' I &e sral ::e c M TP ! for tk De ! TtC I fof ens. LJ OVi Dim IJ II j EC STi I i DC .! -i X .'! i Bi! ' 1 m I 1 1 4. fe ci Cli IiIDDLETO!J U- .2 1 1 tr 4r m m - - m Handfacturer and DealerMn C: .' f - . ' - ' ' ' e'j saddles, harness, bf.idiev !J tC0LURS, . WHIM,". t ASHES, NET3fj .;, '.-', CCRftV COMBS, GAUDS, v -britsl.es, carthage' trimmings,.' " -. plastering hair, . : -AID A VARIETY" OF EVERYTHING; V : PERTAINING TO ' " 1 tzzizj "17X1133: J2T ay Trice Shall be in Accoidaa ' with tlie TIMES ce By Strict Attention to Cosiness I Expect "Continuation of the Liberal Patronage Heretofore Bestowed by a Generous Public. Repairing of all Kinds Executed PROMPTLY. cj l .CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. W. UIDDLKTC'X AutS9, 1SS3. n7.1f : CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE v., : BROWN VILLE, : Hm Jnst receiTed a choice lot or the best brnd f LlQwra, which he will sell by the Barre-., (iillon, Qtiftrt or iioftle Drink. The following U a partUl lift : BRAIIDIES : Cherry, Cognac, French, ' WINES: Port, ;'; ,;. . . Hungarian, . . 41 ; Sherry, . - V." ' ."Malaga, . Aledara, ' Champagne. WHISElES: Epurbon.1"' . , j - . f t r r v ; Rye, - - - Scotch, y . , . Irish.. ... ' 1.. w i -- - Mononirhala, MnJ a rariety of common article. BILLIARD SALOON AND :Ten Pin Alley. WIIITXEY'S IJL.OCEI, t : . : Main Street, Brownville. VICTORIOUS OVER FAIN. BMGG'S i rrro 1 jki-otty or -rase ! Sit-knr or liealm ! l.il'e lca!li! Those ie llio (..cl!ms ni hi'l ia the nduj)' iwi or r-jfcliii 1 ll.iti -c't'.ic by ilie ti.iii tj r Jo .Uiual li-s(,as4.s ami injuries. Having re coivi'd tlie iiiiiniM-nu'iil l tlnrdin tfiiguislit'il yiirun, l!w hite l'r. KA.NI-i, wil'l ilt-liiCTV leslod dur ini; two nwlul V iiiUtk in tbe re tioiiN r cit-i nal ic, il it iH'tTcuro iv iiilrt poiioml in OVery F-Oc tiuu ijflhe ciiiliy.el feU.I-o, ikl iu murvi'lmiK ciin pro everj V Jin exciting nluiiliiiif ut. THE AFFLICTED ltEJOICE. . lUIXUUKDS una TilOUSANTS lisiip tesle-l its irlnvx, and are rpjiiiciiifT. in fioi-iliini fiom hmg IiiiTiiiiK VAIN eml M.I'-AsK which oilier n HiodicH liiul lailctl to cure. Ilae yon the flfON- un ns. n i.riiAi 1 1 a, mii-L'- JIAT1SM. HU'.lll.A, l-.M-A llKrl(Knil-A( J IK Are you ulliiclI villi ll,l Hl!r Sif lorinn fmiii lilCI'ISIX, hHIAINS, ttKN.S, M)KK I-.VrJs, l lUf THE ARCTIC I.I?:niEXT win elhiril .vo'i fiislaul relief, tverjbciljr im liable to For those 4ronlf'ul nccMonln the AUCl 10 1JNUIKM hmltl bo kept vii iuiixi, lor itvliiir'U re mi'i iiii oilinto rrlit'F, irieu mi ing fnun ilontli.' Kvory loain bat ami railroad tmiu slmi.lil koop it. VCho that ban heard the slirii .H of tifriitK.li Mllt'ii'd bv the Hc:alUil and inaiiixil viclium of oxibis;otm Mid coUi ioim, ltes tnH fi-ol tliut wuie mraiiH of H-lieviuf llicir hrluie sl.i nld a!u.'iK be :ipcesih!c t Hitrli dfM'sox'rst in 1 1 tjrt Imliiiy jiithi coiitnUii.gMjjcnt. Ilia i - rT.',''-J' i - i THE 1I0TIIERS' COXPATIiCII. It ere CAMS IV Til"' BISKAS-T, iUV.K MITI.fi. H'I'.K I ll's, MMI'I.I. A.c. U Ji mho iie a iure skin, oid ofiiin blilcl.c. scurf lid all ilis'ilirali)im and x riescri pes, shoiild attack tho tio'ssorK mi bianty's tlMinain aMonn:iM I boy nt.-ar wilh Hip tW.CiiC I.IM.V1.M It ia rxcfllvtit lor Jl.e llai, piviii'it h In iillbv. tlosHT . GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. " It I a notrioJjrn roini Jr foi the VM'ioim riismiHoe ilh To iiJrr ' Tt i i mhicli horNPsareelllictPU, cnr- IT F J- X', i ' Iiijf the moKt nliruiiiigcasemif f i in J J wuisI'Jn sit:ain, ktiunc;- 7I HAr.T. WtTNHS. MTtATni- fS; '- ri J r. r' 1'"' 1 ( rf A J., l.l.Mj 1.'; Vf 1K, I!1(M1KAI, JOIJ - - . - - - , .....j nljvMe kooor. or any onn owning valuable IIOUKS, nhoiibl ho uilhout tin valua ble rouiodv-' For eale Sj all rospoctaUe HmggwlH nd TomIoi rricen of the I jniuvnt, ZZ full. f0 o-n!" end $1 a lit tle. A one dollar bottle contains ua touch Liuiuivut as ifc-Ut twenty-Bve-ceut Vol ties EXTRAORDINARY AXXOUXCTIHOIT, F.Tory piirchawr of a ib-Ilir .llleot th- Al (TIC 1.IH fVKNT recoivo. at IT. Hrajrff H exoiiM.. the I'M'JKI) FTATES JOL'RVAI f New Vifk. lor one vonr. Hi Journal in a large illustrated iier e;u-b in iuIkt enn tainiug wxteon ago, lieHiitifiilty f rioted on clear white taper, ajid filled with ertinal niattcr 'rora- thoiiMist bnl ant writera of the country. CortiPcile f nulriitioD asd full partieutar nf the novel nt ili:Vi!i' lm.ic ex terpme. of which this offer forms a Jart, w ill acctiuij auj each bottle. An AdrST TTAXTFT) In FTFT.V TYtlW n1 VTTIGJ CRAGQ & BIRIiOWES, St. Imia, Mo. Xitw Yokk dmcie. No 371 BlttULWAY. Communications tdioukl alwayn be ad a rented to s-t. IjouU IIOV7 READY. TIIK Oifll TTnirtn YTalnr.tflnr Tkrtw I Mff rxges.) containing .Vtfw and Hetideuee of ercry Oacer and Private in tbe Union Armj, with their Command. ;asualtios,iVomotiou8, Ac. (S?"Ercrj ooe want t.) Sent post-paid .on nweifd of 25 cent cMb,orirttar. AddreeiHENKY Jl. ANSON, Fub- KMer, w f-u.it Mrvet, a to ton. VI u. s ' - Are yen fick; ftb, nd complp'iDiiijj? Are jou out f order. V ith yottr syftem ' derailed, or.d feellnps ii r.rnrofortsti! 