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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1863)
-AIXVERTISE-Rv jnjSATPP MARCH 26, 1S63 Xj Q C J Tj- r c a. screen, I ,h.imi!liO AokT, and Dsalfcr la JT Colored Inks Of Best ioelity, - ana lm Street, Chicago, .III . " I ItWL. bUIWf - " " - J( tft fer tb Aitwrftser and - r . ifiTKS ABBOTT, V r ... amd roasiGK XKwgf Arfca Ad. it,1,L.-j iriaii for" tb Atvtrttier and Airracf. axeata to'16 or. cojc en,. , ... xckk, and Dealer 1. Ink, and V0 . Ini fculldiosr.Fhlladelt.hla. Vrt.eM .. .... ' 1 atents rot the Adwtrt itir atFar- if 4 ::r:.!or pnilxa . . vl . i I I I . a' o f A F t 'likiWIV Lad 1 rifs .til ie'a-ir'fc nl J I . VI 6 w i ,' Cy rij c i I) A: Co.isf able." . ' i w. w. A . n i'l A is rt U LF !. VU 1 I J U U 7I1IU J Tei9. HitL Las beft appointed- Adju st General for Nebraska,, Vice' Hoa. ,r.F. Safv y-; .- . .. . raufc- For the rat two weeks, the ikiea bie been' bright and the weather kibe daytime R-arm; the. nights however retoo cold for vf giiationio grow much. fjiicaanow. rFrom all quarters we Ittt of a great emigration coming West. tf look . for a larger .'emigration this than at apy period for the last five years. ' . - ' 1 - -1 - - - SaCVBBERT AHD EviECBEEK.Mr. Com, baa just brought on from South ern Missouri and Illinois a large lot of Erergreeos and Shrubbery which he will icOcheap: . Sito . Potato ss.VIr. Car has on hod a fer bushels of Peach Blow Pou toes, the best ia America, which he will tell to those wanting seed, at one dollar per lashel, at this office. School Notice. Miss Jen hie Johit will commence her school in the house on tt Iefee,forraerly occupied by McPhe losr as a,tore, on Monday next; 29th fcit The house cotnforiaUe and roomy. . . ; t I ' We learn through Various sources, that lion. S. G. Diiir, delivered a very able tpeech'id Cdagres, short lime previous toi'J close, in opposition io,Vookuj and .Yux.ijrxukcBAV. It is said Uo hare tfeaone of ih best things' of the sessioh. ' Boats. The Eraiiie passed down on edaesiay last. On Wednesday night the West Wmd, and Thursday the War Eagle ' passed up. ; On .the West ind aod War Eagle about forty persons land ed at this place. They came with Mr. CoVer, from Capet Girardeau o. F. LysngAccfo; ageqi for the Paw cee Indians, pa4 & hjri UU to Cfown riil on his return' from ihe East. His fuiily w ill ' Ji?y jn a fvw wti. and sx- itr 'w, !t:un:Iiv-a vu:-ta tj. our Libr ary CoFEB.Etie. :NetTaka- Atinual Oou ftrtnce' hts been ia cs'siJa iii)i:ovu- Ville-during the past week, Bishop Amis preiidiug. .. The session closes on Satur day. . ; ' : : " i , ; The following isja list of the members. Ke hare not learned their surnames. Bifhop Arae,:. Elder, Davis, Elder Smith, Burch, Fort,' . Cannon, Maxfield Hart, Ansbury, Ring, Rendall, Seraon, Miller White, Smith, Pntchard, Bums, MonhanlJ: :'. "' ' : i..- " School. We are reqested to state that "school will commence in the new School '. House on Mwnday, the 6ih , of April. Mif a Brockman teacher. Jn the Old School House on Monday the 20th or April, Revf H. U. pobbins, leather. In 'the house on the Levee, formerly wccupied by Dr. BIcPherson, on Monday the 30ih of March, Miss Jennie John, teacher. ' On account of the financial condition of Vhe district, the Directors have though 1 best not to have any free School this $pric. " Y(e. fire glad to see so rnany opportu nities for sending children to school. - "There are enough children in town to well support three schools. , 'Mail Robbery. Mr. Bfaion oHhis tity, received: 'draft, by Western mail uich hap been taken frQtn the envelope but'rcibrneyto mail bags as it was made payable to.Maion's' order. ;: MrJByram also received a draft in a similar condi- 4 1 ft m 1 1 t J . L ioa.- :ine man caa oeea uiuaru ucui but the thieves were too bright to under take to dispose of such- booty, as it would be extremely"' hazardous. ' It is probable that prTtKir'rr v 1nKlA -'r 'tnken from - v v. j t W a ' r-w v - t r the mail. We have heard potning that indicates the locality 'where the robbery occurred, but is on the" route to Denver. The mattar shoald be investigated.'). . Tbe foreign paper have a touching incident about'Poland. ' A liule toy wat Ending at the dopr' of his father's house "whfn he saw the Russians fire a volley ja th ; .insurgents. " ."Mother,"'.' criedjhe yt "the holy Virgin protects our rirjd- frjrI ur Urtna of thorn-fall ." - fi AOSjarj .OLfiier role t.p and iaid,l.'ie a fr' Uvi: ir'ln vv;I1 rroiccl l-u' AinoeJatj .olfi ier rode hp and iaid,l.'ie r 7',rT',Y!nK -Avii .ilIf",'-"-ri-- 'vSbmebp yip rope? fd'ie 'r&LIav? -arniccl nients to the tax bill: -For.Lissicg .a jvery.hccaely ,cae,. ;2 -thr -xlra amount being: added,- f ro'D ably, as a punUhmeni for the man's folly. Udiea kissing1 one another; $ 2.