THE ADVERTISER. ji lt. FISHER, EDITOR: m).ovyviLLE;?ATr:iiDiTFEB..2fi. isj3. ; , . , ; Ccia Discoveries. ; Tbffvrestempapers are now filled with latter from- Orere:v Washington.' nd Western -Nebraska ; cotnioin exciting accounts of new discoveries or mines of ''jrpasin5 richness. We hare heretofore paid but little attention to the rumors, a a-fie:-- - Crtaia towns are interested in gettm- n , d thai, the tak of up sucn excwemenis. iuuc i ' dora very much , emote without "some fire, Most of the rpers Vouch forjhe respect ' lility of these letters. ( We were yesterday shown a letter '' from Mr. A. B. Bjxbt, a. relation of Mr. Coleman, and well knowu by v many of our citizens. He ray? new mines hare Veen discovered oa i Snake Piver, : 160 miles from Wallah Wallah, which now pay although they hare to heat their wau rs to washvit now pay $50 to the nan'. He advises Mr'.' Coleman to resign the jerries, and come out immediately, and trir.g his family . with him. He' says - flour is" worth $-5 per. hundred, and oth er ihiL? in proportion. He adrises com it,z up the Al'ouri to-Ft.:-Beaton, fruis 'ere There is a" coed .roi'J 'to the r,ii!;esj From the Arnij In lite llountalns. - Tort Halle TV " - Fxeruaht, 4th. 1863.; Editor Nebraska Adz . I-have a commission, I believe it is for the war, and iVotn Head Quarters, to raise a new Brittle tobs called the "Bust Head Brigade."! '' T' . The nece style is self-endent. The country its service. Why, sir, many a battle lost. would hare been won had it. been organ change, "cross orer,'? "gentlemen to the right," double-shufila on the left,"ur.til it '-petered out,' for the want of "dopt),' which was not before the "rosy light of morn ing' leaped over the "snow caped" Mountains flooding the Earth in beauty glory and.magnificer.ce. . ' '1 v r In my next, I will give the particular? sshj of a.ccrrrnand cf this ni,;-niaeD wiori, m xnz way ci a evident' The country needs' "b"il1 at lhe base of Mecine' Bow.and also, lot you know my first experience in recuiting for the Bust Head Brigade. Tiioph:lvs Lovegood. Brig. (Jen. without a command. collecting jufialle maUriai for the Brig, ade will te a difficult one, as most of it is already in the: Array, . but I :'vili" Writer 'upon my duties flushed with hih hope' of finding ,the righ kind of ''stuff." ".The gentlemanly, cgmmander of -.Hal-leek, Capt. Allen, w&b called upon a few .days ego to send troops to the crossing of Ncrih Flatte, because a .band of the first families of the country paid that section a 'flying visit. V The Capt. very courteously, inquired . what depredations bad been committed. ' :1 . '"' .1 "Why," the man said, -"one ol the bucks tack my. young Cog by the .hide of the backand gninted;inc, and the-next morning I eouM'nt ik.d Iu.tx ihe Capt: . who rs a ;ran of mch "milk Hon 1 P.; S. Nd Indians in sight. ' All -qciet so far as heard from Fighting .Indima glorious. Would like to see the rebels attempt to float r flag oilt' here. . The windwould to Jericho like so much chsfT. -Would it not be a "(jJad send" i f there was a fine, stiff gale on the Potomac "occasionally. T. L. . ore Vuiie is a coco rcu io sue. uuu. of humaa kindness." Ml dn sr.'.W fnr a distance of 403 mi;;- ' ; - r .tiieiudde'o'Joss of tho"pup,?.' bur raid he For ibo sen to have pouey to spare we i could . : r $ J- Tr'J-,vn, think it may do we'll th go via F.t."'J5ent'cnr '-but if ihev have -but. liule, wo think it '.better to cross the. plains in an ox te3m. Ltt five men uut in tf 12-5 each and they can buy four yoke of oxen, a wagon, ciinir.g tools, and sufficient provisioiis and elothitg'to last 12 .months.. '. . ' , ab-undarir4;and.go; ecovgh for leerty, or. en, w.'not just wLi?:ick-people x- We do rot know that there is now much if any sickness in Col. Furnas s Company, yet there has been some, end it is rt .unreasonable to suppose there may be'e. In caie th?re is, the pro- tb h always rrlith. Where an enure regi mwi 'i toreiher. -ihe sic are suitably j-oil. d 'for . in their Hospitals,. but m separate -rcrripEric-s this carnCt be done. We Lndarstand. tliat in other. places, xe frashraects 1ii delicacies,- suitable for lhe' sick are provided by he citizens. Most of the men in this company have relations. and friends in this county, and they fhonld see that they do not suffer for. anything suitable to eat when they become unwell. ' Oct citizens we are ure will attend -to this. - A word for the .wise is tuf2ciini,!:4to. -.: . v - Raise Ti5f Bm.We again notify the readers of the Advertiser that R. O. Thompson will be ia''ownville in a" few days with