Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 26, 1863, Image 1

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- ::(:.:. '
rates or ADvnr.Tisirir;.
One ctrare (lea lines or less) one lueerua, $! C3
Each ad'litiosal insertion - - . e-t
Burmese Cards, six lines or 1;, ooe year 01
One column one year - - . it ca
One iaif column ne year uet
Ojo fonrth column ena year - - ?f
Oue eisiiia column one year . - Ho
Coetoiaaju six Months - - 41 t i
Ooe sail ooljima six saoatiiS - . t J li
One fourth column six lawnths li Ce
One eighth of a column Ux moctba 11
One column three months - . . 11 S J
One half column three months . h S3
One fourth col amn threat mocth . . li i
OceelxbUi colatnn three smnibs - ft ev
Announcing Candidates for O3oe, - 6 09
Transient advertisements tnsst be Dai l for la sutum:
V Story Strickler Block, Llain Street,
: ! : . i
t 1 , :
t If PW In advance, - - - $S 00
rrnrT. ' pidettheendot months . 2 60
" " " M " 00
" " n or more will be furnished at $1 60 per
.Tearly advertisements, quarterly in advance. .
I la Traascieat Advertisements, fractions ever e
(square will be charged for by the line, at the rate of tea
K-ents the first week, and ft cents each subsequent wee.
r JiKOWJN VllLLrJb;i5KAlvA, TtlUlUA Ys f -fro K U AK Y , 26; 1863.
NO. 33.
nm, provided tne - "
I ! iKti:-
' S
eV f yV' :': s
. . v
l i - f i I -I t .
r "
I Justness cards.
I wAn,tei In Trance, bavin twenty-flre years' expe
5 Ia ti,e jxlica Klence, and one of the correcpou
n1 ' he .American Journal of the MeUical Scien
J" located permanently In Brownville, and re
l "niiy tendert hU professional aerTicea to the cit
' ',ct thit dty and vicinity.
i "si rill not confine LU servlcea io common practice,
t Ltend t)m to chronic l8eaea dieaea of lone
Wj7cf Kalignatt Tumor and Sorea Abscesiei and
rri Cnctr and Sore Sye. eTtn -partial BllciSeta,
Tiwy. commooly called Falling Slcineas, Paliy,
K.uraigi. D'PeWi ContnnapUon la the nrat and
loeodiuga. Ioaaaity In aoine Xorms, and diaeaaet of
zZnli&. Particular attention paid to Af ee.
irT. lWli, If requeated, tle reference to inoae pro-
' Jvvxi lurarahle In the United States, and afterward
tri by hja.
B,may he found at all bonri, either at H, C. Lett'a
?ral 6un, or at bit dwelling bouat, when not engaged
iToriynal hnaineaa. . . n60-ly
MAIK, ItTWtin iikii nfviii.uiiuiii.,
j HiTinit rerently purchased the Shoe Sbup formerly
fwoedl'y Wtn. T. Deu. we now offer our work at nrnt
i inluid prices. We maaufacture all tbatweoCer
iorsale. CJ"A11 work warranted
IruwnriiJe, Sept. S7, 1S. nllly
i OS c tTer n. C. Lett's Druit Store, nowaday
-jk.inX. Kiu street. T6-n43-ly
. Uettrenoe,
Ipni II, 'tI.
I). tiwiu, llrowuriJe.
I Offlre cper of Main aud First Streets.
A. C O K S T A D
castings, springs, axles, file
! ' 23 X2 Xi ZLm O
Also: Hnbs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff.
I Third Street, tetweea Felix and EJmond,
Which be sells at St. Louis prieesfor cash.
Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron.
December 1,1869. ly.- " -
ITouldauuouncetotbecitizens of Brownvllle
andricinlty that be baa located himself in
MABrowiiTilli, acdintends keeping a full assort.
of everything in bis llneof business, which will
ioldlwforcaih. Be will also do all kinds of re
airlugof clocks; watches andjewelry.. All work war
iai4. Tnl81y
'Wholeaoie and Ee tail Dealer in Fruit,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Corner First and ilein Btreets,
Counsellor at -law,
-cncral and CoIIcclincr Agent.
WILL practice in theseve a Courts ia ia?e and
-joiainjr counties, end will give jwnipt attentin
t all butitrM entru'sud to bim. Collections pn.mpt
1 ad(?. tU" ariieul&r attentioa pven to loent-
; Lar.l WarrauUoa lands careful ly selected by
"'"'!;'-J2 ' "
N ;.;-u;.,tr 25; '61. nl3-yly
ey Advnncod on
S will receive Pike's Peak Gold ai.d acvaiue
' pypoi the same, and pay over balance of pruceecs
oona Mint returns are h.d. In ail ce. I wi
liibitthe printed returns of tbe United States MId
Assay ofnee. : r i-
' J NO. L. CAR SO N ,
To Western Farmers.
' : Tobacco Dood.'
1 have eereral Tarictiea of Tobacco that will ripen
' N in this latitude.' To ny one who wishes scd,
-1 remits me isthree-cent vTosUge stwiip, on the
variutT of iced
iiTI -
'Jrdtn must b eeot ia the .montha of September
4 October. I do this to introduce the culture of
bo intheWest.:, ' " ' '
Addreu ' B. 0. tSOMPSOJT, .
Syracuse, Otoe County, 'ebrask.
p- S. Papers in Missouri, -low, Kansas and Ne
'Va,puUistiirte the above once, and seeding No.
irked ,wiil receive twenty four paper choice flow
'"edsfreehy xjail., f R., 0. THOMPSON'. . .
Standard Pear Tree; three to all feet high, at
iVLhttnaed, cash. .
, J Lawton Blackberries, at $30 per toonsand.
HskWu River Respberries, at $9 per hundred.
"i 7ZJUfn' Haspberry, at $3 per hundred.
i?.WUso11 Albany trawberr, at $1 per hundred,
:o 5r,T ct-'let Strawberry, at $1 per hundred. -'I'
TJ ltct 'oce Strawberry, at ft per hundred.
iJaiP Hlow OwtUirsrat $1 60 per thonand.
frray ex b Tirobpr X'ii, at $5 per toousfni.
Order this Winter.
eifrarws p. p.. ot Cwsev A6ri.
, ' (Successor to Lnshbaugh & Carson, '
ZB J2 ST r?
Dealer in Coin, Uncurrent - JUoney, and
Varrards Exchanzt and Gold Dust
I will give especial attention tobuylng and snlllng ex
change on the principal cities of the United' State and
Europe, Gold Silrer, uncurrent Bank B. lis, .and
Gold Dust, Co4 lections m!; en all accessable points,
and proceed routed In exchange at current rti. .