-7 The tax is placed at thia'riie in: order. (o freak up the custom 'altogether; jr being' regarded by our M. C.'a as a piece 'uf iai excusable 'absurdity. . .' . "' For every .fiiruition, 10 cts. .la " ""."" Every young man. who has jnore than one "girl," is taxed 55. ' -- For courting in the kitchen, 2o cti. , Courting in the sitting room, 50 cts. Cotmio in the parier. Si. . " " Courting in a romantic place, $5, and 40 cts, for each otfence thefeafier. SffWg'i Ud7 ,home frum, church',1 25 rts.;ftrvri';h 'ciTence.- ' i - r'OwVrJ in -be ).:(! u I ti; rtri.e.f oi Li j n ti e . h r 1 ii v - u p! fctj aw. 1 5-1 ' f -Fcrt h-tifc cutl tn h. : lad j: 111.-4.4 above ten. 6 cvnti. '' ! aiiVr '-nfair devi.e'fur, ehtrapjung ,j)i'uiiijJmeu.iiA6 liiatrniiouv. 3ri.: , :. t Fur -wearinr hoops larger than ten feet in hoop. circumference, S 'cents 'for 'each 1 Old bachelors over thirty are taxed - Over forty, S20. . i :" . Over fifty, S50, and sentenced to ban iaaienin Utan. . . "... Cuap. CXXX. An Am. douatiii Public Lands to tb cererai 8lt nd Ferritories hu) maj - providCullgea for the Bonelii of AgricuUure ad th Mfohnio ArU. -. Be it tnaetedbtj th &natt amd Hottttof Krprn talivi of th$ United Olatet of Airitta in' &xgret Afcrulifd, That there be granted to tbe ereil Suites, fur tbe purpose hereinafter ui rationed, an anaouiit of ptiblin laud, to be ixrtioud to each Sutca a quanty equal to thirty thotii&nd acreor each Knaor and rprestentatirv in Conresj to which the 'States, are respective! entitled by the appointment uader thecenuut of eighteen h and red andaixtj : Provided, That no muiwral lands Un.ll be tblected of purchased uadr the proviioa of thit act. 1 Bee, 2. And be it farther enacted, That tae land afureA'd, after being aurrejed, ehall be apportion ed to the several tit. tea in seotiont or subdivisions of auctions, not lens than one quarter of a section; aud whenever there are pubiio lands in asUte sub ject Co sale at private entry at one dollar and twen -ty-fivo oecta per acre, the quantity to wbich said bute thall be entitled shall be selected from sucb laods withia the litniU of snch State, and the Se cretary of the Interior is hereby directed to iaaue to each of the States in which there is not the quantity of publio lands subjeot to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty -fire cents per acre to which said State may be entitled under the pro visions of this act, land scrip to the amount in acres for the deficiency of its distributive, thare: said aorip to be sold by said States and the proceeds thereof applied to the uaas and purposoo prescribed in thij act, and for no other use whatsoever Provid ed, That in no .ae shall any State te which land scrip may thus bo i.Mued be allowed to locate the aauie Within the ltuiiaiu of any other. State, or of any Territory of the Uaitod Stales, . bat their as eiuees way thus locate said taad scrip upan any of the unappropriated lands f the United Spates sub ject to aale at private entry at one dollar nnd twen-ty-ve.cenU, or leas, per We : And provided, furth er, That no more than one Uuiilioa acres shall be located by sucb as.-iuecij ia auy oue of the Siates : And provided further, That no such location shall be made before one var from the passage Of this acU V .... ' '.' .. See. 3. And belt further enaoted, That all the exdenea of manageinant, suprin(onilnio, and taxes from date of selection of said landi, previous to their sale., and all expenses incur rod in the management and dibureiient of the moneys which may be received therefrom, shall be paid by the States to which they may belong, ont of the trea sury of said States, so that tbe entire proceeds of tbe sale of said lands whall be applied without any diminution whatever to the purposes hereinafter ineotioned. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That all money- derived from the sale of the lands aforesaid by the Suus to which tbe lands are apportioned, and frum the sales of land aorip berei tbe fore pro vided it r. shall be invested ia stocks uf the Uni ted Stes, or of the States, er some other safe M't. v. riding nt less than five per (i-ctum upon U10 p .f vluv of -ail sUjcks-; and 1 b M t!i tnoney so 'ujcI esititute a pr;,e'iit.l futjd to var.Ual i '.1 sn-l remain torover uni;uuihod ...': e tr s ; .1.7 proVded i s--X!t;,-o Jitli f j.- a.i. 