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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1863)
1. fig JJ iSv JAN. 3, 18C3 ) not. arpire to the fictitipva capital, which vriU-E' : U- represents privilege, laziness,-- injustice tt. sciurzy, i I iBTiiiKC Aoint, nd Teal" i Aclcred Int. or the Eest Quality, V street, Chicago. Illinois, it ear au- 1 3 pfn Aivcrtucr end rcmer. AND FOKHCM KtWITAf EX AD- 333 Br'Mdnray. .New Tor. kre l"'0 rn-i 'or the A&tirtUer wl Farpfr. ;cr; cor CO ... rTC and l'ea'er la, Inks and o' all k:n!t,' 0Sce Trl5ur, 'iMing, 'jLl torttt "fmer and Far- :s ramcd lLal butane, company of will' Le' stationed in this county, cd is Nemaha City.. fare will te religious service at the aw aria 5 Church, lo'-raorrow (bun- Vit it ;u-uaI kur by Re v H !va:sc. ""b" j v y 8 new stork or winter -doming ';' rive gooi bargain for cash, uot- '.aaiicg the iiigh price of goods in 1 & fjr the winter, ai eu.iiy, mm .yfika;cri3te afpVelienJed of. the ', irpprnf over, for tome time to come 3p r.ctin,ni :' started Jtft. Xouls fjrrpart of this week. She pasted :e cn Tuesday morning. 'COMSACT. H. ". J; WaiTSET. place, was awarded a Contract at this week, by Aujutanruenerai b;r Turning. 5.000 .elsof !:a.ts lCO'jous ct hay to be deliv tiitiLis plnrernd Nfiiaha City. He (-.oreceiM 25 cents per bushtl for corn Iee Wxatreb, k ti 11 continues warm r'x Srrin". occaiionallv-have -'".easaLt siipwer,: fotnetmjesifliaxjra- ' -a-Wrihcnder .and' 'lightning; 'b'oi ihf iky i as dear and- the a-ir as iad pure as any climate on the globe i?;roucd is net yet frozen to any depth. j,e cf c':.T farmers are engaged at ricr Mr. John Bennett was break- Prairie all day on Christmas, as he V'jt for the name of the thing." I - r , ...... . .jLIiSew'fi LlTtRAKT CCMPAHIOK IS Lis. This valuable literary neekly ,i commevic a new .volume .January i . , . .... . - - . . ia erar-d ttyle, andwill be .ted a eight di"erent 'colors, aome . which Lever has beea attempted in !cr any other country, with new type entire new dress throughout. The . .izm is an elegant, moral aud re )i tr.iscellacebus famly iournal. Its pas are devoted to polite literature, J and humor, prose and poetic gems, j rivalled corps of writers and artists t several' ntw and popular features - v . fi.Vi4 L .11 Ui. L V 111 beajiif ullv illustrated Tn k?7p th "ry Companion is some' fifteenhun- Paere inches, forming a mammoth of sixteen octavo pages, and con nearly twice as much reading j'tr ini cf a DioreT. . refined 'character '-ty ether weekly "paper. : Terms, ji-a year. Sample copies sent freq. hi weekly by F, Gleasoa, corner ai?st ar,d Broinfield etreets Bos- Tor tbe .Vtbra-ka Advertiser. . , New Tear. : number of your paper comes lste first time, in this New-'YeaV, it is customary to wish one. an- I ! j: "Happy XeW Year' I desire to 0 i But it is a'o: suflicient : j ate a nonsensical formality? iths f'i w meaning', on the lips of: V h's a mere duty tfVdlitc. f nay have a thousand "different H f j V:n ca rthe Pa" of those who j; t4 10 forra sincere wishes for their 0- 2 t hi ;-; is a h appy year for the i ; ;rr:an? One that brings him d rower. What is it rer- One iQ which he obtains ri.'Jt' That in whirb he arWio'vPs T'e. . F or the politician ? That 'i-V.' , . t- Vs- out. a cew idea. For et'. ""erL.0l:e Q which he makes a -cr preacher ? .One in I 'iC,!;-a r-al UJnher cf p'ebble :'hv r lhe dervijh? That 1 I ! r ll b0aze ?-B'Jl "Aer'e -would 1 e we t0 etomerate MUhe ttf- . ue fancies, all the PTtrava. h'rnay be hetiiinder our y f....,i ' U?,derslani nt everything . thus formed by L fer fcr their own happiness, j cf Ueif kindred or friends ? i -"e-c"sPrad 'to real wants ; ey arenjunftnd rjght . uuu cease to be rpusnnn u ley become eiclucivp. or Thug nrp.l.k . - In ' ?r rUcipatin withf-Are, .cr. u einni'mm.!. ' i . i i 0-; r ' i ,4 factions." It 'is, there- :sisa- for neaUh; but every i;-11 f? ani.not only for bafairsnd impr. aad all social .vice'g. In examining other wishes, w equally can see in what they are allowable; ia wLat they may be rec tified. .There is. nothing, even the pil-' griraage, to Mecca, in which we mayaon discover the 'sairsfaction of the legitimate want,-"of 'Eeeirig-kth"e T'orld and risitino places, illustrated by great'eventa. ; Wfra.'