i : ! ; I II lis .1 1 I H I r , . I ! ' i i ! v.. I 5 iil -..- a I it t I ' I " t 4 I. i s i ..if Mil ! rr j . u la! , T i ; i l i E n rr ci"n n 1 -breitmyer t robison. rK call tt.e ii:in r te I,--! r aci Gcutleman Bii,ii!:e a:vi ru ity to vur new atcck cf ct G . X. t 1 .LIooU anj Mioc. Walters, II Miocs and Jonny JT.I 11(5 5, noj.3IIK4 ClilKXrcn and Intent a o X3 a Jret eceiT-e4. wl kh we will mm cheap for It eata as any Lwu la tbc Ket. COOTS AXD SnOES MADE TO OBDES la tie TfTjr zf t atyles. TTe warrant all cur work lo fire at:."c;Uo. for eaipley tone but U. beat of LEATHER k SHOE-FINDINGS, " Tor fale, a! trtrj ttiii? tclccjns to the trade. Ve rtlsm our tl.'.t to th pci'.ic for pat farort n4 Vt niict af.eoiion to our t'jines hope to tr.erit tl at liberal p:rcMfe t es'f&l vvn ns teret.'.fore. . Iftirla mirdiLHour muito l tt.e-'MX3LEPXNr." tj-COMK AND SEE US.-CS Xloi3.irixxs orall XaZia da Dcta tn Lcrt to'-. e in a reit urkiDiD-lii;e n-.acner. lEt:TITEIt & KOBIN'SOX, fcrcnyilie, yebraia. April 23, lSt. .c31-5-rlT FAMILY GROCERIES. -M'LAUGIILIN&SWAN; frlen-i tnd the pnV'.lc generally, that tber have Jn recti red a icrctior let cf Fatri?T Groceries, anl l.ivit tbe aiteuMoa of purchat crs to their ctoch Izclud-Lg ETrnr.L? aits tgie. prists rio corrcs, CLAK1FIKO 1a 1MPE2ULT, CHC-OiED da YOrNG HTiOX T2A, KZCE, SaGO. JPirS. TEFPER, CLOrES, aNTflJlOX COTE OUTERS, K1I5IK5, CUS2AN'T5, STARCH, . t SOAP, PUKE SODA , DE AXDS' SALZHATU3, fcc. COD. . FISH HACXEUAL, "VvHITE" LaXE THOTJT.mISG, SHAD. FISH, GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, ' " . DRIED APPLES, -DRIED PEACHES IJolasses, Coal Oil, Cider Vinegar XATCEAL LEAF CTTEXiya TOBACCO, G0LSES LEAF AXDOTI1E3. CnOICB ESAXDS FlX2CrTCVEXD!3II, CILLLK NICK SMOI1XG. C0JI AiOX DO. n Ta if f!'a rAcf HmhiIs In tTia gutj ui aaiv iiii 4J1UUU3 ill tut Slarkel. cnESTxrrs, alvoxds. pe AN8, FTLBEB.TS.PEA- NCI 5, iwr. A Splendid Assortment of Stick and Fancy Candy from the BestManufac- turies in the East. Flcnr," Ecccn, Butter, Ergs &c., The Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. JIcLAUGIILLY & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bask Bcilding. 0WSTiLX.E, Jan. 14, 1SG4. t20v8-J20-yly. THE SAW AND FLOURING WILL kee p crxsUctlj cn tar.d an a;sortmect of Estra-Scperilno to Common LU MB ER Ad1 all other article! ueual' kej t in afirst-clafs ilerrbrrt Flotring or Saw Mill.' KrowaTiHe, March Slit, '64. n30-S-ly. V7LL IX -LTcCREEIlT, Caih Wholesale and Retail Dealer In MEDICIUES AflQ CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuff, Pare Liquors for Hcdlcal Purposes, All Kinds of Tateot lediciaes, DEXTAL JIXD FJXCY GOODS, Blank Books and Stationery, Tut bett iracdt cf Chewirg and Smolic - TOBACCO AND SEGARS, - Zzilxs'of oil Colors PERFUacnV AND TOILET GOODS, He assures hii patrons, and the public -pen rail j, te will keep cn band an cxtecsire ttock cf the ar ticles mentioned, besides acjtbin nd cverjthicg tsua'.lj kept is a first class Drnj St ire, bich he is prepared to tell et low rates fr Caih. Call aci examine fcr youmlf South-east Ccrner Main and First Streets BroTTnville, irebraslia. Prescriptions and Orders Carefully cd at a'lheurs. 1 Vac:cturer' Areata lr the sale f 100,000!!! . ' T7atchC3, Chains, &a, ccc, TJOHTIS S50O.O00O! To be soil for cne Dollar Each, without rejird to value splendTd list, Of Aricle all to be :'d for one I'oPir Each. 100 G1J Hun ir.g Cased Watches, - $".0teacb 100 " Wactes. 2ot Indies' Watches, 5-0 f;'vcr " 600 OM Gciitl. Vest and 63 each 35 e ic'h - 15 each Chitelain Chair;. -4CC3 Yet, Gcard tadCta'.c!tia Chains, -Z)0C Ca:reo Brooches $15 to 21 each C to 15 each 4 to 6 ecb SeStr,- I 4 to to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 5 to S each ? 3- OC Coral. Garset a Eiaerall Brooches, C eacb ! 3X) Cauico Ear Ifor. - 4 eacb K10 Gtrbet fcaie aad Jet Ear Dreys 40 Lava aD. Florentine Ear Drcpa 4!TfO Geuts'Soarf P.na, - - -X0 Chain atwl Rani Bracelet, SiW fci' Bte&U P.r., JOOO Watch Keys - ICO P.-h ar.dK.Uwn Sli!e, 70 Srtstf B jpfta Sicdl, - xo Sleeve Buttons, - fcJOO PiaiB and Chaseil Einfj, 7000 Stor.e et Einff , - 7CO Miniature Lvtet s, Cifes, ic. - lliW Sets La lies Jewel rr, 6 eacb S eacb S eacb to 1 ) each 2 to 8 each Sto ? to S to 2 to 2 to Sto eat b eacb 4 each each 6 eacb 6 each 3 to 19 eacb t to 15 eacb All of the fls in the abce List will te aoll. witb ui rese'Tatjon, frOce IMlar each. Certirtcatesof all the rarioua article are placed la airailar envelopes an J sea'.ei. These envelopes wiil te teat hy mail, or deiivered et oar cce, witbtmt regard to cboi. On receivicg a CertiScate yoa will fee what art:cie it rep reesU, a ad it 1 optional with loa to C3d oae d ollar ar.d receive the article or ool. In all transactions ruiil we ahall charge for for forwiirJing the Certificate, paying p-Hpe, and diDg the I'o.-ite-a, 15 cemg eacl. Five Certincates will te wa fvr tl; E'even for (2; Thirty frg5; Sirty-nve fv.r!3 anl Onetnmfrel f;,r $ 15. CO-RESPONDENTS may rely rpca qniclt and prtwvt autwer to their 'crtr. Our tasii.es i con :iictea cpou lit,cral, honest, tri;ht.'orwardiprin:ipIe, asd e FQaraiitce tati'faction ia all e.?e$. Our pat rE tnsy always depend open tarirt? their or'eri faith fally anl yatctually a nrped. la ooc--e will corres pondents he tcKlected. g3"CorrepondeM .hctld te careful to write their fisniiure plais, and sive ttelr Pt Office, Conniy, and ; Slito. Address, GEO. DEHEK1T Ac CO., CC9 Broadway, Xew Vork. X3T TIaTir t art bp;r.es re'.t:! with the rbore ceutleiten, I t.ke t lea-'U"e i: ayics that they are huoorab e, cpric'.t men, and pr.'rm all theyprtinii fin aiil the Jee'ry I have tcea ironi therc U senuincand give li$:cti.E. B,. tl TnoitPSON. ni7-tf Sorter Mill, Xtb, GET UP YOUR CLURS FOR 1SG4- siw and spLE.trre tkemicms! PETESON'S MAGAZINE. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE WCKLDl This ppnlar Monthly contains raTJ for tbe ir.cn?y tfcaa any ilaraxine in tha wo. Id. Ia l5l, it will baTe cearly lUi psecs. o . 0 steel p.ates. 12 e Ured pattern, aci t03 wsyd erzravir.,; ani a'.I tLis fcr only Two Dollars a lear, era d.-llar leJ tban maraiircs cf its cia. Erery lady ought to taka reterscn.' la the rer.oral adraa.ro cf price?, its is th3 cn!j "Uix'ns tiiit ha3 not rs-ifed ita pnce, either to sirg'e subrriSer3 cr to dabs, and is, therefore, ec3j.tali;a'.ly, The ftr the Tines. The etcrlet ta "reterjon" lira con?Jedto the best pcblithed any where. i.'r. Acn S. Stejbfn, E;ia KccKan. Irs. Den:.;n, Fraik Lee Benedict, the actL of-c5y Ls Da-rr,' T. g. Arthur, E. L. Chandler Helton, Gtbrieilc Lee, Virginia F. Tcwnend. Rcsalle Grey, Clara Augu3ta, and the author cfTha Sonl Life," tes des all the m-jst pcpclar feeble writers t.f A Eietiea are regular eontrihutcrs. Ia alJitijn to the u?al notr.Wrcf short stcries, there will b3 piTen in 15 J, Four Original Ccpy-righted XovtleU, r.x : The Haid of Ilonrr a ftory r.f Qne;n De3,ty Ana S. Stejten. Tha Lost Estate a story of t-day, Ey the anther of ,;ihj Second Life." Maud's tumrrT at Sanitrga, by Frank Lee Icel ct. Fancy's Xlirtotin, by ti!a K-idmin. Ia iU r.!'Atrsticns al?o,"Feterscn" is ucrivalel. The publisher challenesa ccaiparison between its toperb Mct?ctinU and other steel engravings, and those in other Ma jaz'm?, ar.l one at least is jj:ven in everv number. Colored fashica plates ia ad vance; It is the only J'aaiine rheso Fasbicn Pi a to can be relied on. Each number contains a Fashion I'lft te?, engraved on $ eo!, and colored Iroai r aitK-ns later than any other .1l.15a1.ne Slive?; also, a dozen or more New Sles. engraved on Wood; aLo, a Pattern, from which a Press Mantilla or child's Castome ca be cat, witbont tho aid of a mantaa-maker so that each number, in this way, will sare a year's subscription. The Paris, Loa Ir-n, Philadelphia and Xew York Fashions are described at lerjth each tnontb. Patterns cf Cap?. Conijet?, Head Dresses, Ac, piven. Its colored rutterr.3 in em Iroid err, crochet, Ac. The Wo":k- Table Defartxerit of this Marai'ne is wholly unrivaled. Every namber c-jnliiai a dozen or nore pntterns in every variety of Fanr?y-wrk; Crochet, Embntidcry, Knitting P.ewl-work, Hair work, Ac, Ac, be.. Every cnoatti, a an p-erb colored pattern for slipping, purso or chair seat, Ac, is fiver. each of which, at a retail sttrc, woald cost hfty cents. "Oar Xew Cook-Beck."--The Original House hrld Receipts of "Peferica" are qtrile faat us. For l&U our "Cock-Dook" will be ccctinucd: Every one of these receipts has been tested. This nlone sis well wtrvh tie price of 4Peter?ou" Other re ceipts for the toilette, sick-room, Ac, Ac, will be fcivle. Xew and fa.'hlcnalle mn-ic in every ininber. And bints ca Horticulture, Equestrianism, anl all matters interesting to ladies. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE Ono copy for one year, $2,t 0 Three copies for one year, 5.00 Fire copies for one year. 7,50 Eight Copies ft.r one year, 10,00 Twelve copies for one year, 15.00 Six'eea c pies for one year, 23.0J Premiums for getting up Clubs! Three, .five eizht. or mure pis, make a Club. T every ncr son getting up a club of three, and rvn tiin Sre dollars cracmb cf rive, ana rem.ttjcg eeven dollars anl a half cr a club of Eight, ani remit ting ten dollars or a club of twelve, and remitting fifteen dollars, an extra copy of the nngaxia. for ISol will be given. If preferred, fc&wjver, a e will send as a premium. (inteal cf the extra copy.l and Illustrated Lady s Album, hrnascmsly bonnd in rilt. or either of our Mezzotints, fur framing - each 27 inches by 2J ''Bunyan rartiij frota his Liind Child, in Jail," or "Banyin's Wise Interced ing for His lielewe fica f rison. 1 o every person getting up a club cf Sixteen, two extra copici of the Magazine Will be sent, cr any twu of tao outer premiums. Address, post-paii CHARLES J PETERSOX, Xo. 30S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. All Postmasters constituted Agent; but nny person uay get op a club. Lpectinens sent gralui toafly, if written for. HELLO, STRANGER WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE NEW GOODS? AT J. BERRY & GO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOt'SE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Have Just received, ana are now opening, at itand on Mala street, one of the largest stock ofttelr DRY GOODS AND OHO O jS3ELX3533 ever c.Tcred In this market. Remember tie rlaca, J. BERRY & (XTS, 3NTo. XX, 2To.lxx otroof, EHOTVXVILLE, N. T. iSSi. a7-U CSOEGE SJ'.JICRIT & CO victorious ovnn pahl 01- 1. Az-r.r- r ra! Iitnct rr heaUii f li'c or death! ILe-e are the 'pe-l;'tw involved in the avloptluti or T-jrctaj;i cf thhi fje e'i.c hy. l! iu.r'yi.' to external dia- and ii jtirie. I!airre eavcJ tl.e inOorf-ement of He cit ing iihe4 iocnrt. the late Ir. K. K. arxl i'.t Tiicacr trsted dar ir.g to aT"l TTluUri in the re tUmt( eternal ce, it U nowcora ifx 1 ue tn every ee tun of ti. ciiliie-l gWe, aoi iU tuarvclos eun- areerrjEhcie csc.Ui.g aMwul-Lmci.t. THE AFFLICTED I1EJ0ICE nrxrr.r.rs and thocsants :t teMtel i! virtce, and are irjoJcinj; in freeJoni from lory I n-irir PAIN' and MEAtK. S ' which oilier rem! ff 'J A lo etiro. Hate joi fT CiilUS. NLUIAU r.W JIATlfM. Hill- lie hud failed AM.IA, illlll- I'lllJl, EAIi- f w v AlUKor TOOTH-All 11 Areyoa i iv V aaiicte-l with D1.D SOHIS tfuf- rina fiom tRl'lEf, H CAlXd, CUitN3, SORE EYIS, THAIS the Jincnc uraEXT 1 will nflur.l yf.n i.'iiUut relief. Kverj bo lj u Ualle to "Ir'-lr-rS For thwe ilrendful accilenti the ARCTIC IJMJU-NT KhouU he ?' ' kTt on Imiid, for HafTiTdji fore i.i .'