Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 26, 1863, Image 2

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rii ii. i. n ii , .mi i ii 1 1 1 ' t f ' - . .
;7he Loyal fcatloiial League.' ;
! Id' many cf h Eastern Cities ihe Un
ion rum are associating thtrriselvea to
gether jmi6 a League, ly feigning ihe M-
ing vpk'dge..
' Ay., the ondtrirnf' J, citizens of the
UnitedS-ates, hrreby associate ourselves
.' nude'rJ' ihVr name.: atio title of the Loyal
Katronal League.' ".
'.Ve tuVdreourselveMo an unccndition-
alloy11 10 lDe Jvernmeni oi iue tun
e4 ' States, to .an .unwavering support -if
its- efforts to suppress '.the Rebellion, knd
to..spare.po endeavor, lb maintain jumra-.
paired, tie National unity, both in princi
ple arid te'rrit oral boupirj;,1..-.'"'
The primary cbjecrof this League i3,
and shall be, to, bind1 together ll loyal
nn, of all trades and profession, in a
common . union. t "maintain the .power,
glcry, and integrity of ihe Nation." "
";Of it the Tribvai says:'.
''"The people. are a' unit in
Urmination to suppress thejRebellian and
gave the Union, hut they 'have hitherto
been, "in a measure, powerless, for the
want of organization, and that perfect,
yst'emalic and sympathetic action which
cer. .only,. be secured through such tLfor-0Ech-organisation.;!
Their loyalty has
rtie.rtq 'found, 'pot epf ipre fiion only by
Tunjeerioj,, to . (rjiu vth'e '.battles. of ..the
nitiori,iri swelling t(he ranks of the most
ffre'ntfidVrny .thai;nas .everraised in
anvoiiutrvtv wiihia .ihe", same period.
t! behind Ah'n krmy.'-at liome.nhere has
bbUellf.a: AvintVf 'iKe'pcsIliliiy pf an
intf)l!gen 'cooperation' thai should overi 1 1
bar : all pDr6Mtfon and ihsoire the';Gov'--LB
rjjtm n V wuh : an '' ii ndou bti n confidence
iil-thfe -unswerving Royalty and unalterable
deterrninalionjbf the people.. It "is. for
this -reason thai a: National, League cora
reands itself to Uh masses, who hope
thereby to "be '-united in'.an organization
that sh all' insure , the prosecution of the
war in accordance with, the p.'ptuar wilt
""We Vee by the papers liiat the Untcm
rncn 'l'n.all 'the 'loyal "Si4k s arc s;uiu
the 'aVove pledee; atid enrclljg tiir
carne&.T - 5t ;,.t-' ' : ; . '
' TnrNey YorW' on the' 20th:inst.,' they
held a meeting at oper a Institute, bais
tp have been one PAhe,large?l tvtr Cun
Tcned 'fti he"Ciy'If tra's add rested by
Gen. Butler, Gen. Sielrfiea.. Hamilton
cf.Tf cae ie 4td"tc,Lh.ers.'
v -t( r-i-
1 1.
'On' MIay' last Lieutenant Johr A
WiicQXi 4th i U, S. Cav and muerin
cfnceij jQud'ered luVtVenialia City in
this cotlntV company " RI 2d v Nebraska
cavalry, ihe. 12th i company nod which
toriipletes ''.the-1- feguuejat. Immediately
after nhich he mu.eted tn Captv R. W
J'uaaAS of company " E " asColonel of
.ihe regiment. . We believe this ap
pointment 'was couceded by all to' be due
jtoCol. J'urnai. . From the commence
ment othe W?ar he has been very active
and Irlicient in promoting enlistments.
f teH the Neb. 1st was filled severa
fomplriies-were raised' in this County
. and vicinity through- his aid and irinu
ence and mustered into the U ,S. serv
jce ia Kans and Iissouri.
. Itecognjzing bis ability, and as a par
till reaard or ills services, the.Secretary
'ot WTartia Iarchof 18G2, commissioned
tiixa Ccicoel of the First Indian Regiment
raised in -Sonera Kiisas. He jeme
diatelj repomt at their fUad-quarters
and in a few! weeks had the Regiment
.ready for active' service. During the
Sutncier: fce. accompanied the expedition
tent by Gen. Bicnt, into the Indian doua
4fy.Wrest cf ATkaiJ2as, ,pnd was'in sever
al battles which resulted in victories for
she' Federal . Axzns, at which his Regi;
Jjmeiil did inost of tbe lighting. '" iier hjs
'reg'i'cant vas . coraEianded to fall back to
iKansasi.'jbewas. detailed; by Gen. Blunt
4t the-lq""''' .Geb. .' Lane' lo' return
Md' Nedrafia' and; raiie a new regiment
Xqr tQiiceJiuder'ln& - Iat Gov. aun
J5 er4 bj?i ihiojc proper 46 'allow,1 i: to
:mentr2de, a reqnifition on JNebrasjia
for a Regimeot-of Cavalry. Mr Furo;
as immediately rsiguod his commission
end' assisted irj recruiting forthrCralry
-Regiment, with uhat succ;s i. shovn ly
the 1 , fact that" "three ', cea par;cs' ;vci e
iio-this county. ; : .
John Van Bur en coKUJeJ his .late
- speech in New York as follows :
'i'Gs altera en, we must depend upon our
selves, if we can fight this battle to vie
'loryV wesballif caunot.we shall be de-eated-'But
Ueyond all arthlyossider-
Nations" we ,rn Uniteihatis out hiheH
idbuVt about'ohe Jesuit. -, I do'inot look
. f crvrard to a ' - J JifT "ar a 'great many
J ffple ;It is hot tl)"e habit tf modern
' ;Vin?e4. to have loijg wars.? vTbe great im
provetnents in the enines of destruction
rr.ab.e '.ration to'tnug war rapidly, to'a
. close, ;"TbvRui-fri cautpaign was-;noti
. long;1 e Italian campaign was a; short
-'iVae 1 an4 in "'. my ii jitnent'tbls" wA'will
i he a short one if ue are united and put
forward ah.e uhcle power pf the. loyal
j'Sta'tes of thisU-nion-'. ;Wjth puf immense
"Vpcp'ulation and re?o,irres we ought to eni?
this wsr in ' ninety 'Jays. jStart .your
' troops Jn Neiv Orleans, at 3Tick$burg at
'ChsriAtcn, and 10 Tennessee. ' ,Charge
a'.or::the who! line advance with en
"er-yVnd will Unionand my word for
' it,fcin ninety days everybody will wouder
'ihit' this rcbelliaa was ever regarded jis
"f -r;Jal!e in any portion of the Uuited
P,rJ continue to- publih favor-
; k ' '."its ircrni-e new n"""
:r;,.VvaVhi::Stoa ani'-KebraaV, along
T . -.-.vvfiters CI 1-3
Tbe!t-aised. jShortly Afterwards, Gen.-hereupon calluponall patnoticanct tann
pVr Vho xoiaiiiauded la" this. Depart-.' ful citizens to oppose and lesisuhe aforei
1 .
