Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 21, 1863, Image 2

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    i .
; i
Wo. publish in this paper along
hut very jnportant Military Order.
It has reference to the Department o
Missouri Kansas and Nebraska-.
The News.
. We hare barely time, just before
'putting the paper to press, to con
-. dense the following from the latest
telegraphic Bulletin.
Grant has had several skirmishes
and two or three battles near Jackson,
Mis.. in which he was successful. It
is reported that Grant fought a battle
t Raymond on the 12th, and captured
the place. During this fight the reb
els had .taken all their troops out of
.Jackson, and while the fight was go
ing on a Cavalry force entered Jack
son from the northeast, and burned
the Capitol building and the Railroad
bridge across Pearl River. It is un
certain whether Grant's army is yet
accupy ing Jackson or not. Vicks
burg and Warrentowri are reported
"evacuated. We have intelligence that
Gen! Grant, after destroying the State
House and rebel stores at Jackson,
Miss., evacuated the place.
A rumor is prevalent at Murfrees
borbugh that Gen. Bragg is cautiously
withdrawing a portion of his troops
from our front and sending them to
Jackson, Miis.
It is reported from Shelbyville that
three brigades that left there were
afterwards seen at Chattanooga, pos
sibly en route to Knoxville.
OScial dispatches receired to-day
confirm the capture of Alexandria,
La., after the destruction of Fort
Deerling, eight miles from the mouth
of the river. No resistance was made.
Gen. Price is reported to have left
Little Rock the 11th, in the direction
of Mittsburg. Cc!. Hatch made a
a raid from Corinth last Wednesday
into Alabama, returning on Friday,
bringing back 400 prisoners and GOO
horses. He encountered Chalmers
near the Tallahatchie, but escaped
unharmed. Major Blake, with 300
men made a dash from Germantown
to within a few miles of Hollow
Indian Fight.
The Omaha Republican learns, that
a squadron of cavalry was sent out
from Ft. Kearney, a few days ago to
recover some stolen property from
the Arapahoe Indians on the Little
Blue; and that a fight ensued, in
which some thirteen Indians were
killed and a number wounded. Sev
eral United States troops were wound
ed, and several Government horses
were killed in the fight.
A Dayton (Ohio) despatch, in speak
ing of the damage done at the late
riot, at an office of one of the journals of
that city, amounting to some 825,000,
tays that the persons concerned in the
riot are to be taxed, each equivalent to
their means, until a sum is raised to
defray the loss connected with their out
rape, besides a term in the penitentiary.
If the instigators and perpetrators of riots
were all punished in this way there
would be less disposition to violate the
aws by mob violence.
Governor Morton has asked the Sec
retary of War to order the confinement
of eight hundred of the rebel priseners
now in our hands, that they may be held
as hostages for the exchange and return
of the four hundred Alabamians belong
ing to Col. Streight's Fifty-first Indian
regiment, who were not parolled with
the other troops recently captured, but
sent to Richmond, and denounced as ren
egade Alabamians.
Ft. Doxelson, May 12, '63".
Fciexd FlsnERiKnowing it will be
interesting to some of your readers to
hear from our company, I deem it
proper to give them a few items.
Like all other companies that have
been in the service as Jong as ours, we
are reduced very much by discharges,
deaths and desertions. We are now
scouring the country in every direc
tion, taking all horses and mules that
can be of any service to us; and what
few rebel soldiers we chance to meet.
Knmerous interesting incidents are
witnessed while on this duty; some of
the women beg, some cry, some curse
and others pray. One old lady, after
begging us to let her keep her stock,
and finding it had no effect on the
hard hearted Yanks, commenced curs
ing us violently, and finally .fell upon
her rebel knees and prayed God to
raise the Confederate soldiers as thick
as the trees of the forest, to massacre
the last dam'd Yank.
Our Orderly Sergeant, W. T. Wil
iiite, was promoted to 2nd Lieuten
ant last January, which was a very
just promotion; to prove my assertion
I will just state, that the company
raised one hundred dollars immediate
ly to purchase a sword, to be present
ed to him. We rec:"eved the sword
recently; it is an excellent one, the
blade of tho best steel and beautifully
flowered, the scabbard is brass, plated
with gold, with the fallowing inscrip
tion upon it: "Presented to Lieut. W.
T. Wiltiite, by the members of his
company." It fell to the lot of Order
ly Sergeant Alley to present it; he
did so, in tho follrwing language :
"Lieutenant Wilhite: I anKauihori
zed by the members of your company
to present you this sword, as a token
of their esteem for you, and as an ex
pression of their pleasure in seeing
you elevated to the rank you now
hold. Take it, and may you never
draw it without just cause, nor sheath
it without honor." Lieut. Wilhite re
plied as follows: "This is entirely un
expected; nothing cculd have surpris
ed me more, yet as .you have seen fit
to express your regards and well
wishes for me in this manner, I sin
cerely thank you for it, and hope the
time may soon come that I can prove
myself worthy of this trust. I shall
ever look back upon this time with
A scout is just going out and I must
close. Health is good here, not one
is sick in our company. You will ever
hear a good account of Co. "C." The
news of Hooker's success has reached
our camp; it is received with great en
thusiasm. Your3 respectfully,
J. M. Brockmax.
From Rattle Snake Creek.
Headqcahters, B. H. B.
Rattlesnake Cheek, N. T.
April 2Sth, 1SG3.
Ed. Neb. Advertiser. Accept the
thanks of Mr. Coxe, for your editorial
notice of his " drill." He says, 11 it is
true a part of the machine was used by
Solomon, and perhaps, by his coternper-
aries, but the idea on the whole is origi
nal." In these war times onlv invention
to put down the rebellion are sought af
ter, or appreciated, but the time will
come soon when "oofo." even if known
to Solomon will be used to increase the
strength, and wealth of the cation. Tine
will deraonstate the utility, and practi-
bility of" Coxe's patent," although, it is
slightly inclined to penetrate, the 'ground'
Our cantonment, (Bust Head Brigade)
is now on Rattle Snake Creek, It is a
splended stragttic location for the des-
struction of Beaver Dams, and the in
dulgence of Nimrod propensities. Tl e
boys" are doing finely to sustain tie
crumbling pillars of freedom, and Gen
eral Theophilous Lovegood will, undoubt
edly, wear the laurels of the war, as the
chieftain of the rand army on 44 Rattle
snake," and as hero of future battles,
A considerable majority of the mem
be rs of the Brigade are well contended,
and satisfied, as long as "capting com
poser" is comeaible; the service being,
at the same time, cf such a nature to
cause universal complaint. 44 Green
backs" are paid over about every two
months, but why should pay be with
held so long from so valuable a corps of
the army ? The attention of the Pay
master General, or the President, should
immediately be directed to this subject.
