Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1862)
hi'- j : i . f 4 ( Hi i : i ) ( ; t 2 The Economy of Using TUX EAGLS J WOKkS"' HAHtFFUCTURING COHPAHY, : ': ' . ci-ircA.Gd, .iixiosrois, FRANKLIN FamilyGewingnacMne.j ; re nvMnw trait the celebrated GROVER f MAKER STITCH, whir h hu take rbe hlaue.t premi knit the Illinois SUte Fair, in5e?terrter last, at the tailed States Fair In St. Louis, la 1SG0, aud at the jnuc!p:e S:a! Fairs tbronvbont t..e country. Cmiprteiit Judges gave a derhi. o In favor of this sUtcti, u account or ltscreat nreur:h and adaptation to ill aif4 oi (toiiir and inarinfacturiu purposes. -The tollowinp Tabi will how the differeme in favor f towica JSacbiue'over the old me a -d of stitcbit ty Land, la the working or rhese Machines there Is a-A nly a -reat saving of labor and time, beside addi-u greatly te tbe Leai;bfu'mesof.thersB!oyiiiea . LutcLc titch U niocb stronjer, more elastic, ar4 is liable to ipfr ravel than the atitcb made wl.b sfcuales sod Lot Una. Time oornnmed Id maklnc ' By Sf acblne. ) By Ilard. 1 T ..rtrm J 1 li p La 'lie' ianatats. llk Diesa, Jtusiiii . MtTiUo Urea, Chemi, CaUru !!, Moreen Skirt. tj.-bt lrea. Xrawem. S. k Aprutt. Plain Aprob, ime consumed lo maklue f By JIachine. ; Geulieineo's Garment Uouta. Si.n i liilo iHOJrii. 1 as, f. Gentleman's Shirts, Frock C.t, Satla Te.t, Linen Vevt, Ctb Pauls, Suauuer r.ata, 10 c 8 10 e 7 10 6 4 1 Pr Hani. nou-. Alii 15: ISj 46i 63) 40 13 19 3 ft The Franklin Family .SEWING MACHINE, Has one edvantage which U worthy of especial aitecti.-n In addnivii to tbe peculiar character of the stitch, and that It it adpiaiija o either hhi or ueJiuui heavy work . Tle Machine wtj'cli Mt m.ineul U used wi THE HOST DELICATE FABRIC. Id a few mo menta after can he biocsht to her with the saw? facil ity on ruttunade r. t.wei 'he r ae?t detcripti -n. lie aJap'.Uiwti for FAMILY IVOllK, if ihtt remarta ble. aiu give it superiority over every otaer Hyle ui machine iu the V.arket. . In order that th?e Martine may te p:aceJ In the Otands of li c!ae. w have re-Iuc e.1 the p. ice f our rXASKLlS FAMILY MAC1USE TO rOHTl DOLLARS. From the increat-e ! ot:r tuMne.-s tor tie lit year, and the eiitire aisfaction iur Machiues are giving throtij:h..t:t the miteJ SUte and Knn-pcan Cenntr5e we are 'M toitieve tint our deiermina" i. n U nianDfu'cttirea rEKI ECT. SIMPLE. RELIABLE 'AXD CHEAP MALHIXE. has been tu! It a;pi wiatci fcy tLe public. Ihis policy will roniatn utirha:ived. aid m hcretofoie no Machine will be allowed to leave the Cce that we cannot lully warrant in every repvct He hall keep ok hand at all tirat a general asuil ent of S?wing il ithiue wtnlals Kecdlesfor all macLicea can te oriJered by atail or ixpresa. Price One lollar jr d zeu. Pern In the eonutry, by Fending r.s their address oclosisc a letter Etamp, cat have forwarde-i l-y return Sail, one ol oar circular: comaimng the diCVrtLl styles Machines. l;t of prioea, and bi;ip!e i f wurk. IlICn4IJL? &, CO., Principal A?eti for the Ifi.i th West. r0fSce and Sa$room 133 Lake S'rect., liiiuois, X. RICH ARDS Lato of L. Cv:Lell it C. JIO.W. TA PP. if, formerly Ag't for .Le Grover 4. Saker Sewit.e Machine. rauairj9;h- 1!62. . nC-tl GKEAT IMPROVEMENTS IN HACIIE EfilPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. rtenttd Tfebruary 14th, 1SC0 " v Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. . Tait Machine is construct ou, an entire ceir jriiciple of machinery, poMing many rare t,d Tal waLle improTementa. Larirg been examined by the BBMt rir. .found expert?, and vronpanced to be If IM rLJClTY and PERFECTION CUMHINEU. The following are the pricclj al objections urged (Atart bewsng Machines . : fi SS-?!:v.v' .--;a;- H 11 is wZs rrT'-'v- J.-V.:'' n 11 . l,' 10 if'V.'-Hl tr, 11. 1 ! ;!' :,'i, I Ik v ( i -ww g .rfcCy . jKltetir .l!?ih- hV&Mlfpi a DO XOlf TTAxT TO .pTJRtH DRUGS 7...! ; A. ( v . i . . r. .; : ' : .1 i. 1 M'EDTGI-luB r IT 30, GO TO TUB i CITY-DRUG STORl i. P. a BUILDINGS, ill." LMX,r 4 .. :2 :i.- . j, . !i'u,l!:ii..fcariM.lU' GATE WiUimitoMriiil!'4itiwiW. PORTABLE ENGINES. L Excessive fatisrue to tbe operator. 2. Liability to get out cf rder. txpene, trouble and lets vf tiae in repair-icg. 4. Incapacity to eew erery description cf material. 