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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1864)
'1 i ! ft IV. t sn y ' iu:i 4, Icr tkt cr, ! ;iis L .! ' litllUB 1 l,Htt T(t i if till Ivoritt, jr ,f.--nt- r i J ry eenW 3 ijr:. t c J-;. - . ,ut it o" -nr'l' ., of BRASKA'" ADVERTISER rrcusniD etlht tevfsdat bt ISIIER" & COLLI A PP, -Jerry' Old Stand, Main. Street. trlllO, 3XT - 6 OU 8 00 15 00 ple, lo one Mre ss, rive. - Tan - ' - not paid m A4rsr.ce, but raid within the rear, -in added to tbe -bore term. red one rear, or mere. 28 per cent will be do Work, nd nd Fancy Job Work, e test tjrle. and on tbort notice. SI NESS CARDS. - RCA VIS. . TORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY, NT! Bit Alt Jv A. will practice In all tbe Court of Nebraska. -3-ir r. J f,A Ay . 1 7 V if 1 iiii nx i i oznx "LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, NOV AND FOREVER." VOL. VIII. BROWNVILLE, NEBKASJ&, FRIDAY, JUNE,' 10, 1864. NO. 40. iurLiiAb-U- r-T3 or ADYrr.T::!:; Cn gqurt (iiMlaai or lssijsua lzzzz:Z, fitch adcUtlocel Insertion - - Bnsica Carls, iu liaes cr ltu, est jz:t Oc column oaeyaar - -Ono,I2 ooiama C5 75af Oa fonrt'a cdt:i ob y sa ' On e'-giU col": -.a oca jsir -Out oolnaa tlx tiritsa Onah&lf colr,ma alstnoti One l,-rt ccluraa ax nscnt-l One ei:.t- of a co:::ii n DiofttiJ Onacoiuna tSrea moc.ia - One taif colatr-n tirea nut- -Cae tafert-colnnia terse no-'.tJ One eUHUx colamn tiree nontise -Annonncln.CaiuilJaraa for CSce, - " Transient aiTertisementi mntta pJi far la I Tearly adTerUasmeatf , qoartr!7 a4Ts"3c. Ia Transient AirerUiataeaU, fraC.Ui;! 'r a quartwi;i beclar?d forty the lira, at tie ra'.J cf Wa centatta rit weeit, and 6 centa -c a-- ;ei w e f i r ) t r) i ;if) i tit; :u s ; f : : l no ti f a - ? J WARD V. THOMAS, TT0RHEY AT LAV, CITOB IND CHAWCEEY. -,r e crrpr of Msin n Firft StrMl!. ( JWN VILLI:. NEBRASKA. CIIAS. G.-DOItSEY. TO THE AFFLICTlTD. DR. A. GODFREY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON OBSTET RICIAH, TJu-ated in France, bavinz troiTCr rears' cxjie :!". . v vo.iica! srience. and cne of il:etorrefitxn. dPr'Voftlie "American Jurn-il cf the .Vo lrrscleii. rpg'bas located permanently ia Brownilie and re-irwtful!Tten-Icra bis prorelcual erriccs U, Le cit iiena of this city and Ticiultr. He veil I not confine bis Fervicwt to oonmcn pr?ptice, nt PTien.l fiern to chronic HiRes ieafes of Ic.rR Ma.Klii.a Malipnant Ti:m.ra awt &.res Absceea and ruVra Cnrera aLrt S-re Ere, even partlaj Ulindnesg, Epileply. 1" J! NenralL'ia, vvfVff -"'""' " . . ncur. .. 1 forma, anil i imas nf aecon.i siace, ;. . every kind, rrtlcular atten ion paid to Ague. He will, if rti'iesieo. "ri v" '"u ,rmrpl incurabio In tbe bni ed States, and aftcrwaida i V ' m snowxniLE.' Nebraska. littl, ISf i. D32vRjly icsr.rii L. ROY, IBER AHD HAIR-DRESSER .5t.;p;':-o?ito T. 0. ruIJiir-lot. ldt anJ TJ -n things to Ms j.atrons for forrcr r libornl -b. and i." on L.nd ready to abare, nnd drt'sf i.Mtr in the best tjJ. TcvilUspiJ.'CJ. 33-8-l J. THOMAS DAVIS, LECTICPHYSICIAH AND 3UKGEOlNT, LE ROCK, NEBRASKA !Yrcncc, Dr.D. Owin, Drownville. II.'CI. nl3-Iy . SIITcn 1 TIIIS SAVT3 UI1TLV Lia ptytt,rtadj toptrforin hli work,par- to bi.' na.fl..''. j and fiin jintinS,s:!.ii!nr,ond p.iporhanj . at hliort noti-e, nd tbe most approved i"ermr-rv..!i. (iiveliim aenll. n Wiiiu Street, east of AtLinson'i Clotb- c. villc, April 7. ly. ACKSM1TH SHOP, .h-enst corner JIain and Sceond Street, Br.OVKTILLE, KEERASZA. i he it prepared to do nil kind of work in cheap for ca-h. Horses bod. Tlo- Sbarp BT.m? Ironi-d off, in fict anything in the '.'