Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 19, 1863, Image 5
t BY TELEGRAPH. Cairo. Feb. 1. rlntelligence from .VickburT ayj water is running; through the cut oti two to four teei le;t deepest nt the lowest extremity. No sij'M yet of the chantir-1 wideum. River men think it wiil le of n prdcticai valj bjt military engineers don't cu;:uiJi in this opinion anJ are goin on with the work. A !-kirnii:h on PiJgeon Ru-si road on Tuesday, resulted in :tderal lobs of 8 killf-d and 13 wounded. Lare rebel fon-e tuy repairing road from Holly Springs to Oxford. I'hree brigades at last accounts were tetweeo Tallahatchie aud Holly Springs. Im pression prevails that the rebels have teen largely reinforced from Richmond, that they have transferred the real tht a tre of the war from their capital to the southwest. Refugees from lie.jrjjia ar rived here last night, and represents the country in a most deplorably condition. They say there is still some Union Sen timent in Georgia, but it is as in jch as a man's lite is worth to let it be known From rebel source we learn thai 100 of vf Morgan's men dasln d into Murlrees boro L'l.-t, tapturinj 145 pruoners. and 30 wagons. In'Hligence j-jt reeeived tint on Tuesday a nkinin-h occuxreJ at Onire Hill, Dc;to co.iiity., Miii., bu.veetl F dersl Cavalry t;nd Texnn rangers. Several itiiled on both sides. Ftderals ctfrop li d to retire, but were not purMj. d. Two regim-nt? wete m nt to Centre Hill cext day tr lay the country waste. Vicksburg correp ndcnce assorts reb el L-aiteri control ttie river lor thirteen milts. JUifsissippi militia Hre being called by the (jovri;or. New Yuuk, Feb. 1. The Newark Adverti? r l arns t r in a pri.ate letu r thai tli wlmle federal lleei, with lh ex Cf puon ol on. :uij!ioar. left Ii aufort on the tJCt.i f. r J'.-rt Li v"i!. There are col-l-ft. d ut Ii aufcrt CO large trun-p ris, li.ivijig en l iutrd 7 0,0'JO tw'.Jieis. There weie a'sj 1-30 tci,o nt- rs loided with ar ti'.it iy aiin.nition, ice, which would leave loi lor: Rnyal. Tue sv.un-r Columbia from Orleans r-nris a'il (j'liet. The r b' ls are en g. ;nl in stit ngtlieni: g their uvrks at iWl Iluilit.-'. Urlcans lanks lefiiMti to receive U. S. Tr. a-ury lutes in d; po?it. General Ij;.k! ieiiin?'rat d with the directors, n ii J i ti- y cen.-ented to receive them on fp' ti w d p-tsit. Coniedt rate tnies n iiir and in sumo deiiiin 1, aiid ace.-h most aiid Imppy. Col. Thi-rpe Mat. d at a public mee'ing the levee above the city wa- m bad Condiiitm. having b -eu cut ly rli'U to file at a-mg bouts. Waur h d ri-en 13 fei t a ui! now ri.-in rapiJly. Ui.l.-a the h-vee is yptedily repaired L-iiiv iaaa, nni a larre j.irii.n .f and Mi.Niijpn will be submerged. Ii:v Von. 1 b. "2. Ta-.-ei: r- by the Columbia frmn Ilavat.a ! nug mtr'lii- rei,t:e thut the pirate Florida is s- i."M-d let be dt-air.iyt d. and the tpi.i t is on- firnnd by the arrival of ihf Cr.-.ile from v. ,i. i. i . II .... vi tv. ii h is i. j'uiit-'i in iriviiiia on the :'?tli that heavy firing as heatd to ward Matanzts atid Cardenas as if ves els of war were en.-ag-d in c uiilict at ea. It is stated that the Florida was chfiM d by federal gunboat, but result D'-t ki;ovn. The Creole arrived at lit vaiia. having sj)oke ftdt ral gu.jbut Cay uga, who reported she haJ s.een a steam er on lire, Mippused to be the Fh.Tida. an J other vtssels firing into her with great rapidity. Loi isyille, Feb. 1. Morgan repor ted cro.-.-mg the Cumberland aboe and below Roweua. either to cut od" railroad or b!a;n possesion of certain points northern ai.d central. M 4UINf.TDS. Ft b. 1?. NViTO (ll,litT bill passed the House to-day by a vole ot 8-5 to 5o, all Republicans voting fur it but 3. It reads a fol ows: That the Ii evident tie, and is hereby autho'iz-d to enroll, arm, equip and receive into land and naval force of th - U. S. tiinnbrr of voluntei r f African dec- ni as may s. em qual to suppress tlie pres ent rebelliou for such term of servio.-f a he may prescribe njt txctedingS years. Said volunteers to be organized accord ing to the reguln'iuns of the branch of service into which th- y may be enli-ieJ. To receive the same rations clothing and oq'iipments as vohintet rs, and monthly pay not to exceed iha:l volunteers. l'o Le olli. ered either by while or black P' r sons. apju;nt d ai.d ccniujiss-ii-ned by th Freident and to be governed by rules and articles of war. and Mich other rdes and regulations as may be pre&ci ibe.S by the President: provided that nothng con'.aitud in rules or articles of war. -hall le .