Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 22, 1862, Image 3
' AcmT, and Dealer In ' f Chicago. Illinois, it our aa- XjrHC I" ABBOTT, TU ' FoaC'G Xew.papi AO fP?T ct j:j B1T. K York, are ':"fl , . . far the reruer and Frr. Ijor. cor co., o iCE'Ti. end Peelers 1 I" nl 'Tl,I-ul of all "'3' 0ffl T;iban oi''-'nX. tut t,., mniMir Philadelphia. . -ad ",wu " . ' sU)oriJ tfenu f tbe Alctrtutr and Tar- :3nks?iTln5 Proclamation. tjn,Me acknowledgment of all the " j n:ci'nr nf Prnvidpnri I do v.sna - -----v . 'r,rpoict Thursday, ihe L'7th day 'rfo'ber, aday of Ttanlcsjir in? and to Almighty God. And I do rec j at the citizens of the Territory f...;n onihatcay. irom tDeir usuai !'. ni.d aseatblinc: in their pia- jorahip. that they do unite m ex iocs of gratitude to "the Giver of -food tns perfect rift." ;,t Omaha. Nebraska Territory, 4 this 12thdayof November, A. r. . Tl A T.U. II.. - Z dred and Sixiy-two. Sec'y and Acting GovV. 7thc laws eee first page. e cavalry company last raised here Qi Omaha about noon onTursday. m'Ve" in the Presbyterian church i - o '-row evening at aeven o'clock, by II. II. Dubbins.' e mither continues warm and fi:,texcelent for farmers to gather ccrn aai perform orher fall work. iei$civikg. Next Thurday, tne I, Lit been set apaj-t a a day for Uifc'iviag-. ly Acting-Governor Pad- .'.oyt one hundred recruits for the tala Fire; passed down the river y ca the ateanur Lmilie. It is re- jikbrue the regiment has net been f Jrcnrr. Our Devil furauhes the jv:np receipt for pie : ffroeruosaa'li eoshcs.rae t drpor te fsji daeps ae a iereeenr e dntd ruiajeooajieri rd i s tea nraaaans purchased a ew seelings, called the irpctatoe," now so much esteem nae east, last spring, of a gentle ;.ng near Peru, in this county, who I. .1 ' r r i' II' 1.. .Li mem irora iiiiciean. e lei iui rot except a bushel purchased Wm.'Rottt-lI, of ihis jlace. He ders them a most excellent potato all accounts we consider the Shaw I a equal, if not superior, to any that infy are large, and wnat is unu ith larga potatoes, are very early 'LISTI5C Not withstand in 7 one full - ;oy has been raised f jr the Nebras tralry from Pawnee and Richard putties, and two from this and ad counties, still anothpr rould be i in ten days, if a commission were d to any one to recruit. There my who are now willing to enlist. foi not gathered their crops, and "preparations to support their fanii j-tfiLg winter, when thenrst compa I rre raised. The Governor, we pttnd, has already issued commis Marten companies, and has decided receive any more. 1 1 " as Fuel. Dr. McPherson has j I ":ng corn for fuel on his farm in I! ,:u2'y. He considers it at present cheaper than either coal or wood j r of Illinois where corn has ', J Mtd extensively for.the last six in ,place of coal, two bushels of iesaid to be equal to one of coal j -icinnati, where wood and coal are I'- uamy, we nave neara u esuiii- it en bueheN of coal were equa m IHICIS lliuci l IJ 30('ndalo our coal is rather ii -i jeM.ppa.-e they would bear al nfe- bout i j fx proportion tdeach otner ; but f j'ive two bushels of corn wouH be ' 1 i l " i w " better than one of our coal. As- I ?tVt .u co fin or cl 23 cents per bushel, and - corn ft iZs pr bu?hel, and that the heating pirsoi a cord or wooj u equal, to sel$ coal and twenty of corn, the f farh for furl would be the same on miyof using . eiiher would de 00 circumstances. In town, where ie: fth about a dollar to convert a K woad into a suitable shape for I e. u would rerhaDs be the dear r i e three, especially if the wood l- cotton-wood. For those living rPririe, several miles from either j' f a coal mine, we have no doubt jJ be the cheapest; especially as i me tne farmer the expense c I 1444X1 portion of his corn to mar 00 etns a shameful waste to burn i;D? can e usec fr I Tel . arr nr.,J : . :. k i C Hl!n Aat would appear with 'e trust tVsi will iKft lat i1- . "ska when prices will be so me n,v - t -i - "jen. oi ourning corn wu ; 1 