Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 25, 1863, Image 4
THE KNICKERBOCKER MOXTIILY: EL VOTED TO Literature, Art, Scieucc, Politic?, Society, C . ANIIOUIJ-CELIZNT, The pioneer of American Monthlies will henceforth H known as the ESICaCRDOCRCR 3IO.VTIILY: A .VATIOXAI. MAOAZIKC OF IITK ATCKX, AT, CIK9CE, POLITIC!, ARO IOCIKTT. t will be tbe aim f the present conductor cot only t e. ein 1U former prestige, but to extend lu circle of re ere, and make It a welcome goeet In every Averts, t household. 'With this Tlew. no Ubor or ex tease w be spared la securing tbe highest order of Uleat, no Moae on ttu eld of tbe Atlentie bat la tots hemispheres. Althoora literary Xagaflne, tt will cot shrink" from boldly discussing tbe greet political questions of tbe day. free from all party bias. It wtll embrace imoni fie tat seel leneous contests, ootee on current rent reviews of new books, and llterarr, art, ecien MUo, musical and dramatic gossip J while tbe Kditor's Table with welch, tbe readere of 'OtD Cvick' bare eeea eo familiar, will be monthly spread wila tbe h4oet literary viands tbe market can supply. It u tbae hoped that even under tbe depressing In fluences of a proctracted war, tbe veteran Haiuitne of lb United Siate will reap, In lta new and Improved character, a pledtlful harvest of subscriptions, and BalntalB, with added lnatre, that poaltion of a first rtass monthly, wblca It bai tald for ware ttaa thirty years. 11 1 1 TX EMS. Ore cepy. ttrtt dollara a year la advance, postage jrrepaU. To tbe Array and Nary, two dollara. Two copies, four Dollars and Fifty Centa. Tared copies, ' E:x Dollara and Fifty Centa. Tbe Knickerbocker and any otter $S oagsilne will resent eneyesr for Pour Dollara and Fifty Cents. abcrtptsonansatt be aent direct to tbe odea. Mo col lectors are emplur?. Single copies will be aent to any part of tbe United States er Canada, peat paid, on receeipt of twenty-fire cents. Bade etchers may be obtained ca application, aingly cr insets. New $l acbaerlbera will be supplied with the back aimberaof the new serUs gratuitously. . A discount of ten per cent from thee price will be allowed to persona aending clcba of ten or more sub oribere. All eoamnnlcaUosa should be addressed to -i K.IKABAK COE J! WILLIS, .17 Park IUW, Kew Tort. "unauenoiia.tJiy tne rest tust&mea won ci tho kind in the World. - - - ... . . J 4 - m HARPER'S fTIEV f.'OHTHLV MAGAZINE. CRITICAL NOTICES OF THE PRESS. Tbe voluntas bound constitute of themselves a li brary of mlacellaneona reading tneb ai can not be fonnd la tbeaame ooupaaa ia any otber publication tbat baa 'ewe aoderoar notice. Boit on Courier. Tbe moat popular Monthly In tbe world. A'fw York 'Obiervtr. We must refer la terms of enlogy to tbe high tone and varied excellence of "Earper'skf ajatine" a Jour alwttb a monthly clrcnlatioa of about 170,000 coplea In wboae paces are to be fonnd eome of tbe choicest Ilgbt and general reading of tbe day. We apeak of thta work, aa an evidence of tbe American People; and tbe popularity It baa acquired la merited. Each nnmber contain! tolly 141 pagea of reading matter, appropri ately Illustrated with good wood-cot a J and It combines la lUall tbe racy monthly and tbe more philosophical quarterly, blended with tbe beat teatnrea of tbe dally janrnal. It bai great power In tbe dissemination of a tore of pure literature. Tatsse&'i Guide to Amer ican Literature, London. Jfo Matcaslne la Suropeer America Uao well known ; Bone baa half as many readers; and, we may safely ay, none baa received so large a tribute of admitra tloa from tbe cultivated claasea, tbat delight la a healthy, dlveralfled, elevating periodical llteiature It la tbe foremost Kagazlne of tbe day. Tbe flre-dde never bad a mora deliahtful companion, nor tbe mil lion a more enterprising friend, than Harper's Kaga t.H.Uetht&ut Pretiitant. Baltimore. J . 'TERMS.