Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 25, 1863, Image 3
X I I. ; It v -.Id f.O A. THE ADVERTISER. "BROWN VILLF.SATCuDAY, JULY 23 1S33. Bu iht President of the United Stale A Proclamation. It has pleased Almighty God to hruU to the applications nai prayers of au af flicttd people, and lo .voui:h?afe to tha army an- the navy of the Uni ed Slates, en the zni and on lbs sea, so ''signal and soefftctive as to iurrm treas onable, croutidi for argumentcd confi. :dence that ibe 'unhn of these States will be maintained, their constitutions pre served and their peace and prosperity permanently preserved. 'But these victories hare been accordeu cot .'without' sacrifice cf life, limb and liberty incurred by Lrave, patriotic and loyal, citizens. ' Do.r.estice affliction in every part of the country follows in the train of these fearful berevemenis. It is meet we recognize and confess the pres ence of the" Almighty. Father and the power of His hand equally in these tn umps and these sorrows. tfow, therefore be it known, that I do set apart Thursday, the sixth day of August next, to be observed as a day for national Thanksgivirg, praise and pray er; and I invite the people of the United Siates;.to assemble on that occasion in their customary places of worship, and in the forms approved by their own con science, render the homage due to. the Divine .Majesty for the wondeful things llehacdoo n nation's behalf, an i invoke the influence of His Holy Spirit to subdue the anger which has producrd and so mg sustained a needless and cruel. rebellion; to change the hearts of the insurgents, to guide the counsels of the government with wisdom adequate to so great a national emergency, and to visit with tender care and consolation throughout the length and breadth of our land all those who, through the vicisi tudes of marches voyages,, battles and -ieges. have been brought to 'suffer in -ind .bodv or estate and family, to lead whole nation through paths of re Wanes 'and "submission tu the Divine ami tr, the nerfect enjoyment of d fraternal peace. Dne at the city of Washington this i ,k ,,tr af Julv. in the year of our f.nrd one thousand eight hundred and Hitv-three, and of the Independence of .he United States ot America uie t igmy .iY-hth A an ah ah Limcoln. 3y the President William II. Seward secretary of Mate. LOCAL. County Orders and City Orders. Ve have a few County Orders, and few City Warrants for sale. a . Swan & IcLauchli have just re ceived a fresh lot of Oysters and 'canned fruits. - " Mr. Seigel is about to start East after a stock of Fall Goods, and he consequent ly wants the money that is, due him on looks, accounts, and notes. See his ad vcrtiscinenfin another column. Mr. Bratton has shown us a basket of pound a irrre pot-itoes, averaging a Hece in weight, of the Shaw variety, vhith were planted just ,cfore they were dug. eight weeks IScheam. Travelers, and ail others rho visit this city, these hoi Summer ays are informed that' Phil. Deuser will osl cheerfully furnish them a refresh- g dith of Ice Cream for the reasonable m of five cents. , We hear some complajnt. from .Car ers about the Chintz bug in Spring "heat- From six years observation in ebraska, we have come to the conclu; ;n that Fall Wheat is far more prcfita e than Spring. Farmers should make rangements to sow Fall wheat next Dnth". ' ' .'"'- ' " Dr. Bdbleigh, Indian Agent from mcton, Dakotah Territory, paid a brief it to our town this week The Doctor a decided Radical. He", thinks the :ple of Southern Nebraska belorff to true Church, and he proposes to ite here. jrain Elevators is Chicaco. An sr immense Grain Elevator, said to 'he largest in the word, has just been ihed in Chicago, and still another, cf al size, is. nearly completed. They s been built in the most substantial :ner, and are furnished throughout a the most perfect machinery, includ ; a Urge number of Fairbanks, 600 -helliroppers Scales, which insures rect weight to buyers and sellers of in. The amount of grain which can -ahdled ia these Elevators in a sin ay is enormous. The increase iuctioa of grain in the North-west i aps shown in no way more clearlj by the rapid increase in Chicago cf acilitles for receiving and shipping site Willows. We publish in an Pace as an advertisement a circu three cf the xaoft, celebrated -rymen in Illinois with regard re- to this Willow; In this j Trrie try no .tiraher'that 'can le ed one-half so profitable" as is this ( c - .o iiU uuuui auuui iu ere U in " ' "i-1 - ere IS just now a furor in this Court- get illow 'Cuttings the cTtCt is made to introduce it V Th:. : Hed tr. 3 . - . . TPS To their e Tens is credit and the benefits$;ic action in Nebraska: -This heic-'jV,.; ,se we think they should have1 at j .a hareof the patronajre cf these i1 ag tnernselves cf it. They arc .car- t.r ien Iivintr Jb n necraswa, iccniiuca ! t '3 111 i interests. and .wm k !-lr.?d Me I the cuttings 1 per' ihcu:5Cd jf 1 aaanyDodT else.. and t hcrwi ni them to grow.'"" " I th.i (V r. s :mn r. est. The Omaha corre--; in Ki'JSt OU jirarccus in isrvpresen- ,f .!.e state of ibis's bouthern Kf.,'r3-',a. It is we u known to every man in Ternary that we have never any tr Me in this part ot am -country anier v.- in the midst tf peace and led" piospmly: It is true two murders have- been om::ii.ue'd or lb 20 or 4.'wil South , of iu. but it is nlso true tl.a Jut Omaha. .The ' represent- "...' :...?,.- nro wirLrprllv in an tlOIlS 'U u"' t.'UJIIIUUKaiiwii j fal-e -tid known to be so by the author. In tL Mni Ittter he speaU of the ad-, ran'osvi the Omaha route to the west, and 'teas ' to labor to draw from our vast enVi-atiou to the North Platte r0ue ' I'e made one mistake, however, in n ?; :jingthe little Indian difficulty out o i?t j 'rawne-J reservation, which ii on ( i ro jte. He says the Sioux re puh Jtt u bites in three 'distinct charges. ana ;u.t a general massacre of white set the border. Tbe dangers of f are thus inadvertantly mag s' e demand of this grey hair knd;j2i simple justsf.a which he. y us in the future. Xtb. City of a.'jot tiers c their r. nified. ed corr cannot Pres. Vick? cnc,. July 18, lSSS.-Joe Joht st n has evacuated Jackson. Miss, Our for 3 ..c paed opon the town with heavy : utter c hold or ii!U?ry yesterday, and he fled in usicn, being entirely unableto Qlrc his men. Kin.iaious. I V tmWie Vf rsUp 'in the Prpibyterian ari'-'ey, the 26i1j iuiU, at ten aiift&LaU o' , ty i.ev, Mr. Keas-uner. . . . , Tlicre Church ' Cloct, X LAM OF THE L'NITED "STATES, '. 4 Third JSeisioii of-the Tkirty-aetenth (Cyr;!inucd frtrn first pfg'.) buMin 1 - 4 iity-ire, nor ' for "price tYarx vuc do'.:.:.' ani tvre.itj five cents ycr ncre, uulufs ithcrw Ttividt'd ny law: rrovuleJ, 1 nit ' wliere iuiri'MV-.