Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 14, 1863, Image 3

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A Warning.
Events vrhich have recently trans
plred have produced among the peo
ple of this community the solemn con
ccnviction that for the sake of the
peace and quiet of our count, no
stranger should be allowed to settle
among us unless he can produce sat
isfactory evidence of being a loyal
man. ($e may as well state that it is
the firm resolve of the people of this
county not to allow, hereafter, any
rebel sympathizer to gain a residence
among us. By following th'13 course
no violence will be done to any one.
It is not requiring any one to sacrifice
their property, home, or business.
Hundreds of Secessionists have aban
donedor been banished from Missouri
and settled in Nebraska. The proper
place for all such is the land of Dixie,
and the sooner they go there, the
better for them and us.
. G. C.'s In Ncraaba Connty.
It has been believed for several
months that one or more lodges of the
Knights of the Golden Circle exist in
this county ; but who were members,
or rhere they met, was not positively
known. During January many Dem
ocrats and others from different parts
of the county were invited to meet
somewhere midway between Brown
lille and Peru, for the purpose of
organizing a secret society. Most of
those invited assert that they knew
nothing of the object of the meeting;
but that they had considered it unnec
essary, and perhaps uiischievous, and
declined attending.
About the time of this meeting
certain of those engaged in getting it
up were observed to make misterious
threats, sufficient to alarm Union men
who heard of them, and to call for the
strictest vigilance from Col. Furnas,
Capt. Hill and Lieut. Maun, of Neb.
Cavalry. . They however, made no
arrests, thinking it better to let them
'have rope,' until the matter should
.'assume a more tangible shape.
Last week certain citizens of London
and Tern, having what they considered
ample evidence as to certain parties
being members of this dangerous, dis
loyal coKelave, visited and disarmed
them. One of them confessed, and
gave a partial list of members.
On Saturday evening the Union men
Brownville held a. meeting, and ap-
pointed'a committee to visit several of
the Knights, and search for the papers
of the society. 'No papers, however,
vere found. They all confessed to
being members ; were led into it like
the poor dog Tray; were at first invi
ted to attend a Democratic meeting,
and after they got there it was pro
posed to organize a lodge of the K.
G, C's; and they, without much reflec
tion, consented ; and were all initial
ted r ch one declares he disapproved
of it; was opposed to any secret or
ganization, and never attended but
once or twice. They all profess loy
alty 'r are in favor of the Union ; defy
the world to produce a single instance
where they have expressed a disloyal
sentiment, &c, &c.
It is possible some of them were led
ignorantly into it, with no criminal or
disloyal intentions. But one or more
of them who profess the greatest in
nocence, did last winter invite men to
join the society,, saying if they did so
their property should never be jay
hawked; that they would soon be
strong enough ta rule the county ;
and that they were going to warn the
Union men away from the upper bot
tom; thot one or more union renters
in the bottom had already been in
formed that thev were not wanted.
The order of the Knights of the
Golden Circle is an institution that
existed in the South previous to the
commencement of the War, and
by means of it the original Rebels
were enabled to "fire the Southern
heart;" and, in short, to inaugurate
the War. After the War commenced,
efforts- were made by designing Rebels
ta extend it into the .North. Their
Oath and Constitution may be differ
ent in the Free States from what it is
in the Border States, but the fruits of
th organization are everywhere the
same, viz;, opposition ta the Govern
ment; opposition to-the War; to the
Conscription Act;- to the return of
deserters ; and to the collection of the
War Tax. Thousands of the members
in the army have deserted and joined
the enemy. It is difficult to oonceive
how any man could have been so ig
norant as to "suppose (as some pre
ttnd to) the organization perfectly
The organiiation in this county, if
wt hare learned the whole truth, was
merely primary. They were to re
ceive their instructions of somebody
from Flattsmouth; but they became
alarmed and discontinued their meet
ings. The oath taken was very sim
pleto support the "Constitution, the
Lawn, and the Democratic Party."
Apparently not very criminal ; but
when wc consider that their speakers
and newspapers declare that all the
War acts of the Administration are
unconstitutional, and the. oath binds
its members ta support the Constitu
tion and the Democratic Party, the
inference deducted is to oppose, by
all their power, the War measures of
the Administration. This programme
carried out is the destruction of our
Government. Virtually they are as
much traitors, and really do more
harm than if they were in the armed
ranks of the enemy. They are so
considered by Government and by the
Military authorities, as will be seen
by the following, taken from a recent
order by the commander of this de
partraent, Gen. Curtis :
"Oncers or men sent by the enemy within our lltie
to recruit. thereby Inciting insurrection, become them
selves (when not indeed actual spies) militiry msir
gents. Su.h. also, are Kni?uts of the Golden Circle,
and members of other secret ergamxatmus, lookmc to
aur opp- aitiou to tde laws ot tie United States, belaj
In the nature of conspirators.