-o cnistrued as to authorize or p rm.t any tiffictr f African deceut io be ap pointed to rank or exercise military or naval au'hority over white otiuers, s.nd- iers or men in military or naval service of the U. S. ; nor shall any crater pay than S10. with their usual allotment ot clothing aud rations, be allowed or .aid privates or laborers of African decent who are or may be in military or naal service of the I'niud States: Frovidtd further, that slaves of loyal ci izcns in States exempt by the IV'Mdent's prt'da mitton, of Jan. 1st. 1863. shall not be received into armed service of the United Siates, uor shall there be recruiting .'fa ces opened in either States Delaware, Maryland, Wester Virginia, or, Tennes see , without consent i f the Governors of laid Slates having been first obtained. New Ycrk. Feb. 3. Advices from Orleans 2S;h uh., states that the h.-t transports of Rank'l expedition left for op the river on the 2G;h. Ranks went up on the 22th. Only sufficient troops are left to defend New Orleans, with 4 i or o punroats, it isintetrtd tnnr des alination is l'ort Hudson. The bark Rest less, from Fort Royal, reports sh passed the 31st. of? Cape Fear, a portion of hosier's exndnion. from Beaufort, to era. ScrroLK Va , Feb. 3 Enemy again in force 16 miles from here, this side of Blackwater. Precausion has been taken to prevent their further advance. Jeffebsom City, Mo, Feb. 2. Bal lottinjr for Senator continues but don't encourage expectations of any election this session. Cut!ooga, Tenn.," Jan.' SO. Re ported Van Dcrn recaptured Holly Springs with 700 prisoners and, a quan tity of armj rations. "Salt Lake, Feb. 1. On the morning of the 29th Col. Connor had a desperate battle with the instant on Bear River, Washington Territory, one hundred and forty-two miles north of here. Two hun dred and twenty-lour were killed and many supposed to be drowned. He took one hundred and seveniy-fire horoes, and destroyed their lodge provisions. i,c. The fiht lasted four hours. His loss is fif tefn kiljed, with four officers an 1 thiriy eight men wounded. The command is expected here Tutsday. In addition to the above particulars we learn that Col. Connor attacked the Indians in their entrenchments, with a force of Cavalry in the rear, and infan try iu front. The fighting is said to have been deperate, and the result terribly destructive to the Indians not more than twelve of whoui escaped. The Indians spoken of are of the tribe known as the "Snakes," and are the per petrators ot the outrages upon the Salmon Rivrr E.negrants, of which we hare spok en during the past season. It is hoped that thu learful lesson will have a sal utary tfject upon the Indian of the North west in the future. New York, Jan. 1. A special Washington dispatch to tii Tribune tays G'ti. Boilrrhad several interviews wuh the President and Sec'y of War; the pro position that he gt back to New Orleans and resume command of the d-partment of the Gulf and Texa. wai formally re newed with additional powers and re sponsibilities, itj' hiding those attached to the organization of an Afaican army ou the Mississippi It is said Buiier now hesitates about accepting the command in the shaj e offered, fearing the means to be given him are altogether too dispro portions for the end to be accomplished. 1 be rebel newspapers report that one of our iron clads made nn unsuctesfful attack upon Ft. Coast, Gt , but was ob liged to retie in consequence of an in jury to hf r turret. Louisville, Feb. 1. Morgan is re ported to be crossing the Cumberland above and brdow Rowena, either to cut the railroad, or opiain possession of cr- j 'am point m iNoriht rn and Southern Kentucky. New Vciik, Feb. 2. New Orleans letters state that the Harriet Lane Es caped from Galveston the 19th. cbased by ihe Brooklyn, nnd two gun! oats'. Ft. Monroe, Feb. .1. The Richmond Dispatch says we learn from Vickstjurg that appearances indicate an early re newal of the fight there. Five thous and Yankees are working on the canal opposite the city. Their intentions are to float transports through when the riv er rises and land their troops' belov. '1 fie lcrce in the Yankee fleet is 107 boats, in- iuding 1-1 gunboats, and may be more by the arrival of gunboats be fore the renewal of the fight. The Yan kee army prolably nuinl ers S0.GO0 men. On the i?ih ult.,a bund an.! men i took j lace McAllister, nt the mouth of the Uecherivrr, 16 mil' s south of Savannau river. Georgia. Only one federal iron clad was engaged. She was forced to haul off, her turret being injured. Sol id shot broke to pieces as thy struck her sides. Maj. Reid Saunders, was ciptured by the betrayal of the crew of his yacht, as soon as they got out from Charb-ston i, arbor, the crew ii d him and steered tor the fl'-et. This accounts for the dis patches not being destroyed. New York, Feb. 4. Tne following we clip from the Richmond Dispatch: Ch arlstos. Jan. 31. The iron clad gunboats, Chicora and Palmetto State, with three steamers as tenders, went out beyoml the bar this morning to attack the blockading fleet. Firing began soon after one o'clock and for a time was very rapid. It afterwards lackened, but con tinued at intcrvails. until nine o clock this evening. Owing to the fog. the re sult has not yet bet u ascertained Commodore Ingram is aboard the Pal metto State, as cunmander of the expe dition. 