The entire Brigade will come under the
head of, 44 Pay-triolio." Notwithstand
ing such just cause of dissatifaction. in
stances of serious despondency exceeding
ly rare, desertions never; the love of coun
try is aboundently 44 shed abroad in each
heart," and while the lamp holds out
to burn," you may be assured, this com
mand will send forth bright scintillations
of perenial glory to the world, and the
residue of the A-dam-ic race. What's
the use of being a soldier unless the al
tar of the heart is lit up by the fire of,
44 Pay-triotism?" Battling for the Un
ion under the fervid rays of a Southern
Sun is incomparable with quaffing the
pure, cold water, as it flows from its
mountain source, and feasting on choice
pieces of Bear, Antelope, Elk, Beaver
and Grouse! The Government is proud
of the Army of the South, and of the
Potomac, but I knew sha must be enam
ored facinated, with the famous Bust
Head Legion, whose startling feats will
form a bright page in Rebellion's his
tory: It renders me much pleasure to an
nounce that our Red Brother seems to
have received information that his sculp
will not be resected by Genl. Lovegood.
The impression appears affective, as he
(bro. Injus) has found some other 44 wil
erness" in which to pitch his lodge,"
and 44 make medicine" to the Great Spirit
for success in stealing, and murdering.
The Genl. says ; 44 Scufpin" is his game.
He says, 44 boys if you see "Iojins," any
whare, dead or asleep; sculp " em! "
Thin order will be strictly observed,
especially, if the " Icjin" is dead, and
his 41 bow and arrows" out of reach.
Under such circumstance genuine hero
ism must guide the hand in the execu
tion of such a 44 dangersome" deed.
None but the brave fight " mid " Love
4 Westward the Star of Empire."
About five hundrtd emigrants have
already passed on . their journey to the
new gold mines of Idahoe, all of which,
are from various posts of Colorado.
Notwithstanding the vigorous efforts of
Denver newspapers, the people are
"gone and going" JLo other digg ings.
Colorado, lis said will be almost deserted
by its present population this season If
the press of this territory is to be credit
ted these emigrants arc insane. I have
implicit confidence in the verasity of edi
tors, and don't like to disbelieve their
honest statements, but seeing so many
men and women "dicing out" from that
country, the thought occured to me, that
the editors were insane,, and the minds
of the emigrants, all right! But, be this
as it may, the rush to Beaver Head and
Salmon River from the far famed gold,
and farming regions, of Colorado, will
be heart-rendering to the speculating
"land-sharks" who have clothed themsel
ves in 'purple and linen" at the expense
of new-comers. The "pulling up of
stakes" will be startling;
None of the States' emigrants have,
as yet, passed here. This route, being
traveled daily by overland coaches, and
stations located from ten, to twelve miles
apart, makes it almost as safe as any
one could wish, The Indians have not
caused any serious difficulties, anywhere,
east of Great Salt Lake City sicce the
coaches were removed from the Sweet
Water route which it, now almost a year.
This remarkable immunity from the
bloody deeds of the ''Savage foe" should
turn all the emigration over the new U.
S. mail route. The Government has de
clared the carrying of the mail over this
route a military necessity, and will not
suffer it to be interrupted from any
source, whatever. Troops are, therefor
stationed along the route to keep it open
for the coosumation of the transporta
tion of the mail, and who will, also, as
sist and protect emigrants to the new
mines and to the Pacific.
Every item of news from the newly
discovered gold fields of the Rocky
Mountains, is highly encouraging to ad
venturers after the precious metal. A
second California is pictured in the dream
of the pilgrim, as he slowly pursues the
long, and toilsome journey across monot
onous plains, and throught narrow and
gloomy mountain passes. Some may re
alize a consumation of extravagan
dreams, but thousands will see all van
ish, and feel the bitter bitter pangs of
disappointment! This has been, and
ever will be, the history of mining coun
tries, and no argument can stop the tide
of emigration, because, when gold is on
the brain it is cognate to many other
head affections, experience alone can re
move it! the "Flephant must be seen!
" What a Name !"
Well, it is usual to be astonished at
strange names, but I hope, after a better
acquaintance, all astonishment will sub
side. The derivations of Bullywinkle is
from Bull, and wiggle. The former, or
ancient, way of writing the name was :
Bull-wiggle, but owing to the unmusical
and. inelegant sound it was charged to
Bullywinkle, It may be future genera
tions will drop the nwinkle, and be knyw
the name of Bully, as this word
seems to be used by American ladies and
gentlemen to express a "good thing," or
substitute "good" for "winkle" and a de
cided improvement is made in, Bullygood
or have it Bullygoodthing, which is still
better. You know Moses said unto
Aaron, 4,shere is nothing in a name."
This being "scriptur" "I pass," and leave
it to yourself, if a "rose by any other
name would'nt smell as sweet?"
Order No. I.
The following is order No, 1. just is
sued by Brigadier General Theophilus
Lovegood :
Information having been receii ed at
these Head Quarters of the promiscous
"dealings" of officers and men with the
"hostile enemy," the Commanding Gen
eral, foreseeing the exhausting result.
hereby warns all the subordinates to de
sht, or they will be dealt with according
to the rules of the Brigade; as the arti
cles of war gives him the sole right to
accommodate the enemy in commerce, if
in his calmn judgement, he deems it a
military necessity. I, therefore, pro
nounce it a military necessity that all
trade be carried on by the General in
44 Hornswogcle, " from and after this
date, shall be used only by your com
mander. Should officers or men, here
after find a "good thing," the fact must
be communicated, forthwith, to these
Head Quarters. '
Your "operations," in the future, must
be more concentrated, and not quite so
Brig. Genl. B. H, B.
