Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 08, 1862, Image 3
CD t, .. .. jw: ,t6St TtlX, SATTkI'AV, NOV. fi. l&Si. fc- rr. srArr.v, rTirTrisa Ageft. and Dealer in k!'l f"t. Cl'.c. Illinois, is our an- 63 . . - tiw0T .rid Farmer. TrffER 5- ABBOTT, !(.4'Tf, a-t FORE'CX KEWtrATtR lO r''t!' AOEfCT 3 B'01ry, Xew Tor, are K''51"5 ,,..r,,.rt'.e jUrerfisfr and Farmer. jor. cor. r co., ' ,IM,C agikts. ar.d Dealers in Inks and rrrS," .,-,,! (.rail t:n1. 03:e Tribnn Buildinp, ""' 4-,vJ Brown's Iron Btti'.-litif Philadelphia, . . s I7nrfir snrl Far- .Ubo'ire- afcru- Tse Notice. The members of the fnrmi'rnr fit ihlS rlfiCP ' tlTP 8 1 V lit- " b I ' I pj t0 rfp.-rt themselves in Brown .-3Pn CjnnrJa'y ihe 5, for the elec .a f oflicrrs. JOHN H. MAUN. yowls Your Chance. j-e n"' Company being: recruited by fji! Mcn,is nownrarly full. There rt as rpp't unity for a few more men jh 's- This Company wiil be mus rri irr. ith;n ten days. Those who pet iTi arid under pay immediate- l ni.'i? -r-ll to call on Lieut. Macs ;.i0-; J, lay. Such an opportunity now thtie rrents mtlf. Come along. Cup. .b'Jts S. Missick has been made vto-i M;ir;liai of the Central District ,Ii.-ruri. rnrtT. ;ba.nk Johnon, son of ub .J''aS' of this piaje, while ri'iTi' ci.f 'hi wt-fk, aicidenily i: h inlf in th riht arm, nt-ar the .rj'.Jr. aiid als- in 'he haitJ. His arm ,lruktn aid iLrlun larily ha tert d. t wo n J na rfrsd by D.ictor Mc- f.vrv'a. Thtr bone and . arerie-s t.rar '.( i.!J r are 1 ad!y mangl d. lut ii i . :: j.rj i.Ta'i"?! will I e uiinet e?-ary. j Lrv (dkirt J in 'Dc L.v r City a few L; r.ixe. uhuh destroyed cue la'.-gsr t.-r 'nui a'.l'.'T rtop rty ! Si '.LkUkA A M JLITAJIV STI! ICT. 'ric t'-!) a;:ined t!ie coiu- ia.dit nil tht- forces in Ntbraika, it jr.! now a separate Mililary District in i its. CcbtaV Division. Ia our notice of the enterprise of the Immcan 1griculluri&t a week or two !:ce,vvedid not give the terms of the tpc-r. The price is SI a year, and sub- i-iiers sending now get not only the mcyljureil for all of lS53,'-(Vol.-S2f) . the rest of this year, and the map in f Jr.ion, all for a dollar. We have re Wed the maps, and can testify to their t!ue. Address Orange Judd, 41 Park w," New York City. There w as a fire in Nebraska City last which destroyed one small wooden i;ld ri" losr about one hundred dollars. Stose Coal. J. W. Middleton has vd in his fchon a stone coal store, the I . fit we have seen in Nebraska! He says fcD the :oal at twenty-five cents r tushel, and that it is cheaper than raid. '. - The Omaha Repvllican has refused to )t sa ( xLorLiiarit liill for din3tches. i:'irdiii2 to a statement the Telegraph j ivpany iharges the Rrjwllican almost 'He the amount paid by the daily pa I'id St. Joseph and Council Bluffs. , I'dbt Hotel. Quite a number 'ptf il'Tzns have recently" had occa- '3 t -up" with our old friend wlio it now running the hmel at j j ' They all speak in th high- .'r'tos if ihe houe, and unanimously I W inded it to the favorable conidera fiof ih travelling public. Reader, I you go to Rock Fort, fctop with Mr. EircTiON its Atchison County. Mo. cj'h j.aigu in Aubion County. Mo , ''iir'ime a tpirited one, in which 'Itik-rj nx-n have taken bold and.deci- unila en the great iues cf the 7 Pike, E-q . the uncondi u;.i.n atid 'mancipati n randidate p a t lr LfTfflai'urf", disfiiS'-d the rjupf- I' reat vior, taking hitih jjrottnde M,r rt of il admiiii-tratioa and ihe ;' 'juiKm policy. H?; ins ben in ly sustatot'd and lecteil with bui "" fTj'UMtion. Gen. Loan, for Con reieivjd a very large majority. s?ear ago a man to h-ve takeu such s''as ias Tike in the canvass, tr- m.J l.ave been sUsnfd'ofT the stand, if iir-liot. The Union men of Atchison i UIj!y they, but the whole State should !.J7 !.w-'l J"o- Campbell, a great Sheep raiser -w England.