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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1863)
JGfT apt? V t 1. 1 . H j Pom Hudson. Feb. 18. Th Alex andria (La.,) Democrat extra, received iere coutaind the oCcers report of jCaph. Kelsey, commanding the forti fications oh Bed River. He aair 2 gunboats hid made their appearance in front of this position at 12 o'clock last nicht. After "a brisk cannonade, :leadinf .the Gunboat Queen of the jWest to strike her collcrs' Cap. Hut ton was ordered to iro abouad and de- mand her surrender. He reports but 16 ;oScers and crew aboard, the others having escaped under cover of .night. IThe result ot t&c capture consiBis oi , ?5 12 pounders, one slightly damaged, hpfiidM a Jarre suddiv ot oranance g'tores and Quinine, 2 cases of ampu . tatinrr ingtrum en tes, clothing, flour, ,Wnn beef.Dork.lard, bread and other -stores. 'The Democrat says the vie ofvxra eomnlete. erand and decided . i Washintgiv Feb. ,25. The Post : master General has issued instructions ithat the larger post-of2ces"'of the UnntrTtn collect, on and after. March ' list, in tpecie,all. postage on unpaid , flatters from-foreign countries. The ! reason for thiais that under the exis , tiug postal arrangements all postage 1 en foreign letters must be accounted lor by tae l?epartmeni m coin or jib equivalent. " Portlakd, Feb.' 25. The Jury '. from Liverpool the 12th and London derrT the 13th. The London' Times ' republished Mason's remarks at the ; Lord Mayor s banquet, says ne was , much, to fast and the.- proceeding meant nothing. Mason at this banquet, .produced speedy: iriendly relations between the British and rebel govern tnents. The Times reiterates the bel ief that the rising . 6f the Poles is a thoroughly national affair, headed by the Catholic Priests. It is said that the insurgents appeard to be incresing, keefiinp a hold on wholo provices, of alter, destination unknown. The re .nlv of President Lincoln to the Man- ceester Adress, hs been published. I Deplores the Sufferings occasioned by the cotton famine and rejoices that efforts to create sympathy for secess ionists fail. It eulogises , the utteran Ces of the Manchester meeting as ; sublime heroism, and express an earn eat desire to perpetual peace between ! the two nations, A great meeting Iwas heldat Balton which expreessed ,.marked sympathy for the north. ; The ship George Griswold, with ' food for the Lancanshiro ; suflerers ' arrived at Liverpool on the 9th On entering the Mersey she. was received ' irith a salute of cannon from the Fort a&d the difpiug of colors. Public demonstrations have .not yet taken place. : The Moniteur, in noticing the ; torrrepondenhe in the intercepted dis- patches savs. the so called Consul of France in Texas is not even a paid i Consular Agent of Francs at Gahes i ton. He acted s a -kind of "deputy to the Consul at New Orleans. The only instructions he receivod from Ftance were to maintain the greatest reserve And carefully . abstain from very kind of political interference in the auaire oi tne counirv. Frenchman alluded to at Itichmend, was simplev a Chancellor to the Con rulate of France. : In the French corps LegislatiffPh8graph in an Address to the. Emperor relative to Mexico, America, and. Italy was passed, 'but the opposition, strongly denounced the Mexican war and the continued occupation of - Rome La Franch Taints tmt that French wtre found in the Forts at Achalco, Mexico with arms from American sources. Caik.o, 2Q.- By an arriral from the fleet at Vicktdarj we hare information that one cf cur mortar beats took posi tion "within eay ranje cf the city, and threw a lax re number of shells in the direction cf the city. . Seraral shots were fitedlatiiirction cf the rebel steamer Vicksburgr, which wal UtacV two r three tiaes.'