"9- -1 jrrmir--' 1 '. A Tractical Cuide to llcuiih ui.d Vizor. TEE NEW GYHZf ASTICS, MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. ttltk travtlaliort cf Prof. JT.'a t- Lumb Rr!l In HmctOT, and Prof! Schrtber $ ranyi.ana4iikt. : V itY'Dio xehYs. m. d. . Proprietor rf Oie Psex Sfrrc flyinii ? rrM Thrtt Hundred tt.'n-'rctinns. PRUT. $l.tu On Vol. liM ' Jfo recent Iiat:ine-V"tcr lia crcltel nvwe cor.er Interest thm the nrtieieti the A'r-nist Atlantic, i n The New G mnasiics.'' 1'be p eseiu wik is a dui peie exp '-uin of the system of whicii that article f ave a synopsis. TI.e aiuhor i.f this wp-k hs her for msnr ywri en gaged Ui . te-i''V:io; G im irs. TuP 1 - t (ips-ribe- and illustrate it Kfw htctn ! t,i:v.-ic.i Training.- This yslero tod?' had lit ird lcwi le-t .f iat; arid r;irii'. nVe. It e .nijrips eserc c with D:i-.;' IVIiit. Kings Wand, Clubs, etc, ali .r u M. rt are uia :p pet tect !. clear J y fu'il pxr'ar,.ihi')' while t:ntiy ae illustrate.! hy j U ton I re;vep:it.ni t,f tle t.: n'ii or the In-dy TP;uirpl t prforni fh"n Tbe I)liU)b l!i-tr'i."t'T, eniTtvf.1 vridi t Tils wnrlt lofile liiplipt in -r:--t l i' lpv.nar o. It I dt itnpl tor h'-sic -e. I ; v a iin-.n v.i ieiy of Duml' Bell Exeiri"-s usot wnli a CHPiiuly-nMecttU pio g retire ern' f-r evp y-i (y p a tr-e TL P.ui?yiiu.ai Wii J ver.v c;:uplp, useful, and clip?.p piPL-e if pyiuna;i hr: "'' n.-'i "'i h 4!t KjruiusiiC f je'nps in.ij I'P ; r f.r mP l. m1 wii.-tj cit t muodureil. a; nu ni i-'t. iu'i .v.y rir!f I" uko. It in rullv (ipci iUa ai.i illu-traiP l jn Ui:s n.innie Tie ' ki-w ;iiiji.-tic" hLfi' ! i.erpa 1 in ce yfam V.y intLe Unci wl crp cxprcis? i v.ul as a r.!'?;ius o' traltb. LaJjs, o-i-'xi-tify uiil Cii-1 in U asiOii r. rtxty if Eiy. Smi ip ami trtvi.? .r.iru Exorcjep. ail cf li'pii nay J p :aciol in tup r i wn h -n'C- J-Kor tIe a!! t K-ftMcr, or FCir pottprtd to an; atiJi es, receipt of ): ;.ilir. c u p .',ti.iMierc, Tii'KNOH J IKLUS, Till: lit UAL AjIlUICAN. I CONCORD GRAPE VIM: TliEB TO EVERY I aro now lsMiini a new fpMe (f that popular Arl enltural mid H i t ic-i It :r 1 pappr. lt;e arn Jmrnrdn, In I'tua. X. V. It wiil l e pi:i'li!ip.li.u uip l.-taid 15:n f each moiitc, in c "1 'y p '.vi9 hiyo at mio Ujliar a year, or on!y tevcnt-rf cent in ci.b. A riFiY cei:t ccijcoed cp-ate yi2:e wilS be Feut itec to crerr sulcnbor :n a cMib of four ct m ir? ; an ! jtu vines, Ji ee ci aTl co:, to tbose wiio puj one drilcr. The Rnral American is devctf-fl f xclr.pjTrly to rnral ut;ect8, and i one of He l.et pa Pi fur Fanner?, Stock raibPrs. Fri?';t-proers. GjnionP'S. I'-ce kecpr-rii, &.C. in tbeUnitPd sstatps. 1 a;n r-il kin.wn tlironjii :n; the entire cuuuti y. as the farmer vUi"T of i lie Northern farmer. Hid ike ar.!hur of ihe '-American Bee-Keeper's Manual," and Domestic Poultry H. fe " 1 liMve i-pcrt life iu rural purtuiu. au l now am a practical larnier and fruit-grower. I hjre 2Mio C'iiC--d (impe Vines to distribute nee.- This is uec11el'y the best (trape in this oouniry It ripens in all ciiuiaies. and yioids double tbe ouaniiiv of 1 1 uit ut any -t tier m jpsy. Viiips four years old wil i general f ryduce a t-utficl of grapes, wurib. $5 in any market. , LOCAL AGENTS WAVTED. I want local agents in every sfi.te and every town -Premiums and copimiRM'.n? are extreme' iit'prl Send for sample copies immeJiaiely. Licii are free to all. AdJreo T b.AII.NKi:. Clinton Oneida C'in;y, X Y. Tin: iiaiu or ritrrnoM. Nowreadj.a new and 5i'jrir collection of 27 Anti-Slavery, 1'atriotie, and Contrabimd" forgs. olos, dueti, quartet', and horu-es. Must uf the Poetrj and AJu.ic hag been -written cxprepsly lor this work, to eorn-Fjiind w itli t!ie tiinos, and should be ? nng by the mi!ii:n, ia ordor to aw;itcn a deep interest in behalf of the ' t ntr;ih uid.," -m b. ui fJi d, in bis providence. Las cart upou the Free North to cloths and educate. eosTr:T!, tn takt. "Ftir. Freedrxu's li'orn Las dawned t- 4at t "Breafe the Chain?, o-- ' tiv ii :tin Sword :' Freai.rjt is Marthin ; on, cr. ry lbi!Ie!uj;ih ;" Oh ! Help tbe Gontrabsnd," "0!J .lolm Hr.