Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 18, 1863, Image 4
3 ft) 0 C 0 1 6 0 3 3 c; I r . - W J " - L, I -1 -o r f t - r I i H tl L (j . i , f Literature, Art, M:iMeti, Politics, Society; ANNOUN CiiMENT, -5 TT. picrwr'or' Amc;icn Jljnth lies will heneerortb te tuuwn lie . V ," uivicuciinociica iiotiii.t: A KATIOKAL 5MGAZI5KOF 1ITK B Al CBE. 'AKf w SC1KNCE, POLITICS AMJSOUETY. 'It will be me ana r the ine-cm coiindif notonrr-iasu-tata it-T.irmfr m-'l:e n t-vx'e i- i'siirele r refers, and nuke i a HfW guest tu evny American b-m-ewd W-ln tni vie' " law "r ' reuse wlil be spare! In f eeiriii3 ibe hll.ct rder ..r talent. ot aMie vii this siJe' of lb Atlantic, but In both beniispberes . . . v i v ' Although Itterarv Macarine. If wW not chrtiirc from hodij disoM-mg the great political 0,'iesti sm the ar, nee tr-m mi tarty bit lt-wiil embrace among' tr' tueiK a current event, reviews r new & and liiearv arf.vie tlflw muLa! and dramatic it '-sip; white tt.e K ili.i'ii Table.' iu wuii piie.reaU.srs v-t old Chick' bave been so Ml! few monthly .rp ead uli tl.e ebacest literary vIjihU tn iurkei can iif y. It is thus b-.ped even uuJer ih tlsprcsinc in Cue i.e. . of a proctrscted war, tie veteran Magazine of Vte, A"Mi!xL Ses will leap-liU-a uc,w.a id luipioveo irc&c Hl(MiUiul ti.rsesi of md inaiuiain. w.tu aiael lustre, mat position ui a ur-i rla.s ninthly, wbicb it has hold lor uire iL&u iLiny years. ..T.JCHJIS,, One copy, tbree doliar a year in advance, postage vrenaiJ. T. ibe Arniv and Ntvy, lw-u .loiiar. Two copies, Four D.tlar end Fifty e'euu. Thieo copies, Six Dollars an.l Fifty Cent. tbc It irt h V 1 1 r" A i'i iTaii ri bef'$3"ma?a!tie will beettt vrteTeT Tor ft:TTT twllar atid-Kifty Ceirto - 8 ibcr(piioiii m .iAt be aeul direct ti iLectll e. col lector are employe'. Single cpi will be rent to any part of the Tnl'ed 8ta;e vr Canada, p -l f mm receeipt iweuly-tl c C'ta. Back nnmbera may be obuned on application a n? y orinaet. Kew $lubcrit)cr will be fuelled. wiiU the ack DuiuUert of the te et it crMtiuiusir. ' f ' . A discouut of leu per CtMil ( there p'rire will le allowed to perou aeiidiu cub of ten or ui-re uu uribera. AU coiumuuicativn fhoobl aHre'il t . ..-J- KIXAIIAN CORN WALL1S. 3 Park Kuw. Mew Votk. Unguestlonably the best sustained work of tno iana la lue w orxa. KEV .MONTHLV MAGAZINE. r CRITICAL SPTICES UF THE PRESS. The votuuia U.uud constitute ot thenireives a li brary of ruii-ceiiatieu readiii? ucli mi an not be found In tbe same compa in anr tbrr pnblicalivli ULat La come under our u .tire Dot ton Tbe niokt popular Aljhibiy in ibe waniL Ktw York Observer . . x M'e Diit referln term f eulocrr to tbe hiifh tone and varied exceifcuce-f "ria pii Valaiaxine" a jour nl with a ih ntbly circulation f ..b ni I70l0c pie- in wiKite page are f.mnd mme f the cluicet light and eneal readinp of ibe lay. We fpek tbi work aa an evidence of tbe Anieiican Pep!e; and the popularity it' ba acq nired In merited. Kadi number contain fnily 141 pi?e ,f reUrni nutter, appropti a ely illuitate witti w l-ut; tiditv'miiiiri In it-e.t 4iie tcy ai'aiuiy and the iure ptitU'p' ical quarterly, blen e I itb ibe tei lecturer ot ihe daily jou dI It bas treat Hi er in tbe li-Mnnimti' n ! a lor r pure literatip. Trcoxl& s Cvude to Amer icon Literature London. , K'a Ma azine in Kii' per America i bo well known ; Cone Las ball a many readerc; and. we may -ately eay, none ha re eivt-il la ge a iribuie oi aihsiitra tion r. ni tbe cnltia;c! cle. ibai tir.'lt in a Lealiby, diversified e evatuiK periothcal lite ature Ii ia ibe lo euiobt Magazine r il etlay. Tbe dee ide n ver bad a more deiicbtlui companion. nr ibeiiiu lion a mt-eiterpri-ina friend tt.xn llarper'a Alaa tiuB.'HctKodUt Protistant Baltimore. TEKMS. The piipera of perm nent va 1 ue which hare been pub lished in aituoM everv n iuite ren ler a c -iiipiete e t JHT erirate ariue a deniable aqui-in n any pnb irtr prt. rlibraty. Tne Pnbli-brrCm inppiy r. ut Cnl,twuiF btl any Kunilr ir m ibe o-mtiirnit m lit. aa y v e ieiii t Ley win end ai y Ni.n.U-r by id Any lume c ntaii nut rix Nntn ra. bonnd in Mul n, iii le mned, yo$t $oid to any place In tin luiiel State- within itoj iiiiieof Jw Totk. for Two UoiUra .ud Kifiy Cema C ni pliet, njwvmpri$:ui Ten y-ilve V.