Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 27, 1862, Image 4
Tho'Economy of Using A , t THE FRANKLIN Family Sevang Hachine. i ' . TTe-e marines make the celebrated GROFER f hAKER ST1TCI1. wtiich ba taken thebltbest premi . ... .1 .1,. iii,r.,,i .stat in Seuienibtsr iaat. at the Itdiud Mates Fair in St. Lou-.i. I" I860, nd t the r iuctl State Faira tbronghout tee country. . ,... r.iu f-i tlPcihioD in lavor of ID If not, u aoounnt of lis great atrenjcth aud adaptation - , t nf rami ! and maiilif nCtUl DUrnoseS. r, nii.,ir tm wilt ihdw th difference in faror r Sewing Jiacbluea oTer theold method of stitching by baud. In the working or iLesc ainiue meie i uu dij a great saving of lahor end tlnte, Denae aaain ....ii. . . . v.. 1 1 i,rnit.i..i of tli smtilorniAn . but tb friiUrh ii much atronger, more elastic, and lesrllable to xipor raTtl than .the f titcij made with shuttle and koooins.' . . - - - r.mi mwnmtd In makini Rr Machine. 1 By Hand ' Ladies' GaruieuU. .Honrs. mlR- Kilk Dress. I I 15 -ktualin Shirt.- - 25 Merino Dreas. I 1 10 Chemise. ' I 10 Calicv Dre, J I Voreen Skirt. .' .40 Xl;ht Drew, 16 Timwer. x tT ilWtron. I 0 PUin Aaron. I 10 Time consumed in making I By Machine, no Gentlemen's Garments Honrs. Mln Honra. 10 10 , 10 Min 28 6 SO 10 to s Gentleman's Shirts, Frock Uoat, BaUn Vest, Linen Vest, CUib Pants, nnumier Panta, By Ilsnd. Honrs. Jtln IS 2! 1 2: S ft ft 10 '25 16 SO . The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Bas one advantage which is worthy of especial attention In addition to the peculiar character of the stitch, and that is its adaptation to either light or medium heavy work.. The Machine wbnU at oue moment is nsed on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, In a few mo 4ent after can be brought to h2ar with the sine facil ,iy on cotton ad c and towels of the coaraest description. ' lit adaptation for FAMILY WORK, iathus reniarka tla. and gives it a superiority over every other style of " xaciuue in the Market. In order that these Machine may he placed in the iaiidsof all elates, we have reduced the price of onr FR AN KLIN FAMILY MACHINE TV FORTY jiOLLARS. From the Increase of our butineM for th :lal year, and the eulii e aUsIactiun ur Machines are V'viuK throughout the United States and Knropean Ocutries, we are led tnlelieve that our determination U manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE ,4X1) CHEAP MACHINE, has been fully appreciaten r the public. This policy will remain unchanged, and a heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the eVe (hat we cannot fully warrant in every reopect. We shall keep on band at all times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine materials Needles for all machines can be ordered by Mall or Irpressr -Price One Dollar per dozen. Feraons in the country, by sending us tbeir address nckiig a letter stamp, can bare forwarded by return nail, one of enrci rcnlais containing the different styles eX Madite. list of price, and sample cf work. E. RICnAIlDS & CO., T .' .' T Principal Agents for the Knrth West. and Salesroom 123 Lake S'.reet, Chicago, Illinois, . M. BICaiRD Lato of L. Cornell & Co. C. ' WISWALI . JiO.W. TAPFAK, formerly Xg't for .he Graver Av M.k JWC! Wfviilft MSVU1WV . . JDao ih' lb62. n2S-tf THE HARP OF rREEDOJI. .- Now ready, new and superior collection of 27 4cti Slavery, r&triotic, and "Contraband" porgs s4oft, doeU, quartets, and ebornses. Koetof the I'.try and Made Las been written expressly for, this werk, to correspond with the times, and sfcoHld be tung by the million, in order, to awaken a dee-p interest in behalf of the ''Contrabands," whom God, In bis providence, has cast opon the Free ftorth to e'.otLs and educate. CO STINTS, IK T1ET. "Fair Freedom! Morn has dawned at last:" 'Dre.ik the Chains, or t" ntncipatiDg Sword ;" 'Fremont is Marching on, or, Glory Iiallalujah ;" 1 Oh I llelp the Contrabands';'' "Old John Brown's Hong;" "Song of the 'Contrabands' ;" 0 Let my I'eoj.le Go "Parody on the Song of the 'Contra bands' "Where Liberty Dwells is my country;" When Slavery dies therell be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, God has spoken;" "Whittier's