- Thextntcf th darase. is of court vkaown, : The. rebels replied from two batteries for some time but without doing any damage. Reports c: j all cr operation around Vicksburg arc favorable to cur success. The success of the canal by way cf Lake Providence is considered certain.' LixmcTOK, Feb. 3. A reliable pri vate derprtch says, the rebc' CI"' er were overtaken at Tr ' miles east of Mount c towards Pound Gsr wbjped yesterday Pegram, left I' coining toward r great excheme usual daily repc i invasion of Kc force, through. f tary authoritie; beginiog to ' cc belief that a fc that quarter u military are cn t. IHDIAROTOLIS, Mass Ccaventica ; erer held here. Ore people were present. - L. of Indians,' prtsided. Spe by GoTerncr Johnson, c .i.3ee, Samuel Galloway and Rev. ii. Carey. Resolutioss were passed rea&roung a de votioa to theFederal Union and a hearty support to the Government in a vigorous prcieratioa of tht trir until the rebellion is crushed cut.Jdeprecaling til truckling armistices and coavertioas ct the enemy, that cannct be entertained a single mo mtatby leyalraen; endorsing every meas ure the Prcr.dest has adopted for the suppression cftha rebelio end declaricg that the loyal pecple cf Icdiania will ne ver submit to the withdrawal of the State from tht Unioa cr the fcrmatisa cf a northwestern confederacy. Cxiao, Feb 23. Fwll dispatches in re gard toihe expedition cf the Ram Queen tte Vi'est to Red Tliver, have been re- C csivc. Ti;e crerr cc listed "aiostly of nfrcfs, tsr.trtuicrr: arc twenty inex- ::i men, txt the Illiacis r;ri' T' iaftniry. On Thursday mcrning: before her capture, the ram ran down the Atch- afaltro river a few miles and captured and destroyed a rebel Quartermaster tram consuting or terenteen warom. Returning she was fired cn by guerrillas at Simm Port. Next norning Cel. El let lauded and burned all the buildings in j the vicinity in retaliation for destroying half a million dollars worth cf property. On Sunday she captured the' rebel ateatn- r Fv. No 5. with a carro of corn. At dark the eirae eveninjr ahecarrib within rin?e of Fort Tavlor. only fife hundred r) J . yards distant. The ih rd shot from the I : . . .. a. " .U k V - reDeis tcruCK uer uiuftuius liiiuwii nci decks. Our men fired ene after this, aad f hn erf A tha rrnns. In th s fimer. b- - - - firency uol . iiiet oruereu iue, 10 hck nut. AttpmMinc to do to she ran hard agrouod. ; The next shot from the Fort broke the lerer of the engine. The succeeding one" cut her ateam pipe inta. completely dirablinj- her. ; Twenty-six out of fiftv-oce white men escaped. . The steamer. DeSota which accompanied he ram aa tender, was blown up to prevent her from falling into the hards of the en emy, NewYobk, Feb. 26. A Fort Monroe correspondence -states that by private an vises from Richmond received at Norfolk, we learn that the small pox is rcaking frightful ravages in Richmond. The dis- ase has assumed the fora of a plague, and : almost e rery one who can escape from the city, hate done so. The city presented the appearance a of huge hos pital. . ... . , j: The telegraph informs us that the Conscription bill:' which was adopted by the senate several days ago, has passed the House by the handsome vote of 115 to 49,- Here is something which will test the metal of the Cop perheads, particularly' of Connectlcue and JIIinois,. who, accordingly to the Springfield Heaistea, "stand shoulder to shoulder." The" former, in their State conversion the other day, re solved thet if the Conscription bill btcom & law, they would "sternly resist it, and call upon the Connec ticut militia, as the "natureal guardi- ns,' of the people's rigts, to protect them -against the usurpations of the Federal Government. . What will hey and the State militia of Connec" iicut now do about it? Mo. Dem. Fiks Nebraska Cavalry. The bat allion of Cavalry furnished by Nebraska has been consolidated "with Iowa batal- ions, and bears the oame ef 5th Ioway Cavalry. Thes rigiment was in the lasi battle of Fort Doaelson, and is mentioned as the first class regiment. being