A. Practical Guide to Health and Vigor. ' THE NEW GYMNASTICS, - roi LIEN, WOLIEN & CHILDREN. With translation of Prof. Klou't Dumb Bell In ttructor, n4 Prof. SchrebeVt Pangymnattikon. BY DIO LEWIS. M. P., Froprietor of the Ea.ex Street Gymnium, Boston. TTtA Tkrte Hundred iriuxtratiom. One Vol. 12m PRICE $1.00 JJe recent Maearlne-paper baa excited more genera 1 Interest than ih article in the Annust Atlantic, on "The New Gymnastics." rbe piesent work is.acom f iete exp.ium ut the system of which that article j ave a synopsis. The author of this work has ben for man.T years en gaged in leachirnr Gymnastics. The book describes and Illustrates his KewSvstetn of Pcytdeal Tiavninst. Tbif vsiein ba tad the pr cticl te.t f tons vai te it o..mnrises exerc e with Punib Bel Is, Riugfc. Wands, Clubs etc . 'l 'f which are made KrlwtlT j i.r hr mil oxiiianations. while niany are ill "Crated i by pictorial representations of the position ol the body re-juired to perform thciii. The lunib Ilel I Infractor, connected with thin work, laurthe Lijd.eiit interest and importance. It Is d- igned for hemic use, mid give a great variety of Dumb Bell Kxerrises. together with a careful ly-selectfcd pro gre?ie series for every -day p-a tice The Pangyuti.aktikon 1,4 ?r simple, useful, and ebeap piece of gymnastic apparatus uom which all gymnastic exe-cises uiay be performed, and which cat be introduced, at small cost, into ny private he-use. It ta fully described aud illustrated in ibis volume The Xew Gyr;Eji.ic" i-hou'd be read in every fam ily in the land where exercise is valued as a means of bealth. Ladies, especially, will find in It a great va riety of Easy, Simple and Invigorating Kxercites, all of which nay be practised in the r own hemes CJ-For aalebyail WeMers, or tew postpaid t ay adilreM, on receipt of One D.illar, by thepublisher, TtCKXOR X FIKLD5, ' 133 Wa-binetoii S eet B -on. TAB RURAL AMERICAN. 1 CONCORD GRAI'E VIXE FREE TO EVEKV bUUSCKlBEK. X am now tssutnj t new series of that popular Agri cultural and Hotticultural paper, the Rural American, tn Utic. X. 1". It will he published on the ltand 15' n f each month, in e -l style larse siie at one dollar year, or only ttventy-Jive cent in club. A TITTY CENT COKCOBD GRAPE VINE will be sent free to every subscriber in a club of fonr or mori ; and two vines, free of all ct, to those who l-ay one Jeflar. The Rural American U devoted exclusively to rural " subjects, and in cue or the bet-t papers for Farmers, Stock raisers. Fruit-sro ers. Ganlenerc, Bee keepers. JtC. in theUnited States. I am weit known throushout the entire country, as the former editor of the Xorthtrn Farmer, ai.d theauthorof ihe ' American Bee-Ket-per'a Manual," and ' Diiiestic Poultry Book " 1 have hpent life in rural pursuits, and now am a practical Jarmer and frnit-Krower. I have 20, 01 0 Concord fit ape Tines o distribute free. TbU is decidedly the best rrape in this country It ripens in all climates, and yields rfoufcctheci'iantity .f fruit of any other vaiieiy. nes fonr years old will geueral y produce a buthtl ol grapes, worth $9 in any market. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. I want local agents in every state and every town Premiums and commissions are extremely liberal fend for sample copies immediately, which are free to at 1. Addrea t t.MiK.n. Clinton Oneida County, . r. THE IIAItP OF ritEi:io3i. Now read j, a new and suj-erior Nilieetion tf 2 Arti-Slavery, I'atri otic, and Cntraband'' tor.p. , duetii, quartet?, snd chorue?. M-ist of th Poetry and Wufic has been written expressly for this work, to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest iu behalf of tbe ''Contrabands," whom Gird, in his providence, has cast ujhjd the Free North to elothe and educate. CONTENTS, IS PART. Ttir Freedom's Morn has dawned at !a.t:" Break the Chains, o" ' -noiiatin; Sword ' Fremont is Marching on, or. Glory Hallelujah "Oh ! Help the Contrabands';" "Old John lirown's Song "Song of the 'Contrabands';' -0 Let my People Go :" "Parody on the Song of the 'Contra bands';" Where Liberty Dwells is my