-juuirs. wJU be ent by Express 'be freifbt ai b exene t the TTthnar;' f j U ic f3uMr-n,l Et'bty-eisbi Centr per Volume. One Copy for ne rear,- $3 ; Two C pie for nf yen', $5, Japrfa JiacansV-ajMi. ;U.ipa '.Weekiy '' one year f$V AuJ n Kit C'py- jir.lit'. lu eveiy Club of Tcu Subscrilera, at $2 6-it-acb ; or II CopieHer ii Cierryme and Te-acher aupp-ied at $2 6- a year Tbe Semi-tnniial Volume b uud m C h $ i er vuXaaia. Malin Covera. 25 rent eacu A'tt i. ; V.iw n orde ed to be aeut by Alail KiKnt e'Uoad'luional mut-l be euii tel f.r ptwtase. The P .a-'e myn ll.ipcr- KtKaZiue ninit be paid al tbe OtMce where II If e ceived. Tbe Potaje UTbiny- ixiin ve;ir or Nine Cent for tuiee niuib. UARPKR &. BKOTIIEKS E42 ."Traiikiiu tquare, NvwVoik Th-e-be" Ch.eatet. and most Successful Fami.y iaper in the Union." A COKPLEJE PICTlilAL OF THE TIMES. HARPER?SWEEKLY. SPLEK DIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Trice Six Cent- tu'utuber; 4300 a Vcnr. Critical Notice the Pre$. It frerlilero-, iti clear tjp ir entprtnimnj: rarity, ita eerere hut jut criiirism tifxin th f.-llic;-of the times, its d-girtl written nn l in ructiv. articled, and ltd able crrcnmdncr. hi! combine t make it tt)8m.dt;lnewiaper of ur country, mnl one that every lamilj iuut rize. Ita c il-n-il weekiy auintn try of fnf-ijt uud .rf"c iutfli gcitce it altogether .uprir i th it . contiiim-d in an other journal. Tein publi-hi-ltK, in a frin for reorri ion and binding, iftiken crcofHS it deeervea to be, it will be-f mm 4 in future 3'eiu8 a? welcome a compuninti tor the ' and fiivcido h the day on whul it . waa- Cret p ontd. Evening I' nut. We wtiuld ot so ften csll itteniin to II APEu'8 Weekly if we were n t well nii-fiod th-it it i? t Itntfumilj Paper in the United htti, ftud for that reaaon, aud that ftlonr we'desire t erit nndtr tnine and root ont a ccrUin kind f literatnro tw Irevalent, which blunts ihejnorali of its render?, vitiates their taste for ainsihla reading, and is al ready bad ia its effects. Xcw London Adcertier. Wherever in rail-cars and steamboats we find it eit.xl with i?hj roes , becanse f its spir ited sketches of l;iing ev-iits, We all liko jo 4nik i tbe Tusea W ra w '-'h v read of, and at hips and forts th it have figured in the bloody scenes of war. Of all suh men tid laces. and event.-, thia pajmr furni-hethe Insst ii'u-trations Our future bitori ins will enrich tlit-tn-oivc out liAKrsK'& WkULCV 1hi "afti-f writer, and tint ers. and pubaaUer are turned UidasU V. um gdi$l. w -. t t-l ; I f T E It f I S - .' ,-.. J One Copy for Oae Year---. .- ffl One Copy for Tw.. Years 5 'U An Extra Copy will be allowed fr fvry Cluli l Tlx jSnESClEEES, t $2,10 ' each, ut II Ci'j iea lor $24. . iv.t.l c.r, .1 HiRrtR's Magazine and IIarpkk's Weeily. together, n j ear, $5 00. Harpers WkeklT is elic'ri.tyin-d, and back Bo ui ber Car be bnd at any time. Vols. l.H ,,d VU fr-thaVi 1857 to 1S52 irclu c ire. .f -IA K PK ll'SW F. E K I.Y." bandsomely bouni In C th extra, ft ice iS- i l are now ready. The . otage - up u Uakikk Weekly, when paid in aivam-e at tlio Qjo where it is received, is twenty-six c nts a venr. HAUTKU A !lk01HF.R. Frakki.i.n Sc.fKK. :w Yoke THE HORACE WATERS MODERN IMPROVED OVERSTKIXO BASS FULL IRON rEAME PIANOS are built of tbe best and mott ta. roupbiy ea ned nia terla'a, and will stind anv clmaia The tone tey fleept round, full, and mellow: tie t-tirh el-Mic Each Pauo warranted for sve ears. P. ice f r..iu $225 to ,r.7 TetrMonin'. Tbe'rjoraB'-e 'Kalers Pianos are known as auionE tbe Tery befct." Econqelitt. " - W e can peak or ibeir merit fr tu personal knowl-dye-'CAtitftan Intelligencer. - f - , , , m Waters'' Pun: acdMelxie ai cha'leaTrnTniarlsor. wifb the finest made anywhere "Home Journal . $176 NEW 7 OCTAVO PA A Woo. ..t differ er. UiSkera. for $l5t do., with carvp-i :rg-, ..k) $25 and $240. . 