Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 04, 1863, Image 4
j- THE KNICKERBOCKER MONTHLY: . .: ttVOTED TO Literature, Art, Jscieuce, Politics, Society. AITir0Ul,TCE2IENT. TT. pioneer of American Monthlies will henceforth idovo aa the nr; z crinan o cncn sioxtuly: A ATIOKAL MAOAtmC OT LITEB.ATVEI, ABT. SCIEPCr, FOLITICS. aku society. It will b the im of the present, conductor not only H uUiti iu former prestige, bat to extend lu circle I reader, and make it a welcome gue&t In every Ar&erlcaa household. With turn view, do labor or ex pw will bi spared In securing the highest order of . talent., not aione on lata aide of the Atianuc, nut in . ttoib. hemisphere. Although a literary Jtagaiine, It will not airlnk from boldly discussing tbe great political questions of be dar. tra from, all Darty bias. It will embrace amo&s its mlacollaueoui contents, note on current renu, reviews of new books, and literary, art, scien tldc, musical and dramaUCRoetlp 5 wbile the 'Editor' Table,' with which tbe reader of 'Old Khick' have rxa m familiar, will be monthly spread with tbe choicest literary viands the owraei can nuppij. tt u thu honed that even under tbj depresrdng in ' fiueoce of a proctracted war, lbe veteran MagaiUie or "tbe United State will reap, la It new and improved character, pledtirni barvcti i iuwctiiiho, uu taintaiOv with dded lustre, that pubiuun of a fir&t rlat monthly, which It ha held for mure than thirty years. TERMS. . One copy, threw dol'.ar a year In advance, poitage -rniJ. To the Arinv and SWT. two dollar. Two copies, Fonr Dollar and fifty Cent. Threo copie. fix Dollar and Fifty Cent. Tbe Knickerbocker and any other $3 magazine will be ent ne Tear for fonr Dollar and fitty Cents- Subscrtotion must be ent direct to tbe ofilce. No col lector are einnlovet. Single copie will be ent to any part of tbe United States or Canada, post paid, on receiptor iweniynte ."wu. '" Back numbers may be obtained on application, singly or in set. New $S subscribers will be supplied with the back numbers of the new serifs gratuitously. A discount of ten per cent from these prices will be allowed to persons sending clubs of ten or uuire suo scrlbers. " All communications should be addressed to - - ' CINAHAN CORNWALLIS, n Park Row, New Tor. UnQueationably the best sustained work of - .. U9 una in ill a wona. HARPER'S I EV MONTHLY MAGAZINE. CRITICAL XOTICES OF THE PRESS. Tbe volumn bound contltute of tbembelve a li brary of miscellaneous reading such a can not be found in tbe same compass In any other publication that ha come under our notice .Bott on Courier. The most popular Monthly in the world. Xew York Observer. ... We must refer In term of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellenceof "Harper'Maj?aiine" a jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 copie In whose pages are to be found sime of the choicest light and general reading of the day. Wet-peak of this work as an evidence of tbe American People; and tbe popularity it has acquired Is merited. Each number contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropri ately illustrated with goodwood-cuts; and it combines In Itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with tbe best features of the daily Journal. It has great power In the dissemination of a lore of pure literature. Tb.ubker'8 Guide to Amer ican Literature, London. No Magazine In Europe or America Is so well known; none has half as many readers; and, we may safely say, none has received so large a tribute of admitra tion from the cultivated classes, that delight in a healthy, diversified, elevating periodical liteiature. It Is tbe foremost Magazine of the day. Tbe flre-ide never had a more delightful companion, nor the mil lion a more enterprising friend than Harper's Maga line. 