!' ff Jijf, "' inmeiiaie reiei, iien rav iV. jvV';: frt Umih. Kvery ateam- i 1 fj 'j ' Ajix''. boat ami railroad train fhould .V, ' ( V kep it, WJ that 1 heard ti e 11 tr'J -H" ,r Siih u lerrd hy the F) 'N. " PjJ1 -3 -cal.ied and maimed Ticlims f that anii'.e inean orrthevw I V - .j their U 1rlure rhotiV! alay l-e llA-t 1 t"i:eh t'.itf ealfcl in thi I-aiu coiitT' lji gg cL Ilia XHE IIOTHERS' COilPAITIOZT. It cure CAKR? IX 71! cr.nAhT, foiti; Miriii.. FORK Mi-, I li:rUJ, Ac Ia - I o 1 rize a i'i;ie Vin, void 1 f j.mpli-, b'olclim. wurl and a! u..l-ntioiis aitd x- creso'iiccs, Mioi.Id at lark tlee lrei-a.j-r n U auly'a ;he Al.tl 1C IJ.MJir.M It i exrt-lleiit Uc tLe lUi; fiiirr; it a lieal'lij, (lwy ar j larauce. It it GOOD FOR HAN ACT BEAST. It i a Mvrerern rene;!y fci 11. e raiioii-i tiraN with wlikli Iti'tre'areaniicted, cur ing ll.e mot jilarniinceaicif Lltltd. ?1 RAINS, MlUXfi I1AIT. WOCNIS. KRATC1I- m mm I. MVU NY. SPAVJX, RIN( IfVF, l;-IIFn, IOIJ, LVil Ae. No Csmr, livery (tal-le kejer. tr any f-rsrn oarnlr? Til. al! llOUF.t', f (;;! i t.e iritLout tLis talua lla leuieily. For Kile b al! respectable rrngs'sLt and Tealers. rrice of t!e Ijninjpnt, 13 rerl, f0ent a?:d SI a Tat tle. A er.edolUr bottle enntalaa as much Uulmcnt as eij'at taenty tie ceut bottlea EXTftAOSOLSARY JlSXOCXCEilEXT, Frery p jn l.ir of a dollar bt lie of the ARCTIC I JX 1MEXT recir. at Ir. Rraps" ern. the IX1TRD STATICS JOUtVAU of X Vrk, for . year, llie Journal m a larje illuotraie-l Iper each number con taining jiiiteen pajs beautifully tinted on clt-ar Lite paper, and filb-d wilh or. itiiiaI matter 1mm ll.e inoft bnl l;ant writer r.f tl.e emintry. CertiCeate of aubM:nptHn and full particular of th"ravd and pliiLntlimpie e terjne, of al.icli tLia oler fornn a jrt, will accooiparn each boltle. An AKKXT TTAX7TT in PTFRT ZOVTS and T7TJC2 LSRAC;0 & ULItltOWFlS, St. Loai. Mo. New Yukk On int. No. C71 UHt'AIAVAT. Communication thould altraya be ad.lres.-ed to L Locis, BROWNVILLE JSTEAH This br-at is now being run under the superinten dence cf Who will take care that there shall te no complaint as to the Doat's Crossing Regularly At all Hours cf the Day 1 f. ! Emigrants to the Mines Will find this an excellent point for crossing th river. Eaiiranta from St. Jeph and all points East of bere, even if tbey thonld wih to c-t by the Nebraska City Eoute.will cod It a tear to cros at tbia p-i'it, and the road are t etter on the West aiJe cf the Mis souri River than or tte Ejut. And PROVISION OUTFITS Can be lc; t here cheaper than at any other in tbe Terriory. Trve.ets .'rom pclnt Kansas to Iowa cr (rem Iowa to Kansas Will find this tte most direct point to cross at. R. V. MUIR. Brownvillc, Nebraska, April II, 1S6J. n32v6m J. W. I.IIDDLETOII Manufacturer and Dealer in SAL DIES, n.RXES3, IifllDLES," COLLARS, WHIPS, LASHES, . XET3, CCRRi' COMBS, CARDS, CRUSHES, CARRIAGE TRlllMIXGS, piasti:r1xg hair, AXD A VARIETY OF EVERY THIXO FERTAIXIXO TO -.lly Price Shall be in Accordance with tbe TIMES By Strict Attention to Business I Expect a Continuation or tne Xjiberal Patronstze Heretofore Bestowed by a Generous Public Repairing of all Kinds Executed PROMPTLY". CASH PAID TOR HIDES. J. W. 1CIDDLET0X AusuktSS, ISS3. n7-ly Garden Seed for 1861. JJy Catalogue, embracing or.;r 2CD rarieties cf of f reth and true Garden Seed, many of which aro of my own raising is now ready, ani will be for warded gratis to ail applicants. My catalogue w id contain rnany cew and rhoice vegetables net usually found in seed cataloguer. As the originU introducer of the Hubbard Squash Marllehcuid i'ammoth Cabbage, and other choice vegetables. I invite the patronage of the piblic. JAMES J.H. GREGORY, Alarblehead, Maisachusetta March 10, ISol.no 23, 2vr DRIED Arples, Dried Peaches, sago, Rice, starch, ap. Candles, etc , etc., At aMcLarubdin & Swan's. i mm HELP FOR THE BLIND. DR. mL LAWRENCE. Ociiliat. Uatwt friren ipt sttcDticn a!ro:t cxclasirely witbio the iait few jears tj lha CURE OF DISUSES OF THE EYE ani harin been OB-fcrnJj snc?e.sfal in ererj3s I J-sra nh.iertiken I noTT clTer mr fCITiCCS to th tSicted atd wajwjiiei to cure eTery instance taken ia Land. RRvsnLLE. MancnS, 1351. This is to certify that I have baen sneering for the last two years wi:h iLLamatioa vf the jes to ch?r with r.irtial blindaos., from film? on the cor- nea.and granulation of the lids, which were so thick that I could not raife thera enougn 10 see my w.ij. TararrcuJta v that Dr. Lawrence, who is now stopping at Drownvilie, has entirely cured me, and Ireecmincndhim to all who are aSicted with sere eye?. RICHARD E. CASE. LcxBOr March 2, ISC I. I had lost one cf rcy eyes and thought that in a few months I would be deprived of the other, but hearing of Dr. Lawrence cf Drownvilie. I went and consulted bim in reference to my ee:he proncuns tae blind frora cataract. I procured a prescription from him, whea ta my astonishment, in one week my sigh was nearly restored, and is now quite per fect; THOXAri WALTERS. Give him an early call. Pnow?mLLE, March 3, l.cGL Having been nearly blind f jr six years I Lad gir sn up all hopes of ever being cured I wer.t and corr .ulttd Dr. Iiwrence and pronounced my biicdness from epicitytf the cornea. I submittel to his op eration and I am happy to say resulted in the res toration of my eyes, and I take pleasure ia recom mending tim to ail who are elected with sore eyes. THOMAS RICKETTS. Drcwnville, X. T. SALIXALBA. Tlac Greatest rrirnber for the PRAIRIES. 53" It makes a perfect IXeJ?e fence In four years ! 3" ae Are of it settbra fall, in five years will mafce enoucb Woud fr oae Famiy ! JTj" U prow strtight, and very tall! C3" It ucver ir.-Mts from the root.; br.t wben cut down, wiil grow again fram the stump, very ra;i Jly ! It i the teat toll Wvod -for fuel, er any other purse! 