Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 31, 1863, Image 3
FOR: FAIX TRADE. SADDLERY ! SADDLERY 1 1862. 1862. . A m Pobllfhed Dallfs Tri-Weekly and Weetlr. ISC 2. TilE HISSOURUEPHBUCAIl. s r: o c .a. 3i. r n. SCRirLK. 1 ' 1btIti AocT. and Dealer in ft1 . n..,..rd lake of the Best Quality, IVror tbe J-nHr and Farmer. " 1 AfiTHrX I- ABBOTT, 3.rT 6tCT, Broadway, New Tork. are r'"'eJai:enia1oribe jKTtf rfue r and Farawr. jor, COL t CO.. ' Acr". and Dealers la Inks and rT' . . .,v;i riffle Trlhmia Building. ' IUIf "u . ' t and Brown'. Ire ;f-UI W 14 - . ' Building. Philadelphia, Aivert'aer and For- wanted at this office. ;.VocP l.r correrpondeace.frora Fort' Hal l see first page. . ' y Lvmao Beecher died at bis home tf jjjve several letters -which we are i "ed to leave out this week. . i?c . .nrt5ED. Rer. A. G. White has .ced from his risk to the States. .' -T,ct9 are due to Hon. S. G. Daily ffv.ors received from Washington. of -k,.r n rrcw an unuuat . nmuum v " larssnrnong thp children cf this city. TbeVe s but little change in the mar's- ri St. Louis. As yet no indications i . true- kr Wastfd. We want one ton of :i hay, on tubscriptioni .'Who will it Te want twenty lu&hels of potatoes. crip:ion, for which we will pay hel. cent? per pu ViTHtt. We again bave warm auVr, a bright clear fcky; pure dry aif;" j v roads, and au open river. Gea. Thayer commanded a brigade in r battle of Arkansas- Post. The Gen. i t horse ihot from under him in the pjemeut. Acting Adjutant Atkijtsos. of the Ne i La Caralry, is now in town. He has ?a sent to the lower portion of the l"ritory on detached service. "Ve have recpired a copy of the Tri ; Almanac for 1563. It contains as al valuable statistical iniormauon. .'-Marsh is making op a club for it. f Fisrbtioz Joe" Hooker has asserted it be could take Richmond with the r:e which is now placed under his r;mand, if not interfered with by the r Department. I : : Thiks To the Nebraska City Press. tis County Sentinel, Omaha Republican iJ Omaha A'ebraskian, for daily tele npli l ulletins. From these sources our :.:ecs can et new? from one to two syjepooer than from St. Louis. Make ; your clubs and subscribe. . j r : : Csn. We are informed that Dr. I'tPiirnsoK is paying at his mill in Vowuville, the highest market price, in -ii for wheat and corn. Having se-t-rtd the services of an experienced mil lr, the Doctor is now prepared to give -.-ire .satisfaction in the manufacture of i-ur. We have lately eaten bread made fom his flour, and know it is not sur-p-ssed in the Territory. j Preparing Poultry for Market. Neatness is the first thing. What 5 into the mouth .must be clan. Nerer leave food in the crop: it will luet.t and decolor. Therefore procede U. wringinir of your birds by a fast of hours Dip them tevpral titnes suc ivfly in hot water a little below the Hlin; point and pluck feathers at ce with rapidity. In this way, by a ' tie practice, the skin will be left cl?an id uubrolcen. Leave the head on; or il 'J off, tie the skin over the nck-boa, 4is will prevent an unsightly look of e neck. Then plung into the ?nmc mpprature of water; and then inim ;atdy into cold water. Your fowls viuld nprir h frozen but as noar to :'e freezing point as pjs.ible. In thai -mperaii;re they can be kept for any "nth of time, and turn out bright and jiid, Disturb cot ihe intestines. PoCtTRTMA. I Lessons or tlie Wheat Midge. I The-midjre has taught u a great less jn one which could not have been taught so effectually in any other way tee rfarm belter. We must sow les land i'h fain; raise more clover; keep more , make more and richer manure. ''at land we sow to wheat roust be s l prepared and the seed put in early. ,Us taug-ht us that it is much belter to thousand bushels of wheat t'trty acres than from sixty. We have ;1,?rnp(J fati if the midge five bushels of ; Lat from a field that would yeald 35 , Jsbels to the acre, the loss is less than takes tfce same cxiardtty from a crop I that ri would yeala only 15 bushelf per acre. ne proportion of Insn is much enter ; Jtteone case for than in the other. In Me one case, for every hunderd bushels ; the midre; in the other, only 16 I And this is assuming that the does as muoh "damage cnihe good - ua me poor. -wnicn is ry no ; 1 liie ca$e. Our raotto' robust ' be ! 'JW , . : t,t 7" niucn lana to wbeat as can i ade rich n-i ; -i pood ('ft ill catiy auu iu ad Seated for vears? nrl tTrrfr?i i . 