L 3 , ! us it 4l IB re v upl t j lie. . it I t onlf I anc vcr I - : ' reot f Iltl no ! I IK. I; i i Si' Br U I i !. 8 I I ' ' '. Y V- 9 tl f f . 4 v t- i STaniifacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES COLLARS, WHIPS, LASHES, NETS, CURRV COMDS, CARDS, BRUSHES, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, I'JLASTERIXG IXAKR, AJD JL YARIETV OF EVERY TUJNQ I'ERTAINING TO &r Trice Shall be in Accordance with the TI3IES ltl By Strict Attention to Business I Expect a Continuation cf the Liberal Patronage Heretofore Bestowed by a Generous Public. Repairing of all Kinds Executed PROMPTLY. CASn PAID FOU niDES. j. nr. kidpletov attutust2, 1SC3. n7-ly CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWN VILLE, TJaa Just received a choice lot of the best brands ol Liquor, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gailon, Quart or single Drink. The following is a partial list : BRANDIES: Cherry, Cognac, French, . WIXIE8: 'ort, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Mcuarn, Champagne. WHISKIES: TJourbcn, Rye. Scotch, Irish, flfononghala, Ad a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WHITNEY'S nLOCK, Main Street, Browuville. Feb. 4, '61 yly. VICTORIOUS OVER PAUL BRAGG'S ARCTIC LLMMEKT. "A Agony or ease! Sicl.ues or liealih ! 1-ile or drat hi These are the questions involved iu the adoption or rejection ol thin -eitic bv the murium lu external discus- mid injuries. Having re ceived lliu iif loix'iiieut (f Uivdis tinguislied fdxM, the hit l'r. KA.K, und ilst-tlioiry ItT-Je'l dur ing twn aufnl inter in the re chmih of e'cniHl ne, it is now corn ing into p ih iI use in every wt tiouorthe civilized gi"be, aad i t nuirveloua cures me everywhere exciting astonishment. Mi THE AFFLICTED REJOICE. iiuxdiikiw ami TIIOIPANPS have lesied it i-lie, and ar rejoicing iu- fi-erdonv fi4im Jong I.i.K.Tinr I'IX mmI 'IM:AK Inch oilier i t-mf ilii-N )iol tailed to cure. Have von the IilJON tllin.S Mil'.AlCIA, l'.HH MATISM, MIUdll.A, KMl At'lIK or Ti K)l 1 1 - At 1 1 i- Are you n!lliclrd with OI.lt MI!KS Suf IViiiiR n-oiii IMU'lSI-y, M'KAIXS, tOKXS, N)i;iC I.VI, MI la? THE ARCTIC UXIMECT Vti'.l !T.n.l ytii instuut rtlitf. Lvtrj UkIjt is litible to For lhe-e dread !'nl accident tli AKCliC UM.Ml-.NT idioiiM be kept on JhumI, for it atfnrd sur t;i.i '.;'' f7T and iniiH eti1e rciicf, often Mir ing from ih'jitli. Kverjr ateain boat and ntilroad Irnin ahould ' keep it. Wlio lliut 1ms heard the hhi'k-k oT anguish lilU'u'd y the sc:il'lcd and iiuiinusl victims of ' explosion mid rnUii-ion, hih not fot'l Ihiit Willie inoatta tf nHuninj' their 1 rtnre .onM alwaya lie 1 ureessihle ? Such dix-s exist in thin hnhnj miu coi'troliii:g:ig-iit. Ilia THE 1I0THEES' CCIIPANIOH. It ei.nn CAKIS IN' TTI" TIT. K A ST, MiltK KM 'MIX. Sol'.K MI S, M.il 1J, ic ta- . r. , Wf !'? i.otc sr : rr and nil ih.-coWaiwiiH mid erescmres, rlioukl a I luck ihM tiesaMrt on Ui;!v' doinjiiti as wmiiius ll.tv i4':ir ith the AKtniC MN'IVI M H U excvlh-nt Tor the llni (rivinir it a hcnlthj, lo.y ap. IKMii aMoe. U i GOOD TOR MA1I AND BEAST. It i a Fovereipn mnelr foi the varmim hsoeM will w hu h In-s4tn)ea1hiclel, cir- a, i k inir ho avost eLirniiumseKof l- IX. SMtAIXS. STKIXG- 11 A I T. UOL'XIiS. satATfll- i VKKNY.M'AVlX.Itl.vy. K, LKJ-IIFAH. MJ, I 1MM i:vn. kc. No fum.r, livery stable eener. or p tprson owninpr Yl:il JiOKSK.S, fhonlil Ik niUiout till valua ble rimieilr. For sal br all resiectable Jh-upgisU and Pealer Price of "tbfjiiiment, CJeenU, 60 cent and tl a bot tla. A one dollar bottle - omtaiita an itiucli Unicitut a i-bt taeotj-Cre-ceut 'ollleit My :-r c DnraAonorsARY. AXKoaxnTCT; Tery purchaaer of a dollar bolik of the AKCTIC I. IKEXT receirefv, at Dr. Umpr's expense, the IMIKD FTATI1S JOL'RNAI of Sew York, for oite ver. Ihe Journal is a Urga i!lurateJ jmier enoh iiiuniier cio UtoiDf mxteen pa?. beautifully printed on clear white wper, and tilled with original matter I mm the mostbril Liint writer of the country. Ortificnte of KubscriptHin and full particular of the novel and pLjlanthnipio e Urprine, of whicli thia offer form a part, wiU accomi-am-each bottle. Ao AGK.VT TTAVTTT 5n FTFT.V TOMCX and TI TAG2 ZIILAUO fc DLIlItOWES, St. Lonla, Bio. KkYokk OfTiCX. N. ST1 UKUAl'tVAY. Ciimmonlcaiion should always be adJiesed tt-F-L Ix;i I70T7 READY. TIIE 0cial Union Volunteer Directory, (4M pftpes.) containing Vcr snJ llctidence of ercn OL.cerand Private in the Union Army, with tLei' CcEaisvEds.Oaaua'iies, Promotions, 4c, r JSf"Ercn oe watt it. j Sent post-pa i-J, on receipt of 23 cenr.- ttb.orstatnps. AdJrcs LEMCY B. A.NSOX.Pub- --er,43 5ttsStxvti;cstoa.lIu. " PILI.S. : Art ven fkk, lb!c, tad comi'.lcitiin? Are jtob t;t of order, w itb yo ir aystcin ieranjred, and vour fee.'iitKS ' torn ore often tLe prclcile " to teriou illness, horn &t cf nckiiCFS isereepirg uyo l ycu.ar.d ehonld 1 avcrtrd 1 dt a timelr lire fi the rlht remedy. TtkeAver' l;ii:f and cfcar.re out the dior 3 dertd l.tiwors purifv the J b'.ood, nud let tlis fiuida Hrnove cn noltructed ia I . ... 