5 Disagreeable roise wkiie in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all tlc objections.. fi bas a straight needle perpendicular action ak.t the LOCK vr SHUTTLE STICn. which will NEITHER RIP uor KAVEL, acd is alie r,n bo:h Ua; prf-nns rioTfect sewing on every descrijition f satnl,fromIyarter to the finest Nansook Mur lia, with cotton, linen or rilk tbread,from the Ct est to the finest number. riarirg neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the least possible friotion, it runs as smoothly as glass, and it Emphatically a Noteless Machine! It requires twenty-fire per cent. le?s power te riVeit than any other Machine in market. A girl f twelve years of age can work it steadily, without xabgae or injury to health. I strength acd WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of oastruction render it almots impossible to get it out ef ordar, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all tho?e who may desire to apply themselves with a soptrior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLEU MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the Eitrosage of ... erehant Tailors, Drva Makers Ctch Makers. Corset Makers, Ileop-Skirt Manufacti.rers, Gaiter Fitters,. Ekirt aad Bosom Makers, ; Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. t'Religious snd Charitable Institutions will bo - liberally dealt with. Price of Macliincs.CoiiipIete: 5 o. L or Family Machine, $45.00; No. 2 Snnll ' s!sd Uanufactoring, $60,00 ; No. Z Large sited Manufacturing, J75.U0. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to wham a liberal discount will bo given, but we amake bo consignments. T. J. McARTHTJH & Co., 5IO BroatltvajylVew York. - WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! ! or THE Richest end Itlost Fashionable Patcrnr, orrrBED at Xlctail and lVholWalc Prices!!! TUB HI &BAKI BROS., Xun 63 & 6' NASSAU Street. New York, Manufacture! a and Importer of all tbe Leading, Rich, and mast popular Styles of WATCHES ana JEWELKX, heme determined cpon In. creasing their bosiness to an unlimited extent, ctfer . the following- eiecaal Oiwameul at the utiaurpast ed Xjdt Pricr following. MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, being a Hunting and inn face, or La-ly'i or Gentleman' Watch in one. the rettiet and inot convenient and cheapest watch ia . tbe world. Imitation gold; eflteJ by a p.ieu'. pro ce, which renders the appearance of gold penect, wall It d' not cokt oue third a nmcb. Price only $31 PetaiU at from one hundred upward. HUXTJSO COMPOSITIOX CASED LEVERS, XngUa niauniaciure movement; rppc-d aaJ lull jeweled, bas sunk recouda, andhe neatest iiuprove tuertt. aieavy cased and good imitatiou gold. Piice enir lift. Retail at from t 'O te $100. HINTING CUMPOSITIUX CASED ARMF . WATCH. Richly engraved, jeweled anu fancy wuiks. VbaurpacfeU lor Butiorg, Traders, ec Price $15. JUtatl at frm.$4e to (100. A treat variety of other watches, at low prices. L4'' H;.a wl Broocb aid Ear Urop to corre.potid. Imitation Clnter laan , a very rich p.ttern, and euvire'i B w price $4. Coral and B al eutwiae-l. a rerv nea and pre' ty ernauieut, hauukouieiy muunted, $ treutlemen'a Y4 Chains. Patfbitn, an elegant pattern, uly (4. Tbe lemuiac, very heavv, 1. Jtioe. Plain only Xjc Scroll, very pretty, $1. Chaned, a ueat pattern, $1. Seal Signet, l. Imita- ion Diamond, $2. "' i.eeve liuttons. Talent, Chased, or Knanielled, a siewaiid Tery handsome palturn, $2,bQ. lijuhle.. chased or wicH Hones. $1 63. . Vi JSoaoW gtods a variety of new and fashionable de eirua. per et,'$l 6 . Wos iinaud Scai t Pin 'af, with CPI nd Fancy Btua $2. Imitatatiou Diamond, S1. bo. IUet-Du6I Glaas, richiy engraved. $1; ParwiOK wishing any of the above, baveouly to remit ibe price iu a rei4reAi letter to our addresx, and the article will l aeut If return" mail, free of expene. t7rder to th amount f twelve dollar and upwards U be M-ct ty eprea to any part of the icyal State, rtU bill payable u, ibe xpres Company, when the food are dn ve-ed. x . ApsU. Sutlers and Country Mofbants, thronehout tbei.Ltry, who nub t make tuoiiey rapidly, wilt lo 11 a ottaip onr rnammoth cataltgue 5 we furnish the fcot aaijrahie outfit at prices unmrpaed ty any otnur "cwrjif AJdreas HL'BUAKD ' BKW. Kot. f5 6T A'eascu, er Jotin Sireet, - pcWbrJrlik,LS-J. e Vork City. N'o. 1- none Tower, weighs 3 .'CO So. ? 7 "4 2o0 Xo. 310 " " . 6 OjD ;s. Price ?('' I Vo4 12 Horse Tower, weighs 7 500 lbs. ' ; " CKi Xii. S-15 8 6i0 " " 15i- j X . 