Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 18, 1863, Image 2
THE ADVERTISER 'f 1 T O TJT -r. I mrvtrnMl BROWN VILLS, S ATURD Ar, JUNE & 1863. The Neirs. It will le seen f rem ccx telegraphic columns that the rebels are making a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. This is a change of Programme that veare iioi fcorry to hear. It will stop for awhile the stale song, '-All quiet on the Poto" They will doubiless commit many dt-prtdations, and steal :tgreat deal of property, but they will be much exposed, and we hope the larger portion of them will be bagged before they get back. The latest reports brought by possen gers on the boat, state that they were at Hurrisburg-; and that the Governor of New Yo'rk:had 'called out 30.C00 mihtia, which were to be put under Gen. Mc Clellan. Militia to serve for six months was being rapidly raiV-d in Pennsylva nia, Maryland and Ohio. Gen Hooker was retreating to the de fences of Washington, and Lee was close at his heels. Law and Order. Of late we hear a good many sermons, on the above text.- Some of our friends up the Creek, at Omaha, Nebraska City and other places, and even some of our own citizens, seem to fear that the peo ple of Nemaha County are about to loose all respect for law are in danger . of drifting into a boundless and unknown Ocean without rudder, Compass or Chart . We hear it remarked that the murder that occurred on the sixth inst., could not ' have taken place three years ago, the community was then not so much dem oralized." That may be true. There were not so many rebels three years ago as now. We do not object to this preach ing. All good men should be in favor of sustaining Law and Order. Sermons are none the worse for being oft re pealed. Mankind are heedlss. The truth has to be told them, sometimes a thousand times, before they believe it. We do not beleive, however, that the people of this county are very much de moralized, or that they are much worse than our neigbors further North, or than we were ourselves three years ago. We think nineteen twentieths of the people this county, are now and always have been opposed to mobs. There are oc casioeally extreme case in which commu nities countenance, and justify extra-legal proceedings. For instance, if a band of men were believed to be armed or arm ing for the purpose of committing depre- dations in the community, or if they were secretly conspiring against the lives, or the peace of their, neighbors and against laws and government, under such circumstances citizens would be ex cusible if they visited such band of men, even without due process of law, and dis armed them. Again. Where a manor men are guilty of horse stealing, and their guilt becomes notorious, they are in most neighborhoods in this Western coun try, if caught, executed by order of Judge Lynch. There has been many instances , of this kind in Nebraska. N'.ne, how ever, we believe, in Nemaha County Two or three years ago, two men accused of horse-stealing-, were taken out of jail at Omaha, and murdered in a most hor rihle manner. A year ago last winter, a jayhawker was murdered at Nebraska City, and if current reports were true, it was attended with circumstances of the most savage brutality. Both "murders were cold blooded and horrible, fully as much so as the one committed in this county, and showing as much de.norali zation, yet nobody got frightened about iu Nobody, unless it was some other horse-thief, proposed to leave the country. Mr. Handley had been guilty of treason, a crime greater than horse-stealing. He had afterwards, had a fight with, and whipped three different men, out of re venge for which he was murdered. There is no necessity for any man pretending lobe afraid of personal injury unless he is placed under circumstances similar to those mrrounding Handley. Most peo pie did consider him in danger. If there are men in Atchison county, or in this county, disposed to excuse or palliate the murder, their number is very small ten fold smaller than those who have justified the murder of horse-thieves in the Ter ritory. We are a little surprised to hear men eulogizing Law and Order, who have for years past advised breaking Law under certain circumstances. . . WTe do not make these statements to justify or excuse the murder of Nathan Handley. We merely wUh to show that crimes equally ashenious have been per