1 'u.- i J. IT' r t p) 4 nc . all : ' ! J i1 . ; i ill nc t 3 3l ICI 5 !i f i !T j'-, , ! i Br. ' -1 i i V ? 1 1": f l - BREITMYER & ROBISON. . - t- .1 call the attention of the Ladles aul Gentleman . Af. Jirt-wnviile ana ticiLlty to ccr new stock of Hoots and SXiocs, Gaiters, 15 s 1 morals, Lace Koots, PoIUa Slioev and Jannj" no3S,32I.s CXiIIdrcnasid Infants ' ' O O o J tut Received, wlichwe will tell m ctea fur the rlj g acy bout-e la the Wct. BOOTS AND SHOES HADE TO ORDER '. In tie very latest ttyles. V warrant ail cur work to glT MtisfacUon, for e employ hone but tho bes t of ' LEATHER & SHOE-FINDINGS, ; For sale, and every thing belonging to the traie. Ve vet urn oir thank to the public for past favors 'atbr strict aueiuion to our business Lope to merit mat liberal va.roini.el aslowed cpon tss heretofore. liearl.nniii:!liatciiriaiitoUtte'.'I3iELErNNr." E?COME AND SEE US.-C3 riopalrinc ofall tTCi Tido "Dvr.t on short i-otice la a r.eat workman-like mtmicr. tEEITilTFH & ROBINSON, Brownyilie, Nebraska. April 2 I?6I. E34-v8-yly FAMILY GROCERIES. M'LAUGHLIN & 8WAN, worLD RESPECTFCLLT 'axxockck to tiieib frienfls ami the public generally, that they have ju receives a s cperior lot of Family Groceries, and Invi the attention of purchasers to their stuck including JCEWCRLEA5S SrGAtt, PRIME KIO COFFEE, CLAE1FIED 4o IMPERIAL TEA, CRUSH KD do do YOUXG HVSOX TEA, BLACK. TEA. RICE', SGO, SriCE, PErPES,CL07E5, CINXAmOX COVS OYSTERS, EJISIXS, CCRftAXTS, STAKCS, SOAP, PURE SC2A , VZ LA.XDS SA.LERATU3, &.c. fcc., A-C , CCD FISH HACKEE AL, T7HITE! IFISU, LAHE TEOUT, EXHITG, HAD. GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, . DRIED PEACHES Uolasses, Ccal Oil, Cider Vinegar XATCRAL LEAF CUEWIXG TOBACCO. GOLDEN LEAF AXD OTHER CHOICE ERAXDS FINS CUT CaYEXIMSH, KILL1K. NICK SAfOEIKG. COJI 4 VOX DO. Clears cf tfce Best Brands In the Harlvet. cnEjTxrrs, aioxjjs, pecans, filberts, fsa- Mia, ate, &.c. A Splendid Assortment of Stick and Fancy Candy from the Best Manufac turies in the East. . Flour, Bacon, Butter, Fggs dec, The Highest lartet Prices Paid for ' Country Produce. McLAUGIILLV & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bank Building. Bhowktillz, Jan. 14, IS64. n20v8-J20-yly. THE 'Wm Or. SAW AND FLOURING f 'i If I WILL ket p ccsstastlj'on basd as assortment cf Eztra-Snpcrfino tConinion &MINGIE4.E, A.nl ail other articlea usually" kept in a first-class Merchant Flouring or baw Jiiil. BroirnTille, March Slet, '61. n30-8-ly. IX ' LIcdlEERY, Cash Wholesale and .Retail Dealer In ZZD IHL TU C3r 3 MEDICINES" AIID CHEMICALS, , Points, Oils aud Dye Stuff, Pcre Liquors for Medical Purposes, All Kinds cf Patent Iledicines, ,I)E.YTJL M"D FM'CY G'OODS, f'Ar.BIsiali Books and Stationery, Th beai-Lraads of Chewing and Smoking .TOBACCO' AND SEGARS, t. ilntt: n'nfnll Colors. I PERFUIIERY AND TOILET GOODS, "Tle'assares hii patrons, and the public generally, be wiillteep on Land an extensive stock of th ar ticles mentioned, besides anything and everything E&aHyJtc;tiaartcla3 Dreg Store, which he is prepared to sell at low rates for Cash. Call and fcxaiuui far yourself South-east Corner Main and First Streets :BroT7nviilc, Nebraska. ..IsTTrcscriplIoxis ana Orders arefully filled at all hours. March 31it,4. l30-t3 Cn L UMBER, georgj: dc?ii:rit v - co., iliUufctnrcrK A .rente fr the sale f . Vatchcs. Chains, :c.r :c, V.'OUTIi ;:50O.0000! ' To ic sold lor one Dollar Each, without regard to valce SPLENDID LIST, Of Articlex all to be ooid tor cue Dollar EexI 100 Gold Uun-ing Case! "Watties, ( 100 eacb 100 " Wr'rUca, - . 300 I.A'tie..' Watches 9 Mlver " - 600 G-U Guard, Vest and Chate'.aln Ctait. 4000 Yet, Keck, Goard ar-:dChrf!e:ain CL-hiss. - - - " ' " 8300 Cano Brooches - 3X) Mosaic ai:l Jet Brothe SoaO Lav feud Pl.-rrntlne Broochc -3t 00 Cora!, Garnet At Emerald Bro-chc, SOfO Canieo Ear Dn f . -3O0 Garnet K-8aic end J-t Ear lr., 4i-00 Lva ari'IFioreiitineEarDro; 4000 Gt-ut' tk-arf P.r.s, - 6CC'0 Ch:iT and Hand Bracelets, 3600 Ge;,t' BreaU Pin?, 3000 W aUU Keys, -t3C0 Fob and li.lh'm Slides, 7(X.0 SetsirB-iMni! StuOs, - -8000 Sieve iiiitoiij, -9000 Plain aiiiChase iRins, - -0(j0 Stone Set Kincs, ... 7000 JJiniainre LtcUtts. Crosses, i-C. -i-:.wa Rets I.adie Jewelry. i0 each 35 eash to eacb $i5 to "0 ech f. to 15 each 4 to fi each 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 t) 4 to 2 to 6 each 6 each 6 each 6 each 6 each 6 each 8 each 3 t 10 each 2 t 8 each 2 ts 2 to 2 t3 2 10 2 t3 2 t 6 eacb 6 each each 6 each 6 each 6 each 2 to 10 each S t 15 each All of the goKls in the tfove List will l ld. with tv rcfcvation, for Oae Dollar each. orUGcates.cf all the various articles ara placcnl in Firr.mr earek.pes arl sealed. These envelopes will he lent by rr.ail, cr delivered at our otrice, without r:ard to chclce. On receiving a Certificate you will see what article it rep resents, and It is optional with 30U to seiid or e d ollar and receive the anirle or not. In all transartii-ns ty rjaitwe stall charpis for for forwardics the Ccrtiacate. psriiig potape. i.nd doic? the hitine-s, 2wut$ each. Five Certificates will he font f jT tl; Eleven for $2 ; nirty f.r $5; Sixty-five for $10 an ! Oi.e ht:plre.l f r 5,15. CURRESPUXDEXTS imy rely r.n & quick and pr..nipt answer to their orders. Our business is con duced upon literal, honest, st-;U,'htforwarc'jrinciple, ar;l we pr.irantee Eatiifaction In all cases. Our pat roiii may always depend u)on havir.y their ort? faith fully and punctually er.pp.iei. In no case willcorres pnndnt he ries!ected. EjCorrefi-ouderits KhoaU t,e tarfnl to writ& their Mtnature pi.iin, Hiid pivc their Pot if cr, County, aud State. Aciarcs, GEO. DEMERIT & CO., ij xiroadwdy, lork. J3 HaviriK tad Lnsiiieii relations willi tae above pemleniea, I take plea.