Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 02, 1864, Image 3

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' -' c. it. sczirrK, '
rytKAL JkDTEKTif iko Acekt, and Teller in
s, Bxt, Sil Ceiored luts of Vb tett Quality
C3 Dearborn treet, Chicago, ir.lais, U our
;cd agent lor tbe Adxtrtitet and Tamer.
ItATllLR f ABE07T,
ritiwo Aw ec Y, 33t IJreadway, New Tort," are
stierized ajrentt for to Aitertiter and Farmer.
SOT, COE 4? CO..
rxTl!lKO agekti, eei Dealer Id Inks end
:ng JIrll or all kind, Office ribuna Building,
Tora, and. fcrown'a Iron Building Philadelphia,
,t aathoriaed agents for the Advertiser and ir-
r LAGS !. FLAGS ! ! FLAGS ! ! !
Jf all sizes and discripiion for sale at
i OSce.
"ha river is at a good boating stage
falling fc'iihily.
-T city and immediate vicinity has
illy, Wen viiited ry several refreili-
if 1
rednesday iact was the hottest day v.e
2 had this gammer. The thermome-
ranged from 7 to 106 in the ihade.
ny one desiring a Piano-Forte, Me
on cr Sewing Machine, will do well
ill at ihis cfUce before purchasing
uis Neal is row recruiting fcr the
atka Veteran Cavalry, Company D.
is -he time to enlist as he will leave
;maha wirhin a week.
riti2n Dou?er is erecting a large
. residence on s-ecend street. It is
?:annal building, and an ornament
t portion cf the city.
: the -advertisement of Grcvesteen
., Piano-Forte Manufacturers, in to-paper-"
Thpir instruments have a
reputation for purity of tone and
ess cf finish.
;rrah for the "Fourth !" Fire crn:k
Csndy. Nuits. &.r., :c, and every
essential to the due observance ai,d
ration of cv.r National Holiday can
jnd at McLaughlin &, Swan's.
e steamer West Wind passed up on
'ay last, ihe has been for some time
lof r tr?de. nnd she v.-? rhinly that
i kind-T mixpd' dmvn there. Iv !
.i:merous buliet-holes fchot into her
jite a ft iritid '.irtle race came eff in I
(i:y ob Sv:.dzy last. .ir. Auut's
s lui-k- ftihi i.'i.jFtaru-dpAip Mjiin
t; fcnd we bditve thvy made i!ie
tini" e ver n., in harness, in this
No serious damage done.
Ve were, last Saturday, the recipient
x bunch ci Rhubarb of very large
th stocks being nearly three f ft
l?r:g and wei'hirg upward cf ons
ni each, for which we are under obli
::ns to Mr. McNtal, cf Sonora, Mo.
ladame ' Lno Marshal is gone. Th
pauy she kept had a blighting effect
i her prcfit'ic prospects here, and
s the permission of our Marshal, she
Nevertheless she left in high
.s tnd good company.
m. T. Den has just received large
'es for farmers' use, havy Sh'-et
lor Sup-ar Evil,-rs. Dog Irons, Tin
and Stove Pipe. Cocking Stoves of
' style end ize, Queensware, Ccal
amps. Lady's and Children's Hats,
ine Oil end Drugs, White and Blue
n fcr forth of July, Candy, etc.
- we xleasf d to learn that W. II. C.
as, Totographic Artist, who ha6
sosucn-csfrd at Reckport as an artist
'rg i) ihis city to step awliile. Mr.
"S. we bt-lipve, frcm sperisueris rf
-fk r r.'. e l:;Te ser). n be a N .
'i't. at d -he very best apparatus
ing Photographs. He comes wel!-
niended, and will doubtless get as
work here as he can do.
Clothing Emporium 0f H. M. At
i & Co., has received a lare
cf Summer Clothing, of. the
style and rations, within' the
ek. They ore doing a large busi
3 the -Cheap for Cash" system,
desire to mtke decent appearance
Fourth, fo to H. M. Atkinson Sc
:id fit yourself with a uit of their
jmrner Clothing.
a. H. McCreery has just received a
supply of New Goods, in the way
-gs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Per
r. etc., etc. , at the City Drug Store,
of Main and First meets. He
i-mefes upon the principle of 4 live
t live," nd is meeting with a ."t
in a large run of custom. A No.
gist, a good salesman, and an ac
Jaung gentleman, he cannot help
'e wi'.l be a grand celeb-ation cf
f J"ly at Ktat br.J.'tt. Atchi-y-"Mo.,in
iht Ni-1 a-iabutar.a.
VUr and Jrfffrson Cha-Jler, of
"Pfa. Will te ihe principal;
1 dicnrr will be served up. the
to conclude with the -laughable
Jtrnastic tf ter-pieca"' cntitiei a
Pear ili of Jiiiy'lall.Tcr vvLIcIi iLeser
vices of tbe BrowiiViile Strinj Band have
been engngftL- Our citirens are rreci
ally invited, end it i? not ever four sales
frcm this Jlac'e to Kirk's bridge: T7e
predict & glorious good time, end -thalj
be their, kind Froridenca rerraitlio.,
Many' yean since the Chief of the
Seneca?, a very powerful ration of to
dians, brought to the eminent Dr. Chapiri
a tpantity of medicine, whrch he wished
the Doctor to take and try its effect on
case of dyspepsia, which he did with
perfect success. Some time elapsed, and
the fev that had been benefitted by the
medicine became clamorous for more,
which the Doctor was unable to" supply.
Shortly after, the chief, Red Jacket,
made his appearance, when the Doc:or
was alle to get front him the names and
proportions of the ingredients used in
the bitters, which he used in his practice
many yrars, adding cnlj a fevr herbs to
make them more palatable. These Bit
ters are now put up in quart bottles and
offered to the public the formula being
assigned to the present proprietors and
solu by all druggists throughout the
country. Call for the "Red Jacket"
Stomach Bitters, and take no other.
Another gone. Richard TJhown,
and family left tins City for their new
home in Omaha, on Friday last, Mr:
Brown has been connected with a
bc?ines3 house in Omaha for somei
months past; and he found it iteces.?a:
rv to move there to attend to it, but
he informed ti3 his rosidence there!
would only be temporary. He has a
store here, most of hla property is
here; his interest and affections are j
herein the town which he? founded,
lie intends returning as soon as the
nezc School Home is finished and a
good scliojl under way, He declares
that he would not have moved his farn
ily at nil. if there had been a good
high School here. ' '
That we western folks are human, and
soTetirhs "frail'1 as "ar.y ether man,'' J;
was startlirgly brought to our mind, this
morning, by .hparing a report that Wm:
R. Smith, of this city, had eloped with
Mrs. Fannie Duff, a young widow, who
had, for sometime past, been staying in
his family. The facts, as we have learn
ed them, are: Mr. Smith had for some
Mine contemplated going to Denver, but
su3Je:.iy gave up the nctinn, and Mrs.
Smith. ' thinking that she would not be
left alne, !t Mrs. Di.ff r-o to her homf ,
Hinwatha, Kansas. A f v dys after
ihi, Mr. Smith crnrluHf . o leave, and
drew bis radmy cut of 'th ; l ank, arid
started, it was supposed, for Denver.-
This was about three weeks acjo, since
when it has been ascertained that he
went to Hiawatha, and left that place in
company with Mrs. Doff, for parts un
known. . He has left a wife his superior
in every respect, but scantily provided for.
Ajvoman was fcund on Saturday last
by citizens of Senora Mo. in the Mis
rouri River about four miles above Peru.
She was so much decayed, it was impos
sible to form any definite opinion of her
age, or cf what her features had been.