Seeds,' Fruit Trees, Shrubs and lhe Grey cr Powder Willow. -There is nothing that .will make timber so frxs-l as this --'willow, and you can buy it of Mr. Thompson for less than iuwould cost to dig and ,tran?plant young ,: cotton woods, though you could get them for the kbor. WTe honestly think $50 invested in these Willows m would yield $500' in five .'years. Frakz Leslie for March is received. It contains 20 engra'virigs and Cf pages cf excellent reading matter, tbe pages are larger than those ef other Magazines. Our citizen who are making up Clubs for Magazines, should not forget Frank Leslie. .. : . Crowi ed Oct. We have an iuter letter -from Mr. Samurl Camp br'U, formeily of this pkes, giving a vivid d'crip:?cn''cf ; the 'late .battle of .Dcnel-, ten al?? a late letk-rf rem "Our Corres-" pcr.df d; jTbec jhilus. Lovegoocl-descfi-bing "Danctnjr irfih'Mcumain? J, "Indian Fighti:;g,"-jin4'-r Kir .iuteTekiig "matter,-.. v. hr-h ' hr. spc en cfev. d nd c-of cf ttii?numV awav rayinp; "I'th.-'nghr the d-d, Lincoln conserti' was gone up, i, Th.itV the way is it? , Cant get ar.y prM jcticui fcr 'property! Capt Shipley and company left here for Laramie on ths 21st ' Janunry, in consequence of the want of 'hay, - the wind having "lifted" a large .ijuaVtity completely .out of tha coun'.ry. M. C. Fisher of Colorado, was the. hay 'contra ctor. On its delivery, Lt. Foot' lQuar-ter-Mai;ter, the receips for about four hundred .tons.' ! hi a ihort ' time,' af ter a board vs.s covered ti inspect, or re-measure, the.hay when, to ithe utter suprise of contrticierVnnd. Qu'artsr-Mas- tefcaly about one half he a meting was found in the stack f - No cue could ac count for the difference. I put'lodniy ruminating "beaver," and came to the conclusion,;' jvasowiog to the ct rnate.' Climat,e' sir, ; pot3DtMa more ways than one. Most cf aaen, and wo men too, feel, its 'singular effects. - In the language of our Mountain doctor it is ranihunckom; '.vhich he says is "rating." meaniLg anyt'uing 'Lha't gets a fellow up. B9 kind enough tc call th& attention of the "Arkansas" doctor to thi? word It might aid him ip adjusting dislocated hearts and backbones. , ' , ! , Cm 5EW COKASDER. , . ; .,', ' Capt. A. Allen, .of Co. B. 9th Kansas Regimen is unnic the "machine" at the foot' cf.Medicjne. Bow Mountain. '.- This Officer is:lone of, your ' staunch j Union men, and wt's amoti the first to obey the call to arm? to stay lhe black j wave of rebellion. His muh '"are under I the very best discipline,. which- is credit u TiSLV 'Slccttns. . At a meeting of the members of the bar of Nemaha Countv, held at.the office of the clerk of the District. Coyrt., on Monday evening, Feb. 23d. 1S03, fnr ihV purpose pf giving expression to their feelings of TscrrowTat' the death of.'the Streeter, late Judge JofiETH E cf thu Judicial, Pistrict. The meeting was called to' order by the appointment of- Ai Scha;nheit Tresident, and C. G. Dorse'y Secretary.. ' . - .: .. . On motion a committee consisting of Messrs. E. W Thomas, O. B. Hewett, r.nd Jesse John- was appointed to draft resolvjtions expressive of the feeling of tbe meeting. The .'committee reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : ' ;-' -.. ' " ..Whereas, the Hon. Joseph E. Strxet--er, Judge of the District Court of the 2d" Judicial District of Nebraska Territo ry, departed 'this li!e at Nebraska City, on the od inst . As a tribute of . respect for the memory of the deceased, and an expression of our sorrow at his death, be it : ' Resolved, That, by 'the death ef the Hon. Joseph E. Streeter, we have'lost an able and highly respected lawyer and judge, society, one of the brightest orna ments, and our territory a true and faith ful citizen. . Resolved, That while we admire tbe amiable and noble qualities of our de ceased, friend and brother, and treasure the legacy of the good examples be queathed to us by him, we deplore his early death and mingle cur sorrow with that of the relatives and friends.. , . Resolved, That we tender to the family of . the deceased our heartfelt sympathy for the loss .which they,' with us, hare sustained. Resolved, That the President of this meeting- present these resolutions to the District Court of-this county, at its next term, and request that'thesame be enter ed upon its Journal. -' ' Rewired, That the proceedings r this made out, but before this could be accom plished his 'strength' began rapidly to fail an'l cn ' the,-5th day of the month, at 9 o'clock p. it., he passed away to the spirit land. His' funeral took place on tbe fcl- t - v. lowing dayi He was hurried in the city cemetery, with all due military honors. His remains were followed to the grav by a large number of men tnd cHicers, while the regimental band, played plain tive and 'appropriate airs. Thus passed away a man devoted to his country belov ed by. his associates, ai!d esteemed by all who knew him ! ' ' He leaves a bereaved family to mourn thtjir loss. ' ' - H. E. C. ( ' BY. .TELES-EAPH. , . i . '. - - ' St. Louis, Feb. 17. Gen! Davidson has received letters from the scouting expedition to Batesville,- saying that Hindman's army were utterly demorahz ed and totaly inefficient. ' -. 