rssed ' e Intend to test the eco yarning it witjUf mirely Resolutions Passed by Company C, Nebraska Cavalry. At-a.nieetinjTcf Corupany;rC," d Nebraska Caralry, at Florence, N. T., on November 10, 1SG2, Quartermaster W. B. Rap. r was tltcted to the Chair, and Samuel Callan sleeted Secretary. The Chairman made a statement in re gard to the object of the meeting, when a committee of three were appointed to draft resolutions, which consisted of tl e following person? Sergt. H. O. MiLick, A. J. l'ercell, and Samuel Callen uhu presented the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, Henry M. Atkin?on de clined being. a candidate for Captain of this company, through deuerence to oth er members of tame ; and whereas, it is dae to hi? energy that the company has been so speedily raised, therefore be it Resolved, That we earnestly recom mend to the Governor of this Territory, that he promote Lieut. Atkinson to the Adjutency of the Jj JNebraska Cavalry Regiment, to which h.i Lfiongs, believing as we do, that merit should first receive ts reward. Resolvd, Th-i. Lieut. II. II. Atkinson, who is qualified lor the position we ue- sire him to Lcve, is justly entitled to promotion for bis efficient and untiring enorgy in raising and organizing this ccmpany. Resolved, That the proceeding be pub- ished in the Brownville Advertiser, The foresroin; resolutions were nnani- mously adopted. W. p. KAPLHj Un'n. Samuel Called, Sec'y. Qinp gUtotistmrnts. FROM C. H. SC RIVEN, GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENCY, HO. 63 DEAEBOHN STKEET. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. r AIRB AUKS' STAXDAED SCALES OF ALL KIKDI. Also, "Wftrtaoai Trucks, Letter Prestea, &e. FAIRBANKS, GREEKLEAF & CO., IV2 L4KC ST., CIIIUAU, t3Be careinl. tud or only the aeuuiucCl Jui,e 12th. 1S3 -.. 1662. FALL TRADE. 1862 WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE. JOBBERS Or HATS, CAPS, FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, BUCKSKIN GOODS, &c, 23, LAKE STREET,, CHICAGO, ILL. ir. now in Star for Fall Tr(le tbt Lrteit n1 t A-!KjrteJ Stot in our liae ever exhibited in tLU Mrkt. e-peoilly l4ped to the wnt .f Dernier Jrni all recii.-u of the Northwei. anu unnrpaM in variety and cbeaimf "T k w "- luuna tr llerchanU who have heretofore, purchased in other Market are especially iuvited to examine on r stuck ibis t-ea-w.n, aol ae assured we are fully prepared and rieterr-ined to fell ikU a ct ep, and on a favorabie teriu m the he.t claa of liou.-e in any ltaiket. OKDEU WILL RRCEIVK PROMPT PXaSOKXL ATTKKT10X. CASH PAID FOR RAW FURS, and Price Llit furnished by malt. WXBER, WILLIAMS fc TALI. Oct. I 'tl. olS-Sm S3 Old Oil IJL S3 DF IIMM GROWTH! Merchants and Pxt ii-crt who will addres no thit fall, will be eupplied wirh Oarnen, F eld and Flower Seed to eell on comu)iM-i( a at fair ratei. TLee seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON h. HEDGES. Xemaha Koroery, Syracuse, Ou.e, Co.. Ang. 1 AnS-FuS ti Kebra.ka. NEU 3ICSIC. "Shall we Know Each Other There?" Song or Duet and Chorus, hy Rev. Air. Lowry, author of "Sabbath Belle Chime on. This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A piauiat iu attend ance to try new ntme. FIORACE 6AXERS, nil -lj Ife- S 1 Broad w sy, PiiUulu . FREXH,S CONICAL - Washing Macliiiics. The tn-Hit imple, durable. conTenienl and economical article ever inventel for the purpose. Will do the wat.hinjr of an ordipary family before breakfast, not only davihjr time but clothe. By ktrictly following the printed direction, which are simple and eisy, it will wb, one time. lx shirt, or two duTvn email articles. In about six or teven min utes, or their equivalent. hr all tLe ordinary methods of cleanlne fine fabrics, such as laces. &.c, the great et cre is reinirel, while with this machine the m-t delicate arucle can be washed without the possibility of dam ape retiltt are prodnted by the constant reaction the md while ihe machine is in motion, of