suppressed Bong of Freedom," U. 5 Trice only 6 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, $3 per ICO ; postage 1 cent. L.0RACE WATERS, Publisher, v tiU-ly 4SI Broadway, New York. 1 GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14th, 1860 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Machine is constructed on an entirely new . inciple of machinery, possing many rare and val .ble improvements, having been examined by the et profound experts, and pronounced to be SIM rUClTY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections nrged tatnst oewing iiachmes. Exoessive fatigue to the operator. -Liability to get oat of rder. -Expense, trouble and loss of time in repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew very description of Batenal. Disagreeable noise while in operation. Empire Seeing Machlfie is Exempt - from 'all thete objections. It bai a aki has a etraisht needle perpendicular action tes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICII. which will . WPTTTfrn urn ?i ttpi a i-i , . i uE,ii xiir nor i.A ana is aim e on dou ides ; performs perfect sewing on every description ' ef material, fromLeather to the finest Nansook Mur with cotton, linen or silk threod,frcm the cos- ' msi to the finest number. Earing neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and the ' the least possible friction, it runs as smoothly as flaw, and is i Emphatically a Noiseless Machine 1 It require twenty-five per cent, less power to . I rive it than any ether Machine in market. A pirl f twelve yearn of eje ran work it steadily, without fat ism cor injury to henHh. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of ..construct ion render italrnots impossible to get it out t f order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to ttpply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine thisCNRITALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage or Drsss Makers Cortet Makers, Gaiter Fitters, rlioe Binders, ' Merchant Tailors, Ceach Makers. ' Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, " Shirt and Bosom Makers, V Vest and Pantaloon Makers F"RHgioua snd Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: 5o. I, or Family Machine, $5,00 ; No. 2 Small ' sized Manufacturing, 50,00 ; Ko. 3 Large eised Manufacturing, f 75,00. CAOineta in iCverr variety. We want Agents lor all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, , ft whm liberal discount will be given, but we Xbk ca eonsignmsnts. T .T T.Tr AnTTTTTT? 510 If roadway, Ifew York. A CARP TO YOUNR LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. The subscriber will send (free of charge), to all who desire it, the Ffcips nd directions for making a sircpla Yt'jetable JSa'm, that will, in from two to eight aays,remoTo i inrt-s, uiatji-ow, a &r, j. 1.014 i es. Sallow xees, arid all imparities and roughness cf the Skin, leaving the same as Na ture intended ' ii sbond be toft, dear, tmooth adbxuliful. ' desiring the Recipe, with full instructions, directions , and advice, will please tail on cr address (with ra ta ra postage.) THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chetcist. 831. Broad way,Aew iork. Hay 22, 1862, c45-2m. SUGAR CANE MILLS . AD- EVAPORATORS ITsvic been arpoinlel pnt for the Esgle Work fcctar Cane Mill and Evaporators, Ccicsgo, 111., I sm reared to -fill orders at the manufacturer's prices. fucea,f JiillR, from $40 to ,3CCk JSvat.rsiors fiom. .'0ot?6. Ad.i ?v li VV, FUHWAS, Marrt n, i03 t t.. . Erowarilie. Keb. EAGLE WOEES: BIAHUFUCTURIHG C0HPMIY CHIOAGO,ilLLINOIS. (; , A" . ' i t-..-t GAz -. ft -v.. v wit .' :-z?ir t v. m : 1 4i II X, it:!;' I SI ; I ill' -v ---v.i. ,,.LA 'J Aj v i--f..l : ; ; l -si I It m mi- S.- r Mi 11 111! Ill r i ..r- .1 111119 . i ' I r" ' ' i Jar ! nut . ml. . V'.'A. e s "! t,on J mm i llJ.-Vl .LJ i i VI il j V i V ft Hi: I i-ii i !i i ! 1 1 1 h - sn m i i .in a k . i it' hp I i ri' r . ' l-i . . s j i t- -r t xo ; YOU WAIST ro 3 "EJ PURE DRUGS A D HEDICIHES? If SO, GO TO THE CITY DRUG STORE, k 1t. p. a buildings, A W D JOHN H. MAUN, Win sell whatever you desire. Xou may rest assured It u a ,':!!! 