53" When kept off the ground, tte rails will last 30 year ! J3" 11 rotes equally well wilh ns on upland, where lb.i rich, as in tbe bottoms! $3" Ccttirps ei?ht inches loss stuck la the ground in t e Fail, never fail to eruw ! E3" We sell it for js per thousand Cuttings, deliv ers! at any of our A;encie. $3" Parties wisbii.g.to buy, sho-IJ orderearly cfour Ageuts, so that taey may njti'y us ia time. CUTTINGS Bundled and de'ivered at tbe above places, as soon as tbe lea res fall. T. R. FISHER, rfTjwnviiie, s Aent for Kemaha and eat half of R:cbard.n Cnntie. CURTIS i PEAVER, Pawnee City, are Azents for Pawnee snd wet ba'f of Ricbardon Connties. key. UK. TlN&HAai, Beatrice, u Agent for Gage and Jones Counties. J. II. BUTLER, Austia, A;eat for Clay and Sa'ine Counties. Beware of Willow Peddlers. We learn that many swamps of common Willow have been cleaned up, and tbe Cnttine sold . Gray Willow. We get our Willow of SA11UEL EDWARD3, of La ifoille. Illinois, a rerponsib!e Nurseryman. 3BS -ISt 9 aw OITFITTIiE I0TSII 1856! ESTABLISHED ! 185G! WE T. DEN, WOULD mist rerpectfully Invite the public penerally to call and examine bis Stock of Aleiibandise before makii? tbeir purcbases else here, as they will thcrety SAVE THEIR MONLY. DESI.'S if OTTO "SMALL PEOFITS, UICK SALES," BUT 3MO TH.TJST. , Slock consists of Dry-Goods, Staple 2d Fancy Groceries, Clothing, Boots ai.d Shoes, Hats and Cans, Furniuire, Doors and Sash, Stoves and Tinware, Queensware, Hardware. Cutlery. Iron and Nail?, Glass and Puttr, Oil and Paints, Drugs and Dye-Stuffs, &c, Sic. D E N Uas a larpe asertuiert of Fancy Drea G n1, Lady'a fancy Flata and Bonnet., Chi idren anl ili-ses Fancy Hat. Noiions, Gloves aad Hjtiery, rijop fk.ru, &.C., At Low Finres. . Full Assortment cf Gent's and Boy's Summer Clotting, Fscy Sbirts, Ucder Clotting, yon will find at DEWS Cheaper than at any other House in town. Buy your STAPLE AND FAHCY G30CE3IES - At DEN'S, he keeps a full assortment cn Laad. D E 1 ' Chicago and St. Louis C a stem Made Coots and Shoes, anil Ladies' r aacy Gaiters, Are tbe lie.-t in the Market and B E iw SELLS THEM CHEAP, MIND THAT, AS YOU GO ALONG! CHEAPEST COO ZING AND PARLOR bjl3 0 1 S Of Latest Paterns you Sad at DEN'S Cheaper than at any other House in Erownville. D E 1 Has a larfte assortment of TIN-WARS. LARGE KET TLES. HKAVr SHSKT IRON, HOLLOW-WARE, STOVE-PIPS aai ELBOWS, tbat bt will not be under sold on. roit HIDES, PELTS els FURS, DEN: pays the Highest Caaa P. ice. A full Assortment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS ON HaND. DEM Returns bis thanks to the Public for past favors, and by strict attention to Business hopes to merit that lib eral patronage bestowed on him heretofore. W3I. T. DEX. SAB RATH SCHOOL IJELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 13 Months of its Publication. It is an entire Xew Work, of nearly 203 pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymua were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be aj popular as its predecessor, (Bell Xo. I) which has run up to the enormous numVercf it a,6 J0opies in 35 months. out5trippinrany Snndaw School Book of its siie is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wuaingthem in that form. Prices of Bell Xo. 2, paper covers, 15 cents. $12 per 103. Bound.25 cents, 13 per 103. Cloth bound embossed g'.!t,3 cents, s32 per 10;). Bell Xo. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 103. Bound 23 cents, $13 per ICO. Cloth bound embosjed gilt, 25 cents, $20 per 100. Bells Xos.l and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the 100 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, 43 per 100. Mail postaga free at me retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. B41-1 ' Xo.iSl Broadway, Xew Yor. PlXaXaS. Ar u.n sc. :i,'c. rrd fM;itri.;nf rr yo:i oi.t c-l' jf' ft r. icir if.. ;n fi-rairf- f r f- t';r-"s 'i'.tvvi;'i 'V.fit; J., i II I: i.tr Ci en I It" 11-2 J5 v i- to JcTioti i'-'.i. iit '"'rVi'.4-''". V t ff fttl:t.i- i cr. -jpjn '-"iv; I vn. rt ! l;'ult.l I ? aver'fd V. 'V- , ,- 1 1 a tii.lv rp ,,t tJ-.e- ri.l t N 1 t : -.; .J r." rr .r! v. j, :.e A -r 1 a.t e nut t n:.-or- c(t d hum-'f ptnii'v aid ii-t t ! tliiidi on ni..b-!'cfel in b.i.Ol , mo' e j ; i l.ta'th attain. 1 ! i tima- rr fate ti.e tsi av-iA ci tne izh t".,!r ''to T"). ;:. r;cr:vifr. pnrifr the ,tcm from th" oh- trt.ct.oi. v. i.ich nttc di-c-ye. A co d foiito L'-n; in tl.e lolv. and ,t-tirct iM tat"-! fstcMoi.s. Tiice. ii' i.ot re lletts!, react rpou tliemre vc? ai;d t.'.e tsrTo:.'i ti.'ng orwt.., psodi:'.-:: Z fccenil cra'tirn. mSl'ihtir, urd d: -e-e. e in this coi.i.jticr. rj p-e-tt d by ti e Ufran'-mn., tate Arer's riL'.3. i;t.u Low tli'eciJr tlA-v ntvrs ti c l-atnral acl;si cf iheiys-. tera. aLd v. :r h it the t noyanf ft Vir. jt t Ua!:h ocain. What i true arr :o apf.srfiit ia ll.iti;i is! ai.d coia rnon co:np'iii;t, r.'-o true in msnv ol t'te i!-tp-sratcd stfi datiice'-oi!:' f'.l-tftrtrer. Tl.pws:e F"ra tive Vlftct tvt:ls ' itetn. C n'l by sftnilar ol.tiuc tior 'i.d defangrrr.-t:t of ti-e r.atural lt?!;c:.ot: of ' tLe L;!''. ti.try are rapidly, and many ot tLcr.i hat ply, cttr'-tl r ti e fr.;r,-i iiit-t. r 'ore'who kr.o.v the viitii5 rf tl:t:-f 1 wi;5 reflect to employ tLcin viLeii n:;"er:!: r t.f.a t'.f ciis-orcers they earc. f-'i-MJitriita l.ctn 'trriiig j hi scist hi km of the ynsscfpal clitssi-d fivuioit.tr e:i-l-L0isa puLi;c jto:.5: IYc:.i a FcnraTc'vj STe-rrZanl rf SI. Louis, 7"t5. 4, I :Ci- Dr: Atec Yonr ri"i tre fT?p prtrrrrrj cf f r:st is pefrt in r.:lk:i e. Tl:t-y J.are cued my !i:t. . 1 1 .rslcr of u rtrct.s fetes upon l.ei l.itdi ti.d :"ft.t tht ltd povtd i;.c;:rtL?e tor? eft, ilerrnothrr I.-c tci -oi p C!icvo-i.-;y Jillictfj viili h ctcLtitird yrtr'tTi o:i l.