Whoever shall be couviced a military Insurgent
shall suffer death, accordin? to too u-ases of nations,
by sentence of a Mil liUry Coinmiss wo."
It declares the K. G. C's to be
military insurgents, and all military
insurgents must, on conviction suffer
Rnraors bj Telegraph.
We do not publish very much tele
graphic matter in this number of the
paper, for the reason that the reports
that come one day would be contra
dicted next. One day we were in
formed that Gen. Keys hud advanced
up the peninsula and taken Rich
mond, Stoneman's raid having pre
vented re-inforcements from coming
to protect it. The next day the tele
graph is silent on the subject, but the
third day it is contradicted, and an
other report is sent that Lee has
evacuated Fredericksburg, Hooker
repressed the river, and is following
after Lee as fast as possible. This is
confirmed by repeated dispatches,
going minutely into details. The next
day nothing further is said, and finally
on the third day this whole story is
contradicted. These false rumors do
not come from Washington, but from
correspondents of the New York and
Philadelphia papers, and are probably
set afloat to affect the gold market.
A Copperhead City.
In Dayton, Ohio, where there is a
larger secession element than usual
in tho public schools, numbers of
children have been expelled because
they wore on their clothing the em
blems of our nationality, such as but
tons with the American eale, flarj
pins with the stars and stripes, and
red, white, and blue rosettes. These,
by the satellites of Jeff. Davis, are
called "partisan emblems."
Union Sleeting at Brownrille.
A Union meeting was held at
Brownville, on Saturday last, which is
said to have been one of the largest
gatherings of people ever seen in any
part ot JNebraska. J. he people froai
adjoining counties and from the neigh
boring counties in Missouri turned out
en mass, and spent the whole day.
Col. 0. P. Mason, of this city, in com
pliance with an invitation, delivered
a Union speech on the occasion, which
was duly appreciated and loudly ap
plauded. The people of Nemaha Co.
are up with the times and are not
backward in manifesting their senti
ments in the National question of a
perpetuation of our free institutions,
or a wreck of everything we hold dear.
The Union of our fathers, the peace
and quiet guaranteed and afforded by
the great charter of liberty.
Union meetings are being held at
every city, town and neighborhood of
the loyal states, Union Leagues
formed,-and every measure adopted
that is likely to conduce to the benefit
of the country. This is encouraging,
and we see no reason why our city
should not move in the matter. Wc
are no less blessed than our neigh
bors, and we can certainly appreciate
the benefits arising from these meet
ings which arc giving a healthy tone
to public sentiment. Let us have a
Union meeting. 1 'ms, Nebraska City.
We see by the Cass County Senti
nel that the Spring, term of the Ore
apolis Seminary commenced on the
11th of this month, under the super
vision of George McLaughlin, formerly
teacher of Ancient Languages in
Willonghby Collegiate Institute, Wil
loughby, Ohk; Tuition per terra of
eleven weeks i Primary, $&-,00 ; Sci
entific, $4,00 ; Classic, 5,00. Pay
able, one-half at the beginning, and
one-half at the middle of the term.
The latest by telegraph, ami which
does not appear in our telegraphic-
columns is that Stonewall Jackson is-
dead, from the effects of a wound re
ceived at Fredericksburg. Also that
Grant has fought a battle and whipped
tho enemy near J&ckson, Miss., and
afcerwards fell back- awaiting reinforcements.
.From the 'ebraka First. - . ,
Cape Girardeau Atay :n, 18G.
Alitor JV'ontfl-a Adeertiitr ; f
Again the First Nebraska has been
in a fight, and has come out as usual,
remarkably clear of lossevttml with
additional honors. You havenhdoubt
edly published the general account of
the fight, as telegraphed all over the
country; and it only remains for me
to speak of our own Regiment. The
part all others took in the transaction
was satisfactory to officers, and flat
tering to friends. . . '
Col. Livingston having been called
to duty at Saint Louis, the command
of this post devolved on Lieut. Col.
Baumer; and when the news came
here that Gen. McNeil would have to
fall back on this place from Bloomfield,
fortyfive miles west, the Col. called
out the Missouri Stato Malitia, had
the guns put in readiness on the forts,
and prepared for an attack at any
time. Thursday, April 23d, General
McNeil reached here, and his troops
on Friday. Saturday noon, Colonel
Baumer lead out the First Nebraska
and Whelfhy's Battery, and placed
them in line of battle. Indeed the
Colonel's good military skill told so
clearly where, and how, an attack
would likely be made, that he had
skirmished with his Regiment over the
very ground he then occupied, in
order to give them a knowledge of
"the ground where they should shortly
lie." And there they reposed till the
opening of the ball. All demands for
a surrender by Marmaduke and his
10,000 rebels, reported by him as
60,000, were spurned by Gen. McNeil.