1 : 00t$0i GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. No. 1 5 Borse Power, weighs J.f 00 lbs. Prico 1 No. 4 12 Horse Power, weighs 7 500 lbs. Price $953 No. 2 7 " '-u0 " " 6bJ No. 5 15 " ' 8 5 0 , 1,100 Ne. I 10 " " 6,0'JO " " loii No. 618 " . " 10.000 ' - " 1,300 w -' " "-it -t cr 3- g I s 5 fiLqr,., tgl " " 3 9 -s- : If s-? s Ifttl S 1 : III ! wlWlli' gi- o Ci ' "i i! Jin I i fen ' : I Ti' o ro - -- . ' Q . CD P. W. GATES' PATENT, SUGAR CANE MILLS fry ' .... I ;i : Ul.CA7)v Utfiiv ' 4" . I ..! : No. I is an nrrinlit three-rol'er mill for ene nir..f, weighs ttV iunii, ami capable of e.x-revit-int; 30 to 6'J K-iHont juice per bour. j'nre $ 10. N3. 2 is an nprlfrht Ihree-rolier mill, for one or two horses, wcipb.1 800 pounds, snd capahle of expresxin 60 to 70 gallons juice jer hour. Trice $50. - No.-3 is an npri'ht ihrefi-roller mill, for ; two .hordes. wciubi aiout 1,000 pounds, soil capable cf CTprsMns 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Price $5. No. 4 is an upright, three-roller mill for two or lour horhes; weib 1,400 poanJd, and ' is capitate of exprcsfin from 100 to 150 gal lon juice per bonr. Price $S5. No. 6 is a fonr-horse-power mill, upricht rollers, for t-iotiii or water poer, capable of expressing 60 lo "JOgallous julco per hour. Price $C0. N. 6 if. a eit-horte throe-roller horiion tal mill. b.rk Kearel for horae or steam pow er, ueiKlts J.20O pound, arid capable of ex pressing from 70 to 100 gallons of juice por honr Price $75. i No. 7 is an Mgbt-horKe three-roller aori- - rintal mill, back geare-1 for horse or ste-im p'er, H-e;chs 2,000 pounds, and will ex- press from 150 to 250 gallons per hour. . Price $125. -?S No. 8 U a ixten horpe three-roller bort imtal mill, hack geared for sie-io or water r; power, weignR ft,30J pvundu, and expresses i5: from SW to 600 galk'us of juice pes hour. S Price $300. fl -CMC" Y. VT. CATES, President, CHICAGO, nXTNOIS. . "7t7" . Jb; SJ" -3FL 1ST S , yABfnt for p. w. GATrs' Portable "Engine, Evaporators and Sugar Mills. - ... J- Orders Ua wita - FISHER & HACKER, . . : ; : i i- : -i biiovnville, necraska no hulls you on ci:i)iTr From his long expeilence In the business, he Is CONFIDENT he will give satisfaction to all why may call at bis ESTABLISHMENT. He 'has now on hand, and Is constantly receiving a large supply of all articles uauall kept in a DRUG STORE. joirv n. iiAui. Brownville, May 8th, 1862. v6-n44-tf AJPj?LE TREES. BROWNVILLE NURSERY. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE STILL A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES, BAISED IK THIS SOIL AND CLIMATE, Which they offer this Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, OH. APPROVED TRADE. THESE T3EES ABE LARGE, "Will commence bearing in a year or two, yet we will sell them at 515,00 PER HUNDRED, OR $2,50 PEIl DOZEN". MAUN, FISHER &. HACKER. COMMERCIAL NURSERY, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. E. H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR. I have lone since been convinced of the want of a first class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, Can be adapted to our climate and soli. In view of these facts, I have established in this place, aud offer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf; Peaohes, Plums, Apricots, ectarines, Quince, Goosherries. Currents, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, ' Blackberries, Evergreens, Shrub, Roses, Dahlias, Ornamental Trees. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would beg leave to call the attention of tbe people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Icwa and North- west Missouri. JJ3"My terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nnrnery. By purchasing of me tbe expense cf transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner, for which a charge of the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made lor the delivery of packages on board steamboats. All communications addressea to ine unaersigneu will receive prompt attention. March. 