Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 05, 1863, Image 1

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Iff !
T. R. FISHER, ; ;
1 'ctory 3trlcklsr'a B3ok, Jaia Street,
tt R N A S
.'.iwir If raid in advance, "
rir",y 'if UidattLeendof 6i
" " rt 4 . " ' IS
- - - - f 7 00
raontta 2 50
n " x oo
. :n 1.. ..... t . Y 4 4 At r-.fl . .
r.cN . ' ..lAd th cai RCConrtieXh orfer, net
s. PIU . ,
"pUS I N B S S 0 A R D S .
pni A. .GODFREY,
pirirsiciAN, SURGEOIS
7ETR I C I A K,:
t'TTfei i"
tthticp; havlnp twenty-five Torn eire-
rinire f
' f!h
Arriericen' Joynnl of tP Mv1isl S-'ien-
i -a-ed rTiini;nily in r.wijTiNe, nj rt
"t tenets Lis j ruH't-icm-l ejfi-us to He clt
fr'r7:ii''i'J''"i v'.c:a:;y. . ,.
r "l rPt c ! fine vs Frvices o romon frctce,
.i-i-T-.'t l'..e'.' t cl-.n c is)e',.i.vre of Ion?
' i-r, .MUvnsttt Trrr anil Sot' acl
Ivey. c-mmiy caiw Kaiiin Sicknr;. i-finy. .
Trk'i-d ' ri-rtScular afnon r'n la'Agnc:
rri'-l 'if irres'f.l, ri-- refeenrfr t .iho'e . pro
.lrr4 incurab. ia H,e Cui'.cU State, aad afrerward
be fjtsn(tat51 hoTira, either at IT. C. Lrtt'a
T,'--c iot e, r at fci Oweilinc hocte, ben not cngaeeJ
-oreHi"t;a; . r.50-ly
. BltOWXVILLE. N. T. r
. Keri-frrrpritly rr!;';arHl the Phof Shop formerly
iir-fi'l'v Wra. T. Don, e now t,CVr oar work at trat-Ijie-Jucei
r'''"- Wc raBnnfactnTe all tbatweifTr
ii.rM.e. J3-All work wrrante2.
B-,;wiiie, St. 27, 1SJ. .. ; - ntl-ly
a a d
Offl a ever H. 0- Lett'a Vtzi Store, Ilolladay'a
I - t. Ki'.a atreet. r6-ti43-ly
OiT.-c corner or XIain aud First. Streeta."
Comer Piret aiid Main Streets,
nrownvillr; - - - XcbrassUa
X will receive Pike'a Peak Gold, and eivance
nccey upnn tbe same, and ray over ba:ace of rroed
tiinasiitntreturr.s are Lad. In all cw. '
xiitittbe printed returna ot the t, cited Statea Mini
r Aaaay oBice.
IVIoncyAdvaiacod ozx
Tt T? ri WTVITT TT .T ."P.
XJliV V A.
Call r,e attention of Gentlemen detiriDg new, Beat,
erTicaL'e and fafctionabI
If ewStock of Goods
vrnicb he wm'tell or makenp, to order, at nnprece-
.'tSany thin, in hi. line n"'
ea:i and examine Us tock be'ore toryltog. m he
piedset hiiaaeit to Uold oat peculiarly favorable ln
ncf Tnetita.
February 13th, 16C2.
) Jo "WcrekoTise Trucks, letter
3 Tress&s, &c.
112 HKK ST., Ci:2CA,
. tBe careful, and hay ctly no Kenuine.3 .
. 3u: t 12'h. 1So3 E49-3m ' '
(Snrcei-For to LnshbanRh & Camcn.' '
nra "T- y o
Dealer in Coin, Uncurrent Money, Lund
Warrants. Exchange, and Gold Dust
naoiTSViLLE, snnaisRA.;
I vtll Kive esrertal attention tobnylng and aellirg ex
chinVeouuPrpalratie. of the United Slate, and
Europe. Gold BUver, uncurreat Uauk Pilia, anu
O'.M Collect made on all acccfsable point,
ari pr(cel! remitted tn exebance at enrrent ratea.v
IK- ,-jit receid on current account, and Interest al
ls cl ou kpecial depoilt. 4
Tclcarr3Si and l!ic V. S.
LlM k Brother PhUad.lphU, P.
J. Canoa Co.,
Baltimore, Hi
Tou-.a L, Caron, ,t
Jao. Thompson afaon, Col'r .r Fori, n r
J.T. S eve.-.s.Kbq., Ait'yalLaw
t.. o . , , . i.t.u IT. S.T.
.. u u... v ChiciPO, til.
Chicnro, I
i!cClIULd, Pre & CO.,
Ttiomas C. Pratt, .
l'-uu. Ja-. O. Carton.
1. li.mau, Eq., Fre' S. Baak,
O-1, f.eo. S Ulry, A'y at Law,
Cji. Sm.lUuiMetonAU'y at Law.
Ju4e Thoa. Peiry,
St. Loui, K.
AnnapAlia, Md.
Metceraburg Ta
Bapertown, Aid.
Katcn, Md.
Cnmberland, Md
Havana. Aiahua.