On this order being read, by sergeant
Sniartgrassf to the Brigade it was vocif
erously cheered, and the response to it
was simultaneous: 4 thats svrching you
let" The Geul. is determined to prose
cute the war vigorously, even to the down
fall of all classes of the enemy, and the
restriction of all good "dickering" to
himself. He is a military genius. Suc
cess attend him, should be the expression
of every supporter of the constitution,
and laws, around which, are now closely
clasped, the arms of Liberty's struggling
millions! The General's sky is cloudless
and his star is rising slowly, but steadily
upward to the zenith of present, and fu
ture renown! That being so, I will, for
tho time heing, bid you farewell!
I am very respectfully,
N. Bonaparte Bullywinkle.
New York, May 19. The army
correspondent of the Herald dated the
17th, states the rebel pickets very un
communitative across the Rappahan
nock. Our soldiers have an im-pres
sion they received bad news from some
point. - t
New York, May 19. The Herald'
Washington special says, the rebel
delivered, to Col. Ludlow about 7,300
prisoners, who have arrived in camp
on parole at Annapolis. The rebels
are not inclined to release commis
sioned officers, except as we have reb
el officers to exchange for them. Sec
retarv Stanton had noi made any au
thoratative declaration suspending the
three hundred dollar provision of the
Conscription Act.
New York, May 19. The Wash
ington special -to the Times contains
the followingT The Richmond En
quirer of the lGth says, trains to the
White House and York Itiver rail
road have been making regular trips
The Enquirer in speaking of retalia
tory resolutions in theTebel Congress
relative to officers of negro regiments
sav, Yankees will. in turn hang rebe
officers and seems to be in grief over
the matter. Gen, Stahl is impressing
all horses whether of rebels or union
ists that can be found. This beinjr
necesrary to prevent their being seiz
- a f n
eel by euerniias. lwo neirro resi-
ments were mustered into the service
to-day. Contrabands have commenc
ed working bbandoned farms on the
opposite side of the Potomac.
New York, May 19. Col. Ehorps
from Gen. Banks' department states
that Gen. Ulman's brigade is more
than filled and the new country jus
opened by Bank' dampaignwill furnish
two or three divisions of negroes in
response to Banks' call for troops De
Afnque. No doubt the rebels are en
gaged in raising negro regiments as
it is only from such material they can
now, in the extreme Southern btales
recruit their ranks. The negroes arc
not backward in adopting the uniform
which i3 their death warrant if taken
by the rebeles.
A Carrsville letter of the 16th
states that a severe infantry fight took
p;ace near Suffolk the morning of the
loth. A heavy rebel force of infan
try is reportea naving unven our
pickets at Deaver Dam Church.
Lroop3 were sent out to oppose them
After a short skirmish the rebels re
tired , but again opened soon after on
our troops and were again repulsed
Our forces now occupy a strong posi
tion in and around Carrsville. Our
loss two killed, twenty-one wounded
and six missing.
Cincinnati, May 19. A Genera
Order issued yesterday, announces
the finding of the Court Martial in
Vallandiffham's case. The Court
fined him guilty of the charge and
specifications, and sentence him to be
closely confined in seme Fortress of
the Lnited states during the war
Burnside approves the sentence and
named Fort W arren as the place o
Philadelphia, May 19. Jay Cooke
reports the sales of five twenties last
week were ten millions of dollars.
The sales this week promise to exceed
that amount.
Cincinnati, May 18. A letter from
Russellville, Ivy., states that on nednes
day a pirty of 60 guerrillas fired on a
tram near South Union. The guard on
the tram returned the fire and routed the
rebels with a loss of one killed and one
wounded. The rebels are collecting a
large cavalry force south of Cumberland,
and a large infantry force in Last len
New Yobk. Mav 18. A steamer
from Port Roval reports that off Charles
ton the 14th she heard heavy firing from
2 to 5 in the afternoon in the harbor. It
was supposed our iron clads were at
tacking the batteries on iMorris Island
Important Military Order.
The Spy Correspondence with the Enemy
iiuerrinas uisiuyai . cuuuo.
Headqttaktebs, Dep't of the Missouri,
ST. LOCIS, Mo., April 22, 1S63. J
General Orders. No. 30.1
To warn tbe public of the severe penalties wuicu win
fellow new transzressions in tnis ueparimens, ana ior
the convenience of District Commanders, Judge Advo
cates and Military Courts, the following laws ot war
and general instructions are prescribed. Judge Advo
cates will be governed accordingly in drawing- their
charges, and Military Courts in weir nnain, mrougn
out this Derartnient.
1. The sit. Seme Questions having arisen, where
authorities Cannot be conveniently referred to, as to
what confutes a Spy, attention is invited to the fol
lowing : .
'SDie are nersons who, in disguise or under false
pretence, Insinuate tnemseives among mc enemy, id to discover the state of his affairs, to pry into his
designs, and then communicate to their employer the
ir.formation obtained."
'The term spy is frequently appucu 10 persons ni
is. lwnnnoiter an enemy s posiuou, ui iuhw, ucicu-
cos, etc., but not in disguise, or under false pretences.
Sac'h, however, are not spies in the sence in which that
lorni'is used in military and international law nor are
persons so employe liable 10 any more rigorous ireai
rr.ont than ordinary prisoners of war. It is the dis
guise or false pretence, which constitutes the perfidy,
a id forms t)ie essential element of the crime, which by
. - - a nnn!Lh.i,iA mith n i ff nnm i n iona
me law b o. wi, i i"u-",',v . " " r
death." Hall ec!t, Int. Law, Ch. 16, J -6
"It may f.e added here that a person proved to be a
regular soldier of the enemy'a army, found in citizens
dress (disguise) witbin the line of the captor, is uni
versally dealt with as a spy. Lieber.
If h e (in the service of the enemy) comes in disguise
or under false pretences, for the purpose of obtaining
military inlormatkn. he is a spy. If in the service of
ti.a onomr and he comes in disguise, tbe law presumes
him to be a spy. Letter of instructions from Major
General Kalleck, General-in-Chief.
II. Correspondence with the Bximt, Mail
Carrying. &c A terson dwelling in a district under
military occupation and giving information to the en
emy, is universally treated as a sry a spy of a pecu
liarly dangurous character. Even mere
secret correspondence of a person in an occupied dis
trict, with the enemy, though the contents of the cor
rsnendenco mar have been innocent, ha3 subjected the
correspondence to aerious cousequeuces, and sometime s
tci the rigor of martial law, especui ly 11 me men do
committed after a proclamation to the contrary.
