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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1863)
NEERASEA ADVERTISE KEBRSAKA advertiser. rrELlSUED KVEKT THVKSDAY BT T. R. FISHER, Bsond Story Btrickler's Block. Main Street, EBOVNVIIiIE, K. T- .CVIV . If RATXS or ADVEItTIINC. One taaare tenliaes or lei:;).ooe iiisetl: u, C Eacb actional jn.irJ;cn - - " - f- CjpJs. ix i;i.e ur If onf year 8 UO One colamn i,neyer - - - - SJ uv One hir column vie year - - - 4 Oj lo'irth io.ueju oii year - Jb W Cue e-nbu col jmu one yeur - It One column six niunih - - - 4t,' W (ne hitir o.Iuhmi six uunth - - - i 5 . One rcnrth oloain sts BK-ntb - H M (ra etthrii of a column six ciont'i - I.' One omnia three month - - rs til O.-.ebai: colnaia three mciitjM - - r CO . One fo-irtn ci.lnmn three months - - ISO One ei'uih columu three nrtiii f M Announcing Caati 'atesfor 05V. - - - 6 . Tiansieut adverti-emect nia.ii raid f r in aT8vA Tearly advertirenu. quarterly ia a.H-;i:c. -la Trsnscicn Advertisements. Tr-i,.. square will becbarprJ for by the line, at t'e rate t.4 U"U cents tha first week, and 6 cecia mt-.h. uteret I Ay -Ay Ay Ay On rry. e year, 'In advance, -Tfcree Opies, to one adurekS, Ctob of Five, - - 42 oo 6 00 8 00 15 00 CIudoi ien, - Wben tiol paid in Advance bnt paid witbin Ibe year, 16 per cent win be added to t:,e aive terms. II delayed oe year, or more, 25 per cent will be added. U p.n,k Work, and Plain and Fancy Job Work, ' done iti ibe left tJ !e "d Lort notice. LI BKRTY ;AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, NOW AND FOREVER." BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA;. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1863. VOL VIII. NO. 3. 4 I 1 Q2I fj I a -IBS I i ST 1 tM' ,t i pe'1 ! o v.t. fre1 'eft 'or; ..tfrr ; n 1- C C. IIAIIE, 3IB ROTYPJ ST, Iir.rerired to take AMKROTYPES and MELAIX OT PES in the best style of the art; and at Lower TriceMhan Kvr lie fore Ottered in Rrownville. His Rooms are ever Matron'- Clothing Store, r-n Haiti Street, nearly on-site the lirownville House. Picture Warranted to (iive Satisfaction. The i.uLlic are invited to call at the room aiid ex amine the Fiiecimens. JifOider for Teacil Cutting will also be Clled in a woikmanlike mani'r, and at short notice. Every jern should have a tencil j.lata and a bot tle of indelible ink for marking liueu, the best and moft convenient arrangement for that purpose. lion re of operation, from 9i.M.to4p. vi. BrownTille.MaT 21st nt-m TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. A. GODFREY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON OBSTETRICIAN, Educated in France, havine twenty-live years' expe rience in the Meriica' science, and one of tbe correspon dntnof tbe "American Journal of tbe Medical Scien ces," has located permanently in Brownville, and re- n.ecifu I Ir tenders bi proressiouai services to tiie cii iifim cf ttis ciir and vicinity. Ttp will not cor.Cne bis ervices to common practice but exieud tiiem to chronic diseases diseases of long ttiandinp. Malignant Tumors and Sores Abscesses and r icers, Cancers and Sore Eyes, even partial Uiinaness Kmir.r. ommonlT called Falling Sickness, Palsy NeuraiRia, Dyspepsy, Consumption in the first and Kcond siaze, insannv in some forms, and diseases of every k'.od. Particular atieouon paia 10 Ague. HfwiH. If requeied, civc reference to those pro nounced mcuralr tn the Unitd Sutes, and afterwards enred by bim. n. found at all bonri, either at H. C. Lett Drug Store, or at b's dwelling bouse, when not engaged on professional business. ujv-ij BREITHEYEE & R0BISON, M AKUFACTUBEES OF Jfl BOOTS ANDSK0ESJQ. MAIK BETWEEN FIRST AXI EECOKD STS., IIUOWM'ILLC. Sm T. navinp reeit ly purchased the Shoe S'uop formerly rwned bv Win. T. Pen. we iw ofler our worli at preat iy i educed i'-ioes. We Uianufaci ure all that we ofier .r.,le J"A 1 1 w..rk warraaiei. H'..!ivi ,f s.--..: 27 1S62 nll-ly C. F- STEWART, ECL1CTIC PHYSICAIH SURGEON. 1SKO If X XE11KAS Ii A . Office over TI. C. Lett's Dru Store, llolladay's Block. Main street. v6-n4-ly EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY, AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. " Office corner of Main and First S'roers. RROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. -.SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS ! 3XRS. 3I1RY IIEWETT, AntMiaacM to the ladies of Brownville and ( -J cinity, that she ha .lost Teccived from Cat ' Kant a mapniticent sto;k of ' SPEING AND SUKSO HILLIXEEY G0C2S, Consistine of Xadies' and Mi$e' Bonnets find IlatP, Jibhon4. Fiowers. &.C.. To wcic she invites the attention of the ladles, feel inc Jlsured tbey cannot be better suited in style, qnal Ht or price. n4J-ly FAIRBANKS' STARS AILD SCALES OF ALL KINDS. Also, Warehouse Trucks, Letter 3 Presses. &c. FAIRBANKS, GREENLEAF h CO. IT2 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, tBe careful, and bev only tbe genuine.CS June 12th. 1So3 n49-3m JACOB 3LAIUION, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, Calls tbe attention of Reutlemeu desiring new, neat, serncable aud fashionable WERA1NG APPAREL, TO HIS ITew.Stock of Goods JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTIKGS, A.c.kc, OF THE VERY LATETT STYLES, Which he will sell or make up, to order, at nnprece dented low prices. Those wishiuft any thintr in bis line will do well tt c,n n1 examine his stock before investing, as piedces himself to hold oat peculiarly favorable in ducements. February 13th, 1S62. THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTICPHYSICIAH AND SURGEON, TABLE ROCK, NEBRASKA Reference, Dr. D. Gwin, Brownville. ApnUI, -CI. - E. 1MOODT & SON. NIAGARY iNURSERIES, IOCKPOHT X Y Wholesole and Retail Dealers in Pruit. truit ana Ornamental Tree-' AXD SHF.TJB8 AND ' stock rou xt usi:uyhiex J. WILSON BOLLINGER, ' ATTOR iVES" r C0UNSELL0RI AT LA7 general and CoIIeclinsr A?xnt BEATRICE, GAGE CO., NEBllAA.' WILL praciee in tbe several Courts in Gag i Wjoininp counties, and will give prompt att , ' all business entrusted to him. Collections pro. a;--Tln, e- 'articular attention given to k i. ji; Land arranu on lands carefully selectet k. T'temuerSa. '61. nl2-yly ANI) ORXAJIEVTAL TKC !; "0 or',30 per 'usand. oo'lJJ Grapevines, $15 perbu. r,, wao?saSnSntlr1Pe,rGrapes' 6 P" tntdred' M rUhJu" G.rrt8- not b111 nlkv, can be tranar Mr tr'.'nby,rrowin to years, will make a4 ' Z n U).pUnt in " orchard. Any one can tr m ilUnr hy rrowin tbK o se- Send for Wb aie and Descnpuve Cauiogues. t5l-lm E.KOODT&.SOX . Atagara Xnrseriea. lockport, X.T COOPER'S STUFF "7V J Tvr -n -m its The bisbest price in cash will be paid for StaeT ! inn, .7 .1 . P"1 01es- inquire 01 u.u.ib. T,?I v Amecan noue in lirownville. t.Vr'u bscnbef about establishing a Coope-jr,,. bu . s enlL ia Brownville, and will perfr f; iMsla P ll . makin- Flour, lyfSXnvij Darrela. Will alst ttBd V?TVaD8'"ns3Ac. T3.