'V: j y Hi Tb for cnsi St Fa So) IIo Tai: Ovi DE i..fi Hi III! Cll i ral j 185 . Ha ilk f t i ', De .t 2 I;-' in 1 t t V. Diret f ii s II I f 'I r v.. STi ! '! 1 HI- Hit ' - i i ! 0. -1 L: : jJ, v; iiiddlbtoit. Manufacturer and Dealerin SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES," 1 COLLARS, WHIP:, LASHES, NETS, l- ' CURRfCOMDS, CARDS, c CRUSHES; CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, rt,A5JTEUI.G IIAIK, AND A VARIETY OF EVERY THINQ ' ' ; PERTAINING TO : ' '.'.'.' zx3:x3 rxi-J03i3: V i v . :.-.' ! '..J., , - irrvriv Prices Shall be in Accordance S(-W M - ;-.vT? with the TI3IES JX i By Strict Attention to Business I Expect a Continwution of the Liberal Patrone Heretofore Bestowed by a Generous Public. -v ; . . . : .. . Repairing, of all Kinds Executed PROMPTLY. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. S. W. JCIDDLETON Jao29, 186J. nT-ly - CHOICE LIQUOES.J Wholesale : and RetaU. Evan Worthing, OF THE UROWNVILLE, TTai'JuBt received a choice lot of the test brands ol Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon. Quart or linple Drink. The following U a partial listr ; BEAIIDIES: f,. t , 'Cherry: ; Cognac, '; French, WIITES: .. :- Port, .. . . 'l Hungarian; Sherry,' : I- ' - . -Malaga, - ' a ; Medara,. ,'. Champagne. WHISKIES: Hbur&on, Rye. Scotch. Irish. - , , Mononghala, And a variety of cotntnon articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. . IHIIITAEI'S CLOCK, m . , Main Street, JJrownyille. VICTORIOUS OVER 'PAUL BKAOO'S ARCTIC LI? Affonv or ea.' ! Sickness or liealtli f life or death I . These are tin; fiuextiont iuvolrol in the jnlo! ioiior rejefjlk of tliia spe cific by llie inarijrni to xleniAl dista-t't uml injuries. I I&vii.g re ceived tli iulrmviit 'f tliedis lii gnisl f,l Htrun, the. laie I)r. K AN E, nnf itstfliciicj titd dur ing two awful Winter in tbe re tion of etrnl ire, il in run? crrn- : IJllO Jfeilil US6 In firry (,f tiou of the civilixed glol e, acd iu iiurvcldiiK chit are evorrxhtrc THE AFFLICTED;.- KEJOICE. '.il - - HfXUItrjiS and TIIOUSANTS ' xTt 'rfjuiuinj la frtviom from loojf . " te- V " liiiL'prinir 1'AIM and - .ItlEAK w "sV-. which olhcr remeilies Jmd b 1 .' Iiail'Ai to cure. Have you the UK1 tailed ON :llKUw .if, r. W r .., .., iJl ' f'W. M A TI S M, K-KOITIV' EAB S, ' A('ITKirT(K)TH-ACIIf' Are je JL ' ?s nfl.icted with -OI.l) r50KES '"''X'it y J r!ii.(t from ISKLISl, WliAINi f w ivv-; toiiNs, tfouK kvls, nijvsr EA li eu f- S, i THE ARCTIC UmiEXT will alTcnd yon innlaut rvUef. Evcrj hoil is liable tV For lhee dreadful accMent the AHCTJO 1JM.M1-NT rhould be V ' I ' ' ' ' ''It'' "'l,lJ JJiJii rnuu sure ' F V v ' limn v i c j o V VV't-inff f,',,m 5otl. Kverj i en ea?- stvam- boat and niilrond train almuld keep it. a Lio titat lian iieard the Bln icLs of pniriiisli tittered bv the V1 Ar.? C!'l'led and maimed victims of feel that wrnio means cT rehennr l?r' - "' V !- J 'heir .1or line should a! we jn be X" j . tT T- . seressiMe t Such diesexU,t in thie "i ' DJi.4l blnjr Iln cautrvllingasettt. Ilia ' THE HOTHEES' COMPAKIOIT. It cni CAKFS 1NT Tn" BKKASr, HKK NUIUi. Sul;Kl.U-S,ll.MU.IS,&c. I: dies who prize a pure skin, void ofpitnplcs, MittcheN, scurf and all d Keoloraiions and x cresceneeH, shoti'.tS attack lteK treiiastiers on Leaulj'a domain as soai thpy appear with the ARCTIC UXlilh-M It in excellent for the giving It a hoilUiy, glutnjr ap. pearauce. Jt is . . 4 " ; GOOD -FOR MAN AND BEAST. It In a aotereipn remedy foi tlse various (lif&.: with whkli hirsc areaHlicted, citr ine Ihe moKt Hlnnr inprjitMof FRCISKS, SPRAINS, KTRIXG HALT. AVOINDS. SCRATCH. Ks S, r:t;V, SPA TIN, RIX(J BOXE, BU;-IJE.VD, IXJlf, I.VII., kc. No farmer, livery stable lMrer, or nr pemon owning lalnnble HOUSES, should he without Uiia falua tie remedy. For tale by Ull respectable PruggisU and IWleni ' Price nf the Liniment, 25 cenU, 50 ct'nt mid SI a bot tle.' A orxniolUr bottle contaiua aa much liniment aa eight twenty live cent bottle . J EXTRAOROES AHY 'AXKO tTICEVIEXT "very purchxer of a dolhir l-.tiio of Ur ARCTIC IJX- IMEXT rvceives. at Ir. Braps ex pent, the I XMID FTATri? JOl ltV.lU of New YoiU. for one year. The Journal U a Urge illimtmted pnjer nch number eoa Uining sixteen paffes, lieaiitifiilly printed on clear white Mper, and filUM w ith original matter Ironi the most bril bant writer of the eouniry. . (Vrliliriite of subscriptioo aadfull particuUrs of the novel and philanthropic en terprwe, of which this ollef forms a yartl will accomp&ot ech bottle. - ' -- An AGKXT TTANTTn in