Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 26, 1863, Image 4
4 ... -r-- - r r? , " at ',- V f ' () ' . "T2io; Economy" of Udiis T H ,v-RA:NKLlN- Fcafly 0 orring Llacbine marine! nke the etebratod GLOVER tjLZIZ STITCH, whlahbae akeo lb r7fv. tt Ut Illinois state pair, i 4piai;v last, a tae taUetl SuiM rur in St. Letts, to lt0. and at " -swiapigtete Pairs throughout toe country. Cateal Jeageo gave a decision lo avf ., . Uteft. Mooeot of its great etrength d adaptation to il kiaes (faaally u! manufaeioring purpoaea. k 70 following Table will ebow tbe difference in raver M wlcg KaabiBoa ever tbe eld method of stitching by a4. 'lathe working of Umi Kaeblnee tbore U not Vafy rNl MTinf of Ubor and tn bdet ddiu Bristly to the tetUbfulaet to the employmea , tot tbe uuaie taach strong or, tooce Utile. end loot Iltble 0rjravtl uu theauu saaae vi shuaias and CXe'epai.nse4 ia tsUsf Laioe' btrMtUt A Ik Dreaa, Sfovnt StirV-'T "I jri,- B erica PreA Ootids, ,.--i ,'? T inn. ml Hor. Kn ! 11 It 11 it Catjee PrH, . . v, , , Cull Preaty .r ' A. .-tint Prawera. 17 tut Atm, i iv; ir.;, '.; Plain Apr, 1 t Hr - T' ewueaaea's Ctmwti Jtevt. Via ar. Jtix. eatje aaau'a lame,. 1 16 40 It 90 1 10 g M g - .It rrk CL ' i , . , '. tlia TMt. IS 4 9 1" " rjTh6 'IVsntlla Tcnlly ' Jewing .machine, Em b liruUxi rbib If vortby of pocUl nUnUen 4. tiiittoa to Ut ptall&r character of tb ititcb, aed Utt ti iu alpu:ij to lt&tr. Ujt or nodlnm btary v tTio-Kaxbino' wbirt at oco mtmant la nsed oo TEX MOST DZLICJLTZ FABRIC, la ft row o aatnu after can bo breirnrtto bar wltb tbe tamo facll rt HttoufiM and Uwola of tht coaraoai UoscrlpUcn. .tm4PUU0B.ri JVAr IJ'yiUC.iatboa rcmaxka alo. and giro It a tcporlorltj oor OTory Unr aivlo-of gtacblno in tbo Market. Ii order tbat Xacfclooo .caaf to placed tn tbo gaodt of all r9ii,n-e kare.redaoM tbo price of cor FRANKLIN FAMILT MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. Trom tbe tnproaae or onr bnttnMi lor tbe last year, and tbe entire taiiaf action car ilacbloet are t'fV focfhntie retted -Statea tnd torop!; CaantrUae-treMM to1eJjeTo1bt tir dKeitotfeatlon, to oiaDnra.toroaT'XaiCr, SIMPLE, RELIABLE, AND CHEAP MACBJNE.'lu been fully approclaion- . thai tMiKU dTKla tt- tn fmrharc atilii j ii yu w . ax. J " K' J "... v a, 1 f . . 1 ---.-i.. Lf I.k Ok. I It fai.M ,aewf l tV' WO0)fo;iIVl vmr a ovigasv l - v wa w a vr v w oCoe tbat.e caDnoliolly TFarran la evfry reapect. ' Wo aball teap on haadaf arrtlrce a goaoral aaaorW ont of Sewing Vaccine dtariala vaaioa for alt maoblre cd b orjre4 by ICali or; Crrroaa. Price One Dollar per sien: . . ' i , traono. In U cob c try, by aeiuilui ca t;e!r oddreaa rsa'oaisg a letter lUmj, can aae furwatCai by ratcrn mJI, one al otir drcujura c-nteliLr tbe cirrreutetyiea, 'f JtaVJoci. lift of prV, an !ainp:e of work. ' Frtaaipal igtnta for tbo Jfortb Watt. tz and SaUrm ;U Lke Street, Cblcago, lUtcela.. ' X.XTCniRU Latoof L. Cornell & Oo. iBO-tr. TXTPUlf, fortoprly ifl fa .be Crwrerfc, 6aexee oewinr Maculae. - t ? .GEBAT 1MPK0 VEMENT3 IN! EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE; Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEVT YORK. Tkli "Macblgo is ee&iirneted en a entirely tew cprinoiple of machinery, potting iany rare and tsI wftle improTemanti, hatinj boon examined by tbe as mI vrofoand expert, and prononccd to be fclH "LICITT and PJlBFECTION COillilNED. Tae following are the prineSpal objection urged ftiBtt Bewing ia'acLinea; L ExecMira fatijae la ir Incapacity to few X tee operator. I. LlabiKty togetculef " order. IIipnse. trouble and x lo of tint in repair- Tory description of material. 5 Diaagroeable aoifc vails la operation. lag iLTo 'Enplre ScTdng Machine Is Eienpt irem' tU tceie cbjectioss. f aai etralght needle Mrpendtpnlar action oa tbe LOCK or SHUTTLE STICK, irhick will iiintli IilPucr HAVEL, and la alike on both atiee porforme paneet lowing ea ererj deaeription of astri.l,frcsDLather to thenei ansook Mar- Ca,Vith rotten, Hfitn or silk threadroa the eo r'tto'tuO tnaitnniber. . " . C'llaviiig naiibor CAM nor COO TTCEL,end tbe -Ca iat aoatible 'friitUn, U rana aisaoatbly ai jrifigniu;; r ; i izXp&ti&Kj a .Noiseless Machine! V j Jl re,slraa.tweny-Ta per east, leu power to drireit than any other Machine la market. A girl ti twelve year of can work- it stradily, without faltrne-or Injury lb health:'- . Iu.trengta and WONDEEFUL BIMPLICITT ot eeastraetion render it ahnote impoeaible to get it oct of ordanemi it GUARAi'TEED by tbe company U gffe Entire aatlffaetioa. , . , . 