The Ktv bomes in this case peculiarly dangerous,
making hostile uf eof the protection which, by tbemcd
em law of war. the victor extends to the persons and
property of the conquered."
By the 67th Article of war, wiioever snati convic
ted of holdinir correspondence with or giving mieni-
Eence to tho enemv. either directly or indirectly, shall
suffer death, or such other punishment a shall be or
dered by the tectenceof a Court Kartiai.
Persons engaged in carrying such correspondence will
be held liable to the aam punishment as tho corres
pondents themselves.
III. urrRRILI A. unoeriDe general ierm ot guer
rilla will bt mote particularly considered :
1st. Military Insurgents of War Rebels. The war
rebel is defined by Ueber at follows: "Similar remarks
(referring t those given under the preceding head) ap
ply to the Tebel, taking the word in tee primary mean-
ng of rebellare, that is, to return to war after having
been eonquerred, and to conspiracies, that 13, secret
agreements leading to such resumption of arms in bands
of whatever number, or, which is still worse, plana to
murder from secret places. , .
"The war rebel has been universally treated with the
utmost riaor of tbe military law. Ua exposes tb.e oc
cupying army to the greatest dansrer, ana essentially
interferes with the mitigation of the severity of war,
which it is one of the noblest objects of the nrlern law
of war to obtain. Whether the war rebel rises on his
own account, or whether he has been secretly ca4leU
upon by the enemy to do so, would mak no difference
And particular attention Is further called to the fol
lowing extract from a letter of instructions, addressed
by theGeieral-in-Chief to the Commanding General of
this Department:
'A II of Missouri la now In the military occupation of
the United States. The inhabitants are therefore
bound by the laws of war (without any regard to their
civil allegiance to the Government of the United States,
as the sovereign power,) to render obediance to the oc
cupying military authority. If they take up arms In
insurrection, or render aid and assistance to tbe ene
my, they become military insurgeuts, or military trai
tors, and thereby forfeit their lives and property.
Every one who was not in arm at ;he time of the occu
pation and who has not continued in arms, but who
subsequently takes up arms within the territory mil
itarily occupied by U3, is not to be regarded as a pris
oner of war, but is to be punished as a military insur
gent. So every one, be he a citizen of Missouri or njt,
who comes within our lines as a non-combatant, and
afterwards takes up arms, is a military insurgent."
The above remarks are applicable to all other parts of
this Department now in tbe military occupation of the
United States.
Officers or men sent by the enemy within our lines to
recruit. tbereb7 inciting insurrection, become them
selves (when not indeed actual spies) military insur
gents. Such, also, ara Knights of the Golden Circle,
and members of other secret organizations looking to
any opposition to the laws of the United States, being
in the nature of conspiritors.
Whoever shall be convicted as a military Insurgent
shall suffer death, according to tbe usages ot nations,
by sentence of a militarj Commission.
2d. The Partisan. '-The partisan corps designates
bodies detached Trom the main army. The par
tisan leader commands a corpse whose object is to in
jure the enemy by action separate from that of his own
main army ; the partisan acts cltierty upon the enemy's
lines of connection and communication, anj outside of
or beyond the lines of operation of hi own army, in the
rear and on tbe tlauks of the enemy. Rapid and vary
ing movements and surprises are the chief nian of
his success , but he is part and parcel of the army, and
as such, considered entitled to the privileges of tho
laws cf war, so ion i as he uoes not transgress them."
Partisan soldiers niuat have tho orcaiiizatiou and
equipments of soldiers, or they are brigands or guerril
las, and will be punished as such.
3d. The Brigand ' Tie Brigand is, in military lan
guage, the soldier who detaches himself from bis troops
and commits robbery, naturally accompanied in many
cases with murder, and other crimes of viulence. ills
punishment, inflicted even by his own authorities, is
death. The word brigand, derived as it is from Lrig
ner, to be-', meant original ly beggar, but it soon cima
to be applied to armed strollers, a class of men which
swarmed in all countries in ihe middle ages. Tho term
has, however, received a wider meaning in modern
military terminology. lie that assails the enemy
without or against the authority of his own government
is called, even though his cbject should be wholly free
from any intention ot pillage, a brigand subject to the
infliction of death, if captured. When
Major Von Set ill, commanaing a Prusian regiment of
huzzars, marched, in tbe year IS. 9, against the French,
without the order of his Government, for the purpo:-e
of causing a rising of the pe pie in the Korth of Ger
many, while Xupoleon was occupie-i in the South with
Austria, ScUill was declared by Napoleon and his broth
er, a brigand; and tbe Kin of Westphalia, Jerome
Bonaparte, offered a reward of ten thousand francs for
his head. Schill was killed in battle; but twelve
young officers of his troop, taken prisoners, were car
ried by the French to the Fortress Wesel,wnerea
court martial declared them prisoners of war. Napo
leon quashed the rinding ; ordered a new court martial
and they were all shot as brigands. Napoleon is not
cited as an authority in iho law of war; he, and many
ol his Generals, frequently .-ubstitateJ the harshest vi
olence fr martial usages. The case is mentioned as an
illustration tf the meaning attached to the-word bri
gand in the law of war, and of the fact that death is the
acknowledged punishment for tbe brigand."
Whoever shall te convicted as a briaand, no matter
whether of our. own forces or those of the enemy, shall
suffer death, according to the usage of nations by sen
tence of a Military Commission.
4th. The Guerrilla Proper. Guerrillas proper may
be defined as "troops not belonging to a regular army,
consisting of volunteers perhaps self-constituted, but
generally raised" (within the lines of the enemy as a
contradistinction from military insnrgents. They do
not stand on the regular paT roll of the army, or are
not paid at all, take cp arms aud lay them down at in -tervals,
and carry on petty war chiefly by raids, extor
tion, destruction and massacre, and who cannot encum
ber themselves with many prisoners, and will therefore
generally give no quarter. They are peculiarly dan
gerous, because they easily evade pursuit, and by lay
ing dowu their arms beoome insiduous enemies; be
cause they cannot otherwise subsist than by rapine,
and ilmot always tie.enora'.c into simple robbers or
Whoever shall be convicted as a guerrilla under this
order, shall suffer death, ac jrding to the usae of na
tions, by sentence of a Military Commission.