'it u ti i-i'. .4 aincii '3'i..l'a .111 iM T -rti' J tU Jsai thv f - :. yf flit aav.:t .cutf-.wrj. H ; tbH)., w.J '..i'lir-ai--!li; jas'i.' .otia VKUfc 1 i ...v w; !vi i1, 'ilLvut ras.uo- i ;r. vibe i ". j vu''.i .a-iii, &ud thciud- j 4.; ate i:u.4m-i v. asr?cn?p:TO aij-i tae utccnaui arts. Wlcu ibi.itr t'oelgiltium ' tua u..i ie: .ocuvtir pt-toibe, ia ortr proutte the-ijo-ral and 1 rKttetl o ti'at.i-a' cf tie iiiduetri-ii o:;isses ia the acVcral -pursuits and profowsivus iu life. . - . : Sc. i. And 1 9 jt furthrr enaotrd? That tho grant of land aud laud sorip hereby authoiii4 'tall be made on the lollowiug condttioa, to wbish,s well as to the provisioa hereinbefore oontainod, the previous ' as.4out of tae several States shall be signified by legislative aots : tiirst If auy portion vf the fund infested, an provided bj tLe foregoing section, or any portion f the interest thereon, shall by any action or contin gency . be dunimdiod or Jost, it shall be replaced by the folate to which it bolongs,uo &at the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished; and the annual intoret shall be regularly applied without diminution' te the purpose mention. id the fourth eotion of this act, except that a sum, sot exc eodijur ten per centum upou tbe amount re ceived by any State under the provision ef this aot, on) be expended for tbe purchase 01 lanaiiopq sites or experimental farms, whenever autnonsoa Uj the re$pei'live ieginiatures ot said states . Second. No phrtion of said fund, nor the interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or indirwetly, un der any pretence wbatevorj to the purchase, erec tion, preservatiwa, or repair of any building or buildings. Third. Any State which may take and claim the benefit of the provisions of thir act shall pro vide, within five years, at least uo leas than one college, as described in tbe fourth section ef this oct, or the grant to such State shall cease; and said State bbali be bound to pay the Tnited States the amount received of any lands previously sold, vnd that the title to purchasers under' the State shall be valid . Fourth. An annual report shall be Made regard ing the grofress of each college, recording any im provements made, with their oost and results, and suoh other matters, including Stile industrial and eoouomical stat&lioft, 'as a"1 supposed useful; one copy of which khall be transmitted by mail free, by which may be endowed under the provis ions of this act, and also one cop W the Secretary of tbe Interior. j Fifth. When lands shall be selected from those which have been raised ' to double the minimum price, in consequence of railroad grants, they shall be computed to the Slates at tbe maximum prbe, and the namber of acres proportionally diminished. Sixtn. Jio State whiie ia condition of rebel lion or insdrrection again3ttti gof ernment' of the United States shall he entitled to the benefit of this act. ...- tr Seventh. No State shall be entitled to the bene fits of this actvnlesa it shall eipressju aoctptanoe thereoi by its legislature within two years Jrota the date of its approval by (he resident. Sec. 6. And be it further -suae ted, That laud eoiip issued under the rrovuiors of this act shull Dot be subject to looaUon until after the first day of January, on thousand eight hundred aud sixty three.' Sec 7. And be itfarfber em-cted, Tb&t the land ofijeers shall receive tha saaie fees for lecatizg land ecrip is?ued iiader tha provisions of bis act as is now allowed for the ' location of military bounty lanajwarranta under existing laws ; Provided, their maximum compensation shall not be thereby ini created. . ' Seo. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Gov. ernors of tha sereral'States to which scrip sbaUtba required to report anauatly t Consress all sales made of uch'scrip-untiT the n hole 'gha). be dispos ed of, the amount received for -he same, and what appro-nttion has Been made'tf the proceeds. . Approved, July 2, 1S32. " : atrtlo Sbonos- 100, erore'Z i' JiVVA'ES aud i.f ih--V, ;r l..'j r re by:: ft fsvjpar. .-,,l4.-.;p...a. l .; w , ,:t , er.r - t toort ocr.roa.xxir: 1,4 1ST I7EV7 GOODS AH2 C02HITG I I! "V .1 il; "I It "' rTflll b Jold Cheap for : ' ' - OASg OR jpRODtTOK Tliey Corsist of a Large Asaortmant of BOOTS AND SHOESy . ','!.'-';'UAT8 axd caps; LiLDIES' HOODS, DIL Y GOODS , ; i. 1 . . ..... j GROGERlESv; ' , . JI AKD WA11E, QUiiEXS WARK, : ' WHISKY, VINEGAR, Bit ANDY, IRON, . .. NAILS, DOORS, MASH, PAINTS, ; , . ... j OILS, 'AND OLASS. - 1 - . mmm For wliich the Highest Price will ' ' be Paid at DEN'S STORE ! ! LADIES, Save Your ItAfiS, and Den trill take Them in Exchang for Goods LIT TERMS ARE, SMALL PBOFITS, QUICK 8ALE3, AND NO C3EDIT. Pecember 13th, t46. . . W T. DK. HELLO, STRANGEK! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE NEW GOODS? AT " J. T3ERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWN VILLE. J. BERRY & CO., . . Have jost received, ana are now opeoina:, at their atand on Maia street, on of the largest stocks of I A V D aver offered In this narket. KinimHr the plaee, . v J. BERRY & GO 'S, No. XXy SfXaIxx sstxreot DROWNVILLE, N. T. May 29, lSt. n47-tf FOR FALL TRADE. Wn-). f iy..ww -.t-. t JOHN C. DEUSER, MAIrt STREET, BROWNflLLE, N. T., Takes pleaarc in annoancingthathehasnowea hacd, a lra and select stock of every article in his line, COOK STOVES, ; . u j - .. Of all tha improved patterns, vit: PI r month Bosky Caarter Oak, Valley Forge, Slevated Oven, &c., &.C., fcc., HEATING- STOVES, . ., , , , . ' Box and Parlor Stovea ot an endless variety, soma ot which are entirely new deiens, vis , Uomblsed . Cook nd Parlor Stovet, aomethiof .' , very nice for small laniiliee. . . I CALL ESPECIAL ATTE-JTIOU" Q? FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boiler $, and LARGE CAST IRON UETTXES, A VARIETY PF CHEAP LABD AND COAL OIL LA1JPS rasa, Copper, and sheat Iron warat Lasterps. if bowels aodapanned Wars, a a.; ac. oncccAiirin cniiiT nanQf OF tha latest and most improved Styles, cheap " .' : for cash. ' , . lam prepared tdpnt up f ottering and aponttns, d4 all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and la a Fork manlike manner, whicn I warrant to givw 8 ail 7 faction. . ; ; ".