8eC"nd-band Pikno umi Ale :oienft ai 25, $40, $50, $60, $75. $100, $11., $15 $150. and f I CO. '-'-(' - r w - . i Tlie IIorce'Yu-r-.'Klcn and Ha - IIIOII i II lllo. Tnsed th Sqnal TeiTeraiueti wpb Ibe Patent Divided t&weil.' Prices front $51 y. iJO. . ; Alexindei- Of eivn from fc,2a to $5 0. tj-A liberal di.c nt to C'errymen. Churches, Sab baib 3..twjr Locre femitia-l and Teaetiera." AlOBACB WATKKi An t No. 4SI lir. ad way K. T. BROOM COF.II WANTED! ... -josrrn SUELLABAHGEH, ' erlrcs to fnrr'riase' a large amount of Droop Corn for wMh be wittpar the . jjK-iixsT rnicc cash. - 51 U 31 ITS jr.- ' - Kf"W liiirh Otbef There $nng or hrl'-, I fltn. If llrr. Mr. Li.wry, aathor t.J . . h HtlUCtimt on." TM- Vtk9 2i tewis, sVMiJid in:, A pUmt in atUbd- ;rs o irtsw tuUsic. rinrjACi-: waTFRS, , ,., . r . -. -. co yrro t;;7 , - siE-ii .c:e.i.i-:s o:v :doillu5 ' : PATKXT SrGR:rAKK MtTJ.S.' i . PATKNT STKM COIL tfVPOH.T()R3, J .. ' TATKXT KIRK .V tPOR T0I13, ' : PATENT STAMP JIILL3, t . .. ron . riKC'S PEAK On ljAlifl SUPERIOR - SEND FOR CIRCCLAUS, , v- .. TTith Cuts, and pcscrfpUom, Prices, etc etc. . SAW MILLS FlA"rr.IKG MILL. AND MACIIlEItr OF ALL DESCRIPTION. ; , - ' . . . . . . . GTSEND rOR CIRCULARS.J T " ' " " r. ; . ' . 'N "k" ; P. W. GATES, President. JC. B. Agents wanted everywhere. Chictgw R. W. FFItNAS, f3ET, IJriMvuvillr. NebrakH, Of wbom Circulars and uelalled Information can hu. . Marcb SO. 1962. fn37-lyj FOR" FALL TUADE. JOHN C. DEUSER, 1IAIX STREET, DROWNVILXE, N. T. J : : ' , ; . : , TkMi p'eanre In annonninethilhebanoworband. a large and be I eel atock of every ai tide in his line, COOK STOVES, Of alt tbe Improved pat trw. vi : Ptrmonth H ick. Charier Oak, Valley F"Te Elevate-.' Oveu, &.c, &c, &.C., .-nBATIKG STOVES, Box anl Prl"r of an endle virlety. some of vrnicn arpenu'e'v now tiihh viz r ;.nnr inel Cofik id rrui". Sorr ' mmit blug 'very nice for aniall tamiiiea. I CALl, KSrErfAi; ATTFA'TIOX OF , : ,irAUMEi;s tu:my; HEAVY SHEET IRON, t ' '.' tor Sugar Boilert. and LARGE CAST ' JROX KETTLES. A. VARIETY OF CHEAP, LARD. AND COAL OIL LAMPS Bras, Copper, and sl'eef iron ware; Lauteru- Shoves and Japanned ' Ware, a , bx. , SELF-SEAUHG FRUIT CANS! OF tbe latest and most Improved Styles, heap ' f.r ea-h. ' I am prepared to put u ptt'lerinir and pon'ine, and ail other work of my lina at the !horte-t notice, and in a wmkmanlike manner, wbicti I warrant u fvo aati- faciion. " Aiiznt 2. A CARD TO YlU.: I. A 1)1128 . AM) ;iti.i:h AN. The snbaeribrr ill end (free of ehnrze), to all whndesin it. the I ccipj and directions for nuking i mum le Xtii't'ule (': th:ii will, in Irtiiniwoto eight ln3-",'leiuov I" hlf. s,7!i.oTCIIFS.TA. KkkcK- i.ks. ai.lowM-s, .ni. a I iiiurines and roiihness if the Skin, leaving l. -atnu as Nature interded it fhnd 1f wtft,rlen r. um'Ht'h and tn-mit -fid. ' Tllme toinrig lue uecip-. with full lnsirnctH ns.dir ttions nd udvice, v ill please call on r addrers ( wiih re turn piftaa. l . :: : THOMAS F. CHAl'MAX.rrnetical , S3 1. Itrmidway, New York. May 21. 1SC.2. 'JmH-Si'd.. . I ' ILLUSTRATED Scientific . American. TLq "Best JUeclian'al r in ti e Witrld. EIGHTKHNTH Y KA R. VOIaTJlM VI' I NEW SERIES. A new volume of this ronimn'od on the fir I of Janunry. it is pullirhd w. -klv.and every ntiiubjr cotitiiiK fixteeu p:igej f u-efa' in- tortnitn-n. and trom five to ti n origin il enirravms of newiuvehtion and disei vi nen, all of which are ia-i.-ir-d x iroKslv tor it eolirn. TO THE MECIIA MC A XU if A XUPA CTVllEU. No ink enquired in anv of the w-ehiiicl r lunnufacluring pursuit fli 'Uld f kink of "doing with- nt the rv-ietiiihc Ainenean.' ' If onM but ix eelita iht week ; 'Vvrv number contains fn-ui six to ti n enmv ns i f new mv-liain -s and invention?, which can not bis found in anv otli r public ition. TO TIlE-tSVESTOll. The Scientific Atuerirau is indi-jieiable to every inven'or. as it not only contain illustrated lscnp iii.n of nearly all the 1f lnvenMn: a thoy eoino out. but each nuinher enn'iiinan ifTi'-i nl l.i-tof the Claim of all thol'atfilt liii-d Ir.oii i h t Unite I States Patent (IfTi -e duriirjr the we k previous : ihu sjivlng a errrctt bit L"f thej.rogretis c.f inventions of this conntry. We arjl.