'IV ... -. L - ( tteaitn BRam. :icy ruwu - J' - f late the tuuetious cf the - -L- body into vigorous activity, rnrifv tiie fyjcTa from the ooftructJODa which niako i-sciiie. A co!d wttles somew here in Ihe body, and .hnieti its natural fuuetiocs. These, if not re- i rmfin1 si directly thev restore the natural action of the ays torn, and with-it the buoyant feeling of health afain. Vhat is true ana to aprart-iiiiu iu mon complaint, ij alo trne in many ol t he deep. aeated and dangerous distemper. The ame purga tive effect expels theio. Caused by l1" "c; Cons and deranpementn of the natural of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. one who know the Tirtues of these l'ills. wiil neplect to empioy them When sufieriujr from the disorders they cure. statements from leading phyficiaus in Kome oMhe principal cities, and from other well-known, pubho persous: From a Forwarding Merchant cf St. Louis, Feb. i, Da. AviR Your Pills are the parajron of all that la treat in-mVdicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her Lards and feet that had troved' incurable loryears. Hermother bas beta loug grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples on Cer skin and in her bair Alter par child was cured, she also tried jour ' nils, and they have cured Lcr. ASA ilOliUlUUUJw Aa Family Phytic. m, wm m -l Your Tilts nre the prince of purges. Their ex cellent qualities surpat anr catl.aitic we possess. They are mi!d,but very certain and effectual in their action on the tone!?, which makes theui iuvaluable to us in the daiiy treatment of disease. Headache, Sick Hendnche, Fonl Stomach. From Dr. Fdicard Dry if, Baltimore. Dear 1!ro. Ateu: J canLot answer you vhat complaints I have cured with vour l'ills better tliaa to tay all that toe ever treat tcith a purgatire vieUi cine. 1 place great dependence on that effectual cathartic in my daily content with disease, and be lieving, rs I do. tl.at yonr l'ills afford us the bctt we Lave, 1 of coarse value tl;cm highly. rnTSBL'EO, Ia.. May 1, Dit. J. C. ATES- bir: I have been reiieitedly cured of the w orst headache si body can have by a cloe or two of your Tills. It teems to arise iioia a toal stomach, which they cleanse at once. lours with great respect . K.D. V I RF.PLE. Clerk cS! earner darion. Biliaa Disorders Lirrr Coatplaiat From Dr. Theodore Bell, of yew York City. Rot oiily are your l'illsadniiiably adapted to their purpose as an epeiitut,but 1 lind their bei.cflciat effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They nave in niv practice proved more effectual for the' euro of bitioui complaints than any one remedy 1 can mei.tion I fii.certly rejoice lutt we have at jeegt h a purgative which is worthy tLe cculi deuce of tuc proicesioa ana the people DEPAETMEST OF THE I?TTEEirR, Washington, D. C , 7th Feb.. 1S5. J Sir: I l.ave used your Tills in my general and Lospital practice ever since you made them, and CJin.ot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver ia Cuick ni.d decided, consequently they are an ad mirable remedy for derangements of tlict organ. Indeed. I l.nve seldom lound a case of lUioux dis ease to obstinate that it did not rerdily ield to ti.fcta. Tratcrually yours, ALONZO BALL, Si. D., a Pliysiciamf the Marine Hospital. Dyarntcry, Diarrhcra, Relax, Worms From Dr. J. O. Creen, of tlicago. Vrmr 1 ii' l.avn ltnd Ioit lual in mv rraetiee. and I i.o d them in esteem us oi.e of the best aperi ents I have ever lound. TLcir aitei ativc effect tipoa ti e liver makes them an excellent temedy, when ' pircn in sinall doses lor bdtous dysentery arid diar rheea. Their sugar-coating make them very ac--ecptnb'e aud couveukLt lr the use of wciutu and elulditu. Dynpcpttia, Imparity f Jh TJIoed. From Bet. J. V. IZimes. Pastor ft Advent Cliurch Boston. Po-Atir: I have used your rills with extra ordinary success in my lamiiy and among those I am calied to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion atd purify the blood, they are the 'very best remedy I have ever kLown. and 1 can coun deiitly iccommeud them to my frierds. Yours, J. V. IIIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 18u5 Deak mb: 1 am usiii your Cat hai tic l'ills iu my practice, aud tind them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountain cf the Uood. JOHN O. ilfcACHAM, II. D. Conotipntion. CoMircweiw, iipprriion, KbeuuiHiiin, Uoal, Kcnraigia, Iropy, karrtlynin, I iis, etc Fom Dr. J. P. Vavghn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of 3 our Tills lor the cure of cotdreness. If others of our fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have, they should joia mo iu proclaiming it, lor the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cosfrewes to originate in the' liver, but your l'ills affect that organ aud cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician of Midtcfer Boston. I find one or two large doses of your Tills, taken at tle pioper time, are excellent promotives of the naturai stcretion when wholly or partially sup pressed, aud also very effectual to cleanse tho ttomack and erpel trorms. They arc so much tho best physic we have that 1 recommend no other to dy patients. From the Bev. Dr. JTavles, of the Methodist Epis. Cliurch. rcLASKl FIocbe, Savannah, Co., Jan. C, 1S56. llosoKU) bin: 1 should be ungratelul lor the relief your skill has biought me if 1 did not lepoit my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in eJironic rheumatism. Motwithstunding I Lad the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in l?aitimore. Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your Tills. Their effects were kow, but sure. By per severing iu the use of them, I ain low entirely well. Sexatk Chamber. Tafon rouge. Ln., 5 Dec.,lS55. Dit Avr.it: 1 have been entirely cured, bv your Tills, of Bhmmatic Cotit n imintiil disease that has afflicted me lor years. VIA COT fcLlDliLL. K7Most of the Tills in maiket contain Mercm-,. h:ch nlthoDirh a valuable remtdr iu t-kill'ul hands, is dangerous iu a public pill, Itoni the difsilfu! con , sequeuces that frcvuentiy lollow it iixr.ufious ufc. ihesc coutaia 110 mercury or nunuriu tuusiauco whatever. " Price, 25 cents per Icz; cr 5 Tores for CI rrejaxod fcj Dr. J. C. ATZS L Co., LotrellL'ass, . S0I1 BY WM.H. McCMtEERV. Brownville. G. A.BUOWX & PRO.. Pera. Dr.H.ORAVES, Salem. JOHN W. HOItf & BI O.. Salem. HOLT &. SCOTT, Falls City. LEWIS h Sim'ilKKO. St. Stephens EASLEY & SUEKLIS, Itulo, 8-n3 ly . SALIXALBA. The Greatest TIniticr for the PRAIRIES. f? It mates a perfect Uetce fence In four years ! t-One Areof it se tits- fall, tu Ore year will -k-wusb Wood t'ir ws Fnmiiy t 83 't ti'i, ir Miaijitii, and very rairT'": - jfjf" U never snrout from the ri-.its; but when cut down, wii, grow acain rraui the stunij, very rapiliy I t3l' I the best sort wood for lucl, er any other purhel JCJ" When kept off the g-ouad, the raits will last SO yer I . J3 It grows equally we'l with us-on upland, where tuis ncii. a in the tint tmu r Jj" Cutiitis; eiriit inches long stucilntbe ground la t c Kail, never fail tu cri.w 1 53 VTetell it for $? per thousand Cuttings, deliv erel at any of our Agencies. 53" Parties wishuiK to buy, should orderearly of our Aleuts, taal tbey way tioiiry us la ti&te. CUTTING S Bundled and deli rered at the atre places, as soon as the lea res fall. T. R. FtSIIKlt, .rowuvil le, is Agent. for Nemaha arid east bait r Rirhards'in Cjuntie. Cl'RTIS &. PKAVKR, Pawuee Citv, are Agents for Pawnee md west Imlf of Richardson Couuties. RKV AIR. Tl.VKIIAM, Beatrice, ii A?ent for Gage and Jones Counties. J. U. HCTLKli Austin, Agent for Clay and SttHne Couulies. Beware of Willow Peddlers. VCt learn that many swamps of common Will-vw bare iieeu cleaned op, aihi theCu'ttPCi Kohl anGrsv Willow. We tret our Willow-..r SAMCKL EIW ARDi, of La M'jille, Illinois, a ropor.sible Nurseryman. REITHEYER & EOBISON,. MASCEACTURIRS OS BOOTS AND SHOES, MAIN EETWEXN K1RST ASD SECOND 5TSV, DUOYVN VIM,!;. N. t. navlni;reently purchased tbe Shoe Shop formerly wned by Win. T. Ien. we norr offer our -ork at xreat ly i educed irires. We nianufactare all that we offer tor site. 53"A.1 1 vrark warranted. Br. nvl!ie. Se;t. 27. Is52. till-y Ayers Cherry Pectoral lieved, react vixm themselves ana me mnY errata, producinff reneral ep.tTTavation, funcrtng, and disease. While in this condition, oiiprehsed by I., .ran.mor.l, tot Aver' I'll, tli A LOWT H0IK0I F03 IDAHO! 135G ESTABLISHED 1856 WM. T. DEN, ns inat returned from the Eastern Markets, with Large and Well elected Stock of Goods, sniUcle for this Market. Den Defies Competition! Those in want of Good will do well to call at DSN'S before purchasing,. DEN Is the man to sell you a CHEAP BILL OF GOODS. His stock consists of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Slecc Goods for Men's vrcar, LADIES3 BALMORAL SKIRTS, Hoop Skirts, Ladles' Hats, Fall and Winter Single and Doable Shawls, Fancy Triniriiirigs, &c. LADIES, B ny your Fancy Goods and Notions at DEN'S. He - ieep9 ine largeal'asaortment of Hosiery, Gloves, ano Gauntlets, Fancy ILnit Hoods and Shaker CLOTHING. DEN has a Large Stock of Over Coats, Dress Coats, Pttnts, Tests, SIf rts and Drawers, Direct from Boston Market, that he invites the public TO EXAMINE. HE. II EM HER, DEN'S IS THE HOUSE TO BUY TOUR Hoots and Shoes, and Ladles' " U : Fancy Gaiters. 1) E-N KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK. OF HOME-MADE and CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS aud SHOES in the West, and SELLS CHEAP. The fXest Assortment of ECATTS AND CA-PS Yon can get at DE.VS. E N will sell you a Fancy HAT, and the Cheapest CAPS IN BROWNVILLB. Tnose in want of r STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES n ill find a complete assortment at to E iU ' S DCX sells the Best Tea, Sugar, CotTcc, Oysters, Sardines, Soda, Pepper, &c., D E N KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST Brandy, Wine, and Whisky for Domestic and Medical use, and sells them Cheap. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, of the best Brands, you find at DEN'S. DES'8 Hardware, Queensware DOOKS AND SASII, IRON AND NAILS, GfASS AXD TITTY, Patent Medicines and Drugs, AllE SOLD CHEAP. FURNITURE. DKiS- KEEPS A FULL ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Has a Large Slock of TINWARE 1N2 STOVE PIPE, direct fioni Eastern Manufactures. S E N Is. Age n?for his own Honse for tbe purchase of HIDES, PELTS & FURSr for which he mill always pay the manEST cash pbicb. DE Will supply his Trappers this Season wittt Jllnk, Olter and BeaTer Steel Traps. ALSO KEEPS ON HAND CLrystalized and Pulverized Strichnine. mi Ecturns-his thanks to the Public for past favors, and by strict attention to Bnslnes hopes to merit that lib eral patronage bestowed on him heretofore. Keeping this one thing ia Tiew liIIr Kmlfte nnrl fimall T'wnflfc 99 s.sm, aJ k3 m-m. sj tmm . m m m he cinuot be undersold. MI I JST ID T H A. T I JZ1. T. DliS. Is eT7 -Remedies for SPERMATORRHCEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION titttt t TtPT.T)TTT A A Benevolent Institution established by special En- r s. v FY.' A covment.jorine Kfixej oj sue oc afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especiaLy for the Cure cf Diseases of the Sexual Organs. M&DICAIi ADVICE glrenrstis, by the Acting Surpeou. Valuable Reports on sperm aiormrea, uu umr. eases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in tbe Dispensary, sent in sealed lettei oHTeiopes,freeofchargfc. Two or three Stamps accepU aoie. ' ' . , . .address PR. J. SKILLIN liUUtiUii , iio u soction. No. 2, South Ninth Street, PhiUdelphia, P. DKeiuber 12, 1561. n-a-u FAIRBANKS' . SIAUDAPJ) : S C A LE S OF ALL KINDS. Alio, "Warehouse Trucks, Iette Presses, &c. , FA!R3AriI(S,G?iEEfILEAF&C0! 1T2 I4.UE ST., CHICAGO, C3-Be careful, and buy only the genuine.S June 12th. 13t n49-3ni D. C. SANDERS, Agent for FHCENIZ INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD,- CONN. Probate Juifee, Ex-officio Justice of Peace LAXD AD TAX-PA TIXG AG EXT Will make out and .take as&nowjedguiCDt o Deeds, llort gages, lionds, &e.', Ac Prompt t-ntioo paid to all business entrusted t bis care. OtSce over City Dru Store, BpJOWNVILLE, N. T. ' THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTICPHYSICIAIl AND SURGEON, TABLE ROCK, NEBRASKA Reference, Dr. D. Gwin, Drownrille. Arnllt.'fil. . n 43-1 j rsnin heaves ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY. TfEBHAKKA. JCJ Will practice in all tae Court of Nebraska. S-n3 ly 0. P. STEWART, EGLICTIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON, rrowivtie.ee, ivezsraska. Office over n. C. Lett's PruK Store, n"llad?.y'p Block, Main street. vS-u43-ly EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAV, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Otfice dmer of Main and First Streets. BRU XV K. VILLE, NE BR ASK A . MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS. MARY IIEWETT, Announces to the ladies of Brownville and vi- -r'i cinltr. that nbe has just received from tbe td:. East a magnificent stock ot CPELNG AUD SUMHES HILLINESY GOODS, Consiiili'n of Ladies'" and Mist- liiuinets and IIat, Hihhons. Flower, &c. ro which she invite the attention of the ladies, feel ins: assured they cannot be better suited in style, qual ity cr price. n41-ly V KTT ASD EARGE STOCK OF vV-.-,;' ..-J;;:;r.- .--j,V.:.-' STOVES AND HARDWARE, FOR FALL TRADE. eJOHjST C. DETJSER. Main Street, Broivnville, Ti. T., Retnrns tbanks for the ptrr7!ace heretofore extended to him, and promises to supply all wants, either in QUANTITY OR QUALITY. COOK STOVES, TIIE LATE AND IMPROVED' PATTERNS; SUCH AS Hack's Fees-Jess, Elevated Ovens Superior, Golden Eray Sew Era, &c ALSO A LARHF. VARIETY OF BOX AND PARLOR STOTES. AND HE ESPECIALLY (JALLL ATTENTION TO HIS LATE IMPROVED PARLOR COOK STOVES, HE FURTHER CALLS THE ATTENTION V OF FARMERS TO niS LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY SHEET IRON, . FOR SUGAR U0ILER8 ; ALSO HIS LARGE CAST IHOS KKTXLES FROM 10 TO So UALLU.Sd. A VARIETY OF CFIEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAIIP3 Of New arwl Beautiful Patterns; Lamp Chimneys, Shades, &.c. Brai, Copper, and Sbeat Ironware: Lanterns, Slioveis and Japanned Ware. A- LARGE - QUANTITY OF Tin. Stone 5t Glas? Self-Sealing Fruit Cac VERY NICE AND CONVENIENT FOR THOSE DESIRING TO PUT -- UP FRUIT I A LARGE QUANTITY OF IOXjXjOW "WATY T; OF EVERY DESIRABLE ARTICLE. ' THE ATTENTION OF FRE1CSIITP.KS AND OTHERS IS DIK1ECTED TO HIS COOKING SKILLETS, OVENS, Ac. Guttering and Spouting. .1 . .;M:t,.cr W'tenng and.-poutlng, and ... 01 uis nu at the sborton notice and in THE HORACE WATERS 310DERN ruwnsrFft hYY.VLSTRUyG BA53 FULL IRON FRAME PIANOS are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned ma- terla's, aDd will stand any climate, ine ioue ia verj deep round, full, ana meiiow, ilb loutu cum-- Ksch Piano warrantea tor uiv jwn. iwcaivu 9 Th TToranew'Waters Pianos are known as amonz the very best."