Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 22, 1863, Image 4
CTWjUEUT TOVIl LOTS, KtDM. Lcta Bik Tax Alien CU Brirjf Osker BatWLB Butler LB Biker Isaac Baker Isaae BLisi John W Vila John W liarkman August . Barkm&n August Chambers Jackson Edwards William Edwards William Green k Martin Hovermine Henry Long Samuel . Long Samuel 8 wan William . Swan William Htandley Ilelina Smith Nathan W 2 3 4 IB II 12 T 8 4 I 2 I 2 4 10 II I 2 II 12 t 8 10 II 12 I 7 450 0 I 210 II IZ 7 8 78 103 143 137 80 82 80 118 SO 134 135 S3 83 12 113 135 115 110 143 149 CI 103 3.55 27,21 ,fi 2,80 18,40 16.32 2.23 64 34,83 2,35 7,33 15,09 12,89 12,15 nUOUMlLLC, PRECIS CT Sfo.G. Names. Lota Elk Tax North Brownville Rate nn & Bro. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Id 1 10 19 22 23 85 34 65 35 - 2 38 4 23 S3 67 64 29 69 66 32 63 65 39 6 14 56 12 24 15 47 12 13 15 39 2 21 22 41 IS 22 24 42 43 45 47 61 62 63 65 63 70 61 6 13 25 14 26 58 27 29 49 54 8 do r .7 t do ' . . de y - do y I 23 II 12 13 14 all of 9 10 II 12 13 14 8 t 10 II 12 13 14 all of 4,22 -BrownTlIlt . . Cclbapp John ..'- ''261 CoJhappJohn . 13 Colharo Joba 15 6,02 13,33 7,25 Coleman Jaonea W - 9 10 II 12 Coleman Jams Tf 9 Careney Hichnel 15 IS CuxSS- 7 CoxSS 4 Cox 3 - 10 CoxBS 7 Cox 3 S . 3 Cox 8 3 , 10 Cox S S IS CoxSS 13 Cox 8 S ' 911 Cox S3 2 CbcsaUauEA 9 10 18 Dodge Robert L 3 Easterly Jaoob XI 12 OoldMberrrFL 15 do 7 W I to-''-'" 4 I 1518 do 58 4 do II 12 Em Wil'.U ( oQ 12 da 1 Ealne Sarafc A do 2 KoeUniSmitbj . 4 .. do 4 do 7 do. 2 8 do. do. do 14 do- r , 15 , i i do - ! 15 do. ;- . .t , V- . , 4 'do. do. II do 9 8 do 7 -do- i r 12 ' do. ' ' 13 d ' 4 do. 10 .do. 14 " - do. , II 12 do ' . 5 6 ' do 14 do. 4 7ut Division Brownf-Ille Johnson Charles H 9 10 II do 1 2 I 4 5 C 15 15 17 13 19 20 South Brownvilla Johnson Charles H v .." ' T Middle BrownTillo ' " " JofiBto Cbariea H S 6 T ft 9 Ift II 12 1$ 2,80 1,77 12.50 6,45 5,88 12,04 D 46 14 15 18 456 9 10 II 12- 28 41 19 68 32 61 45 44 43 36 57 60 64 80 27 23 33 37 58 2 13 8 84 40 33 42 62 43 6 53 64 71 38 49 14 13 27 29 Jobnaon Cbariea H Jobnaon Cbariea II ' Brownrille Jobnaon Hadley D Johnson Hadley D Johnson Iladky I Johnson lLidlej I Johnson, liadley 1 Jehnsen Hadley D Johnson Hadley 1) Johnson Hadlej 1 Johnson Htdley D Johnson Hadley I Johnao Badlej D Jehaaon Hadley D Johnson Hadley D ' Johnson Hartley D Johoaoa Hadley I Johnson Badiey I Jackley John (heirs of) LoToleas Jane Loveless Jane 5,60 14 2 16 9 Wand Hot T all of II 10 and H of I 4 3 II 7 5 10 12 5 I 13 14 15 I wast S' 3 all of 5,32 2,80 U0 1.42 2,80 LeSoer Henry Knower Elia,( South Brownrille) 7 8 9 Brownrille McDonald Charles MsDooald Charles McDonald Charles McDonald Charles McDonald Charles McDonald Cbariea McDonald Cbariea McDonald Charles McDonald Charles McDonald Cbariea MaaonOP Mason O P Mason O P Morrison Robert Karsh H K McPb arson John MePbersoa John. Koel Jesse Noel Jes?e Noel Jesse I 8- e 16 2 II 3 . Z 15 8 15 9 14 12 13 9 6 78 910 II i of lot 4 II 12 H.Min Property 3,54 13 123 13,34 2,81 154,00 3 5 I 36,28 7,00 6,89 PerranvBIL Trt of lot 1,20' by 7-feet I Ralney Rafns T( Middle Browarille) 4 5 3 BrowBTiile XeAgert Jamea PIT 21 Summers Samwel R - IS 3 Sultsbaugh Charles 16 19 gnltxbaugh Charles ' 3 46 Swan John W 9 10 II 12 13 14 6 5,81 5,52 2,39 14,00 West Dirisioa BrownTillo Thxmpso M 123456789 10 - trownrillo . . ' V Thompson B B 5 6 Thompson B B- 2 Thompson BU 6 Thompson B B 4 Thompson B B I Middle BrownTiir 18. 6,71 T 36 61 81 44 11,86 Teniacb Joseph , 7 4 . 239 Brownrille" Wheeler Cyrns W H 12 17 WheeletCymaW 13. 62 Wheeler Cyrea VT 6 6 45- Wheeler Cyrus W 2 8 Wheeler Cyras W 15- 67 Wheeler Crrus W & 59 Korth Brewnrilla Wheeler Cyrus W . r 59U'I. Wheeler Cyrus W 1 2 3 4 5- 22 Wheeler Cyrus W 123 456 7 8 23 Wheeler Cyras W I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 34 Wheeler Anna( Middle Brownrille) 14 15. . 