1862. - iiUKCUBA. KELVIN'S MILLS ! FREIGHTERS TO THE MINES AND THE WESTERN FOKTS And the public generally ar respectfully informed that his Mills are now in excellent running oru'er, tuwi in out from 60 to 75 sacks per day. lie has the bet millers in the Territory. (Admitted both in Colorado and Nebraska to be unsur passed by any West of the Mississippi River ) Is made from the best of Fall and Spring Wbet, ami rs sold at as low prices as can be obtained in the Territory. Bis flour is kept for sale at all tbe stores in'Brown- ille. He is prepared to furnish freighters, and citi sens generally, with fionrfram either Fall or ring Wheat, and also with any amount of Corn, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour at: the lowest casb prices. Custom Grinding done atone-sixth per bushel. . He desires tccajl theattention of freighters to the advantages of Brownville as a shipping point to tbe West. Not only can any amooat of grain snd flour be obtained berr cheaper than at any other point in the Territory, bnt the Merchants nere have laid in. this sea son a large supply of every variety of poods. J. G. MELVIN. GET THE BEST, i CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Surpass all ethers before the Public 1st. In fhilojophical arrangement. 2.i. In tho gradual progress of their steps, 'id. la rroseatiiig one thing at a time. Iih. la the adaptation cf each part U ua inten ded" grade of scholarship. 5th. In the ftdniirabla mode they prescribe for memorising the contents ol a ump. 6th In their explanation and directions for'des cribiag the naturnl divisions of tho earth. 7ih. In their judicious se'ectious of facw. 6th. In the appropriate and instructive character of their illustrations. .. . Jth. In consistency between mii amd text. 10th. In the introduction into the maps of such places only as are mentioned in the book. llth. In the cldar representation of every fact, and the analytics1 precision with which each branch of the subject ia kept distinct. 12th. In being at once practical, systematic, and complete, philosophical in arrangement, and pro gressive in development of the subject. ' CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are officially recommendod for the use of the Tub lie Schools of N ebraska Territory. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the Suie of - Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the. U38 of the I'ublio Schools of the SUte of Vermont. Cornell's' Geographies are rCisially recommended for the nse of the Public Schools of tho State of Ohio.' - Cornell's Geographies are oChially recommended for the U8e of tho Public Schools of the State of Indiana. ' : f Cornell's Geographies are cfTuially recommended for the uso of the Public Schools of the istata of New Uampshife. Cornell' Geographies are officially recommended for the ose of the public schools in the State cf Cal ifornia. Cornell's Geographies are -officially recommended for the use of public schools, in tho Stato of Wis consin. Cornell's Geographies are U3ed in public schools of the City of New York. - Cornell's Geographies ar nsed in public schools of the City of Urooklyn. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Albany. Cornell's Neographiea are used in public schools of the7City of Troy. " Cornell's Gef'graphie? are used in public schools of the City of Syracuse. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Auburn. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Rochester. ' Cornell's Gwgraphies are used in public schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell's Geographies are a Jed in pnblie schools of the City of Pittsburg. Cornell's Geographies aro used in public schools of the City of Mobile. Cornell's Geographies are u.-ed in public schools of the City of Wilmington. Cornell's Geographies are used in publia echoold of the ity os Washington Cornell's Geographies are nsod in publio schools of the City of Detroit. . - - Cornell's Geographies are uatd in publio schools of the City of Columbus. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Hartford. Cornell's Geographies are used ia public schools of the City of New llaven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of the Uuitcd States. Cornell's Geo.rrar.hie3 are irinted on the best ra- .11 -"i i jl-i kri.. I per, are me wjsi nounu, awiiau cest musiraieai.1 Are prrparea by an eminent anj.k'.nful physician, wh COBWELL'a FIRST STEPS IM - - Intended to precede cornea stieograpflrcntTyries, and to introduce the little pupil pleasantly and prof itably to tho rudiments of Geogmphy. One beauti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, 72 pages, l'rioc, 2i cents. tub sseies consists ,op I. PEIKAEY GEOGEAPHY. Small 4 to. 08 pp. 12 Maps. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 50 cents. II. GSAimAS-SCnOOL GEOGSAPHY. Large 4 to, with numerous Maps and Illustrations. 103 pp. It includes Physical and Descriptive Geography. Price, 90 cents. (TheGrammar School Geography may either follow the Inter mediate, or be used, instead of it. The chief difference between the Intermediate and Gram mar School is, that the latter, though no more . elevated in style, is fuller in detail, presents a greater variety of map questions, and a larger number, of localities to be memoriied,) III. HIGH-SCHOOL GE0G2APHY AND ATLAS. Geograyhy, large l2mo. 405 pp. Hichly Illus trated. It includes Descriptive, Physical, and Mathematical Geography. Price, 75 cents. . Atlas, rery large 4to. Containing a complete set of Maps for study ; also, a set of Reference Maps for family nse. Price, $1. A copy of either part of the Ser"es,for exam ination, will be sent by mail, post-paid, to any Teach er or School Officer remitting one-half its price. D. APPLETOX L CO., New Yoris. (JUT PUBLISHED.) Cornell's Cards for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to accompany any Geography but especially acapted to the scale of Cornell s Gram mar-School Maps. Price per set cf 12 Card, oO cU ALSO, Cornell's Series of Outline Maps, of which aDes criptive Circular will be sent upon application. January 16, 1S62. n29-tf TO THE PEOPLE OF Ia the raontn cf December, 1S53, the undersigned fr tbe first time ufrircil for saie to the public PR. 3, iiO VEE DODS' IMPERIAL' WINK 'BITTKKS, and in thir short period they have given such universal saUiJau tion to the niiiuy thuadduda of persons who btvo T.riei them that it it now an established article, -Tbe anount of budiiy and mental misery arising simply from a ne glect or complaint is surprising, and it is there,'f the utmost importance tbat a trit attention to tbe U;as and moot trifling bodily ailments should be bad; for disease of the Uniy must invariably affect the mitid. Tin? Mibscrirersnow only ask a trial of , ; Dll. J. 130VJ;E DODS'S .; Iraperial Wine Bitters. from all who have not u.ed them. We challenge the wor Id to produce their equal. i . if . Thess Bitter for the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debilityi and for Purifying . and fcuiiching the Blood, are absolutely unurpassed by auy o'her reme dy on earth. T be assured of this, it is oniy lieccs esary to make tho trial. Tue wiais of a very supe rior quality leiag abuut one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and invigorating the whole system from tho head to the leot. As tuese bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, o they strt'Dgiiien aud Invigorate the whole ryieui aud give a flue tone and heaitby acliuu to a,l i s parts, by eiua!u:ns the circulation, removing the obstruction and producing a general warmth. Thpy are excellent for diseases and weakneispoc'iliar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and. brace the system. No 1st! y who issuiie:tto lasitude and faiutnesa. should be without them as they are revivifying in their action. THESF BITTERS - : Will not only Cure but Prevent Jiisease. " aud in this respect sre doubly valuable to the person who may nse them for INSIP1ENT C0NSMMPTI0N weak Lunjrs, indirection. Dyspepsia, diseaaec of the Nervous system. Paralyois, Piles, and for ali cases requiring a Tonic' DR. DODD'S ' Celebrated Wine RitteM -r-- UnBuiunssocl. For -re Throat so common auiou the Clergy they are truly invaluable. For the ogod and infirm, and for persons of" weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and all public snseker? for-book-keepers taikr3 peamatresses. artistx.and all persons lea f'ii.e a sedentary life, they wi'i prove bcneiicial. i. a beverage; they are wholesome, innocent, and