Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1864)
TVNYILLE, THUKSPAY, APRIL 7, 1S64. C. H. SCRIFEX. zxii Advmtisiuo Acewt, and Dealer in Book, -end" Colored Inks of the Beit Quality I Dearborn treet, Chicago, Illinois, it our an- 1 agent for the Advertiter and Fanaer. TIO TATES AUD FOftEIO XlWIfAMI AD siko Aoekct. 13 Broadway, "w Tork, are horixed agents tor the Advertiter and Farmer JOT, -COE CO., ai-uiito Agents, and Dealers in Inks and g Material ef all kind, Office rlbune Building, ork, and Brows' Iron BuiMlng Philadelphia, r authorised agent lor the Advertiser and Far' LOCAL. :r Citv election, on the 4th. went off . itiietlv and rcaceablv. There was , m m .in'7 said or done to wound the feel of the most fastidious." Those Lare made themselves fresh by de- cing. Brownville as "a copperhaad had better chew this small quid enlightenment awhile, ft will improve ir."milk of human kindness" towards -nd r.ake them better citizens and r nien. ' The following is the result: 'avor S. R. Jameson. Mermen Theo. Hill, John IL Mor , J. C. Deuser and R. B. Burjess. ;rk Chas. G. Dorsey. 3asurer Wm. H. Hoover, arshaland Street Commissioner C. ichardson. s rumored that money is more plen our county, we're glad to hear; the of money is inherant in human na , this accounts for the backwardness 3se intebted to us. You who owe : job-work, advertising and subscript-ill please' bear in mind that our sities are real at present, and coine J settle up. -Debts have honestly ?d against you, be honest enough to 'ipm. We are buildinsr an bSlce t is expensive. Assist us then, and ine business with pleasure, be bon- nd just. Now is the accepted time. eut. Maun is still on hand with a few 'and apple trees at the Brownville ;ery. Thes trees have been accli cd to the soil and season here, are J hardy varieties and the roots need belong exposed in transplanting. He elling th m at 15 cents. This is, we .eve, cheaper than they can be bought where in the Territory, and trees the e and age of ' his have never been pped under 20 or 25 cents. Wuhia the past ten days there has been loaded ca oct levee upwards cf two ndrei ton of freight for our merchant, his indicates the business done at this int, and is in addition to a large lot freight landed here by every boat at has come up from below this spring. There are upwards of twenty-fire houses .der contract for erection in this city :s Spring, and are only delayed on ac unt of the weather and the scarcity of borers. Among this number will be a raber of business houses creditable to y point in the West. Pure Maple Sugar is a luxury rarely tainalle this fur West, yet it can now ? had at McLaughlin & Jswan's. They e every on the alert to please and bene- ; the public. And they succeed admi- The Concerns giren by Mr. Learned i Lidy last Friday an Saturday eve g were a -complete success. The house s literally crammed both night, end i performances gave perfect satisfac l. Dr. Lawrence is still with us and has till( increasing list of patients. He irully a.public benefactor who is by skill enabled to aleviate the sufferings humanity. - 3r. L. iscompetenl and ready to treat rases of he eye of every possible var J and description. Such as Catarral, umatic. Scrofulous, and Erysipelatous halmia, also Phlegmonous inflama i of die eyelids, Opihalmia Torsi, and tusion of the Cornea, treated success y by Dr. L. wiihout much pais and hout any danger whatever to the eyes. .1 who are afflicted should have their Cured as they now have a good op tW.ty afforded Uiem. "The weather for the past vveel has y indicated that this is the month of rL Changeable is the programme. r Oculars stay out doors forty-eight ra. oe Advertisement of Louis Wald- PamtT. in todays paper. He is a 3 painter, and understands his busi s thoroughly. V train of twenty wagons passed thro' 7 yesterday. Let them cdme, thfs best road to travel. l Iowa Paper gives the following -ly advices to the Copperheads of its ity. fucn we say, repent, wash yoar -uv, jsuient carcassess in chlor ci lime. afanoint yourselves with the -I GlSttlled MSPnru t i'-'-A od cf tansy, and then pray Go'd :iv "J"" mercy to sink yoa -e Z olf of cbhvion hevnh f,V ' .sartcuoa- wheh will, call forth' thb erwfrwrtbeirlbttj rk,f tlt A country editor received n remittance, with a request to send the paper as long as the money lasted. He indulged in a hh .,f rree the next week, got broke, and respetfolly announced to his sub scriber that occording to his own terms his subscription was out Several hundred rebels occupy Hick man, Ky., and. Faulkner's headquarters are said to be there. Specials from Washington say that the House Committee will recommend the immediate Dassare of the Senate bill for - v tht coinage of cents and half cents. By an explosion in the American Cap and Flask factory,' on the 1st, three fe male operatives were burned to death, and one man seriously injured. Commissioner Ou!d has given assur ance to General Butler that the body of Colonel Dohlgren will soon be given up to his friends. The entir business portion of the town of New Liberty. Kentucky, including many pr ivate dwellings, was distroyed by fire on the 27ih. Eighteen families were rendered homeless. Loss about $150, 000. The Missouri is slowly rising. All the boats that come up are crowded with freight. The New Jersey Legislature has be fore it a bill to prevent the admixture cf I races in that State. FAMILY GROCERIES. M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN, WOULD RESPECTFULLY 'ANNOUNCE TO THEIB friends and tbe public generally, that tbey Lsve ju received a snperior lot ut Family Groceries, and lnvil the attention of purchaser to their clock including NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, PRIME RIO COFFEE, CLARIFIED 1o IMPKRIaL TEA. CRUSHED POWDKRKD do YOUNG II TiON TEA, do BLACK. TEA. RICE, SaGO, SPICE, PEPPER, CLOVES, CINNAMON COVE OTSTERS, RAISINS, CCRRA.NT3, STARCH, SOAP, PURE SODA , DB LANDS' SALXRATUS, nan COD FISH MACKERAL, W2ITE FISH, LA& THUVI, iUXLUiU, SHAD. GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES LSolasses, Coal Oil, Cider Vinegar. SATCRAL LEAF CITEWINGf TOBACCO, GOLDEN JLKAr ANOOTUKR CHOICB BRN'DS FIX 3 CUTCaVEXBISU, ElILLIK MCK. SMOKINXJ. COJt UOS DO. Cl'gars orihe Best Brands In the Market CHESTXUTS, ALMOVDS. PECaNS, PILSERTS, PEa KUTS, ttc., &x., &c, A Splendid Assortment of Stick and Fancy Candy from the Best Manufac tures in the East. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs &c The Highest Market Prices Paid for 1 Country Produce. ilcLAUGHLLV & SWAN, Nekaha Valley Bask Building. Bhwktille, Jan. H, 1864. n20v8-J20-yly. CHOICE LiaUORS. Wholesale and RetalL Evan Yorthing, OP THE ' n BROWNVILLE, ms Jnst relTd a choice lot of the hest hraBclR bf Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, (ialloU, Qrt or siugle Drink. The following is a partial iist : BEAlIDIESi Cherry, Cognac, fcrenchj WXITES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES: Bourbon,- Rye. Scotch. Irish, Mononghala, Afcd a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. tthit: EYS DLOCH, Main Street, Brownville. Feb. i , 6 4 iLyerS Cherry Pectoral Catiiarfitf MERCHANTS, BLACEIilTLTS AND WAGON MAKERS. iRoni lEonii D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, NO., HAS ON IIAND AXD FOR SALE A LAEGF AKD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IEON, STEEL, AND coiiruisixa: nOP.SE NAILS, NAIL-RODS,' DORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, SFKINGS, DELLOW'S, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES liOLSTEK PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC., AC., AC, ALSO ' WOODWORKS ! COUfBISIMO HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOWS, WAGON ROWS, SnAFTS, POLES, AXELS,. HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, RKOOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSTJ AGEXT FOE Ttt 8ALK OF FAIRBANKS' SCALES, AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE THE tllSE, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BLACSH1ITIIS9 xScnd In lonr Scrap Iron.r One Dollar Saved i Kiaal to two Dol lars J! ad e. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGIIT SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. FebH-n32m ST. JOSEPII, HO 1864. 1864. PROSPECTUS OF THE,. Iran m For the Year 1864. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY Tbe war drama is approaching its highest point of interest. This year will probablj conomate the Doom of tbe Rebellion, witness the Natiwal Gov ernment restored in the fallen States, those regen erated, and Slavery obliterated frora the land 1 The event of '61 will be among the mostmofnentous in the History of the CiTatitry, and doubtless will in clude the return of Peace, and the entrance of America upon a new career of unparalleled great ness and prosperity. With Labor vindicated from the reproach of serfdom, the People will stand up on a higher platform of intelligence and power, and feel a still profbupder interest in all the details of Ihe progress of their own and other lands, ilae old wond, is entering upon anew geriejs of commotions, to trrminate in the triumph of Democracy beyond tbe Atlantic; while emigration to America will acquire a new nd tremendous impetus, augmenting immensely tux productive power. The storing events of the tiincs will be graphical ly depicted in the col a ms oi the Democrat, which we are resolved to rerder more valuable ani at tractive than ever m a faithful Mirror of Passing History. Inspired by th spirit of Democracy acknow ledging do leailer but Truth Tho Missocri Dem ocrat will continue to be sorely the Organ of the People, and prompt to denounou and repudiate any pol:iical or military espirant who seeks to betray tb'ir cause. In addition to our War News, we shall continue in our Weekly paper the Weekly News Summary, and also an abstract of the proceedings of Congress and of the Proceeding of Legislatures of Missouri and Illinois. ' Our Tri-Weokly, will eontain as heretofore- all the Important Xews, Local and Commercial Reports of the Daily. THE DAILY DEM CHAT Shall not bt excelled by any paper in the West 1 We have improved our arrangements for full SPECIAL TELEGRAPH REPORTS From W ashington, lrom the Lower Mississippi, and from the Missouri and Illinois Capitals. Thc?e will be published in addition to the Letters of our ARMY CORRESPONDENCE, And our usual quantity of General News Matter. We request alt Postmasters and friends to act as bend lor epecitten numbers or Ui I'ojx-rs aoa Prospectus foi distribution,and they will be prompt ly forwarded. Send as many names u possible in Clubs, to have tticir 'papers efit to on address the address of th Postmaster or the getter up of the Club. U is not required that all tho papers of a Club shall be sent to one .Post Office, the number may be eht to, different Offices, and additions may be made at any tim , " The following are our rates for the year 1864: DAILY DEMOCRAT. Mail Subscribers one year - - - - $10.00 Price to News Dealers - - - - r $2 50 per 100 TRMVEEKLY DEMOCRAT. . . . i Mail Subscribe one Jyear - - - oo WEEKLY. DEMOCRAT. BjngTe Copies one year Three Copiea - - -Five Copies - - " Ten Copies - - ; - - - .- - $2,0 - - - - bJO'3 ...... 