FATRV Tm'XT and TTIJ.AGB BItAGG & BlJItltOWES, St. Ionla, Mo, Xt w Vokk Ophck, No 371 BROAPWAT. -Communications should always be addressed to St. ouU : " NOW. READY, THE Official Union Volunteer Directory, (400 pac;eg.) containing JVamt and AVtrfeuce of erery Ofiicerand IMvate in the Union Army, with their Commandfi.Oaualtie8, Promotions, Ac. ( JpEyery one wants it. Sent post-paid .on receiptor 25centa cuh,orptmpa. Address HEMtY B. AKSOX.Pub liber,4 gut Street, BostonMaw. Arrnvrt 1 I Arc you riclc, feeble, and compia'iliini? Are you out of order. wi(h your system deranged, and your fteiinga r I BrcomiortaDteiinesesyru" ' toms are often the preluae V to serious illness. Some fit l of sickness Is creeping upon 1 von. and should be averted br a timelv use of the n'ptt rtmedv. Take Ayer a Tiiio, and cfeaese out the disor- J flerea iiumorB purny me "b'.ood, ncd let the fluids TTnove cn unobstructed in ; health Bgcirt. They timn-r-i late the functions of the iiibodr into vigorous activity. rurifr the svstem from the obstmctious which mako disease, a co:u - obstructs its naturat functions. These, if not . re lieved react upou themselves and the surrounding orjrans, producinjrpencrfll aggravation, suflenng, ancl disease. While in this-eoiKtition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer'a Tills. Vie ' directly thev restore the natural action or the sys tem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial aud com mon comprint, is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous distemper. The same purga tive effect expels them. Caused by e?rmlar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions or the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the earn means. Kone who know the virtues of these I'ills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure. ' Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well-known public persoue: From a rdncardinn Merchant cf St. Louis, Feb. 4, . 1856. Dr Aver ..Your Fills are the paragon of all that Is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her bands and feet that had proved 'incurable lor years, ilerraotber Las been long grievously afflicted with blotches and l pimples on Eer ckin aud in ber. liair 'After our child was cured, the also tried your I'ills, and they bave cured ber. ASA MOIIGE1DGE. At a Family Physic. From Dr. E IF. Cartwright, Xeio Orleans. -'Your Tills are the prince of purges. Their ex eellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess: They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, w hich makes them invaluable to ua in tin daily treatniul f disease. I2eadac!te,8ick Herulaclie, Fool Stomach. ;1 i FromJr. Fdiriard Loyd; Ua It mori Dear tito. A via: 1 cannot answer you ickat complaint I have cured with your Fills better than to say nil that ice ever treat with a purgative medi cine, I place great dependence on that effectual ' cathartic in my dailv contest with disease, and be- . lieving, as I do, that'your Fills afford us the best we have, 1 of course value them highly. FrrTBBtTtG, Pa.r May I, IS55. Da. J. C. Ater. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache anybody can bave by a dose or two of your Fills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they eleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED, W. FEEBLE . -. Clerk qf Steamer Clarion. ISiUons Disorders aMver Complaint.. From4)r. Theodore BeU.rfXew York City. Kot only are your I'ills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my practice proved more effectual for tho cure cf bilious complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely Tejoice that we have at length a purgative which la worthy the confidence of the profcbbion and the people, j- Department of the Interior 1 x i ' , i Washington D. C 7th Feb., 1856. J .' Sir: I. have used your Fills in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cpx.6t hesitate to say they are the best CalUartio weerr, jloy. Their regulating action oa lh liver is quick and decided, consequently they are an ad jnirable remedy for derangements or that .organ. Indeed, I have seldom Joucd-a case fcf lilious dis trtsp t.et nhstir.nte that it' did not i-eadilv vield to them. Fraternally'vours, ALOXZO BAlX, Si. D.r rnystctan vj me juanne nospiia. Uyaratery, Diarrhoia') Ilelax, Worms. ; From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicapo. , Your Fills have had a long trial in my practice, ; and I hold them in esteem as one or. tue Dest aperi ents I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses lor hilious dysentery and diar rhaa. Their sugar-coat ng makes them very ac ceptable and convenient lor the use of women and children. Dyspepsia, Imparity of the Slood. From Hev. J. V. LUmes, Pastor of Advent Church, t Boston. Dr. Ater : I have used your Fills with extra ordinary success in my family and among those I am called to visit in distress. To reirulate the organs of digestion and purify the Llood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confi dently recommend tnem to my mends. Yours, J.V.HIMES. Warsaw, 'Wyoming Co.. N. Y., Oct. 24. 