petrated in other places, and that we have at least as much respect for law as our neighbors. Indeed, the citizens of this county had nothing whatever to do with the murder. They might, it is true, have prevented it, if the threats made that day, had been generally known in time ; but nobody in this county was responsible for the commission of it. The affair will be investigated by the proper authorities, and the parties, we ' suppose, punuhed as may be deemed '.most just and expedient. We hope to see the Law sustained and enforced. There may be causes where W is necessary to go beyond the Law in "rtff-defence, but those rases very rarely occur. That cf IUndby certainly was cot cae. Gvruraeat has promised protection to those who returned from the rebel array, took the oath and gave bonds, and as long as they behave that promise must be respected. Nebraska First, ; : The report that this Regiment was sent to Vicksburg is not true. s We have a letter written June 11. dated at Pilot Knob. We make the following extracts from the lettei : . "Livingston is still Post commandant at St. Louis. Lt. Col. Bautner is there sick. Major Blacker, is also on duty at St. Louis. Capt. Majors is commanding the regiment. Co. 'C," at present is garrisoning Fort ut Arcadia, 3 miles from Pilot Knob. Lieut. Griffin, on de tached-service as Ordinance Officer for five months, is now with, and command ing our company. Sergeant Buckley, was thrown from a horse, on the road to Chalk Bluff, and fractured on of his ribs. He is now about well and is doing duty." We will make further extracts next week, when we will have more room. Charles Ingersall. Special Agent Post Office Department passed throujrh our City on Wednesday, He is looking after the management of the various Pot Offices, and mail routes in this part of Nebraska. He is very courteous and gentlemanly in- his deportment. Any person having any business to transact with the P. 0. D. and wishing Mr. In grersal's assistance can address him by mail at Leaven worth. Kansas. Lieut. Col. Sapp, Of the Second Neb. Cavalry, paid a visit to this benight ed portion of the very large Territory of Nebraska, on Sunday and Monday last The Col. came on special detached ser vice. Mr. Sapp is a fine looking Officer ; is an agreeable and social gentlemara. The Govenor made a very judicious se lection, when he appointed him Lieut. Colonel. Sugar. Mrs. John Scott showed us, this week a specimen of Sorghum Suijar. It was made into molasses last fall, and was then boiled down to suijar this Spring. Sugar can be made from Sor ghum. St. Louis Market. Hemp S85 per ton, undressed. Cotton 48 cts. Flour $2,50 to S3,05 per bbl. . Wheat Spring, 70 cts. choice Fnll SI, 20. Oats 70cts. Bacon Sides 4cts Beans S3 .25. Sorghum Molasses 45cts. Potatoes SOcts. Gold 31,40. AMU CORRESPONDENCE. Camp Hill. Iowa, ) June. 11th 1S93. Editor Advertser: After son-down last Saturday evening Col. Furnas re ceivd an order from Gen. Sully, requir ing two co's, of the Neb. Second to report next day. (Sunday) at Sioux City, for duty, the Col. with his usual promptness ordered co's. 4,AV and "E," both under the command of Capt. Hiil to report as directed, and at an early hour on Sunday morning, thoie co's. struck tents, left Camp Cook, and reported as direct ed to the Gen., who ordered them to select camping grounds. Capt. Hill with a view to strategy, no doubt, commissioned one of his engineers to make the selection, which he did to the entire satisfaction of the command con tiguous to the City, having the Mo. river on one side, a deep ravine on an other, and a bold and precipitous bluff on the third side; thus forming a triangle which nature has so strongly fortified that this present command, is in no dan ger of being surprised by the wily foe, and has yet a further advantage of being so near the city, that if a soldier or of ficer is suddenly attacked with the colic, (which is frequentlly the case)he ran in a minut or so get some peppermint drops. which is an icfaliable remedy ; especi ally when mixed with the essence of corn, rye &c, tbie disease is rather pre valent here at present among this detach ment and a portion of the 30th Wiscon sin who are quartered here; but neither complain much ; in fact they like the dis ease, as .the remedy is so palatable; which they use without much grumbling at the prescription This has been a