Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 10, 1864, Image 2

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bkowtcViixe; tiicrsixat. JURcn-i&.iss L
.The (Faljs )CUy: Broad Axe makes a
cuj a$iherciiizens pf Nemaha ccuatyt
arjl sa, gi-tv the copperheads of Ne
maha, loplcjo. their !.qwn citizen?,. .before
they agaip qall n old Richardson; for J
hej-a..'-t td- farihe.f ;. "JVe have been
inOsnnedhy. good. authority that he citi
zens cf Brownville caused the prisoners
that were axresud oii suspicion -sf being
jayhawtersgq levied,, then put in acold
room with but little fire allow ed them."
Thej authority that arrested those pris
oners was that of Uncle Sam ; tho .one
who arrested thera was Lieut.: Schenck,
assisted. to-.scme extent by Sheriff Glas
QJ the. evidence pa j wich, they ; were
arrested was fronpner of, the gang- turn-,
fog 'State's $yjdenceJ :;If. the .editor of.
the Axe is particularly anxious to have
a fe of .hore-thieves, in, his, cqaniy, we
thrafc he-is doing the best he can to ac
complish that end -by iiis wholesale and
foolish, chargfixjEjTjQppeiheadisraV against
thjos wha. have broken ;up the old gang.
i to ,the ;other charge.; They .;were
tied but one , night, and that was done. by
the sold iera at the request of the citizens
oft ! Brown vjlle i and -.vicinity; : who weTe
here tojhe bumber-of two .hundred and
apvaxdsiio repel an attack, that, it: was
believed!; on good ; authority, would - be
m&da tfoat, night to liberate ths prisoners.":
We were up 'under arms' all night, and
have learned -positively- siuce that the
attack would have- been made if we had
not been s well prepared to receive them.
Wpald.vye'have' done all irj our power to
secure the prisoners if we had left them
thfi'free.use b their limbs to 1 have uaed
against as; urease of attack ? -Certainly
noLi'i And. this misplaced .sympathy find
rancor of ihe'Ax: seems almost criminal
when viewed in this light. Did the. Are'
desire their liberation ! Ifnot, why flinz
' the: charge 0 of ; ,ct)pperheadismy, against
those who shouldered -the rhusliet and
stood n picket every night for more than
a weelf to guardHhemVi As' to the room
beinttold,1 there was a stove in it and a
fire-' kept up all night and was riot' as void
as where the soldiers and citizens tad to
stand guard. Tho Axe has not a wortl
against the' citizens"1 of Otoe county, al
thbhgh the- prisoners , were all . chained
and hand-cuffed as soon as taken to Ne
braska City.' Why this1 partiality V If
the-Axe is liot ignorant it is roalignat in
the' articles 'reflerred' to.'. '"' : J '
From' later and f oiler details of the
battle-at Olustee, ten1 miles beyond San
derson, Fla., oh the'SDih ult., we learn
that our loss was.' 1.200' killed;'1 wcunded
an. prisoners. .' It seems thatGnn.Sey
moor, had ,but. 8,500 rr.en ia the main
fightvagaiiist l3,000'rebels: The rebel
Geh;. Gardner had selected a pusitiW.of
peculiaV l'avantage, which would force
Gen. Seymour, if he "rave battle, to take
position between two swamp, cue cutting
wfThis reireat, and exposing: our troops
to fiajjk fire from the enemy, the other
preventing 'a .charge ; and the railroad,
along, which our, troops marched, would
beseparaitecLf rom .them. by a swamp waste
dep m, water, Tthe reserve, en Lthe other
sidfi.of the track,-and the supplies" on the
road. ... Gen.-Seymour marched our brave
c. .C ' . , ... ... . . , . . . ... j . ..
troops.,towards this slaughter pen in three
columns, without skirmishers, although
repeatedly informed that the enemy, were
in. position .but. a few miles in advance
With the Outmost equanimity' he marched
our. troops . into . the trap and saw them
showdown; by. a force nearly double in
number. andafter permitting himself to be
amhushe established them between ,the
tvo3.swapps as indicated, above, i The
sharp-shooters id fearful work among
our brave boys, from among the tall pines
where they were concealed, making our
batteries useless, Jive,. guns had to be ab
andoned, all ; the- horses and . men . being
disabled. , Il4is reported that the Sh U.
SVVV colored, CoL Fribley, were pushed
to thefrontend ost 350 uien . in twenty
minutes, t .The. fight .lastd-,two, hours.