1855. Dear Sir : I am usinur tour Cathartic Fills in my practice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse-me system ana vunjy ine jounKitm ma blood., ... ; ( JOHN G. 31EACHAM, II. D. Cntipatioii, C'oMirrneM, (oppression. - IlbeumaliMiH, Cioat, !cnralgia. juropsy, , lnralrnui, Fits, etc. ' ( ' ' ' . , From Dr.J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.' 1 Too much cannot be said of your Fills for"the cure of cosliceness. If others of our fraternity have "found them as etlieaeious as I have, they should join m In proclaiming it. for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although, ' bad enongh in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse . I believe costireness to originate in the liver, but your Fills affect that organ and cure the disease. - From Mrs.JZ. Stuart, Physician and Midwift, - . :. . .Boston. I find one or two larce doses f your rills, takes at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural stcretum wnen wnoiiy or partially sup- - pressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They are so much the Lest physic we have that I recommend no other to my patients. From the Lev. Dr. Hawlcs, qf the Methodist Epis. Lliurch. FrLASB-r House. Savannah. Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. floKORvrj Sir: I should be nntrrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to you. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, whicbj ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I ' had the best of phvsicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent rent, in Eaitimore.-Dr..iIackenzie 1 tried tout 1111s. Their -effects were, slow, but sure; 'By per- severing in the use oi iDm, x am now enureiy wen. ' Sexate Chamber. Baton Eouge, La. 6 Dec 1855. Da ayehl I havebeen entirely cured, Dy your r r rilte;Tjf lihtnmdtic Gout painful disease that has I : ailicted mtt for jears. ! VlXCEXr SLID ELL." O"3lost Of the Fills In market contain Aietcury, which although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that frequently follow its Incautious use. These contain lio mercury tr 'mineral . substance whatever. . ' . - ; a - ;. j , Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for SI. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATEE & Co., Lowell, Mass. " 60DD BY WM. n. McCREERY, Brownville. O. A. BROWN A BRO., Peru. Dr. II. GRAVES, Salem. JOHN W. HOLT A BRO., Salem. IIOLT A SCOTT, Falls City. , LEWIS A SHEPHERD, St. Stephens, EASLEY A SHE RE R, Rulo. S-nS-ly .SALIXALBA. The 4Grcatcst, Timber for the" PEAIRIES. 5j ft makes a perfect Hedge fence is four years f . O-One Arre'oflt set this fall, in Ave years will make enough Wood for one Family I ... - J3 It grows straight, aud very tall I - O" It never sprouts frpm the'rootst but when cut down, will grow again from the stump, very. rapidly I t3UU the best soft wod lor fuel, er any other purpose 1 ' - Xt" "hen kept off the ground, the rails will last 30 years ! .. ; :.a - e r-, -, O" It grows equally well with us on upland, where thU rich, as in the bottom I "--. .7 O" Cuttings eight inches long stuck In the ground In t e Kail, never fail to grow ! S3 We sell it for fi? per thousand Cuttings, deliv ered at any of our Agencies. . S3" Parties wishing to buy, should order early cf our Agents, 60 taal they may notify us in time. V " CUTTINGS Bundled and delivered at the above places, as soon as the leares fall. T. R.'FISHKR, rownville, is Agent for Nemaha and east half of Richardson Counties CURTIS & PEATER, Pawnee City, are Agents for Pawnee and west half of Richardson Counties. REV MR. TINKnAM, Beatrice, Is Agent for Gage and Jones Counties. J. II. BUTLER, Austin, Agent for Clay and Saline Counties. - . Beware of Willow Peddlers. . We learn that many swamps of common Willow have been cleaned up, and theCottintrs sold as Gray Willow. .Ws.get ur Willow of SAMUEL EDWARDS, of La Moille, Illinois, a responsible Nurseryman. 