-rngfiJf. . - ' "We can speaa ot tneir menu niui jwisumi auum se." Ckiistlan Inte'ligencer. .iiv.i.n' vi r..i MptjdeuRscb-illenErecomDarisoB with the finest made anywhere." Home Journal. $190 NEW 7 UUTAVUriAlHUO, oi uiner- ent makers, for oo., wuu nm-i e"iiS mid 210. Eeconu-nana rianos ana aieioueons at $.'5, $10, $a0, $6a, i0, iw,iiJtf,iLa $160. . The Horace Waters ilelodcons and liar- Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Patent Divided Swell. .Prices from $55 to 5330. Alexander Or ears from $206 to $5w). r3A liberal discoi.nt to Clergymen, Churches. Sab baiu SL-h.K.l!. Lodfjes, Seminarie. and Teachers. HOB ACE n alH3, ag i, io. oi uniaun,i x. The Day School Bell. ' 400ropi issued-,- A new Singit.z Bock for Schools and Semmaiies, calietl the Day School Bell, is now ready. It contain a' oat two hnndred choice sonx. rou ids, catches, duets, trhs, tiUArtetts. and boruses. many of them written expressly for this work, beides 32 paces of the Elemeuts ot Music, which are easy aud progressive. r1 Anion? the large nnsaber of beautiful pieces may be four.d, ' Uncle Sam's School," "Don't you hear tht children conitnjr," "Alwaj s look on the sunny side," The little laf s, and '-Little Lad," -nh, it I were a little bird," -Bird of beauty." -Pretty pe.ir tree," "Anvil Chorus," 'Mee' me l.r tho running broik." Ac It 1 c-mpiled by Ura e Waters, anih. r ol Sab bath School Bell,'' N'oh. 1 an-l 2, wricb have had tbe enormous i-aleof SC5 OfK) copies. Prices paper covers. 25 cents, $20 per lOtt; hmnd 30 ceurs. $.'5 per cloth Imund, f rcbosed pilt 40 cents. $35 per hundred. 25 copies iurnibed at the oua hundred prtce. bailed at the retail price. Sabbath School Cell No. 1, contains 144 ppe. and nearly two hundred tune and byin-rii, tki ia the most p pnar S S Book ever issTcl Anion? the most p-'pnUr piece arc, ' Kmd W'or.u." 'Eden Above." "ChrMiiu llpro," -Beautiful Zion," "I oucht to love Mother " ' The Angels told n.ei-o,'' In tbe Light." Ret lor the Weary," &c Prices paper covers. 2 ct. each, $15 per hundred; bound, 25 cts. e.h, $2'J per huiulrei; cloth Lou-d, euibuaed gilt, 3cts., $25 per hctK'.red. Sabbath School Dell No. 2, is an pnflrenew work of 1S2 ane?, and nearly 2tT3 tnne9 ai d hymns- as the m'ii? iia little iin re diKloiilt it is just the book to fo'low Bell No. I. Ne.ir!y oneinil - liniof ihee lie Ms have beeu issued, and are now rinpr Tif throuch thi-i and o.her countries. Aniou the many choii e pie -es may be fi und. Suall wo meet bk yend the river ? The' e is a heutitiful orUI. Sorrow dball c 'in no t.mie. D')U't you he;ir the'Aniiel coming? Thou, Bod. i-cest rue Sabbath Bell." chime on, &c. P ice.- i t BeM No. 2 are the tauie an Bell N.j. 1. Both numbers c.ih be obtained ib. one volume. Price, bound copy. 40 ceiit-, $35 per huudred ; cloth bound, eratotsed i;f,5-J cf., $15 per bun.lied. Z5 copies furui.-heJ at the one hunUied price. Mailed at the retail price. , ... Water' t boial Harp. Anew Sunday School B x k of 160 pa?e of beautiful hymns and tunes. It couture in mv gems, Mich as Shall we know each other there ; Suffer lit tie children tu come unto Jfe; The beautiful sh're; h..'tia gfori ons; Leave me with my six her ; lie le.leth me be.-kle still waters. fii.c. Price paier covers. 2)cen:s; $15 per hmnlred ; bound 35 cents. $2J per h:in lied; cloth UMind. fin'i s?el guiu i5 cents, $33 per hundred Mailed at tbe re' ail price. It is eilitoU by Horace Wa ters, au'hor of Sunday S;bol Bells No 1 aul 2, which have had the enormous taie of over eisht thousand .p.e. Just publi-hedby UOItAOK WATKKS.No. 4S1 Broadway, New York. The Tiew Patriotic Son? Hook contains 96 papes cf songs, diers and chor tre, both s cred and sccul.tr, includitie 1-t p iees of prayers for sick and dying soldiers, and sohiierh' Scripture Atinml It is well suited f r inciil biu:n, a.- well aa Subb-'tb worship Am'-n? the many beautiful pieces may be ft ui d, Whf re I t-ei t dwells is my country ; TueCurls lian hern, Thref cheer-i f-r our banner; Ci me b.n? to me of hev5ii; ColnmUa, the enj of he ocean ; K- re man's gathering; C 'lnuihU's forever ; Marching ai"i.g, Sec Prices paper cover.-, 15 cents, $Ij per hun dred. Mailed at the retail price The Harp ! Freedom contains 32 paces of songs, due s and choruses, for Free dorii. Among tbech .ice j-ieces we wi-nid name, Fit freedom's morn; t) let my people so; Over ihe moun tain ; They worked me all the d.iy, &c. Price 5 cents single, 50 cenu per Uozeu. $3 per huudred ; postage 1 ceuteach. Hath: A Sacred Cantata, contains 126 pages. Wor.ls Rev. Sidney Dyer, music by Prof.' Cull. Thi.s is an excellent bi.k lor concerts for thoyomig. Puces paper c-.ivers, SOcenu; $15per hundred; bound 25ceutt $10 per hundred. - The Kevivul Mnic Hok. contains 73 page.of tunes and hymns, designed for re vival, prayer and conference meetiutrs. Price in pd per overs, airgie Copies. 1ft ceuta) $3 per buuUrwl. Mailed at the reuil prices. The Athenaum Collection . contains oetween f our and five hrtndred paae of tunes snd hymns, wow and o'd. ol the choicest kinds, for church. Sund iy school, revival, inissi.m.iry, temperance P'ayer and oulerente. and all lauds of sacred and so cial meetings. The music in this hook has life and an imation in it, likn. Shining Shore, Rest fur the weary, Shall we kn .w each other there? shall wemeot beyond the river ; Hmtc is a beiin'irnl wor.d ; Kind word; Sweet hour cpr;:Ter; There w a land f Ivc; SuM'er little children to cume onto iiie ; ffod save the N.ito-n, e. Prices single copies bouib) &) cetrts ; ?rt per hundred; cioth bound eui'ms-ed uilt, 6- cents; 6;"i ier hundred. Wiiie-I at t ie reraii prce. IMIiACK WA TERS, 4SI -Uioadway, New Yourk, Publisher of the abote Books. Yacal Music, with Piano Accompaniinent. A large assortment of new und popular songs, ballads duets. qn:irtetts, and chi.ruseo. i.