. is absurd in this pilgrimare; is the p;e tention that Mecca, or any other place, is raor holy and more venerable than any other city cr place upon earth. r j . Among, the New Year's Wishes, there is one whoso custom is consecrated by popular good sense; a .wish which sur passes all others iajmportance and recti tude ; it is that cf a good health.: In re gard to this.vfe have, nothing. to suppress, nothing to criticise:- We can but ap prove of it, confirm and explain it. -Health is the normal development of our strength and faculties ; it is the first, the most important . 'of all riches, that without which everythine: is but illusion and mock ery, ; We tdo .not consider it onlyas a phisical ' advantage ; for from indicating the triumph of matter and the denomina tion of animality upon moral nature, it is a pure indication of . the empire which reason exercises uponhe senses and up on inferior appetites: Our being is spir itually . tonstitutedr' viz :.'.'lit is formed; in such' a manner that all the functions; cf the organism' concur to the mere and more perfect manifestation" of the will,;5 sentimant aud thought. 'From the ftio ment that-this rigorous condition of our organization is forgotten,' from the mo ment 'we'' Matter buf anim'al propen'sufie's at. the expose of themiadvit ia notonly the triihd ' ' htV the tocly.A-hich '' kurTersl Life, contained in the vicious circle of matter, . jendstS'Vorheh.out. cf it, and to OTerthrow the obstacle we set to its nat- t . . ... nral course., then, no health, no possible harmony in our existence, without a .complete subordination of all the parts "of "our" being to'lhe rational principle ,and .to tHe'laW of progress.! Thus, in wishing our friejids and all men a good -health, we 'wish them' material ' and moral well-being, a life conformable to all the prescriptions of hygiene, a clear and vigorous intelligence,- pure love, be nevolence for all their f ellow-creatures ; a wisdom Capable of bearing all trials, finally, .perfections.-..; ;, Forsooth,." we give only advice. But, generally, those -who';; wish a : "Happy New. Year,1' do, much, for, they content themselves with leaving to chance the realization pf their wishes. Chance is the god of weakness and igoo ranee. Accordingly as we advance in strength and science, we escape from its empire. Our destiny depea ds upon our selves, not upon a blind, fatality or an arbitrary-, power;; at leas such is.the je- ,t s.i . i - . "j y .. ' - eime of liberty and,, reason, which we must endeavor with all our power to estab lish for the,1 individual apch for; society. No. . one - ought ,t,o. .imposeupon. ancaher without being exposed, -t Let every-' bne examine' his.'o'wrr "coriscience,'his mind, and his organism, and see what progress he; Las nlaile towards lhU eiid. 1 c c We must certainly acknowledge that intellect develops itself, both in the indi vid ual and among nations, that ideas are brought to light', that social principles gain ground, here, and elsewhere ; that certain individuals learn trades or profession, and several of them too, in a very short lime; but here as elsewhere, this move is made cut cf the j cJJoi sphere and ta-chy, more, than ever, men who devoto thni selves to the work of -progress andt per fectibility, a must i ihun' the ' deleterious iufiuerlce of an ignorantyjlrutal or "malig nant, power. r "'' . A.. G. r-Ridlcnlonslj Xjln Report ! ! Mr. EbiTOR.:; I. read in. your last pa-' per a ccmitiinkatki-purporting to be from Mr. About Town. About 'Towti means two or three bodies in Town';'' one alone could not jnvent. so many lies, at once; he had to. call upon help. But those bodies iare cowardly fellows, who dareji'ot put their names to their witty