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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1863)
.. l,';i.. 'aU'! -T C,i:z n-t of r " ..' .. t. i C r., , .J . . 1 ' r 1 .i' CLurcli 1,1 liroiu.rille : rv. " I uiigliii? niatiut-r in which the cords were J' ed rJr private uh-n notbe subject V coi,uH.d..m ord-r; of great ,,a,ur,ance lai oc ttVir.d.ath no i,.tataineouS. .ft'S ' i..r h tn-uUe. a:iJ u;a.i tiu tur-- Cufid tu.ce this m..i ? th-v buaz fir .boum time. , V are mid nru;h the DardwielH and ta B.-,,hc.ra.i.hii to a?:i vu io .e n-tulutiyns an ititt rK.ri in -yojr r'r j. naturally vu i -x- ! r?l.'i 'rtu!.:isoi lMif r'l4,.i u ;lK-.f ' tul as i t-uxtu x...t v ...,; .v, ' 7 .luji'iii?.'."' :u;tulasil,f!,e j .1 T .. vfeal aie. aflt r thi : :,( oi"" .... 1 n.iiM7n . ll llil vllnn 1.1.1,1 I ....crtaiiized, and su:pjsiiM t:tt r urioiiS with a caption wouid be 'f ''i J asfc,'l intended th-se only jjnioiial io .-ucb as righi be adoj.n d. VotiTs, JtsSE JoUN. r 'orci- That we reoinn.nnJ to the n-nf NVtniht I'juniy iu caltivate l" nue 'ita oUJiher, and thht we fr- 1 ...,-av.irU);T 10 njiiins 01 af. f CUUV- 3 elite's on each other and particularly toward migrants or, who c, Ii;e amoti us a loyai citizens pi0!rtd. That we are disposed to :ive njai hull ot fell i.v.liiji and proteo' jpail p-r.-ous. wau may come amon li bo "ay be dirposed lo live as good loyal citizens. jsowi, Tbat we do denounce Jay ltitT3 as enemies to peace, to the O-tu. aiJ 10 mankind ; lheive and rt'tr.-. jU-i .drrn.c.alotie lor the sake 0r plunder; ai d hat we will u&e. our best tuirBivrs toarrert ad .-ucu, and to bring brill to jlltice puiilshllielit. ,iit THE VERY LATEST. BY TELEGRAPH. tflirls Wnain IS Mi'ei of H irrUbar; ! I $r'r in Prosr IJeMven mid U idrr u the Old Bull iiua Oattit Ground. Vsoy Kctcrncd lo Harper's Ferry. IlARAITEniG, June 1G.- Evervtbing g'o 'tiiy bere. Indications are tli ittlie rebels will re in sight of here to E3rroir. In the absence of troop t :np ti;c aiivoncu of the rebels, tlie w.-truction of all the bridges along . :i,e Sas.ueh:innah is inevitable. As Lit as tiie troops are sent here, tlty s'eent to the different funis on the fiver, where works are bein rn iTDCitsl. Atrnp!stoget troop? from Va?Liiitnn have fiiled. All the en t:ies of tlie Stte niust be lirecte i varli arre5tin the progresx of the There is no hoi ie of f:antrv smith of the IS'jsQtieljantia . liie opritor xt L :i I n, rratiKiui . 1 . r j , tiuutv, reports our p;c.C''t.s captured a rebel." ho mys the rebeN :ire in tsvv firce in Cuinnerlainl Val'o'V. Le tforn telegraph operator re prtsCOO rebtl cavalry in Cumberland Tl.ere are no Union troops there. 0.' lions flvir.g. 'Philadelphia, June lG:h. Th Ux('T iued a proclamation in iew of te urgent nece-siiv of inst:int ac tion t) protect the Capitol, urging tlie clong of stores, and citizens connect ing themselves with existing military organizations, for the defence of tlie c.ty. Business in the city mostly suspen ds. Reports from Ilarnsburg state the rebels are at Carlisle, only 18 niles from II irri'burg. New York, June lGth. Baltimore patches to the Philadelphia Emjui rer states all safe at Harper's Fer.- and lilroy has reached there. The place will he held. A Baltimore correspondent of the Enquirer, dating 5 p m. 15th, s-iy I iearri from the highest a ith rity th tt battle h is been progressing to-day fa the old Bull Run ground, between Ife and Hooker. The latter doing wrvice. A train from Baltimore, on Mnnday, went only to Elliot Mills. Rebels are also reported in force at Point of Rocks. City Councils met .tLis evening to devise means toco operate with the Governor. Washington, June 16. Governs merit Las lerplvd a tolurrrvim from General Milroy, iw W i in uith the rreafcr part of his command, that '"wiesier was invented hv about I-XWO rebels, with 20 pieees'of artil ery. They carried the outer work ' ' :u .at G o'e'od Sunday cvtnin ; lie savs: "I tbr,. sidked niv - a Vi -lt.i tny wh :de eo;:l-;iHtid. fi !ro.l Tr.,-, : C 1 r.K.vr.;'.:. lour m;!es -f Vj'. che-tcr, the re!vt. "?rT;!!ni::g f.,rce. aUacke 1 a :vsrt ate ti'nx : r vn -t thro'iyh. '(lir-ueil it".' a Mi: I J . c 4 U" i lii V My 11 .1 ' !" i 1 1 v.o:j;r ld ,u" V i:l :l li "i t or -i f i t (,18,.. . . .j......... ...i ( m ihe Sr.,!e o tl.c first of Ju- uiiy ''xt. Secoii'.l, fi r pcrpt tual ! Tir .1 !1 . j.r. 1 ' in nt uoi.i. "of. '.1atc- T,,ir! f"r a t,.vst,',n . PPrcr;ipesliip for sl ive.? so t'lnm- .'fted for f;Uc period .ir mnv be to avoid uny permit mcoti- !elCrifA . . 1 y-, tv IOC ill It' I CMS COIlIlldttU tl . 6've labor, ami to prepare flm f'ftd blacks for complete freeilom Ln all all your things have their place ; j rac" jart ot ycur business have it time. no time ; be always enii loyed in tail . J 1 'Jiiieih "I.' ustful ; cuvt-URll unntc.ssaiy II 1 U ' - , - , lwr T IT . I " " - La..;; T... . - X,,-P hs iv-i-.... 1 . . "1' ' . .1- . 1 n. i a mi iv t.-t.m 1 2 :p Lit ueJ a. f .. - - 1 i'i voi'.'.i.uiuii cin.i. - 1 - . f. . ..1 l.;.. 1111,1 ub;eeu IraUlU' lb in TJ, of MtVvlautl to ialiy and ! vicinity purged th. iheive ai.a ewe UunaZ. uc'i-i:i the-., cf,:t r ;,.vm 1 "P vVJth ukt.i in lrctvn county, . f , rroaniio.i of ta two article -oye Jirn v t fr0i:Va'T'" - - Kn.k.U. O,, of the danr a r. Ll ... Uj ..a. , tuturo be nlU anJ:b.tV.he thves ; then W ib n wuea x.