-ii. at ba? ken mailp .njioa,: taii L'indj by trsi:i- a oo'izej . dv ;aw 10 uq fail in diiin.s t r!f o' tu'h jmprovcmenis. or the price for bic!:-Bt nume miy bvi BulA, saa;l bo paid to the t srt ' mikin tue Priiuo; ana m eaj the kiml ntxji ! 'v '"''J iToproveuDnti shall tve Won inaiefLii" lw pufvih;ieJ by the parties uiikinj tha riiii8'd value aforesaid, the value of tilt iir; vmenw o maae oy ma tuiay jurm no part if V nberi6e to be paid for said faDd See. 4. Anl b3 it further enacted, That $he Uad of ail luiaui wbi'h have been .sat kpart fr tho paym;nt af the dflts nf the said'Ind'.aaj, tball be soil in t Hita Lias n r me vtsi price ine same win bri i: b t b.i biia shall be recoircd for saed lands ODiil ft Crt day of Janury, Anno Uomim eighteen hundred and fixty five for.le-8 than two doll.irs and fifi ) col pr acre, uils th&u be received for tract coioro: Li 4o t! GLivernmer.t surveys less than or.. liU'if'J ii ity acrcg as will g.eare the lar rr pr: s fr aid lands, the Sicretary is authoriz ed to n,w( -im payment of e-u J lands, certifica t&s of nte:!r's,tif mi Indians issued ty the Com- uu s'oi. r tf Indian Affairs for tha debts of paid In di n, ntel to be paid cut of the sale of said la; Js t;' '.He third article tf the treaty of the ?aid Iu UDi vith the L oited states, conclude! &t V asli ir.ton n the. Citeeath day of April, eiitoun hun dred atl Guy-niue. The money ariiin.; from the sx of lh?.:r fiiid lands, after payir the indebtetf nesrefair! ly t.iid treaty to bo pa id , shall be ti;id iit ) i ' treatury of tfio United St Ate?, and sLill be txperdd as the same i r?e( ivcd under the di.-ccticn of tl 9 fsceretrry of cf the Interior, in no- cc sary improvements: npon thtirmw reserTal.K.n; asJ it tir-.ll ha the duty of tha Secrf tirj of the In-te-ioral"t tocaid Indians in severalty lands which tb-y tiif r s;?tivcly cukirate anl improre, cot cx:eed,t e;3k:ty acres to each head of a faiaily ct.ior tli.i to the chiefs, to whom allotments mav be wl.k-'h lan i?, when so atlnttei ball be vested i. 4b'. J lo la and his- heirs', without the httf Jirja-.ivB, finl shall bz erlieactl y pa- t- .it. 1 , -.xtJ -furtlier enacted, That the money tt bi annually appropriated -for the bonefit of th in liiin shall be expended in sn?h man lier .s vi,1., in tha jndement of the Provident begt flJv'nce te.said Indians .,ia ngricultural and mo clmsLi! p r-uii;.. and 'eil.iWij hcta'to sustaid them-selr-is v th-j'aid of th Government." And in ?ic!i ri -n lit uro rcssonr.blo discrimination may le LjS i i t f. rcr cf tlio chiefs v.ho shall bo fouud faUifa:'-V ti;e (f-reruacut of the" Utited' States, anJ elTiicst in niaintjiain; its authority and the peh.t f tie Indians. S.tid Indians shall be sub jert to tre laws of the United States, and to the crkiim 1 1. ws of the State or Territory in which th r nay tappen to reside; They shall also be f u; jee' to ach rulos and rejulatiocs for their gov enaie::t as the Secretary of the Interior may pre fer be; tu' i hey shtll bejiaid incapable pf mating anjaiiil ,ivil con'ra.l vvkh any person other than a latirc n ember cf their tribe without the com-ent if :he Pre ident of the United States, Tbo Secre ta cf ths Interior 6hall a'.3o make reafonable pro Vl on ferthe education of eaid Indians, accoiding to :bi-ir czv ci ty and the means at his commanwL, IrnotXD l Ltuirj 21, 1823, Cnir. Lir An act to" divide tho State of Micbi fac ini twoJuiicial District, and . to provide 'Kit iiclditg the District and Circuit Courts there in. . , , ' J it "c'ofred fiw tJie Senate ii'thi IIoaa of Ue-pct-ruiafict of the United ofAmcriea in Con grtu unmlleJ, That the State of Michigan be. and tr.e Sf.m j is hereby, divide I into two judicial dis'ri -l. in tho followins manner Dumelv: THS tASTERX;A'D WESTERN DISTRICTS. "Laesttrn district shall mtraie all the terri tory aul wators within the sollowing boundaries, to wi: Comaiencing at the south west corner of Bilhloloujity;-in tha SUto tfTlIiohigaa, and rum ng from thence north on the west lino of s.H-d ectn y, to the south lino of Calhoun county; thence eattfo the Fi-iuh line thereof to the southeast cor nor(f fniJ j.t-t r.s'uiVd county; theneo north, oa the ean '.:undary of said county, to to the Kouth line ol .'Jjroii county; thence cast on eail sou;h liaeto thejut , oast eurtec tf Eaton county: tlw:aeo north on tliicaftlK-ftniary'or Eaton' county," to the south line jf Clinttn coutj; thence weit on tha south bouriary of said county, -to the southwest corner tlf roof; thence north, on the west boundary of Clin ton aui Urattiomities, to tha south bauwy of l-n Sii ccai jv thiico wet on its eouthi toandnry, to tie s--uibi'esw' curiier of said list named county; tl ft .co Lortb cn the we-t line of Isabella and Clare i;v'c?, to tie'soutn beunJary of Mi&sakae coun 'a?n" ei.t on its south b -unwary to the 8outh "t corner af Mi-esaukee county; thonco north on t Mt iin (.f Miesairhetv, "Kalcascr, and Antrim ' iii". toj the south boundary Emmet county; icr aU the- aouthaast eurnar of Eni-uot coun o the SI aits ot" Miickinilc; 'thence north on the '"way act sss said straits; tbence westerly, in a ' r ct lite, - o a point-on tbe shore cf Sake Michi li aberetie north boundary of Delta county t-?s Lake Michigan ; thence west, oo the north f Delta county to the north west corner tf said i't ta county; thence scuth, oa the west boundary i d couty, to the "dividing line between the r Michigan and Wisconsin of Green. Bay; , s-fthcaneriron tqe said dividing lino. Inta f ""'lUlan;and thenee southerly, through Lake i ih'rn n to th .....v. . ; - uwesip corner 01 eue oiaie oi , -'on RliDa:a.-wi:i1hcIu2e.wcliia said , ndarieSthe waters of Lake Michigan within the is uirahty jurisdiction i,f tV. ft" r ?:..e.: i ace .-ast, on the south boundary of rl .7- n, to the lnjersaetioa of tho dBi.e county. The judicial cen -3 Oict shall bo at Uiand linJ. fen. th s State of 1 county. The ind;:..i . L . .i.m v.- 1 i-.--Z.. cenire oi wuica t M, .here the ceurt, yiArEVaTO J ? frut Tr pi all the other ttr ycf the, State of Michigan ata-nii tw- f r. T .V . , itaIds, in tbe county of J cf the, State (of Michigan aufah other water, g raid State not .embraced &fJ t j, 2r. And br -it further enacts Tk.nL.... t.i two terni3 of the circuit and disUict counts (fi-aa.i oeiaia eaca ot said districts, to wit- jltl.a city of Detroit, for the eastern district on !S.' 1 1y :-n Jnre, November and :ilan-h in ' "a l ,Kd.aah' Q : . cstrict. e-n the third HonJiT r.f i j i: I p , v j nuu . nday of October in -each year. And the 's are hereby .authorized t hold adjourned - -en the busini -before tho courts ttall in &icaof tbe court reuSJaiU' rt--i'"i ?. And be it further enacted, Thr.t all suits f procecdirjof whatever name or nature, r 1 i .ng m tLe circuit or dtri.