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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1863)
IC E A I.. ,M Ti ll M AI i s. erfll 7""-' 'V""" "U AT. LX. An Ad ro j.p:v :ct Correspondence wilh "tatitfftkeliitil f A"" '"- -pni.W''. T1 anil " i,lii ibeCniirc States, of buinjf, a-ciifu th.jre.i ,nd iJit.jr in any fore gn country, hall, without the rmissiin T authority of the ..rertun -nt of the tited States, anl with the int.-nt to defeat the tures of the raid UTernuv nf,r to weakm in y way their effii'm-y, hold or ei-iameii.-e. directly ' iinctlj; any ci.rretjH.ridfDi-e r intercourse writ , (ir vnUI, with ibe esent pretended rbel TcrnojenJ. or wiib any (ffi.t-ror fccnt tlter.-of .r h any iber individual avting or svuipathiiin-r. rewitb; if if any u h pern above tn-ntitiiit-d, r duly aufhoiiztd. rli conns-! r as.-titt in any h c rre-jndciice r interi-ours-, with intent a r nid, La shall be di-cmcd guiHy.of a bih mis uuB'T, Miid' on c4 t:Tic itn L-fre any court f e United Sat havitg jurisdiction there..!', all he' punished by a fine not 'Xc"diti ten thou !id d dlars. and by im his .nineni uol less than six nt. n-r ex.tefdmx years. c. 2. And be it further enacted, That where i offence is ct inu itt' d iu any forein emiotry, the 'net court of the United Stati-s for th- die'rici era the offender shall be fir-l arreted shall h lie ;dictin tbercot. rf KOVED, February 25, 1S13: iF. LXI. An A-t (oam-nd an Aet entitled "An . t to prevent Mi-in er ot Coiijpvs and Cf3-iT f (be i.Ternm -nl f h umtrd State taking ;..Qf iJernti'.n-f Tor jH-itcfirng C"ii'rai-ts, ()(3 ,-, or "ace frotn the United States, and tor other Fur- 3e it llrt'totd Iff thf Smnte and ' of llrpre ttttirt oj th Uxit-d .States uf kmi-rica in (,' . nttrmUed. That the iPvi ion of ca'd art 1 . - - - - ,n - . Ibe t eon? trued as to embrace any ago nt of ..vrinKnt of the United ivalcs rruorpn February 23. ISGJ. P. (-XV1I. An Act to prevent and'ran'iah fraud n ih C re-nm if ' tvi U't- t -it- if tnictfd by the S'natf tin 1 I'ouie of Rej'rtt'n noft'ie United Stttti of imcrica in Lonjrct ;,bUd, Ttt any -e S'-n i-i t or tmvil f..r 9 L'uitetl 3lare, irit) th mi n c-ual service lii'ittnl S.-a'e in the time ot wa yti shM i.rcdu e o te ra.i'le t-r prt-et or cnse i p e- 1 f .r uayni'ii' aiu'r ivai i. bv fiy jierton or ' in the civii or miitn y n e f tte L'nitetl . auv eiai'ii uu n -.r iint II, e (iuvfrnment cf mwi Jtt' or any dtpn im-nt or IB :er there ..witiE met) c ain. t' tetnl-e fl -ti(i .u, " tru l x f.. i. c t 1 ; any per ill iu il ti ..r e .r T;'ice wbihballi e idriHe t oiiti i 'nit, t i.Jiiu in ot&iiuii, i or.iVMi tr pi men' r u"u cUtm make use. or i be lu'le or uexl( mi) fi eb.ll teceitt v.mcb iu y. run, ace iu i. .a.einen ,.i tifl ate fit or JeMi io'i k Q a- i i i i on t,M.lii,n,. j:i) .r 'Taun.leiil nia-erne'-l oi en r : mi y n-r n in irt-e or e vice wti . -U ill niulte -.r -r -ure -i te , orkmwiuKiv jiti-e the tmikt.ii .iytiUe .f n-fet. Kt ement or .e .irtca . v .in-.oe." oi ', f.o ibe pnrp e ot . Id i'ii i a liii-' I u' ny appiovai or paytn n any tin m a .in -t lie J Su.e or .in 1 p .r-uieni or . Bl -er iiie'eotj erwin in nal fore on ei vice wio. tr 'i t .U'-- .1 ib'.iniitti of tnabini.y oihei pe a.n i ot roiu the ii vernhient ol'ile Cul eil 2 aie. or any i inent or uftVer tiie e f. any payment or aliow- er the aptirwvjii or kiKna.uie j( auy per n Mt Hie ry. navar. or. tjvil iti v e t tua tuite-i Ma'ea tnj false, fTaiafbUit or fljmi.u claim fliail or counterfei-, or cause r prcu eti be f reJ or erreiied. any biicn.tu.e upni any bill receipt, r, account, claim, roll aia-emem.- M iavit .r it i.n aut any persoti In said f. rce uT e vice i-bail utter or u-e tbe same an true or Pennine 'inn tbe anie to bave beeu forgel or counterfeit my pr.iti in mM f irce or iervice bn bill r a oto any ngree-.ent coiiibinn in. or ctiiiapiracy to t or defraud the tr iverunient of the Cuaed Jiaies y oepartmeni or offli-er there-.f liy biauuuK, or g ami assistint' to .bain the payment or ai hw il at.y faiP or trauj.ilenl cla.iu; any er. n tn f irce or Mi'ire -io shjll steal, em.iozz.e, or ii,tiy end wiltuliy minaip.opnate or apjly to bin u eorbeiiefl.; or a bo uall wrougfiiliy aid kno-- J . t i X i y sell, c itivey, or iipiM of auy o.d:i;m e a.nis. niiiiti .n. cb tui'is, I'mf. mniiy or r piojierty of the UuiieJ Sute. rurui-liel o. to bi a lor tbe miliiaiy or n.vai ae rice i tUi- Uii-tet s; any c nirai-t r. aeut. p iy uile , qu u term-. or otber person baioever in i.U torcea . r ser h iviu ciia te p linn. ciiNiody, or control o! mo ey oi o her pudlic i r.iperty. u-e I if to ie nse l e tin lit ry or n ival ei vica ot tbe I'iiU'I Stitia 4bali iih mieni 10 ilcrauu ibe Uni.ed J aie or full? to conceal Mich in ney r oilier pr .pe iy, de t vt ause lo be oe.ivere.t to any oilier pera.u line autboi ity to receive tbe same any a.n. .ut oi t money or oi her public property lea tli.iii itiit t ir ch be La! I receive cenidca a or receipt; auype--iii si.l f ines or service bi or be antbor I to in -ike or deliver .iuy ce. urtca e vou lid, . or re t, or oilier piper cerntynu lUd iecipi ot a ins, uutiiiioti proviHiotia, cio lirtu, or otiic-r pub i peny so used or to i.e u d u shall make oi do ti the shiiih to any pe son w tunit hivm,' tui. ie.;e..f (lie i.r tlie fa.ns a'ateil ibereiu aud b imeiil to cheat; detraud, or injure ilia United IPs; .tut persou in ai I to ces wu.t shall auowiuftly hae or i ecen e in pie iiie I r a iy obhg ni.u of m ticdneK, fri'tu any o Oier, oni'-er or other peru ed inio or employed In a.d t..rce or beiviie. any n e'inipnienu, auiiiiunKioa, cl .the or mi'itary res, or oilier pub ic properly suju a.ndier, otifer. or er pe sou am b ivtux the liwim ri.'ht tipuju-e or I ill j same shaii be d-'enied if ill I iy t a crimitul ol--e, and Miali be sub.ivct to ine -ru e and reKiiiaiions ileforibe kovi nuieul of tiie tiiili'.iry and naval ce of the Ln ted S a e and ol the null ia when el lino and employed ii the actual servi e ...f ibe Jed a e m il ue of war, Mild to the p'.viaioii of act. And every peiaoii i fToniiimi uia be arre 1 aud beid for trial by a court ui.tia , a id it f mil l ii shall be p..ui:ie-i b flue and nil ria-uiiiieut, or b nihe patiishmeiit m ei'u.t miriiai m y ad e save the p inibhmeul of death, "c. 5. And be it iu ther eua iied. any person ft .f .recal'ed .,r nerealier l i be called In o or em id iu sucn loires or tei vice wb bhal c -ruimt any an n of Oils aci, and shall af erwad- -eceivebi i.iwr. or be dismiss irotu ibe service, bha.i, uot bsiandiuR uch vlibCbarice, or Uiaiiussal conn .ue to Uabie t be arreieJ a id he'd tor trial and semeuced iourt martial, in tbe same manner and to tbeaame tut as It be bad uol received such dis-clare or been utesed, 3. And be it further enacted, That any per f not in the military or naval forces of the United U-i, nor in the unlit. a called int i or nctunlly ployed in the ?errice of the United Srat-. wh-j 'I do or oyniuit any of tLe acts prohibited by ' of the ft ruling provisions of this net, he sliall t and - pay to the Tuito 1 St.ifcs th sum ot 'thousand dollars, and in rdinion duubie the untof datnagt-a whi.