cue ebb bak to a consumptive-like
it being one of his "thin days," the aston
ishment cf the tailor can be imagined.
"Mem Gott, de? fit3 you do much."
wathe fctartltd tx- lamation of the victim
"I have msda lam mistake,"
Ci ar!y," wn th cxil as-uranee of
he i kr. "You !iad better trv n.rain
j - --
and I hpe ihat yoa will have better Ijc
d it tune.
An ;thr suit was accordingly mads,
but whn they were tried on our faiend
was onoe m-ra sto it, and he struggled
in vain, and the vest and oat beiaj
. ' a . t j . .t.
tui.y wj s uoii, were iuui-aaiuj- re -
NO. 47.
. The poor Dutchman scratched his head
in his defaat efforted to work cut this re
markable ptoblem, but has persistan'.ly
refused ever since to suppiy the queer
coustoaer with clothins cf any description
and we think that he isaboat right.
Every one who has Iired ia Middl?
town, Conneticut, will recollect young II,
for a bfcg time connected with the "Union
Company," and well knowa among his
intimate friends as the "doctor." Early
one fall they employed a tall son of Erin
to clear up an alley in the rear cf the
store, and, when he thought oa one was
looking, began eating and drinkirg most
anything h? could lay hands on. The
"ao:tor" determined to break him of this,
and a favorable opportunity soon presen
ted. A glass oe wire was cn3 diy left
standing on a shelf," and Bart, coming in
as usual, saw it, drank it, and with his
pipe comfortably seated bin self on a bar
rel near by. The "doctor" saw him, and
moving leisurely toward the thelf, called
out to th8 clerk.
"John, where ts that glass of fiy-pois-on
I just left here?"
"I don't know."
Bart now look up anxio j?ly, and the
"doctor" asked him,
"Bart, have you seen a glass cf fly
poisoD standing here ?" e
"Was it in that tumbler, sir ?" asked
Bart, turning whi:e.
Bart's worst wer realized, and sping
ing from the barrel in terror, cried cut,
Oh, I drank it! I drank it ! Oh, it
will kill me !" and was about to rush
out, when the ''doctor" called him back,
and said.
4Bart, there is'no danger ; I can save
ycu. How do you feel ?"
"Sure, sir, I've an awful pain in my
stomach and arm. Oh, holy mother!
can't you do anything for me, sir ?"
"Come with me,,' said the "doctor."
Bart followed, and the ' doctor" got a
glass half full of salt, filled it up with
vinegar, and gave it to him. Birt drank
it eff at a swallow.'after iwhich there
can be no doubt that he did feel a pain in
his stomach. The "doctor" then mixed
him up some powders, composed of near
ly everything from a grocer's drawers,
and giving them to h4im. Eaid,
"Now, Bart, go home, and to bed;
1 take one of these in a glass f water
ejrery hour until all are gone."
Bart had become very weak, but with
the aid of a friend he started for home,
'where, after frightening hi wife with an
account of what had occurred, he went
to bed. The "doctor" went up to set
him, and after keeping hira under treat
ment two days declared him to be a weli
man. Bart has riaver troubled anything
at the "Union Conpany" since; and to
this day he looks upon the "dcctai" as
the preserver of his Iife.
Daring the summer cf 1553, a gen
tleman by the name of "Old Mos?," wh
. i e l: . .,
was eo:iiiueraoie 01 a wag, was iravciini;
s.eary,ll3at up Mississippi river.
Hehad with him an ugly cur thathecalled
-Iaior." Old Moss was seated with a
nuuiberof men in the cabin, and, as usual
with him, was boasting of what he could
do. The captain, who was standing near
remarked that what he said might be
true, but he did not believe it. Moss re
plied that he would bet 'hira the treats
for all the gentlemen present that he
would make his dog do three thing3, he
telling him to do them. The captain took
the b3t.
Old Moss then opened the door and
out on the puards,-followed by the
captain and geu lemen pret-ent, wnt
werequi'.s anxious to see the sport.--Moss
seiied th? dig by the nap of th:
DPc!' anJ t0-ed him overboard. As sooi
aa he touched the water, Muas yelled
"Swim, Major, swim !" .
The dog swam of course.- Mou kept
hi t-yes t?n the djr. As soon as he per
ceived that t.e dgcou'd tuuch the ground
he yelled out
"Wade, Majer, wade !"
Major waded till he landed cn the
ground, when Moss shouted out
"Shake yourself Major shake your
self !"
Major sheck himself. Moss turned to
ihe captain, wha whh the gentleman
present, was coaruldtd with laughter and
4There ! I hare won the bet"
It i u-eless, perhaps to say that the
captain paid the treats.
The pub lisGrj of the New lcuk daily
paper have arranged for th importation
of large quamis of printing paper from
Eurepe, in ordjr to break down the com
bination prices fixed by Eastern manufac-
jiurers. It can be imported, it is alleged
1 at fourteen cents per pouad.
; -
hati or auvehti .ru.
Itcfc 4Uiuocl tirruaa . .
