Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 19, 1863, Image 3

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Cincinnati, 15th. In the capture of
Chattanooga we took two Steamboats, 3U
pontoons, very few stores, and no artil
lery. Portland, Me. 15th. Returns from 187
towns eie Cory. Republican candidate
for Governor. 14 000 majority. Same
Towns !at year gate a Republican ma
joruy of a Mile over 4,000. Th-s in
clude! about 5 Sihs of the ac:g rebate
vote of the Ssate. Towns to be b ard
from pare Republican rnajoriues last
yt-ar. lncreae in vote over last year,
aUut 25.000. House of Represenatives
t lands about 100 Republicans to 60
Df roocrats: Senate will probably be
unanimously Republican.
Fortress Monroe, . 15th. Transport
from Hilton Head reports the arrival
ibrre of Relief, from Morris Island Fri
day Evening, at which time a white flag
vm flyinc over Moultrie and our force
la J capured half James Island. M un
to wre lyinz between Sunip'er and
M mltri-. CipC D s. of the relu f
tuata. pas-d Ciiarh'stiui bar at 4 p. m
Saturday Hud a whf. iIj u!i ily
i me; Nlivi't -nt T'i Ust ui vn:
tird ; it iii li.e lull Friiiay afitrujcu.
pi j-j .) r r -Hi !ov ve
. T- a I
1 iiv.i (hit Hi n v.i-t In-ij" r-c-nrly
vittj mi r-on ot U w.rit, i. fJJOO -WO,
to pay iroo. ,
Mrr.ihis. S jl. 13th. Civ.i'iry td
tiioutited Iii'amry f the iGin -riny
corp!. under dniMiofii of Geii Cnrr. at
Corin'h lias Uen active dunni! ih- pa?i
week, t.itie as far .-ou h a- Tallahatchie
iiam;e- d n? rebl- cavalry inio Gr tinU
41 iid Okaioi.a Carr a!?u H:atered Rod
dy in the vai tniiy of Jacint and Hi. izi
ilf-tel mails t-apiured uith crptlnd
ei'Ce r iiririiiini the iport that JoLuoii
was leintortitii; Braird
N-w Yotk 13 Morri I.and letter
of the 9th to the II. tnl.l; uiv a an c
ccu it ot tln rc lit !. epnliiion Main-t
"Suimr. The fl tilla c -niM d fb -iw-eti
26 ti3 3D buatr. iiKij-d by over
100 -ailnrs uu ! r Li- ut. ('mnuin ler
Wi.l a-us of the V-!4u!ii. and 109
inarm-n nnder Cap. M- Auley. En iiv
f'orc under ciiiin:nd r Stevens of M.ui
i'or Pataj s'o. ' Hmis wre twed wi'hiu
a ho distance of the fort, whence :hy
alvanced T.iree loats under com
mamler Willm-m. Liut. R-trii; ail
En-ijn I'.rter. I nd d t.'ioir men a:id at
t tnpted to run up rmns. to ih pirap t
T;u y were fired upon by tuuk try and
handirrenad s were thr wu djvn- upoti
th m the ! 'p was as sharp, they wre
u-ialde 10 reach the parapet. Sipual
was i:iven from the fort nd in an u
craut all the rebel batteries pen d on
ihe ftt, b-Mit'i- it terribly. Tare
boats were; nnt-h'-d. All w.'io land d
werr-kilfd or captured. Li-'Ut. H ad
fird, ol the Marines, was mortally wound
ed or cp:rsl Coitimaii lr Wilhafis.
Lie-t. Ir'-1. Il'owr. B-iuce Dr.
Whe. let. Eniti Porter, were h1- enp
tiered. Foriy orfilty al(irs and iiiantirr
were kill d and wounded, and tlin entire
1 s of caeiiahies will num'er 80 Toe
r.-maiider of the eiinuaud reiir d in
tleiy. A flaf of tructSiates our cap
turd officers and men w re in Suuuer,
well ireaud.
H'-rald li tter states it has been dis
C 'Ver. d that the old ironclad battery at
Cu -iuiiiu P- i;it form 4 the coves of the
iji3.jxz ii' of Fort Grepg. It afford?
o-d cuver for our men. and has alrr.ady
uiined a heavy fire lrim the relu
b.i'ierie wuhout the l-at dainagr. The
Kame crnpo'.d nt h'trhly ul. jizs tht-Irousid-. broad id-s, vhie hroad
sides HtiAirt-t m il ri. he had n v r se-n
e jui 1"
W .IS U'..
! 1 1 ra;-idr-y and
ij i: eJ, ill m-.'ll a' ru-
. li'-ci
V r'. S ri
11 -A Iw:;xvi:l..
! p -red ma 1 m t
1 t r j 1 e J) vv jili
11 tiljj Ml 'i..C-' 111 -
X "i 'ii'-le ma hine
1 li I iie, al.-u : w .
1 11: hr 1 a :.!
1 r !.; -i I li' I Af
Cl itT- !.li !i fi-id tiHf
ret" lli.'iii i r 1 1 -v mil
hhij ei found in
Ul ll'OI! pOM.Odcf hi Hud lare (jliHtitle--
of pri vii-.iis. The p' i-ons c-ipiur'-tl a
Ci-m'tfiland Gap weie ihe 'l N li'
(,' r;'in si,d 1i Virjimn. B-rii'id r
tu?nd to Knoxville uu ihr lOiii. ah re
he would remain u itil the deciiou or
the Uar Department in regard to his
refi.-iiation, midt duriu the whole
march of the army ot nearly ihree hun
dred miles. Only on casualty occurred
and i f fcickness ko I.ttl it any. that Sur
geon, in entree of the h ispiMl, akel to
be relieved for want of wjrk.
H.-ad juartern Army of Potoraic. S pt.
14'h Oeueral I'leasnnioti advanced to
the Rapidau where ihe rebeU were; in
po-iuon with infantry. artilry hud cav
alry, tu prevent i ur trtssing. Our c
ui ties were three killed aud 40 wound
-d. among the latter was (Jmj. Caer,
coiumandiu a brigade in Kilpa ricL'a
diviion wouiidtd while gallantly chare
ine a battery of he eamy, in which at-
. tai k ihree runs were cap urud.
Rithmoud papr tny the publication
of the Ralein Standard will be rebu ilt d
in a few days. F.mjuirer al-o ban the
following Uov. Vauce. of Nonh Carolina
issued a pro lama'i-tn, called forth by
lawltr and ireionable menaces made
at mmie ot th to-called peace meetings
li-ld in that Sta'e. He wtrns tbe peo-
. fl of the anerou ton.-equeooe if a
p-ristrne in theT rour.e, and bee chea
Ihem to abstain trora auyfuither rei.
tence to the enforceinm of the cousrrip
tio 1 and the law for c.4lecuuir tate.
Exhorts thin to a and o their misera
ble demonstration they are making to
rehi-ten--e to the Uw, which muat aud
will be enforced.
Cincinnati. S?pt. 15 Leavenworth
dispatche- av that Gen. Blunt, at tat
aciount', wis at Fort Gibson, p'-epj.rmj
lo btart for Fort Scott. In the recent
campaien he marched '25Q miles in 9 d iy
fought two battle, and reila:tnd fron
the reh-1. 109T.900 .square miUs of terri
tory. R fugees from the rebel conscri
Hon coming into'a lins by Una
dreds. Their suffering ar represent
ed a t-.l--.ciih itd. M ir tliiu oi
hundred Uion men hare been t-h t and
tua at f ort Smith Since the rebellion ;
trokaouL Fort Smith will hm htA. !
-M r .
quarte ra of oper&Uoai the coiaioj winter, j
New York, Sept. 16ih.- Times' spe
cial says It Is reported that the rebels
have six vessels of war at Richmond.
