Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 21, 1863, Image 1

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t.; R, F ib HER,
, story Stri'citiey's Block, Main Street,
c r n A S F 1 s 11 E 11
- - -n ATI-is or AiiVEirrisixc
One fqnsre (ten Unesor les)oa luMrUa, l CI
Each aU'li 'Iouai inserttnn . .j
Bi;sue Cards. .11 iioea or 1, a year C ca
- One cottimn 'neyear - . . ta t
. One bait. column ne year,. . 40 VI
OJ e fourth colv did on jut ' 116')
Ou eighth co-luma one yaiu. u m
Oueoiucia sl nmnthe . . b j
One bal columri ix matliJ . . t t J
Oue fourib colaain sixfii.ia'ha - . 13 La
One e:t!i bcf acu!nmix months 1 0
One-oiuiua tbree won b - u u
One ha!I Column three rauQth !3 fcJ
One fo'irm coTonirt three maths " 13 o4
One eighth ci.lnmn ti'ee m -ntb C
Ann iunclnx Camiidaie for OiUce, . W
- Transient adrertt-ieraects muti be paid for ia wSts,
Tearly aJver'idemeuts. quarterly la advance.
- In Transient Artyerti-'ements. faetlt Oftt
qr,are win be charged for by the line, at tbe rate of t
sy y .Ay Ay
T E n St "
.r if pnioiu 'lvauie.' - - j $2 00
f-,r . if paid sttbe ewdol 6 months 2 60
' .. - " 12 3 00
f 12 r mrr will e f Tirnibl at $1 60 per
r;n'f 1'rovtileU ihe ca.h accompanies ibe order, not
is':'jB' - - .....
- -
NO. 46.
j centu tb first week, and ft cents esch auhsequent we?i
,- . A 0
7 W !
p s i niOIL-5AIL5-
iTtue afflicted.
nr.. A. -OODFIiBY.
tH in France, liaviuit iwentjr-nve years expe
1 ' it e n-'i u,i l,ue "f 'ho rre-'ii-
ri ", u,' ic.ui Joutinlof ilie Medical & ieu-
w 1'"' ... , .iij. .Arfii'An tit llirt rf-ll.
, hI'iV ie'' in- """
K1' . .... . ..r Ml.. I I ICUll'V
routine til- -ei 'vie to ci:iinin practice.
i.. ciiroiic ''isfA-e" ai"aie oi iviitt
i.',.,,:.t i iiu.iri auj S -res Aisce-.-e auj
ai d S 'e Kyes, iven oar i : iii:iaties,
r ,t '
. 1 .III f I
. caul
i v .a. led I atiuitf b vkiieSs. raii.y.
fr" n......J- ,iisuiupii-ii i" me nri du
S" ' i.- . .. mi j 111 !. ami disease of
" t id Prn-utf "n i''J l AB-ue.
.1 i.-v r'- e .e e e .e to m-se pr-rJni-ii'-
!V'fni at all h .nr. ei'her at It. C. Let.'.
" '.. ...... iy
& R0BIS0N,
" IAIN BtlK.EES I IK4.T AD 81 tOKl TS.,
mv'ii'if rrxpu'iv .pnnha-e.l tie Sle Simp formei ly
isH j W"'ii T I'f'i e ii t . ff"r 'Ui work at Krt
T P i''- We'm .mnaciure all thai we offer
3r"AII V wart an el.
. gjnvt.a; ii. !HLL
'iflie c .rrer ,.f Main a.i'l First Streets.
r, Ann.ium.-efi lolbe 1 lies or B-OA-nrille nd vi
C cm:ty, bat -he bi iusi eji-ned fr-tii tne
y tat magnificent io It t
C-nsi8' inn of
Ladies' and U-.iniet' nd Hat.
K .hiiis. F'iitvr. if-
V rhe invite-Mie atte roa f 'he 1 r!ie. feel
lv - ie l Ley aun t It better fniieJ in sty .. quai
iirre "41"'y
Cn'is bf mien! ion l Geutleuieu Uearmg new, neat,
kfrvicif 41.J talii"nabie
NewStock of Goods
JUST il'KCIafVKD, ' -
BR1At vl.OTUis CASS1AIKKS. Vftjyi tMWB. c...-,
Li. b he wit i.eil or uLaka up, to order, at uupiece
If .icl low prices.
Tu e wiLluf any thinp In Ms line will do well to
ci. and examiue hif stock hetore invesUnn. as he tiiuell to hold out peculiarly favorible in-H'.'-ftneiits.
r.h'nry 13th. 1662. .
Or ALL Klf Dl .
41so, Wprthoase Trucks, Letter
FA-r.;MfK ?. GHSSjJUAF & CO.
3Be cmeiul. and bny only the genuine Jd
12 h I83 n49-m
Reference, Dr. D. Owin, Brtwnrille.
April II, Y,I. n40-Iy "
I.O C K POUT, N . Y..
"VVhole.soie and Retail Deales in Fruit,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
-flL "X1 Xa O PQ" J53 "'S"
fiu'i-al and CoIIcclins- Aprcnl.
1m:T,J('I; (iAi.L CO., ,iEBUAMvA.
jir:cice in theseve al Courts in (iage and
li'iining cunuc!, nrid will give jr.nrnt attntiim
t al!huMnt's-i entrust J toliim. C'ollctions prnnt
jjraioV. If articular Mtteut'u.n given to ocnl
n; L.,n! Warrants n la nJa carefully ielected hj
.,.., ,..r 2s. 'f, l n12-vlv
i itiiiT ami oitN .licM vi, ri:rs
i;tKMor) 4pp!e Tree, 4 years t.ld, $8 ner hu-dred $60
tier lb usand
5.(K)0 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to 3 years old, $25 per
Widied, J230 per thousand.
2.1 000 1 year old Uiaua irane Vices, $16 perbundrw
(icO Mr thousand.' -
I5u 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $6 per hundred, 5(
Per tbiiuaiid. ' -
These Pear Grafts. nt being; bulkv, can be trannport
ciieaply, and by growing two years, will make
utiwj IreeV to plant in an orchard. Auy one can treble
lt-e;r tn..ney by itrowinis theia tu cll. Seud for Whole
ami DestnyiiTe Catalogue. .
s5l-3ni Kiapara Xun-enes, L-ckiyi t, K. T.
i:cE UF a .stiFiuiu:u.
rultl'iKhed mh a warning, itnd for the eficeiI bene
Y "t Young Men and those wlio suffer with Nervous
jollity, L,,sn of Memory, iVetnature Dcciiy.&c Ac,
lyone of those who ha.? cured hiuihelf by eiuiple
toxins, after being jiut to great exj-nse and ineon-e'ii'jQL-e,
through the use of worthless medicine
r. ribtd by learned Doctors.
insrleeoieg roay be bad of the antbt.r, C. A.