-.-th,. Vnin-i. ,i .' 'fc 111 'rle;u,"n i l ii,.Mi:iu' liiem oot iut the mad, lheyt 'li lj"n!j lt e Uacd awtes . rhaii nertbeless fertile Convention. Ttr-.viaia- I ,,,, nM of ih, thi.-vr. waa wounded thus ,xp.rte.l to w. l- aj : r. . i a t -- - - - - i . ..u 01 a & iilim nv - - - - tor Selraikn Advnt;ter: -j j I ! i - .1 . . r I I ' ... ! t..uiii lutmi;. i wh.i h.iv l-fi it.., I' it iuv II uie.-, arc occaHinlly reiuruiuj. , Tlii 1. irit-ry c;uaiiKs j uisniaUbatic ar.w.d In.itati,, a(1d 11 would takt; b feu ' l,,,uai'1 t'f our iro n.- rr.merl 1 . . 1 as J ut few th.u-ai,d of our tron ir.merly in.'snm nvi-r. it ,..!... .... . 1 -i i . i.i.i.r , I .' .. - - lumuiy, aim ir? it ttum ibe euei.y. W i.y u ia doue js known otdy 10 uur miliury coni(iuiider, firob ally they are awai'iug orders from the war dtpdriineut. ling. Gtn'l Cook is in command here, anJ he steins to-give general altbfictlon and is li Ut d ly all. Withcut maLinany great ad. j lie acconijdM.e's much. .1 am daily wnh your worthy townsman Cul. Furnas, and he always ?se ins occu pied with the duties o: Lii oice, afid de voting hi phonal aiieaiion lo every ihuiir in his oi bjaintfis, : II ? proves a laithiul anl eifijien: utliotfr. Fro n whit has come u n J r n.y otiervaMuu I am aMfird he uud( r'alJds tl;e responsibility of his poiiiion, ar.d by his iore.-iht and tnan.i ini'ot he av- ihe dtpartintnt ot a 1 age xpeube. 1 can also ak tery highly of Maj. iVarman, of hi.- military appt argute aid ni y towaid. hi? m n. The health of the soldiers at ihU post is tolerable good and 1 have learned that those in the hos pital are inuily becoming convalescent. The ( amp of the second Nebraka pre sents quite . a civil izt d appearance, and will remain as evidence of western en u rpri?e, loi.g after the soldiers have leit for other juartvrs. It is fully behev- 1 td that a gut-rrilU warfare will be kepi op ihia summer by the Sioux and Chip iiwa 'Iti.liaus, and tbat in small bands they will evrd the troops and commit depredations and prowl on the frontier and go unwhiprttJ, of justice unless the army is properly maneuvered. This is a great detriment to the settle ment of bt au:iful and healthy country. The expedition now fating- out by the Uini-d S'ates aaiut . tbe.e Indians, will iiot Wave for onv3 lnh'th of time yet, and will be so hsrge ai.d cumbersome t! a: bet little i:ooi is anticipated fr.m it. The Net ra.-'.a s cond has won a hLh and un'i'iliiij repjtatijn .bj'h from tle i f.tizms and co:n:nanditi2f cfiiCc'rs, for .. - . , ' in ua c -.i ..ol and wi.ling.ioss to do Hie ,rt ily onjoined up.ui them. I have conversed with a large number of fibers m d privates! of ihe secood am. find a la r ire proportion of Demo cra's, and boat of it w-iih no l.ule satis faction; they nre D-itiocrats and intend to live and do? in that time hon ired nariy. hut acknovxledgo tliat the copperheads, vho are trying 'o sup- rrede in influence, by robbing them of their good name, would do anything, hovvever mean, to bring about a peace; even, though it crushed the g Kernm-nt, and destroyed for ver our nationality. But no one will so far forget himself as toaccine the democratic party of bein white-livered enough to sue for a ces sation of hostilities, ontil the rebels are mad to lay down ilo ir arm, und obey the laws. Bui ihey are Ik- willing that an as ortmeiil of fai hi-s -demug l'us aud traitor. sd.ail ie- ih-f banu-r f dem ocracy and unfurl it to the breeze, in o:der th y may m ire ff c uaily ear ly out ir iii'ame.u - S si,ns aain?i out l..v d ian.t. 1 am o:itiJ' iit t! the entire army in the field a. trje to guv m meni, a.- the second Nebraska Ut ttie rtbelliou would be wound to a close un conditionally. B it they are so placed that it is impossible for thm to make a dis play of their braveiy and hyahy to the 00 vi rum nl. C k "V of this reyiiio nt across the nvrr wih ilirt icnmlIpoxi and if it j;e.s in'o the entire resiimjnt. it will be tlirr end of our ctmpain this eaon. Cap Cwpor .-till r. mains in the ho at Umh"a ..n .bie t'-r" duty thMh he is f - ...t t wriij"- iroi hi- wound. Lieu! jjvMVt ,. h.iS t ern (Via h d from the com l . w. ... r,!.- . ia:. 0!l l.i eol. 111a1 in" - - 1 I . . 1 . - ..... . . . r. t T 1 1 n : ."-1 11 1 ly 11. 1 I . I t r ' . n 1-: ill '. 1 In Ilia I U " . I 1 1 I . I . . . . 1 I . I. 1 -r h. cniiil'atiV. ahtl 1- liaeu ny o o: r ni)t y rp Bcv. II i;; K- I Mil VIS S HO T L C' 8 ii 1 -ft .. ! I in 1 .T-1 I'M ll'"11 ' i t,... 1. it., :,l:-1 ft fltW.Wa- . t a 1 'I 1 rear Iowa :;i .Iu i:t ;.!