-Za.yi L.D.nOBlKC.v. I I N A N C I A la rniTNix nrstrRAircE compaiit, eautforu, coiss. FEBRfaKT.1863. $400,000 CO 1695165 Cash Cap CaahSur i, --- 559,351 65 The at ' eecessary to fafelj rein snra all ' ' ceding risks, and to dis charge a! tistins oblations cf the C,4Ly -f : 160,822 04 Xett a 0Tr above ALL obli gations,-- f I,M01 II. KELI U S. L. LO01IIS, l'reiident. ' Branch. Cincinnati : E. Bt iR.M- HAG ILL, Gekkbal Agents. Assts,l- April, 1SCJ. t5S0,167 98 C. W. WHEELER, agent, Urownville, Ji. T. IIE GEOCEEY STORE. ScLiUCnLIK & SWAN, HATE OPEKED OUT IX TIE BRICK. BOLDIXG FORMERLT OCCTF II BT THE X EM AH A VALLEY BAKK, A KEW AKD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES, COXSISTING OP SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SPICES OF ALL EIXDS, . DRIED FRUITS. PROVISIONS: SUCH AS DRIED BEEF, WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, CRACKERS, Uc, Ac, ALSO FISH OF ALL KIXPS, ... . GLASS AXP rUTTT, f TS, EiOOMS, AXD WASHIXG BOARDS, ROAPS, COAL OIL, LA1IP CHIMXETS AKD WICKS, WE DESIRE TO CALL PARTICULAR 4.TTEXTT0X TO OUR FIXB STOCK OF teccco, Cigars, Sc. Confectionary. Wl KEEP COXSTAXTLT OX HAXD A FIXE ASSORTMEXT OF THE ' VERT BEST OF DmGX & D03IESTIC LIQUORS, SUCH AS BRAXDIES, GIXS, WHISKIES, A-c, OF THE MOST AP PROVED BRAXDS. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. IroTTOYllle, May 2S, lS63-47-ly. . TAXES! TAXES!! The nnlertljmed will attend to the payment of taxes rail noi-reident who may entrust bim therewith, FREE OF CHARGE, 'e K em a la. Pawnee and Richardson Counties. T. R. FISHER, Ed. Advertiser. C.1IAIIA AIVD CHICAGO B1KK, ! OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Tbe C rcnlating Xotesof this Bank are redeemed at p' at t: e Bailing House of A. BEATTIK tc Co. in St. J eX. K. H. B. SACKETT. 1 President. 2 KNS. DE LA MARSHE IN TOWN AGAIN, . And pjjarinR to aell Stationery or all kinds ten per cent l(.er 'nan any one in town dare te. Will sell wriiinp paper from 40 cents a qnire down to three oi'Js for atty centa, and other tricks ia bis line in ir-P"" n euch as COU RKD BATTLE SC EXES. -I" 'CTORIALS OF ALL KIXDS AILT PAPERS, AXD THB . LATEST EDITION OF SCHOOL BOOLS. ih H4 to n?e1 intheTen-itorv; and parents ah uid M usarded against buying any other, as tbe old ut Z tu out of ne entirely . a TTrt ' Agent tor several Eastern Publishing H, uses ana can prKure ior any one, any Book, Xews- &.oon?'ph"- ,nd Phetraph Albums, I .Tt-t.,. S'Tsc-pic V4ews, Microscopes. Priae P rnfin a7RFmlly Eib". MUcellaMous Books. .V. r.d .nr ,onrs"-'. here be is prepared First Story : O. SiiSinJKoStf. PPsii a Nebraska Bank, S S.tern par. maya 'ul!', -jcr 3: : . 6o-tf . LIOLINE PLOWS, CORN SHELLERS, &rj. .1 larzt lot on hand and for sale at FACTOltY miCES 1 IT . Constable, AgtM Ires end Steel Warehouse, Third Street, r;'.J,:ix aEdmond.. -'.St. Joseph, Ho. OFFICIAL. . L4WS OF THE UXITED STATES, I'asiedat the Third Smion of the TLirty-$ecenth Conjrets. Chap. L VIII .An act to provide a national Cur rency awnrpil Ik v a Pt1.r r.T PrutMl Stat" st.irlr ' and to provide for the Circulation and Kodemp fion thereof. Be it rttolved If the Sprite and Tloune of Repre ihrmtaticfM of 4 United Stiitet of America in Con grt't nuemhled. That there shall be established in the Treasury Department a separate bureau, which, gball be charged with the exeeuticn of this and all Othr laws that may be pajsed by Congress respect ing the is?ue and regulation of a national eurrenry geeured by United States bonds. The chief oCker of the said bureau shall be denominated the aomp troller oh the currency, and Eball be under the gen eral direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. He shall be appointed by the President, on tbe nom ination of the Secretary of the Treasury, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and shal hold his office for the term of five years unless soon er removed by the President, by and with the ad vsce and consent of the Senate: he shall receive an annua!lialary of five thousand dollars; he shall havi a competent deputy, appointed by tbe Secretary whose salary shall be two thousand fivo hundred dollars, snd who shall possess the power and per ifrnn the duties attached by law to tbe ofiL-e of comptroller during a vacancy in such office and dur ing his abscence or intbili ;y: he shall employ, from time to time, the necessary cLrks to discharge sucL duties s be shall direct, which clerks shall be ap pointed and clarified by the Secretary of the Trea sure in the manner now provided by law. Withit fifteen days from the time of notice of his appoint ment, the comptroller shaTl take and subscribe th- oath of omee prescribed by the Constitution anil laws of the Lnited States; and he shall give tne United States a bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars with not less than two responsiblo freeholders as sureties to be approved by the Se cretary of the Treasury, conditioned for the faith ful dicharge of theduties of his office. The deputy comptroller so appointed shall also take the oth ol efflce prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the United States, and shull give a like bond in th-j penalty of fifty thousand dollars. The comptroller shall not either directly or indirectly be interested in any association issuing national currency under the provisions of this act. Se-?. 