-wn's Song; ."Song of this CoTitrabnijds':" 'O Let my People Go :" ,,Pr..dy on tbe Songrf tbe 'Contra bands';" "Where Liberty DwelU is my country ;" "When Slavery dies there 11 b Freedom; "Wake, Freemen. Hod has spoken ;" 'Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per doien, $3 per 100 ; postage I cpnf, 110 K ACE WATERS, I'ublishor. " p4 1 1 y - ' 4SI liroa J wy. New York. NOV7 READY. TIIE (Jffli-al Thi-n Vo!utiu-.-r Jiirot0ry. ! 400 v?es. eontnit'it'g ti,t: IZr!tlcnce .f every OCl-prand i'livato in the Fi.i.-u Auuy. if h tln-ir Commaud.tJasualtiev. ProuKdii rig. Ac. r ?Kvtry one wai:tsit.i Sent ihu-t -m ! .i rorri pt ol 20 pen's eas-h.orstsitn;. . AJd-es UENUY 15. A.NnOX.l'ub rsber.49 State Street, l!.st. n.M.is. A caui to yoi; i.A!):i:s am :i"ti,s:ji an: The pubpri'oT "ill ' k1 (free of i-hnrpe, to nil wbodesireit. th- 1 ecip; nid directions fr ci'kin 'ftsiinpl" Vi'i-t'iHr Liin. th.it w4;i, in 1 rem two to eight day. remove I'liirt.rs. I'i.utc'ius.Tan, Kkkck les. Sallow sv;i., iid all uifutitip ai.d rci'.liti??? of the Skin, liiJi vin the Mine ns Nature iut-rded it sboud be o!'t,r('w r, two' h ow! l- "f -;".. Those dent ring tbe It crip, with lull iiistrutiousi directions .and ndvice, vill lease cull on or nudress (with re turn yw.st.i?. ) THOMAS F. CHAPMAN. Prs-ticnl Cbrrjst. ' . S.1. lr..::Jway, New Ylk. Msy 2?. 1RC2. r.4-2in.. . II ELY i!r? f 2 FREIGHTERS TO THE MINES? AND 'WESTERN TOUTS And the pub.ic ceneralir a" rc-petiuMy informed that hi Mills are now in ex p:i?m rur.i .j-,t: rder, turn ing out from 60 to 75 sacki er day. 2jP Las the best millers in the Tei rit-jry. , (Admitted Loth is Colorado at"! N'ebi a-la to l e nnsnr passed by any W est of the Mississippi River ) linade from tbe lest of Fall and s.;,rttu When;, sn l is su.'d at as low prices as can be obtained in 'he ,'erritory. His flour is kept for sale at a I . the store iu Drown ille. Ue is prepared to furnish fi ei.iiteis, mid riti tens generally, wiih (l"a-iroiu ei-Lor FU or Sj-nup Wheat, and aUo with any a'liount of C iri C;-n Meal and Buckwheat Kiour at the lowest ca-h prices. Custom Grinding d ine t une-sixth per bushel. lie desires tccajl theatletitiou of freighter to the advantages of Br.jwnvii ,e a shipping i:iit to the West. Ni4 only ran any aiii unt of giiiu nj flour l e obtained here cheier than at any other p iintin the Territory, tut the Meichau-r tiete liav laid in iLu ea on a larpe snppiy of every variety -r t.nt. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete swk of Kurnitaro evor iCViel in this upper country just reeivpd l y T. HILL Brownvil IP April 25'h. ls.l. m nplonmcnt.! 100 TO SELL. SEWISG -MACK AT REDUCED r RICES. Sl5EttZI. . Our Machine is perfect in its MeihaniFm. It is lei liable to get out of onler thn any i-ibcr. Diplomas have teen awarded it over the Giover &. llater aud other iigh pricod Machitit. ' ' ; -15 Eim. : Onr Machine ises a 'ii'Ul.i nppi). ard will TORK WITH ALL KINDS OF TIIKKAH, Silk or Linen, making an elastic henm free irum ti oiiitips to lieak in wah lug and is ihe BLtT and CUKAPST Machine iu use. - EACH. " Onr Machine will HEM. FELL'. STTTCTI. QFILT and BIND, and wiu on all kimls ..f u.ls. trmn the flies: a wis Muslin to the C'r-6.