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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1862)
Tho Economy of Using TUX FRANKLIN Family Sewing Elachine. rir9f mucbint make the celebrated GROVEH f 3tAKER STITCH, wbirbhas taken the bUbet premi tin at Ue 11 liu.i Slate Fair, in Septemiier lut, at tbe l olled Stales Fair Id St. Uu i, in 1S6D. and at tbe irlbctpic Slate Fair tbroupbout toe country. Cviupeieut Judges Rare a decision in lavor cf this a 'itch, account of it rreat strength and adaptation to .I kimt or rmilT d1 manufacturing purpoaes. Tbe following Table will hw tbe difference Id favor uf Seww Jsacbine over the old method of stitcbing by lu tbe working of bee Machines there U not uly a great vii,s: of labor nd time, beside ad-ling seaOv ibebeaJ;bfn;i!eof tbemp1oyinn , but the inch i much atrt.::fer, nmre eiaMic, and less liable to lip or ravel than the stitch made witb shuttle and b.-btiM. Time comnmed In riaktns; fty Machine. ) By Hand. .... a.. T T .... v a Vf i Hour, join. Hour. op I-auien' jiUjui tilk lre, Mutltn Wilrt, Merino Dres, Cheon, -Calico Ureos. Moreen Skirt, isht Pre, Irawera, bilk Apron, Plain Apron, Time consumed In making By Macbiue. j 10 10 I 40 6 ST It j 10 10 8 10 t 7 10 6 4. 1 By nnl. Min. 23 6 30 .10 Cfi 30 St vp Gentlemen" Gaiiueuts Gentleuieus sairu. If rock Coat, Satis Ve-t, IJcid Vet, Cloth PnU, Aanuiier Pants, Uoti.s. Kin. 'Honrs. 25: 151 461 40; 13 1$ 3 b 6 Min. 2J 23 10 2d 16 SO The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Ha one advantage which U worthy of e?j ecial i teution In addition to the peculiar character of the atltch, and Miat Is it adaptation to either lipht or medium heavy Tit Tii JKohine which at one moment is used oa TIIe'mOST DELICATE FABRIC, iu a few mo nienia afier can be t ruuphtto bear with the ame facil ity on roitonades and t..we! of the r..arse deecripiion. It adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and Rives it a superiority over every other style of machine in the Market. I Border that these Machines may be placed in the fcitndKof all clake. we have re.(ii.-d the price cf our FRAXKLIX FAMILY MA CHI XE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe increase of our buMnefs for the Ut year, and the entire satisfaction our Machiue are riving throughout the fiiiied Stale and Kuropean Countries we are led tol.elieve lUt our determination t msnn'artn'e a rERFECT, SIMPLE. RELIABLE AXD CHEAP MALUIXE, has been fully apprectaten tr tie pnblic. This policy will remain unchanged, aud e heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the fflce that we cannot folly warrant iu every repect. e shall keep on hand at ail tames a general aort anent of Sewiug Machine meierials .Needle for all maehiues can he ordered by Mail or Sxpre. Price One Dollar per dzen. Persons in the country, by .ending u their address ncloaing a Utter stamp, caa have forwarded by returu stall, one ot our circulars containing the different styles f Mactiues. llt of price, and sample of work. E. RICUAKDS & CO., . Principal Acents fr the Korth West. Offlrt and Salesroom 123 Lake S'reet. Chicago, Illinois, - - Jt. RICHARDS, Lalo vf L. Cornell & Co. C. K WISWALL. JJO.W. TAPPAN. formerly Ag't for .he GroverAi Baker Sewing Mactiue. .JaoBarya' 1S62. u:6-tr AHUATIl CiIOUL HULL 0. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Itlbnths of its Publication. It in an entire New Work, of nearlj 200 pages. -Mazij of the Tunes ud Hjmas were written ex prewilj f.r this volume. K wiM oo be aa popular as its predecessor, (licll No. I) which has run up to the enormous number of 57o.fK:0 copies in 35 months, outstripping any Sund'tg S- h-tl Bouk of its sise ii aed lu this country. X both vilum;s are bound in one to accommodate chU wishing them iu that frm. Prices vf Bell No. 2, paper tover?, 15 cents, 112 per KO. Bound. 25 rent. 18 per 100. Clot hound embossed gilt, SO cent. $32 pr 100." Bell Nw. 1, paj-er covers, 12 cenir, i-10 per 100. Bound 20 cenU,fl3 per 109. Clotb hound embo3ed gilt,2 tents, $20 per 100. Beli? Nos. 1 and 2" bound to gether 40 cents 530 per hundred. 2b copies fur nished at tbe 1G0 price. CI' th Vmnd emborseei gilt," 50 cents, J 10 per 100. Mail postage free at the retail iriee.' - HORACE WATERS. Publisher, n41-lj No.41 liroadway. New York. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN SESWDTflSUCIlIKES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACfflNE. Patented February 14th, I860 every description of material. 5. M sagroeaMe eoiie wiie in operation. Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Marbina a constructed on an entirely new mriaciple of machinery, pt;ng many rare and val uable improvemcnta, having been examined by the BO-'t profound exjeit od pronounerd to be fclM TLICITY and I'kliFECTlON C051DINED. Tae following are the kriiicip&l objections urged i. tieeiv iaufc-w to t. incapacity to sew . the oporatcr. "j.l-ittuy to get onto! rdr. I.-Erpense, trouble and leu cf time in repair- -The Empire Sewing MaciJne is Exempt from all lLee fil'jtcfsans. laa a atraight i.ed!e pcrpeixiVuiar aeiion Makes tbe LOCK or SHUTTLE STIUII, which will NEITHER UIP nr RAVEL, and is alik, n both .avaes; performs perfect sewing on every desrij,tU)n f material, fromlcther to the finest Nansooa Mur- ' lis, with cotton, linen or eilk thread,froQ thtco taat to the finaet number. tlaving neither CAM nor COO WIIEEL.and tl, Ike least possible taction, it runs as smoothly as jtass, and ta . Empliatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-five per cent. les power te rive it than any other Machine in market. A girl ef twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. .lu atrength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of on Bt ruction render it almots impossible to get it out Torder, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to upply themselves with a superior article, to call aud examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of Merchant lailors, Caach Makers, Iloop-Skirt Manufacturers,. . Shirt and Bosom Makers, . eat and Pantaloon Makers. l37"Religious end Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Frice of Machines, Complete: . Xo. I. or Family Machine. $45,00 : No. 2 Small aised Manufacturing, $G0,G&; No. 3 Large sited Manufacturing. $75,o0. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in tbe United I la tea, where agencies are not already e;-tbliehed, whom a liberal discount will be given, but we Bake oo consignment. T. J. UcARTHTJR fit Co., .. 510 nroudnay, Xcw York. : ' FRENCH'S CONICAL. Machines. Drs-s Makers Conet Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, VasIiius: The mt simple, durable, convenient and economical article ever iu rented for the purpose. Will do the washing of an ordinary family before breakfast, not only avihg time, but clothes. Hy atrlctly followinjthe printed directions, which are aimpie aud ey, it will wah, at one time, six Fhirts, jt twwdoten suiali ai tic lea, in ahont fix or seven mm--f or their equivalent. jy aH the ordiuary methols of cleaning line fabrics, jwwto as ices, the greatest care is required, while ua MiW rnarhlue the most delcate arucle cau be washed rltbowt the mfsibl'l7 of damage TheVeul are Pnficed by the cotuUat reaction tbe sna wMl Ihe machine is in motion, cf Families, JanndrUs. bote!, rdltng;h""'; als, asrluni, tor4)n: -schools, n ihips arid steamers. Si l?m?w have th. aeat ia iholr teinMnlts voluntanJly. miumthePisare verr numerooanie of hi.h I have fvhlit.ned in pamphlet form. , Ail l aof ti e Public is a careful examination cf this Machine befoie purctaning of others. iitfneral Pepot 18 roadway, corner Canal St.'w Jvrk. Fxice only Ten Dollars. PHILIP FRENCH, Proprietor. Areas txK 2P9J. S, X. City P. O. "JU.11 A lihera discount to tbe Trd$. Afftnlt penttd. Stni for sd) culer. EAGLE WORKS HANUFUCTURING COMPAHY, ei-IIOA-GO, ILLINOIS. . . jU ; . 1 h t s-j WfM ak mm I-.; p 1117 E il Witt m 1. ; l r mm. 11-0. ,: ?l - '... -1 r. j ij, sjfc SJ i a il ' rnTT si 1 '"' ' , - Ml '.v ; I.. V: 1.1,1 1: I cllBJl.l!li1.liJIL hi, F 1 ' .1 31 v i -x&r-..r d aii m- i 7I tllE.i - : - . .I i I'llHli Ill s ( I WW 1 11 K .a 1 1 3 f a 1 1 11 mmm mmmm . . 1 t ..... 1 'i -. - j--- . j GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. Xo. 1 5 Horse Power, weighs 3 f 00 lbs. Price $501 No. 2 7 " 4 230 ' 600 No. a 10 " "6 030 " " 750 No. 412 Dorse Power, weighs 7 ECO lbs. Price $9E0 No. 6 15 " " 8o,0 1. 