'A ' large 1 majority of ' the people at Batesville are in favcr. of the permanent occupation bf the country by the federal arihy. The letters e.dd Hindman has once been ordered to Vicksburg, but his men refused to go. Three, hundred;, of his troop3 vyere frozen to death cn his re treat froni.Van Iiaren. A number of de serters afe consealed in the canebrush in tfc.e'' vicihity of Batesville. " V'Marmad-ke has stripped tbe country of horses and' mules. '-. . .. ' . .. ' '.VYASuii-ToV, Feb. IS. Tbe 1121. au thorizing letters of .marque, and reprisal was discussed .in "-.the Senate yesterday, and a sabstitut was adontftd authoriino' lhe President in all" foreign 'or domestic at the abandonment of Tampko wars to issue letters of marque and re-j vessels, one laden with amurtition and. prsal, and aiake all needful regulations. two others with provision, were .-also ab- !This authority, ' by subsequent amend- i andond. The Mexicans claim to have rt'erit, was limited to three yearj. . baaten 12G0 French at El Onganq, caus- ; New York, Feb. IS. A-Washington inera to retreat with the loss of 25 loitered behind, and had not come, up. One of-ihem;'Cbmmander V oodhull "rt ceived the whole charge, which caused his death in a few moments. Washington Feb. 19. The Republi can coEfirma the statement cf Butler's being ordred an." important coraraand. - It is not Nw Orleans, tut ij regarded an important Geld of operations, probably all of the entire, new eepartment. The Ways and Means Committee have deci. dd to place no additional tax on whts at least twenty-five millions have been key. Persons in'a position know, say stolen from the Quartermaster's Depart, ment during the last few months. Gen-, Burnside will at ence enter on fiis new command. ; He left for; New -York to night, ' . , . . , . . . : WAsniwGTOK.Feb. 20. Oilicial infor mation hag been received !that the rebel Congress refused to sustain Jeff. Davis' proclamation regarding the non:exchange of federat olficers They have also taken action with a view of releasing Unionists in the South,, arrested .and imprisoned for political offenses . , , - New York, Fub.. 20. The steamer McClellan'from New Orleans the 10th, has arrived. .The Delta had been sup pressed by Gen. Banks, but the employees waited on him, fepre&nting, that, their subsistence depended on its continuence. Gen. BankjB directed its continuance under the managernenfof the book-keeper. Itf is rumored f that .the", rebels had attacked the blockading fleet at Ttlobile, but; if is unconfirmed.; -""TheT BrpoUyn 'and "Scioto vt'e"re"'b!ocKadIngi( Galveston, The steamer. Eagle Las arrived from Kavaria.V 'Mexican advices represent the Si-nali-pox. and dysentary. .making, sad havoc among' . th French troops. The French war steamer Lauce was burned Three to his skill.' and an bonor'to 'the' service.! published in the paper of this It is to b lamented, that so manv tien! CUy fr,U eDraskT" a,na ina.i a in our .'vcluaiteer army are unfi t, perfectly useless,' on account of incompetent of ficers. Would that we had ail such cf. ficers as Capt. Allen i throught (ha cou- - . TROM KAIITTDOM. " The latest item from Salt. Lake is: Brigam is abhut take anplher ''spinna!.' S he is said to be. 4'gay and festive,' but objects to'being '".sealed" by the Pro phet. Thft ypting sister Htust ba "weak in the faith," or tlont comprehend the comforts of -'lie," -new jrderV of every vornan'shbkfM 7iave;a hvsbahd T ' Wonder bwJBrjg?m!a hpaiLir 'located'-'' Phre nojogrcailyspeaking.ij, muiiipe .t'bully : j copy hereof be transmitted to the family cf the deceased, attested by the Presi dent and Secretary of thi3 meeting. ; Remarks were then made by Messrs. O. ' B. He wett A. Schcehheit, E. W. Thomas, J. H. Maun and others eulogiz ing the deceased, and . expressing the deepest regret for the loss sustain?d by the community, and particular the legal profession in the death of Judge Strt eter 'The meeting then adjourned. .. AUG SCHCCNHEIT, Pres't C. G. Dcrse'y,' Sec'y. . - .