-ure in fayi:? that they are honorah'e, upright men, tndperforia all theyprorni f-in and the Jewelrr I have seen fr ra there is enutne,atU give isatiitactiun. ii. O THOMPSON", ci-H urrery Hill, '"cb. GET IT YOUR CLECS FOR 1SCL NEW A XI) fPLEXDre PREMIUMS PETESON'S MAGAZINE. THE BEST AXD CHEAPEST IX THE VrORLD This jHTtilir Monthly eontaica luirjfcr the xncne-y than nry M-ijz"uo ia tha wo.ld. In IPJt, it will have nearly 100 pges, 25 to ?0 steel plates, 12 colored pattern?, ard'i i; 00 wood engraving? nd all this for only Two Dollars a Year, or u dollar less than rrsnines t-f its class. Every lady ought to taka Feter?on." lo the srer.cr&l a-lranoe of prices, it is the only Mazina that has no? raued ita price, cither to 8irt!o subscribers (fir to clubs, and is, therefore, etEpbatically, The iliaiino for the Times. The stories in "Petersen" ar? con:eledto the best published acywherc. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, El!a Uouinan. Mrs. Dcni?".ti, Frar.k Lc9 Ilencdict, the author of "Susy L's Dairy." T. g. Arthur, E. L. CLacdls.r Moulton, CaV.ri:iIo Lee, Virginia F. TownsenJ. Ilosallo Grey, Clara Anguata, and the author cf "Ths Seconl Life," besides all the most popular female writers of -iiiteriea axe rlar contributors. In addition U the ut?ual number of short stories, there will ba given in 1S64, Four Orinsl Copyirighted Novelets, viz : The Maid of Honor a story of Qaeen Boss, by Ann S. Stet kens. The Lost, Estate a Mnryof to-iay, I5y tho author (f "Tha Sewn I Life." Maud's SnrniEer at S-.ratn, by Frank. Lee Bet:el'et. Fanny's Xlirvot ion, by Ella lxinnn. In its Illustrations also,Teterson" is unrira'el. The publisher cha'.ler.e a cmparis:n tetivecn its superb Mezsotints ac i ether. tel ecrarings, and those in other Magazlrtes, nni ona at least is given in crery number. Colored fashisn plates ia a.l Tan?e;It is the only Magazine whese F;uhicn Platen can be relied on. Each riuzaber corJains a Fashion I'iates, engraved on steel, and colored from Fashions later than Rny other Magazine give: also, a daen or more New Styles, engrevved on Wood: also, a Pattern, from which a Dre ss, Mantilla or child's Cuitono can be cut, without the aid of a mantsa-inaker so that each number, iu this way, will gave a year's subscription. The Pari, London, ITnladelphiaand New York Fashions are ds:ribed at length eoh month. PalUrns f Caps. Iknnets, Ilead llresses, giren. I:s colore i patterns in embroidery, crochet, Ac. The Woik- Table Department of this Maaj-ne is wholly unriva'ed. Every number contains a dozen or more jiatterns iu every vs-riety of Fancy-work; Crochet, Embroidery, Knitting, Bead-work, Hair work, ic, Ac, &c, Every mota, a superb colored pattern for Slipping, pure or chair seat, Ac.", is given each of which, at & retail store, would cost f fty cents. "Our New Cook-dolt."--The Original Ilonse hold Keceirts of "Petcrion" are quite famous." For 1S31 our "Cock-Book" trill be continued; Every cne of these receipts has been tested. This alone eis well worth the price of ' Peterson." Other re ceipts for the toilette, sick-room, Ac, Ac, will be Kivle. 'New and fashionable rnu?ic in every number. And hints on Horticulture, Equestrianism, and all matters interesting to Udies. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One copy for one year, $2,t 0 Three copies for one year, 5,00 Five copies for one year, 7,50 Eight Copies for one year, . 10,00 Twelve copies for ons year, 15,00 Sixteen copies for one year,- 20,03 Premiums for getting up Clubi! Throe, five, eight, or more topics, make a Ciab. To every per son getting up a club of threo, and re-nitting five dollars oraciub tf rive, and remitting seven dcllara and a half or a cJub of Light--an remit ting ten dollars or a club of twelve, and remitting fifteen dollars, an extra copy of the magazine for 18; 1 wilj be given. IF preferred, however, a e will send as a premium, (instead of tho extra eopy.l and Illustrate! Lady s Album, arnasomcly bound in gilt, or either of our Mezzotints, for framing--each 27 inches by 20 "Bunyaa parting from his Blind Child, in Jail," or "Banyan's Wil j Interced ing for Bus Release from Prison." To every person getting cp a club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Magazine will be sent, or any two ol taa other premiums. Address, post-paid, CIIARLES J PEXERSOX, ?to. 0J0 incstnat street, rniiajcipnia. All Postmasters constituted Agent?; but any person uay get. up a club. Lpeciment sent gratui tously, if written for. HELLO, STRANGER WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE N E W GOODS? AT J. BERRY & C0?S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BEERY & CO., Have Just received, ana are now openiug, at stand on Itain street, one of the largest stock! oftheir DEY GOODS HP ever offered In this market. Remember ths pUe, J. BERRY & tOT iioivnvilie N. T. i est VICTORIOUS CVTZl PAIIT. BRAGG'S ARCTIC-IISIMT. Acny or ense ! SickBe? cr Lealtu ! l.ue or death 1 TLe.e are the j;ie.-tioiu iuvclvel in the adoptiouor rijection of this fpe ciac by the martyrs to external diseases and u.juiics. Having re ceived the iudoyswneut of thed; tiiizni'died foran, the late It. KANE, and iw efficacy tested dur ing two awful Winters in the r cious o!' ek-rual ice, it is now com ing into pvueml use in evry fee t.ou of the civilired. g'.-he, end its marvelous cures are ereiywinre excilliii; asloui-hititut. wm THE AFFLICTED REJOICE. JIl'X PREPS and TnOl'SAXDS bare tJed its virtues, and are rejoicii:g iu frwiiom frta lorg lii'u-eriiii? l'Al.N ana MikAM-.. w'uich other reaiedies bad failed to cure. llre jon the FROX- ClirilS, AH KAl.lilA, P.HKU MATI&M, tCKuPU. tAR- M JIK or TOOTH ACHK Are J ou alllict . , i ferine tel nith OLD ht)RF-iSut- from FRl'loTA SPRAINS, UUiUNS, CUKE EVPS, ITIr 1TEE ARCTIC UCJLIIEXT nill afTord von iiiytaLt relitt Everj bcy is liuhle to 7 n tr. A1' i, '.'! , ARCTIC JJXWEST Phould be . 1 j -' 1 ?m tent ou band, for its Cords fore j aua ir.ira euai rein-i, wiiin v I . .1 ,1. 1-. . 