- Drpoalts received on current account, and. Interest al
lowed on special deposit. ,''.'
Tclcgrrapli and tlio . U. S.
Land OSices.
Llnd k Brother Philadelphia, Pa.
J. V. Carson fc. Co., " "
Hiser, Vict k. Co. BalUiuere, Md.
Tounr & Carson, ' "
Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, .-
wm. T. Smithson, Esq., IUnter, - Wasblngtee X). 0.
J. T. Sterens, Esq., Att'y at Law, "
Jno. S.Gallaber, Late SdAud. U.S. T. " "
Tarlor k. triesh, Bankers, Cblcago, IlI. .
McClelland, Pye fc co., si. juouis, ko,
Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Annapolis, Md:
non.J as. O. Carson, aiecersburgPa
P. B. Smali. Ksq., Pres't S. Bank, Dagertown, aid.
Col. Geo. Scblry, A'y at Law, "
Col. Sam. Uambleton Att'y at Law, . Enston, ld.
Judge Thos. Perry, CumberlaDd, Md
1'rof. n. Tutwiler, ' Havana, Alabma.
Sor 8, 1360-tf.
LmJ t:&irfxzssk tLM Sofia ui Jy ej
Announce to tbe traveling public that their splendid
and commodious Steam Ferry running across from
Brownville, 'rrvft Nebraska.
Is one of the best in every respect on tbe Upper Mls
'.uri river. Tbe Boat mke regular trip every hour
so that no time will be l"f-t in waiting.
The banks on both sides of the river are low and well
graded which renders nnloading namtceesary as the
case at most other ferries. -
No fearneed be entertained atodir3ctities atornear
this crossing, as everybody in this region, on both sidos
of the river, is for the Union tbe strongewt kind.
Our charge too an item these bard times are lower
than at any other crossing.
. Travelers from Kansas t Iowa and to the eat will find
this the nearest and beut route!" every refpect.
Brownvllle. Nebraska, Sept. 21st, 1861. . t
the' confessions ad ekperi-
Published as warning, and for the epecil beie
fitrf Young iien and those who auffer with Nerve vj
rv l i - w - r 1 - Tl ......... Tl. A.'
by one cf those mho has cured himself by rim!e
means, after being rut to great expense and inccn
reuience, through the use of worthier medicines
prescribe! by learned Doctors.
SinrSe copies may te had of the anther. C. A.
LAMBERT, Esq., Orecnpoint, Long Islaid,by encbs
in a post-paid aadrcsscd envelopo. Address
CHARLES A. LA Hi! CRT, Eaq Greenpoint, Long
Island, N. . -
Jiay22, 1861. n46-2m.
Seeds Prepaid by IJaiL - :
55 Prettiest Annuals In Cultivation, - $109
25 Choice Vegetable Seeds tor the Garden, - 1 00
Both to Clubs of Five for $3; To Clubs of Ten for $,16;
Te Clubs of Twenty for $25.
The NEW JAPAN M1LI ET, with Immense nesdH,
six to ten inches lonp. 515 cents per large paper; Five
for $1. I received Genuine Seeds of this new and vain
able Millet direct from Japan, bv tbe Niagara, last May,
and can confidently recommend it as the best Millet in
cultivation. B. M. WATSON. -
n3Stf Old Colony Nurseries. Plymouth, Mast.
600.000 AGENTS,
TO StLl.
From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1362; cost
$20,000 to engrave it and one year'a time.
Superior to any (10 map ever made by Coltoti or
Kitcbell, and sells at tbe low price of fifty cents; S70,
000 names are engraved on this map.
It is not only a County Vap. but It Is also a
oT tbe United States and Canadas omblnei In one, glvini
and distance between. . .
Guarantee any woman or man $3 to 15 per day, and
will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund
tbe money.
Send for $1 worth to try.
Printed instructions how to canvass well be f urnlibed
all our aceuts.
Wanted Wholesale Apents fr oar jfapa in erery
State, California. Canada, England, France and Culx.
A fortune may be made with a few Hundred dollars
apltal. No competition. 3. T. LLOTD,
- No. 164 Broadway, New Tort.
The War Depart ment uses our Vap of Virginia, M ry
land, and Pennsylvania, cot $100003, on wnnSi is
maTked Ifiddletown. MaryUnd HeiKbts, Willlamsoort
Ferrv. tlillbrook Mills, Nulaud's Fold, and all others
on tbe Potomac, and every other place in Maryland,
Virginia, aud Pennsylvania, or money refunded.
PRICK ii5 CF.NTS. - ' ' '
From The Tribune August 2.
'Llovd's Mid of Virginia. Maryiand. and Pennsylva
uia. liite Map is very larpe; its cist is but 26 cmts,
and it the bett vhich can be prcHae6. . al2-f9-3t
' ANNOUNCES te the public that he has pnrcbasel tbe
entire lnerest-in the Livery Stable atd Stock formerly
owned tr Rogers & Brother. Be is , now prepared to
aecommodate the public witb "' '; ., ,..'.
t , ,v. - v- ? ' ,,;- .
.Salki?, v :
.i .Saddle Horses,,1
. - . - 4c.( At.
; Can Bnd at hl -Stable ample acoommodatlcM or
horses, mule, or cattle. BENJAMIN ROUKRS.
: N. B. The partnership heretofore extsUnf bul weea
Benjamin fc. Joshua Rogers Is dissolved. (,
May 29tb. 1662. n7-tf " : ,
For Sale at Bargains.
- Two Nf. 1 Shuttle Empire Sewing Machines.'- :
One Franklin Family sewing Machine,
Two Tlorace Waters' f 75 Melodions. . ( ,
-; Two Freeh's Conical Washing Machines.
: One No. 1 P. W. Cates fiv Co.'a Suir Cane JOlla ,
f Ypply eYtbe Advtrtuer and Fartxtt Office, Browt
Til le. Nebraska . .t.t-trt
; . . Ccixisa gflitrtistntnls.
1662. PALL TRADE. 1862
' ' jobbiks or 7
ITe have now In Store for Fall Trade tbe Largest and
best Assorted Stock In our line ever exhibited in this
Market, especially adapted to tbe wants of Dealers
from all sections of tbe Northwest, and unsurpassed in
variety and cheapness by any to be found WST or
EAST. ' - '
Merchants wbo have heretofore purchased in other
Markets are especially invited to examine our stock
this season, and are assured we are fully prepared and
determined to sell Good as cheap, and on as'favorable
terms as the best class of Houses in any Market.
and Price List furnished by mail. '
Oct. 4 '13. nl2-lm
- AiJVf nftlSlaVUIB At esVW4a0 atW
-Lii,- Pre!C3, itc. '
t3"Be careful, and buy only the peuuine..S
June 12th. 18i3 n49-3m . ' .