't n aTatetpectfaly iaritea3 tboje who may detire to . gtrpty thoisfeUea with a eaperior article, to call and .ex. mi no thla UXRITALLED AUCHLNE. j . o at in a mora fpeeial manner do wa aolicit tbe ratro&age of Uerrhant Tailera, . .. Dmt Maker Coriet Uakeri, Gaiter Fitter, . Ceaab Uakara, : ; ,J . ,ftp-gkirt Ugnnfaetarara, ii,klrt aad Coai klakara, . bhee lijndera, . . i .i i fjaligiont and CbaritaklaeLuUtnett viH be Ubarally dealt witb.-j j .i; . r2ffea5MnConiplete: prKo.Lo? ramily Uaa hine, S 15,00 ; 5o. 2 Stc&U fffe4,'Srasnfctoring.'. 0,C0 ; o. X Laxo iiied &aati"ictr.og, f,C9. - i-- j Cabineta in Every Variety. ---T7"want Agente tor all towni in the "TJinited .T5tt, wiiere agmdea are fiot already astabliihed, tWwbom a libera! dieeountwill be gien, but wg bale to goniigowenU. ' .' J ' -' '' ' ' ' j UtT -J. ZZo&IVZmJIl & Co., i . sto ti roadway, 1 civ York. m t i FurriitTare ! Furniture I ! Tka aaott ecopla:tct or rnruitart O'er offered ;tii tpperomnurJait roolad ay C &IX.U - aVwr41W tASh.. agas - 4 $100 femiiionmcut. Mcil IBX'OTtTG , M A C II i r E S t-., RpJ)IJCEP,, PRICES. , SI5 EACH. i 'tewf'lCatWaa la f arfeat la Ut oet!im. It la ln liable to fet out of order than any otber. Dliotsu aa eo awi.rded it over tbe Orover A taker axd eU6f Aita priced MaoUnea. Otr IfafMne aee a atralrbt nee4le, and will FOtl 'Vita ALL J'DS 07 AD, Silk or Lloon, making aa elatUc aoam . free from llibilitiee to break la waab ia xiA la te BUT and CHXAPZ3T Mactine In aae. Oar Vaetlee will BZV, FELL, STITCH, QUILT and Bla'D, aadwitl aewen all kind of tooda.from tbo flneat g wua Mnalla to tbe Coaraeat Woolen, working wlib eae tkronxa aeToral tblckowa of thick Wooleo CloU. XLL UACI11SZS ARE WARRANTED. . CIS EAC 1 XX yea want a Good llachlno. and not Jiare it . Cost you enytbirs, wnto to ua. tA , wawtcithgUaehiiiO teta4 tu eTcry neitt'orhooa Ltate. ? 1 X'. ' i ... PLOYING AGEIxTSi r'- -VeV;i t va a eoniEi!in en all goo aeli ky atl r4rT.;i mji'-'fjry tr-it-a. For rtrtiaalare a. ' itf 2ir i. Jl roBil. J4S - , ,4 A -r-r-ri a i I V- V VV iiiili.Sr :' :m;,:S : ill . : I I ; ,V:J: G- A1ES' iCETAlIE IKG1KE. 5o. 1 U florae Power, weight 8 f CO lb Xo. 9 7 . ' " 4 20 a. g 10 " 6 0.0 " Pitco f 501 1 - 600 .750 t LUliWillliiill.K'li-'' P. W. GATES' PATENT ?. ? S ,c "v'; '.-: ? s. s 1 lTTr!TlTl);fw - i c i o-n n n i i i s i 1 rlf 11HHHHHI ! i . r f p id 1 1 1 1 nil i Ufa usp- vh 2 - Um .k ! mnnHni'nirJc -3 S-t iiUUUUUUV 2. w ! ll , r l U U U - If.pT l .. a .'.'j- - i ' fen -r - It - j -iii ' it i s 5 ' U1' 1 ( i ?- i . I CH1CACC ' " ' ! i . V k "717: . 'JPTJ jL -LNT A S, Is Ar Ut P. "W. GATgf Pt-rUble, Saglae, Evaporators and Sttgar Hills. , - : " ' ' " - : - PISHER:HACKER, rD 221XLS 43LI OH CKEDiTI rr TT .T TXTnTR V 1 J f Ko. g 1 Kjrae Power; weigai 7 600 l'ba i ?r Ice 95 So. 6-lt ' ' - ' " '8 5.0 ' l.l(i Xo. 613 t io,ooa i . .i s i,rq "3 o .. . n ca .. cd . 3 - W S ..... ! ' 'f.'i'l1 :?'.' .... -I 1 ' I 0 o P o o b: 'J! 9. .0" .nil" o o o 5 I CO fa N o O. cr re 39i 9 O o i 1 1,;:.?)! i Ml 1 'W' ,':.:,v:'';1'!;. 'Pi 3 J ' 'P i M ef i J; r ! H 0 I I nil. : 1 1 1 : ; ; f ! '.TV C .hi 0 CP o o -3 Oi 3'i c ?2. CO ' SUGAR : O ANB-i MIHLS No. 1 Is an npifhi mill for 01 hure, weighs 630 pounds, and capable of ex ressln: so to 60 gallont juice per hour.-4 irice stu. . . limit! NovJ! ia an npricht three-rofler mill, hf one or two horses., weighs 800 pounds, art capable of ex;re6ing 60 to 70 gallons juice .ptttioor. Price'$60. jxC j No. X is an upright three-roller mill, tv two horses, weighs about 1,000 pounds, truj ' capable of expressing 70 to 100 gallons I alee per hour. 'Price $65. i,; s? . ' ". I No. 1 is sn tpriRht three-rotler'inill T two or Jour horse; weighs 1,400 pounds, ac is capable of expressing from 100 to 150 ga Ions Juice per honr. Prlco $S5. r1 No. 6 is a four-horse-power mill,' taprW rollers, for steam or. water poren tapaolBof 'expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour.- Trice $G3.' '.'-- t Noi 6 is a six-horse thrfe-roller horizor- tal mill, back reared for horse or steam pow r, weighs l,2tK3 patMls. and capable of ex presbltif frpm 70 to 100 gallons or Juice ptr benr "Price $75.' j . No..7Jian eight-horse three-roller bom pigni-norse tnree-rouer oon :k cearel for horse or ateat4 2.CCO poucOa, and will ex. 3? ron'al mill, back --is? ' tiowcr, weigh A? orea from 150 , to 850 gallona per hoar -"S rtce $125. . t. ; j -I 'Xo 8 i a sixtten horsa three-roller-aori "j.?..ntal railt.' tark seared for ateatn or water y. ' i wer, wetgaa 5,J pounds, and :express t orn 300 to 600 gillies of juice per hiur.