country;" When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, liod has spoken;" Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedota," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per doien, $3 er 100 : postage 1 cent. HORACE WATERS, Poblisher. n41-ly 4SI Broadway, Ncv York. KOV7 READY. . TOE Ofl-ial Union Volunteer Directory, f 400 pages.) containing Jif end liiideuce of every Ofi-er and Private in the Uuion Army, with their Commands. Oasualties, lr-iEotions, Ac. r"Evcry one wants it. j Sent post-paid .on receipt of 25 cents eash.orrtamne. Address HENRY B. ANSON, Pub rshtr.49 Stnte Street, Doston.Mass. A CAUI TO YOUXfi LADILS A.D c;i:nti.i:3ia. The sub.vriber will send (free of charge), t-o all whodesire it, the I ceipj and directions for making a simple Ytyvtallt Halm, thut will, in from two to eight day;, remove Piupi.es, Hlotchks,Tan, Freck I.ks. S ai.i.owness, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature interded it tboud be nft,cUar, mMlh and brantiful. Tho.se desiring tbe Recipe, with full instructions, directions and advice, v ill please call on or address (with re turn postage.) THOMAS F. CHAPMAN. Practical Chemist, 831. Broadway, New York. May 22, lSn2. n4-2m. ill kAlU 1 Ail 13 JMJa lUXUy FREIGHTERS TO THE LURES AMD THE WESTERN FORTS Ind the public penerally are respectfully Informed that his Still arenowin excel lent running rder, turn ing ul f roin 60 to 75 sack? per day. be bas the bett Miller in the Territory. TWH3Tj"X7XPJ'S FLOUIt (Admitted Ioth in Colorado and Nebraska to be unsur passed by any W est of the Misfiskippi River ) I' made from the best or Fall and Spriuz Wheat, and is bo.'d at as low prices aacan be obtained in the territory. fits Sou r is kept for sale at all thr (.tores in Brown Tille. lie is prepared to furnish freiKhiers, andciti reus generally, with flour from either Fall or Sprin Wheat, and aUo wiih any amount of Corn Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour at the lowest cash prices. Custom Grinding done atone-Mxth per buhel. He desires tccajl theattention of freighters to the advantages of Browuvihe as a shipping point to the West. Not only ran any amount of grain and flour be obtained here cheaper than at any other point in ,Uie Territory, but theifeichantr nere hav laid in UiisjTw son a large supply of every variety of goods. Furniture! Furniture!! The most oomplete stock of Furniture ever offered in this upper country just received by T. HILL Brnwnville April Sftth. J86T, ar $100 mplomncnt. TO SELL fcEWIXG HIACHIiE AT REDUCED PRICES. $15 EACH, flnr Machine Is perfect in iti Mechanism. It it lesi liable t get out of order than any other, piplomai have been awarded it over the Grover & Baker and other aigh priced Machines. . $15 EACH. Oar Machine uses a attaiaht needle, and will ft'ORX WITH ALL KINDS OF THREAD, Silk or Linen, making an elastic seam . free from liabilities to break in vwh Inc and U the JSEST and CHEAPEST Machine in ate. $15 EACH. Onr Macbipe will HEM, FELL, STITCH. QT'ILT and ' BIND, andwfil sew on all kinds of goods, from the finest Swiss Mnsllh ti lbe Coarsest Woolen, wot king with ease t hrotich several thicknesses of thick Wi len Cloth. ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED. $15 EACH. If you want a Good Machine, and not have it Coat you anything, write to us, as vre want the Machine tested in every neighborhood . , in the United. - fctatea. $15 EACH. . EMPLOYING? AGENTS ! W will ctve a coramisslon on aH govl aold by out Agenta, or we will pay wagea at FIFTY DOLLARS PER MONTH ai)l pay all BAcaaaary expenses. For i articnlari ad. ra CUA8. KUGfiLKS. Atent. Ang. Uta. na-yly Detroit. Mieh. .. For Sale at Bargains- Two K. 1 Shuttle Empire Sewing Machines. One Franklin Family Sewing Machine. 1 Two Horace Waters' .75. Melodjona. Two Frecb'a Conical Washing Machinea. One Na. I JT- W. Galea it Co. 'a Suar Cane MJlla vaporatere. ' Apply at tbe Adt$rjmr a&4 rrmte 0c. Browi TlUe, Nebraska. ' MVa t. M lv-Pl EAGLE WOBKS IIAIJUFUCTUEING C0HPAII7, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. -r id's AS i - f-Jmm m mm mi : Fills iiJISill GATES' PORTABLE ENGINE. ?Co. 1 5 norse Fo er, writ No. 2- 7 No. 310 " " 3 (00 4 2 H) 6 0J0 !l.s. P; ice 50 " 6110 " 75o i"1'Vl 2 'V - ;t .1.. r- li I : O P I M VIM ,, i .. 