Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 31, 1863, Image 2

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    I ' ' ' i i imiiii ; J t mill Urn llTHmn IIIT'
The News.
A-tveek atro there
teemed to be a
. itrdnrjj "probability that important battles
Tvouli "fought immediately by the
Artny of the Potomac, by Rosecrans in
iVnn'essee, and by the army in North
Oarolina. Now the prospect is entirely
ch'anlred, so far as the Army of the Po
tomac is concerned at least. , The tele
. . m 1a J 1 U A t a n V TT W a ri SMI a
rnofements. One would state that
air attack was to be made above rreu
ericfcsburg, the next that it would be be
low Predericksburg; then that the army
were ciovinj were crossing, the 'river
wre fighting that Hooker was mor
taly wounded that the Rebels had sent
many thousand soldiers to Tennessee and
North Carolina, and that victory was al
most certain. ,. Nextihe news, comes that
en account of heavy rains, and a sudden
rise in the River, it was. found impossi
ble, tq. cross, and as the Rebels had now
been .apprised of the contemplated at
tackr'and a surprise could not be affected,
thcrewould be no attack at present. It
is feared by many that the Army of the
Potomac is almost totally demoralized.-
Some say 6n the eve of rrmiiny." It
was indeed almost a mutiny at tha battle'
of EheAericksborg. They did not posi
Hreiftefuie to obey Burnside, but the
cCcers in mass opposed LU plan of the
battle ; he! gave way to the pressure and
was defeated. It is now thought ;the
U( ki J a a 14 S IV WVJ, (4 gVK 1 I llltt IVA
irig te defend Washington, and the re-'
rnainder sent to the army of the Missis
sippi, to North Carolina and to Texas.
Burnside has . been superseded by Gen.
Hooter. Reasons not yet understood.
It.seems to hare been his own request,
j The Rebels are" making great prepa
rations., for defending . North Carolina
They think" the seat of war will be trans
ferred tp that State.-.
i .Butler is to be sent "back to New Or
leans.; The Pre sident is convinced there
is. no other 'man in the United States
with .the executive ability to command at
that post so well as Butler. .Banks is to
be 8f nt to Texas. , ;
t Grant and McClernand are now mak
ing arrangements for a combined attack
qpcnTickiburg. This point is greatly
reinforced,, but if we can now take it, it
will be -so much the greater blaw to the
rebel,'. ...
vlt.fa reported that Louis Napoleon, on
wiYears,day. intimated to Slidel that
the. rebellion had fa secure its in
dependence ; that it probably could not;
that.jXvras the interest, of.Eurppe, and
epecially France, that the AVar should
come to a speedy close. and that France
was in favor of the , Union being pre
served. . It.ia i -thought from this by many
that .France, intends to offer mediation,
and that she will favor a reconstruction
of the. Union. , It is asserted that Horace
Greely is in favor of inviting France to
cflTe'r tnediatioa.
Territorial Items. : r
'The Omaha 'Republican says : '. , :
. Gor. Saup&ers has appointed and coni
rnissioped Capt.. Baumer;of this city, as
Eieui.-CuI,'of the l?t Nebraska. Capt.
Bwhs made an excellent officer, and the
promotion , is well deserved. "
r It al.?.oL?ays':. r "; - '.r : V
Personal. Gov. Saunders will prob
ably leave for Washington City "during
the early part of the present week,' on
buisnVss connected with the interest of
trie-Territory. ' ' 1
The jYebraskian devotes, as usual, a
Column or two to abusing, blackguarding
id'slaridering 'the 'Administration.' It
tfgreTes with Jeff: D. that Liurola's Proc
lamation is a very lad thing. . -J w
Iu'epeaking of the New Gold Mines it
tays specimens of gold-bearing quartz'
from" Grasshopper creek, at ' the head
waters of the Missouri,1 above the falls.'
have reached St. Louis. t The specimens
are froraa discovery just m ade, taid to
be ihe richest ever 'discovered on the
tniinent,' yielding' at the rate of 6.000
per ton. A rich place ,hasi also-lum
ffrstovpTemfir Hie vicinity, which promises
an abdndent yield."
. , , . " 1 .. ."
The Nebraska City At-tr publishes a
long letter from the new mines in the
mountains, representing
them as
richest "in the world.1
; The' J'ews takes 'certain 'of, what it
(erms the 'abolition press," lo task; . for
eiisst&tetoente.," It denies that . Medary,
Mahoney,' Olds,' or Paschall ever uttered
'pae word which savored of opposiiion'to
the war, until the war ivas sought to he
parried on for a purpose entirely idilu'r-
ent from that for. which it begun." The
readers of the Crisis, St. Louis Rejmbli
can,1 and the other, papers edited by those
men, know very .'well,', if the "etcs does
QoilVjhatr' they .opposed the war at! the
very siaxi, me 2i. i-.uui3 i."uuiu.un
denounced President Lincoln for calling
cut the 75.000, men to protect Washiog
too 'j pronounced it unconstitutional, "and
stated that Missouri would not furnich
one sofdier to assist in coercing, the. South.
Thft vVfrr 'asks: "Will'Samuel G.
Daily inform Congress that his constitu
f ccy not; desire to be admitted as a
Title t cr will he. let the fnensure pass
vi'.Loui -a wirJ of 'femoastr&nco V '
JIcvt do yea know that III. 'Daily
constituents do not desire to be admitted
as a State ? What does the JWtcs mean
by trying to hinder a measure cf so much
benefit to our best interests ? The 'peo
ple of Nebraska will gladly welcome the
opportunity of forming a Staie Constitu
tion. J, .; '
The Press devotes a leader to. the
question, "Why not stop the War ?V
From the Prest we larn that Lieut.