-o reeei ing. evi rv week the best s'icniiuc j ni iml oi' t r-n t IJrihiin. Kr-tm-e and Gennaev : thus placing in ;our Ni8s-fon all that is tianspiring in m bnnii al m-i''ne and art in thoec old countries. Wc slmll ntiotic to trau-f-r o our columns copion extracts from tbc? journals of whatever we mny d'eiii f interest t oisr n a ler. A pumjil let if iii4'rtietbn to the b-t inoloo obtaining IjCtters l'tenton new iiiwu ions, is fur-nii-hrd free on niplic.ition. . Meh.ri.Mann A Co. lave acted as Patent Solicit ors for more than sevnteni yoars. in eonnection with the pul Ilea tun of ti.e Seientifie A tivTien n . and ;hey reler to 20.000 jat.Dtces, fr whom ltn.-y hiivo done bu?ines. ' N'c char!;o is mide for eximintrg sketches and in d Is of new InventKHis m l Tor adk iiiig iuTJutors H . toO 1 '!(' ir n'i' ' CHEMISTS, ARCHITECT MILLWRIGHTS, ANh FARMERS The Scientific AaitTumi viii bo found a m ist iiim-IuI j unwl to tin in. All the new discoveries in tbe K-ienee of ihrud-ury are given in irscolnians, I tbe Interest of ibe architect ami carpenter not overbx'Vcd : all the new inv niin. a id diM.v ene nppertainiiig to thc pur'iiitsbeinx laiblished fr- ra week to week. Us Tul aud pr iciioil in oma tion ierlaiiiinir the in erests ol millwrights and in II owners will be found in the Sciciitiii: Ameri can, which iif million they cannot iH'Hsi ily obtain from any other so in-e. Subj ects ', which f iria -rs are interesteJ will be found discussed in tho Scien tific American : m-t of the impnivements in agri cultural impleauut being illustt atcd in its columns. ' 1 TEHMS. To mill subscribers Three Hollars a yrar.or One lor four iihmhs. The " vo!iihi(j"-' irirn nee i.h fht-tiroi of Janu irj on 1 July. Special ju oopivn will be m nt to any pirt i f ibe. country. Western an I Cami lii n money or V itoITi'!e stamps tu ken at r lor bsci iptb ns. C.itmuiiin sub enbers will plen-o to remit twcntyfi"'"i cents txtra on each vcar'a sutler. ptioii t prc ay p -st ic. MUNN & CO.. n2C-3r " TaLIIahsrl, 37 i'aiii H.w.X. Y. .few h V-"" 1862. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! i ......:.;. a. .: ; .; THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive during tbe ssmmer, one of . . i THE LARGEST AUD BEST STOCKS ...... . o r Glial amiiss. FROM New York, Tliiladelphia and St. LouK That bas ever been exhibited In tbe Western Conn try embracing a I the latest .tyles and novelties of tbe times. Ilia aiock embraces Dry Good. .rceri. Ilaidwnrf, . , Cutl rr. . QueppiVHr, llilt HIlJ ("H. Shakr, IJontsn-dShoe. . j Dour himI Sah. (Iu himI Puttr. 11 ' fine Kuril ittir. ic, Ac, Ac Among bis Dry Goods will be found Print, Cinshama. T.aivn. Rarpe?, Rr mvii and U'eached lluiin, Oi-mees. Stript-d Miertins. I'm-tonade-. Iloifry. C.lofet The I.Htr.t Styles Iloup Skirt, Notions, Ac, &.C. He bas much the Largest Stock of QTJELNbWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Aeent for te Hannibal & St. Joseph Rail Raod Packet L ne ox Steamboats. May 22 1862. 046 tf. McCORMICK'3 Reaper and Mower MANUPACTTJBKD AT Cliioas o. 111. Tht celebrated niachine t bv all odds thA BESt CRAW ASD GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. N iwtiUtatidnii! ibe mi-reprei-enuiions or thohe iuier-c-tol in other machines. C. II. McC irmitk 4c Bro. man utaciiue at the rate or 8,000 pet, Many chanire have been affected dnring ibe pat season, and for 186i the McCormick'' i presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECOXOJIY OF POWER IN TniS MACniXE, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, ffive It preference over all others New imtrovemer..k added have materially lessened the direct draiiKbt. and so obvirf'ed Tic tide i.raunt that riany assure ue i hai it Cues not now exit. TbedriiKht of tl.e Keapet i ho liubi that In numerous instances the lsrie ioii horbe macuiue ia woiked with but twonone. FOR M O W I N Ci , The Mscblneof 1862 will stand any test tbat may o applied. Our Guaid atal Patem Cle.iner eff.