production; do. they 4aol 4oiow that an onymous conveys the idea of suspiciaasJJ If they did not belong, to trie tnoes or Flathead's and Snakes, their composition would not be? so fii and' dull nor would they. era wi;. like the snaLe, hiding to bite and to throw tlrpir poiScTia'the dark. Fortunately, unlike thiJ venom of the real snakes, that human venom cannot, hurt when we know the nature of sthe beings from which it proceeds ; -when we know that the venom proceeds from jealousy and fear; 'irV'xonsequence.of .incompe tency, . and; from inability to'igive. an 1 an- When we cf those 'who' feel they.are ia the wrong: It was confessedht-Abou Towa's .arti. cle : was not 'found ed on 'fads, but only on supposition,' induct.. course on He?, ia or. der' io'devil mi. But the communication I wrote was founded on facts -the char ges' were facts, 'and those Caoaaches, Flathead's, and 'Snakes, vicious ns they . . " , '.i ' ; . ackcowiecge u; iaey neve, iu.uc any mcuijji.- iu . 1 ... . . l,". mt i in mntrn n irt or to refute it:' they know they could not .CchfrOnLIthiaUie' saithora"rof .boihTbotdi munjeatiohs; Vi : A&ut" Towa'a.. and mine, and say oa whai i&h is lr'athr"and ,i-pr to . jn'c6mmunwtfi!wn. , ; r, , . l!i : . .. v .... cannbt denyr"v'& abV.f .a. 'e. , c-ul 0 u,,r if'lt'hwav'o? the ichoraht and AAUA.U . . ' 1- hoiior, and cn what aide is meanness and lying-: tsay who belongs to the tribes of Camanches, who are plunderers, to the tribes of Fatheads and Snakes ;-who is ashamed and sbameful;-who hides to biic like cnikes and who dares to come out, , openly, j and publicly, without fear. Should an impartial jury be summoned to decide ia the cae ; who .would they de cide ih'favor cf ? ' " . s About Town's enmmunicatien, denotes a ' wind, so ; obtuse, so ' malicipui . and so mean that it cannot have , been produced i .1 $ .... ...-. si' Dut.Dy.a silly- ueaa, and a'biaclc heart, divested of every principle of hepor and probity.'-' '.' k- :"',;'; '', ; .''' y It , 15 wriuer in a negro style, both as to the spelling and the phraseology ; as ! to' trie ideas and -ithe knowledge it con-1 tains and the purpose "aimed :at, it is . shameful, and can have beea written only by a shameless maa. ... i '.., : -j . j It was. evidently intended, to cast(re-1 necuons upon me ; but I wouldxather by far be reflected, upon , by ;suca. men' than j to:. receive their approbation; 'for;-, the ! approbation of malicipus and lying rneai is always a disadvantage. ' ' . , ' , . , a wrote seriously; ADoutiown, tin- acle to refute my' arguments and my charges, leaves thm on the shoulderi of those they were intended for and turns to ridicule, but ia such, a manner that he himself becomes1 ridiculous. ! , .. " ., Ia About Towa's communication, there is no shrewdness, ao manifestation of .in tellect, no truth, no plausibility, in iany sense of the term ;" in a word, it is, from' the very beginning ' to . the i. very endj a lie, an exhibition of ignorance, of malice, of jealousy, of fear,. 'of cowardice, cf in sipidity. ' v ' ' ' Dull, short-minded, flat-headed, snak- ish. About Towhi think not. that,!, will compare' with you,' unless you make your self known, and openly, courageously and publicly, dare, tp throw; down' tKe gauntlet of bravery on the arena. I will not com bat in the dark, without knowing whether you are a worthy antagonist or not ; and any blackguard in the country may do as well as you have; done ; ; throw venemous weapons at a distance ,ia the dark to the unawares ; such weapons and such men are contemptible. ir Still,' "if . you keep lurking Out to injure me by your. slanders and . lies, to' bite me,, ia the dark, as snakes dd, and as is also the habit of the Flatheads, cf . ignorant, and cowardly men, I shall be on the lookout for you. I shall conquer orTsh'aH di'e ' but I, shall not die, because I can conquer you. I despise a man who hides' himself, when he slanders an other. ' Vile .slanderer, you cau bring forth, and. say, truthfully, nothing .which can slain my character, my aims, my knowl edge, my intellect, . my truthfulness my honor, my- honesty, mv' probity, etc.: I cfefy you." Can', you , defy me, also, on these points ? : Let me Iknovf who you are, so as to give me a chance to get at . . ; ; ' ' r .'