- Tbe papers of permanent value which have been pub lished ia alatoat every number render a complete set of Sarpertvate axree a desirable acquisition to any pub- rnl,twolF tQ any Number from tbe commencement. . altyve cents they will send any Number, by id Any volume, containing six Kum ars, bound In Muslin, will be mailed, po$t paid, to any place ia tbe United States within 1600 miles of 21f Tork, for Two Dollars and Fifty Centa. Com plete ads, now comprising Twenty-five Volumes, will be sent by Express, tbe freight at tbe expense of tbe porch aa, for One Dollar and Eigbty-elgbt Centa per Volume. One Copy for one year, it ; Two Copies for one year, fB; 'HarierB Jtagaxine" and "Harper'a Weekly." one year, $5 And an Sxtra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Ten Subscribers, at $2,60 each ; or 11 copies fer Clergymen and Teachers supplied at $t .50 a year. The 8emi-Annual Tolumea bound in Cloth. $2,60 per volume. H nal In Covers, 25 cents each, Kttt. When rdered to be aent by Kali, Eight Cents additional must be remitted for postage. Tbe Postage upon Harper's Kagaaine must be paid at tbe Ofice where it Is re act ved. Th Postage is Thirty-fix Cents a year, or Vine Crnfe;orlh. amontha. HARPER & BROTHERS, 2 Franklin Square, New Tork. Thspeat- and most Successful aererttFePaper ia the Union." ILETE SECTORIAL 07 TEE TIKES. : HARPER'S WEEKLY. grLI3TrIY ILLUSTRATED. STIce Six Cents a Number; $300 a Year. : . Critical JFotic of lie Press. ' Tu fresh leaves, its clear type, its entertaining rarity, its sever but just criticisms upon the follies ef the times, iis etga.rUv written ana instructive ariiclos, aod its able correypondenee, all combine to make it the model newspaper of our country, and one that every family must prise. Its condensed weekly summary of foreign and domett ic irrteUi fftnoi is altogether superior to tbat contained in any ether journal. Being published, tce in a form for pmervfcttea and binding, if Uken care of B4 it deserrer to bcr it will be found in future years as welcome a companion for the family and fireside as th day on which, it was first peraued. X. Y. JyVtninf Pott. Wei would not to often call attention to UiBPia's WlirLT if we were mot well satisfied that it is tAe iaaf family Paper im tie United Statet, and for that reason, and that alone, we desire to see it under lain e and root out a certain kind of literature too ' prsralent, which blunts the morals of its readers, vitiates their taste for sensible reading, and is al ready bad ia its effects. New London Adceriiier. ' Wherever we go in rail-cars and steamboats w fnd it seised with eagerness, because of its spir ited sketches of passing events. We all like to look at the faoos 'of men we have read of, and at skip and forts that bar figured in the bloody cenes of war. Of all such men and places, and rents, this paper furnishes th best illustrations. Our futara historians will enrich themselves oat of Diuib'b Wikelzt long after writers, and p&int- , are, aod publishers are turned to dost. A' YEan feis'tt. ; TERMS. On Copy for One Year $3 Oq On Copy for Two Years 5 00 A a Extra Copy will be allowed for every Club of Txx Scbscikem, at $2,50 each, or 11 Copies for tv. , IiiKTZs's Maoiitke and IlaJurzR's Weiilt, tftpther, on year, J5 00. ' iIi.Krr.iS TVeielt is electrotyped, and back lumbers can be bad at any time. Vols. I., II., III., IV., V., and VI., for the Years 1S57 to 1S82 inclu eive, of -II ARPE KS WEE KLY," kaadsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $4,33 each ar new ready. The postage upon Uabtxr's Vt'ECELT.when paid in advance at the office where it is reoeired, is twenty-six cents a year. HARPER 4 BROTHER. Fra.xei.ik Sqcari, Kew Yore rr rrnn i ttt i inrnfi irnnrnv . , IMPROVED OVERSTRUXa BASS JTJLL IROir FHAIJE PIA1T03 are built of tbe best and most thoroughly seasoned ma terials, and mill stand any climate. Tbe tone is very 4eep, round, fall, and mellow; tt touch elastic Each Fiaao warranted for fir years. Prices from $225 to $700. : . , , ' ' Ts Ssrafit Waters Pianos are known sa among th rrry best." Evtnotlitt. W can speak of their merits frcm personal knowl-.'