1 ' ' r 1 ' ' i . .... i REITnEYER &-E0BIS01T, sM AIT U FACT URERS "of"" ' pObTS!AfeHOESJr MAIN BETWIES i lRST AUD 'tECOITO STB., : t , IIOWNILLti, N. T. naving rcnently purchased the Shoe Shop formerly owned by Win. T. Den. we noT offer our work at great ly i educed prices. We' manufacture a41 that we offer for sale. 83Alt work warrautei. BroarnvUle. Sept. 27. 1S6. nll-T Ayers CLaeiry Pectoral mm t 1856 ESTABLISHED 1856 ;WM, T. DEN, . Has Jot returned from tbe.JEastern Markets, with Large and Well elected Stock t Goods, suitable for this Market. Den Defies Competition ! Those In want of Goods will do well to call stDEN S before purchssing.. DENT Is ,the tuan to sell yon CHEAP BILL 07 GOODS.: His stock consists or . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Piece Goods lor Men's Tvear, LADIES1 BALMORAL SIflRT?. Hoop SUIrts, Ladies' Hats, Fall aDd Winter Single and Double Shawls, Fancy Trimmings, &c. r t :. LADIES, B uy your Fanoy Goods and Notions at DUN'S i ,keepsthe .largest assortment of M ' He. 4 f Hosiery, Cloves,: and Gauntlets, f ancy Knit Iloodg and Sliakcrs, CLOTHI 1ST Q. " : DEN has a Lirge Stock of Over Coats, Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Sliirts and DravrerS, Direct from- Boston' Market, that he invites the publi TO EXAMINE. ' RE3IE3IOER, , DEN'S 13 THE HOUSE TO BUT TOUR Boots and Shoes, and Ladies Fancy Gaiters. ? KEEPS TIIE CARGEST STOCK OF. , ;: -t ;,II03l E-M Ati'S and ' CUST03I-3I AI)E ; a - . ' ' - - ' ' i" ' - . - BOOTS and snOES in the 'Westi'and -.SELLS-CHEAP.. ',i4 , - The Best Assortment of HlTS4 JLIND .CAPS ; 'v:you can get 'at DEX'S,, ::?tii - '' .D Ef will xell yon a Fancy HAT, and the Cheapest CAPS IN BROWNVILLE. Tnose In want of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES , . ' will find a complete assortment tt .'. DEM ' DEX; sells the Best Tea, Sugar, CnfTfic. Orstprs. Snrtlinp. i " ' ... ll v Soda, pepper, &c, - ' KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST Brandy, Wine, and Wliisky, for Domestic and Medical use, a ad - sells them Cheap. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, of the best Brands, you find at iVS. , r . V i 1 : it J ,1 Hardware, Queensware. ' D00BS AND SASH, ' 'IRON AND NAILS, 1'':' GLASS A lU PUTTY, Patent Medicines and Drngs, Oils and Z'A.iutOy ARE SOLD CHEAP. FUENITTJEE. '. D''E,M-' - KEEPS A FULL ASSORTMEN ALWAYS ON HAND. . Has a Large Stock of TINWARE aND STOVE PIPE, direct faom Eastern Manufactures.- Is Age nt for his own House for toe purchase cf HIDES, PELTS & FUESf for which he will always pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICB. , fD E Bl Will supply his Trappers this Season with Mink, O tter and Beaver Steel Traps. ALSO KEEPS ON RAKD Clirystalized and Pulverized StrichDine rnT ReCrns his thank to the Public for past favors, and by strict attention to Business hopes to merit that lib eral patronage bestowed on him heretofore. .'Keeping this one thing in view - "Quick Sales and Small Profits,?' be cannot be undersold, MIND THAT! lie:;; SPERIii AT 0 R R H C u ' - II 0 WAR DAS S O C I ATIOli PTTTT. & TVTPIIIA." A Benevolent Institution esta.blith.ed by special En- dowmenl.fortne Ktntj oj me ott o jirc, afflicted vritk Virnlent and Chronic Diseases, and especial.; for the Cure of DUeases of the Sexual Oraans. !. IAEDICATj ADVICE Sieu gratU, by the Acting Santeon. ' . , "... Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other cis easesof the Sexual Orrtii?, and on theNEW REME DIES employed in the nupeusary, sent in sealed lettei wavelopes, tree of chargt. Two or threeStawps accept- S''- - - - -. nA-nrrTW TT . - -ft m Aidress DS, J. uuniuiuj,uuu o- socition. No. 2, South Ninth Street, FuiUdelphia, Pa. . member 12. 1661. n23-ly FAIHBANIIS' .stAitbasd:',? . 6r ALE KIDS.: Also, "Wareioisa Trxicis,' lettoi , . - . . presses, .&c! , - FA!R3A?3iS,GREENLEAF & GO) 172 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, S3"Be "careful, and buy only the genuine. C2 June 12th, 18a3 n49-3m D. C. SANDERS, Agent fur PHCENIS INSURANCE CO., HARTFORDj COST.'.. Probate Jude, Ex-ofticio Justice of Peace IaAXD'AXD TAX-PAYING AGENT Will maka out and take acknowledznenta o Deeds, 51orgpges, Bonds, Ac, Ac. '"j Tronipt attention paid to all business entrusted t bis care.. Office over City Dru'j Store, . .... BpOWNVILLE,-.t3-. T.' ; . . ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AXD- TABLE ROCK, 3 NEBRASKA Reference, Dr. I. Gw?n, Browaville. April II. '61. niO-Iy ISI3A3J REAVES, ATTOENEY AT LAW, PALLS CITY, NEBEARKA. 