The field was .left. in possession.. of the' our wounded had -to be
ltfi, and ahakty retreat only secured by
the arrival of a small reinforcsmeiit. 1
This is a sad back-set to' our cause ih
Flonoa.'ani we hope that Gen. Seymour
will be severely deawiih for his crimi
nal.. negligence ( in. not ; throwing: out
ikermishera when marching avowedly in
search, of a, fight.. ..Jacksonville, is still
heldby our forces, but the town of-Bald-win,
which had been slightly fortified, is
lost to us. By.holdicgthis .town our
forces prevented, a Urge, sspply of beef
from-going to tve 'Confederacy, on the
railroads which Intersect there. 7 ' ;
The President -has. directed that the'.
eentence ofiail deserters, who have been
eondeimied i yxriurVniariial to death, and
that have not been otherwise acted upon;,
te mitigated to imprisonment duiing the
war to the Dry Tortugas, Fla.
- We receive'd a letter, this week, not
(fated, jind fron'th'kposf-iriarlc ; maU' it
out (o' be frorn HuiiiihgtcDy, Ind.; signed
J. S. The iuibcrwe suppose, intended
it as a letter. oil inquiry, and eo vve shajl
treat it. Ho says : "I . find in your pa
per that mobinghas become to bo a gene-
traMlang- in y oar country " ' - This is sira-
j ply aisurd, tut two cases of mob violence
"have occurreHn-ourcountyr they led to
a titter correspondence between twociti'4
zns,oneof .Avhom.made.a great dealof
talk about Vroobocraey,", where no acts
fof violence were committed,, which trans-
pired over .a. i year r .ago. , The, fact is
that the only case to which we editorially
called attention,' immediately brought Tto
liht an ovetwhelmin? law -and order
majority of ouf-citizens, and the few
over-zealocs ones saw" this and are now
good citizens. .. Life,- liberty, property,
and the persuit of happiness ire as se
cure now in' eur county as' they were in
the balmy days of '56 and '57.
He says: The Witness states that
there are thousands f blacks in Nebras
ka, and that there has been a motion
made to educate them, I think that would
be better thafl' those folks would do for
poor whites.. I have no objections to the
blacks being free, but I do not like to live
among them where they are free. Now
my opinion is that if the blacks are made
equal with whites that it will not be
many years till there will be another
war to wind. up either the black race, for
the ;black man will not be satisfied,. wjth
bting equal with the whites for he will
either rule or he must be ruled. Now.
you' hate tny humble opinion n wgger
lsm. This is another great hindrance to
people that otherwise would like to go io
the West., , , . . There wil b
a heavy emigration, from this State to
Idaho-; there are some starting new, and
some came from there here and offer six
dollars per day for hands that would go
with them to the mines. ,; Among the
mobocrais, horse-thieves and such an
emigration cf blacks, it gives the Terri
tory a bad name at a distance ; it will be
called'a nijrer hole bordered with abo
lnionists. i - : '
What the Witness some paper pub
lished there says, is as silly as untrue;
we have, t within the-past six months,
seen but one gemmen ob color," oa our
streets, and he was such a curiesity that
we supended operations to see him as a
specimen , of what copperhead journals
assertl"this cruel war" is waged for. We
believe these stories are started by design
ing ones to induce emigration to Idaho.
We can only say that so far as monocracy
and horse-stealing are concerned, the
ones arrested here on suspicion" of horse
stealing were not mobbed here, but were
taken to Nebraska. City where they will
receive an impartial trial ; on the other
hand, the last accpunts from Idaho: state
that 12 had been hung at Virginia City
in one day, and that 72 were on hand for
another "hanging bee."
We offer no inducements to emigrants,
white or black but good, rich land, cheap;
a healthy climate ; a law-abiding, Union
loving population, and prospects for Ne
braska as bright as those of Idaho, cr any
Territory west of us; as miners must
live, Nebraska must supply their market,
and. thus prospects for plowing up gold
in Nebraska are surer, healthier and far
more pleasant than digging it in Idaho.
Gen. Wm. L. Smith's raid into Mis
issippi was highly successful. . He. left
Memphis on the LHh inst., and penetra
ted, as far. a,s, West ' Point, wiih a force
of 7000. ' He burned a million bushels
of corn and two thousand bales of cotton
belonging to the" enemy. His forces had
several skirmishes, although they met no
serious check until they' reached Sucha
toucha swampt where the reehj under
Forrest, had taken a strong position. Our
forces were by this time so encumbered
with capured( property having taken
over 3,000 horses and mules, 4,000 bales
of 'cotton, and a about 2.000 contrabands
had claimed his protection that not one
half of our force could be brought into
actionythe cavalry ..especially on account
cf the swamp in which the enemy , were
posted. Gen Smith here made a dash
on their front, as though to d islcdge ihem,
but in fact, to .cover his design of falling
back on Olcalona, which he. accomplished
by keeping a good roar guard. The ene
my followed up until Gen Smith reached
Ivy Farm, where he halted, took position,
and drove the enemy back. ( He brought
off all captured property, and arrived in
Memphis after 14 days absence. Our
loss is reported slight.