.Lir." lino dno in lue Lett ttylo on short r Slut, '61. r:0-TS 2:n on professialial L Jniie:,. IfcCrpery'a not Pit"isei n. c. hire:, A3IBROTYPIST, irT"'i 10 Mi;r.OTvrES anl JlEUXc- OTVl'ES in the Lett ftyl f the art; and at Lower Trices ilian i:rrr lie fore O-Tc red in Ltrou itvil!c'r ITe etill oeorjies tbe Sky-Light Cillery cn Main Street, opposite the City Dri:;$ Store, where Lc niHy be found during business boars. Pictures Vnrrmlcd to Give Satisfaction The public arc invited to call and examine, speci men?. Hours cf operation, from 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. BrowDrille, Fvb. 4, 1S34. n23-tf Lin o? m mm ... MILLINERY GOODS ! -SHIS. MARY IIEWETT, Announce to the ladies of Brownrille and Tl- cintty. (bat fue baa just leccivea I rum me K-ht niapninceut toc of CPEIITG AITD SUH-2EB 1IILLINEST GOODS, Consisiln? of Ladies' and 3Iisp IJonncts nnd Hat?, Jtibboii!., J'Jowers, &c, r --virh invite-, the attention of the ladies, feel ing ar.suiedibey cauuut be letter aniteu in Myle, qnal Ky or price. n41'ly WHAT 13 GOLD? ET O. TT. BIEDSrTE. "What ia Gold I I asked a ctild ; In its icoranc3 it tmiled. -Wlat it Gold VI asked a toy; Trettj Ii t'SjiUcw toy r "YTbui ii-GiMTJ asked of au j "I Viii uird U'yhilo I ca !" . 'Wkat is Co!i ?; I -cd of Bja t Aailiiiioa oarc'jpagtr - TT!-? s r.J.; r'Taii?d of Tleareq; twas girea !' TTIiat IjGoU.Cn'fcd SUlcsr "Strenty-three, i.t 3tCt dates I' a FAIRE AITII ' CTASDA-D SCALES OF A-l. 1 .1fo. Vp.rttcse Truc3, lottei J PldEScS, &C. ' r r..:it: sr., cxizcago, careful, knl l ny only tfce Pennine. J 3A!iK?, GHESHLSAF & C0 '.SKLEY & IJEELY. 3 rXCj-NTI.V FITTED UP THlIR !i nw rn ! iiiTy i h r. aurnin-l'ifht'. -. t''.. tri' I rr;nrcj IO turn fiUt ft Xn. I ! V.'a'; s. Wagon' Iu cns. Vagj J'.ov s, I::ritiVi Ci .tivati.::s, mI tvt'i tiiir ":r,! t ii;it l e.i!t;d f .r from :i fcrnt li'to ( - r ti t):.' Mn'lct i-fpa"rj mcl. J I..rer s; th'i'y c; 4 1. b.-ii t auj jM.iLt Eat tr ti.isi yU T,Ar;j rift.f.i. i;rn-3 iy ITilZlZ?.. z EOLISON, MANCrACTCEtRS OF JOTS AKD SHOES JO. FETWrrN l ir.ST AM StCOND STS., . UltOWMILLi;, T. ecent'y prrrVacl lie Fboe Elif.p formerly r m. T. lrn. we no oTcr our work at cre-u- r i'f.. We nmui!-frre !1 tbat vre offer r?A I! trm k wjrraijlei. if, soju. 5; i isw. nll-v D. C. SANDERS, iVgcnt fur P23G-NIZ IlJUHAirCB CO., 1IARTF0RD, CONN. Proktc, Ex-ofiicio Justice cf-Peace LAXD ASO TAX-1MYIXC AGCXT Will make out and trvko r.cknow'edrrucEts of Deeds, Mor,sn?,,U jndj,.c., Ac. Prompt n tuition panl tooli Dusmess ciraj;c4 io bis care, vmce over Viiy ESOWI7VILI.I3. 13". T. Warranted Garden S3 2 ds c t:u BLliliDEXt KOEXFO & CO., :. 4,3 N..:ti S:c. el. S.i-. - bT. LCUJ 3, HO. OtTor for sale at very low fceure. a Urs.e rtid v- f lj asMrted Suioii f A?ri" and il.n ltiltnral Ini;! nients. cxui; 'isinp tvcryibm-; i.e .pary ti tbe FartuiT, toge'.ber" vitb a larj e and rresb t-uj-ply ot iMdrelii's CclclTiittd Uar&rf Secas, CltOP OF 1SG-. For which tl ey pre tbe sole n?ents. Their friends cf n rely uiv,n (.'L-ttiiif frc-ta tbeui i-eods that are iiotu j but true tj uaue in cve-y in.-t.ince. Also Si '. eeJsat lowet market rates Cbir.ese Sa;ar C'ic teid, ai o conov and toracco sr.rD Poalerg in tteds would d well to tend tbem tbeir re'-d for Almanac and Tl!ntra?M Cntone ?'!. B LUX DEN. KOLMj &. tO e. CS. n34-1r I0LINE PLOWS, ; Oa band and to arrive at t. CONSTABLE'S i and Steel Warehouse, 20 be 22 Third Street,' - JOSEPH, MO. 28-tf. ?iew Remedies for ERMATORRHCEA, VRD ASSOCIATION f a?JT;-ADELPHIA- for the Curt cf DUtet of ., i.roJ AL AD VIC2 ?i ven rratis, by the Acting Heporta on Spermatorrhoea, and other rZl .w7,n- nd ou thNEW HEME- , ! , e r,,(,lr-, aent in sealed lettei eo1 chrCt. Two or three Stamps accept- ,VSrH'?5f nOCGIITOy. Howard Aa ' imV ati4 8lret' "deIpLia, P. 'AcuniiAiroiTN; QHANT .TAILOR, ..-XEBBASKA Veaiiig Apparel, STOKCOF GOODS. JST liECEIVED, x S. CASSIMERS. VHRTIVfiS. te.