Families, laundries, hotel. boardnig-booe. boalt .Ii. axTioma. boardiua-ikhiMiin, n hip and steamer. and in the army, who have ibe luiK-bineo in Cte, have Vent In their testimonies Tolnntarialiy, ana ihe enco nihimii of the Pre are ery numerous, aotne ot which I have nublixned in pamphlet form. All 1 ask of ti e Public it a careful examination of thi mariiiie before Durcbatnir f others. General Depot 41 B-oaway, corner Canal 5t.,.Jew Totk. Price only Ten Dollars. p;:TUP FRKN'CU, Proprietor. lruak. MM V 1 I'll P. tl. K. B A liberal di-connt "to the TVi. Agtntt ventti. Send for Circular. SUGAR CANE MILLS -AM- EVAPORATORS llaviuc; beeu appoiu.ed aeui ir the a.a Work Cabe Jtili aotd aivpor.u.r, Chicago, 111., 1 am piepred to nil uruer. i iue uinutaOiuief price.. pt.e. of Hills, trvtn fu to iJoo. kvaror. irom . .. . i A ii.ii'.. VVy t-1 I w .v a 5 Maxell -JTl, Itstoi. U BiOWUTle, XMteb. For Sale at Bargains. Two No. I Shuttle Kaipir- Se wine Machine a. One Franklin Family Sewing Machiut. Two nrace Water.' $75 Melodions. Two Freeh's Conical Wa.hins Machines. Oue No. I P. W. Gates it Co.'s Sugar Cane Mills Evaporaters. Apply al the A49trt9C aa4 'rave' OSce. Browt will V rtrfr Ma'rchllik 1SSI fn-tn rniiiici3 ct? Co., rLl.MIIAG, X, in 11 send to applicants who enclose ftanp, their New Citalocne ( Small Prniis, inclndinc 20 Select Varieties of Sirawberrle. Also Catalogue of Bolboas Flowers and Patunies. Fruit and tl.nameutal Tei, Koses and Flowering Plants, Seels, Ae. nlO-2 sstrtlo Scenea. inn ..f the ma severe BATTLE SCA'S and ;.nu.t.(t .f the War. now ready, site 18x30 inches. k i v. t m wJnrerf.nn fine hearT naoer. bent post-paid. 20 for Sl.Od, er$4 per 1C0. - Te arent an i the trade no belter crport',itJ "r offered. Address ilCNKY B. ANSUX.PrintPuWiler, H SuU Street, DwieonjSlMg.- " - FOR TATJE1' TRADE. JOHN C. DUESER, 3IAIN STREET, RROWNVILLE, N.T., Take p1eanre in anionncrng that he has now on hand, a large and belect stock of erery article in his line, COOK STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns. Tlx: Plymouth Bock, Charter 0k, Valley Forjre. Elevated Orsn, . &c, h.c, &x.t HEATHG STOVES, Box and Parlor Store of an endless variety, soma of which are entirely new deitrnii, rii : Combined Cook and Parlor Stoves, something very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IROR, for Sugar Boilers, and LARGE CAST IUOS KETTLES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS rss, Copper, and sheet iron wart Lanterns. Shovels and Japanned Ware, & 3 , fcc. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS! OF the latest and most imjnrxA Styles, cheap ft r ca.h. I am prepared to pet np guttering and epontlng, and al I other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satis faction. Aojuet J,lSe2. WHO SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN BROWNVILLE? I) E N SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN MARKET. WHERE IS IT THAT YOU PUR CHASE THOSE FANCY PRINTS? AT DEN'S. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR f r :ap muslins i DEN SELLS THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND .SHOES IN THE WEST. ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS D E N KEEPS ON HAND. DEN ' S IS THE PLACE TO TRADE HE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. DON'T FORGET THAT D E N Sella the BEST and CHEAPEST LIQUORS. In fact DEN sells Everything that is useful, Cheap and Good. Tfr-n-ly. HELLO, STRANGEK! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE ISTE "WT QOODSP AT J. BERRY & CO'S, THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BEKRY & CO., Uave Jnt received, and are now opening, at tfceir stand on JCain street, one of the largest stocks of DRY GOODS A If D rer offered la this market. Remember the place, J. BERRY & CO'S., 2J"o. 11, 3Vr.lTa atrootf BKOWAVILI.E, N. T. Hay S, 18CT. HMI CFAST HORSES." CITY 1IERY STABLE A if D F E E D ST ORE, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS, A VXOCKCXS to the pnblle that he has pnrehase.1 the entire interest in the Urery Stable and Stock lonner.y owned by IWers Brother. He is now prepared te accommodate the public with C&rriase? linygie. Saddle norses, AC, Ai., SiCm THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Can fnd at his Stable nmple accommodations for horse, er cattle. BEN7AM1X XOGtM. IC. B. The partnersfclp heretofore exisUns; between Benjamin . Joshua Rcr is dUanrred. JOSHtJA k BtKJAMIN KOGIE3, Way 19th. 1SG3. - 47-tf ' " Catliartic PiUs. SADDLERY I SADDLERY I - Baring recently made larf'e additloi te my stock. consisting or ... . f " ' ' ' i ,. . . siTiniw trtv unrriTT COMERS UKS. WAGON WHIPS. JBCiaT WHIFS, UX LAS n 13 HORSK LAS1IKS 8TAUI LASHER SUKC1XULK9 GIRTriS, STIRKUfi, LKATHJwBS, fcc, sua. I think I can arcommodate all In qmlltity. quantity and price. 1 wk none hut lst Oak Tanned leather, and getting it directly from tanneries iii Ohio, feel un tident it will give aaiisfactioa. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. z. w. ariDDLrro3r. September II, 1SC2. nMy CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CL0THEIG .: ' f. Erer offered in this Market. XO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TBI Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. dayideigel, Announce to the pnbllc that be las opened eit a stock or READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLEMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. lie lsdetermined his prices sba'l correspond with the times, nd therefore offer here in t ae West, at jnst as low rates a such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he Mils Coats from $1,25 tip to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to 5. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sns ders, Neckties, Sjcks, Handkerchiefs, ate , in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in tLe future to give entire satisfaction. Call and seo liim. DAVID SEIGEL. BrownTille, June IS, lS61.-ly LETT, STEICKLER & Co. 9IAIIV STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receirinc and opening a complete assort ment of If erchaudiae omw.Uuif OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnabursf, ' Denims, Cottopades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Eeraget, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, aten Vestins, Broad Clo'hs, Cassimere, Hooped Skirts, &c.,&., &c. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleraiu, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, ButU, Screws, Locks, Latches, Nails, Tacks. Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, &.C., &C, &C., &.C, &c. &c. OF QUUEiSWARE: Cups and Saucers. Plates and Platters, Dishes and Tumblers. Coal Oill Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, &c, &c. OP BOOTS & SHOES: W omen's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shres, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&c OF HATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, 'Planter's, - Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hods, &.c.,&.c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles. Rakes, s Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths, t Shovels, Spades, Hoes, &c, &., &c. &c. OF LUM15ER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches 7 hick. Sash, Doors and Blind?. Pint Lath. All Sizes Sash. All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, VTe call the attention of thtt public to otr stock, as enr CASH TEEMS enable ns to sell low. Thankrni for past patronage, we solicit a oontlauanee ef the same. ' . . , LETT, STR1CKLER&CO. nnrrMnsj, Jmlf k, 1S63. nSS-. - ' 1862. DRY GOODS' A1JD GROCERIES! THEODORE HILL, Is reeeiTlng, and will eontine te reeeirt dmrtng the sammer, one os THE SLAXIGEST mo BEST STOCKS o r rioM New Tcrlf, Philadelphia and St Loais. That kas ever been exhibited la tee Western Conn. try, embracing al I the latevt stjles aud novelties of the limes. His slock