LAM BEUT, Es-i-, Ureenjoint, Long I'.and,by enclo?
n! P"t-Pid addressed cnrelojie. Addre-s
U VULliS A.. LAMliEUT, E.i.,, Lon
a n 1? us jo 11
I! Ja ii'$i't rr'ce in cah will bo paid f.r Staves.
i,"'5' n Hrp.p(,. Enquire or L. D. Rob-
Ti,. V w ' mM'"n II .a?c in !5r.iwuviH.
i,::h cri''.'r il!"'ut --t.-b:i-ijin4 a C.ierinx
tu. '' !' "' nrorivi:i-, jin.l wtl j.crfi.nn all
' Ul'' J'Jj, u-ti rnikinr Flour. Mo
an . TK:!nJ 'irtnidy ISTflj. Wall Hlrfu mead
rftrs .2uo Cure.
The undcruigued dtMiires to pur -hase 2.000 good
Flour Uarrels. The great demand for his fl'ar, not
only ia this Territory, but from Jul-8bnr:, Denver,
Central City, and all parts of Colorado; from St.
Joseph, Mo., and Leavenworth, Kansas, renders it
essential that he should have Hirrols.
He is determined to furnish a Rood article of
Flour, an cheap as possible, and as the high price of
Sacks a.ld to the price of Flour, he is dettrmincd to
procure Barrels. He is williu to pay Coopers a
hiffher prioe t'oi their work than thev btin in the
States J. G. MKLV1N.
Fb 1 4-t.32-tf.
Notice to Teachers.
The undersigned. Hoard of School fcixauiiners, for
the C-untj of Nemaha, hereby give rjctiee that
hereafier. on the first Saturday of eiich tnonih,
bey will hold meeting at tha otS-eof LutierHoad
ly. L-q .in lirowuvillr, f.r the purpose of eiMuiin
uig H(plicnti for cur titivates to teach school in aaid
II. II. DOimiN'S l
.1anu:trv 'Mil. iMil.
School Eiaminers.
American Stalioncrj ITarcIiouse
Ir.iiJorter, Wfioleynle Stationer,
Aid Sole Agent f r
Windsor ami fiitn Mills'um P.iprs,
Coriitiuf? of Commercial Notes. Letters, Bill, Legal
and t-Vule ( p,
. 15 O'TkniKi: sin i i 11 i Niu N. Y.
A. so, Pr j rieior ..n 1 A-'tnt for the lollowing uer
and u e ul aril. le :
(Miiei'- ul l.ia ni' Tips
ThN Tip Is diffe; ent ir. ui ai.y hereiof.'ie made beinc
a i.y rl'i. d It is niaiioiaciur.d itoui
V..ln tzed il'ii be of 11 e best eative t,na uj ; an be
rea l y ibau ed iroiu tne ta.cil 10 au.xlierj and is
s .i ai an t x. rem 'ly low j,. ice I. is the most ue.-ara-b
e articie 01 ILe kind in lite uia- k. l.
im. 11. I'ai. ui ttiibii 'i l..M.-taid A Knrk.
an ..qnxke iuksiai.d, prese. ving ink f u-m lie decropo
nug ctlcil 01 iihi.
(iitiuN i'au'i't Inl.-Lraer auj I'uprr
ClcHiir. the best article made i.r rublmu ont pencil marks, sc
cuuiiuiiing the work iu one bait the il.e uf ordiuaiy
l'uc t'atciit Combtiiutiott Ii;erCattcr
Hud ttulfr.
a new and rseful ariicie, combining the u?e of two ln things
t-., i I'itiriit Portable Copying e!,
a l.t-ht, cheap and use) ui article.
.tii'lili X liiuw i.' I'is l'riu
a very superior steel-p n. made ami se ec:ed with the
icreaiestcae pnt up lw d -zen in a box six Ix.xes en
cios.l in an ' neatly Q.iilieJ box, the ujubI Cunveu
lut shape possible f r . etai la.
T:i- Ciaii .l lrlcp,,'
magnifies small ibiects li-,(XK) times : Ik so simple that
a cuild m use it ; is au eudies somce of auiiieuieut
and iutru tiou tu y .uiu aud old Retai'a 10. $2
Beautiful uiouutel ubiec:s, suub e tot the microscope
it e .ornished at $1 per doz. ret til.
I just leceived a I uil and com pie e assort uieutol
the genuiue
Aruolu's V.'rition I'iMitl.
" All orders will receiee prompt and careful at'enM-in.
tal aud ex inline uft -f ibe iarei: a in test as.. I ted
slocks of siaiiuuery In ihe L'ni'ei Stale.
ti39 3in 1 Beekuian-st. JiewYurk.
sb sraiwe mM
IT anw racai'od ms spring Stock )f G K'di direct front
XewToik Pliila'ielphU B.toii and St. Loma which
he wiil sei I cheaper than any other liouseiu the West,
ily motto shall ever be,
Quick Sale s & Small Profits,
- And my Goods shall be Sold Cbeap for
Ladles' Fancy Dress Goods,
Lare Assortment of Notions,
Ladies' Hats and Trimmings,
Hosiery and Gloves,
Hair Neis and Head-Dresses,
Children's Hats and Caps.
Boots and Shoes In Great Variety,
Gent's & Boy's Clothing,
Hardware, Queensware,
Is llic Place lo Trade. Call and
Examine lil Stock of Good be
fore you Purchase, for DE. Can
not be Lndcrsold, "
TFill. T. DE1V.
IVTondyAcivaiicccl on '
I will receive Pike'a Peak Gold and adfance
r,o.- 11. .11 ?iip :nip and nav iirpr taiance of proceeds
.. ...v'r.o UiriT rotlirilK IT hull In til a KPfe . I wi'
exhibit the printed returns of the United Stales Wm
r A-i-av i.mce.
Females and Famine.
Everybody knows what a fine figure
the poinarde of Paris makes in the an
nnls of the multitudinous French Revolu
tions. Everybody knows that when bread
was scarce and high in Paris aforesaid,
there was a mortal misunderstanding be
tweeu the fish-wives and the unhappy
bokers, whose shops were often invaded
by a truculent army in short peticoats,
which, without leave or license, or the
disbursement of a single sous carried
away the cosily loaves. The tendency of
history, under identical conditions, to re
peat itself, is somewhat curious. They
have a revolution in, and by
the latest advice we learn that they have
also bread-mobs of feminine constitution.