- has spent a great deal U::,eiu travelling in this country and in pursuit of knowledge about and is satisfied that Vermont has .si stock in the world, better than He has tried all sorts, and set " 'Pon the Spanish merino as the most p-aU; trtyd ; nnd he is also satisfied iH 11 is not profitable to wash theep. if T,fH i V 001 doing it he can shear ear- l'l I y about AT j Pa few days, and they are not in- i s aiid he thus cares ' wool. When !Bw4to wash and turn them out to pas- i much wool wm lost upod briart and . " "Cticffl..3tSitrl:s:t:trtsf':; - n;o.M c. h. cmvi:x7 c i: E it a i . a i il l i k : s ( : . a c; c n c r; I.'O. C3 DIZAHBOBV STiiEET, CHICAGO, ILLIS0!5 1652. FALL TRADE. 1S62 WEBER, WILLIAMS i YALE, jobbzks or HATS, CAPS, FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, BUCKSKIN GOODS, &c, 25, LAKE STREET, CI1ICAGO, ILL,. We bare now in Store for Fall Trad the L&rzeat ant Nt Aborted Utart in our lioe ?er exbihiiel in tun Karkrt. especially adapted to tUe wamw of Dealer from a:l ecu't of tLe XurtUweat. and nunrT''l vanpiy nj thepne hj any to ba found WKSTor ET. MeTbanta who haTe heretofore rnrchaed in otlier M-itfU are ei-pecially luv.iei l esaaiine .ur n. tin t-r n, and a'e a-nuted we are fully ire! red oal oeterniined to neil Gj J cup. and -u ttl-e terms a tbe bet cl. of Iloates in auy Market. ORDERS WILL RKCEITK PROHPr PKBSON'AL ATrKNTIOX. CASH PAID FOR RAW FURS, apd Price List furclthed by mail. WEBER, WILLIAMS Si TALK. Oct. 4 65. nlS-3m FAIRBANKS' SIANDAED SCALES Or ALL KINDS. , Also, WRrehoase Tracis, Letter Presses. &c. FAIRBANKS. GREENLEAF.& CO.. ITS I.Mir, ST., CHICAGO, . '"reiul. and tipy only the Kenuioe 2 June 12. li IS a i.49-3ui WATCHES AND JEWELRY I ! or ti Riche.t aI JtJiiot Fnliiouable Faterii, Of rt BED AT flrtnil ami IVlioleKuIc Prices!!! TH UI B.HKI) hItS . X . 65 At NaiiU TKltT Niw Y(irh M j.i'il and l.u; lor. ., nil llif, L 'j iiujj Hi. U, ail in -t p .Uir .. ..I Mr A'l l II nl J KW Ki.ll r I'Ciik l-ii-rniiiipil ii-.n in ieSiiij i l.eir 1juh?.. ia mi iniliiiii P1 f x.-nt . .,,r . r..i ,mwiii ri,c'ii Oinjiiieui at (Lt L.I..H! i-a. !w Krir i..' M.iiirC TIML OBEHVEK. hfirt a Hii:ituis ai.d I'i'iu i e ..i L .: i 1 1 ei.i i-:ui.' Wicli in "in" . li.e p ;i :e-t :i nu-t c. nvvuit'iit an 1 ciieiK-t i'.ih in 11. e world. I mi 4 i.m e -l ; etT ?i 1 t it jn e i'. r- it bi. Ij icii.ia-r li e t iaune i.r fc. 1J irm.i !nlf u (It. uii c l ii ti.i'J u.m lancn. .Piicv uuy $'Si in ii at fr.-iu ..tie h:iu-liol upirnr Is. JltTATZ.Vtf COMPOSITIOM CJSLD LEVERS KiiKii-h (MkULUciuie iiiuveineut ; capped aiid lull jeweled; h sunk t.eound. itid the netet iniprove tuerta. Heavy caed and ?od iiuitatiub guld. Pi ice oolv $18. Retail at from $ .0 to $100. IIL.VTZAO COMPOSITION CASED ARMY WATCH. Richly eu:rvrd jeweled and fancy rS. Uuurpced fur Sutlers. Trader, etc. Price $15. ' Ketail at frvm $ltt to $100. X great rariety of ottier watches, at low pice. Luie' e of Brooch and ICar Drops to correspond. ImitatioD Clukter DiauikiM , a very rich pauwu, .u enurely new, price $1. Coral ad Bsd entwiuei a rery Deal and pretty oruauieut, haniUoiueiy mounted, $3 23 Gentlemen's Vest Chains. Parisien, an elajant pattern, only $4. The Deuiuiiiac, very hfatrv, Km it. Piaiu only 7oc. Scroll, ve.yprftty, $t. Chaed, a neat pattern, $1,' Seal Signet, $i. imita tion D: a Dion. $2.. Sietrve Butt . us. Patent. Ched,'or Khamelled. a new and very handsome pattern, $2,50. D juuie, chaied cr wi'.h btuiies. $1 60. li 'soiu Stods a variety of new and fashionable de sipiif, per eet, $1 5 . Bos -in and Scarf Pin? ', with opal aud Fancy Stones $2. Imitiatiou Djam-md, $1 .50. Lockets Double Glass, richly engraved. 1 Perhons wihlIlg any or the above, have only to remit the price in a registered tetter to our aodress, and tle article will b t-eui by leiorn mail, free of expense. 5CJ"Ordeis to the amount cf twelve dollars anii upwards wjil be cent by expiefS to ary part of tie l-Fjal Sutt. with bill payable to tbe Express Company, when the goods are deijvered. -Agents, Sutlers and Country Merchants, tbronrlioot the country; who wih to nuke' niotiey rup'nliy; witl d' well to obtain iiir tnanittioih catalof ue ; we Xuruir-ti the nit paleablt- outfit n pi ices utU'pamed ty anv oihtr concern! Address 111 BbAUl 1 KOS. Ao 65 4' C7 Kastau, neur John Sirett, October 25th, 1S63. 