IV. the Essay.-56:h Article of War
"whosoever shall relieve the enemy with money,
victuals, or ammunition, or shall knowingly harbor or
protect an enemy, shall suffer death, or such punish
ment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court
Those harboring and feeding guerrillas are includod
in this class and will be so punished.
V. Disloyal Persons. All persons not in the
military service who shall be convicted of disloyal ex
pressions, oral, written or printed, favoring the rebel
lion, shall be punished therefor by fine, assessment
or imprisonment, or both, or by being teut beyond the
lines, by sentence of a Military Commission.
VI. Transgressions of ih laws or war is generally
punishable by sentence of a Military Commissisn, and
commanders will see that the strictest punishment is
inflicted not iesa rigorously on the enemy, than tnuseof
our own men who transgress tqeai. It is only by strict
adherence to these laws (and the more strict conformity
should now be required, necauseof the character of this
war) that we can hope to restore peace to our distracted
homes. We are at war with those whj were brothers,
friends, neighbors. They are now enemief. While we
show them the severity of military power, we must not
forget that it is our object to b'ing them back again to
the relations enjored in the past times, and all inflic
tions are only designed to subdue the febellion.
Although assessments have been suopended in this
department, they are not abrogated. N law of Con
gress or restraining order, revokes the laws of war
which apply to confiscation of property to weaken the
foe and strengthen ourselves. Property can and will
be confiscated as occasion may jnstiiy. General Order
No. 12, current series of this Department, relating to
this Department, re.ating to this maitee, will be ob
served. The following extracts from "International Law,"
and "Laws of War," by II. W. Ilalleck, now General-in-CUief
oi the Army, will suffice for field instructions :
chapter xix.
12. "Private property or land is now, as a general
rule of war , exempt from seizure ,t confiscation ; and
this general exemption extends even to cases ofabsolut
and qualified conquest. Some ruoUeru text writers
Hautefeuille for example contend for the ancient rule,
that drivate property on land is subject to seizure and
confiscation. They are undoubtedly correct with re
gard to the general abstract right, as deducted from the
law of nature and ancient practice; but while the gen
eral right continues, monern usage and the opinions of
modern text writers of the highest au thorny have lim
ited this right by establishing the rale of ganeral ex
5 13. "But it must also be remembered that there are
many exceptions to that rul e, or rather, that tbe rule
itself !s not by any means absolute or universal. The
general theory of war is, as heretofore stated, that all
private property may be taken by Uie conquerer, and
such was the ancient practice. But "he mdern usa?e
is, not to touch private property on land, wnnout mat
ing compensation, except in certain specified cases. .
1st. confiscations or seizures by was of penalty
fur military offences ; 2d. forced contributions for the
support ef the invading armies, or as an indemnity for
the expenses of maintaining order, and affording pro
tection for tbe conquered inhabitants.
5 14. "In the first place, we may seize upon private
property by way of penalty for illegal acts of individu
als or 10 the community to which they belong. Thus,
if an individual be guilty of conduct in violation of the
laws of war, we may seize and confiscate the private
property of the offender. So, also, if the offence attach
itself ts a particular community or town, all the indi
viduals of that community or town are liable to pun
ishment, and, we may either seize upon their property
or levy upon them a retaliatory contribution, by way of
penalty. Wlien, however, we can discover and secure
the individuals so offending, it is more jusv to inflict the
punishment on them only ; but it is a general lav of
war, that communities are accountable for the acts of
their individual members. This makes it the interests
of all to discover the guilty persons and to deliver them
up to justice. Butif these individuals are not given up,
or cannot be disco rer, it is usual to impose a contribu
tion upon tbe civil autorities of tbe place wfceie the
oflence is committed, and tnese authorities raisa tbe
amount of the contribution by a tax levied upon their
constituents. '
15. "In the sscond plaoe, we have a right to make
the enemy's conntry contribute to the expenses of the
war. Troops in the enemy's amntry, may be subsisted
either by regular magazines, by forced requisitions, or
by authorized pillage. It is not always politic, or even
possible, to provide regular magazines for tbe entire
scpplies of an army during the active operations ot a
campaign. Where this cannot be done, the uenerai is
obliged either to resort to military requisitions, or to
entrust their subsistence to the troops themselves.
The inevitable consequences of the latter system are
universal pillage, and a total relaxation or discipline ;
the loss of private property, and the violation of indi
vidual rights, are usually followed by the massacre of
straggling parties, and the ordinary peaceful and non
combatant inhabitants are converted into bitter and
implacable enemies. The system is, therefore, regar
ded as both impolitic and unjust, an is coming into gen
eral disus e among the most civilized nations, at last for
the support of the main army.' In case ef small de-
achments , where great rapidity of motion is requisite
it sometimes oecomes necessary for tbe troops to pro
cure their subsistence wherever they can. In such a
case, the seizure of private property becomes a necessary
consequence of tbe military operations, aud is, there
fore, unavoidable. Other cases of similar character
might be mentioned. But even in most of these special
and extreme cases, provisions niiht be made for sub
sequently compensating the owners for the loss of prop
18. "In the invasion of Ihe Spanish peninsula, Na-
peleon had to choose between methodical operations
with provisions carried in the train of bis army; or
purchase of tbe inhabitants, and regularly paitf for ;
nd irregular warfare, supply bis troops by forced
requisitions and pillage. The former was adepted for
omeof the main armies, moving on prescribed lines.
nd the latter for the more active masses. Soult ana
Suchet in favorable parts of the country, succeeded for
considerable lergth of time in procuring rezular sup
plie for their army, but most of the French Generals
obtained subsidence for their troops mainly by pillage.
17. '-Upon the invasion of Mexico by the armies or
the United States, in IS 1 6, the commanding generals
were at Jlrst Instructed to abstain from appropriating
property to the public use without, surchase at a fair
pric; but subsequently Instructions of a severer
character were uscad. It was sali by the American
Secretary of War (Hr. Macy) tiat an invading army
had the unquestionable right to draw its supplies from
the enemy without paying for them, and to require
contributions for it3 support, and to make the enemy
feel the weight of war. lie farther observed, t&at up
on the liberal principles ot civilized warfare, either of
three modes mUht be pursued to obtain supplies from
the enemv ; first, to purchase them in open market at
Bnch prices as the inhabitants of the country might
choose to exact J second, to puy the owner a fair price
without regard to what they themselves might tit
manJ, on account cf the enhanccn vrlue resulting from
the presence of a foreign army; and, third, to require
them, as contributions, without paying, or engaging to
pay therefor."