among the most efhicent in that desprate fight. Ve learn from private sourse that two or three Nebraska boys wer killed, but have net theu names. -People's Press. . Tb nndrsijad foinia ?ckftg of "Monty && SindiT mornicr, Mfcich 1, 1863. TL owner can obUiB th em( br calllar on D. C Biliinzs, At Ne mah Citj, describing it, ui pjic j for the axlver- Usi ag. V . U. h LLLiy U S. Mrh 5, 18CS. n35-lw-pl SID MM Stolen from Of3or Qaartera, Nemh City, N. T-iiQ h 23th Gornromeut ry R- Tulver (dow). ThatoT reward will be paid ty the undersigned, to any penon returning vtie same, or who will give amok informatioi will lead to ila reeoery. JOUX 11. JIAUIf, ., n35-tf Ueat. Co. -E," 2J Neb. Cat, TAKE IIOTICE. All who bare Watohtj and Jewelry at the tlx op of Josepa behatei, are notified to Uke tb!m away with in the next week, at be is going to join the sine montbr serrtoe, and emit tnerelore Ucee np the snop. . , . March S, n35-3w . Be It known to all whe are indebted to me, eith- or by note or book account, that I will Uke any kind of grain on outstanding debts until the fink or- Uay. Thece who don t lmprorethe opportunity will suffer the consequence. I will also sell A portion of my stock for the same Junl.oriy. J.C. DfiUSEK. Feb. 19. n33-2m , A KOTI CE OF ATTACIlilEXT. - amwbm Wa MM CCIVII WA VI W W V Wheeler, ProbAue Jndir And , vs. ) Ex-oScia J. P within and for (the county of hismfthA, Terri tory of lVraska. . On the 7th day of February, lb63, said Jastiee is sued an order of attachment ia the ibore aotion. fof the sum of 2-55,00. . A. SCEOEXBEIT, FlETs. Atty. Erownfille IT. T. , Feb. W. 1S63. . 33-3w-$20 ' LAlTDRETH'iJ r irranted Garden Seeds ELUJiDEN, KOEXIG & CO.,'. - (UrtJOM GAMKtTkCO.,) No. 50 North Second Street, ore Pine, ST. I.ODTS, HO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a large and wl Assorted stock of Agricultural and Honlcolttiral Inpie menu, oomprii ing ererytblng necessary to tbe Tarmer, together wiA a lart;e aod fresh supply of ' Lanrctli's ' Celebrated Gar&n Seeds, , CHOP OP X8G2. For wfcich they are the sole nrciits. Their friends ca rely upon geltlnK from theni,eetls that art not only pure bat true to njroe in er-Ty lnrUnce. Also field seeds at !ow(t a.if tet rates Chinese Sus&r Cane aeed, Top Onions. Ac,, An. ; ALSO COTTON AND TOBACCO SEED. Dealers in seeds would do; well to eal them their orders. ' ..! . " . -' Send for Almax: and IiluxiTated CiitaWae-gratis. BLCKU1K, LOIKlft A CO. Teb. iS, lC2nS4-ly . iljcra' piicrry Pcctcrrl BROOH'MRtl VMSSTEDI JOSEPH SHELLA'BAIlGEIt, , Desires telpurohats a larje mount ef Erosra Com for wMh he will pj th HIGHEST I'RXCE ITi CASH. . FeeU-nSJ-tf COOPERS WANTED I : Tbj Bdert!gn4 desires to parefcase 2,005 fod Flour Barrels. Tbe great damacil for bis floor, not enlj in this Territory, bat front Jnlesberg, Dearer, Central vitj. and all perta tr Colorado; iroia St. Jnaor,H Ufa- .nil Leavenworth' Kansas, renders it essential tbat be ihould bare Karrela. I . , . . . . i . l "mBU ,,arD ? l T ""I1'-" m cheap aa possible, and aa tbt high pnoe of i gts add to taa pric of t lour, he is fieterminaci ta procure Barrels. He U willing to pay Coopers a e'aw P"09 101 n,ir wr watt " " "am It 1 V - II 1 L W A . . A l fctates j.u. aiE-iiVi. FebU-n32-tf. 1U ntKt'UAft ifl, iiLAUAIllua, AND WAGON UAKERS. -t: IEOIT! iEOni! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPEt, HO., HAS ox HAXD AND for silb a laroe AKD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IR ON STEEL j O JB 1? IN C-S, AND BiifY nmm ' I . " 'C0MPBI3DTQ: HORSE NAILS, NAIL-ioDS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, " SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES, BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, . - NUTS, HARROW TEETH, -WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, 4C, ALSO ' WOODWORKS ! ooxrimxa HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SFIiVTS, POLES, - AXELS, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLES, BROOM HANDLES, PLOW HANDLES. . ALSO A6KNT FOS TRJ SiXB 07 FAmBAIIIIS' SCALES, AT - H AVINO LAID IN A LARGE STOCK 0 Jt' T H E ABOTE GOODS, DIRECT FEOM THE FAOTOBIES, i3r:ronK tiie rise, . I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT. PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BLACKSilIITMS, SSend in Yoar Scrap Iroa;r One Dollar Saved i Equal to two Dol lars Hade. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGHT SCRIP IRON AT - CONSTABLE'S IRON AND .STEEL WAREHOUSE. FebI4-B32-6 . ST. JOSEPH. 110. snEUIFFS SALE. Alfred Opelw ) District Court Nemaha Coantj rt Aebraeka Territory. Hneh Brownlee, J Bj virtue of an order of tale to zne directed ia the above ea titled c&ee, will on Saturday, tbe 14th day of March, 1863, between the hoars of 10 o'clock A.m. and 4 o'clock p. of said day, at the door of Den't Hall in Brownvilla, tbe place where the said court was last hold, for said Nemahacouniy, offer for s&?, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: north half and sout'hwrfst quarter of the northeast quarter of section nomcer 24, in township number 4, north of range number 15, east of the 6th prin cipal aerediaa,in Nemaha cctnty, Nebraska, ta kes as tKe property of Hugh Brownlee to satisfy ssjd demand. K. V. HUUii&S, fehenff. ' Brownviile, Febreary 7th, 1863. b31-6w-$S,65 STRAY OX. Strtyad from the tub! crlber, near St. Stephens, about the 1st or September, 'a brindle ox, witn a Texas brand on bis left side, about igbt years old )Jud tear ttralgbt bornt. and a long slim necsu Any person returnlnf the ox, or firing information leading to bis recorery, will te Uberally rewarded. . aiJION-JtUTTSB. Notice to City Tax Payers. All are requested to call on the City Marshal, and ay tceir taxes uniaediateiy. W. W. HACXK1T, KanAal. January Sd, 1381. TO TynOJl IT 31 AY COCERBf. The Co-partnership heretofore exlstini under the came and style of Lett, Strlckler A Co., ia this day 61b sol red by Btutaal coneeat. - The business of said firm will be settled by Brown A Strlckler. te wbom all debts dne the bouse most be paid. .... HEIfBT C. LETT, x ' JACOB STRICKLES, ' ' EICHARD BEOWK. WANTED, To tire a man wbo understands Breaking Hemp, to A-bou eoxl wages will be paid. Enquire at tola office. rebtS-na4-tf STRAY COLT.. '.rayed during May, 1SE2. from the farm of Dr ling, six mires southwest of Nemaha City, two c $. uoe wsa a nay mare wuu wnue spot in tue race. one mna iooi wnue. ane oiner a oiaci norse co'i, In ioed to gray. Both a year old last spring. Any ni', 'R returning the colts to the residence of the tin. Jer iae!, fire tailes'west of Nemaha City, or giring InfocXiMion leading to their discovery win be liberally rewaried. Mrs. TUCKXft. rebM4n34-w Notice to Teachers. The nndersigned," Board of School Examiners, for the Countj of Nemaha, hereby gire notice that hereafter, on the first Saturday of each . month, they will hold meeting at the ofioe of Luther Hoad ly, Esq., in BrownTille, for the purpose of examin ing applicants for certificates to teach school in slid eeunty. , . . V n. II. DOBBINS,! : A. G. WHITE,' V School Examinen. ' " L.HOADLY, ' ) Jaory Jlet. m3. 2f-Iy ESTRAY- NOTICE. Taken tp on the premises , of the nndersigned, Jiringtwe miles west of Nemaha City, Febrnary 1st 1S53, a red steer with white in its face, and w! belly, ssrpesed to fet two yn old last sprinp, .. r.uAi3 iw yi JLOOIX OUT FOR THE ; ; IO 'jSS ..KT ' ITI3W GOODS ARS C02UXTG-! A X P : Sol Cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. Thej Constat oi Xi&rgs A.ortmeat oi BOOTS AND SHOES, .; ! HATS AK CAPS, ," Tj ADIES'; hoods, D;R Y JG O O D S ii; HOOP SKIRTS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING.: HOSIERY, ; -DRAWERS, O VERSHIRTSV GROCERIES, . . HARDWARE, QCEENSWARE, ' . ' "WHISKrl VINEGAR,' BEANDY, IEOW, i ITAIIiS, DOOB3, SASH, PAINTS, OILS, AND OLAS3. ' ; ras; fits ai Tor Trhlcli the Highest Price, will bePaldat J" . DEN?S STORE ! ! LADIES, Sare" Your RAGS, and Den will take . Them in Exchang for Gooda.