Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 03, 1863, Image 4
I f ? - 1 1 i ' f i I i ! I t ". i 1 i t The Economy of Using 'FRANKLIN Family S e wijig Hachine . These mcWnes make the celebrated GROTER t? BAKER STITCH, which baa taken the Lipbect premi um at the Illinois State Fair, in September last, at the United State Fair in St. iMtuh, u 1660, aiiat the principle State Fairs throngbout toe country Jr Cmpe'9ut Judes garea opinion in far of tbia inch, u account of Us great strength and adaptation to ail kinds or family and manufctnrii)(t purpose. The following Table will sbow the difference in favor f Sewlit Macbincn oTertbeuId method of aiiitbingby bond, lu the working of tbefe Machines there is nut only a great savin of labor and time, beside adding greatly t ibe bealtbfulnea of Uieemployniftn , but tbe ciitcli i much stronger, more elastic, and te liable to rip or ravel, than the atitcb made with shuttle and bobbin. By Machine. 1 By Hand. Uoiirg. min.'Eour. Min. Time consumed in making up Ladie' Garments. Bilk Dress, Muslin Shirt, - Merino Dress, Cbemine, Calico Drew, Moreen Skirt, Night Dresa, Drawer, Silk Apron, Plain Apron, Time consumed in maklDg 15 26 10 40 6 n 10, 10 6 8 10 7 10 6 4 1 S3 6 JO 10 SB M Sf By Machine. up Gentlemen' Garment Hour. Min Gentlemau'a Sbiria, Frock Coat, &alia Vest, Linen Test, Cloth Pants, flunimef Fnt, By Hand, flours. Min. 26i 40 18, 6S 40 IS 1 1 & 6 S 29 23 10 25 IS SO The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Flai one advantage which U worthy of especial aitention in addition to the peculiar character of the Hitch, and that It It adaptation to either light or medium heavy work.. The Machine which at one moment 1 used on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, In a few mo ment after can be brought to bear wiih tbe same facil ity on rottonades and towels of the marsett decripti n. It adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thu remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every oter style of siacbine in the Market. In order that these Machines may be placed in the iandsof all claxKen, we have reduced the price of our F RAKE LIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe increase of our burtneas for the VaM year, and tbe entire satisfaction our Machines are giving throughout tbe United State and Kuropean Countries, we are led to)eieve that onr determination to-manufacturea PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AND CHEAP MACHINE, ha been fully appreciaten by tbe public This policy will remain unchanged, and ; a heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the office that we cannot fully warrant in every respect. Vt shall keep on hand at all time a general aorU nient of Sewing Machine msterial Needles for all machines can be ordered by Mail or Express. Price One I) -Mar per dzen. Person in tbe couu'.y, by sending us their address inclosing a letter stamp, can bave forwarded by return mail, one of our circulars containing tbe different styles of Machine, list of prices, and sample of work. E. RICHARDS & CO., Principal Agents for the North West. Office and Salesroom 133 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, K. IUCIIAHD3, Latoof L. Cornell At Co. C. K- WISXALL. JJO.W. TAPPAN, formerly Ag't for .be Groverfc Baker Sewing Machine. - JatiaarrSin' 1862. n.6-tf THE IIARr OF FREEDOM. Now readv, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti- Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" soDgs. oloa, dneta, quartet, and choruses. Most of the Poetry and Music has been written expressly for . tbia work, to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep inferesfin behalf of the 'Contrabands," whom G.d, in hi providence, has cast upon the Free North to elolhe and educate. CONTEXTS, IW PART. "Fair, Freedom's Morn has dawned at last:" "Break the Chains, or "-itncipating Sword ; "Fremont is Marching on, or. Glory Hallelujah Oh ! Help tbe Contrabands';" "Old John Brown's Song;- "borg of tbe 'Contraband 'f "0 Let my People Go ;" Parody on the Song of the 'Contra band' "Where Liberty Dwell is my country f "When Slavery dies.thcreU be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, God has spoken j" "Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedom," etc. -. Price only 6 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, $3 per 100 ; pottage I cent. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. 