4 . ... V. t ' ' rz ix,ai aoti ranrnaa iraui cuoiiia . l urn if VThrt fl.of ltr,l t l; V. -iVC-'l hhriekn of entruisli utterea hy tho ' ' .Nij.S.r'-r'-r? -'S scalded and maimed victims of g..'t.-7 J&s; : 1 ex'loskns and collision, does not tL3 ; fL'l f f'fl that pome ineanK of rclievirif IV . S$ J their lor tare f-hmild always li . rT .'.- ncceraible t Such ilfeHexiht in this iliri liahnypain eoctroldngageut Hid THE IIOTHErwo' COIITAOTON. It cures CAKR3 IN TIT BREAST, SORK NIPPl.Ii. SORE JJi .S, 1 IJ;I JI-S Ac. Ia- Con v!io 1 r.ze a roe il.in. void of r:iTi,lei, llotcl.es. Fciirf and nil u.scoloraiiona and ix crescenfos, ahould attack thece trejiasfprs on heantv'a tliuiain as wniis lhey apt par i:h the ARtTIC IJNUiKM It is excellent for the llai? pi vinjr it a Jieslihy, gWsy ap. raruuce. it u COCD FOR MAII A1TD BEAST. It is a sorereiirn remely foi the various chesse with whirh horses are adlicted, ciir- ircr ihe most ahirminjrsesof rKLP-r, SPKAI.NS, .-ii.ING-IIAi r. V. Ot"I.. SCI-lATCIf- K-, SUTF-N V, SPAYLN EING- E(NE, D!(i-IIF.AD, ltjld EVU ke. No farmer, livery staple keeper, or shy person. owning valuaMe UOltSES, rbould le without thia valua- V. reuieuy. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Pealers. Prices of the linimenTT 5 cents, 50 cent h and $1 a PM- t!. A onu-dolhr bottle contains as much liuinient as iht twen'y fire ceiat bottle EXTRAOSOKARY AXXOaXniEXT, Every purchaser of a do'Pir Ixdtle of the ARCTIC IIN IMENT receives, at Dr. Riarij'i expense, the UNIIKD 5TATE5 Jt'L'RN'AK of New York, for one year. Ths Journal is a lane illustrated paper each numher con- tfciniRj sixteen pajres, beautirully printc-d on clear whits paper, aud tik'vl with onjiiml matter irom xue most oni l ant wri'e:-s of the country. Certificate of i:bscrif tioo and full particulars of the novel and philanthropic ea; terprise, of which this oiler forms a part, will accompacj each bottle. An AGENT WANTTD in EVERY TvOWN and YII IGU UUACG Si DUKltOWJES, St. Fuls, ?Io. Nkw Yors OiTirx. No. U71 EROADWAY. Communications should always be addressed to St. Iui BROWNVIILE STEAM tin This l-:at is now being run under the superinten dence 01 Who will take care that there shall be no -romplaint as lo tho.tfoat s Crossing Kcgularly At all Hours cf tlie Bay ! ! ! Emigrants to the Mines Will Cm! thia an excellent point for crossing th river. Emigrants from St. Joseph and all points East of here, even if tbey f-hould wish to go by the Nebraska City Route, will find it as near to cross at this point, and the Tcads are tetter on the We3t fide of the Mis souri River than op the East. And PROVISION OUTFITS Canbebo isht here cheaper than at any other iu tho Territory. Travelers from point Kansas to Iowa cr (ion Iowa to Kansas Will find this the most direct point to cross at. R. V. MUIR. Brownville, Nebraska, April 14, 166 1. 32vS6ra J. W. ltfTDDLETON Manufacturer and Dealer in SAL DIES, HARNESS, BRIDLES,! COLLARS, WHIPS, LASHES, NETS, CURRY" COMBS, CARDS, BRUSHES, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, PliASTERIXG HAIR, AND A VARIETY OF EVERY TIIIXQ JHHTAINIKO TO - 3It Prices Shall be in Accordance with the TIMES 123 By Strict Attention to Business I Expect a Continuation of the Liberal Patronage Heretofore BeBtowed by a Generous Public Repairing; of all Kinds Executed PROLIPTLT. CASH PAID TOR HIDES. j. tt: jtiddlktox JUsnt39, 1563. n7-Iy Garden Soed for 1064. Ify Catalogue, cahrai in over 200 varieties ef of freb and true Gardon fcucd, many cf which aro cf my own raising ia Jiow ready, and will be for warded gratis to all applicants. Jly catlogue wnl contain many' new and choics vegetables not usually found in seed catalogue:. As the original introducer of the Hubbard Squash i Marblehead Mammoth Cabbage, and ether choice vegetables. I invite the patronage of the piblio. JAAPbs J.id. UliLUORY, Jlarblehead, Massachusetts ilarch 10, 1884. no 23, 2w DRIEp Apples, Dried Teaches, sago, Rice, starch soap, Candles, etc., etc., ' At McLaughlin & Strtn's. Mi . V - j . - - -- ! t Z - r- - HELP FOR THE BLIND. Dl WM. LAWRENCE. Ootilist. ITarinj given 'my attention nlmcs-t exclusively within the last few years to the CURE OF DISEASES OF THE EYE anJ havir.? been Qniforaily ev.Wisfnl in every caa I havo uhdrukon I now offer my service to th adicted fti.d wurranted to euro every iiietauce taken in haad. Bb'jWxtille, MARcnS, lSol. This Is t certify that I have b;en sniferin-; for the last two rears. with inCarotion i-f the -'yes to gether with prti;il blindnoss,frotn f-'aison the cor nea, and granulation of the lids, which werdso thick that 1 could cot raise them cr.ocsh to see my way. I am r.ri,ud to 9Y that Dr. Ls.v.rcnce, who i3 cow stopping at B.-ownville, has entirely cured m,and I reUnnmcnd Lim to all who are afiieted with sore CJC' RICHARD E. CASE. Lokponv March 3, ISol. I hud lo?t ono of my eye3 and thought that in a few month 3 I would be "deprived of the other, but hearing of Dr. LawreEoe cf Brownville. I went and consul tea mm in reterecce to my eye: i.e prone u,v- mo blind from cataract. I procured a prescription irom nim, wnen to my sstotisnmenx, in one wet a. . my sight was nearly restorer), and is no'T qrnre per fect; 'iliLAS iALlKC5. Giva Lim an early call. Bkowntille, March 3, IPS!. riavini been nearly blind for six years I had giv en up sll hopes of ever bein cured I went and con sulted Dr. Lawrence and pronounced my blindness from opacity of the cornea. 1 submitted to cis op eration and I am happy to sty resulted in tho res toration cf my eyes, and I tare pleasura in recom mending him to all who are nUT.cted with sore eyes. TliOMAS RICKETTS. Brcwnville, N. T. SALIXALBA. The Greatest Timber tor tlie PBAIBIES. 