Robert Mason has been appointed Quar
termaster for the South Platte.
The Ca-s County S:ntinel. in its last
numbertakes occasion to write a "lead
er" on the fact that tome person had
seen proper to discontiue his subscription
on account of its supposed secession ytn-'
paties. . The Sentinel consequently piles
up epithets in the. following mitiuer: ;
"A poor, miserable vassel of abolition
fanaiicim an abolition secessionist, an
advocate of free-love, and a nigger-equality
slaus-w hangar, a proselyie of . that
philanthropic" affiliation, whKii, to en
frnllchie the 4Aruerican citizens of Af-
rirnn 'dtscpnt." would commit murder,
robbery, and ort-on, a notorious scandal
monger and a a?e coward. lie is a
i.iere iii!rmv--tiot canahle of da'ui' harm
to any one. ard too much of n coward to
do ha rin even if he Iiad the capahility ;
belongs to than hideous class ot deu mi
acs, who are tisins every ineans'in ; iheir
power to overthrow the rights and liber -tis
of th people, and deservrs at leat
a part of ihr? scorn and contumtily which
ia abotit to overA'helin the affiliation of
which he is one."
Froa th Farmer. "...
; ; Herding Cattle.
WTe publish an article in this number
of. the Fanner, on herding cattle in Illi
nois. Would it, not be .well for some of
the farmers of Nebraska to consider this
subject this wiuier, and if they think it
will pay, try jho. experiment, .next sum
mer. There is not enough timber in
tome portions of Nebraska to feuce the
land ; yet if it was not for stock, fences
would not be needed. It has been argue I
ly many that it would co far less to
fence up stock than to fence gra.'n field?.
In some parts of Europe you may travel
for days through open fields and gardens,
without having to cross a fence ; horses,
cattle, iheep and hogs all; being either
fenced up in fields from which they
could not break, or eUe kept in pens.
Here, in Nebtaska, farming would be
comparatively cheap if the expense of
fencing was dispensed with. Farmers
that have large numbers of stock could
hire tbtni herded for about one dollar
per head, they, could keep their hogs in
pens or fields made on purpose ; (hogs
deriv'e but very little benefit from run
ning at large oh the prairie ;) aud their
milch cows could be enclosed in small
lots. In this Ray fencing for corn and
wheat fields could all be dispensed with.
Of course all thought of doing without
fencing grain telds would be nonsense in
any neighborhood as long as any animal
was allowed to run at Jarge.
We are aware that many,' perhaps a
majority of farmers are opposed to herd
ihg their stock. We doubt whether an
eutire coinrnunity can be found anywhere
in Nebraska in favor of it.. Yet there
are many of the best informed citizens
who are in favor of it. We 'make these
suggestions fn'r the purpose of elicitin
discussion on the subject. It, is argued
by those who favor the project that if it
was only once thoroughly tried, it would
b' found so economical that nobody would
afterwards oppoe it. . T. (
-, 'f
Fro3 Cien. Craig' Division.' ',
r"i' ' ' Fokt II AM.ECK. "Nebraska.
. : . i ; JMDoarjr frh.. 185.1.. Jr
' By this time I am prepared to speak-
knowingly of many important facts, and
hope the nation may profit thereby. ;
,We are doing, good "work" for the
restoration of the Union and. the, anni
hilation of Injuns." Fishtin? is our
came. " We are desperate! War is 'ter
rible, but I am happy to' state we are
safe, after '.sleepiug" on arms for seve
ral, months, in the enemy's own co intry
We have 'not raptuaed a fbiomb nor
lo-t a m4n.. What'commitid hWs bhlen
more fortunate? Let praise be awarded
Where priise is dcc! j . ,. ,..
I feel i' my duty to ask for a favora
ble enns-idpratvn f - laims Tor "com
mander of the Federal 'Army, at my ex
tensive Rocky Mono ain mili'ary xper
ience, would oon end the war. If he
General now commanding would 'reirn,'
will you stnd on the name os.Theophilu?
LovegooJ.i : It may be thought prematujre
to take action- at this ttme but I have
heard of a "good thing" being lot. often,
by vbahfiilness." The Nation hus been
on the look-out.for a Napoleaii. and it is
right to continue changing Generals un
til he is found. ' The Lordonly po.-ies-ses'
potive light on the subjpct. '. The
president has ;been doing the best in his
power to fimj a Napolean, but his light
has been frbc the East. Mope he may
look ,'to Sledicine JJow Mountain for a
"little;" and also to the power above.
In presenting my name to ihe Presi
dent, for the position indicated, be espec
ially cuiiou's to consual the fact of my
being anyVejation to ,Sut," because, if
not dead , he would have been a. "rebel."
Yon might remark, that l am' peculiarly
adapted for the field, and opposed to fall
ing b;r unless the .'fire" is tod hot," or
the kcurity of my life required, ' it.
This part of a battle I. understand,, as
well as any man, living, or dead. "Strong
arafunent". U will bV dfeag ' Wat th?
"family," embracing Mrs. L. six child
ren, and one at the bosom, have fine time.
War is a terrible thing to men, but lots
of "good fitting" to women, and "little
ones.;' As soon as I am called ta-the
head of affairs of this mighty people,
the old lady, I mean Mr. L.; will cut a
dash ahead of ''Bob-Tail," and he, you
know, dashed his infernal brains out.
Her head is loo thick for such a thing to
happen, or it might be she would meet
with the same fate. She is good heart;
ed, but it is said "a fool for luck." and
this may be the case 'with her. But. I
will be General, even if she does' loose
her brains, or hsr "hea."
TniopniLcs Lovecood.
Fur the Advertiser.
On Picket New-Year's Etc.
. Can one be hnju in a Ionolj ip t,
With do boon fallows pave the Atari and trees.