'Met hoditt Protistant. Baltimore. ' " - ' TERMS. The papers of permanent ralue which have been pub lished In almost every number render a complete set of Harperrrate azine a desirable acquisition to any pub ic or prts, r library. The Publishers can supply com tnl,twoiJ bl any Number from the commencement. aayve cents they will send any Number, by id Any volume, containing six Num era. bound In Muslin, will be mstled, pott paid, to any place in the United States within 1500 miles of w Tork. for Two Dollar snd Fifty Cents. Com plete sets, now comprising Twenty-five Volumes, will be sent by Express, the freight at the expense of tbe purchaser, for One Dollar and Elgbty-eight Cents per ' Volume. One Copy for one year, $3 ; Two Copies for one year, $5; "Harper's Magazine" and "Harper's Weekly." one year, (5 And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Ten Subscribers, at $2,60 each ; or II copiesfer Clergymen and Teachers supplied st $2 63 a year. The Semi-Annual Volumes bound in Cloth. $2,50 per volume. Mnslin Cover. 85 cent each, ffett. When rdered to be sent by Mail, Eight Cents additional must be remitted for postage. Tbe Postage upon Harper's Magazine must be paid at tbe Office where it is re ceived. The Postage is Thirty-six Cents a year, or Nine Cents for three months. HARPER & BROTHERS, 042 Franklin Square, New Tork. The best Cheapest, stnd most Successful Family Paper in the Union." A COMPLETE PECTOEIA.L 07 THE TIKES. HARPER'ITWEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. )?rle Six Cents a Number; $300 a Year. Critical Notice of the Press. Tia fresh-leaver, its clear type, its entertaining rarity, its severe bit just criticisms upon the follies . of the times, its dogantly written and instructive .rt'cles, and its sh e correspondence, all combine to t cake it tbe model newspaper of our country, and - one hat every family must prize. Its condensed weekiT summary of foreign and domestic iutclli' gence ia altogether superior to that contained in any other journal. Being published, too, in a form ..for preservation and binding, if taken care of as it Reserves to be. it will be found in future year 9 as . welom.ea companion for the family and fireside as i the day on uion it was first persued. iT. Y. Evening Fort. We would not so often call attens'-m to Harper's . Wxekly if wo were not well satisfiel that it is the Isttfarmlv Paper in tie United States, aud for that reason, and that alone, we desire to see it under mine and root eat certain kind of literature too prevalent, whiob blwnts tbe morals of its readers, vitiates their taste for sensible reading, and is al ready bad in its effects. Xew London Adeertieer. Wherever we go in rail-cars and steamboats we find it seized with eagerness, because of its spir ited sketches of. passing events. We all like to look at the faoes of men we hare read of, and at ships and forts that have figured in the bloody scenes of war. Of all such men and places, and events, this paper furnishes the best illustrations. Our future historians will enrich themselves out of . HaRFEk's Wkeilkt long after writers, and paint ers, and publishers are timed to dust. N. YEvan geliit. T ERMS . . Os Ccpy for One Year S 3 Oo OiiO Vtr j iof 1 wo Years 5 00 An Extra Copt will be allowed for every Club of Tlif SCBSCTEEkS, at 12,10 each, or 11 Copies for Harper's Maoaztve and Harper's Wexelt, . trtber. one year, $5 00. ' ' UaxriM Weekly is electrotyped, and back nuuioerscanbe bad at any time. Vols. I., II., I1I.,1 V., and YI for the Years 1857 to 1852 inclusive, of "HARPER'S WEEKLY," handsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $4.38 each are sow ready. The postage upon Harters Wexelt, when paid in advance at tbe office where - it is rect.Tea, istwenty-six cents a year, t HARPER &. BROTHER. Fraikmn Sjr ark, Sew York THE HORACE WATERS 3I0DERX IMPROVED OVKRSTRUXG BASS FULL IRON FRAME FIANOS . are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned ma terial, and will stand any climate. Tbe tone is verv deep, round, full, and mellow; tte touch elastic. Rach Piano warranted for five years. Prices from $225 to 70O. . , Testimonial!. "The rjorsnee Waters Pianos are known as smotg the ery bet." Evangelist. r- of their merits frcm personal knowl edge l?Chfiti :n Intelligencer. "Waiei fiauj and Itelodoon challenge comparison with the finest made anywhere." Home Journal. $175 NEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ ent