Muster aoli
Of Company 'E," Second Nebraska CaT
atrj from Nemaha County.
We publish it at this Utefday as a UaC
ler of record for jutufe'referice. - It
Was organized here in November lasi, in
i j..- -.:. r .', ii n
just nineieen uays ai'ur .
alsojf fjpjiL th i . co u n f-E P
CapTai n, Rofit. W .. mas,
1 t Lieu t j. L evjisJJ ; I lx
Orderly Sergeant) A. S. Stewart
Cum." ,
1st Duty
2d, r
J. T. Scott,
J.'-P: Burdickl
Alfred MorganKi
J. Q. Hamilton,
Jr W. iNIoore,
lstXJpcrll, T'W. II FuruaJ,: -
Frlirf routy,
-W.-A. :WoodJx:
-,3d fr
;h - :
7th ,1;
8 th';
K Kill,;, Jr
fl. JShewy,
it hn t
1- . I:
I If.'.
, John A,.GalUgher
1 !t 1-
Farrier. Geo. Robinson, ' -
' Blacktmith, Smith rhompson,
Teamster, Thompiron Paxten,'
( Geo.'VrDjdge .
Saddler, Civilian WaterV. "
- WagonerV Lewis S. Kennedy,
Bagler; John Li'Cclhapp,
Samuel h. Halleck, ,
Atkin David; v;;; ;.lvvg
Brown Nelswi, !.),. .-Lytla F.: 3
Brand Latireneir, J Mumford T' T.
Buffington Phil. ; ':!MciiCtiiK?.
Uivins,i.o,i. a
1,T J ,'. . I V f
Baldwin B. L.
rbwn;iilr' OJ
IVrtcV. W
Bridge L ; a
..Parted J:W
Bogle'Thcs.1 r
Burg W. R.. . '
' Parlt' A.! ',r
R(chardsoa fJ... P- .!
. Roy J.L;: '
Rlieimus Aug. ,
Rogers' D. ' ;
1 Sapp IL F. .. t- 1
Shields D. ; ' j ,' ; '
'Sinith 'Jl'.', " ".
liSliaunon M. A.
Coulter D.-'M. :-
Collins L. A.' ,"
Columbia J. L.
Coleman J. H.
Dozitr Zl T. .
D.itll Geo. 1
Dixon Jas.
Dniels.Wtn., A.
Kmpon W'
Fa irfeWn W. 1 N. 1 Stanford NV.i J ; '':::
Fowkr W.
FlinnWm. ,..,.. """mjth.E....-..", ,
Fishburu Eli, ,; . . Shannon T, H. -
Grant J. A. Thompson John, .
Grammar Ju.M., .. Thompson;1 W. N-- t
Gaines Wm:." .Tripp 'DB.1 ;
Ifart llenry,:'.' j .', . Thompson ..W..; '
Halhnan tt ra. m ymore J? 1. .siij-'i
Hewett O.iB: ' " rWymbre J.T."?': I
'Jones J. E. -: W'aldter ..L.,. j .
JociesW: Ej-t' -!! Wynrtore-Ji A ; ' '
Jones' J -; 3.rW(l!kihspA ;
K'tlly.F. ;..:! ii ' .vViiiilaw, P. 1,; . r:
Lewis J. W. ' Welch Alwx.-r r ' 1
t ..'LT'if'!''""' J ' 7:.); 1 ?Tf -!- !
Long EM.4
' th
j We have repeatedly had the promise j port SGot'tjJrom the advance of-.thejAr-
of the Muster Roll oV-i'Go 'nytny tlM fVwhtter, diff atbL-rsfbr
Lave been unable. to "obtUa iUt'til aai G Blutf. W(? totiaecsa rfao U the
Bj the rrcslilciil or the tnKedP301?- V ' V i
Kr!rtlfri - hwnl
Leiive. ;'.-';' ;:
ExrccTirE M&nsiox, 3Iarch 10.
In pursuance cf the.J2Cih section of an
act of Congress,; entitled an act for en
rolling and calling out the national forc
es, approved on the 3d of March, 1S63.
1 Abraham Lincoln. President and Cona-m?nder-ia-Chief
of the Array and Navy
of the Uuited States, jdo hereby order
and command tliiit all soldiers enlisted of
drafted into the services of the Uuited
Slates, now abn( from their regiments
.without leave ehall, forthwith return'to
their respective regiments ; and I do here
by declare arid proclaim' that all srldier
now absent from their respective rreg4
ments wkhout iaave .who ihall. 00 r-,be-fore
the 1st of April, 1S63, repcrt ihem
selves at any; rendezvous' deiinated Toy
the general or'Jer of the War Deparif
ment, , N. 58, may be restored to their
respective regiments without punishment,
except the forfeiture? of pay and allowan
ces during their absence, and all who do
not return within the time specified, will
Le arrested as deserters, and puuished as
the law. provides ; and whereas, evil is
posed and disloyal persons, at sundry
places, have enticed and procured sildiefs
to .desert and absent, themselves ffoh)
their regiments, thereby: weakening the
strength of the army and. prolonging' the
war, " and giving a id and ' i omfort' to the
enemy, and-crually . expsing the gallant
and faithful soldier remaining in the ranks
to increased' hardship ' and, 'danger, I. do
crimes, and aid ia resjoring to their reg
iments, all soldiers absent without leave,
and to .assist in the. execution of the Vet
of Congress;for enrolling' and calling oat
the national forces and for other purpose
rs, and ' to -support 'the1 proper authorities
in the prosecution and punishment of off
frndf-T of sai;l act, and in suppressing
the insurrection ,and rebellion. ' ,
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand. Done at the city of Wash- j
t r J ' .f n ' t.' T-v 1
ington, mis rjju aay ci.iuarco, a, i;.