22. "While there Is some uncertainty as to the ex
act limit, fixed by tha voluntary law ot nations, to our
right to appropriate to our own ue the property of an
enemy, or to subject it to military contributions, there
is no doubt, whatever, respecting its waste and use
less destruction. This is forbidden atite by the laws
of nature ami the rules of war. But If such destruc
tion is necessary tocripple tbe operations of the enemy,
or to insur our own succcs, it i3 justifiable. Thus,
if we cannot bring off a captured vessel, we may sink
or burn it in order to prevent its falling into the ene
my's hands, but we cannot do this ia mere wantonness.
We may destroy provisions and forage, ia order to cut
off the enemy's subsistence, but we cannot destroy
vines and cut down fruit trees, without being looktd
upon as savage barbarians. We may also demolish
fortresses, ramparts, and all structures solely devoted
for the purposes of war; but, aj already ttated, we
cannot destroy public or private edifices of a civil
character, temples of religion, and monuments of art,
unless their destruction should become necessary in
the operations of a siege, or ia order to prevent their
affording a lodgment or protection to the enemy
VII. The following laws passed by the last Con gress
are published for the information of all concerned :
An Act to prevent and punish frauds upon the Govern
ment of the L utted States, approve! March 3, I8b3
Be it enacted by the Senate and Heute of Repreten-
latives of the United Stated of America in Longrtst
assembled. That any person In the land or naval forces
of tbe United States, or in the militia in actual service
of the United Stale, in the time of wa.. who sha
make or caue to be made, Jot preset or cause to pe-
sented for payment or approval to or cy any person or
offlcer in the civii or mi:i?ary service of the United
States, any claim upon or against the Government of
the United States, or any department or cfUcer there
of, knowing such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraud
u'.ent ; any person in such forces or service who shall,
for the purpose of obtain) n?, or aiding in obtaining.
the approval or piyment of sue"! claim, make use. o
cause to be made or used, any false bill, receipt vouch
er, entry, roll, account, claim, statement, certificate.
affidavit or deposition, knowing thesauie to contain an)
false or fraudulent statement of entry: any person in
said forces or service who sha II make or procure to be
made, or knowingly advise the making of any false
oath of any fact, statement, or certiflcate, voucher or
entry, for the purpose of obtaining, or of a ding to ob
tain, any approval or parmznt of any claim against the
United Stales, or any department or officer thereof;
any person in said forces or service who. f ir the pur
pose of obtaining or enabling any other person to ob
tain from the Government of the Lnited states, or any
department or offl :er thereof, any payment or allow
ance, or the approval or signature of any person in the
military, naval, or civil service 'f the Uuited States.
or of any false, fraudulent or fi:titius claim, shall
forga or counterfeit, or cau. or procure to be forged or
counterfeited, any sigutu.e upon any bill, receipt,
voucher, account, claim, roll, statement, afaiavit or
deposition ; and any person In said forces or service
wtio shall utter or u.-e the same as true or genuine,
knowing the same to nave been forged or counterfeit
ed ; any person in sai 1 f jrces or service who eball en
ter into any agreement, combination, or conspiracy to
cheat or defraud the Government or.the Lnited States
or any department or ofil ;er thereof, by obtaining, or
aiding and assisting to ibtain. the payment or al low of aty false or fraudulent claim; aay person ia
said f jrces or service who shill steal, embezzle, or
knowingly and wilfully misappropriate or apply to his
own use or benefit ; or who shall wrongfully and know
ingly sell, convey, or dispose of any ordnance, arms
ammunition, cb thing, subss'.ence store, miiy or
other property of the United States, furnished or to be
used for therailitaiy or naval service f the United
States; any contractor, agent, paymaster, quartermas
ter, or other person hatsoever in said forces or ger-
vice naving cnarge, psse--sion, custody, or control of
any money or other puoiic property, used or to be used
in the military or naval service of the United States
who ihall, with intent to defraud the United States or
wilfully to conceal such money or other property, de
liver or cause to be (Je.ivercd to any other person
having authority to receive the same aayamojntof
suoh money or other public property less than that for
which he shall receive certificate or receipt; any per
son in said forces or service who is or shall be author
ized to make or de.iver any certificate, voucher, or re
ceipt, or other paper certifying the reciipt of arms,
ammunition, provisions, clothing, or other public
property so used or to ce usid, who shall make or de
level the same ti any person without having full
knowledge of the truth of the facts stated therein, and
with intent to cheat, derraud, or injure the United
States ; any person In said Torces who shall knowingly
purchase or receive in pledge for any obligation of in
debtedness, from any soldier, efflcer or other person
called in:o or employed in said forces or service, any
arms, eqnipmentj, ammunition, clothe, or military
stores, or other pubac property suoh soldier, officer or
other person not having the lawful right to pled-re' or
sell th same, shall be deemed guilty ol a criminal of
fecse, and shall be subject to the rules aui regclations
made for the government of the military and naval
io.ce or tne tuuec Mates, and of the iniliiia when
cauea into and employed ia the actual servk- of th
l niieu siaies in uaie 01 war, and to the Drovisions of
this act. And every person so offending may be arres
tee ana neia for trial by a court martial, and if found
fcui.ij uii ur pumsueu uy nne ana imprisonment, or
such other punishment as tiie ccurt mnrtial may ad-
junge save tne punishment of death.
sec. z. And be it farther enacted, That any person
heretofore cal'edcr hereafter to be called into or em
ployed in sucn forces or service, who shall commit any
ioiau.n 01 mis act, ana snail afterwards receive his
discharge, or bedismissea from the serviced shall, not
withstanding such discharge, or tUsmissal, contitue to
ue uauie to oe arresteJ and held for trial and sentenced
by a vurt martial, ia tho sma nuiiwr un-1 to the same
extent as if he had not rec3ived such discharge or been
An act for enrolling anc" calling out tae national forces,
and for other purposes, approved M.rch 3, 13S3.
