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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1863)
Kcbmsltct SUucrtiscr. pCBLlSIlED EYERT SATtTBL-A Y Bf T. R. FISIIEK, . Story Strickler's Block, Main Street, V BEOWNVILLE, M". T. 1 S J X V; .1 f iiATj .. or a in i:;it One .e ('.sa . ;r:e-or ulv K.iea linaal insprth.-n Iiuiuss--Cartis, tax liitsi! or U-i, : Oua column ciieyesx - . -Oue half column . re year - -O-e fourth cciutr.n oni year. -Oue eicbth column one year -- Onecolams sit nioriti -. . One half ccln-nn sis month -One f"tirih e.-larau six nuMUb . -One eiitjfa of a column six montli One colctnn three rcioi'.b One half column three ni'n!h .One fo'.rtu column three m..e?h- "0?: u'.if?i ciitanui three la 'n'a AnD.innr..fiii Ca e t"-r Ot'l. e, ! C3 ,c I 6 t,) , i OJ i sj -i b-i is ti 1.' Ul V r i FUBNAS A FISHEU, , rnorniETous. X .'a 1 12 3 i tear. If pld in-advance, - $2 00 rr"" lt paid uttbe cnuol 6 laoTiibs 2 6i " ' " " 12 3 00 " h .r 12 more iri11 be furnisbod at $1 60 per r ..rovi'ledilie cash accompanies the order, not Bin ni. i" - -' ' ( (Ml 'LIBEBTY AKD TJMICi;, OKE AKD INSEPEKABIiE, NOW AND FOBEVEH." tt I 1 r ;a aOYoiuof VOL. VII. " I Yearly advevtUetneuis. f;!ia:-ieriy in . kt- ' j In Transient Advi-Ttiyeuieittn, fra , jV 8 1 .4 N square will t charged f.rby the line, , lvj. keutstt flret week, aud 5ceuf e-icu s BROWNVILLE, -NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1863. 3 o"r uu Vt ee if I i j r V 'bus i llL9AiL5 THE AFFLICTED DII. A. GODFRFA', PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN, Ied in France, bavinjt twenty-five year' expe 1 in the Me1ica' t-Lieiice. aiil ne f the correpu T' -nfihe 'American Journal of the Medical Scien located permanently in Biownviile, and re ' ii v tender hi prores&ioual tervices U the cit A., itr and vtctnltT. .- til"1 " Hp Ui vv, 4 f'lAIll to chronic "iseases-lueases of .our w , rff Mulipnant Tumor and Sure Abscesses and rf'llrfi' Cancers ud Sore Kyes. even pariii! Blindness, , ',' v commonly called Falling Sickness, Palsy, r f.' .-..rii Drsrept-y, Consumption iu the first and udftce, lusnity in ome forms, and disease vt "?rv t i4- Pir'icuUr entioa paid to Ague, nt '11- if requested, give rereience to itiose pro ncel iucurable tn the United States, and afterward Mraby , f n hor. .in,.,. , it. r. Lett' . I milre, or at lit dwelling house, when not enpai ged y BKEITMEYER & R0BIS0N, MANCFACTCRERS OF .BOOTS AND SHOESJ-y. JAI5, BETWEEN TIRST AND SECOND STS., BUOW.NVILLE, X. T. Hv'inK rctently purchased the Shoe Shop formerly . fJ br wm. T. Den, we no- ofi'er our work at great iyf,:uceJ prices. V'e manufacture all that we offer . ' le. fj-All work warranted . g-uMiviiie. Sep'-27, lSSi. ill-lr a F. STEWART, ECLICTIC PHYSICAIN SURGEON, nUOlYM XEBUASKA. 0ffl-f over H. C Lett's Drug Store, HolUday'e t-ock.'Mdla street., x6-ulZ-r EDWARD W. THOMAS, ; ATTORNEY, AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .CHANCERY. Office c rner of Maiu and First Streets. BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS! MRS. MARY IIEYVETT, Announces to the ladie of Bi ownviile and vi cinnv that hhe has just leccived from the ' Kact a magnificent w. k oi fPSINO AND SUM5IES MILLINZEY GOODS, Consisting of I.ntit ntnl MisseO llonnets and Hats, Uibbau. Flower, Sic T.LW;h cV. invitnthe attention of the Mrttes, lug ured tbey tann t be better suited in sty le, qual ity or price. n41'y " JACOB MARH0N, IAERCHAI1T TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, Caliche attention of &eutlemen dering new, neat, tervicabie aud fashionable VVERAING APPAREL, TO HIS New Stock 'of Goods ' JUST RECEIVED, . -...a r . cciu PP1. rKSTIXGS. iiC ni'TillMTIlY LATBTT STYLES K' Mil IjAOOiJ. .""F Which be will sell or make up, to order, at unprece ''.Y .:r-. ,n M. line will dowell to I".?.."; . mr. investing, as be rleU-e himself t hold out peculiarly favorable In durenientg. February 13th. 1862. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES OF ALL KIKDS. Alio, Warehouse Trucks, Letter ir Presses. c. FAIRBANKS, OREEHLEAF& CO 1T2 LAKC ST., CHICAGO, C-Be aareful. and buy only the genuine.-2 June 12th. 1S53 n49-3m THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTICPHYSICIAN SURGEON, TABLE ROCK, NEBRASKA Reference, Dr. D. (Jwia, Brownville. April I I6I. ,, n40-Iy E. lOODY & SON. NIAGARY NURSERIES, LOCK POUT, N. Wholesole and Retail Dealers in Fruit, Truit and Ornamental Trees, AND SHRUBS AND STOCK FOR IVLRSERIOIEX. J. WILSON BOLLINGER, COUNSELLOR0 AT LAW, General and CoIIeclinpr Agent. BEATRICE, GAGE CO., iNEBRASXA. WILL pracfice in the several Courts in Gage and adjoining counties, and will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. Collections prompt ly made. ft articular attention given to locat ing Land Warrants on lands carefully selected by September 25. 'fil. P2-yly FIUJ1T AM1 t)RXA31EMAIi TRF; 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, $8 per hundred $60 rer thousand. "5,0o0 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to 3 years old, $25 per bundled, 230 per thousand. 20 000 1 year old Diana Grape Vines, $15 perbundret $100 er thousand. 150 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $6 per hundred, $ er thousand. ... . These Pear Grafts, not beinjt bulky, can be transport ed chenply, and by growing two years, will make gx5 sized tree to plant In an orchard. Any one can treblt their money by growing them to 6Cll. Send for Whole aal. and Descriptive Catalogues. & c5I-Jin Kiagara Kurseries, Lockport, N. T. TIIK CONFESSIONS AND EAI'LKI KNCE OF A SUFFUKEK. rublisbed as a warning, and for the especial bene fit of Young Men and those who suffer with Nerrons pebility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay, ic .,4c, v one of those who baa cared himself by simple ans, after being put to great expense and incon gruence, through the se of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. copied may be had of the author, C. A. LAML;ERT,Eijq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclos nS a post-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greennoint, Long Island,. V. Y. May 22s, 1862. n4S-2m. cboPER'S STUFF JST "27 B X ! ! The higbeVt price in cash will be paid for Staves, Heading. and lloop-Poles. Enquire of L. D. Rob- lDr ' l tho AVucric"n Uouge in Brownvillo. IheeubseribtVi about establishinar a Coopering estabashment in Wownville, and will Terform all business jn that line such as making Flour, Mo lasses, 1 ork and BrandW Barrels. Will also mend ajucaeij, 1 UbS, UhurBS, Vc. . -.