She was about five feet fcur. inches in
height, and heavy set. Her teeth were
all sound; her hair a lifht brown and
very long done up in a silk roll. She was
probably i5 years old, and from the ap
pearance of her breast, was supposed to
have been a mother. One of her toes
had been cut or mashed seme time durinc
her life, causing the nail to grow over
the end and down under the toe. There
were no marks about her that 'would pos.
itively indicate viohnce, though there
were holes between her shoulders that
were -believed by these that saw', her to
be bullet hoi-s, her ears were- off, and
one of her finders had lost the first joint.
All the? i scar?, h uvever, may hav been
ii-liicteil cfif r diTcmro&ition comruonced.
especially as a buzzard was seen on the
drift pile ;hre he was fentd. The
fact of her bein? entirely destitute of cb
thing renders it-prcbatle that she was
murdered, though he may have gone in
to the water to bathe.
Prisoners tats that BcaJrcjrnrd com
mands the ciiy with his army and n por
tion of the forces of Longstreet, Wi.cocks
and Evvell. No decisivejevidence'of the
presence of more than a small portion of
Lee's, arctiv.
Special to the World says intelligence
from the front to yesterday noon, at hand.
It is understood that Sheridan is already
on another raid.
The rebels occupy hih grounds near
the town. It would be a useless sacrifice
of life to attempt to tak the town, as
ret,eu unl-5 disced would be cr abld to
throw tht-lU iu the n.idst of ary force C
curving the towu. Tije uon we oc
cupy is a vr-ry embrrassiug out to the
enemy, as ibe? admit.
" Arrival of Hauler wi-h foTCe at White
House, together with Sheridan, enrou.e
to this place, to operate in our vicinity,
officially announced this tVfcn; T Grt
ha determined to increase rather than
diminish the force at this mint This
j evening B rney commenced cannonading
It nn doubi exi-ted if truth of ;he
r-rt of the de:h of B s u p General
P..ik, itdi-p-iifrd bv a di-jB.h irj tLe
i'-D'-i ii;ir rj. a,i:ea Allan a J(,,. k
I .
, '
i i - - i- f
r arrival t,f h
n hat vry, the holding of reliicuos br-
vice by Dr. Quintard, aud the tcort of
the remaici to tht Augusta trtia.
The" steamer :: Kate 'Kearney arrived
last evening 16th, frcm Fort Pierre,
tvhich, frontier outpost she left on Friday
last, 10th insf, ,The Kate took up 410
tons Government freight, and was the
ninth boat to artive .at Pierre this sea
son. The eight others had a'.l passed on
above, destined forihe heaJ of naviga
ticn. The remainder of the boats in the
upper river, some six cr tight in' umber,
were all met between Fort Pierre and
Sioux City, getting along well. The stea
mers Chippewa Falls and Belle Peera
were lying at Randall when the Kate
General Sully ar.d Imland expedition,
consisting of some 6,000 or 7,0u0 men,
were at Fort Randall, having arrived
about 24 hours before the Kste passed.
They were recuperating and would move
as soon as they ot rested from their fa
tiguing march. The Chippewa Falls and
Btlle Peoria would move with the expe
dition. The officers of ine Kate Kearney re
port a terrible drouih prevailing at Fort
Pierrie and all the way down to the vf
cimty of Omaha. No rain has fallen
since middle of April. As a consequence
the grass is very jew and parthtd up al
most to tbe rt'Ots, and burns readily on the
application of a match. ' About oiic hun
dred miles abova the fort,' however, buf
falo grass was said to be fine.
Fort Pierre is garrisoned by two com
panies of regulars. Two large bands of
Indians are campud in the. vicinity, and
are perfectly friendly. -Game is scarce
in that region. No game of any des
cription was &een on the route, but eight
Toe river was in fine stage at Fort
Pierre when the Kate Kearney left, and
on a stand, but raising all the way down
It was thought that the main mountain
raise. had already reached there. We
mp.y look for an additional rise of about
two tett. There is intle or no freignt a
buVe and the Kite came down fiyiug
light, her only cart'O baing a few bulialo
robes. She was, detained nearly two
! days coming dow j by high winds. She
engaged one hundred and ssventy-iive
tones from this point to St. Louis, and
has been engaged all the forenoon in '
loading it. !
St- Joseph Evening News.
The letter of Gen. Fremont accepting
the nomination of the convention is the
most unfortunate document put forth by
that 'gentleman. It seals his 'political
fate-, and dishonors forever a once proud
and i-i nular name. The letter i G p-
perh. ad in i's argument, Copperhead in
us phrases, Copperhead in its faite- as
sumptions, Copperhead in its tone and
manner and essence. He evidently wrote
the letter for the purpose of conciliating
the Copperhead party to his support. :
He lulls their Pro-Slavery instincts, by
declaring that '-Slavery may be consider-,
ed 'pra-ticnlly' distrcytd," 'and that the
paity divisions creattd by it have disap
peared.' He gratifies their sympathet
ic feeling for the rebels by giving out
tbe ha, "does not heartily concur" in
tl at portiu of the Cievrbin.J piatform
which st ts forth that "the c . ufi station of
bution among the soldiers and actual set
ters is a marter of justice." Evidently
he has a notion that there is a chance of
his being taken up by the Chicago Con
veniion. He does not hesitate to make
direct allusions to it saying thct if Mr.
Lincoln is re ncminated, ' theee will be
uo alternative but to organize against him
-vry element of consceniii-impporation,
wi'h the view to prevent the misfortune
of hi re election. Impressed wish this
necessity, this brilliant patriot realize the
importance of .standing well with the
Copperheads. Cleveland Ledger.
Monday, about twelve o'clock, the gur
riHas made an attack on Wyandotte
Kansas, and burnt a portion of the town,
the Eld ridge House among others.
An excliauge thinks that Abaraham
Lincoln , is the 'fiitest man to conduct
the great struggle to a filing clo.-e."
The Convention at Baltimore believed
that old Abe should have some help in
thn" fitting close" business, and so it
nominated a gentleman whose profession
used to be fitting clothes.
Coudace G Gest Comp'tnt
N'Vhat Sjuirwi &. Hirriet S jnl-pe Notice
b!T'ifp Joi.atLan A. Iewel! act
A-tiia Dart, Ee-tK-'as.
I lie .b,ve rained Jw.than Sqn.i-e anJ us-riett A.
Slirrepi JjiidTUia E. bewe! 1 :td Ad:i u Hart . are
fccrt'tiy iiuurteil that the at-jve u-iai" I H n in G- Ge-t
Af. en te 11th t-ty of MdT, a. d. 1?S4. H e in :he Dis
trirt (iiurt t-iKios in chancery in atxl lor tbe count v of
Ketualia. Fectir.d Juditi T)i.I rj ct of Ne'ra-ka Itf-ril'Ty,
t,H petition : tins tor.h that Hit iai-1 SyJires End -ii
-dril uii tl.e i ll ; ot June a. U 1S6J iiiiiku pxccilo
a;nl de liver to td A Uai 11 irt a t-i!) lf -i I n
;i fi t f. N v ii : ( n ibc-t if. :vr:y t: : ILe
c;ttbj f of ihe s -u liva -t q :a. ler ,.ui ttp n:rt!.'ri'iif tl;e .iuIIjhjiiI qr.atifr of 'ivu i-t toa
sutp -i:t . raae twelve e-t in Kemiiij count . N-)"-kt
Territory, i"t u;cti tui.d day oaiJ Hart ni.uie tt.Jrtf -tiTfrtvl
t-t f aid S'lfirew Lis yroruissnrr N.-tt of that
d4te, thereby pr.iiinsin;; to pay Rai! S'p ures or boarer
'.he oi uup hmUrcil tiij d.' y cL.!.a:s ia two im i
a;:f r dire ir.tetwt at tbe r;e of ten xer cea' ptT
a: mini. tl tt: Ii.k f.nh fur:her that thu jicp:aii!aiit
i ii. -w the holder and owner o sa'.d o ti-l athl in p--e
ti.iji of raid tract or Ui'l.aij l ibit nd Joi a hao H.