-.):. - Nebaaska City papers please copy, j dispatch ays Sec'y Chase has juit writ ten a letter to the sub-treasurer in Cal ifornia deciding that the-direct tax of State can be paid in legal tender notss. Govenment cannot insist upon its being paid in coin by State authorises, as some parlies seem. disposed tc urga.. i Memphis Feb. 17. The - new gun boat Indianola, has followed the example ol the, Queen of .the West, and run .the blockade at Vicksburg.' The feat wus perfcrroed on' Friday night, in spite of precautions. 'When she was teen by the rebels, their batteries vied each other m eiiort to sins ner. . bne nowever passed ; safely. - Advices, from below, s:ate that the rebels at Port Hudson, are in communication with the Gulf, by way of the Atchifalaga river. - The Queen of the West.'an'd Indianola, will soon in terrupt this means of communication.. , It is stated that a million bales of cotton are below Helena, waiting Grant's per mission to ship. . -The ram Dick Fulton, engaged in tow ing coal boats to the fleet, was fired into by a party of guerrillas, at Cypress bend a few days since. Several of her crew were killed. The Ram would probably have pe en captured, but for the opportune arrival of the, gunboat Rattler. ' 'r . Washi5gtoiV18. -The Senate Mili tary Committee, instructed their Chair man, to report a bill, authorizing the tax collect6rs in insurrectionary, districts, to purchase at tax sales, such as the Presi-. dent may designate, as being needed for rnilitary and other Government uses. " New-York, Feb. 18. A Times special Jays, a gentleman from Charleston, who escaped the rebel lines, states that a large number of troops have . been collected there to defend the city. The citizens generally had left in anticipation of' an attack from the national troops. Means of defence are very Xormidable. He thinks the city cannot be captured with out a;severe struggle ; A mutiny recent ly took place, in which several North Carolina regiments were engaged. The City is strongly fenified on all sides but e stream and. will ascend Red. River, i killed and 30 wounded: They have also captured Jalappa. The b rencfa nave established themselves at Perote and Queehalac. In the latter place are. two thousand sick. . , . The Times ?ay it fca3 peen positively stated, in Washington.: that the attack on Charleston and Savannah is to take place ili 20th; to day - Head Quarters Arjtt cr the Pot mac Feb.' I9.r-The Richmond Enqui rer of yesterday- has- a telegram - dated Charleston the ISth, with a Prochmat ion from .'Beauregard .to the people of Charleston and Savannah. He says the movements of the enemy's ,fleSt3 indicate an early attack "oh" cria" or both,, cities, t He tells those unable to take an active part in the coming struggle - to retire, and calls on all able ' bodied rSen,.from the seaboard and mountaines to rally with arms, pikes, spades "and shovels for the protection of their firesides andalars. Final preparations for the expected at-1 tack are being rapidly prosecuted. The troops and people are confident. The Enquirer's leader says, there have been no intention to meditate at all on the part of France. ; The' South want no French meditation while hostilities go on ..The Richmond Dispatch says, the north is fighting as much for self preser vation as southern subjugation. That the time has passed when the National Government tought to extinguish the South, and the farther prosecutien of the war is to save the North from an aval anch of ruin which the'success of the South must participate. Another article denounces John Van Buren for turning political sogert, (a new word coined by the Telegraphand repudiates all ideas of meditating reorganization and intervent ion as tendiug to a relaxation of the ef forts for filling up 'the army. It says, the present is the most critical period of the war. ' ' Young's Poiht., Feb.' 18. Via Cai ro, Feb. 20. Last night the gallant ram, Queen of the West again etarted down ed. Buck river -north. clCcIunsbii, with cavalry and 'artillery.' " The Teias Flag cf the 2d Lis accounts cf the invasion cf rebel tcil by a Mexican banditti, who are stealin'" horses, cattle, "S;c. About five hundr; ' lexicons have been organized for th -rpeca cf plundering our fron tier. Their acts are. approved by ths Mexican authorities. The bandittij at last--accounts,' were cn the T.exas side of the Rio Grande, some of thsm under the flag of theUnited States. v Fort MoVroe, Feb.' 21. The Rich rnond Enquirer cf the ISth - expresses great indignation against Drauyn De l'Huys' peace plan, and