makers, for tl"6; do., with carved legs. $200, 225 and $240. Second-hand P Lanes and If eiodeon st 2fi. $40, $50, W, $75, $100, $115, $115, $150, and fiea. . The Horace )Yaters itlelodeons anJ liar- , - moninras Tuned tbe Kqual Temperament with the Patent Divided Swell. Prices from $50 to $300. Alexander Or gan from $206 to $500. C3A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Eab batj Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. HORACE WATERS, AfC't Vo. 481 Broadway, V. T. " CnOOM CORU WANTED f JOSEPH SHELLABARGEH, Desires to purchase a large amount of Broom Corn for which he will pay the IIIGUCST TRICE J!f CASH, Feb 14-n32-tf : a NEW MUSIC. "Stall we Know Each Other There?" Sopg or JJuetand Chorjjs, fcy Rer, Mr. Xiowry, author of Sabbath EIia Chime on.M This aonj is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist a attend ance to try ncjr m'ujsic." ' ' nORACE WATERS, t-l JTe. 4SlErcaw7,pHbli4er. MANUFACTURING -COMPANY..; DO Vnr WANT ' ' . STEAM EXCilXES 0U EOILERS. PATKXT Sr5AR CAXR MILLS. PATKXT STKAM COIL BVA1"ORATOR3, PATENT FIRE KVAPORATOaS, . PATENT STAMP Jl ILLS, FOR ' . riKE'S PEAK OR LAKE SUPllIOR SEND FOR CIRCULARS, : With Cuts, and Descrij Hons, Prices, etc., etc. SAW MILLS. FLOURIXG MILL, AKD MACHlERT OF ALL DESCRIPTION. l-SEND FOR CIRCULARS.. " P. W. GATES, Presioent. . N. B. Afents wanted everywhere. Cliicaj. R. W. FURNAS, A CENT, nroivnville, Nebrn.ka, Of whom Circulars and detailed tnfoi mattoa can had. March 20, 1S62. rn37-ly FOR FALL TIIADE. JOHN O. DEUSER, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. TM Takes pleasure In announcing that be bs now on hand. a large and select stock of every article in bis line, COOK STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns, Tlx: Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak, Valley Forpe, Elevated Oven, &c., &c., &.C., - HEATING STOVES, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new dei2ns,ix; Comtined CooJb and Parlor Stovet. something very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SHEET IRON for Sugar Boilen, and LARGE CAST 1ROS KETTLES, A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Brass, Corper,.and sheet iron ware; Lanterns, Shovels and Japanned Ware, Ad., &c. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS! OF the latest and mo?t improved Styles, cheap for cash . I am prepared to put p guttering and spouting, and all otber work of my line at tbe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, wtich I warrant to five satis faction. August 2,1882. A CARI TO YOUXfJ LADIES AND - (I EXT I. EM AN. The subscriber will send (free of (barge), to all who desire it, the Tecipe and directions for making a simple Vegetable li that will, in from two to eight days.remove I'lUPr.s, Blotches, Tan, Freck lks. Sallowness, and U impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving tuo janie as Nature intcrded it shoud he ofttclenr,utunth and beautiful. Those desiring the Recipe, with full instructions, directions and advice, rill please cull on or address (with re turn postage.) TIlOilAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist. 31. Broadway, New York. May 22, 1862. n4-2m. " ILLUSTRATED Scientific American. The Best Mechanical Paper in the World. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VI TI NEW SERIES. A new volume of this jwpular Journal commenced on the first of January. It is published wdkl.v,and every number contains sixteen psges of useful in formation, and from fire to ten original engravings of new inventions and discoveries, all of which are prepared expressly for its- column. TO THE MECUASICAXD if A XV FA CTURER. , No person engaged in any of the mechanical or manufacturing pursuit should think of "doing with out" tbe Scientific American. It costs but six cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new mccbaincs and inventions, which can not be found in anv otlwr publication. TO THE INVESTOR. The Scientific Americsn is indispensable to every inventor, as it not only contains illustrated descrip tion? of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an OfLcial