1863, .aud of the indepundence of the
United States the eigthy-seventh.
By the Prciident: Edwiw M. Stan-tok;-
Secretary "'pi War, ' ''..'',
Necbo' I)aVisg.-:Ap. instance of. the
daring of. nere in that s-ftciiDn is fold
by a Lake'Proyid.nci ( Ls.1 correVpotld
?uVoi tuiePkLddeipaia Lnqvuer i, ;
': ffRecmjir .nUitck imio,; after-several
days' itfgitrefjue.
round's' Vil muni iioa," k ucceeiled. iii'secur-1
his-wish;- He sit out irtthe nirht.'n ijI vvni.-ti . -t t rr l- J
bv inorhing' reached' the' viciiiity' of1af
. ' . . . - ' r ' J
rebel guard." , He' crept c.uiiously for
ward, but was seen ?nd watched. J S'.id
deidv Urp'rick of rifles 'Lrpu"gi-'t
him to his feet. Bore hioi were threes
vt btX sbldie'rs. He instantly brought his'
picket jlo .hii t-h -Lldcr and fired. , .One
rebel fell idead. The negro, by the time
thaVlewilderinent of tha oihej" two h?d'
passed pfi as upon .th.n with uplifted
musket, threatening .tbi?m with its imme
diate decent unless the v surrendered at
once. -They acquiesced ic a hurry.
Leaving the dead rebel to tlie dogs, with
the other two in loyr, the negro jeturued'
to our lines 'and delivered them to the
authoriti es.' '.Since" this Exploit the negro
mad e Himself ' .u''fu'l in , jPtoutiug'i and
bringing ia information.'--'' 3iV- ,v"lA
TronTBlunt's Array.
TJy the. Leavenworth Conservative we
Bee that Dr. Kilpatrick has arrived at
SA i5ent nville ithree. In lian'rciiaents
iaftallii'of the SiV-h ZCa.n;a3 Cavalry,
and the Second Kansas Battery is sta
tioned. One regiment of Arkans as Union
J troops is at Fayetteville. There are riV
land Second Indian reihi'Vi-ts.- ; At Neo-
isho f arthBre-a re-"fl ve conpan i'ti s'.'-The
troops pap, norhing to do in the Way of
warfare. "Save an ocasio'nal skirraish with
gue7'rillas:,r::'Tl''hy llouring Quills at Ben
tonville Fayetujviile and other points
are bein? uk-d for ahe manufaciure of
flour 14 supplylihe wants of a largo num
-bef destitute: Unton families..- i -'.i v 1
The.irebels'.'are 'not ih' force north of
the Arkansas, river: 1 Standwatie is at
Briartown,r on the. Canadian' river)' fifty
miles .south-of Fort; Gibsoiiy with scarcely
a whole . regiraent. Col.! Cooper ii fift
miles north of F(Jrt.Wshitai;wlth i com-
tnajid of: four-nhbueand.menprihcipally
dese'rters froui Ulndmanr';. Cjoper. s bus-
indssis te pick xip'iUiierteis returutng to
Texas. vr -. -a it h-- t r 11 .. 7 !:
ft The. Choctaw and Creek lndians in the
rebel - service.1 are.-furloughed and gone
home. Great demoralization exists
throughout Ndriliwesterii Arkansas and
the; Indian- country, amoug the enemy's
troops. Their transportation is used up
and they, are"' alniiit absolutely vvithout
animald; their rnuls Having died -at the
rate !of one 'hundrtdTantl fifty p'ar' d-iy;, i! jl
Tu Fedenal couts"scour the whole'
country !eat pf Crarksvillc!,'and north of
theArk'anas; thiii' seclion' having been
heairly ahagei&er abaii'lunftd by Use iene- j
ry, c:VaiJiftjtiH)ff tite Arkanai river1,;
hajriaiy ' iba-'visitld" ieveral-tinVes'.;
ihouhC-edonot heat of.any impriatit!
captures 2' f-
ii 1; . j 1
K' .. . '
5 .Secedcd from Scecssfon; A -1
0 ,"We' "suppose ; no 'troad Secessidhisj will;
be' ablid' to fxM' 'fault4" with' the ' 1 ate act too:
of the' CheTotcee 'Legistature, which as
sembled' a' molih of so ago fri the Dela
?jire' .District ;-ofth'e Nation1, arid which!
passed ' ad -'act Speeding from the'Sbuth'-j
ern : Confederacy. 7 'The priiiciple( of se'-;
cession,' ' we believe,: is the groundwork;
of pyr Southern revolutionists. Accord-1
ing- to their theory, the separate pans of
a1. country afe' to be kept together jby a
ctt (bf ; '''passional attractioit," after the
mannerof free-lovefs,anl a divorce is to
ie "iiistanily Conceded whenever the "af
finity" cea?es. The honey-moon of the
'Jefi'domV''is',,pt.nt.' ' That' fair Indian
i I , J "' ! -' : i i I i .
country tias' received me rtias embraces
of' t'e'btUipti'yeVsonifie, "played with hii
flaming hifr, atid3 pi'rt'a'ken' bf his burning;
but deiusivV'ki&es. - Satiety, as it often'
is';";has: belen- the rent of disgust. V7Fa
oiiliafity !breeds.conterapt..;: The Chero
kee Nation has left JetT; Davis'-bed and'
Eboirdsai)d;-;l-eTerling' the' ritje, has iff ef-
Lfect adveriis-Jd not to pay any debts ot
ture has revoked the ordinance of seces
sion! annuledi the treaty of slliance -vvith
the cebei 1 Government. I An act was
passed deposing all disloyal Cherokees
from "offices, and declaring them, forever
thereafter incapacitated to hold office
Various ether things were done cancel
ing former proceedings of the Legisla
ture. We have yhe impression that per
haps all the late doings of this body are
not perfectly regnlar, but no one cande
ny; ihat they are .as much so as those di
vorcing .ihe Cherokee Nation from the
old Union.' nl .''!'' j .