4, WestDirision Brtwarille Welham Thomas all of A Walham Thomas all of F Brown's Addition Walts Aaron 7 7 Whitney Sophia, , "72 Middle Browmrie ; ' 29.45 L34 4.31 6,32 Whitney SopLiah . scnth 15 A 16 3 52,82 Xematia City, Precinct o. T. Names. Lois Blk Tax Argabright John. parti 44 2,56 Burns Ed warn S 9 10 II 12 44 Barns Edward S - 12 65 Burns Edward S . . - 9 70 43 Coat AUgal . 9 TO 86 Coat Abagal ' II 65 CoatAbaga) 7,8 87 Coat Abagal ' part I 44 30,05 Coat Hogh . I C2 12,79 CrandallDV 14 65 2,22 Eill Willis (estate of) 2 8 69 Ki3 Willig(eetaioof) . tUII Hill Willi (estate of) 12 ' 4S Eill Willie (eetate of) 78 63 ir?tTi:Sa)estUf). , 15,86 HiTt Villi (esUte of) 56 7 8 eft I4J7 Hobblov Alexander A Driver' ; 123 86. Hubble, Alexander A Drirer 8 97 Hubb'.e, Alexander A Drirer K 16 9 Hubble, Alexasder A Drirer ' - 8. 83 - Halblo, AlexandUr A Ikirer I CO 542 Johcson Ler . 4 63 Jjhnson lieri 14 Johnson Lrri a art of I 44 4,03 rarey Go!Jburry 6 73 72 rarey GalcUburrr 3 4 92 809 Tidwell Martha "2 63 Tuiwell ilartba 2 16 I Tid well Martha 8 40 TilwcU Martha 12 13 14 15 S3 3,87 TTwwari Caltia 9 4 AtpLnM all, Precinct ft o, 8. Nana. ..... Lots Elk Tax Higgler J D Stilen Sawm" Thamaa William L Thurman William L Thurman William L Turpen Felix 22 23 24 7 A 8 fc5 20 21 83 15 16 74 19 87 13 63 2 75 23,71 6,31 6.40 2.72 To Dtlinpitnt Taz Payr of Aemala Qovnty, Xibrati Territory: Ton are notified that I, Jonas Haoker, Treasurer In and for the said county of Nemaha, will offer at publio sale, and will sell at the place cf holding Courts in said county, cn the frit Monday, being the serenth day of September. A. D 1833, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., all the Lands and Town Lots speoified in the ;foregoing list, situated in said county, on which the Taxes leried for the year 1362 still remains due and un paid, unless said Taxes upon said Lands and Town Lots, be paid prior to the time of sale as herein abore mentioned, with interest from the 1st of June, 1863, at the rate of ten .per cent, per anaum, with a pen alty of ten per cent, also 20 cents for each descrip tion of Land, and 10 cents for each Town Lot. . - JONAS HACKER, Treasurer. Brownrille, N. T. August 8th, 1363. BAGZ.S "WORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DO YOU WAST STE.13I EXtilNCS Oil BOILERS ATE NT STJO Aft CAKK KILLS, TjlTKNT STSAM COIL KVAPOEATOKS, PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, TO PIKE'S PEAK OR LAKE SUPERIOR SEND FOR CIRCULARS, With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc, eto. SAW MILLS, FXOrRIKO MILL, AND MACHIEBT OP ALL DESCELPTIOJT. 13TSEND FOR CIRCULARS.! . P. W. GATES, President. K. B. Agents win ted ererrwhere. Cblcat R. XT. FURJTAS, AGEXT," Drownville, Nebraska, Of whom Circulars and detailed Information can had. March SO, 1863. fn37-lyj - B SB STOCK. 10G; WM.T. DEN, Has now received his Sprlnc Stock of Goods direct from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and St. Louis, which he will sell cheaper than any other Home in the West. My motto shall ever be, Quick Sales & Small Profits, And my Goods shall be Sold Cheap for am 0B-FB0DUGB. I ALSO AM AGENT FOR MY OWN HOUSE, FOR THE PURCHASE, OF HIDES, PELTS & FURS, FOR WHICH I WILL ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PEICE. 51 Y STOCK. CONSISTS OF GROCERIES, Ladles' Fancy Dress Goofls, Large Assortment or Notions, Ladles' Hats and Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloies, Hair Nets and Head-Dresses, Children's Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes In Great Variety, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gent's & Boy's Clothing, CHEAP FOR CASH. Hardware, Queensware, DOORS AND SASH, XX102NT ZOD KTATTtfa, A VARIETY OF CHOICE LIQUORS. Is the Place to Trade. Call and Examine his Stock, of Goods be fore yon Purchase, for DES Can not be Undersold, MIND THAT! n40-tf TOI. T. DEW. MOLINE PLOWS, CORN SHELLERS, &C. Jl large lot on hand and for sale al FACTORY PRICES I D. A. Constable, Agt., Iron and Steel Warehouse, Third Street, Between Felix andEdmond . n37-8m - St. Joseph, Msk. FRUIT AMD ORNAMENTAL TREES. 