busey week here un loading goods for the expedition, which from the present indications will sun north in a few days. How far into the hyperborean regions your informant saith not a? he is not particular) posted in these matters, but if dame rumor be rorrect we will go within a few miles of Her Majesty's Dominions, and if so I doubt not but some brave "soger boys will have the temerty to plant the stars and strps on that sacred soil, if for no thing eUe, for the fun of it. The boys are all to have a new rig in a day or two, coats, hats, pants &c. , and are all armed to the teeth, which you'll allow to be th'i case when each soldier has a large navy revolver, a sabre, an Enfield rifla,. and there is serious talk of their being further 6'jpplied wih anoth er sabre each, and if not fully armed and loaded down; each man will lash a twelve pound howzeter to his horse. Let Little Crow and his red imps be ware how thy cross th war path of th 2d - Neb.,-thus -armed-and ticcoutered. Gen. Sully, who superceded Gen. Cook, in this department is an old in dian fighter, having been with Harney in hisxampalgn against' the Indians, be sides this he has been through all the battles fought on the sacred soil of Vir ginia since the rebellion broke out. He is the man for this expedition, having all this prestage to go on, he commands and has the confidence of both men and offi cers of this expedition., ! -The Nemaha county boys are all well. Oour worthy Col.Jis at work day and night getting everything 'ready' for 'the march. The boys are tired of laying still, and are anxious to move on the foe; in fact thty they are spiling for a fi?ht, and what is belter they are in hopes of at least catch- J ing one red skin, if they can only see him, before they return, a thing which would be extremly doubtful; were it not for some genius, ' who haptly hit upon a plan, which if carried out successfully may give the boys a fair chance io see if not not to catch an Indian. It is this ; the ex pedition is supplied, (at the suggestion of this geni us, who he is I don't know; it may be the Gen. of the Mackerl Brig ade,) with several, it not more barrels of pure rot-cut, and "it is confidently as- serted by men high i n command that if the Indians are properly baited with this new and modern improvement of war fare, they can be catched. If not, not. Of the result of this and other method, should any be adopted, you shall hear in time from Me. Erom the Nebraska First. Pit ot Kxob, J one 6th, 16(3. Mr. Editor: since writing you last we have enjoyed another season of disappointment: by orders to leave Cape Girardeau for Pilot Knob. I, myself was extended upon a carpet in a cool, handsomely furnished room, calculating whether to engage the same for three months, or only to take it a month at a time, during the sum mer, when . a messenger announced the order to march at six the next morning. The officers generally had their wives there, some of the private soldier theirs also, and some of the public soldiers had entered upon the preliminaries of courtships, which were likely to be consummated by fall say hog-killing time. Immediately thereupon-the barbers had just cause for putting up their fees for shaving, on account of lengthened faces. And the price of salt should have fallen, for the briny was every where forthcom ing, or coming forth. The running to and for, that evening, indicated a state of insubordination in camp, or an at tempt on the part of bold soldier boys to recruit the regiment by impressment. The contagion seemed to be catching. A ball was given that night, and the bawling never ceased till "distance stole enchantment from the view." Some officers, one at least, of whom I now remember, who never flinched before a rebel battery, faltered before the fire of two or three bright eyes, and begged for quarters. One was wounded in the heel, and could not march, and hence remained another, and yet another night. One could only be got clear of, by marrying hitn and coming along. Some marched out in the mo in ing, but as the camp was only ten miles distant that even ing, and five miles could be made per hour, came back againg by night, seeking among the hospitables, for an article called hearts-ease. But the majority looked not back, fearing the fate of Lot's wife, and knowing the article was contraband. The third day out, Pilot Knob, with its huts