Iieweill-i ihe ln-lder i.d in p no-e-sinn if h.,itl ,:c a id ths-itrp aiuaiit ii re.tdy nut wl"lni; pj !he
aaira.i; 1 on tai J tv. e a::d that sai l;i r!t i's
lv ti iite rail det d to .d iait.J tt'lM .it ! bu i Dv
is i.d him vl.e ' Si :i aM imtm a l -wcij
re;o-f i.'t-ive up va: I ii uulc.- tli kjiiib i i
hid. nd prayiaji tu: itl contpiainaiit iu ty Us ai 1-jwo.l
t.' ;.sy lie uu or la iney Cue vin a.Hid noie iuto cmrl
and tbiX said resp-jiidcn'? Bi.iy tie required to inir;leaU
and feliow to wUjji k-.J nuuey ttbuatj be l u I, aa 1 t'.it
fe-iil c-.iuv'iinaiit iuiy have a Ito-xl au-1 si.n;e:n deed in
aud to 6.itd tracts .f Ituui ard t;r d-h :fcero. nich
further relief k may I e atreeabie to ejuity , Arid aid
re'p. nueuti' are terely turtiier n-.iirled to be and ap
pe u tetc-re said ccriou or ttf reil omlay the eiKUircnth
cy of J'-ly. a. d . ibol, atid p:-.l auer or dc; iur to r-jiiii.-n or the nne will bepio cju.'so and a
dfrea rendered acoirdmly.
Datel KrownviKe Neuiitia Conn'.y, Ndhrasltii Terri
toty, Ue 2d day oi Juac. a d. li4.
' s. n. cai norx.
ti9vS 6i SMci-ur lur luipiamant.
CK VCK.EES f all kiiuia, S a. Eu ter, K.-iom. Sugar,
W aud Fits-Jiic Cracker, Crcaui B.cuit aud
At JtTu.a'.!:h'in A Ma:is.
NEW Orleac, Ciaiifipd, Crmd el ard P wderd Sn
MTV Gulden ty.-up Sugar UuU:.e aad Soruum
At Hcliiughlia & Svrai'i.
TUB best Flour frcm the L. S. V. G. MiPa ia qtiarter
half arui vhoie sacks kept
At .UcLausblin &i Sh hii'.
C AWS, Hamrfien,
Batcheta Filea, Ox Cbami sad
- ji iters
At LIcLnughlin & B jvbu'b.
Ti e u d Tin-J. '! Et.ihb-m ht rbir
Bx'i.jtK f r ti" -nrpi,, f t xninitin S, h.! Tt-aeti:
e .. oo V fi -t a'.t4 'j.f4 -h nu titU, t 2VJt-k
ra.a tli ffi-e t4 E.'W. T!onu. AU'ea-her
c . i. u.- iff . . r m it. 11....
"IT i ' . u I ' v. . . ... .' .. V -vj i , u mr- . i iu .lit 'tl I J
l eviuua to tbe mronrm- nt J their ecbooU.
T. Ii. r lSHKK, V ScboJ
JLB.MAP.LOri) Kmitin
5HS.XF of the most epprored make, for sale
Jiit 2IdAU;hIin & B wail's.
GTaic Condition of tl;e Hertford
Fire Insurance Coaipany, on
tlis tnirly-Xirst Cay or Decem
ber. ISGiS, Kiadc tollie Auililor
of the Territory of Jfebiraslaa,
In confosiiiily tlie Laws
of said Territory.
1st The name of this company is 'the Hartford
Fire InEurcace Company, and is located at Hart
lord, Connecticut.
2d The smonnt cf Capital Stock in . $5no COO
81 The aractiat of Capital Slock paid tip, ia, 600,000
Cash in hand and in Bin . 25.276,03
Cash iii h-n,l if AueaU and In
course of transmiasiun ' . . 70.554.25
Ellis receivable from loana. aecured by per
tonal and collateral ecurity . . 18.3C1 23
Keal K.-t3te cniui umbered .... 15 OiiO,lO
lniert accrued (inottly payable January 1st
1864) ....... H,0C3,01
Stocks a:j Bokds as roLtoft, viz :
Pat iiarket
Value. Value.
611 share of Harfford
bank stock, Hartford $51,loo,oo $73,C73,oo
467 sb's Phoenix bank
Uick. Hartfo-d 4S,7o,00 W,J72,00
100 thart Cxiiuecticat
Kiver Co. !
slo:k. Hirt:otd 5, 000,00 7,5oo,oo
2o tUares ixehacpe
Lank, Hartford - lo,coo,oo lo,ooo,oo
lSoh's batik e: Dart
ford c'y Ilirtt.ird T,6oix,oo 8,250,eo
2'K uhire Charter Otk -
biiikt-fk Ilartford 20,ooo,oo 3u,ooo,oo
210 thare-i Farmer' k
Jltchac'cs' b'k tt'ck,
150 shares ilercactile
fiai k stock ITanfard 15,oo,bO 12, 00 00
132 Ftiare 11 ei chants.
& Jianufs'uauk st.xk
Harliord 13,2oo 00 14,3o6 00
315 bharea .Ctn- bank
Block, llarttord 31 A" x 32,817 00
208 share City Bank
ttoct, Hartioid 20.8oo 00 " 23,t:6 00
2oo t-harea Anierican 1 '
Kxcuaueba ik bt.Kk .
Ke' Tork . .2o,ooo 00 21 ,2oo 00
2txi ha;es of Eark of ,
Cvuime'ce 5 . Tork 2o,ooooo 21,ooo 00
3 6hare loiporterufit. ---
Traders' ba.ii slock
Hew York 00 32,7oo 00 .
8w shares Bmk of A-
merica 6toct, K X 3o,ooo 00 S9,ooo
2 k fcliarei Ji.iuliattsn '
Co. fcUk. K York l,oooeo ll oero
3iK shares ilerchtnis,
baufc iok, K. Toik 15, 000 00 "16,5-jo oe
2o hae O e Jin bank
Mo; k New Yo.k IOjoO 00 8,00000
2oo rli.,re L'Lion bank - i
atuck, New York lo,ooo 00 ll,6oco
loo hnare M.n.k of -
Iforth America st'ck
New Tork lo,ooo 00 10,7co 00
3o sh3r JietrorKilitan
Lank Ktovk X. Tork 3a 000 00 SSSjO 00
luO shares aiacc-tuud
bank timk. h'ton I0.00000 T0,6xoo
loo shares Bau!t Cum- . '
meTce stuck lv-s;c-n TOjOoooo U2joco
ICO slnres of ,.-a!i:'e '
baLk fctock. Haton, IO.ooooo IT2eoo
bbares S .tT-ih D.:uk ''
klotk, Jlostoil -1,000 00 1 i'o w
loo s!:a'es Ili.'e aud " - . -
Lea IBS.- batik aieck,-. ' ,r
Eosion lo,ooooo !?.fiwoo
loo bbares cf Welrfter " ,
biink stock. B-ston lO.ooooo I..40O00
lou-stiure .1 Kt: inl '
bank stock, fcuiton lo,ooo 00 , 9.&vo 00 t
lo shares of Atlantic ..-.
baiit tock BvMtun . 00 9.5jooo:
loo bhare Safty Ptind . '
batik' si(k, Bofton lovboo 00 Io,3oo 00 i
loo sUares of B y letoo
ba:-k Stock, lios'oti lo 000 00 - II tio 00 -lo
iti ires hever?e b'k
i lock, Boston 1 0,000 00 la, 3 jo 00
2j btiares Bank of tbe ' " - 1: . : i-'
S'a;e of ilib-Ourl, St. Louis. 2o,"ooooo i7,oaood -
2-j sbai es Uerchauts' ..."
bank siock. St.Xouis 2C,0C0uo 17. 000 00
1 shares State bank ot
Wibcunia stock, ilil-
vaiikee - - 2,83 00- 2;85ro '
I25hare9 Union bank" '--' '
block, Albany 12,500 00 12 6so 00 .