4l-ly - 481 Broadway, New York. GREAT DIPIiOVEMENTS IN EMPIRE .SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14th, 1860 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Machine is constructed on an entirely new principle of machinery, posting many rare and val uable improvements, having been examined by the tuost profound experts, and pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. " The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines . I. Excessive fatigue to 4. Incapacity to sew the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. S. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repair-ing. every description of material 5.- Disagreeable noise while in operation Tlie Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all tliete objections. it has a straight needle perpendicular action makes tbe LOCK or SHUTTLE STICU, which will NEITHER RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description ef material, fromLeather to the finest Nansook Mur liu, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the cos iest to the fiusst number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the least possible friction, it runs as smoothly as glass, and is ' Emphatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-fire per cent, less power to drive it than any otber Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render it almots impossible to get it out ef order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the natronara of Merchant Tailors, Cach Makers. Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers. V I 4-1 t1 tyRcligious nd Charitable Institution will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: No. I. or Family Mschine, $45.00 ; No. 2 Small sited Manufacturing, $50,00; No. 3 Largo sited Manufacturing, $5,00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in the United States, where agencies are nrt alreadv established to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we maae no consignments. T. J. McARTHTJR 8c Co., 510 Droadu-ay, Ken- York. Drs Mskers Coret Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, EAGLE WORKS IMIIin?UCTUIlIHG ; COIIPAIIY CI-IIOVGO, ILLINOIS. if, 1: .; "wcti M lite i- .-a . ' I i i ! II, 1111 "i: If I i '11 n r . i. m i, i 1 1 , s i i ii m. i n l a I - U a- ( 1 a HIM Til I U ! 3 17 II t . ' 1 mjk'i I I M L i i 41 I 1,1 ill! - U -- (P S I t: - I k ml' - UiLJ lfH7p GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. No. 1 6 Ilorse Power, weighs t,t 00 lbs. Price $603 J No. 411 Ilorse Power, weighs 7 600 lbs. Price $950 No. 2 7 " 4 2M " 600 No. 6 15 . " 8 610 1,100 No. a 10 " 6,000 " " 750 1 No. 613 " 10,000 " 1,300 (' ' " ,i'rt--,ii' 7;v: S jvl - O ' O I . J O W -O - loll s flTOPTIH ? 2 p f i" 2iMHH l li few s s. t ?H i wlWMmV I II- a c "ill H 1nnn ! vH!vvvvk 5. a CO IHHHr n- s ? -1 infRi P. J i" 1 1 : .-. apffi .,iB2:: ) s I S 0 D .L,fPpZJ 0 0 0 6 Q CD CP P. W. GATES' PATENT SUGAR CANE MILLS A LAUH iu L.ADIES ASD GENTLEMAN. Tbe snbscriber will send ( free of charreV ll irho desire it, the Kceipa and directions for making simple Veyetable Halm. th.t will, in from two to eieht days.retnove Pimples, Blotches. Tan. Fkecb:- I.KS, Sallowkess, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, tearing the same as Nature interded Ituhoudbe oft,cltar.mooth a ad beautiful. Those desiring the Recipe, with full instructions, directions and adrice, will please call on or address (with re turn postage.) THOMAS F. CHAPMAN. Practical Chemist. 831. Broadway, New York. Kay 22.IS62. nit-2m. "SUGAR CANE MILLS' EVAPORATORS TTmir been arpointed ajrent for tbe Eagle Work n cfw and Kvsrorstors, Chicsgo 111 I am Sugar " t the manufacturer's prices. , repared A. ,a 40 to fe W0. nnrator from Prices of lilll. from " w. ,? t?tiTt?CAS MS:- I r' -i.'. ' FT- - J A" ' d ' " - , - 1 " .t C.J "A"' ' ifH . II ( ?-7 S'l. 11. p h n : " f 71 :, J e": : LJJ. ' t No. 1 is an upright three-roller mill for one horse, weighs 630 pounds, and capable of ex iresseluR 30 to 60 gallons juice per hour. irlce $40. No. 2 is an upright three-roller mill, for one or two horses, weighs 800 pounds, and capable of expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Price $50. No. S is an upright three-roller mill, for two hones, weighs about 1,000 pounds, and capable ef expressing 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Price $65. No. 4 is an upright three-roller mill for two or four horses ; weighs 1,400 pounds, and Is capable of expressing from tOOto 150 gal lons juice per hour. Price $S6. No. 6 is a four-horse-power mill, upright rollers, for steam or water porer, capable of expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Price $i0. No. 6 is a six-borse three-roller horixon tal mill, back geared