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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1862)
r ; 1 J. f5 ADVERTISER. LOCAL. this I .-..TISIFO AGEKT, and Dealer In r1, nd Colored irk. of street. Chlcaco, the Best Qua'Uy, Illinois, is our au- PTfor the 4p-- "d rrw'r' STTES AFD FOREIOS KEWfrAPE AO- r nCt 333 Broadway, New Tork, are f'lf .lenuZ-rthe Advert iter and Furwrr. jor, cot- c IfiVKTS. ana ueaiere i. Inks and - rial of all kinds, Office TriDune cunuing, "Brovn'g Iron Building Philadelphia, jSborixed ag."ts lor the Ad vertiser and Far- but Back.'-Capt. r urnas, and the t r V xxhn veer detached fainess to this place last week, slart- :0r Otna& this, morning. We hope f Ee the entire Company here in a few .it r WrATUtR, The weather for ; iast wo months has been remarka. ild&n& pleasant for the season of vear. The ground is not yet frozen. ; rnach of the time during December been warm enough to dispence CLcice Potatoes are now worth 90 ' s in Sf Louis, lhey will be worth there in the Spring. The rot is jin Potatoes this Season." Those who ieed in keeping potatoes over will get toed price for them ; but where they t any indication of the disease, they j belter be sold immediately. Veedations oy Scnooi, Timber. Grard Jury, at Nebraska City found iciments against those who had been rn&ssin? on the School Lands in Otoe ::;ty; and we are requested to say . those who have been cutting timber a the School Sections in this .County be presented, unless they discontinue j We do oot know who the guihy par $ are, but we understand that a large runt of wood has been taken from the . .. - ,oo District a few miles north of Town l bone it will be discontinued. A d for the wise is sufficient. To Wasted, Acting Adjutant xcox adertises for sealed proposals 'two thousand five hundred bushels of n, and eighty tons of hay, to be deliv i at Brownville, and a lilce amount at Nemaha City and Falls City. This Is as if it was intended to quarter a r.pany of soldiers at each of these pla '. There is no doubt that soldier? subsisted in this portion of the rritory cheaper than anywhere else, maha and Richardson counties are the :most agricultural counties of the Ter . Another reason for distributing : Cavalry to different portions of the rritory : the soldiers could be better td for, and would be less liable to loess, and probably would not loose so : y by death. t , - The Nemaha Valley Seminart and :emal Institute. This Institute, lo- td at Pawnee City, NebrasLa, com :nced its first terms on Monday, the hinst. This institution has a superior 7 of experienced teachers in attend e, who will cheerfully impart instruc a to all who wish to attend, in all "aches usually taught in-Seminaries -d Accadamies. Beside the .' general pine of instructions, will be a class ? those wishing to teach.. This class receive particular attention ; there fe, if there are any gentlemen or ladies r-ing to direct the young ideas prop y.they will find' this to be just the jce for them. Those coming from a pnee will find good boarding places penient, and on rery reasonable terms. ;h as come from a distance will be in ;re of the, teachers, and particular e will be taken with them that they ;7 receive the proper society and mor -raininsr. HT 11 E DID KOT 6UCCEED. We UH 'stand the Governor and others, unti hin a few days, were expecting Judge eier to arrive at Umaha witn about ny men, to fill up a company that was ng raised by Mr. Keith. Wheeler "" others had been encouraged to be ve, (though without any assurances 'to the Governor, V that as soon as he -ut. Mauri's company was filled, o:ld receire a commission to raise an--et company. After assisting in re citing for Mr. -Maun's, he began to Tire as to the-chances fqr raising a ; fd company. He soon found a hun M men who were willing and anxious j Enlist as soon as he thould receive a mission ; but by this time the Gorer had given out the ten commissions. -e Judge was then invited by Mr. ;e''h, who had received one of the ten missions, to recruit thirty men to fill his company which was being raised f Oaha. On consulting with the men had engaged, he found they were un- Ming to go unless they could all go to ,lIler, and elect their own officers. f any 0f them were wiliinsr to be taken "i i up the tail end of a company raised L? 7ljl.ant county. It has always been umicuit to enlist men to fill un an I v0mPany or for company raised at -er place. An example of this was recruiung for the Nebraska First aeamen pr':n they want to have an r i The Telegraph reports Guerillas and other Rebels rampart in Kenluky. Lex ington is again under Martial law We have heard nothing from Arkansas week. The .Markets. At St. Louis still remain almost sta tionary, bold brings 33 to 34 cts. pre mium. heal sells at trom bo to Sl.Oo. Corn has declined a little in the past month. It is now quoted at 52 to 53 cts. Hemp at from to $1,10. The principal market for Nebraska is Denver and Julesburg. Many farmers hauling their produce to these points; prices there are so changeable that while one man is handsomely remunera ted, anether is scarcely paid for his haul ing, to say nothing of the cost of his produce. LOOK OCT FOR THE WAGONS!! 