75 Shares of M-ntrcal ' . J. - . .
LoDi MOCK il,l 15,000 00 25,000 00
iu sh.ires C unc-ii -ut , . . ,
liive-Conipitiiy atjck , 12,ooo o u j,oio 00.
2o s.'iares C miMucut
T.iver Kailroad Corn co 2 ooo 00
ICO share-Hartfor'taud
Ne Hivcn ltaiiioal
Company lo,o-M) 00 19,6i0 00
Tfineb.-ef Srate 3W:k "
6 ivr. cer.v., payable
20 00 00 11.8o 00
C -iK r.:ia S ate ft. ,
1&77-S9 60.000 00 W.Sj 00
Otii'.- Sta'.e stork. 6 per
cent.,s r 16,ooo 00 H,2x eo
35 Udrifoid city boudi
6 ier ceui,, payable"
13 ;6 35,00000 47, 8 jo 00
25 Uartfori! nd Kew
Haven K It oouda 6
per cent., 1S73 . I 2S,ooo 00 27, 000 00
10 New Tork Central
U. R, b i ds, 7 per .
cent.. IbTS - lo,oooco 11,0)0 00
C. 3 T. e:tsu-y Kotes7
- 8-10 per ceiu, 83 Sjo 00 83 636 00
U S stock (i-'MlJMt:) 6
rr ceat., 1S81 - 29 000 00 SI 00000
U. S. aluik, 6-iwerties 15j,jo 00 1j ow no
$I;t44,3oJW $l,U3,593 5'
' gl.143,630 50
Total assets
5th So liabi'itieJ to bank3, or
others, due or iiot "
Ctti Nu losses adjusted and cine
7.h.Los-.i s-eiiher nuadju.-te.lAir
S.b Adjusted and not due . $C4,460,JS
Slh Losses iatiUspeuse await-
ir.R further proof, included
in st-ove.,
lOih All other claim against
the Company (dividends uu.
pud.) 850.00
llih The ?'etesi amonnt insured in any one risk is
810 C0"i, except in speeial caes.
12iL The ftn-.u ii JnsureJ in any rue citv, town, or
village, def ends tip a iu size, andho built.
lS:b Tie i.n:.v,nt iusured in uy one block, deptnis
es above.
14:i. CeniSfd c--py cf tlie charter of the company, as
tiiti here ith.
K. IiUXTISGTOX, PretiJent.
T1M0. C. alltk, Secretary.
Stale of Connects u',
as. April 13, 1S61.
Hartford Cnnty. )
rcronallyT.rred M. jTTJCTrX73V. P--H'nt.
and T. C AL1 i"', S ci eiar of trie Bai Uurd Fire Insu
rance coti.patiy, ai d m-nie path .tat the to?oii:? ftate
ment X-v ibe-n'stibscribed, if true, fall -uii r.-r.ei-.t
Ftaicmerit of be afil.ars of saiJ cocipany. and exhibits
to lar'a can t- scerti ,ne l "at this ria i t -ta il oon
ditiu on the'tbir-y iirtL r De f.n ter. 1h
i e tue," ' KD'-VAHD tt iS.X.
J ustie ot i.i.e Pece .
Couu.y of jl.11a.tri. J -
1. CiiaDcey li -w it t, clerk of th Fnrx,r1;'" cmrt of
narsffrt c-r.nry, do hereby certiry that at the re-iti'-t
of ih cfiee.s oX;'bnlTartfor4 fizm lnuratite C-.-mpa
of Eartto d. 1 have exr.u nel the ce tidca es f
f -HodicUt in the" name or sid c-j:npany. ui trm eac-i
exatuitu'i -n, fla-l s .id ciiupanv is wee4 of an c
tiiai ci-a. i Fi.vo iitin ir-ed TajBaiid Holiai iuve-.-trd
in si of at let par valii, at: oi which is
rfjioiecie r'y stt tort'.i in ta aaa"Xtl t-eoa?at -f thJ
fnditit-n...f s ii 1 vai-any. -to tiaa aaiiur of taa rr.-i-tory
rf N-h'a-ka - ? ; '
1 a '; . centiy that K1--r l Goo ! nan, wose nvn t
tp.ueadcd 10 the' ivra; c f tiie diwaiU--o r said st-e-irru
i on tue J .y .t the -hcrtjTr.--. J tKe of
tiie Pfae. iu aud for the cofinty. T H-?:rd duly au
ti;oriz:d to rtimiuiaier oatfcs for general pnrprv-e.
I:i witness whereof, I bar hereiut iwit roy hand ar.J
afiieU the seal of ihe tctcrior Cour' U iiart-
f .rd co:itv. tUia twellU-ay r April, . Anno
Domtiii, isftl '-'- "- - ' ""
j,c,i. . s crrArxcET rioARn, cie-k.
Know -11 Ken h? these TrertrtB. That the
nartri.rd Fire li;suri.t;ie Cvarany. lc-tpdat Hartioid
i'i tle ?tateof C ncec;icut. have a:itbo4i?l and app-ia-ted
for thpms'-lve :t:d their .uccsir-ios, the following
nan eu pBarson in tbe Ter;itory of Vetraaka. te trac
act in tte name and on 1 ehaU if said cmiar.y the b".i
ne.- of Fire la nrauce itij he several twn respective,
ly aftixe'l to their mraw, vn :
Johv 11 kelLOmT." . . i, Oma'ia
jORii !I iuxi x ' . .- K'hra-ka Ci y
. h, . p a tsm a h
JORR X. CARiuK . J . Br.woviiie
Aud theaj.d ton.pary do berely nauaile aad ap-p-tni
the perMttiS a'vve named, lut la ul aen'
an 1 a'tonieya for then anl in, tnwr thHalt to atkiuwi -id(!f
'f vi eul le:ai p: es for aiu c -mrany expr
iy c !.rn ir jt i e vi of procr-n a-ca id ajient
and aitviri:evs . sJta i te ttpn an 1 bed as valid a-i :f
servd i.p.;n the Ki.wi (omf au; rii.(t h the law i.f
thi S e or 1 7ty iht- State, and vuituis all ciaita
ot error by reaj'.'ti of ri-eJi ervice. - " .
Witness the sral cr th-said Uirthrl Fire Innrarce
-Cirnpany and trie cBCil iia3!ur of the Pre.
j, Jtdeat and Secretary there-.;! atllartro rd iathe
f JS atenf CoiinesUoiit. ihi- twerra Uar of Ap.i.