- r. o n 1 in t!i ? Htd the oth-r in ti" -k' linh w uud- ire evt're, tut may ii t 1 e dm rons. We Imve not hvard niutt lo'caiti of Uv ff ilowe.. AfioihtT chapter has just traufjdred in the hor: aling affair which we men tion in another column. It seems that thf persons wt;o jur&utrd aod Jhot the thieves. pnch d them out of iha stolen wrgon iti which they wer riding. and left thin lyin? in the road ; lut they were afterwards taken awtty or managed to crawl avay. Tht-ir pui.UhmeM not in - de.n,- d M.fiV.eot. a piny w-m from j HiiihlanJ. lound ai.d Iru2ht thtMii to that p!acH, whrt; thy oiu sort of a trial. They mad. i ofe,Mon. ard j Irom MiSbOUrj." ' , j lilt! dtu Lausr.L mT -sud - rr m -rrrtu-M v. . " - . , to Mri1ne.3 the . I m taken to a j bf ftiwiMi.' . : Uv I.e. Tll 'priM-nera WfT rr i. .. r . ri-H i that' one tot aa struggled for fifteen or latniy minuis, wherrcne man attempted to put him 'out of his misery' by shoot ing him, l ut was prevented by the crowd. How lou hj continued to hang, before he died, we have not learned, as our in formant says he could stand the sight jio lonirer. hu. lef;jthe ground.' r , ; Ve have expressed our views of this mode of dealing 5 with such outlaws. Civil law is powerless, and military law as it has been conducted in Kansas, is almo-t a bad as the evil from which the people suffer. Either the country must be' desolated;' or the people take the mat ter into their own hauds. Lyn-h law, in it mildest and mo4 humane form, is sufficiently horrible; but when-crininals ate literally tortured to death, it is per fectly hideous. When ihos? thieves w ere rirt overtaken and shot, their career should have Wen ended right th re. and nj fault would have been found. Bit to go. after' ihti la'pie of teverai day, dnd drajr twoseferety wouutiedneh to a place of execution, and then torture them to d.Hth. 1 ioks more like inhuman barbar ism than an act of justice. Horse-thieves bayero right to live, but they shouJJ bS d pitciied to the speediest a ixl quietest manner po-ible. If ih-y are to be tor tured, burn them at the stake at once, af ter tru- ava?e style. It ia to be h;rped a nd; prayed that law may soon resume its proper sway,1 and justice be administerd,, as it, should. Lynch law cannot be indulged for any length of: time without hardening those engaged in5 it. Soon it 'will be common for any man ,10, hunt down and shoot those iwho have injured him. without any f.-rm of trial whatever Kansas Vhir.f. " O F FI'CI X l: I-UVS OI'TIir. IJ.MTin) STATES, I'atotdat tit S.cutui Jil'iom th -Thirt-tectMtli . :! L : 1 fu eat ics.- - (Continued f'm first fnge.) Art. 8. A!l article which are or maj ho lelly imfxirb!e iote tie Ttited Suuc fAmerica in ves-ft-lsirf the Uuiu-d State way liLwi b lroporttd in O O man without being liahie to anjr oth or l:ifivr Jutiys or eharg- ol whatever denini catiuti than if tucb articles were imported in vcHe .t ite United Sufe.; id retiTjcllf nil aiti -Iis l.i.:h ar or mj be Itgnlly . importable into jae 3omici.i( ns ai.d fH-rw ssi..i t of His luptrial .Mnjeiy tn SuUau iu (juimtn vesfrlr ma likewise be iui . .ttrd in '! rr Lhs Cited Stutea without being 1 ab!j to ar orhsr or hinar duties orei iru uf w. ativi r cenon):nxiO:i thnn if such articles were iu!ptnd in Ooi uuHn mussel. Sm h rtrij.nfHl t qiiiihly ( f irenitueiit el all take flet without ai titic;i'ii wh.'tli r ia.!U artniitt con i directlp lr-ui ti e l:ce tf Migiu r f.'wfn inr othar aun;ry. ia th fame i:irif'1h.ira i-hull be rfct' equality vf :rNtiu!:!it in rirl to eij r a'ion ki that the .iaic i-Xi-ort ditu.-! Am i te p.d. ind the eniue kKuntir8 nni -Jml';uks nlivt'd in rhs Jom uio.o an. p--ses-'min f ei.iicr of ihe ca'rxr'm par.i.-s on thj cip- rtiktiou of H'o riictc w.nou ia, or w ty b j la-g-tliv rzpirt-ibie tiiTfmm r.iihjr ucb exp-irta-sii ili taltL' fU e in O toinoi or in f edde of the Coi led S.ute nu 1 wa-itever inij be the pla-e of deti itMtl'.u wuetiier a p rl .f Jtaer of tbe cun'r'tiog p.'trtii.-i irot ny third power. Ait. V. No dotie-4 ,f toon e harbor pilotage, liit house, quuraiiiind or other similar or corres pond Dg i tie of wherever uatare, or under what eri r ticu mlniition levied iu the nanjd or fr thi benefi of tlie ge eruinent ubliu fun'ianariea p.'i vitio iiidividurtin corporations or ee ublihinents ol iij loud h.i.l be tuited in the p.r oflbedo luiuioua and pesitU! of either country upon the vessels 'r tha other ooun'ry which hll not equally an i under he saint coiidiiious, be iinpued iu the like ca'eti on nation il vela's 1 1 general. Su h equaliry of troatoiout siill aptl recipr to the re-pective roasts, from whit ver prt orpine they miy arrive and whiteor uiiy be thuir place of destination. Ait. 10. All vesijls wnieh according to the laws o'" tbe Uoit. d riutes are to be deem d ve.-s-ls of tbe Uuited Mties and all re-uvU wawa a crliag t. U.iuiuHn hiws me t be diemed Ottniiin vessels. i:.a!l tor ihe j.urp'ises ot this Ir-.afy be dc-iofd vi-s-(el-vl toe L ui ei ri a il Ullo uiU ' vo.-:se.. rci-pxtii'tlj. Ait. II. No chnrge wh.iUocTer shall be mid up ,o g Ui tl the Un.ted tto-i. bsuig the prodei r ujaiiul.icture of toe ITuio d S ana of aiu r a MhfiUcr 11 voxels of tiie Uuii'-d Utc. or ! u-.r vu.--.-tis 11 -r uj: i ita ao idi the pri.oie-i; or rn tu! ii' lure .l ioii otaer i..rc;g i c ua'ry var o I iu t;--j1 i ill 1 Lii.lcd Mrtt ' wbtn lie "iiv fhiitl .' iijr.ur Ui. S.r.nis ..f til-- l).n .1 moii.M o ol ! .- 0 .-pa tu- wii-tiiT ca-'.'. t;"," "-t 1' thr-:i ta .-v ty thj v. i- ii tun br'-vs!-,t tho.a i-r s.i.OI navo t 00 tra.-ii .p.." d ' tb.i e --.'i-: tr KLclmr al-or i .vin u' i k-.U i.r exf o iokhu nicy ua.i 1 r a Lorioa nni; t ciiflu bo lundcd n. i.rd r to Oe pijc.-i iu lt-r v el f.r :- - Ji .Ui'i .