Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 22, 1862, Image 1

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    kvkst satcrdat bt
One tqart (ten Uaeor leii)oB lTiertioa," $1 09
Eastr.giXrua, ix line er leaa, got ytt
On colaain neyear - -
One half colntQTS .n yer- ' " ". -','
Oae fourth cMuma on yer ,
Cc eiKhth column cue year
One column six months
On halt colnmn tlx month! -One
fourth column tx month .
.! eijfhUiof fteoluma ix monrte -On
column three, mooth - . '
One half column threo roontt , . '
One fonrth coin mn ibr nat.Lhi
It 0
49 63
ts )
13 90
StncKW" Block, Main Street,
3"" ,rrt T r Tu'
..U V
3We eighth coin ma thr mmtti 1
Anoctincina-Carwiidiiei fcr OSre, .
12 -e
-. $2 00
,1 : pai.l-uhf month
If njllil til 'iii r-
2 60
3 00
iTearly ad'ernnrfneiit, quarter ij luaJvancti '
!BRQWNVlLL;yBP;ASKA; SATUH 22, 1862. ;
,9 nr more will be frnih. I a $1 6 per
0 leVtbe h cmipanie.-tbe order, not
la Tranwcfent AiiTpTUetaenu, f racUi a.
iKiuare will becirceJ for b the line, attha ri .
Vents the flrt wek, and & cenU each anbsequent wer.
- " k E !. V . II A . a ' ' . - Ml - ak. I -
: l- v fV iV XV OvZ i i Afl.A
. r t i r
i - -'
: , i
'':'"' ' ' ',"" ' - - ? '.ii.
- .r . f
v: ; . ;
r s i K E S S CAR DS
M4crACTtREBS or -
ujulWiN'tH.I" T
' ... n.,r.-lr1 the Shoe Slion formerly
ycc manufacture kit thai we offer
V 0
... irPft.
W ...... i- l2
SIJ V. (i'E O N ,
. J.
1 r .rf F;rt and llaia Streets, '
J i'c r!ir ..t it4.i aud Fi:st S:rcPt.
lectic physician
SU RC4 O N" ,
lid' r. nee,
. L i
lr. I. iwt, UrUwnviile.
ril li. "i.
ltiMiU Wll.i.l.. T
E. LIOODY & Ori.
IOC K PC) 11 T, N. Y...
rbc!c:oi r.til Ritflit Deaiels in Fxuit.
;it, a i-d Ornamental Trees,
j . AKD'snnuus AND
Having i-ruiHivutly L.HMtrl n!i'
'r' the pra. ti" nl
M.-i-i r.t: and "urTV. tin
u wi i l iio j-vull. 1 tou, vi ihe -Jvi
if n i uii.o
j fToBld tlounceiotlie ;ititrn or BrwuviU'
mi.l vicinity that be has located biinseil in
iT-ownvnle. 4fidiiiteiid krcping k fin l assort.
I . fvervtluiiu in hi iin"-;f business whicb will
Wi. tr.-i.h. lie will a!s.. do all kind.- of re-
I :.d . i.cV. watcbeand ieweiiy
All work war-
0 T H E- ArT-LlCTJaDa
1 .
1)11. A. (iODFHKY,
I iie-l in Fiance, havtnir jeers' exjc
kMntt e "licai srirn e and one ot ihe otio i ii--.tlie
-Ameivs-ui Journal f the Medical S-ien-i
. heated pet inanen ly in Hr. wnvjile. and le
""..nen.lrr Ins i.rresti!ii services to the cn-
i-v and icini'y '
nil c"..i floe hi set vices l comnu n pract-ce.
f ssiilihP-.i t . chr.nic -i.f-!i-ese of Ions
l .-Viliimsnt Turn .rs an.l S ie Ahscses nnd
f..i-.ifl re Eye eveu V'M'! Blnlries,
jfis oxmn -iilv it inl FaMinii S ckues- Palsy.
fa l-jK'i-y 0 ' t be first and
"1.1.1a1, iu-Moitv in s me torni-, and di'tfase ol
f'ti'i !' iriiciU: attention paid io Aci
V i a r ill f e TcrreMce to h -e jto-
'in,-i!rie iii the 1'ni e.l States and atterwaixls
i,i "t "
no i.- f.,nid at all h.-nri eiilratJ. 11. Haun
-rat h'R dwelling h jose I. vti no. enme.l
4-i..Ma. b;i-ittes. ' - ,,?u ,r
la K
1 l t I H.i
vi;n(;s. AXLKS. FILE
- '
I ' ' a" .
I K it I' J ti l 'I' II 'v ' Ml I S
1 J JV O .H i I lk J a. J v ia
: IIulis. Strikes ;nl Hent Mul'f.
Thirtj Street, between Felix and F.dmond.
i I Si l.nir. hi ices ful cash
J ii.e-st Pru-e I'aia ioi Scrap iron. .
"l-r I 18ri l.v
j MJulrE, IrA-iL CO.. AEBUAsKA.
. 'l'-b pmefiee in the al Curt in lia and
I ' tii'.r countie. and will irive tMtn lit RtUMltton
' s !f r-n utru3t d to lit
I i i'."-lr-' iHr. arttcular att
m. Collection? r.niu-
I j I3"- if . arttcular attenti-n given to b oat-
f '"it Warrants on lands careluliy feieciea oy
'u t ;.i. nl2-yly , ...
'srrssixs' axi) fxperi-
' d as n wnrtui sn l '.r te est-eeial bene
M -n and th-js- who MitJVr rtith Nervou
1 -v. Mclnrv, Prrtnainr.?Jv,cry.AcAe . j
" t:-,.f Hij,, ni cured hi ra self by siuij .e
tift.r ltjn(j yU tl prcni exp ne end incon
''; 'h-ujh the us w.r:hlu.? medicine
vtil,v learned 1 n. .
1 ''liT.ts-i.. ttreontaiiut.lxinr Island. bv enclos
r ,!,.'t-rid addressed enveloj. - Addres
rirjcrx2 ct? Co.,
r j
FlalMmC, K. Y
' . .'ii.u Vina moo ruciosr rimur
t -u., " "e Small Fruits. tncUHllnc 20 Select
! - VMlilU,.,.
.. . ,r
Also TtlftloCiie of Uulb .cs
-'la rmii and I) luuieuul T sm.
j. nn flarin Piants h eat Ac . flff-Sw
tnort severe BATTLE HCEXES and
-nf.' ' Wli in. on fine heavy rutper. Sent post-J'id.
J C, rrl(,-
' 4Js, i?" r '"J wasev i.QcrtHt.