-:t 'r4.ien, wo-kina wUhase t brAiifrb evers- iliic kPst-e itii-K ici Cis'-li ALL MAC1UXLS ARE WARRANTED. ' $15 EUJII. zj q q q q n q q q rj q f if you want a Gocd Machine- and not have it , ' Cost you eny'hnvg, write to us, aa -we waDt the El 'line tested ii every neihtorhood ' in the Un.ted '."". Stfttes. $15 EACIJ. EMPLOYING AGENTS I ' We will jive a commission en all goods told Ly om iKeott, or we will pay wapes at FIFTY DOLLARS PER MONTH and pst all Decenary cxr.en'es. For particular! ad- ' rt, ; (J11AS. T.UGGLFS. Acent. Aof. Utfa. iS-?iy Pet-pit. Mich. . For Sale at Bargains. Two Np. t Shuttle Emplr" Sewincr acuiues. One Franklin Fanilly Sewina Machine. Two ILirtce Walers' .75 Melodiors. Two Freeh's Conical rat,hine Machines. One No 1 P, W. Gates & Co.'s augar Csr.e till it ra;raterR. " ' . Apply at the Adrertutr and Trmr Offlcr. Browi rille, S'cbrapks- ' BrMMfcih. 1S. rll3 EAGLE WORKS MALUEUCTUEIKG COMPANY, ..;! .-; ! :y ;fjj f". 'V. ' L , n-W- r-aJ.-!j!il .'. :! ';;.; ''ml Ali udv ili'iV "mI 1,7' i',' ,i,iii V .' J'.',",'' . " t" j - . a tm i i ' . ,. in T liM lilll 'JJI i.-l GATES' PORTABLE ENGINE. N'tv. 1 6 florae Ptw er, No. 2- 7 So. 310 weii-b? 2 (HJ las ' r I E3L - , , ZPTJ Is A sent for P. W. Gates' fj" Oiders lett with Piica ;;..) 3 10 " C 00 " " t6i' fev i'im :i--f -FF- ? w co 5 W s "f . ftv- y :i g 55 ; I . 1 i 'i' i I I 1 I 1 I I s. i t f'"'' a ? 1 .unburns ki? , 2 z- h 5 v fit liMUUL '43 A 1 birr J 1 1 1 1 1 n I v,,'r 5- W c .1 (; t U U U h U r w Aft Q- - tJ P. V. GATES' PATENT SUGAR CANEMILL& ow5.-s-ssj.v..w .iy;fY,-v; '1- , Portable Eagine, Evaporators and Sugar Mills. FISHER & HACKER, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA XO HILLS SOLD OX CREDIT! - j&mxMtw ..: .... l.,..'"itfi.,...rP. . i'ii ,r;-' v. .. i '4 .I V " " 1 '"'''if f .1 Wi.Jiii'Vw- i 1 'I '';): , ' WSJ r- v; M?.9vli,j i J' ijiii 'h-i "mitts'!- "iiiiiS -itiiiUdiiiumJI iiy l.i'lllU'j N" . 4 i Horse Power, weiuhs 7 500 lbs. V... 5 15 8 5 0 N'.'. 6 IS " " 10 IN;0 " Price ffl l.iro " l,3CO X I l an np ifh thrce-rol er mill for one 1 .-r-e wei-hs 6 0 pounds, and capibie of ex- -ss-iii" 30 to 60 zall m juice per hour. . e A JO. No. 2 i an nprivht three-roller mill, for cue or tw.i horses, weivhs 800 pounds, and cpjlile of rxoressins 60 to 70 galluus Juice i.er liniir. Prii-e $50 So 3 is an n plight lhree-roller mill, for two h.oes, weighs nh 'Ut I 000 pounds, and c;iri;,b:e of exprpssin? 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Pr ce $G5. , No. 4 is an umiL'ht three-roller mill for two or tour hor.se-: weiati 1 400 iiouuds. and Is cip.iMe of expressing from 100 to 150 gal luis juire her hour. Price S5 No. 5 is a four-horsc-powcr miL r.pricht rol'PTs. for steam or w;iter po -rer, capable of cs pressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Pare 8). K.i. 6 i: a f-ix-horse three-roller horizon tal mill, hack seared f r hse or steiim pow er, weish.i 1 200 pounds and capable of ex- ptesil from 7J to 100 calioiis of juice per hour P:ue $75. No. 7 is an eiht-horue three roller aori r.'mal mil I. bark i.eaie-1. for horse or steim ouer, weijhx 2.W0 po'ttid, and will ex pss f--.m 150 to 2-50 fa! Ions per hour. ice ft i -25. . No. 8 is-a sixften hoire three-roller horl- , :Jr tii;tl iiill l ark KPHrel for steam or water ;.., wvF'mi o,3 pound. and - espresses- .-f-X'JVi 3"0 U 600 galLois juice per hur. i-ice $a:a. r. W. GATES. President, - . ' i ' t - '- - - . rniCAGO, 1LLTXOI3.' rT -L s 9 7 l ife '..' ' - ".c'. 1 7 i' I A V. il'l II ' , . J ' j 1 I Ml N I 7 i.il I m if. ii 'i-cmm 1 r "fas t 3M i u :m i v i -m . fflKlV i CITY . BHRYSTflM I :;'r. -I.'-- ::v":. fSS- . : ; 1".