To abare the fa?or of hU fated lot,
. And dance to musio of the frost j broeie ?
To itand and shirer all tbe winter night,
And think of hoars when oarenhall not aggrieve ;
To ee no mi!e except the struglin light
Of Luna, glancing o'er the New-Year! Eve ?
Awaj from camp, from all the world a aj,
While thoughtj of former times hM mind assnil ;
Home, audit Dietn'rieigwcet, bichiliho-.d day,
0 And toyhood'a tone of ftarjuajJin' tide.
.i .
And wenr seeming, ivhen he longed to be
The man in law, and statue, a to roam
Abrond 'XuIiing,o'T the reitleai sea,
. Or lire a warrior all ths lioia to come?
When hours of ycuih hare all forever ped,
E'tn premature, and all their fl.iwera are sere ;
When hopes that lured him on, are lying djud,
To pass furerer, with the djing year ?
Can 01.0 be cheerful ia an hour like this,
When anj moment some lifesceking bait
May put quietui to his dr. a in of b U',
And when be wonders if tbe circle where
lie erst ws known, so full of joy to-nig'it,
Rcei'rre him tbooghtr, and keep 1 is Y.icant chiir
lo it place noted, near the flro so bright?
- j.
There c mfort reigns and pa iee, while in the cold
Where danger lurks, a serpent, he mut stand,
To brood o'er mcui'ries of the yiars of old,
And watch the foe e'en in hu native land ?
Can he be joyful vrben ha viws the soens.
Where centra all .1 bepes of happiness,
Though ini)j,. wcarj- mi'e may intervene, .
And d.ij of ip, e'er he fiudg the lace ?
i ;
It insy be pUasant io tbe future tim",
When f words are plow? ' , anl his country's
With Peace is crowced, to talk of deeds sublime.
And picket hourji, but 'tis not pleasant now 1
Cam?, Mo. O.II. T.
A correspondent of the St. Louis Dem
ocrat gives Brig. Thayer the following
well deserved notice. Messrs. Blacker
and Whitton, of Nebraska City, are also
spoken of in terms of praise:
"The sally upon the enemy's works at
V lcksburg was one of the most brilliant
exploits of the present war. For a long
lime icksburg hat stood as one of the
sroiiit bulwarks of Rebeldo"i. The
best artillery and the moVf s-killful artil
lerists i in the world are there, whiLt
plenty of infantry -lie wahin supporting
d. stance of th already well appointed
garrison.. Without knowing anything- of
the strength at Vicksbuig whether
Grant was threatening the enemy in
Missisnppi, behind Vicksburg or not j the
attack was made. Our trucps fou 'ht
witn neroic oravery. . ,
It U not unfit that the brave men that
led this brilliant sally should have a place
in the current history of the war. I
propose in this connection to give you a
short sketch of Bri. Gen. John M.
Thayer, the most prominent of tlnsewlio
led the gallant storming party into the
enemy s works at Chickasav B ulls.
General , Thayer was born in Massa
thusetts, near Boston. 'He went from
bis naliye State to the Far, West, and
Settled in the Territory of Nebraska,
when it was being opened for shi lenient
Soon after he'seuled in. Nebraska, he
was tendered and accept the position of
Major-Genral of the n lima force of the
Tt-rriti ry. He at once set about: to: or
ganize the militia of the Territory, and
procure the necessary legislation to its
organization. In the summer of 1859
there was an outbreak among ihe InJi
dians,' and the Pawnee tribe became
warlike and troublesome. The settlers
were obliged to leave the interior and fly
to the river town for sa ety. General
Thayer organ z-d his forces, compoel
of about two hundred men and one , piece
ot artillery, aud inarched upon the Indi
ans. The result was that 'he whole
tribe was captured, aud piece anl quiet
vvere.restortd io the border. :
At the commencement of the present
war ne tyas appoin-d Uolonel of the 1st
Nebraska Retiimeut, which has diitin-
iuished itself upon the batile.fie!dj i f
LLuuUn' aad Shilo. It js owin to
idficient mahaeinent that the regiment
enjys the high reputation it does. Upon
the organization of the reiiiment he ap-
plied . immediately for actiwe service.
He was ordered to Fort Leavenworth.
where. .his regiment , was armed and
equipped. Since that time its history is
well known. '
At D neJson. Gsn. Thayer commanded
a brigade, composed of eight regun -nts
of infantry and one battery. ' II- re
lieved Gen. MiClernand atatri'ical pe
riod, and repulsed the last sally of' the
en-ray at Dohelso.'
At shilo he also commanded a brigade
arid became, in the changing fortunes of
that ,'well fought battle-field, the com
mander of tqe extreme right. It wits at
this time he defeated a flank movement
of tb? enemy, which, if successful, would
hav$ .produoek disaster to our arm. '
Genl Thayer was appointed a Briga
dier by ihe President fur "distinguished
services," after the adjournment of the
last Congress. He now commands a
brigade in the expedition affhinst Virks-
burg,' and distinguished himself in lead
ing his brigade into the enemy's works.
Such an officer should at one be given a
better command. At Donelson and Shi-
loh he showed himself competent to han-
dre a divisionand these bright evidences
of his worth and ability are sufficient
guarantees that he would serve his coun
try, more advantageoujly with a larger
command. He , is wprjhy cf c Major ,
wsaerajitaip v.... . . . r
New Yobk, Jan 23. A letter in the
Herald states that Acting Master Par
tridge, of the gunboat Hatterass, who
was ordered to board the Saratoga steam
er ofT Galvesmn, ssays, that he had not
shoved off the ship's length before the
Alabama poured .in her first broadside,
which was immediately replied to by the
Hatteras. This occurred just at dark.