-. v .H4- . I t i'lt Ullsr - i-: to-; g.i? to (; i - llOullill Ot: .fi.i.ld -H. t.'..4 . 11' iU"pl .- It ':' lU'g.xiu s .i -u iu i..i -,; 1 -.1 o'' mi ..1 .;.- uiiuv ; m ia .oiy ... it ir.:-U au-Je tttaio i- to 1 bu'e.t tli-y ..-nitll re t bo ih.o - ! the uJ.u inl-ir.iiii li of tbe t Url .iui. An. 12. lue .uoli.iuj l'oru diiing :ograot by xOiaiis ;U giatluJl -i.etite!!jtli. ail Ucoitin- iu i..' ot(W-r ti Ifrtiioit 0 lai.d it f -0; oiuti-i nu - gre-:d iUt tbe duty t iiir s . j.-r eeut K vud uo tin-. liine ni anu lcff 10111 tu ui tho Oto-uim Hui,oo, iu ilusr i-is-ge tbuuh the Oitimiu (in us in ulU. r couutnos .-ia.l b---. eJuoel t tvv p r ;ou:. puy .ol- uu duty a tnfie p-r c-jul. at Ojvu p-tid uuiieit. ou rnviug ia uu: O.iuoi iu d .uia a.. a il Mt m-cod a ih years, to b ro :.o d lr m toe d -t tho exjiiuugu ol tue r-itid aii oi o ttte pii ttrot iroii), oa ueo nd d h lx ol ou r.r ecu'. bum. o. a im4 4 is to b. itio ruse w.ta rt.-po.a u Uiiuiui prvdujd txpricd codeiray iuj at;i.-?i.s of regis. r iii-'U. iuo ubiiiiiu aoi le at th-J r tiu j tiui d -cl.ires that reives to iuicif tue right t ly a !;e i..i ni x tuKiu toe iu.- l bJ uopicd lor pixkeoiiuu i' IraaJ. Art 13. Ci.irtii.-ol tlw Uoiud States of Aim-iiea. or ibcir aeuts tra l.o iu g'-l Ihs Ol iou.iu;lui t; t lmvgu i-oUoifies. tlol OJ j-uUjec . . - .. L .. ..... . ..... iu xoe jiiui ' WX :a lt t iJ-'jr ",U,J ,,eu'c r'" 1 ...... i ...... i . iid mi Mil h ihLm atuii IU T j - 'a j a B- t tfMUutry . 4n 'il Aa exsjentio-n to th- sthe stij ulutions I ml ik-wn in th. Vtn Article SJall be tnvdo in ro--rd to i bjx'oin any sp whatsoever, ntid aI.mj ki rpira t wit wlncn two articles Cjase to 1 i 1 .i.l d mil -n ' lli.-id Mr.ii-u the uUxjus of the ' ri 1 i-,..J Am r,.;i are tie-ruitUcd tu ilUiniit " " ...: 1 iu- UOoUl ill 'aii.n.n?. (.'1..I01 -1 tU.- 1, .l.itM o-c- .v.. " tr...i m tui.mi 1 oe sa'ijooi n tu j .' " iK.w.. r!i, lf! without tliureoT over toe 'cxikmi. " Uiigtiil-d W i tiX tar?U td,.oe rDjersl(KHl b,lweea the contrAUing r-,rt"a thiit the SaWiuw rwerreJ w iUilf the faulty and rirat of isaaia . ge-.,r.U proaibiti.n 32 the iii.rution tuu, th. Ouoman .n. ofgui.powdcrcAnuon run of wror m.l trj s.m baf .aTb pribifor, w.ll n- c.m. Cd until it ehJtll h. offi,.lly ''t'tteJnu.Jj:,s1 .milyonlvto the articles waid h ivj nott-wsj the Ottom.u empire bi suqjcet to tu, lion, unless the location oi tae Ua.ted Amuru shall ibiok fct to apply for a f fa" which will iu that ca eri ilB i l -l..r IliarLO Cll ow .it r. , , i bL' J, -S i lfua.i ut bo . id i.r, a.. I- avis to uoimiij.-'- puiuilfHi: , Staus qu-u..ti-.-i- t- l ST Ii-q-.uty ,S .uP,w - L'aitad OUtessuSi 4? irlLur.spui. la ba du-iaxed hj t'aa lacal uthor-J Uoitunl lh u i;pI--r . bstli th.n w b ronveel un- d t thi; 'iup'oi-ri .ij'of" inch autbitritie. lo d'Twita or j gt.inplieea, Sa Hj-ae?.mnni.Dttvhich j th l-rie inte.tte J snail h tv access under tho I "ctruUtin.. i ,on u ?uea lessei tae leat p ibte delT. art. 17rlhe aptionKi.f merchant re?w In of the United Matw, ladr witoedideetined for rhe Ot ti.inmi imj ire, shall ;Pe obii. imniediately on their arrival t the pirt of their kesfinition, to da j oi-it in tbe custi m-house f ,id port a true copy of thjir tnmnifiest. Art. 18. Coutraban 1 uli will re liibli t eoi fition'by the U:tiu.ta' treasury: bnta renort:or pruc rerbal, of the 1 act of eon'rabnd . mnt mi -id as the g.K.d are mmi1 by the authorities, be drawn up aud eo!n:nuni( to tha cnular an thority ..f tho citiiin oraubjeet to wh im the poodi aaid to be contrabini shall bulon; and no pxidi can U ronSajatcd a. conjrabnn?. unices the fraud with regrad ti tbemi shall bj laly an 1 IgH pn.vd. Art. 19. All men-hniise. th prodn-se or rnma facttreof the m dominions anl p-ssesiiort, imp rted into thi United ritjaa of Am?rini. ahtll be Ua ted in the tnati aanneras tbo like morchnn-d-se. the produs-'e anJ manufacture of the mjst fav ored i.ali.-n. A 1 rights, privilege, or iratn iait'je?, which are now or ui iy brefter bh g?auv-d to, or aafored t be ccjiiyfd by the 'rsbjet., rc-ol 'comtnirce or iiKig4iioa ol any foreign jwer in th Unitpd Sta.-sof Aiariai, Pi.-nU ba equally granted to, and ex.-ici-o-d an 1 en'op d by the Huhj-ts y-:?, com mcrje, and unvigati m .f the Sublims I ort. art. 20. He jtc.nt tnaty, wbtn rat'fi -d, nhall l"! tnb-titu?od l.-r the ci mnjcrt-i:il onvtitiiin f thf 15tli f augu-t oh.H. between the Svblime P -rre und Ureal fiiit kiu 00 the footing of which tht! m meice.of ihe United Stwtes uf Arno ld ha b-n heretofore placed, anl thall ontinuc in fnr-e fur 23 l twenty eight 1 year from tbtdiy of the cx.hanze of Ihe ratiheations,nJ ea-h of thd two contraeing mrties being, h iwior, at liberty to gire the other at the end of 21 (four teen) yearn, that time being Cxi d,a8 ttie prov.giotis ot th-s treaty will then have coue into lull fori e, notice tt.r this revijiion.or for i' deteruiination tit the expiratem of a yeir from te duto of ttiat n jiic, aal eo again at the end of 22 twenty one years The presont treaty shall receive iti execution in at and every one of tho province of tho Ottouan en.pire:tbat is to say. in all tha jiossesVnni! of Hi luiperial Majesty the SulUn, aianated in Earooe or in Asia, in Egypt. an i in tbi other. prts of Africa belonging to ttie Sublime Porte, in Servia. and in nrited principalities of Mollitvia anl Wallashia. Art. 21. It is always unierst iotil thit tha rov-erwn-jnt if tbe United .States of A-nsiriji d t? n it pietend by uny article in the present treaty to stijv u'ate for in -re thn tho plain an 1 fair conitru-tr of tbe terms employed nr to preclude in any man u r the 0.t"iQ in givcrn"ient fnm the exorei; of ii ribt.