-. T CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale . and Retail. OF. THE p it !.' BROWN VILLE, ; Das just received a ebmee lot of tbe best brands of Liquor6, wUicu he will teli ty the Barrel, Gallon. Quart or single Driuk. The fol low ins is a partial list : BHAHDIE3: French, l ' Cagnac, ' ; , Apple, ;" Raspberry, , Peach. : - , Cherry, ' Blackberry. WII7E8: Port, Huriirarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISSIES: Bourbon Rye, Scotch, Irish, iVfannngahala And a variety of corrrmort articles BILLIARD SALOON AND YI IXITH EY-'S BI CI Main Street. Brownville. Novmber 14. 186. nl9-tf HORSES." FEED STORE BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. IJEXJAJIIX ROGERS, A VXOHVCES to the public that he bas purchased the entire interest in the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned bv RoperaSt Brother, ue U now prepare! 10 accommodate the public with Carriage". Saddle Hordes Ac. A, Ac. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can flnd at bis Stable ample accommodations for horses, mul4S or cattle. rJr.-JAJiii Rinituo N. B. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin tt Joshua Roseii la disoivea. JOSnUA k. BENJAMIN ttOtita, May 29th. 1862. n47-tf JAinJFAGTuilISC Otitii ki 1. .35 f.-ixiii-X ' TO YOU W VT ;te.ui EMiixns 0:1 coils. PATENT SrfJR CAXE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS, PATENT FIRE K VAPORATOftS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, ror. riKi;s peak on laki: si'pekior SEND FOR fMRCrL-AKS, With Cnt and Descriptions Price etc , etc. SAW M1LUS FLOFKING MILL. AND MACHIERT OP ALL DKSCRIPTIOV. iTMb.M i Ol( fUtl'I'I.AKS. P. W. GATES, President. N. B. Apenls wanted everywhere. Chica?v IS. V. IT' it. AS, flKMT, IUoun ille. Nfbraka, Of whom Circulars aud detailed informaiioa can hud. March 20. 1S62. fn37-lyj HELLO, STRANGEH! WHERE DID YOU C17T THOSE NEW GOODSP AT J. BKKHY & CD'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Have Jnst received, ana are now openinf at their stand on Main street, one of the largest stocks of DBY GOODS AND GR.O CE3R.IESS ever offered in this market Remember the place, J. BERET- & CO.'S, JNTOm 11, IVXfxixx streot, BROWNVILLE, N. T.' May 29. 1862. n47-tf PRINCE ct? Co., FJLLSIUAG, X. Y Will send to applicants who enclose stamps, their New Catalogue of Small Fruits, including. 2u Selec-t Varieties of Strawberries. Also Catalogue of Bulbous- Flower and Hiponies, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, R..es and Flowering Plants, Seeds, tc. nl0-2w BF.OQM COEM WANTED! JOSEPH SUELLABARGER, Desires to purchase a large amount of Broom Corn for whi.-h be will pay the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH. . Feb U-n32-tf DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A snTeCurefor thee diftrespimr complaints Is now madt known iu a "Treatise os Fobeigw ajdsa- RDAL PRPARATIOXS " pubii.-ued by DJLi, OPHELfa UJiUWilj. The prescription, fur- nLshet by ayouns clairvoyaut girl, while in a state of trance has ci red everybody who has taken it, never hivinu failed in a single ce. It is equally sure in cuses ui Fits a ol uyspenwa, anu ine jujtreuieui. may be found in any drug ure. Those who are afflicted with C .nsuuiptiou, Bronchitis or Astuin. may also be cured by the use of my Herbal Preparations. 1 will sod tiuis v.luabie preriptluu f ree to any pers..n on receip ot their name. Addioss, ViL. o. jjkuw, No. 13 Graud street, Jersey City, K. J. n7-6m NEW .11 US I C. 'Shall we Know Each Other Thero?" Song or Duet and Chorns,"ly Rev. Mr. Lowry, author of Sabbath Bells Chim on." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed tree. A pianist in attend ance to try new music. IIOKAUE WAltlW, xll-ly X. 491 Vr4tj, Pnbliiher. JOHH L CAEOII. ' (Successor to Luahbanph k Carson TJT :,v ry UZL i landed taxIpayino Dr in Coin, Lncurrent JUoney, L,ana Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust MAIN STREET. . BnOVrflYIIalaE, KEX5UASHA. I will glre especial attention tolrayln)? and selling ex ' hange on the principal citiea of tbe United State arid Burope, Gold Silver, uncurrent Bank Bill, and Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessable point, and proceeds remitted in exchaase at current rate. Deposits received ou current account, and interest al lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, MAIN STREET. I3ETYFEE3T TIIE TelcgrapSi and tlac U. S. Land OCices. REFERENCES r Lind & Bruther Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson & Co., ' " " HiKer. Dirk & Co. Baltimore, Md. YonnK &. Carson, " " Jeo. Thompson Maon.Col'r of Port, ' " Win. T. Suuidsoii, Ksq., uanaer, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaber, Late 3d Aud. U. 3 Tarlor & Krieb, Bankers, McClelland, Pye X co., Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Uon.Jas O.Carson, P. B. Smali. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, C'1. Geo. Schley, A'y at Law, Coi. Sim. IlHinbletonAit'y at Law, Jude Tbos. Perry, 'rof. H. Tutwiler, Washingtw it v. Kl. Chicago, II). St. Louis, Jf o. AurjapliB, JUd. Meicernburg Pa Hajiertown, Md. tf K.tston, Md. Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabma. Nov 8, lS60-tf . TO MERCHANTS, BLACKS3IITIIS, AND WAGON MAKERS. IE0M! IE0H!! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO., HAS OX ITAXD AND FOR SALE A LAR'iti AXD WELL SELECTED STUCK OF IRON, STEEL, CASTINGS, CilPUIsIXQ: nOUSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS. HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, SHUNUS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE sKEIN3 CHAINS, WAGON liOXES, SCREW PLATES, ltOLSTKIi PLATES. FILES, HASPS. WRENCHES, SLEDUE HAMMERS, HAM) HAMMERS, SUOEIXti HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NUTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, AC, ALSO WOODWOHKS! coKfinmo nuns, spokes, fellows, WAUON liOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES. BROOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. Ac. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE OP FAIRBANKS' SCALES, AT PACTOHT 37IUCi:3. HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT F K O M THE FACTORIES, us:ro::i: the rise, AM ENABLED TO SELL TO TRADE AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. I THE BLACEiSiiaiTIIS, jKSend in Your Scrap Iron.ga Oiie Dollar Saved i E .rial to) two D.U lari AlaJ. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SCRAP luUN AT WROUGHT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. FeLIi-n32-em ST. JOSEPH. MO. To Western Farmers. Tobacco Soed. 1 have several varieties ot rob.i-0 that will ripen well iu this latitude. To any one whw wishes s-el, and remits me a three--ent Post.-ige stamp, on the sstue, I will send a tinner of each variety i.f seed GRATIS. Orders must be sent in tho months of September and October. I do this to introduce the culture of Ti briceo in the West. Address R. O. THOMPSON, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. P. S. Papers in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska, publishing the above onee.and semlinsa No. marked ,will reciive twenty four pnjer-- ehoii-e flow er seds Iroe b nail. R. O. THOMPSON. Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The bett substitute for Coffee prepared inrhesame manner as Coffee Packages of seed by mail at 10 cts. each. Each packace coiiiains seed enough to rai.