-r tiu end ia I.cr l.zlr. Alter ccr ci.iM t ss cvhu, the alio tiicd yonr I : ai d ll ey Lac cu-td l.tr. iA 3iCliOlUIlZ. Asa FamiTy Phjrfclc. rro-.n fr. F IV. Cirtirrht. A' rr Or"ivi. Yonr li s tic tie prirt: oi jur'V. Tl.tir ex ccl.'ct.t imlitlf ;?. ; rs ekt cat.'iirtic vre po--e;. They Ere'n.i'd. 1st very certuin ai;d eStctital 1:1 ll.e -r ec!;o:i on the t-o-.t !., v l.icli rr.fci.ts the to iu aibls to us ia t!;e tiaily tien'mn-t ol tli-tr-e. LIcaJacLr,rck ricndathc, FotjI Sfomcch. rmn TV FiUrird Dni Minor?. Dear I'm. Atik. 1 can ct er?tr yci rrf coruplviiits i-1. at e crtd r. o ir 1 i. Is N-T.t-r ti:n to fay cJl thai ire fir trt-tt triih a fhrviifirr ir.rt!i cl;.c.' 1 place pTHt dependence oil tint c.lettvj cittl.ariic m ny daily coLtc-ft t irii d--e. te iicv;i:r. rs I do", tlit your 1 ills ifo:d ua te Lt;t e Lave, I ofco'Jite vlue tla-iu Libiy. TrrrsBur.n. I'r . 2Tay 1. 1"". D"L J. C. AYZR. ir: I La. let-n "lepti.tn.iy erred oi" t!ie r. cr.-t Iwi-idtt Rt to:y ettn l.ave by a cir. c cr tw o of your 1 il.s. ll xxr.:. to aiL-elrouia t-ul stonmch. which tliey clcaie r.t c.ce. Yours vi:h grtit rtpec. EL. V IRKVLr. Elliom I!3rtlrt-s -I.tTcr Ccnrplal-t" Iron Dr. Thtot'ore Del', rXv JVwi City. 2iot ct.ly m e j otirl ilUadniiir.biy adapted tn t!:e!r pt;p;e pj an tpotient, but 1 tii.d ttur l-LC-Ticial f-:Cs uj on t':e Liver very marked l:.l.d. Tljey Lat e in lav practice rrovetl more til ectual for the cure of li'ioits rotr.pU:n$ than any one lemcdy I can raetiion 1 tu cettly rejo"c tlt we l.ate at length a f-nrgstire which is wor.i.j thecouridtLce cf the fioicicicu aiid the people. - ' D EPA ETSTXTT CP TCT. laTTSir-R. 1 Wtl:injrtou, D. 11 , 7.h Itb- 1n. fin: T Lave urcd your lllis in mr per-tra! and hospital practice ever firee you vzde them, and cr.ni.ot Letitate to say tfcey ire ti.e I -eft carlrartio v. e cntpioy. Their rejrnlaticx tction on the liver is cuick r.nd decided.'Coil.-euer.tly ti'ey are an ad liirtbie remedy lor dc rar5Te me Lts of that orgfn. Itdiet!, 1 1 sve'feldom loi.nl a ef cf iiliott u'i rue to clrir.ste that it ;! rot rea:iiv W1 to them- l'rt:era.iy tobp.aLOZO I'.ALL, l. D., ' ftysicUiHitht Jluriitc Lftpilal. J3jntntrrjt Diarrira, XZrI.ix, Wornaa. - Front Dr. J. G. Crttn, rf fhicag.. Yonr I ills have had a ios t lal iu uiv prtctlce, tr.d I l.o d them in tteeni s one of the lot a;eri e nts I l ave ever found. TLtir a'tet&tite e:fect upca tl.e liver makes ttscm an excellent rumi'dy. v l.a driven in small doM-s lor buiok tUjs&tirry and (liar rfiof t. Tl.eir f ugar-cuatinsf inaLe tl.eia ery ac ceptable tnd coiivenieLt lor tte use t f women end children. Cypeprn, Imparily of tbe HI00H. From Iiee. J. V. Kme. ru'ior rf AJcent CSarcA, Jiosfon. Da. Ater: I hare u?ed cur Tills with extra ordiiiary ruccess in my lamiiy and tmonthofe lam called to vit ia dLtre. To reflate tht organs of dicftion and purity t!:e blotKl, they are to very ttt rcmwly I have ever known, and I cau conn dtntly iccooimend them to tnv j-iendf. Yous, J. V. HI3IE3. ' XV a t.a vr, VTyom i r g Co , X. V.. f c. 24. 1 Dear m.i: I era using your Ca'l.iitic 1 nis in my practice, and tend tl.ua an excellent purgative t'o cleanse the system ai d ur f t f.V fnn:mn rf tha Hood. JOilN O "JlhLVCiiAjr.il.D. Ccjnlirnti?n. C'f- irrnc. Nupprw.ion, E-IteMttMitKm. CJ'n,) iSi-uralia, Uropsyj Front Dr.J. P. Vr. 'ihn. M.mtrent, Giidi. Too lancli cannot It; t-aid of jour 1 'ills lor the care oicfKulirt ntt. 1 f other four fraternity have found tl.cra as tlhcsdou as 1 have, they should join rr.e in proclsiining it. (or the UneLt of the multitudes who mller Iruiu that complaint, which, aithousb Lad enough in it.-eif. L the pioreniror ot other that ireTiOW!. 1 believe eoiticehi.ni to originate in the liver, but jour 1 Lis aliect thit organ and cure the discaie. io:a ZIrt. E. Stuart, rit'jtician and ilulicife, lU$fon. I find ore or two larife doj-es of ronr Ti!T, talten Ct the pioper time, are excellent p.ioniotiyes of the .i'rm acrefioi when wholly or jurtially nrp-proft-d, and al?o very eCtc'bal lo c'tnn. tne iO'rtu:h and trptl vrrr. ll.ey are fo much tLe Lett phytic we Lave that 1 ixxoniiafud to oicr to my puti't-Lts. Trcn the Her. Dr. IZi'rtef. rf the Jfet&ocUt Epit. I'lturvh. TrLAFKl House. Jjavaux.sh, Cs.. Jsn. 6, liooai D Mil- i t-hoaid Le unsrrateiul lor tha reiki our tki 1 Lr.s Lioutht rr.e if 1 did not leport my Ci.se to you. A cold settled in my limbs and b.oiijil.t on "excraciailns; ururaljic p-'iins, wlact) nded in chronic rtitumatisrt. otaLMsndii:g I Lsd the tett of pLysiciai. tLe di-eae grew woo er.d wore. untii by tl.e advice of jour excellent ezent in raittniote. Dr.-ilscUeniie. 1 tried your lills. Iheir ellicfs wete:o-.v, Lut sure, l'.y per fceveiicg iu tLe u?c oi li.tni, 1 am low entirely wul. Sexate Chamber. Caton Hotre. I-a-. 5 Dee.,1555. Dc AVEtt: 1 l ave been tniiiey cared, by jour Til s of Lhenvtatie Cou: a 1 iiir.lul uieaethat Las afflicted rne for j ears." rVlXCKXT 5LdDLJ ZJ il.-t of the ril'f In mai Jtet contain Mercurr trbicli aiti.ouh a valuable rt mdy in tkilful l.auus, is t;airerou ia a public pill, lioni tl.e dreadful con seiiient:e that frequently loiiow it incautious ue. Tbee conuin no mercury or miiieiai suLetance whatever. Frice, 3 cats per Tax, cr 5 Ecxes for SI. Prejirsl by Er. J. C. AYEIt & Co., LovcH, SIiss, SOID BY WJI. n. McCKEEIt Y. Drownvilie. G. A. BnUlYX A Illlt) Peru. Drm. GRAVES. Sslrm. JOHN" W. HOLT A BP.O.. Falem. HOLT A SCOTT. Foil-Citv. LEWIS k SHEPHFKD. St. Stephens. EASLEY A SUJiKER, Kalo. 3-n8 ly An Excellent Farm fcr Sale. For Greenbacks. It contains 240 acres. 70 seres beautiful bottr-m land, well fanred; 70 acre timber: finely watered, and situated on the north fork of Xemaha. about four and a half miles below Table Rock mills. Apf ly t Jemes Camerwi Brownrille, March 2, 1S34. bo 23 Za pd For Rats, Mice, Rouches. Anis, Bed Bus, Moths in Furs, Woolens, &c, In sects on-PIants, Fowls, Animal, &c. Putepin 25.ani $1.03 Soxef. Da tle3,anl Flasks S3 and la sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, Ac "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from poisons." 