and Lager Beer, gladdened eye and stomaclw Five days in camp, and an expedition to Little Rock be ing expected in a month, again we were reposing beneath our own "vine and fig tree," when orders came to move for Vicksburg in an hour. Con sternation took hold of those who had not yet written back to Cape Girar deau, for much was to be done and a short time allotted. Waggons were packed, and the order to march was half-way out of Cap. Majors' throat, when it was countermanded, and all we heard was mar. The original plan was mared. That was Batisfactory. Now Col. Ligingston, it is said, is to he commander of this post, and if so we will stay here, till ordered to more. If Grant needs us, the boys are anx ious to see how a regular siege is conducted ; and then they would charge a battery any time, in order to get to come back by the Cape. The rebels have been reported fifty miles south of this, and did charge upon a camp of our cavalry, at day light one day last week; wounding several, and retiring in haste. By publishing this our friends will know where to address us for a few davs. Yours: Nemaua. Surjreon A. S. Holladat arrived at home per the steamer Denver. He is in fine health and spirits. Fine showe, r on Wednesdaj night. MONDAY'S REPORT. PARTICULARS OF THE FIGHT AT - I JIONTICELLO. GC!J, SIIEX131AS IlECOVEKIKG. THE LATEST FROM PORT HUDSON. t;. V' : j Interesting "from"'. Rappahannock. Chicago, June 13. A rebel dis patch dated Jackson, Miss., 6th, says Gen. Pemberton sent word that he can hold Vicksburg. The following particulars in regard to the fight at Monticello to' the" 10th are received : Col. Kantz's command consisting of the 7th, and a detach ment of the 2d Ohio cavalry regiments and a portion of the 2d East -Tenn. infantry, crossed the river on the night of the 10th, and were in' motion at 4 o'clock next morning. The rebels under, Pegram were completely sur prised. After driving them through Monticello,' bur forces continued three miles on the Jamestown road in pun suit. :, It not being the intention to hold the place, our forces began to retreat at two o'clock in the afternoon Our forces were but little molested until within eight miles this side cf Monticello, when Pegram V ' forces overtook their rear guard, when fight ing commenced in earnest. Here we were reinforced by the remainder of the 2d East Tennessee and 45th Ohio. The whole of Colontd Kantz's cm mand again moved against the enenv, who were pressed back one mile. Taking a position behind a stone wall thev made a stubborn stand, and finally pressed our men heavily with greatly superior forces, and compelled them to fall back 50 yards. "The 21 East Tenn. were ordered into the woods, where the enemy was now spreading his force. This regiment came on in a splendid manner, at a double quick, and, raising a shout, dashed into the rebels, who were soon compelled to fall back. At dark, our forces! being numerically inferior to the enemv. Colonel Kantz determined upon retiring about for mile, where the men bivouacked and returned to the highlands opposite next morning. Losses not ascertained. New York, June 13. -New Orleans advices say that Gen. Sherman U better, and it is believed he will Re cover. Skirmishingly going on constantly at Port Hudson. Our forces are bu sily engaged constructing batteries along the whole line, which would be completed and opened on the enemy on the 6th. A deserter says there is but a small force in Port llu lson. Special to the Tribune says five deserters who came into our lines on the Rappahannock on the 11th, re port General Lee marching with his whole force up the river. This state ment is confiimed by other evidence. Washington, June 13. The enemy still in heavy foree a Culpepper, Va A delegation of Unionists from Louis ana had an interview with the Presi dent to-day in reference to reorgani zing a St ite Government. Washington, June 14. The follow ing extracts vera taken from a letter from an officer, dated Haines' Bluffs, Miss., 1st : We reached here venter day after a week's march up between the Black and Yazoo rivers. The object of the expedition was to destroy the resources of the country, to pre vent the enemy from subsisting their armies, and to drive out any force he might have in that region, and if p siile, to ascertain if the enemy wen concentrating in any cn-ji'lerahie force, for-the pu p se of raising