23 H3 3T 7 iS NEW GOODS ARE COMING ! A W D Will be Sold Cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. They Consist of a Large Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AXI CAPS, LADIES' EEOODS, DRY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,: HOSIERY, DRAWERS, OVERSHIRTS, GROCERIES, niRDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, WHISKY", VINEGAR, BRANDT, IRON, NAILS, DOORS, SASH. PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS. IDES, FELTS MO Ell, For Trlilcli the Highest Price will be Paid at DEN'S STOEE ! ! LADIES, Yonr RAGS, and Den will Them in Exchang for Goods. Save take MY TERMS ARE, SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, AND NO CREDIT. s Dumber 13th. 1462. W. T. DEN. PE4R TREES rEAU.TUULsl! 1000 Standard Pear Trees, three to six feet high, at $20 per hundred, cah. r 0, OO I,awton BiacsoerricB, ai prr twunauu. ,000 Hudson River Raspberries, at $3 per huudred. B.(ioi Allan's Raspberry, at $9 per hundred. 10,000 Wilson Albany Strawbcrrj, at $1 per hundred, $5 per thousand. 10.090 Early Scarlet strawcerry, at 91 per uumirea. 10'onf l-k Prince Strawberry, at $1 per hundred. 10,000 ner Willow Cutting, at $2.60 per thousand. 60,000 Gray or Big Timber Willow, at $3 per tnouaanu. orucr ijiii t inter. Xemaha Nurtery. THOMPSON 4- HEDGES. Sur acute p. v., uiot uountu neorasna. VovemberC9lh,1862. ii20-10w A Tractical Guide to Health and, Vigor. THE NEW GYMNASTICS, F O & MElT. WOMB c CHIDREN With a translation of Prof. Klou't Dumb Bell In ttrxutor, and Prof. !cnreoer'$ Pangymnatixkon. BY DIO LEWIS, JII. I)., Proprietor of the Esex Street Gymnasium, Boston. Witk Three Hundred Iliutratiom. One Vol. I2ma - PRICE $1.00 No recent Maeailne-paper has exciled more general intere-t than the article in me Atlantic, cn 'The New Gymnastic." The prenent work is a com plete expiation of the system of which that article cave a synopsis. The author of this work has been fcr many years en- patted in teaching Gymnastics. Tbe lxok describes and illustratet his New System of Physical Training. Tfcl KTKtpm has had the pnctical test i t lone nd varied use. It comprises exercise with Dcmb Bells. Rinj,M, Wands, Clubs, etc., all or which are made perlecllv cinar bv fnll explanations, while many are Illustrated by pictorial representations of the petition of the body required to perform them. The Dumb Bell Instructor, connectod with this work. is of the highest interest and importance. It U ile signed for hoie use, and gives a great variety of Dumb Bell Exercises, together with a careiUiiy-seiecteu pro gressive series for every-day practice. The Panevmnastikon ia a very simple, useful, and cheaD piece of gymnastic apparatus, upon which all cvmnaBtic exe may be performed, and whioh can be introduced, at small cost, into any private houfrf. it is fullv described and illustrated in this volume. Tbe "New Gymnastics" should be read in every fam ily in the land where exercise is valued as a meaiw or hPulth. Ladies, especially, will find in it a great va riety of Easy Simple, and Invigorating Exercises, all of hich mn v ! rvrartispfi in the r own home. ri-For sale by all booksellers, or tent postpaid te any addreas, on receiptor One Dollar, by the publishers, T1CKNOK & FIELDS, 135 Washington Street. Boston. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! ! or THE Richest and Most Fashionable ratern OtTERED AT Retail and Wholesale Prices!!! THE nUBBARD BROS., Kios D ' aaksaw Street. New York, Manufacturers and importers or n th Ijdine. Rich, and most popular siyies or WATCHES and JEWELRY, being determinea opt o in rrraainc their business to an tinllmited extent, offer the following elegant Ornanrents at me uusurpas&6a Ijw Prices following: MAGIC TIME OBiEKi L.K., Deing a uununj ana pen face, or Lady's or Gentleman's v atcn in ote . tne prettiest and most convenient and cheapest watch in tbe world. Imitation gold; effected by a patent pro cess, which renders the appearance of gold perlsct. while it does not cost one third an much. Prict only Petai Is at from one hundred