-ju-pa L.D. KOBINSOS. From Rattle Snake Creek. Headquarters, B.' 51. Ii Rattlesnake Creek, N. T. May 8th, 1S63.! Editor Xtbraska Advertucr : - In the language of son o remote hifa lutin historian of the revolving seasons: "the winter is past, the flowers appear on the earth, the time for the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.". From the most reliable dates this quo tation was the effusion of a close observ er of nature, and written in the month of May amid a profusion of flowers gently waving in extatic recognition of honeyed notes changed by the feathered minstrels; All but the last of the quotation's appli cable to this elevated region ; the. "turtle" has not been heard ; the 'otrers" are here, and the "birds'11 sing, . Inspect, exactly the same songs sung when the author made the record, at least, evidence to the contrary is wanting. If they have undergone a change since that day it is not surprising as almost countless revb- utions have taken place in language, cus tom, habit and governments, and why should not the birds adopt nesv notes of melody discarding those used in the days of Soiomon? Will some astute ornithol ogist enlighten the world on the subject ? What would this terrestrial sphere be without its rich carpet of verdure, lovely flowers, and the birds' sweet soothing carol ? Let Winter's cold chilly days and nights hold the sway, and life would be robbed of one half cf its charms ; there would be no joy filling the heart on gaz injr out on mountain, rlain, hill and val ley, and the soul-stirring notes of the furthered choir huihed in eternal si lence ! Thankfulness, earnest, nd sin cere, should ascend as sacred incense, from the alter of all health, to God tor the indescribable fountains of pleasure gushing forth from every grove.yery epear of graws. v-ary tmilinjj flower I Thai's tchaVs the matter ; we are tickled nearly to death at the return of Spring: as serious doubts were entertained wheth er this portion of the globe was included in the regular routine of Dame Nature, knowing the materials were out at the time it was created. If Lhe "turtle'1 could be heard this would be-like the land of Solomon; but, alas, the plaintive voice has not, as yet, been heard on Rat tle Snake. LATE ORDERS. No. 1. or squad, When the Brigade, company is cn drill should an amusing incident occur each man must yell at the top of his voice. This is for the purpose of testing the lungs, wind, &c. No,. 2. At the announcement of "grub'1 it must be responded to by a "helter skelter" foot race. This is for the pup pose of testing the legs. Being an order of the greatest importance shall be short ly enforced. No. 3. The use of the word "defeat" in official communications is prohibited. In lieu thereof the word ret ire11 shall be used as more acceptable to the taste of military men, and better adapted to cer tain circumstances. , No. 4. Should the enemy come into camp, and say "how, meat, bread, blanket,11 .... i. i the demand must be liberally answereu, because the Constitution enjoins the nolle precepts to "feed the hungry and clothe the naked ;" he, (the enemy,) possessing a peculiarity of system preventing him from earning a livelihood in an honest way should be mildly and kindly treated ! No alKision shall be made to his natural or acquired weaknesses, as his highly sensitive nature would be offended, and his interesting visits discontinued. The endearing epithet "brother,"1 must be used on all occasions, even if the arrow, or ball, be aimed at your heart, or the hatch et raised to split your skull. We must "love our enemies.11 His christian educa tion, havinj been neglected, daily mur ders of helplpss men, women and chil dren, must be regarded as an erring hab it. Ignorance, particularly, when com bined with ferocious fiendishness is a valid plea fer the commission of the most horrid crimes perpetrated by our most beloved brother! This order must be carefully carried out. The sugar, is bet ter thanthe vinegar treatment to settle dif ficulties among near relations. Hands off, let ,em steal, let em kill, but don't retal iate for fear a " family war" will be the consequence. If , they have the advant age, drop your "Jillin11 but when the ad vantage is in your power give 'em, meat, bread, blanket.11 Order No. 5. Immediately after the Paymaster's visit it will be expected of the officers to accommodate the "boys" at five cents "ante." Chaplins not allowed to play "seven up11 on the Sabbath unless it be "rainy weather11 as such examples wield a pernicious influence. The remainder of these important or ders must be reserved for another lime. Should' they -be faithfully executed the organization of the Bust Head Brigade will be fully consummated, and prepared ; for a "forward movement11 GEJf. LOVEGOOd's STAFF. The following officers are detailed on Baigadier General Theopolus Lovegood's staff. Lietu. Alakafra3erfat, Aid-de-camp ; Capt. Squirtwater Assistant Gen'l ; Capt. Shompogancy, Assistant Quartermaster ; L L Scruptepucks, Assistant Commissary of Subsistence ; Dr. Hydrargum Epispas tics knockumstifT, Brigade Surgeon.. None of these officers sought ''positions" on the staff but were selected solely on account of peculiar fitness. The country may confidently look for valuable serv. ises from them, if allowed to remain du ring the War, with the General on Rat tle Snake creek. AID-DE-CAMP. Lt. Alkafraserfat is busily engaged in aiding the Gen'l in the purchase of "good skins" of ; which to make "robe" to send to Mr. A. Lincoln as a slight to ken of the General's gratitude for past favors. The General esteems the Pres ident much I assure you, and the Presi dent esteems the General. A. A. GEN L, things partaining to his Is managing office like "clock work," although, in the start he aid not exactly understand the ceremony of mounting the guard. He supposed "mounting" meant chastising and "pitched into" one of the guard and came out scarcely able to stand upon his "pins." A. QUATERM ASTER. Capt. Shompogancy has just received the sum of S16.33 for .disbursement in emergent demands on his department, On careful examination this amount was deemed amply sufficient for the Sum mer's campaign. A. C. OF SUBSISTEACE. . Lt. Seruptepucks is strongly fortified bthind a lot ol "sweet smelling ancient Edward" which owing to its lively qual ity seems to change its position every twenty-four hours ! If something is not done speedily to check its erratic habits a sentinel will have to be stationed over it, or " Uncle Edward11 will have us. Se ruptepuck thinks a portionof his commis sary supplies ' can be " moved11 without much difficulty, or cost, and the "line of march" taken up a any