-h the United State? miy uf tined by resson of the dot ng or ci in uiting i act, together with the cots of t'uit; and euch lure and damngeg ball bj sit d for in tne uit,aud erery guch pt rou shall in nd lition 'o. on conviction on any court of et nipctent ii iion, be punished by impiio.iuj nt mil less one thou-Hnd dollar?, and uot more than lire ar" dtLlarf. 3. Ami tie it fnrthnr'enaeted. That the sev tt CAirUof the Uuited Staff, tie circuit ot.ut Di-triet i-f Clumbia, or any court therein to b!iiiei hai.,g .ucrtl jurisdiction in civil the levcra! di.-tria couiH t(f the T.-rrimnes Lnned riut- within wh .se juri.-di.-tion il the pcrsm, doiiijj fi.m:iiiitu. su ;ii u t 1 c : I J I, i, T" w t t I 7 K'una xtiall, wheresoever su-'i a-t uur huv-s ue orcoio.wted huvit f .1 1 p .wr and junu to bear, t.y.Hnd deierunne nu.-i. pjiii. .-u -b j oe orougtit and carried on bv anf pefm. Mr himself a fore 1 1 Uuiu'd SUN tb beat the oltC(,n ud charge f eucli ud jhall bi iu th., n.,me ot tne Uuiu-d but sbitll uot b.. wubdrp ,r diM.ontinu d Jibe e4,nsent, in writing, of the jud-e of rtaua the district attorney, first Hied in siting forth their reacons for such con Uftt8th 'eted, That it shall St.ef rTrtnil di8 ru t f the Stateg for the respective dmricu, for the . t of Colombia and for the feTA Ttorie .indent ip inquiring int0 xnj ti(,B ef th inrifl nf Inli m t h iina i:..l.i- . - j r." nun gacb suit 4ina witnin tnetr rejpectiTe districts or ti-rri ,nd to cause him or ber to be uroeentivt t in due form of law for tho recovery ot u h are and d And tu b person any be ' : t t ' ir.o t' to ', i'y-' f ar mU l ' Ti re ii t to T " I. f- -T , f ' t J ana beld to bail in su n sum as the dn J ge may order not exceeding tbe said sum o hi sand dollars and twice the the amount of aajresswnrn to in tho affidavit of tbe persou !C me auit. aaa be it further enacted, lhe per. n I said eait and proeculuz it to Cnl judz- " be entitled to receive one balf tbva mount l"feiture,as wdl as one b.tlf tbe am 'tot of spps he nhall reorr aud collet: aad tbe ; 'i i Hereof shall belong to and U aid over "ted States; and such portion shall be en- Jce'Te to bis own use all costs tbe curt rd gmnsttbe defendeat, to be allowed t - vvivuiau) w vru v ut 'pPording to any provision of law or rule n force, or that shall be in force in suits 1 Pnvate parties in said court: Pr vi led, l7Vn be liable for all costs iDcur . Tfl lhe CM ni have no claim i F01 Sute- trK nu U far'her enacted, That every snaii be commeneed within six years from i i .on',B,ing thu act.and not afterwanU. Xn e ,tfartnereacted. That uo offl o,n . a 7 bokin? or other commercial " , no member of any mercannisry r oonu-acts f iach corporation or firm, ehnll JM or .hall act as an .f5-eror ajrint of u tares f,,r tne .rua4acli(,n r busings corporation or firm;, and every such offi et fT 'o'Vereon, so interested, who . . ; 'n1' P conviction thereof, be pan- i.. ""'" e-u,j;, d-l- less than f,. ,,. , . ill nr' n ; u ii tin i rn ' ni i r a t f Ani m. r ---- ' v vs r ea- v a - r n .j: i r ...j. , , ye rs. !. t 't f s.-t LiiH'... I'!? U'J i.ri ,r .,i , t la oinir r . . ' noreiMBmiHiiif i a-ny aet nereoy ii a ' O IV F 'lot- I i Hi i ri;!i' A - ri-i- x j; M . he :,. vc. ii i -'. 1 1 i " -. r : U pe -i.. !" f ; . j . i i ! r :i' i: i .n i.-r. wirix i.t -Ui s H I J Li- ri iia and I . i w . J . a U I a W hi.ll au sii. i. r.-'u' u cul b s Vai.u .oU effectual as if this present t had not been parsed nor nball this aotn be so construed a in auy way ro itntwir or off ct the oblinioi , du y . or liab-l.ty ot mot pern wi.o n -w i or ohali r bee .tnr the sar. ty of nv p-r-.n nmo-ting wnb 'he Lni led Stale. r any ffi-eror ageni tlrroi; bat.ev. :s su. hnuretv !n.: ho l ablo and a i-w.Tioi-f .'or ill. default .f b.a priuiip.i i.i lhe iui -iu inner ai it this net bad uot bwn passed, save to tbe extent to which his principal has -rforuK-d tbe contract, -r if i i m ig-s f.ave been so rec .erod to the extent tf on half i f tne dinge, -o recovered, to tbe ixtent of ne half ..f the d m .gw recovered and pi I; which la-t m .unt m.y be h w-. in rednctt ... of d.iniginauy suit bmuent ains. the principal .nd surety, or prin aud sureties on their con tract. Appbovrd. March 2, 136.1. CiUP. LXVIII.-An Act to uthorii3an In Incrra?o iu the Nuiuner o. M.j..r-(ie,,er.ilS and Bngauier (ie.ierals for Forces iu tbe Service of the United Jeitre-dd J th" S ' nte nd flm of It pre t,ititifth Uiit d Slntri "J Ann rim in 6re il.armW. That in addition to thofou- m ijor . n erala and nine genemN .or lhe irg iUr rtnr and the forty M-jor gene als and two hun dred brigadier general- for the volunteer tei vice, author led by the existing laws, there inajbeap ie.inted ihirty in tjor-g n rals an I k r. n'j fir btig :td er g.nerals lor loice in the w-rfe 4" the Ua.ied -latMi other than In regbUr armj: Provided, That the t Q ers to be appointed uii'ler this ajt fhall be elected from those who have been coii?picutus fur gallant or meritorious con Juct ia the lsoe of duty. APPiiOVEi, Alitrt-h 2, 1SK3. Cusp. LXIX'. An Act to fix tho Terms of ihe Cr cuit and District AiurtJ in tho Districts of Wis ronsion Slid Iowa. M' it enacted ly &ate and TToie of Itrprmmta tivi (' thr L'uit'd Sutti of Aiurrivn in C'jre anrmU'd, That in-ti ap ;f the tim-is heretofore fix ed by law, the Circuit Court of the Cnitjd States' tor the district of Wi-consin (st'ter the January term, eighteen bun lred and sixry , ihre) shall be helil as fo. lows: At lilwiiukee on tha third Monlay in July, and at MaJUon on the secoud Monday in November, and all writs.snits. pleas, recognix inoes iiid:ctuit-iits. or other proceedings, civil orurimimtl, i!uwd i-ominonced or p-nding in Miid court shall ba returnable to be entered, and haveuay in court and bebeaid aud tried according to the provisions of this n. t. Sec 2. Aid be it fnrtberf nnctt-tl-That insteftd of th tun h retof ire provided by law, th tonn sf hi t i vu it courts for the d -riet courts for the dis triet of I i - a. :o be bt nl nt ll'-s Moines, shall be held on the si -od 1 of .'day ami third Tues day in O. -.tuber in ea. li year, and the fail term of ti e tli-tnc i ourt lor slid d siri. r. f l held at Iu- biMiii-.'shall be held ob tlie t .i:d Tuc.-d iy ia N'oveia- Arri: vrD Mir.'n.o. 18 3. t Hr. I. XX n A-t o inn -nd n net entitle! ' Ai Ai-r to pnuuc a T uioihi vu i u ini ft. r h -1 err T..ry o" C .loMdo." ' 1 ' " !'. f re.'tl''fd tig the SeMrtfe -ittld Ilo?' t,f teprf itui ': ' 'is Lutrd Stule of '.America m Oun (ret A- uil-lrd. That the sm o-id section of the a-.-t o whn b lb s act in ho suendtnent be altered so a? orasd as follows Tin? ex outive power and author ity in and over "id 1 rritory of Colorado shall be vested in a U 'Vt rnor. who suall hold his i--e for four vears. and untij bis eui-e.