As the first broadside was exchanged both
vessels steamed ahead, ide by side, ex
changing broadsides a fast as the guns
could be loaded and fired, and within a
short distance of -ach other. .Partridge
was pulling ahead all the time, and en
deavoring to reach his vessel, but did nut
succeed. He says the cannonading last
ed thirty minutes, when he heard the
sound of musketry, and by dim ol hard
pulling he came again in sisrht of the
vessels and found them stopp d, with the
Alahama alongside and the Hat'eras
blowing off steam. He had heard cheers
from the Alabama, proving that the
Hatters had been captured by boarding.
Deeming it best not to be taken prisoner
he returned m the direction of the squad
ron aud was picked up.
Specials siatn that a list of more than
eighty army officers has been prepared,
who are to be summmly dismissed from
the service for violation of army regula
tions, by , ue of improper language in
reference to their superiors, and the
Commander-in-Chief, in connection with
the removal of Gen. MtClellan and the
Court Martial and sentence of Fiu John
Porter. '
N'AsmrtcTOjf, Jan 28 A scence oc
curred in the Senate Yesterday. Du
ring a lively discussion. Salisbury spoke
disrespectful of the President, calling
him aii imbrcile. The Vice President
called him to order, but he refused io
cume to order, and the Sargeant-at arms
was directed to take him into custody.
Mr.,Saulshury went out with that officer
freely displaying a revolver.
CAino. Jan. 2S The steanipr Ruth
nas arrived from Memphis. Troops are
being daily transferred to transports and
sent to Millikiu's Bjnd Gen. Grant
expected to leave on the 27th, indicating
an arly advance on Vicksburg. Th
Memphis Bjlletin of Monday his sonii -ern
news to the 19di. Gen. Joseph E
Johnson has command of the whole
Western Department, and is massing an
lmiueuce force at Vicksburg. In an
eraergeney it is believed hi can coven
trate 150,000 meu fr defense. The
rebels are determined to stake every
thing in an effort to bold that place and
Port Hudson, and keep open communica
tions with Louisiaua, Arkan-as and
Texa. The fortificaMous at Port Hud
son are completed, and the rebels feel
quae confieent in their ability to h Id
these two stronghold. It is the inten
tion of the Guv run ent io hold m.t of
the large houses in Mmph:s for hos
pitalsenough to make rom for 6,500
At latest ad. ices McCIernand's force
and squadron hud reached Young's Point
twenty miles above Vicksburg.
St. Louis, Jan. 28 Rebel officers
captured at Arkauns Post, numbering
350, including Gen. Churchill, 10 Col
onels, 30 Lieutenant Colon-Is and Major.-,
have betn sent to Camp Chase, Co
lumbus. Wamiisgtox, Jan. 23 Sesate.
Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire, offered
the following :
Wheueas, Wilard Saulsbury, Senator
from the State of;tre, did. on the
27ih inst. bring into the Senate a con
ce?led sveapoti, aud did then and there
behave in a turbuient and disorderly
manner, and .when called to order by
the Vice President, kid refuse toobserv
order, and. conilnu d'his turbulent and
disorderly behavior until ordered into the
custody of the Serjeant-at-arms, and did
make threats to use the said weapon,
aud to shoot the Sergeaut-at-arm in the
presence of the Senate, and behave in a
manner disgraceful to the Senate aud
destructive to order and d . -coram, There
fore, . ' ' ' ' ; '
Resolved, that the said Willard Sauls
bury belaud he hereby is expileJ from
the Senate of the United Stages.
Air. Salsbtiry said. '"I neither avow nor
disavow what is cLared. Let the proot
be made to the Senate and let the Sen
ate act accoeding to its own judgment "
In the Htme 'a. matter to bty on the
table the bill for the unploym.'nt of sol
diers of African descent was disagreed
to, 53 to 8t. The House also refused by
a vote of 32 to 103 to iefer it to the Mil
itary CoMumttee. Sv.Tal o'her in -tions
to delay the action of the bill were
determined adversely by a yeas and nays
vote. - . ; .
.c. ffzvr York, Jan. 27.
The Saxonia. from S juthhin,ton ihe 14ih
has a rived1 " Na'pjleo.i h'td distinctly in-
Hiiiaied to Mr. Djy ton, his refusal io sub
mit any proj oitio i. Fnce wo ild be
flourishing ir ti) Amero'jin war hd nn
dri'd up one of the most iruiitul . sources
of our nidus ry. I have attempted li
seud beyond the Atlantic a ivicj insireA
by sincere symphathy, but the ureal
inaratiiue powers n t thinking it advisa
ble to act as yet, I am obiijed to post
pone to a more sni aide opportunity, "and
offer a iii'-diiation. the i.bject of which is
to stop the effusion of blood and to pre
vent the exhaustion of America, whose
future cannot be hxked upm with . in
difference. .
Wa uingtoit. 27th.- The R 'venue
bill which pa-sedihe house Vr Sterday au
thorizes the Ser.ret uiy of the Trea.-ury t
borrow.300 000,000 for the current fiscal
year, and 600.000.000 for the next fiscal
year to issue therefor coupons, or ngis
ter d bonds, payable at the pleasure of
the Gjvernm ut, after 23 years, ii coin,
payable Semi- aunually in coin. He may
at his diccretion dispose of such bonds at
any time, and.on such terms as he may
deem advisable for lawful United States
money, or for any certificates of indebt
edness, or any trea.-ury notes, heretofore
issued or which may be is ueJ under the
provisions of ibis act. Atl'such issues to
be exempt from taxation by oa under
State authority. No greater sum than
6900 000.( 00 of bonds treasury notes.
and United States notes shall at any tini
be outstanding. It is further enacted that
the Secretary of the Treasury be author
ized to $400,000,000 of treasury
no'es, bearing interest not exceeding six
per centum, payable semi-annually in coin
the principal payable at any um after
years frpaiditfe, , c.t$td bs ra- ,
livable for internal duties and all de
mands due the United States, except for
imports holders to have the privilege of
exchanging the same, with accrued inter
est, for an equal amount of legal tender
notes, and such treasury notes as may be
used by the Secretary nf the Treasury at
par value in payment of lawful creditors
of the United States. .The Secretary of
the Treasury is also authorized to issue
$300,000,000 of U. S. notes, not bearing
interest, in sums not less than one dollar,
which notes are to be lawful mmey and
legal tender. Fifty millions of fractional
currency is also auihorized. Deposits of
coin with the assistant treasures, and the
issue of certificates therefore is provided
for such certificates to be receiveable
at payment of duties on imposts.