613 " " 10,000 " Price W ' 1.100 1,300 ? - o O o -i c c rs cc - I on w W o o 3 ro IS in S3 3 c I -i p a w c -i tr. c C - 'I c ? '- . r wiksvw-hs Clb ro o 5? re 1 1 7 if; i ' W 3 I id ' i3 -3 P o O o o. o p c" a CO o C9 CD C p. o a f3 Ci C5 n. o o 3" o CD C ct c c -t r. a CD WMMM u kill ! i i i -i i i i : .fi I AJ LJ U.,'FI1 U:tl t i mmmm- mmm i nn i n mm II niini ml . '1 :l H 1 B 1 IBS 111 I l-i:l TV. iMHHHHlHtll mrUUU HUP M I ! Si M U U U vT I i : t bt L n e-t PT P- 1 w-H r I V T .1 I 1 1 I 1 1 III I 111 " - ' I I 1 If 'llSSr I' if '.rrt'l Ti. ' kl Wi lit ' I'iv ?iu'' : '''re If. . r i, A-'!, ....ti..i,' 'I T.'il.. iillil'.'l ' .ViHi' i a. 4 Jc.i A IT D , I JOfiN:'H.-MAU;N, Will sell whatoref you desire,. "TTou i tnay It is a rest assured .i. u v- t .T From his long expeilence In the business, be is be will glTe satisfaction to all why may call at his ESTABLISHMENT, lie has now on band, and U constantly receiving large supply of all articles usuall kept iu a DRUG STORE. I X ,"'i ml l 9 I i - --3 F 1 '"I'll ih.H M lllli. mIUi;iIhiiIi.1i'" I1' P. W. GATES' PATENT SUGAR GANE MILLS O.. GA TJ- C PS in t m-r. r " . a t a . rra l-u vaj r m ...w i f a a s , ? 8. 0 ; ' . T3 3 I lit J I BFISBB I - H". I U I i fi ! P'W O - . CD I J ism r c my. i f., s p 5 Mj CD M I U !!piii!ij.iM..... c s n ,s:t .... o f au V r5 A jr - . " W.I 10 r - ts -t CO Er - . joiin u. nun. 'I BrowTivllle.'laySlhJiSei.' v6-n4tt ; . . ! t ; i2 AJPJPLE TREES. BROWN YILLE NURSERY: THE UNDERSIGNED HATE STILL A FEW TIIptJSAND APPLE THEES, EAISED IN TniS SOIL AND CLIMATE, ' TThich they offer this Tall, CHEAP FOR CASH, . OIL APPROTED TRADE. , - j ' TBESg TSEES ARE LARGE, Will commence bearing in a year or two, yet we will sell them at , 15,00 PER HUNDRED. O R "S2,50 PEIt DOZF.X. , . MACN, FISnER & HACKER. Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The best substitute for Coffee prepared in the same manner as Coffee. Packages of seed by mail at 10 cts. each. Each package contains seed enoigb to rai?e a sppply for an ordinary family, Send ordera to n. A. TERRT. . n38-tf . Crasct nt City. Iowa. NOW READY. TIIE Official Union Volunteer Directory, ( 400 pa?es. ) containing Jlntne and Retvlerxtt of every Offlcerand Trivato in tho Union Army, with their Command. Casualties, Promotions, Ac. (rT'Ev-ery one wants it.; Sent post-paid .on receipt t 25 cents cafh.orntamps. Address HENRY P.. ANSON, Pub lisher ; 49 State Street, Boston, Mass. FRUIT AM) ORNAMENTAL TtlEES. 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, $8 per hundred" $60 per thourand.' i - , 79,000 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to 3 years old, $25 per boudrrid, $23o per thousand. - .20 000 1 year old JJiana Grapevines, $15 per hundred $100 per thousand.- - !50 000 Standard Pear Grapes $6 per hundred, $50 per thotiMand. . These Pear Grafts, net heing bulky, can be transport ed cheaply, and by growing two years, will make good zed treea.toiHant In an orchard. Any one can treble their m..ney by growing them tu setl. ' Send for Whole sale and Deaeriptivo Catalogued-' E. MOODT &. SON. n5I-!m . ' Niagara Nurseries, Lnckport, N. T. . 1 rrtl T: TT A II P i41 F i FIILLI U.U Now ready, a now and superior collection of 27 Anti-Slavery, ratrietic, and ."Contraband" eons, solos, duet?, quartets, and choraso. .Most or the Poetry and Music baa boen written expressly for this work, to comspnd with the times, and thouIJ bo sang by the miiliot;, in order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the 'Contrabanda'.wjjt.ra 0.d, in his providence, bii3 east upon the Free North to clothe and educate. .: : eOXTSNTJ, IX PiP.T. ' "Fair Freedom's Mora has daml at t:jt' ?IJreak the,Chaits, or the Emancipating Sword i' 'Fremont is Marthing" oa, or, Glory Hallelujah ;" Oh 1 Help the Uc ntrabands';" "Old Jhn Lrown'a Song;" "Song of the 'Contrabands';" "O het my People Go ;" --'ar..dy on the Song of the 'Contr.t-bnds'"-Wbcw LitVy Datell U -mj xountry ;" 'Whea Slarorv dies, tbtre'll bb Frwd-jai rWakc, TrecmRn, Uodha.s s.iokeu;" Whitticr's suppressed S0J115 f Freedom' to-.; j- . ' .