'These pvnu- :'ABiiit toms are often t!ie prelude to fonous illiios. Some fit of fickreff i creeping rtpon von, and fcou!d be averted br a timelv me of the ripbt rcrr.c dr. Take A er's I il!s, ard cftniise out tl;e di:or. tiered humors rurify the Llood, and let the ; fluids ; "! move on ni;obstructed in i i -.45 1ate the functions of tho -xjtw. . body Into vipoiou activity, rnrify the system from the obstrnctiOJn; which make ciseape. A cold ttlos someu here in the lody. and cbstrocts its nstural furctions. These, if not re lieved, react upou themj-eivcsarid the surrounding orang, prodrrcinr peneral c??invatJon, sufierinff, and dietafce. Wluie in this coiiUitiou, oppressed by the derangements, tike Ayer's I'ilK ai.d see how directly thev restore the natural action of tbe sys tem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and o apparent in this trivial and com mon complaint, it a!o tnte iu many of the deep seated and dan?ertuydiFtempers. The same purga tive erect expels them. Caused by sfmilar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural Junctions or the bodv, tbey ar- rapidly, and many ot them surely, cured by the same means. Jsoue who know the Tirtues of these lills. will neglect to employ them w hen suffering from the disorders they cure. Statements fiom leading i -hyeicians n feme of the principal citicp, txd trom other we J-ktown puhhc persous : Trom a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 18a. Dr. Arrn- Your Tills are the paragon of all that Is greet iu medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet thct bed proved incurable tor years. Iter mother has beeu Jong grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin aud in her hair. After our child was cured, she aiso tried your l ills. and they have cured her. ASA JIOliUKIDGE. A a Family Physic. From Dr. E TT. Carrurright. JS'ew Orlruf. Your Tills art! the prince of purges. Iheir ex cellent qualities surpass any eathrtriio we possess. Thev arc mild, but very certain and ettectual in their action on the bowp!s, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. Headache, Kick IlrasiactM, Vonl Stomach. From Dr. Edvard Boyd, Baltimore. Dear Uko. Ayir: I cannot answer you vhat complaints 1 have cured with your lills better than to say a'. I that ve ever treat tcith a purgattce medi cine. 1 place ;retit deiendence on that effectual cathartic in my dailv contest with disease, and be lieving, as I do. that'jour lills afford us the best we bave,l of courrt value them highly. -rrrrsBCBOI'a.. May 1, 1S55. Dr. J. C. Ater. Sir: 1 have been repeatedly cured of the w orst headache anybody can have by a dose or two of yonr li!!s. It seems to ariue from a loul stomach, which they cleause at orfce. Yours with great respect, EI). W TREBLE. Clerk of Steamer Clarion. . ISilioa Dlnortlcrs liivcr Complaint. . From Dr. Tlieodore Belt, oXeio York City. Not only are your Tills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I lind their beneficial c Sects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in mv practice proved more effectual for the cure of lUioiu complaints than any one remedy I can nientiou 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the proleetioii and the people. Department o? the Ixtet.ior, 1 Washington, L. C , 7th Feb., 1855. ) Sir: I have used your Tills in my general and hospital practice ever since you mnae them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regulating action ou the liver is quick and decided, consequently they are an ad mirable remedy lor deiaugements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom lound a case of bilious dis ease to obstinate that it did not readily ie!d to tLeua. Fraternally rours, ALOXZO HALL, M. D., . - Physician vf Ihe Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Biarrlaera, Relax, Worms. . TVom Dr. J. 67. Green, of Cliicago. Your Tills have had a long tnariu lny practice, and I hold theto in esteem as one of the