15-f9 3at New Voik City. SJPJPJLE TREKS. BROWNVILLB NDRSERT. " THE tNDEESIGXED HAVE STILL A FEW TIIUL'KAXD Al'I'LE Tit FES, RAISED IX THIS SOIL AXD CLIMATE, Which they offer this Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, OH. APPROVED TRADE. TOESK T3EKS ARE LARGE, . Will commeuce learmc in a year or two, yet we will i-cll Ihetn at 515,00 PER HUNDRED, OR .2,50 I'EK nozr.N. MAUX, FlSnER 4l HACCER. "FAST HORSES." CITY LIMY SHE AND FEED ST OK E , BROWN VI LLE. -NEBRASKA. EEX J .451 1 Ii OG EI1S, AVXOCXCES to the public that he pnroha-e.1 the entire imerest in the Liverj Stable aud former. y owned by Roner c B other, lie U uytr pifp eAl to accommodate the public with Carriaje. Saddle Ilore. . ' . . .... Ac, A. Ac. THE TEAVELING PUBLIC i Can find at bl Stable ample accorrtmxiatlons for horses, moles or cattle. . K. B. The partne'ship heretofore existing between Benjaniiu av Joi-hna R cers is di IvkI. JOSni'A &. BKXJAitlX ROGERS, May 29th. J862, n47-tf . . . . JACOB HAHH0W, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, Calls the attention of Geutlemen dftfirjrg new, reat, servicahle and fashionable WEARING APPAREL, to ins Hew Stock of Goods JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS. CASSIXERS, VESTiyGS. &x..kc, OFTIIC VERY L4TCTT STYLES, urnlch be will sell or stake up, to order, at unprece dented low pne es. Those wishiui any thine ia his line will do well to call and examine bis stock beiore investing, as b pledges himself to bold out peculiarly favorable In- j dceements. I Feereary Xtth, lfO. " I tFOll FA i.Ii-'I'RA? 'E. JOHN. O. DUESER, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N.T., Takes pleaare in announcing that he has now on hand, a (area and flect stock of every article ia bU line, COOK STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns, vlx: Plymonth Rock, C tarter Oak, Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, &.c, fee., &c., HEATING STOVES, . Box and Parlor Stove of an endless variety, some whi rh are entirely new r!iirr.i. vij; : Combined Cook and Parlor Stove, some biug very nice for small fatuities. of I CALL ESPECIAL FARMERS ATTENTION OF TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boilert, and LARGE CAST IROJ. HETTLLS, A VARIETi' OF CHEAP LAED AND COAL OIL LAMPS Bras. Copper, and e.eet Iron ware; Lam.era- Snoveis and Jpauned Ware, o , Kc. I SELF-SEALiiJa FRUIT CAMS ! OF the latent ao4 most improved Stjlea, cbeaji firra-b. I am prepared to put tip guMrring and aponting, and ail iiiiier vi.ik of my lin at ihe ti irtet notice, and iu a kuiaiilite uiau-er, which I warrant to ive u:i. rcii-u. WHO SELLS GOODS IN I) THE CHEAPEST BROWNVILLE? K N SELLS THE IN CHEAPEST GOODS MARKET. WHERE IS IT THAT YOU PUR CHASE THOSE FANCY PRINTS ? AT DEN'S. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR CHEAP MUSLINS? AT DEN'S. DEN THE CHEAPEST BOOTS SHOES IN THE WEST. SELLS AND ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS D E N KEEPS ON HAND. DEN'S IS THE PLACE TO TRADE HE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. DON'T FORGET THAT DEN Sells the BEST and CHEAPEST LIQUORS. In fact DEN sells Everything that is Useful, Cheap and Good. v6-i,48-iy. LiELLO, STRANGER! 1 WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE N E W GOODS? AT J. BERRY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IK BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., ITave Jnt received, and are now openin. at their staua on Main street, me ot the Uieest stock of DEY GOODS AND ever cflired in this rua ki-t. Rf ni u.her tl. p'a e. J. BERRY & GO'S., TSXo. IX, PwTixixx street, UiiOW.WlLLE, X. T. M 23 1S62. If Okrd, or Gumbo Seed. The btf hul:iiute f-r Cfl't-e prepared niiheiine iRitiiier a C ff.-e Puck.ces of m el bv nmifat 1 cis e- ch. Kach pcke contain eeed ewoinU to raire a S,:d ordei to , nSd-tt H A.TFRriT. ("Tscrn' City. l ,wa. For Sale at Bargains, TwN-. 