3 ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIOAMERICAN The Best Mechanical Paper In tbs Weill , EIGHTEENTH YE Alt. VXXX NEW BCHXCS. A new rolome of this popular Journal commenced oa the Erst of January. It ii published weekly.and ererj number contain! sixteen pairti of useful in formation, an J from St to ten original engravings of new invention! and discoveries, all or which are prepared expressly for its colams. TO THE ME CUAXIC AXD XAXUFACTURER. Jo person engaged in any of the mechanical or manufacturing pursuit should tbink of "doing with out" the Scientific American. It cost but tix cents per week; every number eontaina from fix to ten enrivings of new mecbaines and inventions, wkicn can not Us found in any other publication. TO TI1E ISVESTOn. The Scientific American it indipensahle to every inventor, a it not only contains illustrated desenr. tion of nearly all the b?l inrentions they cooce out, but each number contains an Official List of the Claim of all the Patents iued from the United States Patent OS e dories; the week prerious : thus givirg a cfrrt history of the progTew of inrentious of this country. We are alo receiving, every weok the Wst K-icntjSo journal of Great Britain. Fnu;e and Germ4Dy ; thus placing in our possession all that is transpiring in tnet banical sciem-e aod art in these old countries. We ehnll continue to transfer to our columns coiou extracts from these journals of whatever we may dem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet, of instruction as to the be.-t mode of obtaining Letters Puenton new inventions, is fur. nirhed free on application. Messrs. Mann fc Co. bave acted as Patent Solicit ors for more than seventeei yeirg, in counocli n with the puhlit aiinnof tue Scientific American. a:id h y refer to 20.COO jjati-ntees, for whuui they have dune burines. N. charge is mle for examining fket-hes and uV-dfls of new iaveotious and for aJviiu,; iaveators s to the patentability. CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS MILL WRIG IITS. ASU FARMERS The Scientific Am-ri-xn will be found a mst useful journnl to thiin. All the new di-ovcries id the K'ienfe f ebemi.stry are given in itsjcolumns, and the interest f the architect and carjcrter a'e not overlooked : all the new inventions a-id discov ers apperiaiuitj to thosa pursuits b-jin;; published fr. m week to wet-k. Us.ful and rscticl in oni tion ertaii;ing to the in erests of mill wrij-hts s.nd m II owners'will be found in the Scientific Ainttri--tn, which infirmti'n they cann l btsin from any other mturte. Subjects i: which faniu rs arc iuterefted Will be found diseased in the Sciea t fit: American ; m-t of the improve uents in ;;ri cultural iuplcm.'Uts being illustiatei in itscoiusiug. T E K M S . To mil subscribers Three Dollars a year.or On- Hollar for four uionts. The volumes cvnitn-ncs on the first T January and July. SpecimiO copies will be s'-nt to any prt it the country. Western and Canadian mney r Pvst(.f5e stamps taken at r for ' bK'ritiins. Canadian nub--onben will 4ee to rxuiit twenty-five cent extra on each year's subscription to preiv p8ty;9. MCXN 4 CO.. n!S-3f Publishers, 37 Park Kow,N. V. PKOSPECTUS FOE. 1S63- THE NEW YORK LEDGER. NOW IS THE TIMT0 Sl'CSCRSBE. There is a sreat devlof laik among our c temporal ie3 ab"t 'he "(treat rie In be price of paper,' a. id tLe neces: uy for a errefpn tins rie in the price of news paper. We d not agree vuh our rrieuJ-i im to ite Ut propMti.n. It is true lb a, paper lias Rone up friirh'fuliy fifty per cent , at leai, ami i ttiilon i' it up." B-t wuat of lliit. FiitIit-beis n.tTe f r rear had a good time with low-pnred pper. and made larire pr-fli ; and now tbat lime bave chin.jl tdey should pv me enhanced price fur paper w-iihoot wbin ins:, and witb.oit trying lucet it back out of tbeir ub--crioer. The increase in the price f paper will mat aUiTerence of tens of tbousai ts of d ihars to us jerlT ; out we shall nit iuc4-ea tbe price of the LHLXJER. Tbat will retuwn as it is. We tn fTrd il. Oarub Hcribers bave stuck tons when paper wa dies p ; and wedunut intend to increase our rtes to them oow when it is dear. It is a por rule tbat wvn't vers r-in ways." OCR TE&XS: Single corles, two dollars per annum; two copies Iree diiat; four copes, six dollars; eieht copies twelve dollars. PosiiuAKiert aud others wh aet e clubs cn afterwards add aiuale copies at $l.0 Ta p. t y who sends u $1 1 lor a club o( eitlil, (a. iiit a. ue lime) wii be eutule I to a' cpy free Terms invariably ia advauce Xo subscript i. cs takeu tor a ie wri.i ibto one year. Capada sutrribers roust Mnd twenty six rents ia addition to the tuOocnp Hon tvpiy the Ameucn p.tmie, wb'cb is bs.f a cent a c- py n every pjper. n te- f all specie-payiua banks i kii at par. Wbeu a draft or check cau convt a ietuly be ent. it will be p eferred, as ii will prevint ibe oe:bi.iy of tbe los uf tnney by mail. ' t3 w euipioy no irveiliog averts. Address all cuuiuiuuicailuus to EOBKKT ItOKXKU PuMUber. No. 40 Park How. 'ew-rrk. GODEY S LADY'S COOK FOR 1SG3. -Great Literary and Pictorial Yeir. the XSXSOT Ladies Hagixiiie ia tie World, and the Cheapest The publisher of Ood-y's Lady's Book ha made an arranpeiueut tbe nioi popular authoress iu ttu country MAHIOX HA It I. AND, who will m-'iiisU a i -ry for every number of tbe Lady s H-k for lb3 a! anon IlariaLd wriies for no otber public iti.ti. tur other favorite writers wt.ll ail Oon tiuue to fuiuiah article? throusb jut the year. TERMS CASH. IN ADVANCE. One conv one year.' S Two c piet one year. $5. Three copie4te yt-ar $6. Fjut c.