Upwards. . , ,,.nFipmiT nrrn T T- I-T- I o English manufacture movement; capped awl full jeweled ; has auuk seconds, and the neatest improve ments. Heavy casea ana gooa iBinanon goia. rrica onlvtlS. Retails at from 0 to ,100. WATCH. Richly engraved, jeweled and fancy works. Unsurpacsed for Sutlers. Trader, etc. Price $16. Retails at rem $10 to 100. A great variety of other watcnwi, at low priw. Ladies' aets of Brooch and Ear Drop to crrf fpond. Imitation Cluster Dianiow , a very rich paltin, and entirely new, price $1. Coral and Bead eatlaed, a very neat and pretty ornament, handsomely nuunted, 3.MV . . Gentlemen a rest icsina. i-arisien, n mcjs pattern, only $4. Tbe Demoniac, very heavy, t. Rings. Plain only 70c. cron, verypreu, . Chased, a neat pattern, $1. Seal Signet, 2. Imita tion Diamond. $2. Sleeve Buttons. Patent, Chased, or Enamelled, a new and very handsome pattern, 2,6. DoabU, chased or with stones. $1,60. Bosom Studs. a variety of new and fastueLcaie e tigns, per act, $1 ,60. . ' Bosom and Scarf Pins Leaf, with OPl "C7 Stones, $2. Imitatation Diamond, $1.60. Locketa Double Glass, richly engraved, Persons wuhing any of the above, have only to remit the price In a registered letter to our addr, and the article will be sent by return mall, free of nr.jense. g3Ordera to the amount of twelve dollars ana upwards will be sent by express to any part cf the loyal States, with bill payable to the Expreis Company, 'when Ue goods are delivered. Agent, 8utlers and Country Msrcbants, threngboBt the country, who wish te make money rapidly, will da well la ebtain ovr mammoth catalogue ; wi rimisb tha most saleable outfit at prices unsurpassed by my oihir coRcermt Address HUBBARD BBOS. .- Not. W 4 C7 Natse, near John. Street, eetekoc ttti, 18& aI- tm - Stv Tert y. FOR FALL TRADE. f . 5 JOHN C. DUESER, MAIN STKEET, DROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand. a 'large and select stock of every article in Lis line, , cook: stoves, Of all the improved patterns, viz:" Plymouth Rock, Charter Oat, Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, 4uj., 4tc, 4fcC., HEATIITG STOVES, Box and Parlor Si eves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz t Combined . Cook and Parlor Stoves, 6oniethiug very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF FAKMERS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boilers, and LARGE CAST IROT KETTLES, A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Brass, Copper, and 6heet Iron ware) Lanterns. Shovels and Japanned . -"Ware, Btc SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS! OF the latest and most improved Stjlcs, cheap for cash. I am prepared to put np guttering and spoutinr, and. all other work of my Una at the shortest notice, aid in a workmanlike mautier, which I warrant to giro Hatis- J action. August 2? 1862.' HELLO, STRANGER! WIIEUE DID YOU GET THOSE HI TV" GOODS? AT J. BERRY & GO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BEHRY & CO., Ilave Just received, and are now opening, at their stand on Main street, one of the Urgest stocks of DEY GOODS AND ever offered in this market. Remember the place. . J. BERRY & COS;; JVTo. 11, 3VI-ixi Btroot, BROWNVILLE, N. T. May 29, 1862. n47-tf UFAST HORSES." CITY LIVBRYSTflBLB A V D FEED STORE, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. KOCEBS, AXNOUXCE3 to the public that be has purchased the entire interest in the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned bv Rogers & Brother, lie Is now prepared to accommodate the public with Carriages, Salkie, Saddle Horses, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can find at bis Stable ample accommcdations for horses, mules or cattle. N. B. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin &. Joshua Racers is dissolves. JOSHUA BENJAMIJ ttUUJ!.Ka, May 29th. 1862. n47-tt ". 'vrf' ' . 'j'i Agricultural Cauldron and Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 223 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Price, Wood $35, Coal $38, staj.le site? other aiiei in proportion, with ireight added from factory m New lork to Chicago. The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted br all. The old way of boilini' in kettles is both slow and expensive, bo much so taht but few men do it. Somethins more practical mu.t be Kad. Steam u,dim to be the only alternative. The Patentee has reUindaJt the advantages of the Portable Cal dron fr boiling, and devised means of generating Ktn&m suSeierit for ali purpose. It is simpie and practical, and proves PERFECT SUCCESS. W. II. ArSTItf, Sole agent fr Ulinbis arJ North-West, 221 A 22S S. Water