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, $8 per hnnared 6Q per thousand. 75,000 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to S years old, $25 per hundred, J230 per thousand. 20,000 1 year old Diana Grape Tiees, $16 ser kans4 (IDS' per thousand. 150 000 Standard Pear Grapes," i per bnadre4, $5( per thousand. Taese Pear Grafts, not being bnlkT, can be transport ed cbeuply, and by growing two years, will aaake good sized trees to plant in an orchard. Any one can treble their money by growing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and DesoriptiTe CJaJogues. J5. If COT it SO If. nd-sm Kiegara Xnrseries, tockport, K. T. Furniture! Furniture!! Tea most complete stock of Furniture erer offered in this npper country Just received by H. DILL. wowirriiie, April 2b, Ml. a V. i,,-- t J v- ' . 'tijiitmir " r. C1UJ ..?S"r- t 1862. OHY GOODS AIID GROCERIES ! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive during the summer, one of THE LARGEST aits BEST STOCKS o r GED11I QniDB, f I OS New Toik, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Thai nas ever been exhibited in the Western Coun try, embracing all the latest styles and novelties of the times. His sleek embrsces Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery Qneen sware, lists and Caps, Shakers, Boots and Shoes, Doors and Sash, Glass and Potty, Fine Fu mi tare, fcc, Ac, &c. Among his Xry Goods will be found Prints, Ginghams, - Lawns. Bareges, Brown c and Bleached SInslins, Demees. Striped Sheetirtf, Cot tonades, Hosiery, Gloves, The Latest Styles Hoop Skirts, Notions, Ac, Ice. He has much the Largest Stock of QUEENSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agent for the Hannibal & St. Joseph Bail Baod Packet Line of Steamboats. SCay 22, 1862. n4Mf. IJcCOHLUCK'S "Reaper and Llower -If AXTJW ACTURKI AT ObioAg o, 111. This celebrated- msrhlne i by all odds the WEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTZR IN THE WORLD. Notwithstanding the misrepresentations of those inter ested in other machines, C. H. McCormick & Bro. man nfactnje at the rate of 8900 per year. Many changes have been affecte dor tog the past season, and for I8M the "McCormick" r presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, - TIIE ECONOMY OP POTTER IK THIS MACmXX, ITS- Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give it preference over all ethers New improvements added, htve materially lessened the direct draught, and so obviated the tide draught that many assure us that it doea not now exist. The drught of. the Keeper Is so light that in numerous instances the large four horse machine is worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1882 will stand any test that may b applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, while onr new divider point separates baldly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other ma. chines fait. There is also a great advantage in our serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest without once grinding, while the s moo to edge must be ground once each day, if not oftner. With a smoth edge the draught Increases as the knife becomes dull. Our draught is uniform, and in the repeated trials during the season of 1860 1, proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Oar Mower can be used with or witbont the reel this i Important, as without the reel it weighs but about 870 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, that farmers who may desire it, are at liberty to work, our machine through the harvest, with any ohr, andkaep and pay for the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvement isetkaonials, etc., can be