Prospects of Slavery In Missouri.
On :Tf fsda- an event' occurred in'oaf
'streets, which,- more than aby other which
has ever attfacie'our attention, goes to
prove that slavery in Missouri is doomed.
"A-slave'-girl,-one of the fewleft in this
once bauuer pro-slavery country, was sold
under an: execution; and although about
thirteen, years of age, wellformed, sound
in mind and limblof an ordinary degree
of ; intelligence,' the highest sum which
'could be procured for the "chattle" was
S1'23, two years5 ago she would have
'sold readily for from 8400 to S600, and
bidders would have been numerous and
prompt;" ' ; "; ": ':: ' " '''.,
' -This little cirrumstance: shows that not
much longer will our fair State be cursed
wi tfithjs drawback upon b(er development
andr,proisperityL - The people are rapidly
''corui'rrg5' to'-tlieir senVes'Upon this'subject,
and very few thinking men can be found
eventn Jackson county U'h'o "do not deep--
ty-regret iiib xauure 01 tne emancipation
bill in. Congress, and''wh6 do hot hdpe t'o
'See some "action taken hy dur Gensial
'Assembly 'upbri he subject of ridding the
St'ate!;'of itsi!,mosl'Jpfominent and rilmost-
isingie . uupeurmeni ' to- rapiu. growtn ana
success., 'Scarcely a'-day ' passes1 upon
Ayhich'iv'e do not hear from some former
slaveholder 'whose ' "property" has given
leg-bdilj congrattilaiing himself upon his
escape from an .incubus 'which had op
pressed him'for yearsi like the "old ui an
ofthe lea," having once fixed itself upon
man cannot be dismounted or evaded. ,
j 'The ; jncident above referred to; has
probably opened the' eyes of the few of
our citizens who wjll hold to their former
prejudices jn' Favor ' of' slavery; because
they, have always been accustomed 't') it,
and-wrlPshow even to them that the free
dom of Alissouri is a foregone conclusion,
and thartheir-feeble-opposition t it only
irendS' thein-riSiculoTJS'aod 'if iVhas-
any effect, only substitutes uncompensated
emancipation--for that-compensated :kind-
otlerea ' by-a'tdnsiuerate liovernmeui.-
'Kansas Citif 'Journal ' of Commerce. ' -
- - ,' - ';WvXsinirti'To, - March' 22.I"nform'a-
.1 J , , -. " .'ill.
tion received 1 oy tne oovernmsnt uiaus
tor the . belief that the rebels afeabandon-.
Ib' he ;R'appahanock - and falling back
'towards Uichmond. r News ; brought by
refugees that' Longstreet is moving to--tvards
Lynchburg and train are 'corning
nto; 'Richmond -ftorn Fredericksburg
heavily loaded, tfinds to confirm this news.
JIalifax,; March 22. The Europa,
from Liverpool tye 7th, and Queemtown
the evening of the 8th, armed this morn
ing' 'The City of Manchester left' Liv
erpool for New -York shortly after the
Europa,- English riews important. -The
all obfervjr.'g topic' being-the entry 'of
the rrincess' Alexanliia into Jbondan tne
day; the' Europa sailed, -on' an pnexarh
pled'scale of magbificenct?;; V-
The Eleventh' Company of Nebraska
2d Cavalry was organized at Brownville,
ca the Sfith' the election pHhe
folbwin gentlemen as officers:
S. F-iCoopia, Captain. ;
j '; O. B. Hewit, 1st Lieutenant. - N
I F. R.' CHArLiw,2d. . ;
,. Mr,vCiorrR will make a first clas3 of
ficer, awl we are highly gratified at his
election. ; The other ' officers are said to
be good men, and well quaimea 10
chosen? -'ii - " A- - - yt
rood 'men, "and well quahhed tor
TKo lftt, f!rtmn.inv WAS oramzcd-in
Richardson county by the election of D.
W. ALtiso-t; Captain ;'-ayke,-ist
Lieutenahi; Reavis. 2d LieutenanU-
Lieutenant Jonir A. Wilcox will mus
ter these companies into the service m a
few' dayls. -' This completes the organiza
tion of tha 2d Febraska' a full
Regiment, ' A" Colonel;'1 Adjutant; 'and
Commissary; will doubtless be appointed
in a fev 'days'. Onaha RtpuUicaii 20th.
A reiolutioriiwas agreed to in the.leg
islature j of. Virgirginiaiof the-4th ihstM
inquiring into the "expediency of report
ing a 4aw aaking it a" penal oflfeuse for
any one to maintain? by speaking or writ
ing the propriety of reconstructing ihe
former 1 United States." ' Against whom
is this ; proposed law aimed ?. Are not
tne peopie 01 Virginia, as 01 me wuuie
Southi .V. unit for secess-ion? Have we
not been told a thousand times that both,
sexes, all'agesrall sizes and color, were;
opposed to the UniqQj.with all their fac
ulties t pf their, mipHs, al the passions of,
their hearts,, .all. .the members of their;
bodies, opposed ,lo. it; totally, and to the
bitter end, even torthe Vlast ditc V Has
anybody in: Virginia jbecomQ;x!isgl?ted:
with the search of that "last ditch ?" I
What'; the matter ?
; 1.1
The Kific'ilT-s or Uoldex Cibcl'i: iwi
I .vDriif A.'--'The Indianapolis f 'Journal
says that news com'es frotn every part of
Indiana that? the "Knights
Circlet-are -sunplyingr tt
of the Golden
pplyingr- themselves with
arms.; ; It adds that immense quantities,
of revolvers and bowie-knifes are daily
shipped from Indianpolis, tCincii.inati and
other places, into.different parts of the
.State, and that they, are ent-winta the
country neighborhoods iri lots of ten to
one hundred,, showing that companies'
and societiesare all, arming at; once.