-fc yKY LATEST STYLES, 1 . ' Pii or make cp. to er.ler, at nr.prcce- SEWIVO Mini IVES. ' Custoiu work, at raies tbat dcly couipe I warrant iny work, xx? as JIacliInc lYorlt. any tbing in hia Udo will to well to ife nij ifore inresiinc, a he r to hud out peculiarly favorable In- 1S64, jy. Kegs, M'afbboards.tetlera, Cbildren'a vbe!lrarT(.i-i - .t i5lauslin & Span's. MONO. DS LA MAHSHS IN TOWN AGAIN, ' And prepariu? t- sell Stationery .if all kinds ter cent lower tlian any imejn t .wn d ue to. hd! writins ppcr troia iJ ceti'. a ij:irv' rt iwi U three quiif ftT fi'iy reins, and other trii-s i: bi liueiu pr' p- tti n s u h a COLOR TO HATTLF. SCEXES. PICTOUIALS OF ALL KINDS. DAILY PAPKltH. AN J T!( LATK.-r K!-I HO V O!-' S( ITOOL DOOtS. Re''el ti be ued in ti;- Tt'i rit ' ; and prei t t-tii'iil.l l,e iniriie l a2tint bu iiu n.v o.our, u- ibe t Id beupn Wiil s-.u be uiit ul use e.iiireiy. Mr Mar. be is Aeut i.r tevi'rai U is'ern PuM'rl.inT niii..-es, at'.l ci pu-ciirc lvr any ore. iy iivJi, Xc -paprr. or IVri.:icii Hut can becoied fir. Alo keep riru4f.ip!is. n I I'ii o'.tph Al'ntis, Siirc.'e. aii'i S:ery?c pi"-Views. .".1 irroscopPs. l'rize Vaci aces, X vcls, K.nnily Bib:rR. Misccllane -is 1J s. C uie in an l hee lir jourfe:ves. vhero be i pf eparc 1 toWbiKU ladies and teulleuien in lite l.iiesi aJiausl approved ol ie. H. II. M Altilf. first Story P.O. liuli-iin?, N . v0. cpputi e a N ii n k i liutc, . ' Uruwnvilie, Xr-raka. Jf. B. Eastern papers may notice, and tt'i il bill to Sberiff. 0-'' THE DESERTER. It was tbe eve of the battle of Buena Vista. Ia-.the rurd n ounlains and on the rrvjr-h uplands twenty thousand Mexi cans slept on iheir arm?, confident of vic tery cn the morrow. Day after day they had struirgUd through arid dsserts and rocky passes, ic vard their present posi tion, certain that the Northern intruders would a last be annihilated before their overwheltfiing' n-mler. And besides, those twenty thousmd menlinew well the talent of their chief Santa Aona -a man beyond fjuestijn aaacco:ni;iihed military commander.' and who, had he but com manded An!a-Sixon, Gaelic' or' Ceitic troop?, would have made his' re nowned to the end ot time. Santa Anna sat in the door' of his pa vilion, looking cut ever the land to where the watch-fires of!' Taylor and his five thousand Lurned ia the dim distance. --To-mcrrc.v," thought Santa Anna, "we will destroy thess Yauee invaders, root and branch. Cna in?le blow hal' fir.iih tha cam pa p:." Juj-t 'hen Lis the u-h's wfi're Jntf rrupted Guard:inn Ur ugl.t tnoSis pr-Tlpce a man with Lands bound luVund, arid U00( ! Hcwlr.j from rv sRure-(: '.1 'ittr:rrch"ei. 'This is the deserter, Pinon el Roiri go,' said thcy.: "We discovered him in the mountains at an ancient ranche. What shall be his fat.??' Snta Anna glanced at the prisoner. The light of the tcrchs fell upon a face of singular gentleness and b.-aevulono-- of expression, blended ' vrith firmness one of thoss beautiful fotej we Vc'mt limes see in portrait j cf th i Spanish gen- "Is there any douhtl" qmreJ tb.3 Gen eral. 'II' doos not d?ny it," was the r; j ly. ,'Spraif,' Pkodrigo hire you anything to say The prisoner shook Lis hcad- -sadly. BENJAMIN ROGERS. Fruitrietor of t) FIiTETHV. I M lit I I '1 II 12 Li UIJLUL UlllX - Has the FASTEST JIORSKS i i" - And bctest xzz net. xr z- cr3 3 AVeft of tbe Mi-gTuri River, and will hire them to roixin'ble tarticn at re;mii;ib.'e rhtti TERMS CASH A LARGE COItRELL YARD ' for Stock. Horsoo Uoardod Bj the D-j, Week or Mont- oa reasonalita term First Street between Main and Atlantic, DRO WAVIL L Ef NEBRASKA March 31st, ISC. 30-t8-1j PHILLIP DKUiEK, -Main Stree bet. First and SecondSts BrowuvlllOf rC"oTo Keeps ccuftintly ru band tbe best quality of TOBACCO CLIEWlNtt AND SMOKIXO, S E Gc A. H S , Confectioneries CandifS, Plain ar.d Fancy, Oranges, Raiens, Lemons, Dales, Figs, Juii, Jpp.'cs, ftc. Sfc. pill kinds o f Toys,' Canned Fruit, and Oysters. PillLL is c'atirjr, obli:r, atiiot't? anl wide awake to tb interest, of tie public, anl Las the best assortment of Varieties in Lis line ever oCVred in