- ' tViee only 5 cents single, 55 cents per doierf, 53 rjcr 100 ; postage 1 cent. ' , L10IUCE WATERS, PabliaW. . , n41-ly - 431 Broadway, New York. " A CAU1 TO YOUPfR j.AOlE.S ANI GENTLEMAN. The ?urjcriber will send (free of tharj;),' to nil whodesire it. tho Rivipe and dircetton.i'for m iking asininle Vtyttulle' Balm, that will, in from two to eigbt'day;, remove PiupLEsJlLpTCnESjTAX, Fkeci Lts. SAH.OlEffi,-inid alLiiapuriiie ai.d-roushDCs of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature interded itshoudbe toft,tlmrtnnoolh audheaut'ful.. .Th.e desiring tha Keeipo, with full instructif)iK-,dirt-ctioES and advice, will please call on or address (with re turn p-stage,) ' ' ' 1 THUS. F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist. I-! V. ; r': 83KUr6adwayVNe.w York. : May 22, 1802.; n-2ca. j . . GET THE BEST, G0RNELtS' GEOGRAPHIES Surpass all others lefore iht Public ' 1st 7 In philoiiopbie'al arrangement. 2J. In the grtdtialiTugrcas of their steps, 3d. In preKer tir.g ho thing at a time. 4th. In the adaptation. "of each part to I s inten ded grade of scholarship. r 5ih. In theAdujiriUla mod a . they .prescribe for memorizing tbe contccts of a map. . . . .' fith; In tneir explanation and directions for des cribigthe natural divisions of lhearth.- 7th. In their jiiiliciou so'etttioas of fasts. 8th. In the appropriate and instructive character of thfir illustrations. . 2&..Iu coniUteacy between map and iext. . ! 10th,. In theintrolaction jnto the innpj of s.uh pl ices only ns are mentioned in the l-xk. : llth. in the cltar representation of every fot, and the analytica1 precision with which each branch of the subject i.i kept distinct, , ... .. , . 12th. In boinjr at once practical, systematic, and complete, philosophical in amageiaaut, and pro gressive in development of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES 'Are-rifEcMly recommended for the ue of the Pub lic Sclio l-i of Nebrik. .Territory. - ; 1 j "1 Cornell' Ge grephies are officially recommendt'd for the use. of th-f' Public Schdols of the State of KanstM. . 1 -" , 1 ' : i f - - . Cornell's GeoAiphieV are officinlly rcmnroenficd for tha usa of. the Public Schools of the State of Vermont.. Cornell Genjjrsyhies are oS-iaHy recommend jd forthu use of tha Public Jschools of tne Stata 01 Ohio. 7 '. ! i -. S . ' . Cornell's Ge"crsphies are ofil jially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Indiana. ' ' Cornell's Geographies are r fJSTial'y recommended forth use of the Public Schools of the'Stateof New. Hampshire. .' ... Cornell's Ue.'ginphics are officially feccuimenacd for the use of Ihe public schools in the Srate of Cal ifornia. - , CorneH's" Geogrsphies are officially recommended for the use of public schools, in the State of Wis consin. r , ' Cornell's Geof7rnphie8 are ' used in public schools of tho City of Netv York. ; y. Cornell's Geographies af used in public schools of the City of Brooklyn. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of th City f Albiiuyf Cornell a Neograpbies are uso 1 in public schools of tho City of Iroy. Cornell's Ggraphles are used in public schools of the City of hyractise. Cornell's Gafgraphiea are used in public schools of the City of Auburn. Cornell's Geographies are sed in public schools of the Citv of Rochester. ...... Cornell's Geographies are used in publie schools of the city, of Philadelphia.: ' Cornell' Geographies are ascd. in public Schools of the City of Pittsburg. . Cornell's Geographies aro used in public schools of the Citv of Mobile. ; Cornell's Geo-rmphies are used in public schools of the City of Wilmington. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the city cs Washiugton ' Cornell's Geographies are nsed in public schools of the City of Detroit. ; CurneU'a Geographies are used in public schools of the City of r Columbus, - - Cornell'H G-.Draphies are used In public schools of the City of Hartford. " Cornell's ieograihies are used in public schools of the City of New Haven.' Cornell's Gecgrnjhiea are in general use in all parts of the Uuitcd States. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are the best, bound, and the best illustrated of any School Geography extant, ; ; t CORNELL'S FIK3T STEPS IS GEOGRAAHT. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Series, and to introduce the little pupil pleasantry and prof itably to ihe rudinicntsol Geography. Gue beauti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, 72 pages. Price, 2d cents. Tax series consists op PSIJIARY GEOGRAPHY. Small 4to. SS pp. 12 .Majis. Beautifully illustruUd. Price, oii crnts. II. G2AH1IAH-SCH00L GEOGEAPHY. Large 4t, with unmerous Maps and Illustrations. 