-ciuallT pi event cb'ikini, no matter what the condition of tbe lira, white our new divider point fcparates baldly l.xiped and tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. Tbere is also a rreat advantace inonr serrated sickle clue over ibe smooth, as it d. e not require sbarpeniug so often. tbn savin? time, (iur ickle will ne(iieutly run through an entire harvest witboni once arimliug. while the smooth ede muit be around once eacb day. if not ofmer With a iMoth edge tbe draught increases astheknire becomes dull Our draught is uniform, and in the repeated trials dnrimt ibe easoll or i860 61. proved far llabter than fcitifcle Mowers, catting at tbe same time from twelve to eighteen incbes wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , this is lnportaat, as without tbe reel it weighs but about 670 pounds. lu addition to tbe very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, tbat farmers wbo may desire It, are at liberty to work oar machine brough the harvest with any o'ber, a id kaep and pay for the one pr'fenel Paniph eta with mil description of improvements testimonial, fee, can be had by appiicnion to . THEO. HILL, Agent, rtrowxivillo, 3NJ. 1 iUylfl, 1SS1, o45-U " " 1862 CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, . , .' -i OF THE BROWNVILLE,. Has just received a cb dee lot of the best brands of Liquors, which be will sell by the Barrel, Gallon Quart or single Drink. The following is a partial list: BRANDIES: French, Cognac, . Apple, ' Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, Blackberry WINES: Port, Hungarian Sherry, Malaga, Medara. Champagne WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. TUIITWEY'S CLOCK, Main Sirett. Brownrille. Kovmber 14, 186. n!9-tt 'FAST HORSES." CITYLIVBDYSTABLB AMD F EE D STORE, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. REX J A MIA ROGERS, ANNOUNCES to tbe public tbat he bas purchase-1 the entire interest in tbe Livery Stable and Stock formerly om ned by Rogers & Brother, lie ia now prepared to accommodate tbe public witb Carriage, t Uuggie. Mulki(r, Saddle Horse. Ac, A.. Ac, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can find at hi Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or cattle. RKNJAMIN ROOKTtS N. R. The partne-fhlp heretofore existitu between Benjamin Jotbr rt ci is is di-K Ived. JOSHUA aw aVSNJAMIN ROGERS. May -29th. 1862 uil-tf HELLO, STJiANGEE! wiii:rc did you et those NEW GO O 3D S P AT J. 'BERRY' & CO'S., THE VE.RY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Ilave jut received, ana are now opening at tbelr stand ou Main street, one of tbe largest slocks of DRY GOODS AND ever offered in tbis market. Remember tbe place, J, BERRY & CO.'S, TSTom 11, Main atreot, BROWNVILLE, N. T. May W, 1863. n47-tf riaUMiiiiic;, iv. v.. Will tend l.i auoiicaiits wbo enclose stamp, their New C.ttal .atie Small Fruus. iiicludin 200 Select Varieties of Sttawberrte-. Also C-iaione of Bulbous Flowers and Ha-oiiies. Fruit aud O nameutal Ties, Boea aiid Flewerlog PiaaU, Seeds, x. alt-Jw J0H1T L. CAKS02T, , , (Successor to Lushbaugb it Carson. . ZEl & S2r Lja 02. o LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in tutu: iincarrtitt Money, Laud Warrant: Exchange, ani CulJ Lut ; MAIN SI'ULKT. - RROWA tlLEE, AEORASILA. t l will give especial attention to buying and selling ex Miaiijre on the principal citie of tbe United States and Rtirope, Gold Silver, uncurrenf Bank Bills, aud Gold Dust, Collection made on ail acceabie poiot, ami proceeds remitted in exchange at curreut iate. Depoit received on current account, and luteresi al lowed ou special deposit. OFFICE, ' 51 AIM STREET. RET WE EX THE Telegraph and the U. S. ' Eiitid OKices. R E F K li A U Ju S : Llnd & Brother Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson fc. Con ' HieraDii'k At Co. , . Baltimore, Md. Vounn &. Carson, ... Jeo. Thompson Maso Col'r of Port, ' : ; wm. T. Smithson, Esi., Hanker, , Washlngtor D. C i. T. Slovens. Esq., Att'y at Law, ' J no. S. Gallaher, ate 3d Aud. U. S. T Tarlor & Kriegh, Bankers, McClelland. Pye t ., Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Hon.Jas O.Carson, . P, B. Small Ksq., i Pres'tS. Bank, 0l. Geo. Shley, A'y at Law, Chicago, III: St. Lonis. Mo Annapalis, Md. ' MetcersburgPa Hagertown. Md Col. iam llauibleton Att'y at Law, Judge Tho. Perry, ' frof . II. Tutwiler, East on. Md. Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabma Nov 8, IS6U-tf TO MERCHANTS, BLACKSMITHS, AND WAGON MAKERS. IR0XT! IE0H!! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, wo;, HAS ON HAND AXD FOR SALE A LAR'JE . AD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, AND- um.iumii! COMPRISING: HORSE NAIM, NAIL-RODS. H0H."E ANI ML'I.K SHUhS, ANVILS, SI'KIXtiS, HELIiWri. AXELS. VICES, TIIIMHLK ,KEIXS CHAIXS, WAUIKN ld)XES, CkEV PIRATES, IIOLSTKU PLTKS, FILES, KASPS. WKEXCIIES, SLED'iE HAMMEUS. II M HAMMERS, diiohix i hammers, pimmilus. UT.. HAliliOVV TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, ACn ALSO WOODWORKS ! cuxmuiNo Hurs. sroKEs. fe..lows, WAUUN LOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXEi.S, Ho 17 .M iS, AXE HAMiLES. liUOOd HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO AGENT FOB THK SaXS OP FAIRBANKS SCALES, AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE A li O V E I. O O D S, Dili EOT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE THE RISE, I AM E N A H L F. I) TO S E L I. T I) THE TRADE AT P RICE S T HAT DEFY COMPLTITION. BLACKSMITHS jStnd in Your Scrap Irun.r Oue Dollar Suvrd i K,uhI to two D.L lair JJtiue. IIIOHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT Si.RAPI.toN A I' CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. FcbU-n32-ftin ST. JOSEPH. MO. To Western Farmers. Tobacco Scod. I bare several varieties of Tobacco tbat will ripen well in this latitude. To any one wbo wishes sot d. and remits me a thrM-,ent Pitage stamp, on the ssme, I will send a paper of each variety of seed GRATIS. Orders must be sent in lh months of Sepiembcr and October. I do this to introduce the culture of Icb icco iu the West. Address R. 0. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. P. S. Papers in Missouri. Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska, publishing the above once, and sending a No. marked .will rec-.ive iw. nty four uiier- -hoiee flow er seed- frw bv nil. R. O. TIIOMPHI.N. Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The beti substitute for Crfee -vrepare-l iuihesame manner a Coffee Pact 'ices of sted by mail at lu cis. each. Each package contains seed euoub to raii-e a sppply ior an ordinary family, Semi orders to II. A.TERRT. n3S-if Crascent City, Iowa. Merchants and Post MaMers who will add re ns tbia fall, will be supplied witb Garden. Field and Flower Seeds to re 1 1 on commisM-.n at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON a. HBl)GE!. Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse. Otoo. Co.. Anf. IS Aii6-PuS tf Nebraska LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEX, KOEMG & CO., (Late JOH GAE5ETT A. CO.,) So. 56 North Secund Mreet, ab ve Viae, ST. LOUIS, MO. Offer for sale at very low figure, a larire and wel assorted atock of Aaricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprisins everything necessary to tbe Farmer, together witb a large and fresh supply of . Lanlretlis Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OF IS2. For wbicb they are the ote agents. Their friends csn rely up-n trutinp ir. ni ihem heels that ate notnty pure ton true 1 1 name it. every uistauce. Also fiald seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Top Onions fee, &c. , ALSO COTTt.N ANI TOIIACC O SKIiP. Dealers In seeds would do well to rend tbem their orders. Seud for Almanac and Illustrated Catalogue gratis. ilLL XDK.S, 0N1G CO. Fee. ia2al LETT,' STEICELEE & Co. 92AEV STREET, ' BROWN VILLK. N. T. We are now receiving and 4pentnj t complete esort meut of Merchandise Consisting OF BUY GOODS: Prims. Muslins, Dnlte, Ufuabtir, ' Denims. Cottorade?. A iroo Clit'ck, Hickory. Jeaus, Bcrage, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool DelaitiPS, " Fancy1 and Plai n Silk, 1 ' 1 ! Lawnes. aieii Vesting-?, Broad Clo'hs, : ... . , Cast imere. 1 ooped Skirts, ' . ' OF GKOCEK1ES: . Coffee, Tea. Soap, JVIolassei, Candie?, B. C. S,-da, ' " aleraiuf, VinPijar White and Brown Sucar. . ; w Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches. Buiu, Screws, Locks, Latches, J mils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Fils, - &c. &c, &c, &c. Sic. &c. OF QUKEXSW 1 RE: Cups and Saucers, Plate and Planers, Dishes and Tun Mei Coal Oill Lan p3, Lamp Chin tieys, W: :k &c. &c. OF ROOTS &HOLs: Womeii Shoes. . , Kip, Calf. BufT and Kid, Gaiter?,' Calf Shos, ' Oxford Ti'es. Misses Shoes. Slippers, MenV Calf. Men s Brojan?, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, ficc&c. OF HAT5 & CAIN: Panama, Leghorn, WPI inter's. Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Piuniation, Shaker ILods, ... &C-, &C..&C. Of Farming Uieiiss3s: Cradles. Rakes, Fork.. Plows, ' Scythes. Snathf Shovels. Spanes, Hoes. &c. &c Sic OF EU.TliiER: Clear and 2nd t ate Pine Floonno;, Siding, Board 1, 1 1 2 and 2 Inches ') hick, Saah. Doors and Blinds. Pine Liih. All Sizes Sash. All Siz'-s Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call. the attention f tbe public to onr stock, as our CASH lEHMa enable its v sell low Tbankiul for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of ibe same. LK I T, STRICKLER Si CO. Bmwnviiie July 3l. 1862. n62-il SADDLERY! SADDLERY! rtavlnj recently made large additions to my stock, coii.istin ol StDDLK-. rmtXRS BRIDLES COLLARS LINKS WAGON' WHIPS BUGGT WHIPS, OX LASHES IIOKSK LASIirS srniKHSUKS, iSUI'CIMiLKS lilRTHS, bTlRKLPS, LEATUKB5 tec, Ac. I think I can a-comm'xtfe all in on iMtifr. quantity and price. 1 w,.. k none bi.t best tiak Tannol Leather, aud getting it di.ectly rnni -tanneries iu Ohio, teeicuu fldeiu ii wil give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. W. M1DDLET0N. September 13 IS2 n-ty CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. ICO DOUBT AROITT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR Y0URSELVS AT TBI Batimorc Colliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVID SEIGEL Announce to tbe public that be bas opened ont a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c, &c. Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices, ne is determined his prices sha I correspond with the times, and therefore affer here in the West, at Just as low rates as such goous can be purchase! anywhere in tbe Cnited States. As a sample of bis prices be will mention tbat he sells , J Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests Irom $1 to $5. Boots Shoes. Hats. Cap Fancy and White Shirts. Sn. -ders, Neckties, &ck, Handkerchiefs, &c , in tbe sam? proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace tbis opportunity of returning thanks ior past patronage and promise to spare no ei forts in tbe future to give entire satisfaction , Cvll aud boo Him. DAVID SEIGEL. j JtrwwavtlJinwIS, I61.-Ir J mil i'; i - . -" -. '. Airrirn!i!iral VwWnn . ... -. .nutii w lu.-iig.. us )Yh, Wo-! C, ;T ,,s-rher?,.inrr, t, fr-ni rtctory in New V..rV n.: . ir-;U tfd bv all. Th ,.i.i ,.,. f IS a ow and expensive, so mm h so tabt bur f" M it. . Something more pra.-ti.-al must be had I ha retaind air tl.e adv.inr..g.s..f the P lrmi J dn.n for .iling. and devi,e,f 24 steam snScieof for ali nunv, r. . Fnnin. practical, ai.d roves PERFECT SiTf":5 lT ' li .ii. irsiV - Solo a?ent fr IllinlMs and V 221 A 221 S. VePsV Ni'"'.'- Where will al-o he found Downs A C. Vf. Pumps, F.-rc Cistern. Cl.ain nui n. . P Pumps. Thimble Skein and S, Ir.J -! ev. r.T.vari tj ,.f Farmii ir To. Is Ct f " Slnllcrs. Foed Mil!,. Hut and h.tf7:,V' Stove-. Ac. The above will be sold .n L1" the muuufjciurers. at their respe etire r,L 'W " adding freight t. this place. ""Jprim January 18r2. tf I COHHERCIAL. NURSERY, Oil ASIA, SERRASKi. E. H. BURCHES paopRiEToa. I have long since been co ivmced of the .r . class Nursery in tbe West, where TREES,-'SHRUBS, FLOWERS, fc Can be adapted to our climate and soil i. tbee facts, I bave established ia this Bu.. JjtwJ tor sale at, - - - v M ftr Wholesale or Retail, A larce and well ffeTected Mock, suited (0 th.j cl m-. ef , . - - " Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears standard MKljwlrf Chernes, standard auddwrf; ' Peaobes, ' W, Xectarines. Quince, Gooslerne. Currents, liras, Kaspberrie, Strawt,enie, KlaikberTies. Kvergreeus, Shnbt Ro8es . Oibliai Ornamental Tees. Grcinborse Mlid Be-ldina Plants, etc., e'e To which I would be--' leave Mcall tbe aitent:onf th, people ol Xebrat-k. Kansas, Colorado Iowa aud Sunk we Misouri. t3Xy terms will be as low as any reliab e usterj llrery. By porcha-dnsr of me fhs ntninf . i from the ea.