Thirty-one of the softer sex, under the
demoralizing influence of empty stom
achs, raised the other day in Richmond
the standard of private rebellion, and
havicg created "a tremendous bobbery,"
have all been man hed to a gloomy dun
geon, there 10 tell the sad .tale of an un
satifying appetite to unsympathyzing
walls of stone. In some respects these
ferocious dames are better off in prison
than out of it, since the Confederacy
will hardly condemn them to the fate of
Lzolino, but rnut, per torce, while so
much lovliness is locked up, keep it from
utterly wilting by moderate rations of
ru?iy pork and worm-drilled biscuit.
The gal!ant jailer dout.tleos warbles at
the door tit each cell: ' I give thee all
I tan no more, though poor the offering
be ; this lead and pork is all the store
that I t an bring to thee !" But notwith
standing this modest depreciation of his
supplies by the susceptible castodian, it is
clear that bread and pork and imprison
ment are better than no pork, no bread,
and the largest liberty. Hence it is
prolable that the next news from Rich
mond will tell us that the ladies, headed
by some extremely hungry Boadicea,
have taken the fails by as.-ault and under
gain of death, have compelled the reluc
tant tumkerys to lock them t.p, and to
receive them as unwelcome boarders.
Should these conjectures prove to be well
founded, the dungeons os Richmond will
be more attraenve thau the r iggest North
ern hotel under the rule of thmost geu
tlemanly proprietor;" and the magnates
of tRe ciiy will find it far easier to let the
ladies loose than to feed them ! 'Twill
be a very puzzling busniess.
Now, if u:ider these embarrassing
circumstances, we should be consulted by
the distracted Mayor of Richmond upon
the beat course to be pursued, we should
say at once: "Why does'nt your Worship
import a guillotine ? For we must say
that, heretofore, the Southern method of
dealing with the disaffected part has been
a little coarse and clumsy. You may, if
you have the heart and hand of a Man
Owner, clothe a woman in tar and feath
ers, but even that gallinaceous and adhe
sive covering will not, if she be worthy
of her sex, arrest the fleet delivery of her
tongue. Hanging is at best but slow
business. On the other hand, the guil
lotine, under the guidance of a skillful
operator, will slice you off twenty recu
sant heads in an hour; audit might by
the ajustment of some simple machinery
be worked by steam ; in which case there
would be hardly any limit to its powers
of decollation. A head thus neatly tak
en off will clamor no more for bread.
The life thus extinguished will be no
more an expensive charge upon an exi
gent commonwealth. The example thus
set will have a most salutary and silenc
ing influence upon the grumblers ; and
the boldest will dare no longer to let ap
petite get the better of patriotism. Why
should the ears of Jefferson Davis, living
as he does in a chronic botheration, be
distracted by the groans of grumblers?
Why should thirty-one ladies, no matter
how beautiful, no matter how accomplish
ed, no matter how voluable. be permitted
to disturb the august serenity and Olym
pian dignity of the Government, by ab
turd and untimely protests against such a
ittle matter as starvation ? Instead of
breaking the peace bo a vulvar riot, in
stead of vending their spleen upon bak
ers, why do they not show themselves to
be Roman Matrons and Maida of Sara
gossa? Instead of discouraging the stern
er sex, which is compelled to fight with
out fodder the most hopeless task which
can be imposed upon mortal why do
they not serve the jaded spirits of their
chivalrous delenders by serving up old
shoes in toothsome fricasees, or surprise
the weary warrior upon his return by
settingbefore him an exhilarating ragout
of horse-meat ? Would not this be far
ncbler than rifling the shops of the poor
bakers? And at the same time, we
must say, indeed for the ladies, that
there are very few laws left in Rich
mond to break. When the sages of the
Republic set an example ef high treason
why should not the petticoats have their
petty treason also? Mr. Dtvisarrd his
friends have raised a busy devil, whoe
activity may prove beyond control. But
those who inaugurate anarchy will find
despotism and terroism to be at last in
despesible. These, have indeed always
been the law of the plantation, and in
most essential respects this plantation has
given the law to politics and general so
ciety in the Southern States. Bat the
rebellion has transformed into public af
fairs the selfishness, the recklessness,
and the rainless passions of the Man
Owner he carries to the work of legis
lation and : government the same impa
tient hatred of restraint which has here
tofore made him the dominant devil of a
little, hell; and these are a!U intensi
fied in woman by feminine vehemence.
All l iitoty proves that with an aristocra
tic cbss of such a charaftet-, anything like
political serenity is impossible ; and no
countries have -been less fortunate than
l those which undtr republican form have
I been left at the mercj of a violent ar-d
factious robility. A people harrassed by
an outworn feudalism.; will naturally take
refuge in an aristocracy. Bui we can
assure the Richmmd ladies, if they will
but leave the bakerr for a wh le, anb lis
ten to u.-, that before the coronation of
their Dictator, they will be compelled to
suffer pangs far worse than those of hun
ger, to live long days and longer sleep
less nights amid feaiful alarms, to weep
for the murder of their sons and dishon
or uf their daughters. The arrival of
Gen. Hooker at Richmond should give
them the lovliest satisfaction, for the re
duction of that city may rescue them from
immediate want and woe otherwise pre
destinate. JV. Y. Tribune.
Buckwheat and Turnips.
A correspondent of ihe Germantown
Telegraph says: "One of riiy neighbors
has ju?t drawn my attention to an exper
iment he made the past season with buck-
Wheat, and O. Which Xperiment I com -
mun caie the result, as given in his own
words. On a pi-ce of soil sowed in rut
abagas, the drills being twenty-four inch
es apart, he sowed, after wecdiug and
transplanting,, in in trmediate lines of
buckwheat, and covered thm by hand
and with a cmimou hoe. Hr; bestowed
j no afier cultivation, and gathered at har
vest, at the rate of for:y bushels to the
acre of as fi'ie and persectly developed
grain as I hive ever sen and without
auy apparent injury to the turnip crop,
which was equally luxuriant and produc
tive as that grovvn by it.-elf on au adjoin
ing half acre of similar soil." Such ex
periment are valuable, as tending to de
velop the actual capacities of the soil
when subiecttd to new demands under
new systems of culture.
TIic best Farm Team.