You know the General is the same for
whose delivery to the rebels Jeff.
Davis very modestly demanded of
President Lincoln ; and of whose
mode of disposing of bushwhackers,
the English rebel press has spoken
protestingly. He is a live American,
a bold, true General, and much of an
honorabe gentleman. At midnight on
Saturday, the Chaplain was requested
to get the ambulances, and remrve the
ten wives of Nebraska officers, with
the greater part of the officers' chfl
dren, to some place of safety. And
the general order being given for the
women and children of 'the town to go
on board boats, all were removed at
daylight to the Illinois shore, five
miles north. The town is surrounded
on the line of a semi-circle, with four
forts, defended by seige guns, except
ing UD," down the river. Fort "A'
is in the upper part of town command
ing the river; "B commands the
Jackson road, coming in at the north
west, and "C" the Bloomfield road
from the southwest. If Brownville
were fortified as this is, Fort "A
would be on the bluffs north of Mc-
Pherson's old store room on the wharf.
Fort "B" would be where the grave
yard is, and would command the Peru
road; "C" would be out on the hill
east of Kelly's, and would command
that road, and "D," without guns
would be south on the bluffs where
Dr. Gwin built his brick houses.
When the fight came on, on Sunday,
a gunboat lay off in the river opposite
fort "D," so that supplied the absence
of guns at that point. McNeil had, in
all, only 2,400 men.
The attack was made on the line
fronting fort "B," our Regiment
having been posted, with the Battery,
out in advance of the forts, so as to
fight them first, hand to hand, if nec
essary, in the open field, Co. F and
G were posted with two guns, off to
the northwest to guard against a flank
movement from that point. Company
II was on duty at St. Louis. B and
D were next -in position, to support
two guns. The other five companies
wero to sustain four guns, in line
between forts "B" and "C." First,
companies C and I advanced as skir
mishers to the edge of the woods,
where the rebels were posted. The
Cavalry were posted as reserves, and
the balance of Infantry. The infan
try fighting was done by the First
Nebraska. Col. Baumer had a Gen
eral's command on- the field, and
Cap. Majors was acting Major, on
horse back, his horse receiving a ball
through the neck. Lieut Moore and
Sergt. John Gillespy were Aids of the
Colonel ; and- Lieut, McDonald was
Adjutant of the Regiment, and- has
acted in that capacity since xVdjutant
Cramer has been Post Adjutant. -Adjutant
Cramer wa3 on the staff of
General McNeil, andy as usual, was
about the size of Napoleon, prompt,
intelligent, and brave: Sergt. Gilles
py deserves great credit for volun
teering as an Aid, while his true place
was in th-e Q. M. Dep., free from
great danger. But he always is ready
for duty on the field, and carries
orders among bullets and shells as
self-possessed-as one proof against
shot and powder. Lieut. Griffin supi
plied the ammunition, as army ord
nance officer. And as it would re
quire too much time in which tor par
ticularize further, I have only to say
that every Captain and Lieutenant
non-commissioned officer and man, did
his duty. Two of our men were shot
dead one of A and one of I. Chace
of C, received a wound on the arm
Tucker (Sergeant) a slight wound.
As soon as the rebels were toundto
be in full retreat, all the troops were
ordered out for an effort to capture
them, and our Regiment has been
absent six days without a tent to pro
tect them from the rain. We expect
them back in a day or so. We are
inclined to believe that our next move
will be to St. Louis.
On the battlefield McGinni3, a jolly
son of Erin, of Company C, was de
cidedly "fired up," and when the com
pany was ordered to change position,
he declared he would not leave his
post, and so stuck to his post, till the
rebels came up and relieved him.
He is a prisoner. Rebel officers
complimented the coolness of the 1st
Nebraska, and the ability of our
gunners. They had a good chance to
judge. If other items of interest
come to my knowledge, you will hear
again from
Charge and Specification against
uemant L.:vallandlghani.
Charge. Publicly expressing, in
violation of General Order No. 38,
from Headquarters Department of the
Ohio?1iis sympathies for those in arms
agairiit the Government of the United
States, declaring disloyal sentiments
and opinions, with the object and
purpose of weakening the power of
the Government in its efforts to sup
press an unlawful rebellion.