'Ihe re.-ults of the naval engagements yesterday are two vest Is sunk lour set on fire and the Ten ai. der dr.ven away. The loreign Cuunsuls here held a m-eiing la-t night, and were unanimously of the opinion that the blockade bai dceu legal ly raised. Twenty llockaders are cfi ihe bar to day. Petersburg, Feb. 1. The news from Charleston created great j'y he-re. Headquarters Army of ihe Potomac, Feb. 3. Parties who crossed the river yesterday uuder a flag of ruce state that the rebels in Fredericksburg are very jubilant over the news from Charlston. . New York, Feb. 4. The Richmond Dispatch contains a teb grum from Sa vanah the first which tays a federal fleet, consisting of one lurret iron ilad, four gunboa's and one morter boat, again at taiked Fort Mc Allister that morning. The firing contirued until 2-u0 in the t tt moon, when the enemy rttirtd whip- pd. The bombardment was more furious tean before. Maj. Gaily, commander ot the t ort was killed. A Charlston dispatch of the 31st, giv ing an accouut of the capture of the gun boat J. P. Smi.h, says a force with 21 guns, surrounded her on Siono River. IS miles from Charlston. The. engagement ensumed. lasting one hour, wh.m the Smith surrounded. She Lad S killed and 15 wounded. A Chattanooga dispatch says that Whe-elar's cavalry attacked a fleet of 25 transport o the Cumberland river on Friday. distroyed 5 of them; on Saturday, ihey dmtroyed a locomotive aud 5 cars at Lavergne uptured 50 men. New Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution estnblithed by tpecial E dovttnent for tnt Relief of the Sick and Distressed ejfl.ited with Virulent and Ct.roic Diseases and eteciallg for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Oraans MLUICAL ADVICE Cin gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports n Spermatorrhoea, and other di? eaMtoftbe Sexual Orcau. and on tbeXKW REMK DIES employed in the Dipenary, tent lnrele-1 lettei envelope, free of charge. Tw or three Stamp accept. able Addreu DR. J. SKILLIX HOrrtnTOS. Howarl Ai oriati.m No S. South N'inth Street, Philadelphia, Pa December 19, 1641. n2J-ly XIOAKD OP SCHOOL EXAMINERS. All interested are hereby informed that the School hiaminers will meet on the first M mJiy of e.-tch month, for the i-mmination of achotd teaherj, at the office or Mr. H 11v, at 2 o'clock. V. M. 11. h. nof.niNs.i A. d WniTE, V School Exa miners. L.EOADLY, ) January Jlst. ISC3. n39-ly THE MlSSCURbfcERUBLlCAH. ru!:thcdDaIr,Tri-Weekly and Weekly, ET GEORGE KNA PP.) 5. l'ASCIIALL, J- Proprietor. f JOHN hLNAl'P, OPFICF, KO, 11 CHE3TJfUT BTEEET. TERMS OF TliE KERCBLICAN. Dij,(in advances) Tri-weuklj, (in advance - Sunday Republican Weekly, i a adranc To CluljKof fiVe Tri-weeklies Three copie Weekly cne year Fire J $10 00 5 00 . 2 0'i 2 00 20 00 b 00 H 00 15 00 Ten Fourteen Twenty Thirty Forty ............. U II u 20 00 27 30 40 00 60 00 a M M CASII RATES FOR ADVERTISING tiWent. Lost and Found, Boarding, For Rent. and JWnovitla, will be charge i fifty cents psr iwuare of fitjt lines or les fer fir."t insertion, and twenty five eentg for -nch additional on, without alter tion. ONE SQUARE, line or less I bO " 3 iuies on firitor fouitb pago 1 On 4 U u M I week ' 44 1 75 3 00 4 110 5 00 8 00 10-OH 15 00 25 00 2 weak, 3 weeks 1 month, 2 in -nth U U U U u 3 IU i Li tin, 6 tn nth, " " 12 in. iit.!. JJ-Xi. yparlv -ou r:eti in id" ty w'lifb adverti--r can h ve Ihe priviletj of changing tui ter or Ftvl .f rrd withou a I litionul cUa-'-. J5y"All advertiseinenl.' rj'uire.l to be kept nn cevtiinl jiiie, rhitred h new rai-h day, and ou third patre an ail vane .v.:r Vt.ttetl ritt;s. I-tfAdveriis,iuiit- dir cted to be displayed, or get in Itire tyjo rlnrjd doiotle nte. I t?"Ad'ei tieinent in WKhlvLV p:ip"r, tn cents a hue ' lid, or CI teen cei.ts, leaded aaie tyje, ea. li iii.ertin. l-sf Transient advertiseineuts must be paid for in dvaii(e. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! ! OF THE Kk-het and 31t Fa-hionable Pateri:, OTFERED AT Rclnll and Yi'holrv.ilc Prices I!! T!TK Ht Brtni BR'KS.. N 65 & 6" NASSAU Mm et Ntw York, 3tuui.iareu. and lini... ier.s ot il i:e Li'linr lli'-h, tl nioht pwpu!ir Sties of W A !CU.3 and JKrt K1.KT. heiiis ileurmmel np .n in' iheir ounie.