Washington, Jan 24. A gentleman
connected with foreign legation ju.t
received a letter stating that the Freu-h
goveruient had opened a correspondence
with the British Cabinet about the Ala
bama's depredation, that Drouyu De L
Huyi' opinion is that th coLStnt of
England to fitting out and ; launching
privateers is a direct violation of the
letter and spirit of the treaiy of Paris,
and . constitutes a breach of , the law of
Nations. It also states that the British
Cabinet had taken the matter under con
sideration and was tryiug to extricate
It is reported 'the French have been
repulsed and driven lack from before
Pur bU with great loss: Berecthe-'s van
guaid 4,000 strong completely suprised
ly bOOO Mexican cavalry. Two thou
sand French troops killed and wounded
and several officers caught with the lasso
and dragged olf. The French prospects
look exceeding bad. They can
supplies from; the country and are
suirouuJe' by a inOit determine enemy
would watch every opportunity to take
advantage of them. Tneir soldiers
straggl ng from camp are lassoed daily.
The small pox in .'most miltglant form
hs broken out at Vera Cruz.
Salt Lake Jan 25. Col. Conner
wiin 30J cavalry .left ; camp Douglas at
sun-dowii on an expedition north to
chastise the ' Indians. Owe company of
Infantry with 2 howitzers and a train of
15 wag ns left fn advance Tnuraday.
Six hundrtd Snake Indians ate n ar
Bear river 100 miles north bthnid breast
works of atone and brush protected by
rifle-pits. Tney Lave, recently become
ouiraueo js, murdenug aud robbiug the
Bcnver Head miners and bidding defi
ance, to the '; soldiers. If they make a
ataud they will . be terribly punishtd.
V AbuiKGTOK, Jan. 25 The Richmond
Examiner of 23d editorially on the sit
uation of affairs admits that Lincoln's
pledg once deemed so foolish hy the
Soutn, that he would occupy, held aud
possess the Forts belonging to the U. S.
has-been redeemed almost to the letter.
It seems doubtful about the Mississippi
valley and says if within the next two
mouths we don't add 100,000 meu to our
forc in the southwest Ave shall come to
grief, but if we do add them we are sate
bcyuud a doubt. .
Cairo, Jin. 24 Information from
below to-night says there was no resis
taice by rebels either at DuvalHa Blulf or
S:. Cuarles. The rebel fortifications at
the former place were entirely destroyed
by our fotces. T.e enemy, discouraged
by the ill late of Arkansa Post, seemed
to have abaudoricd all idea of resistance
on White river.
Washington. Jan. 24 In Senate to
day a bill was introduced establishing the
uue of Pacific R. R. to its branches
Referred to select committee.
New York, Jan. 27. A Tribune
correj'pondeiit says upon Gen. Butler's
arival at New Urleans, to resume com
in vug. of the D.-parnufUt of the Gulf.
Banks will Le ordered to Texas, at the
head of a sufriaut loree, for the purp of
ot assisting iheUmon men in that State
to restore it to the Union as a free Com
monwealth. Washington, Jan. 27ih. The bill
which pissed the Senate povules S30,
QOQ io be appropiated for the protection
of emigrants by "the overland routs to
the Mutes and Territories on the Pacfio
coat $19,000 of it to be apjlieJ lo tlie
proieciion of , emtgrants on the route via
Fort Abercromhie and Fort Butou.
A 1 LiL), - .
At Tifui!"TilIe, Kj., by llir. tf. II. Dacbsiit, Mr.
tous C. Dki ukk, of ttr..-r.iille, . T.. ui HU
cLaTK MA.KUAttii.Tr Uktek of Louisville.
Uuu by on th si beiii kauwa o!J baohvlor?,
are cea.-g)( to exist. It hu ntr boc-ta our duty
tucbrouicld the fat of J!r. 1eiek. Though bo
has nut committed tuicMe; jit, from following a
Chritliam custom, ad a bachelor bo wt!l b knowo
n more. IIw titnient aro U jb!aoi7 thiof.
AlthdUh lst to the fr&ternitj .f bachelor, their
lo t will ba oth.8gin. Mr. Dvk exuecU iocreeJ
o:ivitr ia his bu:ine? of mauuficturin furniture,
ueh ai bcdHetli, cr Ji3?, Aj.
Wo hA7 to aokaovlJa th rajeipt of ft Vottle
of wine, aud o:h3f g w 1 t.hiu,j3. ' ' V
At Xemahn Citr, Jaoawrjr 27th. of conjestie
fv r MAKra Ljjkwoju, wife of Uxvn L k,k
mtooU, (riu i'uyik Canty, S. Y. Ad if ycs.
X IttJUlhi, ud IS jlS. ,
On the 22 i inn., of Lnnj FeTer, Al.!:a!D. inTtnt
da of Mr. aud Sin. JustPil t'osTu, ot luu pUje.