St., Cbicaff. Where "will also be found Downs A Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Cham and Lommon el Pum, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well at every variety of Farming Tools, Ciwt Irou Corn- Shellers, Feed Mills, Ihr and Platform Scascs, Stoves. The above will be sold on account of tbe manufacturers, at their respe cti? faetory pric adding freight to this pLsoa. January 1S62. tf NOTICE. The puMlc areeTehy notified that the Indians ef oar respective tribes are not permitted to go beyond the limits of their Reservations, without the written per mission of their Agents; and all persons are cautioned acalnst harboring vagraat Indians. Dn attention te this notice will enable us to detect tbe authors of dep redatlons, and prevent the recurrence of annoyances which complaints are frequently made. O. H. IRISH. Omaha Agent, . J. P. BiSKa.. Otce aeent, B. T. LraaJBAUGH, Pawnea Agent. SOTtaiW 22, 1561. - al9-tr 71 SADDLERY! SADDLERY I 6 Having recently made Urge additions to ay stock, consisting . kj ! !j ' SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS. LINES. WAGON WHIPS, BUGGT WHIPS, OX LASHES, DORSE LASHES, STAGE LASHES, SURCINGLES, GIRTHS, STIRRUPS, LEATHEBS, &.C, Ac. . I think I ean accommodate all in quaiitity, nuantitv and price. I work none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries ia Ohio, feelcoa fideut it will give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Chsap. : :;r : t--. , hi CAS LI PAID FOR HIDES. i( i . ': : . V i K) ' ) i September 13, 13S2. n9-!y . V. MIDDLETOJT. CLOTHE YOURSELVES. JHEAPEST CLOTHING a ' a Ever offered in this Market. . KO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THI Batimore ' Cotlimg Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAyiD...S.E.IGJSL,: Announce to the public that he .has opened out a stork of IEADY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices. lie determined his prices sha'.l correspona wun me imes, and therefore ofl'er hijre in the West, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywnere in the United States. ' As a 'sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. w Boots, Shoes, Dats, Caps, Fancy and WhiW Shirts, Sns- ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, ' &c. In the same proportion. . The DroDrielor embrace thif opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to Hpare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call and see i L - DAVID SEIGEL. BroFnville,Junel8, lS61.-ly LETT, STEICKLER & Co. MAIT STREET, 1 , " , - r . BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consisting . . . . ' OF DSY GOODS! Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnaburg, ' : V ."' r ' Denims, Cottonades,' , ; -r Apron Check, Hickory, ' ' : Jeans, Beragei, Linen. Dress Goods, . All Wool Delaines; . 'Z ; Fancy and Plain Silk, , i . ., aten Vesting, Broad Clo'.hs, i Cassimere,! ,'; Hooped Skirts, . ' ' : &c.,&.,&c.' OF 'GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, ; ; . Soap, Molasses, . Candle?, B. C. Soda, Ealeratus, Vinetrar White and Brown Sugar . Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE : Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, f . . ; ' ; Locks, Latches, fails, Tacks. Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, ' " &c, &c.,'&CM &cM Sic. &c, OF QUEEIVS WA RE : ; Cups and Saucers, Plates and Platters, Dishes and Tumblers. Coal Oill Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Wick.', &c, &c. OF BOOTS & SHOES: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c. OF II ATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, - ' I ; Planter's, t Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation,' Shaker Hoods, j SwC, &LC, Si.C. Of Farmins Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, - - ' Forks, Plows, Scy then, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, &c, 8c, &c. &c OF LUMBER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pin Lath, 1 All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, ' . . All Sizes Blinds, . We call the attention of the public to our stock, as our CASH T-EKI1S enable ua to sell low. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance el tLe same. . - LETT, STRICKLER & CO. wwaviue, July 1S6S. s6MC f ,1862. 1862. DRY GOODS AMD GROCERIES! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive during the summer', one of THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS o r huh ran T O It New York, Philadelphia and Sfr. Louis. . That has ever been exhibited ia the 'Western Coon, try, embracing all the latest styles and novelties of the limes. His slock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery Queen ware, Hals and Caps, Shakers, Boots and Shoes, Doors and Sash, Glass and Tatty, Fine Furniture, Vct &c, See. Among hia Dry Goods will be found Prints, Glithams, Lawns. Bareges, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Deraees, Striped Sheeting, Cot tonade, Ilosiery, Gloves, The Latest Styles Hoop Skirts, Notions, Arc, Vc. He has mnch the Largest Stock of QUEEN5WARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Aeentfor the Hannibal & St. Joseph Bail Haod Packet Line cf Steamboats. Kay 22. 1862. n46-tf . McCORMICK' Reaper and Mower MANUFACTURED AT Ohioac Op Illi This celebrated machine is by all odds the BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. Notwithstanding the misrepresentations of those inter ested In other machines, C. H. McCormick & Bro. man nfactuie at the rate of 8,000 per year, Many chanpres have beetiaffected during the past season, and for 1S62 the "McCormick" is presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECOX03IY OF POTTER . IN THIS MACHINE, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give it preference over all others New Improvements added, have materially lessened the direct draught, and so obviated the side draught that many aHure us that it does not now exist. The drnght of the Reaper is so light that in numerous instances the lare four horse machine is worked with bat two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1662 will stand any tet that may be applied. Our Guard aud Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grai-s, while our new divider point separates baldly loilged and tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is also a great advantage in our serrated sickle edge ovr the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest withont once grinding, while the smooth edge must be gronnd once each day, if not of tner. With a smoth edge the draught increases as the knife becomes dull. Our draught is uniform, and in the repeated trials during the season of 1860 61, proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , this is important, ad without tbe reel it weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, that farmers who may defcire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest, with any other, and kaep and pay for the one preferred. P&mphlets with full description of improvements, testimonials, tic, can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, Erownvillo, ISJ". rJ7- Mayl5,1862. nlo-tf NEW. GOODS JUST ECEIVED T PRICES TO UIT IfUBLJil TIMES. JOHN A. PONN Is now receiving and opening cat hit Spring Stock cf Goods, consi iag of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Nails, Flour and Bacon, Queensxare, Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. Which I will sell eheap fcr v CASH OR PBODTJCi:. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Brownrille, April 24, 1852, n42-6m Aycr's SaisatjarlUa TI21TSOIL, Or SEBUASrii. BY TliOliPSON & 1LEDQE3, in aisinox GARDEN, FIELD, & FLOWER SEEDS. To Merchants, Pui,tm:iiters, Farncrs an Gardeners. It Is certainly U your interests to buy seeds cf all kinds, grown on the soil of Nabraski. It is to you- in terest to get seeds to sell on commission, that are freii and trne to name. It is to your interest to get seed of os instead of receiving them from the Eat fioiu old stocks tbt have t,een peddled around for yearn, U U to yonr interest to give us an order for a general as sortment of Garden and Flower eets, this winter, with which to supply your customers ia the siri.ip. We will give you a commission of 33 1-3 eta. on tbe ai, of sales Gregory's Celebrated Marble Head Mamuioth Drum head Cabbage. Gregory's Celebrated Stone Mason Cabbaga. Large Early Red do Large Late Drumhead Large York Kearly York 1 Varieties of Lettuce seed. do do 6 do Pea do 6 do Onion do S do Radish do 4 do Beet d 2 do Parsnip do 2 do Carrot do .12 do Watrnie!ou seel 8 do Muakuielou ii 4 do Tomato do 4 da Turnip dw 5 do Cucumber do . 