Considtrulle discussion ha been had
in regard to the comparative merits of
hor.-es and oxen for farm work. Such
discussions have resulted in establishing
a few maxims, which may be safefy re
lied upon as a guide to those who are in
terested. Tiiy are ihese :
, Oxen are cood and so are horses; but
iruch d.-pends upon circumstances as to
their pr-.ritable use. In certain cases,
each is best.
It is unprofitable tikkeep horses simply
for riding, when they are obliged to re
main idle (inich of the tune; and keep
oxen for doing the work of the farm.
On a new or rough farm, oxen are the
best team: on a small and easily worked
farm, horses are the bet.
If a farm is situated that much of the
hauling is done at long distances, such
as carting hay. dressing or wood, horses
can be used with more profit than oxen.
If the size of the farm renders it ex
pedient for the farmer lo Keep-two teams,
one horse team and an ox team is better
than two of horses or oxen.
It pays well to feed and take good cate
of a team, be it of horses or of oxen.
A team kept in good condition will eat
less lhan one kept poor, at the, same time
performing more work and being better
in every respect. JIuinc Farmer.
The Seven Cities of Asia.
The following is an account of the
present condition of the Seven Cities,
.showing how accurately the threatening
in Revelation have been accomplished:
Ayaaialook, the . modern village hai
stands on the site of ancieut E-.ihesus, is
a miserable collection of hovels, having
neither place nor name among the im
portant towns of Asia Minor. The fate
of the cities of tha seven churches have
been peculiarly melancholy. Smyrna
ha3 risen in modern times to be an im
portant seaport town, and has, indeed,
throughout the last eighteen centuries,
and perhaps it might be said for twenty
five hundred years preserved a rertain
importance in the Eastern world. Per
gamos and Tliyatira are small inland
cities of no imporuince in the world ; and
although inhabited by people who go to
make up the number of the Sultan's sub
ject and pay his taxes, are never heard
of in modern history, scarcely indeed in
modem travel. Laodicea is a wild waste
of ruin, inhibited only by the wolf, the
stork, and the vjlture. Philadelphia,
like Pergamos. is a filthy Turkish town,
j : i 1 ... . j
tiuieu iu uiuueiu tones uuu us niniieUiiie
neighborhood for ihe total absence of i
brothejly love, and the lrequent occur
rence ot brawls and bloodshed. Sardis
lies buried on the. banks of the golden
Pactnlus. In a moonlight night the two
lonesome columns of the temple of Cybele
stand ghostly on the plain, sole relics of
the ancient idolatry; but of the few jhat
remained faithful, with unstained gar
ments, in Sardis, there remiin-s no mem
orial on earth, save only that ever-present
promise, by virtue of which they
shall walk in whir.e robes:
Incidents oftlic late Battles.
After the disgraceful flight of the
Eleventh Army Corps iu the battle of
Saturday last, Gea Hooker, it is known,
sent orders to General Berry's division
directing them to check the advance of
the rehels in that direction. How gall
antly this was done has been already re
corded incur columns. Among the. brig
ades comprising this division, the Third,
consitting of troops from New Jersey
and commanded by the gallant Gen.
Mott, particulaily distingushed, itself.
Entering the battle with less than 1.500
men, Gen. JMott (who was himself se
verely wounded almost immediately aftrr
the fall OJ-Gen. Berry had devolved on j
eim the command of 'he division) 1 )st i
r i- i u., ..4 . . ,i ii ) ,
from his iiugle brigade six officers killed
and forty WOUtldcd, while Ot" his men 427 j
are know lo have beeu killed or wo-jqded. j
... .1 p
i lie ui iiuc iujfc juvj ' v wijlo
from the enemv'-and canturod as isanv
f - -. .. . . . T. - I . -
j j i
liriera is .unii i urn. r'.. n a
. 4i ... . . - - .... .- , .
had been abandoned because-the horses
were all killed, together with most of the
cannoneers by whom it had been served
i in the action, This record speaks for
itself. Gen. Hooker, it is said, awards
to Gen. Berry's division (which had
formerly been his own) the honor of
saving the Army of the Potomac, whose
safely had been endangered by the craven
conduct of the German troops.
Paned at the Second Station of the l'hirty-eeventh
Chap. CCI. An Act to attend the act celling forth
tne Militia to execute tha Laws of the Nnion, aup-
Iire-B lusurrectious, ai.d repel InTosions, approve!
'ebruary twenty-eight. Seventeen handrud and
ninety live, and the Acta auunJatory thereof,
and iur other t urpose-i.
Bv it enacted by th Senate and FTone of Itepre
teniatioe of the United Sf.aUe of America in Qn-
grni aiiemhled. that whsnever th f resident of
1 , he L'cit.d Siatea shall call furih tha militia of the
State., to bo employed in the service of the United
Suies, he rnty specify in his call the period for
whi -h serviou will be required, not exceeding nine
months; and the militia go called shall be mastered
in and continue to serve fir an 1 during the t'rm so
specified, unions sooner discharged by command of
the President. It' by reason of defects in exidticg
laws, or in the exueutiou of the
Siatea, jrany of them, it shiill ba found necessary
to provide for enrolling the millitia and otherwiie
putting this act iuto execution, the President is
ituthwiixni in such cases to m ikoall neces-iary ruls
and r.'gul.ttiuui-; and thr en'-elmetit of the militia
sli.ill iu ad cases intiudoall able b-idied malsciti
jus becweeu tan agus of einte jn aul forty-five,
and .-Una be apportioned 11 tu the tiUtea accord
ing lo representative population.
Sue. 2 And be it lurtuer enacted. That the mili
tia, w ben so called into service, sh ill be organized
m the mode prescribed by law for volunteer forces
which he is now authorized by law to raise, to ac
cept the servicec of any number of volunteer, not
exceeding oud hundred 'tno-is.ind as infantry for
a period of nine nioutUs, unlrsj sooner disch irod.
Aud every s. ldier who shall eulist under the pro
visions 01 this section shall rece'.ve his first motiths
pay and also twttity five dollars as bounty, upon the
musteriug of his company or regiment into the
set View 01 the United Xates. ADd all provisions
of law relating t.. volunteers enlisted in the service
i;f the United Spates for three jc&rs, or during
the war, except 111 relation to bounty, shall be, snd
the suuie are. extended to, and are hereby declared
to embrace, the volunteers to 5a raised under the
pruviii ons of this secti'-n.