2. And be it further enaeted, That tho comptroller of the currency with the epproval of th-i secretary of the treasury, snail devise a seal wua suitable inscriptions, for his office of the Secretary of State with an impression thereof, which shall thereui.on become the seal of office of the comptrol - ler of the currency and the same may be renewed when nocessary. Every certificate, assignment, and conveyance executed by the comptroller in pursu ance of any authority conferred on him by law, and sealed with his seal of oflico, shall be received in evidence in al places and courts whatsoever: and all c pi of piper in the office of the comptroller, cer- tined by him and authenticated by the said seal shall in all casses be evidence equally and in lika manner as the original. An impression of such seal directly on the paper shall be as valid as if mado on wax or wafer. Sw. 5. And be it further enacted, That there shall be assigned to the comptroller of the ourrenc? by tbe Secretary of tho Treasury suitable rooms in the treasury building for conducting the business of the currency buaeau, in which shall be safe and secure fire-proof vaults, in which it shall be the du of the etunptroller to deposit and safelv keep all tin rlates and other valuable things belonging to hh department; and the compTolIer shall from time t J time turai'h the necessary turniturc, stationary, fuel, lights, and other proper convedienoes for tb.9 transaction of the said business. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the term "United States bonis," as used in this act shall be construed to mean all coupon and registered bond- now issued or that may hereafter be issued on ths faith of the United States by the Secretary of ths united htates by the Secretary of the Treasury m pursuance of law. Sec. 5 And be it further enacted, 1 hat associa tions for carrying on the business of bank may ba formed by any number of persons, not less in any case tuna five. Sec. u". And be it further enacted, That persons uniting to form such an associ ition shall under the.r hands and seals, make a certificate which shall spe cify First. The named assumed by su-hjassoc;ation. Second. The place where its operations of dis count and deposit re,to be carried on: designating the Stata, Territory, or district and also tae partic ular city, town or village. Third T he amount of its capital stock, and tte number of shares into which the same shaM be di vided; which capital stock shall not be less than fif ty thousand dollars: and :n citie3 whose population is over ten thousand persons, the capital stock sht.1 not be less than one hundred thousand dollars. Fourth, The names and places of resideneo of the shareholders, and the number of shares held by eae h of them. Fifth. The time when such association Ehal commenc;. Sixth. A declaration that said certificate is made to enable suoh persons to avail themselves of the ad vantages of this act. The said certificate shall be acknowledged before . jadge of some court of record or a notary public, and the acknowledgment thereof certified undertce seal of such court or notary and be transmitted, to gether with a copy of the articles of association which shall Tiave been adopted to the comptroller of the currency who shall record and carefully pre serve the same in his office, Copies of such certia- cate duly certified by tho comptroller and authenti cated by nis seal of office, saall be legal ana sula- cient evidence in all conrts and places within the Lnited States,orthe jurisdiction of the trovernment teereof, of the existence of such association and of every other matter or thing which could be proved by the production of the eirigtnal certificate. bee. . And be it further enacted, That at least thirty per centum of the capital stock of tuoh as sociation shall be paid in at the time of the com mencement of its banking business, and the remain der cf the capital stock of such association shall be paid in instalments of at least ten per centnm ea;h on the whole amount to which the association shall be limited, as frequently as one instalment at the end of each succeeding two months from the time of the commencement of its banking operations, un til t. e whole of the capital ?tock shall be paid m. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That if any shareholder, oi his assignee, shall fail to pay any instalment on the stock when the "same is required by the forgoing section to be paid, the diryctors of such association may sell the stock held by such delinquent shareholder. .t public auction having three weeks' previous notice thereof ia a newrasKsr published and of general circulation in tho city where the association is located if the same be loca ted in a city and if not so located, then in a news paper printed, or of general circulation in the coun ty where the same is located to any person who will pay the highest price therefor and not less thanthe amount then due thereon with .the expenses of ad vertisement and sale; and the excess, if any, shall be paid to the delinquent shareholder. If no bid der caa be found who w.ll pay for such stock he anion nt elue thereon to the association and the costs of advertisement and sale the amount. previously paid shall be forfeited to the association and such stock may subsequently ba sold as the direct ars may order. , Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That . when ever a certificate shall have been transmitted to the comptroller of the currency; as provided in t" i is t.nd the asstciation transmitting the same shall notify the comptroller that at least thirty per centuni cf its capital stock has been paid as aforesaid and that uch association has complied with all the provisjon of this act required to bo complied with before such association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking, agd that such association 5s desirous of commencing such business the comptrol ler shall immediately proceed in such manner as he shall by peneral rules prescribe, to txamine the con dition of such association; to ascertain especiidly the amount of money paid in on account of its capi tal stock; the name and place of residence of each of the directors of such association: to ascertain espe cially the amount of money paid in on account of its capital stock; the name and place of residenes of each of the directors of such association and the amount of the capital Htock of which each is the bonna fide owner, and generally wether such Asso ciation eas complied with all the requir3inenu of this set to entitle it to engage in the business of banking; and shall oause tobemide, and atteted by the oaths cf-a majority of tho directors and by the.president or cashier nf such association a state ment of all the facts niessary to enable the com ptroller to determine whether auch aste-eiatUn is lawfully entitled to commence the business cf batk ttnder this act. - , , , Sec. 10. And bo it farther enacted, That if i psa j a cartful cxarninatirn cf the facts so rcT-crttd tz-i of any other facts whiet. may come to the knowledge of the