rioiicioas to the taste. They pro-luce all theexMerat ing eO'ectsof braiuiyor wine, withoct intosicat:i)tr; aud . a valuable remedy for persons adicted to tl use of TOsivc stmnsc drink, an who wish to refrain from it. Thi ai e nnre arid entirely free from the poisons con e.iincd in the adulterated wines and brandies wiLh which ti, countrv is floxl:d. . These bitters noto nly CURE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where chills anJ lever are prevalent Being entirely innocent and harmless they m.ty begiv. pii freely to children and lulants wuii lmpunny, physicians and Clergymen, and temoeraiu e advocates nann'art. f hnmanit v. shonld assist in spreadiri i these valuable bitters over the land, and thrcby escntially banish druukenncss and disease. ; . In all affections ortlic IIcal,Sick If eacSnrhe, or X crTaoiasIIcad- atlie, Ur.IJoci's Imperial Wine Ililtei- Will be round to be most Salutarn and! l!nicacious. The many cirtilicatcs which have been tendered ns and the. letters which we daily receive, areconclusive proof tbaramon the wornen thee Bitters have given a satisfaction which no other have ever done before. No woman in the land should he without them, and those who once use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. . . ..v . . DH J Bovee Bod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, SAKCATII SCHOOL DELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the lunes and lijmus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as its predecessor, (Pell No. I ) which has run up to the enormous number of o7a,000 conios in Zo months outstripping any Sunday School Book of its size is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bortnd in one to accommodate schools wisbintrthem in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, p.ipr covers, 15 cents, $ 12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents. 13 por 100. Cloth hound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, $13 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, ecnts, zu per IUU. Ltll3 rsos. I and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, f 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the IUU price. Cloth und embossed gilt, oOcents, v40 per 100. Mail postage free at me retau price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, nll-ly No. 4S I Broadway, New York. FRENCH'S CONICAL WasIiiDg Machines. The most simple, durable, convenient and economical article ever invented for the purpose. Mill do the washing of an ordinary family before breakfast, not only savibg time, but clothes. By strictly following the printed di regions, which are simple and etsy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts, or two dozen proall articles, in about t;x or teven mm utc$, or tbeir equivalent. By all the c-rdfnry methods of cleaning fine fat-rirs, such as laces, fee, the greatest care is required, while with this machine the most delicate article can be wat-hed without the possibility of dioiaf-'e. These results are prod need by the ciistant reaction the suds while tbe machine is in motion. of Families, laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, hospit als, asylums, boarding-schools, on ships and steamers, and in the army, who bare these machines in nse, bare seut in their testimonials volnntarially, and the enco miums of the Press are very numerous, some of which I have publisned in pamphlet form. All I ask of the Public is a careful examination of this machine befoie purchasing of others. General Depot 419 Broadway, corner Canal St , ew York. ' x Price only Ten Dollars. PHILIP FRENCH, Proprietor. Address box 2S93, N. Y. City P. U. N. B. A liberal discount to tbe Trade. Aaent wanted. Send for m Circular. -DISPEPSIA AND FITS. BUY PURE, IRESH GARDEN SEED, taised in Uu West. .--' A sure Cure for these distressing complaints is now made known in a "Treatise on Foreign anjl Na tive Herbal Preparations." published by D1L O. IMIEKPS BROWN. The preoption, fur nished by aymn? clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, h s erred everybody who has take'i it, never hating failed in a single rase. It is eqa.illy sure in cases of Fits as of Dyspemsia; and the lngrelieuu nuy be found in any drug store. Those who are alii it ted with Consumption, Brouchitis or Asthma, may als. be cured by the use of my Herbal Preparations. 