3 do Sweet Corn do Dwarf B'com Corn d j ' Georgia White Sugar Cane do Common Chinese du do Pure African Imphee do Great Spanibh Ave eared Corn, Connecticut seed leaf tobacco seed, Orinoco do do Havaua do do . Wilson'a do do Maryland do do Pear Tree do do ' Marylai.d Brosd Leaf do do And some 60 other kinds Garden Seed. FLOWER SEEDS. The Ladier, (God bless them), all want a fine flower garden they wih to make home attractive they wi.b to have a nat, well kept Lawn, wiih itsgreen turf well shaded, and here and there dotted with nature's fairest treasures, nodding their jeweled heads to the summer breeze, and emitting their delicious fragrance to all around. The husband, when he returns at eve from the care and turmoil of business, meets the smiling better half, who smiles because she has a home, ni.i'le dear by attractions that God intended should typify all tb;it is beautiful and pure. A onaa or woman who loves flow ers can never be coarse or unrefined (hey have a lau guage that speaks to tbe heart, and tbe heart iccipro cates; they are emblematical of pure thoughts, noble impulses and morsl aspirations. ,t To our Lady readers of the "Farmer" and "Adverti ser," ourge up yonr Liege Lords, and hve a supply uf flower seeds reaily for spring planting. We have the Japan Pink, 4 kinds, Spanioh Pink, Chinese Piuk, Picotee Pink, Caronation Pink, Sweet Williams, 6 kinds, Verbena, Phlox, Creepers, 8 kinds, Celosia Crista ta, Everlasting Flower, English Petnnia, 8 kinds. Portulaca, 10 aolors, . , XnglUb Double Haliyhock, Cleouie Fu'geus, Ipomea. 3 flue kiuds, Double Zinnias. Red aud White Cypreis, Dooble Balsams, Camelia flowered Balaams, African Hibiscus, And over 100 other fine flowersfor site by THOMPSON & HEDGE3. Syracuse P. O.; Otoe Co., .Nebraska. November 29tb, 1S62. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1S63. Great Literary and Pictorial Year. Ladies Magazine in the World, and tie Cheapest The publisher of Gvdey's Lady's Book has m ule an arrangement the most popular authoress iu this country MARION HARI.AND, who will f nrniah a story for every number of the Lady's Bok for 1863. Marion Harland writes for no other publication. Our other favorite writer will all con tinue to furnish articles throughout. the year. TERMS CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy one year." $3. Two copies one year, $5. Three copies one year, $6. Four copies one year $7. Five copies oue year, aud- an extra copy to the person sending the club. $10. v Eight copies one yetr, and an extra copy to tbe person sending tbe club, $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy totht person sendiug iheclub, $20. And the only magazine that can be ininduced into tbe obove clubs in place of tbe Lat'y'a Book is Arthur's Home Magaziue. Special Clubbing with other Magazines. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one year for $3 60. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine both one year for $160. Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three bo snt one year, on receipt of $6 OJ. Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address L. A. GODEY. 323 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. THE M!S$0URIREPUBL!CA?1. Published Daily, Tri-Weckl y and Wtckl y, BY GEORGE KXAPP,) I?. PASCIIALL, Proprietors. JOIIN KNAPP, ) OEFICr, NO, 11 CHESTNUT BTKEET. TERMS OF THE RERUELICAX. Daily, (in advance) $10 00 Tri-weekly, (in advanced 5 00 Sunday ricpubheaa a 0' Weekly, in advance 2 00 To Clubs of five Tri-weekliea 20 00 Three copies .Weekly one year 5 Oo Five u u w h 00 Ten " 15 00 Fourteen " 20 00 Twenty 27 30 Thirty u " w 40 00 Forty u " " 50 00 CASn RATES FOR ADVERTISING. tSTWants. Lost and Found, Boarding, For Rent. and Removals, will be charged fifty cents per square of eight lines or less fer first insertion, and twenty five centj for each additional one, without alteration. ONE SQUARE, eight lines or les 50 u 3 iimes on first or fourth page 00 75 00 00 00 00 M tt U U U u u 44 a 14 44 .4 a 1 week 4! 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months 3 months, S months, a 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H 44 44 . 44 10 00 15 00 25 00 42 months," tSy""o yearly contracts mad by which adverti sers can have the privilege cf changing matter or stylo of card without additional charge. r5YAll advertisements required to be kept en gecond page, charged as new each day, and on third page, an advance over stated rates. ryAdverti3ements directed to be displayed, or set in large type, charged double rates. ISr Advertisement in W btK.Lt paper, ten cents a line solid, or fifteen cents, leaded a -ate tjp, each insertion if Transient advertisements mast bo pail for in advance $50 tr , t $100 -SozxtaB wnntocl TO SELL SEWIISG ilIACIIIiVES AT REDUCED PRICES. $15 EACH. Oar Machine is perfect in its Mecbanlm. Tt is lew liable to get out of order than any other. Diplomas have been awarded It over the Sruver 4 itaker aud other high priced Machines. $15 EACH. Oar Machine rues a straight needle, and will 9TORK WITH ALL K.1XD8 OF THREAD, Silk or Licen, makiug an elastic seam free from liabilities to bre.ik in wash ing and is Ue BEST and CHEAPEST Machiue in use. $15 EACH. Our Machine will