At Washing City. .I.Muirj 13th, of drop'ay of
till ho irt, v.koW rili.ii.ij, u of Ttii.ian T. nnd
Murjr E. Scott. 3 ih, 1 1 in taitis iu 1 IS t y
All intttrfl'tted arj hereby informal tht the School
Eiitui ikts will maet on tbe tirst M n Uj of e.ieb
iu.nh. for the exuniiiHtioa of school rcithers, at
thd oSo vf Mr. lioaiily, i 2 o'clock f. M.
U.-il. ltitfXS.i
A.O UHiTK, V S.hool Exanainen.
L. 110AULY, )
January 3 tit. 18 J J.
n29 ly
Utrnjr' Notice.
Taken np fry tbe undersigned, livinj oa the bot
tom between MrownviJe aud Nemaha City, in Ne
m iha eonnty, Nebraska, on the 1st day of January,
Ht53, one dark red cotr with white faje, short tail,
a-ut six or st-ren years old : alsj on-j briodle cow
with white lace, whito hind feet, aboul six or sevrn
years old. T. S. WAKO.
. January 17th. 1S53. n2:-aw-3.00
K ray Notice.
, Taken npby the undersigned, livinj two miles
uthweiit of Browuville, in Nt-miheounty, Nebrs
ki.on thh firt day of Januaiy, 1SS3. one dark Fil
ky, with c me. white hairs in tho forehead. Has
been wounded in the left hind lejr.
Janatry 17thr1831, n27-3w-$l,!0
f!ia lat nf Sn: m!ir a hroiti A ht. with A T hmml
on bis left ile ubtMit Sight j eats old J bad!-'; urisht
borno. and a lnz hhru nx-k.
Any person teljiitiirg the x or ftivir.s; intortnatlon
laulug iwbU recovery, w;ltb9Ulart!!7 rewicrle l.
Notice to City Tax Payer.
All are requested to catt on lie City Suvdl, and
pay their taxes UniaedUte:?.
W. VT.HACrXSr, IlanaaU
Janury Ji, 1564.
Tbe Co-pirtnerghip heretofore exliting under the
name and slyla or Lett, Siritiier & Co., ia thia day dia
aulved by nsotua! c -njent.
Tbe tuine-i of aiJ firm will be settled by Brown Jc.
Strtckler, u lioin ail debta dne tbe house muat a
pa.d. EKSRT C. LETT,
A bay mare, three years Md. bont fourteen and a
ball banrtf blgh. bac a blaze on tbe face, one hind foot
white. Has a brand on left ahouMer, which i difficult
to desrile. - Any ono tet limine tbe mare to tbe resi
dence o the nudersUned, near Nemabft City, or arifinj
Informal Ion tuat will led to ber recoTery will be lib
erally reward!. JOliX STRAl.V.
Octiber 28:b, 1S62 ... nl5 tf
' " "Correct with spirit, eloquent with eaf,'
lutent to reason, or plit- to pleaia."
It I with no fear of War effect upon their lite
rary fortune. tbtthe publisher of Tun New York
MckCi RT -xn'-Tl tla tha uoaverin, loyalty of
thfirtwo hundrel tb u'dnl ub- riber. and an
nounce to thetn, anl to a.l, that the New York Mer
cury for tbia ye-wr (185 J) will bo richer ineTery
luxury f Polite Literature thin ever before. It ia
n upstart speeulation. no t"mp"ray wnition,"
but a ri!t elrtf literary weekly, which has b?n fa
miliar to tht United Sutes for a quarter of a cen
tury : and while the wishy-washy nuij'brooni iiriat.
of.ye9terd4y are cutting down their talent eTen
while they ri.-e' their iuh-cnp'i'n vrif", tha New
York Mercury uiaiutains U its great Siaff of Ucunn-i-ers,
Pet. Huuio.-Mts. EcMjUt?. Story-tellers, and
EdUoraud j routines to make it still greater f"r 1SG;1.
It is the one paper fr every homo. Its forty col
umns of reading matter per week conilitute an nj
and its norcln, Misccllane'-a Tales Deaufles of Yersa,
(Wsip Peuiltetons. Broml-'i Je of Hum r, and Pol
ished Editorials, combi ne to epitomize all the charms
The husband reads it to bis wife, the mother to her
children, the 1 .rer to his weatheirt, the soldier to
hw comrades, and the Tillage schoolmaster to the
circle around -the stove. It is familiar to the i"ht
of every man, woman and child in the e untry. and
has tegular 8ub-criW in several countries in Eu
roje. The New Yrk Mercury is also ideutiS
wiih tha grands ftatrio i.m of the for -t,
members f lU brilliant s?al hold hih rank - '
n blaauiT. and iav mux taamjulvos as ;a at
with the Sword a with the Pen. The grev jii 'i
tratin artists of theNe York Mercury, the mir
iubie Dar.ey, give the paper the highest attribute
ot Fine Arts; aud yet the Urist literary wackly
ol the day promises to surpass iuelf ia all these re
spects daring the New Year 1
The first New Ycrk Mercury Novelette fr the New
Yesr, t be dmjicnced ia the usue of January 3,
liS3,is called
OB THS - '
arrnoB or "gipst oowxr," "stbil campbill,"
"XRXIXK," "LA MABQrz,' C., AC.
The productions of this distinguished authoress
need no eulogy. Public opinion has lonainee pro
ooonced them superior to any ot- er novelettespub
lished on this side of the Atlantic ; and the true
test of their merit isfnnd in tbe fact that they are
eagetly reoroduccd, after their publication in the
Mercury, by the English press. We may add t la t
the new tale, Victoria," is fullv eqnal in interest
and tleth of plot to either of those which uave se
cured so large a share of puMie approval, and we
Cin earnestly ncotnmt-nd it to all story-renders.