for horse or steam pow er, weighs 1,200 pound, and capable of ex pressing from 70 to 100 gallon of juice per hour Price $76. No. 7 Is an eight-horse three-roller horl aontal mill, back geared for horse or steam power, weighs 2,000 pounds, and will ex press from 150 to 350 gallons per hour. Price $125. No. 8 is a slxtcen-horse three-roller hori zontal mill, tack geared for steam or water power, weigns 6,30i) pounds, and expresses from 300 to 600 gallons of juice per hour. Price $300. I; W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Is Agent for P. W. Gates' Portable Engine, Bvaporators and Sugar Kills. EJ- Orders dti with FISHER & HACKER, T " BROWNVILLE,, NEBRASKA KO 2XILLS SOLD ON CREDIT! DO YOU WANT TO PURE DRUGS i ID IIEDICIHES? IT SO, GO TO THE CITY DRUG STORE, P. 0. BUILDINGS, AND JOHN H. MAUN, Will sell whatever you desire. Ton may rest assured it is a From his long expeiience in tbe business, be Is CONFIDENT he will gire satisfaction to all why may call at bla ESTABLISHMENT. He has now on band, and M constantly receiving a large supply of all articles usuall kept ia a DRUG STORE. JOHN II. MAUJ. Brownville.May 8th, 1853. vS-n44-tf APPLE TBEE8. BRONVILLE NURSERY. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE STILL A 1 FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES, RAISED IN THIS SOIL AND CLIMATE, Which they offer this Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, o APPROVED TRADE. THESE TREES ARE LARGE, Will commence bearing in a year or two, yet we will sell them at 15,00 PER HUNDRED, OB S2,50 PER DOZEN. MAUN, FISHER & HACKER. COMMERCIAL NURSERY, OMAHA, KEDRASKA. E. H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR. I hare long since been convinced of the want of a first class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, Can be adapted to our climate and soil. In view of these facts, I have established in this place, and offer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suit6d to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf; Peaohes, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, Goosberries. Currents, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Dahlias, Ornamental Trees. . Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would beg leave to call tbe attention of the people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west Missouri. gMy terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nursery. By purchasing of me the expense of transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in tbe best manner, for which a charge of the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made for the delivery of packages on board steamboats. All communications addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. March, 1862. E. H. BURCHES. IIELVIN'8 MILLS!" FREIGHTERS TO THE MINES AND THE WESTERN FORTS And the public generally ar respectfully informed that his Mills arenow In excellent running order, turu Inp out from 60 to 75 sacks per day. He has the best millers in the Territory. 3VTT7T VT JUNT'P ZPXiOUJH. (Admitted both in Colorado and Nebraska to be unsur passed by any West of the Mississippi River ) Is made from the best of Fall and Sprlug Wheat, and is sold at as low prices al cau be obtained in the Territory. His fionr la kept for sale at all th stores lnJBrown ville. He is prepared to furnish freighters, andciti zens generally, with flour from either Fall or Spring Wheat, and also with any amount of Corn, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour at . the lowest cab prices. Custom Grindiiig done atoue-ixth per bushel. , He desires tccajl theatteutiou of freighters to the advantages of Brownvllie as a shipping point to the West. Not only ran any amount of grain and flour be obtained here cbeaixr than at any other point In the Territory, hut the Merchants nere hav laid In this sea son a large supply of every variety of goods. J. G. MELVIN. Aug. 1. 18S2. n5-tf GET TIIE BEST, CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Surpass all ethers ' before the Public 1st. Ia philosophical arrangement. 2d. In the gradual progress of their steps, 3d. In preaeating one thing at a time. 4th. In the adaptation of each part to its inten ded grade of scholarship. 5th. In the admirable mode they prescribe for memorizing the contents ef a'niap. 6th. In their explanation and directions for des cribiag the natural divisions of tve earth. 7th. In their judicious selections of facta. 8th. In the appropriate and Instructive character of their illustrations. 