-t courts of the . ALcsior thediitrurt ef Micbiraa, thall ba : i a.pofoa of in tne circuit and district -rris. rwpecureiy, - for tha - au-ra di.trict of .,ia tea eic?e .uitnuer as tle saina would ; a in case taid Stato LU net be, a dirided awinci; una lt that purpose thjjurisdic- . i f f ,rcd V, said cooj-ti ,ia the w.era tUtnrti i :ia c.crk of tha circuit oad district twurt for the jra'cnt district Micb'gan ihall remote the re-.rd- and files "of the eaip"circuic 'ana district ct-ur.3 to the citj of Detroit, and do and perform ft 1 t'.it lutie . pert.vtifcig to his oSco within the uur district; and all j rooe?s and other prceeatl inftiTT nr i-sne1.'or m ; Jy retnrnabie tit ths e-ir-"uitor.i!-irict (-urt f-r th-i ppo-ont ditftriji of ilicli iin,B3M ! rctnrnifei'; fit the r.ext tono of ths a.d itfcurl?, rcspocrive'y ia the' eastern district -of Uiubyau. ' 1 ' -s. ... Se. 4. And rte ; ft further enaetcd, That upea the application of any i.arty to any suit nfcw pend-t ing hi;h woaM harrfbebu commenced in tho wed tern district if this act hat been in force before thj, conitctteewf nt of said tuit tbe:' proper court ihy, ar.if If'tH pnrtiej eonsil-t, shall order that the snm be rem jved f.jr further p'rfl,;oeding to tha ' prop?r cruit;rthe western d'atrict; and thcreupoa the cleik bhull tran-iait ail Lh paper iu tho caujj, with a transcript of the ordjr of th ramival io tha cler'i of the court to whl.-h the suit shall be remov- ed.unj all fuilter priKjeeJin shall be had in :ud ercirt as vthe uJt bad' biiea'.orTglaafli .coiaiaencid Sec. 5. And l it farth'ir irnvted, That the prea- enijuage oltae- Uistriat of MicainliJ, anJ he n hercby,.astisned to bold ald courts in tho eastetn district of Michigan, and shall exercise tho sania jurisdiction and icrform tho same duties within said district aw he now exercises and performs wilt in Li-j present dlsfiht. ( ; .. .' Sec. G. And be it . ftriher enacted, That fire: .prcceFS upon any judnieat or decree entered ja tho .circuit or district court f ? the Lintel fttatea fer the diiitrict of Michigan, and nil other proi;esftr tbe en!e rccmcnt of any or jer f said courts, rcpoc-tJ ivciy, in Dty -tuie , Bow.jcnding therein , exc t enures rcmovea as bere;vP (ore : f rovfted, Pba.1 be itiuca irt in ami fliatae i rtjUirnabte to tne proper court idt me tasttrn diftrict of ilichigan, nnd mny tuh and uc execu'ed hy tbe marshal or said castera Gitnc-t in ar.r rart of sai l stat?. "Sc. 7. And be it furth-.-r enacted That th"ire-bs epjejipted a district jude' fer tho said western dis trict ef Michigan who ati.- posters tthe same powcri and do and perierbr afl fdb'i "ditiVs in his dissrici aa are now enjoined or in any wisa appertaining t the rre.4Tt district judge for the dissrict of Michi gin; and tbs ditrict judge of thla district shall b entitled to the same compe nsation as by law is prgj victea lor tus prc:ent JUJgo tr tije diil.lct If Jlich Stc. S. And ba It further enacted. That tbire bo appointed one person as district attorney, and oni person us marshal for eaid western district, wbos terms oi appointment and service, at wellns dutiel ar.d emoluments, thall be the same with tho,-e res-i pcettmly appertaining td' .t!iiai 1 'olScefs- in thej district bf Michigan. A'nd said mars-bal shall givd the same boiird that other morshals are required to give, to be apr.fjteJ and recorded aS now directeei bylaw: rre-vided. that tha present district attor ney tf the district of Miciiiran shall be the district attorney of the eastern district and retain the chargo of all suits already commenced uutil final terminan tion, unless the. President of the United States shall; otherwisdirei-t and the pn sent marshal of the dis- trktvf Mi4i?xan shall be tlielnarAalof the e.-rVtern di.-trict during their respective official terms. hee. Ck-Aiid biitfnrrhr enacted, TbU all-fftlitsj biirfter to be brotrhtia cttLcrof Ii1d Courf? nbt of a local nat iro shall be brought iu the court of the district where the defendant resides, but if there bo more than one defei dant, and they reside in-dijreat districts tbe p'aiatitF may ew in either, utd send a duplicate writ Against the defendants directed;' to the niarshil if'the other du-triet,: on whieh an- tniorsemn shall be made that the writ thus sent is a cipy of a writ .u d out of the couit of the proper distriet; and tbe&i l writs when oi deuted and returned into tho offije from wheuce j they issued, shall -constitute one suit, and ba pro ceeded in accordingly. '- . APfKOVED, February 2 t,JS53. ; I - . ' " - - Chap. LT. An act to establish Certain Post Roads ; Be it enacted, ly the Senate ad House of lifjjre-'. cntativt8 of tha Luitcd Seatt of America in Con-- grtst atiemhled, That the folbwinz be e.tiblishod as post roads: , . .- CALTror;xiA. . Fr im Golasa to Dear Valley. , j ; , ; - From Folsoui to Lincoln. . ' From Trinity Centre, via Sutnmcrvilli. Colcil-' viile, and Centre ville, to the Forks of Salmon Iliver, in iuamata county. MISS'JTJRL .- 7 m Warrentda to' Troy. ; From Warrenton to Pinkney. From St. Charles to Elsah, in Jersey councy, Illi nois, via fcrtasre do bioux. From Well.-burz, by chain of Rocks. Railev's. Chmtilly, and Snow .11111, to' New Hope, .in .Lincoln county. ' ' I'rom lioant ernon to CartTiaTe. via Cowi'ca ILLINOIS. ',vi-: Frcm Peru Station to Blue Grass. : INDIANA. ! From Knox to Hamlet. From Krist:L lndiaaa, via Ojbora's Corterj. to Brownsvilter-ilichirau. v ' -- - - from Wi.mot, via Indian Villa jre. Cromwell, to Lia'.inier. I rem Brookvillo to Sumanrilio. ' From Desmcines "Via AdTlphia,"VandiliaIJcEnin2- ton, aud Kcl ltock to Ivnoxviilti. frombiour City o the ladcton Ajjency. Fort Randal, Fort Poircc, Fort Bcrthol, Fort Uaion, mouth cf Silk River, Fort lknw.n, San R Fa.m Deer Lodge, to Bitter Root Valley. , - x rvoi Ma'eoav:U3 to lnou. , . KENIL'CKV; ' ' rrora Vancebarg, via ' CiLny,MiIl3 ar.p the raouih of Laurel, to Olive Hill. r ki-' tin tif i t n '? i't From Omaha City, v a le Witt, to West Point. From Omaha Oi'y, - via Uazletcn, to Forest City. From Fremont, via Jalapao Wetit Point. ; - Prom Columbus, via ilonrub to Geuoa. FromCulumbusloCimJca. From Nebraska Centre, via Elm Creek. Buffalo Creek mouth of North Fork of Plate River, and Lodge Poio Creek, to Boulder City Colorado Terri tory. , - -,-- r --.',. r- i From Fort Laramia yisi Deer Crtek.Plate Bjidire. Green River, and Fort Badger, ti Salt Lake Citv. Utah Territory. . ... Fr&ui'CUioiiwoodtenric23r yta Repablican Fork, to Fort Riley, Kansas. trcm Plattsmouth, via .Plattsford and Forks of Sa'tCrrek. to Camden. - From Brownsville, via St. Frederijk. Tccumseh Nesta Austin, to Camden. -, . ' UTAH. ' Fnm Bcaycria Greenville and Fort Adams, to Minertville. From Pavson to Goshen. T T 1 '' ' ' ) - 'ETV-Ydi:.f-:'Wv- From Boonville, via East Koad. to Port Levden. and tbenctTi IV.ttt Road, to.Lj-ou Falls. ' ' ; ; f Mom Pittsfield, Pennsylvauia via' Freehold and LotUvilie, to Broken iJtraw. - OUIO. : - From New England ti Amcsvllle. ' Frota Bracevilio to Farmiiigtwav : J ( rP From4 Gnenville, via Claytard Town. LiIIsSU- tion, Beansvills, Nevada, Brook, tp Norta,Siar, in Darks coant ji " -: ' '- '-- ' - - . 