The New York Mercury is solj by aJI newsmen
and peril dical dealers in America, lo subscribers,
it is regularly mailed every a unlay morning, for
12 a year; three copies for 5 : six copies for $';
eight copies for $1?, with an extra copy, free, to the
getter up of the club. Six months' anbscriptions
received. Always write plainly ihe name of yoor
Post OB e. County and Mate. We take th note
f all solvent banks at par. Payment must invaria
bly be made in advance.
Sf"Spcimt"t Copies sent free to all applicants.
Addrto all letter and remittances, pott paid, te
Proprietors of the New York Merjury. -i.25-w
113 Kalto.i stret. New York City.
A it D
AKKOCXCES to tbe pnbUc fast he ba pnrchaiel tbe
entire imeret in the Livery Stuble and Stock formerly
owned by R..ia& B oiber. He la now prepared to
accommvdate tbe public with
' Saddle Tlorse,
Can End at hit- Stable ample accommodations for
horses, nu!s or cattle.
IT. B. Tbe partnership heretofore exwting between
Benjanisa Jobwa R- Rer U dihBilvet.
May -29th. 1SS2 nJ7-tf
$50 (rz
Aonts XVantod.
Onr Machine Is verfect in its Mechanism. It is lest
liable to pet out of order tban any other. Diplomas
have been awarded it over tbe Gruver &. Baker aud other
high priced Machines.
$15 EACH.
Otir Kacbine nses a tr)iKht needle, and will TTORX
WITH ALL KINDS OF THREAD, Silk or Linen, making
an elaUc team free from liabilities to break In waah
ing and la the BEST and CHEAPEST Machine in tue.
815 EACH.
Our Machine will I1EM, FELL. STITCH. QflLT an
BIND and will ew on ail kindof good, from the Cnet
Swi Muslin to the Coar-ext V7olen, wotkinz i:beae
ihr 'ugh fevorai ifu kiesi-ex ihick Woolen Clotn.
$15 EACC
25 25 q q q qqqqqgqqqq
If you want Good Machine, and not haTe it
Cost you anything, write tons, as
we want the Machine tested
in every neighborhood
in the United
: $13 EACH.
TTewlll five a C'niniispion ca all goods sold by out
Agents, or we will pay wape at
and psy ail necessary rrnenses. For particnlars ad.
dresa CHA3. RUGGLK3. Asetit. '
Aug. Uth.' n5-yiy Det-oit, Micm
BUT FUSE, i'SESa GjJtDSV bHD, taifwl ia
Hut Tftaia -
10 tfoitnr-
It is certainly to yonr lnMf. .
;nds, grown on tbe soil t x.
terest to net see.! u 7t,''. li t.Tf ;
and true to name. Xt u to yTrt00-
ns ln, of receiving tSao r1
stotk tht have beea pe W ed ?'tt Ui
to yonr intent to "J
sort meat of Garden and Fluw.r ,,,? Lk
which to st;Ppiy your cuxo", 7e" 1 11' ,bU
Greg jry'a Celebrated Mart;, nMl v
bead Cabbage. rai "aa-Av
Gregory's Celebrated
Larse Early Red 'wa c'-ti.
- Lirpe Late Drumbeii
Large York
Kearly York
,1 Yauct..eaof Lettuce seed.
o do Onion d
do Radiaa dj
4 do Beet ij
2 da Prnip d
2 do Carrot ci
12 do 'Wate.-melun seel
3 do - Ma-kmelui de
4 f do T.jma'o do
4 do Turnip dw "
t do Cucumber da
3 da Sweet Curn da
Dwarf Broom Cru du
Geuria White Suar Cane d
Cunimoii Cb:uee do do
Ku;e African Imphee do
Great Spanish tl v arH r n
CO Pftl ri
Cuni.ecLical eed leat twbiccu tesd.
Urmuco do
Havana dj
Wiisir.'i d
Maryiard i,j
Pear Tree do
Mary;ai d Crod Leaf do
And a. me 8 uther kicda Gianiw
, FLOWKlt SbKD. 1
TleluMes, (a.Kl biea them) all wmt, i
garden ibey wi.-h to nuke at ' rvrlj
to bve a nat, we, kept Un, with ItirW'"
khaded. aud here and there d ited witb uJy'
treaoi e. noddirid iheir jeweled he0tau .
breeze, and euiittin their de.tcu.iu frar-5 Tbe hurband, wan be re kl
care and turmoil of bucine:-. meet ins mi "",4
bait, who kutilex because he h a home
att radio is that God intern:! ,ai:d
beaut.m 1 and pure. A mm or wr.uo '
era can never be o-irse or uar-aiiei-.her W. '
guage tau tpe.ks to the heart, aid Usb '
cates f they are emblematical of pare Uj0nr--' .
lmvnl-e;i and moral ai-piration-". "
To our LaJy readers of the "Farmer" lna, w
ser."ourge up your Lieue Lord, ami h.w t J."
flower aseda reaily for pnug p.ainini
Japan Piak, 4 kinds,
Spanish P:uk,
Cbinee Pink,
Picotee Piok.
Caronaticn Pink,
Sweet Williams, 6 kinds.
Pblox. . .
Creepers. 8 kinds.
Eas'.Uh Petunia, 1
Priulaca, !u j iy .
Cleoine Puistu.,
ipomej 3 8:i n.j
D.(U0ie ZiiKitM.
Bed aciU hiieCTu
Diobie Bj;a.'
Caraelia CuWffjdJi
A.'ncaa Bibiccu,
Cel CrNtaU,
Ever dSuinz Klowar.
And over 100 other fine fl-wer, for u
Syracuse if. O., Otoe Co., AibC,
November 29th, 1SC2.
An Elegant, Moral, tnd XucCatr.