scorns all ideas of mediation. It ay3, the only commis sioners they have are Lee Beauregard, Longstreet, Jackson and Johnson. - .ToKT.MoNP.oE, Feb. 23. The Rich mond. Wreekly, inquirer of tha 18th say3, the coafedency was duped by the recent account of the breaking of Lthe hlockada at Charleston, and says that the account u .untrue m erery particular, and moreover tha Princec Royal, laden with the meet yalaible cargo that eyer. entered Charleston, was captured the -night before and lay only ainilo and a half from the shore during the couflict ; yet out Ticcorious iron ciaa3 aia not rescue her. - An official enquiry is .to be made into this mismanagement. - - Washington, Feb.1 24. The Select Committee in" the House on, conscript ion in Missouri have .compromised be: twee-n. the feenate aiui House. Bill agreed upn fixes the amount of. bend? at hfteen million dollar3. Emancirja- tion to take effect on or before the 4th of July, 1S65. .'The Bonds are all to be aelivered to" the State to be disposed of and disburse by;the State that if she will bring about a eomplet emancipation on! or before the time specified j, Government will give, her a bonus of fifteen millions. The bill will be reported and pass through 1 .ITT ootn nouses without amenrlmeut. - r- - . A 'i" : ;, .Vi l Mil ft tttrt:-,., r : nr.. oa tha 7th d;, i r2ii? J03EFI1 SHEUUl Cora far whkh U will ttJ 4 j highest phic-w. CO DPI m . . . . OTl' ti3en'.ul that ha s'aoW W R.W Oa T2th lnst., by the ier. W. S. Corn, in tt a town or rem, air. tkajjcu If cCabxe r a& Misa Ctirpa Elizabeth Kahlt. JK E Jljk D V E B T 1 S H E N S. THE LAST CHANCE , to jzslist m the"scosd : S. F. COOPER. Has ben Cmmnii6loded to Uecrnit a Company t I1 up tbeecoj4ebrajkACavAlry. witb full oUiority to furniib Scbsittance, QoArtara, Xznge, to Tolrja ters. lTjoie wto dir to enligt in this Eglmnt, can now So so by calling npoo tha undersigned at tha efflea c jrni9 Wbealer in BrnwnTiIle, or at tbe Headquarter a of CapC R. XT. Furuti, s.; en.aha City. Tbia aeji mont is exclusively far ...... , TI1E FRONTIER SERVICE ! Pay from date of Enlistment, at $23.60 per Month, for Kan and Horse. . S. F. COOrER, Lieut, end aecruitln? Officer, aaiatedby Col.B. w. FVHSX3, Ueot. E. MAVZf, . . o.b. mswErr. rebmary 2Sta. 138S-n3A-Svr ber f he prptr. r Ai?d acr.mmunica ticn "on the . "Divcrsit'y .of the Human -Races" ; interred for ' this' t number, is omitted. ' :-.-.'-'-- 'Fill cp . Tar NtasABKi Sccib. By referen?'3'to onr'advertiring columns, it will be iTeen thalS. F. Cooper hesbe en coinrbisl:w:.c-Ll ij r'ecr'u'il Uv arid iter com-. pany for tbe NebranUa Secynd- C c5m- t.-r ise r.ure their exc:np;ion from it by enlisting in tins company. ALM05TT A rtAGADV. . , i i M-ar-j inrTedifilly,:' as their' pay;- c5rc ioeiiCes the first iav .thev enlist.. --Thos .r- . Acin-IlArT'i-:oA 'CiL4--Ti-ii;'Ca,T will 1-c found, entire" on the first page of his faper.' G n a i :.yi a k t r o .i . John ;C..Ieu tar adveiises to sell a portion cf-his ttock for..-grains Abo to take grain in payment for Sfcij'daft'nita.:':; v.; 1 v,VcDr ; read will; bf pltiased to 'hear. . . - . . . . i. .. . . - - . of m- narrow escape; not '-from' the Vtom anavvk,,cf.'thV.'sav'6gc';foe, but from the hands cf a 4green: hcrnV. husband. : ' 1 addressed' 'a few lines" to ihe "fair one," (not a fci t -of love in it). desiring her com pany at a certain time and place.". Dont it beat all? iThe great big "lumicks" get his "dander upV'.ji st because I want- Iry.i ed m be 4.'ciabl," ' and ' '""kidrj." a'6- cusmg me of ;,ia&ceraiicg designs. 1 tell you I bil'ed.','. but acted like - a' se nsible man by kzep'mg entirely vul ofJiis sigAt, and if T.arh as lyicky in '"the future, .as I haVe been in-the ; past, my escape is ' be yond a pWbUs "Laght air-l out here. j I am coatifiCcd it is, 't6 liht?f6r" raost people. 'Uh,for a change I A-.. 'lodge' in'sorae''JfTildc,r'nes3,,'.or .any other' "lo cality";':vrold 'corn e ' in , pl.iy ! ' just now. . :' 'tirst ,p"artv 'It 'iiALLEci: "J Came off on the evening of the 30th ' ultimo. ' It was attended bv pretty much - all the ladies "o'r about. Auy. miles. East Mr. Tiptoe, Chaplin cf Nebraska First, is now on detected service to Ne braska. The Regiment is now at-Pilot Knob' Most of the 'men are .enjoying good fctalth. Mr. T. will remain vvitb hirlends "in . tbis ITerritory but .a.fe'w ?flyir. , , , ;t ;" :';L Xcccrding:'to.,a'Vrecentarticl6. in a cagazice, ncarly cne-Vhlfd of jhe,jroaacn f England never marry, and three rail lions of females are" thrown upcu their own exertions for supports - '' , und West: The co;lcctin;f beauty "far State of JKentucVy, Tennesse-and -Ala excelled' my most estraviganf dreams. Mountain Ldies are'geuerally "heavy-. I mean in the way 'of'goof; looks,.' .Jip-T iking more. . ' ' ' ' ; " : " " ! vFreperauons were on a grand . scale ; hall dec-crated.' with eyorgrteus from t he" tnowv cuchtnit of -Medicine 'Bn ; 1'it-or4 carpeted with 'spot) ess 'Te!at-iiies"v.and j golden bufniiei. "G'jnme SacksJ pfeV' venting partially, the dust from4 rawsng; riirii.", flisjmaunz ine.iears; ."Qi. .