1 N S YL V A N I A . ; From ilapleton, the ir sent terminus "of route number twenty five hundred aal eishtv-three. to Newtown. . .'.', From Pittsburg to West J'idnleton. ' ' Fpm Geriaantown to Silver Rjck. , ' '. Fniia New Germaotown to"COiicord. .. : ' , From Quakeitowa via "Uichlaaltown. Pleasant Valley, Springtown, and Durham, to Rieglesvillo. Frota Pike, via Wyulasing to Dushoro. xrom Pioasantville, via l ioaesu to Carion. Froci New Germantowa in Perry county. te-Con- corJ, ia Franklin county. , . . From Hilton, Northumberland county' to Lew istouv.lle. in the county of Montour. ,- ... , . Frc'ia West Nanlicoke, via lJaxvey's .. Creek, to Silvet Rock. . Frou Stroudsbar, Jsi Moijrbecoantyi.; yia'iny derc.ville. Kellorsfiiie, and Fenaorsviiie, to Lrjd bcadvilla. : ' : j ; Fr&m Welly's Station, en tha AHegeany Valley Railroad, to Cochran s Mills la1 Armstrong county .J bnnu iieading, via Adam's Brownsville, and Klopi Stor to Wouielsdorp. - From New Germantowa, Perry county, to Con cord, in tae county ortratTin., " ;r ? l U vi jFrom Wau-sii to. Jenny, i in ft "-j 1 ii -From Kiagwood, via Albright to Portland. - 1 ' r . COLUttALMj. ' From Denver to Bear Gantn, on tbe headwatsrs of West Plomb Creek. r , Fcota Gjiden City to Iwdtoii Creek. - - DAKOTA. From Maakiio',y7-InnesotJrJ; IJivda'ii, Aship man, Randolph Lake. StevepsiLake, i o.'th and south bends kf the lYe .ilnfiei Piveij Lake Grjhaai, HU.p -Mound, Sioux Fairs", Op ter James Crossing, Yank ion, Smutty Pear's Camp, Bon Homme, Wannavi, TulTsviile, (or Keihada.)- .rbUbfick'l Cresting, (or ChoteitJ.) and Greenwood to Fbrt'Iia'ndat." From Eikpoint, via Brule Creek anl' Valley of Big Bibax iiiver, to Sioux Kal $ City; " ' ' ' From Great Salt Lake City Utah, via Ogden City Cajhe Valley. : Snaks River errj, and iJannask City to Fort Denton.' ' t " - - ' ' : NEVADA.' " " i From Cbico, California, via Sasanville, to Hum-' otWt City.- , i - !;; ' T; .WASElNGTO. , From Fort Laramie, 'ebr.uka, to Hell Gate Washington. -;" - - Sec. 2. And be It further enacted, That the txao intent and meaning of the igith section of the act entitlrd " An act making appropriations for tha ser vice of the Post Offies Uenartucnj duriag the ffCiU year ending lho thirtieth day ' of 3ane, eighteen hnndroi ai.d sixty two ,' 6ha!I be taken, deaail, and ct.u&trued to be. directory to the Postinastsr Generad to oialce tha mail se -risecn tha route there in mer.ts.jnel senji-"okly for tS'piol thartin iro7id;id. - " j Sce.3. Anl b-5 it farther piRctd, That th O-.-cr- Ui.d Jlaii Company iliff e i,- 3 1 in carrying th United Staffs mail from Saint Jos?ph , Missouri, to rvile, Ctlifarnia, shall b-ive tie privilege of iC"jpyirg iho public lands whera their s'ation ara Ci;J i4ti.ft.rato AziU more than. cue, foceverj -tea iai!es of the route on which sal 1 ormany carry the; sail icai!,and shall have pre-c;n itiori ri'it th-roini if any land not mineral and not disposed of or ro- t -rveJ or t0 wiileh. 9 , TTrJ tit :ioa.W- toi'St-''! elaira has lotttattri ijjiftn ihVsas.gbrvl b briJjght into niafkf ' to tha extent of oti3buuire anl sixty acres, to be selects! eontiguouj to and toi iaeludotheif improvements; said pre-emption right bein? in lien of ha sauwj hMefor granted by the twelfth section of thet hpiproved third March , eighteen hutid.ed and fifty-s-jven, entitled "An act making appropriation! for the service of the Post-' 03ce Department dorio.r the fioal, yoar.enJia? thirtieth June, eighteen hunted anl litty-eih t.M 'ATlS)YB, Febuary 21, ISoJ. V . '.- ; . I? ' j Chap. LVI. An act to provide a tcpnnsry Goycrn-j n s it for tbe Territory of Aria ra and for othee Purposes. ,.Tj.r.Ar Be it entitled, bit i.Vj iSWrfr xtwl'L usr oj Rtprei tentative of the United St ate i of America in Con -t ?re anDvmb'ed, That all that part of the presert) erritory of New Mexico titnate west of a linerun- ning due s'i:th" fft.nif the 'jp-,in' where'llie -ut.b- west corner f tro Twrilory or Colorat jVnttta' nothern boandafyof ths Trr"t6'-y" lrNsVlfixiei to the southern bonnlary lias of said Territory ot New Mexico beaed tbe r-ame ia hereby, ereeted iu tt a temporary jrnvernmirnt by tbv nmrie e.f the Tcrri-( tcry of Arizomy ItoV)lUi;AJia6 Dotliing c ntaincd. in the proviicns of this act shall ba cors rnep tq prohibit the Congress of the United States fromj dividing said Territory or chanritg it boundaries? m p'jf-n manner an at suen tinio as it. io:ij,Qi4e9TB-j -edfiper: Provided further, that said government shal lbe mainUind and continacd fintiJ sutjh iirnai a; tbe people residing in sai l Territory shall with; the consent of Congrens forna State government,' republican m torin asr prescrifA'din tne lnstitutioo! ot the United htates .tnd apply for and obtain ad nvs.-ion iceQ, lbs U'on as a State on an eqnal foot ing with tha original States. ! ' -Sec, 2. Aiid be it fur;her cnatcd, That the goy ernmenf hereby authorised shall consist of an ex4 ecutive, legislative and judicial power. The exe-! cujive power dhall .belted, ju governor. The leg-i iflativo powor hal! (on?i( 'f a council of nin members end a houSe'of representatives of eighteen' The judicial power sh ill be vested in a supremo, 0 iurt to eonsift or thr.ia judges, and SJcq inferior courts as tha legislative council may by law pre--scribe; there nhall also bo a secretary a mars&al(ai district attorney and a survey -gen era' (or said' Territory, who tnijethur will , the . governor and! judfles of tho supreme ooart; shall bo appointed by the President, by ajid'wiui. Lie advice and consent of tho Sonata, and r th a term of oSjo for each thel manner of tp'or appointment, an i tha powers, du-. tioa and ihe-)bmpensa:ion of the governor, legisla- tive assembly judges of the suprema curt swretary . marshal, district at:onjcy and surveyor-jreneral' aforesaid withjh,cjr,ciitfea, draughtsman, depaties,', ana sergeant-it-aniB saairiie rfctye are conterred ; upon the sahu" oS3c;ei3 bylhraefc 'organizing the ' Territorial government of New Mexico, which sub-!, ordinate oflhers shall b9 appointed in, the. same ; manner, and not exceed in tumbor thiis Vcreiiied bv Slid. at: and acts amenditory thereto i githrrwith ' all legislative enaetmantrfof thfer Terri o -y of New Mexico not inconsister with 'the provi.