8,00 - --- - 15,00 i Any larger Club than ten will be ehifged at tie rate of one dollar and half per cosy. The above fates for all Mail Subscriptions are payable iu advance. Orders not accompanied wllh th rifoney will re eeive no attention. , All papers of either edition, will be iiscoutinced at the end of tbe tine paid for. McKEE, FISHBACK 4 CO. Proprietors. 41 and 15 Locust street, St. Louis, Mo. ESTRAY STEER". Taken tp' by tho nndersignedliving in Wash ington Precinct, near .the I ort Kearney Road, ra the 8th day .-of FBbrhary, JS64, -osa Steer, yellow Mih wbiU ep-cts-oa hi cil. hind legs-fchiia Ids Sneea,' fofetect wbit; and aboRV to yean ('A. ism IMlWISo! MT. Fb. JVnI-vJi-Jlw-pd HELLO, STRANGEli WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE AT J.BERKY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN brownville: J. BERRY & CO., nave Jnst received, ana are now openinr, at Hand on Main street, one of tfce largest stocks oltheir DEY GOODS A IT D ever offered lu this market. Remember the place. J. BERRY & CO.'S, BROWNVILLE, N. T. May 29, 1S82. n47-tf GET-UP. YOUR CMJRS.F0R 1SG4- NEW ARD SPLENDre PREMIUMS ! PETESON'S MAGAZINE. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD! This popular Jlonthly contains mor j for the money than any Mngnine in the wo. Id. In 186 J. it will have nearly 100 pages, 25 to 30 steel plates. it colored patterns, and VOU wood engravings and all this for only Two Dollars a Tear, or a dollar lo33 than magazines of its class. Every lady ought to taka "Peterson."' In the geooral advance of prices, its is the only Magiina that has not raised its Drices. either to single subscribers or to clubs, and is, therefore, mpbatioally, The Magazine for the Times. Tbe stories in "PeterFon" are concodedto the best published anywhere. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Ella Kcdman Mrs. Denison, Frank Lee Benedict, the author of "Susy L's Dairy," 7. s. Arthur, E. L. Lhnnuler Moulton, Gabnello Lee, Virginia r, Townend. Hosalle Grey, Clara Augusta, and the author of "The Second Life," besides all the most popular female writers of America are regular contributors. In addition to the usual number of short stories, there will be given in 1861, Four Original t-opy-nghted Jiovelets, vu : The Maid of Honor a story of Queen Bess, by Ann S. Stephen?. The Lost Estate a story of To-day, By the auther of "rh3 Second Life." Maud's .Summer at Saratoga, by Frank Lee Bene let. Fanny's Nlirtotion, by Ella Rod mm. In its Illustration also, "Peterson" is unrivaled. The publisher challenges a comparison between its superb Mezzotints and other steel engravings, and those in other Magazines, and one at least is given in every number. Colored fashicn plates iu ad vance; It is the only Magazine whese Fashion nates can be relied on. Lacn number contains a Fashion Plates, engraved on steel, and colored from Fashions later than any other Magazine gives; also, a dnzen or more ftew Styles, engraved on Wood; also, a Pattern, from which a Dresi, Mantilla or child Custome can bo out, without the aid of a mantua-maker so that each number, iu this way, will save a year's subscription. The Pans, Lon iiKi, Philadelphia and w York Fashions aro described at length eaca month. Patterns of Caps. Bonnets, Head Dresses, &c, given. Its colored patterns in embroidery, crochet, &o. The Woik- table Department of tnis aiagazine is wholly unrivaled. Eeery number contains a dozen or more patterns in every variety of Fancy-work; r. i i D .... J I r . : - urocuet, ijmoroiuery, xvuiiiiu, ucu-nui k, iuit work, &e., &c, 4c, Every mouth, a superb colored pattern for slipping, purse or chair seat, & given each of which, at a retail store, would cost fifty cents. "Our New Cook-Book." The Original House hold Receipts of "Peterion" are quite famous. For our "Cook-Book" will be continued: Every one of these receipts has been tested. This alone sis well worih tho price of "Peterson." Other re ceipts for the toilette, sick-room, 4o., tc, will be pvle. New and fashionable muic in every number. And hints on Horticulture, Equestrianism, and all matters interesting to Indies. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE: One copy for one year, $2, 0 Three copies for one year, 5,00 Five copies for one year, 7,50 Eight Copies for one year, 10,00 Twelve copies for one year, 15.00 sixteen c-pies for one year, u,uu Premiums for getting up dubs I three, five, eight, or more copies, m;iKe a tluo. o every per son getting up a club of three, and remitting five dollars oraciub of Five, and remitting seven dollars and a half or acJub of Eight, and remit ting ten dollare or a clab of twelve, and remitting fifteen dollars, an extra copy of the m.igazine for iSfH will be given. If preferred, however, e win send as a premium, (instead of the extra copy.) and Illustrate! Lady's "Album, hrn.I.'omely bound in gilt, or either of our Mezzotints, for framing- -each 27 inches by 20 ''Bunyan parting ' from his Blind Child, in Jail " or "Bunyau's V ito Interced ing for His Keleaae from Prison." T every person getting up a club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Magazine will be senty or any two of tho other premiums. Addrew, post-paid, CHARLES J PETERSON, io. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. All Postmasters constituted Agents; but any pcrsvn uay get up a club. LpecMneni sent gratui tously, if written for. GEOIlf:i! DESIERlt A- CO., Manufacturers' Aeents lor the sale of 100.01)9!!!- Watches, Chains, &c, &c.f WORTH $5OO.OOO0! To be sold for one Dollar Bach) withont regard to value SPLENDID LIST, Of Articles all to be oold for one Dollar Each.' !. 