- - - . f.: ' ! August 2, 1862. ' ;-' , . - - - JUST IN TJI.1E FOR ' " , TOBACCO' SEED; GRATIS. Send a tbrf cent poft fflce fUmp and ket six kinds Tot.accoSeedjrratis. THOMPSOX & HEDGES, - Nov. 29ia, 1!68. - ' Syracuse, Iftbrtuk. - Flowier Seqds. ! Choice varieties, and of yery anperiox ' quality, 50 pa pera of which will ha tent (post-paid) by mail, V "7 address, for one dollar ' March 1Kb, 1S6 tftSS-2x " New Hemediss for SPERLIATORRHCEAa II Q W A Ii D , A SS 6 C I A TIQ 1 ? J. .PHIT.APELFglA. A Benevolent Inttihtfion ettablithti by tpteial Ei dowment. for we Relief of ih$ ie and Ditirenti, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Dittae, and - eipeciall g for the Cure of Dueatet of tha Sea -OrOant - ' - Idl-IDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting ' Valuo!e Keporta on Spermatorrhoea, and other dia .r tfce'Sexnal Oraans. aod on the XETT RRME- ttmn mnl(ived in tie Picpensri lent io nested letei - ;n7;4;, - r'wo!cBrg,. two or Joree Stamps wce?u X, i. j. wulux hottghtos. IO ZEIS i ,1". i ' D.1Y CS5.DS. AKQ ORCOHMES I s liaiMisiJi i ssssMTiiiraasi isf OlU iiU. . i'.Ui d-.i THEODORE HILL, ' Is f avaivias), atsd will Jaahaaw to reeoif d&fi&g Um lammer, ana at j ff 4 i- t X --o- 1Mb f.- 4 4 f BEST SIX CItS ? i 1 ....- . .w 'iw,- . - J .. j, V h. ESlM-fflEiliE r a o m Kw " York,. PhfladMa Md ' St fconis. That feat ever teen txalbltew la tha Weatera ciaa try, embracing all the latest all lea and noveltiea of khe Umea. Sia stock ambracaa ' r : -; ? o i."? i t 1 : : ' , . t Dry Good, Grocertea, Hardware, - Cutlery, - -Qneenaware liattw and Csr; Shakers, Hoots and Shoes. Doora and Hab, Glasa and Potty, 1 ' ' "' fine Parnitare,. Vc. 6ct eVc, Ajaaag kU Pry Cawds wtll aw fwaad Prints, Ginghams T,awni. Barefea, Brown and Blenched Siaslins, Demees, Striped Sheeting. Cot tonades llosiurf, Gloves ! The Latest Styles Hoop -Skirts, Notion, Ac, Jkc. ! He hsts znnch the Largest Stock of QUEENSWARE ia the Upper Country. r "THEODORE HILL, Afreat for tha Uannibal ft Bt. Jocaph Liall B&od Packet Iiine Of tlteamboata. Kay S3, 1863. D4-U. IIcCORLnCK' Eeaper and Hower M A.NUF AOTUEID AT O 3a. 1 o'A e o; X 1 1. ' Tbia aelebrated machine ia by all odd a the BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. Notwithstanding the miareprasentationa of thoee inter ested in other machines, iU H. McCormick & Bro. man ufacture at tha rate of 8, XM) per year, Many chanres have been affected daring the past aeaion. and for I8ii the "tfcCormick" la presented with greater attractions than ever before. Asa reaper, . , THE ECOXOMY OP POWER IN THIS MACHJKX, IT' Strength, Curability, and a fiive'lt prewrence over ill othdrs New iiuprovenigntt a i'iwi, have materially learned th'd:rct dauh;, and so obvia-vd ihesuJs drAch. tiL uja'O' at8':re us tha it does mv; iiuw exvit. Tbe drugjit Qt the Kc-r is so lifht that In nnonrfus iitHucea tbe Uti iur iiirte machine u worked with but twr I'OR MOWING, The Machine of l&i'l will stand any tet that may b applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner e3Vc'ually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, while our new divider point separates baldly lodged and tan j led clover or graaa, where other ma chines fail. There is also a great advantage in our serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as It does not require sharpening ao often, thus saving time. Our sickle wtll frequently run through as entire harvest without once grinding, while the smooth edge Dust be ground once each day, if not oftner. With a i moth edge the draught Increases as the knife becomes dull. Our draught if uniform, and in the repeated trials during the season of 1S80 II, proved far lighter than alngle Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inobea wider. " Our Mower can be uaed with or without the reel t this Is iwportsnt, as Without the reel it weighs but about 70 pounds. v- - " - ' In addition to tbe very liberal warrantee given, n all puKbasers, we would say e heretofore, that farmers who may desire it, are at liberty tp wprk ear machine through the harvest, with any oher, and keep and pai for the oue preferred. . Pamphlets with full description bf Improvement testimonials, fee., caa he had by application to THEO. HILL; Agent, X3xOT7r.rJ.J.X 3XT. 2? Kay 1MM3. nA5-tf NEW GOODS aTTJST JIECJ3IVEP AT PRICES TO SWT JOHN A. PONTT I nqw recejTjrf and opoaiasj oat bi( Ppria tovkqf Goods, consi iaj of, . Dry Goods,-' " - ;-; GroDeries, k; Ha is and Capi, ; i ?:,' T . J ri ; - ,... Iron ao4 Nili, . i ' Flour and Bacra Queeaiware, ' -?. Hardware,' ' 'Furniture, pa'sh and Dqori, .'