'J Wr IE55,,y B- AXSOS.rWatruUfAoriaT-e,
J0HIJ L cArou ;i
(Succeiior to LnhhhauV taron. ' -
Dealer in Coin.. Vncurtent '"Jfotiey, Land
Warrants Exchange, ami Gold Duzt
I wr.l rive enpecial attention tsbtij-liig and MMling ex
'.hive n the principal citie if the United State and
Ki.rope, U"id Silver, nucurrent Kank Btlii., and
(i.iM Das', Collections made on all acceaMe points,
ar.d proceeds remitted tn exihanpe at current rates.
Df jK.fclif. received un current accouut, and Inter eht al
lowed on petfal dcpfit. (
Tclcgrrapti r.n! the r. S.
Laud onicc.
i: i: .v
u ;
-I '
Uer. ' rt '. -f. 7.
Je. Tli.iiip".u Mim, Col'r f Port,
wm. T. Smiths .ii, q.. n.inker.
J. T. Sloven. h.., AH'y t Law,
J no. S. ;lllier, 3d Aud. U. S.
Tarlr K tii"il, bankei b,
Mi-Cieiund Pve x Co.,
linll. Tliolilflfr. Prlt, '
K ii. J o. t ar.ton,
P. ki. niili Kq., PretM S. Bank,
C !. tirv Ahl-, A'y at Iiw.
C .i. o.m. ll iiiii'letfii'y at Law,
J mite Tli. P iry ,
-rot. II Tiawiler,
1 jiUv.ore, Md.
WTashlagfoP ' D. C.
Chicaen, Til.
St. Lo'iih.Mo.
Annapol, Md.
Mvcertbur)r Pa
llagcrtown, ild.
Ksntcn, "itd:
Curnberland, Md
luvnn, A labnia.
Nov 8, l$6(Mf.
131 J OWN VI LI. E
14 'UP1-!
Annoimce to the traveling public that their splendid
and C"in iu kIioun Sieam Ferry running acrokk from
ftimviuiile, Nebraska.
is ..lie f the best in evf ry rerpct ..n the Tpper Mi
.uni river. Tbfe uuie icirular trips every hour
ai.tliat no t:me will e b st In- wuiiina.
The banks ..n both i1oh f the river are low and well
er Jci ninth rei:iler unl .ading unne;eciary at is the
c.ifP.-n ni i other ferries.
No ier-need be entertained astodifflcultlesatornear
thi crowinp, a eve j Ixh- in this resign, on both idea
Kf Jie river, is ior the Cnioii ibe tr.nce-'! kind. .
Our -cbarpes too hii ileia tbee hard limes are lower
tlmn .n any oilier crossinp.
Traveler fioui K.:;rsas to 'vr and to thecal will find
thin the nearest and not. route i- every respect.
Brownville Xebr.-ka, t-pt.Slyt. 1S6I.
Warranted Garden Seeds
nLt;NDKX," K.OEMG !c CO.,
. . l.fl e JoM M O AhliZTT K CO . .)
No. bi Nurih S-. p I :tejj.j'--Ve T.uxt
ST. L.OUIS. MO. " ' "
Oirer for ?a'e at .very b w fienres. a brpe end wel
Ms .ii-.l si.k ..f Au-icuHjiral and H .nicultnral Imple
ments. c-.niiri-ink' t-verythiiiii necessary to tho Farmer
ios-e:htr with a laige and fresh supply of '
Lacdreih's-.rcIclirMii-d Garden Seed-,
For which they are the -lc upents. Their friends tan
re'y np-h' pMiiTijr T.-in tbeui eeils that nre not only
pure bu't trr.e t nunie ii. -every in-itxnce. Also fl3ld
seels at lowest market rates Chinese SoMrOnrie seeil.
Tohacc.. seei. Tp r.nioiis Kc. . Dfalerln seeds
uould do well to send theni their orders.
Send tor Almanac aud Illustrated Cat a J'tfrne gratis.
l;i.t Nl'EX, KOKXUJ It. CO.
March 6, 1S2. . I35 ly
To Western Farmers.
. Tobacco 53 cod.
i I have se? ml viirictn-.s ot Tob woo that will ripen
well in tins latitude. T. an? one wht wishes acid,
a i,d remit me a thre-i-ent ytnmp, on the
ssiuc' I will send .nter.if each "-iritty of seed
t)rdcrs must bo srtit InJli" months of -Sci.ictnber
nnd October. I do this to iutrWu e the culiuru of
T b eco iu tha West: - -
Address R. O. THOMPSON', '
VyrHi-use. Otoe County, Ntbniika.
P. S. r;iMrs in Missouri, Iowa.Kanst-. an Ne
bi a.'k, jiubliahing 4he above once, and sending a Xo.
tturked.will nn-iii-e tvr.-uty four yrr hniee fluw
r d- tree by nail. R.' .- THOMPSON:- '
i wili'receive Pike's Peak Gold nnd advance
m-.ney Uiii.ii the same, and pay oyer balance of proceed
as.H)iiasM'mt retnrns are h;id. In all caes, I wl (
exhibit the printed returns Of the United States M id
ir Assay Aiflice. . ' .
J NO. L . C A RSO.N, I
. , . ' . n20v4
CHs he attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat,
ervic.ble and fashionable . .. . . .
. . i TO II IS
New Stock of Goods
or Tin: very la.iTETT styees,
Which he will sell or make up, U erdef, l unptece
dented low pr.ces.
Tb. se wishtR any thinit in hia line will do well to
call and examine his stock beiore investing. a he
pled:cH himself w hold out peculiarly favorable la
Uucementa. . , . , . -
- February Itth. 186J.- - -
CoHcctibn .Office
OF - - '
T- "VT. Sec3L.ro3r3.,
Main, B'iveen Lev and First Streets,
Particular attention plTcn to the
Pun-hase and Sale-orileal.
. '. . . Estate, Ulsvfiiff Col- , .
lections anl
lnymcntul' Taxes for Xon-Resl-
'"LAND "WARRANTS S-OiiSALK.frr eai ot)d on
"la SO WARRANTS LOCaTRI) fnr Extern Cp
itolista.on lands selected inm jwnal examination,
nd aeorojilete Township .Vaj., h0wing Stream,
Timber, Ac., forwarded with the CerlifieAte of lw-
tKiirownTille.N'.T. Jan. 3.1861. - yl
: Currants! Currants !