100 Gold Hun' Cased "Watch e, , - $10ea;b 100 " Watches, - . - - - f each 5) 0 Silver -600 Gold Guard,, Vest and Ctmtelain Chains. - - - .'- 15 each $15 to SO each to 15 ea?h 4 to 8 ea:h 4000 Test, Neck, Guard andOh ate lain Chains, - 3000 Cameo Brooches 3000 Mosaic and Jet Brooches ' -3000 Lava and Floreatine Brooches" 3. 00 Coral, Garnet 4t Emerald Brooches, 8000 Cameo Kar Drops, - -3000 Garnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops 4000 Lava andFlorentine Ear Drop . -4000 Gents ScartP,n, - . - -6000 Chxin and Band Bracelets, 3000 Gents' Breats Pins, , 3000 Watch Keys, - - - - -tOCO Fob and Ribbon Slides, 7000 Sets of Bosom Studs, - - . 9000 Sleee Batiks, i 9000 Plain and Chased Kings,. 7000 Stone Set Ridjcs, 7(JD0 Miniature Lockets, Crosses, &e. - Iv.'Wn Spta Tdin JrvclrT. - - 4 to 6 each 6 each 6 each 9 each C each 6 each 8 each 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 5 to 3 to 10 each 2" to 8 each 2to 1 to S to 3 to 3 to 2 to 6 eath eactl each 6 each a each t each 2 to 10 eata 3 to 15 each All of tte goKis In the above List will be sold, with out rese'vatton, for One Dollar each. Certincates'of all the various articles are placed la wmilar envelopes and seated. These envelopes wiil be sent by mail, tor delivered at oar office, wi.tUo.ut resard to choice. On receiving a Certiilcste yoa will see ttat article it rep resents, aud it. is opiionfJ with ou to send one U ollar aud receive the article or not. ' In all transactions by mail we shall charge for for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each. , Five Certificates will be sen for $1; Eleven for $2; Thirty for $5; Sixty-five for $10 and One hundred for $1.- CO-RESPONDENTS mar rely upon nmcX and prompt answer to their orders. Our business i cm ducted upon liberal, boH"Sst,.iiraisntforartlprtncipJe, acd we guarantee satisfaction In all cases. Our psu rons may always depend upon having their orders faith fully and penctually supplied. In no case will corres pondents be nexlected. . ' - '53-OOrrespnedera .abeuld be caref n tor write their signatures plain, and give their Po6t OWce, Coumy, and State. Address, GEO. DEMERIT & CO., - - 839 Broadway, hew York. HavT?t bad buf ine relations -wltli the abo'v renties?w;n,' I take pici:-t:rel2 frylnw .feat they ar Iwacrafc!, tprigut men; said perioral an ii.ey promt tm and tbe Jewelry I have seen from there is genuine, and rives satisfaction. R. O THOMPSON, . : u47- . . aurfery urn, eo. ---- - PROSPECTUS FOR 180 L - -' An Independent Democratic Dai ly, isexni-Weelily and Weekly Newspaper. TTMTn'W riV TUP Vrm?TTV A 1MT v'-k,iv-L' v AtlGUS. The 'World, to which the New Tork WeeVlv Arn has been united, has to-day fi?e times the aggre gate circu lation. of any Democratic or conservative newspaper. It addresses weekly alone more than 100,000 subscribers nnd constant purchaser?, and reaches at least half a million readers. With the steady increase in circulation whhh it now enjoy, these numbers will soon be doubled. Nothing less than this should satufy those who believe that the only hope of restoring the Union ani tbe authority of the Constitution over a now distracted ami di vided country, lies in wresting power from the hands of those fanaticism has helped to provoke, invite, and prolong the war; ond that to accomplish this end, no means is so effective as the diffusion, through able and enterprising tiewspipors, of sound political knowle Iga among the Working men, the thinking men. and the votingtnen of the North. Enterprise, industry and money will bo liberally expended to m ike The World tho Best Newspaper in America- Its news from every part of tfia world wiil ba early and uthentic. Wherever the tflegraph cxtcds, or railroads run, or steamboats will gather the latest intelligence. It has a Urge stiff of accomplished correspondent with all the federal armies who will telegraph and write to us the latest news lrom te various seats of war. It has corres pondents md reporters in every political and com mercial centre in AM erica and Europe, whoso letters and dispatches will leave nothing worthy of note unknown to its readers. The Market Reports of the World are more com Elete than thoso of any other newspftper. The ditors invite comparison in this respect and point to tbe reports of the Oattle Markets, the general ana country traduce .Markets, and the Money M.r kcts in its columns, as proof of its excellence in this jespctt. The world has also a special denartment 1cuum1 ta Agriculture. Elled "frith editorial artichs communications lrom practical iarmrru ra i ics of the country. Ihe war in wich the nation 13 engaged against armed and infotuated Rebels, and the radical policy of the administration whici prolongs it, uve con spired to bring together upon one platform all con servative, Union-lovlrli and Constitution-loving men, of whatever former name and creed. Many t those who within' the limits of the Constitution, fought the battles of the ballot box under the leadership of those patriotic statesmen of other and better days, Henry Cby aud Daniel Webster, to gether with tbe jn sps K-n-H's principles were those of snch patriots as .nd-cw Jksoi and William L Marey, hiia Wright and Stephen A. LJouglns, now stanf shoulder ti nln. aider upen the same platform is a plain one. It is to rcitor3 th Union, miintam tho Constitution, and enforce the laws. Whatever makes for this end, the exercise of force of the policy of conciliation. The orld will advocate; whatever makes against it, lae oria wilt oppose. Itwilloppote every enemy to the Lnion, whether armed in rebellion at the South or insidiously plant- ngthe seeds of disunion