Some known to be eluded with-railroad
iron, and inoddled like-' the Merrimac.
General Gilmore is promoted to Major
of Engineers in the regular army.
C.ntice.d from fourth Je.)
Sec 17. And be i: fur her enacted. That, in ad
dition to the compensation now allowed to co! lec
tori for their ioiri.e anl that of their deputies,
there shall ba allowed their necessary anl rea-iona-lle
charge! for postage actually paid on letters and
documents received or dent and exclusively relating
to t fikial busin ; and in calculating the cotnu-is-fion
uf rol.eilere of internal revenue in disri' ts
hen distilled spirits are soipel te be sold in 0 her
di'tri ts io pursuance af the frovisionsof the act
to whteb this act 11 an amendment the amount of
duties due r the quantity of spirits so shipped
shall be added to (be principal on which the com
missions of such collectors are calculated and a cor
responding amoBt shall be d-dacel from the
principal sum on which the commissions of the
collectors in the districts to which such spirits are
shipped are calculated- Provided, however. That
tbe salary of no collector shall exceed ten thousand
dollars in the aggregate or mire 'than five thousand
dollars exclusive of the expenses of administering
the office.
Sec. IS. And be it further enacted; That it shall
be the duty of the comniiseioaer vf internal revenue
to pry ovur to the treasurer of the United States
ai or oftener, if required by the Secretary 'f
th Treasury, all public iu-hij wii'Cu mty C'un
luio his bands or posae'sim f -r wni.ih t ie irea-'U'-ar
HMa'ilive proper receipUaud keep a f til'.iul ajtunia
mi'i ai t'm end of encli iu u:h tne e in 11 ; :;er a
!o. . -h . J. si.ail render true -n t i n' 1 ul .13 J r. - f
t 1 p. i.i
. h.
,,i retired or pai 1 I'Ut
.,- ...
- i r ,
j r o" v
t I 'J.-U' .
1 I I 1 I 1
I l'i-J -"V.l
I f
.-r ih n.-r....-l t if . 1.
1 nlil.i-1 fy :'jti nlM.!
m. ill iij- r - ' ! f:i V.ty i;.:lii..a
tr .i -Uii; : (: . u r. 1 . w 1 '.
li a:w if tut tr I u.,-.' . I.f I
1. 9I.U uif . iU VUI Itt It
tr.'Uu 1 .r a -t:i -I i I. t -: 1:
jj :li r . 1 l . rt -r
..i I 01 :.! in-.-.-
.: '-ii nl 11 u tl
r v. 1 1 r r.
r. o! t i tljoS .:iu r f U'
.it a'.l tim .ii) a.'. l iu -Sj-a-y
ti tu c iu.-''.ij-, .r
i" ..
vi..u . A al.iai
l;..-.l rl till) 1 re
1 i:i ui : . . 1 iiij ir fl iu .ri -y 1 1 : h ii i
--!..; ; 1 r ivi Ira t t-ri 1 tiMU !l ; da !!, i,l
Iti.-c . x - u:- '1 .1 l . iln -u.Ti inl am-. tt, , i .
J u oi- .- vr- mt tr or uu lr -i n:y, u l
lit !;. tiic ui t--t.r.r i;i t 8J:a aO luas i.l 1,1 ii
tldjlrj ,1 i uh (I i!l.nrf, t J a blf tu till) L Ii it'-1
.Ui e-rii.iaui ii -.i 1.14' -i i Auaia i i.i -r iili pi'r: nu I'm liu iui uf hia ".Ii e acMrJiii
10 Uw a. .a ranlijU'iiy mid tailit.llj a uu ! r
ni.d pxy ovn tu ike In 1 Wlt" ,iu b Jnce
lm auU io Ulj). a ice wit i tn.'.ir 1 -r ir i. uii wn
oi ill -J SK ieia y ot li e Tr ariiry. ail i ibli- inv.teji
uh en may . udm iiil.i n-iul r u, nid
li.r t u ii. Lrt.i.i: n I f.iiiul u-oun uf
mtd.Ul, r, iJacaivo rt iU.'. 'r V )!lu l. bill Ul O-
bekriu a aiHtu l ri .11114 -M,y 4 (ii re u; ii:u
bu.l e.m.l U ii J i.i tu .:S j . t' ill 1 tir t c.i .tr
ur !' ilir trua-iry r.i t -:iu i 1 u q 1.1 .i r iv
riu tium 'o liiii uu . fir iij, uj ui.rei-e
11 s IB il ii U uJ'lu -a;!' itrj ut lue J u.j
uiny i.i 001.
Si. IK. II ! b it fir.lior em'ed Tut tu
i'r. pidout -u.m aiul .u 1 1 1 J-;, r iu ut ul lu
ireaiury, ajd aitli tl e a n. tu.l ccu.-fui !
;ho .Vat-, C'i'i;-:s."a! p:r i.i. wm 4J1..I uj ca.l !
hif deputy coiuiu. -dinner o: i.ituru tl rsvciiue t...i
11 inmual Uiy ..) tif -.iij bv - ba.nrod d inr.
HVo ihill ba tlliir 1 rrnii .ivi dj.ltlJ m tnj Oj-rt-nit
t u ei 11 a. ri-vrm s ainiy bo pre;ribej uy
lie Socrniarv .f iho Trt-iauiy or a. may be requir
ed by law and wt)o iUHll ni.t c 'Ul'UiUfi 'liir 01 in
lerucl r-v uue ii the btrnCJ ttl thai t.ffie-r nl the pririlee of iraiikm all loiter J 1
cnuiHcu (x.rt-ii.ii'i in t ie .1 ti jo uitiTutl
". x'l. Au I bit it lurtu -r iiuimu. f iiat ti-:
S re ir ot the rvc.nuo 111 iy ,). ni uit ti :Ji.l
iug n.rec rrvcuus it i uutiei sull l; u 1
drr the tr ctiuu Jm i.shin mi. "I I'riul-iu,!.!
' tie revenue who U ill 00 Ji-i'l ru tl t-i.uieiis i' ( n
a thj Si-cret iry ot iu y in iy d tinju-t
-od reHSoiiubl'. ii"t ex.e d.u iwu in .'Jaiud da:ura
jwr annum. The ab-ve aal iri, to bo pa 1 in in u
vaiue uiMUiiur as aro other czenaea tr cjlieoliu
the revsrue.
Set. 21. And b it furtl er eoncted. That the
lreid lit uf ih L'nif. d Stats bo, and he in bereoy
MUtnoriZ'-d to aj.tiiiiik by anl iih tne xdviue aaJ
0"iient f thu Senate, a v nijet.-ut eraiO,'Wbo
bll be lulled the e-ttbuT uf lUleru-vl d J i , wita n
aalnry of twen y-fl.ts bu. d.ed m.1U.- wiio h.Ul
hav rhir(fe ID' n' )" rteeiv-d it. the t.ffi. e of
he fora.m.i'nr f ifi.'iTiii' r-r aue n i a'li'i pr
form 'U h du'io hs tu'y b-? hi i;a d tt - i oS-j b.
S "a oiU-Dlaillii'irr: . ITC r ll'.liiM c. '3:r:-
vrftary i .tne T'fnr. a i I boforj ea riu up-u
bin duiic it cii)i-T ae 'i 'l ev b i.i i wiu u:ll-
t-ieiit itufii't ti e iiji-irl t'-i .-j-!r.ttry il
H.ti 7 e.i ary ud by 'tiemj oil ir he will lai.ii
inlly aiyt.vo'. fur l ihe in .nt)y or Artuaa of
vaiue. bet .unz ti the United State wiik-a my
come into his hn ia aud u l LUe dutiea eu
j itued upon his offi . aooordin; to law an t renta
Uuiia a at'.ri--id wliich b md shiiil 01 deposited
with the fi st -orntrnl'e'- of th trjaiiry.