The Union Leagues will prove an .effec
tual foil p these treasonable-movements
of the knights. ... . , ... ,
, , The same is said to be true of the Cop
perheads, of ..Illinois. Mor,; arins .haye
been sold in this city, within the last, two
months, than during six months previous.
Afost of, them, .went over to Illinois. ..'..
.. New Yobe, .March 24.Ar dispatch
from: Washington yesterday dated South
West Pass. Louisana,. March 15, should
read i as; follows: '.Comodore. Farragut
leading in the Harford passed Port Hud
son liatteries at 11 -o'clock last night.?'
. Advises ffronx Porter's fleet say. the
last dummy turreted monster- which run
the (blockade-at-Vicksburg, caused the
rebels to open such a furous . fire that it
proved, a ' great success, ' causing the
butsiing of several of the rebel's largest
guns, wounding: thereby quite a number
of r:bei officers. - ,',-',;
The Government has iraformation that
leading rebels, including men as promi
nent; as J. P. Benjamin, are oonverting
their a-vailable property -into foreign ex
change.) ,---'! .- 0 r-- - - . . V j
W AsntNGTOir, JIafch'23. Gen.
Hooker's system of furloughs is found to
vork. so well that it-will be adopted as a
perdiation regulation. ; Inf ringmenis have
Leen so severely dealth with that .officers
and men return ! promptly at the expira
tion of their leaves. Fify-iseven of. our
cavalry were killed or wounded and twen-ty-two
taken prisoners in. the recent bril
liant "fight at Kelly's .ford. : Returned
civilian- provisions . were funished with
clothing and transportation to their homes
to-day. Gen. Heintzeiman .is likely lp
succeed Gen.. Sumner in the Department
of the Missouri. Appointments under
the- Conscription law... for Jhio, New
York, and. Massachusetts, are ihearly
completed Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
and the remainder' of' New England,
will follow." . There, will be no announce
ments till the - lists are .compjeied.. The
reportvof the : commi ttee oii the-rcond uct
ut. the; war,: will tbe matte ion the 4th of.
April. .At is -.said ; to. contain . evidence
compelliog a. Court 'Mania I in at' least
one officer of rank. 1-j i.'i'i.i
iiiThe Richmond.and-' New. DTleans re
ports are .perfectly consistedoaiall points
except whether.ithe.' llef did of did tiot
pats 'Port Hudson, on which vital pqint?
they give opposite 'views. -. . ! .".; -
; S r racuse, March 21. Major . Gen
eral EdwinV. Sumner, recently appoint
ed to the command of the department
west pf . the Mississippi, died in this city
this imornicg, afjer a sickness of a few
days of congestion of the lungs.
Washington, March 21. r The Secre
tary of the .Treasury has: placed in the
hands of the Pay Master Genejal suffici
ent money to pay the entire army to the
1st of .March : J ; 1
New York, March . 21. The : Tri
bvine's special from Headquarters of the
Army :'of , the , Potomac,.- says,', after the
reyiow of the 12th, army corps by Hook
er, he addressed his officers and :express
ed satisfactory at their soldierly appear'-.
inte and . relie on ithem forl asaistance
T 0
and hearty : co-operation in tho ; ensuing
campaign. So far : as hirnst-lf .was con
ctirned he meant there should be "no more
mistakes or doubtful results if the enemy
cjid not. run,. . ,- : ,-: . , .'. : '
There 'was a heavy fall of suow dur
iflg'the day and last nigbr. -; !
iIyRraiESBoao, March 21. Tho ex
pedition which went out in the direction
of Liberty on Wednesday jast, was at
tacked yesterday morning by 2,500 moun
ted rebels, commanded by the guerrilla
John Morgan at Milton, ten miles this
tide ef iLiberty, while'? on " its return to
this place. Col. Hall, comd'g the expe
dition had his rear guard driven in soon
after : resuming his march. Perceiving
tae enemy out numbered him two to one
he- fell; back to he; crestjof a . hill where
Its men' would, have the-a'd vantage of
position, and. prevent being, surrounded.
.fheTebels apened, a. fierce fire of shot
,nd shell; their batteryTalso advaneed
1 .
; "i. '
, . u -kt h-"mrr- fi an ks "and nra '1 e 1"
a most stubborn an our right and left,
but were repeatedly driven .back with,
fearful slaughter. Morgan failing to
accomplish anything onpur flanks atnek
cd our rear but was met and repulsed.1
At half past twaM organ retarued hav
in" had reinforcements and made anoth
er attack equally unsuccessful. He wi:h
drew in great confusion-cleaving, scores
of dead and wounded 6a the battlefield.
Our loss is 7 killed and 50 wounded.
. Our- troops-consisted-of-. herne w; Ohio,
Indiana, and lllinpis regiments.
JCuiCAGO.Iarch 23.A speciaHrom
Lake Pro'yidence "16th says; Contrary to
eenetal belief the authorities JvcoucluJtd
to lo let the -water in at ; that point this
vpmnT and. the warer was -roufiiJbTin
threatinar! friend .aud' .'foealike The
aperture was- 20 feet- wide, and visibly
widening at the mouta. lly morning tr.e
greater fiirv:of the town of Lake: Prcrvit
dence-will be under water. .-L.-jV. :
); o.Cincinati f March 23.--Gen Burii
jsid e. .arme's" to-niorowit 'is;ga.ia he is', to
take- comrriand - cf the Departments of
. A special from ; Ulurf reesboro says, .it
is reported the rebels have crosieJ l)au"k ;
ri,ver.,in force. ; It. is expected Jo John
son' will take immediate command at Tul
lanoma. Advices from Y&zoo Pas's rep
resent the prospect. of getting' thro' suc
cessfully. :.! Our forces are beseiginj; Fort
Pemberton.; A special 'from Fans Ky.,
says thftirebel Col. Clark surrounded Mt.