Kov S, ISCO-tf..,
castings, sfmxgs, axles, files
Ako: HaLs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff.
Third Stret, between Felix ana Esmond. . ;
ch as will at t. Lonis priceafor caish.
. t Hi;;b6t Pries Psid for Scrap Iron .
. I,
The Conscription Law. J
One of ,tbe last lilj3as?eJ by Con
rres was a Ccncription Law. MTe in
"jtend publishing it as soon a?! can find
room in our 'columns. It provide that
all the a"llebodied men in the United
military duty at the call ot -the jPiesi-
dent, judges of the -various courts of the
United ' States ; Head of Departments;
the only son of aged and infirm pa'renis
dependent upon him; thesevho Lave
been guilty of some infamous crime, and
a few others in cases where aed cr m-
firm relatives were dependant; on them
for support. : ' : 1
It includes all Government Officials ;
Members of Legislators'; Governors of
States ; Ministers, and all classes of peo
ple'. - ;
It is thought that the rre?idcnt wiu
call out six hundred thousand soldiers un
der this' law, to be apportioned among
the States according to" popujution, ref
erence to be had to the number of men
already enlisted. YVe; suppose if it is
ascertained that Ncbrcska . has furrish-j
ed more than her proportion of volun
teers no draft' will lake place here. But
should it take place it will not require
rnore than 700 meroto fill pur quota.
Provost Marshal for Nebraska.
Awong the gratifying occurencs cf lute
is ibe formation' of the Territory of. Ne
braska into a Provost District, and the
appointment cf Maj Geo AiisiSTRO'a.'Df
the 2d Nebraska Cavalry as IrovcstIar
shal. Had this been done before, . we
to-day would have less .eneourogement
! given the rebellion - by the "sptaking,
writing, or publishing disloyal senti
ments." It is not only a mistaken, but
suicidal notion cr policy that " many of
fences which in time- of peace are civil
offences" do not in "time cf war become
military offences, to be trie I by 'military
tribunals, even in places where civil tii
bunals exist." Treason cf late, has
'stalked abroad in noon-da) within our
Territorial limits, and there has been
none to. say "thus far shall thou go and
no farther." The loyal and Union loving
citizens of Nebraska owe a debt of grat
ltude to Maj. Gen. Ccetis, not only for
the establishment of the Provost District,
but for the appointment ef Maj. Atm
strcng. In common 'parhnce, it is the
"right man in the right place." Major
Arnmstroug's political antectdets are,
lllUiC Ul OLl UiU scuvui lyniiunm. v. . ,
since the breaking, out cf the rebellion,
he has not allowed party issues of party
lines to interfere with his patriotism.
He is one of the Butler and Dix stimp,
of uncompromising Union men, and who
is not afraid of hurting rebelsV . We may for a vigorous and prompt. discharge;
of duty at the hands of JUaj. A. He
has published a lengthy, order of
Col.'' Dick, Provost Marshall Generalof
this Department, in relation to the power
duties and jurisdiction of. provost Mar
shals, frocs which we make the following
extract .
"Provost Marshals .will arrest, and
take evidence against all persons guilty
ofr disloyal conduct, such as giving. aid.
and enoouragement to the rebellion, in
cluding those - -
Who act as spies, and carry on secret
correspondence with the rebuls in'arm
" Who encourage the rebollion by 'speak
ing, writing, or . publishing any disloy?.l
sentiments or induce thsame in others ;
Persons in arms against the Govern
ment, and those guilty of murder, rob
bery, theft, pillage and marauding, aud
all persons who, in rJiag'nise aspretendtd
loyal citizens, encourage disloyalty ia
others, and oppress Union men;
.There . is a class cX pretended -loyal,
men men, who, while ' they have' ' not
joined the rebel army, have encouraged
iheir relatives and neighbors to go. and
who uphold and support them by secret
communicationsand serding them mon
ey, clothing, and other assistance'; and
u'ho -associate with men who have bean
disloyal from the first; and With,
sympathizers with tha rebellion These
men. while pretending that they are bet
ter. Union men than those charged' whh
the control of the government, and all
who sustain its polity and measures as;
ereiiiies of the union f.ndcf the' country ;;
such conduct. "and language gives strong
d encouragement to those ac-j
cnnnort an
livhl enr?2-ed in the 'rebellion, produc
ing the belief in their minds that they
ha a strong and growing party in the
north, bv'whose agency they eventual
will be able to divide the country perma
nently; and .strengthens and prolong
the efforts cl the rebels. 'Men', are. not
entitled to the- protection of 'he govern
ment, when their every day"conduct
shows that they laok for its overthrow
whitii hope end pleasure. They chcose
to range themselves with tne enemies ct
th "overnment and will be treated ac
rArrlm!v. Thev will be arrested, the
evidnc taken ogain:t them, aod
proceeded against
if M, .02
..I 4 L i
r J. V-' V fc-jh 1
Persons found harboring or concealing
spies, rebel soldiers or efheers, maraud-"
ers, and other criminals, will be treated
as parties to the crimes t.nd circumstan
ces rr.ay make their failing to give infor
mationto the mUitary auligfiti4"dVcross
an act of disloyalty a3 theTr active etforti
to conce al.