53 It makes a perfect Ilel!re fence in four years ! JTv" Oue A rre of it set ttirs fall, in five years will cafre enuj vi Wood for ct.e Faniilv 1 5- It ;,r ows striiiht, and very tall !. CTr It uever eoronts from the rocta; bet when cut down, will prow again from the stump, very rapuiiy 1 53s It Is the het soft wood for fuel, er any other purpose ! Q When kept off the crotind, the rails will last 30 years 1 O prows equally well with us on upland, where this noa. as mthe boUeius! 3" Catrings ei,rht inches long stuck in the grounri in t e I all. never fail to grow !- We sell it for per thousand Cuttings, deliv- ere.l at suy of our Atrencics. 53" Parties wishing to buy, t-honl4 order early of our Agents, so that they may notify us in time. CUTTINGS BundJed and delivered at the above places, as soon as the leares fall. T. R. FISHER, rowuville, is Aeut for Kemaha and east half of Pichards-.p Counties. CP'RTIS &. I EAVER, Pawnee City, are Agents for Pawnee and west half of Richardson Counties. ltti .Atit. TlMwUlAt, Beatrice, is Agent for (iae and Jones Counties. J. n. BUTLER, Austin, Agent for Clay and Saline Counties. Ecvrare of Willov? Peddlers. We learn th3t many swamps of cornron Willow have heen cleaned up, and the Cnttiri'.-s sol 1 as Gray Willow. We get our Willow f SAMUEL EDWARDS, of La i'oille, Illinois, a responsible f. urterynian. 1 Call J uLW:.. lib dod! 1856! E3TBLISHBD ! 1C5C! WM. T. DEN, WOULD mist repectfully Invite tLe public reDerally to call and examine his Stock sf .Merchandise before makina their purchases elsewhere, as they wili thereby SAVE TIIEIK MON1-A'. n t 9 2 u!j ilOTTO "SMALL PITOFITS, QUICK SALES," EUT ICO MM. LTTS-J riT 9 3 Stock consists of Dry-Goods, a pie 1 and Fancy Groceries, Clothing, Boot.? and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furniture, Doors and Sash, Stoves and Tinware, Queensware, Hardware. Cutlery. Iron and Nails, Glass and Putty, Oil and Paints, Drugs and Dye-Stuffs, Sic, ice. D S3 lias a Isrpe assertmerit of Fancy Dress Gds, L-idy's Fancy nsts and Hounet, Children aoi AIies Fancy TTats, Noiions, Gloves sr.il H.wlery, Hoop Ekirii, 4to., At Low t inures. K Fall Assortment f Gent's pnd Boj-8 Summer j Ciotiiinp, Fancy Siiirts, Under ClofUlc;, yoa will Had at Cheaper than at any other House in town- Buy your STAPLE AUD FANCY GROCERIES At DEX'S.. be keeps a fk.ll assortment on hand. D E N k3 Chietgo and St. Louis Casteui mile Hoots and Shoes, and Ladles' Fancy Kaitcrs. Are the Best in the Market and B 13 SELLS THEM CHEAP, MIND THAT, AS YOU GO ALONG! CUEAPEST COOKIXG AXD PARLOa Z? O 17 EZS Of Latest Psterns you ni at DEN'S Cheaper than at any other House ia Brownville rrs ir(re assortment of TIK-'VTARE, I.AP.GE KET TLES, IIEAVr SHEET-IRON, IIOLLOW-WARE, STOVE-PIPB Ati-l ELBOWS that he w!ll not be under sold ou. FCE HIDES, PELTS & FUES, DEN pays the Hi-hevt Cash Price. . A full Assortneut of FARMING IMPLEMENTS D E Ri Returns his thanks to the Public for past favors, and by strict sttentioa to Business h pes to merit that lib eral patronage bestowed on him heretofore. ' VOI. T. DETT. 8AJ?J?" SCHOOL" BELL SO. 2. 'wuu copies aoid the First 12 . raontnsoi its Publication. --"-v, mwk. oi nearly TOO pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymns were written ex pressly for this volume. It wi1 soon be M ropuiar as its predecessor. (Re I No n-vv.. the eDoraous number of 575 n.'in ,na ; is nth. outstripping any Sunday School Book of its sue is bued tn this country. Also, both volumes are bound mone to accommodate rchocls within- them in that i,, V; s oCcii:No- 2,pnper covers, 15 cenb, I2 per ICO. Bound, 23 cents, 5 IS per 103. Cloth iuuu emoossea giit, 30 cents, $32 per 100. Bell No. I, paper cover?. 15 rmo i.i t. inn v 1 on cents, ?13 per 130. Cloth bound embossed jrilt,25 cents, $23 per 100. Bells Nos.l and 2 bound to- jt-iucr j cents, to0 per hundred. "25 copies fur iished at the 100 rrie: n,s ir,.! put., scents, 1 40 per 100. the retail price. 1 c n . m. I vuusctu Mail poetage free at . HORACE WATERS, Publisher, Etl-ly fc . No.431 Broadway, New York U d l iiii & AYERS Bars ap as rOH FUP.IFYIirG THE BL0CD, And fortheFpiedy core 6fthefjlIovi1M c.inpljii.ts: mlf. SuJl:"t t-.'ttrt-.r, Ziil, T!PiiuH. nua ail St iK-1. A Ml. Ir.i1.. :?! J.ihO 1 ?:,!). .T. C. Ate & CO. - I i.M.1 it juv 1 -.tv to rc knowledge what your ar ipsriPa Lss t'.-thii for me. ilnvi!i"r Mlienteu a fccroiakms liii'-crua, 1 J ;ive encore;! irom it " jy... t'mts it hurst out ia Ui'-ers ou r.iy h:...d aui rru:; stonittch. Two vc?r c?ro it broice cur on my r-estd and covered layVcalu ax! cars wit.! ore ,,o:v, wL:en ... notr.fni Bud loathsctii-s beu-vd Ci.?T,.x 1 tried inany inedifin nod eeverd pnyskuus, but without miica re-ief from auyth:;? In tj't, tLe f'i-erJcr tcw vc. A t jt-n-ri 1 v.: nrio .Vfl t read iii tho Oouel lltifyfnsar y.if. an alterative i'arp1"'"-"!- kiiew from your reputation tlut anythasT you lii u.e : mu-t be aood. uO'.I it i:".l it .nmi nw. I took it. C- vo;t udvise, Li t-asall 1 of. a tea-pT-onful over a month, and u-c-d '.rao:-r tlnw bottles. New and healthy ftin soon be.'-iu to ton.i U"dcr the scab, which alror a f :i!o- u.'.l 0:1. .My pkin is cow e'ear, T;d I know 1- my n -a.ias that the disease has trone from un- tyste n. on can we'd believe that J les 1 whr.t 1 am sayir wih-u 1 v-.i-. !, j , Jd ou t0 Je ORe 0fthe tpwtlcs of '. , the 1 I KiiU A V Uirfu , t o. a - - ' ALFRED B. T ALLEY. Sf. AalhonyS Tirr. Ren o? rrr.n, Tester nani t?:;rn:i I2cad, Uiii3Worr,?ozn Iyr-, lirvy. lr. Robert .J. l'reble writes fioiii ria!c?n,N. Y., 12th Sept., IA thst he P.i.s ci-red an iuveterate c&'C of JM'ps'r, which tiirontenei to eri:i!:U! fa ta'lv, by the persevering use of cir rv" ard'alsoac'.tngenius Ma'nc". ? r.--pc-'.u 1 P-r-3 doses of the same; says l.c tuivs ti-e comtiu Lrv. tiom by it cop.tan;ly. IXrnc?rc!c, CJoI'ro ir Rvr"!r J ?i?srh. Ztbulon Sioan, of Prc.-p"Ct, Texr.s, v.Ti;c.: 'Thrc bottles of vour 8rsopari:':i cured 1 ;s from a f-':.'r? a hideous swelling oh the i.eck, hiet I Lad c-.