tiie siege at Viclcshurg. We In I six bri gades, numbering over ten thousand men. We marched over one hun dred miles during the week in th hottest kind of weather, ami destroyed all the forage supplies and cotton, and drove off all horses, cattle and mules, between the two lines, a distance of fifty miles. We had only two or three slight skirmishes. We ascertained where the enemy was concentrating, and gained much valuable information which may - MURFKEESBORO, 13. The Ch ita rionora Rebel has the following: Jackson, 9. One" of our officers captured by Grant, but who subse quently escaped, reports the Yankee army much depressed, ly reason of Johnston massing a heavv force, arid by the faet that certain defeat or an nihilation await them. ! New. York. June 14 An Orleans letter of the 6th states that our lines at Port Hudson are within speaking distance of the rebels. Batteries have been erected and heavy guns mounted The mortar boats keeptip a continu ous fire into-the place night and day. The weather there is intensely warm. A letter from Red River states that a portion of our gunboats blockading Red River. New Yoke, June 15s A special to the Herald dated Triune, Tenn., 14th says a new army denominated the reserve corps, has been created, called the Department of Cumberland, and placed under the command of Major General Gordon W. Granger, with present headquarters at Triune, to be composed, of divisions commanded by Brig. -Gens,' J. D. Morgan, R. S. Granger and A. Baird. A stron force of the enemy estimated at 10,000, under Forrest and Col. Couse, are still hovering about our front. Baltimore, June 15. Gen. Milroy was surrounded at Winchester by 18,- 000 rebels, but after a drsfierafe fijiht j cut his way through, and united with our forces at Harpers Ferry. -TUESDAY'S REPORT. Lee Crossing" the ;iappahaiisiock with 90,000 Men. THE REBELS INVADING TiiE NOTII - ERN STATES. THE PRESIDE S T CALLS FOR 100,000 MEtf. NEW YORK, 15. The Times "says editorially,-' that information wa.-. re ceived in this city yesterday" from Washington; that Lee's rartny, 00.000 strong, was on this side of the Rappa hannock, inarching on Northward. Ho ker's ' army was marching North to prevent the rebel advance. Lee before the close of last week, crossed by the fords above Fredricksburg, and was apparently pushing for the Or ange . & Alexandria Railroad. By Friday Hooder's whole aimy was on the Northward, march.: All our com missarv stores . have been en. barked from Aquia Creek. Lee has been ioined bv! larjre detachments from North Carolina an 1 Black' Water, and his cavalry have been massed on the North Fork of the Rappahannock. Longstreet's corps was lately at CuN pepper, and has doubtless been joined to Lee.; Oar army has recently been heavily reinforced from the Nanse mond Peninsula and etaewlwrtv No ofiici il or semi-otiicial indications of these. .movements. have been received from Washington, and the Times savs these accounts were obtained from other sources, but there seems. to be an aqreement that our army and that of the, rebels are both on the move, so closely together that they can herdly avoid a collision. A dispatch dated on the morning of the 12th, headquarters of the 5th army corps, states that troops and wagons have been passing there all night. Troops of the 5th corps still gu irding fords, with orders to be in readiness to move at a moments notice. : The Herald says, editorially, that it is evident that an active campaign is now in operation on the llippihm nock. : Harper's Ferry, iSh:-nando.ih Valk-y and the upper fords of the Po-toui-ie are the points indie.tted by the recent . rebel movements. Our arinv is also changing its base, supplies being transported from Aquia creek to Alexandria. Washington, June 15. The fol lowing is from Richmond papers of the 11th: Jackson, Miss.. 9Ji.