1 Shuttle K.npir ' Seiiia M jc:n;ies. tine Ki-ai h:ni Kiim iy .sewiu it t lime. Two 11 rw Vk ie'' S"5 UoI-Ik us. Tw. Kreh'. Ciical Was-hinit it acbine. t) je N l 1. W. tiate. it Co.'s iu.'ar Coe ilills KvaMiraers. App:yattho Aivertxter and Tarnr Offlj. Browi ii e. rhrak i March ISrh 1SS! T"36 "I NOW READY. T11E OfSiinl Union Volunteer Ti rectory. i"400 psffeml enfaipiiis Vw and HctiJeuce of every l)Q:eranl I'mate in the Union Army, with their Comtnand.Oasualtte. Promotions, Ac. 3fEvery one waLtsit.; Sent noat-paid.on receipt .f 25 entj cah.orsUiD. Andrew HEXIiY B. ANSON, I'ub lisber.49 State Street, Ilot.B,Mi. Currants ! Currants ! I bale left with R. w Fnrna'. Brownrllle. a few Red and Patch Currants for sale at $1 per d. r.en cash. Jfarch M, 13C2. n38-tf B.. O. TI011PSOX. ItniE.DE.lIO REST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. The larpest, best and most reliable Fashion X agartoe In tbe world. Ontrsins the largest and finest Faiiin Plates. tbe arreatest nnmherofflne enirraTints, the latest and moid reliable Intwniat Ion, three fni:-Ped Fattema for Preesea. end a abeet of new Brat l-work and Etn broderina Fattsrns. Every Moiher. Dremker, Mil liner end Lady honld have it. Pobliod Quarterly, at 412 Broiia.- Vw. nid everywhere orgeat try b ail at id cents. Tearly $1, with a raloaxiio rv-l-waUr EBIbtr w . . SADDLERY5-SADDLERY1 Harms recently (XLkisuas of made large addlUons to ay stock, STPLHS. HARKE'S. BRIDLES. COLLARS LINKS. WAGOX wniFS BU'itJT wmPS, OX LASHES 1IOHSK LASUKS. STAGE LASUES, f-UK01Nt;LKS GIXTn3, ST1RKCFS, LKATHEBa, itc, aus. I think I can accommodate all In quantity, quantity and price. 1 work none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting ii directly from tanneries in Ohio, I eei Con fldeut it wiil give satisfaction. Plasterers Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. j. yr. jncDLETOJf. September IS, 1S82. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Erer offered in this ilarket. KO DOUBT ABOUT ITT CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TltS Cotliing Store, b'iiii.Qiorc et-T7NVILLE, IT. T. DAVID SJEIOEL Ann .wn-e to the public that be r-Pned out a UEA DY- MADE CLOTH I NG, liUOTS AND SFIUES. II ATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLM EN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. L"np-ecetentei in qnsntify. qcality and prices. He i.lte. unued hid price sba 1 Correspond with the mpe, 'ill therel.ire offer here in tbe West, at Just as low rues as such goods can be purchased anywhere m the Ccited States. As a sample ot his prices be will mention that be sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps. Fancy and White Shirta, Sus ders, Neckties, Sucks, Handkerchiefs, ato., ia tbe aame proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of retornfn thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare do eT- forts in the future to give entire aatisfacUon. Call AX33. boo 1x1 XXL. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville. Jane IS. 1B61.-Iy LETT, STBICKLER & Co. 31AI2V STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receiving and opecing a complete assort ment of Merchandise consisting OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, ..' Drills, Onaburg, Denims, Cottorades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Berages, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes. aten Vestinfs, Broad Clo'hs, Cassimere. . . ' - Hooped Skirts, &c, Sec. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleratuf, Vinegar White and Brown Su:ar, Sack, Barrrl and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF HAltDWAKH: Axes, Hatches, Bulls-, Screw, Locls, Latches, Nails, Tacks Penknives, Knives an 1 Forks. ; Harid Saw and Mill Fils, iic, Sic, &c. &c. OF Q U E E ft S W A K E : Cups arid Snn:f rs, Plate and Pia?tr, Diali -s and Tumblers. C'l Oill Lamps, Lump Chimneys, Wicks. &.c, &.c. OF ROOTS &S!.IIOES: Woillrll'f Shof S. Kip, CaU. Buff" and Kid, Gaitt?r.s, Calf Shoes, . Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slipper5, M-ir Calf. MenV Iiroan, Cpper Toe, Kip and C'jr?- Bxts, &c.,&c. OF El ATS & CAPs : Panama. Leghorn, PI ;iit"r,?) ' Straw, Wool, Casimere. 'Plantafiorj, Shaker Hoods, " . L &c.,&c.,&c Of Fsirtningr Utcasils: Cradles. Rakes, Forks," Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, . Hoes. &c Sec. &c. 