Specification. In this, that the
said Clement L." Vallandigham, a
citizen of the State of Ohio, on or
about the 1st day of May, 18G3, at
Mount Vernon, Knox county, Ohio,
did publicly address a large meeting
of citizens, and did utter sentiments
in words, or in effect as follows, de
claring the present war "a wicked,
cruel, ana unnecessary war: a war
not being waged for the preservation
of the Union ; a war for the pur
pose of crushing out liblierty and
erecting a despotism : ' "a war for
the freedom of the blacks and the en.
al.ivpmpffr. nf trip wriifpa" cNtinrr
w w m. w a v w .awwry U VM till j
"that if the Adraidistration had so
wished, the war could have been horn
orably terminated months ago ;" that
"peace might have been honorably
obtained by listening to the proposed
intermediation of France ;" that
"propositions by which the Northern
States could be won back and the
South be guaranteed their rights under
the Constitution, had been rejected
theilar before the late battle of
Fredericksburg by Lincoln and his
minions ; meaning thereby the Pres
ident ot the United States and tnose
under him in authority. Charging
"that the Government ot the United
States were about to appoint Military
Marshals in every district, to restrain
the people of their liberties, to deprive
them ot their rights and privileges. ,
Characterizing General Order No. 38'
from Headquarters, Department of
the Ohio, as "a base usurpation of
arbitrary authority, "inviting his
hearers to resist the same by saying,
'the sooner the people inform the
minions of usurped power that they
will not submit to such restrictions
upon their liberties, the better;'"
declaring "that he was at all times,
and upon all occasions, resolved to do
what he could to defeat the attempts
now being made to build up a mon
archy upon the ruins of a free Gov
ernment;" asserting "that he firmly
believed, as he said six months ago,
that the men in power are attempting
to establish a despotism in this coun
try, more cruel and more oppressive
than ever existed before."
All of which opinions and senti
ments he well knew did aid, comfort,
and encourage those in arms against
the Government, and could but influ
ence in his hearers a distrust of their
own Government and symnathy for
those in arms against it, and a dispo
sition to resist the laws of the land.
Judge Advocate Department of the Ohio.
New York. May 12. The Herald's
letter from West Point, Va., the 9ih,
reports Gen. Keys constantly in the
saddle, and says, 'you may look for
stirring news from here suddenly".
The Times dispatch from ihe army of
Potomac the 9th says: our wounded are
comming over rapidly. The figures of
the total loss are being much diminished
by returning stragglers. The Richmond
Knquirer of the 7th, says, Col. Edgar's
battalion eight hundred strong at Lewis
burg, Greenbriar county, were surprised
by one thousand Yankee Cavalry late on
Friday night last. Edgar rallied his men
and beat the rebels off, killing eleven
and capturing seven wounded and four
not wounded.
Graftow, Va.,-May 11. The rebels
under Jackson; Imboden, Jones and'Jenk-
ers are retreating towards Southwest
Mountains. There are now no' rebels
on the lines of railroad in Western Vir
ginia. A General Court-marshal has been
codvened at this place by order of Gen.
Cook, and is now in session. The fol
lowing officers compose the Court r Lieut.
Col. Pollock, Capt. Calligarv and Capt.
Cram, of the 6th Iowa: Capt. Marshall,
Lieut. Maun and Lieut. Hewett of the
2d Nebraska, with Lieut. Maun. A. D.
C, as Judge Advocate. -Sioux Ciiy Re
Philadelphia, May 9. The bulle
tin of this city publishes the following
highly important intelligence this
AVe learrt from one of the editors of
the Philadelphia Inquirer, that one of
their correspondents, who has just
returned from Washington, informed
them that Gen. Joe Hooker recrosed
the llappahanuock in force yesterday,
the men carrying eight days' rations
with them.
It also learn3 from another source
that is vouched for as reliable, that
Gen. Keyes has taken Richmond,
having advanced upon it via York
town, and that the Federal Hag floats
over the rebel Capitol.
If this intelligence is true, Hooker's
falling back was the ruse that the real
advance upon Richmond was to be
made while Lee's artn'y was on the
Rappahannock.. If Gen. Stoneman
has cut off the communications of Gen.
Lee, 'is reported, it will be a work of
time for Gen. Lee to reach the rebel
Capital. In the meantime Hooker is
on his heals.
We have confirmation from a per
fectly reliable source, that General
Hooker has recrossed the Rappahan
nock. Geld has been falling rapidly
to-day, and this fact has probably re
sulted from the important movements
reported. We have no quotation of
the price of the precious metal since
the report of this important news.
The telegraph is silent concerning the
startling intelligence which has already
startled Third and Chestnut streets,
exciting the utmost enthusiasm.
It is reported that private advices
have been received in this city from
Fortress Monroe, stating that 10,000
troops arrived there on the 5th inst.,
as reinforcements, and immediately
moved forward for an attack on Rich
mond. There is no doubt that Gen.