100 No. 613 " ' 10,000 " " 1.30U T3 CO o D tw it' 1 1 iifl 1 ... sS.M II! !f! iMnhHii) s&.i ips urn if ; ! l HHHHHft 1 i 1 im 1 f Nmnumni f 1 1 i . . o ps 3 . C - OQ K -1 P GO o 2. cs CO 2 " H 00 O l i, uvhmyf V, tiff IP o - D (D 0 CO 1 o P o o o - o o" o o o c c o CD to o 5 CD CD o , ' ' c - cn CO 3 D P - P o -I OS (9 S p S. CD a c " o o O P -3 CD N m CD cd rr CD CD CD 5 0 ' Cl. S. 3 GO CD O -1 T3 5 0 o - -3 CD O CD CD G in O N O O p- -1 0 0 ef 0 P 0 DO YOU TO 3 c r O 5" CD o CD ?3 to cr v. CD 4 0 0 s El 1 - P. W. GATES PATENT SUGAR CANE MILLS. No. 1 is an vpripht three-rolier mill for one horse, weighs 690 pour. Js, and cipihle of ex .re t-in 30 to 60 gallcue juice per hour. xi ire $ 10f " No. 2 is an npricht three-roller mill, for one or two, weighs 800 poonds, and cjrable of exires;-ir.g 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Price $50. No. 3 is a!i cpright three-roller mill, for two. hors-cs, wei;!us about 1,000 pounds, and capable of expressing 70 to 100 gallons juice per ho'ir. Price $65. No. 4 is an upiight three-roller, mill for two cr four horse.- ; weighs 1 400 oumN. aud is c.'psMe of exprc.ssitu from 100 to 150 gal lons juice per hour. Price $"i5. No. 5 is a four-bort.e-power mill, npricht rollers, for ncam or water pocer, cipable of expressing 60 to 70 gallon juice per hour. Puce SiSJ. No. 6 is a 6ix-hore three-roller horizon tal mil!, back geared for horte or steam pow er, weighs 1.200 pounds, and capable of ex pressing from 70 to 100 gallons or juice per huur Price $75. No. 7 is an eight-horse three-roller hori inutal mill, back genre 1 for hon-n or steam power, 'veighs 2,000 pounds, and will ex press rr. ju 150 to 250 gallons per hour. i'l ice $i25. N. 8 ia sixteen horse three-roller horl i ntal mill, back geared for steam or water iH.wer, weigns 6,3J pounds, aud expresses from $00 to 600 gulluns of juice per hour Price $300. P. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILL OIS. tlCArrv! ii CHICAGO t 3 ' V 1 - - irAx-en-CHCMi i 1FL . W . "O R. aXT -a. s , I Agent for P. W. Gates' Portable Engine, Evaporators and Sugar Mills. EJ" Orders lett with FISHER & HACKER, BROWNVILLE, -NEBRASKA. KO HILLS SOLD OX CREDIT I . PURE DRUGS 2f X MEDICINES? IT SO, GO TO THB CITY DRUG STORE, P. 0. BUILDINGS, a a JOHN H. MAUN, Will sell wbaleTor you delr. Tou may rest assured it la a From his Ions expetience In the business, be is CONFIDENT ho will KlTfj satisfaction to all why may call at bis ESTABLISHMENT. Ee Las now on band, and 1 constantly receiving a lary;e supply of all articles usuall kept in a DRUG STORE. JOIIX II. MAO. Brown til May 8th, IS62. Y6-n44-tf COMMERCIAL NURSERY, : OMAHA, laEBUASKA. THIS UAitr . 7, r n Nowready,a new and 'l'p ' l'triotic. and "Contraband songs, Foetry and Mujio naa " r T. LniH this work, to eorrespoad with the times, and should be Bang by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the -Contrabands," onQod, in hia proTidence,ha3 cast upon the Free aorta to elotho and educate. CONTIST3, IW PART. "Fair Freedoin'a Morn fca dawned at lastly Break the" Chains, or the Emancipating bwora; "Fremont is Marching on, or, Glory lialle.ojab, "Oh 1 Help the Contrabands',-" "Old Job? Brown a Song;" "Song of tho 'Contrabands';" "0 let my People Go ;" "Parody 00 .the Song of the 'Conir-; ktnHn' "Where LiSertv Dwells is my country ;' "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, God ha spoken;" "Whittier'a suppressed Song of Freedom," etc. ' Price only i cents single, 50 eents per dosan, $3 per 100 : postage 1 cent. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. nl-ly v , 4SI Broadway, New York. A CAUD TO YOUNG LADIES AND . GENTLEMAN. The subscriber will send (free of charge), to all who desire it, the Recijve and directions for making a simple Veyttalle Balm, that will, in from two to eight days, remove Puiplk3,Blocchi3,Tan, Freck les, Sallowness, and all imparities and roushness of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature interded itshoudbe toji,clar,mooth and bemttiu. i ho: ( desiring the Recipe, with full instructions, direction and advice, will pleaso call on or addrcsa (with rt- turn postage,) THUS, r . CHAP JiAW, Practical Ubemtst. 