embraces Dry Good, Groceries Hardware, Cutlery, Qaeenware, Huts and Caps. Shakers, Boots and Shoes Doom and Sash, Glass and Tatty, Fine Furaitnre, JLC, AC.f &Cm Among sis Dry Caedj will be fennd Prints Ginghams T,awn. Bareges Brown and Bleached Muslins, Demees. Striped Sheeting, Cot tonades Ilosiery, Gloves , The Latent Styles Hoop Skirts Notions, &c, wC He has much the Largest Stock of QTJEENSWARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Aeent for tTie Hannibal & St. Joseph Sail Baod Packet Ii'ne of Steamboats. Mar 33 1861. n4S tf. jjccorlucs' Eeaper and Mower M ASVf ACIUEKD A O Ix 1 o a s oa XXX. Th celebrated machine is bv all M the BEST GRAIN ASD GRASS CUTTER J.V THE WORLD. N twithtanding the niirepreeniationa of thoe iiiter ected in other machine. C. H. McCurniick ai Bro. man nfactnae at the rate of 8,000 per year. Many changes bare been affected daring the past season, and fr lbll the afcCortuick" is presented with greater attraction than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECOXOMY OF POWER IS TIIIS MACHINE, 1T3 Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give It preference over all others New Improvements added, hare materially lessened the direct draught, and so obviated the side draught that many assure ns that it does not now exist. The drught of the Eeaper is so light that in numerous instances the large four horse machine is worked with bat two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1862 will stand any teat that may be applied. Onr Gnard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, while onr new divider point separates baldly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is also a great advantage in onr serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Onr tdckle will frequently rnn through an entire harvest without once grindiuir. while the smooth edge mnst be ground once each day, if not oftner With a smoth edge the Iranght increase as the knife becomes dull. Onr draught ia uniform. and in the repeated trials daring the ean of IS60 1. proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Oar Mower can be u-ed with or without the reel , this Is isaportant, as without the reel it weighs but about C70 pounds. Ia addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we wouldnay a heretofore, that farmers bo may desire it, are a; liberty to work onr machine through the harvest with any o'her, and kaep and pay for the oue preferred. Pamphlets with mil description of improvements. testimonials, fee., can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, Kayl5,183. n45-tf NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICES TO SUIT THE JOHN A. PONN Is now receiving and opening oat his Spring Stock of Ootids, cooais ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Iron and Nails, Flour and Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. Which I will sell cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE, f Call and examine 107 stock before pnrchisis,? elsewhere. Brownville, April 34,1932, B42-C3 Ayer's Sarsapar21a.s" 1862: AyefsSarsaparilla A compound ranedT, designed to be th most effectual AUeratita that can be made. It u a concentrated extract of Para Sareaparilla, o combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an e3ee tire antidota for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It Ls bcll?Ted that such a mni-dy ia wanted by those who suffer fiora Strumous complaint?, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense crrice to thU lar;p clas of our afflicted ftllow citben. How completely this compound will do it ha been proven by experiment on many of the worst case to be found of the folio in complaints: " ScnoFVLA asd Scaorrtocs Complaetts, Em pnosi ax EarPTiTE Diseases Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches. Tcjioiw, Salt Hancsi, Scald Head, Siphilh axi Stphilitic Ap rscTio?rs,MEKCuaiAt.DwBASB Daopsr, Nbu haloia oa Tic Doolocbecx, Debilitt, Drs- PIPSIA AND IXDIQESTIOX, EttTSlPELAS, IloHB oa St. Axthoxt's Fiks, and indeed the whole class of complaint axLinj 10.11 LmpciiUtt or the Blood. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when tak?n in the spring, to expel the foul humors which festir in the blood at that season of the year. By tho time ly expulsion of them many rankling dLord?rs are nipped. in tha bud. Multitudes can, by 'the aid of ; remedy, spare themselves from the endura-v of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through wldch tha system will strire to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the ritiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cl?anse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this Ealmlum of lifj disordered, th?re can bi no tsting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the gTcat machinery of life is disordered or overthrovrru Sarsaparilla has and deservjs much, tha reputation of accomplishing these end). But the world hs been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapsjilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Host of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilr which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as fchall rescue the name from the load of obloquy whfth rests ujwn it. And we think we have gro?tnd for believing it has virtues which arc irreistiLle by tne ordinary run of the diseases it Ls intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. rilEPARED UT DR. J. C. AVEII ft CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ( Six Bottles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won f r itelf such a renown for the cure tf every variety of Thro it and Lung ConipLint, that is entirely unnecessary fur us t3 recount the evidence of it virtues, wherever it has Lcen em ployed. As it has long been ia constant use throughout this section, we need not d more than assure the people its quality is k-pt up to the best it ever hs been, and that it my be relied on to Ci for their relief ail it has erer beeu found to do. oAyer's Cathartic Pills, foo. th2 cvzz or Coitirentss, Jaundice, Djipepsia, Indigestion t)yscutenf. Ibid Siomach, Jirysijte'ai, Headache, Piles, llheumatism. Eruptions and iHiin Disease, Liter Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tmnort and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Nevalyia, as as Dinner Pill, and for Purify in j the Dloai. They are sugar -coated, so that the most sensi tive caii take them pleasantly, and they are the Itest aperient iu the world fur all the purposes of a famil physic. Price 25 cants per Box; Five boxes for $1.09. Great numbers of Clergymen, rhvsicians. States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Am buicax ALMAXacin which they are given ; with also full description of the above complaints, and lite treatment . should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by ttnp.Ii t " 1 1! .''-s with other preparations they make s proui on. Demand Ayer's. and take no . The sick want the best aid there is for them, and t.ey should have it. All our remedies are far sals by MAUN AND TIIURMAr, a c -j 3" S. V " at - n? 3-5 -1 te 5 C " X Z rn. t & i - 1 ' t2 c 131 H K x 2 3 - "5 .5 i a at ft - " 15. -i i a i -T -1 1 l??i 5 - f I 3 S"S , r 3 s - . 2 r 3 a - 3 1 ' C s 3 3ft 3 ?e e 2 2 Z. in - V! 2a S A 3 r c M V ' 3 O S 5 2 Aa 11 S q 38, 9 c 3 Z - . m it " m 3." a -1 - 9 m 3 5 9 r. -t - 3 e-S ? e " -1 r 3" Z. 55 I 2-, 5? -5 - m " 9 1 " " H a 5.? 3 m . - Izl 3" n f 2. 9 m 12 2. - t z z V3 5 - s S 0 2 f (- -a ST t as - 2 5 -32 2 5 1 2 - 1 S K r--3, m T3 r 1 . -3 3 - 3 3 ; " a. ' 2, - - i - s . - m is i la 1 -? .a i-H u i S 3 K S . k. 3 a C a W l". J -3 - i c k I - - - - - 0 e - u. c ! - 3D K H r- 5i w IB . 1 ; SB ? s;3 K 2? i-2 r t z s T. " b t C3 r:--2 - .a c3 w St -r . i ? ' is z: c c n S v, 3 a S e - Is- si t. c s ts S 2 S c e a. 1. C5 ,0 .