had by application t THEO. HILL, Agent, Key IS, !S6. BA5-it 1862 CHOICE LIQU0E3. Wholesale " and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWN VILLE, Has just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The following is a partial list: BRANDIES : French, Cojnac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry. WHIES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, .; Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, . And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. TFUITXEY'S CLOCK, Main Street, Brownville. yovmber 14, 186. nl-tf "FAST HORSES." EinUVIITMlII A If D PEED STOKE, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. BENJAMIN ROGERS, ANNOUNCES to the public that he has purchased the entire Interest in the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by Eogers fc Brother. He is now prepared to accommodate the public with . Carriages Sulkies, Saddle Horses, THE TKAVELING PUBLIC Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or cattle. ' BENJAMIN XOGEter. N. B The partnership heretofore existing between' Benjamin K JoBbua Rogers f dUsolred. JOSHUA & BENJAMIN ROGERS, May 29th. 1862. n47-tf HELLO, STRANGEK! WHERE HID YOU GET THOSE NEW GOODS? AT J. BERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. A : - J. BERRY & CO., Have Just received, an are now opening, at their stand on Main- street, one of the largest stocks of - DRY GOODS A AND ever offered in this market. Remain or the place, r J. BERRY ferns, ZKTo. XX, 31CCa133. atroot, i DROWPfVlLXE, K. T. Say 29, 182. ntl-U FLUSHING, I?. iM send to applicants who enclose stamps, thett New Catalogue of Small Fruits, including 300 Select Tarietiea of Strawberries. Also Catalogue of Bulbous Flowers and Pssonles, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, fcoee and Flowering Plsnta, Seeds, At. nlO-Sw JOHIT L. CAES0IJ," (Successor to Lnshbaugh fc Carson, jjb S3 o. 02.0 LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Coin, Uncurrent Juoney, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust , MAIN STREET. UROYfWTIEEE, NEBRASKA. ' 1 will give especial attention tobuylng and selling ex change on the principal cities of the United States and Europe, Gold Silver, uncurrent Baok Bills, and Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessable points, and proceeds remitted in exchanpe at current rates. Deposits received on current account, and interest al lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, MAIN STREET. BETWEEN TIIE Telegrrapli and the U. S. Land Ofiices. REFERENCES: Llnd It Brother J. W. Carson & Co., Hiser, Dick fc Co. Young & Carson, Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, wm. T. Smithson, Esq., Hanker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaher, Late Sd Aud. U. S. Tarlor & striegh, Bankers, McClelland, Pye St. co., Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, A'y at Law, Col. Sam.HambletonAtt'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Philadelphia, Pa. u Baltimore, Md. Washington 4t D.C. Chicago, 111. St. Louia, Mo. Annapolis, Md. MercersburgPa Hagertown, Md. EastoD, Md. Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabma. Nov 8, 1360-tf . Prof. H. Tutwller, TO 1 BIERCIIANTS, BLACKS3IITIIS, AND WAG0X 3IAKERS. IE O il ! IEOIT H D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO., HAS ON HAND AND FOR SALE A LARGE AND WELL SELJSUTEU VV IRON, STEEL, , : i i i- ... AND MDME! COMPRISING: HORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS, HORSE AND MDLE SHOES, ANVILS, SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS. WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES, BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NCTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, 4C, AC., AC, ALSO WOODWORKS ! COMPRISING HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, BROOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SiXK OF FAIRBANKS'' SCALES, AT FACTORY X3FLX033S HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE TIIE RISE, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BLACKSMITHS. 