.-: ' '. Indeed, at first, I had a certain desire to know you and look at yod as ah object of curiosity ; but an idea struck me thai you were less a curious than a degenerated object, and I never did nor do I care' about .beholding the freaks of nature, such, for instance, as a Tom-Thumb ge- mus. Mr. About Town, T own that, when I heafd'that' you .were to cqme. .out agaiast me, I ihought ! 'should have ; to -fight noble' rnighty Lioa, but you are.andeed, only a miserable Havck.. . , .: - . ' ',-' A. GonriiET. :' i - I ;.,! - ..For' the .Advertiser. ' To Ir. About Tothi. , . Mr.' EniToA : I. who -for th6 first time - ih my. life; ' make an attempt to write, am Mn About ToKvn's cdusin, and, of courVel'inust be well acqtaintedwith him'. My cue is put'1 to activity .by. the ;very . interesting and smart Communica tion1 of his," wh'ich appeared in your last issue of the 27th ultipio.jizr December 1662, ahough I couidnot readh thro'j vvrthour jfaliipj: asleep. ; When i Ii woke up, and saw. the paper in my hands, I was ashamed ,, of vmyself ;"m'ethocight.! was a very sleepy head orhad ho head, at all ; for,, it .was so acute, so isharp, so ingeni ous, so high ,and thrill' in : sound, and manifested scch noble- and', magnificent .idea's ! I felt,: with' my two hands, all over my shoulders, ani canie to think, though, that I felt something like a head, and called it a head anyhow, . I looked again at the communication, and, lo ! I ' beheld that the coinmunication itself had no heal, instead of me h'avingnone. I felt all over. it," as r'dida H over my shoulders' to see if I could -not find some thing'"lit:ev,rt, 'but,' -to my-' great astonish ment, I ' could nctucceed. . Vht ! said I ; it is noVp'ossible.that I. were &fool ; for, I hflpr. a head, fend, as the-omnluni-cation has none afal not even a shadow of !it, it ,'inust be the5 !c.omm.municati?n which is' foolish; for,' ahead we're it of ever so litile Talue; were it but a sheep's head, is better than none at all, I knov. Then, I began ' to doubt that my cousin Abouht Town had no wit to spare. Still as it was in the columns of the Advertiser and- could- not , believe th&tj an f Editor wouIdJns&fu out tLs kead and- with sura d qiiee'r name, I looked; then,; 'fpr some sense ,.I looked" and looked: again , and again, but. could act find any whatever, . 1 tried, there-, fcref ('to conclude that myjecia About nant, Ihck.head. lwas'mighty sorry for it, but could no: help it. Why, About Town need not beafraid jof his cousin. The communication reminds me of a story of real life, which I. wish to relate to your readers, Mr. Editor'; it is as fel lows Once oponT'a tim&, th re.lved four Black 'Bird3: cf --very ,111-. 'distortions. They were jealous they were cowardly, they were ignorant. They thought of settling and building their! nests some where; they looked around with their bird's eyes, hovering over the world ; They saw. France, Eaglacid.t-Scotlaad . i - ' 'I ! . . Germany, Prussia; JlussiaVAracnca, etc, they asked of the different countries a permit, to build their nests there, but every where.. the answer was: No! no ! unless you show your qualificstionsas being birds of honor and of probity, of knowledge and for.the.busv ness. you. wish' to engage into. -1 Those black birds, knowing and' feeling they had not the qualifications! required of then, .flew farther and farther away.