-e a sppply for an ordinary family, Send orders to H. A. TERRY". n38-tf Crescent City, Iowa. m wsm Merchants and Post Masters who will add res ns this fall, will be supplied with Garden. Field and Flower Seeds to fell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown nete and are true to name. THOMPSON &. HEDGES, Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co.. Aug. 16 Au5-FnS tf Nebraska LANDRETH'3 Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDER. K0ENIG & CO., (Late John Garrett & Co.,) No. 5G North Second Street, Hb re Pine, ST. LOUIS, MO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a large nd wel assorted stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, together with a large and fresh supply ot Landreth's Celebrated. Garden Seeds, CHOP OF tS2. Tor which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are not only pure but true t j same in every instance. Also field seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed. Top Onions. &c, . &c. ALSO COTTON AND TOBACCO SEED. Dealers In seeds would do well to send them their orders. Send for Almanac and Illustrated CataWoe gratia. BLUNDKN, K0X1 k CO. . F. W, 192irM.!y. AD illlVAH! IIAIY Si LETT, STPvICIILSR - : hlAlX STIIEET, Co. BRQWNVILLE. N. :T. ' We are now reeeirlnir and opaoina ooaaplete assort in eat ef Merchandise, consisting . . r r ' OF- DZl r iG O D": ; V. Prints, Muslins, ' - Drills, Osnaburg, ' ; ; Denims, Cottorades, ,, , Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Beragej, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, - Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes. aten Vestings, Broad. Clo'iis, . Cassimere, Hooped Skirts,- Scc.y Sc.) Sac OF .GROCERIES::' Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candler, B. C. Soda, aleraius, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF'MAllDiyAHE:'. Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, fails, Tacks Penknives, Knivr-s and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Fils, &c, &c.( &c, &e.f &c. &c. OF QUSiE.'VSWAKE: Cups and Saucers, Plaies. and Planers, Dishes and Tun Me! . Cial C)ill Laa ps, Lamp Clm; nf ts, OF ROOT$$&UOLs: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf. Buff aud Kid, Gaiter., Calf Shuns, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes. Slippers, MenT Calf. , Men's Broans, Copper Toe,- Kip aud Course Bkhs, &f..&c. OF IIAT Panama. Leghorn, Splinter's, Straw, Wool, Cas-simere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &c, &c.,&c. Of Farming UtensiSs: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snath ' Shovels, Spaues, Hoes. &c, &., &c. &c. OF -LU1U2SER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1 2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pine Lith, All Sizes Sash, All SizHs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, we call the at'entron of the public to otsr stock, as our uASil U iiilvxas enable us to sell low. . ThauSful for past atronage, we solicit a continnane of the same. LETT, STRICKLER & CO. Brownville. July 3d, 1S62. n62-tt. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! Havin? recently made large additions to roy stock, consisting of SADDLES, HARNESS. BRIDLES. COLLARS LINKS. WAGON WHIPS Bl'GGT WHIPS, OX LASflKS 1IORSK LASnKS STAGS LASHES, SUKC1NGLKS tJIRTnS, STIRRUPS, LKATiltBS &.C., &C. I think I can acom:iiodafe all in quantity, quantity and priie. I w( . k noue but best Dak Tanned Leather, and gettimr it diiecily rr.m tanuerieo iuohio, feeicuu ttdent it will give atifaciiuu. Plasterers Hair en Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOIC HIDES. J. W. JtlDDLETOX. September 13. 1862 n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever ofTertd in this Market. XO DOCDT AHOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TBI Batimore Cotliiug Store BROWNVILLE, IT. T. dayidYeigel. Announce to the public that he has opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c, he. Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices. He ts determined bis prices sha'l correspond with the times, and therefore offer here la tbe West, at Just as low rates as such goods can e purchased anywhere ia the United States. As a sample of bis prices he will mention that he sells . Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vesta from $1 to $5. Boots. Shoes, nats, Caps. Fancy and White Shirts, Sns ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Ax., in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef-' forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. CaU aud 8oo Xxixaa DAVID SEIGEL. awwrrrtHMawM, IWl.-lj- PXIIIVD 2,3 fcT . r v i-V' " I. A s-JT . FOR SALE 221 and 22:5 sCv JH Chicago, 111. Prices. Wt ,-. 1" sizes wthersiiP 5n r,. -"al I n t . x- " i':-r'.sion. w th r.. "'-" ,ucio.-j iu .ew K,rk to C!.;.,, . ""saifa. teaman. ToUwrS-J ? ow and expense, so much so tit bu. S ' it. Someth.ns more pra,ni,sl m bu -tt ; .eemes to be the only alternatire retain.1 all the advanta cf ! dron for brdiug. and devised rrnV r 'V ; steam saneier.t f.,r a!i purp .,' j. .of 1".. ? practical, and proves a PERFECT r!!..s"!; 5 .... 4 COOKOft ( II .II Sole aent 221 A 2 W 8. WewVN Where will iil-ohe found DoVns i f " PuratH., Force Cwten.s. Chain and r Pump. Thimble Ski-ins and S -,j i ,Bl ev.-ry rari tj f Farmi To.1. Sheliew. Fe,-d Mill,, Hay andVw If ' r-rj. Stove-. Ac. The above w 4nM -"Vi, i u 1 1 1 1 ui lijeir respe ctiTjf "5a 1eS January 18")2. tf COMMERCIAL NURSERY 03IAII i, XEBRASRi. E. H. BURCHES PROPRIETOR. I have I'm since been eo ivinced f tbs cla.s Nursery in the West, where 4M,,,t-t TREES, SHRUBS. FLOWERS Can be adapted to onr elinjate ln,j ( Is rmJ, iursr utis, i uae esiaousue'l iu thin for ")e at r.l . . . ; Wholesale or Retail, A laree and well elecfed stiKk, sairtd r0 ik, - Apples, standard and dwarf; PPrs tjiilirl,s, Chemes, .taudard audi!w.f ' Peaohe. ' r Quince. Goosi,erti. Cnrrents, Grapej, Raspberries, Strawlerrie-, Biaik&erriw Evergreens, n't Roses, ) Ornsmentsl T'ses. Greenhouse and Be ! ling Plants. et,rc To which I would bev leave t c.tl l ite himh people or Nebraska, Kansas, Colyrid.. lndX ri west Mi3uri. 33" -v terms will be as low as ary rt US j Nurcery. By purchaoins ot me the expense of tnr.pnruEa from the east can be saved All trees and plants are carefully lb'HJ ;: in me oesi manner, ror which a cturge of thet-ui j. will be made. No charge will be mate fir tie Je;ir of packages on board steamboats. All commuiiicaUons addressed to the ander. will receive prompt attention. itarch. 1SCJ. g. H. BritCHi-. THE DAY-SCHOOL EILL THE DAT SCHOOL BELL. A Nw Sinj-.si U or Day Schools, calel the Day Schooi Blll eady. It contains ibont 200 p,tge of cnniceS'W.v s. Rounds. Catches D-iet. Trios. Q urit v.iCh roses, many of them written express y f,,r th; t besides 32 pages of ibe Elements t.f musu;. Telf ments are so ea-sy and jir.,re-sire tlut ir.imr im ers will find themselves entirely successful in instT ing even young scholar? t sidz crrectly aud srte: caliy. bile the tunes and w.irls uiStcm su-u itr ety of lively, attractive, and m strin m'Kfs sentiment that no trouble wilt be exve-'iPD-f'l .o cing all beginners to go cn with zeal in acquirn in one of tl-e most heaith-tiv:u?. benny inij'it j happiness yielding, arxl on'er prndn:t::K eier: schoul life. In simplicity of its E emeiii?, lU'i'ff jed adaptatiin of music, and in excellfncunilnjiis ef its songs, uricinal. selecte-l, and a-la'ed. it c;3 by mtk'h to e.tcel all emipeiitors. It will ha:i j be the test book ever Ksned for Senimarip: ilJ.:ea.n and Public Schoo's. A few sample p; ut ib