-sor shall be appoint ed and qualified, unljss s toner removed by the Pres ident of tho tho Uniced Statijs. The Governor shall rsida within suid Territory, shall bo cotnuian ier-in line' ol' ihe in litia ther.iot, fh:ill perform the du ties and receive the e.W iluni'-nta of superintendent d ludiau Affairs; be may trranf pardons for offences !gaiti-t ih laws ul said lerritorv aud reprieves for Ifeiicea agnin-t the laws f the United' Statf, mi il ih.j decisi n d (hi! Presid -nt can be mofi known !evoii:iii fbiill 'ommi-sion ali olSjera whosb.i'l Hp ut .1 to oOi -e und. r the laws of said J'erri toiy ii"il s.i.iii 1 1 Re caro iha,u tne laws do laim; ui;y ext-c.itt d. See. 2. An be it further i nacted. That every bill winch sliail bare pissed the b'gistive hss-'ui-tily shall "before it 'beoinaa kw be presented to he (jr-.ive.nor d tho territory; if he approvo. ha h til sig i jf; but if not, he shad return it, with his il.j-ctioi 1 1 1!) h iiisu in wuk-b it origin ited, who sh ill eut;r tha objec ions at Urgj on their juurn-tl m l iced t rec insider it. it, af ersu::i roooa- s d -ration, two tfu -J s ol that bousi sha i agr e to pass the bill it shall bas nu togsth ir with the ob jections, to the othor house, by whi -h it hlll 1 ke- w se be e unsidere 1: and it appriVcd by tiVo tnird of that h use, it stbavll becomaalaw. But ia ali su. h r;ies ihe votes of b tb h iusosso ill b"doSeru- ned bj juis a, id pays, to be t tiU-n-d on thejoumai f each botisi re-pecti vely. If any biil sill not be ciurned by ihe Governor wiihiii three days (Suu- d iy c-xoipts.-d) after it shall Lave been presented to him Ibe saiu- shall be a law in like innnner a.l if he bad sij.netl it, utile s the assembly, bj adjourn- in n peevcot iu return, m whicQ case it suall not be a law. Sec 3. And be it further enacted. That svti-n nii.e of thj a, t t ' which this a.-t is amendatory be alte.ed o ss to rad us fol:ows: And be it further emicti d, That the judicial power of sail lerritory suail be vested in a supreme court, dis- ict cou- s, and justices ol theit-aee. Tiiesuprnne ur s, -i all cousisof a chief justice and t wo ass'iei- ate justi cs. aily two of whom shall constitute a qimruiu, and wipi shall hold a term st the ' seat of govern. in lit of stud Territory annually, and they k ill hold thir ofno-es during th period of four Tears. I ha adle rtlory su til bo divided into three ' d.sirits, and a d:.stri jt couri sh ll ba held in each of said districts by onis of thd justices of the 3 u prune court at such time and place as may be prescribed by law. and the said jnd ,'es shall, af ter their apt.0 nr nents, respectively relde in tha districts hall be assigned them. The juris diction of the sty -ral courts herein nroviuod for. both appellate and original, and of justices of the peace, shall be as limited by law: Provided, That justices of the pease shall hav. jurisdiction of any niiittt r in controversy when the title or boundaries tn land be in dispute rr when the debt or suiu claim- d slioli cx.!e-d three hundred dollars; aud toe said probate court shall not hare, jurisdiction of any matter in eoa iroversy when the debt or sum claim- d .sli ill cxcci d the same of two thousand dollars and said supreme and distrL-t oourt shall have authority for redress of all wrongs cotatnited against the constitetion and laws of the United States; and tbe rid, district and prob ite court, respec tively, shall possess chancery ns well as common I iw jurisdiction and autho ity for the redress of all wrongs committed against the la wsof aid Territorr affecting persons or property. Each district court, ertuejudga thereof, shall aPpoiiit its clerk, who shall also be the register in chancery and snail keep nis mee at tan pi i e wnere tne court may be held. U rns or error, bills of exceptions, and appeals shall be allowed from lht final decisions of said district and prebate Courts to the supreme court, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law; but in no case removed to tbe supreme court shall trial by jury un ail-wetl in said c. urt. lhe supreme court, or the justices thereof, shall app.iint its own clerk, and every clerk shall bold his office at the pleasure of i he court for wLi- b ,b shall bave been appointed. W rits ot errar, and ai.p. als from tbe Dual decisions of -Hid supri'in court shall be allowed aod may be 'aken to th mpr uie court of the Uui'ed States, in 'he same manner and under the same regulations as imm thecircuit courts of the United S ates, when tbe value of the property, or. the amount in control versy to be asceitained by the oath or affirmation of either party or other competent witness, shall ex- eoa one thousand dollars; and each of said supreme aod district courts shall have and exercise the sauu jurildietioo io all cases arising under the constitu tion and laws of the United States as is vested in tha circuit and district courts of the United States nd the aaid supreme and district coarts of said Territory, nd the respective j udgas thereef, shall un(1. may grant writs of habeascarpus in all casej in which th same are graotel by the judges of the t'Ulted Suu. i. k- !:.. r i . . 1 u first six dav - .v, in ,,u(, uiMrivi vi vaiuiuuiH:aiiu om r.i I .. . 1 ' of every term of said courts, or so uju.-h fhere .f s ihitli be Accessary shall be appro l'riaied 1 . - wo . y roan w i r ;.... .-.: lQe,r"d of'causes arisinji under the said ia all .u u a,,(1 and writs or error and appeal 18 all SUcu caats T ii ,i all such .v, T"0'-' elerk shiUl receive in dSsScJcoTrU 'f IT "hieh tha ClTkfJ f t!l ilar services. a le"ry receive J for sim- r?sLAfnlVanhT ted, That that provis ons oi sections on . . . ,, be ppli,ale to the Terriurt J V thlS " have like effect as in theTe rrfr,,a'a,!d APPROVSD, March, 2. 1 85$ f Uu,ordo LDCAL NtTlCE Stmuel A. Trog.lea wii, take notiel that South has filed a petition in Chance -T ?n , A n Court or Nemaha county, Nebraska, the oVec!o?wh is to set aside, as made in error an i muuks th ea.t ia 'act i,m of a Judgment heretofore render! on the law side of said court in favor of said plain-iff and against said derendent, and to caose the following described land, belonging to aald Trogden. and heretofore at tached iu said action, at law, to-wit : Tbe southwest quarter of northwest quarter, section 13 town 8. range IS east, to be sold and tbe proceeds applielin payment or said judgment. De'etnleot is icqnired to answer said pctiij, a ou or twfote Septe.nhe. 23 h. 1B63. u6-f w $3.75 . W. THOMAS, AUy. tor Pl'ff. I.EflAL NOTICE. Nafbsn Blakely, v Psvi 1 M Jinini. fson Uavi,. j jioituovjonffVr undent. wi:i tae ntieha b- ' i, a ot ff tm ut i iil ii r er o. tt hiaent in v , i, i,,. ..-,.,.5 jc; ,t ,.l .it'T' '; 1 '-,. V. e 2"- S -,-1 - ' i X '-! . . w..t '. -,,.-.,,. t ., , , t . ,, t ,. .oi- e ... t T- w .! 1 ,. ! i-. o ;' e '" iy N '''' U. . ; . - i , ; r . j , . V y U t..ii ..Ji:;,.. . - r.; . , . . . . - .