9th. In consistency between maps and text. 10th. In the introduction into the maps of such places only aa are mentioned in the book. 11th. In the clear representation of every fact, and the analjtica' precision with which each branch of the subject is kept distinct. 12th. Is being at once practical, systematic, and complete, philosophical in arrangement, and pro gressive in development of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are officially recommended -for the use of the Pub lic Schools of Nebraska Territory. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of tha State of Kansas. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for tbe use of the Public Schools of the State of Vermont. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Ohio. Cornell's Geotrrachies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the is ta to of New Hampshire. . " Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the U3e of the public schools in the State of Cal ifornia. , Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of public schools, ia the State of Wis consin. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools nf the Citv of New York. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the Lity or .Brooklyn. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Albany. . Cornell's Neogniphies are used in public schools of the CitT of Trov. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools ol the i;ity of Syracuse. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of tbe Citv of Auburn. Cornell's Geographies are used ia publio schools of the CitT of Rochester. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Pittsburg. Cornell's Geographies aro used in publie schools of the City of Mobile. Cornell's Geographies are used ia publie schools of the City of Wilmington. Cornell's Geographies are used ia public schools nf the itv oa Washington Cornell's Geosrrachies are nsed in public schools Cornell's Geographies are nsed in publio nnool nf the Citv of Columbus. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of the (Jity of Hiu-trora. Cornell's Geographies are used ia publio schools of the City of New Haven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of the United states. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are the best bound, and the best illustrated of any School Geography extant. ' CORNELL'S FIRST STKP3 IH GEOGKAAHT. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Series, and to introduce the little pupil pleasantly and prof itably to the rudiments of Geography. Una bea&ti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, 72 pages, f rice, zi cents. THE SKBIZS CONSISTS OF L PSIMAEY GEOGRAPHY. Small 4to. 96 pp. 12 llaps. Beautifully illustrated, frice. 0 - A v " cents. II. GSAIOIAS-SCH00L GEOGRAPHY. Large 4to, with numerous Maps and Illustrations. ' 103 pp. It inclades Physical and Descriptive Geography. Price, 0 -cents. (Ihe Uraminar Sehool GeosTaphv may either follow the Inter mediate, or be used instead of it. Tbe chief difference between the Intermediate and Gram mar School is, that the latter, thongb no more elevated in style, is fuller in detail, presents greater variety of map questions, and a larger number of localities to be memorized,) III. HIGH-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. Geograyby, large 12mo. 405 pp. Richly Illus trated. It includes Descriptive, Physical, and Mathematical Geography. Price, 75 cents. Atlas, very large 4 to. Containing a complete set of Maps for study ; also, a set of Reference Maps for family use. Price, $1. A copy of either part of the Seres, for exam ination, will be sent by mail, post-paid, to any Teach er or School Officer remitting one-half its price. D. APPLET0N A CO., New York. TO TH3 PEOPLE OH (JUT PUBLISHED.) Cornell's Cards for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to accompany any Geography, but especially adapted to the scale of Cornell's Gram-mar-School Maps. Price per set of 12 Cards, 50 cts. ALSO, Cornell's Series of Outline Maps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent upon application. January 16,1862. ' n29-tfj SABBATH SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 LIonth.3 of its Publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as its predecessor, (Dell No. 1) which has -run up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of its sise is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, 18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, $18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 cents, $20 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, $ SO per hundred. copies tur