Okra or Gumbo Seed.
Tba beti substitute for Coffee prepared In the same
manner as Coffee. Packages of ased by mail at 13 cU.
each. Zarb packace contains seed enough to raise a
sppply for an ordinary family,.
SbDdordereto - H.' A. TERRT.
nIS-tf i ' ' Crescent C?ity, Iowa. .
.'i 1 ip
TTfll send to applicants who enclose tamps, their
New CiUlojtne ef Smalt Fruits,' Neludlnu 200 Select
Varieties of Strawberries. Also Catalogue oT Bulbous
Flowers and Pavmles, Frnit and Ornamental Trees,
Kotos anJ rioweriim Plants, Seeds, &c. - - nl0-2w
With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc., etc.
P. W.lGAtES, President.
K. B.Acenta wanted everywhere. Chicag .
Drownville, Nebraska,
Of whom Circular! and detailed information caa
JCareh SO, 1S62. fn37-lyj
dalla the attenUon of Gentlemen desiring new, neat.
servicabla and fashionable
Hew Stock of Goods
Which he will sell or make up, to order, at unprece
Tbu6e wlsbiug any thing In his line will do well to
call and examine bis stock before investing, as be
pledges M true if to noia oui peculiarly iavoraoie in
February 18ih, 1862. '
AND THE . ' ..
- WESTERN FORTS MLUs trenow in excellent running order, turn-
f aa PrE aanVs xnw A V K A Ka
IHl UUl I rotJJ vu IV ir mm-M jca uo , aio w ao
i (Admitted both in Colorado and Nebraska to be unsur.
raHsed by any wes or me JMstussippi iver ; umiae
Irem tbebest of Fait ;and Spring Wheat, and Is sold at
i,. n.w.a fan h r,hr1npj in lh Tprri tnrw.
! His flour!is kept for ale at alt the storefi lir"Brown J
Ville. He IS prepares 10 luruiaa irrijiuirro, -jiaa ci
ten generally.- witu -flour1 from either Fair or Spring
aeauc ana, iimi wiu u punam?! vi.i w
ana BUClwneai I lour iuwe jmivpo.
r.iimTlfiiHiC At onitlTti Tmr hnKlkAl
-yj y 11 u wiHuiuflwf-. -
He desires tccajl theattentiou of freighters to the
advantages or jtrownTmc u tmppiug ixjiu. wiua
Wet. , Net only can any amount of grain and flour be
cttained here cheaper than at any other point in the
Territory, but tbe Merchaau aere hav laid la able sea
sa a tarf spry ef wr nrew s a.
tW.tOO Apple Trees, 4 yeAra old, $3 per hundred $50
per th-uand ' -t - - - - .
16,!0 Standard Pear Trees, 3 to I years old, $25 per
hnndrod, J230 per thousand. -
90 000 1 year old Diana Grape Tinea, $16 per hundred
M -
J30 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $S per bnndred, $50
per tbousano. , -
vn.,ntti not hAlnc bulkrv. can be trausnort
" ' -' " ' -
. . MA.fn, itii vpirf vtlt make iood
eu cbeaiiij, m'-'"w 7 vi
sited trees to plant in aa orchard. Any ooe can treble
tK.iP rroT hr rrowine them to sell. Send tor Whole
sale 1 Descnpuve Catalogues &
.Tjt, - . c li8r Nrsrtes, towkport, N. T
ja "
use wetw
Patted at the Second Seetion 0 the Th irty -teienih
Chap. CXX. Ad Act to aid in the Construction of
a Kajlroad and Telegraph Lino from the lliaoari
Rirjr to the Paoifio Ocean, end to aooare to the
Government the use of the tame for Postal, Mil
itary, and Other Purposer,
Be it enacted fc ih Senate and Uouee of Bepre-
tentalivctof the United Statee of America in Con
grett aitemlled, That Waltor S. Burgess, William
P. lilodget. Benjamin H. CLeever, Charles Fosdick
Fletcher, of Knode island ; Auguatua erewster,
Henry P. Haven, Corneliue S. Cushnell, Henry
Hainmond, of Connecticut) Isaac Sherman, Dean
iiichmond, Royal Phelpa, William H. Ferry, Henry
A. Paddock, Lewis J. SUnclifT, Charles A. Secor,
Samuel K. Campbell, Alfred E. Tilton, John An
derson, Azariah Boody, Jolin 8. Kennedy, U. Car-
ver, Joseph field, lieajamin r. Oamp, Urvuie v.
Chilis, Alexander J. Utrgvn, Ben. iloilklay, D. N.
Barney, S. De Witt Bloodgjod, William H. Grant,
Thomas W, Olcott, Samuel B. Rugglos, James B.
Wilson, of ew York ; bpbraim ilarca, Cb&rles M.
darker, of New Jersey; Job a Edptx Tbomnson,
Benjamin Haywood. Joseph II. tScrunton,' Joseph
Harrison, Gejrge W. Cass, John II. Bryant, Daniel
J. liorell, Thomas M. Howe, William F. Johnson,
Robert tinney, John A. Green, .h. li. Alyre, Lharle8
F. Wells, junior, of Pennsylvania ; Nojvo L.' Wilson,
Amsca Stone, William H. Clement, S. S. L'Hom
medieu, John Brough, William Dennison, Jacob
ulickinsderfer, of Okuo : V xlliam Jl. llci'berson, K.
W. Well?, Witiard P. llall, ArrsstrongBeattv, Johh
Corby, of Missouri : S. J. llendley, Peter Donahue,
C. P. Huntington, t. D. Jadah, James Bailey, James
T. Ryan, Charlos Hoamer, Charles Marsh, D.O.
Mills, Samuel Bell, Louis McL&ne, George W. Mowe,
Charles McLaughlin, Timothy Dane. John R. Rob
inson; of California ; John Atchison and John, D.
Winters, of the Territory oi Nevada ; John D.Caiu
bell, R. N. Rice, Charles A. Trowbridge, and Ran
som Gardner, Charles W: Penny, Charles T. Ger-
ham, William MuConnell, of Michigan : n llham'F.