-ed dniiy. Among the most popular arc. Shall we know e ich other ihere. Lwrey; Why have, my bned ones g no; I will be true to the; t)b, ti.ere's iu. siu.!i girl 34 mine, by Foster; Mother's love is true ; Sweet love, forget n.enit.i.. by Keller. 25 cents each; I hear sveet voices singing; 11. me is borne; Forget ir you can. but forgive, by Thomas. 30 cents e-ich. Instrument. M'ws for the Cian Fcrte We are coiiiim; father Abia'am, six hundred tiuiiatid more ; Always lix k on the sui'tiy tide ; balI we ki.ow each other there? iu;,, with brilliant variations by Grobc. 50 i cn's eacit. Polkas, Waltzes, STarches. Qiickstep, Qnadiil's, kc . br jiopular authors. All kill's of S.ngunt and In strnctin hooks. Cataloi:iies niai edfrce Uiany address Music mailed at the above prices. Wateri Cheap .1Iu.-.ic for the r.IilIio'.i, ArT-nfrll a Rtnp4 ,1m'. rtunrfofr. n-l nSr..nA. Ot ---ww, .. ... ., .u..wv.-7 .- .11 IU-V., I musical fi cieties, choirs. Sunday schools, publicschoo's seminaries, etc. Shall we know earh oiber tliere?" Don't yon bear the an?e!i cominu? Shall we meet be yond the river' Bi iu time; There i a beautiful orld; Where liberty dwells is my Counjiy; Freedom, truth aLd right; We are coming Father Abra'am. six hnndved thousand m . re ; There is a I md .r love; Sor row t.bal I ciine again no more ; Heaven 'y homo ; Come ng to me of Heaven; Lul iutieht ; h e wtii love o or Sund ay School ; Our Go.1 is marching on; G-.-dsatethe Nation; WbUtier's s.mg of the Plantation Ncg ; Flr Freedom's Moni has damned at la-r ; Over the moun tain; Over the nioumain ; Littie KlU'san angel ; Wil lie's gone to Heaven ; Sutler little children to come HUtome; Bury me in the morning, M-.ther; Come to tty rest; Sweet hour of Prayor. &c. Price 3 cents, 3d cents per doz , $2 per hundred ; nostage 1 cert each. In sheet form, with Piano accimr-aiiitnent, 25 cents. Published by liORACK WATFRS, Ag't, No. 481 Broadway, N. Y. TIIE IAIIP OF FISEED02X. Now ready, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti- Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" songs, solos, duet, quartet., and choru-es. il.st of the Poetry and .Music has been written espressly for this work, to correspond with th times, ami should be sung by the million, ia order to awaken deep interest in behalf of tho ''Ct trabands," whom God, in hi3 providence, has cast noon tho i'ree North to clothe and cJacuc, CONTEra, IX PART. "Fair Freedom's J'ora has dawned at last:" "Br cat the Chain, or -"ineii.fi.Mrn Sword " "Frcniuntis ll-irchioj on, or, Ghfy Ilalldujuh ;" uai i-tcjp tne oontraoanas';" MUId John brown's Song ;" "Song of the 'Contraband';" "O Let my People Go:" "Parody on the Sons of the 'Contra bands':" "Where Liberty Dcellsi.4 mv ri.nr.trv " 'When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom:" "Wake, r reemcn. uouflaa sptdien; flituer a aappresscd Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cent, per dozen, $3 per lfeO j postage I cent. UUUAO; WATERS, Publisher. n4l-ly 4SI Broadway, New York. TO THE AFPLICTED. DR. A. GODFREY. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON 0 B S T E f R I C I A H r Educated in France, having: twenty-five years1 expe rience In the Medical science, and one of the corresoon- dentsofthe 'American Journal uf the Medical Scien ces," haa located nermaBently in Urownviiie, and re spectfully tenders his professional services to the cit izens ef this city and vicinity. Tie will not confine bis aerviees to nmmon practice. but extend them to chronic diseases diseases r ii,d standing, Malignant lu mors and Sores Atsce-ses and Ulcers, Cancers and Sk re Kj es. even partial BiiKdness, Epilepsy, commonly called Falling Sickness. Paisv Neuralgia, Dvsceusy. Coiisumi tiou m tbe lirsi kni ccoixl sise, lnsaniiy in s me f jrms, aud diseases of every fcrod. Pariicitlst attention raid to Ague. He will,, if reu.uet.ted. give retereue to ttr.ise pro nounced incurable iuthe United States, and afterwaids cured by him. c may be fvund at all hours either at W II McCreery's Drug Store, or at his dwelling house, when not engaged MEnCIUNIS, BLACniillUS AND V7AG0N IIAHKlSv ' IE01T! IE01TH D; A. CONSTABLE, " st. Joseph, :io., HAS ON ITAND AND FOR SALE A LARGE" , AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF v IRON, STEEL, A2 D- , v ' ' - my "immv. CJMPIUSLNG: -; HORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS. ' 1I0RSE AND MULE SHOES. ANVILS,. SPIIINGS, BELLOWS, AXEI-S, VH S. THIMBLE SKEINS CHAIN Si WAGON I.OXES, SCiiEW PLATES BtjLSTKli PLATES. FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, S1I0EINU HAMMERS. PINIUILUS, NUTS, HARROW TEETH, . WELL Wilt ELS, AC.,-tC, AC, i ' ' '. ALSO WOODWORKS ! C03IFBI8INO HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOWS, Wagon rows; sn fts, poles, - AXELS, ROUNDS, AXE DANDLES, LliOOM HANDLES, FLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO AC EST FOR THE SALS OP FAIHB AUKS' SCALES, ! - '-AT- V . : HAVING LAID IN A LARGE ST0C& OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE TIIE RISE, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. 