6rScnd In Your Scrap One Dollar Saved Is Equal to two Dol lars made. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. Febl-n32-ffm ST, JOSEPH, MO. To Western Farmers. Tobacco Qoocl. I have several varieties of Trmjcn that wiTT r?-nn well in this latitude. To hut mi whn wiahan4 and remits me a three-cent Postage stamp, on the ssme, i-wui send a) panes of each variety of seed Orders mast he Sent in tha tnnnOv r Rwr-.TmKA and October. I do this to introduce the culture of i onacco in tns VV est. Adckese R. O. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska, T. S. Papers in Missouri. Iowa. KansM and- Jfe- braeka, publishing the above once, and sending a Ne marked ,will receive twenty four japers choice flow er seeds free by "nail. R. O. THOMPSON. L ANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEN, K0ENIG & CO (Late Johk Gakhett & Co.,) No. 60 North Second Street, above Pine, ST. IjOTJIS, MO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a large an4 wel. assorted stock of Agricultaral and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, together with a large and fres supply of Landreth's Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OF 186?. Jor whic they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are not only pure bat true to name in every instance. Also field seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed. Top Onions. Ac, , fee. ALSO COTTON AND TOBACCO SEED. Iealers la seeds weuld do well to send them their orders. Send for Almanac and Illustrated Catalogue gratis. BLUXDEX, KOSXIGr & CO. Feb. 2fi, 186Sn34l7 . D. A. C O A'STABLE, IMPORTER ASD DEALER 15 IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES XSISZiXjO 7V O . AND 9 ' BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Sree,b3eea Felix andEdmond, SAINT JOSEPH. MO. Which he sells a S. Louis price for cash. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1,1869. ly. IIMY SADDLERY ! SADDLERY I Having recently made large additions to my stock, consisting of . ' . . SADDLES, HAftXESS, BRIDLES, -COLLARS. LINKS, WAGON WHIPS, BCGGT WHIPS, OX LASHES. HORSE LASHES, STAGE LASHES, " SURCINGLES. GIRTHS, . 1 STIERCPS, LEATHEBS, &c, Ac. I think I can accommodate all in quantity, quantity and price. I work none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries in Ohio, feel con fident it will give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. W- MIDDLETON. September 13, 1S62. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHIITG Erer offered in this Market. TSO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THZ Batimore Cothing iStore, EROWITVILLE, N. T. DAVID SQIGE'L, Announce to the public that be .has opened oat a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, , BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. 1 He is determined bis prices snail correspond with the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 np to $15. Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shin das ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Ac., in the sma proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of retarding thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare ao ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call azxcS. soo T1tti D.AVID SEIGE1. Browarille, June IS, lS61.