-fcreii fiom over two years."' I.rncorrhceft or YV!st", Ornr'n T-rr-?or, Dr. J. It S.Ohrv.iiiig. tt'N'cw Y. !: (. ir y, m i i : " I most cl;e rlullv oorep'v with the refute r cfyour agent in saving T Pave found vo ir S i, ; i 'h a rifost exceiler.i r.herative in the nr.n n;.s cor plaitits lor wi.ie'i we einjilornu't n icnedv, but especially iu leia-'M IAscx.i-:i of V. e ifcrofiilon diatlie.ds. 1 Pave cared mapy iv-Tfr.ite ca-e- yt TjMii-orrhnea bv it. und FOine wi.""e t'r.i cojp'tiut was caused by lyci-ratton 01 t.v; i tio:i itsoit' wi's soou cured No T1H. 1 113 U.OIT- 1;!' ' v.ti:l:i my knowledj-'S equals it 'or there fen;u e u-.a Edward S. Marrow, cf 'l -ry, Ala., yrlfe: "A dar serous or-zrian iuwr on o:.e t i" the f.-maie3 in rav P.niily, wioch bad defied a; I tu: e-.i2es we could employ, lies at lev jrt li Leon co,!tp;e'..,l cured by your Extract of Sai-aH'i'!... U::r piiycian thought r.othin? but ext:: i-tiifi could tHord relief, but he advised the trial of jesr tars:-; -ulJa r.s tho last resort before cnttmg, anu it iiro.td tp'.ot'tal. After taking your remedy ciht v.'c.-Ls ii.syt'.ptcia cf tho diseae remains." Syphilis und 7Irrijrral riTner??. Nr.vv Oi;i.KAX: i:-.:,, Ai!L':i-r, 1 ?.:. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, 1 chet.-i;;'; comply v ith the req'jst cf vour a cent, and re. ort to u!l.; of the effects I have rea'ized with our fc-a; :-paril:.i. I have cured with if,i;i my !:-i-.'. r.:;--t of tha complaints fr which it is recoi;!:uenuo!l, ai.d 0 found its effects t;u!y v.-nider'ul iu the cure of Vert' real and MrcrMxl JHicn.-'s 5::e of my pa tients had tvphilitie uicers in hi.- thr-jr.t, v. lileh wt.e consuming Ids palate and the top of Pis rn-utiii. Your fearsapariiia stearlily taken enred Pi n in live weeks Another c sit. eVrd ty sfco:n!ary t iu; tom?in his nose, and tl.e c;cirr.;i.m b-d e.i'. 'i t"uy a considerable jart of ir, so th-it 1 the c!i.- order would soon reneh l.i bruin end K.-l iuni. Rut it yielded toinv adniiiii.-t'tti.-i oi'y our Sr.-i':;aril)3; the ulcers healed, and he is woii c;-aii. not ofcosirso without some difiguration to Pi- i -.ee. A womau who Pad been treated li'the K-i.ie CiivrCer by mer cury was sulivring from this oi-o'i in Per bones. They had iccoma'fO stixidve to ti e y.esth.-r that 0:1 a dump dav 1 Pe ul-red excrne.rtiog j 1 in her joints and bones .She. too, vy.s cu"td t. !i-'";v ly your Sursapmilla in a Sew weeks. 1 kno w !'. '.ni its i'ormula, which your tr-'ot f avo " r.-e, that this Preparation from yn.:r orator; ie : 1 a s."est remedy; consequently, th--e mil itnarliaLle re buihs with it have :.ot turj'ri.-i.d i;". Fraternallv yours, U. V . LARIMER, Zl. V. 1m)1Pue.C!;, r.-e-toi! Co . 'a., J! Ds.J.t'. AVE':- Sir, 1 P'ae!,et! till., rsji.ful chronic Lit-.unhi'isn lor a loro: t ? j Ioo3. u m r. :i a w hieh ) r:. i:i kalHed tho s kill of physicians, au-i Epite of ail the remedies I could find, until I tri 'd your Sarsapariihi. One bott'e co-t-d iue i 0 two week", and restored my rener".! Irealtlt m roieii that I am far better than oetore I vas tJ. eh d. I think ic .a wonderlul lttedicie. J 1 LAM Ju'es Y. Cetchell, of St. Lett's, writ. . "I I re ben arUkted fjr years with r.11 ..; ;i (ft),,: I.rer, which f;estroyedJiiy hr-slM. i tiiod ivrythi'!, and everything fii.ed to re'ieve r.ie; n. l i ! o Poena biol:eii-io.n man for -iu: yt-p-s fn,; 109 other cause than drnnrj, :n, lti if t !'. I- ,-. My beloved pastor, the i:?v .Mr. 1-1-py. s;.!.-.:Hd m to try j our ;iisiprnsi!n, bec tii o !:;;. S I k..t-w on, pud aisvci.-iu ' vo'i m; wu. -.vo. '.li f ;.:'. j i- bl l:l ii!g OU ti.l I If hps blood a. To i C" .a - h'i pu i i :.tl t i t:. . 1 It ( i . o il r oil is J.cl i :Cf rni.-i. I'h'.r Pe--t i....; gool ei.ou0h." nr'trnje-i'' t rsiis.tti A grc.it vanVty of c -s ! svo been rjo-ti'.l is v. ii'rie cti.es oi' t ;;.' &ri,ii?,P'o co-n,. .j'rits La-, e r-sultt! 11 ni th " i:-e of tl.i-i reit.fdv, Lut o ir s;-;; -j Peie wi.i i.ot ii:i;nit them. Jvine of tl loui:d i i'our Aii. ri..a:i A tir v. l.iel Ixjiow i.'. ::id are ple&ri-d to im t u-. :'.!'! n:.v. La i il ef l:'Js :j to s.i i o cill lor tbeui. .-iePtucJjoljr, ."Vt'us ni.T. Many rc:o-.irl-ab.'e ci'M- of tu. :: ctr.v 1 eei i.is.d-j by e r.iteiaiive p-.v. or oft.' ? in It st:iim;.ire-! the it.tl I '.iU'-'ii.ii.s ii.ro viaor i: a'.id tii'i1! ovr-jcon.e.- v::-OSv-r wl.kli v- i-::. t:ci s ba-e .i:e:-ie. m ' Lo,::l its rer.c! Peon ro"!ii:'cd bv tb i. ti rt : of f !; n.le i . .. . V d we are coi:ti i-i.t tiii: medij.ne cun do. Xi,iS vili do for tcui all ti .it iiyers unorry rector T if. rort t::e rfid ct Cer-'u'. . v " . I . -. . tj .... 1 ' 1 Jo-:j; i? : o r!'.? i:i nrb'4i!i'1 Tin- is a remedy i-o ur-i i k-oTi tr etiv other oi tiiv cum.- o. tlir c ; nm. i. .- c.. ; .MOji?. 1- oi' ' ? : n --.. ".- tl at ii i- uei! lu re to i.i.ol'-ii t.1-' viri I-. !? uitrii:''d rX4r.-...c : o'ds. aud i- trciv w -::cl .'. i'(l f :.'V :'V- C -C.3 C. have Hi.u;e it ki. u i. i 0 i.. id l .inov.s of t,ie e".r'l:. !'.- or tvo'i !'.;-ii: i-s unioi:?il.i-. !t-r.-o-:.ril oip'ii-'!:ce of i' Iroj ill ii! l.ii-ir ln:L-t of its ai.d !r.T010'l- liyO." -rj of A id! kl.ONV ti:? ! 'iT."!...! It i and tr-e ko''. to.o. The f we need 1 ot 'o limn liuiii to ISO 1 , c - o i- a v ovi r iii-- f V -' '-:' ' - ' : ets i.' rt ' i.--ure t..i i.i now aii the utu-s that it Uid have m i o i.ur.s tl.e cures v.i.le'.i brvo won so nrwi'iv mt n t!:'o COllidellCe Of LlliLii- !. Prepared by Sr. J. C. ITTH U Co., Lstv-i:, Ifiss. 30iI BT WM. H. McOUF.ERY, Br- wnville. G.A.BROWN A FKO.. Peru. Br. II. GRAVES. Suhm. ' JOHN W.HOLT A Iir;i., Salem. HOLT A SCO i'T. J-Y.SU City. LEWIS A SHEi'RFKi), .-It. Stephens. E Ac LEY A v8-n8-ly F.uio. An Encellcnt Frmfor Sale, For Greenbacks. It contains 240 a ?rcs. TOaercs beauiifi-1 bottom land, well fsnced: 79 acre1! timber; finely watered, and situated on the nor'h fork rf Nemaha, aboai four and a hr.lf miles bebw Table Rock mills. Arly ei Jr.r rs Cr ;: jeroa Urewnviile, March 2, 1S64. ae 23 Sa r & For Rats, Mice, Rouches. Anis, B?d Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woolens, Sec, In sects on Plants, Fowl?, Animal, &.c. Put 00 in 25c. and $1.0 ) B..:cf. :? ties, and F!a.ct 3 and $5 sizoi for Hotels, Public Innitutions, Ac "Only infilliblo rem-dias known." 