comptroller whether by means of a special commission appointed by him for tne purpose of in ouirini into - the condition of such association or otherwise it hall appeir that such association is lawful! v entitled tocommsnce the business of bunk- ins the comptroller shall give to such osstiation a certificate under his band and official seal sh o in" that such association ta complied with all the Dro visions of this act required to 09 complied with before being untitled to commence the business of tankiog under it, and that such Association is auth orized to commence said business according: and it shall be the duty of su:h association to cause s: il i certificate to be published in tho city or county where such ajsooiation is located for at liast sixty davs next aftor the issuing thereof: rrovidea. That if -ko newspaper is published as the comptroller of the currency shall direct. . . . .... . i Sec. 11. And be it turtaer enacted, mat ever association formed pursuant to the provisions of this act mar make and Use a common seal, and shall have succetsion by the name designated in its arti cles of association and for the pencd umued there in, not however, exceeding twenty years from the passage of this act: by such name may make contracts sue and bo sued complain and defend in any court of law or equity as fully as natural persons, and may mike by -law?, approved by the comptroller of - a. . . 1 A. T 1 m . . the currency noi lnconnisiens wiui tnn lawsottnc United States or the provisions of this act, for tbe election of directors, ths management of its proper ty the regulation of itr affairs and for the transfer of its stock, and sball nave power to carry on the business ol banking by abtainmg and issuing circu lating notes ia aecordaace with the provisions of of this act; bv discounting biJs. and other evidence of debt; by receiving deposits; by buying-and selling gold and silver bullion, foreign coins, and bills of exchange: by loaning maney on real and personal security in the manner specified in their articles of association, for the purposes authorized by this act and by exercising such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry cn such business; to choose one of their xiumqer as president of such association and to appoint a cashier and such other officers and agents as their business may require; and to remove such president casqier officers and agents at plea sure, and appoint others in their place: and their usual business shall be transacted in banking offices located at tne places specified respectivi iy ia its cer tificate of association and not elsewhere. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the shajes of associations formed under this svrt shall be doemed personal propeity and shall be tnnsferable on the books of tho association m su-h manner as miy be prescribed in the by-laws or at ' ties of as sociation; and every person becoming n shareholder by snch transfer snail in proportion t his shares, succeed to all the righ's and liabiliii . the prior holder of such shares; a ad no change shall be mde in the articles of associatien by which the rights: remedies, or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impairel. For all elebts, con tracted by such association for circulation deposits, or otnerwise each shareholder shall be liable to the amount, at Leir par value of the shares held bv him in addition to the amount invested in such shares. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any association formed under this act by its articles of association to provide for an in crease of its capital fretn time to time aa may be deemed expedient subject to thd limitations of this act; but no such increase shall be valid until the in creased capital shall be paid in, and notice thereof shall have been transmitted to the comptroller of the currency and his certificate obtained, specifying the amount f such ir crease ot capital stock, and that the sam) has been duly paid to such associa tion. . ' Sec. 14. And be it further enactad, That it shall be lawful for any such association to purchase, hold and convey rial estat as follows: First. Such as shall be necessary for its immedi ate accommodation in the transaction of iU busi ness. ' . Second. Such, as ?VniHbe mortgaged to it" in good faith by way t of security for loans made by such association or for moneys due thereto. Third. Suuh as shall be conveyed to it in satis faction of de'sbs previously cm true ted in tiie course of its dealings Fourth, touch as it shall purchase at sales nndor judgements, decrees, or mortgages held by such as sociation. Such association shall not purchase or hold real esiate in any other casei or for any other purpose than as specified in this section. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That every association, tfter having complied wite the provi sions of this act preliminary to the commencoment of banking business under its provisions, shall trans fer and deliver to the treasurer of the United States any United States binds bearing interest to an amonnt not less than one third of the capital stock paid in; which bonds shall be deposited with the treasurer of the United States, and by bim safely kept in his office until the same shall be otherwise d sposed of, in pursuance of the proves ols of this act. Sec. 16. And be it fnr her enacted, That upon the making of any such transfer and delivery, the assiation making the same shall be entitled to re ceive from the comptroller of the currency circulat ing notes of different denominations, in blank regis tered and countersigned as hereinafter provided, equal in amount to ninety per centum of the cur rent market value of the United States bonds so transferred and delivsred but not exceeding the par value thereof, if baring interest at the rate of six per centum, or of equivalent United Slates bond bearing at b;ss rate of interest; and at no time shall the total amount of such notes issued ti any such association exceed the amount at such time actual ly paid in of its capital stock. See. 17. And be it further enacted, That fhe en tire amount of circulating notes to be issued onder this act shall not exj?ed three hundred million of dollars. Ore hundred and fifty millions of which sum shall be apportioned to associations in the States, in tho District of Columbia, and in the Ter ritories, aceording o representative population and the remainder shall be appoJtioned by the Secretary of the Treasury amoag associations formed in the several States, in the District of Columbia, and in the, having due regard to the existing banking capital, resources, and business of such States, Districts and Territories. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That, in or der to furnish suitable notes for circulation the comptroller or the surrency is hereby authorized and required under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to cause plates to be engraved in the best manner to guard against counterfeiting and fraduleat alterations, and to have printed ther from and cumbered such quantity of circulating notes, in blank, of the denomination of five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollirs, fifty dollars, one hun dred dollars, five hundred dollars; and and thousand dollars as may be required to supyly, under this act the associations entitled to receive the same: which notes shall express upon their face that they are se cured by Uaited Sta:es bonds, deposited with the treasurer of the Unitd States, and issued under the provisions of this act, which statement sba'l be attested bd the written or engraved signatures of the treasurer and register, and by the imprint of the seal of the treasury; and shall also express upon their face the promise of the assoiation receiving the same, te pay ou demand attested by the signa tures of the president, or vice president and cashier and the said notes shall bear snch devices and such other statements, and shall bo in such form as the Secretary cf the Treasury shall by regulation, di rect. Sec. 19. And be "it further enacted, That the plates and Fpecialdies to be procured by the comp troller of the currency for the printing cf such cir culating nc tes shall remain under his control and direction and the expenses necessarily incurred in executing the provisions of this act respecting the procuring cf such notes, shall be audited and paid as contingent expensus of the Treasury Department and for the purpose of reimbursing the same, and all other expenses incurred under this act and in lieu of all taxes upon the circulation authorized by this aft, or npon the bonds deposited ror the securi- , ty of the same, such association organiz3d under this act shall semiannually, on the first day of January and July, fter its organization pay lo the comptrol ler of the currency in lawfui money of the United , States, one per centum on the amount of circulating notes received by su;h association and in default theroof . th j treasure? of the United States is here by au thorized to resorve and retain one per centum on the amtunt of said bonds so deposited at each smi-annual payment of interest thereon: and all sums so reserved and retained shall be paid into the treasury trader the direction cf the Secretary, and every bank, banking association, or corporation, not organized under the provisions of this act, issuing notes calculated or intended to circulate ai money, I inaii on toe trnaiy ci iu;y next, ana reguiariy on the Crst ds ys of January and July thereafter, mak and driver to the comptroller cf the currency a true and aseurate icturn of the gross amount of note? issctd by it, whether in circulation, or in its vaults, or -an deposit elsewhere and iaoefaultof ay ru:h return, tiui bank, banking association, or ccrrzaUaa so fail:rt is is&ke retain, iliU pay to the United States a penalty of two per centum up - on its entire ca: iul stock t be recovered for the nseof the United States, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. SO. And be it further enacted, Tha; aftsr any such association shall have caused its promiso to pay suih notes on demand to be signed by the president or vice-president and ca-hier thereof, in such manner as to make them obligatory promis sory notes, payable on demand, at its p!oc of busi ness such association is hereby authorized to issue and oirculate the same as money and the same shall be received at par in all parts of the United States in yment of tixes excises public lands and all other dues of the United States except f;r du ties on imports, and also fr all salaries and other debts and demands owing by the United States ex cept interest on public debt; and no such association shall issue post notes or any other notes to circulate as money, than such as are authorized by the forgo ing provisions of this act. Sec. 21. And be it furthes enacted, That all transfers of the Unite i States bonds which shall be made by any association as security fur circulating j deem the outstanding circulating notes cf ueh as notes undtr the provisions of this act. shall be made i ocitiou to be sold a. public auction in U.c city of provisions of this act, to the treasurer of the United States, with a mem orandum written or printed on the certificate of such bond3 and signed by the cashier or sum ojher officer of the association miking the deposit stating that it i3 held in trust for the association on whose behalf such transfer is made, and as security for the re demption and payment of the circulating notes de livered to such association; and no transfer of any such bonds by the treasurer sball be deemed valid, or of binding force and effect unless sanctioned by the order or request of the comptroller of the cur rency upon the treasurer. It shall be the duty of the comptroller of the currency to keep in his office a book in which shall be entered the name of every association from whose aeeount such transfer is made unless such transfer is made in blank in which case the fact shall be stated in said book, and in either case the par value of the bonds so transfered shall be entered therein; and it shall be the duty of the comptroller immediately npon countersigning and entering the same, to advise by mail the asso ciation from whose account such transfer was mide the kind of bonds and the amount thereof so trans ferred. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the comptroller of the currency to countersign and enter.ia the book in the manner aforesaid every transfer or assignment of any bonds held by the treacurer dresented for his sknhture and the comptroller shall have at all times during ufuee hours access to tho books cf the treasurer, for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of the transfer or assignment presented to him to counter sign; and the treasurer Ehall have the like access to the book above mentioned, kept by the comptroller, during office hours to ascertain the correctness of the entries in the same. Sec. 23, And bo it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of either the president or cajhierof every banking association having stocks deposited in the office of the treasurer of tne United State.?, once or more in each fiscal year, and at such time or times during the ordinary business hours as said officers may select to examine and compare the bonds so pledged wih the books of said Department and if found correct to execute to the said treasurer a certigcate setting fourth the different kinds and the amounts th reof, acd that the same aro in the possession and custody of the treasurer at the date of such certificate. Such examination may bcagent of such associatton duly appointed in writing for that purpose, whose certificate before mentioned sha.l be of like and validity as if executed ky such presidvnt or cashier. fcec. 24. And be it further enacted, Thaf every association issuing circulating notes under tho pro visions of this act, shall make a quarterly report to the comptroller of the currency commencing on the first day of the vnarier of the year next succeeding the organization of such association, and continu ing the first days of each succeeding quarter in every ytar thereafter which ycrort shall bo verifisd by the oath or afnrmation, of the president and caihicr and all wilful false swearing in respec to such re port shall be perjury aad subject te the punishment prescribed by iaw for such offnee. The report hereby required shall be in the form prescribed by obe comptroller, and shall contain a true statement of the condition of the association making such re port before the transaction of any business on the morning of the day specified next preceding the date of such report of the following items and par ticulars, to wit: Loans and discounts, overdrafts due from banks amount due from the directors of the association real estate specie bash itein3, stocks, bonds, and promissiry notes, bills of solvent banks, bills of suspended banks, loss nd expense aceountj capital, circulation, profits, amount due to banks, amount due to individuals and corporations other than banks, amount due the treasurer of the L nited fates amount due to depositors on demand amonnt due not included under either of the avove heads. And it shall be the dutv of the comptrollef to pub lish full abstracts of such reports together iu two newspapers to be designated by him for that pur pose one in the city or wasnmgton and tne otaer in the city of Tfew York, exhibiting the items of capital, circulation, and deposits, specie and cash items publio securities and private seaunties; and the separate report of each association shall be pub lished in a newspaper published in the place where such asseciation is established or if there be no newspaper at such place, then in a newspaper pub lished at the capital nf the State, at the expense of the association making such reyort, In addition to the quarterly reports required by this section, etery ssociation located anJ doing business in the cities of Boston, Providence, Hew York, Philadelphia, BaltimoJe, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and New Grleans, shall publish or cause to be published, on th morning of the first Tuesday in eaoh month, in each month in a ' newspaper printed in the city in which the association making such "cport is located to be designated by the comptroller of tne currency a statement, under tno oata ol tae president or cashier, showing the condition of the association making such statement, en the morning of the day next preceding the date of such statement, in res pect to the following items and jarticulars to wit: average amount of loens and discounts, specie, de posits, and circulation. Sec. 25. And be it further enacted. That if any such association shall at any time fail to redeem , in the lawful monev of the Lnitea States, any of it circulating notes, when payment thereof shall be lawfully demanded during the usual hours of busi nrss. at the office of such association, the'holder may cause the same to be protested, in one pacsage, by a notary public, unless the pesident or caaier of the assoiation shall offer to waive demand ana no tice of the protest, sind shall in pursuance of such offer, make; sign, and deliver to the party making such demand an admission in writing, stating the time of tne demand the amount demanded and the fact of the nonpayment thereof; and such notary public, on making su:h proUst, or upon receiving such admicsion, shall forthwith forward such ad missioa, shall foithwith forward such admissioa or notice of protest to the comptrol'er of the currency; and after such default it shall not be lawful for the association suffering the same to pay out any of its notes, eiscount any notes or bills, or otherwise prose cute the badness of binkingjexecpt to receive and safely keep money belonging to it. and to deliver special deposits, Provided, however) That if satis factory proof be produced to such notary public that the payment of any such note3 is restrained by or der of any court of competent jurisdicsion, sueh no tary public shall not protest the same; and when the holder of such notes shall cause more than one ne or package to be protested oa the same day, he shall not receive pay for more than one protest. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That en re ceiving notice that any such association has failed to re leem any of its circulating note?; as specified in the next precceding seetion the comptroller cf the currency, with the concurrence of ths S3cretay of the Treasury, may appoint a special agent, (of wh )se appointment immediate notice shall be given to such association,) who shall immediately proceed to ascertain whether such association Las refused to pay iu circulating notes, in the lawful money of the United State3, when demanded as aforesaid and re port to. the comptroller the fact3 so ascertained; and if from snch pratest or the reports so made, the com ptroller shall be satisfiep that sach association has refused to pay its circulatia g nctes as aftesaid and is in default, he shall withia thirty days aft?r he shall have received notice of such failure, declare the United States bonds and securities pledged by such association forfeited to the United States, and the 83me shalll thereupon be forfeited accordingly; and thereupon the comptroller shall immediately give notice, in such manner as tbe Secretary of the Treasury shall, by general rule3 or otherwise, direct to tae holders of the cirenlating notes of such asso ciation to present thrm for payment at the treasury of the United States; and th. tamo shall be pid or presented, whereupon said cemptrc'. '-r env, ia hU .3- - J f ', v. 1 - tf edbvrcch simtin.enJ e.err:t market t rates, not exceeding-par to tae notes nei J; and it j h4a be lawtui fjr tfea fcecmary cl t5 ; reasurT.