Sec. 22 And be' it furih.-r ei'ai-ud. That in lieu
ol ihe a a.Iua'd by law toe sertrU as-eor,
Irnui lUe iiiu . f their appictmeul, mmll be alluw
J ai.d pii;d a 9lnry of fifteen buiidreu dollars prr
aiKiuui tmjiste qiirtTly, and iu aidition thereto,
wbjM tne rei-ei-;s of the foile--tion diatrict snail
i..ttd he utn t f two hundrfd th.iii-aud doiiu:
i ml nhali tirii t-x.itft d the sum of four huudr-d
th- u id d 1 his aunially one h.'f of o ie p r c. n
uiii u,- -k ... jxuer of reooiita ovr two luinlrvii
ii."U-;i il i"llii-. where tee recij)(s of a cll.;ti
li.aiici x-fd fnnr haudree tlmu-MU 1 d iliars
. 1 ' ; -i.i' x'-d eiicht band 't'it cu- u id on
f..i .1 1 . -. - .ntuua U ii tli 1 .-c . a.i in r. nun
t. . (11 1 .. ihruiiai.d a.illar-. . li- tt-ulio
.1 11
.; II -.1
h i 1 1 ttie wii.irt I
r .111 I n nv
t. u- J 1 i;-ir.
-i ui '.:
. li .-- v i.i' a .- r-
H U ' ti
r ai .1
1 .1 ri 1
, h' 1 .!i" ail :u - U 1!! t rxj.ei.l
c cl-ll; l.l-'. !: t 'it tlw:
1. 11 Iiiu 1 lit- O J..U S.-idl . t I
u.'i-i mil 1 v . a i I r 1 :i" .nr t in ii.
l.ilV ..f llr l. MUill r 1 I t-t -i.i 1 r
.i-.-;-i.f 1,1 11 e..,T.i- - 'Jtf 111 .i'-rvll 1 i-a
II ' l-"ti,!--1 f 111,1 l.. 'it U I HI -1. li k Ut
ij- t.- iiiu. r'u n ta; s '3 .
l!.. li 11 c : 'J 11 1 r :-n:il'i :
. all ul it hrt ni.oi -4
ic an (..! n 1 I'.i.-.Ti i i .i a 1 r 'C- i ei f
-.1 . d x -In-.; viy r ! ' a !o -Q ul bu -luvi
.ii' f r 1 ti .11 trv .111 1 Ol i 1)4) , atil in tit i-
u. jii 1 tli. ir lu'if": -t 1 1 tile u u ttuaa t n Q (
i-p' -i ri d A ill b: i i 'u I f'.r tli X 1 i a l 1. -c
im- (Mr i m Iv tuitiiins d. Aal ijni as iimIl, in itduiM- n io ity aud aUi d
by U w, alno te allotti-d tiieir ue;is-iry and reus iui
ble t-hrj;e or pl9 actually ptid on le t.-rs aud
UiM'Uiuonts received or SJiit, and ox tliitiTely relat
ing to offi.-ial businea: Frorided, Tnai tho Secre
tary ot the Trcuury shall bi, aul he is tire'y;
authorised U fix roch additional rat'' of fnuipetifta
tion to be inade to bm. mur and a-siaiaut a.-iaaora
in the Suti't of California an 1 Oregon xnd ttie ler
rit-ine-", a? in iy war io n:m t-t lj ju-t aud etjua
atlna io c.m-eq j 'O jo of the gr-fettor a. nil of living
aud travelliutC in tlm. tt" aid tornloilo a.ij a
uiav. iu hisjalin ut be nvn-y u a't-uro ilii
norricr ui ,Haiuieut an 1 -l3 -.tea la 311: IV-vi tod.
furtber, Tuat the rtn of ct.ui,.'o.-a.i .u iDuta.l .w
cd tiall uot -X -ed tbe ra ei iid to similar oiS .ets
iu suuu slates an i territories le-ijt.vo, .
Sec 23. Ami b tit lunher e.itotjd, foU auis
taut a tMrs hll aike out th. ir avcouai-s f.jr pay
audebarg's allowed by law inouibly, t4ci:')ii
cb it- tn siid iiM-li ding ibeda.e ol aoH day of
St-rriftj aud fhall irtujui t i'e saaia t tae aesor
of the district, wbo bnl taeriuu-a oli a ul lae
aam9,aud if il ppi just nod lit ae -oroiKe WiUl
law, ho shall end re bis ap,roval ti.eroou but viQ
erwise eh ill return tbe s.iute wita objec'ions. Any
anuh aoo.unt so a,iirfTed uiny bj praaiod by luo
aistaut aajie-or o th- collector h' the district f r
yuMMi4, wbt asukli braoM uay fch ssMSie' a4
wLen rtK-tipit-d by tb a aAs .r, bi allowed
tlieref -r uuoa pfvevnuuiuQ to tbe com.uis -loner ot
intern U rer-nue. Wuerj auy Ajooua , ao trans
muted to the asaoiisor, s&atl b. objected to, in whole
or in part tbe sni.tnt t-s- sr nay appeal m ihe
eomuiissi.iner of iuUroal reveuaa wao dtwisiou ou
thttt-aa snail be butl. uh -il J i. ap w .it any
fcaatfacor has wiiim j d ifip 1 ho. 1 any
aocoon, as atorestt.t all m luy -a.suai ssestr
a aum larger thau mm dao aio..rdiiig ;o law, it
rb-,11 irti. i duty t.f tu e -una -siooor t r luterual
r v. nue, upoa p opor proif tuere.f, to d rdiiot IOj
aum so aiin tsl irout any pav which m y be due to
- assor;or Lbe.uaiisioner as aforesaid way
direct e auit to bs broubl in any etutuf ooia jj
toul jurisdiction agnin-t tn assessor or assialikUt
awl.iwud -s he.einbjfote meotiuoed.
Sec. 21. And be it further .-acted, ThU if any
person or persons idull kuownigly tr rcue or carry
ou ai.y trade or buMncss, Ir ib exercising or cr
ryiug on ol wbi. h trade or bus ne s a Ikmhimi is re
quired without taking out so b license a4 1 in that
bt'b Uf required, be. ibe, -r they s.iall for every au.h
tiffeuco, upon eoavtoiion tberf, inliu f or iu 1
ditinn to their petia .ies no iTS )ed by Stv at tbe
ditnTetiTin of tbe C4u.( be sobie: imnsuuejt
ior t-trm uttt exceeding t w.t yewrs.
S v. ii. Aud be it further hum ml, Thit nn vm-'
tioneer stiil bi au b u isel by vir ue .if this licen-e
as uh aucti aeer 10 . 1 an 4 g -d, r oiee. pf por
ly ia any other district tun tuat id whi b ihj li
cense s all have been grauicd. but Uwyor., pay-i-ei
tu, auriu, or de i Ui, having ttken oj; a li
cense as audi, bad nut t re 1 aired tj Uke out anV
aaauiouKi nceuiie la couscu J juoo of D -a-tK iu ' !
. . . r . . : . . - ... '
mir po'trav-iou ai'unur oeyo.ia tae Uiuiisof lae
diittrict whre li-ns-it.