- Finally they reached a town.ln the far west caned Brownville. There, they alighted; they built their nests without ceremony and withoutopposition on the Dart of lhe eooA citi2eDS. under the eaves of every house in the place. No one in quired abou t their q ual ifica t ions ,'and th ey stuck there with great delight, and even the inhabitants considered jhem to be quite fine fellows. . Thoy grew proud and haughty, singing merrily loud ancj fine songs, indeed. It came to paW however, that," in the course of human events, ascertain other bird, arrivec at ihat place- . Eh!. tHeyj opecd . their eyes as wide as owls at night ! they looked at him ; they found out he wanted to settle there, too. They looked again and again, but they did not like him. He was not ignorant, consequently, he was not cowardly nor jealous. What he did and said, he did 'arid 'said openly, publicly; he was qualified and could build his nest wherever he pleased without fear of beings-prevented to do so for want of knowledge and probity. The black birds, of evil dispositions, changed their joyful tunes arlc sang out the songs of the mocking-bird. They tried to make it appear that he was what they were and even less; but they did tict sing openlyj boldly and publicly ; ' they would sing only in the dark; they would whisper under the eaves of every roof and,to the ears of every: person ; "He is; bad bird! have nothing toido with him ! he'll hurt you ! Drive him away away with him !" The lone bird found it out and heard it. He fearlesslv .. --. ' and boldly came out against them and made them known such as they were.- He Droved -their wickedness, fandtheir imposition upon the people, in revealing their hidden .mechlnations-'ther. igobl ranee) their ill-dispositions, both by the falsehoods. they sang out and the deeds they performed. ' ' -.'J'5:: T After this)' some of the citizens did dare to ask the" Black .Birds iyK Gent. Black Birld,what can you say about the Lone - Bird's - lay ? A.; 'Nothing. sir, nothing at all.'.'! Then, what can you do ? A.f'Well," pretily chiriped one of them, "I have learned the blacksmith, trade a few years ago, and now, i think,'! can do more than that ; I can buy drugs at Lett' and administer them, too." Another one warbled cut : ,"Well ! Gents, I was opce a; clerk in a drug store, and noW; ''can't I sing out the praises of the Medical sci ence and distribute drugs, too The third answered with some-gruffhess : "Don't you think that I .once kept an apothecary shop ? .Who cm, better than I, apportion- to mankind the, benefits of medical stuffs?" The fourth, like a o-rimalkin said that he "had learned sev-' eral trades, and can follow throne, he pleases : he did not care vrhich,andvlike the others, did not pretend to be a phy sicianVanyhow. 'Hie did inbt ?are what he followed." ; t t 'One of them constantly san out: "Diphtheria ! .Diphtheria !. Diphtheria !" Another:, '.'Liver-diseases! -Liver-diseases ! Liver-diseases, only '." The third : "No cure for;Neuralgy Tor Neuralgy! for Neuralgy! For every thing else, Morphine ! f- Jlorphine ! . Morphine !" -The fourth and the oldest : "No. Ovarian Tumor has ever been cured ! No Ovarian Tumor can be cured !".. The Lone Bird says it is &l false. .' v : There they were, and thu3 they sang, when I left ; and I believe they are-still there. I have not heard of them for a great while, 1-ut when I heard of them last; the Lcne Bird had not yet been driven away.iL ( ' - 'V' - Mb. AfoutTown's Cousin.. CLOCKS, WATCHES) JEWELRY. J. fiCHUTZ -? VTonld anaonnceto theciUzes cf BrowBTille yj aoJ vicinity that he hat locale timself. In SwiBrowflri!le, andinten'Js keerii'K a 'all ort. luent of everything in tis lineof basiness, which will te sold lew for canh. Be will also 4a ail kinds of re pairing of Clocks, watchei and jewelry. A.U work war ranted. . ' rSnlSly . : - LAND SALSl' By aTsthorlty and direction of the Coir.infs3l:ner of tte Getie-ral Land Office, we wll! offer at'Public Sale, to the hifjbe-st bitiier, at the Land Office in Brownril 'e. on the 10th of Jailcary, 1S62, the followlhg described laBds, viz.? ' . The south west quarter section 13 township 1, range 16. Mew -".''