this market, nnd is dettriicd not to be undersol l.for CASH. March Jt.t,'G4. E.'OvS-lj hopelessly. He knew that there was no uercy for him. To plfnd wis usfless. Santa Anna pointed to a ravine near at hand. The soldiers appreciated h; mesntrg. A private had day been sh:t there fur the same ofTtnse. All that Santa Anna snid was. " "I cannot pardon desertion in presence of an enemy. Let him die at midnight." No other word was spoken, save that the prisoner threw up his hands as he was led away, and ejaculated aloud : O, Inez ! Inez! Loit forever !" .That agonizing exclamation struck a chill to the heart cf the mot hardened 1 that beard it, and Santa Anna himst f, His Colonel offered me insult. Rodrigo struck him.. The lash the lash was or dered for his noble back. But I cut his bonds, and we fied to the mountains. For me he did it unworthy me. Pardon him, or kill me!" Santa Anna csrayed to' raise the love ly woman. She slipped from his gra?pt and clasped his knees. "No,- no!" she exclaimed, "not till you pardon him. Let mo die for him, if need be. Only set him free. He is brave he is true. You must not kill him!" Sariirt.Anna fclu distressed. Cut his voice find look were cold as tha snows cf Fopocatapetl. He shook tjis head, and said : . "Though yoa plead till the break of the last dawn,- it will not save him. His fault is too great for. pardon. It is mid ninht now the hour of his doom. 7 While you wait here, the bullets that are to take his life may be driven home in the deadly tubes. You may see him if you hasten." The lady sprang to her feet with a shriek of despair. She locked into the unchanging and relentless eyes of Santa Anna, and became hopeless. "Let me go to him! My husband O take me to my husband !" Santa Anna spoke to the guardsman ; "It is well. Let her see him. Half an hour, more or less, is small account. But see to it '.hat the man is dead when the clock strikes one." The lady wrung her hands. The Gen. eral's merciless words had hardly died avray, when he was again alone. The guard, enger and earnest, had departed with the lady; ani in Santa Anna, bos. om there as left the inomory of her ag ony like a haunting spirit. In the ravine, half an hour after, down among the dense shadows of the bushes, Lalf a dozen torches thtewalurid light on a score of orlitierring bayonets, a pris- onr stripped for execution, and a faint- r 1 va mg woman, ine prisoner was uoarigo, standing there with folded arms. . "Quick !" hff critdf Vjfd: I cannot witness her agony ! Let the blow fall, before sorrow unman3 me." O, the despairing firmness of that voice ! The parting words had all been said, the parting kisses had all been given, and. fainting with despair, the lovely In z had been torn from her hus tarid's arms. No v she l.iy there upon ihe (rround,- her head . supported by a kneeling soMitr, whilti another was-bath-i:ig her hands at d brow w ith water. ",'Why this delay ?" ejaculated Red rio. 'It-H torture to me. Let me give the word ready, aim, fire !" The soldiers did not obey the prisoner. It wa3 only when their Lieutenant re pra'.ed the word "ready!" that the mu. ktt barrels dr ipped fro.n their shoulders to thtir hands, and the sharp click was heard as they cocked their pieces. "Aim !" and up the dozen muskets went, and the soldiers' ey?s gleamed along the tubes, to -?ee.that the muzzles pointed full at the bosom of Pinon el Rodrigo. , Just then the prisoner spoka lau ejaculation: "My wife, Inez de Rimanas, farewell ! Heaven keep you."' J ,;i ": It was the rraiden nvne of 'hiVwifp that the doomed mo had uttered.. ; The word Captain of the Guadalajara light infant ry Penon el Rodrigo. And when at last, shattered and rout ed, the Mexictn army retired, and left the Americans to .mourn the loss cf a large part of their effective force, Cap tain Rodrigo was to be found in the suite of Santa Anna for even in the hour cf defeat the merciless Mexican chief had not failed to remember the debt of grat itude ha owed to the mother cf Inez Isabel de Rimena3. Thus it is, that in every man's career, there are bright spots to be found, that should shine a? sars so long as his r.atno is remembered among men. "fire" was just tremblp?. on the Lieutenant's ips ) "Hold ! I com rain 'I th? pain the victor of a hundred bloody fights, 7 p .death !" thund?'r-! 