-pie one year $7 Five co;,ir one je.r and an extra copy to tbe person aetxlin the cib $10. Euan citiies ime yetr and an extra cupy to tbe person eenduiK tl club 15 K ieveu copies u.e y r. and an extra c py totne person aeiidina beclult S-0 in.) the niv maaaine that can bMnir-dsoed into tbe obove riubsiu place of the Lat'y'a B k is Arthur's lluiue M u izine. Special Clubbing vit other Magasinet. G-dey' Lady'i B --k aud Auaur's Oouie M igaiine both one rear for ft.3 60. Gotey' Ltd' Bjok and Harper's alagaziae bcth one ear f.r 21 51. G lev. ni oer. and rthu-will all three bo wnt one rear, uu receipt of -6 0 . Treasury Xie aud Xies cf all aolvent banks taken at par. Ue careful and pay the postage on your letter Address t- A G.MKT. 323 Cheg.MLt Street. Phi! Ad a. phi Pa. Prnclical (iuidf tn Health and Viper. THE NEW GYMNASTICS, r o a MEN, WOMEN c CHILDREN With translation of Prof. Klott't Dumb Bell In. ttruitor and Prof, bckreber't PanmaasiiXda. II V ! LEWIS. 31. t)., Proprietor of the E-.ex Stie- Gymnasium, Boston. WUk Tixrtt Hundred Iiiwtrativtvt. One Vol. I2r . pmrc ii u V. recent Mscaxine-vsoer ha excited nnre penera interest thtn 'he artwie in tbe August Atlantic, oh ' The Xew Ovtnuaiiics." The p eent work is a cm Dte exu .Mti.n of tbe yasm of wbicb that article eava a i-ro Di. TLe ambor of tbls wo-k tias ben for many yean en- c;iphI in leaetntic Gvuitaitic. Toe b"1 ties -ribes and iliuetra es hin Xew S.Vhtsin of Ptyt-ical Tratniug. Tliin t.Tfci4m ha-tad the pr etical tet of long and varieC ue. It cmpriyea excrc sen with Turati Bells Ring Wand. Clubii. etc., all of which are maJe pertect clear by full exhalations while muy are iUuetra'ed by pktortal repre-utati naof tbe pition of tbe Uly reouired t ieriorni them. The Dumb Bell Instructor, connected with this work is or the hiebeot interest and iiiiixrt.a e. It it de- rUaed fur home use. aud given a icreal variety of Daaih Bell Exeicises. toeiber with a eretu..y-eleited pro BTeive inea for eveT-dr Pra tice The Pangymuatikou is a very simple, useful, and cheap mece of gymnastic apparatus, apn which all gymnastic exccises may be performed, aad wtich caa tte introduived. at small cot. icw y pnvaa m-uRe. n u fuilv de-cribed and iliuxtrated in this volume The Xew irmnas'i', Iiob Id be read in eve J tm Uy ia tbe lau4 abere exercise is vatued as a menus of h..ith l.adun. rciallv will And in it a irrewt va riety oi Easy, Simp.e. and InvigoraUt, Exercises, all of h Troii.d in the r own homes CJ-For aaJtbyall bootellera, r sent pottptti te any addxesa. on receipt qj uie u-mar, i j mri'iiuuui' TICtXOR U FIELDS, 135 Ira bington Street. Bot-ton, IsC"V7 Remedies for ' SPERM AT0RRHCEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PmiiATJELPHIA. A Benevolent lnttitution ettnblithei bp tperial En dowment for ine Relief of the Sick and Dutrettea cfflteted with Virulent and Chro tic Dittos! and etpeciaUjf for the Cure cf Ducat et of the Sexual Oroent MilDICAL ADVICE fiven itTatis, by tbe Acting Surgeon. Valuable Heports on Spermatorrhea, and otber dis eaeKof the Sexual Orcans. and on theKSW REME DIES emplvjed In the Dispensary, stmt in scaled lettei enveio, free of charge. Twoer three Sumps accept able i. '- 2 '-. Address dr. j. tiiLLi x noucnros, Hcwara AS. eociation. ao. 2, South Jimta ;reet, raaUCaiao, a. ': it K. PAS CII ALL, f ProprUttn. JOUX OAPP, ) orncp. no. ii cnE3TirrjT stheet. 4fstaMas TERMS OF TOE liERCBLlCAN. Daily, (in advance) i $10 CO Tri-wekly, (in advsnoe) Sunday Kcpublican . . Weekly, in advance-- To Clubs of flveTri-weekliea- -Three copies Weekly one year Five . Ten Fourteen u . Tprtf 4 1 41 : Si . i 00 I a. . 2 00 . , . .. 2 00 20 00 i CO 8 00 15 00 20 00 27 30 40 00 iO 00 Thirty Forty m CASH RATES FOR ADVERTISING. Wants, Lost and Found, Bonrding, For Rent, and Removals, will be charge I fifty cents per sciuare of eibt lines or less fcr firrt insertion, and t enty five cents forench additional one, without alteration. ONE .SQUARE, eight lines or less-.H- $ 50 3 times on first or fourth page 1 0(1 '1 74 3 00 4 (10 b 00 8 00 10 on 15 00 25 00 44 44 14 1 week u m 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months 3 months, 6 months, 44 a 44 44 4i 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 U 4 ii M M 12 ni'tntbi," S7"No yearly contracts made hy which adverti sers can bave the privilege of changing muter or style of card without additional charge. if"A!l advertisementi required to be kept on second jae charged as new each day, and on third pajre. an advance over stated rates. J5y"Adverti8ements directed to be displayed, or et in large type, charged double rntes. ; tSfAdvertisemont tn tthblvU parvar, ten cents a line solid, or I teen cents, leaded agate lypc, each insertion. CSTransient advertisements mast be paid for in dvaiice. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! ! or THE ' Richest and Most Fashionable Patcrns, OFFERED AT Retail and TTXiolcsale Prices!!! THE Ilt'BBA RD EKOS., Xos 65 k 6" Xassau STREET Xew Tork. Manufacturer and Iinpn ters of II it 0 Leadric. Kich, aivl most popuUr Styles of WAICnKS and JEWELRY, being determined upon in- creation ibeir burineb. to au uulimiied extctitoCer ne loMownni eiecant urujinents at me taisuipaatfx Low Prices f il lowine MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, bcinir a Humms; and opec ljce, or L.idy'r or Gentleman's Watch in one. the prettirt arul uiot conveuient and cheapest w.uh iu be w.rkl. Ioiiiatlju paid; effected by a pitej'. pro- cea, wbicb ieQtirs the urpearauce of gold pen set while it doei not CvKt ne thud as tuncii. Price only $3J Petnil at f'l.m ne hnndrel npwrd HUXTI.G COMPOSITION CASED LEVERS, Eoxiirb tn.nitif.ct ui e uiove.nent ; capped aud mil eweied; hits sunk t-eoomU. and ihe nr?tet iuip-ove. uerts. Heavy caeu and s:ood imitation gold. Pries wtly 1S ReiaiN a from $ 0 tn $IOO. HVXTIXO COMPOSITION OiSED ARMY WATCH, aichly eiiKrd jewe:ed and fancy w.rk. Uio-urpdo-ed for Sutlers. Traders, etc Price $15. Retail-at from $40 tu 8100. X i:re.t t ariety of other watcbea at low prices. L lie?-' -els of Krioch and Ear Drop- to correspond, rniiauon Cluster Diatuoiii . a very rich pitiern. and ciiiite y new. price $1. Coral aud Vita entwined a vei v neat at'i prety urnament, tundtoiueiy mouuted, $3,25. ientlemen s Ve-t Chruns. Parisien. an elegant pal tern, i.nty $4. Tbe Demoniac, very beavv, $6 Uiuk. Ptaiu only 75c. Scroll. vey pretty, $1. Clia--ed. a uea; pattern. $1. Seal Signet, $2. Imita tion Dianiou4. $2. Slet-ve Baltaiis. Patent. Chased, or Enamealt bed new and very batidsome patteru, $2 60. V uble. a e e. r wiib mes. $1 60. U-ouiStuJs a variety of new and fashionable Ue- uptib. per set, $1 B. Bos nil and Sca't Pins .ear, with npal and Fancy Stones. $2. IniiUialion Diamond, $1 xw. Locket. Double Glas. neb !y engraved. $3 Peikous wiRb.cs any of ihe above, Lave on iy to remit tie price in a registered .etier to our audress, aud tbe article wil 1 1 tai by return mail, free of expeu'-e. g3"Orders to tbe amount of twelve dol lars and upwards ill be cent by expres to any part of tbe loyal Slate. with bill payable to tbe Express Company, when the Koodsare deiiveed. Asen'a. Sutlers and Country Vercbanta, throucbont tbe country, who wioh M make nnniey rapidly, will do well to obtain our mammoth catalogue ; we furuieb the most baleuble outfit at pi ices unurpaiaed by any otter Coucem! Address HVBBARD BHOS. A'ot 65 J- 67 JVaatau, aeur John Street, October 25th, 18C2. al-i8 3bi Kew York City. EXCELSIOR Burr Stoiie IiIills, (FOR FARMERS AND MILLERS,) AND ANTT-FRICTI0H HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN FIRST PREMIUMS at Western StaTK Fairs last year, and are justly considered superior to all others. The mill may le driven by Aorae, water, ot attain potcrr, does its work a? well as the flat stone mills in milling establishments, and requires but one-half the vowr to drive the ilnrgest S1I'-B. They are very comtiaot, pe rfectly m tn tile. and or farm m use will last TUIRTi YEARS, and COc-T NOTHLNQ for repairs. Prices JJI00. 1140. A I70. Fbur Dolt for smallest Mill $50 extra. TUC HOUSE FOSTER TTa proved itself ti bo the best ever invented. The friction is reduced by IKON BALL, w arranged n all Ihe bearlng thit the wh4e weight of the - av rs r v rv a i eastings runs upon mem. itirict, ivtus DRAt'GIlT, at the end of a ten feetlever, will keep the tH wer ia motion! thua permitting tbe entirk UTRENQTHof the horse -to be ned on the mxebine to he drivtn. One Hoks will do as aanch work on this power, as two or the endh-ssCh-iin Power. IT IS PilRTABLt, andmsy le asod is the fiklt as well as in ihe house. More than TWENT t -FIVE I'KK BENT of horse fiesh is saved over AST other miW in cpe. It is sile ia construction, aud tiot liable to get out of o.der. Priceot Kwerfr I to 4 horses J125 Price of pwer for 1 to 4 horses 175 The f 125 Power will drive any Threlnng Machine. Every Machine i guaranteed to give satisfaction, or tbe mono v win oe ret unuea. REPEHUXCKS. ' B.F. Giirris, ManhattarKan. rhiladeli-hia, PVn. Gixts. With two horses n y nr Anti-friction Power, we drive your N. 1 Mill,gnnd;ng 15 BcsH kls. OF cdks PES HOUR, and cut la'ge quant ty of hay at tho stime time. 1 have never soeu a power thnt runs with so little friction, and consequently with so little strain npon the horses. W.P.COOPER. Supt. Ittb 4 15th St. Past. R. R. Co. Clostkr.N. J. Jan. 29 1S32. -Mefpbs. Hksket BROTnERS, Genth. Iam very much nl&ifed with the Power. It runs easier thxn any other Power in this vicinity: and with the same hore will d. nearly, or quite twice as much work. I run my Thresher at l,5t)0 revolutions er minute, and a 24 inch Cross-cut taw, at I zfiii revoiuf i n. PETER J. WHITE. KrON ALL ORDERS KECEIVED