-r as-"" Price $330. " - P. IT. GATJ3S. Tresldent, , . . CniCAGO, ILLINOIS. .,U 'N'il .i ill.: .a t - . ctiJ . , , o o tiif i: .- II n III . wife m - , i....,. -J .. a Ck- 0 I DO OU TTAsT XO t ft! PURE DRUGS .iIjih aaoaosHT A Jf O el tir cJ S? tin A XT SO rtA ( mnzw CITY DRUG STORE, i. plV' !! a. ljfil!ifi nn'i'l ini J -i r .. iil.xnn i.j. .a I ) 1-4 )ikl 1 1 ! .k ;il Kill -l -'' ' i i II aell whatever yon deatrg, xonaaj tt MBro It It a VIH nu i ,T7ili1ii?. Tr b JcpfoiDfilfnce in the bailneit, be la C 0 N F 1 DEN T be wllBaFweatttbaUlBwbf aaAll at bit am. aa i aa. 1 a aa I a trt at A t it I 1 -! 11 11 f uio K. ttfl IU butt trfoilf r ...... 'I !tt'l:1( h :it . fil 1 I,' Al 111 TTa ha im n tinii. and la cenatantlr recaivinc -V I . . 1 1 . . . 1 " . ! .jaxgaaopwroi au mmnoo isqq'LT.o: DRUGr,. STORE. .:i-ci t? BrcwnvHle. Kay 8th, T-n44 A Practlcr6aide" to Ilealth andTico'rJ I A 1 S Ji It T O i f V: A K TFifft a trantlation of Prof.' Klott't Dumb Btlljn. trrueror. cna fror, S(nreoer'$ rangymnatiiKon. . ... .4. RY DIO LEWIS, .Mi,D..,,ji'. k' ''PtopHvtorof tbe Street Gymnasium,' Boitott. XVilh'Thrtt Hundred inuttrationi. Out Vol, l2m j : .. 1 ). ... PRICE tt.OO : ' No recent Magazine-paper ha' eiclled inore e'eneral Irtereu .Tiaa'the article in tbe Akiutt Atlantic, on "The New Uympaatica." The present work ia a com p.ete erposition of the ' tyttem of which that article gave a ayoopaia. . - i . . . r - r . . The author of thla work baa been for many years en paged in teaching Gymuastics. Tbe book describes and illustratea hia New System of Physical Training. Thi aystesn baa had tile prtctical tent of long and varied ue. It ocimprlaea exerc tea with Dumb Bells, Rings, Wanda. Cluba, etc., all of which are made perfects clear by fall explanations, while many are Illustrated by pictorial representations of the position of the body required to perform them. Tbe Dumb Bell Instructor, connected with this work, is of the highest interest and importance. It ia de Uned for hone nae, and gives a great variety of Dumb Bell . Exercises, together with a carefullv-aelected cro- greblre series for every-day practice.. ,, ,,. . iue rangynwiasuaorj is a very simple, nserai. ana cheap piece qt. gymhajtic apparatus uyon which all byniiiauticer'.cises may be performed, and which can re' introduced, ai'shiatl cost, into ih private h.'use. It W fully described and llustrate,l in this. volume - J ' Tlie '' Kew, ttymnaatrcs' shonld be read iu every fam Vf,b ipa land'where.exercise 1 valued' as a meaa of health , Ladies, especially, will And in It a great va riety oif Kasy, Simple, and InvigyratiCrfK'serciaoa. all of which may be practised in the r,own homes. .. , ' , . " "I'ot' "fcaln bv All Itrikao! I Am t,r tAnr nnatnilil Ia j I Apy fddi;ess, on receipt of One DalUr, by the publishers, ; I',. , , , '.,. ' TICKNOR & FIELDS,.. .. EXOELIOR , IureStoiie;." Bills, 'a . 1 . ."t r i 1 . : j i m ti i 1 ' , ' t . 4 (FOR FARMERS ANli ' MILlERS-V' '.' "' : ' 1 i uiii J- -i;., -..'AND (if , .'. . . .JilOWTIrEICTIOir-T State 'ShnY Wr. amjf ire'jnUVjr considoicd nuirioMoMl Whfs''The mill rrmy' i driven bj home, iratrf r twm potted, does it a work a? well a the flat ct(ne miilt' in milling etalilishn:ents. and rcaairj.t l'.ut euefha!ihe ukv.U drive tb-ltt-rirf f-f ). sVk l-neV ivKr'T? ryvrrfr!p:irr, TitftTf "J rr.petnri for fiirm use will lat TJJIUTl 1 KAKS, and COat NoTUi Ml for ropiir?. pp.icE-Mcq. nq. a $1:0. Flour Colt frib:ietJIi!l $50 extra. THE HORSE POWER lias proved itself to be the best ever invented. Tho frielion iredgcryIKOrAtT.Sarrahc;e fh"artnhe terln'2l:thlt,nhe WhMo wilrTt "of th4 castin;:s runs upon thera. THREE POUXUdj DIlAf GIIT, at tbe end of a ten feet lever, willkeed the rower in motion I tbnsnermitting the entjkb btrkN'jTH of the borse to be used on tbe machine tj be driven. One Horsk will do as much work ori this power, as two on the endless Chain Power. IT IS PORTABLE, and may be nsedTvtms field as wen as as to Bousa. -woretDSB ir,ii-riii PER BENT of horse flesh is saved over ant othe now is rex. It is simple ia construction, and no liable to get out of oder, ... , " Price of power for I to t borw3lU'vAv'$125 Price of power for 1 to 4 ho'rsegv. 