See 3T And b ii further envfcNl, That up a
the r m-va' ot a jy p r u r pcrio from hi ii iue
or freiniMo at wbioa b , she or ta -y were autaur-
-l b, Iinom tttxret or carry on ay trde or
b-as o-4 in sueti lieeoM, mA ai h .iad
by tUeaatui buhthisct is an au jndm mi. it !
ihii Uli may be uWfui lor to fsrsoa is
authorised to sfaat licenses to authorise sod em
power by indorsement on such lioenses or otherwise
as tbe commissioner of internal revenue shall direct
tne person or persons may rem ,ved for or dar
ing tho residue of the term for which such license
war originally granted, without taking cot any
fresh license or payment of any sviditional duty or
any fe therenpoa tor tbe r tidue of sooh term, and
until tho expiration therot f: Provided always That
a fresh atry of the jremi es at which such lr&i
or business shall continue to be so ex.roised or car
ried on, as aforesaid shall therenpoa be made by
acid ia tbe name or names uf the person or persons
to whom suoh astLo.ity; as aforesaid shoU berant
ad. -
See. 27. And be it farther enacted, That any
person who tba!l offer for sale, after the thirtieth of
September, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, any
of the art'des named ia Uchedule C. of the act
which ih'n a-t is an amenduieut, whether the arii
elef so o'Jjred ars imported or are of foreign or do
mestie manufscture, shall be deemed the tnanafaa
turer teereof, and subject to all tbe duties liabilities
and penalties ia said act imp ted in regard te the
saleoi suoii a-ticlsj without the use of the proper
sUmp or stamps as ia said aet is reqdired.
Sec. 23. Anl be It farther enacted, That a!l
medicines preparttions, eooiposrtioaa, perfumery,
and cosmeiu s, iatended for exportatioa as provided
for in sectiou one hundred, and nine ot the act to
which this aot is an amendment, in order to be
manufactured sad sold or removed without being
cbarg -d with ' duty, and without ba'ing a stamp
aCx-d thereto map. under such rules aud regula
nyiisasthe Secreury of the Treasury may p-e-s-ribe
be made and manufactured in warehouses
known aul dignatcd ia treasury regulations a
bo.iiidJ warjh-iiiKcs class two: Provided such tuanu
tac urer ahull rst gue satiafaclory bouds to the
colleoitjr ui iiiteruai revanu 1 fr the faitufiil obscr
atic ol th t 1 uies u.M iB'U ati'.ns nr iu proti x
1 r, in mi ti ttt ir- le t!i.i u jII' rutjir! by t'u rt
1, if ill- S;n ttry of tu: frcasj.'y l'r-,:u
,i-r.'!15 .1 : 4t)J l.'i.d WarvhuU.l S. CM '.
-1 11..:.-, vt ,u-. n.ii;i.uro.l j U ;0 W.t cQ ia
;ut u- ).-.uii :.l : : x.riaii uUil r ine lire-it.
I .& . venue i, Ji svr ? vin ; c 1 therj 1!, WiM
0 it i;i'.' ' ar d m 11 1 n i av ij ia: nv n; n
-.:i!Up - ii i'. c 1 1. A i.v ui aai jl : urcr .f .a
n 1 r if tij ol ta -111 hivinku.
.M,.i t d -il "eh'iUJ S ai iciil fmli (1 atl.ij.-r y.
i.uijr-u u iinci 4ai rful' ' us is ihj S ;.-r -ttc
i too lr.i!iary majr .rssc ijfl, to emiv-y tie- ii
- nv idi:iT .i s in b u-cd iu sa u iu i.iu;- aro 11 1
nii i by t ie piovi-i .nt .t" ihe n d a l to b
xp .'l.d (r in t.r aury, aa we.l as the oe
c s try iu t ri !.' uu 1 ue .s p.-kij s, vest';l-,
' nui u'j:ih hr iuj pr aruiiou, pultiug u,
mil f Api' t ! ii)'-' faid umiui''tiir u a. tides, ani
-V"iy ar l it ti us d 'iil bj x ui t irun su-iiu
fill -x liuty. A ii.ti.s nd lUAtorials so to Or
a - I amy be t anhf rr..d fr ji any b nded war -u
u-u iv w.iit-ii ine aiuv m -y oe . ou.ersu.u ru
l.ri.nis be S cr fa oi :ii. rrn-u y mty prt
- r b.', '.ii!i uojr u lsl nireii uo Uti iwi, is
wti- h -ii h ui .iiiufserne nay t ci.'.iJu -ted a-.idmi.
'i, ii-.-i( 111 -mil m.iuuf r U.-, a: d W.:uu uu Uj J.
s'.imII be x id pi li4.ii miiui uud ix i-edj'y: ad
tun rori ipt bl tl.e vl"-r ul tho rc' iiUj in ciiiirt
h tll be r'--i'e-l as a vuuciii-r fi.r iht lua iufuctur
if -11 li .trticl s A 'iv in -nils imp.rutl int- th
L'mmlSi K tu iy, baoi - u ti rul-s . ti S cr--aO'fta
Trt-i-ar- m iy pii-rib-. sol u iJor -ii
ir i 11 11 nit- yr-'fio. Ji e. f ih cu .111 o.- c
iu v -.1 . 1 ri 1 1 pii k j- ii jui ,1 t i jip i-l r
1 u t bo 1 led ti en U1 it i 1 w 11 il t ,1- s - LU iu y
H . i .1 ,j b-i'iped tv,r. 'n.ias s. ci.ui- two. m w 1
ui 1. it f wiit." pj ;.v ba tai ri .-d (1 1 ior i-- pjip-n cr
.:z u d iu i;cu iu iu a a , w t ut lyot u
v. :u i ;',.ti.i -taJuii- 1 1 fi oj i-.l in tun
ui iu .i .i-tar . N 1 4rucid m r tu v. d u .r auy arti
t'li? uii.iil ws'uej in stul boid:i .-f use, .ii n
iwi: be lak. ii th rs rum x .,. t fur ex.x.i t-i
t.on, u.i 1 t ih t Ji. icii.tu ot ih t pr,,ier t.ffi :- of h
-uatuuii navin cri ird thr.t .f, t-ert h.-ate
dcnb'.'i iho.t. ticle- by ihi'ir unrK.-i, tir oihe.'w.s.)
-h : q m rtr. me due of iui, tiiioe aud naoie 1.
ve-Mel w ia su -h itjii'i 'fin r icu'a.s a- inay Irom
ti.n-t.i uu;. in r qjired b; rc-ivj.l oy t'j
i-oll'to i'f o ist'.m't in caiL-eila inn of tht, ur
r -iu.u f ;ho urn un'. .-f f treiu I'U'iirt Iumps. .i
I bur jtorinriu -d til rcuJ "eii uu-ier tV a
,-eul-tii -n- S i I bi u il rtne s it trv'.a.-a of
..tfi -er f tit cu-tjjjs, and at the .-xpeus? of th
auiiU V ur r.