time. LOVEOOOD TO GRANT. General: Yours received, In reply I can inform you this country affords an abundance of Beaver. By strategetic movements the old ones, as well as the kittens, can be captured, I think myself they would be of service, to you in your "canalling" operations at Vicksburg. Skins plenty, but no cuiton. Lovegood. . No doubt Gen'l Grant will request a supply of these animals, as their known ingenuity in turning water is, unsurpass ed, but the object in writing "JVo cotton11 cannot be "seen into,' unless swaping is about .to be adopted in military circles. You know by a Convention of interested parties skins have been declared "con traband," and Gen'l L. continues to this authoritative act applying to his district, in the same way, as other Generals do their authority over cotton, the conse quence of which is, the enemy isdecreas ing in skins, and Gen'l increasing, and if this "military necessity" continues the conclusion is evident, that the enemy will have less skins and the Gen'l more. The Government is being benefited much, and the War about at an end, by these strate getic cotton and skin operasions of our heroic Generals throughout the Union. Now Mr. Editor: I want it distictly uuderstood that I wrote tis letter, and that no one has used my signature, which is Asevermore, N. Bonaparte"Bullywilkli:. P. S. Reconnoissance of the army's position just terminated ; after a vigorous struggle of forty-five minutes and fifteen seconds our forces slowly retired, casuali ties, one Bust Head right smartly weak ened, several others slightly feebled ; damage to enemy not known, but sup posed, a few holes opened in his works. This trail established the fact, that Bust Heads are not impregnable as not more than fifteen thusand shots were received by them during the engagement. OFFICIAL REPORT. Friend Halleck. I attacked the ene my at sunrise, 6th of May for the pur pose of finding out if he would fight. The battle was terrible, and, as near as I can guess, a large number, in fact all, the Brigade escaped without a scratch, from which I conclude the Lord is cn our side. . ' We retired, I can assure you, because the fire was really hotter than expected. Had it not been for this, the fight,! be lieve, would have lasted longer. Give us six months time and another recognoi sance wiil be made. Your recofirnoiterinc friend, lill death, THEOPHILUS LOVEGOOD. Brig. Genl. B. H. B. .The President has signified his satis faction at the result of the recognoisance. ; - N. B. B. j OFFICIAL. iLWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Paused at the &:cotid &iitH j tht 2'hirty-teveuth No. 67.) A resolution torejal and modify Sections ! two and thre of an act entitlod 'An Act to settle I to certain Lands set apart for the LT so of certain Ilalf-bread Kansas Indiads in Kansas Territory," approved May twenty-six, eighteen hundred and ,' sixty, and to repeal pact of section one of sail j Act. ' . ' ! Resolved by the Senate and Ilouse of Representa tives of the United State lit" America in Congress atsembled, Sbat sections two and three of an act entitled " An act t settle the title) to cerUin lands s :t a Dart for the nse of certain Half- breed Kansas Iadians in Cansas Territory," approved May twen-tr-six, one thousand eight hundred and and sixty, and so much of the first suction as' authorizes the fclecretary of tho Iuterior to decide what persons are heirt to diseased rcservees as mentioned therein and the am-3 are hereby repealed. ; ; Approved, July 17, 1832., (No. 68.) Joint Resolution fuither to provide for the Compensation of Members of Congress. ' Resolved by tho Senate and Houso of Represen tatives ef the Uuited States of America in Congress assembled, That until the further order of Congress .he secretary of the senate and the sergeant at arm3 t) the House are iirected to receive, as a valid cx 'juse for absence from duty in Congress active em ployed in military service, for the suppression of the rebellion without puy. ' sec. 2. And bo it further resolved, That when any senator or representative sh.ill hereafter withdraw from his seat in anticipation of the adjornment of Congress and before the adjournment of Congress and before the adjournment and does not return, he shall, iff addition to the sum now deducted for each day, forfeit a further sum equal to tho mileage new allowed by law for his return home, nnd it thai! be deducted from his compensation, unless where s;iid withdrawal is with the leave of the senate or Housj of Representatives respectively. ' Approved, July 17, 1862. (No. 69.) Joint Recolution authorizing the secre tary of the Interior to expend, from a Fund in the United states Treasury belonging to the Winnebago Indians the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as m iy bo necessary, for the Benefit of said la Hans. Resolved by the senato and ILmso of Representa tives i f the United states ofAint ricii in Congress assembled, That tho secretary of tiia Interior he, and ho is hereby, authorized to ext m I from a fund in the treasury of tho United states onion grig ti the Winnebago Indiano, the sum of fifty thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to make such improvement upon their lands aul pur chase tuch stood and agricultural implements as their nocessities may require and that the amount so expended shall be replaced from the proceeds of the sales of the lands belonging to said Indiana, which the Government is now authorized to sell by virtue of an existing treaty with sails Indians. Approved, July 17, 1862. (No. 70.) A Resolution to regulate tho Compensation for Paying Pensions. Resolved by tho senate and House of Represenci tivos of the United states of America in Congress assembled, That agent for paying pensions shall receive two per centum on all disbursements ni kde by them to pensieners of the United states: Provid ed, That the aggregate compensation . to any one agent paying both army and navy pensions, shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum. Approved, July 17, 1S62, (No 71. a Resolution making further Appropria tions tor the current and contingent Expenses of the Indian Department, aud for fulfilling Treaty stipuiatiens with the various Indian Tribes, for the year ending Juno, thirty eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Whereas, certain appropriations agreed to by the senate of the United states as amendments to the "Act (.11. R. 250) making appropriations for - the current and contingent expenses of the In dian Depart, and for fulfilling treaty utipulnting with the various iulian tribes for the year end ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty tbre," approved July fiftb, eighteen huudred and frixty two, were accidently omitted to be sent to tho House of Representatives for concurrence therein; and when-as said appropriations are ne cessary to be made, Therefore Be it rosolved by the scnato and House of Repre sentatives of the United state of America in Con gress assembled; That the following sura be, and they are hereby, appropriated out of any monry in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent ex penses of the Indian department and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes: For indian service in Nevada Territory. For pay of interpreter ,five hundred dollars. For presents of goois and clething to Indians to bo expended by the superintendent of Indian affairs five thousand dollars. For incidental expenses in Nevad Tesritory, in eluding office and traveling expenses two thousand dollars. For Indian service in Colorado Territory. For pay of interpreter, five hundred dollars . For presents of goods an! clothing to Indians, to be expended oy the superintendent of Indian affairs, five thousand dollars. For incidental expenses in Colorado Territory, including office and traveling expenses two thousand dollars. For the Indian service in Utah Territory for fis cal year ending Juno thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Fr interpreter for shoshonccs, one thousand dol lars . For interpreter for Utahs one thousand dollars. For interpreter for Rvby Valley agenco, five hun dred dollars. Nor interpreter fcr Fort Bridger agency five hun dred dollars. For interpreter ror Spanish Fork agency, five hun dred dollars. For presents of goods and clothing to Indians, to foe expended by the superintendent of Indian affairs five thousa-nd dollars. For incidental expenses in Utah Territory, in cluding oCco and travling expenses two thousand dollars. Approved, Juiy 17, 1S52. (No. 72. A Resolution suspendinn the sale by seal ed bids, of the Lands of the Kansas and sas and Fox Indians. Resolved by the senate and House of Representa tives of the United states of America in Congress assembled. That the sales of the lands of the Kan sas and sac and r ox tribes of Indians of the state of Kaiisi?, by sealed bids, bp and the same are postponed until the feunh day if March eighteen hun locd and sixty-three, and treaty or law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, July 17, 18(52. TREATIES. Convention betweun the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica, for the adjust ment of claims. Signed at rian Jose, July 2 18 j0 Ratified by the President of the United States, November 9. 1861. Exchanze of ratifications. November 9, 1861. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, November 11 1S61, BY TUB PBESIItEST OF TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A" PROCLAMATION. Whereas a convention for tho adjustment of claims of citizens of tht Uuited States against the Republic of Costa Rica was concluded between the United States of America and that Republic and was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries ai San Jose on the second day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty, which convention being in the Engiisn and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as lollows: Convention for the adjustment of claims of eiti iens of the United States againt the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica. The United Srates of America and the Republic of Ccsto Rica, desiring to adjust the claims of citi zens of raid States against CostKica in such a manner as to cement the good understanding and friendly relations now happily subsisting be iween the two Republics, have resolved to settle such claims by tnean3 of a convention; and for that purpose, appointed and conferred full puwers res dectivo'y to wit: The President of ibe UjiteJ States on Alexan der Dimitry Miuister resident of said Unitod States in the Repuqlio of Cosla Rica, and his Excellency the Constitutional President of said Republic of Costa Rica on Manuel Joso Caraio and Frandisco Maria Yglesias, who upon an exchange of their plenary powers jrhich irere fonnd in good and pro per fotm have agreed to the follwing articles, Art. I. It is agreed that all c aims ol citizens of the United States upon the Govern meat of Costa .Rica, arising from injuries tu thuir persons, ar damages to tlieir proporty under any form whatso ever through the action of authorities of the Ro publij of Cost Rica .statement of wViaU solicit ing the interposition of the Covernm3nt of the United States have been presented to the Depart, menttif State at Washington or to the diplomate agents of said United states at. san Jose of Costa Itioa up to the date of the siguatureof this conven tion shall together wit i the do:umant4 in proof,on which they map be founded be refered to a board of Commissioners consisting of two members who shall be appointed in the following uiannor: One by the government of the Uuited states of Ameri ca, and one by the the Government of the Repub lic of Costa Rica; Provided however, that no claim of any citisen of tho United states who may be proved to have beed a bel'igerent during the occu pation of Nicajagua by the troops of Cosco Rica, or the exercise of authority by the latter within the territory of the former shall be considered as one proper for the action of the boards of commissioners herein provided for. in case of the death absence or incapacity of either commissioner, or in' the event of either com missioner's ' omittiag or ceasing to act tha Govern ment of the Uuited statest of ameaica or that of the Republic oj Costa Rica, respectively or the Minister of the latter in the United states ac'ing by ifs direction shall forthwith proceed to fill the vacancy thus occasioned. " Art. 2. The commissioners so named shall meet at the City of Washington, within ninety days from the exchange of the ratifications of this convention: and before proceding to business, they shall each of them, exhibit a solemn oath, made and subscrib ed before a competent authority tha they will carefully examine into and irnpart'aly decide, ac cording to the principles cf justice and of equity, and to the stipulations of treaty upon all the claim laid before them under the provisions of this con vention by the Government of the United states and in acrdance with such evidence as shall be sub mitted to. them on the part of said United States and of the Republic of Cos ti Rica respectively. And their oath to such effect, shall be entered upon the record of their proceedings'. said commissioners shall then proceed to name an arbitrator, or umpire to docide upon aoy case or cases concerning which they m:iy disagree or upon any print or points of difference which my arisa in the course of their proceedings. Aud if they cannot iigrea in tho selection the arbitrator, or umpire shall be appointed by the Minister of his Mije.