News from Shermorris doubtful. All
lale accounts state that he went no farth
er than Meredian.did not lake Selrda, as
reported lastlweek. , After reaching Me-'
redian he heard of -the retreat of Smith
and Gnerson, this deprived him of their,
forces .whichl were to co-operated with
him, and on whose cavalry he depended
for the protection of the Mubile and Ohio
railroad: Thus left on short rations and
railroad communication endangered, he
turned his back' upon Selma and Mobile
and marched towards Logan who had ad
vanced to meet' him, and by an audacious
stroke of strategy placed himself at a
distance of 100 miles from Johnson. '
Dales to the 5ih saj-s it was known in
Washington that Sherman was at Vicks
burg on the 24th in' time te .start on a
new expedition.
The ?nmp d.itfs "jftnt ifiat thp intfn.
- ' r , e'i j
, ., r, , ,i ; .'
uit, iui iiiai tilt- uijri, U3 an Jijvtisiun
of Georgia between Trenton and "Lafa
yette. ""' -tjL: ' K': : i ;;r '
Shannon has utterly destroyed the en
tire Southern railroads.
News from the movemertof Geh. Kil
patrick onjRichmohd aro.ugue. It ap
peals that; he succeeded -n getting be
tween -Lee and Richmond Ind cut off his
communication by railroad, Vat that Long
street fell back and succeeded in getting
to Richmond first. So thai this 'forward
on Richmond' L is . bCtt a raidinta Virginia.
Much, damage. 'to rebelsa3 done,; our
forces were as far as the VVhite House,
they ; tore "up Ihe" rails on7the Virginia
Central railroad in roanx paces, and .de
stroyed the .canal and mills on the James
river. He has withdrawn and reached
outlines with the loss of 150.. Colonel
Dahlgren, having.been ordered to. make
a cjiversipn , with. 5.0 on the James river,
He attacked the enemy ancj drove them
into Richmond.., The attack failing,,.he
... ...... : . - t
attempted to join jhe main force at Mea
dow jSridge; he and Col. Cook, with the
advance guard, becoming separated from
their main force, have not been heard
from since, his force came in safely with
slight loss.- ....
The'draft will commence in Missouri
on the 10th, as orders have been received
by the Provost Marshal General of that
State, to haveeverything in readiness by
that date. The Democrat sys it will
take about ' I'ia. 20 of those enrolled in
the first District, and 1 in 19 in the sec
ond. The draft might have been avoid
ed if proper effort had been made.
The monthly report of the Department
of Agriculture, soon - to be issued; shows
that before the war Great Brutain pur
chased from this 'country twelve hundred
million pounds of cotton per annum ; in
'64 the amount exported to that country
will be but fifty-six million. ' The report
also takes decided grojinds against the
tax on tobacco. .
Hallo, my little man, said a gentle-
tman from a window in the second story
of his mansion, to a , litle urchin passing
ty, who was gazing up with apparent
wonder, I guess you think there is a
little heaTen up here: don't you bub?
Well yes sir, I should if I hadt'n seen
the devil stick his head o n the wiadow
The proposition to tax the stock of
Lwhisky on hand has been defeated.but may
be revived again by'this Congress The
bill,' as it passed, ijnposes a ta.x cf 70c per
gallon on all spirits distilled, sold or re
moved for consumption or sale previous
to July 1st.
Dates to Feb. 23d, from New Orleans,
state that Hahp's majority, so faras heard
from, ,wa3 l,727',,nea'rly three fifths of
the entire vote-,. , The" other free state
candidates stood about . the same. ,' Still
later : Hahn is elected by 1,500 majori
ty over both his. competitors. . -','.,,','
' '
Orders have been issued countermand -in
the orders for the draft' on the 10th.
This is in conseqiaehce of the passage of
ioint resolution by Congress," on the 3rd,
J .... . . r . . '
extending bounties to the 1st 'of. April
By this time, with the proper effort, the
call can be filled without a drafu
Testimony recently elicited before the
Committee oh the conduct of the war in
the battle of Gettysburg ,! is very damag
ing .to, Gen. Meade, there is a. strong
pressure against him. Hit friends think
he will have to resign. 1
A bill authorizing a loan of $200,000,--000,
at 6 per cent., passed the House and
only awaits the President's signature to
become a law. This will be the next
bond put on the market.
-Mexican news to the Feb. 20th : Cbr
tinas was at Matamoras with a strong
force expected an attack by the French.
Farther than this it is unimportant.
Senator Grimes introduced a bill in
the Senate appropriating $40,000 to pro "
tect emigration across thVplaios.
, It is'understood that Gen. Halleckwill
retain his ' present position, and Gen.
Grant remain in the field.