'Free from poiions." "Not dangerous to the Il iman Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." ' Sold Wholesale in all lars cities. Sold by all Ini!rgestsa:id Retailers everywhere 2.- U !Bkwak !!! i t nll wt.ttLlc.s imitations oco iBm -oeri s ' nBiuj 13 on Bottle; and 1 la-k. b;T.-e von bu-. each Box, rST-AJiircM IIEMUY il. COSTAK. i I r.rxoirAi. jlEPor 1-12 B:toAT-AY. N iT Sold by All Wholesale and Retail Pro 1 . I in brownville, Nebraska.. d1 TAKEN UP. In tie eouihetist corner cf Nemaha County two and half miles below Asp.itwall, r.n estray mire about three years old; she ha3 marks of the collar saddle. Her color is a li-iit bay; hind feet are white, with a black spoL on the inside cf the left foot reaching te tho hoof; a small white spot ia her forehead; main and tail blar k; had a short rope around her neck. Any person proving property ani payin charges can have her. . WILLIAM BARNARY. April 21, lS31-3t. 1 H H o .1 ii L.J THE liOiiriifiijHiiiJijx i Th readers of the Continental ar3 awaro cf the importantpofiition it has assumed, of tha icSuence which it exerts, and cf the brilliant array of politi cal and literary talent cf the highest order wiich supports it. So publication cf the kind ha, in thi3 country, so successfully ocmbine J fche en;rry and freeJoa of the daily newspaper with the high er literary tono of tha r?t-c!a.-s monthly; and it ii very certain that ni tiagzin ha3 given wider rang9 to its contributor,-; or preserved iP-elf so com pletely from the r.itrrow inaenjes of party or cf faction. In times li.? the present, such a jonrral is either s power in the land cr it i3 nothing. That the Continental is not tha latter is abundantly evsdenced by what it has done ly the reflection of its counals ia many unportn public events, and in the character and. tower, cf thosa who are its stannchest supporter?. Though but little more than a year las eljpseu since the Continental wa3 first established, P, ha3 during that time acquired, a stercngth and a signi ficance cleynting it to a jsiiren far above that pre viously occupied stren'tii and a political siiiiH cance eleyatiag it to a position fa-r above that pre viously occupied by otty pul!icadieaef the kind in America. In proof cf which assertion we call at tention to the following fact-: 1. Of R3 polical articles repnV.iihoJ in pamphlet form, a single cna hs3 had. thus f?.r, a cireulatica of one hundred and six thonand copies. 2. From its literary department, a single serial novel, "Among the PincJ," ho?, within a very fair months, soli nearly thirty-Sre thousand copi; Two other series of it3 iitsrury articles have also been republL-hsd in book term, whilo tha first por tion of a thirl is alrei 1 in pre?. No more con:l'j?ive facts ncel la a'.IeJxl to prove the tho cxcelleccn ef the contributions to the Continental, or their extraordinary popularity: an 1 its cond Jctors ara determined that it shall not fall behind. Preserving all "tha boldness, vigor a 1 ability" which a thot-Tacd journals ha?e attrihnttd to it, it will greatly enlarge its circlo of aetia. and discuss, foarl-ii.-Iy and tnniiy nclved id the irreat o.'i;i:i ,cs 0: everr rnr"iri3 ir the day. Theilr. - minds cf tho cour.uy cr,braeii. tho " t:: fjrnlliar wi;h its d'ptoa-cy aud xaest aistinguisuej for ability, aro am org its contributors; anl it is no more 'Hattenng t remise of a prospectus" to say that this "mig-.'zine for tha times" will employ the the first iVolieet in America, tin I:r aus;ieti which no publication ever enjoyed beforo in this eruztry. Whilo lb? Continental will express defied opteionson, the r.'cat questioc3 cf the d.-?y, it will not be a mora po'.itbal journal: much the I.irger portion cf its coluums will be enlivened, as hereto fore, by talcs, poetry and humor. In a wor- 1, the Continental will ba fvund, under its new t;iIof Editors, occupying a dosition and presenting atsrao tions never bel'ore found in magazine. TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year S5.C-0 6.00 11,00 I'O.'P) .10,00 Three copies for on-syear, Six cop;c3forcr.e ye ir, Eleven copiJ for ono year, Twenty copies for one year, PAID IN ADVANCE. Postage Twecty-four cents a year, to he paid by the Subscriber. SINGLE C0FIE3. Threo dvllars a year, in ad7arica. Ic3tag9 p.ii I by tho Publisher, JOHN F. Ti:o U 5 0 Greene St., N. Y.. Publisher for the Proprietors. As an inducement to new subscribers, the 1'uV Iisher3 o"er3 the following liberal premiuat: Any person remitting in advance, will receive the magnziae fr.S July, If 62, to January. 16 1 thc3 securing the whole of Mr. Kimball s and Mr. Kirke's new serial?, whkh are alone irerth tho price cf the subscription. Or, if prefered, a sub scriber can take the magaiine for 1S53, and a copy of'-Amo.g the Pines," or of "Und-reurrents of Wall Street," by R. B. Kimball, bound in , cloth, or of "Sunshine in ThoaghV by Charles 'Godfrey Lcland retail price, $12j fie book to be lent postage paid. Any person rcraiting 4 50,wil! receive the mig- zin" from its c. tamencemect, January, I Soli, to January, lo I, thus 'securing Mr. Kimball's Y.u and uMercban'4's irtory," and nearly 3,000 octave psges of the hest litera'ure in the world. Premium ubscribers to pay their orvn postage. rnAiin lsslie'S. ILLUSTRATED aEWSPAPEES. Attractive Feature. The ?5,C00 Prixo Novel The Gulf Iletweeu Them. Uy Mrs. Anno S, Stephen. Autl of "Fashion and ? Famine," "The Rejected V Ac, Ac. In iitioTi its attractions; a3 the first and most authentic LV's-tr -.ted i'nper in .Axucncn, -rjr-pafsing all others in th variety, accuracy, ani ta tereft it thj nure.ouj illustrations whkh it orTsrs, Fn.l LcdSe' I I '-t.