Sterlihg'.Ky., this mornidg. .Our, force;
all amounting to 'J00,;; fought: for .iwoi
hours' and were, finally compelled, to sur
render. ', The rebels ' then -burned ' the
town;" It is that Ciarki iatended'at'tatk-j
;ug,Pri3 'tou'tght;'-i;;;, '"; '.".;'! , ......... j
- A-letterfruin Tullanoma-to the Ghar
lfiatoh "Co u He r! r t ports I.liia't''. "S.e i go I'lLwllh
his drvrsiJd.MsreMQrejd 5 the? army of:
the CJmbe-rfaiit. Mj;U
WijiiKCTON.Iarch 23
A dispatch
red through
from Columbus, Ky.,' received uiroug
competent hands, reports-on authority of
a Captain belonging to John Morgan's
staflV thecapfure'of Fort Pembertun"ou
the Tallahatchie river by the' Yazoo ex
pedition with a few prisoners.
MuaraEESBOBO, March. 23. Within
the last four days the enemy; has under
taken several reconnois?ances causing
considerable picket skirmishing along th
entire front. The rebels do not appear
anxious, to , hring on a general engage-;
ment. Wheelor, with three thousand
mounted men, advanced to middleton ten
miles beyond bur cutpost. Forrest is
still with -Van Dorn, whose whereabouts
are "not definitely known. Morgan since
his; recent -'"defect";' has "been camped on
Scow HilL thirteen mile below Liberty,
on' bur leff,: Reliable information from
the Southern Confederacy, represent
thA evacuation of jv. cksbufgt as being ad
vbcated'oiv account ."of its strategetic ad-
rvantagesT by-whhd rawing the irbvhrotJpi
trom-v icicsDurg ana--:nasmtnem witn
the army m -Middle Tenneiser. Prom it
hent rebels hoped ani tl'airhed Ro'aecrauz
would be obliged to repe-at the move
ments of last year when Ikiei.fell back
into'Keptacky.r There is-Tio" indication
of such a movement however. '
"Washington; March 21. Admiral
Porter's disyaich says, he has received
information from Lieutenant Commandr
er Watson Smith on the 7th inst., that
the wqole Yazoo expedition has arrived
in Tallehathchie, which gives us control
of the head of the Mississippi. The ves
sels all got through in fighting condition
excepting the Petrel, which lost her
wheel entirely. Thi3 movement of the
fleet evidently - alarmed the, rebel?, as
they are energetically at work preparing
themselves against contingencies. There
is much distress'at -Vrckburg.
CaVbo. March ;24.--Memphis papers of
Sunday'reporp another', canal or ct oi?
being opeued from ''the;' Mississippi, til'iy
miles ; below. r Helena,., into Deer, river
yashingtan lake and into Overilow river,
by which means we' are to gain access to
Yazoo city and Haines'. Bfujf. The also
report, that two .of, farrafiutt's gunboats
have reached the lower-moiiih of the
Vicksburg canal. . One small - boat has
parsed into Lake Providence. The wa
ter is ruching into the lake at a rapid
rate.: The federal- force at Greenwood
is still held in check -by the rebel batter
les. ',;.':':; , ; ;
'Cairo;-March' 2L -Just 1 received a'
communication from Lieutenant Com
mander, Brees; dated Blackhawk, Marck
lSlJ, . The. Admiral r has got tjirqugh
Steel and Black JBayon with. 5-irou-clads
in the Pass and into De;r Creek, making
a.U'haste for (the?Yazo0, arid doubtless, is
there now,
Memphis, March 23i Vicksburg ad
vices' 6ay'-Bahks"i"aTled-.lo'"iei5fr.e opnd
make.a'l.tnd dttack'on Port Hudson when
the fleet ran the blockade. The canal
intp . Lake'.ProTidence has' become vvide
enough o admit the largest boats, which
iy ill enter as soon as the current permits
We- hare reports from Greenwood, to
Wednesday afternoon, The fiahl shas
cot yet been renewed. Both p-irties are
making active preparations. The rebels
are mounting . new guns and otherwise
-strengthening their position.
. JYASHiKPToy, M arch 25, The JSavy
Department has advices of the capture of
three vessels attempting to run the block
ade. Tfhey were loaded with ell kinds
of goods and supples for' the rebels. !
- New yoRr;'March2.5.-A Ti!.nes,dis
palchsays refugees who arrived within
our lines yester Jay c'onrin the siateYrfent
that "the rebel army is falling back from f (c t shu i rg; a n d be i (igjxfa k ed w nbi n
foruficatiops before' -Richmorrd: -They
itatetlTat theTentlreT force". left at '.Fred
ericksburg'SuhJay night" was 'only' 8.0Q3.
Theyalso ronfirnr- the news of the gun
rxmkirigl:ixiahicery IzyA ordnance' sjores
being tapidly -reTnored from Richmond
into Geo'rg'ii, and 'that the '.tvfthdraWal of
families "from' the city 'fully 'set 'in, and
sale pf.Tprorjeny..v'ere . leina: forced at
rpinon's' prices'. It is also stated at Rich
mond that the rebels had GOO to 500 kill
ed and wounded iu the' recent engage
ment with the cavalry force of Gen. Ave
rill. ' " '"
One great uty with ivhieh Burnside is
charged in his.-new department is to de
fend . Kentucky from apprehended rebel
invasion.' He will be furnished w ith am
ple force for that purpose. - Should cir
cumstances favor, he may also co-operate
with Rosecrans,.in Middle Tennessee. ' ,
if AUKiED.-rOa Stjndiy ths 2,11, by Rov. 3. T;
Collins, at Nemaha City, Mr, Civixus WaTiaKd
and Miss. Khgja Dams.
The Bride groom.? a 'member of" the ' Nebraska
cavalry,' jd- the cercinoac:ywa porfcna:-i under
the American Fla. mr
ii E v "A B f 1; 15 i' 1 s E -i e it is;
N li;gat:.otice.
Jaracs Iiichari j jn, j
Amedee Milleir,
' District Cocrt, Chancery
. ?ittin2, Soflond Judicial,
1'srtri. 3 - -'
District, Nec3b ooanty,
Ttrritcfy of Kebrka.
Alfred Opit and
T.,-fih Illicit.