831. Broadway, New Yoik. May 22, 1862. n!6-2m. E. H. BURCHES, PR0PEIBT0K. I bave'loncalnce been co iTinced of tbe want of a first class Nursery in tbe West, wbere TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, , r Cn be adapted to eur climate and soli. In view of tbcfe facts, I bave established in tbis place, and offer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, A lame and well selected stock, suitsd to tbis climate, of - . . .... Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf j Cherries, standard and dwarf; Feaobes, Plums, Apricots, , Nectarines, . :. Quince, . Goosberries. m Currents, Grapes, ! ' ' ' l" Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, SvergTeens, Sbrubs, Hoses, - Dabllaa, Ornamental Trees. Oreenbouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To wblcb I would beg leave to call tbe attenlion-ef tbe people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa aud North west Missouri. 3" .My terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nursery. By purchasing of me tbe expense of transportation from tbe east can be saved. - All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed .n tbe best manner, for wbicb a charge of tbe actual cost will be made. No charge will be made tor the delivery of packages on board steamboats. All communications 'addressed to tbe undersigned will receive prompt attention. March, 1862. E. H. BUTtCHEi. of nniffi kiwis Merchants and Post Masters who will add res us tbis fall, will be supplied with Garden, Field and Flower Seeds to cell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. .THOMPSON &. HEDGES, Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otoe, Co.. . Ang. IS An5-FuS tf Nebraska. ... FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TltES. 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, fS per hundred $60 per thousand. 75,000 Standard Pear Trees, 3 to S years o'.d, $25 per hundred, $230 per thousand. ' 20 000 1 year old Diana Grape Vines, (15 per hundred $100 per thousand. 160 000 Standard Pear Grapes, )8 per hundred, $50 per thousand. , These Pear Grarts, not being bulkv, can be transport ed cheaply, and by growing two years, will make good Used tree to plant in an rcbard. Any one can treble their money by growing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogues. E. MOODT fc SON. nSI-Sm Niagara Narteries, Leckport, N. T. Furniture! Furniture!! The most complete stock of Furniture ever offered in this inner country just received by T. HILL. Brownville, April 25th. 1961. SUGAR CANE MILLS EVAPORATORS Having been appointed agent for the Facie Works Sugar Cane Mill and Evaporators, Chicago. III., I am prepared to fill orders at tbe manufacturer's prices. Price or Mills, from $40 to $300. fcvaporators from $20 to $35. AdUrea B. W, FUHNAS, March 27, 1862 n3S-tf. Brownrille, Web. Besvtrtl Scenes. 100 of the most severe BATTLE SCENES and incidents of the War, bow ready, sixe ISx-10 inches, highly colored, on fine heavy paper. Sent post-paid, 20 for $1,0(1, or$4 per 100. To a pent? aud the trade no better opportunity was ever offered. Address HENRY B. ANSON.Print Publiaher, ., 49 State Street, Boston, Mass. 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Among which are Wilson's Albany, $1 per 109 or dft per 1000; Jenny Lind, $1,50 per 100 ; Triompbe de'Gand, $2 per 100 ; Boston Pine, Hoveys Seedling, Hookers, black Prince, May Queen aal 25 othr kinds at $1 per 100. Plants f. Randolph Pie Sprinly ef 1S63 at 2 ser-des.- Anf. 1811, ' JilStf ABA YURSXRY. TO THE PEOPLE OF GET THE BEST, CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Surpass all others before ihe Public 1st. In philosophical arrangement. 2d. In the gradual progress of their steps, 3d. In protesting one thing at a time. 4th. In the adaptation of each part to its inten ded grade of scholarship. 5th. In the admirable moie they prescribe for memorizing the contents of a map. 6th. In tteir explanation end directions for des cribing the natural divisions of the earth. 7th. In their judioious se'ections of facts. 8th. In the appropriate and instructive character of their illustration. 9tb. In consistency between maps and text. 10th. In the introduction into the maps of such places only as are mentioned in tho book. 11th. In the cloar representation of every fact, and the analytica1 precision with which each branch of the subject is kept distinct. 