.. Thi tract of lanl can only be B-)1d for cash. ! Also, south east quarter of south east'ittarter, sec tion 11, towu 4, range U. east. Wel half south west quarter stctioa 12, towa 4, range 14, east. North east quarter sectton 7, town 2, range 15. east. Northwest quarter aection 8, town 2, rco 15, east, ii South west qnurterte:tiou32, town 3. range 15, east. North east quarter of north wjst quarter section 6, town 6, ianee 10, tart .i) Sauih west quarter of south cut quarter, and south east quarter cf sauth weak quaiir, awiion 31, town 6, range 10. r - r r The abore lands were enfertd - pre 'rictus to the land sales, and the euterie have 8ln been cancels. ' BIClTAan :SAIUU.rT,KegHter. B. a. JAMisOJf, P.e:e:ver. ' for"-fall-:tjrde. 4 f .: - i .'-'' - V ; JOHN C. DXJESER, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T.t , Taies pleasure in annouaangtbathchaano'wonhand a large and select stock of every article in Lis Una, j.r ; COOK STOTES,:: ;-- .'''' - ;. ' . Of H the improved patterns, tu: Plymouth Rock, ' Charter Oat, Valley Forge, Elevated Oren, .- . i SiC, .tc, &.C., ' ; - HBATIITG STOVES ' : Box and Pariot Sloves of an endless variety, aome of which are entirely ne'v tlesiens, viz ; Combined Cook nd Parlor Stoves, eomethiug very nice for imall families. - I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF . ' ' FARMERS TO. MY '; '' - -- . . HEAVY SEEHT IRON, . , for Sugar Boilert, and . LAHGE CAST IUOAT KETTtiUS, ' . A VARIETY OF CHEAP LAED AND COAL OIL LAMPS ."Brass, Cupper, and sheet iron ware; ; .- Lanterns. Shovels and Japanned r .v 1 Ware, iia.j &c. n ' , SELF-SEALIi:S FRUIT CAN'S! OS the latest and most improved Styles, cheap ' ' ' ' cash. ' , I am prepared to put cp guttering and spoutfng, and Bit other "work of my line at the shortest notice, and In a workmanlike manner, wiLich I warrant W git satis faction. i August 2,1SC2. :, HELLO, STRANGER! 'WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE ME'W Grid O D S P AT ' j; -BERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., , . f . ... ... - ' " ' Have Just received, and rre row opening, at their stand on Main street, ono of the largest stocks of BEY GOODS A JT D ever offered In this market. Eemember the place, . ' J.. BERRY & C0 . NOi 3L9 3aCebixL atroct f 1 BROWNVILLE, N.w T. " Kay 29, 1S6J. r.47-tf ' -F AST HORSES." v. .Kma EI T Y III AND PE;ED, ST O KE , -BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. HEX JAM IX ROGERS, : ANNOOTCKS to the public thst he has purchased the entire interest in the Livery StaMe and Stock formerly owcei by Rers it Brother. He ia now preparel to bcconimcdate tto public with Carriages, tins i ao Suikie, Saddle Horses, ; &c, lc. TEE? TRAVELING PUBLIC ' Can! fliflr at' his Statle anrple accommodations for horses, rades or cattle, i' ' . , "''.': BEN'JAMIN KOGERS. N. B. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin h Jcshua R'-iiers is dissolved. ; . . JOSBfJA i. BENJAMIN ROGERS, May 29th.'. 1882. nlT-if PJtI!)L'E,S I-ATEXT. AsricQltnral Cauldron acd Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 223, South Water. Street, Cbicsgo, III. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $38, staple siaes other sizrs in prorvrtion. with-freight adled from factory in New Yorir to Chicago. The ad vantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted bj all. The old way cf boiling inktittiesia botU slow and expensive, so much ao taht but few men da it.. Som tithing more praelioal mast be tai: Steaxa seemes to to the only alternative. The Patented has retaimi all the advanta of the Portable Cal dron for boi'.in?, and devised meand of generating steam su5:ient for ali purple?. It is simple aad practical, and proves a PERFECT SUCGhlSS. - - - TV.JU. -AITSTI3T, Sole aeit for lllinbis and North-West 221 & 223 8. Water St, CMcipj. Where will al'o be found Downs & Co' Deep WeE Pumps, Force CUterns, Chain and Common Well Pumps, Thimble Skrina and Sad Irons, as well aj every variety of Farming Tooli, Caat Irou Corn Sheliers, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales. Stoves, 4c. The above will be sold on account of the manufacturers, at their