2TScnd in Yonr Scrap Iron.5 One Dollar Saved i E :ual to two Dol lars Trlade. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT . SCRAP IRON AT , " CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. ' A . , 1 . , Febll-p32-6m ST.. JOSEPH. -JO The best, Cheapst, nnd most, ; Successful FaiaDy Paper ia the Union." A COUPLETS PICT02IAL07 TEETIHE3. HARPER'S WEEKLY. fcPLE.DIDLY ILLt73THATrD. Price Six Cent n Tiutuber; 3.h) n Year Critical XrMi . ; Its fresh letnes it clear type, its cntertaintng rarity, its severe but just criticisms upon tbe Iolhc. or tho tiiDW, its eltr-tly written and in.:rcrctiTe article, and its able corresooDd.-nce. all combine t make it tho nrlcl cews.nper of our country, and one that every family must prise. It oRden-ed week;y smnm'iry of foreign and Aojn'tie intelli gence is altogether superior in th;t contained iu any other journl. .Being published, t:o, in a torin foi- pre.rvation and binding, if tiUea. cara f". it deserves to be, it will be fuani in toture years as welcome a companion for the family and fir.-rj.le as the day on which it waa Drat persued. Y. )". I:'miiHj Font. ......... We would not so often eall ittci si i to II akter's Wkekly if we were not well s;ti.-ii ;d that it i the btt fttmily Paprr in the lnitnl tatt. aud for that reason, and that aloft", wt desire to seo it under mine and -.lot out a certain kind r.f literal ur to prernlent. which blunts t'je tiii;r:-1s uf it. render. vititites their taste for sensi'-le ' reading, and is al ready had ia its elToefs. Acic Lotl,ik Advert iter. Wherever we go in rail-cars and steaui'oats we find it seised with eagernes., becaose of its spir ited sketches of pa?iug events. We all like jo lnok at the frtces of rami wo have read of, ami at ships and forts that, havo figured in the Mo-kIv scenes cf war. Of" all scr.h men and place?, anii eve:itr this paper farais'.ic thj .best iilu-tratif,ns. Our future historians will enri?li theaiel ves out o Hakper's Wkkklkt long after writor, and naint eM. nnd pubiishcrs aro turned- toxlust. -Y. I'&vaa fjli,. One Copy for One Year ...$.T00 One Copv for Two Years :? .. b 00 . An Extra C ipy will be allowed for every Clubrf Ten- SunsciitEKS, at $2,5? each, or 11 Copies for . HAP.PEa'a MacaziVt. and HAKpra'a Wieslt, together, ono yejir.Ji GO. ' Uakpers WeKI.v is elect rotyped, and back numbers can be had at any time. VulJ. I.. II., III.. IV., V., and VI. f.r the Years 1357 tolS.!2inc!usive,of-HAi.PEK'S WEEi.LV," handsDuiwly b;unl in Cloth extra, Prico each are now ready. Tha posttaga unouHAlirKRS v KtKLY , waea paid in advance at toe vac whero it is received, is twenty-six rents rrnr. HARPER A BROTHER. Franxlim Sc.cabk, New Vokx GEOIt:K D C 31 K HIT & CO., Manufacturers' A tent lor the sale of KMMMiO!!! Watches, Chaias, &c.t Sec, To be sold for oneCo-ilar Each, without regard to value SPLENDID LIST, - Of Articles all to be soU for one Dollar Each. 100 Guld H an 1115 Caed Watcbes, loo watches. -200 Indies' Watches, 6 0 Silver - -600 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatelain Cba:ns. ------ 4C0O Te-t. hfeclt, Guard asiC3ate!aia Cliaius. - - - - - 3MQ Cameo Brooches - - 3X)0 ifosaic a.id Jet Brooches 30CO Lav. ana Florentine Br oches - 3- CO Coral. Garnet & Emerald Brooches, 30ro Crfmeo Er Drops. - 3t4Xi Garnet 11 saic and Jet Ear Drops, 40OO Lava anrl Florentine Ear Drops . 4000 Gents' Srf Puis. - - . COOO Chin aud Band Bracelets,.- . 3 Goo Gens' Brent's Pins, - w 3LU0 Watch Keys, - 60 0 KoS and Ribbon Slides, 7000 Sets of Bisom Studs, - - 90eo Sleeve Buttons, - ' 9000 Plain and Chased Sings, - 7tX)0 Stone Set Kings, :,... . 7000 Miniature Lockets, Crvisses-, Jtc. - liOOO Sets Ladies Jeweirr. (liHjeacb C ) each 35 eaib 15 each (15 to 20 eacb to 15 each 4 to., 6 eacb to S eacb .4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 2 to 6 each 6 each 6 eacb eacb each 8 eacb 3 to 10 eacb 2 to 8 eacb 2 to 2 to 2 t9 2 to 2 to 2 to 5 eaib 6 eacb eacb 6 eacb 6 each 6 eacb 2 to 10 eacb to 15 each . ah or ite nonas m toe ahove List will be sold, with om rese'vation, for One Dollar each. CCTtiflcate ol all the various articles are pfaOd in similar eirve lopes andsealel. Tnese er.ve'.pe win be sent by mail, or delivered at onr office, without resard to choice. On receivit;g a Certificate you will see what article it rep resents, and it is optional with loa to send one d ollar aud receive the article or not. - . In all transactions by mail we shall charge for for forwarding tbe Certificates, paying postage, and ddns the business, 25 ceuts each. Five Certificate, will te sen for $1; Eleven for $2 ; Ttsirtj for $3; Sixty.flTe for frtO nd One hundred for $1'. CoRUESPoXDEXTS may rely upon a quick and prompt answer to their orders. Our business is con ducted upon liberal, honest, straiKhtforwirdprinciple. and we guarantee satisfaction iu all cases. Our pat rons may always depend up"3 bavin? tLe.r erdrs fiitb f ul ly ati'S pntictcally snppiied. In no ce will curres potiilenu be ncslected. . . 4 . ' J2r"t'o.res'MiSenf sheuli te euretirt to' write tteir siu-itures pi ia, at.d frtvetbeirViKt iT;.