- Scouts report Federal pickets aroun 1 Vickburten miles deep. All approaches el sely guarded. Grant communicates with the fleet ni;ht ami dav. Mrtar boats firing all niht at intervals of two seconds. Nothing from Port Iludsn HarrISBURG, Pa., 15. Gov. Curtin issued a general order stating that colored troops w ould be mustered into the service of the United State., nd forbidding colored men leaving the State to join the organizations in other States. . Governor Curtin issued a proclama tion calling upon all capable of bear ing arms to enroll themselves, and give aid to eTorts to be put forth for the salvation of the commonwealth. Dispatches to-day from the operator at Chambersburg and Hagerstown, give inform itiou that rebel cavalry arrived .it PerryviUee and Martins burg about noon. At the latter place there ha been hard fighting Mi!rov w is contesting thir advance. Com mrriicatiou i destroyed between Win Chester and Martinsburg. Reynolds has been driven hv a 1 irg forco of rebels from Perryville to Bi:ker Hill Tin en.Miiy ;u e also af Winchester. AH L' e army moving. News from Muddy Br im h and Nolan's Ferry in dicate that wann woik has been going on there. Washington, June 15 The Presi dent issued a proclamation stating tiiar. rebel. are threatening to invade Marvlind, Western Virginia, Penn sylvaiiia and Ohio. Therefore he calls into the service no hundred thou sand men from those States rs follow: Pennsylvania. 50.000; Ohio. 30.000; Maryland, 10,000, and Western Vir-giuialO)00r-bc mustered into the service of the (J. S. forthwith, to serve six month frm dite of muster ing in, mile. sooner dieliirg 1. "Philadelphia. June 15 Dispatch from Greenca.-tie, Pennsylvania, 10:30 a. m., report our troops now parsing in their letreat from II igerstown to Chamher.sbiirg. Hagerstown has been evacuated, and all the rolling sroek of the railroad, and all the stores re moved. MEMPHIS, June 13. Steamer Hia watha, from b. low. brings dates to the 10th. The Hinmtiou of Vicksburg still unchanged, exc-pt that our lines are dailry contracting. The late rains have improved the condition of the army. About 6.000 of Kirby Smith's force is reported to have come up the Washita river, and arc making dem onstrations on the Louisi ma side of the river. Johnston 'is still receiving reinforcements from the East. Cincinnati. Jm.e 15. The milita ry sent to Rush county, Indiana, for the purpose of subduing opposition to enrollment, returned to Indianapolis. They arrested a number of suspicious persons, who have been required to give bond for future good conduct. A company left for Fulton county, same State. Saturday night, the enrolling commissioner s p ipers there having been seized and destroyed by the mob. Seventeen citizens in Johnson county were found together in the woods, armed with rifles and revolvers. They were arrested and brought to Indian apolis. . CnrcAGo,"-June" 1 5. 'Reports from Southern Illinois represent matter in some countie. grow ing serious, and an open rupture is feared in WiiUam county betw een secesh symp ithizers and Union men. Some tkree or four murders have already ben committed. Cincinnati, June 15. Gou-nw r Todd has issued a "proclamation .call in" for 30.000 volunteers for the de fence of the border--' ALBANY, Juno 15. The Governor received :i telegram to-day from Washington, calling for 20,000 militia immediately, and h;is taken .steps .for rapid organization of the militia. -'A draft , will be made under the State law to AM to maximum number all militia regiments, and fiom these 20,000 will be supplied. They are called for six months, and will , be credited to the States as three years' men, under the impending national draft. CnAMBEKSBURQ,' June: 15. Lieut. Palmer has just returned from Green Castle, and reports the encry advan cing in "three columns, one towards Murfreesboro and Gettysburg, one direct to Chambersburg, and the third towards Mercersburg and Cave Moun tain. : WEDNESDAY'S REPORT. The Latest frum the Fappaftannock.' GREAT EXCITEMENT LY NEW YORK. ALL THE 3IILITIA LWLEIt AII3IS. GEN. HOOKER ON THE MOVE ftebet Euterrd C'!iHmbr8hJirs- Lee'. Ar my m-ar IlHrper'" Ferry. LATER FROM VIC&SX1URG. New York. June 16. A Suffolk correspondent Jdtts thnt G'ti. Cor coran, with 13.000 men, left there on the 12th, in the direction of Bhick. w.iter. Ilehel General Jenkins is at Franklin, with quite a .force. ,It i surmised tht our t;oop. are destined for t!;;it place.' Ail our miiiti: rPiriments are get tin under arm, at the city armories. The hells were rifiin at midnight iii Ir..oklyn, calling nut the minute men Thr regiments of tliat city assembled at 8 o'clock this morniiij?. The paltimorc American of Mon day says the iwrt reliable information we have been atle to obtain, i3 to the following effect: An attack was made on Saturday morning, on a small force of our men at Perryville. under Gen. McRevn(dds. of which the first Maryland hattcry formed a part. They fell haL'k ! -fore superior num. Iters and join.