S c 2U. Aa l be it further ena-td That situke
buW, Mi. , i iiid.sron t. o's.Ufr bull 0.1. rub d
or preiuir d to'' usj ex-1 i-iviy; interin
f.irthe tuiir.fc ur.t of bo .p k r a exclusively and i d 'or -tieru'S, -uci as at"cl wire, ruled,
t'lnp-rel -r -ocr d cut Upe. aud oi ill wjrtt fi.r
j'iaiiig h Hi(.s t .eth'sr. tpindles. an I ca ti. g-id" all
lesenV , where 10 de ex-iut-ly for instr ita 'u-n,
artijexiir uithiaery upii w n.ih iluties are aa-rtn
ed. nud ptld shtil be exein ,t fr.iiu d it; and al
jfuol-: wire anl .a rjh tnl ie and artirles ml; ur
tuaituri tur d frun iniwriiN whi -h htvebj-n uh
j-et'tirtnl upi.ii waich iu'Tiial dutior b'.vo been
i.'iii ill v -fi'd ( m .'eiri iin lie 1 trrei u 1 .a w'ii'-h
d'i'ies n v b'-e 1 pi .1 u- on' whii:h n duties sre iiu
p d by law, wrp-ro th iijor.t.s-'d value of -u ii
if. .'d 1 w-ei and m n hia lide q1 nrti mai
a d iui-i A va h. ."I shall nor ex'-etl t e aiU 'Uut 01
tire 11 r o-o'nrn ad valorem, shall bj hereby are ex
e:u t ir rn (1 tty
Se-; 3) A-i bi it fjr.hftr eii-ni, Ti it ei all
cloths or swk, .to-toi or ti Ir mit trii!, lyd. jjna-.-ed,
bl aih d. mta-jfutunl or prjpirel into oth'jr
fabrics which wore removed fr m theptaceof manu
facture prior to the first of Septem-tor. eig!it"en 'd and .-ixty-two, or hicb have been or shall
b" imported the duty or tax of three per ceu turn
ha!l be aeii.ed only upua the in.treas-d valut
thereof: Provided further, T'at whenever the duff
ha htMMi aeiwetl. or ssso-s-d and collected at the
f.i:l vla- th-sreif uin cloths cr silV. cotton r
othr mt'erial m-i'iu'a rtur..d and r-m ved from 'h
place 'f rantifa",ure priitr ro t..e fi st of S-pt mbi-r
e g'.t e'l lui'idred and ixty-iw.. o w ii -h wire itti
ported prior t Ihw paa-at of thi. a;', ;id whi h
hve Uen dyed, prui' d bleached mmnfa tur. d. or
the-'wi-e preiinrc l iiit 1 olhr f "bri',j, i'ii-e ht .-aid
fir : f -u-f.t in't r 'jh'in Imn lred aftd ix -tt
!; ; e tn'ili -i 1 r I n : r ia! r '.' iua ibf t t'i
' 'i'iU n f Sfcntaij t.f ihe Tna ur ,s al
4 1 1 ''i t h-r i 1 iior i J 1. 1 lir . e I t '
-1 'i 11 1, ul p;iy bai k -ui'ti (.r'-iHir inn o' a id
.n i, .r- t-e't iiji.n'h- v u ofa.ij
' - b -loro be atitt.' w -r a-i dV'fl, print d blc.t :ii
,11 .i' i -iu'. .1 tir nth -t wi freiiard.
St-.3I. And fu; nsct"d. That th
-. 11 u i - ruler ul i:i'ernl fvi-.iu.t. -imj ...i in u r
gu t l itis - f tir S"cr- tar i f 1 lie Tru -nry . nl.sil 1,
a 1 t b r by i- su'Wu d tn r in;-. r-tund. ia.l pa,
b .i'k ui-h ,.r p r ion of .ti.l 1 i'i.m wjrj 'Sij
u;"U ht vaui f aa-ih ultras h tfore t'.ie ;.ui-wcr
. dy-d. friri' d, b!-aeh.'d uiiiia:.t ;tur.l or w iitr
wi. pr iwre l. " '
"-f. M. A d be it furtiier en loteii. That th
mini-i'i.i 'r .t ii.'-t.- i.l rtvou u'jejt to tne rs-a-u'ati
in-o tho S ret i v of ib Tr.iA-. iry. s i i.l b
'i l herub,' a.itho ii'd to r mit refund and pay
b i k all duiiea erruniu4y or illirtlly a.-trt-i or
cill'cttd. and all judgements or sums of m ni y ro
eovere I in any cort axaiust any codec tt.r or deputy
collector for any duti. s or liccnaa paid under pr,
tct. - "
Sie. Z2. And be it further enacted. That luaau
f icijrar ot I.f 4 oil, lubriitciu oil, 10 1 Iin-iaod oil
all ul ba subject to 'lie prnvi-ioiH of the act t-iwiiich
tiiis is an aiu ti'lui i.t , relating to distillers of
spiriinat li.ju r t and tlet-igned for the purpose of
ss'-trlNinii g the quantity produced, su far as the
sm Uimj ia il.e jud; mem ot the e mini-sinner of
intt mal revenu" aid und r regulations to be pre
SiTibed by him be deemed necessary .
Sec. 33. And be it further entorod. That Ihe pro
vision of the a.;t to whioil tii aot is aa iueud uent
in reU'iou to retuius by manufacture's, ud the
payment and collecii.n ut du.ief upon maiufaclur -d
articles, enumerated in seci.on seventv-five ot said
aet, aha lb , aud hereby are, made applicable to
ihe pr. duoors ti articUs which are also mmtioned
in said aection, and on whi.tb taxes are lvied.
See. 34 Aud bt il further eunoteil, That there
shell be dtifcti ed by the collector in every district
whtre tbe same m;iy be neeeeehry oue or more in
spectors of mttiufatrtured tobaooo who shall take an
oath f titbfuliy Io perform their duties ia each form
svs a owjsibiarii-iier tf iBtersval reveuue akall pre
scribe, and -u tll be eniitl. d to receive such fees as
mty be fix d and proscribed by said commissioner.
A l.d al! m-iuuiHct ur d tobacoo cball b fore the same
is ut d r rt id ved f r tontnap i n or sale be tn
spocted and weighed by au iuspector, desiurfted a
atore-aid, who h til mark upon the box or other
javkaire ti.Dtain ng scca iobace4, in a manner to be
pre.riib d by s d c. minls.-i ner, ii.e quality and
t ie iiame of tut i i jvw. Tne fees of S'icb. iop-;-t
ir shall ia all uas a 00 pa.d by the owner of tbe ti
baotto i o inspected and weibxi. Tne ptoai'sis f .r
tiie traudulent marking ia any vaokage ot tobacco,
and for any frta lob-nt attempt to evade ib i duties
oa tobac-eo so impacted by ohanging in any u tonr
the package of toe maiks iboreon, shall bo th sa
as are piovidmi ia rdatiou to distilled str.ts by ex
isting Uws. That m inafa. tured toba o ma be
rem -vesl from tbe place oitaufactare fir tne par
ase cf being expert -d atter the quantity and q'tali
tv Ui be aft rauioted shall have been aseeitamwd by
inspociioe, a.- rdiug to tbe provisiou of tiis act
upin abd wiib the written perutiaion of the colloe
Uir or deputy ctMieeior of the district without pay
ment of the duties thereon previous to saoh rem val
tue owier ih re if i avinif given bond to the Uuiie.1
S'atcs With auffi.-ieut rervttes, ia the manner and
torsos a under rtulti.u to bi puesorio-vl by tbe
ei mini 4ioicr of in er itl r venue and ia at least
di.umo th - a nount of said duties to export ehe said
m nufaoiured tobtO. t-r pay the duties thereon
i bib u;h time as may bo slated ia th boo 1: and
all the oviaion rolaiiveto the exptrtati m of dis
tilled apiriK ia b md. eonuiaed in the act to which
this is an siendme .t as far as the same miy be ap
plicable .had b appli ed to the ex urtatiiio t.f u
btoeo iu bend: Provided however, That notbin eow
Uin d shall b coi.,d red to apply to snuff, fine cot
tubooi , r cigars.
See. 35. And be it farther emoted, That th evi
dence ol expert Un to entirl to benefit uf draw
back auder the aes ttt provide revenue to
wau n ins act. is an sicn luniot, and the rules and
rt-guloti us pertsioiug ibareio shall be the a am as
thee wtuob are bvw ot may be required to etitiUa
the exporter to bonett of drawback under the act,
reUting te drawbacks cf duties un imporUnt and
such other rules and regj'a'.ioas as the Secretary
of the Trosary my preaoribe; that the charge of ex
ports for the benefit of drawback under the acts as
the acts as aforesaid at tbe port of New York, (and
at snch other ports as the Secretary of the Treasury
miy designate,) shall have charge of .the same un
der the act to woka this ameudmen!; that the
head of such bure iu shall be invested with the
authority and receive tbe emoluments of a deputy
of the collector of custom; and that the said bu
reau shall under the direction of the call ec tor ofthe
customs embrace the supervision of all exports en
titled to remission of duties or to drawback of du
ties paid, nnder the acta above mentioned; the as
certaining and certifying suoh duties; the taking
and cancellation of required bonds: the charge of
all export entry papers for benefit of drawback and
officers returns thereon, and of certificates in prooi
of the landing of such export t.brjad: Provided,
That nothing herein coutai a id shall bs construed
to change or modify the existing mode of payiug
tbe drawbacks and debentures allowed by tho laws
before referred to.