-aiHAK fi.t.i I Be alrte, Naka, Au. , iS4 n -Aa(6V ji VA1HAK Plakcly pro In Ni.r ADVEliTlSElIENST.i J ; xoi ici:. - ' tr GiEN RO CK. M ILLS 1 1 - AitK XOW GUINiI.yti ... II.LN1V OF W AT EH TO HVS ' l. DAY AOT NIGHT AI.I1X M)i:it IlA31LIx, Proprietor. Ac2ul S2J, l63 nS-6w . , i -. ( PRUPOiiALS FOIt t OllS AND IIAY. orricE or A A. Q Jf Fokt K.tANT Nebraska AUSIibt 12th IMS Seale-1 Proposals wtll be recMve-1 at this IB e until IS o'clock. f.. Saturday. tbe29ibdaof August, IS;3, for de ivrv at this p:t of ' 14,000 Bushels Shelled Corn, and 600 Tons welL cured Upland Hay. The C irn to be of the best quality, free from dirt, cutis, or other irrelevant niai.ter; well sacked iu ood Gunny Si ti, secure. y sewed w.tb 1 neu twine; the wble lo b" delivered oy tbe 31st day 'r jtiroi, itiii. N.. prop sals for less tbaa TOji) UuahcU of Corn will be coiisidcrfd. v The Haj Pounds to the Ton to be of rotdquaiitj and wl ci;ied. snd not to be cutwutiiu five miles of this" P'ist without spjeiil pa.-mission of the C .inni.iii.'i ik om er ; ibe whole to be delivered by bp3l-t fuc.oher ISC3. N b d-.! le s ib.iu ihree hnn lred tons will be cou slde.ed ! Nj pr. ioals milt be considered unless arc irapani. d by tbe v ruieti auanutes of at least two responsible hj les tbatti.ev will give sufficient bcudn for. t: e pe ' foi in a nee of the contract iu ca.-e i' should be awarded to j tbe bid.icr named in their Mulder be pre-en ai ib e opening ot the bids, sml the iKre.-stul bidder be in readiness wiib his suie tios . to cl te the enj tract s toon as taeawaid is ma.e. r'rop.jsals to be eudursetl. '-Proposal Ion turn, shins B.isiii'ls Corn,", or Pi-ooaU' for furnishing Tons of Hay." and addressed it tbe undersigned. The t igat is renrved to rijcctii g all or any of the pro posals thot ui.iy be utlerad. J. W C0LKMAN, 1st Lieut. 2d Nebraska Cavalry A $3 80'" ' " - 1 A. A. Q. M. . ' I,T!f5.Tj NOTICC. In the Nemaha C -u ity District Court September Term a. D lt3. on tbe C hancery sine mereoi . oil mc v i " i r. Cor.b. ) Joba Ilauua, vs. Wiir.amsMi R W To Williamson It W. Cobb, non-resident defeoJent : Tou are hereby notified that thd plaititiff in the above entitled cause has filed in theolilce or tbe clem ot tne Distiict Court for Nemaha O unty Nebraska, bis petin tion and bill of complaint attSinst you on tbe chancery side of said court, the object and prayer of which is to procure a surreader and cancellation by decree of the Court, or a certain Deed of Trust or 0 mveyauce in the naiineofa MorUaee, held bv you agiinsi the foil.iwinK desci ibed real estate, of whieb theabive ua med plain i iff' is the buna fide and Pightrul owner'. i-wit i West half of be Jorthwest quarter, an l yie we ' i il of the sons! wtMtt qmner of section i weiity-nl ie in iowu ship f .nr (4), rane fourteen (14), in N in ihs county, Nenra-ka .and tooUuia arnm-v4ot tse :1 -ui f rooithe iii te of said p: -pri.v . created o re s?.oa or-sa 1 Je ui irnt or e niveya it e in tte ti ttu e if a mo li -S w.ncu woiviven 'imiu ami to seciit ibe p .yuieiiioi ineiiai ami usurious iiherest. An 1 jou a e lunber i iSM thai ,u piea. answei or demur io l petition and ill nl co.oplauit onsr -re the 14 brtlay ot Scpiem teri!e3. ,.a id petiJoa will be taken as. true, andj 1 tec re ile edin accorttrnce wirh he prayer thereof, LP tl'M Q i 1S11AM RBAV1S, SjV for Compt j DISCI faUTHIN O F PA 117 S K Its II i P. The copartnership heretofore exlstina under the name and style of Brown At St rickler is ibis day dissolved by nmtna I consent. Tbe' Bjslaess of ibe firm will be ad justed by R Browa. to wb-m all claims against the firm must 'be preseuied, aud to wbern aH debts due tbe firm must be paid. R. BROWN, - : JACOB STRICKLBR. BrownylUe. :-Anrfst 22,' 1963. ti5 3w-$2 Sale oj' ICeal t:tate by Order ol' the . i Probate Conrt. ' -A On the.24lh day of Angus! I&63 at 1 o'clock p. M.. in front tf'theofliceot the Probate Jufge in Brownviile, Nebraska, will be sold to the" bidner the fol lowing Real Rs:ae, as the property of Ellen Welch in uor,to -wit: The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the southeibt quarter of the northeast quarter of section sixteen, township four, ranse flfieen east, in Nemaha couuty Neb a kit a so the northwest quarter of-tbe 'southwest qnartcf of section fifteen iowu,uip uur, ra-ige nrteeti, east, in Nemaha county, Nebraska, as ibe property iu comnn.n of Mariah Jt Welcu Kllen Welch, Sa. ah Jane Welch, and Johu H. WetcU. motor heirs of Auniee Welch ti4-3w.$3iJ ANNICK WKLCH, Guardian. 31 ASTER'S SAT.F. , In pursuance of a dee-etal order made by the District Pnurt in and for Netniha County ' Nebraska Territory, Bit in Chancery. biMriust date May 16 h 1661 in a certain cause i.eiling in said Court, wherein William Smith is coinpliiiiant and J hn Hanna re-pondents. I will on Tuesday. Sep ember 1st. lt63. between the lours of 10 o'clock. A M.. and 4 p M." in front of Pen's Kali iu fcr.iwnvtlle, in said countv, beins the place where said court was last held, s.ffer fo naie to the 1 nines', bid .rr- for cash, the lol lowing described ftrem- i.-es to-wit: The esst half of the Southwest nuartnr. and ibe southeast quarter of the northwest qartej. of action number twenty-nine. townshiD number foar. north of runae number fourteen, eaRt of the sixth prin cipal muriuiaain Neuiaba County. Nebrk Territory. ' J. S BKOFORD, n4-4w-$l 60 Master in Chancery. NOTICE. All tho e wh i know tht-me ves indebted, by not e or account to tho un lorsigoed, vi!l please co n? for ward and pay tip. ns one of the firm is go East fter a rail stock, of lioods and we mast have the money. I). & 11. SEIliEL. Probate Notice. -n Notice r hereby given that L. It. B. Kenpdiy has made application for letters of A dninisiratioii on the estate of A li tra Johnson late of the cdbbtyof Pawnee. N. T deceased, and that Monday tbe 7th day Septem ber, a t.. 1SC3. has been set for bearing said applica tion. All persono interested are notified to appear and snow cause, if auy, wuy letie's should not be issued to tbe said acplicaut. H. G. LORK, Probate Judge. c4-6w $3,00 PIASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a decretal order made by the District Court in and for Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting in Chancery, hearing date Miy 2?tb. 18i2. in a certain cause .-pending in sail Court,' wherein Kiancis Michaud 'is complainant, and Richaid Claire is re-pon- uent. I wiii on Tuesday, beptember 1st, 1863, between ttvj heirs tf 10 o'clock A M,,' and 4 F. M.' in front i li'en's Udll, in Brownviile,, in said county, being tbe place where said court was last held, offer for sale to the highest bidder lor cash, the following described premises,! to-wit: The southeast quarter of section number seventeen (17), township number six (6). north i.f rane number fourteen (14). east of the sixth prlnci pl meridian, iu Nemaha comity. Nebraska Territory. JAMES S. BEDFORD, u3 6w-$5 10- - . - - Master in Chancery. 03IAIIA AD CHICAGO BAXK," OMAHA, NEBRASKA. . . - f The Circulating Notes of this Bank are redeemed at par at the Banking House of A. BEATT1E Co. in St. Joseph. Mo. .,..