nished at the 100 price. Cloth lound embossed gilt, 50 cents, 040 per 100. Mail postage free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, n41-ly No. 481 Broadway, New York. FRENCH'S CONICAL Washing machines. The most simple, durable, convenient and economical article ever invented for the purpose. Will do the washing of an ordinary family before breakfast, not only savihg time, but clothes. By strictly followlngthe printed directions, which are simple and eisy, itwill wash, at one time, six aMrts, or two doten small articles, in about si or seven min utes, or their equivalent. By all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabrics, such as laces, &c., the greatest care Is required, while with this machine the must delicate article can be washed without tbe possibility of damage. These results are produced by the constant reaction the suds while tbe machine Is In motion, of Families, laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, hospit als, asylums, boarding-schools, on ships and steamers, and in the army, who have these machines in use, have sent In their testimonials voluntarially, and the enco miums of tbe Press are very numerous, .some of which I have publisnod In pamphlet form. All I ask of the Public la a careful examination ef this machine before purchasing of others. General Depot 419 Broadway, corner Canal St.Xew Turk. Price only Ten Dollars. PHILIP FRENCH, Proprietor. Address box 2893, N. T. City P. O. N. B. A liberal discount to tbe Trade. Agents wanted. Semi for Circular. DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distressing complaints is now made known in a "Tieatise oisPoseigm akd Na tive Herbal Preparations." published by OB, O. PHEIiPS BBOWN. The prescription, fur nished by a young clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who ha taken it, never having failed In a single case. It is equally sure In cases of Fits a of Dyspemsla ; and the Ingredients may be found in any drug store. Those who are afflicted with Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured by the use- of my Herbal Preparations. 1 will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receip of their name. Addiesss, DR. O. PHELPS BBOWN, No. 19 Grand, street, Jersey City, N. J . n47-6m BUY PURE, FRESH GARDEN SEED, raised in the Vest. IflMC DEMQKEST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. The largest, best and most reliable Fashion Magazine In the world. Contrains the largest and finest Fashion Plates, tbe greatest number of fine engravings, the latest and most reliable Information, three full-sized Patterns for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-work and Em broidering Patterns. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Mil liner and Lady should have it. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway, New Tork, sold everywhere or sent by mail at 25 eenta. Tearly $1, with a valuablo preptuat. Taa Summer aamber aw ready. In thi month of December. 1&53. the undersigned for the first time offered for sle to the public DK. J. BO TES DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTSS3, andlathlr short period they have given such universal satisfac tion to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an established article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arming simply from a ne glect of small complaints is surprising, and It U there, fore of the utmost Importance that a strict attention to the least and most triSing bodily ailments should be had; for disease of tbe body must invariably affect the miud. The suDscrlrers now only ask a trial of DR. J. EOVEEDODS Imperial V7ine Eittcm from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of .Weak Stomachs. Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any o her reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, It is only necea essary to make the trial. Tbe wine ia of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative In their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing the obstructions and producing a general warmth. They are excellent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who is subject to lasitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. THESF BITTERS TFI11 not only Cure but Prevent Disease and In this respect are doubly valuable to tbe person who may use them for INSIP1ENT C0NSMMPTI0N weak Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseases of tbe Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Trine Bitters Vjto TJnrJiixrpfveQocl. For Sore Throat so common aniung the Clergy they are truly