Provost Marshals will arrest notorious-
1 ly bad and dangerous men, where peace
and safety require it, though' no specific
net of ;-disoyaltT can be proven against
them;' nnd f tch may;b? put-under, bond
imprisoned,- or required lc -leave i-ths
State. V .
The good cf society and the safety of
the government require? that during ths
rebellion, offences such as those spoken
of abavehould be tried and punished by
aiihtary .'power.1 .Many--oences- wnih
i in lime of peace are civil offences, be
come m lime of war military offences,
and 'are to be tried by a''rftilitary iribunal
even in places vherecivil trihiinais ei"
ist. While- treason, as a distinct effVnce.
is defined by the Constitution and must
be tried by courts duly constituted-by
law, yet certain acta i of , treasonable char
acter, such as carryinginformation to the
enem'i' acting as spies, etc., are military
effencesj' triable by military tribunals
and punished by military-aorth'ority. It
is. a well established principle that insur
gents nct'Kjiittnrily. organized under the
iaVs of.tho - State, " predatory "partizans
and guoirilla Lands ate not legitimately
..... , J
whichnhey have-assumed - cannot give a f6-11; ftr4ef y! K&&.ffy "n
military exemption to the crimes which' mMJaeIy brought to -bear upon e
th?y huve committed. They are, in a t'ejvn TiveyC.jir!) opened "oroutilartiit
legal sense, mere freebooters and bau-
dlt'i. n ...7. i 3 aUssA.
Provost Marshals will, arrest perspns
'"dry of discburagu'g.eiilUtinenfs'iatthe
service of .the - government,- including
those opposing the enrollrnenVordered by
the Governor, and person .guilty of ex
citing dissatisfaction, arnong our troops,
and of inducing persons to desert, and
also those persons found selling liquor to
soldiers, in- any city or town,' near any
camps, or at, any other place, -and also
persons interfering with the' execunon'-cf
any military orders or regulations icsued
by comnstent authority.
The Ncbraka First.
"We learn by letter that the Regiment
is still at Pilot Knob";: -and independent
of all reductions frp.mjdeaths'discliarges,
and desertions, tiurxiberV about six hun
dred. rnen' and :piu;er?, including thdse
present, or absent ondetached 'service,
or sick "in hospitals; A 'The 1 absence of
Col. Thayer "froca ihel Uegiment, as a
Brig. General, is amply compensated for
in the . efficiency of Col Ligings'on, who
has been a Division .tmd Brigade ' Cem
mander in the Army of Southeast Mo.;
ever'since Gen. Davidson had. a chance
to test his superior. military qualities.
A strict ' disciplinarian andihdefa'ugabis.
as. a worker, he seems to "be, equaled by
ery few in the volunteer servicejrand
with practice and.'' experience'. 'asks! no
odds of . Tegular ardij7' ofHce'rs'.Vi 'ji Z-' ' '.
Col. BatrmerJisJm 'comm'a'iidjand 5s
popular wjth ,rthe men: and; officers for
qcalities'of the heicj and , hearty. 'n con
nection with good'' military 'jqti'alities.--
This we "can easily 'understand',' by re-,
membering that in" his hands 0),'Bzs
highly applauded for efficiency and true
military bearing when just' organizing at,
Omaha.'- . . " : -' '
. It is is said that: Dr. Larsh, of Ne
braska City is becoming deservedly pop
ulaK, for attention 'to the "sick. ' '
! As Co C was from this county, , we
'might be thought partial if .we wrote half'
the flattering things ..we -heard the. Chap
lain say of the ojli'e'e'rs. . And it is.l,due
the Chaplain ls6 tb say-'ihaheaffirms,
:hat"ilie-kirrdness:of ! 'alKtftolticers and
all the men, to him, has : been , snch as to
'endear fenVtoJaj? wble; anill true First
; 'ux letter frGitrthe Army; ru
I Mr. Editor : Being a Nebraskian,
nnd thmkirg that; probably ycur readers
.wculd like to hear from their friends in
JLhe t army,, occasionally, IopcludecLto
write 'yoti-a few lines, toinfcrmr you
what we are doing in this section. I sup
pose your readers-all know, but it will be
no harm to impress into their minds, that
Ft. Heiman issituated on the. Tennessee
fiver opposite Ft. Henry; and that 12 miles
east of Ft. Henry, on the Cumberland
River i s .-where Ft. Donelson is situated.
Well, it is of Ft. Donelson, arid the
soldiers that are garrisoning ..the, ; post,
that I will speak, In the .first - plaiie I
will tell you how things are situated. The
bid Fort, where our soldiers had to fight
to hard ;to lakei ,' last spring is alandon-
ed "the " troops;" that are stationed there
occupy the town of Dover,. whicJi.ijrone
mile above the old fort,'.' The force that
occupid the -place at -the time of the en
gagemen;,f'that I am about to speak of,
censfsted "or the S3d Illinois lofantry,
Flood's Illinois Pattery four pieces, Co.