-.CA-'w-'w Irai'Ugencer. Waters' Fianoa and laelodeon challenge comparison with the nueat made anywhere." Hows Journal. $175 KEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of direr nt makera, for $18 I do., with carved legs, $206, trii and $340. Becocd-hand Pianos and Jf elodeon at 28. $40, $60, $60, $7. (100, $1, $1, $160, and Ttt Horace YTaters Melodeong and Har rnouinms. Tuned the Equal Temperament with tbe Patent Divided Swell. Prices from f 50 to $500. AleXAQder Or tarftm$20to $ioo. rj-A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Sab haUa Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. EORACS WATERS, Ag't ' - Zfo. 4S1 Broadway, N. T. cr.c::.: conn muted i josrrrr ekellabarger, X?r-.nt to purcLMe a large anaouot of Broom Ctra f-r wrich he will rT tbe nicnnsT rr.icc us cash. rW4-t:2-tf . - - 7'7A7 riUIC. :::Ziv-T : . CM r.T There?" Frr.T or rc?t t.: I Chort. lr r.ey. Lcwry, tathor of Iu,sCL:-:.t fx." V-U sorg isgod. - : 55 ttila, r:::? 1 f.-es. A jiati.-i ia af.crd n'jr.Acs WATrrk;5, 1-9. HI Er'.aiwsj.rutU:'-". ilCvZ nonius &IANUFAOTUEINQ- OOilTAKI. BO YOU STE1U EXlilNES Oil BOILEHS PATENT iVOA.1L CA1TS aflLM, t ATRXT 8TB AM COIL EVAPORATORS, FATKNT FIRB STAP0RAT0R3, PATZT STAMP MILLS, PIKERS PEAK OR LAKE SUPEIUOR 8SSD FOR CIRCULJLR8, w!th Cuts, and Ceacrtptlons, Prices, ta. SAtT MILLS. FL0TRIN5 MILL, AJfD MACHIXRT OF ALL D23C&IPTIOY. EJ-SEND roil CIRCULARS.J T. W. GATES, President. V. B. Agents wanted everywhere. Chioag n. W. FURPTAS, AGEItT, DrotrnTille, Nebraska, Of whom Circulars and detailed Information caa had. March xO, 1383. fnTMy FOR FALL TRADE. JOHN 0. DEUSER, MAI If STREET, BROWN VILLE, Pf.T., Takes pressure rn announcing thatbe baa now en bmdj a large and select stock of every article la bis Una, COOK STOVES, OT all the Improved patterns, vis : Plymouth Bock, Charter Oak, Talley Forge, Elevated Oren, a., tc., tic.f HEATING STOVES, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some ef which are entirely new designs, vis t Combined Cook end Parlor Sfovet, something very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SHEET IRON, for Sugar Eoilm, and LARGE CAST IROX KETTLES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LAUD AND COAL OIL LAIIPS Brass, Copper, and sheet Iron ware; Lanterns, Shovels and Japannei ITare, fc., . SELF-SEALIIIG FRUIT CAIJSl OF the latest and most improved Styles, cheap for cash. I am prepared to pnt p guttering and spouting, and all otber work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to fiv satis faction. August 2.1S63. " A CARI TO YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. Th subscriber will send (free of charge), to all who desire it, the Recipe and direction for making a simple Vegetable Balm, tbat will, ia from two to eight days.renov Pimples, Ulotchm, Taj, Freck les. SallowvSS, and tril impurities and roughness of th Skin, leaving tha same as Nature intended tt shoud bo toft, clear, emooth and beanttiM. Thos desiring the Recipo, with full instructions, direction and advice, will please call oa or address (with re turn postage.) THOMAS F. LIiAlMAN, Practical Chemist. 831. Broadway, New Tork. May 22, IS62. &45-Zin. ILLUSTRATED Scicotific American. The Best Mechanical Paper ia the World. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VIII NEW SERIES. A new volume of this popular Journal commenced on th first of January. It is published waekly,and every number contains sixteen pages of useful in formation, and from fir to ten original engravings of new inventions and discoveries, all of which are prepared expressly for its column. TO THE MECHANIC AND MANUFACTURER. No person engaged in any of th mechanical or manufacturing pursuit should think of "doing with out the Scientific American. It costs but six cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new mocbaines and inventions, which can not be found in any othnr publication. TO THE investor: The Scientific American is indispensable to every inventor, as it not only contains illustrated descrip tions of nearly all tbe best inventions as they com out, but each number contains an OCicial List of th Claims of all