-d Gen. Milroy at Win chester, after i sharp or.-z iem?ne. of whicli tin- results are unknown- at the same 'time .Winchester wis attacked in front, the South, hv a fore? reported to he under command of Ewell, successor to Stone wvill . J.-ick-son. Thtr fro-p- thnt made the at tack at Perryville are reported to he under the command of Gn. Trimble. The third force after this encounter,, are sd l to have captured a detach ment of our men at Bunker Hill, then moved on M irtfnshur. A four p.m. yesterday, they demanded the fmrren -render of Martinsburg, giving 45 minutes for the women and children to leave the town. Gen. Tyler, who) commar.ds at Martinsburg. refused to surrender, when ay artillery fight en sued at half past 7 o'clock last evening The wires were cnt he t ween Harper's Harper's Ferry and Martinsburg. and what occurred after that was not known. A battle was also in pro gross at Winchester yesterday re sult unknown. Gen. Milrov repnlsed Ewell on Siturd iv. and aid he could hold out until reinforcements reached him. If unable to sustain his posi tion, he would havejo fall back on the line toUomney. as the Harper's Ferry and Martinsburg roads are held bv the enemy. Estimates of the rebel force in the valley, are so wide ipnrt that thev form no reliable data for an v conclusion. No fatnage done to the Baltimore and Ohio road so f.r a known, no cars or locomotives on the line are exposed to captur-Or.lrT worft m to the"xposed Ironts yes terday, snd no less than 70 locomo, lives and 1200 cars wore brought to Baltimore in safety, as a refMntion arv measure. No trains will be run beyond Jlarpvr s Ferry for the : res out. It ?scert;iined that Hooker left a station near Falmouth oo the morn ing of the 14ti, nnd proceeded to ward" DtiT'ifrec -. where there w::s ret for the night. E rly Monday morn ing thev troeeeded on thir way t' a ar Fairfax sMr?"n, w';r.? they pr-'-ib!r arrived that, Prev!r:i to th departure of IlMoker. 'iC' ftt'i cirps, which lav on hotii sides cf tiie river a below Fredricksburg. proceeded nortl ward, and reached the ' vicinity of Dunfreos on Sunday night. Boll Plain and Aquia Creek were evacua ted, and all public property has been slipped or otherwise secured. The effects destroved were such ns were not worth removal. Cp to Monday morning our army held the line of the. Rappahannock from Banks' to Kelly's ford, the river bein protected by suf ficient force Jo hold the enemy at bay, should they attempt to cross the river below. Sunday evening cannonading was heard in the direction of Thor oughfare Gap. It was thought to be an effort of the rebels to cross in force It is ascertained that the main por tion of the Potomac army has retired from the Rappahannock. The move ment was rendered necessary by that of the enemv. A number nf Riflf n'Ki wnnni!d liiru noon hrnnflir. away and transferred to the military where,!, ut, of c , h or,a.I'horougl1rl!.eu.1p ' "J l W "ARRI3BURH, June 15 v i entered-Chaniben-bur at 0 , night. . al0fc!ocfc.- ew York, Jur)P 15 p Andrew now I. ere; has Z (government nil ,i,e avani4u ? -clusetM mifi:i;i.:, June'lC M.r i- I mssippi .as t.-.r .s Milikei,;- p " fullofrcl.!, TD., JJM and rew -Carthage ji " U tl.p-.f 'i are being daily incrcaseur- ita river. . CList. ejcnih'fs TV Iican says; "A3 we are g'un we have new3 : of movement enemy, in the. valley in the U Winchester, Martinsburg and fj4 i Ferry,. th;jt Lee's whole army !tpfl ralley, stretching nearly Ienrrth. and strnn(Iv -;f- .'i- 0...T oV ' "iur:ej fr the peninsula, Suffolk, pu Gordonsville and North Carol 7 . Memphis, 14. Arrivals fn K f t i . c Cl the 11th. Reinforcements tereal ring ar.d taking position asa? j Movements of Kirby Smitb'g on the Louisiana shore, are attn i attention. It is doubtful aj'v'l having means of crossing the rir.1 ! It js pretty well ascertains garrison at Vicksburg is 0 (ju ration of corn and pea floar. Xy ' ! fresh beef is gone. The Rebel G' j Walker H at Yazoo City and I with a division of cavalry, 13 said to V. confident and hopeful. Philadelphia, June 16. A E risburg telegram states all theimpor tant documents at the capjtol i being removed to a place ofsafetr - case an evacuation is necessary. Bal'tlmore. June 16. There is n! later news from the Upper Potonii? The City Councils met this mnrniri to devise means to co-operate witbt'i Governor and Commanding Gentn! of the Department to raise the cities' portion of the 10,000 called fur to re Mst invasion. Religious. Prnarhiog in the 11-.! disi Church, on Sabbath the 21st nst. a; half past ten A. M., by Rev. A G. WLi:e. Corporation Orders We have hand a few Corporation Orders, we will stdl at a discount for rah. XEVT AD YERTISE3IEX5I, MONS. DE LA MARSH! IN TOWN AGAIN. An I ivpi.