See. 37. And bo it further enacted Ehat the as
sist int trea'urer of the Cm Led States at San Faaa
cisoe is required under such instruoUoas as the
oommbsioner of internal rovenue shall prescribe, to
audit allow and pay Che aejouuts for services of the
collectors and assessors of California Oregon and
Neradit Territory, subject to the revision of the taid
commissi mer.
Sec. 37. And be it furtber enacted, That this act
except where otherwise in Ji aled, h Uke eject
from and after its pass i;p, and all acts and parts of
act repnguant to tao j r visio s of thi ajt ba, and
ttie same are her jby, rippled: t'rovmd, l'hat the
xiit ug laws tihah exttud to aud oe in force, as
mJi,-ed for the collection the da'ies imp i- by
nis t, for the 1 r"8-cu:i' n an 1 i" ni.Lia. ut ol ail
oJ'-no -s, a'i'l fr tn i-e; -v r.'. ji1 oiiji, d.-tcriba-iou
oi reiiii- un f l 1 i n , j 1 a tif- aud fr
1" i.u.c . fu;:y .ai ;, u ii.y f every r gult
Imiii o .ii tt r nan ,.-.:vi-, iu -;.a . .ut.t.ranl
iiiatii at S -l n .14 exuiii 1 a-t j uiaia c
irfd b.'a lit., .led i.i. aal r-'-e.i't'i by, tlii ad.
Stu di nl m t fur her enuj .il, fr .iu
tnti atitsr thi o;t e w ea i , :i lukes tta 'ct. therr;
u-tii be tu ul. .waio ..1 dra tr a ..u e t 1 als and
nor I q 1 irs uuu 1 f tclur. t - wu iif ..r 1.1 pa t uf
.l-.iiirt-iu- .-.jii.-i's o'i lu-n .t il l y s i-l iiatro b -en
bald i.i ua n nuiouiit to th uu pais! on urli-piril
ii -u ti.iorlea whu umi dedu 111 1 at tb!Scurt-
ary oi itie fretaury miy tbiuK ro n.M ililc, 11.11, x-ce-'l'iij
ti a per eea uui of t ie a u ia .1 of duty $
t i 1: 1 ne tin i.tut 10 00 c or' aiu 'J in the uiuuaer
. ul uiiieriho r a i n- p.etjr.bjd in section on;
au ul c I and .-iiwu ot .be a t lo which 111.1i is ad
diiinal tbe cam to b. subjicitwalt the pro-
i i nis ot s -it sectiou ap;t i : tbl-j thereto: I'n-vidcd
Taat no -uc.i a 1 1W4.1CC -IiaII b.t oiadj unlcit tho
valu? oV tbo cpir.ts m d iu sacU ui tiiufacluru shall
-x-:cud oue iidlf of the w.i 1j value of tae article vi as afre-aid.
Arf:OVI I M:.n- u. Ili.
1 i:;v ifj Ltii .1: m ouv or
Main Street, Drownville, NaT.,
Return thanks for the patrons te-e'ofore ex'enJeU
to hita, aud promi-tea to uj ply all waau either la
v . seen as
Cuclt's ccrlcss, Elevated Ovens,
Superior, Golden Era,
Xcvr Era, &c.
l.tirta: vksr uiox kettlcs.
FliOil 1J 10 2J tiA..LAJNS.
Of Xew sitd Beautiful Pattern; Lamp Chimneys,
Sonne. biC. Bnfs, Cnpper, ani 3. jt
Iron Witre: Lantern. Shoveia
and Japanueu Ware.
Tia. Stone & (. ? Self-SenlinK Trait Cans
Guttering and Spouting.
He l prepared to pot op gatterinc and spontlnn, and
all other work of ma line at the shortest ootica. and ia
a workmanlike niaoncr, which he warrauta to mvtti.
tafaciion. 8-a-ty
are built nf ibe best and most thoroughly seasoned ma
reiia's, and UI stand ant climate Tbe lone ia very
rieep rontxl, full, and mellow; lie touch elaatic.
Karh Piaao warranted tor five years. Trices Irum $225
to $TjO.
"The Boranye Waters Piooe are known sssmonx the
very best.' -Evolil.
'We can peak of 'heir merits frim personal koowl
edue." Cknttia Imt'lignetr.
Wie-s' aod H ie d chtlene enratarisoa
with the tine' made anywhere " Hjate Journal.
175 N EW 7 OCTAVO PlANOd. of differ,
ent make, for $i"5j .. with earvsi leg. tiuO,
and $M0. tcnixi-han4 Pianos and Mal.xle ua at
$5. to, $50, $S0. $75. $10D, $11, $lt.. $160, and
Tue Horace Waters .Melodeon and 11a.
inctninm. Tcned the Equal Teniiirsiueni with the Patent DlvMed
Swell- Price froar $.to 1300. Alexin der Or
s;art) trom $209 tn $i o.
Ua liheral discoi nt lo CierrTBeit Charchee, ta
baut Schawls, Lodjaa Seminaie smd Teachers.
BO RACK WAT8ft S t ,
' No. 4S1 Britlwy X. T.
TLAKS, OF AI.l KIM)S. Printed and
J) foretJei.tlie ADVE-.TER OFFICE.
lEOIf! IE0H!!
Srlll.t,.S, bELL'iWS,
LwIrhK 1'LATr.S,
t ILSl)
rUli T k A l E AT P li I C E S T 11 A 1
jg"Send ia Your Scrap
Oue Dollar Saved ia E-ual to two Dol
lars Jlude.
scrap iiiON at
Febl4-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH. M0.
ANN'OrNCKS tn the public that he ha ourchase-l th
entire in'ere in tbe Livery Stable and Slock formerly
owned b Rufisii B oilier, lie is uow uieuareJ to
acciimmHlate the public with
Cat ria?e"a
Saildlf Ilomea.
VCa Ac.
Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for
horses, males or cattle.
N. B. The partnership heretnfore existing between
Benjamin St Joxbna R. pers is 1ii-a"l vtxl.
josiiua t Bias j a ma eogers,
May 29th. 1862. n47-ir
Oil All 1, CRIi 1SIA.
I hare lone since been cn ivinced of the want of a first
class Nuraery in the Weat, where
Can be adapted to car climate and soil. In view of
the facts. 1 have established in this place, aud offer
for sale at
Wholesale or Retail,
A larjre and well selected stock, suited to this climate,
Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard and dwarf ;
Cherries, standard and dwarf;
Peaohe. Plnms,
Apricot. Nectarines,
Quince. Goosberriet.
Currents, Grapes,
Strawberries, Blackberries.
Evergreens, Sarahs,
Bom. Dahlias,
Ornamental Trees.
Greenbonte snd Bedding Plants, etc., -etc.
Te which I woe id ben leave to call the attention of the
people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North
weat Missouri. -
gJly terms will be as low as an? reliable eastern
By pnrchains: of me the expense of traitor Ution
from the eaat can be saved.
All tiees and plants are carefnlly labeled and packad
in tbe bast manner, for which a charge of tbe actaal oust
will be made. No charge will be tuide for tbe delivery
of pMCkaces on board steatnboata.
All cimmunlcations addresaed to the amdersicned
will receive prompt attention.
if arch. 18U. E. H. BrRCH.
Notice to Teachers.