- u.. For the Avertleer.7 iDeatli'of :,roscs Stanley. . Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 7, 15e2 ' Mi' Editor : As -your' paper has a large circulation in the vicinity where the subject of this Sketch lived, perhaps you will give this a place in your columns. DIED, at thU plaoe, on tbe 5th irat., Moses Stah- LET. v. , .. . ; . The deceased, was a resident of Paru Nebraska, at the time of his enlistment in the army, in 1802. - He had at that iime;thred sons in the service, and a fani ily dependent on him for support. Being jp'as'C the prune or life, it was not expect ed 'that he should enlist." But daqger threatening .6ur -.beloved country, 'he copnio, everytmng eise or .minor importance,- and. leaving home with' all iti'en dearments,' he volunteered in the defence of 'the Stars and Stripes.. . He went, to Leavenworth," Kaunas, and was muster ed into the Sth Kas, regiment, Co. 4,H." ; The regiment 1 remained in Kansas all winter, and in May, Co. "H" with four other companies of . the' ejegiment' were sent South. 3 During all the hard march es of over two thousand miles, in the 'It. is "bad economy "to.. 'ork with pxr teds.1 'If jcur harness is old and r .tcr. tk, v r.ri rel n'aw cf Jahn Mid- dicti-. Hfc will iccU a rood article' chbfKro-ur too many whoihot thi mQahino-.'wbiJid plp," ;I never witnessed a' more E&ttfactorv r.-au, io't ranch. s-- it was ...a 'serious job to s:op; lhewl'co!tt.a.', It.' tfent. ;ip" find dowr,M : sideways; crosjuass,-and" al "funvard: au4 Uck," ladies hamahe was ever with his company i and although exposed to dangers, hardships and .'privations, he . Was never., heard to murmur -6r 'complain, but was cheerful and. (endeavored to keep up . tbe spirits, auJ encourage his associates. He, was appointed" Ccrporal shortly after coming fouth, which.- position he held ; and filled with: credibility tohimself.and .the..ap: probation of bis senior ;cficers untib his death.; The lhardships and exposures of a rn ili t? ry 'lif ew as' 'ai ore thkn 'hec'ouil en-", dure' in his old age.. After the battle of lerrpTiUa-. his health bgen - to fail and heV;as no1;;, longer able . to' do duty. He returd'ed to Nashville vith his regimsnt, here, his dischargo papers were being ar.d destroy all the. vesselsshs finds. One of the Chicago Tribune correspondents accompanied the expedition so that . the fullest and earliest particulars will be fur nished to .the public. .1'M.itters connected wi;h the canal are. being vigorously push ed for ward and it is thought the ditch will prove a sucess. :There 13-ne longer any apprehension in regard to the army being able "to remain at Us present camp in -ground.O "the ; weatlcr -ccntiu'esi,iul -jnud rapidly drying up. Mexpjus. Feb ill. -'Advic'es'froni the firotat Vicksburg to the lSih furnish the agreeable . inforuatioa- that the initial stepi inaugurating active hostilities com menced that day, -and it is presumed a grand attack soon fellows. ...Oar Mortar boats have been tewed down to pjDsiiions above the city and opened the ball by tiring Jbrisk-iyt ..with ,:.what eliect on the 'enemy is uot - known. The firing, was 'responded to by three" confederate batte ries. " Our position was scca found to be too much exposed tor effective operation upon inc. rebels, and . was finally changed, when the bombardment .was , again re newed. -The gunboat t Jndia.nola which run the blockade, had a three; months supply Vf provisions' ?!nd -coal. Lt" ' " Nex.Yobk, FebT',23. A Herald. Washington dispatch taysit is understood as soon -'as1 the Conscription1 Bill' shall have passed the. House, , there will be a call made for six or eight hundred thous and troops.. It is expected that the soldiers- whose term of service-is about ex piring,, will offer , themselves as substi tutes for unwilling conscrips. The Times says,' we have private advices confirming, to some .extent.the rumors of trouble in Gen. Banks command,' growing out of tne introduction of negro troops, borne of the ofacers of the 133d New York Volunteer resigned. The President has selected twenty Majors, .and fifty Briga dier Generals out of two hundred Briga diers and'1 nintey . Majei Generals.