-ly lie vr Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by tpecial En dowment, jor tne Jienej trj me oick ana isisirestca, afflicted with Vinleni and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Disease of the Sexual Organ-. ILEDICAI ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, ana otneT ur eases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW HEMS' DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed lettei envelopes, free of charge . Two er three Stamps accept, aoie. kddresa DR. J. SKILL'S HOUGHTON, Howarl As sertion, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ta. December 12, 1S61. n23-ly. THE HORACE WATERS MODERN IMPEOVED OVERSTRUNG BASS FULL IRON FRAME FIAITOS are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned ma terials, and win stand any climate. The tone is very deep, round, full, and mellow; tne touch elastic Prices from $223 Each Piano warranted for five years, to $70r. testimonials. "The Horance Waters Pianos are known as among the rery best." Evangelist. "We can speak of their merits from personal knowl edge." Christian Intelligencer. "Waters' Pianos and Melodeont challenge comparison with the finest made anywhere." -Home Journal. $175. NEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ ent makers, for $l"5j do., with carved legs, $200, $225 and $240. Second-hand Pianos and Melodeons at $25, $40, $50, $60, $75, $100, $115, $125. $150, and $16. The Horace Waters Melodeons and liar moninms. Tuned" the Equal Temperament with the Patent Divided Swell. Prices from- $50 to J3W. Alexander Or gans from $200 to $500'., J"A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Sab bath Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. HORACE WATERS, Ag't No. 4S1 Broadway, N. T. Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in- th W orld," HARPER'S HEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. CRITICAL NOTICES OT THE PRESS. The volumns bonnd constitute of themselves a li brary of miscellaneous reading such as can not be found in the same compass in any other publication that has come under our notice. Boston Courier. The most populaf itonthly in the world. New York Observer. We mast ref er In terms of eulogy to the hign ton and varied excel lenceof "Harper's Magazine" a jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 opie in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. Wespeakof thia work as an evidence of the American People al the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each number contains fnlly 144 pages of reading matter, appropri ately illustrated with good wood-cuts ; and it combines toitseti the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily journal, it has great power in tbe dissemination of a love of pure literature. TBUAifE&'a Guide to Amer ican Literature, London. Ko Magazine in Europe or America is so well kn wn; none has half as many readers; and, we may safely say, none has received so large a tribute ' admltra tion from the cultivated classes, that delight In a healthy, diversified, elevating periodical liteiature. It is the foremost Magazine of the day. The 11 r Hide never bad a more delightful companion, nor the mil lion a more enterprising friend, than Harper's Jfiaga line. Met hod ist Fro tut ant, Baltimore. TERMS. The papers of permanent value which have been pub lished in almost every number render a complete tetof jjHarperiTate szine a desirable acquisition to any pub ic or prts, orlibrary. Tbe Publishers can supply eom etnljtwolF ba any Number from the commencement. aatyve cents they will send any Numbor, by id. Any volume, containing six Nnm ers. bound in Muslin, win be mailed, post-paid, to any place in the United States within 1500 miles of New Tork. for Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Com plete sets, now comprising Twenty-fl7e Volumes, will b sent by Express, the freight at the expense cf the purchaser, for One Dollar and Eighty-eight Cents per Vol a me. One Copy for one year, $3; Two Copies for one year, $5; "Harper's Magazine" and "Harper's Weekly." one year, $5 And an Bxtra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Ten Subscribers, at $2 50 each ; or 11 copies fer $25. Clergymen and Teachers supplied at $2.50 a year. The Semi-Annual Volumes bound in Cloth. $2,rOper volume. Muslin Covers. 