- ot ititeraaidiuinitration where the oxt cie ol thhe rights d.ies not "Vid ntly infringe nr--a the privili-gs arrdd by an ient treaties r be the present treaty to citix.-ns of th Uuited State or their merchandise. Art. 22. The bi,:h contracting parties hive agreed t apjioiiit jointly i-onim'..M'.n"r. f r tho fettleui- nf ofatari3it Citstom b'iuse duties to be levied in c aii't-ruiity with the stipulations of thetrefent treaty, as well upon inrch:odio of every dwrip latiou beiug tbe pr du; e or inanufuctor' of th Tn led States of Auier'cf iinixitud nfo the Ottoman tmpire as iiMn aj-ticleJ of every description the iro tluouor m:inf,teture of tha Ottomin empir an I its 09jesoiins, which citizens of the Ui.ired States or tbtir agents are foee to pur.;has in any part of th O.Uima.i empire for exprt-nti m tatne United State or to any other country. The new tariff to be so i-oncludeJ slialt rem iiu in force during enen yetrs d.tiing trom the date of the exchange ot" the ratiflja-ti-ns. - . - j- Lath of the contractin j psrties shall hare the rightajear befure the.i xpiration of that term to demand the revision .f the tariff. II it if during the sevenih year neither the one nor the other of the countiacting purti s, sholl avail itself ofihia nbt the tariff tb'n ixV'irghall et.ntinne to have tho f,.ri-e of l:iw for fcviii years more dating from Ibedaycf the expiration of the pr ced ng years; the mme all be the ease with respect to every suoceseive pf THd of aeVt-n yenra. - Art. 2:1. The present ireatA' i-l.nll be ratified and the ratification shall be exchanged at Constanfin -il ? in throe calen lar mo'itis or H.n ;r if possible, aud shnll be nnrried inTo exeeution when ratifiei. ' Done at CiXtctaniinopli) on the 2j.h d.ty of Feb. 1S62. EDWARD JOV MORRIS, l. s AaLI, II. s.j An.1 whereas the aaid conrention ha bdendu'y ratified on both parts, and the re-peetiva ratifica tion of tbe sarai. were exchanged in the city of lloxico en the twentieth ultimo: X.ivr therefore ba it known that IxBrtiTIeM LINCOLN. Prosidsnt of the United Stat s of An r ica. have cau-!d the aaid contion to be mid j public, t the end that the aam i anp every elan-os and arti cle thereof uwy be ot'ved and fulfilled by the United States aud the citix.'na thcr o '. . . In testemi ney wqerenf I have hereunto set my hft:l md caused t'.ie seal of tho United Spates to be affixed. ... ..Done at the city of Washington thU twen tieth d.iy of June, in tbe year of our Lord l. S J oue thousand cignt hundred and six'y-two and of the iu-icpaidcnce of the United Slates of Ata: L-.i the eii!oy-ix'n. aIIKaHaM LINCOLN. by the Prsi Jent: wilUam n. iF.wxrj, Scen-Hry os State. APPLE TRE I5S. DROW'XVlhhK NURSERY. TUB UXDKRSiriXiD HAVE STILL A Fiiu ni'ii. i api'i,i. t.;i;es RAIDED IX THIS S 1L AXD CLIMATE, W huh tlitry offer ihir. Fall. CHEAP TOSt CASH, OB A 2 S It OVK !' TRADE. TIIF.SK TTtKKS ARK LARGE. Will cnnuente teaiiiiK in a year or iwU; yet we wili re 1 1 i bem at . : 13,00 PER HUNDRED, O R l)ozi-:.v. . , , .MACK.- FISIIKH a. IT M'KKH. TAXES! TAXES!! The un terr-i.sne.1 w.i: iteil to t ie pa nan ir taxe f r atl a in-re-ilo its w i niijr e :rruu btm therewith, FItlJE OF CII IKCE, n Xcuia'ia. Pawnee and R-cha'tNon Comities. T. R. FISHER, Kd ltdverti'er. Monoy ilLdvaxxooci on PIKES' PEAKS GOLD! I will receive Pllse's -Peak ' Gold and 'advance :u 'iipy uicii tbe same, aud pay orer balance of proceed is Ktoii returnr are had In all cases. I wi exliibii-he p inted returns ot the United Srater3fitn r A-say office. . J N O. L . CARSON, BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKER BROWNVILLE, .NEBRASKA. . . ' .. ' . ' no204 AUGUSTUS SCHOENHEIT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOIlSAJN CHANCERY, Corner First and Main Streets. RrotTiivllle .- - - Nebraska Notice to Teachers. The u:i l-rrin-.-J. Itotrd of Seboi.l L'xaminer. for th O.-un-j- of N.-iunV.'t. hereby give notice that here-ftcr, n Uia first Satur-liy t.f each month, th7 will hold -tn-etins at the of Lutbi-r iload ly. Eq., in UniwnTiUc. for tbe porpo-e t.fexainin in;j applicants for certificates to teach school in said countv. n. II. DOBBIN. S.i A. i WHITE, School L. H0ADLY, J Examiners. January 31st. 63. n29 ly JACOB MARH0N, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE. Calls 'he attention or Gentlemen deriLg new, neat, aervicable and fashionable WERAING APPAREL, - TO UIS Hew Stock df Goods JUST RECEIVED, BRQVD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, ViTlNGS. &, OF TIIE VERY laATETT STYLES, Which he will soil or makeup, to order, at uaprece- l I urmcu I" .. , . , . ,, - : .1 J 11 . . ., . - . ,v tbinc in nis hoc hi tu ' .i .,,il ft taimr hi- stia.k I e ore invtrsTinr hk or ; "f;. l3lh jSf.2. ' : . r Trfvf. . . , , -ax !Tpt:rstijr.ce"i.T3 aecraiarcrJer-unde bj-the DistrlTt Court 111 aul r.r Ntiudba Coun:y Nebraska Territory, si.iius in Cliancery, beariu,r d ite Hy a9.n 1S62, 10 a certain can-e pen ling ia aiJ C urt, wne em benjamin ii. Cviuper is cunpiainaut ami Jer.