-ijns of this act, are hereby( ertendil to aud continued in force ; iif the said Territory of Acizonia, until epealed or ', amended by future .legislation: ProvidoJ, That no' salary shall be due or paid the oiujrs ereoted by ' this act uttil they havo enlered Udod tbe duties of J meir respeetive o.taces wttJiui-tnrysiil I Yr.t -r. And be it farther enacted. That there shall aeither be slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory otherwise tbanyns tbsppni-b-ment of criiaef.' whereot' the parties' shMI hivft been duly convicted; and all acts parts of actt either of ongress or of the ierntory of New Muxieo. estab lishing, reguleting, or in any. wav reexnizinj: the relation td" liBistv and alaiai ineaid T-erritt rv. a s ut-roy repeefj XJ, :9 ArraovED, iebruary 24, 1SG3. Chnrles "V. Gi ldings.) In the Tawnee County Dis- vs. trict Lcurt,beptember Term J.S.Wood, ttal. 1 1853.. F,To.J. S. Wood, Joscpli'-iStdoldJr., E. F. Ferris, Ci. A. Uorey, James it. uiddinqs, Ii. V . Muir, J. S. Cowles, Walter Lyons, and P. Bart'et, non-resi dont defendeota - lou wiH take -not ice that the -abova.nanipdaifttiiraafltcdipvtjiefGlerk'afSc, in .and. fvE. Pwnt!0 Xldualy, bii.?,-4Iebt, wherein ne claims or you the sum of 51743,03, on account for m;jncy laid .out and expended for you, and for wori ia.i Tabor '!'n'Sn.i peri.rmed at tbe instance and re.u.C3t of- defend?ntj herein, and that an order cf s ttaebmeut VSfteiT'out of said court, atrainst your lands, tenemenw, goods, chatties and effefft?; directed to the eriit 6f"?atd caWy VrhT, In pcrsdance tt said 'orcler.atiticbed1 the foBoiiin-i described tyop irty, owned jeiriilyjtjy sakl ;defendf onto iB tVo'Mfcn-'hf o?ii l?.1- tr. ..iv -.1 Territory aforesaid to-wit : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4.5,6,-7,-8,10, 'A 1,12, Block One, Lots I, 2,3,4, 5,6,0,10, 11,12. Block Two: Lots 1. 2, 3r 4. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 i; 12, Block rTbroe Block Four. LoKl-3, I 5, s, Sf4t 12, B?ocK. F. gBlccis Six and Seven ; Lots I, 2, 4. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, Block .Light; LotM, 3, 4, 6,8,10, lBlock XinoVLott2, 6,-3, 10,-12, Block TebVLotiM, 2. 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, liV-Blc-ek Eleven ; Lots 2,6, 7. 8, 10, 12, BloekVFwetve Lots l,T2r4 frtC, 8. 10, 11, 12,Brockl3 ;' Block 14 ; Lots T, 3. 4", 6, 3, 10. 11, 12, Block 15 ; Block 16 ; Lotsl, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8,10, 11, 12, Block IT ; Lots 1 2, K, 5, : 6,10, '12. 'Block 19 ; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4-5, Bft'Ck18 ;'BJ.3cks 20, .21 .and' 22 ; Lots 1,2, 4. 5," 6,"7, S. p 10 U, 12,' Block 23 ; Bluek 24; Lota 1, 2, 3, i, 5, 67, 8, 9, 10, 12, Block 25 : Lots 1,2, 5, 7, 9,10, 11. Block 2; ; Lots 1,2,4. 5,6.7. 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 27 , Lots 1,3, 43, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, Block 29 ; Lot? WtV 5, 6, 8, 9, Block 30 : Blocic 31 ; Lots 4; 5, 6,7, 8, 12, Block 32 ; Block 33 ; Lots X, 2, 34, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, Block 34f Lotsl,2, 3,'4, 5, 7,3,9. 10, 12, Block 35; Lots 3. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 11, 12, Btrick36 ; pits 1, 2, 4, 6. 10, 11, 12, Block 37 ; tbr V; h Bl'JO. I2BI,ick 38 ; Lbts-2,-4,-5, 8,TrB,-g; W; TT, 12, Block 39 ; Block 40 & 41; Ixts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12,Blo-k 42 ; Block 43, 44,-45,44; Lots 2, 3, 4, 6,7,8; 9, 10, 11. 12. Block 47 j Lots 1,2, 4, 6. 7, 8; 10, IT, 12, Block 48 - Lots 4. 6, 8. 10, 12, Block 49 ; Lots 2, 4-5, 6, 7. 8,V?10, 12, Bloik 50 ; tot 4, 6, 8, 10 12, Bloc', 51 ; Lets2,4, 6, 7, 8, 8.-10, U, 1 2, BIbek 52 '; Lots 1. 2,3,4,5.6,7,8, 10, 11, 12.. Block S3 ; Block 54: Lots 2, 4. 5, 6, 8,0,10,12, Bleek 55f-Lot9 1,-2.3,4, 3,:7, 8, 10, 12. Block 56 ; Lots, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, BlosV 56 J Lotrl.6, 8, 7,'8; 9,10, 111 1 X 11, 11, 151 M; 17V IS, Bldtk 57 UtiU,'j, 4,W7,8, i, U, 11 J 12. 13,14, 15,16, 17,! 18, Block 58; Block 50 ; Lot 1,2,4.5,6,7,8,10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Block 60 : Lots 1, 2,3,.4..68, 1), 11,1X13,14. 15, 16. 18,Blbk 61 J Blocks 63, 64, ti; 63 Lots L2. 3, l, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, Block 62 and also the following described lands in said eoun r.y,torwit : -(East half of SemthweeW wtiartTi Sccx r.roo TV, To'wn,'-2: Range" 12 ; anJ. West' Jialf of Southwest quarter, ScstTon 11; Town 2, Range 12 ; und Southeast quarter of Southwest quar er, Sec tion 11, Town 2. Range IX A Anl you aro further notifiedgthat unless you plead, answer tr demur to t&ii petition, on or before the 3lstdayof August, A.D. 18(x3Fai.l petition "Will betaken ?aS trud. and judgaaehti rtnlijrred agniast yo ibcorlingly. JSUAJl KbJAViS, Att'y lor plu. July 18, 1S63. nl-4w-$l3,25.' tilGXt. NOTICES.' Ilamilton Coopor, assignee! In'the Pawnee C un oflH.BillitigSj $ ty District Court, Scp- -ti'tirV '(Ofoif 4 . D. l S53 Henry MarUtt." f Debt and"Atachinent. To Henry Marla't, non-resident dtjfendant above named. You wnl taka-natia, that the PlaintiST in the above stated cause, has filed In tho office cf the clerk of the District court, in, and for Pawnee coun- j, uib p-kiuKiu in iicui-,. in. r uieu .ne qiaims oi you the sum bf $32.50 with interest thoreon frrfm Ihe 1st day of August 1?G0, on promissory note, by you cx- uted on the 1st day of April. 1860. to Iliram Billing Tayabli fourmoths afterdate, which note Tas, on tho 25th of 4une 18,51, by raid Billing ftssigned to the Plaintiff, and that an order of at tachment issued out of said court, against your lands teunents, rood?, iihattles and effect-, direr t-d to (be thcrfTx.ffd .5kntA you aHrCT'f nofflied Ibataitlf joi leal; afji5er, or dmur;v,s.-ud',je- uiionon or oeiora meuiaayot Augc , loss, tne tame will be taken as true and judgement rendered accordingly. ISnAW ItE AVIS, Atty. for Piff. July 18, 1S53, nol-4w-5,00 Benjamin G. Cocper,) In tha Johnson County Dis - - J3- . - f tr'ct Court, September, term, Wi Hii m Jones. "",) A.D. 1863 In chancery. To William Jones, noa-residert defendent. Yon nre hereby notifi j! that tho Plaintiff above named has filed rn the vEiee of tha :Trk-.erjho District court, jvUhin Anil f'p? JinijniJpyn!tjhi9. Certain Ietition and bill of compliant, tho object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cert ion deed of trust or mortgage, by you given said plaintiff, on the follow ing d3feribed.rti.fe aetata.'