-i.s iu n r.umnred exient, nflcr the l-A U)W iii iluiiu O. Ii.iiiieilts at tle un-1.1 pa.v fed Low 1'rfies loll' witr:- MAUIC TIME UBEIt VER. hoint a niintms and ojien lce. or L-uj 'r or (Jen' leru 1 i's Wtch io one . 1 he p: -iMf-l mi'! c.nvi no ;i. a:i 1 llie.e-l wjnb in tlie world. ImiH' i .11 t !d ; :r U-d by pen' pro te, wliieb leiK'irn itie at pt ra:ne of Kdd pcnoi't. hi !e it d. pes n.i co-t ne tlind n mixt). Price only $33 Pet 1 i 1 4 at f.111 rn hiindrrd rrw;rd IICSTIXG COMI'OSITIOX CASED LEVERS, Kuta Ii mniinftci ui e in-.voi.ient ; ep;ied aou iinl jeweit-il ; liniMi.k he-.ihU. Mud the n'4tei iuip-.n-f. ni( i'tn. Heavy ci.-l and eood iini;iU. ii ijoid. Piica ohlv $1-5 Retail- i fr.ini $ 0 to $!0O. HVTlX(i COMPOSITION G SED ARMY WATCH Ricliiy e;..rved. jeweled una fancy works. UuMirp.ued for Siitiei.t, Trdei, etc. Price $o. Hetaii at from $U to $'00. A ri e it variety of otner watche at low pricrg. I..olie' e!.'f BroiH-h and Ear Urop to corre-pnd. Itnitatton CluMer U.amoui , very rich pattern, and emit-y nt-w, price $1. Coral ud B.-td entwined, a very 1 eat and ureuy ornauieut, h.-.nd. uieiy inonuteii. $3,25 ttiit letnen'f. Vest rb:iin. Parisien. an elegant putteru, null $4. The Demoniac, very havv, b Rmu-. Pisin only 16c. Scrll. vey pretty, $t. Cba-ed a iiea pmern, $1. Seal Signet, $2 liuita tioti UiHtiiou''. $2. Sieve Buttons. Pa ent. Chased, or EnamoiM hed new m-.ii very nand-oine pattern, $2 50. D iible ale e, . r wi'h i-t .nos. $1 60 B isi:ii S: u 1 a variety of new and fashionable de fcikiis, per cei , $1 61. Bos nn and s--r Pins '.eaf, wj'.h opal and Fancy St ne $.. Itnit aiiou Diaui nd, gi 60. IJiket !...bie Us. richly eonravef. $3 Pei son wishing any of the above. baVeonty to remit the price iu a retered etter to our o. diens, and the articii's wil l rent by return mail, free of expeu-e. U" c!ers to the amount of t .e ilol lam and upwards will be tnt ty exiire.- to ny part of the loyal Suae, with t ill pjyubie to the tiprti Company, when the Ku1s iie denve t-d. Auen s. Siulerg aul Country Ve-chanta. thronnhout tbecouuiry, who with o inke money rapid iy. will do well 10 i.btain our tnauiuioth catalofrne ; we furnish ihe moot raleable outtlt at piicei uuru' pa-scnl by nny other concern! Addreax I1LBHAK1) BI'.OS Ao 65 If G7 .Vsju, ner John Street, October 25th, 181-2. 15-i 3:n New York City. EXCELSIOR Btjer Stoue Mills, (FOR FARMERS AND MILLERS,) AND ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN' FIRT PREMIUMS at Western Statb Fairs last rear, and are justly eons dered su; etior to nil other. The mill insy lie driven by horttr, water, or tnm poirer, doesits Work a well a. the flat ft, ne mi.i- in milling ediaMisbinenfs, aud rcqtiires hut oue-hnlf the voter to drive the hrgest szs. lhy.ire vcmv ctimriM-t, p rtectiy Mtnp e. and t..r frm use will lst TlllKTV" YEARS, and cost NOTUING Cor r.-piirs. rKKKS-5100. 1140. A f 170. Flour Lob lor .-m-ltest Mill $50 extra. TaiC 1SOKSC I'OIVER TT.i proved itself to be the l)est ever invented. The friction i- reduced by IKON BALLS, so arranged in ui! the biMrlns, the wnoli. w-iht of thf c:i?tni2' run uiHin luein. till. Lb l'ULM)S 1'llAL'tillT, at the end of a ten feet lever, will ke.-j, the ff-wer in tu ition ! thus porniitiufr the estihe sTKKNtii n td th horse to be u-ed on the insichtne to b.-diivm. Onk Hohsw will do as much work on his po er, as two ou the endless Chain Power. IT IS I'tlRTAUi L, and Hiy be used INTHK FIEI.I as well as in .be boue. More th.m TWENTY h iVK 1'Klt LENT f h rse flch in saved over any other .vow in rsK. I' is :ni;.!t iu coLttruction, aud not l aliio to j;et oUt of o.dcr. Price ol power fir I to 4 hore $ I2S Price of power for I to 4 horses 175 The f 125 Power will d'ive any Threshing Machine. Lvcry Machine i gu iranteed to uire sntigftion.or the miinev will be rei'unded. ICEFEliEXCrs. B. F. fliiFFix, Mauhattan. Kan. Phi'adel hia, P nn. Osnts. VTith two h'Tss n y nr Anti-fricMon Power. e drive your No. 1 Mil!. grind'n 15 Brsn fi.s or c-kn VER norit, and cut 1 li'ts quart ty ot hay at the sara-3 t'un. I havo ever sn a p iirer iiiiit runs with po littlo lnct ion, and consequently with m little ftrain upon the hore?. W. P. COOPKR, Supt. Uth k 15th Si. Pa.-g. 1. R. Co. Ci.ostkk. N. J. Jan. 29 18 "2. Messrs. Bknnet I'.rotiirks, Oests. I ::m very much pleased with the Power. It run ersir than any other Power in tbi ieiuity ; nnd with the Mine horses w.U d.i nearly, or ouite twice as much work. I mn rny Thresherat 1.51)0 revolution;-per minute, r.nd a 24 inch Cross-cut Saw, at I 200 rey.iluti ns. Y. uri truly. PETER J. WHITE. JiTON ALL ORDERS bKCEIVEl) LEFORE OCT. 1st.. lt2. THE FREIUIIT WILL Hfc PRE PAID 10 C1HCAUO. OR AN' OTHER PORT ON LAKE MICHIGAN. 5?LiVeral d -ount t dealers. Agents wanted. Mate, County, and Shop Uights f.r sale. For funher iufoiuidtion .nd stamp f r Illustrated Circuhtrito BENNET BUOlHKRi. 