53" il' practice in all the Courts of Nebraska. vS-n3 ,ly '. C. F. STEWART, EGLICTIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON. rniOXTXTlLLE, JVESIMSIiA. OJBce over n. C Lett's Drux Store, llolladay's ' . v6-n43-!v Block, ilaid streets EDWARD W. THOMAS, i ATTORNEY' AT LA W,: ' . J i -, ::: AXO I ... ,' .. . SOLICITOR 'IN . CHANCERY. ' ' Ot3ce corner of Main and First Streets. V BRQ VILLE, NEBRASKA. MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS. MARY IIETTETT, Announces to the ladies of Brownville and vi- U cinity. that the has just received frosa the jrj East a magnificent stock of ' CPBING AKD STJKMEB MILLUmBY GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and itonnets and IIat, Ilibbons. Flowers, A.C.. To which she invites the attention of ice ladies, reel ing assured they cannot be better suited in style, qual ity or price. n41-ly Y SW AKD LARGE STOCK OF STOVES AND HARDWARE, FOR PALL TRADE. JOHISr C. DEUSER, 2Iiia Street, BrowiiTille, N.T.," Returns thanka for the patronace heretofore extended to him, and promises to supply all wants, either iu QUANTITY Oil QUALITY. OJ2ACP0K.vSTVES,r:i "THE LATE AND IMPTiONED PATTERNS: Ruck's peerless", Elevated Ovens, Superior, ; GOIdcn Era, .' : IVew Era, &c; ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF R0 AND PARLOR STOVES. iND HE ESPECIALLY CALLL ATTENTION TO ' HIS LATE IMPROVED PARLOR COOIt STOVES, HE FURTHER CALLS THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO HIS LARGE STOCK OF -HEAVY -SHEET-IRON, " FOR SUGAR IiOILERS ; ALSO HIS . LARGE CAST1KOX IIETTI.ES. FROM 10 T0 25 GALLONS. 1 K -v - - A Variety of cheap LAHD AND COAL OIL LAI.IPS Of New and Beaut iful Pat terns; Lamp Chimneys, bnaaes, &.c. Brass, Copper, and Sheet IrojlWare; Lanterns, Shoveis ' and Japanned Ware. - A LARGE QUANTITY OF Tin, Stone & Glass S'elf-Sealiuj; Fruit Cans VERY NICE AND CONVENIENT FOR THOSE DEEITUNO TO PUT UP FRUIT! A LARGE QUANTITY OF HOT sT iQW CVa3TL2 OF EVERY DESIRALLE ARTICLE. TOE ATTENTION O ' FREIGHTERS AND OTHERS IS DIRIECTED TO HIS COOKING SKILLETS, OVEN?, dc. Guttering and Spouting. . He is prepared to put up guttering andpouting, and all otbei work of his lin at the shortest "ctice, and in a workmnlike manner he wft- l v.?ivaU t.T'"-.. i'U-LiXi Xi- - - - ' - are built cf the best nnJ most thorou; tcrla's, and will str,l any c.iaia.e. o'cep, round, full, and nie;.-ir, t6e ra.-h Piao warraatei for uve year. Tbe t- . . , touch elj; Pt icei trues 2-5 to $700. TESTIMONIALS. "The Horance Water- Piaaoa are known as amor; j tbr very best." Evangelist. ' ' "We Cn speak of their merits freni personal knowl edze." Christian Intelligencer. . "Waters' Pianos audMeljdeouschallengecnmparlsoB with the finest ma le anywhere." Home Jo urnal. $190. XJEW 7 UUTAV U irXAiX VO. oi QH.er e'nt makers, for $19J? do., with carved $2u0, $"5 ami $M0. Stconii-nauii nanos auu jjeiou "n $10, $50 $60, $75, $100, $115, $U5, $150, ane $160. . . ..- ; . i The Horace Waters lelodeons and Ilar moniums. Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Fatcnt Divided Swell. Prices from to !?3j0. .lexanaer ur EStVS from $2C9to $5C0. : ; ;- -: : r3-A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Sab bata S-:iioi. Lcdgei, Sediinaries, aadTeachers. - EOS ; ACE WATERS, Ag't, Uo. 4S1 Broadway, N. V. i -. ii' ' ..; 7 i-.,:: ,-- ) . . , ,The Day School Bell. . ' 40 OOOcopias isBued- A new Singing Bock for School and Seminaries called the Pay School Bell, is no readv. It contains a! oat two hundred choice songs, rouuds, catches, duets, trios, quartetts, and choruses, many of them written expressly for thiswor beside 32 pages of the Elemeati of Music, which are easy aud progressive. Among the large number of beautiful pieces may be found, ' Uncle Sam'? School," "Don't you hear the children comtng," "Always look on the sunny side," "The little lass, 'and "Little Lad," "Oh, If I were a little bird," "Bird of beauty," "Pretty pear tree," "Anvil Cboru3," "Meet me by the running brook." &c. It is compiled by norace Waters, author of "Sab bath School Bell," Nos, 1 and 2, which have had the enormous taleor 623 000 copies. Prices paper covers, 23 cents, $20 per 100 ; bound 30 cents. $25 per 100; cloih bound, embossed gilt, 40 ceuts, $35 per hundred. 25 copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed at the retail price. . '. . , Sabbath School Cell ?iW 1, contains 144 pages, and nearly two hundred tnneo and bymsn, and is the most popular S. S Book ever issued Among the' most popular riece9 are, Kind Word," 'Eden Above," Christian Hero,", ".Beautiful Zion," "I ouiibt to love iri Mother," "The Angeis told me so,' "In the Light," "Rest for the Weary.,." &.c" PrlceB Taper covers. 