ments, tunes' and son? are given in a cTa'.i.; w andgetone. -It is compiled by II(irai-e Wrero. of Sabath School Bells." N 1 ar.d 3 rh ' tti't S the enormous sale of S55 00O copies. Fr:ce W covers "0 cts., $13 per hundred; tKr.Dd $1 mi V per hundred; cloth bound, embossed giit 4S ceits: i per hundred 25 copies fnrnishe-1 3t the i &-W price, bailed free at the retail price. NOTICES OF TIIE PRL. The Dat School Bell The tunes 'HWf such i s may be easily mastered by cl.rtiien. Tl1 of the song's i unexcepti.m tble and we 1 al:ipil schoo" room. It is the cheapest ao I aiu-i.t -5 c mpeti ii of school u;umc pubii.-l.pd. Teacher. Day -ihool Bell This b.k is e:n;ne::i:y to Use 10 our comni-Hi sch'Nils. We have a great number of school "r t k- -"" the psiblic but many of them lack iivimmi is we' : rarv i.isie, and ere reahy deiuorjiixiiu iu ibr :: enee nren the musical ta:ent of they .a:g A:i ,( .... .m knowiegcl excel ieiice wi.ie-l to "i r'.tv-. are the q-ualities that ouibt- to be viulit w; b b"' est cai e in. 'be preparaii-m ot a t.h.si b " b "k se-ms to cnihine ti.e e two n - ue rnf tania School Journal. B. Pnb!isoe.i by BOR-H- iai.lv Vi. i v" ' I TIIE Ml I la OT AKWW BY THOiiPf-ON & Hi-EG3. I.f RA1SINO ! GARDEN. FIELD, & FLOTO SEEDS. To M reliant: Pa.im.itfrrs,Fii GiirdeLtrs. en u It is certainly to ynnr kinds, grown -jn the soil l Xebraski. II :t ti? y' - th .t 1 1 '-P4 teresi 10 jcei seeis u srn ou cmuiiu 4 . . . .l I,. fPi "T1" 11. - - ana true 10 innie. ik is ko j-ui mint ns instead of re- eivin them froai t!)' t1"-1 link., tht havp Irt-pn npii.lid ar i'l f '' feir in Iu ynii niiprri i xie uj an u:uci - r.3 son mem of GaMen aisd Flower see'is, im- w " which u snppiy your cusiumers in th- sp :y" t We will ive you a cuu:mii-i..n oi J !-- $1, ut sale- . Gregory's Ceebrat edJtarble Hea-I JfixaJ'" head Cabbage Gregi.ry's Ct lebrated Stone Masoa tan""- Lar.e Early Red Lare Laie Drcmhead Laree Y..rk Eearly Turk 1 Varieties of Lettuce seecf. 00 4 do do do do do do do do do da do do Pet Onion Radish Bt Parsnip Carrot do- 6 3 4 2 2 12 8 4 4 3 da d. do d Mo Watrme!on seed' Jtu.-t ue luu do Touiaio do Turnip dv Cucumber do sweet Corn do 3 Dwarf Broom Corn do Georgia White Sugar Carse Common Chinese do do Puie African Intpb.ee do Great Spanish five eared Corn. Connecticut seed leal tobacco seed, Orii'oco do do Havana do do Wilson's do do - Maryland do , do Pear Tree do at Maryland Brosd Leaf do do , And some 60 other kfnds Garden see- FLOWKli S.r.V'ttt9 The Ladies, ( b es mem) all ' u r r" garden they wish to make home at: iuyT to have a neat, well kept Lawn, with its rf5 (n shaded, and tore and there dotted with " ,e treasures, nodding their jeweled he1 breexe, and emitting their deiiciou 'r'"J"'. 'ltr9' around. The husband, when he returns ' care and turmoil of business, meets oe snij Jf4, i half, who i miles because the has a home, j 3iii attractions that God iutendei should t W lTr beautiful and pure , A man or woman hJ1,. -r ers can never be coarse or unrefined he- , ,eoi nr. ik.l f, Ik. k.irt aiditei'C . .J' cates; they are eutfclematical of piif-1 ll'uU' v j impalsea aud morsl aspiration. . x's''", . , . ... . v. . i.pirmr a-'" . in our LtO'-ij rraiici v - i ser." ourse npyv-ur Lieae Lords. ai - . n..,nM!72. ..nil Bower seeoe re'y ior .pim v - fol lowing; Japan Pink, 4 kinds, SpanUh Pink, Chinese Ii iik, Picotee Pink. Caronation Pink, Sweet Williams, 8 kinds, Verbena, Phlox, Creepers, 8 kinds, Celosia Crista la. ,k Tof.ini 9 En?!:sn r Sii s - - . Piirtnlaca Ipome3. 3 flue ' D.iuoie Zinn:- r Red-nJvrtnieCr? Camelia flo'renM African n. Kverlasring Flower, ,9 -.t And over 100 other fine Cowers r rTfvDC-r-THOMPSON Ve0t Syracuse P. Otc Co VWer ra, lr3