and essential disloyalty at the Korth. It will oppose every Violation of the constitution, men is me oniy nope ana oouu oi vuiun, our nnl. nf hnniv f.r ovharhrnt nr nmilnpllin thA alia. giacce of the South. r-It will oppose every infraction of the Law, in high places or in low, by reckless and misguided parti J II T .W. . v. - n san?, or by tho administration which hat been their example. It will fearlessly exercise the Freedom of the Press ; it will constantly uphold and defend Free dom of Speech and Freedom of the Ballot. To the lawless acts of the '.Administration, Its arbitrary and unjust arresta and expatriations, its denial of the right to the writ of hateas corpus, its illegal proclamations, its abrogation of State and federal laws, its despotic accumulations of ungrant ed power, and its subversions of the safeguards of civil and pertonal liberty, it will constantly opdose the letter and the spirit of our suprama law and the advocacy of sound doctrine, until American free men shall be roused to the recovery of their rights, their liberties, the r laws, and their limited and well balanced government, by the resistless decision of the ballot. Profoundly impressed with the desire to contri bute all thas it may to the great work of this gener ation, namely, to restore our national unity, and to place the United States again lorraost among the - . t M A I nations of the earth, and id the peace, pros- eU,, deToted to Financial. Commercl and Ind'us neritv. and happiness of its peop'e. The W orid . i.roaf. -nri ii (tnt ih:i nnrnnmtion mn. gfcKa irULU HJUO nuu Uoitv ovu t.u t cm- and support, and, aboy all, the favor of Uim who - r UAAA tV W aoi -a enin I hmnj v H u i w cvm. crowns everj good wors. TERMS DAILY WORLD. Yearly Subscribers by mail SEMI-WEELY WOULD. Single subscribers, per annum Two copies to one address Three u Five ' " Tea a WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per annum Three copies address on each paper Five " u Ten " f Twenty copies all to one address $S 00 f.l 00 5 CO 7 00 12 00 22 50 $2 00 5 00 8 00 15 00 25 00 Clubs of tw nty or over ean have address put on e;ich paper for an additional charge of ten cents each. . For every club of twenty an extra copy will be added for the getter up f the club. For every club of fifty, ihe Semi-Weekly, and for every club of one hundred, the D.iily will be sent, when requested, in lieu of the extta copies of Weekly Additions to Clubs may be made at any time at saue rates. Papers cannot bo changed from one Club to another, but on request of the person order ing the Club, and on receipt of fifty cents extra, single papers will be taken frem the Ciub and s.nt to a seperate address. All orders must be accompanied bv the Cash. Address. THE WORLD. 35 Park Row, New York. MONS. DE LA MAKSHE IN TOWN. AGAIN, And preparing to sell Stationery of all kinds ten per cent lower than any one in town dare ta.-.Wili sell writing paper from 40 cents a qmre down to three qui i ca for fifty cents, and other tricks la Lis line in pr portion, such as COLORED BATTLE SCEKE5. PICTORIALS OP ALL KIXD9. DAILY PAPERS, AN!) THE latkst Ki;rno.T v pcttoOl BOdLS, Recommenced to be u ed iu thi- Tei;;tor ; and parents tiionld be guarded ij.nst any otuer, as the old series will soon be out of use entirely. . Air Marshe is Agent Jor several S istern Pcbtishlne Houses, and can procure tor any one, any Book, News paper, or Periodical that can be called for. Also keeps Photographs, and Photograph Albums, StervScor, and Sterysc pic Views. JliernMcnpes, Prire PaC ages Novels, Family, Bibles, Miscellaaeous Boots. C me In nid see for yourselves, where he Is prepared to w. tu ladies and gentlemen in the latest aud most approved style. H. n MARSH, First Story P. O. BuiMinjr, N . CoO, opposite a Nebraska Bank, ' Brownville, Nebraska. N. B. Eastern paiers may notice, and tend hill lo ShCTiff. 60-tf SAIIDATII SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 1? Months of its Publication. Many oi tne mncs and tlymus were wriiion n r,rPlT for this volume. It will soa be aa popular as its predecessor, (fccll NoJ tj which has run up U the enormous naniberof 573,000 copies in 3"5 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of Its sise is sued iff this country; -. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools Wisnmg inem in mi form. Prices of Bell.No. 2, paper covets 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bound,25 cents. $13 per 160. Cloth bound embossed gilt, JO. cent, $32 P"1.08- V11?: 1, paper covers, .12 wilts, f 10 per 100. Edund 20 cents, $IS per ICO; Cloth bouuet emnossea gin, zi cents, $20 per-109. ' ueus ivos. 1 km r,uu w gether 40 cents, $30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the 100 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50cents,$40 per 100." Mail postage free at HORACE WATERS, Publisher, nil-ly No. i8l Broad wa7, 17ew York. c; C. II ARC, ( AjVIBROTYI'IST, T,! to take MBROTYPES and SIFLlNe OTYPES in the best style of the art; and at Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered in '. Urown ville. Ee still occupien the Sky-Light Gallery on Main Street, opposite the City Drug -Store, where he may be found during, business hours. Pictures Warn nted to Give Satisfaction . The public are invited to call and examine speci mens. Hours of operation, from 9 a. jf. to 4 r. if. Brownrille; Feb. 4, 1834. n23-tf ' NOW READY. - THE 03cial Union Volunteer Directory. f4n!) pajes.) eoBtaining JCdm fn-fttuUnee,c( trrry Of !cer f Prlvae in" the UhHn Ar rf, witb lte:f Coiajiaacls.Oauai-iei,FroTaotioriSt Ae. tSyErery one wants it. 1 Sent poet-paidToa