108 pp. It includes Physical and Descriptive (teograpby. Price, 90 cents. (The Graintuar Schoid Geography may either follow the Inter mediate, or be used instead of it. The chief difference between tbe Intermediate and Gram mar School is, that the l.ttter, though no more elevated in style, is fuller in deUiil, preseuts a greater variety of map questions, and a larger number of localities to be memorized,) III. HIGH-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. , , Geograyhy, largo 12mo. 405 pp. m KiehlyIllus traU'd. It include Descriptive," Physical, and 4 Mathematicar Geography. . Jrice 7i cents. Atlas, very large 4to. Containing a complete set of 'dims for study: also, a set of iteferenee --Hap for family use. Price. Jl. Acpy of. either partjf the Scr'es, for exam ination, will be Kent by, Tst-pnia. to anv leach er or School Cfitr remitti'ii; one-b:lf it's pri:e. . D. APPLETON A CO., New York. TO . THE TEOPLE OP vt t!i.mfttb cf Dece'inher. ISiS. the underpinned f tbe first time ofTured for fa'e to the pubiic DR 3. BO-VEK- DODS' IJll'K'rtl.tL WISB CITTKHS, aBdin thir stvirt peril d they have jiivea such, uni.-ersal aatisfac tiutt to rhe many thoH.-aB(! of person wh.) have tried them tbt it is now an established article. The amout't or bodiry and mental nii-ery arining aimpl v from a ne plect of tmli Cuoipiaints ia mrpri-iii)f, and it 1- there, fore of the Utmost imp-.riance that a-strict attention Ut tiie least nnd mot trifling bodily ailmenta should te badj' tor 'disease of thelxly mnst lavariab'ry affect Ite ciiad. Th.-obcrirers now.nly a!t a t vi I of , . , " Dll. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine ' Bittera : from all who put used them., Wechiillenge tbe world to produce their eqva!. JThee bitters forthe cure of jWeak Stomach, Gen eral Dehiliry, aiid for Piirifjing and Enriching Ihe B&iod, ate absolutely unsurpassed by any o'her rtme dy on earth. Tj he assured of this, it is oniy neces-e-isary to make the trial. ' Th wine is of a very supe rior ijualtty heiog a!ont one-thud stronzer than oth W wiiM?,. warming and invijuratirg Ihe whole aytteni from the head to the feet. As these hitter are tonic and alterative io their character, -o tbey strengthen and loviKorate. the whole systerri and give a fine toue ami healthy actluu to a. I its- part, by equalizing the circulation, reniovinz the obstructions and producing apeeeral warmth. Thiey are excellent Tor diseaies and weakness 1 cculiar to Females, where a tonic i rcqnir ed to Vireugtben and brace the system. 3 lady wtn is sulject to lasitvvle snd faintness, should he wi'aout them as they are revivifyinir In their' action. 1 - TUtlSF BITTERS TTill cot only Cure but Prevent i.eae. --. aatl 1ft this respect are tioubly valuable tq the person who nny use tt.em for INCIPIENT C0NSMMPTI0N :. 'I-.."' . . ' . : : " : . 1 weak Lrvrigs. Indigestion,' Dy?peisia, dlseaitec of the Xervrtiis' stn. Paralysis, Pilti, and fort all caaea requiring a Toinc, . . DIt, DODD'S Celebrated VHne Bitters Aro : CJMisvxaryi-3oci- For Threat so ciruiuiou aai-jug Uie Ciergy tcey are. truly invaluable. . ... . -, ; For the "aged andinflrm. and for'persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and nil . public spaekers for took-kep-rs tailors seamatre-se. etnd artists, and all persons lea dii.g a se!entary lire. tl.ey wrl prove beneticial. Asa tever?.geHbey are wholeiome. luaocent. and delicious to the tasie. They p'rodnce all the exliierat injr efrvclsot ttjanJyor wine, without intoxicating; and are a -valtiabre remedy for persont adk-tevi to .the tse of exesive strtig drink, and who wjh to relrjin from it. They ate pure and entirely free from the poisons c ni eaiued.In tbeadnlterat .M wines. and brandies with which the cooMry i- tl.xjd-'d. These hitter rtoto nly CritE but prevent disease, and should he ose. i.y ail who live iu a couutry wherethe wjiei1 1- had or where chill and fever are prevalent. Being entirely inB -ei!t and hjrtles ihey way hegiv. en freely to chiM. rn and Inf.mts wtthluipuiuty, Phjsicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates asauact..f humanity. ih.ilii -assi-t in fpreading thee valuable titters over the land, and th; eby esbentially bantsk dmnkeiMiess-wl disease. . . . . . in all ajrectioijs of'tlie ilead.Sieli i:eadae5ie, or X ervaousllcad acJ:e. Dr. Uoil's -Imperial Wine Millers IViSl&ie round to be laostl aliitarik and lUSIicacAOUM. ltd. t"A NECE3STY Lt Ey ... JOIIKS '. American Cement tiik ox i.r rk lrIKJvL(: UthN I . FEMALES. The 'inanyclrtiacates