rospe Uvafalory price addic freight to this placet. '' Janjaary 1SS2. , . . tf , NOTICE. The public are,herecj notified that the Indians of our respective are not permitted to go bevoad tha limits of their Reservations, without tho writttn per mission of ihelrAgentj ;.and all persons are cautioned against barborin vagrant Indians. Ua attention U this notice win' enable tin to detect the author of dep redations; and prevent the recurrence of annoyances of which 'cC-mpIainU are f recently Biade. O. H. TS:SH,OmjJia Axeiit," ' ' '' J. P. BAKBr. otce Agect, B. r. LUSHBAUGH, PawnM Agent Koffrmber 33, 1S91. 19-tw i : ' ' ' , t - '' J ! : ; EOYSTABLB r -mzJliiP wm . SADDLERY I' SADDLERY! '. . ' ..... . ' t ... . nvl? recently nada larg adillioos U cy itock cottistuis cf ' SADDLES, BAUIfSSa,- BKISLKS. COLLARS. LINtS, WAGON WEIP3, BCG3T WHT73, ox LAsass, Loass LAsn3, stauslassss, SURGING L23. GIETII3, aiiaacpa, usathB3, ie. I think I can acco-nmodate all In quantity, quantity and price. I work cone but best Oak Tanned Leather, and gettiaj; It directly Xroai Unueriea la Ohio, lai con fident It will give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. TT. MIDDLETOX. $9pteraberI3, 1SC2. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST - CLCTHIITG . ' Ever offered 'in this Market. !' KO DOUIIT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore CotliiDr : Store, BROWIf villi:, it. t. 7, DAT ID SSIOBL. 'Announce to the public that he ha opnid est stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. , . BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, ice. , Sec. , iiC. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and price. Ha is determined his piicea shall cirrefpnd with tut times, and therefore offer heie in the West, at jnst as low rates' as such goods can e purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of Lis prices he will mention that be sells Coat3 from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, ITats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sns- dcrs, Neckties, Sucks, Handkerchiefs, Ax., In tha same proportion. . Tne proprietor emnrace mis opportunity cr returning thanks tor past patronage, and promUe to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call lixxcl sco Ixixxx. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville, June 13, lS61.-ly LETT, STRICKLES & Co. MAEV STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. TTe are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consisting ' - - OF - DR Y GOODS : : Prints, Muslins,' . . Drills," Osnabur g, : ; Denims, Cottonades," s ' , Apron Check, Hiclcory, '-; , '; Jeans. Beragei,' Linen. Drepeoda, i - ' 1 ' ' v ooi jjeiames, -; ! Fancy and Plain Sillc, ; ' ' " Lawnes, aten Vesting's, road Clo'hs, ' ; ' ; ; -; Cassirnere, ' - Hooped Skirts, . . . -. - &c. , Jcc. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candled, B. C. Soda, J-aleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, - Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARD WAKE : Axes, Hatches, ' ' -;Buus, Screws, Lock3, .Latches J'lils, Tacks, Penknives, . Knives and Forks, . Hand Saw and Mill Files, &c, &c, &.c, &c, $cc. S:c. OF QUEEft & WJt K S : Cups and Saucers, . Plates andPlatters, Dishes and Tu:nblei. - , - Coal Oil! Lan?fs,;. . - - ' f Lamp C:iirr.r.o?3, "i ' ' '- ' ; ., '.WicL-, ice... iic. OF BOOTS & SHOES: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf rBuT and Kid,- . .. r . Gaiters,-Calfi Shoes, - - - -Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes: Slippers, Men's., Calf, r v - Men s Brogans, Copper Tea; v Kip and Course Boot3, &.c.,Sic. OF HATS & CAPs : Panama, , Leghorn, -Planter's, - Straw, Wool, . Cassimere, . ' ! . Plantation', . Shaker Hooda, f Scr -r ?v-r Of Far miner Vteusils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, tc, kc. &c. OF JLVilIBESKt Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Eoardd 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, - - Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pins Lath, - ; All Sizes Sash, .