20 cU- eaciI-$J5. per hundred; bound, 25cis. each, $20 per. hundred cloth bound, embossed giitfc3'cts., $Tper aurnveu. ' t ' ' V knh!iath School Bell y.o. 2: 'A is an entire new work of 192'aage, and nearly 2ij tnnei asd fcvmn's. As the mufcii Is a Iittlemre (i-irBcnlt is just the book to foilow Bell No. 1. Nearly one lion of ihee Bells hav8 been issued, and ar now rir.g in? through thij and otter, euiintrics. Among the inanv choice pieces may he fourid, Suall we meet be yond the river ? There is a beautiful world. Sorrow hall coma again no more. Don't you hear the Angels coming? Than, God, seest' me. Sabbath Bells chime on, &c. Price of Bell No. 2 are the same as ueii .nj 1. Both numbers can. be obtained in one'voiume. Price, bound cor-y, 40 cents, $35 per hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 50 ct&., $15 per hundred. copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed at the retail price. ' ' i Waters' Choral Harp. Anew Sunday School Bn.k.of 160 pages of beautiful hymns and tunes. It containe niAny gems, snch as Shall we know each other there y Suffer little children to come unto Me ; The beautiful shore f Oh, 'tis glori ous; Lenve me with my mother; He leadeth me beside still waters, ttc, Price payer covers. 2J cents; $15 per hundred; bound 35 ccts.'SZ per h mlred; cloth bound, embossed guilt- 3d cents, $33 per hundred. Mailed at the retail price It is edit l by Borate Wa ter?, :au'hor of Sunday School Bells Nos. 1 and which have had the enormous sales: off over eight7 tU-usanl c p;ej Just pnt)lihed by HORACE WATERS, No. 43! Broadway, New Tort. . -t -3 - i-.Ii The Xew Patriotic Sous Boo; j . I containa 96 pages of.son, d tiers and choruses, 'both sa cred and secular, including It pages of prayers 'or. mok and dying; so idiers, aud soldiers'-Scripture Manual It is well sciied f;r social sinking, as well as Sabbotb wcrsh-p. Anions the many beautiful pieces may be fuilud, Where liberty dwells ismycountry; TiieUIirls- tianbero, Three cheers f-jr our banner; Come si rig to. me of heaving Colainbia, the geai of heocean ; Fise man's gathering;, Columbia's King f..rever ; Marching along, A.C. Price papercovers, 15 cents, $Uprhun dred. Mailed'at the retail price . r . The Harp of Freedom contains 32 pagesof song?, duels and choruses, for Free dom. Among the chcice pieces we would name. Fair freedom's morn ; O let my people go; Over the -mountain; They worked me all the day, Jtc. Price 5 cents single, CO cents per dozen, $3 per hundred; postage 1 cent each. Roth: A Sacred Cantata. -contains 123 pages. Words by-Rev. Sidney Uyer, mnsic by Prof. Cull. . This is an excellent book for concerts for theyoung.- Prices paper covera, 23cents ; $l5per hundred bound 25 centf, $20 per hundred. - The Revival .1Inic Book." , contains 73 pgesf tunes and hyntns. designed for re vival, prayer, and conference meetings. Price in phper covers, smgie eopies, iw ceuts; 3 per uunurea. Mailed at the retail prices. , . The Atheoccum Collection ' contains oetween four and Ave hundred page of tune and hymns, new and oM, of the choicest kinds, for church, Sunday school, revival, missionary, temptrance prayer and conference, and all hinds, of sacred aud so cial meetings. The mnsic In this book his life and an imation in it, like, Shining Shore Rest for the weary, Shall we know each other there ? Shall we meet beyond the river ; There is a beautiful world; Kind words; Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love ; Suffer little children to come unto me ; Get save the Nation, &c. Prices 6in?le copies, bound 50 cents ; $4o per hundred ; cloth bound, embossed giit, 60 cents ; bo per hundred. Mailed at the retail price. HORACE WA TERS, 4S1 Broadway, New Tourk, Publisher of tae above Books. Vocal Music, with Piaiio Accompaniment. A large assortment of new and popular songs, ballads duets, quartetts, and choruseo, Issued daily. Among the most popular are. Shall we know each other there, Lowrey; Why have my loved oQesgone; I will be true to the; Oh, there' no sucb girl ai mine, by Foster; Mother's love is true : Sweet love, forget me not.&., by Keller, 25 cents each; I hear sweet voices singing; Home Is home; Forget tr you cau. uut lumirc, u3 Thomas, 30 cents each. Instrumental Musis for tne oiano rone ie are coming Father Abra'am, six hundred mousana mure , Always look ou the sunny 6iue, anan we wow acu Clner there? &.c with brilliant variations by urooe. do cents each. - ' ';. .' I .. Polkas. Waltzes, Marches, ymcitfteps, tiaaariifs. 