- . LIT TERIJS ARB, SMALL FEOFITS," QUICK SALES, AUT ' - HO CREDIT. December Xlth, liCJ. "W. T. DXN. HELLO, STRANGEK! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE 1ST E W G O O D S P . . . AT ' ' J. BERKY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN , , , ,- .t , -. - 0 BROWNVILLEi J. BERRY & CO., Have Jnst recelred, ana are now opening, at their stand ou Jtain street, one of the Urgent stocks of DRY GOODS ; - A 2 TJ ' -' Ter offered in this market, Remember the place, ; J. BERRY & C'S., " ..... . r- 3XT 11, IVXf&lxx atroel, BHOWNVILLE, N. T. Kay 19, 186. ni7-U TTT? . . fT A T T - A rTT -L w J- ili 4 I J . JL IX LSX-i JOHN a DtJESER MAIN STREET, BHOWNVILLE, Jf. TM Takes pleasure In annonnctnf that he has now on hand. a large and select stock of every article In his Line, cook: STOVES, jOf all the Improved patterns, vlx : iynnth Itoek, uaarter vauey rorge, isievaiee wea, &c., Ite., k.a ; HEATHTG STOVES, ; and Fanor stoves of an endless variety, some of wmcn areenureiy new designs, vU-. Combined - XJook tmd Parlor Siovet, something very nice for. small families.. CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTIok FARMERS TO MY OF HEAVY SEEHT IRON, t or Sugar BfiiUr$, ni LARGE CAST IITO nETTirs. A VARIETY . OF CHFAP . LABD AND COAL OIL LAlIPS Brass, Copper, and sheet Iron ware; . JUanterna, Shovels and Japanned ' Ware, fce fee. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CAIIS! OZ the latest and moBt improred Styles,' cheap - for cash.- . I I am prepared to put bd Kutterine and TMntlnir. ni i all other work of ray line at the shorteat notice, and in a workmanbke manner, which I warrant te give satis 1KUVU. - V. August 2,1862. . . JUST III TIIJE TOR TOlTACCO SEED GRATIS. Send a three cent post office stamp and ret six kinds t auunuwoopi iriita, iaviurouii r AOria 1 Ktt. am, lsea. sirtt.n,trctt Plover Seeds. Choice varieties, and of very superior auanty.20 pa pers ef whiofc will - be sent (poatpalL) by mil, to any aaareas, tor one aotiar. H. A. TX&RT, Creae eat City, Iowa. Krobi 1Kb, 1G2 (3S-2at . ITew Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, ' PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Inttttvtion ttt&blithei by r? trial En aowmenc.jor ine Rtisef of tne Hick ana limrtitea, afflicted tciih Virulemi and Chronic Diteatet, an& erpecuuijt or the of DAtemee of the Eexuai .trgm. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. .. Valuable Reports o:8perniatorrhoea, and other dis eases of tbe 3'stual Organs, andxa tbNEW REME-Dl-tS emplojel in. the Dispensary, seut insaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps accept, able. Address XXVl.3. Sr.ILLTN HOUGHTON, Howard As. sertalion, Vq, I , foui Tintfc street, Pkilai.lphia. P. Heeecnbai U, VStt. tSi-ty 1862. 1862. CHY GOODS AHD GHOCERIESI THEODORE HILL, Ii recelTlng, aod will t raeTa daria Ua THE XAHGST BEST STOCKS 9 r IBIIISI, r o k New York, - Philadelphia and St. Louis. That has ever been exhibited In the Western Conn try, embracing all the latest styles and norelties of the limes. His slock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, -r - Hardware, Cutlery, ., Queen ware, Shakers, - ; ISoots and Shoes. Doors and Sasb, ' GlaasnndPntty. Fine Furnitnrc, AC, Stfc., Anteng his lry Oeeds will be fMin4 Print's, Ginghams, Lawns. Bareges, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Demees. Striped Sheeting. Cot- tonades, Ilosiery, Gloves, The Latest Styles Hoop "Skirts, Notions, Ac, &c. . He has much the Largest Stock of QTJEEKSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, " Agent for the 3Innibal & St. Joseph Bail xs-aoa .racket Aiioo or steamboats. Kay 52, 1&62. n-tf . IIcCORLnCK' Eeaper and Hower . K ANUT ACTTJIt ID O 2x i o a s Of - 3 AT : ii, ThU celebrated nmchlnn U by nil w1f1 thm BEST I Notwithstanding the misrepresentations cf those Inter- I