-.'.-. All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, . 5.c.Lf,e-.'tteDt,oa of the. public to our stock, as our CASH TEK1IS enable us to sell low. i . Thankful for paat patroLage, we soUcii a continaanse of th tame. LETT, STRICKLER & CO. 5rowtrt!l, Jaly 3, 13f3. a-f. 1862, 1862. Day .goods;, aiid. Gr.coHniEs i THEODORE HILL, Is recslTini, azifl wiU oonUasa t r ecirt daitai tha summer, on of AITD BEST STOCIS o r IJSffl ISCMIES, New York, PhiladelpMa. and St. Lc-k That has ever been txMfciteI in tha Tv-etm Conn. try, embracing al I the latest ay lea and novelties cf ti ' times, ds stock embrace Dry Goods , G'rocerirs. " . '. ,. Ilardrrare, f I i atrcrr-. ' QeenTTarf, 2Joor. r.A SKofs. ' ' .Door e;;d Sailu GiaAanii I'ntty, i'iae Furniture, ' J.c.t t.C., tic Among tls Cry Gooda will be found 'rials. Gingham, Lawns. Bareje, Brown and Blenched Jluslius, -Derne-s. Striped Sheeting, Cot touadeft,' Hosiery, Gloves, The Latit Styles Hoop ,.. Skirts, Nulioas, tic.) Jic. He has ranch the Largest Stock of QTJSEITSWARIa ia th3 Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agent for the Harrailal& St. Joseph EJ1 Haod Packet Line of btoaraboats. May 22, 1S63. n46-tf. ISIcCORIUCK' Eeaper and Hower . ;KANT7i7ACTURED AT1 ; Thlt ce!ebrated mschlse l br all oddsth BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD, Notwithstanding the misrepresentation of thise inter tsted in other, machlues, C. B. KcCormick & Bro. cun ufactuie at the rate or 8,000 per year, Jiany changes have been aSTected during the past season, aud for 1-362 the "McCormlck" Is presented with greater attraction than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECOX03IY OF POTTER IN TIII3 ilACHINS, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give it preference over ail others New Improvement added, have materially lessened, the direct draught, and so obviated the tide draught that many ascre us that it does not now exist. The drnht of the Reaper is so Ht'ht that la numerous instances the large Xutir horse machine U worked with but two horses. - FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1S62 will stand any teat that may be applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner eciually. prevents chuking, no matter w!iat the condition of th gram, while our new diviitor point beparates baldly lodged and tangled clover or gras, where other ma chines fail. ; There is also a irreat advantage in our serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it does not rc-quli e sharpenm; so often, thus saving tsue. Oar fickle will f retuei.tiy run through an entire harvest without once griartlug, while the smooth eJO must be ground once eaca day. if not of taer With a smoth ei'e the -iracsht inoreuse as the knife becomes dull. Our draught is uri!.:rt,i, and in the repeated trials during the season of 1SGJ 61, proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at tt same time from, twelvo to eiyh'-een inches witter. Our Mower can be u.-eJ with or without the reel , thU Is important, as without the reel it weigiu but at out 670 pounds, - . In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, that farmer who niiy desire it, are at lioerty to work our machina through the harest with any other, and kaep and pay for tke one preferred". PjtGpii'ets with full description of ImprovenienU, tCd'imcuiali, itc. Can teha ! ty application to THEO HILL, Agent, : ii, V GOODS 115 T PRICL3 TO VIT TH3' XHZSJS. JOHN . A. PONN Is now reoeivinj and oponiaj out bi Spring Slock cf Goods, consii ing of ' ' - Dry Goods, '..; m ' Groceries, . : Hats and Caps, ': Ejo-Is and Shoes, . Iron and Nails, V Flcur and Bacon, Queensware, '..; Hardware. . Furniture. 1 Sash and Doors, Window Glass, " - : . - . etc., etc., etc. v Wtlii I will sell cheap ft , CASE OE PBODUCE. Call and eiaxiaa my stook tefora purchasirj elsewhere. i i Brownville, April 24, ISM, tfl-Ca Ayar's SarsapariHa. . ! 5