Family Jiurnul, 'j
Devoted to Polite Ureranre, Wit and H-.acr.N'
and Poeeic Gems. It poiitics and all securaa
tions, it ia strictly 1 euira!, anJ there:ur ujXi
Ani a Welcome Tititor to. the Eot Qrn
. Ir contains the foreign anid ilomeyic Jtwi rf ii
so coiHieneed as to preaeut tbe greaiat pj.).ia.
of inteuigeace.
Is printed on fine white pape- . with nw iml 'z !
type, contains flrteen hundred mitt
larxe weekly paper of sixteen ocuvi pea. j
An nnrivalled cotpe cf cuianbni. rj are nnit '
lar enKaenjeuts, and every oepartaiMi. is p atn
moat finished and perfect yitem tht -,)arin 1:
devise. Each number iil lebea1iUB.lj 4i.uArf
' j. , '. Term3 Invariable in Ad7in.
1 snbcriber, one year, - - !!
t subscriber, two years, . . 1
4 subscribers, one yer, . . t
3 aubscribers, one year, . - . 1
And one grata to the aetf er-op of a ehk i
After a club of 8 has been sent, tbe ner.r
have a ru-ht to ad l. at any tim, one or mr.K'c
bers, to beziu with his cinb at 50 aa h '
Specimeu opies w'.ll be sent to any one the rt
to form a club, or see tbe p.tper before
sixglz ropiES, roca cists.
For sale at ail the principal Periudicai fs
Unired States and Cauidia.
Published every S.aurrUj, at the t""' - ; .
and iJronirleld Slreeta, Dutou, Masa., b I
The Favorite Weekly Misctiltnriu Jo
Thi Inut; eatab'ished and well kn ?
afier fiueeu years uneq'ial'l pr--pi ity bk- j
bonehoid word" fr-m Main to L'aiiTaa,iia f
ing the dreside f ih s ri-h and por, iai':;-;
try. nil over tbe wnle exeni l the l' d'HlJ.1 i
Ph.n'.d be a weekly every xet-ctaJX j
canv - . '
3 It Is jnt inch a p-per a any f'her rw-i
fri d vun!d t tbfitnitnw
53 It is p luted or lae aae-t a.'!.s!A'f j
wi.u newi; pe, an l In a neat and bc'it:r3'.' j
53 It i ol the m.iniuMin siie yei e""
ven euieut in it eui.t anpjr-t- il p-
,l 18 devoted t new, faica ja rM i
thi t-f a diMverie . mtuceiuny w;t'fi''"'f- I
J3" It iscareiu:lyl. ed iy at. at Biis p
I, iv yea-of eJl o ul es,e iea mJ4A
J3 It contain in iu Ui k, we. I fl- ' -iT j
iu r mting i saes 110: one Tjlg. w .rd ( uiia '
J3?" I. numbers. ii reit'ilar fobi'1 j
he maie ana female writer iu tbe om"7-
JCj- it tales, while thejraa-i'h t.sra'' n -, ,
a, i-'e f.-r all that n i a:i 1 bjiu.wai is W.' f
J-It is ackrf.wle.itje.1 thtt tti t j
so b m paper in the h bie circle i a ra wt i' .
Jt- ltssnggeuv pueaprovukeiu tStj'a' j
quiii g rpiiii. a -d aki totoeir -t re ' .
XjT ll c- lonans are free t oni'ie-J1" i
top, us its object being to ui.ike u .uu t ' -jp ;
E3 I' tbee reiMiu., tt ai l- hatrT i
so ular a favorite throughout tbe euua H- j
Terms Invaxibi7 in Advase
I sibscriber, ne year, - - .j
4 sab-cribers, one year, - '
lu slbscnbers, oue year, an-1 we tote'ter flj
or club,
Publi.bed every Saturday by 31 D . V
Si. W Winter street, fr-a
The publishers of THE POST take P-ts-j
noticing that their Literary arranae'neB'i." f
Ing year are of a character t warrant un J
Among ihe contributor to THS "u:i .
mention the rollowin distlnsrn.-hf.l autnr.
Author of -The EaH't Uein " Eutir
. , -'The CAnnni7," fc
Author of "Alone " Widen Patn " X'"
Avtorof Among thi P-'
Whose Domtttic Sketches art so gni3
During tbe criming year The Tost will t;JS ,
its hith repntati-Hi for chuu K sroai"- ;
and porT. Special Department i
voted as heretofore to AirU-ulture, " j
Receipts, Sewtr Markets, tfc. j
' ti:iuis CASU ix adt.c.
1 copy, oue year,
2 copies, one year,
4 copies, one year, - :ter-o? tft
8 copien. one year, (and one to the . 7 ,
aw copies. vu 3. - m
ottbeclnb.1 -
- rM!L
T int i,s wndin thirty stibcripti- r
will give ine ef Wbeler at w;15. Ts
inn Maxhines, snth as ttey SeW r ' ( ,
inn Macninet. snto as ttcj - - Vewi M
w.Tl be select et at the nauafa-nr -
. .Ai f,.o nt ftt. ' '
and forwarded
as v v '
Xu 3 til K(i'ret''iL'
J ,a, of v
VoaldaRaonncetothentifW i .
nd vicinity that he has loc , .
h.eui of everything i
ungia Usliaeof :f !,0
:ah. HewiMaUod , y
a,watcbesaadieweirr- ,jrj
benold lew forcasn.
pairinj of clocks,
ranted. . r"V.t-r. I
Hats. Eoots jj
I have just receive.! a Sew S-PP'T ,6,y j
Sh.s. which I will as.i .,,5I
fferedbarehere. t""" daTU "
irewavl.le. AptiUa.lM-niMi-
Ayef's Cathartic