1 ' y . . T o p CO 1 1 S3 O S3 p o 35 S3 zn 7T on 3 c CB re U3 s 8 8 - E '! M a wt -f P p - o v- o 3 JO o o o n c" to to o a re f " On- cc re eo v .3 o b P. W. GATES' PATENT r kiwi .iwTefT, ---- ' - J' ZI I CZ.ii 'j.,5. 7,, - i u-mi n n izz n y1 fii'inrt, I ft II'1 tXJJillliilllll i a 1 ' a," ,! it t. 'i'.,fr- '. 5 HHH HHH4 te&mh!, 111111 1 1 I 1 Tr-i 1 ..... .r , "., Z 1 1 n 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ' ( , i,' ' . - ! o:uH H H H. HIM ; - - m 1 1111 ill ill 1 1 r 11 u- - '"M ' CiI.k .nc ' ;'i 1 tinn n n H n M f OfilS rimi 5 hl'i: ri'r HHH Ml 1 tmn HhnnnftJ y,r1.lF - I.-if' HUulfL " if , r I I'M v ' in n n n r r 5 h vv 9L 5",:...'. -TWfi''v.;i : ' i , r' ''i1 '-j'1' jS'T-Jj EL . "W. UTJ iE 33r JEhu S , Is Agent for P. T. Gate Portable Kjigine, Evaporators and Sugar Mills. rrT Orden lMt with FISHER & HACKER, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA NO 31 ILLS SOLD 'ull.illl'''1 "w.,.::ii,.iiii.ii.iii.:!in:V1 No. 4 12 Horse Power, weighs 7 500 lbs. Prica $950 No. 5 15 " " 8 50 1.100 No. 613 " " 10,000 " " 1,300 -5 O 2 O m TT r.?"' rrys: c S. B - M M ra K co S W pa o a3 p CO 2 Jl C O C o - CO o : CO IC - 3 9 O 0 & (5 n e 0 P 4 0 CD 3 P CD O - O C- o ft m o 33 P o p o o ' ' CD p 3 N ft c- CD ft i'', ,7; a',.'-' ' .V. :;' :i 7 i I'll n CO o ft CD O p o" 3 00 )!!! I'l'T-iilli: I'l (li. CD P a. c ft Q. "it i l ; '' i i" I ' M' l it' o T3 1 D C c rr 3 CD o" CD ft "3 ' "D II H o CD CO to o 4 a. CD -i CD S3 o CD fJ 0 0 CD o o -3 CD Oi Ct O p 3 O ?r CD to a CD - CD cr CD m CO SUGAR CANE MILLS. So 1 is an upright three-rol er mill for one borse. weighs B30 pounds, and capable of ex- -esa:-inK 30 to 60 gallom Juice per hour. iii-e$40. No. 2 is an npricht three-roller mill, for one or two horses, weishs 800 jiounds. and capable of expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Price $50 No 3 ts an upripht three-roller mill, for two horses, weighs about 1 000 ponnils, and capable of expressine 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Price $65 No. 4 is an upright three-roller mill for two or tour horses; weighs 1 400 pounds, and Is capable of expressing from 100 to 160 gal lons juice per hour. Price $85 No. 6 is a four-horse-power mill, upright rollers, for steam or water po er. capable of expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Pike $00. No. 6 is a six-horse three-roller horizon tal mill, back geared fur horse or steiai pow er, weishs 1 2K) ponuds, and capable of ex pressing from 70 to 100 gallous of juice per boor Price $75. No. 7 is an eight-horse three-roller hori zontal mill, back pen red for horse or steam !wer, n-eighs 2.000 ponnds, and will ex- es fr.in 150 to 250 galloas per Uour. ice $125. N'n. 8 is a sixtten horse three-roller bori- ? ' ntal nill tack geareI f"r steam or water "wer, w-eigiis 6,30 )Hunds, and expreses f oni 300 to 500 gallons of juice per hour. trice $3v0i P. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. OX CREDIT t in.,.ji' i :l i. i.:' ! in-.r,'in i,ui1wi.i.iiij . ii n t'-i CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE Weieot tBaIii BROWNVILLE, Das just received a choice lot of the best brands of Lienors, which he will sell by tbe Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The followins is a partial list: BRANDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, ' Peach. Cherry, Blackberry. WINES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, bcotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WIIITKEY'S BI.CCIi Main Street. Brownville. Novmber 14. 186. n!9-tf ' w -m a o rn rrriT) a P c ' XI. IJ JJ. W lb U JJ k) . fITY LIMY STABLE AND FEED STOKE, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. BEXJA9IIX ROGERS, ANNOUNCES to the public that be has purchased the entire interest In the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by Rogers fit Brother. He la now prepared to accommodate the public with Carriage. Uusrzies. Sulkies, Saddle Horses, kc. & Ac. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or cattle. BENJAMIN ROGERS. N. B. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin fit Joshua Rogei s Is dt-dved. JOSHUA At BENJAMIN ROGERS, May 29th. 1862. n47-tf iiAGZiS. V70RKS ajIANUFAGTUKING UOMPANY. DO YOU WANT STEAM EXULXES Oil BOILERS PATENT SUGAR CANE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS, PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, FOR PIKE'S PEAK OK LAKE SUPERIOR SEND FOR CIRCULARS, With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc., etc. SAW MILLS FLOURING MILL. AND MACTIIERT OP ALL DESCRIPTION. 52rSED FOR CIltCI'LAKS.jgJ P. W. GATES, President. N. B. Agents wanted everywhere. Chicago t It. W. FUUNAN, E.NT, Drowuville, Nebraska, Of whom Circulars and detailed Information can had. M arch 20. 1362. fn37-ly J HELLO, STRANGEH! WHERE DIO YOU (JET THOSE NEW QOODSP AT J. BKHKY & C0?S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BEKRY & CO., nave jnst received, ana are now opening, at their taud on Main street, one of tbe largest stocks of DRY GOODS AND ever offered in this market. Remember tbe place, J. BERRY & COTS, TsTom 11, 2VCa1xx street, BROWNVILLE, N. T. May 29, 1862. n47-tf 1LISI!I(;, TV Y Will send to appiicanls who enclose stamps, their New Catalogue of Small Fruits, inclndlnsr 200 Select Varieties of Strawberries. Also Catalogue or Bulbous Klowera and Paeonies. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, R..ce and Flowenna: Pianta, seeds, &c. nl0-2w BROOM CORN WANTED! JOSEPH SUELLABARGER, Desires to purchase a large amount of Broom Corn fr which he will pny the HIGHEST FIUCE I CASH. Feb 14-n32-tf DISIElSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distressing complaints Is now madt known in a "Treatise on Foreign asp Na- REAL Phparations." nublUhed bv DR. O. PHElita BKOVVN. The prescription, fur-ni.-hed by ayounj clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who baa taken it, never Having tailed in a tingle case. It is equally snre in cases of Fits as of Dyhpems-ia; and the ingredient may be found in any drug store. Those who are afflicted with Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured oy the use of my Herbal Preparations. I will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receip of their name. Addresss, DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street. Jersey City, N. J. n47-6m NEW music "Shall we Know Each Other There?" Song or Duet and Chorus, by ReT. Mr. Lowry, author of "rfabbath Bells Ohime on." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try new music. HORACE WATERS, B41 ly Ke. m Br.tdwajuWuher. JOHN L GABON. - (Successor to Lnshbsugh fit Carson. H3 ST LZZ OLi 02 LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Coin, AJncurrcnt Money, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust MAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. I will give especial attention to buying and gelling ex change on the principal cities of the United Slates and Europe, Gold Silver, uncurrent Bank Bills, and Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessable points, and proceeds remitted in exchange at current rates. Deposits receiveu on current ixuuui, uu iu iciest i lowed on special deposits. OFFICE. MAIN STREET. RETIVEEN THE Tclerapn ami uie l. a. Land OHices. REFERENCES: Llnd & Brother Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson & Co., " " Hiser. Dick & Co. Baltimore, Md. Youn it Carson, .' " Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, 't " wm. T. Stnithson, Esq., Hanker, Washington D. C. J T Stftin F.sn . Att'v at Tjiw. " " Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T. Tarlor fit Kriesh, Bankers, McClelland, Pye fit co., ITon. Thomas G. Pratt, Chicago, III. St. Lonis, Mo. AnnaDtflis. Md. lion. Jas. U. parson, P. B. Smali, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, A'y at Law, Col. Sam.tlambletonAtt'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. II. Tutwiler, Mercersbnre Pa Ilagertown, Md. Easton. Md. Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabma. Sov 8, 1860-tf . TO MEBCUAKTS. BLACKS3IITIIS, AND WAGON MAKERS. IR0H! IR0H!! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO., HAS OX I7AXD AND FOR SALE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ieon, steel, OASTINOS AND MY HARDWARE! CJ UPRISING: II0RSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS, DORSE AND MULE SliUES, ANVILS, SI'KINUS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WA(JON BOXES, SCKEW PLATES, BULSifcU rLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDOE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, bUOEINii HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NUTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, iC, &C, &C, ALSO WOODWORKS ! COMPRISING HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAOON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, BRUOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE OF FAIRBANKS' SCALES, AT 2Pii. CT O H Y 3EIXI033S. HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE THE RISE, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BLACKSMITHS, TSenil in Your Scrap Iron.a Oue Dollar Saved i Equal to two Dol lars jluue. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. FebH-n32-6tn ST. JOSEPH, 110. To western Farmers. Tobacco Soocl. 1 have several varieties of Tobacco that will ripen well in tliis latitude. Tu any one who wishes seed. ai.d remits me u three-tent Postage stamp, on the ssme, 1 will send a paper of each variety uf seed uUATIS. Orden must be sent in th months of Seniember and Uctober. I do this to introduce the culture id l'vbacco in the West. Address R. 0. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. P. S. Papers in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska, publishing the above onee, and sending a No. marked .will reonre twenty four patier choice flow er seeds free by nail. It. O. THOMl'SU.V Okra or Gumbo Seed. The bett substitute for Ccttee trenared in ih nami miuucr as iunce .racaaices oi wpi uy man ai 10 cia each. Each package contains seed enough to raice a 'PPP'j or au 0101111 j lamiij, Send orders to II. A.TERRT. n38-tf Crescent City. Iowa. if itlllira! Merchants and Post Masters who wil I addrea na tbia fall, will be supplied with Garden, Field and Flo er Seeds 10 rell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON & HEDGES. Nemaha Xurery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co.. Auk. 18 An5-Fn3 tf Nebraska LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDER KOENIG & CO., (Late John Garnett 4-Co.,) No. 5G North Second Street, above Pine, ST. LOUIS. MO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a large and wel assorted stock uf Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, together witb a large and fresb supply of LandreuYs Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OF 1862. For which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are not only pure but true tj name in every instance. Also field seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Top Onions. &c, , &c. ALSO COTTON AND TOBACCO SEED. Dealers In seeds would do well to send them their orders. Send for Almanac and Tl Inst rated Catalogue gratis. BUJKPEJX. KOJLNIG & CO. 7e. 98 1882 aU-ly LETT, STBICSLEE & Co, STUEET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receirins and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consiatiuc OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnaburg, Deuiias. Cottocades, A,)rou Check, Hickory, Jeans, Berages, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes. aien Vestins, Broad Clo'.hs, Cassirnere, I looped Skirts, OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candle; , B. C. Soda, aleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, J'tils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c. 8tc. OF QUEERS W IRE: Cups and Saucers, Plaie-j and Platters, Dishes and Turr.blei Coal Oill Larrps, Lamp Chin neys, OF BOOTS &ilOEfe: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff aud Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Meti s Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c. OF II ATS & CAVs : Panama, Leghorn, Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassirnere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, " &c.,&c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles. Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths Shovels, Spaoes, Hoes. &c, &c. Sic. OF LUMBER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1 2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blind. Pine Lull. All Sizes Sash, All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attention of tbe public to onr stoet. as ' our CASH TERMS enable us to sell low. Tbankiul for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of tbe same. , LETT, STRICKLER & CO. Brownville July 3d. 1S62. n52-ll SADDLERY! SADDLERY! Having recently made large additions to my stock, consisting of SADDLES, II ARNESS. BRIDLES. COLLARS LINKS. WAGON WHIPS Bl';RT WHIPS. OX LASUES HORSE LASHES. STAGE LASHES, SUKCIKGLKS GIRTHS, STIRRUPS, LEATHEBS. &.C., fcc. T think I can accommodate all in quantity, quantity and price. I wort none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting- it directly from tanneries iu Ohio, feei Con fident it will give aaiUfaclion. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID TOR HIDES. J. W. MIDDLETON. September 13, 1S62. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOUBT ADOIT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimorc Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVID SEIOfiL, Announce to tbe public that be has opened oat a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS. GENTLMEN'S UN-; DERWEAR, I &.C., &C, &C. ' Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices. He is determined bis price sha'l correspond with tbe times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere : in tbe United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that be sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, ! Vests from $1 to $5. ! Boots. Shoes, Tfats, Caps, Fancy andWhite Shirts. 9ns- ' ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &c., in tbe same proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace this oroortunlty of returning thanks for past patroaage. and promise to spare do ef- rerts ta tberatureto give entire satisfaction. OaU fxic3t 000 "him. DAVID S EI GEL- Diraaiin, wis, isei.-lr ! ! r ?.-:"-r.Vr ?--V!.'" ..:r ' ; FOIi SALE 221 amJ 3f!i -'h Chicago, III Price,, SlZ-othr in Trr,r,,rrj 1'. J r . from factory in N..-w Yfk't r ,h l' v a I.,w and ei ni v-, 80 mu. b ' it. Soincthmj n((r9pra.-M..,; In . ,VV '' Hft-me. to be the on!f 'i'tr-a.r- ' ba retaindall the a inA . : r''' '' dr.n for b..i:ii,ir. snil j:. " ' " ? .- sream JuScient flT a!i v,ru' ' j.ractical, ai.d j.fres a iTJiFR VT ir 'V3 221 22ls C'5 i?re will also b found IowM rV -f ; Wht? Pa II I.. thll mannfjnlnrpN it 1 , adding treizht u thi, place ,Jannary 1862. tf COrflMERIAlTl 03IAII.4, ECUi55t E. H. BURCHE3, paoPEirroji. I hare loni aince been co ivincel of a clasa Nursery in toe West, wber TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWHs Can be adapted to onr clima't ind I tbee facts, I have estabiibet in tbn "' tor sale at r Wholesale or Beta! A large and well selected stock, i'ti UI ; Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears. taiwm v ! Cherries. sur.,iir.i .r..i.... Peaohea, ' Apricots SS- Quince. CitTim. Currenta. Grapes, Raspberries Strawberries, Blatibenei. Evergreens, Roses, . . Ornamental Trees Greenhouse and Beliling Piaau. rt .jt To which I would les leave tDcallth ,w people of Nebraska, Kansas, Cu'uriio Lwi" l wet Misouri. Z3"Xy terms will be a3 low u asr re :ji ta Nursery. By pnrchasinif of me the expen of jth. -from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carp'nVr :aboi ifia in the best manner, ftr wiiich a charge ,..f:',( jr. 4 will be made. Nochjrge win 'ot muie fr of packages .n board eaml.ts. All comniLnicatiiina addresel to tit m-ir will receive prompt aitentiou. March 1862. ff THE DAY SCHOOL BILL THE DAT SCHOOL BELL. Stw Si :r or Day Sch-ol, c;ileil the U a T School Be ? eady. It ci-ntair.s Uiin 2i pkici.