-!ite l Stwivancr swiil hejrin :a No. 415,datel J.inniry 3'J, 15oi, the thrilling i.nd absorbin? c-vt, 'Tlie Gulf Between them," writ ten by the grat nr.velis', Ur. Stephens, who.-e "Fas-hion end I'acine" Laa a larger cireuiit.oa than any other purely literary novel cf our day, and wad rejraruci m so rnattrly a work cf fiction that it was n t i-.nly republished in England, hut was translated into almost every language of Eu rope. The prize of Jo.O'll, off--red with unusual liber ality by th? rroj riot r fr the best novel, drew f-rih no les? 'tbn two hundred works, mnnyof tiieta of irrent me-it. Auonsr these, Mrs. Stephoas novel was selected, ss evidently furpaj'inj not only all ethers offered, but almost everything lithe. -to r-nb'.ished. It is fully e-Jil to "ration and romir.e." and w-lil be as widely read. It will be of renter interest, fr rn the fact t-iif the sccao is laid in our land and enr own tune-?: and in delineation cf cuinster and aosor&iiij power it will fsicitfe ani e'larm the reader. ' Siunaon" L-t.-u pr year. Address FR ANK LESLIE, 72 Du.me St. N. Y. Copies of tho riiper contoinir.-j tho corrnrn?t- mer.t and continuation cf Mr?. Steoheu?" r.-i''el, "1 he Gulf Between thorn," can be biul of nry Nts dcaler in the United States or Aritish Fr vir.'-.s. i - t 02 -1 i Merchants and Pct M ister who will addre r,s f i all, will l.e supphei wi'h Uar.tea, Fie!d ana Ki i Seeds to sell on comiui.-r-kn at f.iir rites. Tie e -ei i are all grown here aud are true to nr:ie. TflOilPOX ii. H&DGE3. Xemaha Nursery, Syracu.-e, Ot-.e, d., An?. 18 Ai:5-Fr,3-tf XebrarttJ The bst, Cheapst, and most Suor33Sfai Family Paper in the Union." - A COUPLETS PICTORIAL OF THE TESTS. HARPER'S'WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Price Six Cents a Number; a Year Critical S'-tiee of tt I'rcis. Its fresh leaves, its clear type, its entertaining varity, its severe bat just criticisms up-,n the ( USe of the times, it ele.ir-My written and ins'ru.-tive articles, and its able correspondence, alloinoine to make it the model newspaper cf our country, aad one that every family mut prize. Its condensed weekly summary of j'rcijt and domctiz iitttl'i gence is altogether superior to tb.it contained in any other journal. B-i i ptibii--ed, too, in a f,.iM f "r j r.--rvni' u and 11 1: if fk?u care cf a- it deserves tube, it w'ilbe founj jn f jtur" yer-rs as wclwiuoa com-.Mr.ien for the i.imily and re i le the d.y on wLL-h. it was first r-cr3ued. X. V. Even in j Pot. We would not so cften call attc'i n to HAEVFS.V WtirirLY if we were not well siti;5ed that it L tiie htt f,j,;il?j) ropr i t!it L n'ted Sf.iffs, aud for that rer.n, and tiat alone, wo de'Sre to ie it n: .Kr rnine and root out a certain kind of litera'ur? too prevalent, waieh blunts tie morals of its re;i !ers vitiates tiicir tasto fr s.iUla rciiinj, an lis si ready hid in its cleeto. A'w LtmJon Adst. :r. uerevcr we in m.i-c.-rs and str u; we find it seiicd with eaerie".-'. because o( i: '. - j i -r- ilea s&etcies ot i-nj events. e all Im-to lo)k at tha faces of men we hiv real of, a.-i 1 ships anl torts that.opve Ejared m the Lb dy scenes or war. u: a.i events, this ysper furri Our future ri.-i irnns n IlAKrE'ti'S We"SLEY 1 ers, an I ptib'iLers are ; plixt. Oue Cr.rv f r O-.. Ye u:h T.-en end p'-i-os. tui the b:s li.U- .11 enrich Iheiaselves out o 7 r-iter writ.:r, and r.":it iniii to djst. .V. YL'r t .- O-.e Co; v f. r '1 w. "i r. a ) flowed f .r evry V.ub rf ,5) e-iob, or 11 0 i s f .r An Ex-ra Copy v. ill b Ten Si ss'eirri.K?, at $2o. Hakpes'3 Magazine and HaarrK's Weeslv, together, one year, j?3 01. Harpsm Yv::rAi.Y is ccrotyped, anl i.j k cumbers cm be '.:.! at a -7 tine. Vols. I., ii.. nr.. iv.. v .r.iVr-f . .v.. v 1S57 tolS'i inclusive. rf-Ii Mirr's; .T!'i:r v handsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $l.r,S Jh are now ready, iao jesuae n;i.n HiKiis Wekkly, when pr.i l ia a-.ivar.ee at the oiucc where it is reee'ifed, is twontv-six fent- a year. HARPER A BROTHER. FsANiLlX SCABS. XT VoHS ESTRAY STEER. Taien up by the i3nderi?uod. living in Wash ington Irocinct. near the Fort Kearney Road, on the Sth day of February, leol, cue Steer, ys.iow with white spots on his Lip, hind le-s white to his knees, forefeet white, and about two vearu old. GEORG'E OTENS. reb. 25.n2d-vS-3w-pi A MONTHLY 1MAGA7R LITERATURE AND FASlf-, Th'i January cnaW cf cur :;. J 'y many. -"'.cj . 0TTCE3 0F THE Pi;- Tna Lady's Ym-yo.-Th 5j .V-, sgiiind published in cur r--f r..'-4'f. son, No. 313 Walnnl S:reet. A, u, it is emphatically the Udy', friscd, aVf with everything calculated to ph-L. . ine corps 01 contributors' t itj co'a-r some cf the best liunry talent in ,v fl v inLnglanl. The fa.-hicn S rft . . .. , 1 January, re surerh and of the Lite,. '-' there is an abundance of patterns cf i-i ?u descriptions. Gabriel Y ilkie's -VT . " V ar" is a splended steel eEvic- f repajed expr;5y f:r the2;aViBfV.H pre enterprise is eniinently deserviri ,v' uur la-iy II1BQ13 rn LAUoipiiA lz- n'- -? a New Lame3' Higazixz.- Peterson have just placed befcre theVab". number of a net rr-.s-'izine. ea'li t, Aijvij,,. v t ikic u . i j very wen tVr i j j iii;;c-.j SCI r illustrated, and is full of excellent i'-' Among it3 contributors are Mi? Ei. r.ellv. whose exce'lsnt lirrlrt .i-at-,i. 1 1 1 i.sio s r.eturn," appears with ,te?i this number: Miss. Lcgm'j Mo u, ? Miss Yirginia Town 'end, y.if.nn xi'J " r, ' wet others A MeJhxval Yotm," U v uo. pa, rrohr.hiV cent ins the best i'-,.. numher. rorney a 1 re.-s Philid.i: TERM: CASH IX ABVayo. I'cpy.cr-.c yrar, - - . . 2 copi-1, ctiO yetr, - . 4 copies, oca yer, - ' t 8 copies, ar. 1 one t? : 2-3 copre, and one i One ccjy of tae I, Friend, '"-tornpcfc'jV 'tter up oV Sclscriberj in British North AaVj..,' twenty cents in addition to th? uiz- S. asvrenave to jrcty im $ n t); rarers -Is the price cf The P, U tl of The Laiy s tnend, t trcratcatin ttie rungriiie. Specimen cambers of the rsi fcetr. W dres3. si PEAC0N 1 PETZr-r No. 31 V.alnat t.,rta.h Ef PROSPECTUS FOIl 15G1 71 i h- fO 7 Tir A. L Art Indcpendszt Dcnccratic ly, cemi-V7 cckly and V7ccj ircwspapsr. UNION OF THE WORLD JV ARGUS. 