12th. In being at once practical, systematic, and complete, philosophical in arrangement, and pro gressive in development of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are officially recommended for the use of the Pub lic Schools of Nebra?ka Territory. Cornell' Geographies are officially lecommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Kansas. Cornell's Geographies are officially secommended for the use of the Public Schools af tho State of Vermont. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Ohio. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for tbe use of the Publio Schools of the State of New Hampshire". Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the public schools in the State of Cal ifornia. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of public schools, in the State of Wis consin. ' - Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of tho City of New York. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of llrooklyn. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Albany. Cornell's Neographies are used in public schools of the City of Troy. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of tbe City of Syracuse. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of the City of Auburn. Cornell's Geographies are used in publie schools of the City of Rochester. - Cornell's Geographies are used in publie schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Pittsburg. Cornell's Geographies aro used in public schools of the City of iiolile. Cornell's Geographies are used la public scnoou of the City of V l.mington. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the city 08 ashingrton Cornell's Geographies are nsed in public schools of the City of Detroit. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools ef the City of Columbus. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools ef the City of Hartford. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Aetr Haven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of the Luitcd Mates. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are the best bound, and the best illustrated of any facnool lieogntpny extant. CO KNELL'S FIR3T 8TEF3 IN GKOOBAAHT. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Series, and to introduce tbe little pupil pleasantly and prut itably to the rudimenUof Geography. One beauti fal volume, child' quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, 1 2 pages. Prioe, 25 cents. THE SKKIBS CONSIST OP I. PHrJTASY GEOGRAPHY. Small 4 to. 9 pr. .12 Maps. Beautifully illustrated. Price, SO eents. II. GRAMMAR-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. Large 4to. with numerous Maps and Illustration. - 108 pp. It iacludes Physical and Descriptive Geography. Price, 90 eents. (The Gramiaar- School Geography may either loUow the inter mediate, or be used iustcad of it. The chief difference between the Intermediate and Gram mar School i?, that the latlcr, though no more elevated in style, is fuller in detail, presents a greater variety of Giiip questions, and a larger nnmber 01 localities to be memorised.; III. HIGH-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. Geograyhy, large l2ino. 405 pp. Kichly Illus trated. It includes Descriptive, Physical, and Jlathcmaticr.l Geography. Price, 75 cents. Atlas, very large 4to. Containing a complete set of -laps for study ; also, a set of heferenee Maps for family use. Price, $1. A copy of cither part of the Ser es, for exam ination, will be sent by mail.pot-paid, to any Teach er or School Officer remitting ne-half its price. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. ( jut puausnsn.) Cornell's Card.1 for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to accompany any Geograpbj, but especially adapted to the scale of Cornell's Grammar-School Alapd. Price per set of 12 Cards, 50 eta. ALSO, Cornell's Series of Outline Maps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent upon application. January If., 1S62. n29-tf DISPEPSIA AN 13 FITS. A sure Cure for thete distressing complaints is now made known In a "Treatise 0 it Foreign aud Na tive Herbal Preparations " published by DB, O. PHELPS BROWN. The prescription, fur nisbei by aycunj clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed in a single case. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Pyspemsia ; and the ingredients may be found in any drug store. Those who are afflicted with Cjnsumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured by tbe use of my Herbal Preparations. I will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receipt of their name. Addresss, DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. n47-6m To the Faxmers of Nebraska ! ! ! GRAY OR POWDER WILLOW. The great wood for timber. and $5 per 1,000. Cuttings at $1 per 100 For live fence makes a fine hedce in three years. Cutting at 2,50 per 1.000. We shall be at Mr. Dodge's, two miies from Brownville. in October, with both of tie above, and parties who wish caa leave orders at the Firmer office. THOMPSON & HEDGSS, Nereaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otee.Co., Aug. 16. . An:-Fo8-tf Nebraska. Save Your Eggs. A NEW AXD USEFUL INVENTION! I Whereby Ergs can be preserved perfectly fre?h al most indefinitely, without the incumbrance of Lime, SaiU or other ordinary preservatives. There it no necessity for Farmers selling sheir Eggs at from five to seven ceo ts per doaea, when they can at m trifling eost save them until they command a good price. For farther ; artibala, ne!oe a red stamp to L. B. SILVER, Sal.m, 0. August 23, lf2-Jy .. 1 iclq vi nrfrslirned for In the monm 01 wwmc., - Ra the first time offered for sale to the Publ DR. J. BO VKK DODS' IMPERIAL WINK BITTERS, and n ur inert period they have given such l"al . tion tothe many thousands of persona who have tried iben til? U ts now an established article The aajoant of bodily and mental miery .rialmj simply ' riect of small complaints is surprising, aud it i there, gleet or ' imoort-uice that a strict attention to r,nfZ T bodilr all..u should be ffi; t?r disease of the body JjStli Imperial Wins Bitters rem .11 who have nor u.ed tha. We challenge tb wor.'d to produce their equal. otnm.rh Gen- 'Sc. Biters for the SSgG". eral Debi..'1 al tvT Pur''IinJ,u' other reme- Blood, .r.grW?bH7.1lT -es-dy on earth. To be" snr e inels or 4 w9rr aupe- essaryto make the tria1- "tMrt Vtrongr arf utn" rlor quality being abou ,e-tb rt .tra nger er wines, wrmn and Invito. biuera are tou'c from the head to the feet. As tu D,"itrengttn and alterative in their character, JJ " "nJ l and invigorate tbe whole system and a nne and healthy action to all Its parts, by equi' circulation, removiust the obstructions and p. a general warmth. They are excellent for disease and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic Is requ -ed to strengthen aud brace tbe system.- bo laty wuj issubjectto lasitudeand faintnes. should be wiJioat them as they are revivifying in tbeir action. THVSF HITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease aud In this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use tbem fur INSIPIENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all case requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Wine Bitters For Sore Throat do common among tbe Clergy they are truly invaluable- For the "aged and infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and all public spaekers for book-keepers tailors seamatresjes. artists, and all persons lea dloS a setleutary life, they wit 1 prove beneficial. As a beverage; tbey are wholesome, innocent, -and delici'iis to the taste. They produce all tbe exhierat ing effectsof brandyor viue, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persona adicted to tbe use of exessive strong drink, aud who wish to refrain from it. They ate pure and entirely free from tbe poisons om eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is UooUfd. Thase bitters noto nly CURE but prevent disease, anil should be used by all who live in. a count ry where tbs water is bador wbere chil!3 aiid fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely to children and infants with impunity, Fhysicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates asanactt,f humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over the land, and threby esientially banish drunkenness and disease ... In all affections of the IIcad.SIcK Headache, or ervaousllcad aclic, tr. Ilod's Imperial Wine Vitters Will be found to be most Salntarn