Ann Dctuini, ose , tiousand :h: hundred all
sixty-four. ; '
n. President.
v s. h.. Tjornr a. allix, cec'r
To Ujjtlre n li $t of J'tutwy, lioj.
ijfftTrriitoriai Axditor
Omb' A.hi 2U. 196i
TThe'eas J.-bn II: Ke'loui Ea . a--t .r 1 h Hrt
fnrd J'ire Insurance" Gnapaoy, lae-l at Har f.,;d
in the State or Cuiineciicui. ta 0 Hu ihi-.a-ea
copy of he act .f liicorpora i-n f sad coaipan . aud
a naiem-.nt nrtder oath, bh Winn itsKcditt w. aa re
quired by the fifth section of a law if the Temtorx i
cf Nebraska, entitled An act lo relaloa to Iainranc I
CoKpatie" afpro-red Febrnary ik, where- J
aa, said company bas fnrntshelttte ciiersijECd satt3
ractory evidence that it i poaese.l of over i ive
hundred thousand dJllars of actual Capital Investad in
Stock of at least parraloe, or in Bond or ilort;a
es on Eeal Estate wrth doufc:e tbe amount for which
taef-iaieis mortpased ; and wbereas, sail conrpany
has fi.ed ia this Jofflce a written icstrnrr'eLit, ua ier the
Seal of the Company, signed by tbe Fresieat and Sec
ritary thereof, anttiorizms John H. Ceilom. Omaoa,
ohn n. Ali;xi.n, Nebraska City. X). U Whet er Platu
monlh, aud Jc-Un L Carson, lirownvilie, a:inowledt:e
service of process for aal jn beLaif rf s-id Ompany.
crnseutins that service of process uvot) te ibove nam
ed persoi a Shalt be taken and held to !-e a-i va'id a if
served npon the Company, acc-ndin; to tiie ,!aws of
Ihis Territorj or any other Sute, and waiving all the
Claims of errors by reis-oa of such service : and where
as, J ;hn L. Ciraon, Esq., tws furnished 7iti; factory
cvideuce that be is the anihcrlzed Arct of caid Coiu-
pi;y ; .
Therefore be it Ilno-wm toy tbee pre-ents
That in pursuance .of the a.'ores-.d A:t, l.WlLLIAil
U. iIAH,TET, Auditor of Use Termor of Nenraika,
uo heresy Certify that
. J. L. C ARSON,
Baa frill authority to act as an A??i t f)rtbesa'I
Hartford Fire lasuraoce CEp-ny, at Br.wuvilie, la
the Territjry ot Neb.ka, aal d sal pe'form all acts
lor aud in behalf of taid C-mptny auihonxeJ by his
appointment FOch Agent and by the Laws of tbi
Territory; until the 3lst diy or Jaanrj; A. D: Hei,
unless this-ie. tihcaie sbi.uldl'e ttviktd.
In witness wbere-jf 1 have suriicrirel niy, ari
caused the seal ot the Atrdi cr's .C1 e to beal.
, . ) fixed ibis 22d. day of Apiii A. V. 1 Si4 .
L 8 I iV 8 a S TTILLIAX E. Kauvet;
Tori ltoril Auditor.
Junel7ISG4.. 4x .
" ' " "CJMrnL-INGr
Si'HLVr.rf, EELLOWS, . .
' files, hasps, vvken:;:es.
- " ALSO
nuns. sroh.Es. fellows. . :
I'1A)W l NDLLS. Ac.
also aCest r ' .Tirr sale '' ' : .
' -t . -a
" . , , . AT !
D 1 L E V T t' K O M T ii E
' T- ' '
nxFGiiE txii: iiisic,
r3"Scnil In Ycnr Scrap IroR.B5
One Dtillar SarcJ i E-Tiial to two Dol
lars 31ade.
rcbH-ii32-6m ; ST. JOSEril, 110
Ti.e-1 Jacket
Red Jacket
Eel Jacket
Tne T-. r-ien' r-t 'M' jisf 'y ope-n 1 an. wef'kno
br;nd Jro-n-t -h Ui'ter" 1)1 n 1' 11 it n -e--irv iii
orrlor tM-eve their jr. a fct'i ns. or ffii ar 1
tau.ed viiue, t f k 3 fli'i - at al" .ihe- H-te--pr'.c'.iini
in 'in ii T c ini lis th it 1 iey .:r-. w... .n.p-...
Our Bi:'eridr n i)evd ilii. ts "re -'a e 'V'-'n l-fi --e
the p'lJIicon t; :r merits anlinvi e v-.j; at
te fi 'n "o l:e rrvd" ve a". low tr bard rp.13 "kr'ov. im
a we (S. thai i.ur repti'iti.'n -j pt utaVe. Tii-n.tne
'lieti 3arkei" istakrei tn.m the orieinal cm.r "id oy
the native child rf the forest, a:il wi'fithe ad ii'i iio:
a lew be"!- ey l)r Cfca; in. m .-: more a:: 'e?. bie 10
the taste, they lioir a pec .iartv bealthy. a.o!b
n.z. ;-b' recnper.nive intie-ice. e-fi 1 -r tie pi
iient ri-iii-' tr'tu the be il B-cKr.eso, lm f appetite
oi-t e-- 1 r e tin; 'd zzi- - an I ail direa-es aria
in; rr -m Torpid Liver or ln-'ifstioii
They streru:-hen and invi.-..ra t thevteci.
They are rjneqii:ied or general debility.
Triev are a sn:e c' cure for dj- pep:ia.
They eiea (tckiI and healihy appeu.e.
Ther aasist die tlon.
IheV are the best stimnlait in existence. " '
Ttey are a sure enre preventive for JTever atid Aine.
They iel;eve rntip-t'ion
Ttoy cn'e Ker ns B;.idu9.
They are perfect'y pi' aid paU'eable.
They make tbe dbi mated strung, and restore to
stre;utn the exti a, el
A-el perafis an i deiieate .'eniales will finl 'bey
Cn are iare (i.-t-r 01.1a b Mill '.in.j'bii'f''
W 1 ak pleoare in imlinsr a -ei.i 1 t- on" v- y
extensive ca aiogae ot Uu.k and caed Gooe Coniil
iug in part of
Strait erry TYlnc,:
Raspberry , ;
" (ilner
Lemon Cordial
Feaeb Brandy,
Apple Brandy,
Champa1 two. Catawta, Ca)ifo-nla P"t. B.r'rr.
fh at d Al -i:ei i .n t;ms K'm. Brnn-iieu, B & n
an ! B e wr.i k es, wbicn are pertet'y pur and nd
wiiv ui be'rifdt.i oe ai.p e-ianii. B 'iby a'-i Drv.s
gift arid dealers throii h ut ihi country. Call tor
t nr g A au I lak n ".tie."
Circular, to be trJe P'!pol!d in app"- tl a to
Prc-iriet. tb, 21, Eiver M. Cliicigo.
Sold by "W. 31. IJeCr.rEI? V. Brr.wnViie,
T-tP.CV N & PitOLTi:, Pern, S.r.
Brownvilie June 3 IWI. nn 3?t
GOAL OIL be-' q ialt y cUiiadd oil, Luj
chiuinej-s and tvirks
A t JiicLausiliu 4; Sivaa.
T vKEK Mb the i n e -m-i iivins on 11 s.iacr. a
E above fe n m :;:uatia cnuiy. Nn ka Ter-
rii -y. en ihe .'5 h dyu 14 tv H81. ce bmwn hoe
nn e II t 12earoid wnUnuiiiier h:aesj, mirk
nh.m ai.d ived tail, wbea like 1 up b id p-hal-!
ter . n.
Jr-e24, 156i., -
n.8 3t p'd
TT'LOVSi. Sutler, E?zs. B-tcon. etc.. tc.
-P At LlcJ-.augb in & SwaE.'.