List of the Claims of all the" Patents i-sucd from the United States Patent Office during the week previous; thus giving a correct history ft the progress of inventions of this country. We are also receiving, every week the best scientific journal of Crent Britain, France and Germany; thus placing in our possession all that is transpiring in mechanical science and art in these old countries. We shnll continue to transfer to our columns copious extracts from theeo journal $ of whatever we may deem of interest t our reader. A psinphlet of instructions as to tbe best mode of obtaining Letters Patent on new inventions, is fur nished free on application. Messrs. Munn & Co. have acted as Patent Solicit ors for more than seventeen years, in connection with the publication of tbe Scientific American, and they refer to 20,000 patentees, for whom tbey bave done business. No charge is made for examining- sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventors as to the patentability. CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS. MILLWRIGHTS, ASD FARMERS. The Scientific American will be found n most useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science of chemistry are given in its columns, an 1 the interest of tbe architect and carpenter a'e not overlooked; ail the new inventions and discov eries appertaining to these pursuits being published from week to week. Useful and practical intorms tion pertaining to tbe interests of millwrights and mill owners will be found in the Seirptifi; Ameri can, which information they cannot pogsinly obtain from any other source. Subjects in whica farmers are interested will be found discussed in tbe Scien tific American ; most of tbe improvements in agri cultural implements beicg illustrated initscoipnjns. T eTmV. To mail subscribers- Three Dollars a,or Oae Dollar for fonr montg. The volumes commence on the first of January and 4"uly. Specimen copies wijl oe sent to any part ot ins country. Western and Canadian taoney or PostofSoe stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian sub scribers will please to reiait twenty-five cents extra. CO., P?5-?w Pablishers, i 7 Park Rw,N. T, 1862. DRY GOODS AtlD PROCERIES! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue snmmer, one of to receive during tbe THE LARGEST BEST STOCKS o r r k o M New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. . Thai has ever been exhibited In the Western Coun try, embracing all tbe latest styles and novelties of the times. His stock embrsces Dry Goods Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery, Qaeenware, Hats aud Caps, Shakers, Boots and Shoes. Doors aud Sash. Glass and Putty, Fine Furniture. Jk.c, &c. &c. Among his Dry Goods will be found Prints, Ginghams, Lawns. Bareges, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Demees. Striped Sheeting. Cot tonades, Hosiery, Gloves, The Latest Style- Hoop ' Skirts, Notions, He has much the Largest Stock of QTJEENSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Aeent for the Hannibal & St. Josenh Hail xt&oa r&cKex Xiine oi Dteamooats. May 22, 1862. n46-tf. McCORMICK'S Reaper and Mower MANUFACTURED AT Cliioaso,Hl. This celebrated machine is bv all odsth nrcr AMU UKASS VUTTER IN THE IK OBf.n N twithstandin? the misrepresentations vt those int er- ;.-iei in omer macniues. u. ll. Aicuornnck & Bro. man- Hfaetoje at the rate of 8,000 per yar, Many changes have been affected during tbe past season, and for 1862 me - McoorniicK" is presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECOXOJZY OF POWER IN THIS MACHINE, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, Ktve u preference over all others New Improvements added, have materially lessened the direct drauaht. and so obviated the tide draucht that many assnre us that it does not now exist. The drught i t tbe Reaper is so lisht that in numerous instances the large our norse niacuine is woraea wttn but two horses. FOR MOWING, Tbe Machine of 1862 will utand any test that may h appnea. uur vruara ana ratent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, while our new divider point separates