test aperi ents I have ever lound. Their alterative effect upoa the liver nir.kes them an excellent remedy, w hen given in small doses lor bilious dysentery and diar rhea. Their Fugjr-coating makes them very ac : ctptable aud convenient lor the use of women and children -" ' "; . .. "'. Dyxpepsia, Imparity of the Blood. From liev. J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, ' - Boston. Dr. Ater: I have used vonr Tills with extra ; ordinary success in my family and amongthose I am called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify 'the bloou, they are the very best remedy I liave ever known, and I can confi dently recommend them to my fuends. Yours, J. V. HIMES. . Warsaw, Wyoming Co ., K. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Dear S12: I uni using your Cathartic Tills in my practice, and tind them an excellent purgative to cleause the system nnd pnrifu the fountain of the Hood. JOHN O. 3IEACT1AM, JI. D. Constipation, Colirenew, Nnpprcwsion, IEtirMur.Hlinm, Gout, Neuralgia, JJrojwy, laralyi, l'itfi,etc. F-om Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Tills for the cure of coffirexess. If others of our fraternity have found them as eiheacious as I have, they should joia me iu proclaiming it. lor the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of ovhers that are worse. I believe costirentxs to originate hi the liver, but your Tills aflect that orgau aud cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, J l os ton. I find one or two large doses of your Tills, taken nt the piopcr time, are excellent promotives of the natural stcretion when wholly or partially sup- pressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worm. They are so much the best physic we have that 1 recommend no other to my patients. From the Bev. Dr. Hawl-at, f the Methodist Epis. Church. TTXAPKt House, Savaunah, Ga.. Jan. 6., 1S55. Honoked Sin: I should be ungrateful lor the relief our skid has bi ought me if 1 did not report my case to join A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I Tad the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent , agent in Haitimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Tills. Their cllects were slow, but sure. By per severing iu the use of them, 1 am now entirely welL Sfxate Chamber. Haton Tlouge, La., 5 Dec, 1855. Dit Ayek: I have beeu entirely ctned, by your Tills, of Jiheumatic Gout a pinful disease that hus afilicted nie for years. VINCENT SLID ELL. O- Host of the Tills in mnrket contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy iu skilful hands, Is dangt-rou iu a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that frequently lollow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Trice, 25 cests per Eox, cr 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB L Col, Lowell, Uass. '. . ' SOID BY" ' ' "vYM.IT. JIcCRJ'ERr. Brownville. . A. BKOWN A BUO., Peru. Dr. II. GRAVES, Kalcm. " JOHN V. HOLT & BRO., Salem. ' HOLT & SCOTT, Falls City. LEWIS & SHEPHERD, St. Stephens. ' EASLEY A SilEUER, Rulo. t8-e8 ly SALIXALBA. " The Greatest Timber for tho PRAIRIES. It makes a perfect Hc lpe fence in four years ! LJ" One Arre of it set ri.:s fall, iu five years will make en.iush Word for one Family ! Tlr It prows straight, atid very tall ! jCj It never sprouts from the roots; but when cut flow n ."will grow acaiu from the stump, very rapiuly I It" ii the best soft wood for ruet, er any other puvp-'se ! 53" VI hen kept off the ground, tbe rails will list 30 yer I ' JCj It grows equally well wilh us on upland, where this rich, as in the bottom-;! $r- cuttings eicht inches long stuck in the ground ia t e Fall, never fail to cow ! 55 Yfe sell it for per thousand Cuttings, dellv ered at any of our Agerfrie. - m ' . JCj- Partkss wishing to buy," should order early of our Ageuts, so tkat tbey may notify us in lime. CCTTIXGS ttundled and delivered at the above places, as suou as tbe lea res fall. T. R. FISIIER, jr.jwuvn is, is Aeut for Nemaha and eat half of Richardsou Counties. CCKriS & PEAVER, Pawnee City, are Agents for Pawnee and e.-t half of Richardson Couuties. RKV MR. TINKUAM, Ueatnce, is Agent for Gage and Jones Counties. - ' : J. U. HUTLtR, Au.tia, Agent for. Clay and Saline Couaties. . . ; Eeware of "Willow Peddlers. . We learn that many swsnips of common WUIaw bare been ciened up, aud the CuttiiiK sola as Gray Willow. We. pet our Willow of SAML'KL EDWARUj, of La tloille, Illinois, a rosponsibie Nurseryman. EEITHEYEE & ROBISOJJ, MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS AND SHOESJ MAIS BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STS., ISKOW.N'VIM,!;,. X. 