thePatents issued from the United States Patent OSce daring the week previous ; thus giring a correct history of the progress of inventions of this country. W are also receiving, every week the best scientific journal of Great Itritain, France and Germany; thuj placing in our possession all that is transpiring in mechanical science and art ia these old countries. Wo stuill continue to transfer to our columns copious extracts from thes journals of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet of instructions as to th best mode of obtaining Letters Patent on new inventions, ia fur nished free on application. Messrs. Munn & Co. hare acted as Patent Solicit ors for more than seventeen years, in connection with tb publics tion of the Scientific American, and they refer to 20, WO patentees, for whom they hav doa business. No charge is made for examining sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventors as to the patentability. CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS. MILLWRIGHTS, JXD T A RISERS. The Scientific American will be found a most usefal journal to them. All th new discoveries ia the science of chemistry are given in its columns, anl the interest of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the new inventions' and discov eries appertaining to these pursuits being published from week te week. Useful and practical inlorma tion pertaining to the interest of ibiilwrights and mill owners will be fonnd in the ScientiLo Ameri can, which information they caxnot possibly obtain from any other source. Subjects in which farmers are interested will be found discussed in the Scien tific American ; most of the improvements in agri cultural izcpleraenta being illustrated initacoiusms. TERMS. To mail subscribers Tbree Dollars a year, or One Dollar for four moctx.' The Tclnmei commence en tb first of January and July. Specimen copies will be sec t to any part of tbs country. Western and Cansiianmeney o? FostofDee stamps takea at pr for sabscriptioiis. Cans.dian sub-c-riK'rs wili please to remit twecty-fire cents extra ca each yetr s subscription to fr rs v roi!ts . iiUNir a co'.. 1862. DRY GOODS A!!D GROCERIES ! THEODORE BILL, Is reeelviae, aad will eomtinas te reeetv daring tbs taauaer, a ef TIIE LARGEST BEST STOCKS r EdDtt 1BCMISS, rioH New Tork, Philadelphia and St Louis. That has ever been hibftM la th if esters Cona try, embracing all th latest stiles and nvltls ef th limes. His stack embrace iJry Goods, Groceries, Uardtrare, otlery QaeennTTtfre, Hats and Caps, Shakers Hoots amdShoTes. Doors and Sasn, Glass and Pnttf, Fine Furniture, &e) &e.f Ac. Among Us Dry Goods will be4 found Prints Ginghams, Lawns, Bareges, Brown and Bleached Masting, Demees, Striped Sheeting. Cot ton ad e, Ilosiery, Gloves, The. Latest Styles Hoop Skirts, Notions, Ac, Sic, He has much the Largest Stock of QUEEHSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agsnt for the Ilaaiiibal A Et. Joseph Ball Baod Packet Line of Steamboats. Mar S3, 1362. nt-tf. Licconincirs Eeaper and Ilower XAKUTAOIU1KD AT Oliloac o Zllt This celebrated machine 1 by all odds the BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. Notwithstanding the misrepresentations of those inter ested in other machines, C. H. AtcCormick tt Bro. man ufactuje at the rate of 8,000 per y tar. Many changes have been affected during the past season, and for 1862 the "McCormick" Is presented with greater attraction! than ever beior. As a reaper, THE ECOXOXY OF POTTEIl IK THIS MACHIX3, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give it rreference ever all ethers Kew improvements added, hav materially lessened th direct draught, and so obviated th tide draught that many msut us that It does not now exist. The drught of the Keeper is so light that in numerous Instances th large four horse machln la worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING Th Machine of 1SC2 will stand any test that may be applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of th grass, while our new divider point