. " .'J WindQw Glasi, ; etc., tc, ea. Which X will gU eheap for a ' t , - i ... - i f i -" PASH QH PBODTJCE, . ; t . , j . . ! ' Call'iscd exjimine say sUck before phgslng e!eirkare.' V, r . -. Kn.wnTilie. AprilS.,. .; . nJ-2- T'?. a ' ' 7l r ... -A Wa SQrqnnnrilln STREET,' 'T:r"'- " BROWNVILLE. N. T. tr are ft-? f fTit:g and opening a ecmpla!,- aaiort thtt(t of strfij33l.s, oo&aiiCkig OP CIIIZ" GOOES: Prists, Mtisliss, I Bfilla, Oscaburg, '. Decims, Cottcrsdes, (: Apron Check, Hickory, . Jeans, Beraea, Linen. Dress Goodi, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, : Lawnes, atea Vestinrs, Broad Cio-iia, ' Cassimerti, I Ltooped Skirs, &c, ;.&c. CifiiH, Ttc, Sodp, Mola?sea, . - C'anJe, B. C. Soda, t aleratu., ViiiCgar White and Brown Sugar, -Satk, Uirrel and Dairy Salt., Chewing aod Smoking Tobadca 7 "OP I2AKDWAHE: - Axes, Hatches, 13utu, Screws, - ' Lucks, Latches', TiUi Taek. Penknife, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files,' &c, &c, &c.( &c, &c. &C' OF QTU EExUS Y: a BE : Cups and Saucers, Plate and Platters, . Dishes and Tumblei. . ,. . : , . - CoalyOilI Lamps, 7. . Lamp Chimneys, . .-v-- J ' Wik' &c &c Oi? BOOTS Sl silOESi Women' Shoes. v Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, . Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shees, Slippers, Meaa Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c. OF MATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassirnere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &c.,&c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snath Shovels, Spaues, Hoes. &c, &c. &.C. .OF LVA1BER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1; 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, - Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pine Lath, All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attention of the pnblie to ear stock, aa our CASH TERMS enable ns to sell low. Thankful for paat patronage, wa solicit a contiauane ef the same. LETT, STRICKLER & CO. aown vll 1. Jnly 3d, 1S6S. n62-tf . SADDLERY I SADDLERY I Wair. r (! lj- asaa lrr adalUoas w my ntt, SDr)Ll!5, H'RK'.' BRIDLES, COLLARS. LINKS. WAGON WHIPS Bfaat WHIPS, 1 OX LASH ad HOR3K LASUKS. STAUS LA.alih.ij, H'KCINULKS WIRTIIS, ST1RUUPS, LHATHaBS, t, Ae. I think Icaa acconmodate all iu quantity, quantity and price. 1 work sop but beat Oak Tanned leather, and getting it directly from tanneries iu Ohio, feel Occ ident It wilt give satisfaction. ;' . a, Plasterer's Hair on Hand, Cheap, CASH PAID FOR HIDES. 3. -W. MIDPIJtTOJr. September l, 1SJ. CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHEJG Ever offered in this Market. TiO DOUIJT ACOUT IT I CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THS Batimore Cothing " tore, BROWNVILLE, IL T. b'Atl'D.lE'IGBl, 1 Anuoupoe to the public that he .has opened out a stor of UEADY.IvIADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, ' GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR", &C.', &.C., &c Onprfce-dented la kmntity, quality aud prices. He is determine cis prices aha' l orrfapon4 with the Upe and therefor offer here ia the west, at just as low rates as sucb goods can be purcaed anywhere m the Cntted eUgtca. Aj a sample of bia prlceg he will mention that be sol! Cottg from $1,25 up to $15, Fant3 from $1 to $7, . Vest from $1 to )5. Boots. Ehoas, Hata, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, 8ns 3rs, Kecktles, Socks, Handkerchiefs, ate., in the same proyKrtion. The proprietor e9ubracthiopovt unity of returning th.uka tor past patronage, and promise to spar no ef forts ia the futu! eto give entire aaii.-tac:iQ8. - - " - , - - v . . : ; - iiAi: ; DAVID SEIGEU awwwvville.Jmaell, ISSi.y T v 3 -?a 3 m f-r: AjicnUsral Can!ircn ar.d' k- Vf uii.Ci. FOR SALE 521 aul 222 Soaih'Wil-r .rt, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood f35, Coat fat,fiPH sites other sS in TropoHion. with fruijht adsiC'i from factory in New York to Chiosfo. Theadraut?wei of couked over raw fooi is admit ted by all. Tbe old way of boiline in kettle ia both slow ard expensive, sa much 3 taht bat few men ds fit. nmrc-ii'- a! rs re rra"tiai mast be had. Steam tol,el.s on'y slternatire. The Patentea I ( retriifis?; tb4 ilrtn of the Portable Cal or'.n f r Viiirjj, c i devised means of feneratina sleiiia iiiii-:i r ii purposes. It it simple aad JacviLal, aj d i-rgves I'lrECT SUCCESS. , Sol asnt for Ilitnbis and Xorlh-Weal 221 A 223 i. Water St.r Cb icae . Where w?!l alio be found DowKa A Co'i Deep Val! Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Commoa Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well at every variety of Farfcing TodIa, Cast fro Corn Shel'.ersj Feed Mil's, Hay and Platform SeaJes Stovsa, Ac. The above will be told on afWonat ot the mauBfafltarerf , at their reap elirs fcotr prioo adding freight to this plsce, January 1862. tf ; " COLIUERCIAL 'IJURSERY, 031ADA, BEHKASJIA. E. H. B0RCHES, faopiwrroa. I have lone atace amn amvlareil f tks waaf at 8a elaaa Niraery in tha wet, where . TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &o., . ... f - . Can be adaptnd to enr elimafe and aeii. Ia vlrwar these facta, 1 have estakilahed fa thla Wave, ami oCm for saie at "Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, sJt4 te this eltmate, of - Apples, standard and dwarf ; rears. tao4ardj and dwarf ) Cherries, standard aaddwerr; Peaones, PTHsm, Apricot, Kectarteea, , Qcinoe. Ooosfrerriea. ' Correnta, Grapes, RaspbetTtea, Skrworrlea, iaviieTTlM, Ivergrema, Shrabe. loses, PakiaM, Ornswental Trees. Oreenhenae sad Bevldin runts, etc., eto. i Te which f would be? leave to call the attaotioo ef the people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west Missouri. 3My terms will be as low as any reJlabie eastern Nursery. By . purchasing of to tbe expense of transportation from the east can be aaved. All treea and plants are carefully labeled aod packed In the best manner, for wbich a charge of tbe actnal Cost will lie made. Ho charge will be nude for the deliver of packages on board ateamboata. . All communications a&lressed to. tbe nnderalgned will receive prompt attention. March. 186a. S. H. BURCHRi. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. THB LAT SCHOOL BELL. A KTw Singing Buok or Day Schools, called the DAT School hri.fc. is n.. eadv. Jt contains about 200 pages of cn.lce S m. !V es, Bounds, Catches,. Duets. Trios, Qia-teu and Ch roaes, many of them written expressly for it ct, besides 3i pate of the Kleniecuof mni t. meuts are so eay and progressive th- nrnu-arT to.k. era will And themselves, entirely sno-iu; n u-stum. Ing even young scholars to sinx correc .y - :f. i. cally, while tbe tune aud words eml . - w a vj-: ety of lively, attractive, and sont ;!iw4c sentiment that no trouble will ba ex !. r...-i ;n ir.-f. cing all beginners ta go oa wftb.ze:t V '' in one of tre moat healta-giviutc l - i happiness yielding, and ordor pri' r school life. In simplicity of its EHi:r and adaptation of music, and in excel i '. - i : ; - of its songs, original, selected, and ada'Ac . -t by much to ecel all conietitors. It wiii , t v. .' 'j te uie best book ever issued for Snninnp .uji-ij arid Public SchojU. A few sample v-h;' -i !s : meets, tunes and aonca are giveo ia a circular; an4getote. It is compiled by Horace- Waerc; anta of "Sabath School Bells," K a. 1 and wlvicb Lave bid the enormous sale of 656 000 copies. FTiceoapi.-? cov?ra Uii cts., fin per hundred; ooand 30 cnU.ji2 ver hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt 40 cents: $3 oerhnhd-ed 25 copiea furnlhel at the one hundred prig. Afaiied rre at the retail priue. VOTIcrs OP THE PRESS. -UX V x School Bkll The toueaara liaiy, an4 s -iti ti t i.wj- t-i eiy i.iatered by children. The aplrt 1 '., ? ' ,wi u ulir ';fp'i nah!e and well adapted to the j :).' r eji K l-ttie .;hea:ect ao1 ajoone the beat c.,a;o.Ts of athooi iauiji,c puhlwhed. Ntue York ; Day '- ii oo!. full Thia booh iaemlnaotly adapted it U. t lu ;uf Cuplllior. tKMiOOlS. l'e hve a great nuuiber of school aong hooka before tle ptil uc, but many c r tbem lack musical a well as lite r.nty taM!, Tid are really demoralising ia their enco upt u tbe musical talent of tbe young. Aira of ao kuow leaved excel leuce, wedded to words of true poetry, ara the qualities that ought to be sought with, the great est car ia the preparation ot a school song bok. Thl book iwrni to combine tha a two qutlUM-iPftMyi uania School Journal. Published by HORACZ WATKR. n4t-lv Vo. 4 'raadwa. New THE SOIL OF.MLimASHA. I TO" "7" X5 3Z3 3D S BY THOMPSON Sa HEDOJJS ; IH AAIIIN GiBDEN. FIELD, & FLO WER SEEDi To Merchants, Postmasters, Farmers and Gardeners. It is certainly to your interest to. boy seeds ef all kinds, grown on the soil ot Nebraska. It la to your in terest to get seeds to sell on commission, that are fresh and true to name. It is ta your interest to get seeds ef us lnsteadj)f receiving them, from the Baat-from ell stock that have been peddled around for years, It ta ta your interest to give us aq order for a general as sortment of Garden and Flower seeda, this winter, with which to auppiy your customers in the oprta ' We will give you a commission of S3 1-Jota. a t& at, of sales Gregory's Celebrated Marble Head Maagmata Sr head Cabbage. Gregory's Celebrated Stone f seoa Cabbage. Large Early Ited Large Late