'I'm Having rerently purchased the Shoe Sliop formerly ewiieLby Wra. T. Pen. wenoT offer our work at ereat ly 1 educed prices. We manufacture ill that we offer for sle. ; 5"A11 work wsrrautel. B'-ownvilie. Sept. 27. 1ST!. p.t Ayers Cherry Pectoral c ' . Avail HQ ! HO ! FOR IDAHO! 1856 " ESTABLISHED IS 5 5 WE T. DEN, ! ! ..... . - - . . ' ; i ns jus't returned from the Eastern Markets, with Large axd Well eleqlad Stock of Goods, suitable for this JIarSet. Den Defies Competition! Those In want of Goods will do well to call at DSN'S before purchasing. DEN is the man to sell you a CHEAP BILL OF GOODS. His stotk consists of fOlaUlU dUU A' auu y iyi y uwuo x w - - . Piece Goods for Men's weary LADIES BALMORAL SKIRTS, Hoop Skirts, Ladies' Hats, Fall and Winter Single and Double Shawls, Fancy Trimmings, &c. LADIES, B ay your Fancy Goods and Notions at DEN'S. lie keep tho largest asr,n"nt ot Hosiery, Gloves, and Gauntlets, Fancy Knit Hoods and Slialiers. CLOTHING. DEN baa a Large Stock of Over Coats, Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Sliirts and UrawerS. . Direct from Boston Market, that he Invites tbe publi . TO EXAMINE. , " DEN'S IS THE HOUSE TO BUT TOUR Boots and Shoes, and Ladles' Fancy Gaiters. KEEPS TnE LARGEST STOCK OP HOME-MADE and CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SIIOES in the West, and SELI,S CHEAP. The Cest Assortment of HATS AND CAPS Yon can get at DEN'S. - - - -DEM' will sell yfm h Fancy JlATi and tne v . : 0 Cheapest CArS IN BROWNVILLE. Tnose in want of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES win find a complete assortment at OEM'S. BEST sells the Best Tea, Sugar, CoxTee, Oysters, Sardines, Soda, Pepper, &c., X3ST 3E-X1.223T- D 1 KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST Brandy, Wine," and Whisky, for Domestic and Medical use, and sells them Cheap. CIGAHS AND TOBACCO, of tbe best Brands, you find at -DEft'S. - D E M?S Hardware, Queensware. DOOKS AND SASH, IRON AND NAILS, GLASS A KD PUTTY, Patent Medicines and Erngs, Oils A23.cl Paints, ARE SOLD CHEAP. FUENITURE. i E H KEEPS A FULL AS SORT HI EX ALWATS ON HAND. D EH Ilns a Large Slock of TINWARE 1ND STOYg PIPE, direct f jom Eastern Manufactures. Is A?e ni for his own House for the purchase of HIDES, PELTS & FUES, for which he will always pay i THE niQIIEST CASH PBICli E M- Will supply his Trappers this Season with Mink, Otter and Bearer Steel Traps. ALSO KEEPS ON HAND Chryslalized and Pulverized Strichome D E N Returns his thanks to the Public for past favors, and by strict attention to Bufiness hopes to merit tkat lib eral palronase bestowed on him heretofore. Keeping this one thing in view "quick Sales and Small Profits,'? he cannot be undersold, MIND THAT! New Remedies for . SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION utttt t r-PT T)TTTA " ' A Benevolent Institution established by special ,- Cowmen:, jor ine nriicj vj u.vu , afflicted tcith Virulent and Chrontc Diseases, and eipeciaLy for the Cure of, Diseases of the Sexual MijDICAL ADVICE Siven gratis, by the Acting Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhea, fcnd other d!s eale of the Sexual Orst nn, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in the irensary, aeut in sealed lettei invettipes.rreeoi cuarst. iww. .u. v- Address US, J. 5tt.IL.L.i uucuuiw-. ioction. No. 2, South Ninth Street, PhiUelphia, Pa. FAinBANIIS' SCALES i t . rt A VtWTlt ) Also, Warehouse Tracks, lettm 3 Presses, &c. FAIRBANKSfOSEEHLEAF & C0! 1T2 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, 53Be carefuL and buy only the genuine. mX June 12th, 18o3 n49-3m D. C. SANDERS, Agent for PHCENIX INSURANCE CO., rjAr.TroiiD, conn. Probate Jude, Ex-officio Justice of Peace L,AXI AIVD TAX-PAYING AGENT Will make out ami take acknowledgments Deed?, Mortgages, Won is,&c, &s. Prompt attention paid to all business entrusted t hlawire. Office over City Uru Store, BROWNVILLE, IJ". T. THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND TABLE ROCK, NEBRASKA Reference, Dr. D. Gwinj Brownville. April H,'I." nlO-Iy . ISfllM K RAY IS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY, NEEHAEKA. J3 'Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska. vS-n3-ly O. P. STEWART, EGLICTIC PHYSICIAN S U R GE O N , BROWXT1LLE, XEIWIASRA. OfSce over n. (!. Lett's Drus Store, H-illartay's Block, Main street. . . " v6-ni3-ly EDWARD V7. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office corner of Jtain and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS. MARY IIETYETT, Announces to the ladies of Browaville and vi- .inUv tV.t whA liia fiKt arr.ttrpi? frnm th0 East a niaKiiiflcent stoK or , CPEIKG AUD SUMMER KILLIIfZ2Y GOODS, . CinsisiinK of Ladies' and Jlissf Unnets and Hat?, Kibhons-. Fl)w?r, fiiC. Pu which fche Invites Ihe atter.tioa of the Udies, feel ing assured they cannot be better suited in style, qual ity or price. n4t-ly , y XYF AND LARGE STOCK. OX ;v--.iv H.U .r'j; -r i STOVES AND HARDVAEE, FOR FALL TRADE. JO'HN C. BEUSER, Mrtin Street, Brownville, X.T., Retnrnn thanks for the pstronase heretofore extendel to him, and premises to su;.ply all wants, cither iu QUANTITY OU QUALITY. COOK STOVES, THE LATE AMD 1MPR0XED PATTERNS ; sucn AS Bucli.s 2-eericss, Elevated Ovens, Superior, GoSdcn Era, New Era, &c. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY" OF BOX AXD PARLOR STOVES. AND HE ESPECIALLY UALLL ATTENTION TO HIS LATE IMPROVED PARLOR COOK STOVES nE FURTHER CALLS THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO HIS LARUE STOCK OF HEAVY SHEET IRON, FOR SUGAR BOILERS; ALSO HIS LARGE CAST IRON KETTLES, FROM 10 TO 23 GALLONS. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Of Kew and Beautiful Patterns; Lamp Chimneys, . Shades, &.c. ,B-as, Copper, and Sleet Iron Ware;, Lanterns, Shovels and Japanned Ware. A LARGE QUANTITY OF Tin, Stone & Gla? Self-Sealing I'ruit'Cans VERY NICE AND CONVENIENT FOR THOSE DESIRLVJ TO PUT UP FRUIT! A LARGE QUANTITY OF HOZjXjOW "WaXX33, OF EVERY DESIRABLE ARTICLE. TnE ATTENTION OF FREIGHTERS AM) OTHERS IS DIRIECTED TO HIS COOKING SKILLETS, OYENS, c. Guttering and Spouting. He is prepared to put up guttering and.-pouling, and all otbe. work of bis line at the shortest notice, and In workmnlike manner, which he warrants to give sat isfaction. - w-n-ly IMPROVED OVKRSTEUNG BASS FULL IRCir FRALIS FIAITC3 are built of -the best and most thcrousbly seasoned ma teria's, and will stand sr? cii.uate. Tbe tore i very deep, round, full,-and .njellow; the tou.'n eutic. K-ch Plana warranted for five years. Prices from $205 to $700. - ' ' ' TICSTTMOKIAtS- ' . ; "The Korance Waters Pianos are kaown as among th very best." L'rye!f. - . "We can syjs or ttieir roerus ircm peraouat inam- edge." Chiittian, ime.igencer. , - "Waters' Pinois andllel xJejrMch!l?n?ecomparisoo with tre finest msde anywhere." Horns Journal. $190 HEW 7 UUiii. V u riAK ya, oi tuner- em makers, tor isj; a-., wun carver :egs, $25 snd $240. Secoiift-hand Pianos and JteNxieons at $5, $10, $50, $G0, $15, $100, $11j, $125, $150, anrf The ITorace Waters Jelodcons and llac mouiflino. Tuned the Equal Temperament with tbe Patent Divided Swell. Price from si to 5300. Alexander Or gars from $2!e to $3 0. rj-A liberal dicoi nt to Clerpymcn, Churches. Sab bath Schools. Id?es, Seminaries, and Teachers. BOU ACE WATERS, Ag't, Xo. Brcadway, X. Y. The Day. School Bel!. 40;000copioi issued- A new Sinein? D. for SCiools and Seminaries, called the Day Sca.-O Beil. I now ready. It contains a o t two hundiel ch.dce sik. Touuds, catches, duets, tri s. quartetts. and hordes, niany of tUm written expressly for tl;Lwirt be-ides 32 paues c-Mhe Elements ot Musis, which are easy aud pri'Kressive. Anions the larjte number of beanfiful pieres mayte found, ' Uncle ,ani's School," -Don't you hear the children conitng," "Always look on the suunjr side," The little lass. ' and "Little Lad," "Ob if I were a little bird," "Bird of beauty." "Pretty per tree," Anvil Chorus," 4 Meef rue tv the running brok." &c. It is compiled by Horace VTte!-. a'Uhor or "Sab bath School Bet 1," Xos, l and 2, which have bad tbe enormous aleof 825 OOOcopie. Prices raper covers. 25cents, $20 per ICO; b -und 30 cents. $i5 er 10o; cloih bound, rmbosseu pilt, 40 ceuts. $33 per Uuudtel. 25 copie furnished at tbe one hundred price. .Mailed at the retail price. Sabbath Sciiool Ocll No. 1, . : : contains 144 paces, and nearly two. hundred time and hym-n, nd is the most p- pmar S S Book eer issued i'mont t)iB iiot p.'P"'r riece are, ' Kind Wirl," "Eden Above," "Christian Hero," ' Brtauuful Zion," "1 oucBt to love Mother," The Anyels told ne so' 'In the Li?ht," "Rest Tor the Weary." Prices la; cr covers, 2.1 cts. each, $15 t er hundred ; bound, 25cts. each, $20 per hundred; cloth buund, embossed gilt, it cts., $2 per hundred. Sabbath School Dell Nn. 2, is an entire new work of 192 aaste, and nearly 225 tune and hymns, as the ron-dc is a little nv re dirncait it is just tho book to foiJow Bell So. 1. Nearly out ruil li jn of these Bells have been issued, and are now rin in;t throuph tbii and other countries. Am n? the inny choice pieces nay : be found. Shall we meet be yond the rivet 9 There is a beautiful world. , Sorrow sball coma asiin no more. Don't you hear the Angel coming? Thou, God, seest me. Sab'jatJ Bell chime on, S.c. Pi ice,s of Bell No. 2 are the same as Bell No. 1. Both numbers c.iTi be obtained ih one volume. Price, bou:i4 copy, 40 cents, $35 per huudred; clyth bonnd, embossed Kilt, 60 ct?., $15 per bundled. 