4c.. by popular authorai Alt kinds of SiUgiEB and, In struction bixks. Catalogues maiiedfrce to any aUdi;e9 Music mailed at the.above prices. "Waters' Cheap JUusic for the "XUlioa, Arranged as Soroes, ducts, quartetts and Choruses, f musical societies, choirs, Sunday schools, public seine's. semin,Hie. etc. ShalLweknow each other there? . Don't you har the angels coming ? Shall, we meet be yond the river? Be in time; There is a beautiful world; Where liberty dwells is my country; Freelom. truth and right; We are coming Father Abra'am. six hnndred thousand more ; There is a land of love ; Sor row shall come again no more ; Ileavenly home ; Come nn to me of Heaven ; Land in sight ; We will love our Sunday School ; Our God is marching on ; Godiattie Nation ; Whittier's song of the Plantation Negro ; ,Fir Freedom's Morn has dawned at last; Over the moun tain; Overtbe mountain; Little Ella's an angel; Wa ne's gone to Heaven; buffer little children to come unto me; Bury me in the morning. Mother; Corn to thy rest? Sweet hour of Prayer, &.c. Price 3 cents. 30 ceuts per doz., $2 per hundred ; postage 1 cett each. In sheet fc.rni, with Piano accompaniment, 25 cenU. JfUbushed by IlURACK WATFRS, Ag't, - No. 451 Broadway, N- T. ' THE 3ARP OF FREEP03I. Now ready, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti-Slavery, ratriotiL', and Contraband' ton?. scios, dnetsv CTinrtct-and-cbtriiM-.Jlot of the Poetry tad Music haa-been written, expressly for this wwrk, ta'correipoci "witn tte Jiu;es, and saauH, bo sung by the miliion in order to awaken a -deep interest in behalf of the 'CortraUand. " WBonti.d. in his providence, has cast upon tbe Free North to CONTEXTS, -!X TXHT." - I j- "Fair Frecdym's. Horn f has dawned at ' last:" "Break the Chain?, ''u neimt in z Sword I "Fremont is Marchir2 on. or. Glory Hiillelriah ' Oh 1 Help the 'Contrabands';" "Old John E -own'g fcong;" -song of the 'Contrabands' ;" "O Let my People Go :" Parody oa the Son? of the 'Contra bands';" 44 Where Liberty Dwells is my country ;" When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen. God has spoken f "Whittier's suppressed Sung of Freedom," etc. Trice only 5 cents single, 50 cents per dozen. $3 per 100 ; postage I cent. . , , HORACE WATERS, Publisher. n4I-ly 4SI Broadway, New York. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. A. GODFREY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ' ' and OBSTETRICIAN, Educated In France, having twenty-five veam neuceiame jaeaicai science, ana one of the cor Mion dents of the "American Journal of Uie Medical Scien ce, has located permanently in Brownville, and re spectfully tenders his professional services to the cit izens cf this city and vicinity.' , He will not confine his services to common nfirtir. but extend them to chronic diseases diseases of long standing, Malignant Tumors and Sores Asce-'ses and nicer, Cancers and Sore Eyes, even partial Biiadnets Epilepsy, commonly called Falling Sickness, Palsy! Neuralgia, Lyspepsy, Consumnion in th flrt ,J second stage, Insanity in some forms, and diseases of every kjod. Particular attention caid to A rue. ITewill, If requested. ive reference to tht nrn. nounced Incurabie.Ll'r in ihft 1 States, and i kt rri vuiru uy u.ui. o , , v. W , : O ' emaybefoun o.aiea, I lai Zi iey r urug Store, oi : D. A. COi . st. Joseph, :or, HAS OX HAND AND F0?. A I AND WELL SLZCTLD MOCK IRON, STEEL '.- 4 -...-,-.-- t - AND r mm: ill! ii cjarsis LVG II0r.SE XAII.S, WAIL-HODi? B0I SrKIMiS, l'.i.LLOVH, CHA1 FILES, RASPSWliESCOSS SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND IlAMv, teUOEINU HAMMERS, PIN'tUEUd NUTS. HARROW TEEla, ' WELL WHEELS, AC.,AC,C, ALSO WOODWdBBf ii::.: : - COMPRl8IMa f. . . HUTS; -SPOKESV FTJT3. . .1, WAGO-N-'iOWS, SHAFT PULES ' . a- lt. , u -AXELS, HOUXD ; ' A VK. nANOLKS. UliOOlI invnrf it - I'LOW HANDLER U milr ALSO AG EXT. FOR JUS 3X11 OF FAIREAIIKS' SCALES, AT ,25 HAYING LAID IN" A LARGE STOCI OF TIIE A IIO YE GOODS, DIIiECT FRO SI THE FACTORIES, . KCFORE TIIE njsi, I AM ENABLED TO SELL 7a THE TRADE AT PRICES X2T DEFY COMPETITIOS. '- '-BIACilsFliTlis, f&TSentl In Yoar. Scrap Iroasg One Dollar SavrJ i- Equal to twD .HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR" WHO CGI! ' SCRAP IRON AT . ; CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREIIOrsZ FebU-n.T!