reseipt of 25 cenu ewh.orstaraps. Address HENRY K. ANSON,Pub lijber,4ISia4tra oscaMass. THE SITXTIFIC AMEBICAN, FOR 1SG4 VOLUME X Tie publishers of the SIENTIFIC aMEHICaN respectively give notice thai the Tenth Volume (ow Series will commance oa the first of Janvary next. mis journal was established in ISi3. aud U un eubtodly the most widely circulated and influen tial publication cf the kind in the world. In com mencing the new volume the publishers desire ts call special attention to its claims as A JOCBXAt OF POPULAR SCIENCE. In this respect it stands unrivalled. Ii not on'v finds its way to almost every workshop in the country, as tbe earnest friend of the mecnanicand artixon, hut it is found in the conntig-room of the manufacturer and tha merchant; also in the iihraiv and the uoschold. The publish ers f-iel warranted in saying that no other journal now published con tains an eudal amount of useful information: while it is their aim to present all subjects ia the most popular aud attractive manner. Ihe iMentific American is published once A week, in convenient torm for binding, and each number contains sixteen pages ef useful reading matter, muairaieu wua NUMEROUS SPEND1D E3GRAVIXCS of all the latest an 1 bent inventions of tbe day. i tin feature oi tae journal is worthy of special note rery number contains fn.m five to ten original en gravings of mechank-al invention relating to everv department it the art. These engraving are exe cuted by artists spaeially employed on thu nooer aud are universally wknow!edd to be superior to anymmgoi me Kind produced in tbis country. The yubliahers of the tiientifij American promts' to present, as during preccdiog ye;rs, all the latest improvements in Steam Engineering, War Vessels, unance m.iuary ana naval tire arms Mechanic lools, Manufacturing Machinery, Water wheels 1 umps aud other Hydraulic Apparatus, Uousehold Heiiiils, tlectnci ltemic.kl and Meehanical Instru ments, Flying Machines, and other Curious Idven- tiens besides all tbe varied articles designed to iiguicu iuo moor ci manama, not only ia ine suop uu warrnowse, out in every puce , wliere the is if r TnrSU)d. - lrom iU comuienceiutiuC. ine scicn ito muiwiivjw has been the earnest advocate of the righU of American Inventors, and the. REPERTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS. In tbis important department, so vitally connect ted with all the great interests cf the country, So other journal can lay any claim whatever: as in its columns there is published a weekly OJieial Lint of tbe "Claims ' of all patents granted at the V.'. 3. Patent Office. THE PRACEICAL RECIPES alone are oft times worth more to th e subscriber than the amount of a whole year's subscription. EERM3 OF SUBSCIPTION. Two volumes of tbe Scientific American are pub lished each year, at $1,50 each, or 3 per per annum with corresponding low terms to Clubs: l wul pay for four months' subscription. The numbers for one year, when bound in a Volume, consliture a work of 8-Vi pages cf useful information, which everv one ouirnt to possess, a new volume wui 1 commence on the first of January, laoi. clur rates. Five . for gix monlh, i - - r ; ,k , 1? I . Tjn copies for twelve months '22 Fifteen copies, for twelve months Zl Twenty copies, for twelve months 40 i or all clubs of tw enty and over, the yearly sub scription is only $2,00. Names can be sent in at different times and from different Post OiQous. specimen copies Wiil be sent gratis to any part of the country. . Can:idian sabsenbers will please to remit 25 cents extra on each year's subscription to prepay postage. MLINJi A tU . 1'ublishers, No. 37 Purk Uow, New Ynrk. AMERICAN ; wm ffll DIM. A MONTHLY MAGARINE: The most Comprehensive mleoillany of useful knowledge and General Literature, periodically is sued in tbe United States; embracing all the fea tures of Polytechnic Journal, hconomio Lxpositor 1 " cerrs. Having commenced the Fifth Volume of this Magazine, whose success evinces th,U th e efforts ef its conductors have been appreciated b a dis -rim! nating public, we would call attention to its char acter on the part or the large body of readers who are not yet upon its subscription lists. Our pur pura in this uUiHan i lh dim-initiation of practical information on subjects of positive utility tddhe people, combined with a diversity ot literary attraction securing the services of the bos', pecs in the various departments of Science, Uelies-Ltttres and ueneral Literature; lY biio aiming most es pecially to render ulust effective service to the Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the Country, many sides of the Country, many -ides of tbe mental world receive duo consideration the Historical, Critical, iEnlhetical and Imaginative, as well as the rin&aoial, Sutistical, Technological and strictly Mercantile. We employ alike thu re seach of tnesivarft and the fincy of the feuifeton idt, with the practical experience of the business man and tbe worker. In Ihr treatment of scientific topics, the moiJe selected is the popular id style rmher than the technical. The raanj il pha-e ctl the hour it shall be our ende ivor to portray, and we av:iil ourselves of tbe contributiais of new Dhcov ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and shall record with all practicable snccmctnes Current Intelli gence, which will be of future ntillity and bisto'ic mtcrcst when the Present s!UI! h ive become the Past. In fine, the Americrn Exchange and Keview is a desirable and ever welcome monthly visitor to its subscriber impartingthe richness of knowledge improving the taste, and furnishing intellectual