Hooker has rccrossed the Rappahan
nock. It is also stated that 'Gen. Stone
man was lying at the White House on
the Gth inst., and receiving reinforce
ments on transports via York river,
which he immediately moved forward
to Richmond. w
The people of this city are in the
highest state of excitement over this
glorious news.
Washihgto."?, 8. Richmond papers
how that Stoneman's corps went within
two milefc of Richmond and tfl'ected ma
ny captures and gieat destruction of prop
erty at least a part of this gallant force has
reach Gloucester in Keye's command,
opposite Yorktown.
There can now be no impropriety in
saying that the President and Gen. Hal
leck visited Hooker and the army, and
returned to the city to-night.
At about one o'th ck this morning in
formation was received tint Stoneman
had safely arrived at Rappahannock Sta
tion with the remainder of his forces.
He has cut the railroad communication of
the enemy in all directions, aad thus won
a nolle distinction.
New York, May 8 The Times1
Washington dispatch, dated 11:1-5 last
night, ays Brigadier General Stoughton
has arrived from Richmond. He says
on Monday morning farmers rushed iuto
Richmond with the news of Stoneman's
appearnce in the suburbs, and was gob
bling up everbody as prisoners.
The bells were rung and fearful con
sternation ensued. Families packed up
their goods,- and the military guard at
Liberty prison were ordrred io tne forti
fications. The panic continued until
Tuesday morning, when it was known
Stoneman was on his way down the pen
insula. Stougton say? Stoneman's force got
within sight of Richmond and one of our
officers and two men were captured with
in a mile and a quarter of Richmond
There were only 400 troops in Rich
rrond. The Herald has a letter from a priso
ner named Vasburg, dated Richmond 5ih
fctatinor the alarm felt there Sunday and
do not doubt if Stoneman's force, or a
part of it, had entered Richmond Suuday
night, which they duM have done, they
could Lave seized Jeff. Davis and his
whole cabinet, wiih a majority of the
rebel Congress and could have burned the
bridges across James lliver, and cut off
all communication southward.
Lieut. Mar?h of the 11th Illinois cav
airy who was captured on Monday at
Stuntall's Station, states that Percv Wind
ham's brigade tore up the track of the
Orange &. Alexandria Railroad Saturday,
burning the rails, taking prisoners &c.
Suturday evening Col. Davis capturned
a train and five hundred rebels at ath-,
land Siaiioi). The men were parolhd
but a rebel Colonel, Major and other of
ficers were taken offlty Davis. He ihen
proceeded to SninhaU's Sialion. where
he met two thousand rebels, having a se-
vere tWirmrsn. uavis s torce was only
four hundred.
u was Davis's design to reach York-
town, which he has probably accomplish-
The whole number of prisoners captur
ed by Davis and Windham is over 1.000.
A W ashington dispatch states, Long-
street s force was pushed through on
Friday and Saturday, before Stoneman
cut the connections.
The Herald's special states Gen. Stone
has been assigned to duty with General
The- Times special says Silfel has re
sumed command of his old corps, in place
of Carl Schurzi.
New Yorjt, May &--A Times' cor
respondent who accompanied Stoneman's
raid gives the following particulars: His
whole force crossed on the il9th of April,
at Kelley's ford, and moved to the Or
ange and Alexandria road, where ther
met seme rebel regiments. After skirm
ishing the latter retreated towards Gor-
donsville.- Gen. Baford crossed the Rap
padanat Morton's ford, causing 1500 in-
antry to evrcuate Raccoon ford, then
crossed, and a few minor captures were
made. On the 1st our forces sot close
on the heels of the rebel force at Orange
Springs, who to escape, abandoned their
wagons and provisions. On the 2d Lou
isa Court House was occupied without
opposition, the railroad track towards
Gordonsville was destroyed ten miles,
and two trains of car were burned. The
same afternoon a detachment destroed a
portion of the road between Gordonsville
and Charlottsville.
Another detatchmenj under Col. Wind
ham proceeded tu Columbia on James
River, and destroyed five locks on the
canal, five brjdges boats, and a large
quantity of commissary stores. An at
tempt to destroy the aqueduct was unsuc
cessful. Several hundred horses were
taken. A part of the fifth cavalry reach
ed the river between Columbia and Rich
mond, and destroyed the locks, levees,
and set fire - to the bridge across James
river. Gen. Gregg's force proceeded to
the Fredericksburg road at Ashland and
destroyed the depots, tram of car?, provi
sions and telegraph. A detachment of
men was sent to turn the bridge over the
South Anna river, tut it was tound strong
ly guarded. A portion of his force un
der Kilpatrisk mved eastward to Cen
tral road and destroyed the bridge on that
road over South Anna, and destroyed a
train of cars, culverts, and track ten
miles, and then passed down the peninsu
la- Another portion of Gregg's com
mand, under Col. Davis, crossed the road
nearer to Richmond, destnrved the bridge
over Brook river, and a train of cars.