Drumhead Large York Nearly Tork 1 Varieties of Leltuc seed. do da 0 da do do do do da do da do da do do do i-e da da da do do do Onion KadUh Beet Parsnip Carrot IS Watermelon seed Maitkmelukx ii Tomato Tirnip Cucumber Sweet Cora 4V d do da 4 da pwarf Brom Corn Georgia White Sugar 0oe Common Chinese do Pure African I raphes Great Spanish five eared Crn. Connecticut aeed leaf tobacco aesd. Orinoco do '" ' do " Havana do . d Wllaon'a do da Maryland do. d1 Pear Tree ' " da' e$ Maryland Brod Leaf d-V do And some 60 other klnda Garden Seed. FLOWKH 8KEDS. TteLailie, (Ud bie iceia).' H wmi i"n ftnwer gardeD tbey wich to make home atrractie u.ij wlb to have aoat, well kept Lan, with iMarfen tiirf ieii Shaded, aud bera aud there d ned Witb tiatu'e'a tf.-. hit treaurea, noOding their Jeweled beau t ir. iu.'uujir breere, and emitting their leiicl,u. t r-ur :-t to ; around. The hutbaiid, wben be remrn -. i i;.t care and turmoil or buslaea, ueets it.e v w. half, who smiles beauae ihe b a luxrio ' ' :t attractions that Gd intemicl h ui'i j, ly 'ih', beautiful and pure. A man or worn : .. !.-. c era can nerer be coarse or uorefl:.e'i '? tiniii g-iage that speaks to the heart, aii 'c- '!.:. . cates; they are emblematical of pure ... , u't impulses aod moral apiratir.t. To our Lady readera of the "Farmer ' . .1 i aer.' ourge upy-ur Lieee Lords a-1 ''-'- '..".: rl Cower aeeds ready for apritg panU..: ri ...r-j I j lowing; Japan Pink, 4 kinda, pabinh Pink, f'hinese Pluk, PicoteePiuk, Carunation Pink, Sweet Wlliiams, f kinda, Verbena,' Csgliab Pe' :: Porialac. 10 -lor. Cleorae Fa'gen. . 7 I Ipomes. 3 ritie kiud Iiiuble Zinnias. ltd an J White Cypreia,"' ' UoobIS Balsaraa. Camelia flowered Balaax&s, Alt icaa Bibiactt, Phlcx, Creepers. 6 klds, Cebi C ttfta. Ker aaune Flows' And ver lot) othar fiTie Siwera tnr sale by THOMPSON A HEDGES, SyTsOwUe P- O., Otoe Co. t ebrala, yW9nafrawU.4r. tun rinDc oi new you::. Ci -A AjJ 0 us aiiihicaj C:..':r;. IatJct to rJ, or pvhta to plsais." to?. THE 'i'YEAR. Iff t.Sl. Vik- r rgr-.,vi;,-i;f ' 'J!f"V-)V kr!tf Of tT! ' t' an 1 "T -i.w.. V . - J .trv ;.jt Tr-ir , :. iufiry t'.i ' ::; M. -r A,j":e t'J.i ief.-rk'i II i fc ;:i:ar fvc liawcit., a- Wiis'ft'T'. "aecioa." H t iifrary -ktf vrferstr hag f. : -'iar tv tie ?'iu-' Mia'e. r cjirtf ef a c?ii - : t w:..' t'- " a :i i'-trs'liv rr.'j;-wft;i rr;-3 ft f fc'S.-Ja v- v-;'; Jowj. their u!at .evr i at; v .' t"ieir,"suoierpU-ia Fr'c a-'ew ! York fi'urf i!;du;H all i:J gwat ritaof lirtsnt i r.-ri, P,. 's' U---C -vf,- a'sesytaw, r Vry-tr. a ; It the oro paf-T ?r r every hotw. i?a Kf:y t otrni cf T!r ulatte'yV'wa.lS ff-i;. .' J ti' pari;ip.t , ' ," '' , . . . cosdKxv'b-tiY ins Zf7ZpiL1'J, and Its n(rreiMis.ollanea7&eIwikWy sfYeri Ooip, FsaiilfVmsv "IradilJiW ef Uasrf gT P-t. iJhed Editorialg, ecssbiire la rfAlcmif l. '.", j ' ": ' ? . ; WIT A5I S15TI2If -''';"- . - i . . : : Tbr k ini a-, i .ds It to bi wife, tlw To?zf tj Wit ohiM. !.,-1 ue lover W bis sweaSbiart, tl s&' J, , r Xt his e-njnde, sn l the vi"je swtoc.'aas.jr lr tr. ciro!.) artHiad tha to. Jtt i faailia td r' l. of every ma, woxan-'aad jhilJ ii the Jtriryraa has loa'ar subicriHrs ia several eoQBthe i i rope. The New Y. rk JkJemry is Also with the fjrandAt patriotism of th , fat ewvsT! meisbsrt tf its tilliaat rt T bold b!h raak is 0- n blearnlV, and have t4l th3Cj?ctvg as f-jrr? wjih Jhe Sword- as wtlh tie Pea. . Tkefrsat tratiaf ssrt3ts of thy New York Msfrcrr, fhrf laia- i table Dariey, gives tbepnper tbe hi jbesrtattntnVvV of Fin Arts'; aal yet the laf?3t literary wj5t!y of the-day promiavt to r-rrya -.rCi ii 'i ti&is ri spoot daring the Xw Year . Tbe 4rst Jf ew Y ork lieroary rr)a5U tirV Year, to be eomiBeas! k Hi "msm el s?ar9 2. IwtCJ!, k eaile4 : ' - ' ' . ' - J ... . . .r.-- . ot taa ' '" . ' r -' HKiniCSS- OF OASTLi: CtZl ? : by cot?irf hay caslstc:?, , . v ', V aCTvcta. or tfrrsr eoifia,' rrj: Cx:zzzJ wswrj," is;tV , ' , Tbe prodaatloos of tbia tSlstinraisbedl a;!xwwg need ao eulogy. Fablio eptaoo las let smcw tt nooiiicd them superior to aay abierBovalelr pV lished on this slie of, tbe Atlantio ; ast ; u test of their merit Isfoand In the-fact till eagerly reorodaevd.afur their prsblk-atioo ia tw Meroury, by tbe Engl'iib. press. We tesy ad J tba3 the new tale, Victoria," ia f!lr enal i .it.r-"? and depth of plot to eitbsr'of tbesa which bi cured so large a share of public approval, and.w can earnestly reeonmecd it to alt story-reader?.' t The New York Mercury fa sold by a?! Biwvssa and periodical dealer in Aawrica. T ru btrriWr, it is regnl&rly mailed every Saturday ekthI r. j, T'ir i a year; three copies for ti; fix ajict 2?f eight copies for 912, with aa extra copy, free, te thw getter up of the elub. Six montb' eiNcrtier received. Always write plainly the na.T of Post OSce, County aad Sute-. We- iak tbw aee of all solvent bank at par, raymeot naj via varia bly bo made ia advance. t-rfripwimea Coping tens freto ait applieaata. Address all tatter aod remittances, post jaid, W CACLDWBLL A WBITJSr j ; - Prepriekirs of the Sew York Mercury, a33-w . 