'Xot dangerous to the Human Family." Hats come out of their holes to die." r?7 Sold Wholesale in all large cities. 15?" Sold by all Drurgests and Retailers everywhere tSf ll IBewars III cf ail worthless imitatiuns. " See that "Costab's" name is oo each Hox, DofJe, and 1 lask, before yon bny. t57 Address IITXRY II. COSTAR. ti?" Principal Depot Pveoacbtat. X. Y. IST Sold by All Whoiesile ani Retail DrnrgL'ts ia Lrownviue, Xebraska. TAKEN UP. Ia the snutbewt corner cf Xemah County two and half miles below Asranwall. an estrav mare about three years old; sh,e ha3 marks of tha collar saddle, ncr color ii a lieht bav: bind feet ar white, with a black root on the inside of the left foot reaching to the hoof: a smill white snot in her forehead; main and tail blaik; had a short rope around her. neck. Any person proving property and paying charges can bare ber. . : :! - . a r 5i v A - 1 1 t 5 -,..l."-'' t ' ,, 1n tl " " WILLIAM BABXAEY. April 21,lS5l-3t. THE m ,!!iiiVi'il Th readeri cf the C0xTixrNT.1l.ar9 aware of tbe iur-crtant position it has cj?umef, cf the ic5xnei which it eiertJ, ad of tbs briili iatarrjyfif po iti calasd literary talent of tbe b''zt or l-r which i upper ti it. Xa publication cf the Tsin lhi?, in this country, so successfully c.rr.bined tbe energy and freedom of the daily newspaper with the high er literary t:vi of the r?t-c;as monthly; inJ it ii very cr rtaia thit n migTiaine hu givea wider range to its confribatcrs; or prTSi?rved i?j-elf com pletely frca the r.arrow irtiltsenees cf prtr or of faction. In limes like the present, guc'a a jocrrul is either power ia the land cr it Is nothing. That the Continental is not tha latter Ti abundantly it3 conn?e"j ia many, important public events, an 1 in the character and power of those who are iu stan nc best sa ppcrters. Though but little mere than a year la? elated since tba Continental was first established, it has daring that time acniire j a sterength and a signi ficance elevnting it to a p!tirn far above that pre viously occupied a streng th and a political s:gni canee ehivatingit to a position far above that pre viously occupied by ony aabliTitiencf the kird in Ameriei. Iapr-M.fof whkb ecrtivn we eall at. tention to the following fact! 1. Of its poli-;rl ankles republiifhcd in pacrphl't form, a negle one has had. thus far, a circulation' of one. h andre.J and six th,u3nd copies. 2. From its litfriry derrtmenf. single serial novel. Amorg tha Pine?, ho, wiihin very EK-nth, sc.! ! nearly thirry-f.va thoii'ind copies Two o?h?r series cf its I.tcrarv articles hare a been republished in bf.k f. rra, while the ir- tn n of a tn;rl n already ia r. Xo roort; conclusive fa-'t r.ecl be alle'gpj to prove th the excellence tf the contributions to the Continental, or the?r extraordinary p-op-nla-ity; it 1 its conductors are determine that it thai! ot fa.l behind. Preserving all -tha boldness, vigr and ability" which a thonjand jcaroaU have attnhctt to i it will greatly enlarge itseirele tf acti. n, discus, fear!;-ly and frankly, every pncip.c in udred i 1 fie gret atlcr;s of the day. Taeirt miti' cf the cirr.!ry-c:nbra?ing the men ni f.-miliar xi:h its ti'rlvmacy an l riK-st dis-.ir.gn'.she 1 for ability, ar amurg its eontiibutf n; and it is no more -datterin premise of a prospectus" to say that this "miT?zin j for tho tim?' will emoloy the fim inteltect in Am?ri?x,unler .an.; ices wLu a no pub'.icatiin ever erjoyed before in tLu couatry. While tha Cf'ntincatal wiil ex;-re-s dciltl opinions on, the gieat quistirns cf the uay, it will cot be a mere political journal: much the larger prtk-n cf its Cf lamas will be enlivened, as hereto lore, by tiles, poetry anihumr. la a wira, tne Continental will ba found, on lr its new etalTof Editors, occupying adositinanl presenting attrac tions never bel'ore fun 1 in maaine. TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year Three copies for onayear, Six copies for one year, Eleven copies f-r one year, Twenty copies f jr ens year, $5.f0 6.C-) ll.P) 2'J.d'I S3,(0 PAID IX ADTAXCE. Postage Twenty-four cent-s a year, to be paid by tha Subscriber. SINGLE COriES. Three dollars a year, iu advance. Po3tage paid by tno Publisher. JOHX F. TP.fV.V. 5 0 Greene St., X. Y., Publisher for the Proprietor. As an inducement to new 5uberibe-j. tha Pub lishers oJi-rs the fallowing lioaral premiaai: Any person remitting $3, m advance, will ree-i ve the mags line f rem July, 1.-2. to January, 15S1 thus securingna whole of Mr. Kimball's and ilr. Kirke's new seriaN, which are alone worth the price cf the subscription. Or, if prefered, a sub scriber can tke themagarne for !So3, and accpv .f "Among the Pines." or of 'Undercurrents Wall Strrt," by R. B. KiaiSall. bonal i.i tb.th, f-l ";uii-3in3 ia liiouia'. ov Ubarie i.l;rev LeUn l freUil price, a I 25 Thob-jvkto be sent postage pid. Anv person rem; ting 4 o), w;il receive the m"g- line from it e ratnecceicer t, January, rv 152. to nbali'i-Wai Mh Pines," LOOJ octave January, ls4. thus souring Mr. Kimbr Aesuceeiifai ?"ar.d ir. Jvirke i"Atnon and fai!en-ban"j Story," and neariy 3,0 prtges vf the host literature in the world. Premium ubcribers to pay their own postage. FRAITH LESLIE'S. ILLUSTRATED IVBTSPAPEPS. Attractive Feature. The S5.GC3 Prixe Xovcl he tlalf Bet ver a Thetn. By Mr. Anno S. Mepbcn-', Aatboress cf "Fa.-hivn and ; Fia.:n,', "The licjec'cd Wif In addi'iot t it attrcti -,a.'; as the 5-t and mrst anrhentic Tlluned Parer in 'America, ur assirg all rthers in th J vvi,! y, cjara ,, ill In terest i f the nnn'T'ij iVru-tr:ti"r3i trVi.