-ty the King of the Belgians to the United States, wh in the two high contracting parties shall invito to tnuke su h appointment and whose selection shall be conclusive on bath parties. Art. 3. The abritrator, or umpire being appointed thoc mmis'Jners shall without delay, proceed to ex.uiiiuo aud ieteruiine the claims which may be presented to theni unlerthe provisions of this coa vention by the Government of the United statei as stated in the pn eedin article: and they shall hear if rcquirea one porton iuvluta'.f of each Government .n every separate claim. , . '- ' Each Government thall furish, upon reqaest of either of the commissioners, suo! papers in it pos session as may be deemed i m portal the jut de termination of any claims of citizens'0' tU8 United States referred to the beard, under tber,Thon of the first article. In cases, whether touching injuries to the person limb or life of any said citizens; or damages V,a" milted as stipulated in the first article agaiust thv-ir preperty sn which the commissioners maa agree tof award an indemnity they shall determine the annua to be paid. Incases in which said commissioners cannot agree the points of difference shall bo re ferred to tha abitratoror umpire beiore whom each of the commissioners maa" be heacd and his decision shall be final. Art. 4. The comraisiioners shall is3no cert'fi -ates of tlic sums to be paid to the claimants respectively whether by virtue of the awards agreed to oetweeu themselves or of those made by them in pursuance of decisions of the abitratos, or utnpiro aud the ag- srrosate amount of said uiro," tw.i uo vir hoates or awara inaue oy tne commisni,nirs,in euu er manner ebovo indicated, and of the sums allow- curing from such certiacates of award as the arbi trator, or umpire may under tho authority herein, after conferred by the seventh article, bavo made ahd issued with the rate of interest stipulated in the present article, in favor of any claimant or claimants, shall be paid to the Gov. rument of the Unitel Statei, in tho city or Washington in equal semi annual instalments. It is however, hereby agreed by the contracting parties the payment oj the first instalment shall be made eight mouths from the termination of the labors of the commis sion; and after such first payment tho second and each succeeding one shall be made seuiianually counting from the date ofthe first payment: aud the wholo payment of such aggregate amount, or rinounts, shall be perfected within the ierm of ten years feom the termination of said commission; and each of said sums shall bear interest )also payable semi annuallyi at the rate of six per cent, pir an num, fronntae day on which the awards, respecthe ly will have betn decreed. To meet theso payments the government of the Republic of Cota Rica hojeby specially appropria tes fit ty per cent, of the net proeeees of tho revenue arising from the customs of the said Republic, but if such appropriation should prove insufficient to make the payments ns above stipulated, the Gov ernment of said Republic binds itself to provide oth er moans for thattpurpo e: Art. 5, The commission herein provided shall termiuate its labors in nine months from and in cluding the day of its organization. They shall kuep a record of all their proceedings, and the may appoint a Secretary, aversed" in the knowledge of the English and of the Spanish languages, to assist ir. the tfansaction ef their business. An, for the conduct of such business they are hereby uthoriied to roaku all necessary and lawful rules. Art. 6. The proceedings of this commission shall be final and cohcinsive, with respect to all the claims of citizens of the United States, whijh, having acrued prior to tho date of this convention, may be brought beforn it for adjustment ; and the United ! btates agree for ever to release the Government of he Republic of Costa Rica fn ni any further as ccuntability for claims shall be r. jected, either by the board of commissioners, or by th arbitrator, or umpire aforesaid; or for such as being allowed ty eiter the board or the umpire the Govdrnmcnt i" Casta Rica shall have provided for ahd sat i tied is the manner agreed upon in the fourth article. i An. 7 la the event however that upon the tcrnV ication of the labors of said commission stipulate! for in the fifth aoticle of this convention any case or case3 should bo p nding beforo the umpire, and awaiting his decision, it is hereby nnderstood and agreed by the two contracting parties tht through the board of commissioners m-vy by such limitalion, have terminated their action said umpire is hereby authorized and empowered to proceed to make Lis doi3ion or award in such case or cases pending as aforesaid; and upon his certificate thereof, in e:ch case, transmitted to ea:h of the two Goveroui-jats mentioning the arneunt of indemnity if such shall have been allowed by him, together with the rate of interest specified by the fourth article such de cision or award shall be taken and held t be bind ing and cjnclusive and it shall work the sam 3 effect as though it had been madi by both thecommision ers under their own agreement or by them upon de cision of the case or of the cases raspectively, pro nounced by the umpire of said board during the period prescribed for its sessions: Provided however That a dec sion on every case that may be peulind at the termination of the labors of the board shall be given by the umpire within sixty days from their final adjournment and that at the expirition of the said sixty days the authority and power hereby granted to said umpire shall cease Art. 8. Each government shall pay its owr com missioner; but the umpire, as well as tho incidental expenses of the commission, ieclading tho defrayal of the services of a secretary who may be oppointed under the fifth article, shall be paid one haif by the United States and the other half by the Republic fCjsta Rica. Art. 9. The present convention shall be approved and ratified by the President of she United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the said States; and by the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, with ,thf conseut and approbation of the Supreme Legislative Power of said Republic; and the salifications