25 cents each, Nelt. When ordered to be sent by Mail, Eight Cents additional mut be remitted for postage. The Postage upon Harper's Magazine must be paid at tbe Office where it is re ceived. Th Postage is Thirty-Mx Cents a year, or Nine Cents forth, e months. HARPER A. BROTHERS, 42 Franklin Square, New Tork. f urn mm Merchants and Post Masters who will addres rs this fall, will be supplied with Garden, Field and Flower Seeds to sell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON & HEDGES, Nemaha Kursery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co., Aug. 1$. An3-Fn9-tf Kebreika. D E.urn it. . "Watches, Chains, &c TORTXI SSOO.oooot To be sold for oneDolUr;Each, witi,,,. r. SPLENDID List f Articles all to be al for one Doi vi arncies an to De Hi for ona Doi- 1tX finMni.mln7f,..HU'..v.. "Wlfl 100 " Watches. . 200 ' LaJies' Watches, -Jm 0 Silver " - . 600 Gold Gaard, Test ant CbateUiij Chains, 4000 Tet. Keck, GuarOnd.ChateUia Cbains. . . 3000 Cameo Brooches ... 30C0 Mosaic and Jet Brooches 30OO Lavs and Florennne-TBrooches" . 3.00 Coral. Garnet & Emerald Broochei 3000 Cameo Ear Drops. 'm 3000 Garnet iltaic ami Jot Ear Drop 4000 Lava andFlorentine Ear Drop ' 4000 Gents' Scarf Pins. - 6000 Chiin and Band Bracelets, 3600 Gents Breats Pins, . 3000 Watch Ky, - toco Fot and Ribbon Slides, . 7000 Seta of Bosom Studs, - 9000 Sleeve Buttons, - . 9O0O Plain and Coaled Rings, 7000 Stone Set Rings, 7000 Miniature Lockets, Crosses Ac . 12000 Sets Ladies Jewelrv. - ' All of the goods in the bov I.Ut .in v. to3 onv reservation, for One Dollar each. Cm all the various articles are olacM i .", and sealed. These envelopes win be DL k i delivered at our office, without regard tu ,1 receiving a Certificate you win gee what .J" resents, and it it, optional wlih joa to ieDli V and receive the article or not. n,'-, In all transactions by mail we sball forwarding the Certiflcates, paying 'zhhuJ?' a the business, 23 ceuts each. Five CetiJ!?4, sent for Jl; Eleven for $2; Thirty for SS-k for $10. and One bnndred for $15 ' ?1 CORRESPONDENTS may rely upon i prompt answer to their fordi-rs. Our baio 7 dncted upon liberal, honest, straightf,. and we guarantee satisfaction ia all 110? rons may always depend upon haviojr their rtn. f nl ly and punctually supplied. Ia bo cue wxlt2 pondents be neglected. JtJ-Correspondenti should be careful to wt!'jn signature plain, and give their Post Ottoe, Co'r' State. Address, GEO. DEMERIT k CC 223Broadwiy, xewI 53 Having had business relations with Uk 4 gentlemen, I take pleasure In sayijig thats honorable, upright men, and perform all tier?? and the Jewelry I have seen from there is usoni! gives satisiaction. B. O. THOaPscj p7'tf Xunery jj COWHERCIAL HURSEE OMAHA, NEBRASKA. E. H. BURCHES, paopaiEToa. I have long since been convinced of the wi&iait class Nursery ia the West, where TREES, SHRUlS, 'FLOWEP.S, i Can be adapted to our climate and qr. Ia v. these facts, I have established In tiyi place, ia4 1 for sale at Wholesale or Retail A large and well selected stock, suited to tlii-H of Applesstandard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and in Cherries, standard and dwarf; Peaohes, Ti A price? s. Nectarines, Quince, Goosberries. Currents, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Evergreens," Shra!, Boses, Ew Ornamental Trees. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, tt-., tc To which I would beg leave to call the attention y people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, IowsiBd.X west Missouri. 53-My terms will be as low as any. reliablsna Nursery. By purchasing of me the expense of trasspofjc from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled snls fn the best manner, for which a charge of the tu.: will be made. Jo charge will be made for the 'm of packages on board steamboats. All communications addressed t De tnd- will receive prompt attention. March. 