-, re turned to him : l- ; .. ' ' ; By the Senate resolution, it seems -to be well understood, as a result of the passage of the Bank' Bill that three hun dred- millions jof. the legal tender clause will be retained m the Ways and Means Bill, tre, Senate. yielding its ground thro its own committee of conferrence. . ' The Richmch Enquirer savs, there are f rurrtors of an advance of ihe. Yankees up on Middle- .lennessee. Cnnonadin? was the .wes., and supplied with iron clads for the defence of the barber. Two of these however are destitute of machinery." , - Washington-, Feb. IS. Injhe House to-diy the. Senate's substitute, for the bill to. aid .the State, of Missouri in the aboI ishrnent of -slavery was taken up: : A )oint wa's rijade that the bil made an appropriation,-: must be refered in accordance with a former '' decision ' of the Speaker.;.-It. was ruled that the. point was well. taken, .and the bill mu$: ga to the committee of the Wholes ' On mo tion, however, 'the subject was recommit ted to tbe Select Ccmrnittee: on emanci pation by a vote of 81 to 5." Cairo, Feb: 18. The steamer Ruth takes to Memphis to-day several tnUuons of greenbacks for the payment' cf tho troops iri. Gen. Graft's command. . Gov ernment has sent within a month neariy thirty millions enoagh, it is said, .'.to pay all tb? soldiers in that quarter. j -i A letter from before Vicksburg the 11th jays, there are many indications to-day o a forward .movement, which seems bow- ever, te be indejendent of the army. perhaps Haine BluiT.batieries -'are -to be attacked, , thus, rendering-it possible for our 'vessels.durihg' the present high stage of .'water in tho.Ya?bo river, to ascend that stream and: destroy-a -large number of rebel vessels laying there. '. . ' ; Wasiiihgtoh, Feb. 19. Admiral Por ter communicates the following '. to the Secretary of the Navy, dated Feb. ' 8th: I am happy to inform you that the stea mer Vicksburg was badly damaged' by the Queen of the West that she has to be kept afloat by large Coal barges fast- tned to' her sides. ' Her machinery has been taken out, and she will likely be de stroyed. This is 'the fifth steamer of which we have deprived the rebels. The Vicksburg was the largest and strongest steamer on the river, and I think they were., preparing to use her against our transports', she being very fleet. Her guards and wheels were smashed in, and a;large hole knocked in her side. So deserters report.- , :""' ' '.".' .''":. Baltimore. Feb. 19. This afternoon .while Gen.' Butler' in company with the.; reception "'.committee' and Gen. Schenck" and staffs were visiting the forts around he' city,' when a melancholy . accident occured. ; - They visaed Fort Mcllenry, itderat Hilh and Fort ilarsh&il.' Here u salote was fired fust as the party'' had passed .along, the ramparts, out ef range i heard on Wednesday last In front ; also, ' of gunS.1 The gunners supposing the par- Tin . the direction of- Beech Grove, where ty had. passed," fired a thirty-two pounder, j Gen. Buford with a brigade of Kentucky but unfortuaat'sly some of the party had i cavalry is stationad. Gn. Ferrest cress-1 . LAirBHSTETS v . ' : Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDER KOENIG 5 CO., (Late JOH5 Gahjtitt St Co.,) No. 58 North Second Street, above Pine, ST. XiDUI3, HO. --Cfrerfnr taie at tery low f zvrtt, a larie and irel. asortfl stock of Aaoealtur! sad Ur!ca;tBral Iniole- nienta, deprisin everything necefiary U the Fariaar, wgeiaer wiin a iarga ana rreeJi supply vf -.Lasdretli's Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OP 1SC2. For whici they are the aole ajteata. ' Their frinli caa rely uixn getting from them aocds tbat ate notonlT pure out trae to oatae in erery iaiuoce. Also Held aeeda at lowest market rates Cbinwe Sugar Cane seed. xop juuu. ate, , OLC ALSO COTTON AND TOOACC'O SEED. Dealers IB seeds would do well to' enl them their orders. I l&eni for Almanac and n lest rated Catalorne (rati. ELUND1K, KOZIO fc CO. . Feb. 26, 1332cl4-lr Flo S; tie H dstiTinised tn tt.v cka adl to the rrice of Fl.- v. higher prwo fot tbu mzk Uiaa'th,,1 - States FebI4-cS2-tr. TO HEKCIUXTS, BLACK IB OH.: IBOK d. a. com ST. Joseph, aon f ITATD AXD FOR "Fill i- f D YfELL SELECTED' ST0C3j' j IKON, STEEL! O i3 "2? 