42 and 44 Ureene-St., New-York. August 9th, 18fil. ii4-:tra FRENCH'S CONICAL WasMag Machhics. The nnt simple, durable, convenient and economical article ever iuventet for the purpose. Will V the washinir of an orduury family before breakfast. Dot only savihft time but clothe. By strictly following the printed directions, which are siuip'e acJ euy, it will wash, at one time, six bhirtu. or two doien small articles, in about six or seven min utes, or their equivalent. By all the ordinary methods of cleaning One fabrics, such as Uces, Sc., the tcreatet care is required, while with this machine the mt delicate article can be wa-hed without the possibility of dannue These result are produced by the constant reaction the suds while the machine is in motion, of Famines, laundries, hotels, boarcing-hocses. hosr-it-aU. a.syums, boardinft-scbiioia, on Miips and steamers, and in the army, who huve these machines in nse, have sent in tbetr test Imonivis volnutarially. and the enco uiuniF of the Press are ver numerous, some of which I have potolned in pamphlet form. All I ask of ti e Public is a careful examination of this tuiM'bine before purchasinft of others. Gcueral Depot 41 Broadway, corner Canal St , New Tork. Price only Ten Dollars. PHILIP FRENCH, Proprietor. Address box 2S93, N. T. City P. o. Shingles ! Shingles ! ! I would respectfullr Inform the citizens of Kemsha county, that 1 chll endeavor to keep this market sup plied witn EO"d Cottonwood Shingles, wnich I will set for cash; or take In exct,an coi. Oofs, Vhtat or dra. II. aAJJL. Hsr Wl, 14e. fs9-4f FOR FALL TRADE. JOHN C. DUESER, 3IAXX STREET, DBOWNTILLE, N. T., Takes pleasure In announcing that he has now on band, a large aud select stock of every article in bis line, COOK STOVES, Of H tbe improved patterns, viz: Plymouth Hock, Charter Oak, Valley Forire. Elevate.' Oven, &c, kc, 4-c, HEATING STOVE3, Box and Parlor Stove of an endlecs variety, some of whirh re entirely new designs, viz . ComMned Cook and Parlor Stoves, somethmj very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION' OF FA KM EiiS TO MY HEAYY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boilers, and LARGE CAST IHO. KETTLES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LAYD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Brass, Copper, and st-eet Iron ware; Lan;erus Shoveis and Jjpanued Ware, sx, &e. SELF-SEALIN3 FRUIT CANS ! OF the latest and most improved Styles, eheap for cash. I am prepared to put up puttering ai.d sponiinp, and all other wotk of 111 y line at the sh rtest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warraut to satis faction. August 2, 18C2. iTeLLO, STRANG Eli! vi iii:iiE dii you c;i:t those XE W G O O D S P AT J. BKRKY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN EE.OWNVJ.LLE. J. BERRY & CO., Ilare Just received, and are now opening, at tbelr staud ou Main street, one of th laiet stocks of DRY GOODS AND ever offered in this market. Remember the plae, J. BERRY & GO'S., T3"o- 11, TwCZevixx otroot, BIIOWXVILLE, N. T. May 39. 1862. n47-tf LOOZL OUT FOIt THE WAG0MSI2 NEW G00D3 ARE COMING! AND W 111 bp S.!d Cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. They Consist ol a Large Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, H ITS A0 CAPS, LADIES' HOODp, BUY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, X0T10XS CLOTIIIAR. i:osiniYv DUAWKIIS, OVKKSHIItTS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, WEISKY, VINEGAR, BBANDY, IHON, KAILS, DOOR3, SASH. PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS. WAN23D, Hi IS, FELTS ii flU For which the Highest Price will be Paid at DEN'S STORE!! LADIES, Save Yonr ItAfiS. nnd Wen will take Them iu Exchaus for CJoods. MY TERMS ARE, SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, AND NO CREDIT. December ISth. 1462. w T. DES. FREI3HTERS1 THE MINES AID TBI WESTERN FORTS And tbe public generally are respectfully informed that bis Mill are now ia excellent ruaniug order, turn in f out from 63 to "5 sacks pei day. Be has tbe best millers in the Territory. 3VEI3Xj7XT'a'J3 FIiOUH (Admitted htb in Colorado and Kebraka to be nnsur passel by any W est of the JtisaisMppi River ) Is made from the best of Fall and Spring W treat, and is sold at as low prices as can be obtained in ihe Territory. 