. AUaaUA' -la avd e'nty r.nd Territory, towit. The S 1-2 of S E 1-4, Scs. 13, and W. 1-2, ofN. E 1-4, Sec. 24, Township 5 Range 10, to secure tbef aeertain prom issary note by yttr eteedted to said plaintiff, for the Fum of $250,00, payable one year after daie, with interest after maturity, al tho rite of 'twenty-Sve per cent per annum, whl:h said note and deed of tru!t onnortg3gff,-bear3 dxita each on IneTSth'day of July JS53.I:'!AEti jo-'ilrjCfLt nollfiad, that unless yoa plead, apswsr prdarnu? aid petition and bill of oo niplaint,' on or befcre . the Sist day of August, 1SG3, the same wUl be taken as confessed and a decree ff- foreclosure, rended by tbeOartia ce)rJanee with the rfrayr ther:of.s -' i - lSHSrRE AVIS; SSr.TJr ccfnnH Ju! 18,1353. nl-4w-pOO. M d S ; k i 3i e ii i t; CQ . , ; 3tanufactuier' Agents tor the sale ct Vatches, Chains, &c., cc, ITCUTII S5OO.O0GO! To bo sold fur ouer'ollar.Eeh, without regard to vain. SPLENDID-LIST;.. Of Articles al! to be sold for one Dollar Enca. 100 Gold Hun' IngCased Watches, 100 " Watches. 200 I.lici' Watches. & 0 Silver " $loo ecH 60 eacli 35 eacli 16 eaci I 600 Gold Guard, Vet and CSate'.ain - $!jto20eac'j 4000 Vet. 'eefc,Ma-aKd CtMtaia Chains. -1300 Cameo Broorbes -30OO Mosiicaud Jet Brofches 3000 Lav and FN. rem ine. Broocl-es -3. 00 Coral, Garnet At Euieral.l Brcucbe, 300 Cameo Rar Drofm. -3000 Garnet Mosaic and Jet Kar Drop, t to 16 eaca 4 to 6 eacts i 4 to 6 each 4 to 6 each 4 to 6 each 4 to 6 each 4 to each : 4 to, 6 400O LavaautriurenUiieEariryp 40O0 lieutt' Scarf p.iiH.i ; 60CO'CTiiIn"8rid Band B'sf-e'cti, " - "i to lO e.cti 36i)0 Gents' Breats Pins, 3iAM) Watch Key. -tOf.O amt Ribbon Siides, 1000 Sets of Bosom Studs, -90 0 Sleeve liatto'-a. -90C0 Plain and Chased Kinja, 2 to 8 each) - - 8 to 5 ea tt 2 to 6 eacU 2 to 6 eacla 2 to B cacW 2 to 6 each: 0OO Miniature Lo.kets, Croases, &c. 4 f r t 10 tca isuuo sets Ladies Jewelry. 3 to IS each; All of tte Kood3 in the above List will be sold," with 4 om reso'vatic-n, for One Dollar each. Certificates of all the various articles are placed in similar envetoj , ueairu. iuese euveio;es win ie seni ny mail, r; dilivered at our office, without regard to choice. Oa leceiviega CUiiate-yo will 9-wlat article it rep-; rese its, and ft Is optional w!:a t5a 'to seud one dollar; aint receive the article or not. ' In all transactions by mail we shall chargo or fr-J forwarding the Certificates, !pnying ostaite, and d. liir tue buhinsss, 25 cents each. Five Certificates will LeM n for $l; Eleven for $2 ; Tnirt for $5 ; Sixtj-ave1 iur u ami uue nnnarei tor ,tnaT rely upon a quiclc anl prompt answer to their rors. Onr busiueB is con ducted npon liberal, honest, stralahtforwardjprinciple ai.u we guaraniee saiiBtaction in an eases. Our rat- rons may always depend noon havinj iheir orders faith-' rully and punctually suppiied. In no case willcorres- v. . w, -v- , - i ' . SjCotretpuwlanis should be crei3l Write theiri Mgnjtures plain, and five their Pout Ofilce, County, aud aialS. AdJresS, GKO- DEMERIT &. CO., 2g9 Broadway, New Turk. S3 Ilavinff bad business relations with the above gentlemen, I take picture in saying that tbey are nonoraoie, uprigM men, and perform all theypromi '." - and the Jewelry I have seen from there is seuuiue gives satistaction. R. O THOMPSON n47-tf Nunery Hill. Neb. Thtl BadersignediBoarJ of School txaminer3, for tho bounty 4,1 KaoiaJia. iiereby; givo. notice, lhat hereafter, on the first Saturday of each month, they will hold meeti ng at the oUioe of Luther tload- ly, Esq., in Brownville, for the purpose ofcxamin-; ing applicants tor ceruncates to teacn school in said- county. , r , n. n. dobbin's,) A. G. WHITE, School Examiners. L.HOADLY, J January 31st. 18G3. . n29-ly .'til Wholesale only.5 American Stationery YTarcliouse JOHN J, MERITT. Jiiiporlwv'UthoIesale Stationer, J And .Stil n 4 iron t for J Windsor and Clifton Mills Premium Papers, Consisting of Commercial Notes, Letters, iyil, Legal ana f ools Caps, Xo. i Bpekman Street, near Nassau. X. Y Also, Proprietor and Sole Asent for the following new ana useiul articles: .-', !. Oliver's Patent i:ravetTips.) This Tip is different from .aay-heretefcre made, being easily fitted to any pencUj mauufacturfd lrom Yulcanized Ruhber pf . tbe,best erasive quality; can be readily pnan?ecf tpm one pencil to another and U tW a ara exiremeiy low price. It is the most desira ble article of tie kind in the market. mumel'- Patent Rubber Inkstand & Hack, an equate iukstand, preserving ink from tne decompo sing effect of light. S.'l.v.. ' ifecn'sj Patent Ink-Eraser.'and'Paper- ..'VltiinersT'OU. the best article made for rubbing 'exit pencil-marks, ac- complihingth wiyk iu.oce half the liue of ordinary mliher. .. . The Parerit donibination and Ituler, Papcr-Cuttcr a new and nsoful article, combining the nse of two In dispensable things. Piatt's Patent Portable Copying Press, a light, cheap, and useful article. jjlerittdt Ilrowti's Pi? Pen, a very superior steel-pen, made and selected with tho greatest caie, put up two dozen in a box, six boxes en c'.osntl iu another neatly finished box, tbe must cunvea int bbape possible for retailing. The 4tCraig Jlisroscope" magnifles small objects tt,000 times is so simple that a cniiii may nse it ; is an endietis'Rouree of amusement and instruction to young and old. Retails for $2. Beautiful mounted objects, suitable for the microscope u e iurni.heU at $1,60 per doz. retail. I have just received a full and complete assortment of tte ge-qu,me.- .. - -,,,,-....0 ..f.,-i :jliawtt's it 4 itiu iiiiu t -. v . . : . . . . 1 . ...... AH orders wiUreceiee prompt and careful attention. Call and examine one of tbe largest and best assorted stocks of Stationery in the L niteu States. - JOHN' J. ME2EITT, WhOtKSALE STATIONER, nS3-3m 18Beekman-st., New York. Attachment Notice. G. Dorsey, FiaintilT, ) Before Jesse John, a Justice of I vs Vthe PeaceNin and for Nemaha John R Pavls, yefffr, : .) Connty, Nebraska Territory. Uu tnaiatn Oay of Ayrji, a d-,. 