Tbe number f National Banks au
thorized up to March 3d, was 3,000. '
Denmark has 82.000 square miles,
and a population, at the present time, of
about 2,400,000 people. In other words
it is one-fifth larger jn territory than the
State of Ohio, and about.equal in popu
lation J- It' lies entirely on the deep tide
water, gulfs, bays and inlets of the
North and Baltic seas. It .is: therefore
easily defended by England against all
Europe, if she chooses to do so. Of that,
hereafter. The Government of Den
mark has been the most despotic in Eu
rope, bui it should be mentioned te the
credit of.its Kings that they have been
two centuries trying to make it better,
and . whatever liberal institutions the
country has are due to its monarchs, as
is the case A-ith Russia. -
It is for doing just that that the King of
Denmark has now got himself into diffi
culty. There -. i.s. no. dispute, about
religion, for Denmark is of one opinion
With the exception of a very few Catho
lics and 'Jews, Denmark is Lutheran,
What. then, is- the matter ?: It is this
Holestein, marking about one fifth of
Denmark in population, is a
Province aod.'Bomo of the privileges of
us aristocracy are guarenteed by - the?
German Diet. Mind, they don't mean-by
lilerty, in Europewhat we mean.
These privileges, guaranteed by the
German Diet to the Holstein noblesse,
ihpra called liberties. Great sym
pathy is got up in 'permany under the
idea that tneir iiotein ureaiureu
they assume, to cV'vdeprived, of some of
their liberties! It is exactly the samo
sort of liberty whidi the Barons cf Eng
land contracted for with King John the
liberty of the aristocracy to hold the lands
castles and emoluments of the country,
whilethe poor Saxon laborer was har
nessed in with ieato'plow. the landT for
Norman Knights, - It is the same aort of
libertywhich they want in the South.
It is certain however that it ia the privi
leges omhe'HoIsieirr-noblesser" which
were guaranteed by.ltbe; Germanic Con
federation. But what makes the political
controversy? Is not" Holstein a'pn of
Denmark certainly: No of Den
mark is more a part of it, or owes its al
legiance to the Kii:ginore than HoUtein.
Holstein has ; beeiya part of Denmark
250 years-ihe Kings of Denmark being
dukes of Holstern, ,Toa simple minded
A'mercian this is' enough: What right
ha any body' to interfere? What claim can
ihey set up? 'Why by-i process of .poli
tical legerdemain, which exists nowhere
out of Germany, ; It i simply .thi?:
Though Hclsteic is absolutely 'a part of
Denmark, yet IIo!i;tein is also a member
of the Germanic Confederation Holstein
was a German province, as such is a
member of the German Diet, and the
King of Denmark actually votes in the
German Diet as Duke of Holstein. The
German Diit, ih i fclral relations 19
composed of seventeen Tclajses each
having one vote. v;The ten classes is
Holstein,, voting by the King of Denmark.
In the General Council there are sixty
nine votes; of which1 three are cast by
Holstein though the King, of Denmark,
TTpnsf in this view of the case n is en
tirely reasonable that the German Con
federation should hold the. -king cf ln
mark responsible for, his federal obliga
tions in regard to Holsttin, ' if there
has been any violation of-them. But
how does that consist with his sovereignty
over Holstein as an absolute party of his
dominions! It does not consist at all. The
actual collision has oCcureJ thus: The
King of Denmark has attempted to give
a new constitution, or new laws of sime
sort, the details cf which we do not know
to his dominions, 'Holstein included. It
is said that the?e are ia conflict with
privileges guaranteed) by the German
Diet, therefore, eulls upon the King of
Denmark t .'withdraw his. obnoxious , ir)
stituiions; :th King of Denmark won't
do it. The German Diet say you shall
the King says; we 'shall see" about tha.
The Diet fumes' : and frets calls out
its. contingent; and ; marches Saxons,
Mecklcnburgliers and Hessians on the
Elbe, - In the meantime the . great Powr.
ers see there is liky. to be a" large fire
there. 'Austria is Piesiden. and Frus
sia 'Vice-President of the Confederation,
So they step forward and say, 'Get out,
puppies, we great dogs will settle this
question.' How will they settle it?
Holctein is an amphibious animal. Will
they draw it into the water or on to the
land? They dare not take Holstein from
Denmark;: for-that would be a fatal pro
cedent ajainst .the mqnarchs. Besides
this, England 'would' not be likely to al
low Prussia to go north of the Kibe.
Then, again, there i Swed3n and Rus
sia. But what can thev do with this
ranting German Die!.? Prussia
control the Diet, while England, as
ally of both Prussia and Denmark,
cook up some sort of a compromise,
which will - amuse the Germans and
mean nothing in fact. A compromise is
the lat resort of men who have neither
principal nar courage. . . .