BEFORE U.!T. lfT 18r52, THE FREIGHT WILL BE PRE PAID TO CHICAGO. OR AN V OTHER PORT ' ON LAKE MICHIGAN. KJ-Lihcral discount U dealers. Agents wanted. State. County, and hop Kiebts for sale. For tun her information send stamp fur I'lutrated Circulars to BLNNET BKOTHEKS", 42 and 44 Greene-St, New-York. August 8:h, ISfil. i.4-3m FRENCH'S CONICAL Washing Machines. . The most simple, durable, convenient aud economical article ever invented for tbe purpose. Will d tbe wahiur ut an ordinary family before breakfast. nt only savibe time bat clothe. By strictly following the printed directions, which are mmpie and etsy, it will wah, at one time, six shirtu, rir two dozen small article, is about tur or seven min- nJct. or tbeir eonivalent. Ewll tbe orlinary methods of cleaning flue fabrics, such as laces, lie., tbe rreitet care is required, wbile with tbis machine the m.t delicate article can be washed without the possibility of daaiaee Thee reoults are prdu.-ed by tbe anstast reaction the suds wbile the machine isiu motion. f Families laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, hospit als, asylums, boardie(-schits, on ships and steamers, and In tbe army, who bave tbee machine- in use, have sent in their tetimonits voluntarially, and the enco Biinmfof tbe Pre- are very aumeroua, some of which I have oublisaed inpamnhltu fwui. All la-kof t'.e Public is a careful examination of tii machine befoi e purchasing of others General Depot 419 Broadway, corner Canal St , Kew Tork. ' .... Price enly Tea Cellars. PHILIP FRKXCU, Proprietor, Address box 2SS3, JT. X. City P. O. Shingles ! Shingles ! ! - I would repectfully Inform tbe citisensof Nemaha county, that I shall endeavor to keep this market sup tl.eU with good Cottonwood &binnb?s. wBioh I will set forcaiUt or take Is txcusii CaUia, Qs, Wheat or ( JOHN 0. DUESER, MAIN STREET, BROWNYILLE, Jf.T., Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on band, a large and select stock or every at tide tn his line, cook: stoves, Of all the Improved patterns, viz : Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak, Valley I'or?e. Elevated Qven, Ac., &.Z., &.C., HEATING STOVE3, Box and Parlor Stoves of aa endless variety, some of which are entirely new deitrn. vit ; Combined Cook and Parlor Stofc. something very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECfAL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, (or S'ugar BoUeri, and LARGE CAST IRON KETTLES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LAYD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Brass, Copper, and seet Iron ware; Lantern Shovels and Japanned Ware, a , fcc. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CAMS! OF the latest and most im pro red Styles, cheap forea-h. I am prepared to put up cuMerlnr and spoutlns:, and all other work of my line at the sh.test notice, and iu a woi kmm like mauuer, which I warraut ta C.'.va satis faction. August 2,182. HELLO, STRANGER! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE ISTEW GOODSP AT J. BERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Ilare Jutt received, and are now opening, at their staud on Main atreei, one of tbe lar?ei stocks of DEY GOODS AND ever offered in this market. Be member tbe place. J. BERRY & CO'S. JSTo. XX, TUTaIxx atrootf BROWNVILLE. N. T. Kay 29, 1862. n47-tf LOOK OIT FOR. THE NEW GOODS ARE COMING ! A K D Will be Sold Chcnp for CASH OR PRODUCE. They Consist of a L irge Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, IIATS AXD CAPS, ' LADIES' HOODS, DRY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, MOTIONS CLOTH I XG. IIOSICIIV, DRAWERS, OVEUSHIRTS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWAEE. "WHISKr. TIKEOAB, BRANDY, IRON, NAILS, DOORa, SASH, PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS. in puts in mi. ror lThicli tlic III client Price will be Paid at DEN'STORE ! ! LADIES, . Save Your RAfJS, and Den will take Tii em in Exirhttng far Goods. ItfY TERMS ARE, SSIALL PROFITS, QUICS BALES, AND NO CREDIT. December 13th 1462. W. T. DKS. niiLVIiWM!LL! FREIGHTERS TO THE MINES AUD TBS WESTERN FORTS And the pu bile generally arsj respectfully Informed that his Kills are new ui excellent runiiiug rOr, turn ins out fnni $i to 15 acki pei day. lie has ibe best millers iu tb Territ ry. Tusr3XA"7ira"o pxouh (Admitted boib in C'lrado and Veb' aka to be unsur passed by airy f est of the Jt" isii.i pi River ) 1 made from tbe best mt Fall and Spries Wheat. nd i ao!d al as low prices as can he b'aioed iti ib erritiry. nisfl oritt kept for a:e at all tbs tore- in Bown. vilie. He is prepared to furaib f reiebiers. anl c.ti teas generally, with floor iroin either Fall or Si ring Wheat, and alntwiihaoy aatouirtof Cru Corn Heal and Buckwheat Flour at the iowot cah prices. Cntm Griudingdne atoneitib pe' bubel. lie desires tccajl tbeatteutioa of frelpbters to tbe adantacea ot BrowiTil e as a shipping point tthe West. Ka4 