Sec. 4. And bo it further enacted, Tbat.for the
purpose ot tilling up the reg'mi-nts of infiinfy now
iu the L'niud Siaies rvioe, the- Prri-idciit be, and
he hereby is. authorized to accept the servict-s of
vclunteers lusucii numbers as uiiy b presented fr
that purpose, for twelve mouths, if n ,t sooner dis
charged. And such volunteere, when mu-tertd int
the service, shuli bs in all rspU up-m a fo-rti-ig
with ir.ops in the Unuei States cerviee.ex
cepi us to service bounty, which sliall b-) filty d d
l.ns. one ball of whicu to be paid up-n their joining
their legiin-.-nts, and the othor half at tho expira
ticu id tneir enlist int-nt.
See, 5, And be ii furtoer enacted. That the Frea-
dttjthall jij point, by and with the advice and con
se t of the senate, ajuiigu advocate general, with
the rank, pay and em luments of a colonel of cav d -ry,
to whose offiae f ball be returned; for revision,
I tie records and proceedings of all courts-in irtial
and ui.iiUry romiin.-fei aiH, and where a record Khali
be kept ol ail proceeding bad thereupon. And no
sentence of dealt), or imprisonment in the peniten
tiary, shall be canicd into execution udtii the same
shall have beeu approved by the President.
See. 6. And be it further enacted, That there
inny be appointed by the President, by and with tlio
udvice aud eon sent of the Senate, for each array in
which tney respectively belong, unifer the direction
of the judge advocate general.
Seo. 1. And bo it further enacted. That hereafter
all offenders iu the army charged with offduees now
puoishaWe by a -regimental or garrison rourt-mr-ttal,
shall be brought before a field offl:erof his
regiment, who sh:ill be detailed for that purpose,
aud who chall hear and determine tho oifence, and
order the punishment that shall be inflicted; and
shall also make a record of his proceediug of such
field officer, i-hall order the same to ba executed :
Provided, That the pnnishment ia su;h oass be
limited to that authorized to bo iu3 c'el by a regi
mental or garrison court-mania! : And provided,
further, Thar, iu the event of there being lo toig
adu cummandcr, the' proceedings as aforesaid h ill
be submitted for approval to the couiniaudiug oi
cer of tbe post.
Sec. 8. And be it further enajted, That all offi
cers who hate been mustered into tho service of the
United Sutes as battalion adjutants and quarter
masters of cavalry under the orders of the War De
part ment, exceeding the number authorized by law
siiali be paid as such for the tim they were actual
ly eiupl yed in the service, ef the United States,
and tnat ail such officers now in service, exceeding
the number as aforesaidt shall be immediately mus
tered out of the service of tho United States.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, Tbat the Pres
ident be, and he is hereby, authoiized to establish
and orgauizo army corps according to his discretion.
S03. 10. And be it further enacted. That each
army corps thnll havo tho following officers no
more attached thereto who shall constitute the staff
ot the coinuiiinier thereof: one assisiunt inspector
general, who shall bear, respectively, the rank of
lieutenant colonel, and wh- shall b.-) as-ignad from
the army or volunteer force by the Prcsi ient. Also
three aid js-de-camp, one to bear the rank of mtjor
and two to bear tho rank, of captain, to bo appoint
ed by the President, by and witti the advice and
cofisvnt of the Senate, upm the reomu'n jndat.on oj
the commander of the army corps, Tiie senior offi
cer of artil.ry in ea.-h army corps shall, in adlitioii
to his other kuties. act as chief of artillery and ord
nunce at the headquarters of the corps.
See. It. And bo it further enacted. The cavalry
forces in the service of the United States shad here
after be iTanizi-d as follows : Each regiment of cav
alry .-h ill nave one colonel, on) lieutenant colonel,
three majors; ono surgeon, one assistant surgeon
,,ue reg m ntal adjutant, one regimental quarter
master reizoant. one cornaii.-"wy 8'TJcant, two hos-
stewards, one sadillei sergeant, one c&iet trumpeter,
and one chief latrier or blacksmith, and each regi
ment shall consist of twelve companies or troops,
and each com,. any or troop shall have one captain,
ne fir.-t lieutenant one second lieutenant, and one
supernumerary second lieutenant, one first fergeant
one quartermaster, sergeant one com misery ser
geant five sergeants, eight corporals, two teamsters,
to farriers or bla k-m;th, one sa ll'ur, one wagon
er, and seventy-eight privates; the. regimental com
misaries toberakeu rroin their resp ;eiiv6 regimants:
Pruvidid, That vaoancieB caur?d by this organiza
tion shall uot be considered as original, but
filitd by rugular promotion.
See. 12. And be it further enacted. That the
President be. and he is boreby. autli nz i 1 t receive
into the service 'of the United States, for the pur
pose of c n.tructing intrenchments, or performing
camp service, or any other labor, or any military or
naval service for which they may bt found compe
tent, persons of African dojent, and su ;h persons
shallbe eL rolled aod organized under such regula
tions, not inconsistent with the Constitutioa aud
law, us the President may prescribe.
Sec. 13. And be it furrher enautei, That when
any many mad or boy of African descent, -ho by
the laws of any Stato shall owe service or labor to
any person who, during the present rebellion, has
levied war or has borne Jarms against the United,
States or adhered to the.r enemie by giving them
ail and comfort, shall render any such service as is
provided for in this act.he,hi.i mother and his wife
and children, shall forever thereafter be free, any
law. usage, or custom whatsoever to the contrary
notwithstanding : Provided; That the mother, wife
aud children of such mau or boy of African descent
shall not be made free by the operation of this act
except where su;h mother, wife or children owe
sdrviceor labor ' tn some person who, during tho
prevent rebellion, has borne arms against tbe L'ui-
Md States or adhered to.thi ir enemies by giving i
u;ul a:1 dJ c ltn " -' "
ec. 14. Ani oj it further enatel. That th3 ex-
rtl,ff(!l, iDoUrrel to c.irry thU act ;a:o cJ.,t .bur ba
paid out vf the general ajpropriatioa tor the. a;iy
0,;JJ1.U'"; . ., t : , . .,
i son w!io i;avM b en or s.i.1
1 the rvi..-e of ti Unit-d u:ii"r fa: :r:t
f-K . ! ? - l-i .;n I, v 1...-T J H- !
'-' i;;;T - f -;" f : t o-
this law shit be employed, shall receive ten dollars
per month and one ration, three, dollars of which
monthly pay nuy be in clothing.
Sec, 16. And be it farther enacted, That mfdiea
purveyors and storekeepers shall give bonds ia suoh
sums as the Secretary of War may rauuixa wi:h
security to be approved by hiss;
APPKoViD, July 17, 1852.