. Twenty-seven of th oflicers who re
cently escaped from Libby prison hare
arrived at Washington. In addition to
. what has Already been fowardd about
there. escapes, the following particulars
have been condensed from there siat
ment: Seven or eight first undertook to
dig towards a sewer emptying into the
bain. 'They arranged " a rope so ' . io
climb up and dovn a: chimney from any
of the stories in which they were confin
ed the cellar, from which they began
their tunnel. 'When "the working party
had got a considerable' distance under
ground, it was found diflicult to haul the
dirt back;by hand, and a spittoon which
had been furnished the ? ofii :ers in . one
of the rooms was made to serve th pur
pose of a carl, having" a string attached
to it, and wasTun in the tunnel and
drawn out, and the dirt deposited under
straw; but after hard work", and diggiug
with finger naih, knives and chisels a
number of feet, the working party found
themselves stopped by p. les driven in the
ground at: ltast a foot in diametar.
After chopping for a long time, the, piles
were severed and the tunnels commenced
again and, completed to the sewer.
Here an unexpected obsticle met them.
The stench from the sewers and flow of
filthy water was so great that on of
the party fainted, and was drag
ged out, and tbe project in that
direction had to be abinlon. The fail
ure was communicated to a few others,
and then a party of seventeen concluaVd
to tunnel under Carty street. On the
opposite tide of this street from tt." pris
on was a sort cf a carrags house, cr out
house. The project was to dig under .the
street and emerge under,' or near the
house; ' There was a high fense around
it, and a guard was outside the fence.
The prisoners then commenced to dig at
the other side of the chimney, and after
a few hands full of dirt had been removed,
they found themselves stopped by a stone
wall which proved afterwards to be three
feet thick. With pen knives they com
menced operations upon the stone and
mortar. After nineteen nights hard
work, they again struck the earth beyond
the wall and poshed their workferward,
On the 6th or 7thof February the work
ing party supposed they had gone a suf
ficient distance and commenced, to diir
upward. When near , the.. surf ace, they
heard the rebel guards 'talking 'above
them and discovered they were some
two or. three feet outside the fence.
Tha tunnel; was then continued ..som?
six or seven feet, and when the working
party supposed they were about ready to
emnr.erge to daylight, the others in 'thy
prison : ware informed th u 109 pris
oners had decided to m.ike au attempt to
getaway.. Others refused, fearing tha
consequences if they were recaptured,
and others yet among whom was Gen
eral N.eal Dow, .declined to make the
attempt, because, -as they said th ey did
down from its tntinciattd policy
cr ex
change. ; I ' ' v : ' .
About lialf-rast eiht oVIock. cn the
evening cf the 9;h, the prisoners started
.uu Colonel R-e, of New York, kad-
in the van. Before starting they had
divided themselves into squads . cf two
three and four, and thesquads wereT to
take different-routes, 'and after they
wereoul to push for the- Union-lrnesras
fast as possible. It was the understand
ing that 'the working party was to have
an hoarVstart of the other prisonersand
consequently the .rope ladder in the eel
ler was drawn cut. i Before the expira
tion of the houri however, the other pris-
became ir patient, and were let down
through' the' "chimney successfully iuto
the celler Colonel W. P." Kendnck
of West Tennessee, Captain D. J. Jones
1st Kentucky cavalry, and Lieutenant K.
Y. Bradford, 2d West Tennessee, wire?
detailed to go out last. From the win
dow Colonel K. could see. the fugitives
walk cut of the gate at the other end of
the enclosure of the carriage house, and
fearlessly ,move off. The apearture
was so naraovv that bu$ cmt man, could
get through at a time, and each squad
carried with them "provision in a hav
ersack. At midnight a -false- alarm was cre
ated, and the prisoners m ide considerable
noise in getting to there respective quar
ters ' Providentially however, the guaid
suspected nothing twrong, and in a few
moments the exodus again commenced
Colonel Kendriclc and his companions
looked with some trepidation to the niovt
ments of the fugatives, as some of them
exercising but little discretion, moved
boldley out of the enclosier into the glare
of the gas light. Many of them were
however, in citizens' dres?. and a all
rebel guards wear the United States
uniform, but little suspicion would be ex
cited even if the fugitive had baen accos
ted by the guard.." )
Between one and two o'clock the
lamps were extinguished in the streets,
and then the exit was more safely aoccm
plished. There were many officers who
desired to leave, who were so weak and
fetble that they wer dragged through the
tunnel by main force, and carried to
places of safety until, such limy : as they
would be able to muve on thiir journey.
Once out, all moved oil in different di
rections, each squad looking out for it
self, and choosing what it thought the
safest and speediest way some point
in tht national lines
The rebel General Price, it is reported
has gene to Mexico.
Counterfeit fives on the Union Bank of
Boston have appeared, ...
Rsvisw of St. Louis Market
St. Louis, March 5, 1S6-L
TOBACCO Jfarket active witu salcj of S3 hhds
including 3 stem at 32 oQ ; 6 green and damag
ed ktgsat$3 60 5 60: 10 factory do! at 5 COG:
1 0 planters' do at 6 2i to 3 a mmrn shipping teaf
at 8 23 to 12 40; 5 medium do at 13 -10 to 16: 7 com
mon and medium manufacturing lelf at 17 to 19 90,
and 3 good do at , 27 50 to ; 29 2 j; alio, 15 beses at
1 75 to 16 50 per 100 lb.