-me II. ver. ei al, are re-poD tn.t., 1 w:!l ua Tuemiuy. July Ttb 1563. at 10 o'ciwot. A. at., in trout of Deu'H Ualiiu Brownvilie, in said couuty, beta? ibe piae where aaid court was lat neid, rfl'dr (i i-ale to 1 be ticteit Lid .f r for ca.-h. tbe tuliowiuK ce-tcribeJ preine to-wit : The eoutb weet quarter ot aettiou number twenty nine, township suniUer tur, ncribut raURe i.tmtd tiaeen,estuX tbe cixtb principal uiendiaa in Keuialia County. Xebiak Territory. J.' S. BKUFOSD, d4S-dw-$1 BO Matter in Chancery. MASTER'S SALE. In pnrsnance 01 a ilecretal onler made by the District Court in and fr Kt ruha County, Kebr.ok t Terniory. ait.iuK 111 Onait.-ery, bearing die ay 29 h. lSi. ia a certain cause pending 111 aiJ coirt, wherein Bjujaiutn G Coier is c.rnptainant. an'J KJward JJ. McU-oias. et al, are fletenOaiiia, 1 will uu Tutstity Jul) 1th. 1S6S at 10o ciokA at., in t o n of Ueu'a Hall, ia Bruwa ville, iu sail oiony. beiaj ibe pltce where said Court was iat belli, oner fur ate to tbe bidder for cash, the following de-enbed piciuies, to-wit: Tbe nor it we bi quarter or kectmn number tenty-niue U.wubip tuju-er four, north of rane number flrtean. eat of the atitib principal me-UB in IiOfaka Cerrt-"ry- . ;. JAMES S. BEDFORt n4d 5w fr4 SO Msler i.i On uiciry. ritouATi: MM it i:. Notice is hereby given thai application has been made for letter of Administration on the estate of Martin i3ea, and that Monday, the IStbdayof June, A. D. Id)'-, at 2 o'clock, r. M., baa been set for hearing. All persons interested ara hereby no tified then and there tu ayter. . CliAI LF.S F. WALTUER. Pr.bate Judg. This notice to bs pubiisLei. in tho Nebraska Ad vertiser. Falls City. M it 12rh. Hi t, n 11-1 --f 2.50 I'lltmtlL NOTICE. Xotiee is Lereby givt-u tbat application has been m:idef.T letters teit.i!0-?ni-iry on the estate of John Miiinb-t. and th: the Probate Ju.1 ha et Mon day the 15th dny ef June, A. D. l.Vi.l, at 2 o'clock P. M., for he iring, and i-raif of wii'. A 1 persons interested are hereby n iiii;d thoa and tbers to ap pear. CHARLES F. WALTHEIt. Probate Judge. This notijo to be published iu the Nebraska Ad vertise. Falls City, May 12th, 1533. ntP-4w-$2 50. BSOWN VILLE HILLS. Messrs. Melvin & Springle, PROPaiELORS Or THE STIAH WM i SAW Are nw running both Hills night and day, and art prepared la supply cuiomer wiih any aniat of FLOUR OR LUMBER. Tber bare on band several thousand bnshela of tha best of H be it ; they have also i-ecured the services of an experieneec Miller and they consequently flatter themselves that tbeir fljur will give entire sati faction. TO THE PEOPLE OF MISSOURI, They wonldaarthat they have wade arransem?nta with ibe Ferry C impany to have the Boat coss regular ly. rs irdless of the weaiher. Tbe citizens of Atchi aon County, need not bereafier bve aoy leara with re gard to the regularity of tbecrobsinj ot the FERRY BOAT. Freighters to Denver and Fort Ikcarny. Uancliinen, Mer chants, and Kakers, Are invited to xive onr Flour a trial. Everything Kreiahtern can dei-ire to purcbae my bei btained in B-owuville on as etsjr terms as anywhere else on ibe River. And there i no better point than Brownvilie to ship from. AtELVlX & fcPKLNGLK. April 16, lS63-n4l-tf geuikie i i: 3i i: it i r & co., Manufacturers. A (tents lor the sale of l'OOOO'O ! ! ! Watches, Chains, &c, &c., 1TOKTI1 500,0000! To be sold for one Dollar Eacb, without regai d to value. splendTd list. Of A r' all tobew'd for oueDjllar Etch. 100 Guld Hun Ing Caed Watches, 100 W'aiches - 2)0 Ladies' Watches 6 0 Silver " - 600 G ild Guard, Vest and Chateain Chann. -4000 Vet. Xeck, Guard and Cbate.ala Cmins - -3)00 Cameo Brooches 3'MNi Mos .i a id Jet Broochet 300 l.-tv aiKl Fioren iiio Bi-' . -3 0 " C.h al. Garnet fc. Brooches, 33 0 Cameo Kar Uroa. -3 no Garnet it saic an I Jet Ear Drvps, 4roo L.iva au.'.Kioreutiiie Ear Drop 4iHK) Geu:' S art P in. -60 JO Clialn ami Baud Bracelets, 0600 Gri t K eais. Pins, " -3 0 WaicSi Key-. -ro 0 F. a i.l'i-m S i tes, 7J' i f B oiii S., -wii ii s fe- t liat i" -9:100 Piaul ii IO!iae t Rials, 7iH0 Sl-'IU Set Rui-'S - - 7Cioo Miiuatu'e ke:. Crosses, &c. -UOOO Sis Laities J.' el ry. $100 eich 6 each 35 aih 16 each (15 to SO each f to 15 each 4 to 6 eich 4 to 4 lo 4 t 4 t 4 to 4 to 2 to e icb 6 ea -h 6 eaa 6 e ich 6 ach 6 e .cb 8 eacti 3 to Id each 2 to S each 3 to 2 to 2 to 2 t 2 to 2 to 6 pa' b 5 a.-li ea- h fi eacr. 6 each 6 ej ti 2 t to each a to 15 eacb All of tr.e aHa in ttie above LUt will be old wi b out re-e vaii n, for D-llar ea:!!. Certirljite of all ti.e vari-.u article- are placed in similar on vel pe-i aml-ea eJ. TuesP eurel ves will ba sent by mill, or oe iver-il at our oOloe, winiout re-tal ti Oj leceivii f a Cer.iflt. y.m w. il .iat artic e it rtj. re-i-ii'a, an I ii i- op lontl wlch 1 -u to aeid ouedjliar ami re-fi e the ant.'ie or n it. In a l rran.'criiii-by mr.l we i.ha'1 charge for for forwaniiiu ibe Ccrtifl-ates. pavjne poMaee. and d iinr tbe biiMoe-s. 25 cents ech. Kive Cenincates wul be ren f--r ft; E eveu f.r $2; Thirty for $5; Sixty-flve f .r $ 0 an I One bnndrel for $l. CtiRRESPOXUEXTi may rely urn a quicx anl pr nipt answer to their orcleta. our bui-ioem. is c-ut-unctel "i-oii iii.eral. lione-t. .tra:xbtforwara principle, ai d e izuarai.ti-e sat.staciion iu all taes. Our pal r us may alwava depend hihui bavinir ibeir onlers faub u 1 1 ami i-M c:uMy nupp-icd. Iu uo ca.e wiiicorre-pooo.