estea in other machines. C. H. McOomick k Bro. man- GRAIN AND GRASS CVTTER IN TILE WORLD. cfactnje at the rate of 8,000 per year, Many changes have been affected during the past season, and for 1362 the "kfcCormick" ia presented with greater attraction than ever oerore. A t a reaper, THE ECOIVOMY OF POWER . . IN THIS MACHINE, ITS Strength; Durability, and Simplicity, tflve It preference otr all others New improvement added, have materially lessened the direct draught, and obviated the tide draught that many assure ns mai aoes noi now exist. The drngbt of tbe Reaper ia so iigmuiai m aumeroas instances tbe large four uurfcc macuina u wo::aea witn Due two burses. FOR MOWING The Machine of 1S2 will stand any test that may be applied. 'Oor Guard and Patent XJltaner effeciually prevents choking, na matter what the sondition of the grass, while oar b bw divider point separates "baldly "uli Muaiou ciuvr oc grass, wnere other ma. cbtnes fail. . There Is also a jrreat advanUge in onr serrated sickle eog so ouen, tnos savin; ume. Our sickle will frequently rou miougu an enure narvesi wunont once nrlndirie while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, If not oftner. "With a smoth edge the iraughtincreases as me ami e oecomds auu. our draught is tmtform, and in the repeated trials during the season of lsso fii' proved far lighter than stag I e Mowers, cutting t the same time from tw Ive to eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can ee used with or without tbe reel, thia uiwporiBut, aa wimoui me reel it weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the very literal warrantee given to all puichasers, we Would saj as heretofore, that farmers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine mrougn me narvest, wua any other, and kiep and pay for the one preferred. Pamphlets with taU description of improvement. lesumouiais, c, tan ne had by application to THEQ. HILL, Agent, May 15, 1862. n45-tf 1 NEW GOODS JUST nECTITTJTm A T" tSDrnro TO SUIT JOHN A. PONN bow receiviag ani opeainr out his Snria' Stock of Goods, consisiinj of . ITV Goods. f urocenes. Hats and Caps, , ... Boots and-Shoev " '-.I. - Iron and Naila, -. Flour and Bacts, Queenstvare, Hardware, i : . Furniture, : Sash and Doorv ' . : , -. Window G 1 ass, '. . elc., etf, er. Which I will tell cheap fcr CASE OE PEQDUCS. Call and eaia? ia7 steck tefcre purchasing eiaewhete. Brownviile, April 24, 1852, n4Z-Bm I - 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ilML LETT, STEICSLES & Co. BR WNVILLE. N. T. We are now recelTinj aud oper-lnf a aomplata assort ment of Merclia3iie, consUtin 1 OFIMSY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drilb, Osnaburg, : - Denims, Cottooades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Ceragei, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, , ." Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, aten Vestinjs, Broad Clo4.hs, . Cassimere, . ilooped Skirts, '.;OF 'GIIOC3SKIES: . Coffee, Tea, ; . Soap, Molasses, . ' . Candle?, B. C. Soda, t'aleratu.-, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, 'Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HAKBWASE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches,' 1 Fx'ds, Tacks. Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill. Files, &c, &c, &c, Sic, &c. Sec. OF QUEEMS1VAKE:. Cups and Saucers - ' . Plates and riatters,' N . Dishes and Tumbler. Coal Oill Larcps, Lamp Chimneys, Viklir &c, &c OF BOOTS & SMOSS : Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shees, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men s Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &.c.,&c. OF II ATS . & CAPs Panama, ' Leghorn, Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, Sec. ,&c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks', Plows, Scythes, Snaths , Shovels, Spau'es, Hoes. &.c, iic. Sec OF LUrilSlKK: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1,11-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doora and Blinds. Pine L&th, All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attention of the pnblic to onr stock, as onr CASH TERMS enable us to sell low. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance ef the same. LETT, STRICKLER Si CO. SwwMriUe, July 3d, 1862. n62-tf. SADDLERY I SADDLERY! Having recently made large additloce to my stack, consisting of SA.DDLKS, HARNESS. BRIDLES, COLLARS. LINES. WAGON WlilPS. BCGGT OX LASHJES, HORSS LASIIES. STAGfi LASHES, SURUINGLKS. GIRTHS, STIRRUPS, UUTUEBS, tC, .C I think I can accommodate all in aaalltitv. onantity and price. I work none bnt best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries in Ohio, feel con- i nuens n win give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair cn Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOIl HIDES. J. W. M1DDLJSTOX. SeptemberlJ, 182. a9.ty CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHIUG Ever offered ia this Market. KO DOUBT ABOUT ITI CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT Tax Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWirTILLE, N. T. DAY1DS.EIGS1, Aanounce te the Public that ha haaarmneJ ont a evoca or READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANP CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN . ITER WEAR, C, &.C., &c. Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices. He "determined his wlcea shall correspond with the times, and therefore c!Ter hero in the West, at Jqst as low rates as such k'Mde can be purchased anyw'ere in the Uiiited Stales. As ft sample of fcU prices be will tnentlon that he sail Coats from $X,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, TTats, Caps. Fancy and M'hite Shirts. 8us- PPoniTn"66' ' anUkercLiefi' the same J Tne proprietor embrace thla opportunity of returning "-" I ;udn" tor pat patronace, and promise- to ull m the future to give entire satinfacilor . CaII and. ooo Uir.. DAVID SEIGEL. Br9wnvillJcn 13, 1351.-1 r f I ) : w '"ft, Asricsltsral FOR SALE V. t - . . Chicago ID. . Pri g1' from factory ia Xew VorkVi n' fi:iiu :' tibyai:. ThVoliyoK : a c? a - "u owur.ia.,. : j:: v . ?racf!ci east i cr w ia9 quit aron lor toiling, and Wf,;.Q steam ancient for a!i r-irposo, V. ?' practicil, aad proves i fEUFECT Srrrr,:9:'2 I 221 A 2?.l u- M4.;, Wnere will alao be found DoV 'jTr SCVS Pump,, Force CLrterea, cS iA ramps, laimble hkems and sai r Da;3 every variety cf Farming Too!, s Sbel!er9, Feed-Mill., IUj .SV'W Stoves The abovo ill Y. th laaaafactanrs. at t.h.v-..- . 1,8 n January 1332. tf COMMERCIAL NUBSQ? 1 03IAU.I, SEIlnASSi. ' I . . E. H. BUECHE3, ! I iaa Jonc fine beea eoivincs-to' is. I claw Jiunerxia lh West, wicrt "win4 TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS s i v.i bo ua-tucu 10 onr cu:nie and i hi lor 4le a Wholesale or Retail, A large and well seleotaJ stock, iu;uj t , . , Apples, standard and dwarf; pers fli,.f , Cherries, stdarj sa4 t:i Peiohes,. ' Aprtoot Su.'ar - tioiace. q..-J" Cnrrents. (irap, ' Rjpbern?, 8trawberr! U;..-rlj., Evergreens, Ro6e, . """J.. Or;ianntal T-e. CreePhoae and Be!Jmg r.iv.i tJt.,Kt To wbkh I won'.d ten Ire t c! 1 the' ii;rii w ii. people of Nebraska, abas, ColorUa, Un -: west Miiaourl. ' "- .E3My terms will 2,e t low u aa7 r:Ui'ii Nursery. '4 By purchain f tli x?asof tri-; , fTotn the eat ran it? i.vei. All trees aM pUnt are csrefaHy tsi --i l i in the best manner, f.r wlic!) a cfcjrse cf t:.s wj 1 1 be made. f 0 cbarpe wui be made Li ki'm of packaifW'in board sieioiais. All ct'nimnnicatioDS i'ldrpi,d U its na:cif4 will reveiv? prompt aueuiiua. March. 