175 The $1.25 Power will drive any Threshing Machine. Every Machine is guaranteed to give sattsfactionor the money will bo reluudcd. , - x REFJEUENCESJl B. F, GxirriH, j 1( , fi :. j. 1 Manhattan. Kan. . . -' i i Philadelnhia. Penn. GENf S.'-TWith tiro horses on your Anti-friction TlErer1, wa drive your No. 1 Mill, grinding 15 Bush els of cokn pes hotjb, and cut a large. quantity cf bay at the same time. I have never seen, a power that r jds with so little friction,' and consequently with to little strain upon the horses, 'i ( IJ rj"- W.r. G'OUPKK, upt. 13 th A lth St. Pass. R. R. Co. ULOsnrR,.. j..jan. zs. i&nz. j .aIr8R3J Basset Brothers, Gents. lam very much pleased with the Power. It runs easier than any otber Power in this vicinity : and with tbe same Jicrces will do nearly, or quite twice as much work. I run my Thresher at 1,500 revolutions per minute, and a 21 inch Cross-cut Saw, at I "00 remilntions. ; Tours truly, ' PETElT J.' WHITE. ETON ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE OUT. 1BT- 1852; THE FREIGHT WILL BE PRE PAID TO CHICAGO, OR ANY" OTHER PORT -1 ' - ON LAKE MICHIGAN. '.. fST liberal discount to dealers. Agents wanted. State, County, and Shop Rights for tale. For further information send stamp for Illustrated 42 and 44 Greono-ISL, STew-Ters. ! f Aagitt Vtk, IMS, aa-aoi ,. , GET THE BEST, CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES ! Surpass all .others Itfort tht Public ltt. In pbilotopbioal arrangemeat. ' Ji.-.In.w'g gradual prcgreaa tr Ibeir steps, ' 3d. In pretexting one thing at a time. . 4th. In the adaptation of each part to iu inten ded grade of scholarship. 5th. In the admirable mode they.preicribe for memorising tbe contents of a map. Ctb.tln'taeir explication aid directions for des crioiatbe'natiiral division's of the earth.' ' " 7 th. In their judicious selections of facts. 8th. In the appropriate and inttructive eharaoter of their illustrations." A" ' 8th. In consistency between maps and tertr lOtir. Iofthg introduction Jnto tbd maps of such places only as are mentioned in tbe book. llth. In the clear representation ef every fact, and the analytical precision with which each branch of the subject is kept.diiitir.ct ? r 12th: In being at once practical, systematic, and complete, philosophical in, arrangement, and pro gressive in development of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are oiScially recommended for the use ef tbo Pub lic Sehools of Nebratka Territory. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Sohools of tbe titate of Kansas. Cornell's Geographies are officially acommende.d for the use of the Putiio Schools ox the State of Vermont. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the ose of the Public Schools of tbe State of Ohio. ' Cornell's-GefterApbies are officially recommended for the use af tbo Fnblic Schools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the pse of the Public Schools of the mate of hen tTavpsture. - ': ; - Cornell's Geographies aro offisially reeonaiendod foi.tbejucg of the pablio achooLs ia the State vf Cal ifornia. 1 1 ICoruell'i Geographies are efficially roconmended for the use of public schools, in ttho State of Wis consin. f Comefl'srGeojritphieg are used inTpcbUe'schools of.thevCityof vXew York.", r ' i! i Cornell s Geographic are used in public schools of the City of Brooklyn. Cornell's Geographies ;are used in public schools of th City of Albany. " " " -f1 -.n'- V ..-U:- i i i!-r i n of the Vity of .Troy. . . t-t ... i;. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools -r .V,. r u - - 1 Cornell 'a Geographies are used ia public schools of theCityof Aubnrn. - ... . of the City of Kochi-itof. : ' Corfcell's Geographies sre used in public schools of tbecityof PhiladetpWs.- if Corpfrtrs Georiaahlcfl arejued in rubllc' aahools Lornoll a Geographies aroused in pnblio schools Comen lt? vjratiLiie are ojea m public schoo! I f Hia City of Viluiint. 1 re,us?d ifl .-pnUlli. sobers of '.ity cs Was'jin.