Coolbangh, Lucius H. Lanrworthy, Hugh T. P-oid,
Hoyt Sherman, Lyman Cook, bamuel R. Curtis,
Lewis A. Thom&R, Piatt Smith, rf loira ; William
B. Ogden, Charles G. Hanond Henry Farnum,
Amos C. Babcock, W. Se'don Gale, Xehenoian Bosh
nell and Lorenso Bull, of Illinois ; William fcL Swift,
Samuel T. Dsna, John Bertram, FranMin S. Ste
vens, Edward li. Tin Ver, of Mawsacbasetts ; Frank
lin Gonn, Laban J. Lradford, and John T. Lows, of
Kentucky ; Jirns Dunning, John M. Wood, Edwin
Noyes, Jrvcpa Enton, of Maine ; Henry H. Barter,
George V.. OolUmer, Heni7 Koye, Thcm&sH.Caa
flold, of Vermont; Wiliiam S. iwld, A. M. Berry,
Benjamin F. Uardlr.g, of O. -egos ; William Una a,
junior, JoT-n Catlin, Levi Sterling, John Thompson,
Elihu L. Philips, Walter 1). Sloladce,' T. B. titod-
dary, L. 11. Brodnead, A. U. Virgin, cf -tvisconsin ;
Charles Paine, Thomas A. Morrij, Divid C. Bran
ham, Samuel llanna, Jontvs Votaw, James L. Wil
liams, Is.wmj C. i-laton, of Indiana ; Tbomis SVan,
Chauucey Brook, Edward. Wiikins, -of Maryland;
Francis U. E. Cornell, David,-Blakely. A. D. Sew
ard, Henry A Scitt, Dwijht Wool bury, John Mc-
Kusick, John R. Jones, of MinnesoU; Joseph A.
i-Tiluore, wbarieH W. V oodmaauf y)w tUmproire;
W. H. Griciee, J. C. Stote, Chtetr Thomas, John
Kerr," Werter R. Davis, Luther C.J Cballiss, Josiah
Muler, of Kansasr Gilbert C. Mouell and Augustus
Kounts. T. M. Marquette. William U. Taylor, Alvin
Saunden1, of NehraAa j John Evans, of Colorado ;
together with five eommiiioners to be appointed by
the Secretary of the Interior, aud all persons who
shall or may be associated with them, and their sue
eessors, are heeby create! and erected into a body
corporate and jolitic in deed and in law, by the
name, style, and title of lhe Lmon -racino nail
road Compaay ' and by that samo shall have per
petual suoce&aion, and shall be able to sue and to be
mied, plead and be impleaded, defend and be de
fended, in courts of l.w and equity within tbe
United States, and may make and have a common
seal ; and the said corporation is hereby authorised
and empowered to lay out, locate, construct, f&rnuh,
maintain, and enjoy a continuous railroad and tel
egraph, with the appurtenances, from a point on the
one hun'dredtfc meridiem of longitade, west from
Greenwich, between the south margin of the valley
of the Republican River and the north tbargio of
tbe valley of the Platte River, in tbe Territory cf
.Nebraska, to the western boundary of Nev.iada ter
ritory, upon th route and terms hereinafter provi
ded, and is hereby vestec with all the powers, priv
ileges, ad 11aa.a1.K1c3 necessary to carry into eneet
the purposes of this act as herein set forth. The
capital stock ef Baid company shall consist of, one
hundred thousand sharos of one thousand dollars
each, which 6it.ll be subioribed for and held in not
more than, two hundred" shares by any one person,
and shall be transfeiable in such manner a tbe by
laws of said cvporation shall provide. The persons
hereinbefore named, together with those to be ap
pointed by the Secretary of the Interior, are hereby
constituted and appointed commUsioners, and such
body shall be called tbe Hoard of tJommi?sioqers oi
the Union Paeifie Railroad aod Telegraph Company,
and twenty-five shall constitute a quorum fur tbe
trausaotion of business, ibe first meeting of said
board shall be held at Chicago at such time as the
eomraisisioners from Illinois herein named shall ap
point, uot more than three nor less tnan one monin
after the passage of this aot, notice of which shall
be xiven by them to the other commissioners by de
positing a call thereof in the post office at Chicago!
post paid, te their addross at least lorty aays Deiore
said meeting, and also by publishing said notioe in
one daily newspaper in each of the citios of Chica
go and raint Louis, b'tid board snail orgtsiid by
the choice from its number of a president, secretary
aud treasurer, and th;y shall require from said
treiuurcr such bonds as may be deemed proper, and
may from time to time increase the amount thereof
as they may deem propur. It shall be the duty of
said board of cominissioiiers to open books, or cause
books tn be opened, at such times and in such prin
cipal cities of the United States as they or a quorum'
ot tbem shall determmu, to receive subscription to
the capital stock of (aid corporation, and a cash
payment of ten per centum on all subscriptions, and
to receipt therefor. So soon as two thousand shares
shall be in good faith sabscribed for, and ten dollars
per share actually paid into the treasury of the com
pany, tho said president and secretary of said board
of commissioners shall appoint a time, and place for
the first meeting of the subscribers to the stock of
said company, and shad give notice thereof in at
least one. newspaper in each State in which sub
scription books have beea opened at le&6 thrrty
days previous to the day of meeting, and such sub
scribers as shall attend the meeting so called, either
in person or by proxy, shall then and there elect by
ballot not less than thirteen directors for said cer
poration ; and ia such election eaeh share of said
capital shall entitle the owner thereof to one Tote.
The president asd secretary of tbe board of com
missioners sh:ill act as inspectors of said eleetiou,
and shall certify under their baads the names of
the directors elected at said meeting; and the said
commissioners, treasurer, ani secretary shall then
deliver over, to said directors all the proprerties.
and thereupon the duties of said oommisaienerB and
tbeficers previously appointed by them shall case
and determine forever, and thereafter the stock
holders sh 11 constitute said body politic and cor
porate. At the'time of the first and each triennial
election of directors by. tbe stockholders to addi
tional directors shall e appointed by the President
of the United Status, who shall net with the body
of directors, aud to be denominated directors on the
part of the governmec t ; any vacancy- happening in
the government direews at any time may be filled
bv the President -of tlie United S;ates. The diree-
tqrs to fbet. appointed by. the President shall not bo
stockholders tn tbe Ixaion racino Kaiiroaa Vompa
nt 'The directors so chosen shall, as soon as may
be After their elecrioil, elect from their owe number
a president and vice-M-ee dent, and snail also elect
a treasurer and secrcary. No person shall be a di
rector in sail company unless be shall be a bona fide
owner of at least five shares cf. stock in the said
eompany, ezeept the two directors to be appointed
by tbe President as ntoresaia. aia com any, at
any regular meeting-of the stockholders called for
that purposv). shall have power to-make by-laws.