-i-M-s. R"Uiids Catcher. DiiPt- T-i -. Q-n'w. iv rie-, uia'iy of them wnsren ex-ev f.r txide 32 vases of the EemiM..f nniMC. t ments are f ea-y an.l pr rre-.M e th.tt "r nnj.- ers will flnd theuielves eurirelj'iio-sfa.' ia. ine even young sclu'art" in i-o-TMiiT aid " caliy. hi.'e the tunes iii wnif rnibTact ety of lively, attractive ail ml j'rra aeniiineiit that no tr-ute will be expenpikii cin! all beeinners to a on witt. el in qxr t in one of U-e most bea :tb -ri v ii.z bentr c; bapi'iiif jieldii;;;, and oMer ?pioi:iL thiNj life. In MtnpiK'ity of i' 8 emtii ind atapta:ion of nin.-ic. and in fuel jrJi; of its s nei, wileinal .-elerte-l. ai-A Lyi-Lii :,. by mnoh to e.tcei all cuipeiiii.rs. l: ,i .' i be the be.-t I k ever i.-yiied for Seruinj. l; and Public St ho .Is. A few pnip J ' meiita, i unew aud mn.s are gi ..-u m t'u; and Ketone. Ii is compiled bv IIr. e tif of ' Sabaib Skh.n.l Bel's " N a 1 and wn.Vj i ibe en niiuii-. .- ie -.-f S5-i mfl 'lie. P -" cut;'. J;i i'1 . $ '5 per hu .-'"e-! ' j ye: hUNdi U i.i.d c -ib . . z:': ' per bin. d id '23 oop i- iri'i el ii price, itjiie? 'T' iue rruii tr;8. oTin:s up rat: i'ur The Dat ScHoot Bell The t-.rntt ' Kiirli ti.v t. bi.tir iii.tl PI I V (' ' ',rl T.' , ... , .. . I of the ni:s i iiaevept:.tiii!;e ;i-I - i " cho riMjin It isit.e cbeji't-i tal aii--' Teacher. Day irool bell Th.s t-ok ieTts to u-e in our comiun clu Is. We have a gi eat number of -h't -T-t b ' the public but many ottheuiUcknn)ici. raiy iaie, and are really deiuoraiinn ta -ence n7tu the musical taient f tbey ai. a- knowiefited excellence wed.tel io warN -f ir: are the quaiitie that onuhi to be souih: wnk -. et care in the preparation ot a c!i" - "? 'v book seema to combine tue tt .ju- mej r vania School Journal. PubUsne.1 bv HOsal - .' n41-lv Kn. 4 r t THE SOU. OF .EB3.1 IN"U BY THOMPSON & RtNll GARDEN, FIELD "aFLOB Six To Merchants, Ponm Fa Gardeners. It is certainly to your interest to InT kinds, grown on the soil of Xebra.-ki. ltf terest to get seeJs to ell on cmniii'n.tl and true to name. It is to yur interest ' u instead of receiving thetn from ta stocks tht have been periled ar.mii'I M to yon i interest to give ns an tder r " sort ment of Garden ami Flower seeN, " .. . . - - . ... th .uni; We will give you a eouiuusfi-.n oi - i, of sales ..jr. Gregory's Celebrated Marble Eea-1 a haail Piahhaira i Gregorys Celebrated Stone MasoB C- Larae Early lieu Large Late Drumhead Large York Eearly Tork it 7 Varieties of Lettuce seed. 6 do Pea do 6 do Onion do- 3 do Radish do 4 do Beet do 2 do Parsnip do 2 do Carrot do 12 do Watermelon seed 8 do Jltii-k'iiel'jii lo 4 do Tomato do 4 do Turnip do 3 do Cucumber d 3 do Sweet Corn do Dwarf Broom Corn ! Georgia White Sujjar Cace lo Common Chinese do do Pure African Imphee 'lo Great Spanish live eard Cora, Connecticut aeed leal tobacco eef, Orinoco ' Havana do Willi's d' Maryland ! Pear Tree d( do do d dJ do ttrvlanl Brod Leaf d- do And sme 60 other kinds -iaren - m . r n. (i.,kI bif!. tueui) ' -.c t . . . l I ,Kam ha r .f arouni. ine nuaoao'i, "ur-,hB.niu' care and turmoil or business, 'M''VU" j bair, who miles because fbetia a ..-' attractions that GoU inteu.ici u J ' ,'.'" beautiial nU pure A wan of J'"" wy i ers can never be coarse or wireflu (f4.t . guage that pe:ks to tue he.-t. aid i cates ; they are emblematical P"" t To cur Lady readers f tb b.t,( ' .r.''urnpj..nf Uegelard- j ser Cower seedJ reaiy for riiii following; Japan Pick, 4 kinds, Spaulsh PiDfc, Chinese Pink, Picotee Pink. Caronation Pink, Sweet Williams, kinds, Verbena, Phlox. Creepers. 8 kind, Celosia Crista ta, Evorlaatina Flower. ClCMul IjH.oiea- 3 0" WpJ anJ .Ki. Balsam , tjV i Africa" n"cv And over 100 other fine wTt nS'j THOMPSON iiMr Iroveawex l$a, 19- mir", roren visterr-a l',.-.. . -. Sbellers, F. r. Mill.., Il4 ,p l 1 h Stoves A ff. Thp aL -".ii . garden they i.-a to make h me ai r. ) to have 3 nat, well kept Lata, mih r,-- , sbarted, aud here and there d net w!i :' ? treasures, nodding ibeir jeweled tt , brerae ami Bnnttins their delKK'O-- 1 ' " .