-ttiu Cornell's Geo-aj hicsiiir nsed in pub! ic scbooi?' c-ornaniB t'epgrapiiies are ussd in. puoiie isnools of the-Cicy'cf Coljmbu. ' -' ' ' Cornell's (ieopraj hias are used in public sohoois 'At AP.?T,SC itirtf 9rds :ifj 'Ih'A'i .Hi i . Cornell's .eogra.Lies are used in publio schools f tbaCitj of ew laven. .... Cornejl's i (Jeogrnpbies are1, in rgeoertjise in all parts of "theUuitca States. , Cornell's GeograpaIesare printed on the best pa per, are. the. best bound, and the belt illustraUd of any School Geography extant.' - ...... COKXZLL'S riRST BTXrS IX 0E0U8AAHT. Intended to precede Cornell s Geographical Series, and to introduce the little pnpil pleasantly and prof itably to the rudiments ot ueograpby. . Uno beauti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, iz pages. ' fnoe, z cents. - THg gXSIXg COKBI3TS CT I. PEIlfASY GEOGEAPHT. -. Small 4te. 18 pp ' 12 Maps." Beautifully -illustrated. Price, 50 cents. H..GEAlTlIAB-gCH00E GEOGEAPHT. Large 4 to, with numerous Maps and Illustrations 103 PP-i1 It includes I'bystoal; and Decriptira Geography. Price, 50 cents. i(The tiramtnar Scbol Geography may either follow tbe Inter mediate, or be used instead f -it. f Tbo chief '"difference between the Ih.ermediate Shd Gram mar School is, that tbo Litter, though no mor elevated in style, is taller in, presents a greater variety of map questions, and a larger number of localities to be memorised.) - -IjX HIGH-8CIT00I GEOGEAPHT ASD ATLAS f a e f 1 iivam w . . j vieograyny, large umn, 4uj pp. uicniy illus trated.' It includes uewTtptive, rbysical, and Alathematieal Geography. Price, 7a cents. Atlas, very large 4 to. Containing a complete ; . ; set of ilaps for study: also, a set of Inference ! a ps for family use. Price, $1. ".A copy of either part of the Seres, for exam ination, will be sent by mail, post-paid, to any Teach er or School Umcer remitting one-half its price. D. APPLETON A CO., New York. (JUT PUBLHISD.) Cornell's Cards for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to accompany any Geography, but especially adapted to the scale of Cornell's Grammar-School Maps. Price per set of 12 Cards, 50 cts. ALSO, Cornell's Series of Outline Maps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent upon application. Ja nuary I ft, 1852. n29-tr - J ' THE RURAL AMERICAN. A CONCORD GRAPE VINE FREE TO EVERY - SUBSCRIBER. - I am now issuing a new series' of that popular airri cnlturarand Horticultural paper, the Rural American, in Utica. N. Y. It will be published ou the l.tand 15m ot each month, In x x1 sty re large size at one dollar a year., eronly teventy-Jive cent in cluba. A PIPIT CEXrCOKCOED GEAPE VETO will be senf free;jo every subscriber in a club of four or mora and f too' vines, free of all coat, to those who pay one dellar. j Tbe Rural American is devoted exclusively to rural subjects,, and- I one of tbe best papers for Farmers, Stock raisers.' Fruit-sro'cer, Gardeners. Bee keepers, fcc, in the United State, Iain weSI known thronchu the entire country, as the former editor of toe Northern Farmer, aiid .r.e author of the '-American Bee-Keoper' Manual," and Domestic Poultry Bixk." I have spent a lire in rnraLpursuita, and auw in a practical farmer and fruit-grower. I htve 20 O'O Concord (ti ape Viuet to distribute tree.. This is decidedly tbe best grape in thlstconntry It ripens. in all climates, and ylol.1t double the quantity erf trmt of any ether variety. Viuea four yersold wil, xeneral.'y produce a buthel of grapee, worth $5 in anSr.Biafket-'- ''-' t 1 , - e':'? LOCAL -AGENTS 'WANTED. ' . I want local aaents in every state and every tnwn Premiums and C':iuu)lM-ore exlveinply liberal Send f;r 6mple ccpies immediately, which a- f eo 1$ all. Aildrea:; t .- . , .-. ; T e.JlNRR, CliaWxi. Oneida County, i! . T. y UmniAiuvtir. i'icctiDui. . Jow ready, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti- lavery Patriotic,, and .Contraband" song. solos, auett, quartets, and thorufes. t iiot of the Poetry and Uueio has been written expressly for this work, to corresponi with the times, end should bo sun by tbe million, in order to aw,kon a deep interest m.nenau oi toe ytiontraband.. wborauod, in ms providence, nas cast upon the free .North, to clothe ana educate., . ' COSTSNTg, IM PAaT. . ."Fair Freedom's Mora . has dawned at last:' Break the Chains, -- "nncioatinsr Sword VFremovt is liarchin; on, or. Glory IJl!elujah f 'Oh ! Help the 'Contrabands';" 01d John Brown's bong "Song; or tho 'Contrabands'; . "O Let my "at i - a. Tt t . i r . . . iToopio kxo v -raroay on tno bong of the 'Uontra bands' ? "Where Liberty Dwells is my countrv :' "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom,-" "Wake, freemen, uod nas spoken;" Mttier'g suppressed oong ox rreeaom, etc. . - - Price only 5 cents single, 60 cents per doien, S3 for ICO : postage 1 cent. -J HORACE WATERS, Publisher. n4My 4STBroad tray, New Tork. : r - '. HOW READY.