rules, and regulations as they shall deem needful
and proper; touching tbe deposition of the stocs,
property, estate- and effects of the eompany, not in
consistent herewith, the transfer of shares, the term
of office, duties, and conduct of their ..officers and
servants, and all milters whatsoever which mty
appertain to the concerns of said company : and the
said board t directors shall have power to appoint
such engineers, agents, and subordinates as may
from .ime t) time be oeoes-tary to carry into effect
the object of this act, and to do all acts and things
touching the location and construction of said ro id
and telegraph. Sni directors may require pay
ment of subscriptions to the capital stock, after due
notice, at such times and In such proportions as they
shall deem necessary to ct tapli.'ta tbe railroad and
telegraph vrithio the time in this act prescribed,
Said presidents vice-president, ani directors shall
hold tin! r office for three years, and until (heir suc
cessors are duly elected and qualified, or "for suou
loss time as .he by-laws of the corporation may
prescribe ; and a majority of said -directors shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction ef business.
The secretary and treasurer shall give such bonds,
with such security, as the said board shall from
time to time require, and shall hold their offices at
the will and pleasure of the directors. Annual
meetings of the stockholders ef the said corporation,
fjrthe choice of omcers(wnen tsey areto becaoen )
and for tbe transaction of annual business, shall be
holden at such time and place and upon such notice
as may be prescribed in the by-laws.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That tbe right
of way throuzh tbe public lands be, and the same
is hereby, granted to said company for the construc
tion iof said railroad and telegraph line j ana the
right, power, and authority is hereby givea to said
company to take from tbe pubiio lands adjacent to
the line of said road, earth, stone, timber, and oth-jr
materials for the construction thereof; said .right of
way is granted to said railroad to the extent of two
hundred feet ia width on each aide of said railroad
where it may pass over the pubiio lands, including
all necessary grounds for stations, buildings, work
shops, and depots, machine shops, switches, side
tracks, turntables, and water stations. The United
States shall extinguish as rapidly tt may be the In
dian titles to all lands falling under the operations
of this ant and required for the said right of 'way
and grants hereinafter made.
Sec. 3. Atd be it further enacted.That there be,
and is hereby, granted to the said company, for the
purpose of aiding in the construction of the said
railroad and telegraph line, aad to secure the safe
and speedy transportation of the mails, troops, mu
nitions of war, aud public stores thereon, 'every al
ternate section of public land, designated by odd
numbers, to the amount of five alternate sections
per mile on each side of said railroad, on the line
thereof, and within the limits of ten miles 011 each
side of said road, not sold, reserved, or otherwise
disposed of by the United States, and to which a
pre-emption or homestead claim may. not have at
tached, at the time the line of said road is definite
ly fixed: Provided, That all mineral lands shall be
excepted from the operation of this act; but where
the same shall contain timber, the timber thereon is
hereby granted to. said company. And all such
lands, so granted by this section, which shall not be
sold, or disposed of by said eompany within three
years after the. entire road shall have teeu comple
ted, shall be subject to settlement and pre-emption,
like other lands, at a price not exceeding one dollar
and twentj-ve cents per acre, to be paid to said
Sec 4. . And be it further enacted, That when
ever said oompany shall have completed forty con
secutive miles Of any portion of said railroad and
telegraph Una, ready for the service contemplated
by this act, and supplied with all necesjary drains,
culverts, viaducts, rossin3, sidings, bridges, turn
outs, waterning places, depots, equipments, furni
ture, and all other appurtenances of a first class
railroad, the rails and all the other iron ur.ed in the
construction and equipments of said road to be
American manufacture of the best quality, the Pres
ident of the United IS tiles shall appoint three eom
missioners to examine the saue end report to bim
in relation thereto; and if it shall appear to him
that forty consecutive miles of .said railroad aud
telegraph line have been completed a.ideuippi in
ail respects as required by this act, then, upon cer
tificate of said co'iinis:oDers to that effect, patents
shall isaue conveying tbe right and title to said lauds
to aaid company, on each side of the road as far as
tbe same is oompleted, to the amount as aforesaid ;
and patents shall in like manner issue as each forty
miles cf said railroad and telegraph-line aro com
pleted, upon said certificate of said commissioners.
Any vacancies occurring in said board of commis
sioners by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be
filled by the President of the United States : Pro
vided, however, That no such commissioner shall
be appointed by the President of the United Sutes
unless there shall be presented to him a statement,
verified on oath by the president of said eompany,
that such forty miles have been completed, in tbe
manner required by this act, and setting forth with
certainty the points where such forty miles begin
and where the same end ; vrhich oath shall be taken
before a j udge of a court of record.
bee. S. And be if further enacted, Ibat for tbe
purposes herein mentioned tbe Secretary of the
Treasury shall, "Upon the certificate in writing of
said commissioners of the completion and equip
ment of forty censecuuve miles of said railroad and
telegTaph, in accordance with tbe provisions of this
act, issue to said company bonds of the United
2: tates of one thousand dollars each, payable in
thirty years after date, be&riug six per centum per
annum interest, (said interest payable semi-annually,;
whicn interest may be paid in United States
treasury notes or any otbey money or currency
which tbe United States have or shall declare law
ful money and a legal tender, to the amount or six
teen of said bonds per ruile for such section of forty
miles,; and to secure tiie repayment to the United
States, as hereinafter provided, of the amount of
b id bonds so Tssued and delivered to said company,
togetner witn. au interest thereon wnictt. shall Lave
been paid by the United States, the issue of said
bonds aud delivery to the company shall ipso facto
constitute a first mortgage on the whole line of the
railroad and telegraph., together with the rolling
stock, fixtures, and property of every kind and des
cription, and in consideration of wnioh said bonds
may be issued : and on the refusal or failure of said
company to redeem such bonds, or any part of them,
wnen required so to do by the secretory of the
Treasury, in accordance with the previsions of this
act, the aaid road, vita all the rights, fu net ions,
immunities, and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing, and also all lands granted to the aaid oompany
by the United Stated, which, at the time of said
default shall remain in the ownership of said eom
pany, may be taken possession of by the Secretary
of tne Treasury, for the use and benefit of the Uni
ted btates : Provided, Ihis seetion ahall not apply
to that part of any road now constructed.