only ran any amennt or graio and fi ur be obtained bore cheaper than at any other p-unt iu tbe Territory, tut tte Marehanu cer hava laid La ttoa Saving recently lars aACUsM say stack, eenslsUiss of ADDLES, KARKSSS, COT.I.AiS. L1SE3. WAGON WHIPS. BUG3T WTTIPS,, OX LASUES. HOKSS LA SUES. STAGS LASUKS, EUBC1XGLK3. GIRTUi, BTISIiCPi, UA.XSX53, A.C., k. 1 think I can accommodate all In qwallttty, (juantlry and price. I wuik none hot best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries ta Ohio, teeicou- aueut u will give saUafactioa. Plasterer's Hair cn Hand Cheap. cash paid on xiides. s. w. mDDLirrojr. September IS, ISC3. c9.1y CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CL0THHIG Ever offered in this Market. SO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TBX Batimore Codling- Store, BROWNVILLE, IT. T. DAYID'TmGEEi, Announce to the publie that he "has opened cat a -tuck of READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, t CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. ITrprecedented In qnsntity, quality and prices. lie is determined bis r- ires sha I corret-poiid with tb Liroen, and there -3 .'r here in the West, at Jusi as low rites a su.i can be purchased acywbere in the United Stale. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from 01,25 up to $15. Pants from $1 to $7, Vesta from tl to $5. Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Fancy aud White Shirts. Sas- ders. Neckties, &Kks, Eandkercbiefs, &c., in the same proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. CaII and oo XxJLxxi. DAVID SEIGEL. Prownv!lle.Junel8. 1661. -ly LETT, STRICKLES & Co. 51 VIS STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consisting OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, O.-naburg, Denims. Cottorades, Airou Check, Hickory. Jeans, Berageb, Lioen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes aten Vestinp, Broad Clo'hs, Casdmere. Hooped Skirts, &c.,&.,&c. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molase Candle.', B. C. Soda, J aleratuf, Vineyar White and Brown Suear. Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, Iils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Fils, &c &c, &c. Sic, &c. &.C. OF QUEEXSW IRE: Cups and Saucers, Platen and Platters, Dishes and Turriblei Coal Oill Lartps, Lamp Chin iJeys, Wick- &.C., &c. OF BOOTS & SHOES: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&.c. OF HATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, ""Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &c.,&c.,&c. Of Farminu Utensils: Cradles. Hakes, Forks. Plows, Scythes, Snath Shovels, Spaaes. Hoes. &c , Sc. , &c. &c. OF LUilIilER: ... Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding;, Boards 1, 1 12 ami 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Door and Blinds. Pftie Lith, AU Sizes Sash. All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call thi attention of the public to etr stock, u eur CASH TEEMS ecab.e us to sell low. Tbackrul for past patronage, we so lid t a euntlnoanae t tbe same. LETT, STRICKLXR ii CO. CRY CQ0D3 AHD GTiCCERIIS! THEODORE HILL, I receiving, an4 will continue u reeetv daiiog the uwmar. one oc THE LARGEST AW X) BEST STOCKS 0 T mm warn r a m Neir Icrk, Philadelphia and St Lcnis. That has ever been exhibited ia tbe Western Goan try. embracing all tbe latest styles aad novelties of the umea. ILs siock mbracea . Dry Goods G'rocerlea, Ilardwsrc, Cutlery, Qaeenware, Iluta and Caps. Shakers . Uouta and Shoea. Lhor and Sah. GlaHtid Tntty, Jr'iue Fn mi tare, &c.f dc.( ic. Amsag his Dry Goads wt:i be found Prints Ginghams Lawns. Bareges, Brntva mid Dieached J Demees Stript-d Sheeting, 7Juslins, Cot- louaaes iioisiery, i.iovrt The Latest Style Hoop Skirts IVotioas, ic.f A.C. Gloves He has xnnch the Largest Stock of QUELNSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Affect for the Hannibal & Et- Joseph Ball H&od. Packet Line of bte&mboats. May 32. IS62. n-tf. UcCORLnCK' Eeaper and Hower UiNCFACTUSlD AT Oliloag Ot XXI. Thi celebrated mRcbine i bv all odds tbe BEST GRAIN ASD GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. H twitbi-tandiiig tbe mirepreenta:ions of thoe Inter ested in other macbiites. C. H. il cCormick h Bro. man. ufactnue at tbe rate or 8,000 per year, Many changei have been affected during tbe past season, and for 1U62 ihe "SlcCormick" is presented with greater attraction.. than ever before. As a reaper. THE ECOAOJIY OF POWER IS TaiS MACHINE, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give It preference over all others New improvement added have materially lessened tbe direct dranshl. and soobvi'd Ihe tide (trausht tbat many axiure ua tbat it dof a not now exist. Tbed.