which have teen tfrdctet ns j arnt the letters wiip.u we daily receive. wecuiict iMv? I proof that aui'iMC the women these Bitters Lave given a i.atisf.icri-n whn'O others htve ever .done .before. No woman in the JJttid jnoci 1 1 e witunrrt them, and those whoonce ue them, will not fail to keepafuil DH JBovee'Dcd's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and.nklllfnl physician, wb has ued them snccessra'.ly in bis practice for tbe las twenty-five year. Tbe proprietor before putahtsin the exjuifive right to manufacture and fell Br. Bove Dods' t'eiehrajeg Imperfal Wine Bit ers, badtthem test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valiiahle and safe remedy fr dsea-se. Although the medical men of this country, as acen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicine, yet e do u'ot believe that a respectable Physician can he found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's lM PKRIALWIXE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is a!ways a large qnantity of deeaying timber; rronr which a poi sonous miasma is creited, these oiueis shuold he used every morninz bofore hreikcast. on. j. cotec dods' IMPERIAL WIKE BITTERS Are conipocel of a pnre and nnadnJteratetl wine, com bined with Barberry. SoU-mon's Seal, Comfrev. Wild Chery Bark, Spfknard Cam'omiie Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Ir. Bop bimsel , wan is an experienced and successful physician, andtence should hot be classed amoDg the quack nostrums which fl.xl the country, and auamst which the, medical profession so justly deuonnce. These truly valnable Bitters hae been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed iodic p usable as a . . Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. PnrcSiasc one Cotlle It Costs but Utile! Purify tbe Jilood. Give Tone to the Sto-iiiacIi--: lien o vase the Sys- and Prolong laife. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles tor $5 00 . i Prepared and bold by CHARLES WIDI)IFIELD & CO., sole rRorniEW3 73 "Willia:n Street. ITcvr York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. No 1 is an upright three-rol er mill for on hT.-e, woiuhs 6U) (xninds. and capable of ex- e srini.-.3D to 60 gaiKui juice per hour. '.ice $10. So. 2 is an tiprisht three-roller mill, for ere or two horses, weighs 800 pounds, and cipahle of expressing 60tQ 70 gallons juice per hlair. Price 'iO .. : t Ho-' 3 an rpritht three-roller mill, for tv.-o 5iose-j, w eighs lout 1,000 pounds, and capable of expres?ing 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Prce $C5. So. 4 is an upright three-rol ter mill for two or Jour horses; weighs 1,400 ponnds. and is c.'p.thle or exjiressinie from 100 to 150 gal lon juiie per h'nr. Price $S5. N'o. 6 is a four-horse-power njilli'upright roi:ers. for Fte.nn or water poer, c;rpable of evresslng 60 to 70 gallons juice-per hour. P.ico $SU.-, " ' . ' . 6 i:. a ris horse three-roller horizon tal mill, hack a red fir horse or steam pow er, weighs 1 23 pound, and capable or ex-, pre-fins from HI to 100 gallons or juice per hor.r : lVice $75. S. 7 is an eight-horse three-roller kri xontai mil. hack ge.irel for horse or steam iK.wefr wei?h 2.(kk). pounds,, and will ex-i.e-s treri 150 to 250 gallons per hour. rice $i25. . . -ii-. i No. 8 ia sixfen horse three-roller horl- " nal mill I a k cearrd steam or water ;?t:-z-:H-g- i: vf". wuh jx.unds, and expresses -i - ; At i' -Jr f nil 300 to 600 gallon of juice per hour 'P-'l-"5' 'Price SpOO. COMMERCIAL NURSERY, AHA, NEBRASKA. . E: H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR. ' ' " ' ' , pr-' . . . " I have long since been eivlncedof the want of a first class "Nursery in the West, where . - ' - . . . . , - TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, ,&c. T. W. GATES, President, CniCAGO, ILLTN'OtS. Is gcnl for P.W..Cates' fj Order leit wi.b . PBrtaLle'Ensjr.c' Evapjrators ani S lgar Mills. -' " ' 1 FISHER & BACKER, , 23ROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Can be adapted to onr climate snd soil. In view of these facts, I have established in this place, and offer for sale at ' it. - Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf r Pears tandard and dwarf ; .-I - Cherries, standard aud dwarf; . . J ' Peaohes, Pip ma. Apricots, . Nectarine, Quince, Coosherries. i Currents, Grapes, Raspberries, - ' .Strawberries, . .Blackberries. Evergreens, - Shrubs. Rosea, y. . ' Dahlias, . Ornamental Tree.