-' H. B. SACK.ETT.- ' u61-2nx . ' ' - President. SALIXALBA?'f : The Greatest Timber Tor the PKAIRIE S . - , 53" It mukes a perfect Hetlge fence in four years ! , J3- One A re of it set th:s fall, in five years will make en..ugh Wood for one Faniliy I -K3r It rii8 straight, and very tall I i ' CST It never sprouts from the roots ; but when cut down, wiii grow asain from tbe stump, very v 1 53" It ia the best soft, wood for fuel, er any other puriMtKet .... J3 when kept off the ground, the rails will last 30 years i $3" It grows equally well with us on upland, where it is rich, at in me bottoms! . . 13 Outlines eicht inches long stuck in tbe ground in the Fall, never fail to frrow J . S3" We sell it for $' per thousand Cuttings, dellv ered at any of our Ageocies. '-- r . JtJ" Parties wishing to buy, should order early of our Aleuts, so that they may notify us in time. CUTTIX'GS " T';' Bundled and delivered at the above places', as ; soon as the Ieae fail. ' ""iSLG-ENTQ."'1" T. R. FISTIPIR, Browavillo. Is Agent far Xtmana and past half of Ricbardson Counties. Cl'RTIS k. PKAVER, Pawnee City, are Agents for Pawnee snd west Itaif of Richardson Counties. RKV MR. TIN' KH AM, Beatrice, is Agent for Gage and Jones Counties. .. . , ' J. H . BUTLER, Austin, Agent. for Clay and Saline Counties. - ' Beware of Willow Peddlers. We learn that many swamps of common Willow bave been cleared up. aud tbe Cuttings sold as Gray Willow We get our Willow of SAMUEL EDWARDS, of La Moille, Illinois, a responsible Nurseryman. THOMPSON & HEDGES, Xeniaba Nuinry. Nursery Hill P. O. t,47-tf Otoe County, Nebraska. TJUToxxoy .cL-xr auoed. on PIKES' PEAK GOLD! I win receive Pike's Peak Gold, and, advance money upon tbe same, and pay over balance of proceeds as soon aa Mint returns are had. in all cases, l wi exhibitthe printed returns of the United States Mini ar Assay office. , , JNO. L. CARSON, BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKER BROWN VI LLE, HE BRA SKA. bc20 v4 Almii $-r'V: oficf. . . i. E"i7 lt' Watcr bsvinir been mn .in i-t A-I Jd lis'ra 'ri t -hp ,i m ., .,i vra ? 'a e ii'''ie c -in-t'. ,Pvi pt- S. T '. di'J fS i h e"v : iVen ' ie f ii- .tiv.-,f . i in: snd e- ita t. ie ii i.;i n e in th fll ihe Pr.ritf J d puf up, i'.iiii y eb ili T- li rv i-n -r .pii' e, 'he 12 tt il.iy lj. . ary a D 664 at 9 ..VI t il A M the! iniif Fe' r-r beariUE claims autint ibt estate. w-i,6o u. Q LORE, Probate Jad.e. ""PAVXjEB COUKIY BELIKQUEKT TAX-LIST 4 - 'r J' I'l i. XOTICS thereby given that I will on the flrrt if l i Sep ember a. o 1863, sen to the I.Whut bl tier at much of ihe loMowuij: Real Ks.aie. I)iug and heinj in toe cmvitv of ltvn e T irritoy ol Xt-bras-k.., rsv-nr be n flL ient. t pay ihe Taxes assessed i,gairit ihe'aanie. J rciM iinimi unptid a- to this, the toiir'ib"f.iy of Ausust, a o 1S63 Sii 1 sales to com mence a: 9 o'clock A. M. and Continue until 4 o'clock r m. at the ofllce of Uavid Butler, Pawnee City, Psw. nee tJftmty, Nelirask. . . -r . ;ivn uutier mytand, City, Xtbmka, the 4tn lsv or .Aacnst a. d. 18t3. F. V. LIMIXCJ, Tiea-urer Pcee Cjuaty. LIST FUlt 1SG2. Names anl DefCtiption. j Broa n N'oah neqr " - - 7 ' Bi9hliiie EotLer sw qr sw qr do se qr se qr do ebfswqrseqr Dah.Ip IT... gm A n r S T R A TAX 7 3 12 160 14,64 3.5 34 Si 3 ,7 1 i 13 1 12 100 10 3 12 160 11.65 12 60 3,73 DlTllll 11" UlC Ul -m , T'' Ber jet H ehf neurit 11 - Cuuninham Wm e bf nw qr d n hf nc qr Clark J W ne qr se qr Co. Neb: aska Settlenent e bf ssr qr Clement Geo se qr sw qr . r CaHa ell I'a vid ne so qr, i.'uiii-on Rsqr East A J sw qr tdwjrtls Juo sw qr Kieminins Juo se qr se qr . .. 4 3 11 160 7 60 27 1 12 40 2 14 13 2 12 .80.. 3 22 25 3 12 40 ' 3 hi US 3 12 40 30 3 12 16 ) 14 67 27 1 1 1 160 8 56 34 1 11 ItiO 7,30 do tiriiui k Di Fvqr d pt el ne qr &of nw?f U 2 12 120 11 14 nuff Samuel nw or 28 2 11 16tl S.64 Kel.ey Anson se qr 3 3 12 16 14.67 Luckey Kn. ch w hi i;e qr d se qr ne qr McMabatn Samuel eht seqr Miller I R seqr Mt Ci ting R N sw qr McCliusttick Wm se qr Miuaham Jiit sht seqr , Perceli Wm W se qr Reeves C W n hf se qr : S eveii'Oti Henry s hf oeqr ShaiuiolllrUsqr' i: -J S lanii. u T R n lit sw qr Tyiier Julius vw qr 22 1 12 120 6 88 0 3 12 80 15.73 13 I 12 160 8 21 27 112 160 8.21 13 2 II 160 9 21 33 1 10 8) 2. i A) 25 3 12 160 9 12 3U 2 U 80 4 76 23 2 11 80 3.97 35 2 II 160 If .27 31 2 II 8J 7 61 7 2 12 1G0 8.13 1 1 ' 4 I Tucker Chas ne qr se q r do a part ue qr 3 2 12 75 Vines Jno n hi seqr 34 1 12 80 Wilsie Levi neqr , T"V"f"T 7i 23 1 12 160 Woodruff Kueil w li X a oi n& ar i 13 2 10 120 7.40 7 '23 8 36 8 Oil Young qr 31 3 12 160 14 66 LIST FOIt 1833. Huff Samuel nw qr 28 2 11 160 10.7 .I1. LIS 1" FOIt issor, . i; ii Clark J W sw qr nw qr .,', 83.1 12 40 4.C7 Chamberlain A B estate of nw qr. ' 33 1 12 160 12.42 Gatline J R Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 At S fBlk 14 ' do L8. B2; 17, B3; L's 4 do i 6; B 18 L 7, B2; L's dn 11 &,12. h 4; L 4, B 15; '' -do . :'L'sIli.I2. B3; PawneeCMy 22.36 Hunduer A sw qr sw qr 19 do nw qr uw qr 30 3 11 SO 6 61 H .rnJAswqr , It 1 11 16 IJ 64 Hiifraamua; njvtjf rrpVT'Tp 58 2 11 160 13 15 Reiiey Anson i-eftr LJ J.:J .'SA.'.i. 1X3 12 16o 13.15 MlekinCTLtll BlockS; L3 B10 da L 11, B 10 ; L 3 B 4 ; L do 9 B63; LI Bb5; Table Rock ,1 Walker R R L 3, B 15; Lb B 6t5 ; L rr'""" do 9 B..s 60; TabieRK:k ,'jVvI Marsh J Lot 1 B O. K36; Table Rock, Norris T T Loi 2 B.ock 7 ; Tab.e R iClt 4,38 1 86 bO 60 6b N'oiesPO Lot 2 Bioca2j Table Rock Perceli Wm W ue qt 25 3 12 1C0 13.05 t LIST FOit 1SG1. Bemls Horace ne qr Collison R w hf sw qr do se qr swqr N G s hf se qr Kast A J sw qr Graunly S w bf sw qr lo i swqr nw qf , 7 1 12 160 8,61 30 3 ll 120 2 I 12 80 ii 1 11 160 6 63 4.17 S.4J '.23 1.10.1296.61 I I 10 80 3.19 II I 11 160 8.0 23 2 II 160 8.60 Harbison S s hf ne qr Horn J A sw qr Hi.fl Samnel uw qr Kel ley Anson so qr -- 17 3 12 16.R.5) Luckey Ejioc h ne qr- r, v. ; 22 I 460 XO.47 McLauablinP e hf nc qr & bwqr sep,r23 X?-''U i 'ddjj'-' eqr 'fiW qr it sw qr se qr at v do nwqrneqr Pprry J D nw qr Perceli Wm We'ir ; j Booiiey MliTse'qr'' do, uw qr sw qr do' se qr ne qr Shannon G D se qr ' i 23 2 II 240 14.65 34 2 II 160 8.50 31T-J60 10.35 21 2 9 160 .35 2 II 160 8 60 6.30 Delinquent Tax-Ust for Gage Co. with. Jones Co. attached. L The fi JlawinzJ ssoribad Lands and Tow.n Lote will be ottered at,Publifi.i?al'alLJieatriiie, Uata-Coualy, N. 1, on Monday, Septemoer itn, looj, lor toe Taxes for 18d2, together with the- i'tmaity, Interest and Costs of Advertising. Hale t t omtnence at 10 xi'clock A. M., and con tinue from iay ttday until M has been offered. T. M. U'JALI LK, lreusuier uae Co. Blair J.imWA;.sv qrS l5;T3;Ui; 7 V'V$7M ucatnee iuffn Lomp;imy ; : . Lots iu Share No 3.-L 4, U G5 ; L 10, 13 ?3 ;i i. I L8. B2i; L10, U 29, L 6, li 27, L 2, U 70. Lots in Share No. 4. L 10. B 47: L 10, B 30: L 4, B "4 ; L 10. B 73 ; L 10, B 2 ; L 6, B 17 rL 4,B 4i. - a rT 'Vf r LoU in Sbara iVo,5.