'a hv.V..;?i.,'' A cioakea iorm. wnicn h,ii hi:..; no been cott'ofd ia t fe;JviT; nt. -.n .ir..-V. c? gazed regretfully after;tbr pri-oner till the latter vanished ia -t! ULr8, It was midnight. Sota Aiina had came just dismissed a council ofofficrrs,tnd The forward. "I am your g?neri:-. Platoon -.- - - - i iic lieges, un was alone in his tent. A3;;": -ivth entity V-ff;-'1 uuuee mouu uie armeu :urtis r - h'rown ITOW READY". THE Unim Yoluntefr Dircctcry, (400 rea.) containing Jme nnd KniJeve o'f very OlUcerand Private in tho Uniou Inny, witii-iicir Commands. V.isualticHfromotions, Ac. C7"Eveir oue wants it.; Sent receipt ul 25centd, or sUmps. Address LIEXKY 11. ANSO.N.Pub baer,SttStr45 Eoscca.Mzsa. ly there was a noise. T.o guarderuen were heard challenging so-na new comer. Tht-re was the sound of a stru- A4 sweet toned voice the voice of a womatf cried: "I 'will pass! I wilee him i'1 and the next minute there bnrst into tjie presence of the chief, a fp!, and threw herself m a supplkaucra'uunde at his feet. , ;' : ' " ' : "Pardon, pardon .'"Jsherrff-d ; "par don for him ! He rr.esal nKl v "S!r. '-It was for me he incurre d theptr.altySaVe him ch, save ruin!1? ' :;. f Santa Anna loo'..eJ'ppon won.. and saw that sue was -i-rpassiuvM l-c-u-iifL.1. Large pni Jar:?. were U'-t r?p3ui'a eyes, and a he ga-1 i-'.o t-3ir jtty, . .3gain, and ail tf'nt'itcJTu 'Ii x el surprises. ' : : "Prtsouer," cried Santa " Anna.' "yoa called hrRienas. Where-was your wile torn V A GREAT BATTLE IN AFRICA. The English papers received by the Asia contain accounts of a sanguinary battle in Africa between the troops of the King of Dahomey and the tribe of the Egbas. The Dahomian Amazons fought bravely, but the Esba3 won the vfctory. It is related in the description of the fight that the King of Dahomey marched in person on the 15th of March at the head of 10,000 troops, (male and female,) and on the lCih attacked the Egbas in their fortified town of Abbeo kuta a place of 200,000 inhabitants. The King had three brass six-pounder field-pices, bearing the inscription on the bieechof "Mexico, 1S15." He advanced till within fifty yards of the wall cf Ab- beokuta, then suddenly displayed his flag extended his lines and marched rapidly towards the wall. The Egbas immedi ately opened a tremendous fire on the lines, and arrested them at once. In the advancing columns were Amazons, who fought bravely and desperately. Many of these furies climbed the wall, which is more than fifteen feet high; but, a3 soon as they reached the lop, the Egbas dragged them over and slew them. One Amazon, who had cne of her hands cut off in her efforts to clamber over the wall, discharged her musket with the other hand and shot an Egba. . She re ceived e. severs blow from a sabre, and fell backward iaiu the tiYncli. Thy Da hornians were utterly defeated. They lost upwards of one thousand in killed, and the number of prisoners .is said to exceed two thousand. The Dahomians fled in two divisions. In front of the division which took first to flight wa3 the doughty king himself. The Egbas pur sued hoth divisions and slaughtered the fugitives without mercy and withou pause. Seeing thi discomfiture of the king, the inhabitants of the neighboring croo ns turned out and joined heartily in the general massacre. Of his three field-pieces, the king had the misfortune to leave two in the keeping of the Egbas. . Travelling on the