separates baldly lodged and. tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is alse a great advantage lu our serrated sickl dge over th smooth, at it does aot require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest without once grinding, while the amooth edge mutt b ground once each day, if not oftner. With a amotb edpe th fraught increases as the knife becomes dall. Our draught Is uniform, and In the repeated trials during tb season of 1660 tl, proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at th tame tim from twelve to eighteen Inches wider. Our, Mower can be need with or without the ree, this is Important, aa without the reel It weighs but about STO pounds. la additroa te th very libera! warrants given te all purchasers, we would say aa heretofore, that farmers who msy desire it, are at liberty to work oar machine through the harvest, with any other, and kep and pay for th one preferred. Famphlets with fell descrjtioa of Improvement, testimonials, be, can be had b? application te ' THEO. HILL, Agent, 1862: CHOICE LIGUOES. Wholesale and Eetail. lyan vorthing, (i OF THE M ak4 BR0WNY1LLE, ITas Just reenlved a choice lot of th best braftda ef Llquora, which he will sell by the Barrel, uauoa, Guart er single Zrlnk. The following U a partial list : BEA1IDIES ; French, ' o Cognac, Apple, RtspSerry, Peach. Gherrt, - Blackberry. Port, fiungariao, Sherry, Malaga, MeJara, Champagne. WHISKIES: Bourbon, Rye. Scotch, Irish. Manongahala, And a variety ef common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. TTUXTXET'S HI.OCZI, Main Street, Brownville. Kormbftr tt, 1B$. fnH-tf FAS T HORSES," CITY Sim STABLE PEED' STOKE, BROWNtlLLtf, NEBRASKA. HE.JA3IO ROGERS, AKKOT7KCXS to the public that he has purchased the entire Interest in the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by Sogers k. Brother. Be is now prepared to accommodate th public with Carriage, Dalies. Sclkiea, Saddle Horses, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horses, muls or cattle. , SSNJAMln KUIiSSS. N. B. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin fc Joshua Rogers is dissolved. JOSHUA k. BENJAM1X BOGESS, Msy 29th. 1863. n47-tf HELLO, STRANGER! WHERE, DID YOU GET THOSE NEW QOODSP AT J. BERRY & CO'S;, THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BRO W Ai V ILLE. J. BERRY &. CO., Have Just received, ana are new opening, at their itasd oa Mala stret, n of th largest stocks of DEY GOODS A 119 ever offered In this market. Zemember th place. J BERRY & CO.'S, : 37o 2.2., XJZ&Sxx. otreot, BROWITFILLE, IT. T. MayS9,13S3. a7-U -1J JL LXTO"OX3 t3 Oo., in 11 tend to applicants who enclose stamps, theii Kew Catalogue- of Small Fruits, including 200 Select Varieties of Strawberries. Also Catalogue of Bulbous riowers and ramnles, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Seen s4 rieweriaf llaare, twsit, ess. al-rw JOHIT L. C AEG 017, Successor to Lushbauga & Carson, A SSf 02. o LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Com, Uncurrent Money, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold JJust MAIN STREET. DROTTSVIIXE WEISRASHA. .in Mveclal attention to buying and selling ex chlnie oa the principal aties of the United States and Bufope? Gold Silver, uncurrent Bank Bills an Gold Dust, Collections mad on an acceesoie potnu, and prcceedaremiweo in e.uuno. i Deposits received on current account, and Interest at "tol Office, : WAiry STREET. DETITEEJ THE Telernpn ana inc sj is Land OGccfi. REFERENCES: A, Brother Philadelphia, Pa. t. W. Carsan fc Co., Hlser. Dick fc Co. Baltimore, Md. Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, " " wm. T. Smithson, Bsq., Hanker, VTashlngtor D. C. J. T. Stevens, Bsq., Att'y at Law, " Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d And. C.S.T. " Tar lor tt Kxiesh, Bankera, Cnicago, 111. McClelland, Pyei co., St. Louie, Mo. Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Annapalis, Mt. non.Jas. O. Carson, MercersburgPa P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Hagertown, Md. Col. Geo. Sclley, A'y at Law, " Col. Sam. HambletonAtt'y at Law, Baston, Md. Judge Thos. Perry, Cumberland, Md Prof. H. Tutwiler, Havana, Alabma. Nov 8, 1860-tf . TO ' MERCHANTS, BLACKSMITHS, AND WAGON MAKERS. XBOIT! IE0HI! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, BIO., HAS OX HAND AND FOR SALB A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, AND COMPRISING: HORSE NAILS, NATL-RODS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES, BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NDTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, AC, -ALSO WOODWORKS! COMPKISIXO HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, BROOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO A0K3T FOR THE BALI 07 FAIRBANKS' SCALES, At ffATINtf LAID IN A LARGE STOCK CF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE THE RISE) I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY UOitFETrTION. BLACKSMITHS, jTSend in Your Scrap Iron.sf One Dollar Saved Is Equal to two Dol lars Made. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCRAP IKON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AJfD STEEL WAREHOUSE. Febl4-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO. To Western Farmers. Tobaooo 0eed. 1 hare aeTAml Tarintiita nf TnK.Mn that wilt vimtn ' v. wwvv " 1 . JfU well in this latitude Tn in ArtA sr h s iahe iacmi ' VMW WW M V " 'UM ov.u and remits me a three-cent Postage stamp, on the . f m m T ... J a vm - f i . "uic, wn kuu m uum vi caca varieij vi seea GRATIS. Orders must be sent ia the months of September and October. I do this to introduce the culture of Tobacco ia the West. Address R. O. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. P. S. Paners in Missouri. Iowa. Xanana nnl V. braska, publishing the above once, and sending a No. marked .will receive twenty four twiners choice flow er seeds free by nail. R. O. THOMPSON. Okra or Gumbo Seed. The bet I isbstltnta for Coffee nrnrd inthai.n.. manner as Coffee. Packages of seed bv mail at to eta. aach. Kach Dackasa eom&ina a.pd nnnch to ..i.. PPP'y for an ordinary family. ttena oroera o u. a. tsbst. n2S-tf Crascent City. Iowa. op wm wm llerchanta and Poet Masters who will addres as this fall, will be supplied with Garden, Field and Flower Seeds to sell on commission, at fair rates. These seeds are all gtown here and are tree to name. THOMPSON HEDGES, Xemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co.. Auf. 1 AnA-FnS tf Nebraska. : tiAIIDRETH'S TJarranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEN, KOENIQ & CO., (Late Jobh Gaxxztt kCo.,) No. 50 North Second Street, ah3re Pine, ST. X.OTJIS, MO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a targe and we!: assorted stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple saents, cemprislnic everythinf necessary to the Parmer, together with a large and fresh supply of LaEdreths Celebrated Garden Seeds, CHOP OF 1832. 7or which they are the sole agents. Their friends caa rely upon getting from them seeds tbat are not only tcri bnt trn tn nimi tr, Trv Instant. i , a.u seeds at lowest market rates Cbiaeae Sugar Cane seed. Top Onions, fee, , Ac ALSO COTTON AND TODACCO SEED. Dealers la seeds would do well to tend themtToir orders. Send for Almanao and Illustrated Cats losro e fratis. BLPXDXN, K0SK1G lb CO. Trt. tJ, TJaJ-?F LETT, STBICELSE Co. JSAirS STREET, BROWNVILLEi N. T. i We are nw receiving and opening a awOPl rt ment of Merchandise, consisting tti rrMrarcr r T R' f a iLf iih, ix . 'sLa i t . i Trints, Muslins, i Drills, Osnaburg, j Denims, Cottocades Ajron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Beragei, Linen. Dress Goods, i All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes. aten Vestins, Broad Clo'Jis, ' j , Cassimere, 5 Hooped Skirts, ta,&., &c. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, SoaD. Molasses. Candler, B. C.iSoda, S'aleratip, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, ) Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smokirg Tobacco OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Scretvs, Locks, Latches, I'tila, Tacks PenkniTes, Knives and Forks, ! Hand Saw and Mill Files, &.C., &C, &C., &c., &c. &c. OF QUEERS WAKE: Cups and Saucers, i Plates and Platters, i Dishes and Tumbler. Coal Oill Lamps, Lamp Chirrpeys, Wick- J&c. &c. OF BOOTS & SHOES : Women's Shoes. ; Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, J Gaiters, Calf Shoes,! Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c OF HATS &CAFss Panama, Leghorn, 'Planter', Straw, Wool, Cassiniere, Plantation", ' Shaker Hoods', &cM&.c.,&c Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snathi Shovels, Sparaes', Hoes. &c, Sec. Sec. OF -LUMBER: Clear and 2nd rate ; Pina Flooring, Siding", Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, J Sash. Doors and Bliads. Pine Lith, . ! j All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, 1 All Sizes Blind's, Tfe call the stt-rrtloa of the onblic to aai Btoc. u onr CASH TERMS enable us to sell lt. ; Tbaukfnl for past patronage, we solicit a DntiBaane or tne same. , LETT, STRICKL2R & CO. BrownTllle. July M. 1862. n52-tt. 1 SADDLERY! SADDlERYf i ftaVlrfg recent: rsaf lirrse adiiuofis b'bj stock, coniUtlng of SADDlISS. rfA!CKS'eJ. TlTT)!f I COLLARS. LINES. WAGOX WHIPS. BUGOr VrfTP vjl 1IUHSK LASHES, STAGS LAS U 23, SURCIXGLKS. GIRTHS, ' i STIBRUPS, LXATHEBS, kc, &d I think I can accommodate' all in ottalftitT. eitiantitT 1 and price. I work none bnt best Oak Tanned Leather iiu ciiuii u mrecwy rrom tanneries la Uni, leel tn- nueni it will gire satisfaction. 1 Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASII PAID FOR HIDES. J. W. MIDDLXTOX. September 13, 1863. u-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHIIIG Ever offered in this Market. Ii0 DOUBT AH OUT IT? CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELYS AT TBX Batimore Cothing Store, BIIOVHVILLS, IT. T. Announce to the public that he has opened out stock of ( READY-MADE CLOTHING, j BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, . Unprecedented la quantity, quality and prices. Ee is determined his prices shall correspond with tie times, and therefore offer here ia the West, at Jntt as low rates as such goods can be purchaaed anywherj in the United State. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15. . Panto from $1 to $7, Vests from tl to 5. Booti, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shln Mul ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, ac, lu tha proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of reteirj thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare a forts ia the future to give entire satisfaction. OnXl oadLooo3ilm DAVID SEIGE1. -fcn for saif r u 0ir. ThfSr7in Ne" Ch tttl Ineadvantizes of cooked . 6 , , . 1 . " "J," mast be hsJ w, " eecBes to be tbe onlr .Iteraatire. The Wum ron for steam suficient fuf ali Durrv, tV fnTmt,cI practical, ud prores a PERFECT SCCCEsS 221 4 223 S. Wai-r sCSk Where irill she be found Dottns A Deeo Un Pnmps, Thimble .Skein, and Sad Irons, as sa 2 erery vanctj of Farming Tools. Caat IrB Car? Sheller, Feed Mil!.. Hay and Platf, gX Stores.Ae. The above will be sold oa sccSTJ the maaufactnrcrs at their rwp, ctirs Aotorr pr, adding freight to this plce. January 182. tf COHMERCIAL HURSERY, 03IAHA, XEnilASIiVl. E. H BURCHES, raopairroR. t hsre lone einc been co irinced of the watt at class Mursery la tbe West, wbere TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &v Can be adapted to otir climate and toil. ja ti,, ,u "Wi nare esiaoiUfiM la this place, sad aft, for sale at m Wholesale or Retail, A laws and well selected stock, suited te tbiscllaML of Apples, standard and dwarf; rears. Ptandard andOirf ; Cherries, standard anddwirf: reaofies, ,. Aprfces, Nectarines, Quince, Goosberries. Carrents, Grapea, Raspberries, Strawberrien, Blackberries, ETlrrrMni - - , mLrr Rosee, Dsn Onrsmental Trees. o which I wonld be? leave to call the attention of th people of Nebraska, Caiuaa, Colorado, Iowa and Hm4 weft Missouri. - 5"Xt terms will be aa law as bt ri:(M Nnniery. By parcbasln of tne the expense of traniporU&a from the east can be saved. fn the best manner, for which a charge ef the Ktuil cm w"ill be made. Ho charge will be nude for thedsiiTtrr of packages on board steamboats. aii communications aaaressea te the nnJer;p ill receive prompt attention. March. 