-.L 10, B 49 i It If ft b4,UJ2; L,U cO ; b 1, 11 b'J ; L j, B 19 i.L 5. B 17. 7TT""fri? Lots ib' Share No. 3. L 1 2, B 4$ ; L 3. B 47 ; ' L 6, Li 12 ; L 10, B Uj L 3, B bt); L 5 Lots in Share No. 81. L 4, B 72 ; L 12, B 22; L I, B bi; L,o, B 4f,L6, B3 L7, ..;,. B 44. - - '.. . C- . -.-.f I T .-' I-; ..-( ,; ' Lots in Share N."82. L'4r . B 5 ; L 2, B 32 ; i ' Lll, B74; L2, B25; L11.B57; L in, B 10 ; L 11, B 13. Lots in Share No. 84. L7 , B, 72: L 9, B23t iV Lot 4, B 54 ; L 2, B 3 ; L 9, B 39 4, b 6s. Lots iu Share No. 84. L 12, B 65; L 12, B 60; L4,B2l; L6,B2U; L 12, B 26, L12, 95.' Lots in Share No. 85, U 7. B 54 : L 9B. 55ui. L.O, UP IL 14, iS 9 , JU I. U ar; 5Lt IX. ii i. B 85. Lots in Shire No. Sd. L 9, B 49, L 33, , L 3, B 92 ; LT, B ou : L 12, B SO j u ?r; , -B 9i L4..B.71..-- " Lots in Share No, S7. L &,B63; L11B62;- v L 6, B 20 ; L 5, 1 ao ; L 4, B 10 ;'!. , ; h '. ' i - -' Lota in Share No. 88. L 3, B 95 ; L 9, B 69 "' "L L5.B 26: L 11 1 L 6, B 40 ; L4. B14 Lots in Share No 89. L 7B 73 : L 2. B 43 : , t v L7,B6iL6,B3;Ll,B40L2.B6$ j Lots id Share No."' 125' L 5, block 58 lot 8, blrk 64 : let 11. block 7 ; lot 8, block 27 ; lot 2, block 84 ; lot 3, block 90. Lots in Share No. 125-Lot 2 block 61, lot- 5 . i 7: ' b'ock 47, lot 2 block 9. lot 12 block 80, lot 5 block 89, lot 7 blk 19, lot llblk 77. Lots in Share No. 127. Lot 5 block 5, lot 3 blk f ' 52, lot 12 Woe 74, lot 3 block 29 lot I2f y 'block 57, lot U nlock 10, lot 12 blk 13 Lots in Share No. 128.--Lot I block 49, lot 11 " block 37, lot 7 block 93, lot 11 block 79, lot 3 block 91. lot 6 block 18. lot 3 b 44 Lots in Share No. 129. Lot fi block 58, lo' 9 VI. .1. A I 1t 1 t U ll. T 1, U V1V. t7 Wlin;n vi-, jut. J4r uov;iv Jipti B UlWlj lot 3 block '4, left 4 blbck 9M' ' ? f i ' . Share 130. Lot block' 67 lot 9 block 73 lot lot 8 block 25 lot 10 block 45, lot 8 blk 43. lot 11 block 70 Share 131. Lot 0 block 52, lot 7 block 50. -lot-- ' lO blrcfc 9;iot8bl:k 81,lot5block83 lot 3 block 99 Sbaro 132. L.t 4 block 67. lot 1 block 22, lot 9 block 51, lot 6 Uook45, M.2.-bWk 69 , lot 2 block kTi v i.'i'i . Share 133. I.t 2 block 43. lot 10 block 37, lot 6 block 94, lot 10 block 79. lot 2 block 91. lot 5 broclrlS.Tot 2 block 44. Share 134. Lot 8 block 34, lot 10 block 35, lot 12 .block 76, lot J block-ft2. lot 19' b'pek 63 lot 7 block 12, lot 4 Uack 16 Share 135. Lot 12 block 66. lot 5 block 73, lot 9 block 25, lot 5 block 55, lot 4 blk 43, lot 9 block 70. Share 136. Lot 7 b 48, lot 1 b 37.' lot 9 h 91,' ! lot3 b 79,'lot8 b I, lot 8 b 17. lot 7 b 41 Share 137. Lot 12 b 67, lot 9 b 22, lot 10 b 1 39. lot 3 b 4, lor I b 39, lot 8 b 97 Share 138.-Lot.l, b 43, lot9 b 37. lui b..fl3. lot8b7J,loUb9Ulot4bl8,lot6b42 . Share U9-Lot 10 b 66, lot 8 b 73 let 5 b 25; lot 4 b 55. lot 7 b 43, lot 8 b 70 Share 140. Lot 9 b 32, lot 4 b 34, lot 1 1 b 75 lot 3 b 60, lot 9 b 82,-lot 8 b 1 1, lot 3 bl5 Share 141. Lot 11 b 34, lot 1 b 36, lot 5 b 77, - - lot l b 78, lot 1 blr lotl IrT lot 7T - bl6 - ' - - - Share 142. Lot 4 b 51, lot 1 b 50. lot 4 b 9. lot 2 b 81, lot 7 b 89, lot 9 b 19, lot 2 b 95 Share 143. Lot 2 b 49, lot 12 b 37, lot 8 b 93 lot 12 b 79, lot 4 b 91, lot 7 b 13, lot 4 b 44 Share 144.-Lot 4 b 65, lot 8 b CO. lot 12 b 23 lot 2 b 26, lot 3 b 6. lot 8 b 95 1 ; j . Share 145. Lot 12 b 4, loi 7 b 31'; lot 3 h 7f x lot 11 b 6, lot 11 b 56, lot 7 b 1, lot 5 b 13 Share 145. Lot 10 b 33, lot f b 35, let 8 b 76.. -lot 6 b 61, lot 7 b 83 lot S b'12,' lot 12" b 15 Sha'e 143.-Lit 11 b 67,1 8 b 22, lot 9 b 49, lot I b .lot 12 b 69,lotl0 b 97 Share 1 49. Lot 1 0 b 67, lot 7 b 22, lot 8 b 59 lot 2 b 4. lot 11 b 63, lot I b 97 Share 150. Ut 8 b 32, lot 3 b 31, lot 10 b 75 I t 2 b 6 J,lotSii 8J,iut 7 a 11 Lt2 S'.t;ro lMLo-ll Cf9. T-;. Z'l ii'S'J v v !. 1 V . Nil f ' V I.. 2- 2r:u Wj'ii 1 2T, Vi:- - i.-'i. .. ' i i ; U l trf ;. 1 1 Shr 151.- L - lb 5 ' 10 d I i " ( 7i lo, V b 5 bt 8 b 37, 14 2, Ivi 8 1 i 3 t Siiare 155 Lot 6 b C3, lot 12 b 63. lot 1 b 2-1 I li t ( b 23 lot 5 b Id, lot 9 b 91 Shitrc 155. -Lot 12 bd ?, iot 8 b 35 t t 10 b 7, lot 2 b 62. lot b 8:t,lut 5 b 12. lot 2 b 15 Share 153. Lit 8 b 47, lot 9 b 36, lot I b 94 lot 7 b 73, lot 9 b , 2, lot 4 b 17, lot 1, , f ; -b4i , i ; Share 159.-M.ot Tb 91. lot I b 43, lot S b 5, lot 9 b 3, lot 3 b 4d. lot 1 b 14 Shaae 160 Lot 3 b 5, lor 12 b 3L. lot 10 b 74. lot 13 b 5, loi 10 b 57, lot 9 t 10, lot 10 b 13 Share 161 Lot 8 b 65. lot 3 b 73, l..t 3 b 25 lot 2 b 55 lot 3 b 43, lot fi b 70 Share 162 7 b 32, lor2 h 31, lot 9 b 75 lot 1 b 60, lot 7 b H I, lot 6 b 11, lot 1 b 15. Share 163 Lot 8 b 72 lot 10 b 20, lot 5 b 54 lot 3 b 3, lot 10 b 39, lot 5, b 63 Share 161 Lot 2 b 57, lot 1 b 46, lot 1 b 7, Iot 5 b 3 , Io 1 135, lot 9 b f3 Share 15 It 9 b 4, lr, r b dtf. bit 2 b 74, "x r iot5 b 6 ktSU-5U,l..r 4b ,Jot2bl3 Share lfio Ut 6 b 51. lot 3 b 50. lot 6 b 9, lot 4 b 81 lot 2 b 83, lot 12 b 19, lot 4 b 9(5 Share 163. Ut 7 b 61. lot 10 b fr, lot 5 b 23, lot 10 b23, lot II b 5, lot 10 b 92 Share 139. -Ut 5 b 43, lot 7 b 37. lot 3 b73, '" ' lot 7 b 79, lot 13 bill, lot 2 b 13, lot 4 b 42 Sharo 170. Lot 2 b 66, 1. 1 7 b 63, lot 5 b 24, lot 8 b 27. lot 4 b 27, lot 10 b 40 Share 171 Ut 3 b 64. lot 9 b 01. lot 4 b 23, lot 9 b 23, lot 12 b 5. lot 9 b92 Share 172. L .t , b 5J, i t.,6 b- 47, lot 3 b 9. lot I b '81, i0f '8 b 19, Iot 6 b 89, lot I b 9d Share 173. Lot 7 b 66, lot 2 b 73, ! 2 b 25, lot I b 55, l..t 3 b 31. lot 5 b 70 Share 174. U,b 8 b 4, lot I b 30 lot I b 71, lot 4 b 6, lot 7 b 55, lot 3 b I, lot I b 13 Share 175. Ut 8 b 67rJot 5 b 22. lot 12 b 51 lot 5 b 45, lot 9 b 69. lot 6 h 87 Share I7(J,.-L..t 10 b 53, lot 2 b 53. Jot3 b 8 lot 9 b 53, lot 4 b 87. lot 8 b 85 Cole Ira B. Lot 2 b 65, lot 12 b 61. lot 10 b 23 lot 12 b 23, Jot 14. b 6, loX .I2.b 92, iar t Beatrice ,H .t' L Dennison W W, ew qr se qr S 2, T I, R 8 ; & hf sw qr S 2 T I, K 8 ; & neqrnwqr S IT, T 1, K 8 & w hf nw qr, S 10, T I, K 8 Dewey T O, ne qr ne qr S 13, T 2 Ii 8 Dewey V F, e hf sw q', A se qr nw qr, & tw qr ne qr S 21, T 2 K 8 Dixon Ira, w hf ne qr S24 f 4 K 6 Furnas Uobert W, Lot 13 b 4, lot 8 b 31 lot b 71. lot 111 h B Int 12 h Jiff. Inf. 12 K 17 7,00 89 3,52 3,37 i i tol 0, b 13, in Leatrieo : ; Fryer Sim qr S 15 T 3 R I , . .'i ( ' Urydiui Thomas ii, Lot 4 h 22, lot 12 b 59,' ' lot 9 b 97, lot 4 b 25 lot 10 b 5, lot 12 b 78, io Beatrice Garey Jame H. n hf sw qr, k sw qrsw qr, S, 21, T 2. II 7 ITollinxwort h H, nw qmw qr, 8 7, T 3. R 7 Hadwell William M, Lots 3 .fc 4 se qr S 21, T I. R 8 Iloadley Luther, w bf of nw qr, A n w qr of iw qr, S 4. T 2 R 7 Rejvey .J.,el, uw qr of na qr S 19..T 3R2-r U.JlTh'.odore,LotItb47, lot 12 b 36; lot 6 b VI, lot II b 78, lot II b 2, lot 5 b 17, lot 6 b 41, in Beatrice Helvey Thomas, se qr of se qr S 12, T 3, R I Hugciistein F D, w hf of ne qr, A s hf nw qr 7-I7 . S.I2 2,64 4,34 1,71 2.64 9,09 .'i' 17 fl.47 IQ, 12, U 3 5.04 noreJohn P. whf ofjieqr, S31.T 4-R6 . .1,56 ,H,E-ii:s a, u,irinej, ne qr.at0i .414 I, A DW ! " q 5,'T 4, R7 , .. : . 