cars from O to M , net locg since, in the right, we happened to get into tha same box with an individual answering to tha name of "Bat ;" and his description cf "Nort Kerlica," her manners and customs, gave the listener anything but a favorable im pression cf the tar and turpentine State, thus: "Why, gentlemen, a dog with a long tail in North Carolina would be as great a show as a nigger wiih three heads." "Why so?" asked several. "They cut 'em off to prevent them knocking eff ths huckleberries when they are chasing foxes and rabbits through the woods." "Pshaw !" came from a listener. "Fact, certain as rain ; and you never see a man or boy-thera with buttons on his pants." "What than?" asked one. "Pegs," repliid the ever-imperturbable Bat. "Wear buttons all off climbing after persimmons." "Go it. Bat," cheered an acquaintance. "And I'll tell you another thing," he continued ; "they have to bell the little niggers there, just a3 we do calves." "What for?" "So their owners can tell which go pher hole they're in." A general scream followed this the engine squealed, and we all jumped -off at M . GRANT AND LEE'S RELATIVE STRENGTH. Upon this profoundly interesting sub ject it is of course not possible to furnish figures which can with entire certainty be accepted as reliable. After collating the repeated, and so far as we learn, un disputed statements of various an y correspondents, - we find the follow ing as the represented state cf the case: Grant crossed the Rapidan with about 135,000 men. He has since been rein forced by at least 40,000. His losses up to the crossing of thd Pamunkey, May 23th, are estimated thus: Killed and mortally wounded Wounded, who will recover . Sick and exhausted . . . Prisoners, well and wounded . 7,500 , 30,000 . 2,500 . 6,000 Deacon N coaer, a kind was an honest old neighbor, and a good Christian, believing in the Presbrterian creed to the fullest extent ; but lackaday! the deacon would occasionally ret exceed ingly mellow, -and almost every Sunday at dinner he would indulge in his favor ite cider brandy to such an extent that it was with difficulty he reached the pew in the brod aisle, near the pulpit, and be tween the minister and the villag"e squire. Oue Sunday morning the parson told his fl.rt;k that be should preach a sermon touching many glaring- sins so conspicu ous among them and he hoped they would listen attf ntively, and not flinch if he happened to be severe. The after noon came, and l the house was full; everybody turned out to see their neigh bors "dressed ; down" by the minister, who,' after well opening his sermon, com menced; upon the transgressors with a loud voice, with the question, "Where is the tfrunkard ?" A solemn pause suc ceeded the inquiry, when up rote Deacon N , his face red from the frequent This showing leaves Grant 129,000 men with which to commence hi3 final series of movements before Richmond. To what extent he has' been teinforced ty the troops under General Smith, from Butler, is r,ct yet known. It is. however just to add to the enumeration the entire force of Butler, that detached under Smith incluJed, in all estimated at about 60 000. It is certain that fresh reinforce ments have been and are steadily pour ing through Washington to the grand ar my, while thousands slightly wounded in the late battles have being forwarded from the hospitals. It is believed tha; the total Union army aroord Richmond cannot be less than 190,000, and proba bly is nearer and above 215,000. The rebel army, at the outset, is reck oned at 115.000. Acting on defensive be hind intrenchments, this force is estimat ed to have lou as follows: Killed and mortally wounded Wounded who will recover . Sick, exhausted and skulkers Prisoners taken . . . . 7.000 25.000 4.000 10,000 46,000 something" liks rashness, Icth la izx exposure and ia the repeated a.i rnennt cf his base and lins cf ccr.r.