invaluable. Fvr tbe aged and inarm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and all public spaekers for book-keepers tailors leamatresses. artists, and all persona lea ding a sedentary life, they will prove beneilcUl. As a beverage; they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. Tbey produce all theexhierat ing effects of brandy or wine, without Intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adictes to the use of exessive strong drink, and -who wish to rerraro from it. They a pure and entirely free from the persona con ealned in the adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is fioodid. These bitters nolo nly CUBE bet prevent disease, and should be used by all who five, in a country where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely to children and Infants with Impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates as an act of humanity, should assist w spreading tbea valuable bitters over the land, and tbreby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In nil directions of the Ueadlck Headache, or ffervaouslicad acne, Dr.Dod's Imperial lYlne Sitters Will be found to be most Salntarn and! ECIcacious. FEMAI.ES. The many cirtiacates which bave been tendered us and the letters which we dally receive, re conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever don before. No woman in tbe land should be without them, and those who once use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. DR J Eovee Dod's BIPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wb has used them successfully In bis practice for tbe lu twenty-five years. The proprietor before puriasin the exjlusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove Dod' Ceiebraieg Imperfal Wine Bit rrs, hadtthemtest ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro pounced them a valuable and safe remedy Tor dssease. Although the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINS BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there Is always a large quantity of decaying timber; fjpm which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters shuold be used every morning boforebreakgast. DR. J. EOVEE DODy IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cbery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himself, who ia aa experienced and successful pbysiclaa, and hence should not be classed araong the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which tbe medical profession so Justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thonmtrbiy tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety or disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Bottle It Costs but tittle! Purify the Blood. Give Tone to tbe Sto niacb -Ilenovase the Sys and Prolong Life. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETOS 73 "William Street, New York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1861. CHOICE LiaUOES. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWNVILLE, Has Just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The roi lowing is a partial list : BBA1IDIES : French, Cognac, , Apple, Raspberry, Peach. , Cherry, " Blackberry. WI17ES: Port, Hungarian, . Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common artic!es. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. Ys IIITAEY'S BLOCK Main Street, Brownville. Novmber 14, 18. nl9-tf FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. too, 000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, $3 per hundred $60 per thousand. 75,000 Standard Pear Trees, S to 1 years old, $25 per hundred, $230 per thousand. 20,000 1 year old Diana Grape Tines, $15 per hundred $100 per thousand. - 1 160,000 Standard Pear Grapes, $8 per hundred, (50 per thousand. These Pear Grafts, not being bulky, can be transport ed cheaply, and by growing two years, will make good sited trees to plant in an orchard. Any one can treble their money by growing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogued. . . jcoodt k soy. BgI-lcn Niagara Narserles, Loot port, W. T. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Furniture ever offered ia this upper country Just received by 7. BILL. SrewavUla AjU tU IZSt, rw . ' American Cement -' ins 0.1LI RU.ti,f J f i ! AMERICAN CEJIRij rJ WILL IVITIISTA m WILL MENn ivflSJt Save Save your bi,.kn p WILLMEHb'HT&J vourHaniM ,Txl! IT WILL IIESD Gm'"; tho pcices of tbat expend, r . I"5 ! IT WILL METfei IT Mend Don't throw awav tbat W- T Vl IT WILL MEND CHl, ! rokenCbinaCupsandSaoe.'1, 'j IT WILL MEND ' W J piece kftocke.1 oat of your Jiarbu 4 ' nopui on as tr... . IT IV TT I Mrvi ""t a A F I 1UU iUXilllJ Tour broken That e PitcWi-""Aiais..