Bisiccs Card, :x l!a r !e, ue yw
Oaa eoicmo 0DrtJir
One hU eolsmo outre t
Oj fcurtlj ccinaia e Tr t -Oil
8 eisbtb colnmn ona j 3 ;r -Oateclama
iz cants
On half cclaana iix inoctba
ta :
si t
r t
13 13
12 0
On foorth colaicn alx mottaj
One cf a wicmn tlx ncr til -OattolMsn
thre oiottta
One half column thrte laonti
One fonrth c-.lnmtt ttrt moo:H
One eibU colaain Uiree E'intfci
Asinoonc!esCaBii1st:or C'Soe, - -Transient
dTerti.BiM tan.t bm p'4 for 1
rerly adTertUftnf ut3, Quarterly in aliaiu.
Proverbs of the Building Family.
Presscrved by Johsua Billings. Doa't
swap with your relations ur.less you k?n
r fiord to give them ths big ceni cf tht .
Merry young, and, if circcrsstsscss re
quire it, often.
If you can't git fice cbtH 2zi ciiica
ticn too, git the cloths fust.
Say "how are you" to everybody.
Kultivate modesty, but mind and hsr
a pood stock of impudence cn hand.
Be charitable ihree cent pi?c;s wera
made cn purpose.
Dja't taki anybody cdric except
your own.
It cost more to borrow than t: do to
If a man flatters ycu, jou can Lilkllitd
he is a rong or a fule.
II? ep your eyes open, burt don't eay
mor'n half yoa aose.
When you pray, pray rite to the czz'.zr
of the mark.
Don't mortify the fiaah loo rsach;
twasn'i the sores cn Lasssras thit sent
him up to heaven.
Ef yoa itch for him, go inter a griir
yard, and scratch yourself agia a tuta
estun. Young men, le more anxica3 abaat ths
pedigree yore going to leave than ya ar
about the one somebedy left yu.
I wud say to all young m?n, "Ga anJ
to old fellers, "Git out."
As good a way to get rich as any is to
run in debt two hundred thousrnd doliar,
and then go to work and pay your debts
Fillosscfers tell us the word, rcrolres cn
its axis, and Josh Billings telli you that
full half the folks cn airth thinks they
sre the axis.
N. B. These ere proverbs hate stoi
a hundred years, and hain't gin cut yst
. Miss Gest. the efficient lady who hsi
in charge the contraband schools ia Lou
isana, hasjust arrived in this city froa
New Orleans. She relates a ccriou3 in
cident which took place upon the steamer
Olive Branch, coning up the river.
Among those onboard were orre rebsl
women, one of vrhem had a parrot. Tha
bird was profuse ia thejnqury ts' thoii
on board, "Are you a rebel?" An af
firmative answer would 'licit tho reply
from Poll, "All nht." WLcn in ths
vicinity of Natchez a scout hailed thai
boat and informed the Captain that a reb
el battery wns rapidly apprcachLg tha
river a little distance above and would
reach a certain point before tha boat
could. There was aa immediate rush
of the ladies to the hold the rebel wemaa
leading th? way, frantic to escap-3 frcm
hex frinds. As they reached the hoH4
a shrill voice evidently from one in greit
alarm, was heard crying "Take me ! taks
me!" .Investigation was mads, and tha
ownr of the voice wa found to b Poll,
who had evidently mada up his mind,
tromthe confusion that son Gibing was
wrong. The rebel woman went back for
the bird, and again jsired the passenger,
in thf lioU. As sooa as order was re
fored'ind quiet prevailed, io ihe crowd,
and not thu hast, the rebel woman, wero
dumbfounded at the parrot' sudden caa
versioa to loyalty, evidence ty his vigor
ous vociferations of "D a the rebels !
d ntht rebels. The rebel woman
pretested that she nevtr taught th? bird
the latter phrase.
The Atlanta Intelligencer publishes
the following among its selected items:
It is a well known fact that tha reasca
assigned, by many, for tha panic which
caused our troops to break at th haul i
if Mission Ridge, was that the en3my
showed thua;eive in wheha
;.g numbera that the boys thought th
whole world were liarthi"' to a' tack
thera. We, tothesho opinion prevailing
among our boys.will relate the following
inecdote, which we do not renumber ts
have seen in print :
As line after line and ma:s after ralss"
of Yankees appeared, crossing ths piaia
ind ascending the hillside, marching on
ward with seemingly resistless force,
our trccps began to waver, and many of
thcrn, to their shame, fied withcai firb
a gun. Some of them, however suii
uritil, the last, and among thss was caa
fellow who, to tree his own laajsije,
"staid thar till th?y jot so cbs thst hs
heard otie cf the Yankee gnra!s giva
the command : 'Attentioa. Vv'crld By
Nations right wheel!! By S:ajt
Firer:!aaJ then I thn;h: i: wis tlms
for this darned little Sui bera Confed
eracy to be gittia .cut o tha vrayr"
Dw.uTt blame hirr. fcr it; i: was ahout
time to -jit oat o' tha wsyJ Ed. Joar
nal. A woman died at Eroolfisli, Cczz.,
the other cay,- who weighed mere than
-Z i- ivAi. Her eola was six f .. Ioo"
aaJ a iiitls over threa fast wiis.