I hale left wiih R W. .Furna-.. fl-ownvilie a fir
Eed and Dutch Carr.nt far ki l"oiTSLS
i :. .' ARD 1 V 'I' " 1
IlaTinr beea upp.tinte'l arent for the taele WokV
Swat Cane Mil i amt - Evaporatora, Chicae. X41 I m
prrpared t fill orders at the manufacturer'a pr'0-
Prices of Hill f rotn $40 to $300. ' Evaporatora from
$Mto35. Aldre!a : It VV. FURNAS. '
March 27, 1862 n3-tf. . Brownvil-e. Neb.
or all kikus. ; " .
) Also, Wit reboxiie Trucks, letter
:Z1 iPrenea, tc. . ;
. 1T2 Itl&irST., CHICAGO, !
tT?He cjrenil. a id l.ny. on'y tLe penuiueCS
Jit j' ISlU. !i43-3m -. , .
XCG2. . FALL TRADE. ' ..10G2
1. 1
ii Ats, caps, :
We hare now in Store for Pall Trade th Largest anl
best Asconed Stock iu our lin ever exhibited in tLU
Market, especially adapted to the want or Dealer
irciu nil section of the Northwest, and unsurpassed in
vmir-iy and cheapne by any to be found WK5T or
EAST. .'
Merchants who' have heretofore purchased in other
Mat tel are especially invite I to examine our stock
tbU season, and aie assured we are fully prepared mid
leeruiined to sell floods as cheap, and on us favorable
teruis a the best class of Houses in any Market.
and Trice Lis furnished by mall,
Oct. 4
'62. nl2-Snf
of nmsu c-iwTii
Merchantt aud Post Masters who will addres us thi
fall, will be supplied with Varden, Fieid and Flower
Sreds to sell on couwiiission at fair rate. These seeds
sre all grown bet e atd are true t name. 1
- Nemaha Nor'eiy, Syracuse, Otoe, Co. '
Ang-16- , An6-Fu8 tf : Nebraska.:
V!.iM VKb'. L'iL Uiliir, Tlitre?'' .fior.z or
'. i i i ,l l;j V"; 'ijwry, author l
"ji'.'..-! - tb'" en. '" 'I' u gw4.
Prite j cis, um.U-d itee, A pinniet in attend- tj try new luu&ia
cit ly
Ne. 4SI Broadway, Publi her.
Seeds Prepaid by Mail..
25 Prettiest AnnnaN in Ct.ltlvati.m, - f 1 00
25 Ch ice Vegetable Seeds ior the Garden, - 1 CO
lio;h to Clubs of Five f..r $S f To Club of Ten for $16;
To Cli b-of Twenty l,.r $25. ...
The NKv JAPAN N1LIET, with Immense .head
six to ten inches b.iiji," 125 rents per Jarpe paper j Five
tor $1. I received Genuine Seeds of this new sou valu
able Millet direct from Japan, bv the Niagara, last My,
ati'1 can c-iifldently recommend it as t;e Jtllirt in
rultlVation. ' B. M. WATSoK. " ' "
n3i tf Old Colony Kureriea Pivuiouth Blast.
; Shingles ! Shingles ! !
' ... . . ' i " . : :' .:) i
I wou'.d respncitully Inform the citiaensof Kemaha
county, ihat 1 fhall endeavor! to keep this market ajp
plied with good Cottonwood Shint?ies. which 1 "will sei
forcash; or take in exchange Cattle; Ilogs, Wheat or
tni; R. F-BARRET.
March 27. lSG2 n38-tf
1 . .' i '.
Hiats Boots and Shoesi
I have Jnt received a New Supply of Hats, C-ots and
Shoes, which I will tell cheaper than they were ovei
tiered here before. Call and see me.
Brownviile. April 1, 18 o40-M
For Sale at Bargains.
Two No. f Shuttle Empire Sewinit Machines.
One Franklin Family Sewing Machina. ' .
Two Horace Waters' $75 Melodious. ,
Two Freeh's Conical Washing Machines.
, 0oe No. I P. W. Gates . Co.'a Suifar Cane Mills . ,
App y at, the 4dieWter nd Farmt Office. Browi
vll'.e. i'rbraska.
Mardi Uih. 1861 n36-tfl
. I ! . ' -
-Washing- Machines,
The most simple, durable, convenient and economical
art id ever invented for the purpose.
Will do the washinjt of an ordinary family tefore
hiiakriit. n t onlv savibe time tutcioines.
By strictly following the printed directions, which are
simp-e and easy, tt will wasn, at one num. six miio.
or two doien email articles, in about tix orteven min
ttfet, or their equivalent. ,.
tiv ti tha ordmarv methods of cleaning fine fabrics
nch as laces. &.c. the ereatest care is required, while
-ith thi macbine the most delicate article can be
.-.Lhoii vithnni th nnssibilitv of danaxe.
TTipa results are nrwduced by the constant reaction
the suds while the machiao Is In potion,
erf Families, laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, fcosr-lt
u asrinms. boardint-schools. on phips and steamers,
and in the army, who h3ve these macaUnes in use. have
sent in their testimonials vcluntarlallyand the enco
n.inma nf the Press are verr numerous, aoiae of which
t h.o riillis.DKl In Damohlet form.. ...
an I ask of tuePnUUc is a careful examination of
hi. hpfoift nurchasinK of others.
innri i Broadwav. corner Canal St.; New
York. ' """'' ' '' '
Price only Tea Dollars.
' PHILtP FRENCH, Proprietor
lA.lrm. twl 4S93. K. T. CUT P. O..
NBA liberal discount to tha Trtf. Agtntt
wanted, Stndfor Circular.
600.000 AGENTS,
TO IE LI. ' "'
nc V- Ml-n CT111-C
JUJII iir iur. uoo" ?miTM,
Trim recent survey, cempleted Aug. 19, 1842; cost
im f u t.. nrv it and one year time.
..-rinr ta, anr 10 map ever made by Col ten or
Mirctell. and sell the low price of fifty centa ; 70,
WK) uam are enKravod on idm map.
It U not eniy a County Mar.- but it U also a
of the United States and Canadaa omblned lo one, girinjt
. .. . .mi iitnca between.
, Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 pgr fliy. ifld
wl! I take back all maps thai cannot no aom idi reiuua
themoney. 1 ' 'x
i ... . . . Rend for 1 worth U try. .
Printed.Uistructionsliow tocanyaa well be lurniahed
I ali our atents.
W.n'e.1 Who'esale Are-its f ar onr Map In every
' ... 4-.H,i. i,t aaada. BnjJland. France and Cuba.'
I . r,..- i. nide with a lew hundre-t dollars
eaoital K competition. ' T. LLOl'D,
capital. ( r Broadw.r- New Tork.
. vr.r rtpnartment usw our Map of Virglula Mry
. .... ....a cost tlOO IO0, on which la
iT i-Taiw,niwn. Maryland Helnht, Williamsport
S: " . mu.m.k Mills. Koland's Ford, and Ml ot!..and every other place In Maryland,
rirtinla. antt Pennsylvania, or money refunded.
m Tribnne AucnM t.