- No matter if that broken shillin? a shilling ., IT WILL MEN ft a i. JJT A sT That Cosly Alabaster Ys L brtk j match itmeniitit will never lie ir rather It will Used bena. rt . i and in fact evervtii vir Any article Cemented with A51E27r?v OLUE will not show where "Every Housekeeper should bars a4, ' & Crosley's amencaa Cement Glnsi.5 Expre: - ,'It is always ready; thWeownwujiit 1 Independent. "We bave tried it and find it as Wa'r, ' as water." WZle'i Spirit j' " 810,000 per year sated in tC ly One Bottle of " AMERICAN CELlEIiTGi;' Cents per Bottle. Cents perBcttfe Ce'nts per BotUe. Cents per Rule. Cents per Bottle. Cents per EorJe. Price 25 Price 25 Price 25 Price 25 Price 25 Price 25 Very Ub eral RcdnctloatflKl; sale Day en. ' Tenuis cask. J37For Sale by all Drupsts tad lux-i throughout tbe eonntrv s JOHNS & CR0SL5I (Sole Manufacturers.! 78 WILLIAM STREET j Corner of Liberty Street. XETTTJ Imporlantto House Oiinen. i Important to Builder! I Important to Rail Road Cor ' nlcs. Important to Farmers. 1 To all whom this may conrtrn, e.' concerns everybody I JOHNS & CR0SLET3 I IMPROVED GTJTTA PE2CT1 CEMENT RO0FLt The Cheapest and moss durable ill in use. f IT IS FIRE AND WATER Fi: It can b applied to new and old Eogfrof a ; steep oi Hat and to Shingle roofs wilioal ia. the Shingles. i The Cost Is only aboct One-Ti that or Tin , AM) IT IS TJ71CI i DURA RLE. This article bss beea thorco'j tated a Tork City and all paots of the Lawd Sum da West Indie? and Central and goatk Aaxr. buildings of a?f kinds such as Factories 1m-. Churches Rail Road Depots Can a4 a f Buildings generally Government Bau ' the principle Builders arcbetects sap sthent: tbe past four years and bas proved toUthid EST and MOST DURaBLE R0OFIXG is w every respoct a rrst wittb wi.iTinsa fboof covering for aocw e? au Kim I Thie tie. OSLYnateiiat manfantnpi' United State which combines tat itrj k: properties of Elattieitg and Praujy rid universally acknowledged to beixvwedrjf JERCHA AND INDIA No Heat is Required faHat Application. ! The expense of applying it istriSiaguia Roof can be covered und finished lb r It can be applied by an joi and when finished forms a perfeetlj r'isi Pw fame with an elestic body which cannot W f by Heat Cold or Storms 5hbix., f Boards nor any external action whaa I GUTTA PElftYlT For Coating Metals ctU f' , exposed to the Action of the Weai : For Preserrlng: and Repair Sletal Roofs OF ALL KINDS. ...J This isTOi ostY CoMPosmor nor swecesHy re$i$t extreme ekonwofall'1 ant length of time when appiied to ' it adheres firmly forming a body equal of ordinary paint costs much less, n r2 " THREE TIJES AS LOSG; ud from is not injured by the contraction swex TIN and other METAL ROOFS eooteay . sudden chansres of the weather. . It iU not CRACK IN COLD OR RtS V ' WEATHER AND WILL NOT WAiH OfT- I Leaky tin and other metal roofs eaa repaired with Gutta Perth Cement, sod from further corrosion and leaking, then-. ing a perfectly water-tight roof for l-. This cement is peculiarly adapted for ? vatioa of Iron railings, Stoves, Safe. Implements, Ac. also for general D',rV ' GUTTA PERCHA CE3Ii For preserving and repairing Tin aoJ al roofs of every description, frua its (j tj, is not injured by the contraction of metals, and will not crack i 10 j warm weather. t These materials are adapted to H we are prepared to surely orders froa w t the country, at short notice, fur utt. fi3 ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, so cha Cement in barrels, with full prin " , tions for applicatioQ. We will make liberal and iiieV?f, ments with responsible parties who establish themselves ia a lucrariTS aoi business. i OUR TEBM3 ARE C,ti We can give abundant proof of 'rr favor of our improved Roofing Mate" plied them to several thousand Roo a City and vicinity. JOII5S & Wholesale Warehoused Corner of Liberty street, CZti? Full escriptive Circulars ai rcif nished n application. JVov.7,1861. Ij KOT7 READY. THE OScial Union Volanteer D ;v pa?es.) containing Same ana r-i OCccr and Private in the Union -rjf-Commands.Casual ties, Promotions' nnAw.n.; i c.nt Tat-na.on rw . . vu t .-,ir u A.l J i if. r I i va : n v jaber,49 SUte Street, Bos:on,Mj- NEW .HUSIC. r -Shall we Know Each Other Tb Duet and Chorus, by Rct if -Sabbath Bells Chim on." Tth"f5,ii Price 2 cents, mailed free. A F1 ance to try new music. WATSg it .ora aJLJm . J i..t. f h. War. now ready, .,y highly colored, on fine heavy naper. 2ft for 1.09. or S 4 nor 180. MH1 . no better otwrtunity ' LtF' 49 St&t Street, Be3Btl$' (