-t can be saved. ! All licc wr carpfnllv labetedaud Dkl in l.e best mamioi, f..r wbicb a cDa.K, .ha.ctic-t win be made. Xochaore win be nude for c&e.ienTerj of packages on board steamboats. All Communications addreocd to tbe on.leriijnfd win receive prompt attention. Mrh 1S6J. E. H. Dl.gCHg . THE IIAHP DP FHr.i:iM3l. ow reajr,a new and superior collettin rf !7 Anti Iarcry, Patriotic, and "Contraband" torz. solos, duefs, quartet, and chTu-cs. i.f rh Poetry and .Vu-ic has bt-t-n written exrclj f. this work, to corr-sp nd wish the times, and xu..u',.I bo sung bj the ini'.lmi, in order to awaken a iWp interest iu be halt of the ''Contrabands" wlimaU.i, in his providence, bas cast upon the Irree Xorti to clothe aod edu.-;fe. CONTENTS, IN Part. MF ir Freedom's Morn has dawned st h?t:" "Drear tbe Chains, o" " " nneiji:in; Srl :'' "Frvm-at is Shirehin; on. or, Gl rv H i .le'uj ib Oh ! Help the -Contra h;ind.-;" ftut.itn, il Song;" "Sony: of the Conrra.haDd';" " LetaiT People Go:" "Piir-dy on tbe S.Dgif iho Contra bands';" "Where Liberty Dwells is u:y e nnoy." When Sl;ivery die'H be Freed-in:" "Wak-, Frcem-n. God I as spt.ken ;' "Whituer's ajppresJ Smig of Frceili in," etc. Price only 5 cents single. 50 cents per 1 i'n, li per 100 : lawtage I c -nt. i'lORACK WATERS. Puh!:..h.r. n4l It JMl I'.-oaJ wy. N--W Yrk. NOW READY. THE Offl.- ti! Union Voiuutr Pimfcry. M" pujfei. coiitiiiuing Ji'im ami .V.wfare i.f evt-ry (-ffl-er and Private in fh Union Army. !'" l!' ir ('mmatnU Gasualties, Pr ni-iti.-ns. At-. rl-T-,r7 aitsit.i Snt Md-pMMl.on rei-ei.l -! H1" ' ir-ram s. Add -e UEMiV 15. .N. Ta ¬ one C:-h. or il ii tp-e ;-r.-.. I! it. ciWhW$ JIILLS! FREIGHTERS To THE HUB ASD THE WESTERN ; ORTS "And the public generally ar reperrinlly 'nf"'',; thai hi Mill- are now in excel lent iuiii.iiiu"rier,t' in oul rr.-m 60 to 15 sack pel day. Ue ba iM "' millers ia tbe Territ -ry. (Admittel Uh in Colorado and N'ebiaska ""'"f, pas.-e-i by any west of the Jtia-issippi Rner ) ' fn'm the bet of Fall and Sprtiu Wue..'. -.n l i as low prices as can be obtained in ihe'ernt-ry- m- floor is kepi for sa;e at al' ibr st.,re- in " " ville. He-is prepared to rurmsa ireiamers. aW'' lens generally, wnb flour iroiu either FU " Wheal, and ab- wiib any aino-intol C ro frs a aud B-ukwbeat F.onr aC.Lba tTJ'hes--On-T--mrint.diuzd ne atone-six.h bo-liei. lledesires tccajl of iretgi " adv.niaifes of Brownvil-e as a shippng P""1' -West. Not nly ran any ann ant or grata and fl"r oouined here chear than at any p-id J Territory, but tbe Meicban r nere baa la.d in tui ,..n UrifP npn'v t eveiy vsnetv - I rrt Furniture ! Furniture ! ! Tbe most complete stock of Furniture er this upper country jast received by Brown vi lie. April 2.Vh. I1. SAHHATll SCHOOL KI. ' 2 75,000 Copies Sold the First v Months of its Pnblicatioa It is an entire New Work, of n.arly 2m.l"'ti. Miny of the Tunes aud Hynius -acre wntt pressly for this volume It will smh be P"P , as its predecessor. (Bell N. I ) which has run ap tbe enormous numberof 575,0111) opies '"r. j. outstripping any Suud-ii hi U- of Hi - sued in thiscouutry. Al., both volumes sre"' in one to acci miu.Kiate wishing th va form. Prices of Rell No. 2. p-r " !, $12 per 100. Bound. 25 cents. $13 r u v. w bi.und embossed gilt, 30 cents. $ per 1 uu. fi I. uaucr covers. 12 cents, $10 per l(L ..a cents, $1S per 100. Cloth hound "'ub"T' 'nj ta eents,$lM) per 101). Bells No- - .,j,.fur- gether 40 cents, i 0 ier hundred, i i . .t . Inn . f'b.ri mshed at the 100 price. Cl.-r. 5 postage fr- pilt, 50cents, 40 Pf 1 -il-iil the retan price IIORACE WATERS. F.f. -N,.4SI Broad wavVwJJU- nll-ly .SPERHATORRHtEA. H0WA11D ASSOCIATION paiLADELPHIA. w ri A Benevolent Institution establish f? reiU4 dovcment.for tne Relief fte ct W ajfiuted with Virulent nd C krone v S(Jtii esuedath, for the Cure of Duties oj Organs. ... -.btil MfSDICAIi ADVICE gie f' by a .ttir 1 rlTZl'. reports on W't?t i esses of ibe Sexual O.uan. J ','n I' DIES employed in the Dispensary, eni i e9 envelopes, free of chargt. Tw--threes" tbAd.res DK. J. SS1LUN nOTGjr US. J" aociation So 2 Sontb Mntb ree m Ue.-et.H-er li 16.1 "j" . j. ,t .HVl-rii Lt.i l ' - ,." .1. ineidnts.-f the war.m.w .-; ut l;.,m ....lore.l.on fine heavy prr- ,.l .let 2' f. r$.0i'. or$ I per inii T. - ; i 81 iiuM 6 u