, t.-nrd'xD(J Vireinia Mryiand, aud Ptnnsylva
..I. lln.V.nU vrrv iite: H'C -l b but 5o.euta,
i..iii thi but MXiik caa bt pilfitaitJ. all il
Pasud at the Sccdn'd Session of the Thit
' ' Seventh' Cortsi: V. " "
rpCBLi.iiiEb ' by 'auth'oritt. '
Sec; 45. And It it irfr-r earicreo,,'Tbat- erery
jerson who, on tb first, day. of Adjust, tgbteen
butdred end Fixty-two, shall be the owner of any
still. Isuikr, or otber Teasel. ued or Intended to be
ued for the purpose of distilling spirituous liquor,
as hereinbefore provided or, wbohall baye socb
still, boiitr, or otber veusel urder his aui-crinten-iKntieiHther
hi agent for'the' owner "or on his own
Mi-count, aad eyry person who, after swid dy. shall
use f r intend to use aiiy still, orotber Teasel,
as aft resaid. . either as owner, agtbt, or otherwiso.
ha!l fr.m day to duy m iVf! true and exaei r:tj,4
cause be entered, in a book to b ktd by him f&t
ibnl pnrpe, the i.nrwlxrrof gll 3ot' iji'utiug
liquors d stillid ly h:m, rdaliith-f number of gl
b us sold, ir r'm ved lor consumption r ee. and
the proof tbere.f. which bk h-tll always be open
in ti e d t;mr, Sunday ctrepud, for the in-peo-ticn
of the said collector, who may take any min
ute, tmmomndumsvor transit! pstheieof, and shall
reiider to.. iid collector on ,tbe first, tejith,. and
twentieth days of each atid every: month in each
year," or within five days Iheieafter, 'a general ac
count in writing, takn from his books, of the num
ber oT gallons of pirituou3liqnors distilled and sold,
or removed for consumption cr sale, and the proof
thereof, for the period or fractional part of a month
proceeding said day, or for such portion thereof as
may hare elaps-ed from the date of fid entry and
report to tho .-iid dny whi-'h shall next ensue j and
shall alsit keep a book, or books, in a form to be
prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Reven
ue, and to be open at all seasonable hours for inspec
tion by the collector and assessor -of the district,'
wherein shall te entered, from day to diy. the quan
tities of grain ar other vegetable pr ductions, or
olher substfinces put into the in sh-tub by him, big
fgent, or stijierin'eiidt nt. for the pnrjosc of pruda
eing spirits : r.nd shall verify, or catiso to bo Torified.
the s id entrie-s. rjxirts, btks. jmd gonefal eccounid
by oath or afiiriintin. tu he Uke.i b- f .re thacollec
tt.r or n tne oth- r fn -er outl.orind by tha laws of
the State to admiu:strr the same aivording to the
form required by this act, wher the same. i$ prei
cribed : and .-hall also pay to th collector the du
ties tvhb-h by this act ought to be psidoq the spir
itoux liquors so distilled aud sold, or removed ror
consumption or sale, aud in said accounts muntioned,
at Ihe time of rendering an account thereof.
. Sec. 48. And be it frthr enacted, That the collcj
tur of any district may grant a permit to owner or
owners of any distillery within his district to send r
h!p any spirits, the pioduct of said distillery, after
the quantity and proof thereof shall have been as
certained by inspection according to the provisions
ot this aes, to any place 'without said district and
within the United States , and in such case the bill
of, lading or receipt (which shall be in such form as
tho Commissioner of Interna) Revenue may direct)
pfthe-rarno si. all bo taken in the name of the collec
tor of the district in whu-h the distillery is situate,
and the spirits aforesaid shall b-j eonninsl, in such
bijl of lading or receipt, to the eollccu.r of the dis
trict in whi h the place is situate, wbith. r the spir
i; is sent or shiqped, and ih i mounlof duties upon
.-aid spi.its .-hail be stmed in the receipt: and upon
the arrival of the, spirits, and upon tho demand of
the eolPicu.r aforesaid, the aont f tha distillery
(and the name of the agent, for ihe convenience of
the collector, shall always- append fn.the bill of la
ding of the tu'eij t j shell pny the tiU.ties upon the
sin ! spirits, with tne exp- ti.-o f fr-ijiht, 4ud cVcry
otl.or txrnie wLuh !. pturcd thcrppon; n l
sa d -o! lector, uriott the IMvm tit if thedaties aforx
s. i f -'i'cr ihii hCi.if PvI'tt receipt and
i lie ?i'trus t i the agent vi tiie sa4 iliMlivry ; st-) if
th? duties are in t aid as afon mid,4 then the said;
siri's tlMl la stoieu at. the risk and cost of the
!ncer or Hgent 1 beret f. who shall pay an addition cj
ten per c ntum thereup n : and all the general pro
visions of tbis act, in reference to liens, penaltios,
and forfeitures, aa also in reference to the collection,
shall apply thereto) and bo enforced by tho collector
of the district in which the collecter miy be: Pro
tided, That no permit shall be jjrnnted under this
section, ror a qi-amiiy less than fif ty barrels: And
prm idtd, further, That, the Commissioner of Inter-
n, J . l ... i. . . W . .
nil itevei.uc, ut:aer tr.e oireeii' ti oi, tne.:rei.Bry
f the Treasury. m.iy makoaueh further regal;ti. ns.
ii nd texuir-.; such fu'thr securities. a he may deem
pnq- r in ord r to joteet the revenue, and to carry
ul the sp:nt and lott-tit. nf this section.