113 FmAeo street, fsw Yosk CUj. PB03PECTCS FOB 1SC3- , Trjr "vv-PTfr vnrF'TfTinr? u ?nc TiMiriQUDsciiiiige, 1a 9. ?"fU rtal f t i ivwi; t rr ,u mrrarW aii-it th 'Ttmi. ri-i ,i. ma t 'i-ix papor,." : iKi4.ti r---a;'.; 'or u! f;'vi act oaj.t'ra tvdt a i.nMrwiMi oar ;i'viir as t H l;if ;t ri"'"J I' '" ' (ViT &.S." ;.M up- f?iiti-::r ""r rr ?" tt Iyi-,ai.i t -.; r r '. lt. " wj t? s a -Puoiia' fir yeata f a-t a voo-f ti.iifMir.b lovpr:' .t rr. ao. nadsa ijrgt pro;i".! j 'fV :- : tia3 nae ctaftftetl tbey u t: -1 r-y ej '.rjt jjaut-r wtt-i'wt wtiv I ai;1 wiil.L ii: f.y;rc ' n .: o-i? of tkur aaa -. T..u ;. . ";.. in if pise ' I paor will malt 3 !;T'.Ti'.fB--i ri t ! i.4r.J v. to uar to us yearrrz T i-j th- prle. of the LSSX- Tom; :! rors .iu it i4 We can aTirci it. .Our aaa-t.i'.f:"- r.a" ti-.a tt hHi payer w.a cheap i awadl waidi r.t - a. T.-l l.'ji:rta-e our rat) taUesasaaaw bn It ; . : ;.' u a yr rui laai wan t,-a beth waye.M ..'':. three doliart ? jtr jei.tcs( alz doltar ; etga twelvadollan -P sttntYtert aod. biAor woo rei club ean afterwards aKi aiogl copiea at flI. Tr party who seeds r.a 12 tor a el ok ol eiit twpia. (a. aent at oaa Un wiu ut!t.vt to ecpy trva Terna LavarUbly ia advance. N sa!cnp:K tai for less period taaa ob yaar. Caaada aartrw mt''. xacut twenty aig eeeaa ka adJitkosi to the- sahtass. tic a c ba! 1t.v the 'o r"r the Aaarloan poetage. wbich i hsUi a cut , f-('y -japor. Thanotaa of alt apaela-tayiaa t k .. i-.r. When draft er aheok ea ava .-tit.-it will ba preferrad, a l wiit pravea .L..ny of the bsa ot racoay by naaiL n 13" etupioj no trtveiUcg agata. AAtn. 1 ooiuiaufiioaUua ' " ' " " ' ' . . i fcGBi&T 02a. yuMJsaarj , Ko. 4A ?ark &ow, VwsTrk.. T11C CONFES-SIONS AND KXPrT.I ..'.EX CU Mr A SUFFXUIER. 1 . ' Publiabed as a waruiag, aud for tb especial beae Otof Xoonf He and those who su!Tr wilh !?rvoua Debility, Losaef Maiaory, Ptmstar Decay, 4.A. by one of tboaa who baa wurod biuiself by aittplox means, aftar being put to grea expeua aad taooa venience, through th use of worthies j&eaisir-Sa prescribed by leawraed Doolor. ' SinzUeopiee nay ba bad of tb aatk.r, (X A LAMUSHT, Eq., QreflDpoiat, Loc;Ii!a&4,byQ'o. in? a post-paid addressed enlop. . Ad.irs CHARLES A. LAMBXV.T, Gwavt Ucb Island, N. Y. ' v Uay33, 1M. a-S. ' 1 1 " p nail n. SADDATII SCHOOL. HHUlSO, ii 75,000 Copiea Sold tho: FLrst' "ID Llontlis of it3 Pijblicatics.' - 4 It is aa eutire Jfew Work, cf nearly 233, p je. Many of tha Tune and Ujmus wera wriata ,es presaiy for this tolame. It will toon be as popu'&j. a its predecessor, (Ball No. I ) which bag rua t te I the enormous number of 573,3.') vpie la 3moauis. OUttripi'iug u awiuacvwvtf ioia w sud ia this country. A)o, both voluacaaraboantS in one to aoooi&m4dat aebool wishing lhn i tbk form. Price ef Bell Ifo. 1, paper eoverv t eent JI2 per 100. Bound.23 ceuu, 1S"mt1:.V ClotV Ibousi embossol gilt, 39 easts, J.2 per 1 EU . y . El, paper covers, 12 eents, $11 per 181, . tkutni 21 oeutt,fl3 per 199. Cloth bound eoaboasad j'wU,;k seats, $20 per 100. Belli os. I and $ Ui;l tp getber 40 eents, 430 per hundred. 23 eopiag fsr nished a( the I0Q price. Clth enbosai gilt, SOcent, $42 per; ICO. Mall po&ur fra A th retail pries. U0BACE WATSPA Puiiher, n41-ly Jio.43l Broadway, aw York. 1 i. iii.h" IM i j if 1 m 111 ii 1 m in tm 1 FRUIT AMD ORNA51CNTAL TREZ.1. ? 09, 000 Apple Trees, 4 years eld, per hsudred $U per thousand. 74, C00 Standard Fear TTees, 2 to I years eld, 2i pee hundred, )330 per thousand. 20 000 1 year old Diana Grape Viae. fcl perhaadTt $lt0 per thooHand- ' . l&o 000 SuaOard Pear Grapea, $J pr.hsdrd. &j per thouaand. These Pear Grafts, not being bulk., caa be transjoru ed cheaply, and by growing two year, wtil acako Nizett tree la pi aut in an orchard.- Aaj oa treoi t' c;r ci t ey by gtowiiij them u aU' t8od,fjr Whet ssie a't-a v'vci ;p'aT C'al v;uw. -. ' Z. M0O2T k 80- lw Norwi-'e' 1. ckpurt, J. T. - . crd-i Panp?-id by iL ' .... . ' ; .'-.' T f Si Pm-lwt Aii.'i'j. : i j v i ! ii 7i tr: r . . - - fl M; .C'ic 5''ai-r'.if ..T ! Itr1f3 t ijfw fa. p "CiufJAT",'-" f.Si CiV-SofTafog $,11 T". ft :ii ".:. vr-y i-i " . I VJ 4? '. l "Si, w - i per; iTir "i- esl; twM. u aad tmw " . : t 1. 1 t;Mi;vi. last Hy. ('..uii?"'!' t .t Millet ta ? id. wAVPfjy, 1.7 a tt g'!. P)yw.xith. Kats. in J ( i cot' l ilAl' COLT. !.., ,. r cc "a J ! ar.i i-..i.w ni. iw 3 f--o tba fwa f rr - i'..Tt?t c Kanaka C:tjt. t . 1 .tiv w;ta v;,it .'01 lv t fitca, i t'w :.. Tb-ithc ti.ttn t.- iaUut. j: gar f--!ti a yor-'t ht Sinr ;. inw pera.iu renirDr!v: ib't'ta k. -. riJKif lie ea- deraC !,. iivJ we. l cf "Nptj t'tf, or lutor cca. 'au ;hc.r akjT. r wiil iiNara:.' rewarded. - 1 i - - ' lira. Tl'f CTlt- - fa.5H.ai4 l -, ...:.. t -w'- - ,y ' ' ... ' y