Sec. 21. And be it farther enacted. That so much of
the fifth section of tbe act approved seventeen July,
eighteen hundred and sixty -two, entitled "An act to
amend an act calling forth the militia t execute the
laws of the Union," and so forta, as requires the appro
val of the President to carry into execution the sea
tenceof a court martial, be anil the same is hereby re
pealed, as far as relates to carrying into execution the
sentence of any cjurt martial against any person con
victed as a spy or deserter, or of mutiny or murder ;
and hereafter sentences in punishment of these of3;ers
may le carried into execution upon the approval of the
oonimanding general in the field.
Sec. 22. And be it further enacted. That courts
martial shall have power to sentence ctacers who shall
absent tnernelves from their coinman .Is without Ietve,
to be reduced to the ranks to serve three years or da
ring the war.
Sec. 23. Atrl be it runner enacted, That the clothes,
arms, military outfits, and accoutrements furnished by
the United States to any soldier, shall not be sold,
bantered, exchange I, ple'igl, leaned, or priven away ;
and no person not a s!dier, r duiy authorized officer of
the United States whu has possession oj any such
clothes, arms, military outfits, vi accoutrements, fur
nished as afotesaid, and which have heen the subject of
any such sale, barter, exchange, pledge, loan, or gift,
shall have any r:gh title, or interest therein ; but the
same may be seized wherever found, by any offleer of
the Uuited States, civil or military and shall tnereup-
up be delivered to any quartermaster, or other officer
authorized to receive the samei and tbe possession of
any of snch clothes, arms, mihtary outfits, or accou
trements, by any 'person not a soldier or of the
tnuea biaies, su&u no prima racie evidence of such a
sale, barter, exchange, pledge, loan or gift, as afore
Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That depositions
of witnesses residing beyond the limits of the State,
Territory, r district ; in which the military courts
shall be ordered to sit, may be taken in cases not capi
tal to either pirty, and read In evidence; provided the
same shall be taken upon reasonable notice to the op
posite party, and duly authenticated.
Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the judge
advocate shall have power to appoint a reporter, whose
duty it shall be to record the proceedings and testimo
ny in tbe first Instance in short-Land. The reporter
shall be sworn and affirmed faithfully to perform his
duty before entering upon it.
Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That the court
shall, for reasonable cau-se, grant a Continuance to eith
er party for such time and as often as shall appear to
be just : Provide!, That if the prisoner be in close con
finement, the triai shall not be layed for a period lon
ger than sixty days.
Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That in time of
war, insurrection or rebellion, murder, assault and
battery wiih an intent to kill, manslaughter, mayhem,
wounded by shooting or stabbing with an attempt to
commit murder, robbery, arson, burglary, grape, as
sault and battery with an intent to commit rap and
larcenry, shall be punishable by the sentence of a gen
oral court martial or military commi'-'sion, when com
mitted by persons who are in the military service of thw
United States, and subject to the articles of war ; and
the puni?htneuts for such offenses shail never be less
than those inflicted by the laws of the State, Territory,
or district in which they may have been committed.
f .
Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That all persons
who, in time of war or rebellion against the supreme
autherity of the United States, shall be found lurking
or acting as sies in or about any of the fortifications,
posts, quarters, or encampments of any of the armies
of the United States, or elsewhere, shali br triable by a
general court martial or military commission, and shall
upon conviction, suffer death.
An act making apprcpirations for surndy civil expen
ses of the Government for the year ending June thir
ty, eighteen hundred aDd 'ixty-four, and for the year
. ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and
sixty three, and for other purposes, approved March
3, 1863.
Sec. 25. And be it further enacted That every judge
advocate of a court martial, or court of in juiry, here
after to be constituted, shall have power to isue the
like process to compei witnesses to appear and testify, ,
which court3 of criminal jurisdiction within the State
Territory or district where such military courts shall
be ordered to sit may lawfully issue.
Till. The laws of war appiy equally to all portions of
our country while war exists, and they will be obeyed
in all parts of this Department. To secure prompt
trial and punishment. District aDd Corps Ccmmanders
will have Courts and Commissions always ready to act
summarily when occasion requires prompt punishment.
Courts and Commissions may be designated to accom-
ny detached expeditions the persons composing such
Courts not to be excused from field duiy, except when
actually trying a cause. When it is expedient, crim
inals will bi turned over to the civil tribunals; but
civil tribunals must not be used to embarrass or pre.
vent military operations. When officers, or soldiers
transgress they should be reported to superiors, who are
required to redress wrongs inflicted on loyal ond peace
able citizens, by turnirg the transgressor over to civil
or military authority.
IX. Where an cti Dt hi .
by tbe military authority, the folloVn ,kl:ni,
form will be adopted : 4 ' no or
I solemnly swear that 1 win ,
the United States, and support and '
tution and laws thereof : i Ih.f
'c&iirji I . i
ci " Will VMl,.
5vereisrntj Dirimxnm i. ' n. " -
Connty oe ConfelaraU powers; tf.t i of I
discountenance, and forever oPPC4
and the disintergatioo of the Feder?r'loa'
claim and denounce all faith and !tbj"t?
so-called Confederate armies, and BnVihiV !"
property, and my Lfe to the sacred l?? ,
my solemn oath of allegiance to to th TWt
the United States of America. 9 '"0
' Subscribed and sworn to before ma 1
this day of , 1SG1. ' ( I
Color of eyes,
Color of Hair. f
Characteristics, I
required, the follow
cribed :
Know all Mes ir these
of in the county 0f 111 Tl
as principal, and
mrA m
firmly bound nnto the United Str.. l.T' ,rk;.i,.:
"?.!irr-dolUr' f,rthe wt ?!!iiti
uU .1 uij m De maue. w nereby bind
neirs. i tKu. '
irs. assigns, firmly by these Present. -
rsals anl dated this day of J'11 . i
rbe condition of the above obligation i'8-
ine condition of the abovn nhi;,.:.- O. lMi
f whereas the above baunded has bJLU
thn rharr.. ... 1 V-. . . 5n ir-ik,...
7 " een aiscturrM 1 n
prwonment upon bis and tnis bond u !-
Now, If the said shall carefnlir "a .
serve an lDft terms and conditions of UiP !r '
stain from all worcs or deeds tending to aii
or promote the existing rebellic u against th?'"1'
of the United States, or to disturb the rxiLn II'!!"r
ment of the State of Missouri ; and hu if -or
indirectly, furnish information, anm, 1 firw 1
visions or any other commodity what.. . r--
communication with ; any person or person.