- ,N Greenhouse and. Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would beg leave to call ihe attention of the people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west Missouri. ,'.' ... ;'f JCJ-My terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nursery. : . - - i i -; ' ' i By purchasing of me tbe expense of transportation from the east can be saved." . At'l tree and plant are Carefully labeled and packed ' in ne nest manner, for m"!"1! eents, $20 per'luO. ' Bells Nos 1A wimm J m "A w v mm v.- t mtmm 1 1 ni r? nil hlir- urn wr-l l . vf packages on board steamboats. All communications addressed to the undersigned wl Ik receive prompt attention. - - Jtarcb. 186i. i . - E. H. ECRCIIEi. - . f JUT PUiVAYlin.) t Cornell's Cards 'for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to accompany any Geognphy, but efpeeiflllyfi'lapted to ths scale d trneil a Oram-mar-School Maps. Price per set of 12 Cards, 50 cts Cornell s Series of Outline Maps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent or on applicat:in. .January 1(5,1822. n2J-tf 1CSPEISIA AND FITS. A sure Cure fcr thee 'dltresflne complaints Is now mad known in -'Treatise on Foreign akdNa tivx- HriniL P.pRtTioM " pu 04 1 tied, hy .DK, O. PHilJjVS MOWM. The prescription, fur nished ty aycun? cl.urvo.vant girl, while in a state of trence. has ctrd everyboly who bas taken it, never having foiled in a single case. It is equally sure in cases of Fits a cf Dyspeuisia; and the ingredient may he found in any drug store Tho?.e whoare a dieted witte Consumption, Broncb.tii or Asthm. may alo he cored by the use of my Herbal Preparations. I wilt send this valuable prescriptloB free fo'anf person on receipt of tbetrnanw. Aridiesss, DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. n7-6m Flower Seeds. Choice varieties, and of very superior quality, SO pa. pers of whicb iil be sent (post-paid) by mail, te any adrlrAcrt. fur .n. rinllip . 7 IT. A. TIRRT, Crescent City, low. Uarei lllk, I84 - Xri36-2mJ . SAIlBiTIl SCHOOL HELL SO, 2. 75,000 Copies-Sold the First 12 ?Mbnt!is of ite Publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pajes.--Many ,f the Tunes and Urmus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as its predecessor, ( Hell N'o. I ) which has run up to the enormous number of 575,0n0 copies in 21 months outstripping any Sunday iy h-ol Book of its size ij- sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them'iu thttt form. Prices of Hell No. -2, p:p.r oover, 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bonnd,25 cents. $18 per 180. Cloth bound emboraed gilt, 30 cents, per ICO. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 eents, $t8 per UH). Cloth bonoi embossed filt,2j Bells Nos: I and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 30 p?r hundred. 25 copies fur nished at tbe 100. price. Cloth V)nnd embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per ICO. Mail postage free at tha retail rrice. ' ' HORACE WATERS, Publisher, n41-ly. No-. 431 Broadway, New York. Furniture ! "Furniture ! ! The mn$t complete stock of Furniture ever offered In thtfl upper reentry just-reee' red ry 7. HILL. Brewavliie, Afrtl Sotkisat. CHOICE LIQU0ES. Wholesale and Retail. OF THE Wilt!! lBe1ii BROWNVILLE, Ffas just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. Tbe following is a partial list: BRANDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach. ' Cherry, . " Blackberry. WIIIES: Port, Hungarian, " Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES :. Bourbon, Rye, : Scotch, - Irish, . .. . , ,'.'' 'Mnnongah-ala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. mtiiitsey's hi. ecu Main Street. Brownville. Norrnber 14, 186. n!9-tf AMERICAN CEMfV Is the oaiy article of th- k; '.' 1 vn 1 v;ituot;.7v7 11 l I nil ur;, tl 1 - 'IT With llElM, " - Mend yonr Harsw. Srt. TKt' ' bave th.. oeli-es nUlL.;r Z. IT WILL MEn iv'r Oon't throw away thaUT'i IT WILL MLND Cfifx 1 Tonr broken China CuiPar.,i U'-U as good ,nVr'i5 V Tba-tpuce knocked out of v,ar su i I IT WILL MEXD 10 No matter if that bn.keu firch Vj IT .WILL MEXD Alfc That Cosly AUbastef j, "l . match it mend it it will never sfcg,. ' ffethi-r. - It will -Mend- tcnsrci? 1 and in fact everytlun t v Any artUleCt;mjnt..d with iMiHii ULL'Kwill.t.fcv,, wlKter'1'-? 