----' ""THE Oficial Union ' Volunteer Directory, ( 4C0 inges.) eonUining A'asie and Heidenet of every Ofilcer and Private in the Union Army, with their Commands. Oasualties, Promotions, 4c." CCSEvtry one wants it.) Sent post-paid. on receipt of 25 cents eash, or stamps. .Address tiEXKT B. AN0K.Pub- iaher.,49 State Street, Booum.SJtas. w. k LDISPEPSIA AND riTS. A sure Cure for theso dUtressine comnlalnta la now made known in a "Tax atisz oh roinos iidKa. ' RIAL. PirtllTinn " nnKlinht h fi R O. PHELPa BBOWN. Tbo prescription, fur nished by a young clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who baa taken it. sever having failed In a aingle case. It la equally aure la casea of Fits aaof Dyspemtla; atd the ingredient! may oe round in any arug store. Those who are afflicted with dnsumpttou, Bronchitis or Asthma, may alto be cured by the use of -my Herbal Preparations. I will tend thla valuable preacr1,stiou free to ary poraoa on recein of their name. AeMress, DR. O. tUZLSi X)WS, l evaa4 atroot, Joreay City, V. 3. a474aa TO THE PEOPLE 2 OF 7m XTXJS.TZZSD GTJ'XZi In the month of December,' 1333. the undersigted for tbe tlrst time ofered for sale ta tbe pubiie DX.J . B0 V3S DODS' IMPERIAL WINB B1TTKU3, and in thir Short period they have gsvea auch nnifersal eatisrac-i tion to the many thousanda of persona who bava tried them that it ia no an established article. The amount of 'bodily and mental ailsery arising simply; f rota a ne glect of email compiainie ia aurprUicg, and it la there, fore of the ntmoat importance that a atrict attention to the least and moat trtfllag bodily ailments ahonld be had; f or ditease of the body must Invariably aZsct the aolnd. The snbuerlro'tnow only ax a trial of '' DR. J. BOVEE DODS'S . Imperial V7ino Bittsra rom ail who have noi -Ufed I them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitter for tie cure of "Weak Sumachs. Gen eral Debilhy, and for PHrifyic and Kunchiog -the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassea ey any dy 011 earth. T be assurea or tni essary to make the triat. The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third etronger than oth er winea, warding and Invigorating the whole system from the he,' the feet. Aa these bittera are tonic and alterative m their character, o they strengthen and Invigorate the whole system and give a flue tone and bealtby action to ail its parta. by cqaaliziug tbo circulation, removing the obstructlona and producing a general warmth. They are excellent for diseases and weakness j ecu liar to Female, where a tonic ia requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who iaauhjectto latitude and faintnesa, ahould be without them as they are revlvifyinst in their action. THESF BITTERS TT1H not only Cure but Prcrent Disease. and In this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use tbem for INS1P1ENT C0NSMMPTI0N weak Lung, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. , .. ' ' -; n, . DR. DODD'S . , ; . ... Celebrated Tine Bitten t VTO TJlO"lXX"J.S3S30Cl- Por dure Tnroat comuiou aiung the Cioi gy v tbey are truly invaluable- ' M For the 'aged and infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions Por ministers of the gospgl, lawyer and all pnU r3-for book-keepers, tailors teamatrcses. stud nts,ar artists, and all persons lea ding a sedentary lire, tl.ey wi'l prove benetlcial. Aa a beveraire; they are wholeme, Innocent, and deliclouatothetaMe. They prodace all tbeexhierat ine effectaof brandyor wine, without intoxicant; and re valuable remeJy for persona adicted to tbo nse of xesaive atroug drink, and who wish to rerrain from it. They'ePre atul entirely tree fruni the poison c-.u-eaiued in the adulterated wines and brandiw wtth whrcb the coui'tty is Ciodrd. ' '. ' " " '"' ThM hitter noN. nlyCURKbnt prevent disease, an-l .v.. -1 um br ail who live ia a coitutry where the water is bad. or where chill and fever are prealea Being enUrcly lnnjcent and harmlea they nwy be giv . irooir tii chinlieti and infaniji with irupitiiity, PhvHiciaus and (nefsyiacu. aad iemperwe advocate as an art f buuiauity. hoiiia atiit in spreadicg-theae valuable bitters over the land, and threby entitlr baninh Urunketiness and diseaxe. .! ..; In all affections of tlic ead.Sicfc 52 ea cS a 1: n e, o r ' n e rra o u I cad ache. IJ'.Uotl' 5mperial lTini SJiitcrs Will ite found lo be mot Saisitatu and UiicHcioiia. Te many ctr;iS:ie WaiUi Lv.bea ten'Je'ed cs aiid th' letters W;(;h we daily receive, arec .rj.;iu-tr pro-.f th.M anion? tbe wvuieii tbeie B.'ttei-a .have iiver ausfactioD vliirn 00 others have ever d'.