HEM, FELL. STITCH. QflLT and BIND, and will sew on all kir-in of gols from the flnet Swiss Muslin to the Caret Wo-ilen, working with eae through evertl thifknpes rf tbic Wnclen Cloth ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED. $15 EACH. aqqannnqaaqqcnqq If yott want Good Machine, and not have it vosiyou anytnir.R. write to us, as we want the Machine tested, in every neighborhood in the United Statea. $15 EACH. EMPLOYING AGENTS! We will give a commiitKn on all f-da sold by out Agents, or we will pay waces at FIFTY DOLLARS FER MONTH and pay alt necessary expenses. For particulars ad aresss CUA3. XCGGLKS. Aeent. Acs. It A. , ft-yly Lsi'oit, Mid. PROSPECTUS XOn 1ZC3. THE SATUHDAY EYE5LG FCST. The publisher t of THE POST take j!rr in io nounciug that their Literary arrangements far the Com inn year are of a character t warraot then la promi log a feart of good tilng to tb r thoTisij of readers. Among ibe cuntribntors to THE POST we may Uu mention ihe following di!itlneiiirhed anthara ; . MKS. ELLEN WOOD. Author of rTht EarVt Heirs." '-Eati Lnnt," "The CitaniinQS," &-c . MARIAN UARLAND. Author of ".Aiana." Hidden Path " "Miriam," fc. A'ttor of "Amonq the Tinei." rtRGlNH F. TOWN SEN 3 Whose Domestic Sketches arc so gr:a:!y almirti. During the coming year Tkx FoaT will emlavor t its hieb reputaituit for cuotcc SToaira , sketches. aoa poitt. special Upar menw hll ai fM de voted aa heretofore to Ajricuiturt, Vi'U rui Jiamor, receipts, item, iiTKt:s,irc. CASH IN ADVANCE. 1 copy, one year, - . - - -4 copies, one year, ;- -4 ccplM, one year, - - - - -8 copie. one year, (asdone to tbe setter-? cf the club,) . . . , m. -m 20 ccpies. one year, (aad one to the getter-un of the club,) - . . . . - $ no A SPLENDID PREMIUM. VmO WANTS A BBW1TJO ZIXCTLUTD T To any one sendin? thirty nbwrptfcns srxl !S J, we will sive one of Wbteler S. Wi'on'i t elcbraied Su inj Machines, such aa they sell fef E4. Tbe achin will be selecteil at the manufactory laNew Tork. b.'iM and frtrwarded free of cost, -will f.'. exception of freight. Address DEACON & PSTTTHSO?r, - ; X. 31 Walnut Street, tktivd-lpht-t. ; THE RURAL AMERICAN. A CONCORD GRAPE VINE FREE TO EVERT SUBSCRIBER . I ara now isauins; a new series cf thai pT"'' Airrl cn Itural and Horticultural paper, the Rxral American, in L'tUa, S. Y. It will be pob!ieheton the lslaodlo'.a of each mouih, in ircxl style Ur;e size at one dollar a'year, or only seventy-Jive ceAti in clubs. A . FIFTY CENT CONCORD CSAPS ' will be sent free to every subscriber in i elub of fntrr or moT3 ; and tun vines, free of all cost, to that who pay one dellar. . . the Rural American is devoted exc'usive'y to rural sucjeefs, and is one of the best papers for Farmers, Stock-raise, Fruit-sroTe, Gardeners, Bee kwper., Ac, in the United States. I am well known tV""i.'V'u the entire cotintry, as the former editor of the Norther Farmer, ai.1 ibeuturof the "American Bee-Epfpre Manual," and 'Domestic Poultry Book." Ihavespent a life in rural pursuits, and now an a practical fanner and fruit-grower. I hjive iJ.OW Concord Grape Tluee to distribute free. ThH ia decidedly the best urape ia this country. It ri;ens in all climates, and yield double ihe quantity of fruit of any other variety. Vine rour years old will general! j produce a bushtl of grapes, worth $5 ia any market. , LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. V. I want local agents In every state and every towa. Premiums and commissions are ealremoiy libera t Send f)r sample copies Immediately, which are free U all. .Address T. B. MliiKIt, Clinton. Onehia County, M. X. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. . TITS DAT SCHOOL BELL. A Kew Slnittn Fool or Day Schools, caled the DAT SCHOOL BELL, U now ady. It Contains about 200,pigef choice 3ons, So s. Bounds. Catches, DueU,'Trlor Quartets and Cb ne, many of them wrl'.ten expreisly for this work, besides 32 pages ul the Etunifia.of inunic . The Ele meats are so eay and pror-ive vjrat orJinary teach ers will find themselves entirely si:ccetfal in Instruct i ii if eveu young scholars to siiitr correctly and mi en U a- cally. while the tune and words embraces surha vari ety of lively, attractive, and soul-sUrtng music an4 sentiment that no trouble will be experienced ia icdu cing all beginuers to go on with zeal in acq airing .kill In one of tte moat heaith-givini, beauty improving happiness )leljins, and enter piodnciua exrcie of vcbool life. Ia simplicity of Its Kiemenu, in variety tnd atl.ptation of music, and ia excellence and numb of its a-ngg, original, selected, aud adapted, it claims by much to etcel all competitor. It will be found te be the bet book ever issued for Seminaries. Academies, ind Public Sbojls. A few sample page of the el t uentj, tunes and song are given In a circular i scn4 and getone. It is couipilel by Horace Waters, author of 4 'J bath School Bells," S s. 1 and 3, which have bad the enormous sale of 6o3 00O copies Price paper covzrs 20 cts., $16 per hundred bnnd SO ceoU.AJI ver hundred; cloth bound, embo-el gut 4J cents: per hundred. 