153, said J. ast ice iiiiifej! jariof - aitachetea in the "above action, for i tne um of twenty-nve dollars and emhty.flve wntSj- Brownville, May Hth, 1S63. d45-4w-$2 Probate 'Notice. W. II. Dunbar, Public AdminisO tratr at rAfchisonr C(rnty; j ? V " ' 3tat of Ufisiorl. I In.the Probate Court vs" of Nemaha County. of Nemaha County, The unknown, heirs and legal j Nebraska Territory, Representatives of August! -Ockle. deceased. - J To the unknown heirs and legal representative's of Attgut ockle, deceased, yoa are herery-iiotified that .said Administrator filed in the Probate Court of said county of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, bis petition as said Administrator, for the sale of the following des cribed real estat e, of which said decedent died, seized, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of sec tion number nine X3J township, number Ianr(J.) north of range number tnirteen 113,1 east or tne sixth prin cipal meridian in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, for ibe payment ot the debts and charges of Adniinis- tration against sait cstat? Orfleext that the prayer of said petition is hereby set fornearlug on the 20th day of Jnne.A. D. 1363, at ten o'clock, A. 31., or as soon thereafter as cuuncU caa be beard. , Vl'Uiieinriiaiidaml too pes Vof aM onwrir this Sad n4T-4w-$6,50 Probate Judge. HEADQrARTRRS CDMPAJf V 'C." 1 Camp Cottonwood springs. Nebraska, . . rw oio. iwn? , . Speciaf Order, No. 3. ; jt having been reuauiy nrougnt to my notice inas pe'tons encaged in keeping Kanches and store along the road, and peTsmw passing over the road, hrve' been in the habit of famishing whisky to the tadiaas, there by conitnitting-a verytrrare criminal offeiice I now now notify an suca persons, mu tney must immediately discontinue such trsflc; and If this prac tice is persisted in, in a single instance, I will prompt . ly and severelj puuish the offender:' - ' Byoraerof . T. w. BEUtottu, , .. , Captain 2d Nebraska Cavalr y., . 2 ' i OjmBianding Ct.J'C.' N. F. UeweTt, Post Adjutant. ' PIASTER'S SALE. In pursuance cf a decretal order made by the District Courts a and for . KemabaCo'urty, NeUrata -Territory, sfttn.g- in ChancVry, bearing date- Jlaf 59ta.t 13i, tn a cettain cause pending tn saii Court, yhprein Benjamin G. Cooper is cojcclainani.aa4 Jerair. Hmver. etal, aro repondent8, 1 will on Tuesday. July 7th, 1863, at 10 o'clock. A. M., In front of Den's Ilali in Brownviiie, i saidronty, bettg Ui place where said court was last held, oiTer. tu. sale to the highest bidder, for easn. tjio fpjlowingiescri&ed, premise te-witr. Tb sooth-. west nuarter ot sectien snmbeT twentjrnlney 4owrtship number f onr. north cf range number fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian in Nemaha C jmjtyJN'eb- at.ka. Territory. J.. BEDFORD, n4S-5w-$4 80 r. Master in Chancery. i NOTICES. . . .v t , il&ryE. Fowler.i ". In the Pawnee County District i:-.,v. Jort-. " septe moor terra, -a. v. Dwijfit Fowler,) 1833. In chancery, bill far diyorce. To Dwisht Fowler non resident defendant abo named, ,-loa will take no tic?, that the Plaintiff and complainant tn the above stated cause, has filed in the ofuee of the eierk of the District court, in ana for P.i wnee County, tTj cerUi a bill of com pi': nt, ani petition, the. object and prayer of which is to diisolre, and anoull the bonds of matrimony, solem nised between yoa and tbe aforesaid complainant, at tbe town of Conquest in tha Oonnty of Cayn ji, and biat oi ew i ork,' on th 23 nay of Janary-, A. D. ISjO, nni for"a reasonable allowance as a'i menf frctn your good, chatties, and' estate, npon tlie ground of wilful ani continued desertion .for a period rf more than two years, next preoeeding the filing of ber said bill of complaint. And yoa are further notified that unless yoa Epical, answer or de mur to saM petition and bill of cofapT.iTnt.'on cr be fore the Slit diy of An?,ujt 133J, sai l bill will hn taken a venfe.--!, and a decree of divorce nith a reajonab'a allowance t.t .tWrzinv fr;a y IT r-tato :'-l.ia in as a-,:.r5T ; said p-iiti.: n her rt .11 le r. " rr rci f jr. !:iAM.l;5AT!5. Solicitor f - BLANKS, OT ALL JlS'i: 'ad NEW G'OODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICED TO S12T JOHN Ar FONN Is now receiving and opening out his Sprin Stockof GobdiicoUiiiingof I T. Dry Gotdi ",: " - : ' Grqceries. ... , .'. i.Hats.ajad Caps..::: . .. ' ':. Coots and Shoe '- 1 r i !Irtni and' Katfs7-; Queens;vare,--j-"T' x. i-x, j : Hardware. . Furniture ' -'p.'-; V.-.-.u IV SashUud, Door. : Vir.dow Glass, . . . etc; etc.yetr. - J i f -71 -r ft'? ( ? f 1 .Whivh I will sell cheap for.; ; ,J CVSH OR PRODUCE. . C!i and examine my stock before purchasing el?ewuere. . BrtwnviU, April 24,152, n42-6m luDJ - 'fliii TO. T. BEN, Has now received his Sprin; Stock of Goods direct from lew York, Philadelphia, Boston and St. Louis wbich he will tei-lcbeapot-Uiaa any ;jaet IIuu Luabs West My mohofhil.l. avjeibe. j. ,J rjJKJi, Quick Sales & Small Profits, . . . . t . . I . I ? . i . ' -v. . .. ... i . - And my Goods h:i!l be Sold Cheap for 1 CASIl'OB'PBODUCE. r rALSOrmA'GENT FOR" MY OWN HOUSE, FOR T II i; .lU RC.IIA SH, OF HIDES, PELTS & FURS, t'Fon which 1 wirx: ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE .v. 1 sir STocxt consists or ( 3ZS.-2T G-OOZ3E! ,:T GROCERIES; 5 Laaies' Fancy Dress Goods, ' Larc.Asrtcienf of Notions; Laaies Hats ana Trimmings, Hosiery: 'and Gloves; ' v -Hair Nets and IIcaa-Dresses, Cliildren's-.IIats anU Caps. : r Boots1 and Shoes in Great variety, LARGE ASSORTIENT OF , Geiit's & Boy's Clothing, r CIirjAP. FOR CASIf. ;' ' Hardware; Queensware, BOORS AND SASH, A VARIETY OF CHOICE LIQUORS. 1ST f s the Place to Trade.' Call and Examine Ills Stock of Goods be fore yoa Purchase, for 1)11$ Can not be Undersold, MIND THAT! n40-tf T21. T. DE5. FRUIT AISD ORNA31ENTAT TREES. 20O,COO Apple Trees, 4 years old, $3 per hundred $60 per thnniand. " ' , . . 7o,000 Standard Pear Trees, 'i to years eld. S-d per hundred, $230 per thousand. . 20.000 l year old Uiana tirape v ines, $io perhundre $100 per thousand. - 15O.00O standard pear urapes, $ per Hundred, per thousand. These Pear Grafts, not being bulky, can be transport cd cheaply, andty growing two years, will make gxxl sized trees to plant in an orchard. Any one can trebli their money by growing them to sell. Send fur Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogue. ' ' . E. MOODT & SOJi. o51-3m Niagara Nurseries, Lockport, N. T. ' AdminiMtrntor' Sstle. ' ' 1 order of tbe Proiate Court, on thelSth day of July A; V! ISC J. at 12 o'cbick at, iu front of the efflc of tbe Probate Judge, in Brownville. Nemaha county, will be sold to highest bidder,, the following Beal EsUte, as the property of Auzuit f)akle, deceased, to-wit: the eaU half (1-2) ot the north east qnarter (t-4) oi section number nine (3.) township number fonr (1,) north cl ran?e nnniber thirteen (t3.) east of tbe 6th principal meridian, appraised at $340. Terms of sale, one calf down, the ball ance in one year. - : . -'.ii,- : WH. DTNBAK, Pnb Adinin. n51-4w - Atcblon county, Mo. LEGAL NOTICE. , : Benjamin G. Cooper, In the Pawnee County Dis- v. ' V trict Cnrt, Sept tri ber Term, Elir.ah Markee. ) A. D.IS).!. In Chancery. - To Elii-tli ilrkes.' non -resident defendent abore numed i ' You are fcerby notified that the plaintiff in the above stared cayse, has file his certain bill of complaint aain-it yoa, in tbe District Court, in and for Pawnee county, the object and . prayer of wbich is to foreclose a certain nurta. Vy yon given the plaintiff on the foflpwiri described land, situated iu snid connty. to-wit: The Northwest quarter of section 23, in Town 3, Ran$e 12, to secure tbe payment of a certain promiory ncteby yoa ex ecu Jed to said plaint! 