VG," 5th Iowa cavalry, antbpne thirty
vo pounder iege gun, mounted bn an
elevated piece of ground in the centre. of
the town.' The number of men in the
fijht was 800 in all. 'The fortificationa
about town are light, hera and there,
jhere- is an 'embankinent thrown upeercss
: f-,n:'t,-7; - - .... . : 1.j.rT--nr-,;-7 ";,; , ;- "
i lty.i,,i ;i ri -vt ?"'; fT.t-.-i ,. , , , ; -
' . ' ; ' ;' ' y- . . . i.:.!.:;.;Wm;:.?u.!!,"--r;;! vUit;u;
V.fcJT'.: in,v-i'.i.-:ii,..;,;.!,,:' - : .' . j .'.It. U 7r' ' !)
3 ; ' ..- ; .. ' - ' ' 1 1 ; ,'T . v. ' ..,'. it
' , , . ' r . ; ...... . .......... ., j, ; :; .:ti l
a street to prevent a sudden attack, these
wita Wembanknient ajboattoai feet high
thrown up around the rbig-g'un.Y com
pleted the fortiScationi of th'e place.""
! The jposVisJcombanded bypoi.'IIardJ
ing of the 83d Illinois, which bythe way
is one of the new regiments. rSbm.e,call
hini' ioi4:praz3( Hartlicg "f at crazy as
he is, or 'rr.ay he 'he-'and -those is his
commaiidvhaTB 'Wca 'themsuWes laurels,
of which older regiments cancoj boast,.cux
for tin5tarjce, ;tha.s 8.1 ways cbBRKtaa tail
end of the nrmy, clutT willpeak of it
some other tirne.-r-r -rf'
. rOrT'the morning.' TtherGdicstam;
Cel. i Hardin? tcard fthat the notorious
rebel Forrest, was going Jo .attack the
post thai 'day with, five? thousand men, ev
erything was imrncTialely gtU jn.teadir
r;ejs,.Jt .wfjiv Jthfrn. Vfirlal
was seen of the rebels, was about three
o'clock in the!5veni6gAtThey sent in a
I flag of; truc . 8nd. demand g.4 ranpdeji
the bearer-said ithatii'the'iplacevwAs sur
rounded (which Plasthe'rtruih) jand that
it was useless", to resist Cfbl. fH, Jn a
biand toneSiid'jhem ;IthiV.1wpuldWitgHt
them awhile before he wnuld. surrender.
... V ... ....... W U ) . - . V,
lei y which answered them as soon as
they began, to speak.- Theykefft this up
for l&meMhde when thiy"'coriCluded they
would;make? aicavarychajgion: urjip
fantry which was laying concealed in a'
ravire, biJdToubaLteiy.OKwas then,
that cur boys, could see how much su
perior , iajnujaoberv tjipj reCej? were to
them, ine nuts iroana appearea hk
one; living" mass, n On they camei 'at a
steady gallop. Col. Jri. told the. boys to
take" good ; aim; and 1 make "every bullet
count: Three tunes theychargedbnr
batteries, md as manytimes were repuls
ed by"ou r; Jnf a nt'fyTyi tjij htiijrfSpssl :diTf-
ins this time our big gun was making
sad haveck with the rebel ranks. They
found CiatouF.batterldswliiTnoI so easily
taken as they expectea,so alter tneynaa
made-several ehnrgesV fls manyre
pulres, they, ,conplude?they. had better
fall back and try. some other nhtn. Af
ter.-our- big ; gun .had silenced their bVt
te'rv the firing "ceased for. a short'timeit
was then whispered through the ranks of
our, infantry -thatHhe'big gun'' had run
oat of amunrtion, which caused; consider
able murmuring i in our ranks, with' ex
pressions -that a 11 -was lost. j. Our heroic
Uol. stiii cneereci nismenonieiimg tnem
to -take good ai::n, and keep cool and all
onMome -out right, yeu-'' Painful' si
lence reigned tor some time, and to make
it worse, a sauad of abo'ut two hundred
rebel tavalryrcfJuld'.be SeeiTnrakirigtheir
way along the! river bank, toward the
hill onrwh"cnour brg gun was mounteu,
There was one time that the rebel raval
ry was 'ia" plain range of 'oiif small' pieces'
,of atilTeJ-yihJ thp, hospual ;in Ayhich
there was a good many of ur sick men.
was just beyond. -where ;the rebels were
passing, so our boys would not fire for
fear of .hrttmg 'the HospitalATh'e rebel
cavalry .passed ,,pn. pu. of .sight, buj (.ecqqJ
made their, 'appenrance:againbomihg''up
the hill at a full charge, cnTour big gun,
on 'hey. came,, nur boy$. thought that all
was up wit.the5Y :; rode up
o within fifty feet of the gun, and de
mandefSLthft. s(uaa.that.waa wbrkingihe
gun to surrepderr just, as ihe oflicer of
he rebels demanded surrender he seen
that' -tlreJ' sergeant' tbmrfianding k the' gun
Was about to touchthe" gun cflf, when he
yelled Wt,' Vbtrg-d d-Ul ;sor of b h,
dent. you touckihaurun off. again. 'U,Tho
sergeani repiieu mat woiu not, at
he time, applying the match;, the disharge
was terricie, tiiere.waa a aouuie loaa or
grape and canister in the giin- Jt mowed
do n ; a, road.imcng the. rebels, thirteen
were killed, at that one shot,., jiine grape
shot struck the officer that demanded the
surrender. . His body was badly riddled.'