'OF'LUiURUU: Clear and 2nd rate ' Piue Floorinjr, Siding, Boards 1,11-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pine Lath, All Sizes Sash. All Sizs Ibors, All Sixes Blinds. TTecall the attention . f tbe public to oar stock, as onr CASH TEBMS enable ns tuseil low. Tbauktnl for past iatroaa)e, we solicit a contioaaDe ofttesame. . LETT, ST AlCKLCll CO. BroWviUe, Ja!y A t&S-U. 1362. nnnnr BiES! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive during tbe summer, one ol TUB LARGEST AITD BEST STOCKS o r lill, FROM New York, Philadelphia and St. Icnls. That baa ever been exhibited In tbe Western Crnn- J try. embracing all the styles and novelties of the times. His siock embisiea Dry Good. tiroceri. llurdwarp, Cutlery, Querrwarp, lidU aud Caps, Shakers Hoot and Sho. Door a ad Sash, (ilnvsHtid :utty. t'iue Furnitnre, Among bis Pry Gaods wi'.I be fonnd Print, ninham, Lan. narpe, Br:vn and JJ;rched Jtluliu liemees. Striped Sheeting:. Cot touade", Ilo.iery, Gluvev, Tbe Latent Styles Hoop Skirt, Notions, He has much the Largest Stock of QTJEENSWARB in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agent for the Hannibal & St. Joseph Eail Haod packet Line of Steamboats. May 22, lb62. D48-tf. McCORLUCS' Eeaper and Hower MANUFACTURED Olilo AS o, 3 AT ill. This celebrated machine i ' H Mds th BEST GRAIS AXD GRASS CUTTER IS THE WORLD. N -twithstanding tbe misrepresentation of t.iose inter- ctAl in other michiaes. C. n. McCorniiCK fc Bro. man- nfactnae at tbe rate of 8,000 per year, Many chnnaes bave been affected dtiring tbe past season, and for 1662 the -atcCormick" is presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECO.03ir OF POTTEU IN THIS MACHINE. 1T3 Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give It preference over all others New Improvements added bave materially lessetied the dirfc draught, and so obviated the tide rirausht that many asnre us that it does not now exist. The drnftht of tLe Reaper Is so light that in numerous intitauces tbe lame four horse machine is worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING. The Machine of 1&62 will Und any text that m;iy be applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner efTV-ciua! I v pi events cbokine, n matter what the condition of tl e grass, while onr new divider poiut teparates t aldly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is also a trreat advantage in onr serrated nickle edne over the smooth, as it Uos not require sbarpeuiiifr so often, thufc savinji time. Onr tickle ill frequently run through an entire harvest without once grinding, while the smooth edxe must be ground once each day, if not oftner Witt, a Min:h t'rtjre the Iranpht as the knife becomes dull Our draught is tiiiiforni. aud in Ibe repeat rd trials dur;i:c the season of lSiio 61. prvel far lighter than siutle Mowers, cutting ut the same time from twelve to eighteen inches wi.ier. Onr Mower cau be used with or wit bout the reel , thi ix important, as without the reel it weighs but about 870 pounds. lu addition to tbe very liberal warrantee piten t all purchasers, we wuid Kay a Leretofore. that farmers who ta.y desire it. are at liberty to w..rk our m.u'luue through the harvest wiih auy ober. and krfcp ami pay fur the one preferred. Pamphlets with full decrlptln or improvements, testimonials, fee, can be had by appiicatiou to THEO. HILL, Agent, 33rowxLvillo, INT. 1. May 15, 1362. n45-tf NEW GOODS JTJ5T RECEIVED AT PRICES TO SOT JOHN A. PONN I row receiving uni opening out bis Spring Stock of Goods, con is inf of Dry Goods, fc Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Kails, Flour aud Bacon, Queens:rare Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. trhieh I will aell cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. Call aud exinins my itock elsewhere. IlrowpviKe. A pril 2 i. 13i2. befcre porvbasir.j r.42-0, Ayer5? rsaparilia. 