-r.' tafore. Xo wiamn in the land -should te wtthuut tteai. a:il tUe wbdouce ue them, will not fail to kee?afuil supply, - ' . ' - " - DH J Bovee Bed's IMPERIAL WINE I3ITTE RS,; ; Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wn has used them auccessfully in his practice for the lat twenty Ave years. Tbe proprietor before purahaain the exjin.ive right to manufacture and aell Dr. ftve Duda' Ceiebrajeg lmperfal Wine Bit era. hadtihem test . ed by twodistinguisbed med'Cal practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable and eafe remedy f.rdsea.-e. Although the medical men of thia country, aa agea eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicine yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in tbe United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod'e IM PX&IALWINK BITTEaS In all newly aettled places, where there is always a large qnautity of deeaying timber; from which a pd aonoua miasma ia created, thet,e hitters ahnold be used every morning boforebrexast. J. BO v EE EJOOS7 IMPERIAL WLNE liinERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry. Sokniou'a Seal. Cvmfrev, Wild Cheiy Bark, Spiktard Camomile Flower, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himsel , who is aa experienced and uccesfnl phyciciun. and hence ahould not be claused among the quack notrum wh.cli fluod the country, andakain.t wluca the medical profession ao justly denounce. These truly valuable Bittera have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human ay.tem, that they are now deemed IndispeDsahle aa a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Parcbase one Bottle It Costs but Utile! Purify tbe Blood. Give Tone to the Sto macii -Itenovase tbe Sys andl'roions: jLife. Price $1 00 per Bottle, 6 Bottle3 for 5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & C0 , ,' SOLE M0PIUET03 73 "William Street. New York. Por sale by druggists and grocer generally through out the country Oct. 17. 1861. CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail Evan "Worthing, OF THE oil Saisi BROWN VILLE, Has Just received a ch uce lot of the best brand of I.qaors,vwh!cIi he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon. Quart or single Drink. The following is a partial luf ". '.. ' BRANDIES: French, ' : ' Cognac, ( - - ... ' . ' ,'APP1?. ' . . . . . ' . Jlaspr.erry, ; Pea;h. .. . Clierry,:; - - I!ackberry, .: T7EIES:' .... . Port. V Hungarian, -Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. . WHISKIES: Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Mannngahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. YFXIITSEY'S Bl.CCIi Main Street. Browuville. Novmber 14, 188. . nl9'-tf - rccw .tiusic. "Shall we Know Facb Otber There?" Sons or Duet and Chorus, by Rev. Mr. Lowry, author of "Sabbath Bolls Chime on." This song is good. Prise 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try new auiic. HORACE WATERSv n4My No. 431 Broadway, Publisher. LEWIS WALDTER, HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL GtAlZER AND PAPE2 HANOr. V 5 CTA 3T2CZ23TT Ef Xry Imerican'-Ceiaeiit pTj TH STXON515T6T.U-1 ixL' THE MOST CCSABLa rVr!E' 'AMERICAir CEMES1 Is tbe only article of the kfa.t - WILL WITliSTA? D nffv fT.jourbji,li,F '". UJ- ' IT VILL' JIEKD L?!:'. 1 IT WILL MEND' save tho peiees of that txronsive " IT WILL MEND IVoir IT WILL MEND CHI, ! " v",um v r Qil 2-QCiri I as jrnod at new. IT WILLMEKD MARpt r That piece knocked out of vour skA T b,aFBi mi II WILL, MEKD JVORCrTir S No matter if that brokeu Pitch.r d A 1 shilling a shilling-saved isath;. . i ' IT-WILL MEND ALAP1 I That Coaly Alabaster T. i. hJ.lLi mawa umenaitit wjii cever iu gth'.r. , ."iy i It VTill IJcnd - bene,. CcaiY ' ? and in fact evnythlsj:ii:jS4 Any art'wla C-mentd with AlllCiVr GLCE will not ahr-w W.;n.UU TI1ACT3 . k Crosby's 'American Cement Glu." . "It is so convenient to-have ia tbo kuo- . ?! ,?rt,.i(. , m .. ,.'f , J'i It is always ready; taUeommsnjj1Yfc,.'1LV, ! IarfjrfiitV-- " -t- :--""l" j "U'e have tried it and find it gsgssfali,! a wafer." Ji, Spirit nftit Tm.,, . ,T , ZCcoriomjr, .iisg, "CyaJv I S1U,0U0 per yar saved "iu tverJ j ly On Boult of .VP a r,i er 1 c a h ctm ErrrcLci ' , 'Price 25 Cents per Ecu!,." J ' : L ' -Price 25 Cenrs-perEcr.' " Price 25 CfDis per Bn;!. :. Price 25 Out p rr Botili.' Pric 25iCrtit8pr Bd;!.i Tery )LITerdl nc.:VrlIo a t'oifl- r or t)r 4 i i irft Jar., I r.uh'UL the-- ee'Cgrf ' .' JOHNS c5CS03LSY 78 WILL 'JIM. STRUT. , Corner t IA erty St re.