HEMP Market quiet iwd unchanged , with ales
of 21 pales god oM undressed at $J0;13do prime
new do at US, and 31 do do at 120 per ton. r ,i.
LEAR llarkei stiff at 11c per lb for soft Mis
souri. FLOUR--The Market continues to drag, and
buldors a5d buyers are apart. Sulos of 100 LW.
superfine at 5 00 aaJ 123 Jj branded extra at 5 25,
WHEAT OTrirg light, and the market pretty
firmwith sal es of 800 sk?, including 175iik3 coni-
mcn and fair fall at 1 17 to 1 18: 250 good at 1 20
to 1 2'i: and 375 prima and ebcice at 1 25 to 1 27 to
1 CO per bushel. ,
COtCX Sales of7,700'fks, including 130 sks red
in old skf,at t2"; 20 mixed at North Missouri depot
at VOc: r.0 do on tho landing at 95o; 5,400 prime
new, in various lots, at the; 1,2.0 old yellow and-
raised at 2o, and 353 cboica old new at 1 00 per
bushel. ' '-
. OATS Market ru, and about 2 cents fcigher,
Tfitb sales of 1',-iOO sks, inclndicj 1,175 at 88109
atyjc;d at S'Jc, anl 1j0 seed oatsat 93a.
tAMLLY aid RYE-Xo 5a!e "of barley. Kya
waj dullwitb ses of 4C3 ekf, in 'lots, ot 93, and
45 do at 1 00 per.bu?hel. . j . . :; ,
PROVISIONS and LARD Sale of l.HCO pieces
rnrt'f,,.,, 1., l J...' .3 ' ....
uv.c uu'u)tiiarnai;j, puchea ai i2J per
lb. Sales of lard 195 tes kettle, in two lots, at I2e,
and40dom.icafactnringotl0 1-2j.
OIEA.SE A lot of 73 pkgs prime yellow brongbt
9 85c per 1C0 lbs.
WHISKEY. Tbe market Is nnsettleJ-and high
er, with siles early of 250 bbls at 80c, and 150 b'
in three lota later at COj per g-J, closing firm at the
outside price.'
I1IDE3 Flint, ISe; dry lalted, 15c; green salted,
9c. " : '
DRIED rr.UlT-l!aiket firm, with sales of 6
br!s ap pies at I 90; 50 bils and 37 rk3 do at 192 1-2
12brlsat 1 C5;21ks mixed peaches in two lots at
4 20, and 22 brls choice halves at 4 35 per busboJ.
SEED Sales of 50 pkgs htmp at 2 621-2 per
bushel, exclusive of packages.
BEANS Dull and lower, with sale of 61 pack
agesat 1 00 and 23 d. prime at 2 40 puhel. .
SALT Sties reported of loO bb!s New York at
3 25, and 300 sks G. A., averaging 203 lbs tj tho sk
at 2.56
The quftlig. J voters of tbe City of Brcwnvillc will
take notice that an elccti a will be held on Mon
day, Aprfl 4th for the T ll jwingoS jr r?, to-wic :
One Mayor, four AId rmen, ooo City Clerk,' one
Marshal, cne Tcapurer, f n A?se?sor, one Street
Commi.-iioner, and, one City Engineer. j
a by order of Coun"iL
T. R.F1SHEK, Mayor.
X .i
All those that know tetmselres inndebted to the
undersigned by note or account, "wIl please come
forward and settle, on or before the .first of March,
as we are about to remove from this place- If not
fettled by that time they .will I nd their notes or
occounta left in the bands of tCl.-ers for colk-ction
Brownville, N. T. 23th '61 n22-8-6w. '
Consurotive sufferers will receive a valnaMa
prescription for tho ctire of rCon.sumition
As'thrni, I'ronchitirt, ar;d fill throat and Lun
affections, (free of charge, by sending their ad.
dress to ' " .
"l22-3 6vt.' Kii.-5 -C'., 'New.YotS.-
Trees, Shrubs, iSrc. I will havo for sa!(?
this sj rii g in Iimitctl uaDtities choica fruit
trees, Grape Vities, Ctirraritii Dlackberri-s,
riasj berriea. Flower Shrubs S:c., of my own
n22-. E. W. FURNAS.
j S-fj W A D V E R T 1 S 11 mTT
Garden Seed for 13S4,
Mj Catal gno, embra. in - over 2C0 rijit'
of fresh nd tru Oartlea etd. mm, t
. . , . : ' -n,th
ty own raxunir'
t warded grati to u a, pii.
,S:S7"" i?Z?Z2L?