-, Co:ihv and Slats. Audress, GKO DEU KRIT &. CO.. 223 Braaway, iew Yo:k. S3" H mi) bad business rclationa wi'.h the above geMleoieu, 1 take pleasure in saying that tbey are h.ir.r.rAhlA nnri'ttt mpn. am! nMfi.rm nil lh.rp-rii ,n. and the Jewelry I have scea from there is sen aine, aDd I r'roj ci.tistaf li .n ' Tt i IT T ' i 1 SC'f 1 XT I ilo FAIJILY GrvC02, M'LAUGHLIN&SWiv trorLD S25?ECTFriXT xxorxci to friends and the public generally, that thLv - aa . received a superior lot of Family Groceries, a, the attention of purchasers to their stock Intl- ut ; k ; fcr e- SSbm C0.CI.fi.A- J Joliit, ritiiTK rio rpr. n.AttlVIKD ; dn IVPrm.i 1JIPERUU TS . TTOC.Mi HT60. Vi BLaCS. ISA. CUUHHED da POWD&&ED ' d 1 1 . BICE, SaGO, SPIC2, PEPPEa, CLOVI 3, CTIj, COTK OTSTERS, BJ131X5, ClAaaAXTi a, SO VP, PUKS SODA , J& LXSIS ' SAL2i , k.c.t SiZ-t COD ?I3Ia HXCZZXAL,- lASS THOUT,ILEiiirc, 85 tj 7 L :g: GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES DRIED APPLET . DRIEP ttfm r. - IJolasscs, Coal Oil, Cider Ths? A: JfATCRAL LEAP CnZXINT TORrcf pv.. LKAF ANIorilB IMIOltg Bsqj t P FIN" A Cl"7 Ca if KX Dlsil iCItLir. 1 P KICK. 5'Jli.KIXii CoJi- ilO.S DO. Uaia CIgar3 or the BesfDranfli lat 31arlict- i,tro" . 1 r. CnE3TXUTS;ALXOVD PKC.V.V3. FILa'STJ L S'CTS, w., it.:., &e., A Splendid Assortraent of Stick i;- Fancy Candy from the LesiMisui ' turies in the Eat. . r.w riour, Eacoa, Batter, &i4rr The Highest Jlarket Prices Pa:dif"X Couairy Produce. 3IcLAUGLTLIN & SWA.T, i Nimaha Valley Bank BciLDUi Ei l r 1 1 Brownville, Jan. 14, IS6L " n20v3-XX r 186L IS! f7 PEOSPECTU OF THE mm mm For the Year l?il. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & VilU! The war drama is approaching is bih-t m. itit'Tfst. Thi yer will )-rir),i'.y rft-uj.!'' Dwia of th Iicbt.-i!in, tritnusi t.18 Aati- ni'i ernmetit restored in the fallen Sutes, th.-serj erated. and Slavery ob'iferat.! frrnn 'be ' . 1 1 ' (erer'. or ot wi;i o-nm ng tnn u-"i'.'t' -w Jit tbe UiiU,rr of the Coo i.'rv. an.l douStli clud tuc r turn id Peace, o.l tho et t ;t Atuerica n on new c.ireer of mpural'.- ." necj aud s'riiy.' With LVxr vindi tho repruath ot ser'di ru, the People will on a higher pidt'.i.rru of intl!:gn-pff j.,.?r?r,i feci a, ami pruiouoUer iutcret in all the L-tJ tne progress ol their owa and otlier l:nl. worid is etitering upon a new neres ofr-.ir'wt' X.t trriuiuate in ihe triumph of I in.n-fA - Ikw the Allaiiti; ; while etuir itiort to Am-.- acquire a uew at.d trcuu-d-'U. Bplu.,hi-i--s in.Qi'.'ii.-ely i ur produ--ri vc -o -ver. Tbe stiriiig events of th tim-s will b irV ly upi ;ted in thei-olu'ns u. Vi ' - neare rsoivel tu r"d;r in ;rj ra.uj.jlj trajcive tiiin -v!r a. ta thlal IJirrcr of Passim s Histcry Inspired by the j.nt of I ;-!ai r4.-y- ledg.ng ru I filler bur Trach I'h'j M sjrt i OcitAT wil. continue to bo iK-'y th r.-sJ PtojJc, and pr .ni;-t t d 'n ,uiic. v.-i rru poi'tical tv ukliUiry a.j4rn Lu .tX- w tlii ir i-aus. . . Ia addition tivoorW.w 'w, w- r'. in ur Weekly papr tliu W'f aud u!so an abstrait of the pna-is. Iiu4 'I'' and of tho Procecdmg of Legt,laturj3 ! and lilitioi. Oar Tii-Weok'y, will contain as henrtj f the Important Ncivs, Local aud Coui u.-r.i '? of the ttiiily. , i THE DAILY DEM Cit Shall notbt ex. 'Xjvlled by any intt ly' roved our arrau 'eini'irj f -r '-' . We have imnrov S?rC AL TELEG-lAPs rn.ru Wasinng'oii, Iroui the L,ir Sli'-t-"1; fri-ui the .Mi-s.uri and Llim.! Caj r!'. ''' wi.l bepiblishc-d in adl;ti.a tofh; l.t'- A U.MY CORRESPON DNL't A rxl our uual quanii'y of (ion -r.il - We roueit all Po.-taijtcrs aud I'fK-ndi ft Agents. v Send for epeeiTien number? f t!i , Prospectus foi dUtriluUon,aD J thty aiil ly foiwarded. , . Scud as many names as po.-iMi in ClaM. their papers sent to one al ires ihi ' the Postmaster or tha gtter up of the C,u- . It is not reqair! that nil the j ajssrJ -f shall be sent to one Post 05oe. tba i-umbrf sent to diQorent 0ili.es, and additions mij at any fiin . , The fallowing are onr rates for the year 1- DAILY DEMOCRAT. I JTail Subscribers one year l'rice to 2ews Dealer s - .- I ?2 XT' TRI-WEEK'l.Y DUMOCra -'1 Mall Subscribers one year . ; WKEKLY . DEMOCRAT- Single Copiea Mia year - - - - 1 r.rce Copies - -- -- -- - Five Copies Ten Copies - - - - - - - Any larger Club than ten will be cbjrr1 rate of one dollar and a half per coy. Tbe above rates for ail ' i-'ail Satrt "'? rayable in advance. ' ' Orders not accompanied with tbe jod ceivo no attention. . , . All papers of either' edition, will be d -6" at the end of the tirre raid for. j ilcKZZ. FldlUUCK A CO. Vf ' . , . . 41 and LI Locust arroct.-T. Lou lt hi. Jm ilAiM s AIMBROTYPl: Ispremrd to take MBB0TVPW. prerri to take MUliU 1 r?. '. BJ H OTYI'ES in the best style t-i Lowef l'rices inttn r,rrr u"- . . , nf.,rp jrn-- UrownviJlc ne still ocenpies the Sky-Light Street, opposite the City Vtc f V may be found a ar. eg ou.-ioes. Jc!f 4f Pictnrc-i Warn nUd toCiveS aXl!f The public are innted.tocall and" eri:a' f Hours of operation, from 9 A. 3. r ' ... r, , . to-1 . r ' j lirownviiio, f id. i, i. r.uy ';:,v"c TAXT-N UP IiV:TI!E U.VSV tbe Hiring white body, with U red, red ceck ard.ear?. whi.e a and up, rs J and- ju4 on professional buaiuesa. - . iwi ly- u47-u Xwtj ;lJilXJ. J