When the' shot was fired one loud shout
arose'from our lines. The boys fiad sup
posed thaC l3e.;- lig .gun had run out of
amu'nltiom 'Before? the rebels ooufd re
cover from the shock, our infantry rush
ed uj-on thera at' ii 'bayonet charge, and
took fifty prisoners. It was, then about
dark, the rebels had tailed 'at very point
They then fed back into the cover of the
hills aad;woods,'janit sent in another ifia?
... r .... i :.. . ?
jef -truce to Col.-Harding j and again de
manded a: surrender. - "A parley ensued
between th? ;fla- fcsarer and'tfieifolZthe
flar bearer sdd : Coh. dont you see that
you are surrpundedtbat.-we out number
you. four- to one, have 'nt you had enough
fighting for o;ace?"' vNa,xeplied the CoIM
Vl'will fight you as long as my boys has. a
button" left bn "their coats." "Well,"
said the. flag bearer'-We'. will try you
again in the pjcrningJ ;,.The fiagbsarer
left, and our boys thought, they would
was'quiet unlil about dark, when. to th I
aennt;or cur siro6ps;'a Iarg fleet of gun-,
beats and transport hove in sight; corni'd
up the 'river, bound for--Nashviile, with
troops aboard to reinforce Gen. Rosecrans.
The" commander of the fleet was immedi
ately apprised of wh&t had occurred dur
ing. the-diy.' The 'gunboat f began" a; fu
rious cononading on the woods where the
prebels. were statioTiedpwhich soon made,prur rconjpany went up
jrivef VvHeri'the'flght occurred, it rvehtVer
the next nip.rping and:rfrr4aiqed there all
,day. v e were cetailed to gatherup the
!dekd 'ixridjyyyu&ed'i rebels. Wi.-t worked
all day, in the evening, we had gather
ed up xlecB rebeis to' the 'number, of one
hundedhrjseventy five, and they were
not all..K;TheTed"yef. c"Wfecame'to camp
next morning I afterwards heard that
the rebels lost two hundred killed, and
about four hundred wonnded.r.'? Tiiey' Tar
ried; qll mi great rna'ny.of the)r wounded,
alllhit wksvable fokrideAmori?v their of-
ficers that was -killed lwai Col. McCray,
of Alabama: wounded CoH Woodword, of
iTenrteEseirJA .-The prisdners' we ;('took
amouniedi to seventy 'JuVe .arhcng.ahem
several omrnissqned-bfEcersv' Our troops
holding ,a favcrafcie. position, did 'not suf
fer 'soheavily' tyejtai'jiteji'' fe'g 'and
itwenty wounded ''6pe'!eQmmhsoned offi-
AAK vwo nil fHaf if a o 7il an vas4
cer was all that
An old negro told the next day, that
he heard bis,4naster and Forres.t ialking,
jabout thiefigh(, after was bver, and
that Forrest acknowledged that - it was
the - worst whipping he had got since he
.had beer'a'soldier. ' Itis said that it was
!the object of the rebels to take Douelson,
;and prevent any more supplier "reaching
Rosencran's by the Cumberland' river.
I thiLk'itAvas one of the "greaVest little
rights that has occured since-the war, be
gan and one which the S3d 111. may well
be proud of and ofhvhich elder regiment
cannot oast. -., - - , y
: There has been a promotion in our
,company, of which"lome ofyour readers,
j P.r5Myfl would ljke, otjljear. ii Captain
i Young" 6f ) Iowa- has : bV.ea prorrioied to
Maj or Lieut. Maithbs, i of Nebrska
jcity, , has-been prjmoted, to. Captain ; 2d
jLieut. TJangden, of "Iowa,' has been pro
jmotedr tn.lst: Lieuteriaht;J. Orderly Ser
geanr Vilhjte! of 'Bfotynville, ha.3 been'
promoted to 2d Lietenant ; Chas Alley,
of Glen Rock, is"TJroraoted to Orderly
Sergeant;, C P, .Richards of Peru, has
been J promoted to -Q."M."Sergeantf this
is all that .will interest your readers,
j The Brownville boys are all right side
Pjwithcare. ; -'- '' '-: il : -
Sam. W. Campbell.