-ucbt of the Reaper is so lUbt that in numerous inotauces tbe larae lour horse uacluue U worked wiih but two hordes. FOR MOWING, . The Machine of lfc62 will Htand any tent tbat may be applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents chokintf, no matter what the coudiiiun of the arafcs. wniieour new divider pviut ieparates baldly ludged and tangled clover or gras, where other ma chines fail. There is also a great advantage in our serrated sickle ediie over ibe amMth. as it due not require sharpening so often, thun saving time. Our tickle will frequently run through an eMire harvest without ouce grinding, while ibe t-uiootb edue inut be ground once cch day, if not oftner With a oioth ertga tbe Iraught l:reae as ih knife bec mes doll. Our draught ia uniform, and in ibe repeated trial during tbe ceaon of I860 61. proved far lighter thsrti niugle Muwets, cutting at tbe same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be ued with or without the reel , tbis Is iaiportant, as without tbe reel it weighs but about 670 pounds. Iu addition to tbe very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we wouidsaya heretofore, tbat farmers who uuy deaire it, are at liberty to work our machine brough the harvest wiih any o'iier, and kep aud pay fur tbe one prferrei. Pamphlet with full description of improvements teatinRinials, au:., can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, Xlrownvillo, TO". T May IS, 1S62. ui5-tf NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICES TOUT JOHN A. PONN Is bow receiving and epeniar ott hi Srri Stock of Goods, eoaaii iaj of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe. Iron and Naifs, Flour acd B&ce& Queenswarc, Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doom, Window Glnss, etc., eic.eta. TTblch I will eeU ekeap for CASH 0E PEODtJCH Cs'J And examine niy stxk befcro parssaalss ehewhere. Erowavilia. April 21,1352, ai3'5a . ier'a Sarsaparilla. AsricBltml ' Caiiidrca zz Slender..' FOS SALE 221 and 223 Pr;h TZxt Street, Cb icago, 111. Prices, Wood $Zit, C.aJ 3TJ3, stasia siies otber si les in proportion, witb fre!i aJ-ie . from factory in New York to Chicago, The advantages of cooked over raw food 13 admit- -ted by al'. Tbe old way f boilia? in ket:ls is bot slow and expensive, so much so taht but few men d it. Something morepracti-al must be had. Stea; seemes tube tbe only alternative. The Patentee baa retaind ail the advantos of the Portable Cal oon for boiling, and dev;i Hi means of genera tins; steam suficient for ali purrxHe. It is simple anl practical, aud provea a PERFECT SUCCESS. w. n. rsi, Sole aent for Illinbis an i North-T7ejL ' 221 4 223 S. Water StCliosiT'.. Where will also be found Downs Jt C's Deep WciJ ' Pnmps, Force Cisterns, Chain and C mmon V"', Pamps, Thimble Skfns aDd Sad Irons, as wrl) as every vari. fy of Fartt'i'S Tool. Cart Iron C nt Sbellers, Feed ilill. Ha and Hatfrin Sca'.ea, Stove., A.C The above will be sold on account t.f the manufacturers, at their respa ctivefaatory price adding freight to this place. . . ! .' . t January 1S62. tf . : ; COIflLlERCIAL IJURSERY, E. H. BUECHES, ruopmrroa. I have long since been co ivinced of tki want of a rit class Nursery in the Weat, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, hct. Can be adapted to eur climate and soli. In view cf these facts, I have established la this place, and oer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, : A large and well selected stock, suited to tbis cliaiata, , of Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf . Cherries, standard and dwarf; Peaches. Plama, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince. Goosberries. Currents, Grapes, Raspberries Strawberries Blackberrie. ISvergreens, Shrubs, sosss, DahUas, Ornamental Trees. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would beg leave to call the attention of tbe people of Kebratka, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and Jvorta- et Missouri. 3-My terms will be as low as any reliable easier Nursery. By purchaiing of me the expense of transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner, for which a charge of the actual cost ill be made. No charge will be made for ttie Ceil vary of packages on board steamioats. All communications addressed. ) the unaereigaea will receive prompt attention March. 1S62. I. H. BCatUEJ. TEE DAY SCHOOL BELL. TUB DAT SCHOOL BELL. A New Sicjrtnf Book or Day Schools caied the DAT SCHOOL BELL, ia now eady. It contaHis abeut CiXhpsges of choke Sungs, So. s. Rounds, Catches, Duets. Trios, Quartets aa4 Cao-, many of them written expressly for this.rk, besides 32 pages of the Elements of music. The Ele ments are so ea.