Sec. 47. And be it Jnrther eutcted. That-distilled
spirit uiny be rt moved Irom the pluee of roanniae-
ture tor Ihe purpose if being exported,. or tor tne
purpose of being redislilled lor export, imd refined
eoiil oil niay bo removed for tne purjose of being
exptTte, after the quantity of spirits or oil s re
moved shall have betn aseertniied by n.pftv,n.
ac ord ng to !be ptevisionst.f tl is act. uj on nd i h
the tsntlen fxrioi.ssion ot the oo'leetor urdeputity
collector of-th distrk-t. with, ut payment of -the
iuliss tlierfon prt-vjons to sueb the owner
horc-.f. having fi;st giv:'n bot.d t. the United States.
uith siifDeient fun-lies, in tb- manner and form ami
undr rguUtii us prescribed by tbe C. mmtssioner
ot Iritrnnl lierenii. nnd in at bast tb-ublo the am
ount t f said duti. a. t "txjxrt the suid spirit." r oil
or pay the duties tu, -reon within su-h time hs may
be prescribed by t. lomtni-sii -tier, which tira 'Sbai.
b-.'StJtted in sa d ln-tid : I'ruridrd, 1b;it ary iors n
desiring to give such btitid shal tirst m.-ike oath, be
fore the collector or deputy collector to wnem ne
may apply for a pcrrait to remove any such pirits
or oil. in manner and form to be pn scribed by said
Commissioner, that h intends to export such liquors
or oil, and that he d;sires to obtain said permit for
no other purriose whatever; and any collector or
dt putitr collector is hereby authorized to administer
vuch oath : And protided. further, That tjo such re
moval shall be permitted where themnountof duties
docs not exceed the sum of three hundred dollars,
t or in any case where tbe person desiring such per
mission has failed ti, perform the obligation of any
bond previously given to the United States for tbe
removal of nny such articles, until the same shall
have been fully kpt. and (rl. rmd. And the col
lector of tbe distrii-t in which any sar-h bond maybe
jriven is Hu;h"r x'd eHncol said, bond on payment
f Siid lurie. with interest thrreon, :u a rte to be
t5x d by said Ci.nimissi-nr, nd all proper charges,
it sai l liquor or ril siall n t. hiive b-cn exfiorted,
or uioti a'i-taeiory tirHji mat tne same nave oeen
extirttd as Hfcrt-seid. And in ense f tbe breach of
the obhgaiion f sny sueh Is.nd. the fame shall be
forth with fotwa:ded by the collector of the-district
to the Commissioner f Internal Kevenue, to be by
him placed in tbe hands of the First Comtroller of
the Treasury, who Frail cause the same proceedings
to be taken thereon, for the purpose of collecting the
duties, interest aid charges aforesaid as are provi
ded in tbis act in case of a delinquent collector.
SiC-43. And be it further enacted. That the
entries made in the books of the distiller, required
to be kept in the foregoinr section, hall, on the
first, tenth, and twentieth 1 days of each and every
month, or within fire days thereafter, be verified by
oath or affirmation, to be taken as aforeaaid, of the
Grson or persons by whom such entries shall have
eo made, which oath or a formation shall be certi
fied at the end of sueh entries by the collector or
cer administering the same, and shall be, in snb-
stanee. as follows : "l do swear (or amrra ; mat tne
foregoing entries were n.ado by nie on the respect, re
davs specified, arc! that they sta's. according t the
best of my knowledir sd belief, the whole quantity
tf s'.iritiius iiquc-ra dtstiiit-n anu soki, or removed
for or sale, at tbe distillery owned by
n hee-.unty of .amounting to
rallons, according to the tow prescribed by the
Unit d State.
See. 49. And be it further enacted. That the
owner, azent, or superintendent aforesaid, shall, in
case the crtzinal entries required to be made in his
books by this act than not nave been maae oy Him
self, subjoin to the oath or affirmation of tbe person
by whom they vera mad the following oath or
affirmation, to be taken at aforesaid : "I do swear
(or affirm) that, to the belt of my knowledge and
belief, tbe foregoing entries are just, and true, and
that I have taken aU the means in my power to
mike them so." '"
1 See. 50. And he it further enacted1, That ohaac!
after the first. dy of Augwt. eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, there hall be paid on all boer. lager
beer, ale, porter, and other sim'lar fermented liqiors
by whatever name such liqnort may be called, a
dutv of one dollar for eicb and every barrel con
taining aot more thaa tbirty-one gallons, and alike
rate for any other quantity or for fractional pamof
barrel, which nhall be brewed or manufactured
and sold e-r removed f or donsumptioh cr sale within
the United States or - the territories thereof, or
within the pbiriet of Columbia; after that day:
Mil(1S t SrS.l I- p 'J ' ur jvwi urx, hiti...
ip!feu&fti 'i tb IK"! cr ana ii t
mrubriHft all pil by lh xwner. njrfr.t. or
such fermented liquors shJl be made, and shall be
paid at the time of rendering the accounts of such
fermented liquors so chargeable with duty, as re
quired to be rendered by tha following. section of
thi act : Prox.ded, That fractiotal parts of a barrel
shall be ha Wrs,' quarter., eighths, and srxteentbs;
and any ractional jart containing less than one.
sis eenth shall be accounted one-sixteenth'; more
than one-sixteenth, and not more than ona-eightu,
'hall be accounted one-eighth ; more than one
eighth, and cot more than one quarter, shall be ac
counted One-quarter; more than .one-quarter, and
not more than one half.shall be accounted one-half:
inn re than one-half shall- be accounted- one barrel
' Sec, 51.. And be it further enacted. That every
person who; on said 'first 'day in August,' ighteen
hundred. and .sixty-twit, shall ba the owner ot occu
lant of any brewery or premises used or intended to
be used W the purp sa of brewingor roakitig-such
fenntn'ed liquors, or who shall hnva such premises
under bis control or superintendence, aa agi'ht for
the ownef or.oc2Up(tnt, or. jhall.hava in bis posses
sion or custody any vcxrel or vessels iotendad to be
used on said premises in the manufacture of beer,
lge boer, ale, porter, or other similar fermented
liquors, cither ss owner, airent, or otherwise, ibV'
wb u
dy t. d i", e.-iter or csusu t$',be r:
.tJL'i 13 11
t b Ket-t br hi a f r ilit-purpose,1- and
shs.l be oteted at all t.mes. except Sundiyj,
b twtit tha -rising a 1 setting oi tha sun, for tb
inspection of ssid n.llect r, trb may take any min
utes or ' memoriuddms'or trancrip"s thereof the
quantitios of grain, W other yegetablo productions
or olher subsUnes, put into the mno-tub or oth.
erwise used for th - purpose of producing beer,, or
for apy other purpose, aud the quantity or number
of barrels and fraction.',.! parts of burreis of ferment
ed liquors made And. sold, or removed for Consump
tion or sale, keeping separate account of the several
kinds and descriptions ; and shall render-to said col
lector, on the first day of each month in each year,
or within ten days thereafter, a general account, in
writing, taken from bis book, of tha quantities cf
gr in, or other vegetable productions or other sub
stances, put into the, or otherwise used,
for the purpose of producing beer, or for any other
purpose, and the quantity or number of barrels and
fractional part of barrels of each kmd of fermented
liquors made and sold, or remoyed for consumption
or sale, for One month prrceding said day ; and shall
Terify. or.cause to be verified, tbe said entries, ra
ports, books, and accounts, on oath or affirm
ation, to be taken before the collector or some officer
authorized by the laws of the State to administer
the same according to the form required by this act
where the eaiue is prescribed ; and shall also pay to
th said collector tbo duties which, by this act.