shall be exchan ged in tho city of Washington within the space of eight moetbs from the date of the signature thereof or sooner if possible. In faith whereti and by virtue of our respective full powers we the undersigned have signed the present convention, in duplicate and had hereun to affixed our seals. Done at tho city of San Jose, oa the second day of July, inthe year one thousand eigh: hundred and sixty, and in the eighty-fourth year of the in dependence of the United States cf America, and of tha independence of Costa Rica the thiri-yninth. ALEXRDIMITUV,L.8. . . MANUEL J. CARAZO, l. s.) FRAN'SO M. YGLLESIAS, (L.s.) And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications I ofthe simo were exchange. I at Washington on the 8;h instant the lime spejifiml for. that purp-sby the nin'h article having been extended by tue con tracting panics: Now be it known thsit I, AUItATlAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of Aunr ica. hav caused the Mad convention to be m;ule publio to the same that the sunn an I every class and article thereof, maybe observed and fu! filed wrth good faith by tho United Strtc and the ci.i xens thereof. , . U " ' In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of tho UniUd States to be affixei. '..,,...! Done at the city of Washington this eleventh day of Noveinoer,' la the yr of our Lord (L. 8.) one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one and of the independence " of tho United States the eighty-sixth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President William II. Seward, Secretary of State; Treaty of Pea?e, Amity, and commerce between tin United State of America ahd China. Conclud ed. 18th June 153. Ratified by the United State3 2lst Dteember, 1S53. fVoelairnid by the Presi dent ofthe United State, 25th Jan. 18:(. BY TUB TKESIDENT OK THE CXITKrJ ' STATES OF A it ERIC A. ' ' ; A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a treaty between the United Slate of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire was concluded nnd signed at Tientsin by their respective plenipo tentiaries, on the eighteenth day of June, 133, whu h treaty is, word for word ss foil ws: The United State of Americe aad the Ta-Tsing . Empire desiring to maintain firm, lasting, and sincere friendship, have resolved to renew, in a manner clear and positive by mean of a treaty or general convention of peace, am:ty and commerce, the rules which shall in future be naturally ob served in the intercourse of their rcspecti? e coun tries; for which most desirable' object, the President of the United State and the august sovereign of the Ta-Tsing Empire have named for their plenipo tentiaries, towit: The President of tho United States of America, William B. Keed, Entoy Extraordinary and Mitister Plenipotentiary to China; and hi Ma jesty the Emperor of China, Kweiliang, a member of the Privy Council and superintendent of tho Board of Punishments; and Hwashana. President of the Board cf Civil Office and Mdjor-General of the Bjrdercd Blue Banner Division of the Chinese Ban ner men. both of them being Imperial Commission ers and Plenipotentiaries. and the said Minister, in virtue of the respective full powers they have re ceived f rt n their government, have ogrewd upon the follwing articles: . Art. 1. Thore shall be, a thre have always been peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire, aud between their people, respectively. They shall not insult or oppreM each other for any trifling eause, so a to produce an estrangement between them; and if any other nation -hould aet unjustly or ppresively, the United State will exert their good offices, on be ing imformed of the ca-te, to bring ubout an amica ble arranffement of the question, thus showing their friendly feelings. Art. 2. In order to perpetrate friendship, on the exchange of ratification by the President, wtih the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, and by hi Majesty tho Emperor of China, thi treaty shall be kept and sacredly guarded in thi way. viz.: The original treaty, a ratified by .e President of the Lnitoi Matos, shall be deposi eix t Peking, the capital ef hi Majesty the Emper or of China in dharge of the Privy Council; aud, a ratified iTv Ins Majesty tha Emperor, of Chica, shall be depositojt Washington, the capital of the Uni ted State, TnVar2 t il,e Secretary ot State. Art. 3. In oral vthaf lhe people of the two coun tries may kne- 7irT the obey the provision of thi treat v. fbo L'nitevf St&te of America agree, im-nindJ-ieiy oa the exchange of ratigcations, to pro claim the tame and to publish it by proclamation in tne g;!itiu-s where t ie laWi f the LniteJ States of Ameiiea are published by author. ty; and hi m.ije ty the Emperor of Chin, on the exebange of ratifi cations, agrees immediately to direct the publication of the same at the capital and by the rjovernors of ail the provineo. Art. 4. In ardor further to perpetrate friendship, the minister orcommissioner, or the highest diplo matic representative of the United States of Amer ica in China, shall at ail time have the right to "correspond on term ef perfect equality nd confi dence with the officers of the Fnvy Council at the oapital, or with the governors-general of the Two Kwang3 the provinces of Fuhkien and Chehkiang or of the Two Kiang; and whenever he desire- to have such correspondence with the Privy Council at tbo capital he shall have the right to send it through either of the said governors-general or by the gen eral post; and all such communication shall be sent under goal which hall be incst carefully respected. The Privy Council and governors-general, as the case iniy be, shall in all cases consider and acknow ledge sue communications promptly and respect fully. Art. 5. The minister of the United States of America in China, whenever he has business, shall have the right to visit and sojourn at the capital of hi Majesty the Emperor of China, and there confer with a membe of the Privy Council, or any other high officer of equal rank deputed for that purpose on matters of common interest and advantage. His visit shall not exceed one in each year, and he i shall complete his business without unnecessary de lay, lie shall be allowed to go by laud or come to the mouth of the Peiho, into which he shall not bring ships of war and shall inform the authorities at that place in order that boats may be provided f r him to go on hi journey. He is not to tuke advantage of this stipulation torequest vesit to the capital oa trivial occasion. Whenever he means to procee 1 to the capital, be shall communi