gratification. .' .' ' Tbe Review has ita specialities in dutict and in creasing Departments, with a (jjneral Division for the widest consume it scope of themes. We give a specification of topics which are the subjects either of occasional or regular publication, viz: The Arts, Eithotics; AgricuIture, AppIisd Chem istry, Archaeology, Belles-Letters, Ciography, Criti cism, Econnmics Political, Arithiuetio National Taxation: Finance hanking, cumncy, CorponUon A'."Counts, Exchange, Flueluatiod ia Securities, Stocks; History, Industrial and Mercantile enter prises, insurance, internal Improvements Railways Canals, Telegraphs; Manufactures Products, tech nology; Mdchauics, Mining Mineralogy Oeology, Metallurgy; Patent?, Physics, physiology, statistics, social sience; tradj foreign and domestic, shipping mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN TBE TJNlfED STATES. One copv, one year fin advance f 3 01 Five Copies 2 00 Ten " M i 20t'0 When paid at the end of the year, 4 00 per an num, single copy. Sample copy mailed oa the re ceipt of 15 cents. .. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Single copy per annnm postage piii, Canada: $3 75 5 It 6 no 3 72 3 72 8 0.1 8 CO Cuba.' (ireat Britain and Iielani; Frarice, -1 ;l . Westfn.ftllntish. . . Honth Aiterica et la.t . r uVYLbU i'U'U- . trupneiors. Ko. 521 Che?tnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. SHOCK; CORN FOR SALE. I have ONE, HUNDRED Shocks of corn that 1 wis-h to sell ; not having time to shuck it out Myself 1 will sell it ia the shock cheap for cash. Water beinsr bandv. it would be a cood chance fix any one desiring to winter stock to buy it and feed it out on the precises,- I live six mile south wet or Urown- VI lie, on the Little Nemaha, thre miles atxive Mel nVMills. S. U. COLD WELL. vin Feb. 23, E2B-v8-lt-pd . - Probate Notice , ; ft( ALL.TO WHOM ir MAY CONCERN. Notice is bcieby given a petition was tbis day filed in my oEce by EJenore Kelly, Administratrix of the estate of Jams N. Kellev, deceased, the prayer cf which s to I obtain an order to all the folloivin real estates to wit: The southeast 1-4 of .' Ihe 1-4, eec. 13, town 5, range 15 east (except a tier of blocks soul oil tna east sile. And it is cr-, dered that SdttiMay the, 13th of Febriiary, 1F64, U the t3bieset to., bear and deferrjins said petition. Any. person concerned martmentand e.nin-i.ition of M'. ft-wi?n" novel, nA tnt -,M eK--M ' "The Clulf HpJween t'lem." c:n b? hs 1 of any Nws- 11 . , . , -.13. C. SANDERS Probnf? Jc-.Te Brownville, Jan. 15, l;Gi. i-21-S $313 Estray llo . TakeriUp by. fh BT.1fr?'fi vft 1 .virj? or. m'!e hVth of. fir'nvlll; A 'i-n-.K" C-S'r.'ty. N-h.---nr; ba t!ie 23d day of January 11: Liue Eead ui h''jj-. the greater jrt of them sp-itted and part of them marked with a swallow fork in riht ear: about ei-ht and ten months oi l. JOHN W. BENNETT. Rrownrlile, Jan. 23, 14. n22-5-3t $150. - Till W mm-m . w m M w m .OiJiiiiiiiiifeyjiiiM, The niders of the Cot:yr:;TAt are ar of t':- Imports tposit.'oa it has ajsaiuj, of the liiilje-i wtich it exorts, and of the brtlliaatamyof p-ii;t i eal and literary talent of the biriit erlur whch npports it. No publicstioa of the kind hs, 5a thiscnantry, so sues?fa!!y etmbind the irr -a id freedom cf the dKy E0vrpap?r with tbe l.'.i er Htera-y tone of the firt-elsa uostoiy; an i ve'j err ain that bo midline hi given w';Jr rmi;e to its uontributors; or preserved itself go com pletely frora the nnrrow in2aences of party cr cf faction. Ia tim3 too present, scoh a j-iri-C Is either a power in the land or it is nothing. Z'tt the Continental is not the latter Hs aban.l int.' evsdenced by what it has done by the rcfectloa cf its counsels in many icipcrtant public events, in-l m tne chara;?er and tjwer of thosi wjoarelu staonohest s'lprxirters. lhniga but little mere tnia yer but'w fire tbe CoTtrnntal was first established, it ha? d iri r.g that ti na acquired a stereng and sini- n -ance elevctlng it to a pes.tion far above that pre viously occiionsd a strenrta aad a political sir:ii2- cance it to a position far abevs th,tt prt -viously occupied by ony pubilcalienef. the Idad ia ' America. 1 1 proof of whioh asserli-ja we call at tention to tbe following fcts: I. Of its rolic il articles repubUshcd ia tanoLIt iorm, as;n:e one has bad. thusfr, acirculatica of nne hundred and six thousand copies. 2. From its literary department, a sinj! serial n'ivel. "Among the rir.M' hos, within a very few m'nth, sold nearly thirty-flre thousand eopiss Two other sories of its literart articles have a! been republirhed irf book form, while the first por . tion of a third is already in press. No more conclusive fact ReI be iT.tdpii tn prove the tbe excellence of tbe contributions to tie Continental, or their extrnordiniry popularity; enJ its conductors are determined that it shal not fail behind. IViscrving all "th") boM-)e:,: vijor an4 ability" w hi:h a thonsand journal bae at'.ribntcd to it, it will greatly enlarge its circle of action, and dissmss, fear.essly and frankiy. every principle ia uolred id thu great questions of taa day. Tl tnl ujindsof.ths eountry embracing tbe mon tno?0 f"airi iJLi d P,otnacT nd cost dl5Unju:hed; no more :-flattering pT.uie fVij4 il " that this "mjigoxine for the times" wiil emtil the first iutellect in America, under jauspices which no publication ever enjoyed before in this country. While tbe Continental will express dec;d-i oninions on the giea questions ci me ay, it wi.f not bo a mere politic! joarifnl: much tbe larg? portion of ita columns will be enlivened, as hereto fore, by tales, poetry and humor. In a word, the Continental