- " m w ft- eH ex S3 D tsa: ---5 &5 c tC - 5 ! K I - . S (A K a a w 4 3 3131 C DCJIOREST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. The lar?ett, best and nnt reliable FaMtn Mapjxine la the world. Ontrain the largest aiiJ fliei Fa-oion- Platea. tbecreateittnaniberiif flueentrravtaK. tbe Uif. aiH most reliable information, three fai:-iieJ Patsern for Drese!. and a kbeet of new Brai1-wurk and Km broiderinc Pattjrna. Xvery Mother Dreimaker, Mil liner and Lady hio!4 bare it. PublUbed Qi irierly at 473 Broadway, New Turk, aold everywhere orreit by mail at 25 cent Tearly $1, wnb a valbatiiu prcpiaui. The Smuaier naniber bvw ready. Okra or Gumbo Seed. . The otsl sobtitnte for Coffee prepared in the same Manner as Coffee. Packages of seed' by mail at 10 eta. eacbv' Each package contains seed enough to rue a sppply for an ordinary Xaauly, Send orders to - H. A. TERRT. 3- Creseent Cltf, lows. " c 2 2J tfr2s a. l'.iuu iuu fooia at w sirwc Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $35. Ccai S:a.sUnl siies other sises in propr.rtion. with freight adial from factory in New York to Chicago. TheadTauNjei of eookfd over raw food 5t adtalW ted by all. The old way J boiling in kettles is hot, slow and expensive, so much so Uht bat few nma de it. Something more practical must be had. SUaa seemes to be the only alternative.- The Patents has retaind atl the advantage of the PorUble Cal dron for boiling, and deviaed means of generating steam snficient for ali purpoees. It is simple aaj. practical, and proves a PFTRFECT SUCCESS. YT. II. AsTSTirS". - Sole agent for Rlinbis and Xorth-Wss 221 A 223 i3. Water St Cbicav. Where will also be found Powkb k Co's Deep We!S Pumps, Foro Cisterns, Chain and Common Ws'J Pumps, Thimble hkrins and Sad Irons, as well u every variety of Fanning Tools. Cast Iron Cora Shell ers. Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales. Stovoa, Ae. The above will be sold co aeeonnt e! the mauufactaren, at their respe etirs foUry priaej adding freight to this f Uce. January 1S82. tf $50 j , $100 TO SELL STEWIiG UlACHIiVEO AT REDUCED PRICES, $15 EACH. Onr Machine ls perfect in its Mechanissa. It ts lee liable to get out of order than any other. Dip Iota as have been awarded It over the G rover Jt Baker aud U high priced Machines. $15 EACH. Onr Machine naes a straight needle, and will wOXS WITH ALL KINDS OP TURK AD, Si'.t or Linen, Baking an elastic Feani. free from liabilities to break ia wish ics and is the bT and CUKaPEST Machine la ass. $15 EACH. Onr Machine will BZM, PELL, STITCH, OCTLT ea4 BIND, and will sew nn all kinds of foods from tbe fines SwUs Maslin to tbe Coaret Wolen, working wltheaa through feveral tbickneea of thick Wo"le CioUt. ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED. $15 EACH. jjqqqqqqqqijqqijijijq,. If you want a Good hlackln. and not hart i) cost you anjtnirc, wTite to us, m W want the llaehme test4 in every ne:Rhborhoo4 in the United btatea. $15 EACH. EMPLOYING AGENTS i We will rive a c nimlMim en alt got!s s14 by ow 4.Kents, or we will pty watce at FIFTT COLLARS PEE llOZTZn and py all aeceacary ext ene. P r eartlf n'art ad-dre-SK (HAS. CrGULIH. Airent, Ang. Il k. a-riy Vtt-ext, Mieh. VOZIZZS HAirUTACTuIlIKG COHPAHT. EO YOU WAVT STE13I EXUIXCS OH E0ILER5 PATEVT SrGAft CAKl MILLS, Patknt stkam coil i: vapor atobs, pat k nt fire kv apor atoiuj, . , . pa tint stamp mills, FOE- PIKE'S PEAK OK LAKE SFPERIO .SLL K()K CIRL11.AIW, With Cnt. and Description Prico. ete., tte. saw if ills ru)caiN mili AND MACII1KRT OP ALL DKSCBIPTIO. rTSOU I OK 'IKl'lrI.AItN.f) P. W. GATK3, Prel-Miu K. B. Agents wanted everywhere. Chicag .. It. . . FL'HN A S, A C K.N T, Drownville, NebraxiiA, . Of whom Circulars aud detailed information caa had. March 20, 1S62. (n3T-lyJ A Practical Cuide to Health and .Vigor. THE NEW GYMNASTICS, r o a MEN, WOMEN &. CHILSHEZT With a translation of Prof. Klott's Dumb Bell Im structor, and Prof. ScKr tier's Pang-jmnaslilto. BY DIO LEWIS, yi. I)., Proprtetwr of the K'ex Street Gymnaslnni, Betsa. With Ttiret Hundred