1 "i 14 The World, to which the Ne York We';!; u has been nnitej, l i? to-Uy re times iheoA rite circulation cf any Dem'vruk or e-,jir. 11 new-'paper. It address -s weekly alua a,n-u 100. Ool) subscribers nn l oonstant jun.Lv? a'" ' '" renebe? at Ict half a million readers. Wl;, : steady increase Li cirel uioa whiei it ro? these ncnjber3 will soon be doubled. N.,a:3', tLan thi3 should sitify tho.-e wh 1 other e -j . : l. .: .1 . t- - ... fi.. li micsiv.iij u l cion aii to ia- -of tho Constitution over a n-w diitnot.-l w . videl country, lies ia wresting pow.T fr-a -i invite, and prolong the war: end that toet'. i this end, co rnears is 0 ceetive ss the d -v 7, through able aaJ CE'.crprising Devp-i-M. vf.,4 1 polirie.il kaowleig- aiaor the wirkini .'.:ie.'i thinkirg ma, and the Tcticguisa -A the .,ri tU Enterprise, iEius'ry and ncney will b5ka)',, expended tonikj Tho W..rid ti.'e Bet yr y in America- Is rews from every'jart ti wiil be early and uthectie. AVhersvertLet.l-n cxiea.', or rai.roaas ruri. or sreamoors l;t. gp.ther tee latest i-'olif-ersce. It hu a arr ofaecoruplishe-l correspondents hed correspondents w:ta all Ljs:.i will telegraph ni l write to us the la ha various seats of wnr. It bw mt , d reporters ia every jxlitia! ar.ii:' armies, who news from tha ronamrs an. 1 reporters ia everv pel v . 1 tuereial cen tre ia AMeriea and Europe, whoj . and di?-!atehrs wi.'I leave nothing r'J.j A n nir.ova to its readers. The Market Reports of the World are tnoit".1 ' rlete thiin those of any other scwivrt. I Editors invitecomparisi n in this reiief, ri; : w ijoiejvii, ui uij v:ici.a JiirKeiS, ISA 1 and country Produce Markers, and the M-,r..-T U J . ket3 in its columns, as proof ef it ei:e".nos z'u respett. The world h also a special d -a devoted to Agrieult-re, filled With e-li,. t:x v communications from practical fdriursan j ies of the corintry. I The war in which ti. r.itien is err'?-! s--ib a.med and infota.iied Rebels, and the tv.w. ; "' of the aduiniitrathn wh:-h j r longi it. Lit e.-tr. spired to bring togeiher upon one pl.iff ra !! 1 servative. Uaion-I-.virS and C--nstitu'i.B-i.r.n ' men, cf whatever forra?r mmo and uree i. M r? these who within the limits f the t' .'r ': k: fought the fcittie cf the t allot l t szl-t . leadership of those j -itr; .tie stitcmen f v-rit. better day?, Ihcry Clay and D-.i.iel Wtf-:e?, -' Steiher with tho uo;j whose prin-.-i'.les -':. ci snca patnots as Anirew Jacsoc a Marcy, tihis Wright and SfT.h-n A stan.- should :r t-. 5houl u, toe i i : is a j.'ain fine. It is t re;r r. tin a, :.o,. the Constitution, ard cr.furej tha l.w,. V, ". j : makes f.-r this ecj, th? tx.-r-t-e f ire ,( policy of c.-ncilLioTi. The '..r! 1 w'U sir' n ' IT' wh -ltevt-r ni t sea anr.-t i:. The i-i I w.l Ic willopp: tj every enemy totho t"nr. ' arm :d in rebellion at tho S'-nth or iiv i 1 ly, irt'-e seedsof disnnion ulJ es-e.f!l d. -: ;' r the N'.ir'h. It will op'we every vs rn ' r -r ..hi'.ion 'f tie Cm wh . a is the ys'-y b : r. l b 1 ef F'.i ui au'h-Titv f. r e.thortln cr cjii cih il.-.j giiiace of the Soatb. " It will oppose- every ir.fm?t;:n rf th Lit.u.'" ? places cr in low, by re kjs ar.d ni'suil-I sr.2?, or by the administration wL;:h Itut t' ' example. It will f?ar'e-s!y exercise the Free'..ra -if Press ; it will constantly uphold and d-'feal fr dom of Speech an I Freed ;m t f the i,'... To the lawless acts of tne A hnini in-i. 3. 1 arbitrary and unjust arrests ai.d erpatriati ? denial cf the ri.zhi to tho writ of hatei.s c T"i ' ille-.l r.rccljtrcations, its chr iti'-n of federal laws, i;s despotic a-..:aic jbition td power, an 1 its suh -ersi n .fiho afj.-w 1 civil and pertonal liberty, it will coiistar.:y o'- the lettcrand the r irit of our suprm4 la 'i advocacy of sound doctrine, until Arseriesa f men shall be rouseil to the ree-ivory of tiuir r i1 their liberties, the r laws, aui tneir liu.i 1 :( well balanced government, by the rcii'-- cftheballot. Prof mcd'y impress"! wla the desirs t-.M- ation, nsm- !y, t ret..rd o-ir n.iti-"-ri.:l to jl.ce tho L'nited S:a:s ain f rri ?: as i- citicns cf the earth, an ! 2. si id tha p-u-,v"3(, pority, and happiness rf its peon's. T,.j v- s-ecks trvm these wa- desire suih inin'-t t. - '; aud aupport, an J, above all, crowns tvery g-od work. tho faror orii;i' TERMS. DAILY WOULD. Yearly Suls;ribrs by rmii SZMI-WEELV WORLD. Sinr'e subscriber?, per atani Or? ll j rs. - - i ,: . Tsvo copies to ens a.i dress ii-.ree " r ive 1 M it WEEKLY rib "r, p;r e.r. Ton Slr'e Si 1 hi'-'O c ! Five ' Ten Twer.'v e V,0?wLI). ;es .1 X ITt.-t 03 l ;P.o e: f - Cm' :?s Till ti ons au Ires' Cluls of tw- cty or over can tava aJIr :!''. nrtc caca T.- rer fr an c-f t ea -b. t or evorv c.ab c-f twenv an eitr:i c--y a Htd f.r the cotter up if t-e c!ub. , For everv club of ft7. ihe Semi-Weekly, ". j every club of one hundred, the L:t".'y w . J ' j when reouete !.i:i lieu of th ex' ta ( ie-1 11 ' ' j Ad litir.es. t,. Cl-i"" Lisiy be maii s-t s'.r ; - j r.ne rites, i'jpe-s cun.-t te ci i f" . ! Club to another, tut on r--jTet oi th r 1 '; ' tot . ie- i SI :s . . ica.. I A . , SIlT " '.h,: ii a sewrata address. r. Address. Tin: 3.3 Park Row WOIii';'- Ne 7 v !l a Ki4' Fc On Sunday, March 23th, Hoi. a Bit year eld. st?rds bak on pastern joint. " W Irar !...) fn '!' f.,ri shoe! 1 -T. A 7 i giving informati'-'a of where she is. o." brir " to Ben. Ri ser's Livery Siablo, ij Br )uvi.., be liberallv rewarded. r.v Micn.vr.L r.ior.r 51 exclusively of the pacer, or partly ffY- ' , partly cf the Magazine. Of cr'tV-" -miy be cither ono cr the other, as d 'ilj-j " J; 1 T Themattcrin tberrircr will itl':, j March 3 1st. l 'L i:t'-?-2 i"l . f -