As.che rijjU.1 iotrirtluctr of th Habb.uJ
f bV left withjC. O . Pf.ry, E?q., Erowar
all tho IwikH, pitjwrs ftcJ aecoauLs in any wj'' '1
neeftd wita ih AiTerti.?:r c5.;sfroa ita )taan
iDitufflt witiKiraWiil.l lie id fa Ay xpcerU J
act as my a!'Dt. Tho.? hATkB oitsctUai accan..
:n if- r -laa
ErowDT'J!a,Mrch 2,'1S31.
, Arn cell cut Farm fcr Sals.
; Fr Grcnfeko - It.c.iB'aimUt acres. '"71!
beautiful Und, wrsil.a.-JfI0 acrei ticiuj.
finely watered, and situated n tae north iVji'
Noipahi, jbjai fuur and a half mileabebw Xi'
Hot k. .mills. . c . ....
; 'jipply tt) Jm Cani?ron
1 llrowavilid, Mireh '2, 13j I. " " no 3a j.
: !$.tieo U htmby given that IttiH sell to tbshNi
e?t bidder f,r ca.-h , the fi-U.-wing real estate "t- ,
The southeast quarter of th5outhtast quarter
" .-- iv m u v uiigo i jf eiops a iicr c i s'Bj,
gold off th east side. S..1 u tak place in Urowi.
rili.e, MoiJay, March 2S, at 10 e'elM-h, A W
Amiristratrix tt thu estate of I. N. Kel'jy.
LKOW.VV1LLE... ' ; 2fE3a.V3S
Calls Ue attention of Gentlemen desirinsnr, ie4t
ervicable antl fashionaMe
',- Weariag Appaxcl
Which he will sell or make ap, to oMer, at uaprec.
dettei lw prices. Havia uu Lauduoe ol
he is able i-J do Cnstom wri at rjiibai defy 0,4
I warrant my work.
2Innl a vrell as 31acliinc Tf ork.
) Th se wbhin? any thin in hi tine wi!l Jo well to '
c.-tl. and examine hi Ut t'efore investing, v bt
plel'-'e himself id hU uut peculUriy fjvrit;t In
il at emea -' '" '" ' , .. .. .
, l'Vbru-iry 14, ISo I. Ty ' ' '
la th mtftr of the apII..i- "j
ticn t.f Llii both J',.Ail- f
mi 3itmtnx vf ' th'' stA( of V
Ab-oli.n Wattr, dfecjtseil, fur
Li. ense to Kl- iI K-t ite,
-Upon Sliog the I'e:ition of Elizihth Wtcr, ij
miuistrairix of ndiJ ejfate duiv reriSd,- Itir
tie rul by the court that ho iame. fce et dvalr
hearing on- thrj first Mond ty of April, b. d.
IbU. nt Piiwnee City, in the Territory ui NVo;.i-kt.
It is further ordtrvd th:it noti-.e b ti!l
p"iwn. interested in said estate to bo catti
tho time nnJ place above ?eifi. d why the l cent
should D' be granted tf the.-ai.i Admlnitratrii to
sell all or so much ot tbe renl ctatu of didduceai
as iha.ll be neces-sary to Py tbd.dtbu of thei.i
dei -eased. ; ' 1 '. ' -
' n. G.1- LORE,' Prolate Jiu'.-e.
, Pawnee City, Jan. 25, 1SJL n24-8-4t $l 00 '
Dviltiwin vs.Ljei.b Easterly
Nntifo is hereby civen that I wiil cJ-r for f&U at
public auction t tba front entrancv of Den.- builii
inz, in Ilrownwilie, -Nennb CBt.v, Jtra,
( thiit bcin; th houe in whieh the "Jistru; Cxun
tor said county was l ist he'd.J on -
Monday, March 14th, 1SC-I,
At one o'clock p. m. ef that day, iha followii. rl
e-r?,f e, t wit : Lots eleven and twelre, in oltk
numlr fourteen in Iir.wnTiili', Nemaha !unty,
NeitfH.'kit, - bereteftre ti v.hed a the prrn rry U
Jti b Latterly, on an order t f attachment in f'uvor
of David Gwin, issued out of the District CVurt, of
8ai;l county uf Nemiib;i,Nebraoki.
1 he abvTe pr'prty is to lie iA by virta jfaa
excc-ntic.n aLd order of sai'J isuej cut of sui i c-Jl
nl to rue directed aa S'aeriJ of aii Vvr. jd
Nemaha v ' " " ' . ' '
(.tiven un.ler my band. February j.h. IS"'..
V. (;. GLASGOW, Shcr'.T.
. E. W. Triim S A rv f..r I'faintil.
i:nwnv::lo. Feb. 11," 'Gt, . n2t 8-3 j.