-h it Frand LcU' l!i r.itl Xs'rupr w:Jl leg-n i.i X. 4 5,date.t J:"n iry C). IS 54. tha thriliingand abs'rbiig novel. "The (alf Ii--tne8n them," writ ten bv thJ great r.'Velis, Mr. Stephens, wn.sc Fahlon and Famine" -hta a large.- cfetiiafiwa than any other runly literary novel f friTril .y, sr.d wjj rertrd&J .13 at m.i-terly a work cf o.i.-n that it w.i n ,t r nlr rep.iMi-hid in Enl ind. but was translated ia'.o ala.ust every language of La rjp?. The prize of $5,003. Z:tc 1 with unusual liber- slitv by the rropri -tor for tha best navtl, drew forth no less 'than twa hundred worSa, cany of I them of great me'it. Among tiesc, Js-.r. Siephons nivci wa s.'ieetea. as cviueni.y Mirpvistrgnit i-nty ail ethers oHered, but a'.n -st everything hither: published, lt ii f Hy evul t- ,Fa-aia and F;Mn;r-," an I will be as wlj.lv re'.J. It wiil be of c4Vcr ir.r re ', fr m t'.e f id tha the;?-ne i lai I in curl in 1 a: 1 - oc.r own tm.v: and in delineation of char-t-t.r aud als,ring p-jwer it wiil fascinate ant eLaria the reader. Sab'riTti n S '.Zd pT veir. Ad.Ir?,-5 FitAXK LESLIE. 72 Ua.-.a St. X. Y. Ci-pies of the I-T'' cuutaicirg the c Traonce mnt and continr-t' ta of Mr. Sic: heas n- vel, " Ihe Ga!f Between them," can b had of a: y Xews dealer in the United S ates r.r Ariti-h Pr tin'es. fT-l -r) g-i m MmbMi (iiiOuiiJ Merchants and Pol Jlj.ter who will adJrea:i. all. will t-esr.; vl:ei ti !i GaMea, KieU liilFioi! Seed 10 fell on cjuirjifi. n at fair rites. Tuese et are all grown Lere and are tru? tn name. TIIOiirSON" 4t Ii EDGES. Xemaha Xcrery. Syrcae, tf.. Ca-. An?. IS Au5-f uS tf Xrbrak Tha best, Chenpst, Pamilj Paper and most Successful in the Union." a cdhplztti: pictohial or the iiiizs . HARPER'S WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Trice Six OnM a Namber; S30O a Year Critical A'ori'ee of the I'rttt, Its fresh leave"?, its clear type, its entertaining varity, its severe but just criticisms upon the fi.Iliea of the tlcees. its elcgartiy writtes and instructive articles, and its able correspondence, all combine to make it the mlel newspaper of our country, and one that every family must prize. Its condensed week;y summary of forei-j and dome tic imtrlU jence is altogether superior to that contained in any other journal. Beioz published, too, in a furm fcr preservation aod li .!:, tf tiken rart tin It deserves to be, it will be fmin lin future years as welcome a companion for the family and fireside a the day on whkh it was first persued. A". Y. Eeeniwq Pont. We would not so often eall atter si in to Haarta's Weexly if we were not well satisfied tbat i; is the ltt family Paper im tie Vmited Stufea, aud for that reason, aud that aIona, we desire to e it under mine and root out a certain kind of literature too prevalent, which blunts the morals of its renders rvitiatcs their taste for sensiMa reading, and is al ready bad in its effects. . London Adcrrtimcr. Wherever we go in rail-cars and ateainbxits we find it seized with eagerness, because of irs spir ited sketches of passing events. We all lik? to look at tbe faces of men we hare r?ad of, and at ship and forts that have figured in the b!ody scenes of war. Of all such men and places, and event, this jap-?r furnishes the best illustrations. Oar future historians will enrich themselves out o Haeter s Wesxlkt long after writers, and paint ers, and publishers are turned to dust. A'. i'A'van oliit. Oae Copy for One Year $.1 01 One Copy for Two Years 5 0J An Extra Copy will be allowed for every Clubcf Tl.s ScBSCiBxaW, at 2,00 eacb, or 11 Copies fc r $25. 1 Habpex's JIagaztts and HaHFEa'a Weexly, tether. oae year,?5C3. Harps its Weesly is elect rot jped, and back numbers car.be bad at ary time. Yds. I., II., III..IV.TY , and YI. f r the Yer 1S57 to 1352 inclusive, of "HARPER'S WEEKLY," haaiomeIy boual in C!th extra, Pri'e f 4.13 crt h are now ready. The p-ttaga upon IlAr.rss 3 Weekly, when paid ia advance at tLe ofla where it is received, is twenty-six cents a War. " ' llArkl-EHAs'LllOTIIEi:. Teankux Sqcasz, Xi YC3t ESTRAY STEER. Taken up by the undersigned. living in Wash ington Precinct, near the Fcrt Kearney Read, on the 8th day of February, 153 1, cse Steer, yellow with white spots on his hip, hind legs white to bis knee?, frelect white, as.d about two vears eld. GEORGE OTEXS. Teb. 23,n23-T3-Sw-pJ 1 A MOXTDLI 0? LITERATURE AND ? . The JacaaxyETJsiWef tcr V net w.:a a very lUtterini-rce: . X als cf tha ccu.try. llfi. Tns Ladt "'3';'"' Kocieaca in ocr ci'v v. r"'-' sen. o. 3i3 Walnat Street Afi 'i it isetaphatiealljtbe hdy'a If'' with ever ythirg calculated to ?V? J The corps cf contributors to i-, I. rcme cf the bet literary talent ; .vBl8 f n n 1 W9 4 .A f r..V 1 . IA -----v...... 01 ts9 j1 there is an ahun Jar?e cf rnffpr. , description. Gabriel Y, li'sieV p' -i War- is a splcBded a?l n-nr;,"'!'' f" prepsjed eitrely f,r thj ila V-'.. 5h enter rie is emineis'ly deervin cur li ly friends Phiiadelp'oia &' aX" Lapies' -Magazivp -m1:""w- rc:errn bir?-jT?t rla-c-d hef ,V. I ramt'.r of a new c-r,i;r ... r - - a -- 'VLajf a f .. -w Friend. iseTrdently very ' ten.n : is well met ..:'if uecry t e:er?in illa.urated, and ij full of excellent aui:h: ivi r-yii.ricu;ors few I notly, who-e exireiieat li 'r! . a t I vti iv'-. - . -., w : rj w.-jj a - v r?n:a t , 0 T iriiiB'.ah'f: Ji s Kt P-r- I l .rt I 1 1 . I - . 1 l-r-i, j . - . .. Jj.rX, pnAihly ct -.tiir.i the b-.t r,J number. Forney '4 Pr-' iil.j,. -'; TERM: CASH INDv., Jory,one yeir, - . m ' 2 C"pi?, ca; ye-)r, - I crpie, r n? ver. -8 C-; ie.. ii cc?.tg?'lercpr.r ' " 2') eole-, : an 1 or.-t-i r'.ter c") ' Oncory cf tha P.,; Friend, - . - . v - . l acl Subscriber iaB 1 T - i Aser the 1 twentvees ts ia aii.:n n t ' I'iirv a.' we Lava ta ire:ir taier.-". At the rrl-e ct" The P.jti u -. '3 t- - J rrirrlv cf the Ji 1 , v i . mi n 1 . ' r, cr 1 1.': 7 . . i w I . . T . z n. Of cur '.'"' ' miv be either nrirt r.p t' a r ... viuu, M tj Tl. ..... r .1 ' ' irrm tail in tbe mg-ir:r,e. 