2MGt! HAS 05 1TATD A2s rn? a 77 v IMS! cjicPEisura: HOUSE TTAILS, XArL-SCW. EOIiSE AND KCL2 f HCEc?, AiTIl SFRI5U3, BELlAlWi, I "AXELS, VICES, TliliLSLE 533 f CIIAL.i., WAGON KCKEWPLl!!" bULaTLIi FLAT Li, FILE;?, tw'.SFS, 7v'l5CnZ3, . SLEDG2 IlAUilr., BA.VDHA!LiZ -- iSiiCKLS'fi liAMr-iESi. PI.NCEEU, KLTS, HAliuG'. TZITX WELL T.'iiILJf iCM iC, aC, AlSO .: WOODWOEiS ITTB?, SFOKES, FElLOTt, T7AU0-V rJlT7S, SHAFTS, I UJI3, AA'L'I, Uorj-XDs. AXE UANDLEo. BHvO.U HlSm FLOW HA'I;Li Is. " ALSO AQZXT VOS T33 S UJ Of J FAIP-BAiniS SCAU3, 1 HAVING LAID IX A L AXGI SiJ OF THE ABOVE GOOD DIRECT &0Z TH FACTOBIS3, . BEFORE THE TOSS, I AM ENABLED TO SUIT? THE TRADE 'AT. mi l as DEFY COilFillii"' PROSPECTUS. or Tire. ; k . ' '. ,.-;'r" C!i.r;cj inn-a t:i; Weeklv" Commercial for '03. iSecI ia'l'oar 5crc? Hi ; An I?iipsrnal'"reT7s Journal, The Proprietors or tbe Cincinnati Wttkl-i Comner. cial do ; .!fer prizes c f rerae Dw.X.bcitu.s sroU. peiis, s irawbi'rT-r:fe,, or ot!?r Jewels or ve?e:ab:p3 arte r ihe manner of i'cter i'aiik p .b.i.-hera Kit vr VTesi. to induce the Isnraut and fcoUth to tdke their punr uur outness )s tLt pubiioatu.n of a newspnj er, aaa we have bo inducement to offer 80licril)ors oiner tiiauare louna ta the Tiue of the. paper itself. Oae Dollar S.voa iv EIG2IE5T PRICE PAID Ft tt'itAi' I'tlV'.t At CONSTABLE'S I rSL OURJ1RMY CORRESPOjYDENCE, IBOX'. AND STEL H3i beea second to fiat tf no joarnal in the conntry. iu grapf tc sketches cf Camp tare, Pea Picture of Bat tle Sccasj. and vivid uarratiro of CanDainia. enr Cor r i tiponueiice n Deea QisnnJ?iiy,iie'i. . .Febt4-n22-6m n JT. JOzlfc TIfE MONETARY J1XD COM MERCIAL DEPARTMENT, RacHt9s special attention, bein? carerully compiled. jrmu iu mutt luinenuc si rcea cr il'fortnti.,D, oiu-p.-ifinK Prices Current of hir leading articles of cni- EiOrce in onr cwn and other Uiraetw markets ; reviewa oi iaa leaning raatnres 01 Quancial and commaruai af fair in ibis and other American cities. T?rm orvtecfclf Comciercla!. ;ne copy pr year, - - - . 3 2,00 T'are crpje, per year, - - $ dq Five copies, per year. - - . t (ji ""en copies, per year, - ... 12,60 I cipal merodiaji, ia iweniy apies, per year, - - . 5,00 nun an txtra copy to the getter up of each Clnbof 20 WANTED, T.i bire a man Who understand Ereatlr Hemp, to wnoui mxvi wages win oe paio. jcnqnire at this olflce. reoii LS4-H f "ii!?TriiPl.?S SALE Alfred Opelt. I DliSrici Court - 1 9- Flash Brownlee, ) . tKW,if i lij irtaetf aa order 01 -, p.. the abore entitled cose, I will " " "' . i nf Jlrth, 13."3, between ,u.,J.tV o'!oek ra. n J 4 o'clock p. n? 01 ; door of Den's Hall ia Brownr J jr-r f the saidcour&walaitbrld,fori- pr offer for aale, for cash in d 's - described rel esta4e. to-wii- jrfBi'J sonthwost quarter of the aorift c north of range number 15, e ast vbrv ?f ctpal toerodia,n, ia emaaa ,u""-'' -rt tt.1' kenaa the property d HaShnrvqt:.s',L4 iddenjAnd.. bJI-"" i BrownTille, Febrery7th, t:J ' STItAY COLT. ; Strayed dnfln? Majr, .1362, from- the farm of Cr Keelinf, six mrtes soothwjs of Nemaha City, two e ita. One wg a bay mare with wlute ipot la the face, and one bind foot w'alke. . The other at inci horse coH, inclined to gray. BotH a year old last spring. Any person rctarniug the cU to the resident of tha un dersigned, Ave luilaa west of Kemaha City, or f iti 1 T information leading to their diAcovarv wilt t, iisri i-. I rewarded. Mt. TUCKK&. I JS?- feb28-u34-w ST RAT O Strayed from the subscriber, near the 1st of September, a brlndie ; lwJbrr on his left side, abont rght ye" - ; horns, and a Icna slim nect. . . Any person retnrning torn rtt jeamng w nis recoTetj, jjo Ceeeasber 2Cb, S. Notice to Citr Tax faTejr All are requested te saif . iy ther Uies Immediate If. .rrTr, ?!. r i Notice to Teachers. STRAYED Olt 'sTOtB-f' 4 A bay mare, three years "'d' alf hand, MgX baa a ba on M eraily rewarded. Octobet I3th, iSCJ. BlJ-tf ; . The cndersignd. Board of School Examiners, for white. Has a brand on left hn W v the Cocntj of Nemaha, - hereby gire notice tht todescTlbe, -Acy one rtf"' bl cwr. hreaftrr on the fint-Salnrdny of each mnnth, ,dence ' th n"d.rsif?llLft ar recSL tK-iuLu w.-ts 4i.-.- r-.k'-a" I' Informaiion that wUl leadto r S- 1 !y, Esq., ia Brownvilie, for the purpose of examin ing applicants for corticate? teach sohool ia said anty. ' . - H.' II. DORBIN3,) - A. O. Wni'fg, V SchoxJ Examiners; L.HOADLT, !'J; . . .. Jaannry 31st. V6tl. ''.,''- 33-ly ESTKAY NOTICE. r. rnp-on tho- f.rsTnf or thd tiBder3ipned, ro mi! west of .Nemaha Cit, Febroarf lt Takn lirinz twa 1303, & red eteer with waiie in its face, and whit telly, aappeaod to b two J9nt old Iwt ijnr - :a . T.B.SKES5.'. reti-a33-8-pd TO TYUOll IT 31 AT C03 ume and style of Lett. S:nc!er 1 , t The basinet of sajd firm wtK 1 t0,j Strickler.uwioa alidesu -"y C..t pat- iiyers Cherry. 1