-6m ST. JOSEPH, yj The best, Cheapst,-- . . Painily Paper and mom Succesii in the Union." A CDilPLlTE PICT02IAL 01 IKE TIC HARPER'S WEEKLY SPLEXDIDLT ILL C ST It A TED. Price Six Cents a Number; S30O a Tn Critical A'otiVe of the Prtn. Its fresh Ieive?, it? clear type, irs eaferta'.-i rarity, its severe but just crititifDU aponthe!-.' of the times, its eleartly written and innn-tr article, and its able eorreypondenee, all toxhr' make it the m-dcLnewspaper of. our coa'?. rne that every family mu;st prize. . Its e"'? weekly suaimary ct.foreijn and Jmtie ye nee 13 alrojether snperi)r to t!iat contain r any other journal. Eein? p5b!iji':d,tw,ic i " for preservation aad binding, if tikeS cir o deserves to bo, it will be found in- future t welcome a companion for the famL'y endHres the day on which it was first persueJ.-J. Earning Pott. Vie would not so often call artternion to Uizrs Weekly if we were not well satisfied that it ir bent family Paper in the United States, aud fa: reason, ani that alon, we desire to see it cm mine and root out a certain kin) of htsrstm prevalent which blunts the raora.li ofitsrw vitiates their taste for sensible readioj, atvli ready bad in its e2ect3. Arw London AJm Wherever we go in rail-cars and steaxbotf we find it seized with eagernef , bwanse of ia ited sketches of passing events. We all lie look at the faces of men we have read of, -ships and forts -that have fijjurtd in the bi; scenes of war. Of all sash men and plac' events, this paper furnishes the best illmtn Our future hiitorians wll enrich themselves m Habfer's Weeklkt lonj' after writers, anJ err. and publishers are tarnei to dttit. X H' One Lopy lor una t ear 1' 'i One; Carry forTwa.Years. ., ' f I ,c-. t: fr fc; li An Extra Copy will be anowed for every 1-3 Tkx SCB3C1BEK3, ' at $ 2,5a each, er 11 Coy ' Harper's Magazixb ani II Atria's Wm tether, eae- yrar, i CO 4 r f . 1Iabpir3 Weexlt is eledrotypeJ, s:J numbers can be had at any time. Vols. I., II., UU IV., V.. and VI. for the 1357 to 1S62 inclusive, of "HARPER'S WEES- handsomely boani in Cloth extra, Fries Jl3 1 are now ready. The posttajo upon H Weeklt, when pa.II in advance at tbeo5-,! it is received, u twenty-six cents a year. HARPER A BROTHER es s . fr ' ' ' " , Fkaxkux Sqcake, 5x 1 GEORGE DEWERIT & CO Manufacturers' A?ents for the saleof lOOeOOO!!! u Watches, Chains, &c., &s. ITOUTII 500.0000! To be sold for ene Pallar Sach, wUaout resari- SPLENDID LIST. ' Of Articles all to be s.l 1 for'ona D'f IPO Gold Hun-ins Cased Watches, .100 Watches. ' . i SCO , . Ladies'. Watches. , - . - -W0 Silver ' . 500 G!d Uaard Test and -C'cste'aia Chains, - - - $' JS i: 4000 Vest. Neck. Guard and Chjte'.am Chain. - - - " - - V. y f 4 t 1 4 to 1 30CO Cameo Brooches . . - 3i'-0 if 0210 aud Jet Brooches 3000 Lath and Florentine B:cocb " 3.00 Coral, Garnet As. Emerald Brooches, 30(10 Cameo Kr Drops., -3H)0 Garnet Masaic and Jet Ear Drop, 4oX) Lava an.lFloreotlut Ear Drops -000 Genu' Scarf Pin. - . -6000 Chain and Baad Bracelets, ' 3600 Gents' Breatg Pins, - " 3CC0 Watch Key, - -S0C0 Fob and K.bbon Sli les, 7000 Sets of Bosom Siuds, f 9OC0 Sleeve Buttons, - - 4U 4u 4' Its' 4w A A. It - , - I t 9000 Plain and Chased 3in;s, t x 7000 Stone Set Rings, -7000 Kiniature Lockets. Crosses, ke. 12000 Sets Ladief Jewelry, - All of the ethKiS in the above Li' ill be oci reeo'vation. for One Dollar each. .11 ik. .;., ... i rl in simi lari and ealed. These euveiopes will be eo delivered at our office, without refri1 CTT receiving a Certificate yea will see what sru t resenta, and it is optional ar'.ta 10a to ud and receive the article or not. . . ,l 'Te w ! Ii i io an transactions by mail we forwardin the Certificates. 'payini,;-i the business, 25 cents each. ' Firs Certifies"- sen for $1 ; Eleven for $2 1 Thirty for I4' for $10. and One hundred for $15. CORRESPOND ENT3 may rely or a prompt answer te their 'orders, Our fan, ' ducted upon liberal, bonet, tra!htforwr,J0 1 and we guarantee saUfactien is alt ce- , rons may always depend upon havintb.l-0 fully att punctually supplied. Ia nocaj"1" pondents be neglected. - " 53-Correjpoedenti sTiouId be rsrefnl to V. . . . . v . t 1 m a: . sicititures plain, and tive their Post Office. .1 - State. Address, , GKO.DK'. - 2:3 Eroadwaj, " ' 3 wiiil AXELS, ViCEr, TlililBLE iSKIIji NS, WAGON UOAhS, SCStSW PLl- RUL3TEK I'LATEH, " S3 Ilavintt had business relations witi ' remlemeo, I take pleasure ii sarin tt' honorable, uprijM men, andperfirtn all iheJ' v f 4 1 the Jeweiry I hareie froai theriUS" s T SitUsaction. R. TH0'7, Nar.ty-1; I a.- To v I. T- A v -A