'il Specimen numbers of the Pvst ei t', ess. . dres riTACO.Y i FETZIVt II 'J Via.nut St., p.j i. Xo. PROSPECTUS FOR IScT ' An Indcpendont Democratic ly, senn-Vcelily and Weefc ITeTTspaper. . UNION OF THE WORLD p ARGUS. The Wor!I, to which the Xew York VTn:,i. has been united, ha to-'iay fire time tl . gate circa latii n of any Dem-ratic lt e. r" newrper. Jtadirees weekiy 1 B . 105,C;ii subjeribri nnd Cf.o:act fuahi!!. reitcbes at lea?t half! miiliio rei-Jr. W- t- if 1 steady increase m e.rcu'a.i n wbit ths- num'rs will h' j he d uhl: b it no 1 I. X t-v. or j than lh irhf.i;! i 1 iisi'y ;h"-te hl bi.'ere only bip of restixirg 1 he Uci a an I th i : -f the Ctnstiti:ti-n urer a n,w rti.fa (! vided enuntry, lies in wresting jiw.rf-'j. hat.d 1 f thoj faaaticisui his tc- ix-d tir-r. 1 laa-iiictsuj hn c inri; a I prolong tha war; 00 i 1 t03 end,n mean is s e Tee lire tbrouih able a a J ent:rpri-:ng ui th. t.ao-';-. lire as xht iCi- avers, of i p.titieaj Knowledge among ta wiriia thinking men. ani tho votirgmen of tha 5 ri Euterprlj. :adurr7 fid money will twuor. expended tom .ke Tha World the LVst 'ev in America- Its nswj frtii ery pirt .if :i; , wiil bi early and uthentie. Wh-rc7cr;httfir-extcd.,r nilr..is rai, or iLic'i-. j p . '.;'. gather lbs laUst ia eili-c-?. Ir h. a l-nv of STtmpIish-d crre?j,d'Lr. w ?J &:? t armle. h.i will tel gra-.h an I ri . .t ;i- tcm fru.a th ; various ml of vir. It h--pond-, nfs and r' : rr. rs in er" p-.li'.l.-d i - rr ' 1.:., j v.cr:tl cenrr: i atd d'?p t--h i.i A r. -.tin ItiS ru f'i tier than thr-'e r.f any TV a . Lditu-s iav;fe -.rn pa ;.? t .is r-.s; 0. t 1 j tu iberejrts cf trie iia. kr .-, i'ij j ( aid country IV1-lac? M.;r!i.ts. and tlie M.r. - ,' j kets in itj t wijm.is, an rf ii r: its extM lv j 1 res viM ha :." 1 I . r : .. Kvfittd ti Agr.cnlrnrj, t l.-i wiu ediv.-r.. . ef.moiui.i,!vt..iia fr m yractijzl fattu:.u a J a-.'v-a-ks t-t tbe c-no'rr. T .1-. The war in vaich th nnticn Jic; : armed anl tnf':eated IIb-?'. and t'i n-n-s. IT. j t.f tha r.da;:f:i tr irin vr..l :'i t.f A ,-. .'..'ir)'; th. f. ;rcj to bring t r. r u . 1 c .1 Ml sirvat.; Uni 11- vi; 5 ar 1 (. i-ti-b:.. 1 rTn t n-l sl ; an 1 r- 1. 1 r l taT, r f wh itcvf r ' i tl i itS ! r.-u-i.t t i 1.... i r-!,: V it: l tb-. itti.it- ..f tl.s .ir- :n.:. n t e .1 . r : 1 ; - ttti. s ,r ti,? t 1. 1 -j- " .- cf t ::.. 1 i.i f n"i-i bt:ir -i-iv-. ller.rv nil !,. t.' ge-btr vsrjth the :zt-f h pr.i..r ' .fi:ch pitrlii's i.s A a Jvijui. acd V. l,ijl Marry. S"tr.- Wright and Stephen A. I)- 3.''. ,: sianr .-houl-l.-r t- h-- It n-en th .ia? n is a j lia . I: is t r;''. r s th ; Cui , 1. tr ii . n th-a Ct.ii-tI:r?ro, a-.d e-.f r-; facia. V:. m tics f r this .e-J, tl" ex --i.tr f f rv if .m p.. 117 f e- E. iliat.' ii. T,".- Wo'l I w. 1 . v:, :.Th L ittTrr m .k-s 3 r ;': it. Th vv" -ll w I: w.i; r r r : tir'T r.;r it to; i l r: . r 11 ..1 in .t r ' ."; a V. .; 1 V, d in r t .'.i.:n a: ii. S-t.th r.r in !. l.e seed i.. a icd e;.-.U.'ll IP" ! tne X rth. It will op7wse every vi. la'1-.a .f t!. C r.-v whivh i t only h- r- an 1 b-.-a I of IV. -n, s. only aurh-.ri'y L r exa;-t.r.g or cotalljg ti; giiocet.f theStiuth. It w;ll or i-oe cvry ir-fractirn rf theL."' places or ia I jw.ly re-kless and i ::-J. 1 '' ' ssvn.or by tho adaiiniitnui m whica i La example. It will fearlessly exirclse the Freed ta of Press ; it will cons antly uphold aal drsi.d f"1 doin of Spech and Kret dv Ui cf th ? Uil!'.t. To tbe lawless acts of the Juani-tn:;"a. 1 arbitrary and unjust arrets and eipatntti d nUl of th right to tha writ of baleas t- ra. illegal prcclamatioas its abrogation of tit-'s-,. fiL'Tl I u j ita. ilt.ntt rpum.i?A: i.fiA r.f atf"1-'" ed jwer, and its subv?rsi ias f the rtfrjo-ri' I civil and pertonal liberty, it wili eoit"a. tbe letter and the spirit of our suprina ia anJ i u advocacy of sound d ctrine. until A n-ri.-aa t' m-n shall be roused to the recovery tf th. -ir r'. their Lbertieit, tbe r law, and r limitri well bal tnceU g.vernai3nt, by tha resUtiess d-::-s cf the ballot. Profoundly impressed with the dee t f ' bate all tha it may to the $reat w.;k uf th rsr! at ton. BarrWy, to" restore wurnatioiil B!'.: to place th United States agiio f .rct ta nitkn of the eartb, and .a; ii thw pc, rf peri ty, and batpiness of iu peoe The -' seeks irom thi! who desire savh tfc;3g rler.!, and s ipport.and, abtv all, tha favor of H.ia: crowns every g jod work. TERMS. 0 DAILY WOULD. Yearly Subscribers by mail SEMI-WEELY WOULD. Single subscribers, per anoara . Vtf: $3 a r7.i - Jll'Ct, j f .if ,!s.) i 2I- Mr.-! tti.J':, it' ?( Two copies to one address Three " Five " 44 Tea - M WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per aacuai Tbrea copies addrts on each paper Fire " u Ten . , each pajer ft,r ao adjiticnai charge tf ta f2' each. 14 For every club of twenty an extra erpy w,.i added fr the getter up if the e'ub. , . For every elub of fifty, iha Sm:-Wek'y, asA; everv club tf one hundred, the Vl'y w;.l -. J l.iUUfl DI IW U T I n m iM ------ a when rcjucstcd.in liru of the txtta c - " " Additi'vos t vClats my to mad. at any ti-'-Mae ntf. Pa&crs ca-at b- e:rid fr n t VD C T2 C'lab to aa- ther, but ou r.-c.nest f t tho te. s n -i ... i i ... r.f. rt-r.t? i-t"- ii)g!e rjers will t, tahca freJ the CI-- to a sepcrats adir?ss. All crdcrs mast bo a?:cn;an:l W t Address. THE m. rrV iLiw Ne Ca--- On San jar. M.h h 20th.'li t, a years old. stands b-vk ru p.istora j'.icts, ha i' n (T) 5 FZ? 2 2 9 -W" branded cn left furs shoulder. yr giving information cf whe.a she is. tr tr f. i ta Bca.Rgnr's Livery Subl-,ia RrttvcT-, be liberally rewarded. r-v-r,?H. 3 MICntELFJO.vT- I'aabSIai 1S3L B:j-i;w- Ir BZ ii cab! r: let; t 1 lo- ( Id : 9 ' . a.I e . I: rua L5. 7 ",';s