I Pilot Kkob, Md.,' Feb; 2G, 1S63. "
i Friend. Firmer :--After,: neatly four
jmontb3 absehc"e", wehave returned once
jmore -to 'the- Iron Iconitairis. Durir?
jtbat time we have marched (on regular
marches)" near '5001 miles. This,ioge lit
er with numerousfQraginu. expeditions
arid5 jrlcket' ;and pother 'guard' duty' has
been very hard on us.- - :
I f This lias been a severe winter's carn
paiga. for us, but now,' we aye ''out of the
Avildarness." and are -whre we can see
railroads '.and tejegrapaninesrcan. see
ind "War 'the ''iron hoTses" as the? ar
nve, on their daily jearnies rcan get the
hewspapers and read, what 'is gong on in
Jhis - world ofVpuTsall of whfch; is. very
agreeable to us.'v'.' ..ixie-ncV ,..:-.'..... :.
i "&6me one has-wien '
j 4,Oh for 'a 'lodge "m seme; vast wilder-riess.-f
Some i 'boundless-' contiruitv of
ShadSi"1'.' y .'.'.: t- v. ; y.
roll.hjjn tafimigrate to S. E.Missou-f,.and-he-can
get into-a vast a wilder
ness a3-. he chooses-, and as' for shade, he
tan have a yan eiy. .Pine,- Oak, or Gum,
jindYf 'toV if eVa'abnt afford deep enough
khace.'.ta suif Fim Ihere are numb'ersTof
(:aVei,some c-iiwhich extecdVseveral hun
dred yards into the" ea'r'tlL? ' X think they
ar ihady enougbl' . -.7'. T.-.
i Some other 'pe'rspn has uttered : - :
I . ' s
! Ob I soiUnje fWhere are tbe charms
't hat sages hare seen iff'tftflae'e T '
'Twere better to dwVu in the mils of a1a.nn,
Thau to reign (ralaj la this Lorribla rtlace."
Them's, my sentiments. Solitude aint L
place.i' Except that s'ometimes
It SnOWS." ,:,. - . . .-
l.Captairi Majors is very sick with pneu
monia.'''' He'.'ahd ;'d.7Belden are - in
the 1 hospital at Ironton, two inile3from
j iha -raymaster - visit us about two
-eeks ' ago, ; andl paid 'us.' tip to Jan.' 1st,
which caused us to rejoice "with exceed
ing great ! joy.". ' We have now' plenty of
Greenbacks," and Nemaha Valley. I do
not know where thjF -latter comes from,
put it : is, here' in larg quantities, and
ddwn south where the people do not like preferred.
river is now-, open. - Tioats may
week. , ,.-,,'
POt "narv -Charm, to mv rnti,.n rA a. K svau ""- 01' J
.. . . . . .i!.i:..J )) ..J l...ii.....n.''t.M ot niiin.. I!r !
to rain, it dont 'do1 anything" else n thislW a3 h to-was.'? ''
FrOH tlie 'Aiaj'Ill t!ieH012at3l2S.
" " . . ", FiBRUART,;4th.' lSGG.r
Ldito Neb. Av. rIn compliance with
promises :' made in my last, I will relate
some of . the "particulars' of the first
S-ivJUing- of the "tight fantastic tot' ci
-Hailed:.' -'-' -' ' "
'Tn 'the significant, and truly grand lelo-
c (j lent hnguaelof; LonisjBuUy winklq,it
Hya? a-!'gay eld time': The. "style" was
quite' tcmihar to the'oldest "inhabitant,'11
irDovinghleto think of .su nil ry; times and'
i place's.' iong,' since; i"adefd from' memory:
The .enjoyment vas, too, intense to; admit
of . accurate decrtption,-the!iraagination
alone ran' jnstceT.v At times it seems'
that the "Gastrccremius," meaning Says
our mountain doctor, the "calf" would
'Iet down." ..b'ut:r ami rejoiced to state,
no j"coming. .down'',-was noticed on-the
occasion. ;After. watching tro m.Orements
ofithe; imachipe'',with rp'u ch ,-satisf action
and' ideiight, I .'enquired:1 of L&dy X :-
ofDo you ever indulge ? 1 -'
iSays-' she, "I will never submit to -stich
an insi alt;" ' - - ' " '.' : '
- '- . t - . .
1 ' "Pardpn me,; Madame' said I, "I only
desired '.to Lnovv. if von ever'worshipred
at the, shrine of Terpsicord ?"
; "I ,nevep ;aw .that fellow inrny lifx
;and.. I T will not allow such insinuations'."
she replied. . .t,-jv -ly. ;';: r.. '
t:Saya 1,-Lady X, do'yott 8ver ' g6 in
an .the.'. nerve,' -exerdse'' your organs of
Says she, "Youbet I do; but I must
nuss". my babie, encl then you will see
mv. motion, :. .? ,.. .
.T;i,told her, would give : rne-much
pleaturey, as I '-was' fond of "gay and fes
tive" exercises. ' ; 4
' The 'dancing was a "fac simile" of the
"agur ,,'seascn ; ihe shaking,'' was not
eppfined. . to .thow'ccn the floor, but pre-
vaide'd- among- the- crowd, generally; as'
an "endemic. The music,
using the
word , of. an ,ex-Land Officer, kwas highly
j"sb'apenfic.' It reinindedme of the af
fecting servicesTcf theJorientidl Evanics
of life, slow but good: Supper came oT ;
dancing'i'csased, and "the entertainment
ensiied.-j Including all the "variations"
it 'might be "designated a .."bully good
time" long "to b remembered as a delec
table episode at the inferior extremity of
:Medicine Bow Mountain.
-Next morning after the party, I met a
Teutonic gentleman whose beautiful con
nubjal "better-half'1., comprises a part of
the "She-Cang'," who addressed me thus:
-Herr Lov-in-good me hears you habba
all de fupslike' deT tivil.'; - . J
" Who informed you?" I inquired.