Another detachment burned all the bro
ken bridged over the Si'Uih Anna, to
prevent the enemy frcm making a flank
On the fourth Hampton and Lee with
two brigades attackrd sixty men of the
Fifth Cavalry on picket duty. This
charge was met by a counter-charge and
the rebels were temporally repulsed but
raitiea aiiU captured seventeen ot our
mon. On the Gih a retrograde move
merit commenced and the whole party
arrived at Kelly's Ford on the morning
of the 8th. Our loss was two killed and
about fifty wounded and one taken pris
oners. Negroes joined the column in
(locks and begged to be taken away.
They everywhere gave us valuable in
formation, and actd as guards to several
New York, May 10. A Herald's
dis-ppatch says it is reported that Gen.
Lee has s-ent a flag of truce asking sup
plies for federal wounded, stating his ar
my was deficient and communications cut
ofi, it said medical supplies were airocut
Mcrfreesboro, May 9. News from
rebel cources brought by Col. Straight,
who left here lhree weeks siece. was
captured with seventeen men, stated he
advanced as far as Rome Georgia, de
stroying railroads, railroad nndges and
mui-h property, and the large iron works
on the Coosa river, but falling back was
assailed by the enemy with greatly supe
rior forces, had five ba'tles with them but
was finally compelled to surrender.
New. York, May 11. Special to the
Press says, Gen. Dix corps D' Arme with
a heavy cilumn under Negle from Nor:h
Carolina, will soon be threatning rebel
lines communication south of Richmond.
Cate Rice. May 11. The Bohemian
from Liverpool the 30ih and Londonderry
ihe 1st, has arrived. Adams made a
frank explanation to his letter of protec
tion to Mexican vessels. No diplomatic
protest was riecgary, H'it stateu France
had taken offence and demanded an
apology. Polih affairs are unchanged.
Wasiii.ngtox, May 11. It is stated
that the rebles hove already a large
ferce engaged in building the Oragan
and Alexandria railroad bridge over the
Rapidan destsoyed by a late raid. Infor
mation sr mi Nan.-emond represents the
rever clear of reble batteries. Sharp
shooters steamers are running to Suffolk
as usual.
Lebanon. May 11. Col. H. Jacobs
has had a fight of eiht hours with the
rebel Mi)n?an.
loss was heavy
but he fcuadeded in getting all his inn
on the north side of the river and wiil
be reinsorced.
St. Louis, May 11. The celebration
of ihe anniverary at Ca tup Jackson to
day, was a great success. The proces
sion wa3 the finest and longest ever seen
in St. Louis.
New York. May 11 The steamship
City of Wash, lgton from Liverpool the
30ih has arrived. The Charleston fal
ure attracts much attention. The Times
regards it as a catastri phe more signal
than any reserve the north has yet sus
tained, aud draws the moral thai forts
are still more thanamatrh for iron clads.
The Daily news says, it is puerile to
whether many sensil le Americans ever
expected to see Charleston taken by the
fleet. Ttie confederate loan slightly ad
vanced under the news.
INew i ork, May A special to
the Herald. The Richmone dispatch'of
the 9th says, official information has been
received, announcing the death of M.aj.
Gen. Van Dorn at Spring Hill on thw 7ih.
The exisiance of au association formed
for the purpose of renderiug aid and
comfort to the enemy, has been discover
ed in Chactaw county, Mississippi.
Twelve citizens ha.e already been ar
rested, and some twenty others are being
sought for.
Special to the Tribune, Joseph Titus
of Pennsylvania, has been apdofftted
Cheif Justice of Utah, ' vice Kinney re
moved. Commissioners Lewis has decided that
foreign Consuls are liable tu taxation
under the Excise Law.
New York, May 11. A special to
Post from Washington says, the reported
capture of Richmond by Keys is contra
dicted here.
New York, May 11. A Pitsburg
telegram of the 11th, says, the rebels
made a raid to Running Spring Oil Wells
on the Canawha river, thirty miles from
rurksburs, burned boats and destroyed
a large amount of property. A rebel
telegram Jackson. Mississippi, the 7th,
says. Kirby Smith has arrived at Alex
andria, Lousiana. He is confident of
driving Gen. Banks back to Berwick.