25 copies furnished at the one hunUied price. Mailed at the retail price. ... Water' Choral Harp. 1 Anew Sunday School B"ok,of ISO pres of beautiful hymns and tunes. It contiine m-inr gem-?, ench as Sh3tl we know esch other there; Suffer li'tie children to co-me unto Me; Tbe beautiful t-hore ; Oh. 'tis glori ous; Le.ive.nie with my mother ; ne lei'ieth me beside i-til 1 waters. &.C.' Pi ice paper covers. 2 J cents; $15 per hundred; bound 35 cents. $2J per hundred; cloth bound, embossed gni it 35 cens, $30 per .hundred Mailed at the retail price. It is edited by TJorace Wa ters, au'.hir of Sunday Sfbo-jl Boils Nos. 1 an l 2, which have had the enormous sale of over eizht thousand copies. Just published by HORACE WATERS, No. 4S1 Broadway, New York. The New Patriotic Sopg Book contains 96 pace' of soncs, duers and cboru-es, both sa cred and secular, including 14 pges of prayers for sik and dyin? soldiers, and Soldiers' Scripture Manual It is well sui'ed for social sinjin, as we!! as SW-'th worbhip. Am-ins the many beautitul pieces m.iy be found, Where liberty dwells is niy country ; Thet'hr'.s tiaa Lero, Tbree cheers for our banner; t me s:n to meofheavjn; Coluuibia, the pia of 'he ocean ; F.ee nian's gathering; Colombia's King fi.rever ; Marching along, &c. Prices papercovers, 15 ceuts, $liipr Uun. dred. Mailed at the retail price The Harp of Freedom contains 32 pages of songs, dae- s and choruses, for Free doru. Among thech 'ke pieces we ronid name, Pir freedom's morn ; O let my people go ; Over tbe m-in-tain ; They worked me all the d iy. &.c Pric5 cent single, 50 centa per dozen, $3 per hundred; poi-ttge 1 cent each. RntTi: A SiiorpdtCnnlaTa. contains 123 pa?es. Words b Rev. Sidney Dyer, music by Prof. Cull. This is ail tx clieiit b.-k for concert for tharoung. Prices Dao-r c.vers. 20ccnta i lliur huudred; bound 25 centt. $20 per hundred. - The llrvital JI-t-irB wk. contains 73 pagesjof tunes and hymns desined for re vival, prayer a:ut eonfereice meetirnf. Price in p.iper covers, kii.g.'e c. pies. K ie its; $3 er hundrnr Mailed al the retail prices. The Athenauiti Collection contains netween fou: and five hundred pise" of tunes and hymns, new and o tl. of the choicest kitv'.s. for (Lurch. Smday school, revivat. nus-.l..n iry, teryvt ranee prayer and cou.'erence. and all Inn U of sacre i ihI so cial meetings. Ttie music iu this 1 m m k has lite ami an imath.n in it, like. Sh;niin Shre, Ke-t lr the weary, Shall we kn w each other there ? tviiil we nxn-t b-y..iid the river ; There is a t'eamitul world; Kind word; Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love; Suffer little children to come unto me ; G l ve the X tn n. &r. Prices sinsle copies, bound 50 cents; $15 per hundred ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, & cents ; 65 per homlied. Maiiel at the retail price. IIoRACH WA TEHS. 4SI Broadway, New Yourk, Publisher of thu above Books. Vocal Music, with I'iano Accompaniment. A large assortment of new and popular sins, ballads duets, quartetts, andhoruseo, Wsued daily. A toon the most popular are, shall we know each other ther-. Lowrey; w'hy have my loved oues g me; I will be true to the; Oh, there's n j such girl ai mi:ie, by Kxtttr; Mother's love is trne ; Sweet love, forcet n.e not.it, . ' Keller, 25 ceuts each; I hear sweet voice singing; II ,im tS home; Forget if you can. but forgive, Ly Thomas. 3o tnts each. Instrumental Jin.., for the Cian Forte We ate coming Father Abra'a in, fix hundred thousand more j Always look on the snnny side J Shall we know eml other there? 