9T, fur tha sum of $112,50, pay able two' years after date, with interest after matu rity, at the rate of twenty-fire per ccai. per annum, which note ani niortyiqe bear d.ita each on tbe 15th day of July, A. D. iS3'j. And you aro farther no tif! d that 'unles3 you plead, answsr or'dmurto said petition and bill of complaint, on rr before tne 31st 'day of Auuit, the same wi:bJtak?n as confefsed, and a decree of foreclosure rendered by tha court in accordance with the pravar thereof. ISHAM RE AVIS, Sol. for Comp't. ir. I '. .1 f 1 7 . i.' "n ATI:' IiJ& STOCK. 18B BKOWNVILTiE f Change of Proprietor . . ' 4 men mi; CO., ' Jlaaousn.a t ilie travalmjr t'lk that I'ir frld and coraniIwu Stearn Ttnj rucutai acro fr-m " VrowziYiiie, :NebnVlci.;r: Moris ef thebeit la every re.'pcct oo thr;;cr M'.s- s.'Ort river. " . Te bau. on both siJe of tb river are low an ! wf I irj :d wtirJx retJart nr.l"ad.nj uaseeeeiary is ! th cie at m .t other feirle. Our chArsestoo an jtamtho hard limes are lewtr thin at any oder crossicj, Traveier froci KrSas to lows and to ti tif. ;!! f.ji tbl tia r.carest and bet rou?!" ertry ra?ii. "Vle aie iTeternilii''l thcrs tli.ll It C3 cor plaint en account vf . EJciays'in'Cr ' Ti.i.2oi our regu'.ar trips, we will ui tjif o c:eu ataayaiomauttatkeyseas-r arret ai'er wy. ' " ilCGil BASi? St. CO ; ;AprlU,.'S3-iitl-l , . :, , . . To tliri Trxx 'Pavers of Nemaha Co.. T. 'T ..TJii) County Ct mmiwioncr of .coast wil k'o! iksesaiou at tbe Comty Clerk' OiHee,in i-rqwa-Ti'ie, commencing on Jlondjy, June 3i;5J, ejntan uircr three dav.i, for tho parpose of correctic tbe Apvumenl Ri ll t said county, for the year lbd " "Dm hig the Iltin of saiJ Doarlany pcriJ3TceTrj,j 'ru vt- by ny thing in the Assemont RUl. may appl to th Eoari for the correHioa of any sup pased errer i i the I tinj or ?a!uat on f his prop erty. WILLIAjJ li. IKXJVER,Co. Ctk. iirowavilla, ilaj 13, 1SC3. 4i-2w r -. - "COOPERS ---WAKTBD The undersigned desires t purchase 3 COO geo! Flour rarrels. . The great decani lor his ourt ajt only in this Territory, but from Jolesburg Denver, Central City, and all part.? of Colorado ; 1. Joseph, Mc.. and Learenworth, Kansas, rcr. i?r essential that ho should have LvrreU. 4 . . . ' v ni ii determined to furnish a good article of Flour, as cheap as pocjiUe, and tiie high price, of Sacks add to the price of l ioa-, he is determined to procure Barrels, lid is 'willing t pay Cooper a price for thir work ttna thy obtain in I States .-, ' ' ' - .J.O. MELYIN. ; ' :Febii-n52-tf. ': -- ' :.. , BS0WITVILLE UHIG. rnopuiELOR or THS 1 -t - . - - Are now running btb Mills r.ijbt an4 day, and are prepared tu supply customers wiii any amut at FLOUK OR LL'MBEli:; . ; -. - ? tJ: t . : . . .... ; 5 They hare on hand several l.hoUrul bnshs'J cf t best of Wheat ; they have alo seenred the services of aa experience! Miller, and they coaae-jaenttT flatter t ves that tLiir Uur wlU ii.' eu'.ire iat...'i. tUn. to the iEOPiiE or nssomx; - . ". ' ' .. : "They woull say that they hare made arrngmat wnu thj rerry Umpiny to bare tlie Bft css r" It i-.r.f,ii(.S3 f the weather. The citisens of Atelil onCouaty, need not hereafter hire ar.y fer .ui gdiu m regularity of the cruosinj of tie .' ' FEKRY BOAT: Freighters fo Hearer cna Fort ILeainy, liancliiiicii, ler-- cltaats, ant! Ualiers, Are Invited to glreonr Flour a trial. ETerythin Kreif?bter can det-ire to purchaae may bevbtained in Brownville, on as eaay terms as anywhere tJt ,-js the River. Andtherela no better jioinr thar yrowuriU to hip f rem. 31HLVIS kUlXGLB. April 16, 1363-n4t-tf -. . IH.OET A. C OIV S T A IRON, STEEL, NAILS; lASTINGS, SPaHlNGS, AXLES, FILES L A C KSMITH'S T00L;S Alio: Hubs, Spokes,' anJ Beiit Stiirr.:; Third S ree, 3-ve3 .'eii and &isuod, . SAINT JOSEPH,'MOi wnn-n ne sen a a. ixui prices ror caii. -Lsi .Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iran. . Deceuiber l,lSa9. ly. , . . Thapest.. and most Successfal acj-e-tl"'v3lJaper in tho fjnica." PLETE PECTCZIALC7T3ETnri3. - HARPER'S TEEKLY;.: ... : . ...... 1 - . . : , . .. ( SPLENDIDLY I LL CSTB ATKD. - Price Six Cents a ITuaiber; S30O a Year. - Critical A'Uice nf the ', "i I - . -. .- It fresh.learef, ita clear Sy?0 its. eot rt-"5orj rarity, us serere uat;uiC cntLcj.iai ap'.a the lui.iii of tho timep, its clt?grtly writ;n oul in.trnctiT4 articles, en4 its able correspondence, Il eembine t make it tue model newspaper of our. country, and one that eVery family mujt friz's. Iti co&denl weekly summary of j'treijn and u jmetc tzleUi- gence'M altogether superior to tltat contained ia any other journal. unuz pab.i.-iheJ, Vo, in a form for preservation and Liuim?, if Uka care cf s it JecrTe3 to be, it will bo found in fitare yearJ H eloome a companion for the family and fireji-ie a the day on which it tu Crai persued. V. '1, Ecfninn Pot. ' ' We would not io often call atten3ion to Hastes' Weekly if we ware not w-Jl satiied that it i ihi belt family Paper in the Uniud itate, aud for that reason, an lh:it ai.irtP w d':.-ir4 tct fee ltx: .t- mino and root out a eerUfn tind of literataro too prevalent, which tlanU tbe morala' of ils readers, vif.iate their Lwia for ajiwibk- redio, ajiiia ai rendy bad iait3 cf ?rts. -Xt London-AdcertiteA V berever we er ia rail-cars and -slcaaiboat- we find il eired with ea jcrne", becaaie cf iu npi iled sketches tf ; pxinj ereatv We a!T Ilk' tl look at the Ixtaa "bf men wo hare 'read of, aciit hips and forts tave figured in tbe bloody scene of war. Of '.l suebj xjcii a-J-plaeci. aid v eat, this paper furaiihej tha bedt. uiustra".en Oiir future historians will enrich tb amsol rea eot cf Habit i's Weeklsy lon after writers, and r'at er t ai l pubiishers are turq? to tjust, I''ra. yc.t. t - f - t . . -.--. ' T E R ii 3 . One Copy for One Yeir--- ft One Copy for Two Years 5 f?J An Extra Copy will be allowed for erery ClaVcf Ten iScBSCisRS, at$?i0 eich. or 11 Copies for liAEpEx'sMi.aArryz anJ LTa5?5s'3 TiViiiLY, together, one year, ti CO. - . . Harpers Weekly u elec.rotycii. aci.Laci cumbers can be bad at any time.7 Vols. I., IU III., IV., V , and VI., f r the Tr 1S57 to 1S32 inclusive, of "llARPi:!; WErKLT," handar ra' bennd ii Ciot'a exfra, Fri.-e each are bo- ;ady. ,The pota9 njx-a . liAirsa's Weekly, when paid inaivaiwo at fie c-Sce where it ia received, is twer tj-six cent a year. . liATkl'llll A LKOTL'ER. FaAJinv i:,riRi, 'e-v Vcai . BBEITIIBTER & HQZISOIJ, . MA .TCTACTV ' -v A a Ol.' 1 SAW I i- IV Li. -17 t