See. 8. And be if further enacted, That the erante
aforesaid are made upon condition that said eompa
ny shall pay said bonds at maturity,-aad shall keep
said railroad and telegraph line in repair and use,
and shall at all times transmit despatches over said
telegraph line, and transport mails, troops, and mu
nitions of war, supplies, aud pubiio stores upon said
railroad for the government, whenever requred to do
so by any department thereof, ani tbe government
shall at all times have tbe preference in the use of
the same for all tbe purposes aforesaid, ( at fair and
reasonable rates of compensation , not to exceed the
amounts paid by private parlies for the saim kind
of service:) and ail compensation for services ren
dered for the government shall . be applied to the
payment of said bonds and interest until the whole
amount 14 fully paid, baid oompany may also pay
tne Luted Mates, wboly or in part, in the same or
other bonds, treasury notes, or other evidences of
debt against the United States, to be allowed at
par ; and after sad road is completed, uat.I said
bonds and interest are paid, - at Wast five par cen
tum of the net earnings of said road shall also be
annuall applied to the payment thereof.
See. 7- And be it further enacted, That sail com
pany shall file their awent to this aot, under the
seal of said company, in the Department of the In
terior, within one yetr after tho passage of this aot,
and shall complete said railroad and telegraph from
thtf point of beginning as bersia provided, to the
wesiern boundary of ixavad Territory before tbe
first day ot July, one thousand eight hundred and
seventy four : P.xtvided, That within to year af
ter the passage of this act said company ahall desig
nate the general route-of said road, a near as may
be, and shall file a map of the same in the Depart
ment of the Interior, whereupon the Secretary of
tbe Interior shall cause the lands within fiiteeu
miles Of the said designated route or routes to be
withdrawn from pre-emption, private entry, and
sale ; aud when any portion of said route shall be
iiaaiij Kjcueu, us oocreiarj 01 iue interior suau
causa the said lands hereinbefore granted to be sur
veyed and set off as fast as may necessary for the
purposes herein named 7 Provided, 1 bat ia fixin?
tbe point ot connection of the main trunk with tbe
eastern connections, it shall be fixed at the most
practicable point for the construction of the Iowa
and Micriouri banches, as hereinafter provided.
See. 8. And be it further enacted, That the line
of said railroad and telegraph shall commence at a
pciat on tbe one hundredth meridian of longitude
west from Greenwich', between the south margin of
the valley of the Kepubliean Kiver aad the north
margin of the valley of the Platte ' River, ia the
Territory of Nebraska, at a point to be fixed bv the
President of the United States, after actual surreys ;
tnenoe running westorly cpen the mosl direct, een
tral, and practicable route, through the territories
of tbo United States, to the wet tern boundary' of
the Territory of Nevada, there to meet and connect
with the line of Central Paoifie Railroad Company
of California.
Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted, That the Leav
enworth, Pawnee; and? Western Railroad Company
1 i .i. , 4 -1
i ixansas are nereoy auiaonsea vo construct a rail
road and teletrraph. liae, from the Missouri Rivr. on
the ecatSi side thereof, so as te connect with the
Pacifio Railroad of Misjours, to the nU reaaid point,
on the o no hundredth meridian of longitude west
from Greenwich, as herein provided, upon ths same
terms and conditions in all respects as are provided
in this act for the construction of the railroad and
telegraph liae first mentioned, and to meet and con
connect with the same at the meridian of lorgituje
aforesaid ; and ia ease the general route or Lne ef
the rd from the Missouri River U the Rocky
Mountaini should be so located as to require a de-
Earture northwardly from the propored line of said
aosaa ra.ilr. al before it reaches the meridian of
longituda aforesaid, tho location of said Kansas
road sh-ill be made so as to conform there te;. and
said railroad through Kansas shall be so located
between the mouth of the Kansas River, as afore
said, and the aforesaid point, on the one hundredth
meridian of longitude, that the several railroads
from Missouri and Iowa, herein authorised te con
nect with the same, can make connection within the
limits prescribed in this act, provided the same can
be done without deviating from tbe general direc
tion of the whole line to the Paeifie coast. The
route in Kansas, west of the meridian of Fert Riley,
to the aforesaid point, en the one hundredth meri
dian of longitude, to be subject to the approval of
the President ef the United States, to be deter
mined by him on actual survey. And said Kansas
eompany may proceed to build said railroad to the
aforesaid point, on the one hundredth meridian of
longitude west from Greenwich, in the Territory of
Nebraska. The Central Pacifio Railroad Company
ef California, a corporation existing nnder the laws
of the State of California, are hereby authorized to
construct a railroad and telegraph line from the Pa
cifio coast, at or near San Fjancisco, or the nariga
ble waters of the Sacramento River, to the eastern
boundary of California, upon tie- same terms and
conditions, in all respects, as are contained in this
act for the construction of said railroad and tele
graph line first mentioned, and to meet and connect
with the first mentioned railroad and telegraph line
on the eastern boundary of California. Each of
said companies shall file their acceptance of the con
dition of this act in the Department of the Interior
within six months after the passage of this act.
See. 10. And bo it further enacted, That the said
company chartered by the State of Kansas shall
complete one hun red miles of their said rod, com
mencing at the mouth of the Kansas River aa afore
said, within two years after filing their assent to the
conditions of this aot, at 'herein provided, and one
nunared miles per year tneieafter until the whole
is completed ; aad the said Central Pacifio Railroad
Company of California shall oomplete fifty miles of
their said read within two years after filing their as
sent to the provisions of this act, aa herein provided,
and fifty miles per year thereafter uatil the whole is
completed ; and after completing their roads, re
spectively, said companies, or either ef them, may
unite upon equal terms with the first named eompa
ny in constructing so much of said railroad and tel
egraph line and branch railroads and telegraph lines
ia this act hereinafter mentioned, through the Ter
ritories from the State of California to the Missouri
River, as shall then remain to be constructed, on the
same terms and conditions as provided in this as tin
relation to the said Union Pacific Railroad Compa
ny. And -the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railrad,
tbe Pacific Railroad Company ef Missouri, and the
fir-tt-named company, or either of them, on filing
ther absent to this act, as aforesaid, may unite upon
equal terms, undsr this act, with the said Kansas
oompany, in constructing said railroad and teie
grapb to. said meridian of longitude, with the eon
sent of the said State of Kansas ; aud in Cass said
first named company shall complete their line to the
eastern boundary of California before it is Comple
ted across said State by the- Central Pacific Rail
road Company of California, said first-named com
pany is hereby authorized to continue in construct
ing the same through California, with, the consent
of said State, upon the terms mentioned in this act,
until said roads shall meet and connect, and the
whole line cf said railroad and telegraph is oomple
ted ; and the Central Pacific Railroad Company of
California) after completing its road across said
State, is authorized to continue the construction of
said railroad and telegraph through the Territories
of tbe United States to the Missouri River, Includ
ing tbe branch roads specified in this act upon the
routes hereinbefore and hereinafter indicated, on
the terms and conditions provided in this act in re
lation to the said Union Pacific Railroad Company,
until said roads shall meet and connect, and the
whole line of said railroad and branches and tele
graph is completed.