; any person or r,n. " I
ever li
nosiiiiues against tne cnued state or
the United State a
Missouri, then this obligation Is to be toW i f
to be in fall force. And it U hereby nnjri' U '
agreed thit in case said shall be 1,4 ,r-
violating the conditions or this obligation or Xy
by any military commission or tribunal, innr,"'
der orders of the Commanding General to trr
fence, then nv officer in tbe miiitr ..J7tc!l'f-
under orders
lers rrom tne uepariment Eeadaajr : 1
1 sell, or otherwise dise of, aT VZL,
i named obligors, to any amount...
seize and
iue aooTe naniea oonjcors, to any amount 11 -
sauaij us sutvuiu aoove na.TcU.
Uniformity in ttese matters is enjoined.
.1. All proceedings of Military Courts wi;
21 yv -
as practicable, after conformation
or neceirT. ..
by the convening authority, be transmitted thn.-s V
termediate commanders to the Judge Advocate n't;
XI. All newspapers in this department wi'Ir? J
Insertion of this order in their columns, and f.irVX
cupj, nu a roscnDie Dill to the Assistant SI
General, at these Headquarters.
By command of Maj. Gea. Curtis:
n. z. cru-ij,
Assistant Adjutant Gv.
Religious Notice.
"Quarterly meeting- in Brocn'IIa wir
commence Saturday the 23d iast PuC
lie worship will be held in the 31. Ej
Church at 2, and also at 7 o'clock. P '
M. Rev. H. T. Davis, from NebraVa1
City will be present and remain with
over ths Sabbath.
A. G. Whits.
F I N XnjD I A
Cash Capital,.
Cash Surplus,'
Tbe amount necessary to safely rein
sure all outstanding tisks, and to dis
charge all existing obligations of the
165,322 0
Xett assets, over and above ALL obli
Branch. Cincinnati :
R. H.& H.M. MAG ILL, Gixibil Agxstj.
Assets, 1st April, 1363-
$531187 53
C. W. WHEELER, Aarrr.
Brownvillfl, !f. T.
B. C. IIA.I1E,
Is prepared to take AMBROTYPE3 and 1IELAIX-1
O TYPES in the beat style of the art; aad at I
Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered it
Crownville. f
His Rooms are over Mahron's Clothine Store, on )
Main Street, nearly opposite the Erownville H. ;
Pictures Warranted to Gire Satisfactioa. ;
The public are invited to call at the room sad ex- I
amine the specimens.
ttTUrders for Teneil Cattinj will tldo be E;a :
in a workmanlike manner, and at short notice. i
Every person should have a teneil plate and a bit- i
tie of indelible ink for markinz Lnen. As. th brt i
and most convenient arrangement for that purrs, i
Hours of operation, from V i.M.tolP. M.
Brownville, May 2lst 18o:J. ntt)-3m
To the Tax Pavers of Nemaha Co.. .V. V
The County Commisaioners of said county w - j
hold a session at the Cotntv Clerk's OSceia Ur;,wn- s
ville, commencing n Monday, June 8, lsW, contin
uing three "daj?, for the purpose of correcting ths
Assessment Roll ot said county, for ths yearl'.
Dunns' the sittinz of said Board any person Keun
aggrieved by any thing in the Assessment Roll, may
apply to the Board for the correction of any sap-
posed error in the listing or valuation of hu prop
erty. VlLt.IAJi ii. Lli, 1,0. Ci.
Brownville, May 13, ISM. n-2w
Lost on Tuesday, May 12, 136:$, either ia Bmwa
ville, or between Brownville and Jfemaha City.
Green Morrocco Pocket Book, with steel clasp and
chain. It contains a quantity of Bank Notss. Any
person finding the same, will confer a favor by leaf
ing it at this office or at Mr. Hoover's stor ia '
maha City.
Brownville, May 2L 1353.
Notice is hereby given that application has be
made for letter? of Adminbtratkro o the estate of
Martin Xl'ses. and that Monday, the 15thUyof
June, A. D. 1S63, at 2 o'clock, P. has been
for hearing. All persons interested are hereby no
tified then and there to appev.
This notice to be published in the Nebraska id"
Falls City, May 12th, 1333. nl5-4-S2.50
Notice is hereby given that application has bi
made for letters testamentary on the estate of J.'"11
Sturnbo, and that the Probate Jud?e has let
daythe 15th day cf June, A. D. lao3,at2 ocl
P. M for hearing, and proof of will. Aliped
interested are hereby notified then, and there tp-
CHARLES F. WALTHER, Probate Joto- j
This notice to be published ia the Nebraska A- I
rertise. t
Falls City, May 12th, 1SC3. nW-iw-
T t..tA.1 in Rrnvnrilin. vheff
who desira their likeness Uxen, will And hiia reJv.
accommodate them. From his past experience,
flatters himself that he Is Competent to giTe satire
Jlay 14 1863 -n5-tf -
C. G. Dorsey, Plaintiff, 1 Before Jesse John, a JoiUlcVV
vs the ?ece in aad for
John R. Davis, Deft. ) County, Nebraska Terriwr-
On the 2Sth day of April, a. D-, 1363, '"-.j
Issued an order of attachment in the abore actio",
the sum of twenty-are dollars and eighty. flT cn -
Brownville, Jlay I4th, 1353. n-45.4w-$.i
In pursuanco of a decree of the DistTicl Court, in
for Nemaha County, Nebraska Ternwy. ' "
Chancery, bearing date Itay 16th, lot, m ' s
cause pending in said court, wherein William
complainant, ami John Hanna is reponafft. l6
on Tuesday the 9th day ot June, 1S63, De- j
hours of 10 o'clock, a.m. ana lour o ttJ
m rn wiivisw. -
south west quarter, and tae souiceas -
northwest quarter of section number iWai'"&9i
in township number tour (4.) north of rangt
fourteen (14.) east of the 6th principal mendi
maha County, Nebraska Territory. mincer?.
J. S. BKDFOaD, Master in Chsoc
B.yer's Ague Cure.
day, in front of Den's Hail, in jrowu..-. - s,;d,
conty, beinic the place where said court w i. .
offer lor sale to the highest bidder for cash, uf" u.
Ins described nremisa. to-wit: The esst B .j.