'Mine rife tells me all about him." ;
'Ypur '; wife," says I, V ought, not to
have told it." ... : - : '
. HAh7'old vellowstrasish , agooden
yoke on yob un mine vife.' t '
Jake had the. the joke on me and,. I
acknowledged the 'pressure," Thi3 was
satisfactory.- He said his wife was well
pleased, and I was awfully tickled" too
God bless, .the women ! They: are
scarce out here. "Oh, who would live
alon ?" ... r t '.: . : :"- -"' -
. On, the occasion of the "break down"
I concluded it might be a favorable oppor
tunity to recruit for the ;' .., ,
; 4 - -. .-. ' .'-1
. : t- i. I's. B. H. BRIGADE; '- '
therefore opened an office at a conveni
jrnl distance "from the gay. scene. I nei-
me ' in "the " effort- to'enlighten you a3 to
the earnestness ; -of ' the 4,boy." It
amounted almost ' to intoxication,'' and at
one time "things' locked rather siispi
cious. i The oath is the cath of 4,Sedativ
us,"' consequently, kindles tha caloric of
patriotism in every'cae whoj takes it.-
The B. H. B. is designed fcm"re
to relieve the army already in the
"liquidity " a coiraint which incsacit
ates the ,fc?harp shooters" and a change
of r. "base" is a. "military necesity" caus
ing, the Telegraph to report, "The ene
my's number larger than expected ; his
fortifications resisted our gallant attacks.
&c." The Government should disband
the. .11. . RrnaienaU" end fcrm it int
... :rrCeoraewnaT( ilTI
-o- . . - r . . ill!
r viy powers ci-oeimeation wouia iau
: C? ';iar f,.-n 'l-irsor less)
' ! .:', 11 - - .
Baajiwis Cir-tJ, tx his or 1 c- - 7c
On tolTJir.n creyear . -
- 0.:a ia'f dlnr.a ue r o?.r - - ...
Ou? jirt!i nr'unin rr ir -
l)t:3 eiutt!i cf laann cs-jeir -
. O-i- co!fn8 tmntj . , r . ;
.C..e ba.; c.;i ,..;;a bIi rr;.jir'..j ' " - -,Cr!e
foiiTT O'jhsn six ;?'- fct -
Oae ei:;U::iot a culna s.x o-ti " ' "
,Cm cola-M tirej coatlj . . - .'
, One halt colr.n tbre tnori'ln .
Ofr fourth col atim tbr inon' J.
, CuS eljhih colc-m rarG na-:.-.h4 :
Ainonr.cln?Cn.hJA:ea for O : - -
- c
e .
.4") l
? I'll
is I .
4 1 ' 1 .
. :
; j -.
;j .
1 ii.
1 t
i i r
ix early WTerusment., itht'.p:x.j iu ivnce.
In .Transcieai Aivertiteme .. i. fr:ic;.o-.s cr r
Uqs-e will teciiar.-'fd f - by t':? attl.a ri.of t
ji'eumtfte fir week, arl Sce'ejft tutMi-jst3!.
;.Our mocto U "dvlm&a est) En
7 !,-: '
n ...t :. t .. ......
""J caa stana "erect," wi incut K
baulli under it have the quttiHoticrvi cf a
member. ni'Mimru n-'.--
s'v red' v, com pie lions 'received without a.
wefd ' as.' the .sign, cf the Briade'isal-'
ways ticking ovi I " "
"CKT-Wrrn.Tnt iRsrj.r.1.
' hnSagernent rwit'h 'fct!i Indies
North cf Salt' Lake, a few daysao wis
unusually ssvere,. .Somethings ccn'n5c-tr
withit are.calcaiated to.v
cur ejts.
Who, taught. Mr. Red man rethrew for-
;ifi;caiionsr! I and : construct . "Rifle Tits I4
From--whose-: Tactics9 '& -L '. rj '
''slraiegyV -Tn'es are Questions tftna
greatest importance, anii should te irYcs-"
tigaied without 'delay. The'ove'rcmpni
iOughtV-undoubte'dly, to inaugurate ifiurV '
nttrr,ecxnum against-every "mother's s-rv
of thern ;". send 'um to the'ether f'd?cl
Jordan " where tunlinj U gibdni btj
cf mules,' hcrsDs and dogs can be: picked
up. e'rery: day. j If! I.wcr ;an IndianX
would-emigrate- to the-Ifappy Hunting
Ground' Vwhere'pale faces" do riot dlf
gold;, and 'Overland Stage Lin?3 ,fv.h
never lioxbrtl ' -'Injin,V .you would ,le a!
djtn- sight better o'T there, and so i wculi
we pf th8. Btst jllead Erigade. if ycqr.'
would only depart :-.BuT.I supp-350 'ycx
be" like most of other people, dc7ii. ta.rfi
abort trying ynceriqir.lies 'p"z bird lathe
hand: is .'better than .two ia' the bash.-
Vcui might: "be "kornrz'cggl'J1? an! jn'J- '
structed in .'the- art of 'cavlgatiug wavps
of fire and brimstone which would be'aV
great "dislput-ovtment" Tthihk however?