1 1862. DRY GOODS AND BE EXCELSIOF. IBueh Stoue Hills, (FOP. FAP.MEES 5D V.II.LI?.3,) A V 0 Airn-micrio-T HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN' FIRST PREMIUMS nt Wektkun Ststk x'air.s in.t year, an.i ere ju llf c'.n-iIere.l uierir t4i nil others. The mi'.i in r b Jnvi ii by ore, truttr, tl tmm xrrr, dis it w. rk a wf-il -tho flat stone miU in miliin; cthI lirhen''. sd1 lqnires 1-ut one-haff the voivr to ilr.i e the larej't s: a. Thejare rerj enrawt, p rf.ct: v hiaip'e.anl itrfarm uko wiil la.t TIIIliTV YEAKS, aud Co?T XOTHii:a for repairs. Pbicks flCO. 5140. A $173. Flour Eolt for smallest Mill $53 exT. THE IIOnSE POTfEXl proved itself to be the r?t 9r inrentej. TTae friction isreduccrl by IRON BAI.U'5, starrn?pt in all tbe bearing, tht the wh'.le Tf.iht f tho eastings runs uj'-on them. THREE IMDL'VD-J DRAUUIIT, at the end of a ten feet lver. will k". ). the power in motion ! thus permltti-i thi ,T1hk strength of the bnro to be u-ed i d the inKC'iiio t-. b" flrivm. One Eohsk wi!I . a mu h r ik this poner. as two on the en ll-f C'a vin Pwr. 1 7 Im i I'ii! AUI.t, anl tuny be u' d ivt ii: FiKi nn- w.ll ' in tbe hou-e. .More than TWENTY-FIVE PER LENT of h re II -s'i is g:iv over at othei: .not is tsE. If i- f:nj la ia construction, a..d no: !,.!) In t rat .-f . Ji-r. Pri-r o- powi-r fr 1 to 4 hor?e S ' 23 Price i.f Tiw-r for 1 to 4 hordes 1"5 The $ 125 P .wcr will drive ony Thresh V;i.-hiue. LTtrjr ilitbiue ii pu ;rant'e,l rogivo Mtisficiioj.or the uaonev will Le re;ucd-tl. R E I'll 11 L.N C P.S. E.F. GEirn.v, .Maubtan. Kra. Phi'adelj hia. P-nn. Gsvrs. TVith two h'-rsca i n y. ur Auti-!n :o" I'.wtr. we .Irve your N. I Mil!. grind 15 Er.-u-FI.S oF C N ryu irncii, and cut l;'e q :;n.t ty n: hny at tho sini i tiiai. I lmv-; n -v-r -i i ii p.wfi thi-t rum with t-o little Irtciicr-, and CuucpcLlh ith fo l.t'Je triia u;xa thj !: j. COOPER, i'a. a. U. It. Co. Supt. 13th !i 15th St. Ciostph.N.J. Jin. 20 IS'2. Mk?prs. Pexnet jHuotiie:, Gknts. I m vry tai;ch le;ti-f d with th IVw;r. It ruin esi-ier t'nn my nfh-r P-.wer in ibi vi iniy : nnd ith ihf c!ni' h. IrP' w,U dneir!y. r quite imLc jij" mu h rk. I run try Thrr-lur lit l.o!" revolution.- jcr inib'i'o. i. nd 2 i i ri'-ii CreT!-cut Saw, at, I ) r Vilit'i nj. V un -rulv. J'ETE'C J. WlilTfo. XrON" Al-I ORHERS 1ECEIVEU l hK'F:I ot,T. lfT.. iSiJ. THE KUEI.ilir WILL !tr; i'i;E PA III TO CHICAGO. Oti AXV ti'IIIEii I'ORl OX l.Ki: MIClilJA.N. 2i"Eiersl ii;-iunt tc del-r. A jrnts wanted. .--mtp. t oiintv. ami ."-h; lii.'bts I t F r fur htr iul'o' ujutton rid -i-i-iii. f r P'a-tr.itef? Circulars to PENNET- Pi;0'I IIKi:. 42 and 44 Greetio-st., .New-York. Anttst 9;h. 1 S H. ii4-::n REAL ESTATE AN D Collection Office O F inOWNVlLLE, MOBRASKA. JIain B'tveen Levie and First &trerfs. Particular attention rI ven to the Purchase and Sale of Ileal Estate, 3Iakin? Col lections and Payment of Taxes for rsoxa-llesl- dents. LAND X ARTCANTS EOK b'ALE, frr cash and od time. LAND WARRANTS LOCATED for Extern Cnt- itolbtf.on Linda electel fnm h.toti1 examination. and a complete lownship iiap, showing SMrvamsi Timber, ic, forwarded with tbe Certificate of loca tion. Drownville.N.T. Jan. 3. 1381. jl C00.00O AGENTS, MALE OR FKMALB, TO SELL LLOYD'S NKW STRFL PLATE COTTNTT COI0SED MAP OF 1HB IXI1EI) ST A" KH. CANAUAS. ASD KEW BRLXSWICK. From recent survey, ctmpleted Aug. 19, lb6i: cost $20 ( 00 to engrave it snd cue year's time. Superior to any $10 map ever made by Col ton or Mi cheli. and sells at the low price of Utty cents; 370 - 0OO names are entrraved on tbU map. It is n t n:y a County M it. but it Is also a COUNT Y AND RAILROAD MAP of th9 United Sia e and Jana-las c inl ine! in one, glvinp Vltr RAILROAD STATION and distance between. Guarantee sny woman or man $3 to 1.5 per day. an'1 will take back all umi that cannot be aula aud lefmn.' the motiey. Srnd for $1 wo'th to try. Prin'ei instructiou iiuw tocinvass weli be furnished ali our afi.ts. Wan'ed Win'e-sle Aeent fr onr Mips li eve'y S ate Calirornia K:ul.n !. Kiai.ce and Cuba A f..rtuiie in 17 be nt ule with lew huo't. h-i d ,,Ui capital. So comptl.iio. J. T. LLoTD. ho. 1R4 Brojrdw .y. Xtw York. The War Pepartmerit ue our Mpf Virli.ii M-ry-lainl. aod l'e .nsy . viii i. c.t 100 ivi), on whu ti I matkei iliid'eton M.tyiai 1 llei.his, W.iiiuap r: Fny. WililTo k Mills. N land's Fold, an t all oilier. on tt e Pjt..mac. and every other p:aoe i'i MarylauJ Virginia, aud Peunylva:iia. or m -ney re.'uiiiiU. ' ."PRICK 25 CF.M3. F.