baldly lodged and tangled clover or grass, whore other ma. chines fail. There ia also a great advantage in onr serrated sickle edge over me smootn, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our sickle will frequently run mrongn an enure narvesi witnout once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day. if not oftner. "With a smoth edge the draught Increases as the knife oecomes dull. Onr draught is uniform, ana in ine repeiieu iriais annntf me season or ioeo 61,- proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at tbe same time from twelve to eighteen Inches wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , this is important, as without the reel it weighs but about 610 poends. . - - . In adhtion to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, ws would say as heretofore, that farmers vtio may desiro it, are at liberty to wori our machine through the harvest, with any o'her, and keep and pay for the one prf (erred. . Pamphlets with full description of Improvement testimonials, 4c, can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, May 15, 1SG?, 5-t 1862- nMLIiMCi MSG, CHOICE LIQTJ0KS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Vorthing1, OF THE BROWNVILLE, Has just received a choice lot of the best brands of Llqnors, which tie will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Qurt or single Drink. The following U a partial list: BRANDIES : French, : Cognac, Apple, . ' ' Raspberry, ' Peach, Cherry, Blackberry. WINES: Port, Hungarian, . Sherry, Malaga, . Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WHITNEY'S BLOCK, Main Street, Brownville. Novmber 14, 188. nl9-tf "FAST HORSES." CITY LIVB&Y STABLE AND FEED STORE BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. BEX JAM I ROGERS, i ANNOUNCES to the public that he has purchased the entire interest in the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by Rogers & Brother. He is now prepared to accommodate the public with Carriages, Buggies. Sulkies, Saddle Horses, &c, Ac. 1 THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or cattle. BENJAMIN ROGERS. N. B. Tile partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin H. Joshua Rnpeis is dissolved. JOSHUA & BENJAMIN ROGERS, May 39th. 1862. n47-tf HELLO, STRANGER! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE n e w a o o d s AT J. BERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Have Jtist received, ana are now opening, at their stand on Main street, one of the largest stocks of DRY GOODS AND ever offered In this market. Eemember the place, J.; BERRY & CO.'S, 2? Jo. 11, Main stroot, BROWNVILLE, N. T. May 29, 1862. n47-tf 2PRI1MCE efc? Oo., FLUSHING, AT. Y., 'Will senil to applicants who enclose stamps, their New Catalogue of Small Fruits, including 200 Select Varieties cf Strawberries. Also Catalogue of Bulbous Flowers ar,d Peonies, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Hoses and Flowtrinf Plants, Seeds, &c. t nl0-2w J0HIT L. CARSOiJ, Successor to Lushbaugii &. Carson, - : 233 OS. OH LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Com, Uncunent Money, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold JJust MAIN STREET. BROWSTILLE, K EUR ASK A. I will give especial attention to buying and selling ex change on tbe principal cities ot the United States and Europe. Gold Silver, uncurrent Bank Bills, and Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessable points, and proceeds remitted in exchange at current rate. Deposit received on current account, aud interest al lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, MAIN STREET. BETWEEN THE Telegraph and the U. S. Land Oflices. REFERENCES : Lind & Brother Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson it Co., Hiser. ViX & Co. Baltimore, Md. Youns at Carson, Jo. Thomnson Mason. Col'r nf Pnrt. " " wm. T. htnitnson,-fcsq., Hanker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, J no. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. Tarlor 6t Kriesh, Bankers, McClelland, Pye 4t co., Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Washington D. C. Chicago, ID. St. Lonis, Mo. Annapjlis, Aid Iteicersburif Pa Hagertown, aid Easton, Md. LCol. Geo. Schlsy, A'y at Law, Col. Sam. Uambleton Att'y at Law, JudeThos. Perry, I'rof. II. Tutwiler, Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabma Nov 8, lS60-tf . TO ' MERCHANTS, BLACKS3IITIIS, AND WAGON MAKERS. TP H fiT! TP niYTH JL JLV J Art Jm JLV e D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO., HAS ON IIAND AND FOR SALE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF .IRON, STEEL, GASTIINTOS, AND 110W11I! CUMPRISINO : riORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS. HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES, BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HANI) HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, C, JtC, ALSO WOODWORKS ! . COMPRISING HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, BiiOOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. &.c. V ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALS OF .FAIRBANKS' SCALES, AT UAYJXG LAID IX A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE O O O I) S, DIKEUT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE THE RISE, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BLACKSMITHS, K-sna in ionr hcran iron. a. m vt r-m Oue Dollar Saved i Equal to two Dol- lars Jlade. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SCRAP IRON AT WROUGHT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. Febl4-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO.. To Western Farmers. Tobacco Si cod... I hare several varieties of Tobasco that will ripen well in this latitude. To any one who wishes seed, j and remits me a three-cent ritftngo stamp, on the sstne, I will send a paper of each variety of seed UICATIS. Orders must be sent in tho months of September and October. I do this to introduce the culture of Tobacco in th West. Address R. O. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. P. S. Papers in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska, publishing the above onee, and sending a No. marked .will receive twenty four paper ehoice flow er seeds free by nail. U. O. THOMPSON. Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The best substitute for Cuffee prepared in the same manner as Coffee. Packages ot sted by mail at 10 cts. each, fcacu package contains seed enough to rai.-e a spi'ply for an ordinary family. Send orders t9 n. A. TERRY. n38-tf . Crascent City, Iowa. ' IMMl 6R0WI Merchants and Post Masters who wll 1 add res us this fall, will be supplied with urden, Field and Flower Seeds to sell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON & HEDGES.. Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co., Aug. 16 An5-Fn8-tf Nebraska. LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEN, K0ENIG & CO., (Late John Gakkett &Co.,) No. 56 North Second Street, above Pine, ST. .LOUIS. MO. Offer for sale at very low flgnres, a large and wel. assorted Btock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, togeiner witn a large ana iresn scp piy or landreth's Celebrated Garden Seeds, CHOP OF 18G2. For which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are not only pure but true to name in every instance. Also field seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Top Onions. &c,, &c. ALSO COTTON AND TOBACCO SEED. Dealers In seeds would do well to send them their orders. Send for Almanac and Illustrated Catalogue gratia. BLUNDEN, KOENLG & CO. 111 FT F. 91, 1962 nX ly LETT, STEICEXEB & Co. MAIX STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. OF BUY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnaburg, Denims, Cottonades, Afc)ron Check, Hickory, JeaDs, Berages, Liaen. Dress Goods, AH Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes. aten Vesting?, Broad Clo'hs, Cassimere, I ooped Skirts, &c.,&.,Sic. OF GROCEISIUS: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candler, B. C. Soda, 5 'aleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE : Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, J'lils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c. &c. OF OU