136J. E. g. BrTS. THE DAY SCHGOL BELL THE DAT SCHOOL B2LL-A Xew Sinyag M or Cay Schools, cu'eittie Dai School Bill,: eady. it coDtains atotit 2COjpsoc!;iceiBfj, Mi, Ko'in.1, Catches D-ie, Trio, Qu.irteu asttCw roses, laauy of thc;m wrltren txpretslj fr ftijw.T, besides 32 page or the E:ewwit.jf arwe. rial ments are so ea.y n.J prjirresWa ti; nr Jinart era will Cud themselves entirely stjkc-1bI n itstrr. in? even young scholars to sicgcorrectiy aud jciklIi cally, while the tnae and words emSnxes inpi i re ety of lively, attractive, and oa! s;iric? maifii sentiment that no trooi;'? will be exp!rifr)?fi!i;: cing all beginners to go ou with ifal in sfqainai tl in one of te most hea:ta-?mng, beniy inpr happiness jieldia, aod order prodo:irf fierce i school life, la simplicity f Its Eleciontj, 'jiw.ft and adaptatlcn of music, acJ In excellence Urlt of its songs, riitinal, selected, aud aiiai'tM. i by much to e.tcel all competUora. U :!! ' iai be the bet botk ever issued for 3erutn-iei,i-wi.!, and Public Schools. A few tis.e p-M at menta, tune aad aougs aro given ia a circv'jr; and i?etoEe. It iscoapited by U jra B Wa r. v of "Sabath School Eel Is." X s. 1 au 1 3, wi:s. !.' : J the enormous sale of 655 000 cpies. Pr:cr-t cov?re 50cts., $15 per hundred; tc iil u.JJ per hurxired; cloth boned, en-.b tl niiiWi-'i.i: i per hundred- 25 copies furnished it th z price. Mailed free at the retail prue. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Day School Bill. T.e tiLts i t I; r such as may be easily mas'.ere'l by rhii'lrta. Tif pt of tbs son's is unexceptinahle and ! k-'? school room. It is the cheape-t snn tti compends of school nuiaic puL:i..Uei. .'f Teach rr. , . .d Day Si hool Bell This book miteM to use in our common schools. v.hi-s We have a great pam!er of irhool fz 9 - , t the puMic, but miny of them Uck mnsicil m ! -- rary taste, and ara really demoraiiiici ia t-'1" ence ucn the musical talent of th? jtsM- a knowleged excel lauce, wedded to worii '-'f ' are tbeqnalities that ouht to b ? n', est care in the preparation of a ch'l "V',. book seems to combine the e two jaa'' vania School Journal. Tri-iia. Published bv U".vii.-- THE SOIL OF XEIJK.-S X TJ V JX. 3D 13 33 BY TH01IPSON' & HEDGI3, GABDENj FIELD, & FLOOT Swi To Merchants, Ptotfis.Fass Gaiiiece;. 1 t r,V It is eertaialy to yoar inters :s v il of Xebra-k. $1, of sales ir.i MiaQi''J' Gregory's Celebrated Hart! HeaJ Miaia- head Cabbage. r.-b.. n,..r,' olflbred 6Ua Maa .-? Irae Early Rod j " a i Large Late Drumhead On:e Tork Eea-Iy Tork 7 Varieties of Lettuce sew. 6 6 1 4, 2 3 12 S 4 A I do do do do do da do do do do do do Pea d. Ocion KadUil Beet Parsnip di d do d- Carrot da Mraternien s Uuskipeloi d Tn)ai Turnip Cnctimber Sweet Cru du di da d-t t. d- Ct a narf Broom Corn ;eorgia White Sajar Ciae Coaimon Chinese do k frlmn Imuhce Great Spanish (e e.tred ra. ConnecUcut seed lea: ijlucw s, Orinoco '. ' Wilson's tf0 " Mary! aod " Mdrvland Brod Leaf d" AJ aomo to otber lindJ Sar-sa The Ladies, (li.xl blcf ".... .. . cardpii thev wish to make 4m . .. .,,ntui to have a nat, well kepi J-aWB " - , n i . . 1 " ttirpv attractions that God lateii'ieu ?u M0 Pt-- teautiful and pure. A man or p ht era can never lo coarse or nnreaj tte t ,rI guage that speak to the heart, a i:il,aa ' catea : thv are embleniaMoal or v liu.' hu m"i'""i . .ap I'. To our Lady readers of me - bl, . ... , ser." onr:o up your w - ',., w" r i ox. i v j v J t fl s followinj; Japan Pink, 4 kinds, SpauUhPiuk. Chinee Pink, Picotee Pink. Carcsan..u firik, Sweet Wiliiauis, kind Verbena, Phix. Sn'.Uh Petan a. Iromt-a U,.it'le:'" Bod a:tl t; imp-'- ! .,r,ra a kinds. , .... ..v.-r liaXjlll' " ' ' - SvrrcTiAP Se IV O., Otofl Ca k'.ncU. frown on the Sj terest t get seeds to sell on conimiwA t and true to name. It i to your lutre.. ,jBi qs instead of receiving them fDmtae - UM;ka tht have ueeupeldied aro'iuu y ' rl to your interest to give us an ordc f--. f i sortment of Garden and Flower seeds, which to suppiy your customers in " i We will give you a coBiuuKa or -j shaded, and here and tbsre d jh - u 4n treasures, noddtnir iheir Jewo.M " breerp. and emitting their re .-ms r arouiKi. The husband, when te .et nr care and tiirwfi of business, mcc.s ;, ..4