ought to bo paid on the liquor made and sold, or
removed for conrumption or sale, and in the accounts
mentioned, at tho time of rendering the account
thereof, as aforesaid. But whero the manufacturer
of any beer, lager boer, or alo, manufactures lb c
same in ono collection district, and or hires a depot
or waaehouse for the stsrage and sa!e of such beer,
lager beer, or ale in another collection district, he
may, instead of paving to the collector of the district
in which the same was manufactured the duties
chargeable thereon, present to such collector or his
deputy an invoice of the quantity or number of
burreU about to be removed for the purpose of stor
age and sale, specifying in such invoice, with rea
sonable certainty, the depot or warehouse in which
ho' intends to place such beer, lager beer, or ale;
and thereupon such collector, or deputyshall in
dorse on such invoice his permission for such remo
val, and shall at the same time transmit to the col
lector of the district ir. which such depot or ware
house is situated a duplicate of such invoice; and
thereafter the imuiufjtu'rer of the beer, lager beer,
or ale so removed shall render the same account,
and pay the sama duties, anl ba subject to the
same liabilities and penalties aa if the beer," lager
beer, or ale so removed had been in mufactured in
the district.-The Commissioner of Internt.1 Revenue
may prescribe such rules as be may deem neceaaary
for the purjse of carrying the provisions of this ieov
ttouiato effect. : .'
' Sec. 52. And bo it farther enictsJ, TVr. t tM
entries inrii'e i:i t.- Io., a rroi.-i-a t Oa kef.1 by ti t
f- rfcvtoj Kuiou snail; un said first day of each aci
every; muj.hi. or within tea vri
fied by tho oath or affirmation, to be taken as afore
said, of the person or persons by whom such entries
shall have, been made,' which oath or affirmation
shall be certified at tbe end of such entries by the
collector or otiuer administering the same, and
shall be, in substance, as follows : ,
"I do swear (or affirm ) that the foregoing entries
were made by me on the respective days specified,
and .that they, state, - according to the best of njj
knowledge aud belief, the whole quantity of fer-
mcnted liguors either brewed, or brewed and sold at
a.. l.v. i..
the brewery owood by . in the county of,
amounting to barrels." , ,. I
Sec." bi. And bo it further enacted. That tbe
owner, agent, or superintendent aforesaid, shall, in
case the origin! entries ro iuire l to be made in his
books shall not have been made. by hnmself.subjicin
to theoath'or afli.miition the f iloing oath.or af
firmation, to bo taken as aforasaid ! 1
"I do .swear (or affirm) that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the foregoing entries arejust
and true, and that 1 have taken all the means in
my power to make them so." ' ' 1 '
Sec. bi. And be it further enacted, That the
owner, az-nt. or superintendent of anv vessel or
vessels u.-ed in making fermented liquors, or of any
still, boiler, orother -esse! ns;d ia'the distillation of
fpiiits, ou which dutv is payable', who shall neglect
or reiuso to make true am1 exact entry and report of
ih same, or to do, or cause to be done, any ff the
things requited by this act ti be done as aforesaid.
shall f'-ritjit tor every such neelect or refusal all the
l.-quors or spirits by or tor him, and all the
vessels used in making tbo same, and the stills,
boilers, and otner vessels med in distillation, to
gether with tbe sum of five hundred dollars, to be
recovered with co?t of suit : which said liquors or
spirits, with the vessels containing the same, with
all the vessels used in making the same, may be
seised by any collector of internal duties, and held
by him until a decision shall be had thereon accord
ing to law : Provided, - That !- such seisure bc'made
within thirty days after the cause for the same may
have occurred, and that proceedings to enforce paid
lorte.ture snail nave been commenced by such col
lector within thirty days after tbe seizure thereof.
And the proceedings to enforce said forfeiture of
said propeaty ghall be in the nature of a proceeding
id rem, in tbe circuit of disttict court of the Lnited
Stat os for the district where such seizure is made,
or in any other court of competent jurisdiction.
Sec. 55. And be it further enacted, That in all
cases in which the duties aforesaid, pa j able on epi
riluous liquors distilled and sold, or removed for
consumption oi sale, or beer, lager beer, ale. porter.
or otber similar fermented liquors, shall not be paid
at the time of rendering the account of tbe same,
as htrtsiu required, the person or persons chargeable
therewith stall pay. iu aauiUon, ten per centum on
the amount thereof; and, until such duties with
such addition 'hall be paid, they shall be and re
main a tioo upon the distillery where such liquors
have beenu:still d,ortno brewery where such li
auors have been brewed, and upon the stills, boil
era. vats, and all ether implements thereto bclonr
inz, until the same shall have been paid; and in ease
ot refusal or neglect to pay said duties, with fie
addition, within ten days atter tne same snail nave
become navable. the amount thereof day be recov
ered by distraint and sale of the goods, chattels, and
a i . . aa.
effects of tbe delinquent; ana; in case or euca oia
traint, it shall be the dttty of tbe officercharged with !
the collection to t.tke, or cause to be made, an ac
count of the goods, chattels, or effects which may
b- distrained, a copy of which, signed by the officer
making such distrains shall be left with the owner
or possessor of sueh goods, chattels, or effects, at his.
at- . L aa.i. 1
her, or tneir dwelling, wua a note oi tne sum de
manded, and the time and place of sale; and Said
officer shall forth -vith cause a notification to be pub
lished in 8"mfl newspaper, if any there be, within
the county, and publicly posted up at the pest-office
nearest to the rjsidenee of. the person wboto pro
perty shall be distrained, or at the court-house of
the same county, if not mora thaa ten miles distant,
which notice shall specify the articles distrained,
and the time and plee proposed for the sale thereof,
which time shall pot b less than ten days from the
date of sUch notification, and the place proposed
for sale sot more than fire miles distant from the
place of making such distraint . Proeiled, -bat in
every case of distraint for the payment of thn duties
aforesaid, the goods, chattels, or effects so di trained
may and snail be restored to the owner or pd-sesor
if, prior to the aale thereof; payment or tender
thereof shall be made to tbe proper Ulcer charged
with the collection, of the full amount demanded.
together with tticb fee for levyinz and advtrtising,
and such cum for the necessary and reasonable ex
penses of remorme and keepmz tte jroocH, eaaiteis
and effects to distrained as may be allowed in like
cares by the laws or practice of the State or Terri.
tn, wkaratw -tfi iatmint ah&ll haVfl h n tETiis :
torv wherein- the distraint shall have ben
but in ease of non-payment or neglect to Und ;r
aforesaid, the fcaid officer shall proceed to seL .
said eoods.chatiels.an4. effects at pa bud. zuctiuo.
after due notice of tbe time and place of itle, and
it .... , r . j t ,
"J tasJ
the amount demandabla for tba use of the Upittd
States, with the said necessary and roaaonable ex
penses of said di itraial and- sale, as ajoresaidt and a
commission of five per centum thereon for his otcn
use ; rendering the oYerpluV, if any there he, to' the
person whose goods, chattels, and effects, khali hi To
ben distrained.