'hrerr HiiuMtwiri4N..uh,1. ' I u js so convenient to hava ia Erprc. . ,-H is alwayi rra.Jv, tu Iml'nrmlcut. -We h ive trio I find ii na! i RSwrjfer." IfVZv. Sf,irit nfth. f ..', AMERICAN CEMENT C Trice 2-j Ceavs per E r.'j. Price. SI-J Crnts per B. !:. . . Price 2-5 Cents pr r Price 2.5 Ct p.'? per E..!ei Price 2-5 Cf Lt? p. r B.r!e. Price 2o Cents rer Ik1 Very tiljcraJ i:rrucion3 TEK?:sc.isn. itSFor S.!e by all Dru a,,.i j. ihr-Miirhiut e..Dnir JOHNS & CROSII" 'Sole M.inufiu'turen ' I 7S WILL MM STREF1 Corner of Liberty Street. .EfY; Cniportautto House OvTaerl ; Important to CuHderi. ( Important to Rail Road Cr: nics. 'j Important to TannerS, To all whom ihiimuy ronnn t . concerns erprnlrJ,, JOHNS & CR05tfT5 IMFROVED GUTTA pvrrr. CEMENT ROUFir The Cheapest and moss durable 2 ; in ui ' IT IS FIRE AfiD WATER fi It can be applied'to- new and o!J R..if i2 steep oi Ctt and to Shingle rooN -a the Shingle. TIic Cost is on I j about C.Tf-T that orTin, AXD ITUT1HCI. DSJRARLLX Thii article hns been thoroorhly terttj 'i York City and a.' pajr of tliu Coi rd da West Indie? and Central and ata Jar bnildingfl of all kind-i Qch a. Faoioris F Churches lUil Pepota Caw -l Cuildinjf generolly Oovcrnuicnt Hu.Uny the principle Uuildi r an-hetects nnp !!; thepJist four year and h;. prov-d tobr'M1! EST and MOST I'L";tiJI.E KOi')HN''icM every repoct FlRK w atfr wbaT4K : PKooF covering forxrCKSGF au.J1.nw. j Hi ii i ihe OSL Ynui'e'inl m inf ut United Statti hich coin! ine tbe 7 properties of Elunticidi unit Dumhiltt univeraailv sckn. wjedifjd t Ke i' TA PEKCIIA AND INDIA i-, No Heat is Required xalw Application. The expeni eof apj lym it is tn.linjrif i Ioofcan b eoveretl Knd Piii'ii It can be applied bjaflj: and when finished foriu a (Krf-r lj -1M''" j ce with sn eh-stk-b.;dy Wiirh con 'it' by Hbat Cold or Storms nn:M 1 Boards nor auy e.x:ero l m-ii'"iwi.i I LIQUID GUTTA PEKfcliA CE For Coatiiiff Metal? of aA Vi:i,i exposed to the Action of the W 'a:J Tor I'rcservinor and v s 31eial Koo CF ALL KIM'"- . f This i'THK ONLY CoMITMF "' ' am Icwjlh -ftiie trhm nit'i U, it adheren firmly forming a bodj eil j- of ordirmry paint costs inut h ir, ; Illtihb 11. VCD j.w. - t f. n..t. ininriMl h i h en tnc'ifn aalf' ; -TIN and other METAL KiMlFS cuo'" sudden chans'3 ff the wwiirhr. If trill h..( CKACK !.V COI,r O t K ' j WKATI1EU AXP W'II.Lr WAH 'l Leaky tin and other metal r a.n t repairetl with O'utt't I'erth-i fr"1- from farther corrosion and k-akio,'. r. injaperfectly watcr-ti,'ht rof f"f ;.; ibid cement ii p.-i-uli-irlr xupua . vation of Iron railing. Stoves. ' 'r Implement. Ac, nlno tor u" ner il 'f p : UuTTA . I Eii Li I. v For rre.ervinL and repairing Tin an a I rtMs of every iltfcriiitiop, frvm it F, ty, i not injured by the con.ract:i' ' i of metiK and vill not cruel: t ' I tcinn weaihrr. ' Taese m;iterilJ are adapted t fl f we an? prepared t- supply orli m Ir" the country, at short notice, f r Ca" . : h. i ii;i roii, icoj piipaici t ; ch Cement in barrels wuh in.i pru- tions for application. will mate Iib.raUud sati-' ; ments with reixnsible rr.ej . ' establish themselves in 4 lucrarie a- i business. 'I our Terms are c! ,rf ri sr? sa Klin, lant t r. off! " . favor of onr improved llo' finx ,rr y, j plied them to several thousand l1" j City and vicia.ty. a-Tnt' JOIIA.N ; :' I.KM ; .: Wholesale Warehovse, O. n rr.-i .- " i We Full eriirive CircularJ ai ni"hed n application. .v. 7. I8l. ly Hew Remedies fcr SPERMATORRH1 HOWAKD ASSOClAj merchants and Post Master who will add res n this fall, will te uppliel with Garden, Field ana Flower Seed to fell on commission at fair rates. Thee seeda are ail grown Here and are true to name. Tnoiirsox 4. HEDGES. Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Ot. Co.. Aug. IS An5-ru8 tf Nebraska. " NEW .1IUS1C. tiCVI V .... -u n it. ahdw tarn taer lucre: Monj or Duet and Chorns, by Uer. Mr. Lowry, author of ?aoDin juensonime on. Thi sonj ijrood.- I nee 25 eents, mailed free. A pianist in attend- cco to try new muoic. nOTJACS WATERS. ' 4l-ry - Kp. m Breadway.'PpMish-T. A Benevolent Insfitntton 4,J j dotement far mt Retiff lr ajiuted vUh w . n A i.r iyn - 1 . f ttpeciailj fr the Cure o mTdioai. ADVICE sumtJ f 0. 1 Yaiuab!e Rtwrts on Sperms'-" sf , .... .t h sexual U--os. il .;, in ease.if trifl eslaI v x in-- U1KS employe! n the lP,,r,,?.P4-s.i-r enve lopes, fiee of tharge. i1"" able ' rmriTJTTO" A.Hre PI. J SKILL! x soiiation N-. a. uia " UecIuer 12. 1?I. L" Avers Cherry Ptc