EEi W 4 RE : Cups and Saucers, , . Plates and Platters, Dishes and Turnblei Coal Oill Larcps, Lamp Chin neys, Wick- &c, &c. OF BOOTS Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff" and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men a Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c. OF II ATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, "Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &c.,&c.,&c. Of Farming: UtensiSs: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, o i -i . ocymes, rsnatns Shovels, Spanes, Hoes. &c, &., &c. &c. OF LUiUEIC: Clear and 2nd rate:. Pine Floorinr, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches 7 hick, Sash, Doors and Blind? Pine Litli, All Sizes Sash, All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, TTecall the attention of tbe public to onr stock, as onr UAott TliKiao enable us to sell low. Tbankinl for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same. LETT, STRICKLER & CO. Brownville. July 3d. 1562. n52-tt. SADDLERY! SADDLERY ! ITavinj? recently made large additions to my stock, consisting oi SADDLES, HARNESS. BRIDLES. COLLARS. LINES. WAGON WHIPS. BCGGT WIIIPS, OX LASHES. IiOKSK LASHES. STAGE LASHES, SURCINGLES. GIRTHS, STIRRUPS, LEATHEBS, &c, &c. I think I can accommodate all In qnalitity, quantity and price. I work none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries in Ohio, feel con fident it will give satibfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. W. MIDDLETON. September 13, 1S62. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOl'BT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliinc: Store. BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVID SEIGEL. j Announce to the public that he has opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. lie is determined his prices shall correspond with the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at Just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Ilais, Caps., Fancy and White Sliirts, Sun ders, Neckties, Sotks, Handkerchiefs, &c, in the sam3 proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Coll esoo him. DAVID SEIGEL. Brcwnvilt, June 18, 19l.-ly r v.'K"...'jT: Ariciiltural Vlit O.Tr " r n.: V,, ob X S I V 771 1 . Uth TV",. tea by all. The old way ofboiJin n ow andexpive, o much ,Uh L !i it. Something more practi-al u," 1 1 ? has retamii l tKi. . : l "'"in?, ana deviseti mean. 0f practical, and proves a PERFECT sVcfT. Sole a: , -Hsu 221 i. .. ... .i here Trill aXiV,. fnni rv.. . . ( .v. ,5 I - r. Pump, Force Cisterns, Chain ard r Pump,, Thimble Skein, ani lS l 1 every rarity 0f Fannin To,,N r, , 1 Shellers, Feed Mill IVf Irri! Stoves. Ac. The above toduf ? tfa. mauufaturer,, at thei eS, c 'iTe T adding freight to this place. ' 6fa' to:: January 1862. tf cor?irfiERciATmjfiSE OUAII.I, XEBniSRA E. H. BURCHES, PROPItlETOa.' T have Ions since been co ivincel of th. ww class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWER S, Can be alap :ed to onr climate ani nir t. . these facts, I have established in this DU- for sale at ' " Wholesale or Retail A large and well selected sock, suited to t-iJC ot " , Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard n.l ; Cherries, 6taatiiri aci dwarf:, , Apricots, Xectariie-' Quince, fooslerries. ', Currents, Grapes, 'Raspberries, ; Strawterne, Blackberrie'" Boses, c . Ornamental Trees. Greenhouse and Beddinn Plants, etc., etc : To which I would be? leave to call the attention i people of Xebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iuwa aai N" west Missouri. S3My terms will be as low as any reiuiie e.u Nursery. By purcha-sinR of me tbe expense of transport from the east can be saved. All trees ami plants are carefnlly labe.e.1 an.l y, in tbe best manner, for which a charge of the u tu.C will be made. No charge will be made fur the Ji-.i of packages n board steamboats. All communications addressed to the aiider- will receive prompt attention. March 186i. E. H. BrRCEl THE HAIiP OF FREEDOM. ' Sow ready, a new and superior collection Anti-Slavery, Patriotic," and "Contraband" -e adx9, duet, quartet and chorues. Jl.isti f Poetry and -M usic has been written exTre.