-;:a-tions, in the fsca cf tha well iJ:rrr.:l enemy. It is satisfactorily known that thi al arm created by Grant's vast prepr&tb-? had led to the concentration cf about all the troops ia South Carc'inla ai ths other Atlantic rebel Statas, to Lca'a carr.? and around Rich mend. Many cf ihesa lately called frcm North Carolina vrsra captured at Spcttsylvania Court Hour?. Large numbers frcm the States rsfsrrei to ccme with Beauregard, ar.d hava h-i their hands full with Lutlsr. Thera is' no ground for apprehension thxt Let can be reinfereced from those, Bmv Oa tha other hand, the calling cut ci hundred day men ha3 resulted ia reliav ing thousands cf veteranas who are'nav on route for Grant, army, and" in s2cd ing forward thou tand3 mere cf brav troops while additional thousands of freah voluateers are daily following. Grant will probably at once inirenche, and compel the foe to bide his time or attack under the disadvantages which hits heretofore been ours. Butler at Burrau da Hundred has been very substantially strengthened relatively by the arri val cf Grant south of tbe Pamukey, and undoubtely will improve llTis turn in his favor. Richmond is now menaced both on the north and on the southeast by ar mies strongly j supported, and ' hari-J their supply comunicatiens perfect. Imboden's cavalry, estimated at 5,000, are presumed to have been left in thi Shenandoah to aid in defending Gordoss ville, and threaten a raid into Pennsyl vania. It seems, however, that cn tht heel of the repulse of igl, Hunter Ls mcviDg with a considerable force rapidly up the valley. Breckinridgehavingjola- . ed Lee, Hunter will be likely to go oa to Gordonsville and the Virginia Cen tral railroad, reinforced on his way. by Crook and Averill. Important servics may th'J3 indirectly bo rendered to Gee. Grant. It is worth remembering that the reb el army is notoriously deficient in caval ry, to which invaluable arm cf the sar? vice our authorities have been lusca.xfal ly giving much' attention excellent re sults of which have already appeared in the swift and effective movements of Sheridan. For the issue cf this tremendous garna cf war, in which the phyer3 are Grant and is our privilege to wait with hopefulneis, though ret wi-.hout apprehension. "Ma," said a little girl to her mother, "do men want to get married as much a3 women?" "Pshaw! what are yoa, thinking about?" 4 Why ma, the wemea who come here are always talking about getting married the men don,t do so." An Eastern paper states that "Miss Carrie Millwood has one hundred and five letters in the Pembroke Post OSce." The Boston Advertiser says: "If the has advertised for a husband she can con gratulate herself on getting a large mail if the letters do cot miss Carrie after all" a corkscrew. draughts of his favorite drink, and steady ing himself as well as he could by the new Tail. lonL-pr! nn nnH rr.lit.t in a - I - - - ? w w . " .v.. . I'-Uyfi hacien7a of Los Pormio," e- Ambling and piping voice, turned the astonished prisoner. "Her ""ere j am : fsiherYr, .' was J.Man." ' ?V . "Of course, aon3ternation in the con "Tlmnl t'e faints! thank the siints!" cried iheyV:iief. Iiv is the daughter of Isabel dc Rimenas. Isibl vvcjy ben efacfor, years ng? I ! f- of- grat itude to jjiy. c I:.??t..,c2 - de? Rimenas, wife o"f llcdngo,' !".and he stooped j and tenderly took the lady's h?,rl ."Your tfcusband is pardonc-dr f ' kY- liiai -j;u,-anLosr-i nt was a TK'tr. hanri. A:i;;i;i or iv -elir-d, pr- it a feeling rparkling, mournful;' came upon hint l;ke ajinemory of some thing half-forgottec, ; half-f.zed. It husband and .r::-g: were in each aher arms. Inez wj-. tt-ars cf jay. k ; SSnta .