it is advisable for you to "prepare for tha :
trip; as '.early,' as possible, in the Spring., '
Thcf starting. ' 'fit-out'' will ba fiirnishedj I
gratis . by -your ; long respected "Under
Sam-u-el.'; The passage being free .'tis:'
a fine chance to take your exit j douinus
voliscum properly translated, means MIJ1
'vvould'nt1 give a tinckers obstruction To3
stop water for the "hull cn -ye'" I
'"As I closeno' enemy . insight..; Tb'
wind still '"blows'. 'Wonder when it wi;J -!
nuif. A-. few, -slugs, cf flumjvm wou'ii. i
'quif, A-. few, -slugs, cf rlumLvm wou'ii. i
be, acceptable ( as it is difficult; to "flwfy j
the mark at Jlalleck.:. . T; . JD i
.-- . rp ; ' , t . . r
c, .isioriuLci iicvreocs. i
i: Erig. Gen. without a cdmrifad. '.
- , . ' i'ii.i
. ' i . . . - . . j
; MisLAiD..We regret, having misli id:
an advertisement cf 'J; Rutter, c?" Wet i
""tJin r tun. us iimauiLS akv.& r.
Native and Foreign Grapes which La"
sells at greatly reduced prices, varyiilg2. j
from 15 to 50 cents. ". :
:. xizw:Goons. Mr. Shigellas just re-f
ceived by Express; direct frcm the East,!
a lor of Spring and. Summer goods..' Hit
will receive large additions 10 his ldc'j
as soon ar navigation opens.' ;'Gire "'hfra;
a'call.' ' " ' :d)
. r
. i ; - -r r.
j . - I i ii s .. i. ; . J )
New JIillI Mr; Thomas jGre'en,'i3"'
putting'up a new Flouring Milf iii Peru;'
The building is 'one of, the largest, Vrjct
most substantial in .the erritory He.:
designs. ruanicg three- stones U -U
' ' - ".- ,.. . J.rt'iN. -J
The Editor of the Neb. City 'JVkvi has1
recenrly gotten' into hot water, y noticirg:,'
'(German Ball in which he alluded to ihnv
as the D. D's. (dirrned DuTTaJy Ajir,r
iotv'ever denie intending- anything dis-
respectful.' T - ' t Vr"-':- ' yr: i:.:c1-
-There ii nothing in the' latest Teefl
"rraphic dispatches,' cf any interest whaK'
Her. Except' a'few .slight skirmishes in!
V .4 ::-.." --"':'' 5
"Ink as .13 Ink."-rtcns. D ? La Marshff
pTuJgarly. called -Jhnk: Mimh. has cm'd ''at Lett's Drug. Store, some 'ef'tho'
U.l'tr;itn'i tnl- i A '-I -ii
The-, rebels have capture" J . our .'Iron- 4
!ard f'lndianola.?' . Sbo wa3 ixX Kr-
arrenajr U the Queen cf the WeiUrs-r-
A :nvanted to brake; Hem?.' Sefr;
dverti::nicnt 'in 'ariotner column. "' '
"1 T? .' " t """ ", '' We
. v' i . r :;l'ii..-tr.!
Merchants" ol Pott Masters w wi'.l t.Hre m tl
fall, Till he snrpt'.el wlta Gar-Jeo, Field -anil ?!ow?e -Seel
to e!l on comrrifsion at fair rate. Tie iteda 1
are all Kruwrt bere aJiJ ara t-Tis t.- namp. 1 ,
3"errfih Xcrsary, Srracuae, O'-e. C.. ' "'' ;
75,000 Copies Sold thb TirsS i2
: LIciitha cf its Pnbllcaticn. '
' It is an estjr Ne?r vTork.f-f nearly 2Crres."
Many of tlie-Tunes and Urraus wre writle t e.t-I
.r-saij for r,bi TcJa'ne. It wili oon j'palur t.
as iw preflsce5cr, (L-!:i N"o-1 ) whi -h bis ruo cp.f
the er.ormc-us ncmbercf 575,003 c-7 in 15 asontf,"
outstripping ary Sunday Schtvi at its ais.!-
sued in tisis couctry. iAJjo, both rolirjeire Sxanui j
inc&e to a?ccnimftte .bor-.Is wi,M tbTi tn t!jt
fors:. Fri;es of Bali No. 2, rar-r eore-s, ti c-T::, '
$12 per ICO. o?Hi,:5 cur.','3 j-ji;... Uota.!
bouuJ emfcor;d g-ilt, 31 reri, f .-lC3. Doll V. .
1, paper corers, 12 eaus .JII f-er Eonr. i "
cent, f 13" per 1M. Cl-tb bnuiii e:al)se4 gfw.
e"cufi:3 f or IO. I:S:3 :-7c s. 1 :12 boni . t o ;
getber 4;) cents, ?C5 ror hni-il ;,') e-;e Jur
Piahed at ths IW jrl.-el C-ch Vur.I . e.-cV-.TJ-i '
53eentii, j n r. ::;: i -t-a u
retail r-rke. '