1S6-J. . n. BCBCBV. THE JIAflP OF FREEDIMI. 5ow ready, a new and superior collection of Z Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" sota solos, duet, quarteti, and cbornyes. ilostcf f4 Poetry and .Masle has bten written eipreys'T h this work, to correspond with tLe times, and tboii be sang by the million, in order to awaken a it! interest in behalf of the 'Contraband..' whomG-i in his providence, has cast npon the Free North) clothe and educate. CONTEXTS, IX P1BT. "Fair Freedom's Jlorn has dawaed at la. "iJreak the Chains, C" " ''nciiAtin Seori. "Fremont is Marching on, or. Glory IUiIu;l ' -UU I llelfi the Contrabands-;" "Old John Urotji Song f MSong of tbe 'Contrabandj':" "0 LtP People Go ;" "Par'ody on the ong or the tjubt bands';" "Where Liberty Dwells is my conntrj' Yben Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" Freemen, God has spoken,-" "Whittior's sapprene Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 centa single, 50 cents per dosea, J per 153 ; posto-re 1 cent. liUiiAt. riiDusner. n41-ly -4SI Broadway, Ne-sr Turk. NOW READY. T7f fl.ial I'ninn Vnl II n tf er Tir!tnrV. I it M inges.) containing Nam and Retileneo of an. Priiraf in thm TTnton Armv. with tiw V w . v. ' .- J J rnimo.nil4 Casualties. Promotions. A xTSTtr one wants it. I Sent post-paid. on receiptor 2if . .. - , nrvijv r i v.'iiv p.- casii, or stamps, ajutcss iic.rvt i. a.. ishor 4 M i entree i, IilELYIK'S HULLS! Freighters to the m A5D THE WESTERN FOKTs I" i" jjuwm bw.. ..... - ' . .., hi. Mill, aramvw in excellent rttnnfaa or:' I ins out f rtnm 0 to 1i sacks pel day. Be !! millers in tne lerrnurj. . a . j .k U 0.-.tA., an.1 VKt ask ft to W t I AO LUl 1 1 rU In'l U 1U ss' eaaava " . passed by any w est of the Mississippi River ) " from tne iesi 01 ru aim opriu u. " -as low prices ss can be obtained in the Territjrr. His four U kept for sale at all tht stores m'B .... tt. i- ...... i.fn.nuh mifrhiiri. lM9 Tine, nsu jii c.i o, u, --, tens generally, with flour from either . y Wheat, and also wnn any anioom 01 vru. v---and Buckwheat Flour at the lowest ca?h pnew. Custom Grinding done atone-nin rer , He desires tccajl tbeattentiou of freisburi " advantages of Brownvilie as a h;ppm " West. Not only ran any ainoant of grsin na , Territory, bat the Merchants aere hava laid ia on a larse sopply or every variciy or T?nrnitnre! Fiiroitiire- Tjtm m.,st comDlete stock of furniture ever thl upper country just received by T. - Brownvilie. April wa. inoi. ' . . . . . . -i . i i . i nvyww a' A f. SAIWiAIIl ntlll'Uli itt.iju " - 75,000 Copies Sold the Uontns o: its ynoacaow v... .r tt. Tn... . l If mat were wni6" presslj for this Tolume. Is M ?? 'r 9 as it. predecessor, (Bel! " ) hich has rufli fhe enormous number of "jOJW " g outstripping an j Sondai, hDouk of ltif ,uzi in thi.untrj. YS U one to accommodate schooU wubin? them forrn Prices of Bell No. 2, pap' C0TeT' 1 p S I?per 100. nDd-25 eent5' 1 3 boJrfd embossed gilt, 3ff cenU, $32 per 100 -rSipercorers, 12 cents, $10 per 10 0. Eo I'JJsiS per 100. Cloth bound embossed US 120 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 12 bo. ?b7r 40 cents, 30 per hundred. 25 eop. Khed at the 100 price. Cloth Wound eo giTt,50cents,e40 per 100. ilail posUfje t ti. r.uilrriceoiiACE Mbw n4l.l7 yo.431 Broa.lway. Nejj: I7ct7 Remedies for SPERWATORRHtEA.. HOWARD ASSOCIAT10 pnix.ADnx.pniA. A Benevolent Institution . cluhed n ? AZent,for ,e Relief of tU Si Voided vit Virulent and CHrontt " efperiZly for the Cur, of Jus 1 Snvaluable Xeports on JaeTTnatorrhea, .S .siof the Sexual Orcans. and on W W employed lu, .eat .TViopes, free of char gi. Two er three S-? aoa-tloo. No. , South Jiiath Sireet. Phil" - reraber 12. 1M1. 7T) of the most severe AITL x s incidents cf the War. now ""V