5i.c with brilliant variations by Grob 50 cen:s-each. Polkas, Waltzes, Marchea, Quickstep, Q-iadrilU, &c, by popular authors. All kui.!s of Swigin and In struction b mAs. Catalogues nui edrrce to any address Music mailed -at the above pricss. Waters' Cheap 31 usicfor the million. Arranged as soloes, duets, qnartetcs and cborn-ei, f'1 rau.sical societies, choirs. Sunday school., putiticsch.o's semiuaries, eic. Shall we know each oe' tl.ere? Don't you hear the angels c .nuu?? Shall we nrCet be yond tbe river? Be in time; Tbei-e-m a beautiful world; Whero liberty dwells is my country; Freedt3i. truth and risht ; We are coming Father Abia'am. lix hnndred thousand more ; There is a land of lve; Sor row thai 1 come a?ain no more ; Ileavenly home ; Come Mng to me of Heaven; Land insizht; We will loveo ir Sunday School ; Our God is marchin on ; G-Klsaethe Nation; Whittier's snug of the Plantation Negro; Pair Freedom's Morn has daw ned at last; Over the moun tain; Over the mountain; Little F.IIa'n an ausel ; Wil lie's gone to Heaven ; Sutler little children to come unto me; Bury me in the morning, Mother ; Come to thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, b.c. Price 3 cents, 30 cents per doz., $2 per hundred ; postage 1 cent each. Iu sheet form, wi:h Piano accompaniment, 25 cents. Published by liORACB WATFift. Ax't, No. 4S1 Broadway, N. Y. .THE Si. UP OF FREEDOM. Now read j, .a new and superior collection of 27 Anti SIaverj, l'atriotie, and ''Contraband" sonys. solos, duct, quartets, arid choruses. . .Must of the Poetry and .MuL has been written expressly for this ork, to ct.rresjx.nd with the tini'is, and shoaM be sung by tho million, in order to aw;iken a Jeej intereatin bc-Lalf of the ''Contraband," whom()".d. in his prwidetice, had cast upon the Free North to clothe and educate. CUSTENTS, IX PART. "Ftir Frecdota'd Morn has d.iwncd at Ivst:" "Rrral! the Plmins. r.r u- ''-"r...ii.n' In Sw.,rrl " "Fremont is ilanhinrr on. or. Lihtrv HaiielniAli " ' Oh I Help the Contrabands';". "'Old John Urown'i Soog;" "Son? of the 'Contrabands';" "O Let mj reopie uo ; "i aroay on the fceng of the 'Cootra- hamls:' "Wherei Liherfw Dwolla 14 rrt O r..,n n l-ir When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom j" "Wakd. rreetnen. uoa nas spoken W htttier s suppressed Song of Freedom," etc. Price only Scents single. 50 centa rer doier. :t per 100 ; pof tage 1 cent. iiUUAXb WATERS, Publisher. nil-lj - 481 Rroadway,New Y..rk. TO THE AFFLICTED. 1)1 Z. A. GODFRF.Y, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON OBSTETRICIAN, rience in th m' oio-a anal ntla i t I K a, rm. . .'vu v w ' iuc .ut f LH 1 dents of the "American Journal of the Medical Scien ces," has located permanently in Brown vn!e, and re spectfully tenders tt is tirofesr,ioual r,Prvicr f..t Izens of this city and vicinity. tie win not coiiUne hi-- services to common practice but extcn I them to chronic ',ieat diseases of long standing. Malignant Tumors and Sore Absce-se and rrtrar P. - - .. , v live t i. i , i v.i.ti yt t i.i o iu (in ess Epi'epsy, commonly called Falliu Sickness. Pahsri j 1 , i ' j , v.v.'.t.v.M .uo uisi anu second stage. Insanity in some forms, aud dircajes of every kind. Particular atteation pail to Ague. lie will, if requested, give reference to tn.iso pro Bounced incurable iu tbe United States, and afterwards Cured bv Mm. e m iy be f.ur,l at all har3 feitber at W 11 MoCieery' Drug Store, or at bis dwelling house, when cot e isaged on professional business. tiitty- . .AND TTACOX HAIHS, . IE0H! 1B0IT!' d. a. . coiistable; - ST. JOSE t'Kr ;iO., HAS ON ITANT) ANI FOR SALB A LXPt AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 01 IRON, STEEL, AND MOT CJilPRlSINGf i nORSE NAILS. NATL-Ronq .CORSE AND MULL SIIOLS, ANV1L3 SPUINliS, P.ELLOWS, ' ':: AXELS, VICES, TIII.MP.LS SKEIN'S CHAINS, WAGON UOXES, SCREW PLAT1" LlLSTLlt PLATES, FILES. RASPS. WRENCHES, SLEDiiE IIAMMEIiS, HAND HAMMERS. SUOEINti HAMMERS. PIM;iIERS NUTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, 1C, AC, iC, - . ALSO . WOODWORKS I cojinijisa, nuns, zvokhs, felows, l TTAOON LOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, UUUNDS, AXE HANDLKS, IwioOM HANDLES. ; PLOW HANDLES. te. ALSO AGENT FOB THE SAL1 OP FAIHEAIIIIS' SCALES, mmm -AT . PACTOHT. 2XIZC3ZJ3 ' ' HAVINO L A I D -1 N A LARGE STOC. If OF THE A ROVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE " . FACTORIES, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO "NT THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. ; .-BLACKSililTIIS, joTSeriil In Yonr Scrap Iron.j" One Dollar Saved i Final to two Dofc lars JIade. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WABEHQISF. FcbU-no2-fim ST. JOSEPH. M0 Tiie best. Caapst. una mosr. irucces'ui Family Paper in the Union." A COjdPLSTL PICT0KIAL0I TEETira HARPER'S WEEKLY. PLtMIULV ILLC?TBATD. Price Sit Cn n jjnibfr; 3!)0 a Vpk Critical .V.Zic nf t'te I'rem. D fresh ln es, its c!?ir typ. its entcrain n vnrity, its severe but just criticism na lt t-i f the (itD. its el-g-rtjy written and in' r e::" itrtii-lfs, an 1 it nMu cirr.?T.nJence. alt corah a' make it th? lvvnlcl riflwjtiiper of nar euurry. a-. one that every family tnut priie. Its rtil a-". week;-y sumtn iryof firrtijt, Jmif'ti' .-- ijena is a!togethi?r superiitr ithat oiua.a'1 hny other j't(irnl. l'eing pub'i.h-,l. too, in ' foe j rescrvation amt binding, if tiken earwif n deserves to be, it wi!l be found in future wtleornaa comp-niun for the f';imi!y and Envi' tlie day on which it was first pcTaiied. -V. I Ec nlmj Pott. We wou;d not so often call att?ni-n ti UiJri Weekly if we were not well saw.-Sl ihatiii"' ht-ft family I'upT in tht Unitrd Sfifea, auJ ft r::: reason, snd thJt alon, w dcire to sec it si mine and root out a certain kin ! f litTani ' jtrviilant, which b'nnt3 the morals of i's r:ii-' vitiates their taste for sonsiMe reading, anlai ready bad in it effect. Xjio Lnn h, , Ad.rrif Wherever we g't in rail-cars nnd stciirnb'Ji'' wc Cod it sciiod with ea -roes-, bocaus of in f i ted sketches of pasing events. We all lin lrnik at the faec3 of nvrt we- have read of.J' shijts and forts that have figured in the b--' scenes i f war. Of all 8-ich men an-1 place'. event, thi paper f!irai.h"s tha b?it il'ustrati . Our future historiin will enrich tbi:aielv'-' na' Hakpkk's Weksley l.rr. after writer, and v-,.. 4 cr. anl pub!isSer are turned to dust. -V. YE jlit. - One Copy for One Year $ $ One C.tpv for Two Years i' a t . c S : An E.xtr Cpy will be allowed for evtry C' , I , Te.s SfusctBR3, at $2,51 each, or 11 Copki: f 125. ' Sl- Harpzr'sj Maoazixr and HABi-ER'a Win- ,b-.; together, one T-;ir. ?5 00. '. 1, I Harpers Weekly i elect retyped, and t cv. numbers Can b had at any time. Vols. I., II., III.; IV., V , and VI. for theft 1S57 to 18S2 inclusive, of -HARPER'S WEEKL handsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $W53 are now ready. The posttaTj nrn Hir' Weekly, when paid in advanuo at the 2i-S ,; it is received, is twenty-si j cents a year. HARPER A BROTHER. ni. Fravkmn SqcAna, New Yds GEORCJi: II K MERIT & CO- Manuactnrers' Aeents lor the sale of Watches, Chains, &c, &c, TORTII JS.-500.0000! M all. To be sold for one Dollar Each, witnout regard to splendTd list. Of Article all t- be s-w.l for one Dollar E'fi f t 1f0 G. Id ntin ing Caed Watches, - I'' 11 100 " Wat.he. -. - . - . . 2u0 Ladies' Watches, ' ft 0 Silver - - - li'.T : 600 G ild Guard, Vest and Cbatelain . Chain. - $15 :a. 40C0 Vest, Neck, Guard and Chate'aia Chains. - - - . 3000 Cameo Brooches 3uiu Mosaic and Jet BrochM 3000 Iav! an t Florentine Brioches 3 Of' Coral, Garnet & Emerahl Brooches, SWO Came Kar Drups. - - . -3 Of) Garnet M. aic and Jet Ear 4rop, 400U Lava anl Florentine Ear lrops f to !' 4 to " 4 to ' 4 to 1 4 to 41 4t 4w ; J t ' 3 w' 2tl 2 : ' t 40( 0 Gent.-.' Scarf P. os. - - B000 Chin and Bind Bracelets, 3600 Gcrt' B- eats Pinit, 3U.-0 Watch Key., - - - t0 0 FoD and Ribbon SMtles, 700O Se's of B-.ni St ads, - ihk Sleeve But to-s. 9X!0 Plain an I Cha.ed Ring, 7o o Stoue Set R;ng. - - ' 7;hK Miniature l-kets, Cr-mses, &.c. - liOOO Sets La.!ies Jewelry. Ca' tr t w ' j in ! .'I ' .ni ree"vation, f..r Oue D-'lla' each. L'sn: all the varic-u articlef are pljeed in inii"rfr'1 and sealed. T!k-m envelopes will be sent W delivered at our rtllce, without reuard to cH"", receivn g a Certificate von will see hata.-tic re.-eut. ana i' t- optional :th lou U tend and receive the artic e or n-.t. Iu all transactions by mail we abaM char forwarding the Certiflcate. paying pc-tas. ' the buiiie.. 25 cents eacii. Five CeT'rt,!. i-en f..r SI ; Eleven for $2 ; Toirt for $5r for $'0 art.1 On hr.ndre-l for ' CiiURESPONUEXTS may reiy crM-rn a P-, prompt answer to their orders. Our bu-i', i'ncied npon liberal, bone-t, straiglrtforwirJ and we guarantee yatisfaction iu all rde,iV roni. may al way depend npoir having their or" fn! iy and punctually supplied. Ia uo ca?e '' poniicui.-, be nesilecteJ. t ihnW i p-efil to wr-'1 A 1 of A. r T ' 1 tr-l-i" o? , plain, and give their F.st t)ffl-:e. C ' Address, GKO DSMEf'J 223 Er.J'lW'iJ'i e Mi:uitures Slate. mi TT V.J KncInAu ta!,f liT . , i ,,k. )..,,- in divine to'1 ;n, I take pleasure In Kaying 4 f, uprigM meu, and perform ail " ewelry I have seea trom there 1 1 Kent itruicu, . Mc bonoraole a.id tbe Jew gives satisfaction. B4?-tf ii r-? T.--C. CluL , V ' 11 ai le a 11 V: C 4):i '- , J - A . Tr, Tfi- aqua v -