-tcfejy . . v.itkarfe;v to V pavil? gation was the result of the honest deacon's response; however, the parson went on with his remarks, as he hau written them, commenting severely upon the drunkard, and closed by warning him to forsake at once such evil habits if he would hope for salvation and flee from tha wrath to come. "Ami now," asked the preacher, inhi3 loudest tenss, where is the hypocrite?" 1 A psLse, but" no one respon.'ed. Eyes vrere turned opsn this and that man, but ' e ghnces sotmed to te directed to the -'ire s new. and. indeed, the parson direction. was wita surcnte uai me wiiirj-ivao iext vzw -hcnl ."Wr-t vl-Y f i seiicfa to squint tiara m tnat had followed the Ucy jcto the ieatRi , Bena;Sa was fooghC wnta rr tnacy j Tad Eaton saw where the shaft was himself motioned back. ..'lofl'Sours, less than five thousand Ans-fa -:C-CT where -it should be aimed, and "I have yet to learn for whom it isjou rieans bore un .r.i th" rpnr7T?r'"? once ntora, leaned ever his pew to plead," remaruea anta Anna. . . j charges of. t went v. .iIjwav - ejaculated the lady. "He i i i : - . -Jii'gm'-v thus aaaresseu mm? uo squire, why don't you get up? pieiiiT'r taarTthe 1 1 -dil when he called on me." ' ' Rebel total Ios3 . . f The rebel journals themselves admit a loss of 30.000 in killed and wounded, but say nothing of their loss in prisoners. The above total of 46.000 can therefore, be safely taken as low estimate of the deduction to be made from Lee's original force,1 which isjhus left at 69,000. To this has been added the forces under Breckinridge, stated at 20,000; also, Hoke's division, and detachments from harious places in all a reinforcement of not far from 30.000; Lee has thus on the line of the Chickahominy an army of some SO.000 men. The remaining rebel forces in and about Richmond are, accor din3tothe correspondent of the Nfw York World, who cannot be suspected of any disposition to understate in the mat ter, Beauregard's entire army, 50,000. Lee's grand army would then be 140,000 at and near Richmond alone, but the reb el forces at and between Williamsburg and Petersburg are reckened at 25,000 mors, giving Lee a force of J65.000 wi:h which to oppose to Grant's total of from 190.CC0 to 215,000 men. We are quite confident that the dijpa rity here shown is fully within the truth, as the bea numbers chimed for the reb els Lave been taken. It should surprise no one jf the numerical superiority of Gran? on crossing the Rapidan, and during his tattles and g marches, should i 1,. . . . i. i'iuw tor.s.erauy ''tenter than has been.' drawn us th:t?.ovc ci-irtnrl .!,, .t . .- i f? -r f-'iwl - r-s i n r it difficult to explain. L6g refuging to ' ? A genuiVDown East intends applying for a patent for. a machine which, ha ays when wound up and set ia motion, will chase a hog over a ten cere let catch yoke and rin? him; cr by a siight change in gearing, it willchp him into sausage-meat; work his bristle ho brushes, and manufacture' his tail into a "Have you seen my black-faced ante 'ope?'" inquired Mr. Leoscopa, who has & collection of animals, of his friend Bottls-. jack. No I haven't-rwho did your black faced aunt elope with?" says Bottlejack: The latest style cf hoop-skirts is tha self-adjusting, double-back-action, bustle. Etruscan, face-expansion, Piccolomini attachment, gossamer, indestructible pol coticomoram. It is said to be a very; thirraicg thing. General Sherman is within t'.79ny miles of Atlarta ani Gensral Mead within seen cf Richmond. Geoeral V.' F. Smith has joined Mead and General A. J. Smith is on his way to jc.'i ru a. Lee anl Jounzn are coca fail ing back, fiiglvio a. '.Key hij $ cofortu ni:y, but coc:ar.'ly V. Eve. Press. The rebaj Joh'r.toi aal thi rsb-1 L?9 are .'drawing Slir.iin -.rl Grarjt whera th:-y (the rebel) waor the-n. It hn th; reb-!? havt 5 strue Grant "flank in transitu; and not easyto acquit Grant cf i i-. .ija uj " ' vrr tn otner r.a;r, mey wi.:. .u3, :.ive us iust where thev want us. at.d cer tainly just where we want to be. -N. Tines. I!