T'.S.IErJArvHt; Pried Ttatbee, aajo, 2ice, aurci.
AJ cp. Candles, etc , etc.
At Mclanhlia & Swaa's.
AAaL vxali-I.O 1 U-jLa-a..i
full mou rnAizn piaitcs
are bniU c? tbe test and tnjst tl-.roc?Ii!y seavrr-l ma
teri i's. and wilt stand any rticiile. Tne tone ii very
i'.eer- roin-i, full, and mellow; ti9 touch elastic'i Piano warranted for five years. Prtcet fraa $--3
to $7C0.
- - TErri?n:TL3.
"be rtnran'-p'rari Pi:s3-s are kaownasaasuiB tbe
veT best." Eernrje!itt.
'.Ve can , e .k."t h?ir niei-it- frcm peri" nal ki i
else." C'ii.'Mn imt'.'i'.mcer.
"viTateri Piaa ar-d ielxle .:n -h-5lerr" nmniriaoB
with the fintat iiiadc anvwsere." Horie Journal.
tlQQ-xi 7 OCTAVO ViAii wr-, ot 5i'e
er;' Biakers. fur $19 ' : dj.. with ca"Tcl Iocs. j-o').
J.3ir and $24-J. Socni.i-barii Ptano an.i Mei(.-:enii at
$.'n. $1J, $i)0, $75, tW4, $ili, $115, $150, ai.d
The Horace YVatrr .5;r"ctIt"on. nnJ 21a:-
Tuned the E j-ra Temv-auen! wi:li t'.:e Pi eit Divided
Swell. Prir-s from $ii to 3j. Or
giro frfm fir-it tr 5.5,0.
E"A libera. Ji.-cot-nt to C'.errymen, Ctir.rcLss. 5al
bu. S.hoo'.s, !cc, Seminaru-s. ar.d Teachers. 1IOK
ACi; "RATE So, Ak't, o. 4S1 EraUwair, I. Y.
. . The Day Sc'uool II l.
4- CCOeopie i-stie.i. A new Sii.pii.s? u..,k for Scbo'f
and -StfrniRai ii. called the I'jy -h..-i ht-A. is now
rea 'y. It c-ntaias a: out two hundred ch 'ue sons,
roa ;t, c:,tcr ? due's, iris, . qirnr'etts and horn,
in y t them wrnieu ex3'rrs.y tor this w i I eidi's
32 j ar:c of the Elements of ilulc, wLicl. art eusy and
prt rre-iSivp. -
Anion, the lare nrcmer ef beartirnl pieces insy 1
rom.d, ' Uucle Ram's frcbool," "Iion't yon hear the
ci.i dren coi:!r.c.
Always Uok en ti.e aanr.v ide.
T e iittle ia;S. ' aud '-Eutie Lai," --uu. if 1 were a
liu.e bird," ' 2:i-..' or be.iu;y." -Pre'ty per trea,'-'
Anvil Chorus." ileet luO ty the ruunmj; bro k."
&.c. It is c n.piied by Uora e W;ers. author of
bni'jSch.Kil BU, N-v. 1 and 2, w. b.,ve l.i-! the
j euormou m le or &.." P'.-y cpies. ir . -vef covers.
ioceuis. $23 i-r lOu; b-nml 2') cert, t-o per 13.;;
cloih bound, tmboseit tilt, 40 ce:..- per bnr.drei.
25 copiej furnished ai tbe one buudred price, itailed
at the retail price.
Sabbrtth SchrT Cell No. 1, ;
eonlns 144p.ifrp. n.l nearly to h 'Tilred Innes ifnd
bynt-n. tid is the uiost p. pu ar S. S '15 k ever isf-i
A uu pc tL-e must p-i'ulir ;iee j-?, 'Enid W.N,"
'-hden Above." '-C'Lirmtiarj Ue-o," 'Boairirui Zion,"
"1 niiht to y M.-tto-:" '7 he .tripes t.HJ b e o,-'
Ik tbo L?bt." Ke-t rr tl-e Wrta; y. ' ,-r Price
paper cover, 21 cts. each. $15 per l iir. '"re 1 ; bounl,
23 cts. each, $C0 per hcndre.l ; clotb bour.i, esibosied
gilt, 3V ct., $2Z per bead: cl..
SaLbrtth Schawl Rrll
i an entire new work or I9i ail uiirly 225 ?ptis
a dr.ymna. as trie m i l:- is a lin e ci re 1; 1:1. lit t
i- ja-t t!iet .fe to To iuu- B:'! N 1. N';r y ..n--'r:ii;-li
ii"f 'hee Hells tlve been iss.n c. auiarii- w riniz
inr thniTrah tiil-s and ither c.inrriea. A-n .u; ti e
tii ioy ctioi.r p,e'es may te f n ..: nail wr'eetb
J .J .! the river ? There is a bei.-Mul wnrtd. S .rruw
italic rua ar-tin no more. D z't '-u ber ihe Ant-'el-e"t
int.? 7 hru, (.'ot. !""es. me 5..i.-arn K.l. cVme
1,11, fcc. P iei of lie! I So. 2 r t! . Kt I- X .
1. B.-h numbers ei beobt.ii e: iu oiie v.j,.,ue.
Prii , b. un 1 co-y. 40 ce it s, $?5 r uadi-ei ; clorh
hound, em'.sred pilt, 60 -t-., ,i" 'r Lui. lrel. '2S
copies fiiTni-he1! at the on hundred ir.ce. Maii-el jst
the retail price.
VTalm-' Cbor? IIn-;.
A new S'ltiday School B ok, of 1S3 pa;es of beamifo)
hymn and tunefc. If contiin mi'i" cew-, HiCh as
SUal! we kn. w ech oiher tiie? e ; S .f.'-r lr tie children
t come unto Ke ; The beautiful .- ; Oh, 'tis i'ri
nai Leive me with my moiher ; 11 lt- ie.n me be-bie
(till watera, 4tc. -Pricepane'' cover ?. S.) cents; $15
per hundred; honnd 35 certs, 9J) ,e: h n.ii.'d; ciotb
bonriii; cmN'S-ed ituitt 35 cents, i-Zi per hundred.
Mailed at the retail pri.-e. It. is eiuel by Horace Wk-te-,
au'hir of Sunday S.'li kiI Ilelis K . 1 an I 2, which
have had the eiiorm mis of over ei'it thousand
c p e -. J is' pubU-ho-Iby &J&A. tVATC&S.Ko. 4S1
lircadwiiy, New York.
The Nev.- Pa :i tic Son? Hoot
c-n'ain 86 p.ires of i.tocs d-ie's an tch Hl es, bo'b
cred and wnlr. tn.. lading 14 p e- s ul for Mek
an-1 il' -i so "!rv j.d ..i:ie-s' S'lipHir Mil ml
1 lwell si'iteil f-.r sooii' as e'.; af S. hbold
wersi-.ip ' Am np the'imtny bt aiiriru! pifces ru.'y le
fi u d, VTbeT? liberty dwell is aivroi.ntry ; riieCUrl
Viaa hero, Tiiroo ebeers f .r onr bai.ner; C' n e a ux to
eie-of b-?svvn; Oot'irnhit. the etn of .' e'can ; K ci. j
man's Fathering; C..inDih'j'i Ciu. f -ri vcr ; M irchiti;
al'-r.fc, c Price ria"! er rover , 15 te:.ts, $Mpr nan- !
dred. itaiied at rirtj
' i
The IIar; t : i'rf; uurn '
wnsiB pajesof -s-'r?-, dors ca l,cl trn fofV
tfont. A m- 111 tlie eh i e rie-es we w u 1 t,.nie. Fi
tree .or.i's ci .m ; O let nit pr: 1: ; Over ue ni'-n
tau. ; Tlsev w :i kei jjje ill Ibe d .v. fc. P-icf 5 ce r.- i
siiu'.e. 60 etuis e.' Uoivu, 3 rer huudred; putae 1
cent each. ,
- . , TIh'I". : A s;r;f d C-n:nrn.