See. 58 And be it further enacted, That evory
person licensed as aforesaid to distil spirituous li
quors, or licensed a a brsJer, shall, once in eaeh
u inftr, upon the request of the assessor or assistanl
nse$sor for tbe district in which bis business, as
distiller or brewer may he carried-on, respectively,
I nrntsh the said assessor or assistant assessor with
an abstfjgt T, the- entries upon hts books', herein
. . - i , . l. i . t . t
iroviiea to oa man v. snowing us amouni. oi spiritu
ous li juur distilled and sold, or removed for con
sumption or sale, or of beer. lager ber, ale, porter,
or other fermented liquor made and sold, or romoTed
ior cOnfetimption or' sale, dtirinfr the preceding
montb. respectiTely : the truth and correctcesj of
which abstract shall be verified by tha oath of the
party so furnishing the sumo. And the said asses
sor or assistant assessor shall have tha right to ex
amine the books of such person for the purpose of
!t?ferta!Dir' th ccrr?ctnrjs crsush 8l5ttacr.. Ard
! ! r ;
Set whn ro-
v-i,-r-rt-i t fat aia-aa cxau.isatioa cf
:be books
as aforesaid, ths person so ncdectij.r
tihaJl forfeit the I out of fire hnr.ire-i dollars.
.UCEySES.. . . ; '
See. 5?. And be it further enasfed,That from
and after thefirst day of AugOSt, eiglte-m hundred
and sixty-two, na person, association of persons, or
corporation, "shall be engaged in, prosecute, or carry
on, either of the trade or occupations mentioned in
section sixty-four of this act, until he or they shall
have obtained a license therefor in the manner
hereinafter provided.
. Sec.5S. And be it farther enacted. That every
person, association of person's, partnership or torpor,
ation, desiring to obtain a license to engage io any
of the trades or occupations named in the sixty
fourth section of this act, shall register with the as
sistant assessor of the assessment district in which
he shall design to carry on such trade or occupation,
first, his or their name or style ; and in ciie of an
association cr partnership, the names of the several
persons constituting such association or partnership
and their places of residence ; second, the trade or
occupation for which a license is desired ; third, the
place where such trade or occupation is to be carried
on; fourth, if a rectifier, the number of barrels he
designs to rectify; if a peddler, whether he designs
to travel on foot, or with on&, two, or more horses ;
if an inn keeper, the yearly rental of the bouse and
property to be occupied for said purpose ; or, if not.
rented, tho assistant assessor shall value the tame, j
All of which facts shall be returned duly certified i
by such assistant assessor, both to the assessor and
collector of the district ; and thereupon, upon pay
ment to the collector or deputy collector of the dis-
trict the amount as hereinafter provided, such col
lector or deputy collector shall make out and deliver
a licjnse for sucn trade or occupation, which licenso
shall continue in force for one year, at tte place or
premises described therein.
Sec. 59. And be it further enacted, That' if anr
person or persons shall carry on or exercise any
trade or business hereinafter mentioned fur the ex
ercising or carrying on of which trade or business a
license is required by this act, without taking out
such lioense as is in that behalf requtrcd. he, she, or
they shall, for every such offt nse, respectively, for
feit a penalty equal to three times the amount of the
duty or sum of money imposed for su.?h license, cue
moiety thereof to the use of the United States, the
otber moiety to the use of the person who, if a col
lector, shall first discover; and if otber than a col
lector, shall first give infoemation of the fact where
by said forfeiture was incurred.'
Sec. 60. And be it further enacted, That in every
license to be taken out under or by tbe authority of
this act, shall be contained and set forth th par
pose, tr.ido, or business for which such iHehse i
grated, anl the true nauao and place cf aboia of
ti person or per3jns fi" ir ? r't ibe'fixr- if for a
r.;tnier, the quantity of sp;ri:s authori-si! to bers
if br
y K. rw .
r !i,i
on fwti or with one, or two.r r raora bort'j L i iuae
for which such luense is to rua, snd ths true U
or time of granting such license, aod (except in the
case of auctioneers and peadlerst the place at
which the trade or business fnr which such lioense
ia granted shall be carried on. Provided, That a
icense granted under this act shall cot authorue
the "person or persons, association or corporation
ment'oned therein to exercise or carry on the trade
isiness specified in such license rn any other
) than that mention ad therein, but nothing
hbrein,ontamed shall prohibit the storage of goods,
r3' P''
- - -.1 .1 .j . .L ... .u -
IdVDUl yaiMvoi-,
See. 01. And be it further enacted, That in every
case where mure than one of the pursuits,' employ -'
mcnti1, or i ecu l at ions Hereinafter described, snail
be pursued or carried on iu the same place by the
same person at the same time, except as- therein
mentioned, license must be taken out for each ac
cording to tbd rate severally prescribed.
Sec. t2, And be it further enacted, That no aus-
tioneer shall be authorized by virtue cf his licenso
as such auctioneer to sell any goods or oiher pro
perty at private sale ; and if auy such person shill
sell any puoh gxds or commodities, as . aforesaid,
otherwise tnan by auction, without having taken
out such liccn-e as aforesaid for that purpose, he or
rhe shall be tubject and liable to the penalty in that
behalt imposed upon persons deal in" in crraUinr.2
or trading or selling any such goods or commodities
without license, notwithstanding any hceuie td him
or her before granted, as aforesaid, for the purpose
of exercising or carrying on the trade or business of
an auctioneer, or selling any gods or chattels,
lands, tenements, or hereditaments by auction, any
thing herein contained to the contrary notwith
standing : rrovided, always, That Where sucn goods
or commodities are tne property oi any person or
persons dul v licensed to deal in or retail, or trade in
or sell the samo, such person orpersons having made
lawful entry of his, her, or their house or premises
far such purpose, it shall and may be lawful for any
oerson exercising or carrying on the trjd or busi
ness of an auctioneer, or selling any gotds or chat
tels. lands, tenements, er hereditaments, by auction
as aforesaid, being duly licensed fir that purpose.
to sell such goods or commodities as aforesaid, at
auction, for and on behalf of such person or persons,
and upon bis, ber, or their entered bouse or premi
ses. withouttakingoutaSeparatelicensc for such
sale. The provisions of this section shall not apply
to judicial or executive officers making auction
sales by virtue of apy judgment or decree of any
eouot, nor public sales made by executors and ad
(To be continued.)