and ElXicacious. FE3IAL.ES. The many cirtiflcaies which bave been tendered ui and the letters which we daily receive, areconclusive proof that among tbe women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman In the land should be without them, arid those wboonce use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. DR J Bovee Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, ws has used them successfully In bis practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before purohasia the exjiusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove Dod' Ceiebraieg Iaiperfai Wine Biters, hadtihem tett ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nouncedthema valuable and safe remedy fordsseaie. Although the medical men of this country, a a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we du not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there Is always a large qnantity of deeayin timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, thee bitters sbuold be utei every morning bofore break r;.s. Oil. J. EOVEE ROCS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry. Solomc-a's Seal, Comfrev, Wild Chery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and entvm They are manufactured by Dr. too hiracel , who is an experi enced aud successful pbyician. adbem. should not be classed anion tbe quack nostrum whicb flood the country, and against which the medical profession so justly denounce. Tbe-e truly valuable Bitters have been o thoroughly tested by all clause of community, for almost every vn ety of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage Purchase one Bottle It Cost but Little! Purify the Xllootl. Give Tone to the Sto mach -Renovase the Sys and Prolong Jfe. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles lor $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROPBIETOS 78 William Street, Mew York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. n. isi. CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Ketail. Evan "Worthing, OF THE IMoe Saloon BROWNVILLE. Has just received a choice lot of tbe best brand of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. Tbe fclluwinz is a partial list: BEA1IDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, . Blackberry. WIIJES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, ' ' : Rye, Scotch, ' Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common- articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. YFHITIVEY'S BLOCXi . Main Street, Brownville. Xovmber 14, 1S6. nl9-tf THE IIOIIACE WATERS PIANOS AND MELODIANS, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT k Co.s celebrated oliaa Pianos, are theSnest instrument, for parlors and churches nowinnse. A large assort ment can be seen at tbe new ware rooms, No. 481 BROADWAT, between Grand and Broome atreetas which will be sold at extremely low prices. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second hand Pianos and Melodeons at treat bargains; prices front $25 to $100. Sheet Music, alusic-Books.and all kind tf , Alalia Merchandise, at war prices. A pianist in attendance will try new mnsie. ..... onxioss or ths rsm "The Horace Waterr'Pianos are known as among the Tery best. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du rable ptiity."-, rrk ExnmiH, 41 -Jy - - r- tZTX ECE33TY U ZXZ2Y Etc' American Cement THE STRONGEST GLUy t - TTIK--MOST DCaABLK GLri i5 WU TUB OXLT RRU ABLH ! ftLP.J"" W . , THE BEST GIXM 15 TU;, AMERICAN CEMEXt nJ Is the only article of the kind er , M- WILL WITHSTAND IT WILL MEWwkiJ' Save your bjoken Fornitr. t IT WILL MEKD ui TiIr, Hand your flsrnw,. Strain, Brit. I L IT W1LLME.ND GU?M iTy tho pe;ces tf that,B IT WILL MEX& IVoK Don't ti ' w7 that broken IvorT F J . ilyrtnaieed. B"V IT v'TILL xMllNn rrrTx.. I Tour broken Ch, CuPb1 s4utir4 j . 'iroo.i aaao i IT WILLiEXD MARBIP tv.:u.i u-j your Vr..u lull IKO tuWUCU QUI Qt '. Ujjj. be put on as s v "jr i IT WILL MEND vKtSlA! No matter if that broken Pitc.''.'