cate, in writing, hi intention to the Board of Rites at the capital, and thereupon the slid Board shall give the necessary directions to facilitate hi journey and g; e him necessary protection and res pect .n hi way. On hi arrival at the capital, he shall be furnished with a suitable residence prepar ed for him, and he hall defny'hi own expenses: and hi3 entire suite shall not ex. eed twenty persons, exclusive to hi chineso attendant nono ot waota shall be engaged in trade. , .: . Art. 6. If at any time hi Majesty the Emperor China shall by treaty voluntarily made, or for any other reason permit the representative of any friend ly nation to reside at hi capital for a long cr short time then without any further consultation or ex press permission, tho representative of the United Stares in China shall have the same privilege. Art. 7. The superior authorities of the United States and of China in corresponding together shall do so on terms cf equality and in form form of mu tual communication, (chauhwui.) The consul and tho local officer, civil and militery ia correspoding together shall likewise employ the style and form of mutual communication, (chauhwui) When infe rior officers of rhe one gOAernment ad Ires superior officers of the othe they shall do so in the style and form of memorial,, (chin clrin. j Private indivi duals, in addressing superior officers, ahall employ the style of petition, (pinching.) In no case shall any terms or style be used or suffered which shall be offensive or disrespectful to either party. And it i agreed tbar no presents, under any pretext or form whatever, shall ever be demanded of the Lm ted States by China, or of China by the United States. Art. 8.' In all future personal intercourse be tween the represent tivo of the United State of America and the governors general or governor, the interviews shall bo had at the official residence of the said offieer er at their temporary residence, or at the residence of the representative of the United States of America, whichever maybe agreed upon between them; nor shall they mako any pretext for declining these interview. Current matters shall be discussed by correspondence, so as cot to give the trouble of a personal meeting. Art. 9. Whenever national vessels of te United Sutes of America in cruising along the coast and among the port opened for trade for the protection of the cc -amerce or their country or tor toe advance ment of scienco shall arrive at or near any of the port cf China, commanders of said ships and the superior local authorities of government shall, if it be necessary hold intercourse on terms of equality and courtesy, in token of , the friendly relations of their respective nations; and tho said vessel shall enjoy all suitable facilities on the part ofthe Chi nese government in procuring provisions or other supplies and making necetsary repairs. And the I nired State of America agree that in caso of the shipwreck of anyAmerkiiu vessel, and its being ui.iu ujr pirawen, vt tit ij ; auiaiiu e33ei shall be pillaged or captured by pirate on the sea adjacent to the coast, without being shipwrecked, the national vessel of the United State shall pur e e the said pirates, and if captured deliver them over for trial aud punishment. ' Art. 10. Tha United State of America shall have the right to appoint consuls end other cem inercial agent for the protvjtioa of tiadc, to reside at such place in the dominions of China as shall be agreed to be openel; wbe shall hold tuicial inter- cour-e and correspondent with the tCi er . t'ie Chine.' g ivemroen', ( a cnsul r v tce-ctvul i. eharge taking rank with an iutendaiit ul circuit a perfect), either personally or in rriiinj. a"i;.i sloti may require. n t rms of eqial ty vd e !.ri cal re. p-s t. . And the consult ui I .-t o li t " trap oy the stjlo ot mutual iO!iiLuun''t''n. iiihi. i cflkirs of e ther nation are di io-i e. tful v tr-n e 1 or aggrieved in Dy way by tbe.otier. :thntif they have the rubt to make re; r .eat.iti. i. ?f th? sain to the superior nfficer of tSm r-; ti((r7 -ernmnts, who h.Il see that fsl inquiry an I tri t justice shall be had in the premises. And thai sni.l consuls and agent shall carefully av,.'ii ulliusnt" offence to the offience to the ollicois an t ; c";I f China. . On the arrival of a onsul Uu'ty ncrditrd at anyport in Ch'no, it -b.Vl b-a th duty . f th minister of the United State- to unt.l th j ima t tho govrnor-generd of the pn.7m:e wheie su.-.!i port is, who shall forthwith, rxognu tho sail consul and grant him author y t- aet. ' ' Art. 11; All citiitLS or tha Uuited fSi t-M ,f America ia China, pe&ceally. attending- k ' hir affairs, being placed on a ctuiin.i!f..otin;r f tuiity and good will with mbjecta of Chii.r,:,ar r-.-..-;- and enjoy for themselves aiul overy thing a pj.V:3iu ing to them tho praieclion of the loeul autliuriue ofgovernmcQt who shall defend theui ir,ut in sult or injury of tni sort. , If tUeir .J eliiiij or property be threatened oruttickrd by tu .br.. "incen diaries or other violent or lhloi.s pjr-'ona thfll.c! officers o.i requsiLon ofthe consul shall iaiaellAtd! despatch military force to disperse the ri"T,iaj) prehend the guilty individuals, and pan!,!i r...m with the utoioti riger of the law. Sul.jct t of Chi na guilty of any criminal act towardirttiif? - hi United State shall by punished by tho l -iie authoriticf according to the laws.of Cliuanui citi- iens of the Uuited Statcj, either on shore or in any merchant vessel, who may insult tiou'ole . r woun l the persons or injure the property of Chicsn i,c commit any , other improper act in China. b punished only by the conful or other puMie f.rj.i tionary there to authorised according to lh d.vj'uf the United States. Arrests in ordjr t. trial u i It made by either the Chineso or tha Uuited Suto authorities. j , ' Art. 12. Citiisns of the United States, rn'iin -or sojourning at my of the torts open to foreign commerce, shall be- permitted to reat house and places of business, or hire site on whic-h they cau them.-e'ves build houses or hospital, churches and cemeteries. The parties interejtad cm fix the rent by mutual and equitable agreement; the proprietor shall not eleai '.nd an exorbitant price, nor th lociil authorities interfere, ucks there be scuio ob jection offered on the part of tho inhabitant rcs piet'mg the place. The legl fees to the officer fjr applviug their seal shall b paid. The sinens of lie United States shall not reasonably iudtor particular spots, but each pay shall cti.dujt witli justice and moderation. Any 'desecration of th cemetries by natives of China shall be sovcra'p p'tn -ished according to law. At the plates where tha chips of the United Stitei anchor o." their oiciiou reside, the merchants, seaman, or others tan frealy pass and repass in the imm. 