-onl Tt:e T.-iliuue AjRit2. "Lloyd's M ip uf Vi.Kinia M i-yiani an I Peiiy!vs ma. 1 bt Mia i vrr i ti'ge ; itc -t ii liat 2J if it, and is the bet tolic'i can be jjurcatei. ali i9 3t 51 r - H O - t (t m - T r r. 3 - -s ' "3 -Z. If. z - r 5" - " - - J. K -! - - s - o , n t 2 - 'i : - - t "fix ri. i -t - 1 ; z. tr 2. - i. - "? 7 i - - r v. 3 5 - , i - ---1.2 " x 2 ? s s , ? - - -ST - 9 - 3 Tit - a Z "St" -s -. - - J - 3 - r -- n r1 3 - r -J r - - t - J.- . Aii. i . .--5 TIIU COXFF.SIONS AM) IIXPEUI l:SCK OF A SITFFEKEU. PuMiiihed as a warning, and for the e?pti;I bene fit of Y onrj Men and thoi wbo vpffr with XervuOi Debilitj,Lo?aof Memory, I'rtnriture I)ccv.Ac.,4e . by one oftho?e bi ba.a eur-d hi int-rf by siiaj.Ie taeans, after bein put to gre.-it tz; um nr. l iru- - venietK-r, tnroa'i tS" u-o o. wor;hics m ft pre-rih-d bv Ij r-,ed J) i t..-, Sini'ln M.j.i.-j any I:.!? if tV LAMhEi:r. K-,..Cre--v,!s-.-w.r i' "i '-lJLC-' C. A ll.AKl,,; l.-i..i .V iyar's Cathartic Pills. 2 s.r? - s --s ----i,-- .JE.:-,.','!;.--..:.-; r ' ! 'T a o : - 1 r : : J - - a r - 5 - ; i i - . -'-i-i&2''w-7:-?'c - aat : - : I St-- Asnciiuiiraiiianiiiron a 1 eei FOTl SALE 521 and 221 ?ofltb TTater ?, Cr.ica.50, lit. p4ices W.xh! Col JJ-i.stai.le s"i in rror;in. siii'a frei-at tiltd f t m Tactory in New York to (Jbictjo. Thiadvant:ii m ?.. ke! ov-r niw f jo-i Is adai! f;l by all. lhj ..llw.-y of hoilicj in kettles is boi -low iir.d r xpeo-ive. so in vh so taht bat few toea d it. Sviii' ;Uic,5 tajte w-acti'-al tnift be had. files na ".tns to be thi io't altcrnatire. Ths Pitent ,ha rc'aiadsll the aIvautasof the Portable Cal- Orn .r tx-iim. ami deritxi mjans of generatirj -::i:n u.ierr f r a!i r.urpi". Is is simole tl (.ract'cdaudjTCSA PERFECT SUCCESS. ' IT. II. Al'STIX. S Jf STnt tcr ESiu'uis an 1 North-Vct, 1'H & 221 S. AVatrr St., Cbu:oir. VTh".rC t": ali be f.a.;d I -owns Co's Deep We'l Puw For.v, Ci"ter'H. t 'bain and Common Well PuiniV, Thi.nbie SaeiiH and Sad Iron!, as well as f!v-ry ran tj tS Farmir- Tooli. CsS Iron Cora S'.i'i.erJ. Fci'I M:.l!, Uay ai ilatfoftn Feales, 'Ors.-, A;. The abiT will bo .'d cn aerount of the u suufjciun-.u. at their riroe etive laottrv r-rioee .i J'i.r- Jrcu-t to ti ... . . . f t. S . 1 1 ( Jatim-v 1 S!".i. tr $100 (Smplqnincnt. -Ck-soiata Vvaniod TO EriiTj ?EWIiVG- MACHINES JT REDUCED PRICES. C15 E.VCIT. Ot? Machine If ,er'ec ia ! M?:barism. It Is lesi M.h:e to get oct 1 1 or ile- than ary otter.- Diplomas have iren awr'ied it ter lie tirvver & ttaker am oiht tih JiilCOd ilaCL.I.Ci. - $15 EACIT. Oit Kvhli mmii -t-ic.t ne He, and will TfOSK Wiru ALL K.INIM OF TIIKRAP. SUt or Linen, maktr-g iti e!n' ic c r ii rree;r't !i jI iun to t re.i Id th ing and is the Li.;T ai.J e iiKAttT Mcii:ne ia use. sir each. Onr Jf.'eb're wi:i rKiT FEI.T STTTC7I, QriLT an HIM. aod will ifTmi ail kin Uvf id. f rotii Lbe Qj Swiss llusliu to the C 'r-.-ss Hr'en, working wltaease li-'is'i evi'al hii knr-fce of Oi-rt WorUa CUll. .U.L MAC HIS E3 ARE. IV A RHAS TED. tlZ EACH. If yon trnnt a Good T5.cfcln. end sot hrr ft Coat yen Rnythjr g-. writa to us. aa we waEt the Machine tcstea ineTery neiahtorhood in the United fetatea. f I5 EACn. EMPLOYING AGENTS! Te wiil pive ermmlilcB en all toJs sohl cy aor Ason :a, or ws witl pay waes at FIFIT TOLLanS PERUONTir and pay all neccisary e.vnensM. For rarticclara ad dre-ss CUA3. BUGGLti. AaetH. Aug. l.h. B5-yiy Di'ot. Mlc. jMInJFACTuBING COMPAHT.- . r n -5T Mini?. ro vcr STEiJI ESliLVES 0:V E0ILER9 PATENT SrG AH C.KSt iHLLf, '. ' . ' PaTKNT fTKM COIL K VAPOH ATOS3, ' PATENT F1RK S.V A PORAT023, PATENT J-TAMP MILW, roR pirrrs rr.u on i.akf: sTTPEnioc - SEND FO!t CTr.ori.AIiS, With Cit'. snl I)e--c'irM'-n. P'-lc ic ' SAW MILLS FLOUR I VU MFI.!., AND M Al'ITlKRi" OF ALL I'Kr V, TIUN'. tiTatD I'oll CI liVV'.,is,,tH . w . P. W. OlTfcS. Pre-iT-ni. . 