Contntns n:: pres. TTonlffc. Bev S 4. ey Dyer.Tnn'ir
bv Prof C'iH. Tiit an exv.iit ' - k fr concert
tor ih y ;;uu. P- i iMwrc-vc 2 f f-ii is j $15 per
LuLurt-d ; b.-'sral 2s cenlf per lx'-. 1; .-d.
r:,- !i?ti.i.i
contains 73 pt:! 'f tvne an-l d?si!rred for re
vival, prayer a' d c iiuereace m-e'u:j. 1' in p iper
Cuveic, fir; c..piL-a. 10 cuiaj i per Luiwrifl
alaiiel at the retail prices.
The Atheiirxtirn Colleclion
enntain oetween fonr anl fle hnnre 1 pire of frtnes
and bymna, new and od. of the c!ioi.?et kim's, for
cLr.rch. S'ltiday srhool. revival, mii.nary, tenijirauce
p'aver ard fonfernce ael all h'n is tcrel ai.d -o-ti'i
meetiiiu. Tne mngie in this t k ha lire and au
itn ,ti. n in it, !ikn hinta Sh-.rp, Ke-t f .r tl.-e weary,
Shall we kj w fjc'ix oilier tbere? Sua'! we ?ie"t hey-'tid
the river ; There ia a r.eautmil world ; Kimi w rd-;
Sweet Iwir cf pryer ; There is a land . f !.ve; Soffe'
lilt le -li 1 1 d ' eti t-j rome onto re ; f J.'d cire ihe 'atin,
Kc. H-i'-e sirr':e copies, b nr.d 5o rents; ft 15 pr
hurrlrf d; ctotb bonnd. rmli.issed silt, 6 ' cent ; 65 per
tni died, alai.e I ft trie retail price. II0K.ACE WA
TERS. 431 Broadly, 'Sew Touri, Publisher of the
aboe CvAjka. ' "
Vocal .InsSc, irith Piano Accompaniment.
A larjre ortmpnt of new and p-pnlar 8rr.s?,ta!!.1'
di;et. quartetts, and rnorueo, ineddilv. Ain-.nK
the nr ' popnl-tr are. Shall we kno-. eacl: other there.
Li.wrry; Why have Tay leJ ones x ne ; I will betrae
in the; t)h. there' ni s icli u".ri a nin e, by Foxier;
Mother's love is true; i,v.-rt love, fr-rir-.-t rrie,
by Keller, 25c-it each; I tear sweet voicea singins;
11 trie is home; Forget if you ca. Li.t lrt'ivu, by
Thonias. 30 cents e-icu.
liifctiomeni.l ilu.-ns for :th C;at rorte Te are
CoUiinK father Abra'am, hix hnntJ'ed tii 'isand more i
Alway lo'k on tbe Ktirny side; S-hall .e know each
oilier there? C,, with brilliant variaii .es by Ttobf.
bQ ten s e.ith.
Pi,lkii. - M'alrzes, Matches. QTadriHa,
&.C . bv popular anthora. A!! ktus of Sm'n? and In
at rtiction books. Cataloeues maiiedf rce to any addre(
Humc tuai.e-1 at the above ; ice.
IVatrrv' Clieap ?Iu.ic for ta million,
Arraure-I as ai'oea daelav qnartet.a nj ch ra for
titi'teal " cieiies, choirs, tin-tay cu.i..l, p i'.ics h--.i
rn-:.i.'.rie. e c ihaH we know ea h o iie- j:,rrr ?
I.:i't y-iti hear the ansela tminp ? Siali we nie: b-
1 1 river y He m tin'; T-ere is a bfa:ual
janriti; ffl'r literfy dwilU i-i !iv coliv X F'epd -1.
r 11.l1 a .d ri. b' ; w e are O'lnio; n An-a am. mx
h ; . t 1 e-1 th iis-tid m re j T'lere is a lai.'l of i-'ve; S r
r w .-hail c-iiii ai-'ia no m re ; !!? t vn ' y l oie ; C n;e
-lot t me of ITe-iveii ; Lnd in icit ; e wil o t
s-'i.d y s. !i m. ; o ir (.J ia maretiiiinr. ; -d-ate tb
.V.iti'm ; Whittier'a aotiz o the P;aa' iiti i.Xtr- ; air
Free'' .m'a Morn hadaned at ias- ; 0e; t 8 inm-t-ia't,
; oerihe motin'ain ; 1 Kt. -ri a :. e. ; .w 11
lie' Rone to Ue.iveti ; StCcr i;fi? cim ei 1 . ew
nut., me; k trv m in the m. 'iit i,:iT . (.'" t
ihy r--i; Seet h.urf P .;r ixc. f, i-.e 3 . eat:;, i'J
cen"t per d x , $1 per hundred J no-i..ce. I ce.:t en'a.
In Leet fi rm, villi Pia';.. c omrMin..--n- inia.
Pubiiibed Is UO&kCK VTArritS. As';.
--- Ko. 4dl Uioat way, X. A.
, . r - - t
r mi ii-
Tbi b-at if cow beiaj rnn nalcr tla iajcrir;tea
d'nee of
Who win tn.Ve c-r thit tbire ihi.ll be no
m to th-: li m' Cro'j'nj Ii uUr '
Ai all nciar3 cf iho 2zyil
migrants to' tb? -""-Mines
TCV.l find tti a excclleiU point for eroealrg t b
I u:trtiu fr mSl. J-ph apd a'lD-in'a Et of
here ei e: tr tbey rh LJd ui : u iy Xeb atka
Cur E- t'e it (! n i Lear t rr -n at u.-a p i-.t
and ' '.. r-ad are beaer a ti e '.'..: iua of Uie Ui
a-Uii ii ver ibjtn or t4B Jiait. Au.4 r ,
, j
Can !e brtt bera cbeaer tiaa ax anyo'.icr pjlst
iu tbe Te- .jtry.
1 Trare ei l.ota
E-;. v fn T r ""
iiik i'j 4.a t,i
. 1 ' ' . T
w"IU &1 tUa tie sost direct rcl-t ; croii St.
. r: v..:.ij
i Ifc.
irowrMlK, jreifrijia, April, 2-ssa j
; 1 j ; 1 I -
J : - ' -. 'I-
a monthly .r ag A::i:-:r
The m-t corny ril,ti;i Ttii-:.Ii
kn.iwie.i -e j.n.l tlen-T-iJ Li'cra ir".
;b? UttfJ Sae-i:
err "
tar-n f a Pi!r
LlU- Journal, v z E
-t sr-i ::r th'T L . -:'.or.