Crops In Ohio Future Surplus
The wheat crop has just been gath
ered in the
the most part throughout the State.
It is the best and largest crop of wheat
produced in Ohio since 18o0. Tho
crop of that year was the largest ever
grown in the State, and the largest
average per acre. It is probable that
the croD this year will be equal in a
mount to that. The crop of 1850 was
31,500,000 bushels. . That of this year
may safely be put down at 30,000,000
After 1850 the wheat crop of Uhio
declined till it reached only 11,000
000 bushels in 1854 which was but a
little more than one-third the mail
-4. A . ' -
mum. The maximum and minimum
crops were as follows : " "
In 1850 - .'' 31.550,006 bushel '
la 1334 IW33.I1Q
In 1857-. 23,137,613
From return of assqssors received
at the office of the "Commissioner of
Statistics, it appears that the crop -of
1861 was abdut 15 per cent less ihdri
that of 160, which- would riiake last
year's crop in Ohio 20,000,000 bush;
els. From general observation, .at
seems that the crop both in quantity
and quality is far beyond that of I8
60; so, as remarked, it may be set
down at not far from thirty millions.
The three crops then, of '60, '61, '62,
were ver hearl as follow ?
...... 23 "ft-:TJ."ii.t
coosumptWof the State -for
both food and 'seecf "does not ,excWl
1S,000,000. We have, then, the fol.
lowing surplus of wheat : - 1 ' '
Er "" ' " 7.000.039
For 1851........ .-.17,000,000
- Ihis is, ofcourseon the issump'
tion that the. wheatja stored and
ground without any wa'stp." ; It will bo
observed, that as the consumption re-,
main3 nearlj.the amej the' increaso'
of the crop is ' really na increase of
the surplusi "The State is, therefore;
as to th profits of comnerc?, a much
greater gaiacr than tl;
crense cr tne cr
bne corn crop hs zqvt got to
2j)th of Au in a xnpstLcscsIIcn:
dition, the plant being : vigorous and
growing rapidly. It ilTbackward in,,
point of time, but' never in a. better
state. The drought which was "appre
hended has not taken place ; and if
the remainder of - 'August should '
be dry And hot, it Will be no more -
than what the corn' plant requires to
make and ripen it Veil. - Thi3 will
probably be the case ; and, without
providential calamities of an unusual
kind, it miy be assumed that the coVnr .
crop of 18G2,will be abdv the aver-
he oats 1s rather inferior. There
will, on the whole, be Joss than . 'aa
in mo....
In 1831
In 1332....
OtheT mall grain and potatoes have ' I
lone remarkably well, and the grasj- ' '
crop is unprecedented. Taking all "
the crops together suppoin' the re'-"?J
mainder of the season .'.to be fufr for
gathering the outstanding cropg it . ' r
may be confidently affirmed that' Ohio.".-
will have produced a?j agreate ct - i
breadstuffs much eXcecdinir that in
any year of-its existence. The ag
gregate crop- of 1860 was the 1 irgcst
ever produced in the State beirT oiiq
hundred and fifty three .millions .of
bushel?, including potatoes. The ag
gregate cf 1862 will exceed thi iin- .:
mense amount. We' shall' h;ivp, there
fore, the same surplus to sl-hVjo.ul -:!
in! 1862'63 that we had in 1 8tf0'61 .-i '
WhenVft add to tbis. the labor used in"1
m anu fact :ri;
flcrur. II luor. r.r. l r-r--
m t
tz tc this
Uw.o ji UalLl. "..l'i C ...ii u. j
u'rpla prodactf ,arica!turo c.ip ;.r-
d from Uhio will exceed the inttr.-..
erst on a thousand millions of dollarj
the whole value of property, Jnjha.T
ciate; anci win exceeu me mieresi oa
the whole National Debt, made by tL6
war, in two vears -from its commenced .
' at -
rLent. " It 13 m these products of frco-
aboi and good soil, that we see in ":
what manner a people become stron1'
and independent. .Knglaml . h5 no- :
such independence. ' For forty-year
she ha3 impoited 'bread every year
and next winter will hayc:to pay Ohio, r
the cash for these .very .products. J
This is the triumph 'of a Hepuhlican .
state, in wmcn laoor nas u reward,
and there is neither cast or slavery to' '
depress honest industry. '' ' '
In conclusion, -wo may ?.ly that
Providence is on-our eide I ' - l!or
great the contrast between -these -vat-:-
harvests and evcrflawmg grat.aries aod r
what might have been, , had our,.fieltl3.
been wilted with blight and drought ,
Let us be thankful taat God leins in
mercy, and will cause truth andright-
tousness to prevail. Cin Gaz.
Migration of Birds In ttlnler.
.Some, species of birJs .remain io ihej
nonhern btatps during the. Winter. Tha
crow, the wobd-petker, th'V' yellow-bird i
little transformed, and 1 a few 'ithers
spend nearly the whole year at the Garth. ;
lieside tuese, .we have. afew. vuiujrsfrom.
Arctic regions, who like our winiers bet
ter than their own, but can not endure
a I aa "V
our not summers. JJut tne majority ot
Our Summer birds ga southward ch'the:
approacaof Winter. It is an eld noliori -
that swallows. spend their. winters, here,
in sand banks or in mud at the bottom of
onds; and that robins hyberhate in hol
ovr trees and in caves in the foresti.
We have no faith in this. . Now and therl .
a robin or. other bird, ovehakn by Win-.
ter, may spend the cold season here, feed
ing on seeds and 'berries,' but this is
doubtless an exception to the general rule.
American 'Agriculturist. '-
Few things are cal ciliated to maVef
a more painful irapressiori' th.m the
view of empty rcfomsV once "contain- '
Ing within their walls so raden of the
warmth," And light and joy of life.
There is a .voice in their silence ev
er proclaiming ,,the, mutability of hu-.
man things the dull ashes i the
cheerless grate are emblematical of
the, decaying embers aforelijne burn-
i. . . ii -. " -.. A-i err.' - '--
ing in Dosoms now cou. ro
rnaihs df a string ' which lie about
the floorsv'are types of the broken
fibers which once bound some-fond
heart to a" cherished object, severed
now, but still refasing ouitti their
hold. It is nothing to. tell ns that
"the change, i for the better;') that
they would be mosh better nT" Whc
has not felt the fallacious charcter of
such comfort in the anguish of a part
ing hour. ' ' - - ,