5,93 llenett Mary W, Lot 6 b 95, lot 9 b 72. lot 8 b 26, lot 14, b 3, lot II, b 40, lot 7 b 14, in Beatrice 17 Ilewett Marcus L, Lot 10 b 52, lot 8, b 50 lot U b y, lot a b 81, lot 6 b 8, lot 8 b 39, in Beatrice . .17 Ilewett Obaiiah B, lot 10 b 43, lot 6 b-35loi 12 b 77, lot 6 b 73, lot 8 b. 2 lot 2 b 17 lot 12 b 16. in Beatrice' ' .' '' " ' ' 17 HcwettThomas.Iot6bS7,.o't5b 45. lot 5b7 lot M b30, lot 4T 85, lot 8 b 89, in Be-r:'-'rftr1ce; "' u 17 3.12 Irvin Allen, nw qr se qr. A si qr of nw qr, & w hf of ne qr 3 28, T 2. li 3. Jones Samuel, nw qr of sw qr S II, Jfc se qr.S iu,ts neqr dec lo. T.4i; 9' . ,aZ2.09 Kellogr John B, lot 5 b tit, Jot 2 iv22, Jpt 2 b I 54, lot 7 b4,Jot7 Jb39.1ot8h4ilnt 5 b i 57, lot 6 b.4o, lot 2 b 9, lot 10 ,b 81, lot t , 1 b 83, lot 8 b 84, in Beatrice Lawrence John," iit'divided e hf ne qr, Jk n hf se qr, S 28 T 4 Ii 5 ; nn 1 lot 6 b 56, lot 5 b 56, lot 14 b 8, lot 3 b 30, lot 7 b 86 lot II b 87, in Beatrice Lott JohnS, lot 8 b 52. lot 6 b 50, lot 9 b 9. lot 7 b 81. lot 2 b 71, lot 4 b 43. lot 6 b 37, lot 2 1.93 lot 6 b 79, 1 it 12 b I, lot I b 13, lot 3 b 42, in Beatrice Lott MIL lot 5 b 51, lot 2 b 50. Iot 5 b 9, lot 3 b 81, lot 12 b 89, lot. 10 b 19, lot 7 b 52. lot 5 b 50. lot 8 b 9, lot 6 b 81. lot 3 b S3, lot ' 3 b b6, lot Jib 83, in Bea;r.ct- - .. tA McLaughlin L J, w hf Sir qr, & neqr of sw qr, S2f, T2, R7 MadieWm E, s hf of neqr S 33,T3,R 7 Mattiso Jnhn lot 8 b 4S in Beatrice Millignn Joseph se qr of S 22, T3, R7 , Myers Deniiis seqr of swqr, tfc sw qr of so qr, S 3, T ?. U 4 '; aod Jot 12 b 43, lot 4 b 37, lot 12 b 94, lot 4 b 79 lot 10 b I. lot II b!7. Jut I h 12, Baatrioe , Munford G W, lot 12 b 31Jot 2 b 3Vlot 6 b 62 6.42 43 62 2.5 3.59 I.I! 6.93 1.72 b 77. lot 2 b 78. lot 2 b 2, lot lib 12, lot j 8 b 1 1, lot I b 6o, lot 9 b 63, lot 10 b 24, lot 7 b 29. lot II b 26, lot 9. b 40, lot 12 b 50. lot 10 b 72, lot 6 b 31 lot 2 b 77, : lot 12 b 40, lot 8 b 14, lot 6 b 72, lot 8 b ; 20, lot; 3 bol.loflb 3,lot8.b,S9,Iot9 . V44. in fieatrice : ; : . , C2 UcCacles Jataes; s oi 'Wqiil sw iqVitf ; -so qr, & nw qrof nwqrof S 10, T I-R3;Jl!J2 Nelson Joseph, let 10 b 43. lot 2 b 37, lot 10 b j 94. lot I b 79, lot 9 b I, lot 9 b 17, loi 8 ; b 41, lot I b 59, lot 10 b 64, lot 13 b 7. . lot 10 b 27, lot 4 b 84, lot 5 b 90, lot 3 blouk6(Iot5.bI2.1ptlb2Q,lot3,b8, . r,, ot 2b 10,1 l0bVd.lot8 iio3,rot6 b - OX, 101 I O O, IOT I O 90,101 2D CI, 10L 11 b84, in Beatrice Newton. Yates W sw qr S 13, T 2, R 7 Ogden Benjamin elif of neqr, & sw qr no qr S 8T3 114 . ... ,. 62 3.52 2.34 PoWell Amellashfof vi qr, k sw qr se qr 8 23 - V T 3, Rl 1 ,. .. Roper Joseph B e hf nw qr, k fiw qr of ne qr," S29.T4.R5 Shepherd James ne qr S 6 T 3, R 4 Sargent Foes W w hf of sw qr S 17, T 2. R 7, Apart of e hf of seqrS 8,T2,R 7 Scanlin Jeremiah e hf of sw qr S 13, T 2. R 7, k nw qr of sw qr,- A ehf sw qr, A ti w qr ofswqrS 24,T 2,R 7, k sbf of sw qr rf 20, T2, R7 Tinkham A L lot 3 b-49 !n Beatrice Thoiaas GilWd, lot2b64. lo"t 7 b 61, lot 3V' 23. Iot b 23, Tot 7 6 10, lot II b 91. lot I b 95, lot 12 b 43, lot 14 b 5, lot 8 b 3, lot 4 b40,lot2bI4,lot3b 65, lot 7 b 60-lot II b 23, lot I b 29- lot 2 b 6. lot 7 b 95, lot 4 b53,loOQ b 65, lot 10 b 7, lot tb27 lotIbrH.-Iot2t)90.1ot I0b32, l6t'5b 34, lot 12 b 75. lot 4 bfiO, lot 10 b 82, lot J fi b II, lot 4 b 15, in Beatrice ' 2.34 3.12 3.09 6,59 3.W ,'79 30 14.17 Williams George, sw qr S 20. T 2, R 8 Wilson qrS 4.T4 R7 . , Windham Peter, lot 10 b 5, lot 12 b b5. lot 9 b 8 lot I b 55. lot 2 & 10 b 81,lot I b 73. lof II b20.lot6b 5t,loC4b3, lot II b 39, lot 6 b 63, lot 12 b 52, lot 10 b 50, lot 13 b 9, lot II b SI, lot 12 b S3, lot 9 b 84, lot II b .4Srlot3b37,loUb94,lot2b 79,tutl: r bl, lol I0bl7,lot 62 LEGAL NOTICE. : Juliana ITarger will tako notice tint Jrtus ITarizer 98 plaintiff has flledApexition ogAiust, in the Fifctrict Coert t( Kelhkha coutyj;Xebra-.ka.J Tbe object of said retition is to obtiin a decree diTorcln? tbe said piaini iff Irem"' Che !said defendent, fr'tni tbe bonus of ma' rimuny, ed tbe ground tnit (aid defen ient ban willfully abandoned tbe sai.I pUiutilT Tor tbe term of more tdan two years. Defendcnt Is required to an swer said petition on or before the 23th dy of Septem ber 1S63. E. W. THOMAS, Atty: for f Iff. ' n5-4w-$3 ' . J LEGAL NOTICE. Georce Bt Klxon and Charles B. Smith will take notice tbat Stetson L. Swan, asti?nee of I. T. Wbite & Co.. aa plaintiff, Ja filed apetitiuO asalnst tbeai as derendents, in tbe District Court of Nemaha couuty, ebraska. Tbe object and prayer of said petition is to obtain a judgment against the said deenitents for the sum ot $60, with interest Trom October re h, I860, for the use a-id occupation ot a certain- building ren ed by eaid plaintiff to said defendents. At the instance of said plaintiff n eider of atUH-broeot Las been issued from said conrt, and the following property attached as belonging to tbe said George H. Nixon, to-wit : The trest half of Let twelve, in Block nineteen in the town of Brownriile, in said couuty of Nemaha. Defendents are required to answer snid petition oa or before the ;Sib. day ot September,' 1983. n5-4w-$4,60 E. W. THOMAB, Atty for Plff. . ESTRAYS FOR SALE. The following described Cattle, baring been taken up unaer tne KBtraj mw oy wm. t. ritzwater, ani not being redeemed, are now advertised for sale according to Law, the sale to be held at the residence of the undersigned on (be 21th day cf October One a dark red Cow aged abont tight years, uppraised at $10 ; cue a pale red, with white race, aged abut five ye irs, ap praised at fell j cue a light red, about four ears of age, appraised at 15. - ' WM. T. TitzwaTEK. . nd 10-6 t6 STiS.V Y ED. '125,01 itE'.V tD. j St -Tr t f"r"n Kv pr,;.3i.o''t- . nvfi itj--. 1-r tt It: hi itn e - ' . i i ... i . " . 1-. 7 !lie .' . t.- t .i t in ; .. . i- ' :'t L. .t ;L . Lt--- ".. w..Ci, N.aa. ui,,.. T. AVS liZVT AXp LAUJGE STJCCIL OF STOVES AND HARDWARE, FOR PALL TRADE. JO'ECN". C. DEUSER, jiain Street, Brownrille, If. T., ' Returns thanks for the patroaaee heretofore extended to turn, and promises to supply all wants, either la QUANTITY OR QUALITY.' : COOK STOVES, THE LATE AND IMPRONED PATTERNS ; seen A3 Click's Peerless, Elevated Ovens, Superior, Golden Era, ' - lYcw Era, &c. ' ":, ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF ' BOX AND PARLOR STOVES.1 1 ! AND ESPECIALLY CALLL ATTENTION TO HI3 LATE IMPROVED : PAULOlt COOK STOVES, IIE FURTHER CALLS THE 'ATTENTION . , , - OF. FARMERS TO HIS LARGE5 STOCK OF i HEAVY, SHEET IRON, FOR SU0AR B0ILER3 ; ALSO HI3 LARGE CAST.IUO KETTLES. FROM 10 TO 23 GALLONS. ' Pr': ; ; . ' ' i ' . ; , .'; : ' : ' - '.'