1 will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receip of their name. Addresss, D&. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 rand street, Jersey City, N. i. n47-6iu 313IE. DE3l6REST7S MIRROR OF FASHION. The largest, net and most reliable Fashion Magazine in the world. Contrains the largest and finest Fashion Platet, tbe greatest number of fine engravings, the latest and moat retrable inDrniatin, three fnll-oized Patterns for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-work and Km, broiderlng PiUtsrns. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Mil liner and t.ady should have it. Published Qu trterly,? I 473 Broadwar, New York, sold every wheie or sent by ml at Zi rents. Yearly $1, witl! a valnablo prcpium. The tnamtr somber w rtadr. LttHS used thera snccesslully in his practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor herore pnuhasin the exjlusive rij-'ht to mannfactnre and sell Ir. Dols' Ceiebraieg Imperial Wine Bit era, badtihom test ed by two listuguihed melical practitioners, who pro nonrirpd them a valnable and safe remedy for dssease. Although tbe medical men of this cenntry, as agen eral tliins. disapprcve of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can te found in the United States, acquainted . with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dud's IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS , In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnant.ity of deeaying timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters 6huold be used every morning boforebreakitast. 1311. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Se3i, Comf rey, Wild Cbery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himseir, who is an expert enced and snccessfnl physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession so justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. i i Pnrcbase one Bottle It Costs liut IMUcl ruril'y tlic ISioocl. Give Tone to the thoSjs and Prolong Ufe. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE mOPRIETOS 78 William Street. Kew Tort. For sale by drurists aud grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1861. CHOICE LIQU0HS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan' Worthinff, " OF THE tr?2 .. vi n BKOWNVILLE, Tf js Just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. Tre following la a partial liKt: BKAITDIES : French, Cogn.ic, Apple, Raspberry, . . Peach. Cherry, Blackberry WDTES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne, WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, . Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIAUD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. IVIIITXEY'S BLOCK Main Street, Brownville. Novnibcr 14, 1S6. n!9-tf FRUIT AMD ORNAMENTAL TREES. 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years nii, $3 per hundred $60 per thousand. "75,000 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to 3 years old, $25 per hundred, J230 per thousand., i!0 000 1 year old Diana Grape vines, 215 per hundred $U0 per thousand. 1 Ml th0 Standard Pear Grapes, $6 per hundred, foO per thousand. Thpse Pear Grafts, nl being balkv, can be transport ed thejt-ly, aud by growing two years, win make (too t-izd trtes to plant it aa orchard. Any one can treble their money by crowinu them to sell. Send for Whc-'e-tiale and Descriptive Catalogues. E. MOODY &. SON. n5I-3r - Niagara- Narseries, iockpoi t, N, Y. Furniture! Furniture ! ! The rn .t roinDlet stock of Furtutur ever .offered ia ' thin upper cuuniry jat receive. by T. Ull.Ii. f KmwrivilllL Inril ;US 1UI ' - t si"! imencan Cement c TTITSSTP.OXGEST(nr " i Till! MOST DI RaIi Vm "tR I THE ONLY RR.f ft?W tnlj I 'Hi: ,.:" s 1 . fi(1B;.."iv TUBBKSTGUYiiia AMERICAN Is the only article f tl,- l: . . CT IT Met t ' AJ Hli ndurUa , UtC: it iLL MEND g7V save tnopeices of that M i " - - -ITWILL MSTfe'''1 Do-Ulrc,5,..,,ttltlr,1H:!l IT WILLMfcx5m I broken China $r MJi Your 3i .. . IT WILL MENn