-t. . .liTfTC5X ln:portantto Uouse Oitbeh, " liiiporSant to; UuUderi. :. . Important to Hail Iload Ccara. nies. - Important to Tar merS. , ,. To all whom ih is may conwn. a-i i v , . concerns tcrrylojy ' ' JOHNS & .CROaLETS IMPROVED GUTTA PEECT3A CEMENT WOFm The Cheapest and moss durable JSocij 'in use. IT lb FIH AND VVATtiiFKf It can be applied to new and old Roofs f a!', k it steep oi flat and to Shingle roofs without ni,'i thcShiB?le.. ., ; ' . ' .. . V The Cost In only about One-Th!;J tIiatorTin, A.IITISTYflCE IS DCILiBiaC. -'-.a - ' . This article has been, thorousblj tliiw ycr'c City and all pajts of the United s'utn Ik da West indie? and Central and onth iseiuaa buildings of all kfn U tu-h as Factriet' Fuutdrrf Churrhes Rail Road Depots Can and ta P.u Buildmgx generally Government Buildinst fc. i the principle Builders archetectt aop otben Isri; the vast four y oars and ba proved to bt tho CL'Zi?-! EST and HOST DCRaBLE ROOFDli is ntit jg every respoct a firi watf wgiTtxi iJ ra PBOor covering fr KoGK3 or all iwm. Thia " tie OSLYmcitninl manufanttrci i lit United State which combines tbe very aw.-Mi properties of Elattieitg and DuralSiij vbirt tt nivera!lv acknowledired to be poeeJ byGT.T TA PEIICHA AND INDIA Kl'fr No Heat is Reqnirsd iaLIaU Application. The expense of applying it is trifling ti in ert::? Roof can be covered nd finished fA arw It can be applied by anyone, and when finished forms a perfectly hiss ft'''. fae with an elestic body which canM w ini,ir" by Heat Cold or Stokjis Sdbis9 m Boakd.h nor any extern! action &at7f. GUTTA pfel&YlTcEMEST.' For Ccatinjr Metals of all Kinds whea exposed to the Action of the WeitbiT.iw For Preserving andRepalrluJ Metal lioots OF AIAK1.MS. ' TbisisTHK OSLT CoMTOSJTIOf XM0 T" 9MCctfU)i retitt extrttn cAi! nj all atmvt. tn len-ith of tiM4 team aptfieu lo aw l " it adheres firmly forming a body equal U '. of ordinary paint fou mnch less, tnd w tr TIIKKE TIJES AS LONffi andfrniu is not injurvd bv the contraction and exptaw" TIN and otber METAL ROOFS eonMo.31" ? sudden changes of the weather.-' If mill not CRA CK ! X CO f.D OR RCN I J Ai WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH DfT. Leaky tin and otber metal rWsean so repaired with 'tj Perrha Ctrwmt, and V' from further corrion and leaking, tbetvbj inr ajrfectly wer-tiht rof for mvj ThLi Cement i 'peculiarly adapted f'r tf! ! vationcf In-n railin?, Stoves, Sfi, Arit' Iuipleui?iiti, Ar.. I"fi.r neral inanu'-u""' GUTTA PERCH A1 CEMDT ...Fvr pre5orv;nk iicn,'.T.-n-8ri t-icr t. ii nftt. in!.iii.f h t S f.r . "rt iin tnd eT .V . ..). J . 1 .- n .'nil 1X J ill' fpt IIUI cnir I n , Thr?o mjireriala sro ftdap ted ro. all d'ar-st "- r,I,r Tr-ini aij l j we ar prt-j .-id to supj-ly te cit.ffy, at hort r, .ii ?. for d at: rr ' jni rn rolls, revdv prtrri r oe, r.t'i ch.- v.iunt in burred, 'vi;a r.i ir liM 1 " . tions for application We will tnsits literal ao-1 satw!, ii7 ments with responsible parties who w' ul establish themselves in a Iacraxive aJ p,rta business. OUR TERMS . ARE CASH. We can give abuedant proof of f,f favor of our improved Eoofia Materia', & Elied tbem to several thousand Roofs ia ity and vicimty. -: ,--.w Wholesale Warehouse, 78, Corner of Liberty street, -.fifr : Full descriptive Circular and'itices wul nished on application. . JVor. 7,1881. ly A CAItI TO YOUSfi LADit Gr.NTLI-:.HA!. . 4,a3 The subscriber will send (free off wbodesire it. the r.eelpa and! directions f for " a simple Veattncla JSalm. that 13 '1, rtifl' eiut cav, remove I imflxj, otuiv"i - '1 MPLXS, liLOTCHrs, 4 ' " nd all impuritiot aod ral the same ts N-Usr n tr, tmootJt ad 6e-V o&a LrS,SAi.L0WNE3$, An of the Skin, learin? it shoud he foft.clear.tmootk andbean. desinnj tbe Recipe, with full instrucnu-- . r. 1 ..i.;. .1.... rn nr ad lr" I . . ' - - . . . . c tarn W)Ste.) ;.. . .'5. 'n,asv! THOMAS F. COAPMAX, Practical ?c Ya.-i. ... . S3 1. Broad way, ; . May 22, 1852. n43-2in. " ' SUGAR CANE MIIiS; evapokatoks !ti TT.v fitmn rslitmi iilSt 'Itr w , i i .t4 assnt far 1 J CT1?orators, Cktesg. at the Biannfactarif ' ft5J Sflfir One MUi a-nJ Ki Al iff a"w mM a'Kva,LVV anaea.4 f y All trAmrn a Prieee of Jlills, from fc "in-aA