Chip. CCII. An Act to allow and pay to th Stale
of Missouri the Amount of Money expended by
mM State in the Arming and Paying of Troops
Employed in the Suppression of Insurrection
against the L&ws of the United states.
li it enacted by Senate and IIou of Eepr'teta
ttve of the United Suite of Amerma tu Uixjr$t
assembled, that State of Micsoun sbai. ba eat) tied
to a credit against the direct tax' apportioned to
said State by the " Aat to provide increased revenue
from imports, to pay interest on -the public debt,
and for other purposes, approved August filth
eighteen handred and sixty-oae, for all sums of
money expended by said State in the arming, cqup
ing, subsisting and paying of tr.ops organised un
der the ordnances of tho convention of said State,
passed during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
ne,aod employed in concert with t'ie federal auth
orities in suppressitg insurrection against tha Lni
tetf States, and enforcing the laws thereof.
Sec. 2. And be it further enactej, That, f.r the
purpose of ascertaining the amount dua to and
Staio for moneys so expended, the Sacrersry of
War shall, immediately af -ho passage of this act,
by cuinmisdion or otherwise, caas tne accounts t
he examined, and a report made to him of the
amount due, which being approved by the Seers
of V ar, aud by him certifl! to the Secretary of
the Ireasury, the amount thsrocf sh a I ba a low el
to said State, and deduoted from the amauut there
of shall be allowod than was provided far by the
laws of the United States applioable t the arming
equiping, subsisting, and pnyinont of volunteers, in
ferce at the time of the enrolment cf such troops of
See. 3. And he it fartner enaotod, That if sid
direct tax, if any. at such tuch time as may be fix
ed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or should said
expenditures be found to be equal to the tax, the
dednetion or discount of fifteen per centum, as pre
scribed in t e fifty-third section of the said recited
act, shall be allowed on tha whalo amount thus ap
appovjwD, July 17, 1S62..
' . 1 - r
Chap. CC1II. An Act to suspend tempcrarily the
Operation of an Act entitled An Act to prevent
and punish Fraud on the part of OJieorsintrditfJ
with making of Contracts for the Government."
approved June twe, eighteen hundred and sixty
two . . ...
Be it enacted by the Senate and IJovte of 12prein-
utatici of the Umt.d Siite oj America in tJoHtjrt
Aneembled, that tuc operation of tbe aoi, entitled
"An act to prevent nnd punifh frauds on the part
otujers intrusted wi;h making of contra ,ts for
the government, approved June two, eighteen hun
dred aud sixty-two, be aud the same is hereby, sus
pended uuul the nr.-t Monday ot January, eighteen
hundsed and sixty-three.
Approved, July 17. 102.
Chap. CP'TX. An A?t for the better Government
of the Ntvy of the United States.
ia it enucttd by the Senate und Houee of Iiepre-
seniaticf-H oft he Luitvd State ot Amenctt in Con-
yrtiH anxemilfd, That from and after tbe firrt day
I" September next, the following articles be adopted
and put in f rce for the government of the navy of
the United States:
Art. t. Th eommanders of sll .fleets, squadrons
naval stations, and vessels belonging to the navy,
are strictly enjoined and required to show iu them
selves a good exmple of virtue,, honor, patriotism
and subordination; to be vigilant in inspecting the
conduct of all who may be placed unler their com
mand; to guard against and suppress ail dissolute
and im:uoral practicesf aLd to corfect all who tuy
be guilty of them according to the laws and regula
tions ,,f the navy, upon pain of such punishment as
a eourt-m rtial may think proper to iniiut.
An. 2. The oommin ders of vessels and naval
stations, to which chaplains are att.icbel. shall
cause divine service to be perrormod on Sunday,
whenever the weather and other circumstau ;e will
allow it to be done;, and it is earnestly recom am 1
ed to all ol&, seamen, and others in the uava
service, diligently to' attend at every performance
of the worship of Almighty Uod. Any irreventorl
unbecoming behavior during divine service shall be
be punished as a general or sum nary court-martial
shall direct. . . ,
Art. 3. The punishment of death; or sn?h other
punishment as a court martial shall adjudge, may
be inflicted on any person in the naval service
l'ir?t. Who shall make, or attempt t mako, or
unite with any mutinous assembly, or knowing of
the same, orof any intended mutiny, shall not orth
wilh communicate it to his superior or commanding
oSeer, or being witness to, or present at. any mu
tiny, shall not do his utmost to suppress it ;
Seooud. Or shall disobey the lawful orders of his
superior officer, or strike or assault, or attempt or
threaten to strike or assault him, while in the exe
cution of Ihe duties of the cffjje;
Shird. Or snail give, hold, or entertain any inter
couse or inte ligenco to or with any enemy or rbel
without leave from the President of the United
States, the Secretary of tbe navy, the commander-in-chief
of the fleet, or the commander of a squad
ron ; or, in case of a vessel acting Hiugly, from his
Commanding officer ;
Fourth. Or shall desert or entice other3 to desert
to an enemy or rebel; . .
Fifth. Oor shall receive any mes age or letter
rrom an enemy or rebel, or be aware cf the unlaw
ful raception of such letter or message, and fail to
take tha earliest opportunity to inform his superior
or commanding oEQ :er thereof;. ,
Sixth. Or shall, ia time of war, desert or defray
his trust, or entire or aid others to aesert or betray
their trust, or shall sleep upon his watch, or leave
his station before regularly relieved;
Seventh. Oor shall intentionally or wilfully
sutler any vessel of the navy to b straned or run
upon rocks or shoals, or improperly hazardod, or
shall wilfully or maliciously injure aDyvessulof
tho navy or any part of her tackle, armament or
equipment, whereby tho safety of the vessel shall
be hazarded, or the lives of tbe crew exposed to
danger, or shall set on fire or otherwise unlawfully
destroy any public property not then ia the posses
sion of an enemy, pirate, or rebel ;
Eight. Or shall strike, cr attempt to strike, the
flig to an enemy or rebel without proper authoritp,
or when engaged in battle shall treacherously yiold
oa pusillanim usly cry for quartets ;
Kinth. Or shall in time of battle display eoward
ise, nogligence, or disaffection, or withdraw from or
keep out of danger to which ho should expose him
se'f; or Bhall desert his duty or station, or entice
others to do so: or shall not properly observe the
orders of his commanding offljer and use his utmost
exertion to carry them into execution, whan order
ed to prepare for, join in. or when actuary engaged
in battle, or while in sight of an enemy ;
Tenth. Or when commanding a fliet, squadron,
or vessal acting singly, shall, upon the probability
of an engagement, or on sight of any armfld vessel
of any enemy or rebel, neglect to prepare and clear
his ship tor action ; or shall fail to encourage in his
own person his inferior omjers and men to fight
courageou.-ly; it shall not do his utmost to overto-.l;
and eapture or destroy any vessel which it is his
duty to enlounter; or fhsil not afford ad practicable
relief and assistance to vessels belonging to ths Uni
ted L tares or theia allies when engaged in battle.