Tbe undersigned. Bourd of School Examiner, for
the County ol Nemaha, hereby give notice that
hereafter, on the first Sat ard 17 cf each month,
they will h..ld meeting at the oJSseof Lather Hd
Jy Esq.. fa BrownTihr. fr the porpia-e of e x-ro lo
in x applicant for oeitiScates to tench school tu said
R. H. IWilUXS 1
A. ti WHITE, V .-h-jol EwmintK.
Jaaaary 31t. IS-iJ. 22-lj
Is receiving, and will continue to receive duru.- the
s a turner, otie oi
o r
r b o M
Xew York, Iblddelphia and Si. Lou:
That hs ever been exhibited in the Wearern C'"m
try embracing al I the latest styles and novelties oi tt. .
noiea. Bis sieck emursce
lry Gd,
Quee iwrp,
llal and Cap
If out aud Shoe.
Duom and Mash.
Glaxk and Tutty.
Ftue I'urnitnrr.
Ac. Ac, Ac
Among his Pry Goods will be found
Prints KSnehama, I,wn. na's"
Drown and U'eached Miiarin,
D-mee. Striped Sheeline. oi
lonndfa, Ilnairry, (aloveh,
The I.atot Style- Hoop
Skirt, Notions,
Ac, A.C.
He bas much tbe Largest Stock
of QUELNbWARE in the Upper
Avon far thai TTannihal A St. Joafinh Rail
Baod Psvcket Line of Steamboat!.
May 32, 1362. MS tf.
Eeaper and Mower
Otiioac O X 1 1 e
This celebrated machine i bv all vMath BES7
N iwiibataiidiug ibe uiiarepreaentationa of those luier-
ecte-i in other macbiues. C. H. McCornnck Si Bro. min
nfactnje at the rate or 8,000 pe year. Many chsnfe
have been affected daring tbe past season, and for lo62
the -McCormick" la presented with greater attractioot
than ever before. As a reaper.
Strength, Durability, and
give It preference over all others New improvement
added have materially ieeenea the direct draught
and soobvUtPd the siat dranebt that many assure n?
that it doet aot now exist. The drnxbl of the Reaper
is ao liKht that in numerous inaueoea tbe I tit inr
borae maciuue U worked with bat two auraes.
The Machine of IPCS will stand any test that may b
applied. Oor Guard and Patent Cleaner actually
prevents chokinc, no matter what the eoodl'ios of tbe
grata, wbiieonr new divider point separates baldly
lodged snd tangled clover or grass, wtiere other ma
chines fail.
There Is also a great advantage in oar serrated ncklv
edge over the smooth, aa it does not require sharpening
so often, tana saving time. Oar tckie will fieqaently
ran through an entire harvest wit boat once grinding
while the a mouth edge mn.t be ground once each day
if tx.t oftner With a amoih e'tgethelrangntincTeaaes
a the knife bec mea dnll Onr draught la uniform
and ia the repeat ed trials dnrlac the season of ib 61
proved far lighter than single Mowers, catling ei the
tame time frun twelve to eighteen iocnea wioer.
Oar Mower can he ed wuk or without tbe reel , thia
isixipunaat, aa wiibcau tha real itweha bzi ahoat
670 pounds.
In addition to th vary liberal warrantee riven to
all purchasers, we would say a heretofore, that farmers
who may desire it. are at liberty tbwork onr cachine
through the harvest wiia any o'ber, ana kej and pay
for the one pr'ferrai.
. Pamphieia with tnll decrlptUa cf isonrorveuaau
tastiaKiaia, tsa be taU i3 p?Uoauca to
THEO. HILL, Agent,
Erownvillc, Iar. 1?
May la, 1362. n-if
V iU Isms ba' a-a a
And forthaspcdy cure oftlie folinwl'15 comjiluiiit :
tVrwraU nJ Mrrofaloaa Allciflona, aacl
Taiuora. Ulcrr, rrai, Erstr'iei,
l'iuiplea, Psivtiik", ElofrLe. Urtil-,
Blaiae, sint silt Akin Diawa-.
OaitLANO, in.l., 6t!i June. 1 ?-'.
J. C. ATEtt & t o. Oeuts; I it tuv Uaty to a
ktiowlcd ' what vour SarjapariKa ha uout fir ni.'.
Having iu!i-nfei a Soroluious iuiuctioii, I iiavj
suSVrel from it in vsrious as lir year. Sonwv
tim it buret out in U-c'.-r on rar hands anil irw.-;
sometiiiici it turutU iuwanl and distressed na at tr
stomach. Tao years azo it broke oat on my lit--1
aud covered my sa'p Sud i-mrs Willi onesonj, h luc i
wss puii.fui ai.d lo-sil'Uitf Leyoiid descn;.;i.yi. I
trwl mauv tnvdiciii;' auj xveial ptivsicUn.s Lui
wirltuiit mucli relii-f i'roiu au tiling. In lact, tl
disorder jjrew wow. Al K-nirta I was rvoic?d to
read iu tiie oospel il n jer tlit i ou had jrcputvl
an ai!?!tite (osrsai;iiiii, lor I kut'ir from
rtputation tlut i.t.un von made bu vod.
I jnt to Citicitiuati and 'got it. and uel it till it
cured me. I took it, as vou adiri."?, in nuaJl d.a'tt i f
a teapwi.ful ovr a iniHitii, aud aed alnut thn-:
bott:es. 2(ew aud lieaitliy i;ui soon Ljno to Inu
under the scab, whicu aher a wui'e leil til", li-'-skin
is uovr clear, aint 1 know br my K-!ina t!iat
tbt? disoae liajroiie fioin nw svf-K'in. Vou fcm wcl
believe that 1 feel what 1 am savin;; when I UU Ton.
that I hold you to Le one of the ajMf t U'S 0 ll i,
IU.C uHAiiiu tier irattfullv. Your.
J. Aathsar'a Tir. Rv sr Frvitaelaa,
Tetter staal M;ili likeam. Men i.l UcaJ, .
Itiu(ivorna, Hrr Eyra. lrsy.
Vr. Kubt-rt M. 1 ib.e writes trom saiem, N. T..
12 h be t.. 1STV, that l.e has cured an iuvf raio
ca.e of Itr-wj. which threatfiied to teriuitir.Ns f
tallv. b the pvneverine use of our Sarasj ariii i.
aud aisoa duntous Malignant Erytipthis I . 'r
doacs of the same; says he cures the coiuaion i-u
tutus br it cotietaud) .
Bronchocele. aoitr r Awelle-! ?fek.
Ztbulon bioau, of l'roi ect, Texas, write: l'lire
bottles of your .saraapauiia cured me 1. oiu a Coitri
a hi.Ii'otin p el'iua; ou the uek, wLicIa 1 Lad uf
fertd f.oui over two ears.'
I,wcorrh.f er WIsJh, Ontrlsm Taraor,
ITteriue t'tctratiaii, fSM;le Dieae.
Ir J. B S. Chanting, of eiv York City, write:
1 most cliet-rtuJIv comply witU the rr.uet oi'your
aent iu sa i.i X Lave found your Saroaparilla a
most e.xcciieLt alterative iu the numerous com
pluiuts tor which we em;!oy such a remedv, but
ei-c.a;iy iu FtutuJe Ihtfuet of the bciob'.oai
diatlieai-i. 1 have cured many luveterate cases ot
Lcucorrhuea by it. and some where the complaint
was caused by ticrra'inn of the v!-ru. The uiCfr
ation itself wa.4 soou cured Nothing within 111'
knowledge equals it lor ti.e--e ftma:e deiaiigcmtruU."
Eilward S. llarro-r, of Newbury, Ala., writes:
"A ds 11 serous otartui turner ou one cf the K-iusias
iu mv tamily, which bad dclicd ail tho reiuedifs ws
cou'd employ, Las at length been completely
by Your Kitiact of haiapariila. Our uhvsician
thought not hi us: but extirpation con'd afuird re.'kf.
but he advimnl the trial of your harsapanila ts tho
last report belore cutting, and it proved elfl-ctual.