11 io flour ia kept for tale at all tbt storei in Brown ville. He is prepared to furnish fretchters', and ci ti ters general ly, with flour from either Fall or Sprint, and alw with any amount of Corn. Corn Meal and Buckwheat Fleur at the lowest cash prices. Cn.tom Grinding done atone-ixth per buhel. H deeires tccajl iheattectiou of freiehters to tbe advanuces ol Brown vine at a shipping point to the West.. Not only ran any a meant of grain and floor be obtained here cheaper than at any other point In tbe Territory, out the Merchants nere have laid la tfcis bm a kse etphy ersay aetear e( goete. SADDLERY I SADDLERY I Hsvlnr recently blkSs Iarya adalUoaa sj tVeak, oonsiiUas of HAH!TlS. BRIDt.KS. COLT.AM LINKS. WiGoX WHIPS. BCG3T WTTIM, OX LASDK8 HORSS LASHES. STAUK L4.SUBJ, SURClGLfc.S. GIRTHS, STIKHCPS, UtATHKfd, , I think I eaa accommodate all In qaslUltr, quantity and price. 1 wmk none but test Oak Tannwd Leather, and geitiur it directly from tanueria in Ouio, leeicun fideut it will give satisfaction. Fla3terer' Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR LTIDE9. I. -V. X10DL1T0I. BepttmberU, lSn'oly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CL0THIEG Ever offered in this Market. KO DOUBT ASOITT ITT CALL AND-SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TBI Datimore Cotlring Store, BROWIVILLB, N. T. DAYID'SEICIEL, Amonn'-e to the publla that he n as opened oat a itK-kof READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR. Hi l &c.,cc.,&c. CrpreceJenled In qnsntlty. qualify aud price. He indeteimined his price sha I correi-pond with tbe um, nd therefore t (Ter lice in tbe Wet, at iuit as low rte as such spoils can e parcbaned anywhere m the United State. V&S a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats frcm -1,23 cp to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from il to $5. Boots fhoes. Hats Can. Fain y nd White Shirts. Su dors, Nt- V.ties, Sck, Handkerchiefs, kc , in the tame pri'Portli-n. The proprietor embrace this opportunity c-f returning thanks fur pat paironace. and promise to spare no e.'- foris in tbe future to give entire saiixraction. Call and aeo liim. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownvllle. June 18, lS61.-ly LETT, STSICSLSS & Co. 31 STREET, BROWN VIL-LK. N. T. ITe are now rereivin? and opening n complete assort ment of Merchandise, c.nsi.tinf $F DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslin?, Drills, Onabur, Denim's, Cottopades, Ajiron Cht cU", Hickory, Jeaus, Berages, Linen. Dre?3 Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnei aten Vestinrs, Broad Clo-hs, Cassimere, Hooped Skirts, &c, Sec. OF GROCERSES: CmTee, Tea, . 9 Soap, Molassoi, Candle; , B. C. Soda, aleraius, Vineyar White and Brown Suiar. Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OP HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screv, Locks, Latches, I'lils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Fils, &.C, &.c, &;c., &.c, &c. &c. OF QUEEXSW IRE: Cups and Saucers, riaie and Platters, Dishes and Turr tlei . Cual Oill Latcps, Lamp Chin rn-ys, W:'.k' &c, &c. OF ROOTS & SHOES: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, ButT and Kid Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brog:an, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c. OF HATS &CAr: Panama, Leghorn, 'Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, -&c.', &.c.,&c. Of Farming: fJtcasils: Cradles. Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths Shovels, Spades, Hoes. &,c, &.,&c. &c. OF LUilldSER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pin Lith, All Sizes Sash, All Si'zhs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call tbe attention of the pnblio to ear stock, m ear CASH TEIiilS enable us Ut sell low. Thankful for past patroEae, we solicit a couUaiLaaee, f tbe same. - - LETT, STRICKLER & OO. rwiKTa, T?f K. KM. 1862. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will eeatlDue te receive during tbe iBianw, Mt uf THE LARGEST BEST STOCKS o r iiifiii, r k o x Nctt York, riiiladelp'ila and St. Louis. That BM ever been exhibited la the Wesfem Coin try. embracing ail the lateat styles aud novelties of the times. Uis siock euibcattta Dry Good, Grocer!1, llantiTArf, Cutlery, Ciueenwre, llula aud Caps, Saakrr, Uocl ad Shoe. Duur R'id Sah, :mnttf. l ine I'urnitnrf, Amtut als Dry Go2i will be foonl Print, Cinchnms T.awns llareires Ur tvn nnd It'eached 31ui'in D-raee. Strip'd sheeiinjf. t'oi tu:n'.tc-. Ilttssfry, (lovet The f.T.t Style- Houp fsk.rt, .tiou, Ac, kC. Ee has much the Laree3t Stock of QUEiENbWARS inthe Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agent for te Hann'bal Ft. Joseph Eall Baod Packet L-na ol bteamboats. May ii mi. n46-tf. mccohmick Eeapsr and Mower MANUFACTURED AT Ohio5 O, 111. Tbt eelebrste1 msrbire i bv all wl1"th? BfTST GRALH AND GRASS CUTTER IS THE WORLD. N i wi'iiistaiiijiuK the iuisrepreeaiaiiorii ut thn-e imer etvJ in other machines C. H. MoCarunck & Bio. nian uiactiue at the rale ur 8,0i0 per ye..r, Many ch;inut have teen aflctel during the pa-t season and for 1562 the "X cCorniicc" in pi'eeuti with greater attraction thaa ever before. As a reaper, THE EL'O.tOMY OF POTFESl IK TniS M ACniNK. ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, frive It preference over all nthers New improvement, all ied have materially lei-enel the direc' dra'inht and no cbviu'ed the side draught that many aS'tre n that it I'ufs not now exist. ThedriiKht of the Kenper is so iikht that in numerous in.tauces the larae luur horse machine ia worked with but two hores. FOR ill owiiv.;, The Machine of lt-62 will utand any tet that miy applied. Uur G.ia;d and Pateut Cleaner effi-ci n 1 ly pi eveuth rb 'kin, n mailer wnat the c uniiiinu of t!.e Kras, while our new divider point sep.irate baldly lodsed and tangled clover or Ria.-s, where other ma cbine rail There is also a frreat advantage In our serrated sickle edue over ihe sniooth m it ! es not require sbarpfiuiu .o ot ten. thic- sdving time. Our r-ii'kie ill f i eii'iuth run through an euti.e harvet wiihout uce t:riiiiliiia while the MUiiolh rdite aiu.-t he ground once eaih day if not ofi ner Wit Ii a MiiolU edne the iruuiilit incrp as the k'liie lec rues dull Our drautiht is uriirirm and iu the rrpeat rd trials durinz the -e isoii of ls6 61 provel far lithter than sinile Mowerf. cut'iiu at tbe same time from twelve t- eighteen inches wider. Our Mower caD be use-1 with or without the reel , thU Io important, as without the reel it weighs but atvut 670 pounds. In anrtition to the very liberal warrantee Riven to all purchaser, we woa'dsayas heretofore, that farnieir who niy desire it, are at liberty to work our tnarhine uroiigri the harvest wuh any o'her, and kap and pay for tne one prferreJ. Pamphlets with loll description of improvement tesiiiuotiials, xc can te hid by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, . Z3r o wu villo, INT. 3? May 15, 186.1. n5-if NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICES TO U T TELH TIMES. JOHN A. PONN ! now receiving and openlnj out hit Sprin 8tock cf Ouodi, oonaia ioj of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats aod Caps, Boots aod Shoe Iron and Nails, Flour and Baco Qaeensware, Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., eu., Wilcb I will tell cheap for CASH OR PEODUCE. Call and examine my stock before parohaliaz elsewhere. BrownTille. April 2t,lS52, n-Cm Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1862. T ill rirXiV': lib;. Azrirnltnral Caa!d:on and Steriaer. FOti SALE 221 aol 22S South Water Streei, Chicago, Hi. Trice?, WihkI $J5, (,,al stp!e sli- s other aijes in iropirtion, wfll", freight tdiA from factorv in New York to Chicago. The advantages of ctwiked over raw food is adm't ted by all. The old waj of boilinsr in keitlesis butb -low and expensive, so much so t;ibt hut f t w niea de it. Sotiiethirijr more practical must be had. Sstcea secmes to be the only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all the ad'rantaes of the Portable Cal dron for hoiline. and dcvistd means of peneratio steam suficient f.r a!i pu-rwws. It is simple aaj practical, and proves a PEW KbCT SUCCFSS. Sole sgent for Iliinb.s nnd Xorth-Ves 221 A 223 S. Water St C.-biragn. Where will al-o be found Dowxa A Co Deep Well Pumts, Frc Cistoi us. I Lain and C. uira. n Well Pumps, Thiinble Skein.4 and .ad Imn. as well at evi ry van ty r f hartumz Tovl. Cist Ir,.n (.m- hi;ers. Fool il.Ut, Hay and Fiatfria Scales. Stoves Aft. Tbe above will be sold on account af the niaiiufMMnrer.s at their respe ctive faetory price adilirjc freight, to this plate. January lbt2. tf C FAST HORSES.-' CITY LIITERY STflBLB A If D ' FEED STORE, BRO WNVILLE, NEBRASKA. liEXJAHIA ROGERS, AKXOrXCKS to the public tint he has prtrchased the entire interest In the Livery Stable and Stock formerly oa nel by R..ers &. Brother. He la now prepared te accommodate the public with Carriage", IJng;iee. bullik, iiaJdle Hones, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC . Can flnrl xt his Stahle arirle accommrxlatlone for hordes, muies or cattle. BKN'JAMTN' ROGERS. N- The partnrtrhin heretofore esistine between Benjamin . Jobnit R . errs it. di-sivel. JOsnCA & BKXJAlil.V ROOER3, May 29th. 18C2. n7-tf LECAL t)TICE. Thomas Davis, 1 Bef-re Ov-rae W. Mi! Is, Jnstlee ef vs thepeuen'i au.1 fr the County of Fa w Jame K C'H'i ) nee, atil T' 'ritory i.f Xebrsska. T.i J lines K. C k, Uerendatit above named, you are hereby notillel that at order of atischment in las-ied b) nieon tne 23 liuj ' " mber, a. i I8i1, avainst j.-ur ftotxN, bait let-, rljYr cteoits aiMl effecis, In a (.riant civil it'll D im w pi iduiK before me In wblrn Ttn nidi. Pavir. nt pl uuiiti nhti j"U are defendant, uner lncb i-aid o.dei ol alta'liuiet t the following described property a foiz '(l ly ihe rflcer in w!,..