'ditto neigh borhood; but. in order to the preservatioi of the puhlij petK-a they shall not go into the semntry to the viii.ign aad marts to sell their good unlawfully, iu fraud of the revenue. , - . ' Art. 13. If any vessel of tie United States , wrecked or stranded On the o.ast tT Cain aci b subjected to plunder or other damage the proper offieer of government ca receiving it-frmtion the fact shall immediately adopt measures for iv relief and security; tha person oa botr 1 shall re ceive friendly treatment, and be erjall -d to r!pr at once to the nearest port and shall ei jutr ail f icit, itie for obUiniDg supplies of provisienn'scd vattr. If the merchant vessels of the United S.'atci, whuj within tha waters over which the Cair. s i g.veru ment exerclsds jurisdiction be plundored by robber or pirates, then the Chinese local aut!?oriii?j civil and military, on receiving information tuoroof, hll arrest the said robbers or pirates, and punMi them according to law, aud fchall cause all the property. cUIoh.&a -ha flMnrwl -i u -cHUrtj W ! -,, n ,'i,5,v or piaced in the band of tha o;nsul. Ii, bj rua.oa of the extent of territory and numerou j population of China, it shall in any case happen that th roiA bcrs cannot be apprehended, and the property only in part recovered, the Chinese government ha!l noj make indemnity for the good lost; but if it iha.'l be proved that tee local authorities hava been ia collusion'with the robbers, che gam shall beci in municated to the superior authorities for memorial la zing the Throne. and these officer shall be severely punlsbedand their property be confiscated tt ro the losses. - - Art. 14. The citizen of the United Sta'c are permitted to frequent the port and citie of Canton and Chau-C'hau or Swatau, in the provice of Kangr tung, Amoy, Fuh-ihau, and Tai-wjn, la Formo-ui, in the province of Fuh-kien, Nicgpo,io theproviuc f Cheh-kiang, and Shanghai, . ia the provice of,. Kiang-su, and any othei port or place hereafter L treaty with the nited States opened t i eeuimKve, and to reside with their fauiilie and trad -inert, and to proceed at pleasure with their vrtsel and merchandise from aay of thee port tany o'her f them. But said vessel, shall not carry ou a elan-, destine and fradulent trade at other ports of Chin; not declared to be legal, or along th Cost theirot'i and any vessel under the Ameri. aa flag vi-ia i ig this provision shall, with her osfgo, be isubjcct t confiscation to the Chinese vernmeat ; and any citizen of the United State who shall trade in uy contraband article or merchandise bhall be subject to be dealt with by the Chineso Government, with-" out being entitled to any count-Jnauje or protv.i-:i from that of the" United States; and the Unitel States; an I the' United State will take uiaas irM t prevent their flag from beingabused by the luhje.-fc of other nation a a cover lor the vioiatijU of tls laws of the En;pire. Art. 14. At each of the ports open to oommerc : of United Status ghxlfbe permitted t- im . port from abroad, and sell purchase, and etport a..' I ' merchandise of wbich the importation or expert- tion i not prohibited by the law of the Empire.-' The tariff of 'duties to be paid by citizen ot' th United State, on the export and import tf g'.-cd from and into Ctina, shall b the stm a wa -agreed upoa at the treaty of Wanghia, eiot u far a it may be modified by trevies with o'her n-t- ; tions, it being expressly agreed th.v citizen of tb j United State shall never pay higher dut?e ihia ' those paid by the most favored nation. Art. 15. Tonnage duties shell be paid on every ' merchant vessel belonging to tho United Stat- en-.'.t tertng either of the open prt at tho rate ef four mace per ton of forty cubic feet, if ah bj Vit o. ' hun Ire 1 and fifty ton burden cfone buLd.-edaal fifty ton3or under according to tha tonage special iu the register; which with her other papers, snail, j on ber arrival, be lodged with tho consul, who shall report tbo same to the commissioner of custom. And if any vessel having paid tonage duty atone" port snail go to any othr port to Complete the Ji- ; posal ofher cargo; or being in qalleit to an entire or fill up an incomplete the disposal of her 1 cargo the consul shall report the same to the cm mlssioner of customs who . shall note on tho prrG clearance that the toeago duties have be.'i pai 1, l report the circuiaitanee to lb collector at the ' other custom house, in which ejvs. ths ii,l vesl , shall only pay duty oa her carg, al not to be charged with tonage duty a second time. The col- ' lector of customs at the open pert fhall consult with the consul about the ervciioa rf heaaom cit light-houses, and where baoy , and light-ship should be placed. Art. 17. Citizens or the Lnited States ehail be allowed to engage yilt to take their ve-e; into port, and wherjfhe lawful duties hare all been paid take them out of port. It sballbe lafa! fvr thcra to hire at pleasure servant, eomprodtns, wriu.-!. laborers, seamen. and person for whatever necc-or service with passage or eargo boat, for a roasvA-. ble compensation to be agreed upoa by the pit v , or determined by tho consuL . Art. IS. Whenever merchant veel of the I. in ted States shall enter a port, the collector ot cu.i- cause to be apprehended all mutineers or desurtur from on board tho vessel of the Uuited State ia China oa being informed by tha eons!, and w;I". d-!-liver them up to the consul or other oih.-er ior pun ishment. And if criminal, subject of thiiu talt refuge in the house or on board the vesl of co zens ofthe United Statos,tbey shall b hub r ed or concealed, but shall be dchve-ed up U, j u.,t-e r. ,.a the Chinese local f,:;i jers, a U dressed to thoso cf the United States. TbeuHr- chant geamen and other eitiien of the Uuit4 jjtatej'gtall be 'under the suparinteulouje of. la1. appropriate officer of their government. Ifinji. vidual of either nation cuiim m toia or disorder, use arm to the injujy of othri r cr-u! disturbance endang-ring life, the" c:r tf th, two governments will thcmselve to enf-j order and to maintain the public peace, by J.. 0 . impartial lustice in the premise. , . , " BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS. Printed nal toms shall, if he see fit. appoini cuiwm-nouso o.- r to guard said vessels, who may live oa to ri ih- ship or their own boat, at their coavieie. , Ir- Inr-nl anthnri'-M r.f tha Chinese rovernnieut sh,l