Art. 4. Spies, and all dersons who shall come or
be found iuthe capacity of spies, or who chall bring
or deliver any seducing letter or message from an
enemy or rebel, or endeavor to corrupt any person
in the navy to betray his trust shall suJer death, or
suh other punishment as a court-martial shall ad
judge. .
Art. 5. The crime or murder, when committed by
an ofScer, teaman, marine, or other person belong
ing t3 any public ship or vessel of thi United States
without the territorial jurisdiction of the same, may
be punished with death by the sentence of a court
martial. Art. In any ca?e where a naval conrt-mastial i
authsrized to adjudga tha punishment of death it
may sentence the person convicted li imprisonment
fer life, or for a stated term, at bard labor, and such
sentences of imprisonment and hard labor may be
carried into execution in any prison or peniciary
under the control of tbe Unite! States, or tha use
of which shall be allowed by the legislature of a
StitB! ana imhom cnnvit1 hir a. wmrt m-.ti iT r.
. i j . , I i rt .Via jam .a w a?.!a r . A
I Territory fhx in all rssp.-t b nbj to th-jsarne
i d;s k-Lr.ti and -treatment and under tee saio-soa-ii
.... . . i ',,
i i.-oi ixiivisu s.-ruencei oy ma coar.s o; ttn s:aia
cr Territory is which saoh prida or penitentiary is
Art. 7. H'Jch puuirhment a a court-martial
aij'id -jo -J3f b4 ad.cted ia any pr...n iu t'.t B.vy
i'.:t. L shall b gu.lty of.crue.t",
rul'- vi m at oe ti nl.i bi rlj
;.---n i. Or r-'n . rs gul-.y o.' ur ;i:,j:n-':-i, g, :
any other scandalous ooaduot tsadiag to tha diitrua
tiju of go d morals. .
Third. Or shah 'quarrel wl'n, strllcs, or imt
yny other person ia t h oaryy, or ui provaiiaj of
lepro hful words, gestures, cr annates, or endeavor
to foment qunml between othar persoca la tha
nary, or seed or accept a ohalienge a Cht ad !.',
cr aot as sooond in a dul ;
F arth. Or shall treat with ooctUajpi Q4iiptr
ior officer, or be disr-speotlul to him in language or
d-portm nt whilst ia tha exwution of his it
saalijoin in or abet an J oouibinatioa ia aazsa
the lawful authority of, or leon tha raspot (ii
to his oommaolinj ofiaeri-; , . r
Fifth. Or f ball b nelisn or airelasa la obey
lng orders, ar eulpab'y iu:Sjiaat ia tha pcrLrnuna
oj duty;
Sixth. Or ah ill kaowing'y roasa r.t siaa.or ahall
aid, abet, direct, or prooure tha er sifainj
of any falsa m us tot, or shall exi0ut orcitaupt at
countonan.'e any fraud agaius tha Uiiii Sutal
or shall waste. emb-zi!e,or friuduUatly bay sailor
reeeive any ammunition, provisiuna, or other puhiiw
storus, oj havicg tha power to prevent it shall kaJtv
laIy permit auch wasia, emjeitlduiat, sale or ra
Seventh. Or shall, throng laattnntJoa er eU
gence, sufT r any va el cf tha cavy to ba otraced
cr run up n a rock or sL al or hstiried.
Eight. Or shall, when oa shore, pljn hr tbata or
maltreat any inhabitant or iajura hia prof erty la
any way, ,N , i :.. r ......... i -
.Ninth. Or shall refoso or fall ta ma his o tarn I
cxrions t d-teef, apprehf al and bring to punish
m nt a. I off n :a-i, and aid and assist all persosj
ai'pcinted for tha vurpisj; ' : l . .
Teuth. Or hhall, lu t mi of pena. dajrtor attaro
ti nos-r, 'or aid or entica others to d srt; or shall
be absent frm bis station or dnrT stithoat lsave. OX
after his leave shall have expirttd;
bleveath. Or sbad: a ben rated or acting aamai
t r-at-armi, refuse to roeiva suoh trisonersas
shall b e nnmi'ted to bis ebarg., or having received;
them fba'l suffer them to escape, or amicus then
withons ord?rs fnm the proper authority; ' '
lwelttn. Ur hbalU whaa attached to any ihir or
Tersel appoin'ed ; as convoy o mowbtnl or fe her
vessels fail d ligrntly t.arfonu hu daty or shail
demand or exact any conirR-nfatian fur his serrice;
or shell mal'reat tho tlHjers or crews of suoa taer
chant or other vassf Is;
Thirteenth. Orhl! take, rseoiva or poraiit tab
reoeived on board the vossel to whi h hi is attach
ed any goota or merchandise for freight sale. M
tr.iffij, except gold, silver or jewels, for freight or
siifj-keeping, r hsll d.-iuaal or rei-oiva any com
penieation ror the reeeipt of , to-nsportation of any
other article thm gold, silver or jswels, without
authcrity from the President of the United State
or the Secretary of th N'avy.
i ou?teonth.. Or shall vioiata or refaia obediena
to any lawful general order or regulation issued by
tho Secretary of the Navy. ;
Art. 8. All offen'VB committed by pervoni belong
ing to th niry. which arj not speciflod In the for
goi ig articles shall be iunwh?d a a eourt-martial
shall dirct; but in no ca a shall punishment by
d -ijiing be inln-Ud nor h all any court-ra&rtirl td-
juflg j tlie puni"h:nent by fl igging
Art. 6. .All offL-nce comujirtd by person ba
h ntFing to tbe navy, while on ehore, shall be punish
ed iu tha same manner as if they had bocn comthit-t-.d
at sea. . . . .. .