Lr. ' t.t. "v vcrr 1
tiaiiy lU'V-oi-j-I i iir. u.. C-'.i:'' -ai IJat
t.-Uil Jnurests '. ci all jiit a.iH.-k cwrpiraUca 00a
n-tv:rr; iwrsery?.l tLe Flf'. Ti!"-e cf Hi
llz-iz'-n'; ;u re;i cvli-cc t.: tii t'.-tet
iut-.t. 1-Kti.ri bjT-3 1-:' nrp t'ltrj bv a tLicl
ci: i jiillic. we tt. u.i m I P'-'f.:, :a to rjebar
ncter uu the nrt or tr.e la' b,dj ii naJ?rj wio
are Eot vet npon i'.s subvert; x oa i.s.-". Oar paf
fAe n tht.1 r '-Lv'c? t.cri is the dl'ST.ilhm of
jrac'iea! ir.i'ormri .a imijcj-x.. c t.tivs a'..itj
to the iea.:;-,CuiD'.':.cel ,tij a I'.-.rcrsrj cf liuttsj
ott"actioa seenritj the -rruf of tbe peno ia
tie vr-a-? tienartmen'S of S'.eic. EJ'--tL:irti
r.J General Litcra-tura. 3 a.ia;cj rat o
iiooialiv to render in e.
rrro ta tb
Trade, Cuzmer-.-e l!.4??rial rrx-ilati:a cf taa
IVuatry. rs.iry s.J'-- of tbe Country. m.r.v -iis cf
tbe Bier.!..! w t!J re" -:va due eonsiJrf."."n tb
Ilitorief, r'riti.-al, JL" -I'uetie ani lrji"l"!at'ie, M
well as tLe Fioan.-ial, S: iiklic-il, Trcn- i.jioai
at.J strioi!? ileraatlle. We fraB! T a! in Ut. re
feach r,f the farant and tbe fan-'v f t'i f- ;:.Uic8
it, with tl.i? pratieal exj7io2-r t-f i'r.3 t j-,:r.oa
man ar t tbtj worker. In the treats .':; cf anient 15
topi."', :e E3' de elected ia the p-xri'sr z. Hjl
ra:ber thaa tbe Tb mc2iAi eiT
the boui it sbU be our en 3eior to ror'.raj. -nj we
avil our?elves of lb? eontnha'.io.n of rB w
ery to the -rnla f Kro'W'i", HJ'd Siili r?or4-
vrstb all pra.;tioiih.? eaeeiac'nw Currcn; IstelLi
pence, vibi.-'a will ha of fut-ara ntuu.'y atnl bUwii
interest whan the iVeiient sa i'.I bavo L-vT.s tb
Past. In fine, the Amari'ru Kxcbacrrts and Ilsriew
ii adssiroble and ever welcome uiL.mi.'y Tiiifor tv
its sub-'eribor: :.rr"a.-t'.r:,r Vh rkbs t.f Jr-jowla?
irrpn-vir tbe trwte, a:
id far
grart.:atii.a. .
TLe Ueview baa ia pt--,K-u;Iti-i :3 dU'.lt atd ia
Ci-ciC-ij Uj arttrejTv, with a Gnerul Dtr'.ji j far
tlio widost oonsi ta it Jce of tjemsi. We giva
jrcifiiMti-'n of to c wb!oh ara the snVjects e;iief
, i.-ja-jonai r re' pabrijatdoa,' r.z:
The Art., .Eitbotis: Afncaltar?. -4 r I I Cht
i-try, Arena eok'Cy. U.. !'ie-Letter. lilojraphf.Criti-ci-ta.
Evr..p.' roxs I'i liii-al, Ariibia-rio tional
T ixttion: I' buktn.enrr 'iirj, Cort.' ratio
Actiii!t.., Ex . bar?, i u;ta ttio it .-vu.-iii,
Srr -a.-; I! irtt; ry, liiduitrial and Mer.atti'. estee
ijrii'.'i, insutn.aca. ittemat Imr.r-.vcuiCTii Kall-a
Car,&.U, t -ierHph: il.n.nfittn I'r-.d-rf. ' fct?-:a-r,,,!--r-r:
Me h';:i' , M'ninr itnerab'jy, (Jf .i. y,,
.!oi!i.'u-iy; t'a;eafs Fbyw. i )'yc:-.!."nty, tti4ie
s. siea. e: tr.-id 3 fjri'in Ra 1' xe, iiipsij;
taercactLe law, aT:g:tu.n: T - y ;raj b y. Travel,
One oi-PY,a year, ia airaaco 3 51
Five C'Vi " 44 1J C8.
Ten - - - M ' C3i
When p-i -i at tb eil of the year, 4 83 per aa
num. single r-trr-T. SaaiIe copy niaJi-i ea lha ra
vciptof cents.
. . rOKEics srrnscKiPTioxs.
... ... v ....
Slr'e copy prr aannai poaUa p&li,
Cmada. " 5?
Cub.,-.- . " - 1 7
tircat Dritaia ad Iieliai, . . . . 9 W
France, - S T3
G-'unnT, "172
West Iii'dien, fCrifuhV 173
WetIilia.,Xot Uritrih. ' ' 1 C
uu:b Ara-ri (l
fD'Wl.Eli AlloOX,' Prr!e4on.
No. 42 Cntnf St., rbiliwfelphia, P.
1 :-
'lain Street, ErowavIIlp, Jf.T '
: . r.i ' ; "
Petinn thanlt"! f.Ttte pst'.riaf e beetortre ern4aa
o, andpronilses to supply all waatii, trther la
TI:tvirs htid in, my prcyrnt Etrck lef -m the lata
rise rf Ihirly per eer.t. erahies ma t- nnJerfeU all
who Lave to lay in their strs k at preent prie.
My st.irri are ail froai-St.; Linli, arnil ma-nnfiMttae
ed froin Mi'-'euri iron whkh. ii fruaouac: tab
the tort rron now koiowa. -
FL'Cn A3
rrucli "Fcerlcas, derated Otcsj,
Superior, Golden .Erae- -
Sew ni'a, &.c. -
ni nniiurn call the attentiox
or . ;
ro?. suc-ab Lo;r.Er.-: al.-.i his
LARGE CIST ir.O. aki:TTLI-3,
iilOrfl 10 TO ?Z GAiaLU-o.
' a vaetety of rnEAr
Of e and Beantlfrl Patterns; Lamp CkimaeyaV
&ade. Ac. Baa, Copper, and Skaet
. ' Iran Ware; Lamenaa. Stwv, . .1
and Japanned War.
. . ,1 L.VEGE QtTAIfTrrY OT . .
Tia. Ktoni A G;a. Se!fSctJiux rrptt C2l
rrinfJTJTF.iis am 'Tnxrr.s '
. , IS Jllili'TED TU HIS . 1
H k preparer to'pn; rp pu'term andpoatlBf, a4
ail i t::e. wort of td. Un t tie horte-t notice, aid la
a workninlike ta3r.ncT, which be warriitv g've gs
tis-a.-'.ion. . - al-1
iroticc, ... .... i.. .. i9j
I bre left with C G. 1) r?ry, rT-,..r-r'rxTi7;
nil ibe mvi i, p-. riers and ja euy wiy cd
n'ied v;tif,i- A.5er-ve-'i tnH .aai'Ci.'v
niT.t tt ray wi.'jir Ha i fa'Jy err7rwerrj tv
ncTA my n-. Th": bar'- c.?st'lej kocoacai
will savo treats Jbj tailio j ca 4?r. I. vci. - "1
. u. Vi iLriNa'".
. r.rAvtn-.?TareT :a?i - nr?
SS,.:S(! r d C!.eitj -i T. I ac, Cl;ar 'j-lpe- P.;
a.j ai-d i Pa- Ls in r-eat varity, j
Ai ii(.Lia-. grille & tlweii.'i.
n 1; it ; 1 ?!
j " '
j 7- "A'-'.'il..:. LsKe'T.rt Vfii e l,3,"cJl:b, 'Z,
L t.c ,t .ns j;-:.t u --11 .
A: ' - clrh.! r r'i.
CCLTIVATCaa. S.y-?j, Cralei, ai5, H.-.a,
S.dai, SioY!, txc,''..,
At iIcL6r.;hna6Sn;'?.