-y and progressive that ordinary ieca era will find themselves entirely sudesfu) in in.truct. ing even young scholars to sing correctly aud sciectiS. cally, while the tune-i and words embraces such a vari ety of lively, attractive, and soul stiring music sue sentiment that no trouble will be experienced iu ladu- cing all beginners to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in oneot tbe most beallh-civiug. beauty improving happinexs ieldiug, and order prxiueiug exerci.a oi school life. In simplicity of its Elements, is variety tud adaptation of music, aad iu excellence aad number of its songs, riginal, seleciel, aud claims by much to excel all compeutor. It will be found te be tbe bet book ever Issued for Seminaries, Academies, and Public Schools. A few sample pages of the, ele ments, tunes and nones sre giva ins circular; seca and get one. It is compiled by Horace waiara, author of Sabath School Bells." N s. 1 and 2, which have had ibe enormoua sale of 656 000 coyies. Price paper covars 20 cts., $15 per fcnudred; ooiiud cents-. $29 per hundred; cloth bonnl. einlxsd gut cents: J per hundred. 24 copie furaihed at the oue h.ua4i4 price. Maile-a fret at the retail pi k. notices or Tin: PRESS. The Dat School Bell The tunes a e lively, an such s may be eily mMMeted by ciii:lren. The pirl of the Kaon i uuexceptijuable anl well a.fapie't U the bcLuo! room. It is tbe cheapest anl amun"t the oei mpeti'ls of school music published. -.Vcte lr4 Teacher, Dat school RtU Tbis book Is eminently aaaptet to u.- e in our cummuu m-Ii'Is. We have a geat nuu:berof school sng bonks before the public but many of item Uck innical as wel I a bte rai-y taste, and are real iy demoralizing in their influ ence trr-on tbe musical talent of tbe youug. Airs of c- knowieczod excel leuce. wedded to wori r true pv-try are the qualities thit ought to be sought wiih the great er t care in the prep iratiou ot a school s. nj b. k. TMs twok se -ms to combine t-e tw o.a'Uies. Pcnm-j' vara a School Journal. Pubiisied by nORACS rATl3. liiJ.ljr N. A roadway. New Tr. THE iiakp or riirxnoM. how ready, a no v and tuperior elleetin of 27 Anii- Slavery, Patri f ie, and "Contraband" sonya, s.los, ducu, quartet,' and chome. 5bi3t of tiie Poetry and Jlusic bus been written expressly for this work, to correspond with the times, and aou',3 be sang by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest in bebalf of the "Contraband.-','' whom God, in bis providence, has east upon tbe Free Nortii clothe and edacate. COXTKNTS, Ft PUT. "Fair Frecdom'a Horn has dawned tt Uit: "Break the Chains, o4-- ''ancijAfinjr Sword f "P'remmt is Marchin on, or. UU-ry Hullelujah ; Oh ! Eelp the 'Contraband V;" Hlld John Prown'g Song;" "Sonp: of tbe 'ContrabaKds';" H Let my People Go ; I'armly on the Song of the 'Contra bands'; "Where Liberty Dwells it my country f Wben Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;' - Wake, Freemen. tJod has rpokea "Whitticr's suppressed. Song of Freedom," cte. Price only i eenta single, 53 cents per dosn, Z per 100 ; postage 1 cont. ilOIiACE W1TEHS, Pob:i3ber. ull-ly 431 liroadwsy, New York. SADDATII SCHOOL DELL 0. 2. - 75.000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of it3 Futlicatioru It isaa entire N-sw Wor. of nearly 200 pa;cj. Many of the Tunes and Uyrnu3 were wri:tea ex pressly for this Volume. It will soon be ai pcpulax as its predecessor, (Bell No. 1 ) which has run i? ta the enormous turn jerof 575,000 copies ia Z inn;l, ont?tripping any Su.nday School L'xi tf itssixs is sued in this country. Ais j, both volume are U-o-jl in one to aceemmodate sctools wihinth:a ia thai form. Pi ices of Bell No. 2, papr covers, latent, SliperlOQ. Bound, 25 reiits. dlSperlSO. Cb tlx bound etntcesed gilt, 3D eeaU. $112 per 109. Cell No. 1, jjafxr covers, 12 cents, $10 per 10 0. Doucd 21 cents, $13 per 100. Cloth bosu-i ca.'xj;d gi-t,2i eects,$20 per 100. BolltNos. 1 and 2 lur,i gethw 40 cents, f 30 per hundred. 25. copies fur nished at the 100 price. Ckta Vucd embossei giI1i,50cBU,40 'per 10 J, ILLil . postiige free al the retail jcice. EOHACE WATEHS, PuUUher,. Hl-ly No. 431 Broadway, New York. , FRUIT AMD ORNAMENTAL TREH3. SCO.OOO Apple Trees, 4 years eld, $3 per hundred $59 per thousand. 75,000 Standard Pear Tree, S te 3 years eld, $23 per hundred, )230 per thousand. 20 COO 1 year old Diana Grape Tines. $! per hundred $100 per thousand. l&) 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $S per hundred, per thon.and. These Pear Grafts, not being bulkv, cm tv9 transport, ed cheaply, ant ty growisg two years, will makrvd sired trees to plaat in an archard,. Any one can trs&i tbeir money by growing tbem to sell. Send for WImW sale and Descriptive Catalogues. ' E. MOODT h. SOf. . n51-3ia Niaara Nurserie, ioctport, N. T. LnHEOR OF FASHIOIL The lr2es.t, bst and zaoat reliable Fahioa Jiras.ea in the World. Ct:traiiis the iarce-t au-j s.-!e-i Sr'x- hin Plaea. te greatest naioler.f Qr enar.vmf, the laiert awl mct re'ish'e inf jrnati.n, ib- f .fu'.;-ue.1 P--ien for Lre5?ev an-la tbix. ot cw I ai-l-wi i i aj t I ra broiiierinj Pattiruft. Kvery As .i her, 31.U liner aat Iitty i-huld kv e it. - Pno .j-t.e:l Q j - ' j.i 413 Broadway, Nesr Yo! t, s-! 1 ere j w', .t ,-. , mail at SStenij.. Terly SI, witna val'.3 f. . Til 2,-n;Br lamasr isw rf . aVaoatakar 13, IIU. aA-Xf m tesw er?)r t nj' ej pec