25 copies furniihed at the oue buadi4 price. Mdiled free at the retail price. NOTICES OF THE TRESS. The Dat School Bell. The tone are lively, an. hucli as may be easily mastered by children. Tbe spirt of tbe sodks i unexceptionable and well adapted to the bcuoo; room. It is the cheapest anl among tbe ne .-onipefid of school music published. New Xorh Teavher. Dat school Bell. This book Is eminently adapts! to use in our common schools. We have a great number of school song books before the pubiio, but many or them lack musical aa well as lite rary tate, and are really demoralizing in their lifla- ence upon tbe musical talent of the young. Airs of ac- kiiowlet'Ked excel lenca, wedded to worus or true po)i-ry. are the qualities that oubl to bp sought with the great e.-.t ere in the preparation oi a school song book. This book seenm to ciubiiie tb e two qu'Uies. PcnntyU vania School Journal. . PubliSL.e'i by . HORACE .WATER3. i4 1 -1 y Ko, 4. iroadway, New York. EXCELSIOR Burr Stoite Hills, (FOR FARMERS AND MILLER3,) 'and ANTI-FRICTIOI HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN FIRST PREMIUMS at Wester State Faikm last year, and are justly eon.ilerel -utierior to all other). Tbe mill mcj be driven br hori. water, or steivts potter, dues its work as well as tbe Bat stone mill4 in milling eatabuhtnents, anl requires hut one-half th power to drive the largest siat.a. inevare very cmpa't, pt-rrect.'r simple, an for farm use will last TI11UT1 YEAR5, and COdT NOTU1KU for repairs. ' ' FKicta 1C0. XI 10, A 1170. Flour Bolt for mi!le.t Mill $59 extra. THE IIOKSi: POWER Has rrcved itself t be the best ever inyentel. The friction is reduced by IKON BALLS, soarran;ret ia all the bearings, that the whole wMht of toe castings runs upon them. THULE F0LND8 DRAUGHT, at the end of a ten feet lever, will keep the power in motion I thus TtermlttiDg the Entirs strength of the borso to be u?el on the machine ta be driven. One lioitK will does much work on this power, ai TWO on the endless Chain Power. IT IS PORTABLE, and may b used ix the tield as well as in the houe. More than TWENTY-t'IVB PER BENT of horse flesh is saved over axr othij now is cse. It is simple in construction, and oak liable to get out of c.der. Price of power for 1 to 4 horses $125 Price of power for 1 to 4 horse 175 The $125 Power will drive any Threshing Machine. Erurj Machine is guaranteed to give satisfaction, the money will be refunded. REFEItLNCrs. B,F. Gtirri.v, Maabattan. Kra. Philadelrhia, Penn. Gents. With two horses on yonr Anti-frictioa Power, we driye your No. I Mill, grinding 15 BC3H F.LS OF CORN PER HOCR, and cut a largs quant. tj of hay at the same time. I bare never seen a power that runs with so little friotion, sod consequently with sq little strain upon, tbe horn. W. P. COOPER, Bupt. 13th A 15th St. PaiJ. K. R. Co, Closter.N. J..Jaa. 22, 1832. ; Me8m.Ee?set Bruthers, Gentj. lam very much pleased with the Powr. It ruas essir than any other Power in this vk inity ; and wi:b the same hordes will do ne;ulj, or quite twk-a as rnu.'h work. I run my Thrwherat 1,5)0 rero'utiocs ptr tainuU, and a 24 inch Crtea-cut Saw, at I 20!) revolution. Y'ourstraly. PETER J. WHITS. r?TON ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE OCT. 1st., 18.52, THE FREIKUT WILL BE PRE PAID 10 CHICAGO. OR AN'V OTHER PORT ON LAKE MICHIGAN. -iT"Lineral discount tt dealers. Agents wanted. Mat, County, an i Shop kijhts fr sale. For farther information snd tamp f'r Illustrated Circulars to BEN.NET BROTHERS, 42 and 44 Greena-St, New-York. Angust 9th, 1W1, ii4-3oa cgqnuTTRmgq of mm ewi Merchant! aud Prt Masters who will addr as this fail, will te u.'iied with Garden, Pield and flower fceed to reii un nmimiviinn at fair rats. Thett sstS art all grown het and re irne to nan. THOMPSON i H2IM3ES, 2eniiiha Nnr.ery, gyrjcuHe, Oo, Co.. Ang. 19 Ai-Ku tt Xehraika. glocks, vatc::es, jewelry. j. sciiutz - VTouM jnaouat ctothe :itixtr of Br-nri-la V7 and vi.itr.ty that he' has located hi . e !f in ! i'lilii-owsi.le, ac!mt(r..iikeijpi,5 a Iu!l.usortr ! luriu oj everyt !,; ? iu is'if.- -f bn.viaess, wUi;a will j beo'.d lw for ish. Ila will also do allk.n '.i of rs- I pairinrfotclcUjWilchSJaC'lJceUy. AUwJtrwu. raatddj