Art. 10 No commander a vessel of the cavy"
shall inU.ct any otaor pjnisura-ot vpoa a oonarais
siotied cr warrant efScer t'asa private reprimand,
suspension from daty, arrest or confiaomsnt, neither '
of whi.-h shall continue Ion rer than ten dsy ex
cept a further period be necessary to bring tha
offender to a court-martial ; nor shall ha inflict, or
cause or permit to be inflicted upon any p tty officer
or person of inferior rating; or marina, any punish-,
mant for a single oX-nce or at any ona time other
th in one of the following punishments viz :
first. Keduotioa of any rating established by
Second. Confinement with or without irons, sin-"
g'e or double, such confinement n-1 to exaeed tsrt
lays, unless necessary -ir tha case of a prisoner t
b tried by court-martial, i , . .
Shird. S. Iitury eonuucm:ntoa bread and water
not ex -ecding fl.-vj d iys. - '
r ourth. Solitary counnemsnt not exceeding seres
dsVS. . - . f ' ;
Fifth. Peprivation of liberty on shore.
Sixth. Extra duties. . -
Nor other punishment sha'l ba poam'ttol
board .f va sols bel. ng ng to the navy, excpt b
utence ot a general ur suminar court-marual. ,
Siimmiry c art martial raiy disrata any rated per
son for incompetency. All punishments infl'-otei
by the coinman 1 ir. or by his order, except repri
mauds, sbad be funy.entered upoa . the ship $ log.-
Art. 11. Oeneral courts-m miy b3 convened
asosien as the President of tha Cn.ied States, (ha
.Secretary of the Jiavy, or commauder-in-ihiif of a
fleet or a fonadron shall deem it ne -a sary : Provid
ed, That in tbe watrrs of tha United StaUsni
commauder in chief of a flet er 'squadron shall
couvienea g-'nenl court martial nnlecs by expreis
authority from fba President of tha United States:
f rovided also, Tuat do general court-martial shall
consist if more than thirteen nor less than five
commissioned oS-ers as mmbers- aal as rainy -
oliicers cnall be summonel on evjry sush court as
can be convened without injury to tha service so as
not to exceed thirteen; and thi senior' cu "er shall
always preside, the others taking place according
to their rank; and in no cisi whera it can ba avoid-. I
ed without injury to the serv?"a shall more thaa
one-half tha naemhers, etolu-uve of tha Pr.'sidonti -
be junior to tae ol5 :er to be tri jd. ' ,
Art. 12. Ine presid ;nt of the court is aut ior isd
and required to adannistT thj fo. lowing oath or '
atOrmatiou to the j udg advoc vto or pcrioa o&ciat-
inga.ssun: '.
I, A, B, do swoar (or af3.-m that I will keeps
true record of the ev.d n o given to and tha pro-
ceedii gs of (his court; nor win I divulge or by any
means diso'ose ih9 sentence of tha court cu'il it
Mull have boa ap-To-d by tho pr per authority;,
nor will I at any tim divulge or disclose tho vote
or opiiiiou ol any past -iuiar member of tha court;
unless r-quired so to dobfrja court of justice ia
due eoursa of law .'
This oath or 'afirmntion being duly administer
ed,' e.K-h member of th ) ourt, b -forj proceeding la
trial shall take tho . following oath of a3-mation, -.
which she judge ad vo-?te, or parson aSjiating as
such, U hereby authorized to administer:
" I, A U, do swear, (or afSrm) that 1 will tru'j
try, without prejudice or partiality tha case now
depending accor iing to- th evidence which shall .
come before the court, the rules f t tha g ivernmmt
of luo navy, and my own coiistxence; and that I will
not by any maans divulge or d I'e the fentenca
of ihe court until it shall have beeen approved by
the proper authority, nor will I at any time divulg
or disclose the tote or opinii n of any particular
member of tha court un,es req-iired so to dj be
a court of justice in due course of law."
Art. 13. All testimoney' gvrn to n general court
martial shall be on ovtii or a3raiition, whi:h tha
prudent i.f the court is hereby authorized to ad-
minster; and it an jr n iihall r.fu.-e to give h'i
evid nee as atore a d. or ha!l previricata or shall
b.-have wita cmauipt to the cour', it saall and may
be lawful tut th j c .urt t im ris a sujh offjnler at
ihoir discretioo : Pr jvided. Thai tha imprisooaient
iu no case shall exceed tw months. And every
person who shall commit wilful ptrjury oa atami- J
nation on oath or affirmation bef ra ruch coart, or .
who shall e rruptly protarq. or auhirn, any prsoo
to commit such wilful perjury, shall and may b -prosecuted
by inllctmeat or iuf jrtnitiou in any
court oi jiistaee of the United St ites, aid shall
suffer su.h pnalties as ara authorize 1 by tha laws .
of the United States ia cases of perjury", or the sub-
bornaation thereof. And in every prosecution for
perjury, or tho subornation thereof or.der this act.
it shad b sutSeie:;t to set forth tha o'Jeace charged
on the defendant, without setting forth the author
ity by which the court was bold, or tha parti-snlar
matters brought or intended to bo brought before
said court.
Art. 14. The following oath shall qa administer- -ed
fo witaesses befors courts-martial and L-oarts of
inquiry ; '
" Tou do solemnly swear (or Sra. as ihe eaa
rssy ba) that the eviierwa you shall gia in the
casjnow befcri this court thill be th) tru"h,ths
whole truth, and nothing but the tru;h, and that
you will state errythi ig within your kn leige
add recollection ia rela :oa to the charg e. - So help
you God," (or this ya do unJsr thipjiat aai
penalties of pjary. - - . '
' Art. Ij. Th person ucasol shill be fa a fV 4 .
with a truoopv of the ch ir.j3. wich thj spevitica
ti ;ni.i. ti the I ns ho ia TU'. uaJev arrest; n..rhaJl
any o l'er ehar-ss tu iii u s eh'.oit 1 h-i urr
o l against tUe- )iv.i l'.Si t-l bcri-r-r tu cor rt,
un!-s it apt oar t j .ha co-art tia;' '-.velIge.iv4 jb?
ath ch .'g ii l n j:. ret '.-.-J tha o:12.or or:!;r; g "
tho co'-rt whett the i. - ,-a- a-j-ii.
arr-s , or t(i; s in ,witje;3 raatril to tn-j s-o-
rort of ?U -h C :i',- ' h-U ' titui al.ViCJ,'
e'1 .jj prii - l. ia w et reasoa-hi t i.-.i .
-U a I t.' v? ' I ' '"' rsi is't :'Lli,:
d jf.-iion ei.iis! '3 . ca v .:. orjT. tv :y o J.-;.- t
i i