-ut'. be tie-iete-l. JCJC -rie p it.djrus shoutd be cavefnl to write their ci,Ui urea plain, ami i;ive their P.n.ttMlje, C om y, aud suie. Audre.-a.GtO DKiiERi r h. co . 229 Br aday, ew Xvrt X3T Hivina had bubir.e.-" leta'iona wi.h tbe above ct i.tUnien I take piea.-nre in raylug that tbey arr b. u .rab:e upris'.t men. and perform all they promise ; and the JVwelry I have seen ir m the-e isae i-iin-, aud grivfsatia.acti -n. O TltOSlPi )S, Xnr ery Qiil, Xeb. WHOLESALE ONLY. American Stationer j TYareliocse JOHN" X MERIT A. . Irnporicr, Wiiolesnle Sllioner, A i i o e A i for Wbc:nrdf'..;;! 31 s l'.YDniain Pa;r n, Conii:i:iS of Cjnirrr;.ii X 'fs. f.e.ters, Bill, Legai No. I ,':! V't-'ftl N". Y. A eo, l rie ;in i e A rt-ni i'or 'he luilowii.g ne su I u e ul " i le-: Th: - T'o i- Se ctii !n"e of e rn i-.e beinj ra y -i J "-y Kf i ' ui u i : ac jrit r.rn V.-l-'a- ize-l ''.'ii'iifri't nr eraMve qoanj ; tani-e rca:i y 'bin el r..nt na e c t .o ajo her. anl is a ...i at a. i . x i e.n-ly I'-w ji'ue I i tue ioot Ue.-ira-r e art io e or tue Uui in .be ma E. t. fin .t - lu. Hii; !i-. i --ln:d A Iltcli, an . oisp i.ik a:.l, prcse. via; ink fiom tbe dec.niyj- ung e.l.'i oi" u-ii iic..". iM.ciit Iii!t-rrnser aud P.ipt r- I'lrn n r. the best article mf'.e f r n.a K mt pencil mirks, ac cuii.ijji.iiib the work iu one ha.f toe ii-.e tf oidioaiy rLLoer. Tae 1'alcut t'ot:.V.n-.:i jn Tiier-Cuttt r n 1 l.!t i i. a new and T sefn' aruc.e, caiaininj tbe ue tf to in-d.-tenaoie ibiua l-,iH.i' lii'Mt lrtHM Copjiuj Pres, a light, cheap, ai d use' ui article. Jirrm Ai ilf.twii-lJ3 Pen. a very npert-r steel-pen. loade anl re'ec'el with the area ei ca e put Ui t il ten iu a box fc'xU xeseu cn,s a in a. i ti e itr-aiiy fl itied box, tue most cnveu ltii bUape iMJs ble f r retti.lj;. Tiii: -i:iMir .nrro'c.Tp"" niaznifles son 1 b ect li ,to times : li a simple that ic.ii.iuiij ueii; ii-au eu.lie.' a .i'i-e cf auiuseniciit auJ m-t:u ti u t y U'i4 an 1 ii Jle'aiU 10T Si -Beau lf ul iiioutei bje-i.., fU'-jo e iot tLe niicrutcipe i.e -u-nissea bi SI 5i iei- iz. letaii. l h ve j jsi iee.vca a fa-i audcomple:e assortment ot tiie KeniUiie Arnold'- MTritias Fluiil. Alt n-i't'r viii rfcr ln pr...o;f an I cire'al st'e-.tirn : s , - f -i.a i-ir.'j.. a : : w.. -i ... j T .. " :!-?.. ll4ll'l.-lk.-., i. l ' &aJ Sua t SALIXALBA. Tae Greatest Timber for the PKAIKIES,,; Jj" It mixes a perfect Hedge fence ia roar years I Jf One A' re of it ret ttua fall, in five years will make eouugb Wood for one Fanii'j t u a rui straight, and very ia!l t jj" It uever sprouts from the voola; but when cut d-.wn. wi;i f ow attain from the stump, very rapialy t EJ- It i. tbe best oft wood for fuel, er any otber purp-et 53" hen kept pff the ground, tbe raila will last 80 yem! 53" It trowf!ly well wiih ua eo upland, where ll i-r cb. as in ibe bottom?! 53" Cuuin.-a eiubt iucbs long stack lathe ground la tbe Kail, never fail to grow 1 53- We reli U for 4" per thousand Catlings, deliv erer at any of our Agencies. 53" Parties wiahma to buy, abonM order early of ear Aleuts, eo that they may notify u iu lima. AGENTS. . T.R. FtSHFR, Brownvilie," 1 Agent for Nemaha and east half of Ricbardsoo CjunUe. CCRTIS &. PEATER, Pawnee City, are AgeaUfor Pawnee aud wet baif of R cJardson Couuile. RKV MR. TlSCnA.lI, Beatrice, Is Agent for Gage and Jones Counties. 3. n. BCTLE2, Austin, Agent for Clay and Saline Counties. CTJTTI.VG3 Bundled and de'lveied at the above places, as soon as tbe leaiea fall. Beware of Willow Peddlers. We le tm that many swsmps or common Will iw have been cleaned np, and tbe Caning mW aa Gray ' WII low. We get uur WliloW of SAJaUKL EDWAttOi, ot La it ulle. UUuoU, a rep.rosibie Nurserytna i. TUOMPSOX & UEDGK3. Xeroaba K ursery. K nrsery nil I P. O B47 tf Ou County. Jebra.-ka. Sill STOCK. 1BB3 WM. T. DEN, nas now received hi Sprlnjt Stock of Goods direct from New To-k. PUliadeipbi. B-ton and St. Louis wblch he wlil ell cheaper than any ether House iu the West. My motto shall ever lie. Quick Sales & Small Profits, And my Good shall be Sold Cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. I ALSO AM AGENT FOR. MY OWN HOUSE. FOR THE PURCHASE OF HIDES, PELTS & FURS, FOR WHICH I WILL ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE. 31 Y STOCK CONSISTS CF GROCERIES, Ladles' Fancy Dress Goods, Large Assortment of Notions, Ladles' Halts and Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloies, -Hair Nets and Ilead-Dresses, Children's Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes In Great Tarlclj, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gent's & Boy's Clothing, CHEAP FOR CASH. Hardware, Queensware, DOOES AND SASH, A VARIETY OF CHOICE LIQUORS. 