-jf t. H! S' of ill k n.!H- rM I. er tliiii mr in t.wu d-re t. wu qui f f-x niTfpnt. a J1 ulhtT it tea in (ii hits jr p ifi v nwh a CULiRKI BATTI.K SCPXKS, FlOroJU tl Of ALL. KINDS 1)1LT PPZR3. AND T 3 3 LTE.-r KIITU) Uf 3 -If"". BINHJ. Rfci Tnne,r, to b ofl in lhTrrlir; xilortiin hollld be urlel asatttst buying tnj -i.liec, 1b W .?rir. wiM oat of ns4 entire f. Mr Mxr bei. Azrnt lofeTerji K atera roliMH Hin-e. m en prMcnre ir ny ne, y 8k. Sff jfMr. or Peri dicil (ht can be ca!ll fr. A I o ktj- P6 K-.-;rrtt)b an I P!lHt api m S' erj ac , an 1 S eryse V- Vie airrixo . ?cit9 Kot h Fnhly Bible. MiMieliiie L Come in an-l see for yiur.-e tps. wher r' to wniteta la1ie and grntiemeii in the latr-tu4M approvei .lyle n H M ARU, - First Story P. O. Bni:in, N vpiori e a Nebraska lt Bruwnvitie, K. B. Eastern paieri may nutice aal tMu Sheriff. S-:' HZADTAITXU CCSfFAST'C ) Camp roTTOHwoooarRiifo JiiBiwu. Jiay 2ut, iSoi. ) ciHlOrdpr. 3. It tain been reliably brongbt to my nita W per on n4el in keeping Rincbe al 'ora' i be i ad and prain- puling over tne rL Kan in Ue bbii t farniohint wbUky to h I kIim. by coramitilDf a Teryxrare criminal .ffewe I now uw iMdiry ail uc!i perania ta' tr" immeli ttely dl.-M5i.ntlDne aarb tr lie ; aai U U tKe i peraite(J in, in a mniii ioaunce, 1 ll pf"l?u ly and severely panib tbe offender Byriert,f T. sr. BKDrOM, Captata 2.1 Nebraska C 1. , C-.njiiao 1 l' X. F ntWETT,P M At jnta'.t. . Prba Niire. KHiabeth MetTin bar n been arp-in'"1 i'11- is berel w give i to ail per! barn cii' iierei hits i n i ir"ii' .jk.p ii. euie to have ihem on file iu the -'Bet ,E . bale Judifeof Neuiaba r .aaty N'eoriFkt. emm ihenh day oT Uecen ber A. D-, 1S63 at II . the time et for heirin elima-'aiip,''J" u5J 6r-3 8 C W WWHSKSIt. Pfji- Atlrniui-trlor-Jf;lirr. I win offer fur saeon tbetotb day JfB,y T,, f of Den' ftore. to tbe bibei bidder w ltl e l.wtndertted property u-wit: V "'Bf,. eaUti 29, cwi t!nmt ihirtr bund ed b f Lit number one ection A enit i. ing tvT1'" -.a tcn hun.lre.lth ; Lot number iw '. .y-nuie acre; number re' '. cr tlpa blind a W V 'J; eot. u , c ui udm ne bam;red aod wi'T iUt M.ntbwet.tqnartei of tbe Mutbiat lnf,r ihiriy-two, containing forty acre. ranjre tliteen according Ut Govermuent ia:w. " i eiuh Coen y, N'ebra-ka . By t.n'er u( ue F.oDa'e coon m ' X brj-ka. u60 AdnjinUirator el Wi.liajPfP lit pnr'iaruo f a decree of tbe Pilrio . -Uin ir Nmihi Cuitr, Nehrka "Ternct'fy ,. er1 Ou.noery beiOn-4 da:eMy ISOj. Mlt((c c pe-xl.nit m nid cwt wberein t c-'' Vr.'J.vr it rar elarecuinp'ainanifc and ft jl. jre.lff ni3.. I triil. ii Tueda i k ot J -v IS63, he'ireen the b-nr of la y pM a--i f .ir 'c x r. M. .riii 'ir, ... 0lt,r" . ill n nr.-w.ivu e in -jii c - ... . . . . ...... k, i I.. ,1 a . f..r .i.Ji IhP ' 1-v.i': L'i'.iii!r f -i!r(-) 'li-Wi! f .,rhit. niin.-btrri Br ( ) ii-r:ii Se' lee-t (18 ) e-' i I f i V" i iCH' ' ulir l C.-.iuy NetJia a . Tern ! v .. rv. '? J. 3- n ta 7-v ;i 75 TIT? "lT3nCI A Orr.cE cfTi-K"";,,; PROPOSALS will be re.-eired at in cf Ju.y r.ext. Z 1, SCHOOL 1IOCSK, at the "7L. ,.,ai J T..e building wi.l "r ,c"; 'Vaie"'. 4 6 inob-a wide. aal cuUwt ot ec ud n.ory. . lt ui1' F,ai...d SpaHOona may be ter tli ia t. . h w'Ti AH bJ M.Mbe a.rap-nHl by r3..ue ot t-- reSp..nMb. 'ui K. it waided to bioi, ad ttat ,nT Tbe Aei.t re.e.TW be rubi to rrjec tne bidi b,,m.l 11 be coopered to tuei iuvernrueut to do 40. . ..led aol0,t. a F.-..pWMi n.Ut be inched in mW , M . d.ot -Pr.p.-a! for m Scbool House," ia "" narr.V: . . r (15. n49-3w 5 rut KET COOK LOJJ r j ville, or between 15p.w.iUU ? ' ;teej , Gree Slorroeeo IWke .. ' fc V)tc chain. Il e..nain9 quM7. person finJin th 11 e"D;rpr.1 tb fl ' at IhU office or at Mr. H-uri aihCitj. Bmwnttlle, Mj 21. 13 Entice t utiy i ",;;ff" ,r ice 1 hereby given that ,n ; ,.,r 1S63, the C-.uncil of the d'y ot , - - 1 iltlU t i Notice la Cttyr-ir.' Xo'ice 15th 1 tmniin .Tifrinve-i at meet L.y appear aiid. hae aa PisXt, , j,,,,, I, 1, i-r- p .m m ! " 111 .i w.WW-'"-' 0