The defenaer Airrsa upii win ia. nouo mti
on the I8th day f. Mrch 1SC3 said PtT djd fie
their r etiiion id thU eiai' ia the Clerks ice of
said court. TL object an Ij-nvyfr cf whici ad
Petition is; to f)bt3in a dccr?a- Rgiinst the Mid da
fcnditiw, iu this, towit. That the coiiTeyance.
mado bj eAiJ Alf rd to said Jo?ej,h en the 5 and 7
dayf of Ar.rit iSti2rcf th? alloirir pTrTDiv, towit
t'ae nndirid'd two-third part of trtb KJ't quarter
see. 35, tovTnjhip 1, rana la tati iLeli4t f of .
.iiurth weft quurieand souLh Ja?t qurtef irf noLh
eitst a.irtep, sfe. and ..'it! t ntr ooril
east quarter aod -iOth b'if A nurih eaft qusfjpr ef
north t quarter ew.- l:J.'towft.-j inbrlh ra
1 etf ftH nitii;t- iaid ,'wlit wauUfWit'
decreed hf tj9 wnrf ult aft j l.4nd. B.ti -rna-isai.l'e
s-d acd. the -r-.i-etli apiif-i, to h" f j
1deflt"tif two t'tr.tin judaienr, 1't.r ; lb unvi'
2fi-VlV snd $W i I - it'll Te:; i Ci .7 i '-"r j
An;. CIlUiLMiEIT. HSTa. Altj
March 2t, IfrSJ. 2 4 w-C3,7.
u w
nn.ti covt,
Taken ud by tha unrierMtfm'd lif in on Ircmj
Creek' betweea L'tovrcvilia ttd Ftru in NihL
County, N. T. on the iba H:b dj cf Mroh a. D.
186:5. One wbtta nw wilh. rfcigj.ot on her bvJj
shoulders uVk aJ held rtJ, tbreryears obi.
JOtlN CIUrilAN. ;
March 23;iS62td.- " - Q T j
Tbre ViU bs'in ci,ccuon fjr :fiw'lTrcr-fors tba
HrownstiIle'Di.-trict,for th term' of thr jeers a
M.aiuJjr, 6th, of Anl pelt. Election to ta
betftbe'rAsii tlnj ad'iiteAi tk City tre-i
. ...I.E..CUOW
?n" JJireo5or.
,i! fi v i. u
ii .
s " - i ' - ?! i;
t .(, ' , r - - -
. ... -AT JTUE .
. i J
r .'
; : uuqwnyille, k. t.
If joa t suply cf Fire, Frub, and Rrt,
Gardea Stcd, call at the Idrertiaar OSce.
Toloaoco Oeod,
Of iereral cf the finest varietiet, and most proflUbl
for eultiTation, at th Adertir 02c.
Th largest lot and fineit Tariety e'rer offered ia
thia county. Call at the. Adterthjer Oa. , . .
"Kentucky JJine Craw, Iid-. Tep, acd Orcbar4
Gra;ricd,at the-AdrcrtlierOSce; "
lee fr,1 keeWl ! !
If' you' -want 'a choice- article or Garden', Flour,
and Ura?s 8eds, go. to Ci8 AdvurfLicf OSoe; rwVti-vilWobsk'.-
" -J! 'i J '" ;
. 1 .!.'' i '!'' 1 1
Jl large let ton hand and for salft
. A. Constable, Agt,
Iron and Steel-Warehou3er
Third Strett, - '
Ustween Fel i cd EdracDi-.-
. iiJ7-Jui
- St. Jom-. Ma
, , y . .
. . ..... j . C . . " K 1
"Th Lighejt j-rico li em'a i" a!i f-.r-S:ere.
.IlbaiiiLaitd iI.Ku-PolenJ .'Ex.Utrllf'lvab.
inon, at the Aciorionn House in UrnwnrilJe . r i
The subscriber is about eatabiii'ain,; a Coopr'K
establishment in Hr.iwnTilie, and will perform aCl
buiriness in that line, uoh aa making iluur, ilor
sei, Pork and Urandy Barrels. Will aUe iaad
Buoket.i, Tubs, Churne, Ao. .
. n37.3m-pd L. D. KOBlNSQ.
United States Internal Revenue Notice.
Notice i hereby giren to all perions concerned,
that the Met, valuation, and enncneratiQ m:wla nl
taken under the Ezeise Law of the United !Utea.
within the Counties cf R.ehardB, Nemaha- and
Pawnee, and Territory of 'februka, bttve been re
turned to rn arid will be cpenI furexuhii jaiim:ip
tBe office of J. II. UurbHnlf, Asi-eftor foflTiitrTot Ntu
Oaa, in 'be town of Falls City, and Cuunty of
Uiebard.'on, for the f pace, cf fiftceu days from and
Mt-r the dato of thu notice. And twill bepresett
in said place oa the 31st day t.f J!.VL-h, 1353, to rt-
ceire and deteroime appeals relative. to any errono-
eosor excefsjre valuation, .Al appeals the
Aijessor tauat oe tuaae in wrmng. ? : .
Signed, . JOriEPU U, BCRBANK,
!- .. 1- . i ... U , , L AsseSeorlfoOeraAkik,
ITliat vrlU.thc FrcncU JOo?
. 1 (hater of ChioVgo,! . 7
Is now spending a few vreeks at the Pacific Ilone,
,St. Josiepb.Jio. IbeaEctedjWhomay wisaioayau
themselves of Dr. Tongue s new system.
Are referred to the undersigned, as he is the only
one in Nebraska who has had an opportunity to teat
iU efSoacy. Q. W. KRATTON,
Maim Street, Brownville, Nebraska.
March 12, 1333. i35-3w . ' ' .
1 Ia the Richardson County District Court, for tbe
r 1 - ... . . i .1 : . t a t - l . u l .
i erniory oi .uuraaMj, wnuiu ituu lur iucuuuwi
County, on the chxD?ery sida.