23 S3 3NT 9 S I the Place lo Trade. Call and i:ainine liis Stock of Good be fore you Purchase, for DC. Can not be Undersold, MIND THAT! c40-tf YF3I. T. DE. F I N A N C I A L rncEMX INSURANCE COUP AITS', HARTFORD, CONN. FEiyuTAiiY.lSfiS. Cash Capital, $400.1100 00 Cash Surplus, 16,35165 559,33165 The amount necesry to ?afelj rein sure all outstanding iisk, and to dis charge all exUtin; obligntions of the C uipany, 165,822 04 Nett aseta, over nd above ALL obli gations, $403,52961 II. KELLOfi, Secret an . S. L. L00MIS, President. Branch. Cincinnati : It. n.A n.M. ilAliILL, Gexxkal Agztts. Assets, 1st April, 1S53- $530,167 03 C. W. WHEELER, Aoett, Brownvilie, N. T. Ii. C. HARE, JlMB ROTYP 1ST, Is prepared to take AMDROTYPES and MEL ALL OTYPES in tbe best style of tbe art; end a.t Lower Prices than Ever lie fore Offered in Urownville. His Rooms ere over Mahron'a Clothin Store, on Main Street, nearly opposite the Brownvilie House. Pictures Warranted to Cire Satisfaction. Tbe j ublic are invited to call at the rom and ex amine tbe pec; men. JOrders for Tencil Cutting will also be filled in a workmanlike manner, and at short notice. Every pern should have a tencil plate an 1 a bot tle of indelible ink lor m irking linon, the best and mot ronvenient arrangetnent for tbat purpose. (lours of operation, from V A. X. to 4 r. M. Brownvilie. May 2It 18fi3. al -3m COOPERS WANTED! The undersigned desire? to purchase 2.00U good Flour Barrels. Tbe great demand for his flour, not only in this Territory, but from Julesburg. Denver, Central City, and all parts or Colorado : from at. Joseph, Mo . and Leavenworth, Kansas, renders it essential that he should nave UtTels. lie is deternrned to furnish a good article of P.our, as cheap as ss'lile. and as the high price of 4acks add to the prioe of Hoar, be is determined to ! procure Barrel. Ho is willin to pay Coopers a higher price foi tbeir work than they obtain in tbe States J. U. A1LLVL. Fbl4-n32-tf. Attchm-nt IVotice. C. O. Dorsey, PlalaUiT, ) Before Jee John, a Jnticeof e rne rttace iu ana tor aeaiioi John Tt. Dnvis. Deft. ) County, 5Tebraka Territftry. On tbe23th diy of Aoiii A. D., 1363. said Justice ia-ne-1 an -Viler of attachment in tr e aboT c t n tor the mat of twenty-ave uoil tr and ei-ihty-flve cents. C. O UuH-iKT. BroWLViile, 3tay HVi, ma. nii w.$l Probate Notice. Vr.U. Casbar. Putlic AJaiui-" tralor of Alcaisoa Cwiii.:?, J ' Stataol Jtioari. j la tie ?:vie Cear ts y of Neaafca County, Tbe traknown heirg and legal I Sesraaia Terrlterj- Representatives of A&gutj Ockie. deceased J ' To ibe unknown beir and U;al reprcsectative J Aus;ut Ockle, deceasiKj, ya art beret y uot.:d tit Said Administrator Hied in the Probate Court of Sail eoutitj Seiuaha, 'iraska Territory, bis fcu:jun aa said Aooiiuitrtor, tor tb ale of tbe following Jea cribed real esta e. of which aid dceJeat (LeU, aeiie-', W wit : Tbe eat half i f tbe northeast quarter of sec tion number nine (9 ) towuh;p number faur (I ) norta of rang number thirteen (13 ) et of tbe aizta priu Cipal nierioiau in Nemaha cunty, Kebraka Ternary, for the paymut ot tbe debts and charges of Adruiui tratiou astustsaid etat, tlrdered that .be prayer of aaid petition i hereby aetfor fceariug ua the 2uiij day of June. A. I. at tea o'clock, A. Jt., er aa aooa thereafter aa council can be heard. Witness my baud ami tbe seal of Mii Court, this 2u4 day f May, A. ., Is6a. C. W. WHKELXR. li47-4w-6 &) . Prwbate 2 aCge. NEW GOODS JUST RECErVED AT PRIC: TO srix B a 1 JOHN A. POITI? Is now receiving and oponlaj oat Ua Sprl Stock of Goods, eoosia in of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shcev " Iron and Nails, Flour and Bacca Queensware, Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc.. eta. - Which I will tell cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. Call and examine mj stock before purchaalcj; elsewhere. Brownvilie, April 21,1332, B42-6a 1TEW GEODESY STOP. MeLAUGHLIN & SWAN, HAVE OPENED OCT IJT TUB BRICr BUILDING FOItMItlLT OCCCPIED BT THE X EM AHA TALLET BAVt X NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 07 COXSISTIXG OF SCGAS, COFFBI, TZA, SfIC3 07 ALL HXD3, cbxxo rariTS. PROVISIONS : SUCH AS DRIED BKEF. WISTIR.V EE3ERTX CHII3X, CRACKERS, be., Ac, also rxsH or all cincs. KAILS, GLASS AXD rUTTT, TJBS, BROOMS, AXD WASHIXG OABDS. BOAPS, COAL OIL, LAX? CHIJfXETS AXD WICX.S. "we rssrai: to call PAancrLAa ATTixnox to ora fixb stock, or Tobacco, Cigars, Sl Confectionary. WI KKP COXSTAXTLT OX HAXD A FIXK ASSORTMEXT OF TUB TERT BEST OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQU0I1S, SCCH AS BRANDIES. GIXS. "WHISKIES, fcc , OF THE MOST AF PR0VED BRANDS. TTIE HIGHEST PR ICB FAIO FO COUNTRY PRODUCE. Brownvilie, May tS, IS63-47-ly. MOLINE PLOWS, CORN SHELLERS, &C. A large Id on hand and for tale at FACTORY PRICES I . A. Constable, AfjtM Iron and Steel V7cnlz-zz?t Third Strut. Between Felix andEdaiond -St. Jo3liH, ifo. nt7-3in AJIBIIOTYPCS AND PIIOTOGUAPIIS, HENRY M. SIL1 ' DAGUKRREIAn AHTIBT, la now temporarily located ia Brewevlile, where all who desire their Uzeoes taken, wll find hi 32 rea4y to accommudaie them. From his past eiperiesct, ie flatiera himeif that b is cmpetent to jive sUrs uu Ufaction Amirotypes taken at tlie exUeme low prje ct ZPLTt-y Conta I Taken in one second of tiso. Msyti ls&a.-ats-u UT EM