Esiray Ho;??,
Tiikenup by tht urn'crs 'jm-d living ir mild
narth of Lrjvyiri!, in Nm an County.-Nebn-ka,
on tho 23d day of 18 U: nine head oi h-s
the greater part of tl.-m .pt;l u.l part of tatai
i;ark'-d with a svaliow furk in riht er: abo at
ei-htand ten months ell. JD.1N W. I3F.NNETT. .
KruwuriUe, Jan. 23, lsJi. ,b2i-o.t -$1J,oO.
Talten up by the s!lt)'ier. llvln tore nii'e wwt
of (ilen It.-ck on tho 1th of Novt tnber, two mare-. On
three year ohi, left hin J t-vt whUe a cat out of 'be
rigti, eyelid. Ami one p .ney m ire. Maze fa' 6, Liad iej
white, snpposed to be loierably oil-
Jan. 1 1, -64-r.2!)-3w GUnif .VS. "
- E.trsy Notice.
living in Brownville, oa the 13th of D-.'Cpra-ber,
one heifer calf, liht brindle, with a feT
white spots on tbe xMa of its beul'.
To all whom it may concern, Notie U Lethy
given that I will on the ls5 day of JIarc'i, 13-4.
pell the following rat estate, t ;-wit: Th n-r'a
ha'f of the Fouthwest quarrer of ?eo. no. 7. Ai
tho northeast quarter of the outhwest quarter tf 7 ill in t.wn 4, rne If, east, tn the hi i-
est bidder f r c-n,h io h ind. JOtlN DIK.
Brownville, Feb. 4 IS'34.
n2i S-S-.pJ'
have ONE HUNDRED Sh wk of corn tNt f
wirh to sell; not .having tin: t ffm.k it 'it me!f
I will g'll it"1n the shock cheap forcash. W:
bein hardy, it would be god chtnee f. r any in
desiripj5 to winter nt'c k to imy ita..d Ii'e.l ic out
the pr-uiiseji.. I Hve x mUt'wet of I5rn
vi!Ie,on the Littlu N-;tnaL4, tL'-v m;!' 1 ab'.ve M-fi-yu'
MilN. - s. H. COLUWtLL.
Feb. 25, B21-v3-lt-rd
Taen nn by thi nn lnined, living in ?-l-inton
.Pnrcin-t,' nHr the Fort K;rney Ro,id.
tb'8thfl.iy of February, l5t. one S:er. r-'.'."
wiih wh'.te spot. on his hip. hind h gs n'oiie to v
knees, forefeet white, and abont tw.i ve-rs oil.
-. ... GEOKiib urtNS.
Feb. 25, '
Oliver Stevensun and ilaria B. Stevenson, la
wife, complainants,
John MePherson ; Ralph W. B.tb, Anlrew J
Preston. J. W. llryaon and Fraaklin Attee pirtnerf
as It. W. lK)ih 4 C ; Ab'ahain. F.-ounstin s. J -ho
FrOans'ine, Jph Franstine fnd Charles Kurfee,
partners as HA. Frojrt-tiae Witliaci R Pea-
ick; Mark Reeves, Francis C. W. H. Phipt
ajd John L lVrkia., partner a M. E. Kseve i
Co.: Albert K-Jly and Ge-rite E. Hrdin. parcel
as Kelly i Harding ; Aac-.s Cutter. Jac.,b P. Cuitef
anl Henry Terriil, partners as Cu'tor A TernU
Roger E. Harding. Matthew Fife, (ieorg T. ITiib
Lard and Henry Vogyl, parlner a-s Fife, H-it bari
Yogul, respondent. '
Iu tnj District Court , Nemaha county, Xbrast
Territory. In Cbar.-ery. '
In of a decretal orJ e-t out . t.-
?aIJ Di,-tr:ct Court. i' tit ab..;c tn-i'I d cause anl
to ao dirt'cred, I will ofl'.-i for s:ie at public a u?ioa
as ttic fror.i d r f Dsn'. b i.l.ii i in U"ownvi.
in the f net f if-.resHi.l. (rh-At b-tng the hu
which the sail court w:i l ist he'd ;on
yt-daefct!ay,23a uf March, A, 1). 1SG1.
at oqi o'do.k. P. M. of thit day, t'vi t u!;a?
described re.! eftalo, t(-wi: : Tue iithwV. 'r)U'
tiont! quarter f' se:::nri eifn, an l t!i3 S"Bn
eat fin irtf-r of s eti in t woiif v-llr. in t"-wn-a-p
five, r.'rt'a of rang" fifte-n, fu ;xth jnnti-
iii'-ridi in. situate! in' aM " u.'iy of Neunb: ,
fai l t-at era'i; now b-ing r".. properlj f J-
Mcpherson, one of naid d if'-ti hrnf-s.
. (i. CLAS.'-iO",
Sheriff aud M.nter in Ctaiwerr.
. ErwBvill,N.b.Ftb. 13, HiL n34
. . : do ln'.
t -1
C '
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at Y
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of r
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