will be found, under its new stale? Editors, occupying a dosition and predentin j attrac tions never before found in magazine. TERMS TO CI.UB3. Two copies for one year I3.M 8.00 20,0 ft 13,1) three copied for one year, Six copies for one year, Lleven copies for one year. Twenty copies fur one year, PAID IM ADVAXCS. Postage Twenty-four cents a year, to be pail j the Subscriber. SINGLE COriEH. . , Three dollars a year, in advance. Postage p! 1 hj tho Publisher. JOIIXF.TKOW.50UreeneSt.,N. T. Publiiher for the Proprietors. As an inducement to new subscribers, the Pub lishers oHer:) the fallowing liberal premiunss: Any prrsf n remitting ?V, m advance, will receivw the magtine from July, 1S62, to January, 1S34 thus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. Kirke's new serials, which are alone worth th price of the subscription. Or, if prferel, a sub scriber can tnke the magazine fur lS33,and aeopy of "Among the Pines," or of 4'Undn:arrentJ cf V all Street," by K. li. K.iraball, bonnl ia cloth, or of "Sunshine in Thought,' by Charles 'Godfrey Leland reUil price, $125 The book to be sect postage p ti 1. i Any person remitmg 4 50, will receive the ms ra tine from its commencement, January, la2. t Jasjuary, 1SU. thus securing Mr. KimblVs' iTaa Aesuccesstul ? 'and Mr. Kirke 's"Anangthe Pines," and .Merchans Story," and nearly 3,003 octav pages of the best literature in the world. Prcmiua ubsenbers to pay their own postage. HI LlII HIl; A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, OF LITERATURE AND FASHION. , The January number of our New lUrizineTh met with a very flattering reception from the joura-J li of tba -evaatry, Head tbe following asaecg many. . ' . NOTICES OF THE. PP.ES3.. : Tns Lii)T'8 Friend. This is tie title cf a nir magazine publis-hed in our city by DeacocJk Peter son. No. 310. Walnut Street. As il3 title indicxtes, it is em"ph:iticJly the 1 idy's friend, and is repiete with evurything cnlculated to tlease and instruct The corps of ob tributors 1 1 iu ccluans ' e mbrsc ' some of the best litenry talent in this eoantry and in England. The fashion plates in this number, January, are sUncjb an 1 .of the latest style, while there is an aburi in-.-e ofintterns of afl claws ani descriptions. G ibriel Wilkie's ' Rcturri from Jie War" i a- splended steel engr.iving, from adesiga prep 1 Jed expressly for the Magsxine. This new enterprise is eminently deiervin tho patrontge cf our lady friendV-philadotphia Inquirer. ' A New Ladik3' Magazink. Messrs. Deaoon A Peterson have just placed before the pub!ij the tTrst number of a new magazine, railed The Lady's Friend. It is evidently very well ditl. by ilrs. Henry Peternt is:-well printed and hand.onely illustrated, nn 1 is fuH of excellent original reading. Among its contributor are Mss Eleamar C. -Dot-nlly,who'e excellent little sketch ca lied1, Gabriel WilLieV Ileturr'-appears with a steel engravingia this-nomber; Mi.3. L"ug"Vi Mttt, Mrs. 'Peterson, Miss Virgiaia Townsend, Marion, and: mnny others 'a Mcdi:cval Poem.' b v .Mrs. Ra-. dolph; probably contains the beiS thoughts of tho number. Forney's Press' Philadelphia w 1 1 1 1 m . TERJI: CASH IN ADVANCE. Ieopy, one year, . 2 copies, one year, $2.0 12.00" 23.03 -I copies,' one year. 0 eopies, and one to sretter vv of club.1 20 copies, and one te getter up of elub.J One copy of the Post and cue of the LadvV Friend, - . $3,ca SiAbscribers in British North America m'ust remU- twepty cents id addition to ti. aftaual su-bscriptloa." w we have to prepay tie U. S. cos laze onthei papers. r ' " - ' As the price of The Tost is the same as that ef of The Lady's Friend, the Clubs may be eompofi exclusively of the paper, or partly of the pprsnii parfly.of the SIagiS!ni- Of- eii'rsethe' premioai may te either one or tie other, aJ desired. - ' ' The mttter in the paper will awavs be different from that in the .magiine. - Specimen numbers of the Post 5nt eratis. Ad. dress. DEACON tu PtTEUSON, No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia. . TRAini LESLIE'S. ILLUSTIIATED NEWS PAPERS." ;e-1tnit''vrTwceir- i nerrii - cy Anne S, tphens. Aoth-e.-s of Fiihica and tFamine," "The Rejected Wife," Ac, Ac ' In addiMovv its nttrcf ir.?; as i.'.e nni n most authentic r.lnrratet IVper in "A neric, sur passing all others in th v tnory. Mfir wy, aa 1 .in terest of the numerous illotratioc3 whch it offers. Frand Leslie's Illustrated .Newipr w-,11 b-s;oia Nft.435,dated Janu-ry J.-IWI,- the-tbril'.in? asd abe4rbii5 noVel'-The Oalf HeXwsa iteoi writ ten by tae jrreal novel is , 3tr,- Diepupn., wm "Fashion and Famine'' haot ' larger circulation tbah any other purely liters novel of our day, and Wasyeprded as so mwtex'.y a work of fiction that it wm PM f-nly repullh"d ii En-land, bat wxs transUted Into almost every lanju-ie cf Ei rope. The prise of $5.nC0, o.Tcrcl with nnujtiAl liber ality by the propriety for the be?t norel.drew f.rta no liss thn two banlred works, maey of them of STent r.e-it. Am thes, Mrs. Stephens nnvei was selected, s evidontly arp(s-nj not only a!l ctherS offered, bat almo-t eferyttinj hitherto rublMied. "ft it fully eiil " Farina aid Famine," and will be as widely It will be orjrreater iutere-t, frum the fact tat tbecne islail in our land and our own times; and-in delineation c-f chancier and aVrxbicz; po ver it will f;iscinato ani c'larm the roaden ' Snbvription S:..5'l tr yeir. Address FRANK LESLIE, 1 1" St. N.T. Conies of tho r-arr foauininj tho eoume nse- .!!pr in th Tnlfl S.ates o? Afitish I rcTin.-es. 71 j 1 --. . 1? v. ' i; i 1 are all crown bere c1 are trj; sir riff-. f. tj-i :. Semh Narry. i Ing I Jifi-i"ii8 if