GeorsaEcr'hberCoiu.l " ,V TT T- ;
vs. :
Salome FJerschberzer, Def.J 4
'T Salome lierchberg9r, deferiJent,: a non-resi
dent of Nebraska Territory f T(a will tab-) notioe, t.u e tail Oeora ilerachberger, oomplainant.
aid, on tho Zidnj of ;J vcll A- V,. 1S53, fie ia the if the Civifc yt te. above Cour,"at Falls City,
in aid County and Territory, hia bill of ojnaplaint
aain yoa, in the-above- eaui-tb bjec6-aod
praver ot whra is to crH-,rvgr the'marnape sxemn-ij-ij
between "yo'u and the s'ai I'ufe"nisnt,yiill h;m
tbe said cmpla;utnt,. In "the (Qunty.f Lake and
State 6f riinois. on or about the 15th day of Jujy,
A, D.135J, oa tbe ground of wilful daott'tun of
him tbe paii- comdijcsirit, by you the said defecd
aut, for totii-e than to years uext preceeding Ihe
filicjjcf w.i4 lill.and fur a decreo'tofor:.v;r dissolve
and annul the saii 'inrriii's:J, "ap-i to d-.I'are the
complainant free from tfiecaid b-n ? of uii:r'iwony.
Vou are therefore hereby n ,tiaed an 1 required to
apear, pltad. anwer. o- dexiiuf,Jo sid IjJ. of -qni-plainj,
on or before" the 20th "day of April. J H3:t,' or
the complainant will enter an order taking said bill
as confcss-id, and a decree as therein prayed.'
lij Ux'm Rbavis, Att'y.
Mrch 12,1S3. n31 -ia'.G0.
Eeit IttiUWD to all who are iuJj'o. ?d tj ra;', nh
er'by note or hoik io taat I will take tu.j
kind of grain on out-t.Hiiii'i,r dsbrs u.itil tbe lui
of "May Those who d .u't :La,'roV-jtlie opurja jty
win saner me cotiseueiic
I will sell a portk.a
a of my stcck for th a sa a J
. -'-v. I
kind ot pay.
Feb. IV. u3 3 -So,
Alfred Opelt. x'd 'V.l 'i.a 'a 'Uo oik :. j a. j : J-'J. i,iJ U f. ' J ti i
Kxlx (S.oirtr , , t SU L i ii il -r I i . ;
Sai i Alfret Olt, i rfl'si aiwer or r-ll j . f - , r.., . '
, . ' ,i 1 a Olf Li. .H - Jij" AT u:tr ... i' h .1 I
ri-.,T, - :
No. 53 Ncrti Second Strept .' '
... sr.rcijis.xo. 4,i ;
Cy?r for te tt tery low u?nrMI . . -
Mutei itock of AirricultnT'! ia.j n'.,!i7 N '
mints comprise, ereryth,;., ne ntlrft'1 ;
tof etHcr wni 1 large ia,t ir.9a ,0j JfJ'J? ;b f uJ" i
LaRdrelli's Celtteci Garfo '1
; ; - - -CKOPOFISC2. "1
ror which they re the sole suet;! ry ' I
rely i2tn. petting from tkta jtls h , '-t i
pur but tcue tj nsme ir. every iiit ft ,!, '
-a. iir.4' u i to " i
o;i'er. v - . . .. , M S4.
. v -'BUSIV-. 'X I
i-T?ifrv L'rT-'. i ;. r;t.i v,.,i :
uro will jiTtVutli. lnf.-ru!inn t
ro irrj: ' - JOHN h! HiPi1
i All who hare Watches a&4 Jewa!ryiti &
J-fr-b tSchutee. are netified to Uk iK.-!"-
,re Watches a&4 Jewalry it &
tee, are netified to take ihea ..
In "tim nit wack. t ha i o-nin 7
waek, a he ia j;oin? to jcI
rice, aui mat then. cl J?
March 5, n33-3ir
... ., TJC? T7TrT .(.'IIP! T . T t r.rv
D;"sires to purchase a Iar?e aaoaat
Corn for which b -will cay the '
lUCUTT rmc2 3 cash.
iLn$2-tf ,
; -Tb uiwierssLed iire to pr;kM -j
Flour lltwrel. -Tb great d-wod fM fc4
only in thia Terriwry, bat frot Ji!oik?r- Ihv
Ceniml City, and all ptrli of Cfcad; b'
JoopbrMa.. rd L worth, , nyt
9saeuUl thaT bt shoa'.d bum H-xrrMn. -
lie ij deteruiined t furnish a gwi ariik
Flowr, a cheap a poble, a ad at Ue
fStk aUd to th (.-rice i'laar, he t duraut
procure Barrel. He is willing W mt IW.
higher price fof their work Uiaa the; okai a
Notice to Teachers.
The undersigned. Board of Schod Eisaisj,ff
the Cvuntj cf Nefnaha, hereby five tain tk
berfter, on the first Saturday of eatk i.uri, ;
they will noid maeuoat toe otneorLu'Jwilgii.
ly, Eiq., in BrownTiHe, for the porpoie of aai
in applicanU fr eertiioatfti to taci KWieivi
eouaty. .....
A. U. 'WHITE;- Y Schcot Euxim !
L- I :
I, J I
January Slst. 1S..
L4 J
To tbe Voter 'of -the City of Browvillf.
y- .. Neinrth CMiutrT Nebrasta. t
v Tbirtf will be aite!ci..a bell attbcl-'f
Clrk of the District dour, in taij city, oa MuaUf.
th 515' daV of TArfilTOMt, ff-r th elewUoirfi
Mayor, four "Aldermen. a"Tre.ur8r, and a Em f
for aii city.: Pu!! opa a V u'elxk, A, ilU
oioa at 2 'elock . . !
Marcb 12, t853.
" ' " Notice to Cilr Tax Tityert.
Ail are rejneted to e!t on tie City MtnW,
bv tbelr taxee Iin!ne4i3teir. . "
W. W.ilACiSir, Hirii.
January Id, 1S4.
to iiERcnms, BLAcsansi
7 A .
iMituvMj nrrnuis
triiAl .h, wagon Loxts, wr-A-
" J , ' 'BOLSTER" PLATS, , ,
Fir.ES, KAS1-S, u;ii.-;7
" CTS. ItA ItKO-A' TihTiL
A13Q 4!T WJ ikl1 T
rr i V- 'ir-r T A T T Tiff . T. 1 RO
v. :
'.' BCrOIlE THE Ulty
J U1. 1 It A IJ f A i- , I ii V
' ' DEFY C0MP.M4
isrsena loTor Sera?
Uue'Dollar Saved i
, ; . jars iUuc.
L .- .
FebU-n::-8 -
C,V.,. t T' v