New York, May 12. A special from
Washington to the Post, says, Hooker's
army has not crossed the river. His
personal arangements however, indicate
that he expects to be employed in some
new enterprise soon. An officer who
arrived from Falmouth this morning
also states that the army of the Potomac
nas not leu that place.
The Richmond- Examiner quotes the '
r .
surgeon 3 r. pjrt siatiug the reb;l los to
fce 900 killed, 7,000 wyuaJed aud 1,290
JACKsos.Miss.. May 7 , .
ed that Banks' arm . i : 8
the town ODelouaa. 9 fcnifl
ru..i - 1 . me
v-uaiuiaia ana I1.iin t
has seized all the nezro
c -- -- b-ij passed V 1
Sunday night-four ascenfc
Headquarter? Akmt c r'
mac, May 12. The medical t'
charge of cur wounded CQ 1
porta they are all comfortatL
ber about 1,100. An a., Ui'a 1
has been sent for them, aud j, '
in camp to-night. exJ'c
Gen. Hooker issued a ceer,t I
tendering congratulations to 7
for the achievement of th8 ! :
days He says if i, kas nol a ;-!
ed all that w a, expected, thre
well known to the army. Jt j
to say they were of a character n'
foreseeu or prevented, by human ;
or resources. Iu withdrawing V ' c :
south bank of theRappahai-ui
offering a general tattle to our .4 -the
army has given renewtdevid
its ccLhdence in itself ar,d iifcpCCe j
the principles it represent? jn
at a disadvantage. e have won rt
having taken Irom the enemy 5
soners, fifteen colors and tap uJf'l
atd brought c ff .even pi-ceor ar
placed hors du comlai 15.GC0 "'fT
chosen troops. I'eatroy.d hi, Je,(, '
with vast amounts ot stores,
commnniiaiions and filled hu J'.j
with cofiSterntion and dismay.
Died in Brownville, N. T., Jjf 13
A., son of A. G. aud Jfiuiilm T in,,,'. " '
and lour da a. ' tw 1?.
A jewel r rare worth was entrusted t ,,-ir fc,
we received it with joy, and loveJit,1Jro,u'f''
bat the benea:eat Dr ivea it m,re t,,, " I
recalled it A briiht n,w4r. rtJ
frasroce of affec;iun, bars: intj beauty laew j
a time, but it is now traoJ anted i j
God. Mt
"The Lord gre"--ani he w. girt W)f hj J
Giver "the Lord hath taken wir"ur t
worthy, through Christ, or a "nunw ia tin-?
er's fl ju.e" "and bleseJ be the name of theUi
"j the tears whici we shed o'er hoi jW
Are the tr'bute of human sajDe; I
But the grave hoi ds in trust, the remain m, u! :
Till the day of e:erual g;adiiesi. s
"To-night if the tears be sawn in ;!,a,
And darkucs., and tears, and jurro, I
It shall rise from the tomb iu iramrtal iiooa,
On the bright aad glorious nurrow." j
The uiiuerM.-neU wt; attend to tueo Ueiiif tam'
for all nou-reMdniiU who uiay eu;rui im iere,;: J
in Nemaba. Pawnee and R chardn Couutie.
T. It. 'ISUEK, advertise
A.UUilOTYPi:s AND PilU fUGtUPlii
Is now U mporariiy located iu B -ownvil e. lwe i.
who de.-ii e iheir likened taeo, win and h.tu re:j ;
ao mm nia.e theoi. Frjiu uu past rxpe.ieK it
Ha.ters Li.i.-ii that he Is c mpe eui. u give e-Lit if
Si y 14 1863
Attachment .Notice.
C. G. Dorsey, Piaiuiiff, 1 Bjrore Jee Joan, a Jj
vs tue tne;i and io. .NVu
John R. Davis. Deft.
Uu ILe 2SiU day of Ayiil, A. l. , IfStiJ,
is?uea au uruer or attachment in the alve
d 4i,li !
itoaf. I
the uni of ieuty-iwe dulUr aud eu;
O. Ii. UOito
urowpTU e Jlay Uth, 13S3. n45 4-$i
are built of the best and most thoroughly tea.iied ma.
tei ia's, and will etand any ci:i;ia:e. Tub time i veij
deep round, lull, aud mehow i xLe t..u.u eia.iu -Each
Ptauo warranted for Ave years. P..t icmti
to $70O.
"The noranre Waters Piiuus are known a at3-nj tit
very be.-t." Evontjdut.
'ti'aii fjcji ui i Lei.- merit frc ni pe".Ei! kx
eu:;e." trti islian lMeiliyencer.
"Wale' Pi
with the flneot uiaoe anywhere." Home Jouriul.