-e hands the (aine wu iu', t.,-wit : One row and three yftrlinfti t.keu as the property of the defenJent herein, wbica order r attarhuien' and summons was made returnable mi (te 4 h day ut December A O. Ifc62, at 10 o'clock A. M N w u'',(-. yu jnd defend said cause ott the 14:h of J.iuiury a. U . Ibtj.l, at 10 u'rhk A. vt , te nhich time siid rauhe wns continued, the defentait beitiK a in n-resiUent or Nel't ai-ka Territory, Judgment will be rendered auainst you tor plaintiff's claims, and the attached pr...ei ty oidered to be suid to satisfy the Mine and custa ot uit. TnoMAS DAVIS, PUintla". . By George w. Mills, J. P. December iOi h, ISoi hit COMMERCIAL NURSERY, O.IZAHA, XEBRASUA. E. H. BURCHES, FROPRIRTOR. T have line since been co i vinced of the wast of a fire I class Nurkery In the Wnl, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c. Can be s!apferi to our climate an.1 soil. In view of facts, 1 have established lu this place, and ffer fur sale at Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suUtd to this climate, "f Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf ( Cherries, standard aud dwarf; Peaches, Flume, Apricots, Nertarlnes, Quince, Onosherries. Cnrrents, Ur.pes, Raspberries, ntrawterrie", iiiackhcrrles, Evergreens, Shrtibe, Roses, Dab Use, Ornamental Tree. Greenhouse and lldinc Plants, etc., etc. To which I would I.e. leave to cal I ihe attention of tne people f Nebrjeka, alau.aa, Colorado, Iowa aud North wc-t Mi'smiri. l3"My terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nuri-ery. By ptirvha-dnit of me tbe expense of transportatioa from the east ran be saved. All tiee and plants are carefully labeled and parked in the brt manner, f r which a charge of iheartnal cost will be made. Korharge will be for the delivery of pa' kaeesun boaril steamboats. All ccmmcnicatiuna aldressed to tbe enderslf net will receive prompt altentiou. Marh lHfii. E. H. EURCnii. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL, TTIV. DAT SOFTOOL BELL. A Kew ginalng Boca or Day Schools, cle; the UnT SCHOOL Bill, la now e-tdy. It o-ntars .Ihiiii 20u "pges ot choice Sonss, So s, R..nnd. Catches, Duets, Trio, Quartets and Cho. rose, ma'iy of them written esprely ttr tbiwrk, bei-t le S2 pattes of the Kiem-uti. i.f music. The Kie ments are so eaiy dI proresire tht or. j) nary teach ers will find theuiselves entirely successful In instruct ine even yotii.K scholars ti sinx correctly and a.ient:3. caliy. In ia the tunes and words embraces such a vari ety of lively, attractive, and soul atiruitr music ar.4 sentiment that no trouble win be experu ncei in lndu. :idi all beginners to go on with zeal in acquiring skill In one of ti e most heaith-riviiig, beauty improving, bappiuess )ieldng, and order producins exercise ol school life. In Kiuiplicity of it Elements, la variety and adaptation of music, and in excellence and number of its s-tigs, original, selected, and clalml by much to eei all cmpeiito. !t will be fouud te be the bet bojk ever l.fled for Seminaries, Academies, and Public Schools. A few sample pages of IheeHe ments, tunes and sonu's are given ma circular; sen 4 and Ketone. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of '-Sabatb School Bel's " S s 1 and l, which have had the enormous sale of 656 000 copies. Prices paper cov?rs 20 eta., $15 per hundred; oound 3o cenu. t-i er hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt 40 cents: (3 per hundred 26 Copies furnished at the one hcndrel price. Mailed fret at the retail price. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Day School T-zll The tunes are lively. en such as may be easily matered by children. The spirt of the Is unexceptionable and well adapt et to the sch.ioi room. It is the cheapest an1 amone the best comperid 0f school music published. JVcte J'orA Teacher. . Vat school Beli. This book 1 eminently Maptee to u- e in our commou school. T have a g-eat number of school sonc books before tbe public, but many of them lack musical as well as 11'' rary taste, and are really demoraiiaing in their influ ence npon tbe musical talent of the yonng. .Airs of ac knowiecged excellence, wedded to wurda of true potry4 are tbe qualities that ought to b sought with the great e-l care iu the preparation ot a school soug book. Tils bok sems to combine tbe e tws qa?'itie. PtnmyU 9'inia School Journal. Poflisued Lt BORACBWATERa. B-i-l-ljr ' JTe. 4. Teadway. 'ew Teak. IStrtle Scenea. J00 of the mo-t gerere BATTLE,-SCKS'ES 'h.'J incidents of the War, now rtadj, sije 6ilQ inches, hihijeolrrel,on fine heTj peper, Sent ptietpaiU. 2n for $1,0(1, or $4 per-HM. -Tn entand thetri oo bterofr'rfiritjr was evar't.fere.i. - " Address UENKY B. AXSU.V.ftist FahUaier. ste, ) sieaea frit, BearascwMaag,