1863. g. g. BCRC TIIE HARP OF Now ready, a new and superior eoilectiim Anti- Slavery, I'atriotic, and "Contraband" n solos, duets, quartets, and ehorues. M "' Poetry and Music has been written expr'-; this work, to correspond with the times, and fca be sang by the million, in order tonwairnst interest in behalf of the 'Contraband!,'' wb in bis providence, had cast upon the Free .NvrU clothe and edacate. CONTENTS, TS PAST. "Fair Freedom's Morn bas dawned t !u "Break the Chains, orKA v'z:ancipaun "Fremont is Marching on, or. Glory IlaKc' jja 'Oh I Help the 'Contrabands';" "Old John !),- Song-" 'Song of the Contrabands';" "O I People Go f 'Parody on the Song of the 'Cos bands' "Where Liberty Dwelln ia my eoaar 'Wheo Slavery dies there 11 be Freedom;" Freemen. Uod bas spoken ""VThitiier's soppra Song of Freedom," etc. Price only i centa single, 50 cents per dota per 180: postage 1 cent. HORACE WATERS, Publish. n41-Iy 431 Broadway, SeT SABBATH SCHOOL DELL NO. I 75,000 CopiS3 Sold the First 1 Months of its Publication. It is an. entire New Work, of nearly 2G0 pa Many of the Tunes and Hymus were wrii presBly for this Yolume. It will sx)n be as pi as its predecessor, (Bell 5o. I) whi:h has real? the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 315 ai oatstrippiog'any Sunday School Look of its' sued in this country. Also, both volumes wlc in one to accommodate schools wishing them is form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, li $12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, 13 per 100. C bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 100. B i; paper covers, 12 centar $10 per 10 0. &a; niahed at the 100 price. Cloth iound tn gilt, 50-cent3, $40 per 100. Mail posUgs 6 the retail nrice. HORACE WATERS, Publish. a-tt-ly To.431 Broadway. ' T WHOLESALE ONLY, American Stationery TTarcbo J0H17 J. HEEITT, . . : Importer, Wholesale Static ; And Sole Agent for Windsor and Clifton Mills rente P J Consliting of Commercial Notes, Letters, Bill, W : and Fools Caps, - 1 ; Xo. 18 Beekman Street. nearXasao.. Alw, Proprietor and Sole Agent for the rollo"1" ana useful irticies: Olirer's Patent Eraive TIpr v Tils Tip Is different rrom aay heretof u esi!ynedto any pencil. It is manufacurra Yalcaniied Rubber of the best erai qoaiuy r riadi.y changed rrom one pencil to ""l"ItiZ e.ld at an extremely low price. It i the most 4 bie article of the kind in the mar tt (t Burnett Patent Kubber Ink'tandK an oquake lnksund, preserving Ink Iron the dss sing effect of Usht. . - . . tireea's Patent Ink-Eraser and Tf Cleaner, the bent article tnJ tor rubbrrnr oa pnair-sar comp'Vhfnj the work in one-aalf the th-e of & TnPatent Combination Paper-C , and Kaler, a new and useful article, combining the we of 1 diapeosable things. PlattN Patent Portable Copymj rf a light, cheap, and useful article. MerittJt Crown's Pi? Pen, , a very superior steel-pen, made and telecte greatest care, put up two dosen la a box. closod ia another neatly finished box, the most , lut hape possible for reUilln?. ; Tbe 'Crai?.lIi.roscope" . -magnifles small obj ecu 10,000 times : U so -io, t a cnild may use it ; is an endless sonrce lm nd instruction tu young and old. R1' Beauiif al mounted objects, suitable for tne uw are turnished at $1,60 per dos. retail. 1 have just received a full and complete assort" ( the genuine . . , Arnold's Writing Fluid. - Alt orders will recelee prompt and careful stu Call and examine one of the largest and bt , .tc.k.ofSt.Uoneryerns . . WBOLISAtE TATIJljf B39-am idBeekman-t.,' 'BROOM COHtl VAHTEDJ. ; JOSEPH SHELLABAKGEB, Dosires to purchase a lar;e amount of Corn for which he will pay the Feb l-c32-tf ' . '. GEORGE cents, $13 per J.UU. Cloth bound emDosw j' cents, $20: per 18. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bosai rpthr Aranta 20 ner hundred. 25 eopiJ