ti That piece knocked out of jonr jj j IT WILL MEND i No matter if that broketr PitchJ, IT WILL MEND ALn! nt Cosly Alabaster T,e 5, brj7"U I Th match it mend it it wii1 naver !,,. -N Fetber. It will TIend bone, c-jr I and in fact everytii: Any article Cemented with Aillr'r- GLUE will mt stow wbo "- "Every Housekeeper should Uf4 I & Cr-asley's American '3etncntG!aO 7," It is so convenient to hare ia th T. ', 1 Exprrtg. ,'It is :il ways ready, tbUcomraenlit t, ' Independent. "We have tiied it and Sad it 3ja,v t as water." WiliSt Spirit ofth'T; Eoonomy is rr' , ( S1U.UUU per year saved bfc by One Bottle of "l Ar.IERICAN CEHEKlc' Price 2o Cents per E;u:t ' Price 2-j Cents perB;:J. Price 2-5 Cect3 per&:: . ; Price 25 Cents per B:iJ rrice.lto Lents perlla Price 25 Cents per Hkli 1 VcrylIberalRcduclloatiTj sale IJujrrt. TCR319 CASH IFor Bale by all Druggi?u il lhroahout tii roinirr JOHNS & CROSII ' ( Sole Manufacturer!. . , . 7S. WILLIAM STREll Corner of Liberty Street. JETTi; Iiuporfantto House Oitaen Important to HulUerL Important to RaiJRoadCa: nles. i Important lo Farmers. j To all whom thistnav cmm. r concerns trrrijlch JOHNS & CltOSLETS IMPROVED CUTTA Pncil cement- noon The Cheapest and moss Juratie i ; in use. j IT IS FIRE AND VHIfflf! It can bo applied to new arj i h.,h4 H steep oifldt and to Shingferov'jie ir the Shingles. Tlic Cost is only about Oa tliatorTln.AAIMTLSItfia; Dill ABLE. j This article bRs been thoronjt! j iwi i Tork City and all pauts of tha I'oited jw ' ii West Indies and Centnl and prntk i buildings of all kinds such as Facria I Churches Rail Road Depots Can kJ i DuiWings gencrolly Government Baili? the principle Builders amhetect! np oth ' the past four years and hrs rrovd tnbe :! EST and MOST DL'BaBLE BOOFOUaa every re?pocf A firk wiTre wkatiB a. ; froof covering for cf auev ,f Thit ii ihe. OXLYnniteTuil uunnfvH 5 United Slatce which aoinbines tha 7 properties of i7iicr7 mnd Dvrih t nmversally acknowledged to bepaws 1 A PEItUHA AND l.MJli' i No" Heat i3 Required iiEX Appllcatica f The expense of applying it istriSifif U r Hoof can be covered trad Buwiea It can be applied by any and when finished forms a perMjflU-' faee witB an elcstic body w h kb arm ; l. I! , rn n vrnuul Boakds nor any externivl ftrtinnis'"- j GUTTA PEUCilA CEMff; Vrtr Poitinrr fpfl Ol 4iJ exposed to the Action of tbe V." For I'rcscrTlnsr ana r. ictal Room . OF ALLKIMJ5- J This JSTEK ONLY Go.MPOSITTOr Z eticeffnUy eit extreme CN?7 , i am lennth of time tchen oppli f. it adheres firmfy forming a boay5 . : of ordinary paint copU much ""V t THREE TIJES AS LONtf; 'L is not injured by the contract TIN and other iiETAL ROOFS sudden changes of the weather. - 1,71 C.RXCK IN-COMKJ t WEATHER AND WILL NOT WAa l- Leaky tin and other metal repaired with Uutt J'ereha from further corrosion and Icakin?. ing a perfectly water-tijht rof ': This cement is peculiarly adapts ' vation of Iron railings, Stoves, S'", Implem-nta, 4c also for fr-?neral J;Vr,T GUTTA PERCH A CL-- For preserving and repairing Tia., at roofs of every description, frjn 13 Tc ' ty, is not injured by the eon.ractio i- of metals, and trill not cack icorm tcealher. These materials are adapted to , we arf prepared to supply 0IjCTi,r ? the country, at short notice, f' , ing in roILs rey prepared for cha Cement in barrels, with fall F'8 j tions for application. vho We wil! make liberal and n.nli with ornn i lilrt CaTtieS estahli.-jh themselves in a loerar. business. , OUR TERMS ARB CJ We can give abundant VK0.0 f.ivor of our improved Roofing j plied them toseverai thoarfi. City and vicinity. rR Wholesale WartUune,', StK circulars acdPr" Corner 0f Liberty street, Full escriptire niched n application. Aov. 7,18dl. ly ?xnx7 READ'- THE OiHcial Union VoIunUer TJt , nyis.) containing J"" ' . irJt', Couixaands. Casual ties, 1 ronK't, i? one want it. J Sent post-p" R onsh.Arat.amFS. Addre re Know Each Other ij, Chorus, by eTZr " ..! 'Shall we Dnct and Cbc KKth lVI!.s Chinis on- Price 2 rents, mailt-d free. ana t.-k trr new iauio. . . r v COBAi n-ty Softie Sc&jfc 100 of the .-..t severe high!ye.ireu.oruir- .j-om-- 2H for l, 0, rF"v- . .itif' my do obiter I'l l"-' .s.j AdJrcsallE.XBVH