-. m.m time to time, tt' c.tke rauh rr.a'iots re-pect- as aforsaid, and respecting tha perpetuation of the evidence" of the payment thereof, as may seem to im prepen but all sueh notes, on being paid, shall be caucellid; and for any deficiency in tae proceeds of the binds pledged by such association when dis posed of as hereinafter specified to reimburie to the United Siatas the amount so expended in paying the circulating notes of such association, the United States shall have a first and paramount lien upon ail the assets of su b association and such deficiency shall b made gocd out of such assets in perfcrenca to any and all other elaims whatsoever except the necessary costs and expenses of admiuisteriug the same. Sec. 27. And be it further enact- d. That when ever the comptroller shall become satisfied, as in the last preceding section specified, that any sa:a asso ciation has refused to pay its circulating notes as therein mentioned, he my, ins-el of cancelling the Udited States bonds pledd by such associa tion, as provided ia the next preceding section cause so mucn of tneui as may ba necessary to re- New York, after giving thirty day notice of tuch sale to such association. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That the comptroller of the currency may, if he shall be of opinion that the interests of the United States will be best promoted thereby, sell at private sale any of the stock so transferred to him by such association and'receive therefor either money or the circulat ing notes of such failing association; Provided, That no such bends shall be sold by private sale for less than tho par, nor less than the m uket value thereof at the time of sale. And ptovided further That no sales of any such stock, either public or private, shall be complete until the trasfer thereof shall have deen male with the formalities brescrioed in this act. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, Thaf on be coming satisfied, as specified in this aeX. that any such association has refused to pay its circulating notes as therein mentioned, and is in default, the comptroller of the currency may forthwith appoint a receiver, and require of him such bond and secur-v ity as he shall deem proper, who, under the direc tion of tho comptroller, shall take possefsion of the books, records, and assets of every description of such association, collect all dsbts, dues, and claims belonging to such association, acd, up m the order of a court of record of competent jurisdiction, may sell or compound all bad or doubtful debts, and, on a like order, sell al' the real and personal property of such association on such terms 'as the court shall direct; and such receiver shall pay over all moneys so made to the treasurer of the United States, and also make report to the comptroller cf the currency of all hi acts and proceedings. The comptroller shall thereupon cause notice to bo given, by adver tisement in such newspapers as ha nuy direct for thre consecutive months, ceiling on all persons who may have claims against such association to present the same, and to make legal proof thereof: and from time to time the comptroller after full provision "hall have been first made for refunding to the Unite-! States any such deficiency in redeeming the notes of such association as is mentioned ia this act shall make a ratable dividend of the moneys so paid over to bim by such receiver on all such claims as may have been so proved or adjudicated iu a couit of competent jurisdiction, and trom time to tyne, as the proceeds of the assets of such association shall be paid over to him, he shall inaked further divid ends, aforesaid, on all claims previously proved or ajudicattd: and tho remainder of su. h pr, coeds, if any, 3hall be be paid over to the shareholders of such association or their legal representatives, in proportion to the stock by them respectively held: frovided however, That if any su:h association, against which proceedings have been &s instituted on account of any alledged refusal to redeem its circulating cotes as aforesaid shall deny having fail ed to do so, such association may at any time with in ten days after such association shall have been notified of the appointment cf an agenr. as provided in this act, appl to the nearest circuit or district, er territorial court of the United States to enjoin further proceeding in the premises; and such court, after citing the Comptroller of the currenpy to show cause why further proceediags sheuld not be en joined and after the decision of the court or finding of a jury that such association has not refused to redeem its circulating notes, when legaly presentrd. in the lawful money of the Lnited Mates, shall make an order enjoining the comptroller, and atj receiver acting under his direction from all further proceedings on account of such alleged refusal. (Continued on third page.) BcTcIfltioaary Anecdote. At the battle of Yorktown, while Washington's aids were issuing their or ders along the line, a man was discoverd a short distance from it who presented rather a grotesque appearance, being dressed in the coarse cloth worn at that time by the poorest class, with an otter rap, the shape of which resembled the steeple of a meeting-house and a broad leather apron. His equipments, consis ting of a small woodchuck's skin, sewed together in the form of a bag, and partly filled with buck idiot, an ox horn filled with powder, and an old rusty gun, which measured seven feet eight inches from the muzzle to the end cf the breech, and which had probably laid in the smoke ever since the landing of the Pilgrims. One of the aids passing him in course of his rounds, asked him to what regiment he belonged. 