-i shilling a shillinarMvedisasli IT WILL MEND ALAK-' That Cosly Alabaster Vwe is brocken in ' match it mend it it will never show ahj. k, gether. It T7ill ' Xlend bone, Ccraik ' and in fact evexything tctl Any article Cemented with AliEuIClS C GLUE will not hnw where it . whvery Housekeeper sbould have a tw-'W ' A Croiiley'a American Cement Gloe.,,j'r' "It is so convenient to have in the fcoa Ejtprtt. ' j ,'It is always ready; this commendj it totrw ? Independent. "' We have tried it and find it as nful il3s. ' as water." WiiW Spirit ojtht T.V,. ' j SlU.UOU per yea?savc7 merSJi ; by Onn Bottle of i AHERICAN CEMEHT GL: Price 25 Cents per Bui:!t j Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle, j Price 25 Cents per Bottle. I Price 2o Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Tery liberal netliirliontottY sale ISuer. t TEIU1S CASH. I "For Sale by all lruits and lbrnubi-ut the roantrv. j JOHNS 45c CROSHi ( Sole Manufacturer, i 7S WILLIAM STREET Corner of Liberty Stre-t. XETT!!' Importantto House Ouaea i Important to llullderl. Importantto IlailRoaaCor nlcs. " j Important to Farmers. V rAlii Alt? tri nil - f . . concerns everybody JOHNS & CK0SLETS IMPROVED GTJTTA PZT.rzt CEMENT RO0FI The Cheapest and moss duratleL. in . use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER E' It can be applied to bow and old Ho firf ii steep oi fist and to Shingle roofs a.Jival n the Shingles. s Ti;eCost Is only abonlOae-r. tliatorTin.ASIITlSTlTICIi This article bas been therDizhij 14b York City ard all pajts vf tbe VaittJ Jxaj'. da West Indie? aod Central an 1 ou:b ! cnildings of all kiaJi such as IV'tur f Churches Rail Depots Cars ir.4 f Uuildiny gecen.lty G.ivernment BaiMis? the principle Bnii'dtrs aruheteeti ra the past four years and has proved to be tie C , EST and MOST LriiaKLE KOOFI.M; ii evory re.pcct a rihK whfj wiiTin u ; ritoor covering f'T KroK.s er alikita 7Ai tie. OSLY material unnn'iniw t United State which combiner th 7 properties of Eiatititif ant Dumluitj v., niiverall7 acknowledged to bep'ewi" TA PERCH A AND INDIA t-lih.ll- mt.: Ho Heat is Heqnired in la - Application. I The expenseof applying it itrii!inMM Roof can be covered end finished It can be applied bj anjt and when finished forms a perffilj IBI Pi fate with an elestio body which csrnl V by Heat Cou or Stok Shiuu' tJoARD-s nor any externil (U"ti'n wtiater- j GUTTA PEliCilT CEMC! For Coating Metals of all Kisi . exposed to the Action of the Vor Preservlner and RfPa;l 31ctal Roofs OF ALLKI.NUS. . I ThisisTHU osly ConposiTior 0u met J idly reiiit txtrtme thiitj of ail au length of time tried applied to -et t it adhvrestrmly formin? a body eqaal toj of ordinary paint eost much less, and -J THREE TiJES ASL0N6'; anarn.i, is not injured bv the confru'tion snlip1, TIN and other METAL HOOFS wo j sudden changes f-f tbe weather. -Tt I will .t CRACK IX COLD 0!t Rr5 V j WEATHER A'I WILL NOT W'A-U U'-J Leaky tin and other metal cao , repaired with Gutut Perch' (wf. " from further corrosion sih! leakio;. tbft inr a perfectly water-tiht r! f' aM-' j This cement is peculiarl? adspS ' , ; vation of iron railing, Suves,Sif Implements. Ac, al. fr-r jrnerat m-t no GUTTA PERCHA CMt' For preserving, and rei sirn? Tin aJ j al roofs of every description, froai r- b ". ty, is not inj ared by tb e con .ricfoii , of metals, and will not cratl eu( . team teeatker. These materials are adapted t a.V c ;E',i we are prepared to supply onlen f'31 J-; i the country, at short o-jtice. for Out .a i ioe in rolls, ready prepared for u. CDs vemeut in unnci.-, nuu jm. tkns for application. We will make liberal and Mti.-facj mentswith responsible paries no esublish themselves in alucrarire aaj f s business. j OUR TERMS ARE CASH, j We can rive abundant prof -f . favor of our improved Roofing Jiit?ri-. . plied them to several thouwnd iili m- i City and vicinity. nill JOUAS Si. . . -. ttoLi nisrrAcrr-. Wholtsah Warehouse," v ' Full eseriptive Orculars acd Iru" nished n application. .ov. 7. 1 Stl. ly . Iew Remedies fcr SPERHATORRHffi Howard associat: pniLATJELPHlA. A Benevolent Inttitution esttbluhel C ' dovmnt.for tie Relief of tht el a fluted ixth ViruUnt and fftronu t eryecxaUj for the Cars of Dut V f Organs. ,-. t MX)ICAli AD VICB Ken gra: , Surgeon. . , .. t-i Valuable Reports r.a SpermaiorrtM. g, ; eaof the Sexual Omans. ao J n - r , Dl3emplovediu tre rlspoary. seri n envelopes, tree otcbarge. Two or ib.. u-- . sociatlon. Ho. S, Sauta N'li1 street. P: Terry's Gaxdea 5 ...1 I 19 !! V, L "B fsT W-V UTT.i".ii I rreab I