see. 11. And be it further enacted, That for
three hundred miles of said road most mountainous
and difficult of construction, to-wit : one hundred
and fifty miles westward ly from the eastern base
of the Rooky Mountains, and one hundred and fifty
miles eastwardly from the western base of the Sier-
ro Nevada Mountains, said points to be fixed by the
President of the United States, the bonis to be is
sued to vid in the construction thereof shall be
treble the number ror mile hereinbefore provided,
and the same shall be issued, and .the lands herein
granted set apart, uja the construction of every
twenty ttiles thereof, upon the certificate of the
commissioners as aforesaid that twenty eonsecutive
mile of tae same are completed ; and between the
sections last named of one hucl ed and twenty
miles each, the bonds to be issued to aid in the con
structions thereof shall be double the number per
mile first mentioned, and the same shall be issued,
and the lands herein granted be set apart, upon the
conjunction of every twenty miles thereof, upon
the certificate of the commissioner as aforesaid that
twenty consecutive miles of the same are comple
ted : Provided; That so more than fifty thousand
of said bonds siiail be issued under, this act to aid
in eonstruoting the main line of said railroad and
See. 12. And be it further enoeted, That when
ever the route of said railroad cross the boundary
of any State or Territory, or said meridian of lon
gitude, the two companies meeting or uniting there
shall agree upon its location at that point,with
reference to the most direct and practicable through
route, and in case of difference between them as to
said location the President of the United States
shall determine the said location ; the oompanies
named in each state and Territory to locate the
road across the same between the points so agieed
upon, except as herein provided. The track upon
tee entire line of railroad and branches shall be of
uniform width, to be determined by the President
of the United States, so that, when oompleted, ears
can be run from the Missouri River to the Paeifie
coast ; the grades and curves shall not exceed the
maximum grades aud curves of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad ; the whole line of said railroad and
branches and telegraph shall be operated and used
for all purposes of communication, travel, and
transporsation, so fares the pubiio and government
are concerned, as one connected, continuous line ;
and the companies herein named in Missouri, Kan
sas, and California, their filing assent to the provis
ions of this act, shall receive and transport all iron
Tails, ebairs, spikes, ties, timber, and all material
required for constructing and furnishing said first
mentioned lino between the aforesaid point on the
one hundredth meridian of longitude and western
boundary of Nevada Territory, whenever the same
is required by said first-named eompany, at eo3t,
over that portion of the road of sail companies
constructed under the provisions of this act.
See. 13. And be it further enacted. That tbe
Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad Company of
Alissoun may extend its roads from saint Joseph,
via Atchisen, to connect and unite with the read
through Kansas, upon filing their assent to the pro
visions of this act, uson the same terms and condi
tions, in air respects, for one hundred miles in
Ucgth next to the Missouri River, as are provided
in this act for the construction of the railroad and
telegraph liae first mentioned, and may for this pur-
nose.useanY railroad charter which has been of ma v
be granted by . the legislature of Kansas : Provided
That if actual survey shall render it deniable, the
said company may construct their road, with-the
consectof the Kansas legislature, on the mostdi-,
reef and practicable route west from bt. Joseph,
Jlissun, so as to connect and unite with the road
leading from the western boundary of Iowa at any
point east of the one hundredth ueridian of west
longitade, or with the main trunk road said point ;
but in no event shall lands or bonds be given to
said company, as herein directed, to aid in the con
struction ef their said road for a greater distance
than one bup.lred xsiUs. And the Leavenworth,
Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company of Kansas
may construct their road from Leavenworth to unite
with the road through Kansas.
See. 14. And be it further enacted, That the said
Union Pacific Railroad Company is hereby author
ized and required to construct a eic?!e liae of rail-
joad and telegraph from a point oa the westers
boundary of the State ef Iewa, te be lied by the
President of the United Statee, upon the most di
rect and practicable roatev to ha ufciect to his ap
proval, so as to fount a XKxrnottiou with the lines of
company at some point on the oaa hundredth
mir.dian of longitude aforesaid, from th point of
comiaeDcemj.nt on the western boundary of the State
of I upon thd sAine tarics and eon litions, ia nl
respects, as are contained in this aot for the con
struction of the said railroad and tslezraph first
mentioned ; and the said L oios 1 aciaj Railroad
Company shall complete one hundred miles of the
road and telegraph ia this seotioa provided f jr. ia
two years after filing their assent to ths conditions
of this aot, as by the terms of this aot required, and
at the rate of one hundred miles per year thereaf
ter, until the whole is compleUd : Provided, That st
failure upon the part of sail company to mike said
connection in the tisae aforesaid, aad to perform th
obligations imposed oa said company by this ssctioa
and to operate said road ia the sam m riser aa th
main line shall be operated, shall forfait to the gov
ernment of the United States all the rights, privi
leges granted to and conferred upon said company
by this act. And whenever there shU be a line of
railroad completed thrtagH MinnaU or low V
Sioux City, then the said PaciSo Railroad company
is hereby authorized and required to conatruat
railroad and telegraph from said Sioux City upon
the most direot and praeticoble route to a p-oiot on,
and so as to connect with, the branch railroad and
telegraph in th.s section hereinbefore mentioned, or
with the said Union PaoiSc Railroad, s&i i point of
junction to be fixed by the President of taa United
States, not further west than tne one hundred;h,
meridian of longitude aforesaid, on the tame t;rms
and conditions as provided in this aot for the con
struction of the Union PaciScRailrood, as aforesaid,
and to complete the same at the rate of one hadired
miles per year; and should sad company fil to
comply witn the requirements of this aot in relation
to the said Sioux City railroad and telegraph, the
said company shall suffer the same forfeitures pres
cribed in relation to tho Iowa branch railroei and
telegraph hereinbefore mentioned.
See. 15. And be it further euscted. That any
other railroad eompany now inoorpojatoJ, or here
after to be incorporated, shall have the right to coa
neet their road with the road and branches provided
for by this act, at such places and upon such just
and equitable terms as the President of the Uaitad
States may prenoribe. Whenever the word eoxpa
oy is nsad in this aot it shall be construed to em
brace the words their associates, sucvers, as J as
signs, the same sj if the words had beea properly
added, thereto - .