'I belong to no regiment,' said the fellow, after discharging his long mus ket. A few moments after, the aid rode by again, and seeing the fellow very busy, and sweating with exertion, he again in quired to what regiment he belonged. To no regiment,' was the answer, at the same time levelling his piece at a redcoat who was preparing to fire, but who dropped dead before he raised his run. 'To what company do you belong V To no company.' 'To what battalion do you belong ?' 'To no battalion.' 'Then where the devil do yoa belong, or who are you fighting for V 'Dang ye,' said the fellow, I don't belong anywhere am fighting on my oven hock. Asr Old Flag Raised. The New Orleans Era of the 4ih says : "We learn that Mr. Cuthbert Bullitt, collector of the port, will have raised in front iof his residence on St, Charles street, this morning, at sunrise, the iaeri tical flag which was left flying ia the breeze during the attempt to illuminate the city in honor of the secession cf Louis ana, 1SG1. This flag was the last of the stars and stripes seen. in public from that time until Admiral Farragut's arrival in April, 1SG2, and, we learn, has not been used since. Its appearance this morning will therefore be for the first time since the notable occasion above reflered to-" Ix an Eastern village, when ths plate was being passed in church, a newly appointed editor said to the collector, "Go on, I'm a dead-head; I've got a pass It is established ty reliable c.slV.r'tj before the next Conre- ' - - :n:d cue hundred to two hunirti cat;: l v t. -m i,-v-,n the! t , ( j notes after presentation thereof for payment Tiie Sesro. In an article on ihh fruitful th?n the Atlanta (Ga.) Confederacy says: , "It is thought by many among us list the Confederates should seek - chiefly to j capture, not slay, the negro soldiers, mt order to return them to slavery, .Loth, f the free negroes of the North and. ihe j escaped slaves. Bat it is the fortune of war that much evil must be done that good may come, and it is im possible, hi the heat cf conflict, to discriminate. The death of an able-bodied negro is certain ly a loss and an evel, but ascllier m not to stop to estimate a negro's value whn he meet3 hri in battle, for if he devotes himself to capturing negroes Yankee bullets are all tho tinl? threatet ing him. Besides, it is a matter c: doubt 'whether it would be to our intre.-t lo keep thesc'negro soldiers, wheather Northern freemen or Southern slaves, for use as slaves in the future. There are perhaps many of them, seduced or forced from their owners, who migat In come useful and docile slaves again. But the large majority, including all the free negroes of the North, are a despa rate, worthless set of diseased, : mind polluted wretches, who could scarcely become again useful and desirable ser vants among us ; and even those who are better inclined have become debauchedv" and lost value, by contacj with the Yan kees. , Ou the whole, tHe. Confederate should, and .they certatnly will, kill all indiscriminately that they can, Yankees, Dutch, negroes,, or whit not, whom th?y meet ia battle ; but if my negroes aro captured, it would be bet .er thaa hanging to sell them to Cuba or Brazil. . .Elt S. pAKKiR.--Chief cf the Sene ca Nation, has accepted the position d, Adjutant-General oa the staff of Gen;ra( Smith, now at Vicksburg. His depart ure was made the occasion of a meeting ot the nation at Council House, on the. Tonawanda Reservation, in New Yortf to bid him adue. Mr. Parker, is an &r complished civil engiueer, and has beea several times employed by the Govern ment in that city. . A gcrss insult was offered to Colonel Hanson, at Lebanon, on Sunday evening after the surrender, by John Morgan. Before our gallant boys had beea march ed out of the depot, Morgan walked up to Colonel Hanson and grabbed him by the whiskers, saying, , "You killed my brother, and I will blow your brains out you d d rascal," at the same time shak ing hi3f!it in Hanson's fac-v The individual who "stood upon his own responsibility," is to be iadkfed fcr infanticide. .. -If an empty parse could speaV, what loving sentiments would it express? "You will find no change in me." One of the little fellows got eff an! odd expression in this form: "Mether did General Mitchell go to Heaven?" "Yes, my child, I think he did." "Bully for him." Why a dog waggles his tail,' Lord Dundreary tells his friends: T! ecatis9 the dog is stronger than the tail. - If the-' was not, the tail would waggle- The age of a young lady is rlow ex pressed according to the present style of skirts, by saying that eighteen springs hare passed over her head! WThy are ladies the biggest thieves in existence? Beceuse they 'steel' their petticoats, 'bone' their stays, and 'crib' their babies. Yes, and "hook" their eyes, too. . . , "That's a fine strain," said one gen tleman to another, albding to the tones of a singer, at a concert the other even ing. "Yes," said a countryman who sat near, "but if he strains much more,' he'll bust." , . A dancer once said to a Spartan," "You cannot stand upon your legs as long as I can." "Perhaps not," said the Spartan, "but my goose can." : Woman was taken from minssitl and the wound was cot entirely sewed up. He has had to have an occasional stitch in his side ever since. "Miss Brown," said a young man to a brisk brunette, "I have been learn ed to tell fortunes. Just let me have your hand, if yoa please." "La! Mr. White, how sudden you are! Weil, go and ask father." Ministers are poor jockeys. It is related of old Mr. Barnet that he had a horse which he wished to sell, and - when exhibiting it to an expected purchaser mounted and rode the horse gallantly, but did not succeed in hiding his defect. "My gcod docter," said the trader, "when ycu want to take me iai yoa should mount the pulpit, not a Horsa." . A dear little girl cf four-years was saying her prayers not long since, wheri her roguish brother, three jeors came slyly behind, and pu'fed her. hair. Without moving her head she paused and said: "Please, Lord, excuso me a minute, while .1 kick Freddy." We have known older persons, to, excuse themselves from praying, to 'kick' seme fcoJy .. . .. . - . . Frcra Camden to Eetchley, tance af forty miles, I travelled with Mrs. Greaves. She was a a dis- sweet and interesting woman so sweet cad interesting tiiat, fastidious as i am ;ca the subject, I believe I would hare be si" willing to have kissed her. I had, how ever, several reasons for net perpetrating this act. First, I am such a creel h:3- land I wouldn't even be . g appearar.c2 w:fs. ?::: cf .1. I vr f to r.:r Grct Id; v, :u!