After taking your rcini-dy viht wcuki no tjia jitoiu
cf the diseaac rcuiaius."
flyphilit an l Dlaeawc.
NkW tK.lKANS, .jt:i AUdUv. lijJ
Dit. J C-Arcu: tir, 1 cheeiiully com.? v.ilh
the revjiifft of onr eeut, and re) ort to y ou ron4
ot tl e fdl-cts I Lu.e n-uicd with your Saraapa'
1 La.e cuied with i'.iu my practice. mot of tl.a
cotnp'aiuts I'.ir which it ia i-.voniiuei.ded, aud Lavo
foil iid it elTccts truly wot ueil'ul ju tue cu e of
t'tuereiU awl Msrcur'mf JJutea-'e One cf 111 pa
tients bad 6 phi.itio'i in lu threat, which we a
consuming las pa. ate ai.d the tup of 1 Is moist
Your bsraepailha steaui y taken cured hint Ui tlj
weeks Ai.other wan attacked by m co .'larv s. 111
totnaiii his liOt-v, and I he u tc.sliou luul euli
a comiilei-ab e j ait of if, to that 1 be ieve the dis
order wou'd siiou rctich Lir braiu and kill liiin. itu(
it yielded torn- auni.intt ntmii of your jaiapnril.a;
the n'ceis lua.ed. aud l.e is Me.Tesin. Lot cl coui au
without mine Uu-ti,'iiiHtion to Lis A wotnau
who Led beeu treated lor t lie t-aine cii-order tv iner
eunr wa Futfehu t:om ffci f oi-ou 111 bones.
They bad become so M.'iiciivc to tl.e weather that on
a damp day she sufT-.-ied excnichitin pniu iu
joints and bone b'ie too, wns cu ed e:.ti-e!v by
y our Sai-supariiia in a lew weeks. I know from its
foimuia, which your aent ttave me, 1 hut this
1'ieparation fioin your Ixho.atorr mn.-t be a (frrat
remedy; consequently, tlnre truly reuiafkabiM ro
suits w ith it Lave not surprised ine.
Fraterualiy yours, ti. V. LA RI 31 EH, 31. D.
Rheniriatinm, f3at, f.trer CemnUiat.
lDlfPKMtiiCK. 1 ix-ston Co., Va., tt-i July, lii'A.
Dr. J. C. Ayik: air, 1 have beeu afflicted with a
psinfui chronic Idieumatitm for a lou titno, which
LafQed tbe skill of phyt-'iciaus, and stuck to nte iu
spite of ail tbe remedies I could find, uutd 1 tried
your Saisuparilla. Oue bottle cun-d nte iu two
weeks, and restored my reneral Leaitli so much
that I am far better thau U'ibru I wit s'tjicVcd. X
thiii k it a wouuei lul iuediciue. J 1 LX.V JJ.
Jules Y. Getchell, of Sf. Ion;. writoa. " I hgTa
beeu afflicted loryearswitliauatrt-'ioa'fAe Livrr,
Which liei-t roved my Leuitli. I tried everything,
and everytlung fulled to relieve nie; and I hav
beeu a brokeu-down man lor vomu tar4 from i
Other Catii-e thau tUraugrmi-nt of Ua L:wr. JJy
beioved pnxtor, the Iiey Mr. H-py, ad. ied me to
try y oui' baaparilia, beeu 11 -e he i-uid he kuew ou,
aud au thiui; you inuiio was worth tr ing Ity the
b'e.-cin 01'L.oii it cu.ed me, and LaVo purilled
"my b ood an to nnine a 1 ew 111:1 u oi me. I leel young;
aain. The best t..-i cuu Le tid of y ou u Lot Laif
gvHHi COUh.''
Dch'rrji, CiJi"r Ttmi-iT-a, r!n!r!rtMejt,
I'itrrr Curias atuJ x.oJaiiou ol
tts Uosra.
A ieai variety of cn'tn linve been rrortel to h
whe.e cures ot tiH'ao lorimiiiibie comp ainta Lava
tPbU!ted fioiu tin- um; of lis irined , but our spaow
heie will 1 of Mlimt tin-in. home of them may bo
toui.d in our Aiiii'ric:iii A in:ii.;ic, u hie 1 the agents
be uw i.uineij me p eu.-eu to.ui i.ii1i jriaiis lo sui vL
call lor toeiu.
Dyprpiii. ITJ-'T't niaiae. Fin. Epilepay,
Munv renin. k;.o.v ci.ei of rio aifections havo
been tuaoe b.. tne a te uii.e. power 01 this medicine.
1; ftiinii ate" the vitul lu..c" .mu into vio.ouj action,
and thiin n.pieoiiiei ih-o.i e.s w hieh would be aup
poed Le o. n n eacli. Mieh a remedy bss lour
beeu ed by th'? l ece-.-ine, of the wople, and
we aie .ent tout thia i.iU do for them ad tLui
aiedieine can uo.
s Clieny Pectoral,
Foil TUK EAnU cuau or
t'snt'ii. C-T,4, ln.1irni, IIaairanM,
t'ri',i. lironrltitia. laciptctit (,'u.
auiti'Mion, h-i I fr th Jirlief
0 tj'ini ptivTJ Pnliruls
in mlyniieotl Smrs
mf 1 we Diaeatie.
Tlii Is a remedv so univeii-ailv known to wrp aaa
uv other 101 tliecu eof throat ami lunjrcoir.p.aiuta.
tnat it in n-ele-M Here io pah i:i Ihe e. idenee of its
vnliies. 1 1 u.niiai ed exee unco for coiiifiie and
coil-, and its truly ivonderlul cures cf pu iiionarv
di.-ea e. have iinide it knuwu tli. 01 .'hunt the riv;i
i ei i.a.'.o.i-. oft ieenrlu Few are tls communities,
o. even ia mi ie", anions tlaui whu have uot aome ixp-nence of iu ilfeotrt iome ii.lne;
trophv iu ti.e.r midt of its vietorv over thu subtle
and danzeron uihoniem of the th-i.nt si. l lunjfs.
As all know the dreadful futali'r of tln-e di orders,
aud as H.ey know, too, the ctlectn 111 thia remtdv,
we need not c'o more than to x-uro them that it haa
now all the virtues that it did Lave vhu makina;
tne curea which Lave wou to strongly u;ou Hm
conhdeuce of mankind.
Pripared by Dr. J. C. ATE2 1 Co., Lowell, Jlua.
WM.n. VcKEERV. BrowTiville.
U.A.BnOWXi ERO.. Peru.
Pr.ll liltAVES, Sal-ra.
JOHN W. HOI T A HKO.. Salaot.
noLT SCOTT. Falls City.
LEWIS & SHEPHEKD, St. Stephens.
EALEY & riHERER, Rulo.
8-n8 Iy
TO St lT
Is now raeeiTinr and ipeninj out hi Spri.
Stouk of Goods, oonsia in; of ;
Dry Goods, )
Hats and Caps.
Boot and Sho.
IroQ and Nai!3, ;
Fluur acd Bacoa'
Sash and Doora,
Window Glass,
t VJVviu X will tail eheap fr
' Ca!i ac4 examine mj stock before paicai;:
fcr wu. ;::j. Apr.! 21.132,' - , a42-Cia
111 i f-iira T Xrfi-ri TT( ? T
X U-. aa. iui - . Uj.i1ju-' 1
The i)i"t e. iuoifcrr .-io-.s uf Pir'.ure ver eff ed ii
this upper coautrjju.i recj- ...'siy . . T. UlLlm
Brewnvllle, April Uib. ISC I.