. ? A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Of New aud Beautiful Patterns ; Lamp Chimneys, Shades, &c. Brass, Copper, ami SLeet Ironware; Lanterns. Shovel ' ' ""' and Japanned Ware. : '': ! ; , , l'abge quantity of "T-if tH Tin, Stone & Glass Self-Sealing Fruit Cans , VERY NICE ANI CONVENIENT. FOR - . THOSE DESIRING TO PUT ' UP FRUIT I u t i ' A LARGE- QUANTITY' OF r- OF EVERY DESIRABLE ARTICLE. . r , . . i J i THE ATTENTION OF - .' FREIGHTERS AND OTHERS '.; ; ' : : 13 DIRIECTED TO niS ' T i l j COOKING SKILLETS, 0YEXS, Ac.1 Guttering and Spouting. lie i prepared to put up guttering and spout Inn, and al I other work of bis Hue at the shortest .notice, and in a workmanlike manner, wbich he warrants to give sat isfaction. . ., . 8-u3-ly iit. ' - " r . t 1 J : h v . I. ' a s f ' f t 4 , NEW GE0CERY STORE! , A i l,:,i. Ill 1 McL AUGIILLV & SU AN, i HATE OPENED OUT IN - ,-T&B BRICK BUILDING ORVEllLt -OCCUPIED BT TIIE NEMAHA VALLEY BAN', A NEW AND WKLL SELECTED stoce' ar ' FAMILY1 dSOCERIESj ' : . , COKSISTINC 0? SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, ." rsflCES'OF'TALLv KlNDr- '"- DRIED FRUITS. l f : ' f - ' ' ' - s s PROVISIONS: SUCH AS DRIED BEEF. , r ; WESTER?: RESERVE, CHEESE, - - - - -' CRACKERS, fce.; Ac. , - i -. i " ' : ALSO FISH OF ALL XIND3, r - 1 ,"'"" NAILS, GLASS AND PUTTT, TUBS BROOMS, AND WASHING BOARDS, - - ROAPS, COAL OIL, LAXP CHIMNETS AND WICK9, " " WE DESIRE TO CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO OUR FINE STOCK. OF Tobacco, Cigars, Sc Confectionary. WE EE CP CONSTANTLY OK HAND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE VERT BEST OF FOREIGN & D03IESTIC LIQUORS, SUCH AS BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES, Ac, 07 THE HOST AP PROVED BRANDS. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. t - - j l,,-,..,,,.,,.!.,,,., StHINO-AND'SUMMEll -MIIiLINEITit G 0 ODS 1- V. Anniuts to" the la.l':e of B'owuville-sxd ti ;. .iu-:iy, ihat he h s jt ic.ctved li m Sst. Eat a magaiacetit s;o X ot EPRINaAITD EUililEE HILLINEP.Y C2023, CwiisiJ'i'1 o' , ' Ladies aiJ Jli-t-f"' Iiiunet od UzU. Kibbi. Flower 4iC. Towbic'j sk loti.Mtb attentina of tte lt !'.'. ftel. tng asaored they i:aani be U suited !a s:y:e, q- s Ut ir prife. -J - rsl-ly rAiRBAinis'.. i standard : r : .SCALES OK A1.L Kl!.. ' Also, 7areheuse Tts:Ji3, Itttif 4 Fressea, i:. FAIRBANKS; GREEt!LEAF i CO. ' 1T2 aLAUE ST.,;-CHICA0, , 53"Be carerulUand-buy-aly -tie nnua-Ci -June 12th. 1S3 n49-3oi -- : .. -- . .THOMASVDAVIS. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON, TABLE ROCK, .NEBRASKA Referenoe, Dr. D. Gwin, Brvwurliie. .April II, 'I. bW-Ij . J. WILSON BOLLINGER, COTJNSELlVr0 AT LAW,; ;; General aud Collectlnqr .l,Tcnt, BEATRICE, GAGE CO., lNEBiiASSA: WILL practieu in tbe Coarts in Gr.s an.l adjoining counties, and will gire prompt attention to all businesji entrusted to him. Collections jrotnr.t lj auide. ZT"t Rftieolar attention giva t local in j Land Warrant on lands oarefullj jict:Ui bf niinself..e3 September 25,"51. ; ; 1 jj. c. iiakc, lSI3ROTYI?JST, Is prepared to take AMBROTYl'Cd an I 3ICLALY OTVl'Ed la tbe best stjrfre of the art: and at Lower Prices ihnri Kver Before O'letcd In r. i f rr Brownviile. s He haa reeBtly pun-based the,roorai kervtofbrC occupied by Henry il. Sill, on ilain Street, epwwiie tbe City Drug Store, where he may be fouud dariui. business Lours. , , Pictures Warranted to Ciirc SatlsfrtctionT Tne public? are invited to call at the room and ex amine the specimens. '- Hours of operation, from 9 A. at. to 4 P. M. ;' ; TJrownrille, May 2 tat 18G3. nt3-3m ,JACUB 3IAUIION. MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, .:. alls the attention of Geutlemen deslritg ne, neat. ervicable and fashionable WERAING APPAREL, - TO IIIS HewStock of Goods " JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS. CASS1MERS, VK3TINGS. k.e..k.c, OF THE VERY LATETT STYLES, Which he wilr sell or make up, lo orjer, at aupreee- dented low prices. r Those wishieg any thing in his line will do well to (all and examine his stock before investing, aa he pledges himself oo hold uut peculiarly favorbls lu. oucements. , - . - - - - r tt , j; February 13th, 1962. ' ' m l s a i TO THE AFJE.L'ICTSDV 1)R.: A. GODFRKY. PHYSICIAN, SURGEONC ! 0BSTET RIGI A N, , Educated in France, having- twenty-fle years eipe-.' rleuce in the Medlca' science, and one of the corr"von- dents of the "Ataerlcan Juurual of the jtedtcal 9cieo- ces," has located: permanently iu Brownviile, and re-, spectfnlly tenders bis professional services tt Ua til-', Izens of this city and vicinity. He will not cui tine his services to commcn practice," but extend them to chronic diseases Uiitesbes cf longr statitlinp. MaliRaant Tumors and Sores Abeses and Ulcers, Cancers and Sore Eyes, even partial BJiBduess, Evi epsy, eummonly called Falling SicknetsC Falay, Neuralgia. Dyspepy, Consumption in the firsthand;, second stae, Iosarlty in some forms, aud diseases cf . every ki i:d.' Particular attention paid to Agu. . , He will,- if requested, give reference to tnose pro-.' uouueed incurable in the United States, and afterwards ' cured by Uini. ti .1 . He may be found at all hours, either at H.C. Lett's! Drugstore or at his dwelling house, wheu not engaged. T on professional bosiuess. nfro-ly ; MONS. IDE L'A MABSHE : IN TOWN AGAIN, And preparing to sell Stationery of all kinds tan pr ' cent lower; than auy one in tvwn dare t. 'ti lii sell writiiiij paper -from 40 cents a q'ure down to three quirrs for Ofty cents, and other tricks iu his line la priipt-rtion, such as , i , COLORED BATTLE SCENES, i PICTORIALS OK" ALL EIXDS.- " " ' ; DAILY PAPERS, AND TH It ; r. LATEST EDITIOV OP UCHOOL BOOL3, R ceo mm eta' eti to be ued in the Territory ; and pareuta sbonld be guarded against buying any other, aa the id series will sooU be out of use entirely. -. ' Mr Marsbe li. Azent lor several Btstem Pabt!s:Maj Hunse.'t, and pn pmcure t.r uy one, any Book, Ne p:tpei" or Pei itil:al that can be called for. ' Also keeps PhtoKr;tphH. and Phntocrapli .Albums, Sierysaipe. aist Srfrysc-ipHr Views. Metroscopes Prise Pact. S'ovels, FsoiHy, Bibles. Mlsct-iUce.ius Books. '. Come in. an-I ye for yourselves, where he is prepared to wait i n ladies and gcutlt;meu In the latent and most approved style.' ' II. II MARSn, : PlrstStory P. O; BulitllTis, S OijO." r ' j . ;.. . rpoaite a Hrcka 3 tut, Brownviile, Nebraska. i K. B. Eatera-paiera may notice, and seinl bill t Shertff. ' - - " io-tf ... NEW GOODS J17ST RECEIVED AT PilICE3 TO SLIT I7223E3 TIM3S. JOHN, A. PONIT I now receiving and oponlny out hit Spria Stock of Goods, consia in g of . '- ' ' .". ": V. Dry Goods, - Groceries, Hats and Caps. . , . Boots and Shoe ' - :- - . 4 Iron and Nails, . . . - t lour and rncoa Queenswaro, . - . Hardware. . ; - - Furniture '; Sash and Doorsv .' - Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. Waich I will sell cheap for v .- ' - i. CVSH 0E PH0DUCE. ; I Call aci ei&aiine my etock before purcfcasic ; elsewhere. ' r- - ' F.rownTi!le, April 34,1382, - , . n2-ga j Notice to Teachers. .: Th undersirned. Board of School Kiamiier. for ' tho County otf Xemah, hereby gi nstico tlat . bpreafter. en tbe first Saturday of each moD'h, ' thT will h M neentn-'at t, E -a nf Lu.r II "d- ; . ' . . i ;a ' f rtJmir!- . .. . . ( , .1 ' - 1 '.,.-,. .i .ii