3 . B. Acents wan'ed everywhy e. cr-icage- j:. h. i i i:y.s, h:t.u, UriMtTTille. i SrvLn. Of whom Circulars ai.d detailed. li.ormatloB caa te had. M,-rh !". 1SCI. fn37-ljj A Irucl;cai ;uido t j IlcaitU and,Vi;nr. THE HE7 GYHirASTICS ; " -.TEN, w'jassrr a childeit, With a tranr'at jn rf Pro?. Klo-t Dumb FeU Ta UiULtor, ami Proj. Jc.iriJ.rr's J'nr.'jJtiHa:.kcn. 11Y Dm li: p., f"rP ' efr t t rhe E-.t l?'rel nrFV.rr.sln:'. tl ..tnn WU a'.ir it Uuudrei Ii'mtrat ons. Oaa tel. lino. PHlflZ $1 w N".fcrnt 5ratr3,'.ine-prer taj crlel mieererjl C t thui ;bi r.irnm thi Au:ut Atlantic. .a T'je Nw lirm'us'i ? tia ceit wu;k is a c 111- c expM-i'i of .ha itie!it cf tbit srt'Jj j e a . yn pi.4. Tue au.bor f thin wo k hs laiTi fir rriary yetrf ei--' a.'li.i icji 1. 11 : tij mi T c L JtrnliM iJ I i a ts :.i- Nf a.v.eru P:!-i- T aua.u.. This -"iu lii.-t.."l tUe pt.c tal icit (t l 1 a a;itl vsritd u-e. 1l c input tX'!'t '. w. ii Ii.'i lie!. Iiina, is a 1 is. 'i-Li', e.c., Ait oi wt-i.-tj a.a caaj pertetti i.-.e r t-y luli t, w'j :..iy e H l i'w;el y (ii-loriai rrp eJUta. 1 aa o ii.iiM4 f t!ie bvd 1 e. 'it red t. i-e .-!,-ru tUen. Ti.c UatLb Hell I i-f-ictf, fi'T'fsl wi' tTils wirk, ift'iLa l:inet iii.ert an I Imp r: 4.9. it i Se- i ue-i .r h- e B-e an I g.rn a -r.-e.ii a-ie;y of Dita) tc.i xt?.ti-s. io.e l;er r h a e ir-ruily-seie.tet pte- C iMii1 r, a f..r ev j-J .y 1 '..- 1 bts Panyumatik n mj vt-.-y ample, r.'f 'nl. aal CI.Mp pitc ir ty 111 j t tl ; af'M, i:oj j wh.'ia'l g!noai!c ese -1-e tmy bn prfu(w.I, a-.I wVh can t-e inlr.wi j J( t ni.l r(t. let ny fia I: fulir.e r. ibei a;. ii la -it rateO in ii,. , u nm. Tbe New GytL.iias'1:" ftfr U b rvad in ee yfn : ' in ;ba ianl inet e et ''i': i ;.uel as a uaa c. La-li-s. e-p:i ly wiiiflnl in ,t. a 1 -ij -n;ty Easy. 3;.u e s.ij lv.? ,rl c F.'.e-i.saj a.l bf t ic niiy le iMC'i-H la t,i r 1 b ms !Cv,-r sa.ebyaii li- t e rs, .r '(T?MV" a 04 racvlo:u . ri ii ir. byt e,n - ..lots, TiCSX it FIjSLL.4, 1XS WajU.Liu s.itei. tt.:a. TlS DAY SCHOOL DELL. THE I-AT SCHiHiL. BELL. A Nw Sinvirs; Bnrk orl'.j, cjU. fl i k liAVMiioci, Bill, is t" e.'ly. 1. c.i lain-t. 111 ous ;gi: c: ciii'ice Scrta. So. K- 11 ti.l-. CuuliK, it'i. i r 1 .-. 1 trie'. avICb, ' ina y ..I ;trui i:rp.i -. ,y t ,r if 1. w.rk, ' W juire .f 'te K.i.:r.-if i,.u,.r. T- F. e uietit re -o e y t.-l in .tie v r t?a e: wii 1 u.,i itfn:n 1 e:y s..o- f-fu; 1 1 1 r -set -nie even yotu ti"iar;-1 niur c rrTt;y a'-. . imtii .ii y. hue :te tune ana w..r u e;bra c t: h a v-1-- ty of lire y, atuacr ve a-.d s.,:l sa.nt 1.1..-W ar..l - 11: mifi.t nut n.j ir cl:e wiH he experienpf-.i ia ii..;u iuj mi W;iiii,ir torn 11 u.i ipjI in (jifnrt rkrtl 111 one or Ue ii;ot te.-.!i-fri mu. leaoty ir ip-ovin;, j.ipios jt0K:?. an I or:er p-.iiu in exercise .f -b..i lite, li fi'dpikjiy f is Elerii-t-, in nritv ik1 mlapiaiion of niutq. an l ia excellence a d nurrbcr riiK i.trs, !isial. rt'le.'M au. ciajj.a 5-ii-u- h to e-iei ail esii,irs. 1; w 11 t e f. wt-1 tj tie bet b- k ever i o..j fi.r r u.aif( Atetx-ift. i:i'l 1'uWicN.ti,.. A ti w ..n.pie. pi; p, , lic.i.-. . unr. aii-i onm are pivei r. a circ'LTar; ie. I -i.u er 1 ne. it is r.mip,,e-J by 11 .r ,j vvi-fr. n.. r I aa wNi-h hive hi 1 ce en .ruiuua hale id 65.5 000 P.-:re? z:-'. nr w.-,aSUCls., :oper huudr,. uni y ,r..fs. i,er bodredi bom.1 ....j -w i-.euti.- 6a T. w'- sa'r"l'-'-fnri.iaieI a: tie on huuuud puce. -M-ileCfres. Bll:jere.4ll;i;i..c. 'vT,ci .sorTi!i: , T.nE - School Bi ll "lie tunes a e lively, anl "1IC'1 '.s luoy te ra. i:y utarieiC'l by ci..:reu. Tl:pnt of. ti.e .u,-s i i"ii it.e ind well !.i;il t raa m u--.; r.,..m. It i te tbeat-vt nl au..ii ;te be; N vf vl.u-t llu.-.; pt;b;itL;. Sea Tt4-lirr. l a v . t no? l nt it TU's l.vk i ap:I :, " e .ri i u. c-iT.-. .-. -c :. v.'s iv at t M I.- : . r -. ; .--? b-l tt-fa: i.." : ' ft... IV I . V ' t c; i !-S ' , 1 ; ( , . 11 1 .1 i- : i . ' .. : . r !..: j e.-: u .11 t, p - o i . r .i !r !; ef -Ti i ' . t taut Sc'ivoi Jmtim!. t ia' ... I Pti.-eitf E0HACR -. I i j - rf. r-i 'fi - W 7 MC -1 . . ij . It t I ! J f