Sea. 18. And be it further enacted, Teak at any
time after the passage of this act all f the railroad
companies named herein, and assenting hereto,
any two or more of them, are authorised to form
themselves into one consolidated company; notice
of such consolidation, ia writing, shall be filod in
tbe Department of the Interior, and such consolida
ted eomranr shall thereafter croceed to construct
said railroad and branches ana telegraph -line upon
the terms and conditions provided in this act.
Seo. 17. And be it farther enacted. That incase
said eompany or companies shall fail to oomply with
the terms and conditions of this aot, by not comple
ting said road and telegraph and branohes within a
reasonable time, or by not keeping tae same in repair
aad use, but shall permit the same, for an unreason
able time, to remain unfinished, or out of re,air,ani
unfit for use, Congress may pass any act t ? iusure
the speedy completion of said road and branches, or
put the same in repair and use, and may direct the
income of said railroad and telegraph lice to be
thereafter devoted to the use of the Uuited Sutwi.
to repay all such expenditures caused by the defoalt
and neglect of such oompany or companies: Provi
ded, That if said roads are not completed, to as to
form a continuous line of railroad, ready for use,
from the Missouri River so the navigtble waters of
the Sacramento River, in California, by the first day
of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-six the whole
of all of Baid railroads b'efors mentioned and to be
constructed under the provisions of this set, Icgeta?
er with all their furniture, fixture, rolling stock.
machine shops, lands, tenements, and herediUsieaU.
and property f every kind and character, shall be
forfeited to and taked possession cf by tee . t cited
States: Provided, That of the bonds of the United -States
in this act provided to be delivered for any ani
all parts of the road to be construe ted east 01 the one .
hundredth meridian cf west longitude from Green
wich, and for any part of the road west of the west
foot of the Sierra Nevada mountain, there shall be
reserved for each part aad installment twenty-fire
per centum, to be and remain in the L zuted states
treasury, undelivered, until said road and all parts
thereof provided for in this act are completed; ecd
of all the bonds provided to be delivered for the sai 1
road, between the two points aforesaid, there shall
be reserved out of eaon installment u teen per cen- t
turn, to be and remain in the treasury until the
whole of the road provided for-in this act is fully
completed : and if the said road or any part thereof
shall fail of completion at the time limited therefor
in this act, then and in that ease the said part of
said bonds so reserved shall be foTieited to the Uni
ted Statos.
Seo. 13. And be it further enacted. That whenev
er it appears that the net earnings of the entire road
and telegraph, including the amount allowed for
services rendered for the United States, after de- .
ducting all expenditures, including repairs, and the
furnishing, running, and managing of said road,
shall exceed ten per centum upon its cost, exclusive
of the five per centum to be paid to the United
States, Congress may reduce the rates of fire there
on, if unreasonable in amount, ani may fix and es
tablish the same by law. And the better to accom
plish the object of this act, namely, to promote the
publie interest and welfare by the oonstruciica of
said railroad and telegraph line, ani keeping the
same ia working order, and to secure to the govern
ment at all times ( but particularly in times of war I
the use and benofit of the same fur postal, military.
and other purposes, Congress may, at any time, hav
ing due regard for the rights ef said eompaclea
named herein, add to, alter, amend, or repeal this
See. 19. Aad be it farther en&otsd.Thel the sev
eral railroad companies herein named are authorised
to enter into an arrangement with the PariSc Tele
graph Company the Overland Telegraph Company,
and the California state Telegraph Ucmpaoy, so
that tbe present line cf telegraph between the Mis
souri River and San Frarxiseo may be moved upon
or along the line of said railroad and branohes as fast
as said roads and branches are built ; and if said
arrangement be entered into, and the transfer cf sail
telegraph line be made in accordance therewith to
the line of said railroad and branches, such transfer
shall, for all purposes of this act, be held and consid
ered a fulfilment on the part of said railroa-f" com
panies of the provision of this act ia regard to the
construction of said line of telegraph. And, la ease
of disagreement, said telegraph companies are au
thorized to remove their line of telegraph along and
upon the line of railroad herein contemplated with
out prejudice to the rights of said raUroad companies
named herein.
See. 20. And be it further enacted, Ttat the cor
poration hereby created and the roads connected
therewith, under the provisions of this act, shall
make to the secretary of the Treasury aa annual re
port, wherein shall be set forth
First. The names of the stockholders and their
places of residence, so far as ths same can b ascer
tained ;
Second. The names and residence of the directors.
and ail other officers of the company ;
Third. The amount of stock subscribed, as! the
amount thereof actually paid ia j
ifourta. A description of the lines or sur
veyed, of the lines thereof fixed upon for the cea- .
structioo of ths road, and the eost of such surreys ;
Fifth. The amount received from, pajjesgers oa
the road j - -
8ixtb. The amoaat received fur freight thereoa ;
Seventh. A statement of the expense of said road
and its fixtures ; . j- .
Eighth. A statement of the indshtedcen of ssJi
company, settisg forth the v-wioes kinds thereof.
Which report shall be sworn to by tho presiisnt cf
the said eompany, aad shall be presented to the Sec
retary of the Treasury oa or before the first day cf
July ia each year. .;,
Approved, July 1,1S52.
Caxi, CXSI. An Act changing the Naae of the:
: American-built Schooner ''Curtis liana? to that
1 of Supply," - - -
' Be it enacted by tie Senate and Hatee f Est
tentacivet of the United Siatee of AmtrUa in Cia
yresv ateexlled. That the collector of the eu3iems
of tho port of Detroit be, and he U hereby, author
iied, under the direction of the Secreury cf tke
Treasury, to issue a new register, licence, or enrol
ment, to the Americaa-buiitschooaerCirtii Maua'
in the name of the "Supply," thssace boirjoTltd
by H. N. Strong.
A j proved, J uly 1 , 13 2, ; ;
Ca. CXXII. An Act ehanr'Bg tHa Vats of th
Aiaari.iaa-eailt Schoaer "Ta Der" tj (hat of
"ilphia." ......
Be U enacted b-f the S- nit aid nne 7.r.
eentatieee oj the United .st of Arc- in (Xn
yre atetinUed, Tht the collector of the euitotcs
at tbe port of DjIkui b, ani he is hereby, author
ized, unlet the diraotiaa of the ?r reu.ry of the
Treasury, to issue n,ew reriiUr, licence, or er.rr'
meat, t the Amern-buUt schoar "Tnia Dje. -in
thenameof the Dolphin," taossaiebeiajoffa: 1
by EL N. Strong- . . -
Approved, July 1, ISC2.
March uta, lese, i