Illustrations. On Yl. Urn, PRICE $1.00 St recent Macarfne-paper ba exdled more central intere-t th-tn the aritcle in the August Atlantic, oa 'The Kew Uyntnastics.' The preheat wrk is a cotn peie exini a of the systea of hicn tbat article gare a i-TnonM. Tbe auihr f this work has ben for irany yesrs en raged in. teaching Gymtiaiitlca. Tbe bk dea'ribes an4 illntra'es bis New System of Pijkical Training. This yte baa Lad the prtctical teAt f lung and varie4 u-e. it coaapriseii ex ere in with Dumb Jtells, RJni. Wanda, Club, etc., all of which are taade perfect! clear by full explanations, while many are illustrated by pictor I representation of the puitiia tf the bud reQired to perform then. The Damb Bell Intractur. connected wlta this worx. is of the bigbest interest and Importance. It la de- riirned fur. bu e ui, and gives a treat variety of Damb Sell Kxercis, . together with a caref uily-selectcd pre- greosire series fur every-day practice. Tbe PangyniuanUkua ls very siznp'e, ntefnl. sb4 cheap piece of gymnastic apparatu, ui wbicli all gymnastic exe'dse may be performed, and wh'cb caa be introduced, at a all coat. Into ny private Quo. It U folly dercribed aud lilu.-trate-l in iti s volume. Tbe ' New Gymnsa'icit" atioe'd be read la eve: y fam ily in the land where rercUs ia valued as a means at health. Ladies, epec lly. will flrvl in H s great va riety of Easy, Simpie, aod Inrigratic Xxercisea, all ef which may be practiced ia tbe r wa bouea. . 3r'or sale by all bu-'kellers, or rent poitpsti any address, on of One D .liar, by the publishers, TictNoa a. riRLPS, 113 Ws bingiun Street. Suites. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. Tn DAT SCllOOL BELL. A New Sluicing tW or Day School, cal.'ed the Dat School Bill, is bw eaty. It contain atx-ut 2Ulapges ef enke aV s, Round. Caicbea, DueM, Tritw, 'Jrieie aud Cao re;, niiny of litem written expretwly for tbt work, besides J2 pge t tbe Element, of nnlc. Tbe Kie ments are m ey and prre-aive ordinary teach, era will Hud ibeni.elvs entirely oci-e"ul in in.troct iiig even yonug acuiilarr t- cinsi errectiy mm! SklentiS cal.y. hue the tone- aiwi words embraces sack a vari ety ef lively, attractive, and soul sttrms niuic an4 .emiuitut that ntr..ut,;e win te experiecel in indo ju( sil beKinnera t go n itbsealta aniTrirg .kilt in one of ire moat fcesitb-siving. benty icipoviDg. aapptne-s jieldiup. and rtr p'ndTiiic ex of a tool life. In simpiiciiy f it Eleraetit. iu vane: nd atapiation of nio.ic. and in excel ipice and aimbsf -f ita 'iigs, rtt:inal. telexed, aud claims sy utneb to ejtcei all cmpmitor. It will r-e fonnd v )e tbe bet book ever l-fuel forSemtnatles, Academies, nl Public Schools. A lew sample pace tb 'e nent, tnnwand n,ua are giren in a ciynlar; . - A aiMlsetone. It is compiiel by M-race Waters, aatbwr of Sbath Schuol BcH." Nil aud 1, winch have ha4 the en.rnKn sale f S6T0U0 cpi. Pric paper cover 20ct., $:Sper bsnU're'l; t..ii SO rents. $4 i-er hundred; cioib bonDd. euib;-d gilt 40 cents: J perbaiidred. 25 opiea mminbel at the eue huadre4 price. Mailed fret at tbe retail price. MiTicis iii' THE rnri. Tnt Day School Eell The tuns a-e lively, an4 uch way be t-J iua:fted by cbiUtren. Tbe spirt of the aonrfs i aneicepii.H.blc an t well adapted U lis Khocl room. It is the cheapest aul ani.,ne the bet compciida of acbuol uioic pubUrted. .Vri 2'era Teacher. Dat ft hooi Bell Tbis book is miceutly esjptsJ to n-e in our ciraniou Mrboola. We have a peat uuibr ef school song bo-k before the public, but many of tbeia lack musical a well a hte rary u.tie, aud are really demoralizins in Ibeir icfla ence opon the musical talent of tbe yuuuii. Aire of ao knowiec)ced excellence, we uied to wuni. f true pouy. are the qualiUi that vutlis. to be s3Ui;bt with the great-e-t care m the pre ptraiyu ot a achuci a-'ii; Ut. Tfcis bjuk seems tj dm)me iLje tw q'iaaa.--PaRi1-rsnia School Journal. ' Publisne-i U' ... " . JIQTlJ (B WTIX5. . xvtJ.ry J. tfrevSswjr', If TmV.