$175 U Jt; VV 7 OCT A V O txAJi uc, u.fir
eiu iuakers. fr $l5 : do., with carved :es $:.0,
$25 ami $i4J. seojl) lb and Puny aud rlt.ui
o, $iu, $6i, $T, $lo, $11,, $li, $,iu,U
in' 60.
Tue Horace Haters .elodeou nud Ua
ititin inni'.
Tuned the Equal Tem.rauieiit wi hthe Pa'eit Din
&eu. Prices from $5 u, 3UU. Alc-ia-tei" Cf
g ins trum $2o t j $o .o.
S3"A liberal di.-co. nt to Clerpyfflen, CUurche, S
baiii S-hl.-i, LoOe- Se.-niiia.-ie aui fea-Me.s.
Xo. 4ol Bc-aaiT N. T.
Literature, Art,, roIiticsSocietf.
The pioneer of American Mjnthlics will henrcfurtl
be known as the
It wil t be tbe aim of the p. eseni j.;t,ir noti'J
to sut.n its former prcsU-'e, bat to extend its cirr,
of readers, and make it a welcome gue-t m e7
American houebuid. With thi near. n labor er f'
peu.e will b spared in securin? th-a bigbe-ttriief"'
talent, n.-t alone on thii side of th- At.auf.c, tat J
both hemisphere'
Although a literary Mapaalne, it will not .hris
from bo'dij disc us -ins the Rreac political c,'.e-ti
the day, free frt ni all party bUs. It wul emfcr
amorm it miscellaneous con'enu. ntei on current
events, review of new t.k, and lite-arv, art, .en
tiilv, mu-iital aud dramatic z mp ; while I'-i'
Table.' wi-.b. which the reader of 'uio Ksick' 1
been so ixniiliar, will be monthly p;eid id. lt
choicest literary viands tne market can Anpp'y-
It it thus h"pei that even under th dpre;in
fl lienors of a protracted war, ttie retettn Xiix "
the Cnited Siafe will ieap. in us now and iuvr-ve''
cha'acter, a pledtitul harvest or u6serii'ti..ii.
maintain-, wltn ad. led lustre, that position -jf 3r';'
claes monthly, which it has held for more thu
One copy, three dollars a year in stance. p-sW
prepaid. T the Army and Nvy, two dollar. 1
tojie.. Four Dollars ami Fifty Ceat- cjiW
Six Do Urs and Fifty Cent. ,
The Kni kerbocker and any other $3 m?xiy wl .
be seni me year for F .nr DoUars and 'ifiy Cent 7
Subscriptions must be ent direct U ibeoi!I:e. S""'"
lec are einplvyet'. . .
Single cupies will be rent to any prt 0.' the On'M
States or Canada, p st paid, on receeit of ixeu'-J-t'
Bak numbers may be obtained on' application, sins 1
or 111 sets.
New $3 ub!cribers will be supplied w.;h the B-
number oi the new eriti gratuitously.
A discount of ten per cent froui these pftf
allowed to person sending clubs of ten or uire
All couimcntcationA should be address! to
37 Park Kw. Ne fart
H A STE IV S A I. E. ,
In wursnancoof a decree of the District Curt, in
fr Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, hittin? '
Chancery, bearius date May 16th, 1S5I, ia a cert
caji,e Lien. line in aid court, wherein William Stni:"
complainant, and John Hannah Is re-'Powient, I
011 Tuewiay the 9:h day ot June, 1S63, teteea'c
hours of lOo'cluck. a'. r and four o'cl-ck r.x-
day, in tront or Den's Hall, in Bmwaville. in
offer lor sale to the highest bidder f..r cash, tte f"'1
In? described premisa. to-wit: The east bill '
south west quarter, and the southeast quarter o' JJ
northwest quarter of section number twenty nii.e (--
in township number four (,) north of ri ge D.umvp
fourteen (14.) east of the 6ta principal mendiaa ia
inaha County, Nebras Territory.
J. S. BJiDFORD, afaste'r in Chan17
nH e.$5,70
The undersigned has been duly appointed -Jm' f
tratrixof the estate of James II. Johns.a, U' "
County, Nebraska Territory, deceased. aU pe
indebted to the estate, are requested to make i?i
ate payment. MARTHA M. JOa.N30
Gage Connty, etr., April T, nWJl
Ta all persons having claims asuust the E"..;
Free1m O. Pavy, deceased
. ...Ln.l ,..! 1
tbal alltlaiin aiainsl said estate nvut be prec fif
ion are nfici .- . u-
' -h P,h.ia r.,nrt of Nemalia County, XO'-,'..
- .o... ii ,.'. i"
'-, 1. ZtZ.
or 1 ue fame
By oraer or .or n .- v- .air.-.ltOf-
April 19, 'n4t-4w-3,