-'f this work, to correspond with the times, and si be 8un by the million, in order to awhk :n a t interest in behalf of the ''Contraband," wh ni in his providence, has cast upon the fVte . rt clotb.3 aud educate. ; CONTENTS, 1M PART. i "Fcir Freclrm's brn has dawned at ', "BreaK th Chains, o'u" ' xnt-iiarir Sw t "Frtm-.Dt is Marching on. or. (. iry Ha 4 Oh 1 Help the "Contraband;" "Did .John 1; Song;" "Song of the Contrabands';" "O 1. 1 Peojle Go ;" '"Parody on the of tho 'LVfc bands';" "Where Liberty Dwells is my eou: 'When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" Freemen, Ood has spoken;" Whittier's suppr? Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per doz-t per 100 ; postage I cent. iiOKACE WATERS, Public. n41-ly 431 Broadway. New V ' NOW READY. THE Oflcial Union Volunteer Directory. pages.) containing SVanie and R".ilw. 1' OHlcer and Private in the Union Army, wi?h 5 Commands. (iasualties, Promotions, Ac. f XF -? one wactsit.) Sent post-paid. on receipt t ' '2l cash.orstamps. Address IIEXKY K. AXS0S.1'; isher.49 State Street. Boston. M. 3IELYLVS jIILLSI freighters! the wi AND THE WESTERS! "FOBTi And the public generally are repectnlly inf -i that his Mills arenow in excellent runni-is cr'r, ; f in out from 60 to 75 sacks per day, he h.s the millers in the Territory. i 3VT3i3IaiT7-IlJ'S TT'XjOXjn f Admitted both in Colorado and Nebra-ka t Le i-t passed by any w est of the Mississippi Rive- ) I-r from the be-t of Fall aixl Sprinn Wheat. n l is as low prices as can be obtained in the Tern:.. rv. Ilis flour is kept for sale at all tbf store-t in B - ville. He is prepared to furniah frethte s, an' tens generally, with flour trom either Fall or"! Wheat, and alo with any amount o( C'jin Crn Jl and Buckwheat Flour at the lowest cah p-i'.'e. 1 Ciiftom Grinding done at one-sixth per bJ-cei. He desires to cajl theattentiou of freibter advantages of Brownvihe a? a shipping V'"1 ' ir.:i Vni nnh rn in? amuont nt cr,nn HC'I t 1 i obtained here cheaper than at any utuer p in S Territory, but the ilerctan-.s nere hava lav- in " son a larse supply of every variety if ki.hch.j Furniture! Furniture)! The most complete stock of Furniture em .: ' this upper country just received by. v- . ;it : i s T. u;i-L; nrownviiie. April toiu. nwi, 2. .lililll HlWtlli 11. 75,000 Copies Sold the First L; Months of its Publicatica It is an entire New Work, of nearly 2 W p- Many of the Tunes and Hymus ere ifntf-n ' nn-sslv fur this volume. It will soon b? a4 F as its predecessor, (Kcll No. I ) which ha? ruu u fhp. pnr.rmous nam'ierof 575.01)0 copies in. oui'i rnttrirriiny anv Smxln ti .S-A" li'tolt tf it1 -''- x,-vV..rr;.:i9 , y - . ., , .mL,.u sued in this country. 1 fWlin IH ML"" in one to accommodate schools Uhinta"' i .1 . form. Prices of 13ell Xo. 2, ', piter covers, w , . DKei3Frl00. Vv $12 per 100. Pound, 25 cen bound embossed gilt, 30 cents. ' rlO. 1, paper covers 12 cente. $10 per 10. t cents, $18 per 100 nf n rwr 100. Bells Xos. 1 and - ",uu" l gether 40 cents, 30 per hundred. SjC'I" -; nisbed at the 100 price. Cloth '.ound ein- . gilt, 50 cents, 10 per 1U0. .Mail posta-o K thereUilrke. . No.431 Hrondway. -ew i is n41-l7 f Iycw Kerne cues iox SPERMATORRHffi HOWARD ASSOCIAT PHTIiADEIPHIA. A Benevolent Institution establishes ey dowmenl.for me Relief of the Sick an afticted Kith Virulent and Chronic Li- , eipeciallj for the Cure of Encases o , , - j Or nans. ul MjEDICAL ADVICE Sivengrat:. ; j Surgeon. v v-''""' s Valuable Reports on ?permaurrno-. , i eases of the Sexual Organs, ana on ie. " f ntRS nmnioviKi in the .'liM-ensary, ser i -.tiwut t envelopes,freeof chargt. Twoorthr- f' el lj dress DR. J. SKILL! noUGnT. ; I tion. No. 2. South Ninth Street., f I . j cember 12. 1861. n23-lr j f j, Ad sociation December 4-r T5 -trt.H S 100 of the most severe BAffjzZ incidents of the War, now readtf; nifi y coiorea, -u uu u.; rv. , - . . ,rJl;a no nrilnerlOO. To asent'and UC'rJu-" I no better opportunity was ever offered. . Adirew HENRY Li. ANSOX,I'riatrahIuhc',ic 91 State Street, Boston.Majs. j tw- , ! - !